mejcinta · 9 months
how do you imagine heleana aegon’s first night as husband and wife?
in contrast to many good fanfic writers, I always felt like heleana was waiting and ready. Whereas aegon couldnt do it and he cried on her boobs and they fall asleep like that. I think this feeling came up to me when Aegon was trying to taunt Jace and if he can do the act, heleana was laughing in background to that while studying the beetle aegon had gifted her
No, because the other day I was just thinking of the fact that alcohol makes Aegon 'soft'. He yelps for his brother on Driftmark like a kicked dog when he's over the limt. He's a stuttering, bumbling, sniffing mess when Alicent confronts him in his room as an adult.
Aegon copes using alcohol, and then when alcohol gets the best of him he lets out the most vulnerable parts of him...or in some cases the worst.
I can totally imagine him being a whimpering mess on his wedding day and just asking Helaena to hold him on their wedding night. The two of them were victims of a system they have no power to change. They don't love each other romantically, but they don't hate each other either.
Dare I say, because of the disarming effect alcohol has on Aegon, it's probable that he was able to vent his true feelings about Otto and Alicent to Helaena and they sort of started bonding with that...only for Aegon to wake up sober and completely blank to what he blabbed to her in his drunken state.
He equips Helaena with knowledge about him through his drinking then gets super upset that she can read him like a book.
I think this is why Helaena doesn't mind Aegon too much. He is her brother and now she knows him in and out from their weird conversations. This attachment they have developed could be what drove them to have sex sometimes, like some sort of trauma bonding.
I bet it took some time for them to finally go through with their duty and do the deed. And after Helaena bore Aegon twins, I think her dedicated love and care for them softened Aegon more toward her and made him see her as more than just his baby sister. I think their marital bond strengthened just a bit more with the arrival of the kids, and he spent more time with Helaena as a result.
Targaryen culture is just fucked up like that. But they're siblings in the end and naturally care about each other in a way.
Of course all this is assuming they don't turn Aegon into Bad Dad™ and Most Evil Obligatory Husband™ in comparison to DAEMON of all people.
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ceoofhelaegon · 7 months
Hi, I started reading this great ongoing fanfic for Aegon III/ Jahaera pairing ( AU where jahaera didnt die and was still queen) Its pretty good but because jahaera and aegon actors didnt show up on TV show yet, they are not on front enough yet Its on Archiev of our own website The Sins of Your Father Sweet_Ophelia1 Summary: “You think we won?” Aegon says slowly. “I’m not even permitted to wear the colour green.” “My mother is dead.” Aegon shouts at her. And it shocks him as well as his cousin. It's been so many years since he’s shouted. “So is mine!” Jaehaera screeches.
Aegon and Jaehaera gave me brain rot FR.
I love them and their trauma and inability to relate to each other much less anyone else is so good and it’s just perfect for angst and to explore how utterly pointless that whole war was.
They are the perfect subject for this, and hopefully we get even more fics for them.
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atopvisenyashill · 4 months
i discovered your lovely page through larra rogare tag as you had written a response for imagined AU that she didnt leave and the impact that would had been on naerys
can i ask how do you image she spent her time after she left kingslanding? Do you think she felt better or worser or numb? Do you think aegon 4 or aemon or naerys wrote letters or tried to see her? Or maybe larra wished to come back but viserys didnt allow it as in a way larra had betrayed him by abandoning him in a extremely difficult time
and whats your headcanons for viserys and larra relationship🙄 which is I know and I agree its pervert and sick but at the same time I am curious, viserys was a kid but also kid who was extremely smart. i wonder if larra pitied him felt bad for him when he was hostage and then kind of became his friend while married? or did larra started to resent viserys for how his father found viserys and made larra marry him? do you think viserys II ever know what true love was? Did he thought he was in love with larra but then she left and he grow up and he closed himself emotionally?
i dont know What are you thoughts ?what do you feel how things went?
i'm sorry this took forever, end of the year was wild for me.
so i’m fully aware this is all getting jossed once f&b part 2 comes out (if it ever comes out) but I have thought a lot about the family dynamics of the dance kids after the dance, and how it affects them growing up and their relationships with their children. any sort of violent overthrow is going to affect the way its people develop, and the dance ending in the deaths of nearly every dragon when the dragons are more than just animal familiars to the people of westeros and what's left of the valyrians is going to be an extreme affect. the dragons are nearer to gods at this point, and yet they were all killed! i think this, and aegon iii being known as "aegon the dragonbane" especially in relation to the first aegon being "aegon the dragon" and the second being famous for having a bond so close to sunfyre that sunfyre died for aegon and not just at aegon's order (way different dynamic from vhagar, meraxes, caraxes, moondancer, and vermax), that all of viserys and aegon iii's kids are completely destroyed on a spiritual level. they're also raised by a bunch of young ass parents (i know like 19-20 isn't uncommon an age to have kids, but this generation is kind of extreme in that literally every single one including the boys is married and has at least one baby before 18) who are all struggling and failing to control their ptsd from the trauma of the dance. all of that to say, i think Viserys and Larra's kids and Aegon and Daenaera's kids (and Baela/Alyn and maybe even Rhaena/Garmund) were all doomed for unhappy lives from the start.
For sure, I think for Larra there was a lot of numbness. Unlike, say, Saera, who abandoned Westeros for a life that is certainly depressing imo (the only freedom a Targaryen woman is ever allowed is through the bartering of her own sex; either on the hopes of a kind husband or as a literal sex worker. it's soooooo damn depressing) but was at least living a life more in her control, the way Bellegere Otherys lived. Larra, however, abandons King's Landing because she is driven out due to the hostilities. She must leave all three of her children behind, and she must return to Lys in utter disgrace after the nonsense pulled by the men in House Rogare. She failed not only to protect the men in her family with her proximity to power but she also failed in keeping the smallfolk, the lords, and even her husband and children on her side to raise her house higher. And the price for a woman after a failure like that is usually obscurity, depression, and isolation. Look at the last days of Alicent Hightower, Maegor's wives, or what everyone hopes they did to Cersei at the end of Dance. I hope she wrote to Naerys but I wonder if she'd feel it wasn't her place anymore especially considering how religious Naerys is.
I do imagine Viserys latched onto her when they first married and Larra encouraged this; she's a part of the little crew of rascals during the Regency so she's clearly close to Viserys when she first arrives. I think it makes sense that he would get close to her as both his wife but also as a pseudo sibling or mother figure, after being separated from his own mother so suddenly and violently. I think the downfall of her house may have been what really started to sour their relationship; even though Aegon and Viserys come to her family's rescue, the damage to their reputations has been done when the Lyseni Spring has ended. Now, instead of clinging to the only kind face in a kingdom he doesn't know, Larra becomes a political liability; a foreign wife with foreign gods and a disgraced, upjumped family. I think this is why Viserys really doubles down on the incest by forcing Aegon and Naerys to marry and trying to force Baelor and Daena to marry - trying to prove they're real Targaryens still, even without their dragons. And because Larra doesn't fit into that, she gets cut out of the whole story.
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moonshine999 · 8 months
i didnt write the story but I wanted to share the story on a place where people who appreciates Jahaera and Aegon the dragonbane :)
its AU where jahaera lives and still a queen
It explores their interesting dynamic
The Sins of Your Father
“You think we won?” Aegon says slowly. “I’m not even permitted to wear the colour green.” “My mother is dead.” Aegon shouts at her. And it shocks him as well as his cousin. It's been so many years since he’s shouted. “So is mine!” Jaehaera screeches.
Thank you so much! I just finished reading it and truth be told, I did not expect smut so early (but I suppose, neither did they). But my god, this was good. Also the banter in ch.2? *SCREECH*
I do hope the author updates because a) the dynamic is dynamic-ing and b) I really liked how they wrote it
again, thank you so very much for this suggestion. I really appreciate it <3333
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how do you and aife get the characterization and dialogues quite right? There is distinctive voice from every character you guys had introduced to story
how do you find the character’s inner voice and write their lines so distinctive
i just feel whenever i am trying to write a story, every character has my voice
Hi eva, first, thank you!! That's a very nice thing to hear about our writing! Co-writing with @aifsaath is great because we have writing styles that are different but complementary, and we work hard to work the parts that we each draft individually into a coherent whole, but we have different processes, so I'll answer for myself first.
My own writing is influenced a lot by writers like Robin Hobb, who writes from both reflective first person past tense and close third person past tense points of view, and Tim O'Brien, who I think taught me the most about using sentence length and structure to control tempo and evoke emotion. I wrote my own novel in first person past tense from the point of view of a character extremely unlike me, and I think that really gave me good practice digging into my characters' psyches and figuring out what makes them tick. I strive to give my characters, whether they're original characters or borrowed characters, a rich inner voice, so it's very gratifying that you've noted that.
Aife and I both agree that having a strong sense of empathy for our characters is essential to creating a unique voice for each. In a way, you have to step into each character's shoes when writing from their POVs. And so you have to ask yourself, how would this character use language when they are speaking, and how can I create an inner voice with this character through my use of language. Word choice, sentence length, syntax, register, all of these things contribute to the character's voice.
So, for instance, our Aegon has a slightly stronger interiority than our Baela, because his personality is more introspective. He's either in his head, or trying to avoid being in his head. When I'm in Aegon's POV, my sentences narrating his thoughts tend to be longer and more complex to reflect that, and you'll see him sometimes willfully push certain thoughts from his mind. In his dialogue, he's more likely to be sarcastic or wry, to ramble when he's nervous, and to clams up when he's uncomfortable (which is shown by using short, terse sentences). By comparison, our Baela is a more straightforward thinker. When she's being introspective, she tends to draw conclusions from her own prior experiences, drawing from memories, rather than navel gaze or turn self critical. She's more direct, and she owns her feelings more than Aegon does, so both her inner voice and her dialogue tends to be very matter of fact. You might notice quirks like how Baela tends to interrupt her thought process to speak out loud, or how she sometimes realizes after the fact that she might have said something she shouldn't have. You might see more declaratives from Baela, and less hesitation, and she's less likely than Aegon to create distance through formal language.
I think ultimately a lot of this becomes easier with practice. If you start off very deliberate, it becomes more natural the more you write, and the better you get to know your characters the more easily you are able to step into their shoes and write with their voices.
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aifsaath · 3 months
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The Portrait of the Future King, a bigger version to be found here
Baela’s first thought, absurdly, was that the king looked much the same as he did now, even though that was only partially true. Young Aegon in the portrait was not thin, but he was a bit leaner than the king was now. His hair was shorter too, chin length rather than the shoulder length locks he now wore. And of course he was not scarred, not even a little bit. He stood straight, but not tall, nearly a head shorter than his brother, but taller than his sister. He wore a rich red tunic embroidered in gold thread at the collar and cuffs and belted at the waist. One hand rested upon his sister’s shoulder and the other rested upon the pommel of his sword. Curiously, there was a green glove on that hand. His sister was similarly clad in red, and the pair of them stood in the middle, a brother standing sentinel on either side. The one standing at Helaena's shoulder she recognized easily as Aemond One-Eye, and the other, standing beside Aegon, must have been Daeron, although Baela had never met him before. The boys wore deep green to their brother and sister’s red, and where Aegon wore golden rings set with red and green gems upon his fingers, and a jeweled chain draped across his chest, his brothers were dressed less ostentatiously. It was, Baela realized, a portrait of a future king and queen. - Our Fathers Clad in Red, Chapter 6 (by me & @gwenllian-in-the-abbey)
Alas, yes, the long awaited portrait / political propaganda is here!
Because there is no way the greens wouldn't use the most obvious religiou symbols and bloodline claims of kingship too.
@lemonhemlock @gwenndigo @branwendaughterofllyr @duxbelisarius @prodogg @theothermaidoftarth @alexandria-millie @maryonaccross @evabluepark888 @darylandbethfanforever9 @ara-meyy @calyssmarviss @tremendousandsonorouswords
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thephantomcasebook · 1 year
Hi, regarding your personal post obt the person coming to meet with your dad. My idea would be to ask for a new person and make sure that they are definitevly person working with the program, and then if you like the new person maybe they can start staying a little bit longer. But I would definitevly not allow that other guy back in that capacity maybe he can visit under supervision but if you get bad vibes id really not give him free reign of the house. But this way your father gets people to talk to and you feel safe and even if it is a bit sad id always prioritize feeling safe.
This one also goes out to @evabluepark888
Thanks for the advise guys, and, in theory, your solutions should work.
But my mom has absolutely put her foot down, which I support.
No , the hospice care has elected not to send someone else, cause, they're mad that we spurned this guy. In fact, the Notary was here today to handle business, and she informed us that this guy is having a huge episode and that everyone has to talk him down.
So, suffice to say, for the first time in five years ... I'll be sleeping with my gun nearby again.
To be honest, I feel fucking flabbergasted that not only is a organization sending people over who are not part of the system, but have deep - deep - depression over to talk to dying people in order for them to feel better.
If I was running that place, I'd tell everyone that - "Hey, these are dying people, they're not here for you ... sort your own shit out before you go over to their homes."
I feel bad for the guy, he's lonely. But, listen, so are a lot of people, but they don't spend six or seven hours at strangers homes cause they don't want to go back to their girlfriend's empty house.
I can't believe that a professional Medicare organization has forced me to dig out and clean my gun, cause they've allowed a disgruntled postal worker into my home to help him - not my dad - cure his depression.
If something happens and I got to shoot a son of a bitch, I swear to Christ, they're gonna be paying my Grandkids settlement money.
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mejcinta · 9 months
i am obssesed with the analysis you did on aegon and aemond and their views on marriage
How would you imagine heleana’s view to marriage? How do you think aegon qnd heleana had reacted to betrothal at family dinner table?
I think the answer to this lies in how Helaena and Aegon have turned out years later.
Helaena is busy overseeing her children's needs, spending time with them and shaming Aegon in public for not being an attentive husband.
Meanwhile, Aegon is a drunk and neck deep in various perversions. Moaning and complaining about never being enough while doing jack shit to be 'Kenough' 🙄
I've always said that Helaena is basically Mini Alicent. Programmed by her mother through years of proximity beside her, being sheltered and protected and brought up in the ways of the Seven. She spends a lot of time in Alicent's room with her babies and speaks of the realities of life with such wisdom and kindness and insight. She cannot afford vanity and has no room for folly and expects the same of others. She is also gifted with dreams she doesn't understand and is sort of afflicted with them as a result. I think that would pull her more into religion to try to understand herself.
I expect that when it was announced she would marry Aegon, she felt prepared for what was to come. After all she was well prepared by Alicent in many aspects for marriage.
However, Aegon's constant rebellion and indifference brings challenges that she may not have anticipated. She is ignored. He is infrequent. None of Alicent's tales of marriage seem true now. Life is becoming harder and her dreams are intensifying.
I think that's why she seems more erratic and upset in ep 9. Aegon's unfaithfulness has reached a new low and an intense prophetic dream concerning the beginning of the Dance (i e Rhaenys and Meleys at the coronation her family had staged after orchestrating a coup) had hit her hard.
I'm flying off the tangent here, I know, but what I mean to say is Helaena is loyal and dutiful just like her mother, but her loyalty and dutifulness doesn't come without it's hurdles and this may or may not affect how she relates to some of her family members, especially Alicent.
Aegon raged about his marriage and duties from day 1 but funny enough when time comes when he's required to step up, he does. He bedded Helaena and gave her heirs to the throne. And he will soon take more dutiful steps after Blood and Cheese to become the King all wanted or feared he could be.
I'd say both Helaena and Aegon are duty bound, but react differently to the shackles. One complies and plays nice even through the pain (like Alicent did) while the other rebels, questions and challenges...only in the end to do what is expected of them.
So they both do value duty, but have different mindsets about it. Aegon's is more warped, and he needs constant motivation to get through with it. Be it alcohol, be it a threat against his family.
Helaena is more natural and 'live and let live' about the situations she's put in. She readily adapts and gives selflessly, even if she is met with difficulty.
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ceoofhelaegon · 1 year
How do you imagine the interaction, daily routine of aegon and heleana? Their conversations. Their relationship before and after marriage. Any small or big detail on anything about them . Their dynamics in their family dinners
Oh, that’s very interesting…
I think that they are very informal with each other, yk? Familiarity and all that.
I think most of the time they behave like siblings, actively making fun of each other.
Since Aegon is so serious, Helaena loves to make fun of him for it. I think she’s the only one that has the balls to make of fun of Aegon.
He has a soft spot for her, I also think that after the children were born they fought a lot about Aegon not spending time with them.
I believe that is the main reason why he gets so consumed with revenge, Helaena now can’t even blame him, she’s completely broken so he’ll protect his remaining children and her as well.
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mejcinta · 7 months
i didnt write this great story for jahaera aegon III pairing but its sooo good and more people should see and read this great story. Its on Ao3, you can find it with the name or author or the tag Aegon Targaryen III/Jahaera Targaryen
The Sins of Your Father
“You think we won?” Aegon says slowly. “I’m not even permitted to wear the colour green.” “My mother is dead.” Aegon shouts at her. And it shocks him as well as his cousin. It's been so many years since he’s shouted. “So is mine!” Jaehaera screeches.
Love angst.
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ceoofhelaegon · 1 year
Does aegon name sunfyre after dreamfyre? Both aemond and aegon seems to admire dreamfyre. Aemond tried to claim dreamfyre several times by going inside and almost getting burned. Whereas aegon maybe had named sunfyre. I wish we did know more about heleana bonding with second oldest dragon and aegon aemond being shocked at their quiet weird sister
Hey, that is my headcanon.
Aegon named Sunfyre after Dremfyre, that either before or after Heleana claimed Dreamfyre.
In the books they have a great bond, I really wish we could see it on screen as well.
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ceoofhelaegon · 1 year
If heleana rather than getting into depression, had used dreamfyre. Would it had made a difference?
Oh, definitely.
She has a great bond with Dreamfyre, so she’s a great dragon rider. She would go against either smaller dragons or people freshly bonded with their dragons.
Dreamfyre is the oldest dragon behind Vhagar, if I’m not mistaken, so she’s huge and very strong. Even if she wasn’t a warrior, Dreamfyre could kill a dragon had Helaena rode her to battle.
At least, in my opinion.
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ceoofhelaegon · 1 year
can you please analyze aemond aegon driftmark scene where they talk about heleana and their feelings towards her?
Yes, I’ll do that.
Maybe next weekend. ❤️
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mejcinta · 7 months
can you please do headcanons about larra rogare and viserys targaryen
how do you perceive larra’s personality
How d you see the wife and husband and family dynamics for them?
I've barely read the whole Dance so this might take a while, when I finally reach that part.
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mejcinta · 8 months
can you please please please do analysis on alicent and aegon’s scene in the carriage right before his coronation.
i think that conversation showed/implied so much background story of green family
I will be looking at this when I find the time. 🔥
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aifsaath · 4 months
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Rhaenyra, the Princess of Dragonstone,
A larger version to be found HERE
@calyssmarviss @lemonhemlock @prodogg @ara-meyy @evabluepark888 @theothermaidoftarth @duxbelisarius @gwenllian-in-the-abbey @branwendaughterofllyr
WhenI talk about Valyrian fashions and the stark contrast between the westerosi dresses and the ceremonial valyrian robes, i mean THIS.
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