#evander goodfellow
imagitory · 6 years
Yes, Lack of Lamb Sauce has been updated! Here’s another nice long chapter for you, tying up the loose ends of the HBP storyline because from here on out, we are entering DEATHLY HALLOWS territory! YAAAAAY!
Hope you all enjoy!
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imagitory · 6 years
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[Lack of Lamb Sauce] Evander/Terence Higgs Goodfellow Moodboard
“Evander’s written songs for a while, but often behind the scenes as a collaborator,” Goodfellow explained to Harry and the others. “Saint that he is, he’s gotten it into his head that he doesn’t want fame and fortune, he just wants to help out his musician buddies – ”
“Well, I do!” said the man called Evander modestly. “It’s just the Hufflepuff way, babe – we don’t need the spotlight, we need appreciation – ”
“You puffball,” murmured Goodfellow playfully under his breath, “you know you’ll always get your fair share of appreciation from me – ”
He placed a light kiss to the side of Evander’s chin.
~Harry Potter and the Lack of Lamb Sauce Chapter 59
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imagitory · 7 years
Hi guys – still working on the next chapter for Harry Potter and the Lack of Lamb Sauce, so to tide you guys over until it’s done, I thought I’d put down a list of personal headcanons for the cast (both canon and OCs). Some of these are backstory-related, some are sexuality/race/whatever else-related, and some are just catch-all. Some will crop up over the course of the story – some won’t. In the case of the canon characters, again, just be advised these are my headcanons, and if you see a character differently, that’s totally okay! Hope they entertain you!
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My version of Harry is biracial. I see the Potters as being a British family with Indian roots, while the Evans family is white (in Petunia and her family’s case, painfully so).
My version of Hermione is black. I confess that for many years I’d imagined her as white partly due to the films’ casting of Emma Watson and partly due to the fact that I was once a little white curly girl starved for representation, but as I’ve grown older, I’ve really fallen in love with Black!Hermione because in a lot of ways, she reminds me of my stepmother, who was born in the Caribbean, specifically Tobago. Like Hermione, my stepmom grew up as a self-conscious, academic, rule-abiding perfectionist with few friends and a love of cats, and she worked her butt off to prove herself, graduating from Johns Hopkins with a PhD in microbiology. I lost her very suddenly just last year, and it’s been very comforting imagining Hermione as at least partially resembling her while writing her.
Astoria is the first non-Slytherin in the Greengrass family in about three hundred years – the last one, a great-great-great-uncle named Lev Greengrass, was a Gryffindor and ended up cutting himself off from his family and moving to the United States.
Kevin’s mother Hattie had been a Gryffindor at school. His Hufflepuff personality is much more like his father’s.
Owen’s mother Cynthia and his grandmother Gertrude (“Trudy”) were also Hufflepuffs; his grandfather Martin and the rest of his maternal family, however, was in Slytherin (hence their ancestral home in Salazar’s Grove).
Hannah’s mother Ophelia (also an alumnus of Hufflepuff and a Head Girl in her day) was a well-respected Apparition instructor employed by the Ministry of Magic. Her husband Gene (a Ravenclaw who took Ophelia’s last name due to it being better known and respected in the Wizarding World) works a desk job at a magical talent agency.
Lowry, the Bulstrode family house elf, used to take Millicent on outings to Diagon Alley when her parents were at work. Although they never bought anything, Florian Fortescue – feeling a pang of pity for the little girl walking alone with the family house elf – would often invite them into his ice cream parlor to sample his newest flavors.
Eddie Carmichael’s family is full of Dark-Wizard catchers – both of his fathers, aunt, and cousin are all Aurors, and his grandmother worked in the Department of Magical Law Enforcement for over sixty years.
Dennis and Colin agree about just about everything, but one thing they can’t agree on is how they would react if their mother (who left their father after Dennis was born) tried to reach out to them. Colin has expressed nothing but hatred and resentment for her, but Dennis feels the urge to take the high ground and at least give her the chance to prove that she’s changed.
Just as I imagine the Potters as a British family with Indian roots, the Greengrasses have Israeli roots. The Greengrass sisters’ middle names are a hint to that, as both are Yiddish – Daphne Shayna (meaning “beautiful”) and Astoria Charna (meaning “black”).
Ironically Astoria’s middle name has an inverse meaning to that of her future husband’s – Draco Lucius Malfoy (named for his father, of course) has a middle name that means “light.”
The Goodfellow family has Greek roots. They still own a family summer home on the Greek island of Chios.
Kevin, Seamus, and Terence Goodfellow are gay.
Bridget and Arjuna are lesbians.
Hannah, Dean, Evander Goodfellow, Healer Jengu, and Remus Lupin are bisexual.
Ginny is pansexual.
Professor Vector is a homosexual trans woman.
Luna, Astoria, and Millicent are on the asexual spectrum; Luna is demiromantic, Astoria is heteroromantic, and Millicent is biromantic.
Terence’s husband Evander is the youngest of three sons who were all sorted into Hufflepuff and  is generally considered the most handsome of the batch. (Terence certainly agrees.)
The Belaji family are (naturally) of Indian descent, though they are newer additions than the Potters. Arjuna’s mother and father were both children of Indian immigrants.
Uric Cuffe, the owner and chief editor of the Stormer, was the only son born to the Cuffe family in his generation, but despite his respectable pedigree, he was never a very good student, partially thanks to arrogance and partially thanks to what his magical family did not realize was untreated ADHD. When he failed to get the OWL results needed to join the Auror Department like his family wanted, Uric tail-spinned in a downward spiral of resentment and self-pity, flunking most of his NEWT classes by the time he graduated. His uncle Barnabas (chief editor of the Daily Prophet) suggested Uric try writing, something he was always quite good at, and at first things appeared to be looking up, as Uric could make good money writing for Witch Weekly and other publications. But yet again Uric’s arrogance got in the way, for he was sick of having to write what other people wanted just to make ends meet, and so he founded his own paper (The Stormer) so he could write whatever he wanted whenever he wanted. Unfortunately most of what he wants to write largely entails the mad, rambling conspiracies that he’s conjured up about Muggles.
Colin was diagnosed with ADHD when he was eight years old. His father has always resisted medication, and fortunately Colin has developed his own coping mechanisms for his symptoms.
Arjuna’s mother Chaaya, although not formally diagnosed, has autism. She works part-time at a small wandshop in Godric’s Hollow, though due to personal preference she prefers to deal with the inventory rather than directly with customers. Her special interests are Charms and collecting and reading cookbooks.
Arjuna’s father Rohan works in the Department of Mysteries. His main area of work, though he’s not at liberty to divulge too much, lies in what Harry and crew call the “Time Room.” 
Even though they’ve been very close ever since first year, Arjuna has never been romantically interested in her BFF Astoria.
Even though Bridget has only been explicit about her sexuality with Hermione and Ginny so far (at least, amongst the Gryffindors), Harry and Ron both subconsciously sensed it just through their interactions with Bridget, to the extent that they’d probably laugh if anyone suggested she had a crush on a guy. Luna of course picked it up at once.
That’s all I’ve got right now...hope you got something out of this randomness. XD
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