#eve and william
ysaona · 5 months
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viveela · 5 months
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What invincible are yall watching
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evera-era · 8 months
Hey love, hope you’re doing wonderful 💞
Can I request Ellie proposing to reader, thx.
hi! thanks sweetie, hope you are too!! ofc u can :)
warnings: fluff, nervous ellie !!
Ellie was fiddling with the small, velvet box when she hears the front door squeal. A few seconds pass before it shuts, then locks.
“Baby?” Your voice chimes out. “I’m home.”
The brunette quickly tucks the box away in the drawer. Her eyes dart around the room as she contemplates what to do next. She exhales swiftly before exiting the bedroom you shared.
“Hey babe,” She says. She turns the corner to see you with your hands full. You’re struggling to put the groceries on the counter.
“They didn’t have the ice cream you wanted, so I got rocky road. I hope that’s okay,” You comment as she quickly comes to your aid. She places the jug of milk near the fridge.
When she doesn’t reply, you look up at her. She’s nearly biting all of the skin off of her lip.
“Y-Yeah, rocky road is fine.”
You furrow your brows, setting the rest of the bags down. Once your hands are free, you reach for her face.
“Hey, everything alright?”
“Yeah,” She forces a relaxed smile, leaning against your touch. “Yeah, baby. Just wanna talk to you about something… okay?”
Your eyes widen. She notices, then reassures you.
“N-Nothing bad, just kind of important. I’m gonna run to the bathroom real quick.”
“Oh... okay.” You murmur. You watch as Ellie crosses the living room before retreating down the hallway.
A few minutes pass as you organize the kitchen. When you turn around after putting everything away, you find her standing in front of you, looking down at her feet.
Her head is filled with worrisome thoughts. What if she scares you off? What if you say yes, then later on change your mind? How would she even begin to cope with something like that?
“Babe?” You ask. Ellie blinks a few times.
“So, um…” She starts. “I’ve been thinking about it, and… I’m really, really happy with you. Being with you, y’know? I feel like I’m at home with you. Like, I don’t have to be someone I’m not. And I—“
She reaches into her pocket. Her heart skips a beat as her fingers brush against the box.
“F-Fuck. I’m just gonna say it, okay? I want you to be mine. Not just mine for now. Mine… always. Assuming, y’know, you feel this way too. And— And we can finally get a house together, a real fuckin’ house, and—“
She pauses for a second to get down on her knees. You gasp.
“Oh my god—“
She smiles softly, revealing the quaint little box.
“Ellie—“ You absentmindedly step back in an effort to steady yourself.
“Are— are you— Is this… real?”
“Yeah,” She whispers softly. “I wanna marry you, Y/N. I wanna wake up to you, every fucking day for the rest of my life. I— I never wanna be without you. I wanna navigate the whole damned world with you right by my side.”
You didn’t realize it, but a tear fell down your cheek. Your face feels like it could go numb from how hard you were blushing. Ellie looks down.
“Will you make me the happiest girl in the world, and—“
“Yes, Ellie,” You cry out. “Oh my god, a million times yes—“
You throw your arms around her, a surge of emotion rushing through your veins. She exhales into your hair, telling herself that she did it, that she didn’t die, and that you — the only thing that matters most — said yes.
She looks at the ceiling, trying to blink away the tears prickling at her eyes. She sniffles, then pulls away momentarily, fiddling with the ring.
“C’mere,” She laughs breathlessly. “So I can put this on you.”
You giggle, wiping your eyes before helping her stand up. You put out your trembling hand.
She slides the diamond ring on your finger before bringing your hand up to her lips and kissing it. Your eyes glisten as you get a better look at the jewelry.
“Oh, baby,” You murmur. “It’s beautiful.”
Ellie watches you, a grin spreading on her face as well. You kiss her passionately, caressing her cheeks so you can keep her close.
She presses her forehead against yours after you pull away. Her eyelashes flutter shut.
“I… I was scared. So fucking scared, baby.” She admits. “That… that you wouldn’t—“
“Oh, no, Ellie. Never.” You breathe out. “You had nothing to be afraid of. I love you so much.”
The two of you remain in the embrace as you catch your breath. You take a deep sigh, then smile up at Ellie.
“Was dreaming of this day, y’know.”
She chuckles. “Yeah?”
“Yeah.” You murmur. “Just didn’t know when. Definitely didn’t think it’d be today — I would’ve made sure to look the part.”
Ellie smiles at your words. Between the two of you, you were always more conscious of your appearance than her.
“I know.” She whispers. “Was gonna wait ‘til our next date night, but I… I couldn’t keep hiding it.”
You smile, nuzzling your nose on hers. “Well, it’s okay. ‘Cause now I have a reason to look real good… show off the ring, and all.”
“You always look real good,” Ellie says gently. You laugh a bit.
“Shh. You know what I meant.”
She nods, wrapping her hands around your waist before giving you another kiss. When she pulls away, she looks deep into your eyes.
“I love you so much, baby.” She murmurs. You look back at her, smiling from ear to ear.
“I love you too, Ellie. Always.”
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"Jenkins, please. I don't want you to get hurt."
The Librarians S03E10 And the Wrath of Chaos.
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enchantedbook · 1 year
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"Eve" by William Timlin (1892 - 1943)
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nobodyytodaylol · 5 months
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chiropteracupola · 6 months
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A very fine captain, and a finer friend.
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ev-arrested · 5 months
Pet Names
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ellieismybbg · 1 year
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such a leg opener tbh 💝🧁
i wish lesbians were real
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thecrownnetflixuk · 6 months
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Young William & Kate’s Christmas meet-cute🎄💑
The Crown 6x07: Alma Mater
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ysaona · 5 months
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sam could totally be blossom!!
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evera-era · 8 months
Hiii would you ever consider writing something Ellie x reader where like reader has a dream where Ellie liked someone else or something (you know how a lot of couples go through this😭) and gets mad at her and Ellie is like “it was just a dream babe” and it’s all fluffy and cute (you don’t have to of course but if you do thank you in advanced <33)
yes ofc, also my first ask AAA tysm <3 here u go !!
warnings: fluff, mentions of (fake) cheating, slight angst
You woke up, eyes watery, breathing fast and shallow. When you turn your head, you’re relieved to find Ellie fast asleep. She’s snoring, like she always does, her head resting against the palm of her hand.
You didn’t want to wake her, but you wouldn’t be able to go back to bed without some consolation. You just hoped she didn’t mind.
“Ellie?” You say in a hushed tone. When she doesn’t budge, you try again. “Baby?”
Her snoring stops, but she doesn’t answer. You gently poke her shoulder.
“Ellie, wake up.”
Her eyes flutter open, instantly focusing on you. She blinks a few times. “Hm? What’s wrong?”
“Had a bad dream.” You murmur. “Can you cuddle me?”
“Yeah,” She says, slowly leaning up against the headrest before scooching over to you. “Yeah, baby, of course.”
She wraps her strong arms around you, pulling you into a warm embrace. She smelled like sleep. She presses a small kiss against your forehead as you sniffle into her neck.
“Babe?” She asks. “You okay? Are… are you crying?”
“No, no.” You mumble. “Not yet.”
“Not yet?” She tilts your face up to look at her. “What happened? What kind of dream was it?”
“It’s… nothing.” You reply, looking away. “It was really dumb.”
“Clearly it’s not just nothing, if it’s making my girl cry.” She rubs your shoulder. “C’mon, tell me all about this dumb dream.”
You wiped at your nose before nodding. “Okay. But you gotta promise not to laugh, Els.”
“Baby—“ She furrows her brows. “Of course I won’t. Why would I?”
You rolled your eyes, wiping the rest of your face before proceeding. “It was so stupid, like… I had this dream that you left me for another girl. And then you were explaining it like you didn’t care, like you didn’t care about me, and I— I just—“
You tried to hold it in, but you find yourself getting choked up. She quickly caresses your face in an attempt to soothe you.
“Baby, baby, baby.” She coos. “Shh, it was just a dream. C’mon, I would never do that. Not to you.”
Tears began to fall down your face, onto her arm. “You were so mean, Ellie—“
“I know, I know.” She whispers. “I’m sorry, baby. Total dick move, on dream me’s part.”
You smile at the small joke, placing your hand on her chest. You can feel her gentle heartbeat under her shirt.
“You feel that?” She murmurs. “That’s real. And it’s for you.”
You look up at her through wet lashes. She leans in, giving you a gentle kiss, before pulling away. She nudges her nose against yours.
“I’m right here, angel. I’m not going anywhere — I promise.”
She gives a small peck on the tip of your nose.
“Not without a fight. Not ever.”
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illustratus · 10 months
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Eve Tempted by the Serpent by William Blake
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diioonysus · 10 months
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vintage illustrations + my tattoo list
#is from a bride book but the art is by john r neill#arthur rackham udine#also john r neill#from the 1914 book of shakespeare midsummer night's dream by i think william heath#it's by robert anning bell#the curiosities of kissing by alfred fowler but not sure if he's the artist#is in greek theatre costumes by iris brookes#in the book the golden fleece and the heroes who lived before achilles and the artist is willy pogany#in the book fairy tales by hans christian andersen and the artist is charles robinson#in line and form by walter crane#in the book kitchen maid and the artist is j. b. partridge#in the book the tale of lohengrin knight of the swan and the artist is willy pogany#in the book by john keats but idk the artist#in the book illustrators of montmartre by emanuel frank#in the book early poems of william morris#in the book the eve of st anges and artist is edmund h garrett#in the book home theatricals made easy or busy happy and merry#in the book the illustrated london instructor#in the book songs for little people and artist is h stratton#from alfred tennyson's poems and artist is eleanor forescue brickdale#artist is gerhard munthe#in arthur rackham's wagner ring cycle: the valkyrie#tiburtijnse sibille by jan luyken#by peter behrens#by shigeru hatsuyama#in the book devises heroiques by claude paradin#in the book price list of magical apparatus and illusions from 1884#in arthur rackham's ring cycle: valkyrie (this is my newest tattoo i got!!)#in scapel: the 1911 year book of the woman's medical college of pennsylvania#in the child world by artist c robinson
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annie-handholder · 24 days
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couples who judge together, stay together
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