#evelyne ker
weirdlookindog · 1 year
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The Room of Chains (Les amours particulières, 1970)
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Audrey Hepburn, who created the role of Gigi in the New York stage production based on the famed Collette novel, meets French actress Evelyne Ker, who is currently portraying Gigi in a Paris production, during the Sabrina press conference at the Ritz Paris. With them is another member of the Paris show, Raymond Rouleau. Photography by Jean Aubry February 24, 1955
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fourorfivemovements · 8 months
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Films Watched in 2023: 6. A Nos Amours/To Our Loves (1983) - Dir. Maurice Pialat
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timaeusterrored · 1 year
A Halloween Costume Party that Ker and Johnny decided to throw🎃🍬
Tell me what the gang is doing during the party, and what they're dressed up as
->{please throw in your OC babies}<-
Good morning lovely!!💖💗
“Come ooooooon baby, it’s our first Halloween. Please?” Kerry was using his pretty brown eyes again to get Vincent to cave, wrapping Vincent’s arms around his waist before putting his arms around Vincent’s neck.
“I planned the damn thing, you’re going. It wouldn’t kill you to leave the apartment for something other than school and work.” Johnny sandwiched Vincent between them, pressing Kerry against the counter.
“What are you two going as?” Vincent asked, defeated.
“Pirates! It’s the bar theme, so the band and bartenders are going as well.” Kerry explained, moving some hair from Vincent’s face with a small smile. “It’ll be fun. If you don’t have an idea, you’re technically apart of the bar crew so you could also go as a pirate.” Kerry hummed, kissing him to sweeten the deal.
But Vincent already had a better plan.
The day of the party came quicker than Vincent was anticipating, but he was ready. He and Judy were finishing up in their cramped bathroom when Mike rolled in, fixing himself as he tossed his bag on the couch.
“Hello- I should have fucking guessed!” Vincent grinned at friend’s reaction, then laughed when he realized who Mike had based his costume off of.
“Where’s your husband, Mr. Swan?” Vincent teased, remembering that this was technically River and Mike’s first halloween as a couple as well, as if they hadn’t been doing couple costumes since they were in senior year of high school.
“Well hello hell hello, Mr. Turner!” Judy teased, searching in her makeup bag when River walked in, who bowed teasingly to them before coming up behind Mike to see Vincent and Judy.
“J and Ker are gonna flip, I hope you know that.” River grinned, leaning against the wall. He and Mike had dressed up as Will and Elizabeth from Pirates of the Caribbean, marking four years of doing couples costumes and only one year of doing it as an actual couple.
“Yeah yeah, just don’t drag Johnny away. Halloween is one of our busiest nights.” Mike huffed, fixing his cuffs. He waved when Evelyn walked in, dressed in a tight mermaid type dress and makeup.
“I’m here! We have got to watch for little kids on the road!” The group looked over in horror at that, Evelyn just fixing her dress and pushing past the boys to check her makeup over Judy and Vincent.
“Well look at you! I didn’t think you’d actually do it!” She said excitedly when she saw Vincent, fixing his shirt and hair a bit out of habit. “I’m proud of you. You look great. Your boys have been bugging the hell out of everyone trying to figure out your costume.”
“They refused to believe I didn’t know it! I just knew Jude and Evie knew, and they still bugged me about it!”
“Alright kiddos we gotta go! Hurry up!” River called, grabbing the keys to his truck.
The bar was already packed when they got there, Mike, Vincent, and Judy sat in the bed of the truck, while Evelyn and River sat in the cab. They pulled around back, curtesy of Mike working there and Vincent dating one of the owners. And walked through the locker room so Mike could put his bag and anything else the group wanted to protect away with his stuff.
“Mike you-“ Johnny had come in a fury, clearly a bit overwhelmed when he saw Vincent standing there. The group just grinned and teased, as if pretending to show Vincent off to Johnny before walking away, Johnny muttering to someone to get Kerry back there.
“See why I wanted to keep it a secret?” Vincent grinned, stealing Johnny’s hat and putting it in his head. Johnny was looking at him like he was the full meal.
“Y’know, slutty siren wasn’t on my list of things you’d go as, but I’m not gonna complain.” Vincent laughed, nudging his hips against Johnny’s.
Vincent had done a play on the pirates and sirens legends, just about ten times slutty and better since his pirates would be unable to stop looking at him. He had even put some glitter on his tattoo to match the makeup scales on his face and chest, his shirt open and a baby blue and basically see through, and tight jeans he had drawn on to try and make look like a tail.
“There’s a surprise somewhere, you just gotta look.” Johnny’s hands slipped around his shirt, before finding it over Vincent’s collarbone. It was Johnny and Kerry’s names written in what had to be eyeliner.
“What’s so- Holy shit.” Kerry walked in, then stopped dead in his tracks. Johnny moved so Kerry could fully see, making Kerry shut the door behind him. Vincent laughed, the two drawn to him like pirates to a siren song.
Kerry immediately kneeled down in front of him, taking his whole costume in.
“I need prep for this, baby! I wasn’t expecting you to steal the whole show!” Kerry whined, gripping his hips and pressing kisses to his bare stomach.
“It was almost a lot worse, but Judy stopped Evie.” Both groaned at the realization that the costume could have been a lot more revealing and wasn’t.
“Sorry, maybe next years.” Vincent teased.
Johnny checked his watch, eyeing the door. Then down at Kerry, who seemed to be thinking the same thing.
“We got ten minutes before Rogue comes busting the door down, let’s try to make it five-“
“Oh absolutely not! I worked hard on this! Earn it before you even think about ruining my makeup.” Vincent pushed out from between them, strutting away as the rockers groaned again, Kerry catching up since he technically didn’t have to work and Johnny being forced to deal with his hormones in his own time. Rogue whistled when she saw Vincent, grinning at him as he pulled Kerry towards their friends to dance.
Johnny couldn’t take his eyes off of them, Vincent seemed to have gotten a bit more confident since the three had gotten together, less shy in his moves. Kerry definitely helped, but he was always good at making people feel more confident and safe around him.
Towards the end of the night, Johnny felt a kick. “Let’s go dance!” Rogue called before grabbing his hand, Mike and Blake had already disappeared into the crowd to dance with their friends and partners. Rogue dragged him towards their friends, Rogue getting caught with Nancy and as always, Johnny behind Vincent, pressing him against Kerry even more than he already was. Vincent smiled up at him, the two meeting for a kiss. He tasted like Malibu and Johnny should have known that sweet shit would be his favorite.
The next morning was rough, for all three of them. Thank god for Vincent’s blackout curtains because Kerry’s head was fucking pounding. Speaking of, how was that man- It was noon. That’s how he was already awake. He rubbed his eyes, smelling coffee and feeling Johnny shift next to him. He did not want to get up but was desperate for coffee and whatever greasy food some Saint brought for brunch.
He climbed out of bed and searched for some clean clothes in Vincent’s drawers, before stepping out. The apartment was dark, which was to be expected with a bunch of hungover college kids. He found the one he wanted on the couch, nursing a cup of coffee. He leaned down and kissed his temple before searching for coffee. The Saint that brought the food and coffee was Rogue.
Other than the soft tv, everyone was quiet. Mike was sleeping in the oversized armchair, River sat in front of him barely awake. Judy and Evelyn were probably in Judy’s room, and Nancy and Rogue were eating, or trying too anyway.
Kerry sunk down next to Vincent, taking a small sip off coffee before cuddling up next to him. Johnny probably wouldn’t be awake for another hour or two, but he couldn’t deny it was fun seeing Vincent come out of his shell a bit more, and his costume technically being a part of his and Johnny’s. He couldn’t have asked for a better halloween.
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 1 year
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"2,000 CHOMEURS S'ATTROUPENT DEVANT L'HOTEL DE VILLE DE VERDUN, A UNE HEURE TARDIVE," La Patrie. October 5, 1933. Page 4. ---- Le maire Hervé Ferland les harangue, et ils retournent à leurs domiciles respectifs, durant la nuit. - Conférence de la table ronde. ---- Un attroupement ouvrier des plus insolite s'est produit hier soir, vers onze heures, en face de l'hôtel de ville de Verdun, où se terminait la séance de conseil. Quelque deux mille personnes, membres de la Verdun Labor Union, et de la Verdun Workingmen's Association so tinrent à l'intersection des avenues Evelyn et de l'Eglise, et demandèrent au maire, M. Hervé Ferland, je se présenter pour qu'il entendit leurs demandes. On n'ignore pas que les travaux de secours vont cesser mercredi prochain à dun, et que la municipalité est incapable de continuer plus avant dans des entreprises du genre, dit-il, sans aide extérieure.
Le maire Ferland se présenta avec quelques échevine, et l'interview dura jusqu'à une heure a de la nuit. Il fut décidé que mardi matin prochain, à 10 h. 30. aura lieu une sorte de conférence que l'on nomme d'avance, de la $ "table ronde", assemblée à la quelle assisteront des représentants de la Verdun Workmen's Association, de la Verdun Labor Union, du conseil de ville, de la Ligue des propriétaires de Ver- dun. On invite aussi MM. Georges P. Laurin, député, John-A. Sullivan, député, et les honorables MM. L.-A. Taschereau, premier ministre, et W.-A. Gordon, ministre du travail, à Ottawa.
M. Ferland en répondant déclara qu'il avait fait tout en son possible pour aider les sans-travail, qui se totalisent actuellement à 20.000, soit un tiers de la population.
Quelqu’un suggéra de prendre les camions de la ville, d'y faire monter des sans-travail, et d'aller manifester en face du parlement fédéral, à Ottawa. M. Ferland répondit que l'on ne pouvait pas ainsi disposer de l'argent de la municipalité.
M. Ferland a confié, à l'issue de la réunion, qu'il espérait que les représentants des gouvernements de la province et du dominion enverraient des inspecteurs Ver-constater, de visu, la situation actuelle à Verdun. "Ils se décideraient peut-être à agir, alors".
AU CONSEIL Le conseil de ville de Verdun, hier soir, adopté une résolution augmentant l'évaluation des propriétés de la Montreal Light Heat and Power Consolidated, de $378.000 a $2,500,000.
Le conseil voulait également hausser l'évaluation des immeubles de la Bell Telephone Company, de $100.000 a $600.000. Un représentant de la société offrit de fixer lo montant a $140.000. Le conseil ajourna sa décision, pour étudier cette dernière offre. Il y eut un léger débat entre les avocats T.-R. Ker. de la M. L. H. & P. et Francis Fauteux, de la municipalité, touchant le bienfondé de la somme de $2.500.000 d'évaluation. Le vote du conseil fut unanime.
Le représentant de la Bell Telephone jugea ridicule l'évaluation de $600.00 des propriétés de la firme quill représente.
La question de la première évaluation, a $53,900 de la Cedar Rapide Power and Development Company resta aussi sur le tapis.
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letterboxd-loggd · 4 years
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À Nos Amours (To Our Loves) (1983) Maurice Pialat
May 15th 2020
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byneddiedingo · 2 years
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À Nos Amours (Maurice Pialat, 1983)
Cast: Sandrine Bonnaire, Maurice Pialat, Christophe Odent, Dominique Bresnehard, Cyril Collard, Cyr Boitard, Jacques Fischi, Valérie Schlumberger, Evelyne Ker, Pierre Novion, Tsilka Theodoru. Screenplay: Arlette Langmann, Maurice Pialat. Cinematography: Jacques Loiseleux. Production design: Jean-Paul Camail, Arlette Langmann. Film editing: Valérie Condroyer, Sophie Coussin, Yann Dedet. 
Maurice Pialat is one of those directors who don't make it easy for viewers. He likes jump cuts from time to place that keep you slightly off-balance, and he seems to be obsessed with dysfunction. Not that À Nos Amours is hard to follow or hard to watch. It's graced with a skillful performance by Sandrine Bonnaire, making her screen debut in the key role of Suzanne, the teenage daughter in a family so volatile that it sometimes erupts into blows. Pialat himself plays the father, who finally gets so fed up with his wife (Evelyne Ker) and his dilettantish son (Dominique Bresnehard) that he abandons them -- not before knocking them around a few times. In response to this family craziness, Suzanne turns promiscuous, ignoring the attentions of Luc (Cyr Boitard), who loves her, and sleeping around until she finally decides to marry Jean-Pierre (Cyril Collard), though at the end of the film she has left him and is off to America. There's a raw immediacy to the film, created in part by Pialat's indifference to conventional exposition and transitions, so that we often feel as if we've been thrust into rooms to which we haven't been invited.
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trashcatsnark · 3 years
Interesting things I'm learning by poking around unused appearance stuff
So, this mod: https://www.nexusmods.com/cyberpunk2077/mods/2208?tab=files
Lists some unused appearance files for cyberpunk 2077 and I've been poking around in them and wanted to share some neat findings.
This is gonna include multiple references to canon game events; SO THERE MAY BE SOME SPOILERS
There was something with an onsen, multiple characters have files with the word onsen in them. Including; Johnny, Tom, Roxanne, and Evelyn for example. It's not conclusive science, but I'm theorizing rn that the scene where V plans out the attempt to take back clouds with Judy and the dolls and Maiko, like some early idea was for them to go to an onsen/hot spring? Just theorizing. Since it's odd to me that Tom and Roxanne the dolls from clouds would have it as well.
Evelyn at some point had to have been a bigger character than she is in game. She has an early idea for a casual outfit, a combat outfit, an onsen outfit. Which leads me to believe that she was at some point early on meant to be more involved in the game.
Rogue in some of this designs, had Judy's tattoos. And Judy had less/different tattoos.
Speaking of Rogue, some of these files imply that at some point she was suppose to at some point be fuckable in game? I don't know if by V or Johnny. As the appearance seems to suggest it would be her older design, gray hair, so I'm assuming it wasn't meant to be a flashback. But its a file called; 081 sq031_rogue_lingerie. And another slightly differently named, thats the same thing but with or without her having a bra on. She's in her undies. Maybe originally, Johnny in V's body could have sex with Rogue and they scrapped it because they realized the consent on that would be...less than stellar???
Basically every character has an appearance file that to me suggests like they originally were meant to look much different or cdpr was using generic character models to fill in the blanks until they figure out what they really wanted, which is a given. So, I'm not making notes on all of them. But, I do want to point out that some files seem to suggest that Panam was meant to have a much darker skin color and be more unambiguously black at some point. And the only reason I'm pointing that out is because I've seen people try to argue that in game Panam is just "tan" when to me its clear she's a woman of color. But I'm whiter than sour cream, so its not necessarily my argument to have. She did in these appearance files despite having darker skin had white blonde hair in a ponytail (like claire's) but I think that white blonde color is just their placeholder color. Cause its seen on a lot of these half finished appearances.
I think maybe? Maybe? At some point your lifepath was suppose to effect a little bit more. Because there's an appearance file specifically called; 023 v_street_kid_suit. And its default female V in a corpo dress and boots. Which makes me think, and this is pure theorizing, that maybe at some point your life path was gonna impact how you dressed for the konpeki heist? But that might be my nerdy self having wished life path had a bigger impact in general.
Jackie at some point had companions? Or some sort of big group of people, maybe people meant to attend his offrenda? There's a lot of files with something along the line of jackies_companion in them.
At one point Kerry had a bright pink polka dot bathrobe.
Some appearances for Mitch, have Johnny's tattoos and arm for some reason?
At some point Kerry's idea for his incognito outfit was a sleeveless leather hoodie with no shirt underneath. Subtle, Ker.
Otherwise, other than just the general, oh wow at some point they weren't gonna look anything like how they ended up. Those are what stood out to me. Kerry's original "old" 2077 look was pretty different, appearances named for Oda and Takemura look nothing like them. Originally 2013-2023 Rogue just had the same hairstyle as default female V or Judy, instead of her glorious mullet. Alt went through a hairstyle and facial features change. Judy at some point just had plain black hair (and a completely different face) and literally those early 2013-2023 rogue and early judy apparance in these files looked like twins. Maybe it was just a generic filler look until they got the details they wanted. Evelyn at some point was gonna be blonde maybe? With a pixie cut in some appearances.
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mea-gloria-fides · 4 years
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The Most Noble Mary Innes-Ker, Duchess of Roxburghe, née Lady Mary Evelyn Hungerford Crewe-Milnes, daughter of The Most Honourable Robert Crewe-Milnes, 1st Marquess of Crewe, first wife of George Innes-Ker, 9th Duke of Roxburghe
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Review: The Devil and the Dark Water by Stuart Turton
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Although I am yet to read Stuart Turton’s very successful debut novel The Seven Deaths of Evelyn Hardcastle, I have had a copy of it for a while. I think I just wanted a chunk of time set aside to devote to it and haven’t quite found that urge as of yet. It has been staring at me recently and I will no doubt be giving into it very soon because I’ve just finished his latest mystery and boy, was I shook!
It’s 1634 aboard the Saardam, a ship that has just left the East Indies (modern day Indonesia) bound for Amsterdam. Its crew includes a fantastic detective Sammy Pipps, who is being held prisoner and awaiting execution for a crime he didn’t commit, and his loyal bodyguard Arent Hayes. Not long into the journey, a lame leper inexplicably manages to climb on top of a stack of crates on the deck and burst into flames. Strange symbols begin appearing all over the ship and dark things occur including sightings of this thought-to-be-dead leper. Is there really a demon in their ranks? With the only man likely to solve the mystery in manacles, Arent takes it upon himself to get to the bottom of these bizarre, impossible happenings.
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They’re joined by a malevolent governor general Jan Haan, his frustrated wife Sara, their brilliantly clever daughter Lia, Jan’s mistress Creesjie, a Dutch minister Sander Kers, his apprentice Isabel and a band of other officials and sailors. As you might expect in 1634, there is a fair amount of misogyny amongst the male characters but the excellency of the women blast all truth of their remarks right out of the water. In truth, the women of the book do a lot of the actual mystery solving and Turton has written some truly amazing women in this novel, so you’re in for a real treat!
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Sara is a woman of noble birth and she has married well but she still bears the brunt of mistreatment and underestimation from men. She was one of my favourite characters and I was so invested in things working out for her in the end. She is incredibly wise and sharp, both qualities that have been passed on to Lia and I had no doubt that her teaming up with Arent would help get the mystery solved. This little line where she complains about the lack of pockets in her dresses made me smile -close to 400 years later, women are still asking for more pockets in their dresses! 
‘Dark water is our soul, and Old Tom is swimming within it.’
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The atmosphere on the ship is one of inevitable doom and anticipation of death. I could almost feel a very heavy black cloak over the whole thing and every room and passage way reeked of curses. Turton is great at evoking this gloomy setting and creating an overwhelming feeling of dread. It’s perfect for this claustrophobic Christie-esque air that haunts the entirety of the book.
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Arent and Sammy have a very strong Sherlock and Watson dynamic and I loved it. They have such a wonderful bond and unwavering trust in each other and I would love to read more of their cases. At several points, I did fear for Sammy’s life and I had only Arent’s huge presence to assure me that he’d be ok. Although it seemed like a perfect friendship for most of the narrative, the end revealed that even the closest friends sometimes have secrets between them -much like Sherlock and Watson!
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In spite of all its death and skullduggery, the book also has a few rays of light. The mystery was still being fully unravelled in the final pages and I did fear that it would leave some things unanswered or not quite satisfactory. However, it was rounded off on a hopeful note and I was grateful to finally emerge from the tunnel of a very immersive reading experience into the light.
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The Devil and the Dark Water is an addictive, wise, twisty mystery that is perfect for curling up with during the upcoming long cold nights. The characters are fantastically developed, the twists just keep on coming and the little jewels of wisdom from centuries ago speak directly to a contemporary audience. Agatha Christie fans will devour this chunk of a book.
���Strong is strong and weak is weak, and it doesn’t matter if you wear breeches or skirts if you’re the latter. Life will hammer you flat.’
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weirdlookindog · 1 year
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Les amours particulières (1970)
AKA The Room of Chains; Faintness
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urbanhermit · 3 years
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'The Catholic Revival in English Literature, 1845-1961: Newman, Hopkins, Belloc, Chesterton, Greene, Waugh' by Fr. Ian Ker, the Dean of Newman Studies. Ker teaches theology at Oxford University, where he is a senior research fellow at Blackfriars, Oxford & a member of the Faculty of Theology. Newman in the 'Idea of the University' argues that English literature - & he means modern or post-medieval literature - is essentially Protestant literature & there is no possibility for a Catholic literature in the context of English Culture. Strikingly T.S. Eliot anticipates 'What is a [literary] classic?' Ker, in a very Newmanian sense, hopes to demonstrate the extent to which Catholicism informed & shaped a considerable & impressive corpus of literature in the 19th & 20th centuries. Of the 2 dates in the subtitle, 1845, the years of Newman's conversion. The 2nd, 1961, is significant for 3 reasons: beginning of the decade which saw the wholescale secularization of England & by the end of which one could no longer speak of the country as a Protestant country; it is also the year before the 2nd Vatican Council began & brought to an end the Counter-Reformation & Tridentine Catholicism; & finally, the year in which Evelyn Waugh published the last novel of his masterpiece the trilogy 'The Sword of Honor'. Not only did Newman recieve Hopkins into the Catholic Church, but Hopkins's first job was at the Oratory School in Birmingham, which Newman founded, & his last job was at the University which Newman had also founded in Dublin. Belloc was educated at the Oratory School in Birmingham. He was neither a convert (as are the 5 others) nor wholly English, being French on his father's side. Belloc was a close friend & acknowledged influence on Chesterton. They were referred to as 'Chesterbelloc' because of their affinity. Greene & Waugh were contemporaries at Oxford who later became friends. https://www.instagram.com/p/CZLaCQ2rXDa/?utm_medium=tumblr
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ddamesmode · 6 years
Bruidsjurk aanpassingen - Dingen die een bruid moet onthouden
Evelyn gaat in de aankomende maand april trouwen. Alles is voltooid, behalve de trouwjurk. Afgelopen zondag ging de dame winkelen en kocht een prachtig uitziende witte jurk in artiest. De mantel heeft kristalborduurwerk waardoor het verblindt in het donkere licht. De pasvorm met betrekking tot de jurk is goed voor Evelyn, maar een kleine wijziging in de jurk zal de jurk een ideaal maken. De aanstaande nieuwe bruid houdt zich nu allemaal bezig met typisch de Midas-aanraking van een professioneel geschoolde kleermaker, zodat de betreffende jurk niet wordt geruïneerd. Moet de nadruk leggen op montage Een zeer geschikte jurk is alles. Dat is de reden waarom wanneer dat tot bruidsjurken komt, veranderingen zo essentieel worden. Er zijn honderden Evelyns die zich zorgen maken over hun kleding om uiteindelijk perfect te worden. Uitsparend op typisch de jurk is gebruikelijk tijdens de bruiloft en minder dan een tiende van de prijs van de outfit uitgeven aan verandering zal zeker niet moeilijk worden. Een gewijzigde, goed uitziende jurk ziet er altijd leuk uit. Producten moeten in gedachten blijven bij het aanpassen van een jurk Elke keer als het gaat om bruidsjurken, staan ​​hier een aantal essentiële details vermeld die alle bruidjes nodig hebben om bezorgd te blijven.
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Koop op tijd Het huwelijksfeestseizoen ziet een grote vraag naar de gewaden en de kleermakers die zich bezighouden met veranderingen. Doorgaans zal het werk van het elfde uur constant bezig zijn. Daarom, om typisch te voorkomen dat het laatste moment glitches net als de onbeschikbaarheid van de korte trouwjurken bij de toonaangevende retailers en de kleermakers om te kunnen wijzigen, vereist de bruid om alle aangesloten tijdrovende aankoop in het begin te maken. Typisch hebben de kleermakers ook tijd en energie nodig om te veranderen. Wijs budget toe met betrekking tot wijzigingen De droom die in verband staat met de bruid vanuit het uiterlijk kan enorm zijn. Om er zeker van te zijn dat alle dromen worden vervuld, voegt de bruid soms modellen toe of past ze de stijl van het gewaad aan om er perfect uit te zien. De bruid moet het budget in het proces verdelen en moet niet te veel uitgeven aan de wijziging. Het is daarom noodzakelijk om de essentiële dingen te beslissen en van invloed te zijn op de niet-essentiële zaken om de prijzen of de uitgaven te kunnen verkorten. De kleurencombinatie De bruid vereist om zaken te doen met typisch de kleurkeuzes. De witgekleurde jurken zijn altijd de gewenste kleur voor de trouwjurken. Maar het kiezen van de juiste schaduw van gewit voegt een kers op de top van meestal de taart. Met name, als een persoon een vintage bruidsjurken draagt ​​die in verschillende delen is verouderd en gescheurd, moet je ervoor zorgen dat je de meeste betrouwbare service voor onzichtbare reparaties in Sydney kiest. U moet bevestigen dat de kleur van de steken er niet slecht uit zal zien van de schaduw van de jurk. De bruid geeft er ook de voorkeur aan om componenten aan de jurk toe te voegen volgens de tint van de witgekleurde kleur die het best bij de jurk past. Conclusie Een goed gestikte outfit is duidelijk een plezier voor de drager. Het geeft niet alleen comfort op de laatste dag, maar zorgt ook voor een geweldige uitstraling. De bruidsjurk moet op de juiste manier worden aangepast door simpelweg de beste kleermaker.
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poscriptum · 8 years
Постельные сцены
Психологические и эротические взаимоотношения разных людей в постели. Фильм состоит из 7 сюжетов:
Черная дыра. В ролях: Франсуа Делев / François Delaive, Валери Дрюгэ / Valérie Druguet
Чистюля В ролях: Камилла Жапи / Camille Japy, Филипп Дажу / Philippe Dajoux
Мадам В ролях: Эвелин Кер / Evelyne Ker, Луи Ивен / Loïc Even
Задаваки В ролях: Лусия Санчес / Lucia Sanchez, Франсуа Женти / François Genty
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odboou-blog · 13 years
And Long Live Liberty Movie
And Long Live Liberty movie download
Evelyne Ker Philippe Brizard Gérard Rinaldi Gérard Filipelli Jean Sarrus Georges Géret Pierre Maguelon Claude Piéplu
Download And Long Live Liberty
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film The Pastry Tavern online Andiamo a Genova! Storie di lotte e di lavoro
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