kartana · 3 months
I heard a story on npr today about how a city near Gaza in Isreal has had its population return up to 70% or so after many people fled after october. The show mentioned oct 6th a lot, describing students' reactions to the day and how one teacher consoled a child who was scared by saying that the spilders were scared too. They explained that many families chose to leave the city after threats of missles and that they have all started to return. Schools are running again there, and they also drove a lot of people to return. The story talked about how many schools erected walls towards Gaza to feel protected and that many schools now had armed guards stationed for security. They talk about the children dealing with trauma from having to evacuate last year along with hearing bombs in Gaza constantly. I hear children speak and then mothers talk about how they dont move away because all of isreal is dangerous, not just miles away from the border wall. I heard an Isreali man, I assume a teacher, talk about how he went and planted an isreali flag in the rubble. The npr host pivots now for a moment and describes a hill with a clear view of the now destroyed nearby neighborhood in Gaza. He speaks like he's describing nature, that all the rows of houses have been turned to rubble. That over 34,000 palestinians have been killed. NPR cuts back to the city in isreal. A woman speaks about how it's bad for both sides of course and laments halfheartly that she's glad that "we" were winning but doesn't like that the citizens of Gaza suffer. Npr moves back to the man who planted the isreali flag in the rubble. I listen as he says he thinks its better if things are rebuilt far away, that the people of Gaza do not come back. That the time to rebuild will come later. That his flag signifies the resilience of the isreali people and how they persist. This is where the show ends. I feel like im being fucking punked. I feel like im supposed to just listen to the tone and crescendo this story presents thoughtlessly and leave with a faint buzz of sentiment about how war is bad for everyone and people move on changed from it. To have this nothing sentiment and take no action due to it just being a story I hear on the radio. The children are scared of the bombs! We took one sentence to describe where the bombs dropped. It's just rubble now. they are no people there don't think about the people in those houses and the bodies under the rock. I don't have to think about that because npr said most people have fled the north of Gaza. It's fine don't think about it. Think about the isreali flag in the wind surrounded by a devastated landscape. This is a powerful statement we will end the show on. Jesus fucking christ. I think npr should do a story on manifest destiny next they could just do this story again and change some details.
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onlowandhigh · 4 months
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phantominzie · 2 months
kookokk so the general consensus is that vox died by being crushed to death by tv, but what was he doing? Well, if you're me, then you decided to take like 5 seconds from 'Stayed Gone' and add it to this theory. In Stayed Gone Vox appears in a priest garment get up, so my theory is that he was a TV evangalist and died via TV crushing him on set.
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charlesoberonn · 1 year
I have been informed the Evangalist branch of Christianity comes under the definition of cult, does it currently have any major prescene in the EU and/or UK ?
Evangelical isn't really a branch/denomination. It's more of a specific set of politics and theological emphases that exist in numerous different denominations. I'm not sure how much of a US/UK presence they have.
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terrence-silver · 2 years
How do you think the dynamic is gonna change betwen terry and the other characters in season 5? What im hoping happens is a plot twist( like insert character was working with cobra kai)😭 i honestly love the conflict and drama
Uh, well, let me try and predict? Don't hold me to my words, though.
Daniel Larusso: I think we all collectively agreed that he will try to make this guy come off as absolutely insane and paranoid when he in fact isn't. Daniel simply recognizes his past abuser's patterns and tactics at play. Daniel very much is someone who was groomed in his childhood and someone not too many people will believe this season, perhaps? Terry makes Daniel seem irrational and delusional. Jealous, even. Jealous of Mr. Silver's successes, surely! John's in jail, right? Justice has been upheld. There is no conflict to be fought anymore. That's the news coming from the great, big grapevine, at least. So, why is Danny-Boy still so adamant and fidgety about it, when Terry, the new head of Cobra Kai is merely just a kindly, egalitarian, charming Billionaire with a heart of gold helping the youth of The Valley? Terry understands, though. Terry is a humble, smiling saint. It is PTSD and the nerves that are ailing Mr. Larusso. Might even suggest to Amanda that her husband should get therapy. Kindly advice, because it helped him oh so much too.
Amanda Larusso: Superficially enchants Amanda, but in the sense where he comes off as everything Daniel (who's a nervous, overly careful, jittery wreck by now) ought to be; a seemingly stable minded, polished businessman who just gets it. He gets it, okay? He's in charge of himself in ways Daniel isn't. Terry comes off like the image of the perfect American industrialist to Amanda, maybe a bit transparent with his charm he flaunts around so readily, but she really doesn't see why Daniel freaked so badly out about this guy. He gives off a corny, cheesy air, if anything else. Fake in the way an empty flatterer is fake. Like he tries too hard to get under your skin with every weapon available and like he tries to woo the public with a bit too much tenacity, but ultimately harmless beneath all of that TV evangalist-worthy razzle-dazzle...which is exactly what Terry wants her to think and something Terry entirely embraces. Of course, this serves to gaslight Daniel from a distance even further when his own damn wife disbelieves him this guy's dangerous.
Johnny Lawrence: Hard to tell, actually, but I'd like the angle where Terry sees Johnny as the prime inheritor of John's affections and devotion (maybe even figurative legacy, which is deeply infuriating because Terry feels cast aside and sidestepped by a nobody), and his ultimate adversary, in that regard. Johnny, naturally, might not grasp the profound gravitas behind it all, lacking half a century's worth of context and history, but Terry very much does understand. When it turns out someone who was so irreplaceably important and detrimental for a big chunk of your life loves someone else just a bit more than you, that someone else simply must be terminated and squashed into the ground. There can be only one. Terry's gonna prove his loyalty to his incarcerated Captain alright and he is going to prove it by destroying this punk's life and everything he's ever held dear by bit bit. Best thing is? There won't be a single thing John Kreese is going to be able to do about it from behind the bars. This is what he gets for breaking Terry's heart.
Chozen: People...think Chozen will have some big master plan on how to take down Terry but I literally feel the jist of it will be Chozen 'striking first' and utilizing a Cobra's ideology against a Cobra --- which is something that is revealed to us in that new clip that just dropped, among several other major clues. I might be wrong, but that's what I feel. He has insight into Terry's old Sensei, The Way of The Fist, I think he perfectly gets how downright deceptive and deadly this guy is and that he will bring the 'war' to Terry's doorstep. I mean, he is seen threatening Terry and telling him 'He is Gasoline.' among others. Anyway, what I think it will irk Terry, if you will, that there's a rare handful of somebodies who at all believe Daniel concerning Terry's own nature and are ready and able to stand up for him, meaning his attempts to isolate his victim and make him seem entirely irrational would've, in part, failed. Terry doesn't like that. He doesn't like that one bit. Then again, watch him actually try and use deception and infiltrate / join Cobra Kai (which...would anyone fall for that?)
Tory: Another person John cared for and another person Terry will hurt for it in a roundabout way, or at least, put through hefty amounts of pain disguised as training. Naturally, he will take John's sentimental pet project and make it better still all while making her suffer all throughout, polishing her through pain, which is deserved and a lesson long since overdue, Terry might think. He procures a trophy for her because while she could've won on her skill alone, she kept showing unnecessary mercy to her foe, and now she is being an ingrate too? Would Samantha Larusso ever don the same for Tory? Terry thinks not. Either way, nothing is for free. Every favour has a price and the price of Tory's All Valley trophy is her, in layman terms, shutting the hell up and not outing and betraying her own victory to the public and making herself seem like a fool when her and her family's livelihood depends on what she can earn by maintaining her status --- a la 'You're a champion, kid Don't be an idiot.'
Miguel and Robby: Their stories and relation to Terry might be extremely interconnected this season because Robby is with Miyagi-Do (Again) and Miguel is nowhere to be seen in any dojo thus far. Of course, Terry doesn't take lightly to betrayal and a stark change of colors like that. That's where the Cobra Kai invite arriving to Miguel's house address in the trailer comes in. If this is how Robby wants to play and flip-flop between dojos and alliances whoever he deems fit, that's how Terry will play too. There's a vacant spot in Terry's newly minted studios opening up all around and it can very well be occupied by Robby's greatest foe, which is Miguel, a former Cobra himself...and for all intents and purposes, Johnny Lawrence's favourite adoptive son --- a wound Terry will press into deliberately. Maybe Miguel could get cozy again with Tory too. Maybe Miguel should take everything Robby has, if Robby doesn't want it. Would Terry manipulate this angle to, in effect, punish Robby and fuel the fire of this rivalry further? I think he would.
Kenny: I don't think Terry's relationship with Kenny will be any sort of wholesome like some people think. I mean? At least I don't see it. In fact, I envision Kenny more like Terry's Trojan Horse, of sorts. I literally feel, to quote Terry himself, he will simply wind this kid up and set him loose into the world, fuelling the aggression and newfound power that comes with knowing martial arts...and his status as an actual child, yes. Kenny can attack people and be antagonistic, but people won't really strike back or will at least majorly hesitate to, because, he's, well, yes, a kid. Terry takes advantage of this as only a shameless tactician would. Terry takes advantage of the fact Robby just automatically jumps to Kenny's his defense too to cause even more chaos through this relationship. Having a wind-up imp who can do anything from enthusiastically sharing Cobra Kai fliers around, being an energized star student with a lot of potential, being a valuable poster child to pushing people around is a spectacularly useful figurine on Terry's colossal chessboard.
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unfortunatelycomics · 22 days
i'm going to become an egg sandwhich evangalist
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fakeboitherottengirl · 4 months
The Evangalist
(A poem by my dear friend Luke)
A madman waits for a rainbow painting stones blue to mock the sea Elk graze by low rivers Where lovers embrace Dying of snake venom Coagulating this crayon wax heart Bright in day where pressurized green gas squirts the sky Seated in carpets of leaves The hated Their shocking surrender of heaven Its volcanic dismissal presented a whistle Brought to bear on the air of the end Shadows fill and curl through homes chained to animal smells and purple dysphorias Filling the heart like a tomb and peeling the staining of the mind with necrotic halos Making light of the oily rainbows hidden on the faces old pennies as hope nobley serves as dim demierge in this sad, castle world ephemera The fruits of the wood fill with honey Flowers grow hard in the cold dusk Whence candleflames dip and bow in tethered ballets within lanterns Where the serpent sleuths by music-box-radar Muscular fangs slaked in clean filament and the grease of man's machine Whence the hearts of men reflect inwards Boiling joyously like surf Bruised canyons of gnarled viscera Eroded in rivules by grief dripping over And then night like a wall banishes light and makes it salacious The candles know The flowers grow hard in the cold dusk and die The land sheds her fur Her countless billion year minerals gleam on grassless bluffs Cellophane emeralds pock the beach of frost The water thin and frigid Its convulsive skin that of the waterlogged dead This one light; unnaturally hued Unnaturally true The Evangalist tilting cageless behind the sea
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cicadagorheeee · 4 months
On the first Tuesday of every month, Jon buys a cupcake. It's a special treat to break the monotony of his regular kruller and chocolate milk. It's very important to treat yourself, he believes. Especially when one works as hard as he does. It's not just anyone who can manage the demanding requirements of being the assistant chief purpose evangalist to the administrative assistant for the eighteenth partner of Jordman & Jones Superior Fishing Line Lubricant and Hand Sanitizer (tm).
Why, if he weren't there to keep the clear vision of preventing the grand and numerous fisherpeople of the American Heartland from developing line rash and subsequent infections, one of the last bastions of true Americana might grind to a halt with lost fingers or, at the very least, have to take a weekend off with a painful rash. And that would never do. That is what the enemies of his great and wonderful nation would want.
He would never, never let that happen. This is why he only treated himself to a cup cake on the first Tuesday of every month. The cupcake bakery was a full 45 minutes out of the way. There were closer bakeries, of course, but they were staffed by enemies of America and did not treat him with the dignity and respect deserving of his calling.
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jaybe11 · 2 years
In Living Color S02E19 - Hour of Power: Tag Team Evangalists
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~~~What Just Came Through-~~~ After the prayer, I thought I was going to be able to relax. The moment I attempted to do that, this came through. So, I typed it to share it. Please keep in mind that this is not to bring fear upon you. Please, there is no need to fear anything. The goal is to help you release from the suffering of fear, which is a form of war. You are a warrior of courage, please honor that divine quality inside and abide, if anything, for the peace and freedom for generations to come. Why? Because the communist ego is moving in and none of us want this, even if you think you do. Those who think they want it, are not going to like it the moment their freedom is stripped away from them. No one is exempt from it, not even the communist following their own narrative. If anything, they are more imprisoned deep within the egos sinister prison, more than those who honor peace and freedom. Pray for them, yourselves and everyone else. Peace all you majestic souls of love and light.🕊🙏💞💞💞🕊 Note: Timing is everything during these turbulent times. Please heed! #ukraine #ukraine_blog #ukrainewar #afghanistan #canada #australia #churches #pastors #prophets #prophet #evangalist #truebelievers #christians #spiritualist #trueloversinchrist #godsmiracle #godsmiracles❤️ #pray #releasechrist #crownofthorn #crownofthorns #honorhim #crownofwhitelilies #kofi&p #faithandtrust #mercyandgrace #deliverance #redemption #cleansingpurification #peaceonearth🌍 (at Worldwide) https://www.instagram.com/p/Caf6aalPxBl/?utm_medium=tumblr
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rebeccanelsen · 3 years
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So extremely PROUD of my wonderful Eric! He just beautifully sang the Tenor solos and the Evangelist for Bach’s Christmas Oratorio four times in two days (due to Covid audience restriction) at the @desingelartscentre Concert-house in Antwerp with @collegium1704 ! It was incredible to have dear Ferdi there as well for the concerts! He was so proud of his dad that he clapped until his hands were red. Bravo, honey! ❤️🎶❤️ @ericstoklossa #tenor #bach #christmasoratorio #collegium1704 #weihnachtsoratorium #evangalist https://www.instagram.com/p/CXrZtGTM331/?utm_medium=tumblr
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This is such a great app : ) If you have an iPhone you more than likely already have it and don’t even know. God is good. ❤️✝️🕊 #oganizationtips #apple #app #applications #appleproducts #minisrty #christian #christianity #jesus #jesuschrist #jesus #pastor #teacher #evangalist #preacher #gospel #bible #god #useful #organization #faster #efficiency #computer #technology #tech #information #phone #shotoniphone #appleiphone #shortcuts #usefulapps https://www.instagram.com/p/CHPsuqKhCQC/?igshid=m4hgoffgp2ol
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blkwag · 4 years
if my mom don't....
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fukitty · 4 years
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things got spicy.
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greywindys · 4 years
Day ??? of me trying to create lore out of nothing (or: thought dump pt. 2)
Taken from this interview.
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This is enough for me to believe that 2D wrote verses to this song (w/ 6lack writing his part). Me believing that 2D wrote this song is also enough for me to now believe this song fits well in yearning, remorseful, at times bitter tones of “Aries,” “Desolé,” and to some extent “Pac-Man.” Me believing that leads me to believe this song is about Murdoc. Russel is like, basically spelling out what many of of us have been saying about these songs in relation to 2Doc for all of this phase lol.
It fits in quite literally where “lore” left off - with Murdoc hiding away in the closet (anon, I saw you’re input here, and I’m going to get to that later today!) and 2D spending his days without him, wondering where he is. The narrative of a 2D who is at times conflicted, but still wanting and missing a distant Murdoc who’s dealing with his own troubles can be very much reinforced by these lyrics. Yes, it’s all fanon, but yes...we also have little things like this that can support that fanon.
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“Some spurned cloud of spite, messing with our melons and spewing out more bad vibes that Talk Radio.” LOL. This honestly sounds like Murdoc is just talking about himself. I don’t expect the writing to get so deep as to build up to the Pink Phantom representing the troubled (or a troubled) part of Murdoc in the same way the Evangalist and the Boogieman were meant to represent two sides of him. This is just as likely to fade into the background as the portals. However, it’s wild how the connection can still be made with the machine bites:
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Murdoc referring to 2D as an “undisputed great” :’). I mean, ik he calls him gormless in the next sentence, but that’s still like, an enormous compliment to be giving him. I’d like to think they’re on better terms now.
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I also like knowing that 2D is still going through and stealing borrowing Murdoc’s things without asking lol.
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conderkyl · 4 years
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Finally had some time during class today to doodle the last two of my class swaps! 
Fabian the cleric I for some reason got like real evangalist vibes and so ran with it
Riz the wizard or Rizard totally would embrace the classic wizard aesthetic and you cannot convince me otherwise
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