#european tree frog
anura-maga · 2 years
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European tree frog, ink pen on paper by me
Quickly drew this as part of a school project. T'was one of those projects you think will only take three hours, then suddenly something unexpectedly doesn't work and you hustle it the whole day through, finally sending it it in an hour before the deadline :']
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meetinginsamarra · 2 years
Surprise Visitor: Froggie
Several times now I´ve seen this cute little European tree frog (Hyla arborea) sitting atop my garden water-connection underneath the makeshift cover (needed to protect the device from the harsh UV radiation). 
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froggyfroo-art · 2 years
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The final character I drew up some reference for Art Fight, Slade Stoneclaw, my strig Path of Wild Magic barbarian from a Humblewood game that's been on hiatus for a while. His backstory is that he inherited a special ancestral power that made him super beefy and huge (the other members of his tribe look like how I normally draw animals lol) and he's basically out on a quest to use his powers for good and essentially find his purpose. Like my other barbarian he is absolutely a comical character, he often goes though very Pop-eye cartoon antics. The little frog on his shoulder is his companion Enyo, a frog he saved from being made into a potion (his job was to collect frogs for the potion but he got attached) and now she lives on his shoulder at all times :3 I doodled a small comic around the time she appeared in game and I'll put it under the cut!
[ID: Two identical digital drawings of my Humblewood player character Slade Stoneclaw, a strig barbarian with his frog companion Enyo on his shoulder, the one on the right is shaded and the one on the left is just base colours. He is a huge, humanoid and buff Great Grey Owlwearing brown pauldrons and a matching loin cloth. He wears a golden pendant, has two hand axes strapped to his back and has a huge great axe propped up on his right shoulder. On his left shoulder sits his companion a non-anthropomorphic European Tree Frog named Enyo, who is labelled with a green arrow and text with her name. The image is on a brown background, with the name 'Slade Stoneclaw' in the top left corner and his colour palette in between both drawings. End ID.]
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[ID: A pencil doodle comic featuring Slade and Enyo. In the first panel, a bust shot of Slade is glaring with blood shot eyes at something out of the panel. Panel 2 is a drawing of Enyo saying 'Croak!' Panel 3 is Slade making a surprised expression with an exclamation mark in a speech bubble above him. The fourth panel is him holding Enyo gently and gazing at her with wide, shiny eyes and loved hearts around his head as Enyo says 'Bawk'!'. The fourth panel is a 3/4 body shot of Slade brandishing both hand axes with his great axe strapped to his back and glaring at something outside of the panel, and Enyo is flopped on his head. End ID.]
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antiqueanimals · 4 months
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Reptiles, Amphibia, Fishes and Lower Chordata. Written by Richard Lydekker and others. Illustration by J. Green. Published in 1912.
Internet Archive
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copper-skulls · 1 year
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f.rog for the @amphibianaday pride event thingie! i. hope I'm still on time lmao I'm never sure with timezones. if not then I mean! still got to draw a cute froggo. win situation either way
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bestfrogbracket · 1 year
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European Green Toad: Found in central-Eastern Europe, this toad changes colour in response to external stimuli such as light or temperature changes. They’re very tolerant of various habitats ranging from forests to deserts and spawning in both fresh and salt water. In fact, they can withstand temperatures of up to 40C and lose 50% of their body’s water before dying. This adaptability has led them to be widespread in developed areas as well.
Golden Tree Frog: Currently the only species in their genus, they were separated from Phyllodytes in 2008 due to behavioural and genetic differences. Found in the high mountains of Trinidad and Venezuela, they lay their eggs in a specific species of bromeliad that remains host to the tadpoles. Males have fangs that they will use in combat for territory.
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tigergender · 2 years
I was discussing with my mom if bcs and brba characters were animals and we came to few absolute conclusions other than Walter would be a really ugly horse and Lydia would be one of those greyhounds that is constantly shaking even in 100 degree heat. I do have more ideas tho
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ethereal-pie · 8 months
bullfrog head cannons
I have seen no fics of this beautiful French man so I have done it myself
just a ramble of my thoughts in bullet point form
he is an american bullfrog, he not only looks like one but also there are tons in France
He enjoys warmth and gets grumpy if he is too cold
I feel like he doesn’t touch you all that much but adores cuddling 
If given the opportunity he will burry himself in pillows and blankets ( bonus if they are weighted) especially during winter cuz of his hibernation instinct
He will insist you join him and promise it’s very comfortable 
He isn’t slimy like his real world counterpart but his skin feels very moisturized 
He gets cold super easy and shove himself under your shirt or jacket to soak up your natural body heat 
You also don’t have to worry about it being too hot to cuddle as he is cool to the touch 
He will insist you let him put his cold ass hands on your bare back to warm them up , he will pout if you don’t let him 
Letting him do this will more then likely result in him having his head under your shirt and his face pressed into your back and his hands on your upper stomach 
He usually avoids conventional touch based pda, the most normal pda you’ll get out of under normal circumstances is a peck on the cheek 
Instead the way he shows touch based pda is by sitting on your shoulders
Although if he is super cold he won’t care all that much
 And  Unless your in a situation where being partners with him would put you in danger, he will be  fairly vocaly affectionate
He will call you his beloved and other pet names 
As well as praise, flirt and compliment you
Some of His pet names  involve your name 
He seems like a darling, my dear, love type of person
He will jokingly call you stupid ones as well 
He has a lot of running jokes with you and will tease and joke around with you all the time, he just likes laughing with you in general 
Some of your jokes might take a second to land with him in the beginning but as your relationship continues he will pick up almost immediately 
He tries really hard to be cool cuz he wants to make friends but everyone being stuck on him being a frog annoys him a lil 
He will complain about this to you at least once 
He is trying to be cool and Poetic!
When he is mad he will begin to speak in a mix of French and English but he doesn’t really yell at all, he does talk faster tho 
He will bath for hours but doesn’t like to shower 
He cannot use certain soaps or he will get sick because he will absorb the chemicals through his skin 
He likes the look of bubble baths but if he sits in them he gets sick cuz of the soap In the water 
Given his accent I assume he speaks French but I think he can speak multiple European language, due to his job 
He is very adverse to the idea of eating bugs, he isn’t scared of them but if someone offers him a bug he will be grossed out.
He is the kind of person to not only catch and release bugs he finds inside but he will have little convos with them too
You’ll hear in the other room “hello there my miniature friend.’’ And as he takes them outside “ I’m very sorry but you cannot stay here.” 
His approach to flying bugs is far different, he will take NO PRISONERS
He is very efficient with a fly swatter and knows all the concoctions to lure and kill flys fruit or other wise 
He avoids using his hands cuz of the bug guts 
If you are afraid of bugs he will find it amusing but he won’t tease or torment you, he will just chuckle at how ridiculous you look up on the counter while he captures the invader.
He is very polite and kind to everyone he interacts with unless they have done something to warrant other wise 
He will use French sayings in English  instead of the English one because he is convinced that “ they are far superior” 
Pins and needles are now ants, it’s raining ropes not animals, forget apples and trees, dogs don’t make cats.
If you use the English versions he will argue the French version is better 
“ bolt of lightning explans the felling of it, love at first sight is so bland.’’
Please convert he will find it unendingly adorable every time 
He does get cuteness aggression and will randomly shove his face into your chest and aggressively nuzzle into you whist squeezing you and violently kicking his legs and making a happy humming 
He will be embarrassed the first few times he does this 
He will get cuteness aggression from your cuteness aggression 
If you bite him he will be very confused but won’t care all that much so long as you aren’t hurting him
You will probably be taller then him and honestly he likes it that way because when you hug him he feels like momentarily  he is a totally encased by you 
You can carry him but only certain ways
No toddler hold, with one arm and him on your hip 
Piggy backs, shoulder sitting and standing are encouraged 
You can only sling him over your shoulder in emergency’s 
Same with under your arm 
He doesn’t like princess carry’s cuz he can’t hold on to much and he wants to touch with  max surface area
Carrying him by his armpits away from you has the same problem, he will struggle 
He does enjoy if you hug carry him with both arms, either his face in on your chest or resting on your shoulder 
I have made a helpful diagram ( I can draw but it’s just stick me cuz I’m lazy)
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He will randomly start monologueing if given the opportunity 
He will tell you about being an assassin but only if you ask 
I think he is more likely to be with Someone who has prior experience with fighting
He feels nauseous after producing bubbles 
He will lean on or try to be touching you while he recovers 
You cannot truly surprise him, he will know something is up the moment you even begin to plan 
He knows because you act slightly different 
And hiding  or sneaking something past him is also impossible 
He has to actively try to avoid finding out what your doing 
You’ve snuck something into the garage, I guess he isn’t going In There for a while 
Hiding something behind your back, he isn’t even gonna face your direction while you hide it 
You cannot sneak up on him either 
When you try he will scare you by suddenly turning around and grabbing you 
On the other hand he has  scared and surprised you accidentally many times 
hope you enjoy and this inspires more fic to be written of bullfrog
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I wanted to use my frogposting today to talk about the frogs and toads of palestine!
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bufotes viridis, the european green toad, can be found across gaza and the west bank (and also a bunch of europe and north africa!) [📷 peter kaufman]
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hyla savignyi, the levantine tree frog, can also be found throughout palestine and is very small (only about 4cm long!) [📷 zeynel cebici]
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rana ridibunda, the marsh frog, which is also the largest frog in europe! a real frog’s frog [📷 quartl]
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pelophylax esculentus, the pool frog (pictured here very much In The Soup Or Perhaps Spinch), this is the one that they make frog legs with and is found in the dead sea and galilee [📷 tuxyso]
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pelobates syriacus, the eastern spadefoot toad, is a threatened species in palestine but is common in places like turkiye and iran [📷 f.c. robiller]
[references: Dr. Sc. Norman Ali Bassam Ali Taher Khalaf-Sakerfalke von Jaffa, “Amphibia Palaestina : The Amphibians of Palestine.” Gazelle vol. 84, 2008]
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canonkiller · 7 months
hello I would like book recs about dragons
Hmm, pretty wide net! Depends what sort of genres of dragon you like and what demographic. Here's a bunch off the top of my head, for varying age groups. I'll star my personal favs
If you want fantasy adventures like LOTR or DnD
YA pick: ⭐ Dragon Codex series by R D Henham
Older YA/Adult pick: Dragonlance
If you want dragons and humans coexisting, but less of the huge prophesied evil high stakes:
Grade school: Dragon Girls series, My Father's Dragon,
Teen/YA: ⭐ Dragon Slippers series, The Dragon with the Chocolate Heart, Dragon Rider, The Dragon in the Sock Drawer series, Dragonology novel series, Enver and the Ice Dragons, Dragon Assassin
Older YA: Seraphina series
Adult: ⭐ The Memoirs of Lady Trent by Marie Brennan, Temeraire series, Dragon Blood series by Lindsay Buroker
If you want dragon riders:
Teen: Dragonsdale series
Adult: Dragonriders of Pern series, Temeraire series
If you want dragons as the primary protagonist(s):
YA: Wings of Fire series, a few of the Merlin's Dragon series, a few of the Tales of the Frog Princess series by E D Baker
Adult: Age of Fire series (the titles are coincidental, but funny), Tooth and Claw by Jo Walton
If you want dragons that aren't the four legs two wings european kind, but this category is kind of slim pickings in the books I've read so the genres are wildly different sorry:
YA: Dragon Keeper series, Dragon Pearl series
Adult: Priory of the Orange Tree (I'm counting it because I like it)
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breelandwalker · 1 year
Pink Moon - April 6 2023
Prepare for the blooming season and make sure you take those allergy meds - it's time for the Pink Moon!
Pink Moon
Named for the appearance of spring flowers, in particular the early springtide ground phlox, the Pink Moon often coincides with the first bloom of the season, with trees and fields in flower and a profusion of color returning to the world after the long bleak greyness of winter. Despite the name, the moon itself does not turn pink to match.
The April full moon is also sometimes known as the Paschal Moon, being the first full moon after the spring equinox. The Christian Easter holiday, which has a floating date, occurs on the first Sunday after the Paschal Moon. Alternate European names for the Pink Moon include Egg Moon and Budding Moon, and some modern pagan traditions call it the Awakening Moon. Indigenous names for this moon include Breaking Ice Moon (Algonquin), Budding Moon of Plants and Shrubs (Tlingit), Moon When The Ducks Come Back (Lakota), Planting Moon (Tunica), and Frog Moon (Cree).
Farmer's Proverb: A full Moon in April brings frost. If the full Moon rises pale, expect rain.
What Does It Mean For Witches?
The Pink Moon is a time for reconnecting with yourself and the world around you. The world is giving a good yawn and stretch after a long winter's sleep and so can we! Get outside if you can and get some fresh air. Explore your area, especially if there's something or someplace new you've been meaning to try. Revisit old haunts and discover what's changed since the last time you were out and about.
Take a moment to assess your current goals and mark your progress. Celebrate your growth and learn from your setbacks. Assess your boundaries as well. Are you making enough time for yourself? Are you letting things or tasks or people intrude where they shouldn't? Is there anywhere that you should be standing firm but aren't? Balance dedication to your work with playtime and relaxation. Remember that you are not required to set yourself on fire to keep others warm. Take time to care for your own needs and address those "I'm Sure It's Nothing" health concerns you've been putting off.
What Witchy Things Can We Do?
By the time the Pink Moon comes around, there's either one more cold spell working its' way through or the first true warmth of spring beginning to appear. If the temperatures are rising to sunny pleasantry in your area, it's the perfect time to start planting your garden.
Whether you have a few pots on a patio or a fully-planned plot or just some well-beloved houseplants, get your fingers into the dirt and transfer those seeds and sprouts to a nice fertile home. You can work various kinds of magic as you do, for growth, fertility, prosperity, tenacity, resilience, protection, whatever seems needful. If you grow your own plants for your magical practice, you can also bless them for their intended purposes. If you don't garden (and not all of us do), you can grab your field guide and pruning scissors and go foraging.
For a fun and easy full-moon spell, set out some gallon jugs of potable water to make Pink Moon Water. This will be excellent for watering your garden...and yourself! (Rainwater isn't safe to drink these days, and water collected from wild sources is dicey even if you boil it, but drinking water works just fine.) You can also cast spells for creativity, change, fertility, happiness, adaptability, and growth. Use whatever methods resonate with you and remember that the most important component of any spell is the witch who casts it.
The earth is blooming, so let's bloom with it!
Happy Pink Moon, witches! 🌕🌸
Further Reading:
Pink Moon: The Fascinating Full Moon of April 2023, The Peculiar Brunette
Pink Moon: Full Moon for April 2023, The Old Farmer's Almanac
Everyday Moon Magic: Spells & Rituals for Abundant Living, Dorothy Morrison
(If you’re enjoying my content, please feel free to drop a little something in the tip jar or check out my published works on Amazon or in the Willow Wings Witch Shop. 😊)
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froggyfroo-art · 3 months
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Happy World Frog Day from Zed and some... sort of familiar looking frogs...
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heresvix · 1 month
Besides the ones your OCs are based off of, what animals do you like?
And also, what are your opinions on Whale and Dolphins?
And lastly, do you like beans.
I like a lot of animals honestly, but here’s some notable favorites: white’s tree frog, packman frog, surinam horned frog, the african bullfrog, cane toad, european toad, glass frog, mexican leaf frog, etc. Also horses and dogs <3
I think whales and dolphins are cool. Not my favorite animals but i do appreciate their shapeliness.
Beans :) (kidney beans are my favorite)
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dougdimmadodo · 8 months
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Barbary Macaque (Macaca sylvanus)
Family: "Old-World" Monkey Family (Cercopithecidae)
IUCN Conservation Status: Endangered
Distinguished from other macaques by their thick grey or brown fur and extremely short tails (which measure only around 2-3cm/0.7-1.9 inches in length, and are easily missed,) Barbary Macaques are native to cool, mountainous regions of Morocco and Algeria, but are also present as an invasive species on the European island of Gibraltar (making this species the only non-human primate living wild in Europe.) Favouring cedar forest habitats, members of this species live in large mixed-sex troops led by a dominant female; females inherit their rank from their mothers (with the largest, strongest daughter of the dominant female becoming the troop’s leader following her mother’s passing) while males form a separate hierarchy with larger, older individuals at the top. Barbary Macaques breed between November and December and are noted to be highly promiscuous, with both sexes seeking out several mates in a single season (so much so that in small troops it is possible that every unrelated adult in the group will eventually mate with one another,) and when females give birth in the following spring every member of the group, including males and females that did not mate in the previous season, will contribute to carrying, feeding, teaching and protecting the young - male parental care is rare in other macaque species, but it has been suggested that, as male Barbary Macaques have no way of knowing which, if any, of the young born each year are theirs they become invested in the wellbeing of all of them (studies into interactions between males and infants suggests that they may even have “favourite children”, which they play with more often than other infants in the troop.) Like other macaques, Barbary Macaques are diurnal and spend much of the day foraging on the ground, feeding on nuts, fruits, roots, mushrooms, insects and small vertebrates such as frogs; when foraging they frantically stuff food into pouches in their cheeks to be swallowed later while at least one member of the troop remains on “sentry duty” surveying their surroundings and releasing a harsh alarm call at the first sign of predators (such as Golden Jackals or large birds-of-prey,) encouraging their troop-mates to take cover in the lower canopy of nearby trees.
Image Source: https://www.inaturalist.org/taxa/43452-Macaca-sylvanus
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archipithecus · 11 months
Fish Taxonomy
The term fish is commonly used to refer to members of Actinopterygii (ray-finned fish, mostly what people think of when they imagine fish)and Chondrichthyes (cartilaginous fish, the sharks, rays, etc, and chimeras). It is also used for Sarcopterygii (lobe-finned fish, the coelacanths and lungfish) and Agnatha (jawless fish, the hagfish and lampreys), although people don’t talk about lobe-finned and jawless fish as much as they do ray-finned fish and sharks. Tetrapoda (four-limbed vertebrates) is nested within Sarcopterygii, and mostly contains animals which traditionally have not been considered fish (you, me, your cat, the chicken eating your popcorn, the frog hopping away from the chicken). In modern cladistics, this is a little bit of an issue, because the common use of fish as described above is paraphyletic, i.e. it does not include all of the descendants of the group’s last common ancestor. Here are some different ways this issue can be resolved. 
Option 1: Fish is not a cladistic term, and therefore we don’t need to worry about whether it’s a good and well formed clade. Reasonable and understandable, we have loads of scientific terms to unambiguously talk about groups of animals, but also boring. Play with me in this space!
Option 2: Fish includes Osteichthyes (Actinopterygii plus Sarcopterygii), Chondrichthyes, and Agnatha, therefore it is essentially synonymous with Vertebrata. You, me, and Moby Dick are all joyfully fish (Melville was right!) (and also a fish). Is this really helpful? Maybe not, but it’s fun. 
Option 3: Fish is not a cladistic term, it’s a non-scientific term used to refer to any animal that lives in the water. Jellyfish are fish, starfish are fish, dolphins are fish, humans are not fish, why would you ever suggest such a silly thing?
Option 4: Fish is essentially synonymous with Vertebrata, so why not expand that to all of Chordata? Tunicata and Cephalochordata are welcomed into the Fish Club. 
Option 5: Fish is a lifestyle. In the same way that a tree is any plant that gets tall and kinda woody, a fish is an obligate aquatic animal that actively swims. Salmon are fish, tadpoles are fish, frogs are not fish, sea stars are not fish, porpoises are fish, octopuses (-pi, -podes) are fish, most gastropods are not fish, but Phylliroe is absolutely a fish. 
Option 6: Fish comes from the Proto-Indo-European root *peysḱ-  (“fish”), which is probably derived from *peyt- (“to feed, to guard, to nourish”), and is cognate to lots of words having to do with food (Sanskrit पितु (pitu, “food”), Lithuanian piẽtūs (“lunch”), etc), so if someone asks you “is this a fish?” you must slap it on the grill, maybe squeeze some lemon on it, and find out for yourself. 
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toadschooled · 2 years
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A Mediterranean tree frog [Hyla meridionalis] poses nicely for photographer Jihene Ben Hassine in Ouarzazat, Morocco. These frogs can be found from southwestern Europe into northwestern Africa. They are larger than the European tree frog [Hyla arborea], with deeper, slower croak. 
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