#euphorbia trigona
degenezijde · 6 months
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Wonder if this guy will hit the ceiling at some point.
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raesviem · 2 years
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My strong and beautiful daughter! After this year's growth she's officially taller than I am by 8 inches! (And that's not including the container!) I do think it's neat that she's the red form, but if you look closely you can see that the highest stems on the right (in front of my hand) are all solid green. That's where the stem broke when a storm blew her over a couple years ago, and all the new growth from that point reverted back to the green form!
Fun fact: the green lines at the bottom are how tall she was when I bought her 5 years ago, before I realized she was a tree!
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greenycacteable · 2 months
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New mini euphorbia trigona rubra
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husband, one night stand, best friend but with 3 plants nearest to you! (i hope my assumption that you Own Plants isnt wrong otherwise this ask wont work but LMAO)
This got to be one of my fav asks I ever got haha… Thank you, Tristan! <333  Also, yes, your assumption is correct.
Husband - Dracaena trifasciata (formerly known as Sansevieria, commonly Snake Plant)
I currently own 4 of them (it may or may not be considered polygamy here), half of which are on my nightstand. I could say I sleep/share my bedroom with them every night. I had another one that passed away this spring (*cries widow tears*)
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One Night Stand - Coffea arabica
What can I say, m a slut for Arabic coffee plants. What I own is an apartment size one.
Euphorbia trigona rubra is sexy too but that would be the Last Night Stand for me as its “milk” is very toxic... the triunghiular stem and spikes are hot though
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Best friend - Sarracenia spp. (aka the Pitcher plant)
Carnivorous plant my beloved. They’re like my pets. I go to buy distilled water especially for them, feed them flies… Sometimes I can hear flies struggling desperately in their death traps, being eaten alive and like to talk to my Sarracenias like to dogs “Who’s a good girl?Who’s a good pitcher-plant?  you are, yes, you are…you get rid of the flies for mommy!yeah… good pitcher-plant-pitchy...”
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cantankerouscatfish · 8 months
fun thing about doing evening plant talks is that I gotta hang onto the unsold plants until tomorrow. last time it was warm enough to leave everything in the car. not tonight!!
so my main floor bathroom is full of trays of succulents, door closed so that the cats don't chew on them. the cats spent a while crying and scratching at the door to this room they never go in because the DOOR is CLOSED now AAA
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o-craven-canto · 9 months
Euphorbia euphoria
Was sent this by a friend:
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which is a reference to this:
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namely, the fact that the wild mustard Brassica oleracea, once domesticated, produced a bewildering variety of vegetables by selecting each cultivar for a different part (cabbages from terminal buds, Brussels ssprouts from lateral buds, broccoli and cauliflower from flower buds, kale from leaves, and so on), all of them still being technically part of the same species, Brassica oleracea var. whatever.
Now, as far as I know, nobody has bred B. oleracea into a tree. But there is, not quite a single species, but a genus, that has gotten pretty close to that kind of internal morphological diversity:
Behold Euphorbia, the genus of spurges, counting over 2000 species (that nevertheless are often capable of interbreeding) scattered throughout all continents:
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Euphorbia dendroides (Mediterranean)
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The poinsettia, Euphorbia pulcherrima (Central America)
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Euphorbia actinoclada (East Africa)|, one of the many cactus-like species (cacti proper are all American species except one, so if you see a cactus-like plant in an African or Asian deserts, odds are it's actually a kind of euphorbia)
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Euphorbia trigona (Central Africa)
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Euphorbia myrsinites (Southeast Europe)
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Euphorbia obesa (South Africa)
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Euphorbia ferox (South Africa)
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Euphorbia ampliphylla (East Africa) (source)
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Euphorbia aphylla (Canary Islands)
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Euphorbia helioscopia (Eurasia and Africa)
And so on, and so on...
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aettuddae · 25 days
Hi :) It's the crazy plant idea lady who called Serim a twink that waters dead plants again. Sorry about this response being kind of wack. I had to tend to my Sue Sylvester fan page account. (It's a long story for another time). OKAY TO THE MAIN EVENt
Thank you for calling my rant cute (HUGS). Okay, but now, fr, let's get into this.
When Ning first discovered Serim watering a dead plant, she waited until she was done watering and caring for said plant and threw it away (bad move, Ning). Around 20 minutes go by, and Serim is just screaming ANGELICA, OH ANGELICA, WHERE ARE YOU. Ning is confused to see Serim lying delirious on the floor where the plant used to be. Ning then tells her that she threw the plant away. Serim then proceeds to cry into Ning's shoulder. Hence, Ningning lets Serim water dead plants.
PLANT SNSD. Let's just say Taeyeon is hanging on for dear life (Serim parys to it every day, Why? I don't know; I don't make the rules). I feel like Serim has a corner of her apartment designated for her snsd plants. All of the snsd plants excluding 2 are alive and well. One is obviously Taeyeon, and the other is none other than..... Yuri, the African milk tree (Euphorbia Trigona). We will never know why Serim has this in her house. Let's just say that Taeyeon looks like a god compared to this poor plant.
Yes, ningning gets into plants only for her first plant to get killed by none other than the gay herself, Serim. Let's just say Serim and Jennie had a bit too much soju.... and serim thought it was a good idea to give Ning's baby plant a little drink, too. Ning, when she later went to Serims apartment, found her plant... dead, killed by soju.
Weedville - A love story between a twink gardening teacher and a confused idol named Ningning who doesn't know how she ended up in this odd girl's class. Ning then discovers that her teacher is delusional because she talks to the plants and sings songs (I imagine Serim randomly singing Gangnam style to plant Taeyeon).
Also, this was so fun to write. I usually get so sick of writing that I need to add Sid the Sloth quotes to make me feel better.
Also, could you, perchance, can create an anon name for mauh (hair flip) I'm to lazy too, or we can just stick with serim and ning twink agenda lady.
hello again, sweetheart :) i don't know what you talking about but i truly love sue sylvester 👍🏻
what do you mean ningning threw away angelica? can aespa stop ruining serim's life? she's gonna collapse 😭 also, serim theater kid agenda is just getting stronger bc why is she going "oh angelica, where are you?" and throwing herself on the floor like okay ROMEO. ningning seeing this and getting too traumatized she just lets her do her thing
so there's two that are dead and gone? sunny and hyo i'm so sorry, i bet serim tried saving you 😔 i didn't remember what an african milk tree was so i searched for it and i'm bawling this is yuri 🫴🏼 (well, this is yuri if serim succeeds in taking care of it)
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WHAT DO U MEAN WEEDVIL- gangnam style of all songs, i'm crying 😭 i see her ass going wow fantastic baby to the plants
i don't actually know what parts of what you're saying are true anymore i picture you as an talking unicorn at this point
well, TALKING UNICORN ANON or just 🦄 anon 🫴🏼
thanks for this, i laughed so much reading it, you're nuts 🙏🏻🫂
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starvels · 2 years
top five plants and/or comic panels!
HMMMMM okay, u get both bc i love ur brain wrinkles 😘
plants from my home collection:
pilea peperomioides (chinese money plant)
angel wing begonia
pachira aquatica (money tree)
euphorbia lactea (white ghost)/euphorbia trigona (cathedral cactus)
split-leaf thaumatophyllum
comic panels from a v quick look through my recent downloaded files. def not top 5 in any definitive sense except for this lazy moment:
captain america vol 4 #12
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new avengers vol 1 #4
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ultimate nightmare #1
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new avengers vol 4 #10
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avengers vol 5 #44
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+ bonus empyre #6 bc i couldn't decide:
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ty ro!!! <3
ask me top 5 anything! // other top 5 answered
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sagehaubitze · 1 year
Y'ever make a regretful plant decision and realize it about a decade later? Yeaaaahhh...
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I repotted my Euphorbia trigona, AKA Big Motherfucker That Wants To Kill Me (amongst other expletive titles) a couple days ago, leaving me covered in blood and dirt and full of holes. It towers over me, and will only continue to tower and loom further, higher. I nearly can't pick it up anymore. I have no idea how I'm going to move it to a new house, whenever that may happen. I'm not even sure how I'm going to get it back inside this autumn; this is the last year I move it back and forth, inside/outside.
I saw the parent plant again today, for the first time in a couple years, over at a local nursery here. It used to be crushing its pot under its own weight, leaned against a greenhouse wall. It's been cut WAY back, and looks like it got really hurt over the winter. However, it is still FUCKING MASSIVE.
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In my defense, the cutting when I got it was only about six inches tall. It was little baby. This is not a plant-child anymore though, no. This is a plant *adversary*. And I love it, of course.
but DAMN that is a BIG motherfucker that wants to Kill Me.
(I really want one of the red cultivars that are out there, but... not until I have a place where I will never have to move it again)
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smreine · 2 years
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Golden pothos, epripremnum aureum
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African milk tree, euphorbia trigona
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Flaming kady, blossfeldiana kalanchoe
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adirabennett · 2 years
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f20beautydecor · 1 year
F20Beauty - Hoa lụa & Cây cảnh giả trang trí  
Địa chỉ ĐKKD: 382/8A Đường Phan Văn Trị, Phường 5, Quận Gò Vấp, TP.HCM
Điện thoại: 093.213.6665 (Mr.Tuấn)
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This comes a bit late, as the answer to the ask was reblogged before my edit but I actually did take a photo of my Euphorbia trigona rubra
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Euphorbia trigona also called African Milk Tree is a succulent perennial spurge. These beautiful plants are thought to be an infertile hybrid as it has never been known to flower. The plant, like all spurge, is toxic! But this painting has no such problems for your pets or kids. Original painting by @thestory137 Available via dm, Kamren's Etsy, or the Scribbles Store linked in our profile. #plant #plantparent #euphorbia #spurge #africanmilktree #euphorbiatrigona #pastels #earthypastels #homedecor #desertaesthetic #art #originalpainting https://www.instagram.com/p/CjJO_oTPu-G/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Cacti & Euphorbias 💚 aren't they gorgeous!?
I've grown these indoors for a while now, the oldest one I've had for about 4 years. They all need bright indirect light if indoors and I always let the soil dry well between watering sessions.
I haven't fertilized them or repotted them in a long time, except my pen*s cactus.
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spadix-66 · 3 years
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Here’s my other new plants I got yesterday, various tiny cacti, a white aloe, a fern leaf cactus, a desert rose, a monstera adansonii, and a euphorbia trigona/African milk tree
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