#european dates
inkfireflies · 1 year
Me if i can’t get a ticket for the european dates of the Eras tour:
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do not talk to me about the eu dates. i’m terrified of not getting tickets
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bejeweledboy · 11 months
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Slay queen 💅🇬🇧
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mgjiyu · 1 year
SWIFTIES ASSEMBLE I need to know if there’s any way to get pre-sale for the Eras Tour or not at all? I didn’t follow anything but the drama for the American leg of the tour but now I need to know, can you tell me ??
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maxknightley · 11 months
extremely funny to me that “drinkwater” and “drinkwine” are both real-ass surnames. some time between 700 and 1800 CE, someone’s ancestor was such a Thirsty Boy that people started clowning on their whole entire family for it
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irishmammonagenda · 2 months
Hi! Can i request MC with older brothers (i have four older brothers 😂) who are very protective of their little sister, and reaction of demon brothers, when MC wants to introduce them to her siblings?
hiya! ofc u can, im so sorry this is so late i saw it in my askbox like a week a week ago then forgot about it 😭😭 and then went away for easter and forgot abt it again😭😭
grma for the ask <3 fic dividers by @cafekitsune
MC With Older Brothers-Obey Me Brothers x Reader
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When you had first been transferred to the Devildom, the inital shock of the new environment, the fact that demons and angels were actually real, the fact the fact that magic was actually real had made you forget about the reactions of your family back home upon realising yoou had just disappeared without a trace. It took you around a month to even remember, after the shock had worn off, and you had stopped living in survival mode. You hastily travelled to the Demon Lord´s Castle, and requested a formal visit to your family.
They were livid. Relieved but livid. Your parents, who were workaholics hadn´t noticed until around halfway through the second week. Your older brothers however, noticed the first day. And oh boy, did they want answers.
Going through Barbatos' portal was never a truly pleasant experience, although it wasn't unpleasant either. It was like that feeling in the pit of your abdomen when you're pushed too high on a swingset, but to a lesser extent. It almost looked like stars as the insides of the vortex falshed before your eyes before fading to reveal the park that you grew up near.
The reds and oranges of the leaves shone sparkling against the reddening sky with the morning dew. The early birds chirped, diving for worms, leaves fell gently down to the ground. You made your way home.
The familiar white door stood out like the gates of the Celestial Realm, your own personal paradise, everything you knew before the rug was pulled under you. You tried the doorhandle. Locked. Sighing, you looked under the entrance mat for the spare key and unlocked the door, walking into the hall. You had entered the kitchen and saw Evan, your second eldest brother making a sandwhich.
"Hiya!" You greet him. "Whatcha makin', Evs?"
Evan, who had just picked up his plate turned around and dropped it, his jaw slacked open, eyes wide. He stared at you, not even caring that his sandwich had fallen. "Y-you…where the fuck have you been?!"
"Y'know what? Don't answer that yet." He steps away from you, moving out of the kitchen to the base of the stairs. "Sammie! Ben!" Evan shouts a few times, before hearing a pair of 'what?!'s back. "Get your asses down here now!"
Soon enough, reluctant thuds sound from the top of the stairs, getting louder as two of your brothers thunder down the stairs, you gulp. Lord Diavolo, you were in for it now.
Samuel appears downstairs first, the baggy MCR shirt he always wears to lounge around half hidden by his stained jacket. Ben follows soon after, phone in hand, no doubt open on the game he had been testing out. They both stall when they see you, Ben trips, and starts to fall, taking Samuel down with him.
“I-…MC..” Samuel swallows thickly. “W-where have you been…”
Ben parrots this.
You gulp. Adam—your oldest brother—would no doubt be the worst. And he wasn’t even home yet!
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When Adam, your oldest brother did return from his date with his girlfriend (as you found out), he had demanded answers, and a hug. You try to explain it away, saying you found a scholarship at a college in another country, you must've just forgot to mention it! Silly you! Atleast that's what you were telling your older brothers, they didn't need to know you were taken to hell and the scholarship wasn't too far from the truth!
"Why didn't you visit? Or call? Or anything?" Was a question you heard parroted back to you multiple times.
"I...uh...it was just the craziness of it all....I forgot to call..." You rub the back of your neck. "I had to get a new phone anyway..." You say, giving them your number. It was a reasonable excuse. They couldn't exactly argue with it.
Samuel grabs your hand, the rough callouses of his fingers comforting. Permanent dents from his mastery of the guitar, he swings your arm back and forth, reminding himself that you're not in a ditch somewhere. "As long as you're safe...."
Evan huffs, Adam stares at you, eyes following your every move, he grumbles, "You're coming home every holiday you can. And calling us regularly. No more dropping off the face of the earth."
"Haha alright!" You laugh nervously, he didn't need to know that you technically did fall off the face of the earth.
"And I want to visit this College." Adam adds, Evan nods in agreement, as do the two younger of the brothers.
Ben stretches, before sitting forward. "So tell us all about your dorm. Got any roommates?"
And boy, did that cause a few heated discussions. Though in the end you got away pretty much scott free. Though you had to visit bi-monthly, and call atleast bi-weekly.
On one of these bi-monthly visits, you'd decided to bring one of your 'roommates' along with you....
Just how would that go?....
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"Oh?~ Care to repeat that, MC?"
It had been a busy day in the Devildom for the Avatar of Pride. He was finishing up on paperwork when you came into his office asking him to come to the next visit to your brothers with you.
He acts a bit cocky over it, with his signature smirk and all, but agrees almost instantly.
Despite the fact that you asked HIM to meet your family, and that he was feeling quite flustered, he still somehow managed to make your cheeks burn and make you feel much more flustered about the situation.
"Hi everyone, this is Lucif-Lucius...! He's one of my roommates!"
"...My parents were Greek."
"Yeah, Ben, his parents were Greek don't be racist."
Lucifer relates to Adam on the sole basis that they're both the eldest, though he does feel second hand embarrassment anytime said brother would do anything a little too like him.
Overall its a pleasant time, your brothers were quite charmed by the Avatar of Pride, and it makes your pact mark buzz.
Lucifer fights the urge to place his palms over his face and re-contemplate his entire life and every single action he'd ever taken as he watches Adam, your eldest brother, lecture Samuel, the youngest of your elder brothers. The older man is glaring exasperatedly, Samuel hides his hands in his pocket, clearly uninterested. You watch on and feel a sort of deja vu, so does Lucifer. Does he seriously look like that when he gives out lectures? No wonder his brothers are so unruly! You pat his back from where you both sit on the sofa, he glares at you, though there's no bite to it. The second hand embarrassment is very strong.
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"WHA- ehem...I-i mean of course ye'd want te intreduce yer b-brothers to the great M-mammon...!"
If Mams has a tail it'd be wagging like a helicopter propeller thingy.
You want HIM to visit your family?!
He's super tempted to go back and buy the engagement ring he'd saw in a jewellery shop window when shopping now!
He had been too nervous at the time....was he moving too fast...?
He's a nervous wreck, all the way there he's muttering things you can't understand in irish (gaeilgeoir mams agenda)
You can pick up the word 'focáil' (fuck) being thrown about a lot.
What de ye mean MC? He IS calm! Calmer than the sea on a stormy day...but thats still sort of calm!
The name Mammon isn't really known to anyone outside of the occult, so he doesn't change it.
"Mammon?" Evan says raising a brow, "What kind of a name is that?"
"He's Irish Evs don't be racist."
The dinner is quite awkward, but in the end, he somehow manages to win over your brothers.
and hey, if Ben gets more donations from people when he streams, Adam gets more costumers for his personal training, and Samuel and Evan get promotions at their jobs, well he didn't mean to! Honest!
Mammon sits at the dinner table with about as much nervousness as a schoolboy waiting outside the principal's office, he answers every question with a stutter, and tries his best to remember his table manners, your brothers are eyeing him suspiciously, until a clang sounds through the small kitchen, you had dropped your fork. Mammon perks up, happy to be 'useful' to you, "I'll get it!" and he practically dives down to get the utensil before washing it off and giving it to you. Your brothers relax slightly, deeming him too whipped for you to truly be a scumbag.
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"You want ME to WHAT?!"
bros panicking more than mammon☠️
Are you sure you want a stinky smelly otaku like me to-😰😰😰😰😰
It takes ages to calm him down enough, then he just feels flustered.
This reminds him of an anime with an insanely long name!
When you arrive at your house, he's so fidgety and nervous someone give this man a hug (dont he'll scream)
You introduce him as Levi, no one bats an eye to that one, hooray!
the atmosphere is very awkward until he notices the sticker on Ben's phonecase.
He finds out that your brother is a streamer, MC how could you never tell him?!
its a lot less awkward a lot more nerdy now.
"O-oh well I see where you're coming from, the mechanics and graphics on the game were great, but the lore needed work!" Levi says, stuttering far less than you'd expect him to. Ben nods, "I mean, I just kind of stayed for the boss fights, but yeah the lore was a bit..." He makes a face. Leviathan leans over, eyes sparkling, you admire them freely, normally he'd notice by now and be too flustered to continue talking. "Yeah! It had so much potential! But it just seemed so rushed!" You look around the room, Adam and Evan are conversing amongst eachother quietly, whilst Sam is trying his best to follow the conversation that Levi and Ben are having.
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"Oh? I'd be honoured..."
He's giddy, you wanted him of all of his brothers to come with you? Take that Lucifer!
This reminds him of when the love interest brings the protagonist to meet their family!
He reads up on the scenes as a sort of revision, though his natural charm is going to win them over anyway...or maybe not...
"Hello my name's Satan." He reaches out to shake Adam's hand.
Adam swallows, "Satan?"
Satan chuckles, having made a rookie mistake in his nervousness, "My parents were...devout satanists...I've had a hard life..."
Samuel pats his shoulders, "Oh you poor thing..."
He's honestly quite the gentleman, your brothers quite like him, despite his 'unfortunate' name.
"So S-satan..." Adam begins, "What was it like growing up with Satanist parents?" Satan sets his for down, "Oh, not as bad as one would think..." he quickly bullshits, "I did grow up in a very gothic style house though.." Your brothers nod, Evan intterupts, "So did you ever sacrifice any cats?" Satan grips his knife tightly, you feel rage bubble up in his pact mark. "No, satanists--atleast sane satanists--don't do that..." "Oh right..." Evan raises his hands in defense, "Just curious." "Oh no you're fine..." He says smoothly.
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"Oh my Devil!~ I'd love to!"
Posts about it to his devilgram.
He's geniunely honoured, and sososososo excited.
"Hey guys, this is Asmodeus!"
"...His parents are french..."
"Poor thing..."
ofc he wins them over, who do you think he is?
Adam loves him now, and Asmo is his goto for relationship advice.
Adam growns, looking at his phone, you give him a knowing look, "Trouble in Paradise?" "I forgot about our anniversary coming up! It's tomorrow!" He looks geniunely stressed. "There's no way I can get a restaurant reservation in time!" He says, stressing about his upcoming anniversary, it was his turn to do something. He didn't want to disappoint his girlfriend. Asmo shrugs, "So don't." Adam looks at him incredulously. "Excuse me?" "Don't go to a restaurant...the weather forecast says it'll be nice tomorrow, do a picnic or something." Adam gapes his mouth, breathlessly replying, "Yeah that could work...that could work..." A day later, Adam rings you, the picnic was a success! He demands Asmo's number.
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"Oh? Yeah MC I'd love to." :D
He's a little bit nervous, but happy that you asked him to go
Plus there's food involved.
Things that are important to you + you + food? He's in heaven (figuratively, last time he was in heaven he got thrown out, literally thrown)
Overall he's really sweet, has to eat a lot before he gets there so he doesn't accidentally eat one of your brothers.
"Hi I'm Beel."
"He's Russian Evan, don't be racist." You bullshit, Beel looks at you, then smiles because he's looking at you :D
Your brothers love him, he's such a gentle giant.
Beel smiled happily, "This food is amazing." He says, closed eyed smile. "Thanks!" Evan grinned, "Cooked it myself!" Samuel scoffs, "No you didn't you microwaved it." Evan hits him over the head, "Shut up." He grumbles. Beel smiles again, they remind him so much of his own brothers.
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"What do you mean no?" :(
"I'm not going."
"Still no." He groans, putting his pillow over his face.
"I'll just have to ask Lucifer then..."
He jumps up. "Like fuck you will...c'mon, we have a family dinner to attend."
As per usual he is a bastard.
The waling talking definition of a bastard.
Your brothers hate him at first, but as the night goes on, they find out he's actually kind of funny.
"This is Belphie!"
"He's Russian don't be racist." You lie.
"Poor thing."
Belphie glares at you.
Belphie groans into his pillow, finally home, he drags you and pulls you onto the bed. Holding you in a vice like grip. "I'm never doing that again." He says tiredly, using you as a teddy bear to go to sleep. Bastard.
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im experimenting with post designs :D
'gaeilgeoir' means irish speaker, i've seen it spelt other ways tho
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markscherz · 2 months
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Boop! (There It Is)
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lunarharp · 3 months
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scribbles... pre-relationship onsen trip
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stm-pnk · 5 months
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any love of the s*n enjoyers out there
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alexotls · 10 months
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collab with @pipartuuli! we love drawing doppio in shitty hotels so we decided to draw a few pages of his brief foray into travel journaling. the boss wasn't too happy about it but he had fun while it lasted!
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inkfireflies · 11 months
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foxett · 10 days
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cethvalier · 8 months
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Pia Douwes performing 'Ich gehör nur mir' from Elisabeth das Musical
I've uploaded the full performance here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XaXQgNTa0fU
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josephtrohman · 10 months
maybe the true magic 8 ball was the friends we made along the way
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kaddyssammlung · 9 months
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Photos by: Adam Rossi At: Maplewood (17.09.23)
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rocknrollflames · 9 months
So, how do these women get lucky enough to meet and marry these rock stars? Even the ones who are somewhat retired? I mean, are they hygienists and they randomly meet them when cleaning their teeth and ask them out at the dentist? Are they veterinarians and they meet when they take their dogs in? Or are they dog groomers, and they meet them taking their dog for a haircut? Are they wardrobe stylist or costumers and meet them when styling them? Do they sell motorcycles or ride in a motorcycle club? Do they own a neighboring avocado farm? They're probably really brilliant writers and they read their book and wanted to meet them. Do you have to be European? (I believe Izzy's wife is French, his ex-wife was Swedish, and he also dated an English woman. Yeah, I think you have to be foreign for Izzy to spend years with you.) Do you have to be an ex-girlfriend from when they were really young and not yet successful? (Evidently Slash and Meegan?) Do they get set up on a date with them? (I know that happened with Duff McKagan and his wife.) Are they on exclusive dating websites for rich or famous people? (I think that's how Tommy Lee's wife or girlfriend met him.) Are they their real estate agents and meet that way? Are they dog or horse breeders and they meet them when they are buying a purebred dog or horse? I mean, I get they have to at least be attractive and have a great personality. But come on, man, lol. What the hell, lol?! How do they get so lucky to be in the right place at the right time? ; D
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