#even if they’re his best friends he still should be able to kick them out at will. like that’s just straight up His House
petrichormore · 1 year
FIRST OFF - one little thing that I want to say:
(This is about the characters, obviously.)
I am totally on Bad’s side about locking his base down and not letting anyone in. If he wants to do that, there’s nothing wrong with it. I get why Forever and Baghera might be upset but holy shit it’s his house. And also: Trust is always gifted, never owed. The fact that he’s letting them inside his base at all is a privilege that very few people on the server have and I don’t think they realize that.
Yes, maybe they trust him with everything but that’s their decision and Bad isn’t somehow required to reciprocate equally as they see fit. I’d even argue he is reciprocating equally - but his idea of “I trust you as much as I possibly can” is just different from theirs.
I saw a lot of people telling Bad in chat that Baghera had a point but like - trust is not really a transaction like that, or at least it shouldn’t be - trust is something you earn. Forever and Baghera have earned more of Bad’s trust than any other people on the server but that doesn’t mean they’re entitled to anything he doesn’t feel comfortable sharing with them if it doesn’t concern them. Especially if it’s his LITERAL ACTUAL TOP-SECRET PRIVATE HOUSE WHERE HE LIVES.
That’s not to say I don’t understand where Forever and Baghera are coming from - obviously it probably does come across like he doesn’t trust them but. Even if they’re right (they’re not), if he doesn’t trust them then trying to guilt-trip him into giving them complete access is not gonna. make him trust them more so. Y’know. Skill issue.
- Lmao Bad is explaining his potential proxy representive democracy style government to Antoine and he really just said “if any candidate tries to assassinate anyone else I’ll just kill them” like he knows how stacked he is. People ask “What if someone assassinates Bad?” And my answer to that is: they can certainly try but they’ll probably fail miserably.
- Bad: “Everyone thinks they’re powerful until a mine is placed in the right location.” I am so glad he’s not evil because everyone else would be screwed if he was
- Bad: “I’m gonna be honest: I don’t want a government. I do not want a president. But if we have to choose a president, I want a president that will do as little as possible [without full community support].” My anarchist king. A man of the People.
- Bad has decided he wants to talk to Phil and try and convince him to run because he doesn’t trust anyone to be a ‘good president’ and thinks someone who doesn’t want the position at all would be the best choice. He also said if Phil won’t, he will run himself with an anti-government stance. If he doesn’t have a chance of winning, he will throw his support behind Forever or Baghera and help them win. I really want to see a Phil/Bad team-up though, or at least see them discuss it.
- Overall, Bad’s whole monologue about his stance on the election was super cool and he’s so Right and Correct. He didn’t explain it very well during the debate but god damn is he cooking
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strawberryspence · 1 year
belated happy birthday, @unclewaynemunson. this is so late already, but i had finals, so sorry for that. i am so very lucky to be able to call you my friend and even more lucky to be able to know you. i love you and that rat in your kitchen. 💜
Steve’s shaking. His hands won’t stop trembling and his knees are close to bucking in.
Which is— ridiculous. It’s just dinner with Uncle Wayne. Uncle Wayne.
The same man who also took him in when his parents finally kicked him out for being a “sinner” and for sleeping with one of “the devil’s soldiers.” The same man who took him to the hospital when his migraine got so bad, he begged for death. The same man who accepted his and Eddie’s relationship wholeheartedly and made them breakfast with raised eyebrows.
It’s just Wayne.
Steve doesn’t really know why he’s trembling with anxiousness when his knuckles finally make contact with the apartment door— the one Eddie and Steve got for him (after a very long time of pursuing and pushing because no matter how famous and rich Eddie gets, Wayne still thinks they should keep everything for emergencies). He deserves it after everything.
“Steve.” The door swings open, Wayne’s smile greeting him.
He’s older now. More wrinkles, more white hairs. He’s got a creak in his knees that Eddie keeps teasing him on. He’s still dressed in one of his hundreds of flannels, a sweater underneath it to shield him from the colder weather.
“Hi, Wayne.”
They hug for a while, say their hellos, ask how the other is doing (not like Steve doesn’t know, they just talked through the phone yesterday, just like every other day). Steve helps him set the table, just for the two of them. Steve doesn’t say anything when Wayne takes out the mac and cheese with crumbled bacon from the oven, Steve’s favorite Wayne delicacy, he only smiles and starts digging in to eat his nerves away.
“So…” Wayne starts, after a sliver of silence, a second after they talk about the latest basketball game and how Sinclair’s play was impressive on the latest game.
“Hmm?” Steve hums, chewing through the food like it’s his last meal on earth.
“Listen, I love having dinner with you, son. But I can’t help but notice that Eddie was not invited.” Wayne raises an eyebrow at him, and it takes him back to the morning when Eddie and Steve finally tell him that they’re dating.
“Oh. Uhm.” Steve straightens up. He can do this. He rehearsed his speech in front of the mirror and then in front of Nancy who changed a few things and then in front of Robin who gave him the green light.
“So as you know, Eddie and… I… well, we’ve been together for over ten years now. I’ve been thinking about it for a long time now, and I know it’s not legal. I don’t know if it’s ever going to be, but I can’t wait any longer. Every day I don't get to call him my husband makes me— breathless. So, yes, I want to marry Eddie.” Steve announces firmly, before sputtering to follow it up, “With your permission and approval!”
Well… throw the whole speech out of the window then, damn.
Wayne blinks at him, hands crossing on his chest, as he watches Steve. It makes him nervous, activating his ramblings, “Eddie… Eddie is the best thing that has ever happened to me and I want to continue making him happy for the rest of my life. I know— I know I am not perfect, but I try my best every day. I will do everything and anything for that man, and I would never do anything to hurt him. He makes me a better person by just existing and he— Eddie— is the love of my life. But none of that matters without your approval, I can never marry him without your approval.”
They sit in silence for a second before Wayne stands up and disappears to his room. Steve sits still. That’s— that’s rejection, right? Should Steve just leave? Maybe he should clean the dishes before leaving?
Before Steve can even stand and start cleaning the plates, Wayne comes marching out of the room again.
He sits in front of Steve again, a soft smile on his face, “Listen, Steve. Eddie’s his own man. He always has been. But I appreciate you asking me for my permission, and I give it to you wholeheartedly.”
Wayne pushes a small box on the table, pushing it towards Steve.
“What’s this?” Steve whispers, astonished by the approval.
“Open it.” Wayne urges, as Steve lifts the box, popping the lid open.
A small gasp spills from Steve’s mouth. Inside the box is a beautiful silver engagement ring. There’s a garnet stone in the middle, surrounded and hugged by silver to accentuate the gem. Steve looks up at him, eyes wide.
“This is our gamma’s engagement ring. I am sure it’s older than that. But I got it back from my sister when she—“ Wayne pauses, grief still fresh even if it’s been almost 30 years, “— passed on. With Eddie’s preferences, I didn’t think it would be possible, so I kept it for safekeeping.”
Steve shuts the box as he starts shaking his head immediately, pushing the box back, “Wayne— I can’t— I don’t deserve—“
Wayne shakes his head, wrapping Steve’s hand on the box, “Steve, none of that nonsense. I’ve always seen you as a son, this just makes things official. It belongs to Eddie and I know he would love it, and I would love for you to use it.”
Steve stares at him as Wayne finally stands up, arms opening wide, “Well, come on. Give your father-in-law a hug.” Steve laughs, tears filling his eyes as he stands up to hug Wayne. How could he ever think this man would tell him no? Not when Wayne’s seen him as a son long before Steve even saw him as another dad.
Wayne tightens his arms around him, gently whispering, “You’ve always been part of this family, but still, welcome to the family, Steve.”
(And in a few weeks, when Steve finally goes on one knee, his heart in one hand and the ring on the other, Eddie will say yes. And Wayne will proudly watch his sons cry and laugh with happiness, give them two thumbs up, and a proud smile.)
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look-at-the-soul · 10 months
Love takes two -Part 1
Emmett x reader (AQP2) Cillian Murphy
Request (s) by anon prompt request
Finally I was able to finish this request (it’s a combination of two different requests I got from lovely anons ♥️ I’m sorry it took me so long!)
And also my little celebration for @cillmequick birthday (I remember it was in July) and for your 6 month tumblr anniversary -that’s probably a year now..) dear Alex thank you for being a lovely human being and all the Cillian smutty stories you share, I’m a bit behind in my reading but slowly catching up 🥰✨ xxx
Summary: Emmett gets protective around you, even in the smallest things. But after a night around a bonfire with friends he’s forced to be honest about his feelings. Just like you.
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A knock on the door startled him at first, but then he realized there was only one person in the entire island who would stop by to see him.
“I’m not here.” He answered and chuckled at his own joke, then he saw your head poking with the signature smile and wild hair by the door.
“Okay, I’m looking for Mr. Hologram.” You smiled widely.
“What did you do this time, Y/N?” He finally dragged his gaze from his work to your face and like every single time he did that, you feel like you were kicked by a horse in the stomach.
“Me? Nothing.” You stated innocently, he should be used by now to help you with almost everything; opening a bottle of something, surviving… “We’re having a little bonfire, I was wondering if you want to come?”
“Just a couple of friends.”
There was a small disapproval groan, but you knew him so well, so you rushed to try to convince him.
“Please, just for a little while… you don’t have to chat with them.” He was an introvert or not very fond of everyone, Emmett was always by himself… and with you most of the time because you didn’t really give him much choice. “Emmett?”
Batting your lashes and you knew that would do the trick.
“Don’t say that, they’re nice people.”
“Hmm.” He raised his eyebrows. “Just because you still have hope in humans, it doesn’t mean they’re.”
“Emmett! They’re.” You insisted. Partly because you believe, partly because you loved saying the opposite than him. “I made dinner.” You bit your lip.
He was cleaning his hands with a cloth, so he flipped his head in an attempt to move his fringe away, but to you it was the sexiest thing he could do.
“Fine you win, I just need to take a shower first.”
You made a victory little dance and told him you’d be waiting for him.
“Don’t make the same mistake I did, Emmett.” Daniel “the coach” advised stepping into the room. “You don’t want to grow old and lonely like me, trust me.”
Emmett gave him a long look. He knew his story, Coach had loved a woman when he was young but he didn’t have anything to offer to her so he stepped back, later in life he got an opportunity into coaching professional football, when he went back to her because he was financially stable he found out she had married someone else. After waiting for him for years to ask her out she decided to move on because she never knew he was in love with her.
“I don’t understand your point.” Emmett tried to play the fool.
“You like her.” Coach stated firmly.
Emmett pretended to clean the tools he had been using. “Everybody likes her.”
“She’s a great girl, what are you waiting for?”
“I think someone younger would be better fit for her.”
“Is that your best excuse?” Coach shook his head in disapproval. “Get rid of the beard, that’s the best way to look younger.”
Emmett saw him disappear outside with the handsaw, leaving him alone with only the feelings he had been secretly developing for you along with that noisy whisper in the back of his mind tormenting him over and over, repeating there was no way you could like him back.
“Given the fact that we don’t have a lot of things, this looks lovely.” Alex admitted taking a step back to admire the work the two of you made.
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“Thank you for helping me.”
“Wait a second, there’s one extra place.” She eyed you suspiciously.
“That’s for Emmett.”
“Why it doesn’t surprise me?” She sighed loudly.
Trying to distract yourself with the candles. “What do you mean?”
“Oh, nothing.”
Alex crossed her arms, but decided to not press the topic anymore. If you didn’t feel like talking yet, she’d give you space.
For now.
You felt cornered, it was hard to keep something from her but luckily Emmett appeared in your eyesight and you waved at him, giving Alex a sign to keep it to herself. Shaking her head, she walked away to bring out the plates.
“You came!” The smile on your face couldn’t get any bigger.
“Of course, you invited me.” He chuckled.
“Never seen this before.” You pointed it at his shirt, a deep emerald that lighted his eyes even more beautifully than they already were.
He blushed slightly and a nervous laugh escaped his lips, he chose it because it was the only decent and dressy shirt he had for an occasion like that, the rest were dirty or stained.
“Hey! Can I’ve some help?” Alex asked from the house. “Don’t stay there!” She called over the two of you again.
“Better go, before the creatures hear her.” Emmett swore he said it to himself but you were close enough to listen. It was hard to hold your laugh, after the invasion you barely laughed afraid you wouldn’t be able to control the volume and attract them, but not this time.
“What’s so funny?” Alex demanded to know, looking between the two of you.
“Emmett just told me a joke.” You lied wiping the tears away.
As Emmett emerged with his arms full of boxes with drinks, you decided to busy yourself by offering him some help. Oblivious that Alex was keeping an eye on the two of you.
People started to show up, someone brought his guitar, while another person was offering everybody homemade sweets. Dinner was amazing and having the chance to celebrate with the most important people was something you felt extremely grateful for, even if your birthday had already passed. Between laughs and an endless chat, you were now enjoying a piece of a homemade cake, it was like tasting a piece of heaven in your mouth.
The group had been sharing memories before the invasion, it was great to hear he most memorable birthday celebration from each other.
“Bet you’re eager to share yours.” You teased Emmett who was sitting on your left.
“Absolutely.” He replied raising his eyebrows. “Thrilled actually.”
That was one of the things you liked about him the most, he was always able to catch your hint of sarcasm and replied back the same, it was like your little private joke.
“Oh damn it!” Alex mumbled. “Y/N, can you pass me the fork? It’s next to your feet.” She pointed out from her seat on the picnic bench in front of you.
As you were still laughing from what Emmett said, you started to bend down to pick it up, her eyes on you as you moved. But to her surprise, Emmett’s hand was moving at speed to cover the corner of the table, so you wouldn’t hurt yourself.
“Thank you.” You smiled shyly at him.
For him it was the most natural thing to do, but to her, it was all she needed to confirm the thoughts that had been running in her mind.
She thanked you after taking her fork. “Should we go and play some music?”
As the group moved towards the bonfire, you looked at Emmett.
“You should join them.” He encouraged, stealing glances at the group.
“Can’t leave you alone to clean up, can I?”
“Y/N it’s fine, really.”
Biting your lip you stared at him. Feeling like sometimes he was pushing you away.
“The night is young, go.” He repeated just as Alex was coming to get you.
“Come on let’s dance!”
You nodded and followed her, feeling a bit off about Emmett. Perhaps you were too pushy with him, trying to be friendly or make him feel part of the group. But as the cheering started for your arrival, it lifted you up and you decided to have a good time, kicking the sand, clapping and doing your best effort to sing along.
Emmett’s eyes landed on you from afar, you were dancing and singing with the small group.
Your cheerful spirit attracted lots of attention, it was inevitable, your carefree attitude, signature happy character and that smile that seemed to be tattooed on your face made you be surrounded by people all the time.
It was one of the things he admired about you the most, despite everything, the things you’ve been through after the invasion, losing your loved ones, that didn’t turn you into a resentful person. All the opposite, it made your heart kinder, softer.
Constantly he asked himself why you cared so much about people who probably wasn’t even worth it. But deep down he knew… because you still believed in good people, you still trusted them.
Wild hair bouncing in different direction made him go back to reality, your cheerful sweet voice made him snap out as you shouted his name while waving at him.
“What are you doing all by yourself?” You asked sitting next to him over the old tree trunk. “You should come.”
“Trying to avoid your disastrous performance.” Emmett teased, ending his words with a chuckle.
“Ugh that rum gets into my brain faster,” you groaned.
“If that’s your excuse…”
“So what’s yours? To be on your own when it’s a beautiful night like this one.”
Sometimes he still wonder how a chatterer like you could’ve made your way through his skin to take a place within his broken heart and leave a permanent mark. Over the weeks since the two of you met, it was as if you opened up his dark and lonely heart, took a chair and declared you would stay there until you made him smile and help him enjoy life again.
“How is it possible that you’re always happy and enthusiastic in a shitty world like this?” Emmett asked after a few moments.
And regretted it immediately, realizing how bitter he sounded.
“Sorry about that, it didn’t come out right.” Worry danced through his eyes, you noticed right before he looked down.
“So what am I supposed to do? Cross my arms and put on an angry face to push everyone away?”
“I don’t have an angry face.” He tried to defend himself.
“Absolutely not, you’re the most friendly human being around,” you nodded making a funny face. “It seems that you already forgot how we met.”
Focusing on his surroundings, he was now used to the loud thoughts in the back of his mind, talking to himself most of the time for survival purposes.
He was walking midway across the bridge when he heard a small noise behind his back. He was quick to take his weapon from his shoulder and turn around pointing it in every direction in an attempt to protect himself.
But his heartbeat stopped as he saw the female figure before him.
“You shouldn’t sneak around like that, you know?” He whispered.
“Are you always that friendly?” You asked with a hint of sarcasm.
“I’m not here to make friends.”
“Fabulous, me neither… let’s be not-friends.” You extended your hand at him. “Y/N.”
Emmett placed his weapon back on his shoulder, and fixed his eyes on you with a defeated sigh.
“Emmett. What are you doing here?”
“Oh you know, just needed some air and a suntan.” You shuddered. “I’m looking for food.”
He wanted to laugh, for the first time in months, he felt something. And in that very moment he realized that you were one of the very few people around worth saving.
“Do you trust a stranger like that all the time? This is a dangerous place right now.”
“Again with the pessimism, Em?” You shuddered. “You don’t look like the kind of people who goes around with bad intentions. I saw you back there, when you had the chance to steal, you didn’t.”
His chest raised from the long breath he took. One more look at you and another one towards the long road ahead.
“Come on, I know a place safe.” He covered his nose and mouth with the old piece of shirt.
End of flashback
“I knew you were a good person right away.” You mumbled letting your eyes swim in the depth of his eyes. “And look at you, that day you found the best damn thing that’s happened to you after the invasion.”
That made him chuckle, just like every single thing you did and said.
“There’s no point to fight that.”
Your heart was doing a strange thing; drumming like it was in a rush to come out of your chest and skipping beats from time to time, specially when his clear eyes were looking intensely at you.
“I’ve something for you.” He announced looking at the ground one of his hands started fishing inside the shirt pocket. “Happy birthday, Y/N I made you this.”
As you were about to ask how could he remember it was your birthday, he showed you a small square of fabric covering a pendant in the form of a flower made of wood. “Emmett it’s beautiful!”
It was something delicate and simple, but to you it meant everything that he made it from scratch.
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Without even thinking about it, you threw yourself into his arms. This was the first and only gift you’ve received, as his hands came to rest to your back and his masculine scent intoxicated your senses, you suddenly realized of your impulsive actions and how much he protected his personal space. So you broke the embrace.
“Sorry, I got over excited… thank you so much!”
His eyes were fixed on you as you put it on.
“It’s just something small.” He tried to explain.
“You’re really talented.”
Clicking his tongue he felt the urge to hide his hands.
“Emmett you need to learn to accept compliments, look at the table,” you pointed at the object next to you, “this is a gift, you create beautiful pieces.”
“Well thank you.”
You loved the shy look he gave you.
Nervously you placed your hair behind your ears. “No, thank you.”
Staring at his profile, you noticed the freckles kissing his face, neck and the part of his chest that was visible, the moonlight spread shadows beautifully in certain parts of his features, and you couldn’t help but wonder how would his beard feel against your skin.
There was no use in trying to deny it any longer, you had to be honest with yourself… you were in love with this man, and maybe as an introvert he needed a little push. Perhaps if you open up to him, he would do the same.
Taking a deep breath, you decided you’d take the lead, after the invasion changed everything you decided you wouldn’t miss the chance. What if taking the risk was worth it?
He gave you one more look and you waited patiently.
As Emmett felt you turning your body towards him and the peonies scent of your skin hit him, he looked at your beautiful and delicate features in the dim light.
You were young, beautiful and funny, a walking sunshine. How could he even think of standing a chance to be with a goddess like you?
Fixing his eyes on his hands, he stood up.
“Nothing I just hope you have a blast, goodnight.”
And he left without another word or even a look. Confusion took over you, in equal amount as disappointment. You regretted deeply everything in that very moment. How did you come to think he’d look at you differently? To him you were nothing but a friend, someone who was always joking.
“You’re supposed to be having fun.” Your friend stated, taking the seat next to you.
“I am, Alex.”
“Really? Then you need to say it to your face.” And she pulled you up, towards the bonfire.
“You are what?” Alex asked with a shocked expression as she was watching you getting ready.
“Going out with Mark.” You repeated putting on the sandals.
“I didn’t know you guys were seeing each other.” She was majorly confused.
Turning your head to her, you nodded. “He asked me after the bonfire.”
“And… you like him?”
Sighing you paced the room. “Alex what’s with all the questionnaire? I thought you wanted me to have someone.”
Leaning back, she started playing with her sandal, balancing it in her toe. “I thought you liked Emmett.”
From side to side, you saw her sandal move like a pendulum. “What makes you say that?”
“Oh, you wanna play like that? Fine… stealing glances at him all the time, joining him for his daily walks when he clearly wants to be alone, going to his place with the most ridiculous excuses just to be close, him acting all protective around you…”
“We’re… friends.” You stammered looking away, feeling caught by your best friend. “Can you stop that please?” You were altered.
“Jesus.” She noticed you were in a mood. “He’s grumpy and bearish. You’ve nothing in common how can you say he’s your friend?” She needed to push your buttons.
“That’s a wrong impression most of the people here have.” You defended him. “He’s kind and funny.”
You wanted to say that he was smart and well educated and a great cook, but that would only make her suspicious grow.
“I’ve known you since we were in the wombs of our mothers, Y/N. You can’t lie to me.”
There was a long silence, and it was endless.
“I’m in love with him, okay? I don’t know how, but it happened. I love spending time with him, he makes me feel safe, like I can be myself. He makes me love the person I am when we’re together… but it doesn’t matter because he doesn’t like me back, to him I’m just his friend.”
Pouring your soul and feelings to your best friend didn’t change anything, but it made you feel lighter, just as Alex was about to say that she knew there was something between the two of you by Emmett’s protectiveness, Mark arrived.
“I better go.”
“If you’ve feelings for Emmett, this date is useless you know that, right?” She had never seeing you like this before.
“Everything is useless to be honest, but it’s either this date or yelling so a creature would come at me.”
“As dramatic as always.”She rolled her eyes right before watching you and Mark disappear.
It had only been ten minutes when there was a knock, Alex thought you forgot something so she opened the door to scold you, but instead she found the last person she had in mind.
“Hey, it’s Y/N here?”
For an instant, Alex felt sorry for him. “She’s out tonight… Mark asked her on a date.”
His jaw clenched, hands curled in tight fits just as an avalanche of emotions flashed in his blue eyes.
Part 2
More Emmett content here! 🥰✨
Do you like this character? I particularly love that there are endless possibilities around Emmett and he’s a fascinating character 🥰♥️ your thoughts and comments it’s what feeds my soul -and trust me, you don’t want to see me hungry 😂-
Tag list: @lyarr24 @lespendy @elenavampire21 @sloanexx @imichelle-l-rigby @esposadomd @winchestergirl22 @forgottenpeakywriter @forbidden-forest-witch @allie131313 @lovecleastrange @stevie75 @forgottenpeakywriter @elenavampire21 @onlydeadcells @zablife @raincoffeeandfandoms @nyxxxz (can’t tag) @camilleholland89 @thenattitude @kittycatcait219 @sherlcrown (can’t tag) @cillianmxrphy @kmc1989 @adaydreamaway08 @darleneslane @shaddixlife @shelbydelrey
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xxbottlecapx · 11 months
Platonic stobin, steddie, and ronance headcanons 
Robin and Steve are so codependent that it honestly unnerves the rest of the party. 
Like Steve will wait outside the bathroom door if Robin is going to the restroom. Most of the time he’ll literally just go inside the restroom with her and sit on the floor. They have absolutely no regard for each others personal space. 
They shower together. Not once do they think it’s weird. If Robin walks in on Steve changing she’ll have no reaction. 
They sleep in the same bed. They change in the same room. They share clothes. When they go shopping for outfits they both try the outfit on to make sure it fits both of them. 
If they can’t spend the night with each-other they will call eachother and fall asleep on the phone because they’ll both genuinely cry themselves to sleep otherwise. They will share everything. They share milkshakes, they share toothbrushes sometimes (Dustin finds out and tells them it’s disgusting. They don’t care.) 
someone on Tiktok said something about Robin and Steve sharing chewing gum and yes, they would absolutely do that, and then they wonder why people think they’re dating. 
If Robin has to leave Steve for long periods of time she’ll leave her cologne at his house because it comforts him. They cuddle religiously. They will seriously share anything.
 If they don’t get a set number of hugs in a day from each other they’ll both be in terrible moods. Sometimes Eddie or Nancy will find them hugging in the middle of one of the family video isles. Why? Just because. They stick to each other like koalas. 
They’ll share a plate when they eat, share utensils. 
Eddie and Nancy eventually only go on double dates because if they try to plan alone time with their partners their partners will accidentally ruin it by bringing the other along. 
When they have sleepovers together, Eddie and Nancy will get kicked out of bed. Until they’re able to buy a bed that fits all four of them, they just let Steve and Robin take one bed and Nancy and Eddie take the other. 
Steve and Robin are actively planning their wedding together. Nancy and Eddie find it hilarious that they don’t understand why people think they’re dating. They try to explain that people don’t just marry their best friends but Steve and Robin think they’re being stupid. 
Eventually Nancy and Eddie decide they’ll probably get married to each other as well, since it’s not like they legally can marry their real partners anyways. And even if it were legal, Eddie and Nancy are almost certain Robin and Steve would still just marry each other. 
Robin and Steve have engagement rings. Robin has the more “masculine” ring and Steve has the more “feminine” one. They show off their rings with upmost pride. Robin will call Steve her fiancé. He is absolutely okay with it. They call eachother every pet name under the sun. Steve will absolutely sometimes refer to Robin as “love of my life” 
once Jonathan asks Nancy if she’s jealous and she laughs at him. Looking from afar, she totally should be, but she’s not, and eddie is in the same boat as her. 
One time eddie and Nancy try to separate robin and Steve when they’re sleeping. It doesn’t go well. 
If you think Steve and Robin sober are clingy, Robin and Steve drunk/high are complete menaces. It’s like they actually hide how in synch they are, and when they’re drunk they stop hiding. They will literally act like they have a hive mind. Like their brains are connected. They’ll have entire conversations where they say the exact same thing at the exact same time, finish each other’s sentences to an uncanny degree, el actually tries to figure out if they also have powers because it genuinely doesn’t seem real. 
Sometimes robin will shove herself into one of Steve’s shirts while he is wearing it. They just. Share shirts sometimes. You know that “our get along shirt” meme? Yes but they actively choose and enjoy it. 
Steve and Robin will coordinate their outfits so they’re always matching. 
Robin knows Steve’s social security number. She helps him fill out paperwork at the doctors. 
When Nancy originally tried to ask Robin on a date, she got too nervous to respond so Steve ended up scheduling the date for her, to Nancy’s absolute delight (she found it hilarious) 
Steve will tell Robin in-depth details about his and eddie’s sex life. She will do the exact same thing about her and Nancy. There are no secrets. 
No. Secrets. 
Robin helps Steve shave is legs because he didn’t know how at first and it just kinda becomes a thing they do. 
One time, Robin has to go away to visit her grandparents in Italy and Steve is such a mess that he has to stay at Eddie’s place. He spends the majority of the week trying to talk to Robin on the phone whenever he has the chance and he’s absolutely miserable when he’s not. It’s honestly kind of heartbreaking to watch.  Robin is miserable about it too. 
When they finally get to see each other again Robin completely forgets to say hi to Nancy too and just slams into Steve and refuses to let go for hours. 
Sometimes robin and Steve forget they are not the same person and they’ll call Eddie and Nancy “our boyfriend” or “our girlfriend” eventually Eddie and Nancy call each other girlfriend and boyfriend. Not because they actually like each other that way but because they spend enough time together by proxy for them to get away with it. 
Eddie and Nancy become really close friends simply because their partners rarely let them be alone. The entire party is still convinced they’re dating, even when Robin and Steve come out and tell them that they’re dating Eddie and Nancy.
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vodika-vibes · 9 days
Hey! I know he's a bit of a rare clone, but would you consider writing for maze? he's from the repcomm books and is endearingly (Imo) professional and surly 👉👈
Not That Hard
Summary: When one story ends, another one begins. Maze, formerly a Republic Soldier, is now a bounty hunter. He’s used to things being orderly, everything has a place, and everything should be in its place. So when he ends up locked in a small cell with the woman he’s been searching for, a woman who’s been missing for three weeks, he knows that everything is about to be turned on its head.
Pairing: Pre Maze (Alpha-26) x F!Reader
Word Count: 1722
Warnings: None
Tagging: @trixie2023 @n0vqni @imabeautifulbutterfly
A/N: So, I've never written Maze before, but I'm always happy to write any of the Alphas, or any star wars character. His page on Wookieepedia wasn't the best, but I did the best I could. I hope you like it! Also, I've been watching a lot of Numb3rs, so that's where the basic idea of this came from.
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Maze leans back against the stone wall, his gaze drifting from the woman sleeping on the singular cot in the cell to the door, and then back again. He’s glad that she’s asleep. He wasn’t sure that she would fall asleep, honestly.
He leans over and tugs the thin blanket a little higher over her shoulders. The blanket won’t do much to keep the cold out, it’s too thin, but it’s enough that she can sleep.
Three weeks ago the University of Theeds reached out to him, telling him that one of their Teachers had gone missing. They said to him that someone had broken into her home, torn the place to pieces, and taken her.
The University hired him to find her since he was something of an expert on finding people.
The fact that she’s alive is a damned miracle, in his opinion. After three weeks, statistics indicate that he should have found her in a ditch somewhere.
He’s never been so glad to be wrong in his life.
Still, the fact that they haven’t killed her suggests that they want something from her. Maze shifts so that he’s sitting on the cot beside her, tired of sitting on the ground.
He needs to think.
Why would someone want a University Professor?
Absently, Maze brushes a strand of hair off her face as he thinks about what he knows about her.
She’s young, barely brushing 25 years old. She’s an only child. Her mom died from heart disease when she was a child, her dad recently retired to a lake house. There’s no other family.
She’s single, and her only friends are people who work at the University with her. Honestly, it sounds like a lonely life to him, but according to her colleagues and friends, she’s seemed lonely or unhappy.
He can respect that.
Maze’s eyes snap to her face as she releases a quiet noise and shifts on the cot, seemingly to curl into his warmth while also opening her eyes. “You should go back to sleep, Professor. It’s early.” He says quietly.
She sighs and shakes her head, “No point. They’re going to be coming soon.” Slowly, she sits up and shifts so she’s able to press her face against his shoulder. 
“What do they want?” Maze asks, mentally kicking himself for not asking her earlier. But then, her injuries were pretty severe. It makes sense that he would put that aside.
“I’m a Bio-Engineer.” She replies tiredly, “They want me to tell them how to break into BioGen.”
“BioGen’s biggest thing is weaponizing viruses.”
Maze stiffens and his gaze snaps to her face, “BioWeapons are illegal. Even in the Empire.”
“They weaponize them so that they can try and develop cures for them. It’s all legal and above board.” She reassures, “Even in the Empire.”
“Why’d you leave?”
“A Tenured Professorship at the University of Theeds is a great honor, not to mention it pays very well.” She replies, “It made sense, career-wise.”
“Only there’s a lot less security at the University compared to a Biomedical facility.”
She huffs out a laugh, “Yeah, there is that.” She shifts her head slightly, “But this has never happened before. Ever. People leave BioGen all of the time.”
“And you’re the first one kidnapped?”
“That I know of.”
There are heavy footsteps from the hall and Maze shifts so that his body is shielding hers. The door slams open and three men step into the room.
They’re not big men, if Maze were to stand, he’d tower over them. It burns him up that he allowed men like them to capture him so he would be able to find the professor. 
“Professor,” One of the men stalks towards Maze, and he feels her shrink down behind him, “Come on, girl. Are we really going to do this? All you gotta do is give us the information, and then you’ll both go free.”
“Don’t lie. We all know that the moment she tells you what you want to know, you’ll kill her.” Maze growls out.
The man laughs, “Well, it’ll be a quick death, rather than this slow, dragged-out death.”
Behind him, the Professor trembles. 
“Is this all of you? Just three men?”
“We still caught you, clone.” One of the other men sneers, “Grab the Professor—”
The first man reaches to grab the Professor, only for Maze to move, swiftly breaking the man’s arm, and slamming his head against the wall, causing him to crumple to the floor.
“Get low, Professor.” Maze orders as he stands and advances on the two remaining men. He doesn’t wait to see if she’s following his direction, as he suddenly has two furious men to contend with.
Unfortunately for them, he’s an Alpha Class clone, and they’re unarmed.
The fight can’t even be called a proper fight. The two remaining kidnappers go down with several well-placed hits, and Maze tosses them into the cell while motioning for the Professor to join him.
“We’re leaving,” Maze says to the woman as he holds his hand out for her.
Nervously she nods and takes his hand, “Where are we going?”
“Well, it was the University who hired me.” Maze replies as he peeks into the hall, and then leads her out of the cell as soon as he notes that it’s safe.
Maze stops and looks at her, “What’s wrong?”
“Just…did they seem smart enough to come up with this on their own?”
Maze stares at her for a long time, and then he sighs, “No. They didn’t.” He’s quiet for a moment, “Alright, there must be something here to indicate who hired them. Follow me.”
Maze leads abruptly turns down a side hallway and leads her into a much larger room. There are computers, though they seem largely untouched. It looks like the kidnappers were more concerned with the games that were playing on the four holos lined up next to each other than the computers.
There are three couches, each other them surrounded by empty bottles and empty pizza boxes. 
“Well,” Maze notes as he steps around a pile of trash, “Criminal Genuises they are not.”
The Professor peers at a holo-board next to the couches, “It looks like they have a gambling problem.”
“Lucky for us. It means they probably didn’t delete anything.” Maze walks over to the computers, “Stay close, Professor.”
“Ah…Sorry.” She hurries to his side and peeks around him at the monitors.
Maze flashes a small smile at her and then focuses on the computers. “Hey, Professor?”
“How’d they grab you?”
“I was heading home from a day of classes, and they ran me off the road.” She replies.
“You were driving yourself.”
“Does anyone know your route home?”
“I mean, there’s only one road off of the main campus,” She replies, “But I generally don’t know what route I’m taking home until I get in the car. It depends on the traffic and if I need to go grocery shopping.”
“And you didn’t tell anyone your plans for the evening when you were taken?” Maze asks as he scans something on the screen.
“No. No one.”
“It looks like our violent friends were hired by Levi Kelley. At least, that’s who paid them.”
“Levi Kelley?”
“You know him?”
“Yeah, he’s the head of the Biology Department at the University. I thought you said the University hired you?”
“Yeah, the Dean hired me. This Levi person, is he your supervisor?”
“No. I mean, he thinks that he is, but we’re on the same level.”
“Are you friends?”
“I’ve always been a bit…ambivalent towards him. He’s a good teacher, but he’s kind of a terrible person. Racist, sexist, the whole shebang.” 
“And he works at a University?”
“He’s a very good teacher. But he lost his tenure last year.”
“For what?”
“Academic misconduct, according to the rumors.” She leans against his side, exhausted, “The only person who knows the truth would be the Dean.”
“So it’s revenge.” Maze murmurs, “Use you to get an incurable virus, and release it on the school. Did you tell them anything?”
“No, I didn’t. I wouldn’t.”
“They tortured you, Professor. No one would blame you if you did.”
“I’m telling you, I didn’t. I left Biogen two years ago, Maze. I don’t remember any passwords or door codes. And they removed my biometrics from their system on my last day. I swear it.”
“Okay.” Maze lightly pushes some of her hair out of her face, “So they need someone else, a current employee.”
“Yeah, it’s the only way to get inside.”
“Alright. Let’s get out of here and alert the authorities. And get you some medical attention.”
“Yes please.”
Maze lightly presses his hand against the small of her back, guiding her towards the door, “I have one more question, Professor.”
“Go ahead?”
“When my brothers and I were decanted, we were given enhanced aging.”
“Yes, it was the only way for the Kaminoans to get a viable army in 10 years.” She replies.
“Yeah, you think you can reverse it?”
“Reverse it?” She repeats, sounding more thoughtful than surprised. Maze watches as she absently scratches at a deep gash on her cheek, “I don’t know about reversing it,” She finally says, “but I might be able to cure it. With enough blood samples.”
“Well sure, it’s not that hard. It’s just gene manipulation.” She frowns at him thoughtfully, “Look, all the information I need is here,” she lightly taps his chest, “The more of your brothers I can get blood samples from, the easier it’ll be to make a cure.”
“Can you do it at the University while also teaching?”
“I mean, sure. But the University of Theeds is funded by the Emperor. I’m guessing you don’t want the Empire to know about it.”
“No, I don’t.” Maze replies.
She’s quiet for a moment, “Find me a place to work, off of Naboo, and I can help you.”
“If you can cure this, I might just kiss you,” Maze says with a sly smile.
Her face heats and she won’t look at him, “Well, that seems a bit excessive,” She mumbles.
She squeaks when he lightly drapes his arm over her shoulder and tugs her against his side, “No. It isn’t. Come on, Professor. Let’s get you safe.”
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yanyanderes · 1 year
yan!2012 turtles falling for (y/n) while they’re at april’s farm house.
(y/n) is probably april’s childhood friend, having met each other while she was at her farmhouse for vacation. they live on their own farm and keep april’s house and farm in good shape while she’s gone.
after the kraang invasion, when april, casey, and the turtles go to the farmhouse for shelter, (y/n) gets excited seeing april drive over, but doesn’t greet her immediately. instead, they gather the best, freshest food they have and show up for a surprise visit!
and end up seeing april with a stranger with a hockey mask and four joann turtles, all with various degrees of injuries.
obviously, (y/n)’s freaking out, like, who are these guys? what are these guys?? until april calms them down and introduces the strangers to each other. (y/n)’s still in shock at april’s strange friends, but since april likes them, they decide to get to know them a bit more. they show them the ropes of taking care of the farm, all the do’s and don’t’s, and they start getting closer and warm up to each other.
they help leo with his recovery. they remind him to take it easy and that it’s ok to rely on others for help. they help him get around while his leg heals, and even with his injuries, they help him stay active with exercises like sit-ups that won’t make his condition worse.
they help raph vent his frustrations. they let him rant and yell, they’re able to calm him down if he starts going too far, and they occasionally spar with him to help him blow off some steam. sure, they don’t have much battle knowledge, but they’re strong and can stand their ground.
they show genuine interest in donnie’s inventions. they’re fascinated with how much this teenager can do with such limited materials, and is always asking questions, wanting to understand more about his machinery, and occasionally points out a few things donnie would have never noticed without someone else pointing them out.
they have fun with mikey. they come up with all sorts of activities that don’t make too much of a mess and doesn’t get him scolded by his brothers, but if he’s feeling extra chaotic, they let him crash at their farmhouse.
they all start getting closer, and soon, the obsession starts kicking in. the turtles start doing things to impress (y/n) and/or earn more time with them. mikey starts dragging them with him all day everyday, raph does a lot of heavy lifting for them, donnie is always making something new to impress them, and though leo hates his injured leg, he has to admit having (y/n) dote on him for it is quite nice.
not to mention, when they train together, they’re a lot rougher. it’s most notable with raph, but it’s present in all the turtles.
time flies, and suddenly, it’s time for the group to return to new york. (y/n) starts saying goodbye, when leo asks them to join them, explaining that they’ll need all the help they can get. the turtles had been subtly manipulating april and casey into thinking the same thing for the past few days, so the turtles, casey, and april combined is enough to peer pressure (y/n) into coming with them.
despite that, they rarely gets a chance to shine, since they’re always with one of the turtle, who always tell (y/n) to play it safe. when the invasion is over and done with, and they say they should start heading home, the turtles insist they stay. they should take it easy and rest! it’s been a rough few days!
who knows? maybe they can convince (y/n) to stay. if they can’t? well, they certainly have other ways of making sure they won’t leave.
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nochukoo97 · 1 year
beach vacation 🏝️
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Pairing: Jungkook x OC
Summary: Enemies to Lovers, Jk and Oc’s relationship is kept a secret, Jk being so lovey dovey 😭 Oc is extremely cautious about spending time with her bf 😝
Word count: 900+
You and Jungkook had a complicated relationship… Let’s just say the two of you started off with pure hatred for one another, and after one night your biggest enemy had suddenly earned the title of your boyfriend. You both agreed not to tell your friends about your relationship, and kept the act of hating each other up in front of them. An example would be the trip you were currently on with your friends and Jungkook’s friends, and you were extremely cautious of you hanging out with Jungkook.
However, on the other hand, your boyfriend seemed to not care.
“Babe, it’s fine, relax,” He groans as you try to wriggle out from his hold. “They’re not here, plus, can I not even hold my girlfriend?” Jungkook whines as you manage to sneak out of his hold.
Suddenly, you start screaming at him, “GET AWAY! I DON’T WANT TO SEE YOU AND YOUR STUPID FACE!” Jungkook was taken aback, hurt even, thinking that that had been your reaction towards him. But your boyfriend finally understood as he heard Taehyung and Hoseok’s voices approaching where you guys were at.
“Tsk, fighting again? Come on! Just enjoy this time we have here,” Hoseok says as he drags Jungkook towards the open living area, and the two of them sit down on the coaches.
“The day you guys stop arguing, will be the day we all celebrate,” Taehyung sighs as he kicks his feet in the sand. You try to show your annoyance, “Whatever, he’s so annoying, can’t stand him,” you mumble. “Alright, I just came out to get some fresh air, gonna go back and shower and I think dinner should be ready in an hour, see you!” Taehyung says before running back to his room. You shout a “bye” back to him as you watch him run into the room.
You begin to walk up towards the living area and noticed Hoseok had also gone back to his room. You spot your boyfriend using his phone and laying on the coach, so you check your surroundings to see if anyone was there, and begin to walk towards him.
Sitting on his lap, Jungkook smiles at you and puts away his phone to the side. “Daring now, aren’t we?” He smirks, “Wonder who was the one who was bugging me not to hug you when there was obviously no one,” You roll your eyes at his statement. Sometimes no matter how cautious you are, you miss your boyfriend’s touch and on the inside, absolutely hate that you had to be so private and careful of your interactions with your boyfriend.
“You still want your kiss or?” You say before slowly climbing out of his lap. Jungkook widens his eyes at your ministrations and pushes your waist back so that you are now back on his lap. He leans in and kisses you slowly as you grab his shirt, pulling him closer. Breaking the kiss, he sighs in relief. “You know how long I’ve been waiting to do that? I hate that we have to keep this a secret.” Jungkook sulks as you pat his hair, cooing at him.
“At least now I can kiss you for as long as I want,” You say as you begin to wrap your arms around the back of his neck. Your lips connect and you get lost in the kiss. Jungkook's hands wander around your waist and back, as he squeezes your waist. You gasp, and Jungkook takes this opportunity to slot his tongue into your mouth, as your eyes widen at his bold move.
You melt into the kiss still, so desperate after not being able to spend time with him since two days ago. Everyone had been all around each other and even at night, the girls and boys slept in different rooms, due to preference.
You both were solely focused on each other, practically eating each other’s faces out, when suddenly you hear a loud gasp from multiple voices.
“Oh. My. God. What am I seeing right here?” Your best friend, Jennie, says as her mouth gapes in shock. You frantically push Jungkook away and all he does is smirk. “Why are you looking like that right now!” You scold him as you notice his reaction. “Guys, I can explain I-” you start, before Jennie interrupts, “No it’s okay, please carry on, I think we all like you both better like this” she chuckles as the rest of them shake their heads and whisper comments to themselves. They begin to walk away and Jimin calls out while walking, “Remember to come for dinner!” Jungkook yells an ‘okay’ in response as you just sit there dumbfounded by what had just happened.
“Jeon Jungkook.” You glare at your boyfriend who was laughing at how red your face has become. “Baby, it’s fine! See? They were okay!” He tries to reason with you, but you don’t take it. “You just sat there with a stupid smirk on your face and didn’t even help me!” You start to scold him back, but Jungkook just shushes you and pulls you in for another kiss.
This time you aren’t afraid of someone catching you two anymore. In fact, on the inside you are much happier that you could now spend time with your boyfriend normally.
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giggly-squiggily · 1 month
Inked (Big Windup)
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Heyo! Guess who's back with Big Windup Content! :D I had this little ol' thing sitting in my WIP for weeks before realizing I should finish it up and post it lols, and here I am to do so! I hope y'all like it! :D
CW: Swearing
Cloud 9 (Taglist Peeps):
@cupcake-spice13 @intheticklecloset (I know you're not on the Taglist but BAM! Baseball tickles >:D)
Summary: Tajima after writing a massive "1" on Mihashi's back decides he should do it for Abe too. The other disagrees, leading to a rather giggly compromise.
“Hold still! Lemme write it!”
“No way! I told you I don’t need it!”
Tajima was back at it again, a black marker in hand as he tried once more to mark Abe. He figured the clean up hitter had let it go after a while, but nope- he was ever insistent on drawing a massive number “2” on his back!
“Why are you resisting so much? It’ll make Mihashi feel good!” Tajima was halfway to his target, eyes dancing as he flinched each way Abe tried to escape. “Don’t you want to be in a team with him?”
“I’m already in a team with him- I don’t need a number to prove it!” An opening had appeared! Abe made a dash for it-
“GOTCHA!” Tajima cried, leaping at him and sending them both flailing into the field. “Now hold still!”
“Tajima, I already told you, I don’t need a number!”
“Come on- think of Mihashi!”
“It’ll never come out!”
“It's an erasable marker! It’s good for clothes!”
“Oh okay- if you’re really against it.” Abe heard the marker being recapped, a small sigh of relief escaping his lips.
“Can I at least draw a “2” on you with my finger then? No ink, I promise.” Tajima asked, a clear puppy eyed pout in his voice. Abe closed his eyes as he pressed his face into the field.
“Give me the marker.” It appeared before him. Alongside a second one. Abe turned a bit to raise a brow.
“You always need a backup.” Tajima shrugged with a sheepish laugh. The catcher rolled his eyes before flopping forward again.
“Fine. But JUST with your finger. My mom will be pissed if I come home with sharpie ink all over my uniform.”
“I told you, it was erasable! I only use a sharpie for Mihashi.” Tajima giggled as he got comfortable, sitting up and positioning his finger. “Ready?”
“Sure-” Abe got out before immediately wincing, startled by the tingling sensation of Tajima’s finger running down his spine. “Mm! T-Tajima, lighten up!”
“Does it hurt?” The cleanup hitter asked, doing so. To Abe’s dismay, it only made it worse.
“N-No it ti-ihihihiihckles!” The catcher yelped before dissolving into laughter, fists curling against the grassy field as he kicked out a leg, trying his best not to throw the other off. Maybe all that time spent with Mihashi made him more accepting to tickles? “Tahahajima, huuhuhurry uhuhuhup!”
“No way..” Tajima gaped down at him with wide eyes. Then he grinned. “Did I just discover a new tickle spot on the Abe Takaya? How lucky am I?”
“Doohohohn’t say my nahahame like thahahhat! Gehahaha, if yohoohu’re dohohone, get ohoh-EEHEHEH!” The catcher arched even more when Tajima switched from tracing to scratching, dancing one finger up and down the invisible “2” he drew on his friend’s back. “Doohohohn’t doohohohoho thahahhahat, yohohoohu ahahhahhahass!”
“What? I gotta fill it in! Can’t go around having a outline- no one will be able to distinguish it from a number or a pe-”
“Iihihihihihit’s nohohohohohot ehehehehheven viihihihihihisblehhehehe! Whahahhat doohohohoes it mahahahhatter if ihihihihit’s fiihihihilled in? Nohoohoh ohohohone’s gohoohhohonna knoohohohow!”
“I will! And I’ll always be haunted by my unfinished work! Be still- my canvas; the artist is at work!” Tajima doubled his scratching, increasing Abe’s giggle fits and yelps of laughter tenfold. “Now that the actual number is done, let’s add some color!”
“TAHAHHAJIIHIHMA!” The catcher all but shrieked when his ribs were suddenly grabbed, fingers pressing in at both sides. “WHAHAHAT HAHAHPPEHEHED TO THE NUUHUHUMBER?”
“Relax, I’m getting my pens! They’re somewhere in here…” Tajima continued to “search” for his pens within Abe’s ribcage, narrowing in on the terrible spots along his upper and lower sets just to keep him laughing. “Man, I really need to organize this space better. They’re all over the place in there! Abe, you gotta stop moving so much; the pens keep rolling away!”
“STHAHAHP FUHUUHUCKING TIIHIHIHCKLING MEHEHEH THEHEHEHEHEN!” Abe cried, thrashing like a fish out of water as his worst spots were drilled into. Above him, Tajima giggled like a child, delighted.
“Oo, you’re saying bad words! Bad Abe! Hehehe!” Finally, Tajima pulled his hands back, returning to his spine as he finished putting the last few touches onto his “design”. The tickles died down to a comforting amount, leaving Abe coughing through giggles as he caught his breath. “There we go..and done!”
The catcher let out a huff of air as Tajima climbed off, far too tired to get up and chase him. Around him chatter continued, the boys laughing over the sight or carrying on with whatever conversation they were having prior. Footsteps shuffled into view soon, coming to stand before him.
“A-Abe..I erm, brought you this..”
Something cold and paperlike touched his hand. Abe all but shot up at the water, taking and downing it in one greedy gulp. “You’re a lifesaver, Mihashi.”
The pitcher squeaked with shy pride, cheeks warming as he smiled at his hands. “I’m glad…and erm- I’m sorry about Tajima..I didn’t think he’d try to erm, you know…”
Ah. Abe resisted the urge to roll his eyes as he looked at the markers left abandoned in the grass.
If ONE uniform was kinda stained, maybe his mom wouldn’t be too mad…
“Go get Tajima.” He sighed in resignation, making Mihashi squeak in surprise. “Tell him to use an erasable one, cause if we can’t get it out, I’m kicking his ass.”
“Oh..Oh! Oh, erm- okay!” The pitcher nodded, practically vibrating with joy as he ran to get said clean up hitter. Shaking his head, Abe fell back onto his stomach in the warm grass, accepting his fate.
If it made Mihashi do his best, then let him be inked.
Thanks for reading!
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sun-stricken · 4 months
Headcannoms about friendship between Bickslow and Gray? I like to think after the fighting festival he really tries to make it up to Gray.
Gray: ‘we’re chill. It’s fine.’
Bickslow: ‘my babies will now perform a dance of apology’
Also a scenario I’d like to share!
Lucy: hey, Gray I picked up your mail. Why do you have a letter from a modelling agency?
Gray: oh that. I don’t know they just keep sending me them even though I’ve told them no.
Lucy: you’ve turned them down repeatedly?! *while crying inside*
Gray: yeah? It’s weird ‘cause I didn’t even apply.
Lucy: Lucy kick!
i for some reason hadn’t considered the idea of them having a close friendship, but i am now so here! a gift !
i had so much fun with this
* my personal hc is that Bickslows dolls feel a lot of what he himself feels, and also theyre kinda like birds
* so they too try to make it up to Gray, they bring him little things they find, such as shiny rocks, pins, and other tiny objects they find
* Bickslow just nods in approval from the sidelines when they bring them to Gray
* They were both fairly awkward with each other post festival but after Bickslow gave Gray an honest apology they began to turn over a new leaf
* people find the friendship strange tbh, Gray is known as this vaguely calm and like, super normal guy, and Bickslow is just— not
* theyre surprisingly comfortable with each other
* they dont hang out a lot outside the guild, but thats not to say they dont ever,
* While they dont work the best together and it took a while be able to fight along side on another,
* If the Thunder Legion and Team Natsu have to pair up usually they do bc they’re comfortable with each other and trust can go a long way
* theyre both texting fiends, like its a problem how much they message their friends, so when they found out the other was the same oh my god was it a train wreck
* their conversations can go for hours and if you read through them youd probably have an aneurysm because the topics make no sense and Bix doesn’t even try to spell correctly
* They have gotten close and friendly but that doesnt mean theu ever know what to expect from the other, their opinions and thoughts are so different from each other, if rhey ever have the same idea its like all the stars and planet’s have aligned and world is about to end
* Bickslows hair is naturally black and Gray helped him dye it once and they deadass looked they walk out the smurf set for weeks, Bix’s bathroom looked like they murdered a hundred of them
* Gray has an affinity for collecting hand weapons (swords, spears, bows, etc) while Bickslow likes taking apart and building old bombs (actual explosive grenades, land mines, smoke/flash grenades)
* they bonded over it and talked about it in public and terrified about 20 people rhat were in earshot
* theyre both a big hit with kids
* Bickslow gets added to the long list of people who barge into Gray house unannounced
* a lot of the time they will talk (coughcomplaincough) about two different things in the same convo
* Bickslow: the cops were at my door again last night because of the inactive grenade i threw in the fountain, woke me up and everything
* Gray: ugh, i hate that, Natsu blew up a building again and Erza yelled at the both of us
* Bickslow: thats so rude, do you think i should make another one and send it to them?
* Gray: totally, she knew it wasnt me but i still got scolded
so happy ppl have realized how pretty Gray is, now we’re gonna talk abt it bc im an overachiever
* Hes been scouted by plenty of different modeling agencies over the years, which really boosted his ego but very quickly became annoying as hell bc he never even applied
* He gets a couple a month, and he accepted once just to get them off his back and found it really embarrassing bc he was everywhere
* his friends in and outside the guild bought the magazines he was featured in and teased him mercilessly and he never stepped foot in another agency ever again
* Hes really photogenic but hates gets his photo taken, most of the pictures hes in ‘willingly’ hes glaring at the camera
* he now just blocks the numbers they call him on and throws out the letter they send him, if they stop him on the street he will walk away before the conversation even starts
* when Lucy found out something inside her died a little
* she pestered him about it and said she’ll go with him! he wont even have to take the money for it! she’ll take it! 😁
* she gets shot down every time but that doesnt mean she quit trying
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radiantanor · 2 years
Can you imagine if Zuko hadn’t shown Uncle Iroh the Appa flyer and Uncle had just stayed home. How the whole stealing the Avatar’s bison plan would go?
First Zuko removes Appa’s chains (except for like two chains for steering). He knows that you have to say yip-yip by now, and Appa has no problem letting him climb on, they take off… The moment they are above the lake Zuko notices that he has a) nowhere to take Appa and b) no way to steer him away from the Gaang, whom Appa is currently flying towards at top speed.
The Gaang are delighted to see Appa rescuing them from the Dai Li, and then they notice the still-disguised Blue Spirit clinging to his back. And only Aang knows who the that is. Sokka and Katara are like ‘the Blue Spirit, of the Wanted Posters? Wanted mostly for crimes against the Fire Nation? Noice.’ Then Detective Sokka asks if he is even the real Blue Spirit or a copycat, because what are the chances of the original ending up in Ba Sing Se, so far from his first appearances, right?
Meanwhile Aang has been making his classic ‘I’m not mentioning something that I really should’-faces, and huh, what Sokka says makes sense. He kind of wants to believe it too, seeing as they’re about to storm the palace and there would be no time to deal with Zuko, if he were here. So hopefully it isn’t him! (He is still ready to protect his friends from maybe-Zuko at a moment’s notice, of course.)
Anyway, Zuko manages to keep his mouth shut (the Blue Spirit disguise kinda helps with that), and he reluctantly has to admit that fighting the whole Team Avatar right now might not work out super well, but he also can’t just leave and try again tomorrow. And that’s how Zuko gets dragged along when they depose Long Feng and tell Kuei about the war...
He gets home in the evening and has to explain to his worried Uncle that he has technically helped the Avatar with a coup. The Blue Spirit is officially an Earth Kingdom hero now and has been invited to join the Earth King’s personal security. He doesn’t even have to take the mask off or talk (they can give him some paper to write when they really need to ask some questions) because Kuei doesn’t realize that isn’t exactly normal hiring practises for royal security. It’s still a prime information-gathering opportunity, though. Yes, he knows it’s dangerous and he even told the Earth King (in writing) that he has to work for his uncle and that’s how you were invited to serve tea to the Earth King, Uncle! (For real this time.) (Safety concerns are suddenly a lot less important to Iroh.)
(This is the best case scenario – worst case, the Gaang realize who he is, kick his ass, and later they tell the Earth King he has infiltrated Ba Sing Se and now the City Guard, the Dai Li and maybe the Army are searching for him. Fortunately they don’t know where he lives, but fat chance of being able to work at the new Upper Ring teashop with Uncle.)
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haeseolar · 6 months
the gaze of the angels
guild hunter au - kinnporsche / archangel!kinn, hunter!porsche
rated G, 2.7k words
based on a scene from the first book in the guild hunter series, angels' blood. for context, angel's create and handle vampires as they work under them. porsche as a hunter tracks any unruly vamp who has escaped and brings them back to their 'owners', in this case, the arch/angels.
“Give me one good reason I should be talking to you on my day off.”
“Well, hello to you too, Porsche,” Arm, the director of the Hunter’s Guild, says, his voice no less sarcastic even through the phone line.
Porsche snorts, kicking off his boots into a heap by his front door. He’ll fix that later; right now, he has one thing on his mind: to relax.
“I’m waiting,” Porsche replies, clicking his tongue in annoyance. He’d never hang up on his best friend-cum-boss, but the temptation grows as he wanders into his apartment - his haven, his sanctuary - and feels in his gut that whatever Arm is about to tell him won’t be anything good.
“Well,” Arm begins and then goes so quiet Porsche has to check to make sure they’re still connected. “Your holiday is being cut sh-"
“No fucking way!” Porsche cuts him off, coming to stand in the middle of his kitchen.
The marble top island is more cluttered than he’d like it to be, but he’s been nonstop working for the past 3 weeks on one of the hardest hunts of his life. A rogue vampire had gone insane, slaughtering more people than he could count on his fingers. Despite being a crazy lunatic, the bastard had been smart, and led Porsche on a wild chase until he finally caught up and sent him back to his angel owner for her to deal with. He’d barely had time to sleep, let alone clean.
“Porsche,” Arm’s voice is hard - stoic and with no room to argue, taking the tone that the director of the Guild should have. This wasn’t a friendly chat - this was a business one through and through. “You’ve been requested.”
Porsche scoffs, “That’s nice, but -”
“By an archangel.”
Porsche feels his whole world go quiet. “It’s not April Fool’s Day, Arm,” He says shakily.
“I know, and I’d never joke about this, but…” Arm sighs, and it’s a frustrated one. “We’re between a rock and a hard place. I tried to deny his request and said you’re off duty for the foreseeable future, but he wouldn’t take no for an answer.”
Fucking archangels, Porsche thought, the voice inside his head spiteful. He’d never be able to say it out loud without dire consequences, but in the privacy of his own brain, he’ll curse them out as much as he wants. They’re selfish creatures, living in their high-rises to look down upon all mortals, ruling over the cities they claim as their own without a care in the world. As long as they’re happy, nothing else matters.
“What does he want?”
“They wouldn’t say. His lackeys who called up were very secretive, even with me,” Arm grumbles something under his breath with the same amount of disdain Porsche feels. The archangels are famously hard to work with. “I’m really sorry, and I will do all I can to make this up to you - but you have to meet him tomorrow.”
“Which one?” Porsche asks, mind going a hundred miles an hour. He went through all the ones he knew - the ones he’d already worked for. He’s had to clean up more of their messes than he can count, but of course, they do nothing but deposit a grand sum of money in his bank account and go about their day without even a simple thanks.
“Archangel Anakinn.”
The name cut off all of Porsche’s internal ramblings. That name had fear instilled into it, each letter dripping with the promise of death if you defied him. The archangel of Bangkok wasn’t exactly known for his niceties; even Porsche, who had fought rogue vampires twisted with bloodlust beyond any form of rationality, who stood up against anyone or anything not caring about the consequences, starts to feel anxiety creeping in.
“Fuck me,” Porsche let out, leaning against the counter to keep him up. His knees felt weak. “Let me guess, I’ve gotta go on my own, too?”
He could feel the wince through the phone as Arm answered, “Yep.”
Double fuck, Porsche curses. “Ping me the time and location.”
“Porsche -” Arm began, but Porsche hung up before he could finish, not in the mood to talk anymore.
He glances around his apartment, at the warm woods and white accents, at the trinkets and paintings spread around that he’d collected in his travels, and breathes in the scent of incense to try and ground himself. There’s no use in avoiding the inevitable, so he looks outside his window at the hotel situated opposite his apartment building. It towers above him, each window lit with shadows of activity behind them. It’s a building that never sleeps, with all sorts of goings on happening in the secrecy only immortals had the pleasure of knowing.
Porsche’s phone pinged with the details of his meeting for tomorrow.
Director Arm:
Tomorrow, Theerapanyakul’s Hotel, 09:00 am sharp.
Memorising the information immediately, Porsche knows that if he takes a few steps forward, he’ll be able to see the rooftop of the hotel - the Theerapanyakul’s Hotel. It doesn’t have any railing or safety bordering it, as there would be no point. It’s a landing and takeoff point for angels, and they could fly, their giant wings sprawling outwards so wide that even to this day, Porsche finds himself pausing whatever he was doing to stop and watch. He’d spent countless hours since he’d moved into this apartment spying on them, watching them come and go, equally fascinated as he was repulsed by their royalty in society.
Each angel had their own set of wings, and no two were the same. One pair had caught his attention the most out of all he’d seen, and he’d seen plenty at this point. Porsche recalls ones that were so wide that they had almost blocked out the entire sky, so dark in colour that it seemed as if a black hole had opened up in their place, if not for the red tips of the feathers that were visible even from so far away. Porsche has never met Archangel Anakinn - but he knows him. He’s seen him, watched him, studied him the best he could from afar as he admired each descent and take-off from flight, the beauty of his wings too tempting to look away from even for a second.
Porsche walks forward, eyes rising upwards until he can finally see the rooftop, hoping to catch a glimpse of them. To his dismay, the rooftop is empty, so instead he imagines what it’ll be like when he is up there tomorrow, and if he’d survive the meeting long enough to continue admiring the view of the angels he so frequently indulged in
“Alright, alright! I get it, no need to push,” Porsche says, wrenching his shoulder away from a heavy-handed vampire. 
The impudent thing just glares at him, his fangs poking out, just begging for the hunter to act up within the hotel. Everyone knows that you behave when in a general radius of an archangel, let alone when you’re in one’s territory. The vampire looks young, but the smell radiating off of him could only mean age - and Porsche doesn’t mean a few years, but hundreds. He looks overly serious, with his perfect ponytail and miserable atmosphere, which only makes Porsche want to prod at him even more to see if he can get a reaction out of him instead.
“Get in.” The vampire orders, shoving Porsche into an open elevator. 
“Does your boss not teach you any manners?” Porsche mutters under his breath, nose scrunching up in distaste at the vampire’s scent now clinging to him. 
Each one smells different, much like each angel’s wings - it’s part of their DNA, their defining feature. This one smells sour, his scent warped with internal rage and something sad, almost as if he’s left it so long that it’s gone off, twisted and rotten. It’s clear that he hates Porsche, so much so that it’s leaking out of every pore.
“What did you say, guild hunter?” The vampire snaps, eyes narrowed in malice.
“I said, did your boss not teach you any manners?” Porsche repeats, enunciating each word clearly, not caring about the consequences. 
“Why, you -” The vampire begins through gritted teeth until the elevator doors open and let in a gust of wind so strong it threatens to knock him off balance.
Porsche blinks, his eyes drying out immediately as he takes in the scene before him. He hadn’t even noticed they’d made it to the top, caught up in the brewing fight. The vampire grabs his arm, dragging him out and practically throwing him forward. Porsche’s senses are all going off, each one struggling to acclimate to a slew of incoming smells, sounds, and feelings. 
“Khun Kinn, he’s arrived.”
“Thank you, Big. You may go,” A voice replies, so smooth and luxurious that Porsche’s stomach clenches. 
He watches as the vampire - or Big, he supposes - bows and takes his leave, looking like nothing more than a trained puppy in front of his master. Porsche holds back the urge to sneer, but he reigns it in.
Even though he’s completely open out here, the wind is strong and loud, it’s warmer than he expected, the sun shining directly into his eyes. He squints, trying to gather his bearings as he looks out across the expanse of the roof, focusing on a shadowy figure at the opposite end. Even without fully seeing him - Porsche knows who it is. 
Archangel Anakinn.
There’s no doubt in his mind, no second guesses, as his mere aura alone is enough to suffice. The great span of his wings flutters, rising and blocking out the harsh glare of the sun, bringing everything back into focus. Porsche blinks, black spots dotting around his vision as he adjusts until he can finally see who he is truly facing.
His breath catches in his throat, eyes widening without his permission as he takes in the archangel. Anakinn’s hair is perfectly styled, not a hair out of place except the purposely left-out strand that catches on his eyelashes, even with the harsh winds that are whipping Porsche’s clothing and hair around relentlessly. It’s as if the earth has stopped moving, stopped existing, covering Anakinn in an eternal peace where he’s untouchable. Porsche’s eyes carry on moving, desperate and wanting to take the man in. They follow his masculine brow bone and down the gentle slope of his nose, cataloguing each mole and curve, straight angle and harsh cut of his jawline. 
Even hidden, Porsche can sense the sheer amount of strength hidden within his body. It’s not all physical, although he doesn’t doubt that he is just as strong in that sense as he is in any other, but the archangel naturally exudes such a vibe that Porsche feels dizzy. Anakinn’s clothes are simple - a white shirt that stands out starkly against his black wings and is open enough to show off the cut of his pecs, along with a pair of tight slacks. He mustn’t feel the chill, either, as any sensible person would at least wear a jacket up here.
Porsche’s eyes flicker back up to meet Anakinn’s, and where they are a natural brown colour, there’s nothing normal about them. It isn’t just one shade, but hundreds, maybe even thousands, that meld and entwine amongst each other in his irises, glowing almost golden with how rich they are that Porsche fears if he looks for too long, he will lose himself forever amongst them. 
“Done looking, Hunter Porsche?”
Porsche visibly jolts at the address, shuddering back into reality as he snaps out of whatever daze he is in.
“It’s not often I find myself face-to-face with an archangel,” Porsche retorts, willing the heat on his cheeks at being caught to fade away.
Anakinn smiles, barely a tilt of his lips, and yet Porsche feels he’s being treated like a child. It’s humouring - demeaning - like the angel opposite him sees him as nothing more than a toy to entertain himself with. It wouldn’t surprise him if that’s exactly what was happening, but it pisses him off either way. 
“We’re a private bunch,” Anakinn replies simply, gesturing to the table to the side. Porsche follows his hand to the breakfast spread laid out for them. “Shall we have something to eat, and then begin?”
Porsche shrugs, too stiff to be casual, but it at least forces his muscles to loosen, “Sure.”
Anakinn waits until Porsche moves first, and even with his back turned, he can feel eyes following him with each step. Before he can drag a seat out for himself, Anakinn asks from right behind him:
“Did Big treat you well on your way up?”
Porsche spins around, not having felt or heard anyone creep up on him. His heart is in his throat, his hand on the knife that was hidden in his jacket sleeve, the blade peaking out as he’s ready to attack. It’s lucky he just about caught himself from stabbing the archangel, too on edge from nerves.
Anakinn glances down, catching sight of the knife, “I see you weren’t checked for weapons.”
“I was,” Porsche replies instantly, and even though it’s delayed, he finally gets a waft of the archangel’s scent. His mouth waters - it’s not like anything he’s smelled before. It’s sensual, sweet, and musky - cloying and addictive. “Your people just underestimated me.”
“Oh?” Anakinn’s eyebrow raises, and it’s so unfairly attractive that Porsche feels a pulse of violence rise in him. “I assure you, no one in this building would dare do such a thing.”
“You don’t need to flatter me,” Porsche says cuttingly, sliding the blade back into its rightful place. “I know you chose me for a reason, and I’m damn good at my job, whatever it may be.”
Anakinn hums, eyes appraising as they trace over his face and down his body, and back up again. Each bit they cover leaves hot trails behind, burning his skin even through layers of clothes. “What if I wanted to flatter you?”
Porsche’s heart seizes, his throat clicking as he swallows. “Just add a couple thousand onto my pay check, and we’d be good.”
Anakinn steps closer, boxing Porsche in, pushing his lower back into the chair behind him. It digs in at an uncomfortable angle, precariously balanced on something that could move and leave him unmoored and unstable in his stance. Their chests are almost touching, and Anakinn’s scent gets stronger, sweeter, and more enticing. Porsche can see Anakinn’s wings out of his peripherals, and the feathers look even softer than he could’ve ever imagined. He wants to reach out and touch, but he doesn’t dare.
“Only a couple thousand, hunter?” Anakinn tilts his head to the side, deceptively innocent, “I think you’re worth more than that.”
“You haven’t even tried me yet,” Porsche replies, and he’s not sure what he’s talking about - whether it’s the hunt he’s about to be debriefed on, or something else. Even worse, he’s not sure which one he’d rather be discussing.
“We can change that,” Anakinn says, voice low, words rich and honeyed, as his eyes drop to Porsche’s lips. 
They linger, only for a moment, and then they’re gone, along with Anakinn’s presence. Porsche gasps in shock, turning back around to face the table, where the archangel is now sitting down, poised as if he’s on a throne and not a garden chair. 
“So, you’re not a cheap worker, hm?” 
Porsche drags his seat out, watching as the screeching sound of the metal against the concrete doesn’t make the man flinch. He flops down onto it, relishing in the plush softness of the cushion beneath him. 
Folding his arms over his chest, Porsche replies: “I’ll rinse you dry, but I’m worth every penny.”
Anakinn’s eyes search him again, this time more intense, not even bothering to hide the roaring desire and attraction in them. “Then I suppose I look forward to working with you, Hunter Porsche.”
Porsche smirks, shifting in his seat, leaning into the warm bubbling sensation caressing his skin at such a gaze directed at him, the base of his spine tingling with it. He can’t wait to see what Archangel Anakinn has in store for him.
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amalee · 2 years
lay in a field of glaze lilies
zhongli x fem!reader
warnings: angst no!comfort, reader is immortal but you are not a god or adepti, mentions of a blade (once) zhongli is referred to as morax, not!proofread, ooc zhongli??
You had always held pride in yourself for befriending the stone cold warrior god Morax. You became a witness of the slaughter he had done to friends turned foes and the backstabbing pain of betrayal that he had endured, the way his eyes always narrowed when talking to a mere mortal and how merciless he was to whoever he deemed was a threat or enemy.
His stone cold persona had never changed when you befriend him, even after spending chilling evenings and sweaty summer afternoons sparing with him, you were still unable to break the shield of companionship between you and him. It wasn’t until a couple of centuries later when you shattered the barrier and become close friends with the ruthless god.
"Are you really leaving Morax?" The chilling evening that accompanied the night sky had made you shiver even after taking a few sips of osmanthus wine you felt cold, your eyes shifted to the taller figure that was sitting a few feet away from you, his longing gaze that was once situated on the clear moon now met yours.
“I’ll be back before you know it.” He voiced with a light huskiness, a bit amused watching as your face creased in concern. “Let me accompany you as well.” It must have been the wine talking, but the regret of your words were starting to kick in. Morax let out a chuckle before downing the last bit of the wine still left in his cup. “It is my duty to fulfill not yours, do not brood over small concerns.” You wanted to deny his words but kept silent, he was right.
“When I become an archon I can create a nation full of those gaze lilies you were talking about.” In attempt to lighten the mood he brought in his unusual humor.
“They’re called glaze lilies!” laughter spilled from your lips and you saw a faint smile on Morax’s face, with your elbows on the table, you placed your face on your palms your fingers pressed up against your cheeks as you leaned in closer to him. “You seem pretty confident that you’ll become an archon.” You tone was sly and teasing almost challenging him.
“Of course I am, after all I am Morax, the most feared prime adepti.” His tone was teasing and laced with arrogance. “Citizens will call me Lord Morax and you Lady y/n.” You laughed at his cockiness, his amber eyes looking at yours once more his voice was softer this time. “And I promise, that once I become one of the seven, there will be a field filled of glaze lilies in Liyue, made just for you.”
Your fingers moved on their own to brush off the few strands of hair that was blocking his eyes and pulled it behind his ear, your touch was so light that he almost didn’t feel it. “Then, will we be able to lay in a field full of glaze lilies, together?” your words were whispered among the cool breeze but he could hear them clearly as if it were whispered right by his ear.
He didn’t say anything for a while, but instead brought his pale cold hands to your warms ones holding them tightly as if he didn’t want to let go creating a sense of comfort to him, then he placed a feathery light kiss to the back of your knuckles when you gave him your kind smile.
He felt a bit.. strange, he was sure that this was not how friends should be acting to one another, but he wasn’t sure why the steady thumping of his heart had sped up at the thought of your words. Clearing his throat he spoke again.
“Before I leave,” he paused locking his soft gaze on you, one you had grown to love over the last centuries spent together, “will you fulfill my last wish tonight by singing me the captivating tune I heard when we had first met?”
And so, the last words to your best companion were the soft tunes of a special song sang only for him.
When morning came you basked in the refreshing scent of mint that was sitting near your pond outside surrounded by the light mist in the air from when it rained last night.
You didn’t realize how incredibly lonely you would become now that Morax was gone, but you kept busy aiding around the villiage and occasionally taking short strolls around the vast city in hopes of keeping your mind off him and the war that was currently happening.
How long did wars last anyway? You decided that it lasted too long when days started turning into weeks and weeks turned into months and still no sign of Morax.
Time was ticking slowly for you and you wished for nothing more then to go back in time and ask him to stay or at least leave with him, but there was nothing left you could do except reminisce your memories of him. The strained feeling of guilt and regret was sinking lower and lower every day he didn’t show up. The pang of fear weighed heavily on your shoulders and you felt yourself become more and more engulfed in the thought that maybe.. he really had died in the war.
There was a pile of unsent letters on your desk that you’d stopped sending upon realizing that the first one you sent was years ago and still, you had not gotten a letter sent back from him. You also stopped keeping track of how long he had been gone for.
It took you a while before you started going on your long walks around the city again, but the feelings of guilt and fear were still clouded in your mind. The pieces that were left behind by him now felt like it no longer belonged here with you, or here in his homeland.
On a early morning you had walked into the city on one of your long strolls when a name you haven’t heard of for years had left the lips of a street vendor.
“Have you heard? One of the seven had made his own nation.” The stall worker was busy giving back mora to the costumer when they replied back.
“Oh yeah, the one led by Lord Morax and Lady Guizhong? What was it called again?”
“Liyue.” The words left your lips like and automatic response and you felt your heart beat quicken at every word that left the vendors mouth. He was alive! Your steps quickened with every stride you took getting closer and closer to the stall worker asking directions to the new nation.
The walk to Liyue was excruciatingly slow but your mind was finally set at ease at the thought of seeing your best companion after so many years. The sun was beginning to set when you finally stepped foot in the land of geo, you had no time to admire the beautiful landscapes due to the sharp blade of a polearm inches away from your neck.
“Who are you and what are you doing here?” The boy’s eyes narrowed at you. Your eyes darted to the demonic mask sitting on his waist, the familiar weight of fear had stopped you from moving.
“My name is y/n and i’m from-” For a moment you saw his eyebrows furrow in confusion before going back to his reserved face.
“I didn’t ask you where you’re from, what are you doing here in Liyue?” He pointed his polearm closer to your neck.
“I.. just want to see Morax.” Your throat felt dry and itchy. The closer the sharp metal came to your neck the more quieter you became.
“What is your association with Rex Lapis?” The green haired boy finally removed his polearm from your face his eyes still narrowed at you with suspicion.
“I’m a close friend.” You did not feel any better even after he pulled his spear away from you, you saw his eyebrows crease further with confusion and he didn’t say anything for a while until you broke him away from his thoughts.
“Can you help me reach him?” You were deathly afraid of the stranger but you were equally as desperate to finally see your best friend.
“Rex Lapis is in Qingce village currently celebrating his newly shared nation with Lady Guizhong, I’d advise you visit him another day.”
“Please..” you begged, “I just need to see him once more.” Your words were quiet but the boy was even quieter, before he finally spoke up.
“I will escort you to him myself.” Maybe it was pity that made Xiao decide to help or maybe it was because your name had sounded oddly familiar to him but, his words were short and blunt when he stuck his hand out to you. You looked at him questionably and with slight hesitance moved your hand closer to his but stopped when they were about to touch.
“Who are you?” There was no malice in your tone but there was slight confusion and unease to it.
“Adeptus Xiao.” His voice was gruff but had a nice touch of softness to it. “I serve under Rex Lapis, and keep Liyue safe from any danger.”
“Nice to meet you adeptus-” before you could even finish your sentence he grasped your hand and in the blink of an eye you were now standing in what you assumed was Qingce village, by now the sun was at its peak with orange and pink clouds painting the sky. You turned around to thank the adeptus but he was gone before you could open your mouth you let out a small “thank you” anyway hoping that he would hear it.
You crossed the wooden bridge to the large open field of gardens that was filled with beautifully vibrant orange and yellow flowers. You came to a stop when you had spotted an unfamiliar figure, she was sitting on her knees holding a basket full of what you assumed were flowers.
The blue flower that was hidden amongst the orange flowers had caught your attention, the petals had looked as if it was not sprouted, as if it were closed, shielding whatever it was hiding inside.
You continued to wander in the field— that is until you heard the familiar melody of a song, the special one you sang the night before he left, leave her lips.
Then you saw him, his features had become more handsome and he was much taller than you remembered. He took slow steps to the girl who you figure out is Guizhong. He came to a stop right before her and she had stood up picking out the blue flower which had not changed from earlier even after singing to it, a small frown forming on her face.
“It didn’t work Morax. The glaze lily did not sprout.” The frown on her face only seemed to deepen when he grinned. “I was sure it would have worked perfectly fine, perhaps you should try again my dear.”
You felt your heart tighten at his words, it felt like you’d been stabbed and he was twisting the sword in your wound to add on to the pain.
She was singing your song, to a flower that you came up with, for the same guy you had fallen for.
“I feel as if the ‘gold’ we are supposedly searching for is not here and you are just poking fun at me.” Guizhong’s voice was light hearted but she still held her frown.
He picked up the glaze lily from her hand and set it in her long silky hair cupping her face with the gentle touch of his hand.
“Do not fret, for I have already found it.” he paused for a moment, a fond smile forming on his lips, golden eyes were filled with adoration for the girl standing before him.
“You are the gold that I treasure in my heart, Guizhong.” you watched as the girl only smiled placing a white flower from her basket behind his ear, then a sweet kiss at the corner of his lip. Her lips must have been addicting because he dipped his head down for another chaste kiss.
How much you wished he had said your name and kissed your lips instead.
Morax wrapped his arms around her figure his grip tightening when she moved her gaze to look up at him. “Let’s go pick out more glaze lilies.” he then placed a kiss on her temple, the tight grip was loosened and he had let her roam off in another area, you took that as a sign to leave as well, but—
“Y/n.” his golden orbs flickered your way, he could feel your familiar presence.
Hearing his voice call your name after years of waiting made your heart feel even more heavier then before, it was like someone was hammering nails onto your heart.
His tone was much more mellow now and you gave him a small smile in response.
“Pleasure to see you again Morax.” and he nodded in agreement. It was quiet for a moment before you spoke again, “you have created a beautiful nation.” he smiled at you in return, “I was lucky enough to have some help.” it was your turn to nod at him, then it was quiet again, until you felt the salty drops of tears hit the dirt floor, the silent cries from your lips had broken the tension.
You didn’t know if you were crying from happiness, frustration, or sadness, so many emotions were coursing through your body that it was overwhelming, but nothing could top the over powering feeling of disappointment you’d felt at the moment.
You wanted to yell and shout out all your pent up anger that had been bottled up for the past years at him, but your words were low and faint and came out hoarse.
“I thought you died in war, Morax.” another tight wrenching squeeze from your heart had you catching for a breath, the tears streaming like a waterfall down your face, it was getting harder and harder for you to breathe, “why didn’t you come back?” you could see the way he had moved with discomfort from your question.
“I have..” he paused finding the right words to say, “moved on, dear old friend.” his tone was so light and gentle that you almost believed that he wasn’t the Morax you’ve known at all.
His words made you angry, all the years that you spent in guilt waiting for him to return were dismissed by him because he “moved on.” bullshit.
“So you decided to leave the memories of me and the village behind?” he had felt the anger in your tone but was still as calm as ever.
“Perhaps you should refrain from bringing up the past. I am not who I once was before, it brings me shame reminiscing my earlier days.” His gaze had not changed since you first made eye contact with him, his familiar stare that you once found comfort in had now sent a chill down your spine.
“So, are ashamed of me as well?” the hurt in your voice was evident, the sword of betrayal that he pierced into your heart had struck deeper when he had not uttered a word.
You had never felt so vulnerable in the presence of Morax, it felt as if the two of you were strangers now and it was almost like you had not spent centuries together prior to the war.
“Did the memories that we shared not matter to you?”
The silence was deafening, but you were still waiting for him to say something, anything would have been better than the unbearable quietness surrounding the air. You took his stillness as a yes, you bit your lip as the tears continued to stream down your face, you felt sick.
“Did you even think about coming back after the war?” you locked eyes with his golden orbs and it was clear, that you no longer held any significance toward him, and that you were not worthy enough to be considered a friend anymore.
“But the glaze lilies..” your voice was hushed and your sadness was still evident, “you’re telling me that the glaze lilies were-” his next words were sharp on his tongue. “The glaze lilies were merely a coincidence.” he shut your hopes down just as quickly as he built them.
“There are no coincidences in a world that you’ve created Morax.” your words must have thrown him off because you saw him shift, a small grunt falling from his lips, however he said nothing to dismiss your idea.
“You should leave y/n, and start out a new life here in Liyue.” He was still inviting you to stay as if he didn’t just shatter your heart moments ago.
“Oh.” you had felt so dejected at his words and the realization had sunk deep in your body, you wanted to crumble hearing the words leave his mouth. you felt foolish for thinking that the almighty Morax had actually regarded you as a friend. after a long moment of silence you finally nod slowly at his words. “Then I too, shall move on. Goodbye Morax.”
He felt the sway of the wind get stronger and watched as your hair flowed against the soft breeze in the air, your tear streaked face had now been a permanent memory for him. His hand lifted up in the slightest as if to reach out to you, to pull you back in to him and assure you that you indeed were correct. That he was thinking of you when he created the lilies, but the sounds of wind pushing against the field of flowers that Guizhong was currently picking out, and the sight of your glossy tear filled eyes he dropped his hand.
This was the first time in a while that he felt lost. he knew that what he did was wrong, that he messed up, and ruined the only thing that connected him to his past. But he also knew that he’d only make even more regrets if he reached out after you, he had a beautiful relationship with Guizhong, after all. not you.
Morax was still quiet when you left, he showed no sign of worry or regret and you were beginning to think that your friendship with him was no more than a token of entertainment. At least he had still carried the memory of you, the glaze lilies were a clear confirmation of it no matter how much he had denied it.
With your back faced towards him he watched as you walked further and further away. His brows creased together as a twinge of hurt and regret formed on his delicate features, his heart squeezed tightly in his chest as his golden eyes lingered on your disappearing figure. Finally, after a moment of unbearable silence and the wave of emotions gearing in his chest, he finally turned around and walked back over to Guizhong. He was offered with a gentle comforting smile by her, one that reminded him of you, and he smiled back. The white flower that Guizhong's soft fingers tucked over his ear had now fell on the dirt floor as he leaned over and placed a sweet gentle kiss to her forehead.
Taking his words to heart you had found yourself staying in Liyue, you were much too curious of the vast landscapes to leave, you set yourself in a home outside of Liyue harbor and had turned friends with the mysterious yaksha.
It has been decades or perhaps centuries later since he had last seen you. He was now referred to as Zhongli, a mortal living amongst the crowd of Liyue citizens. Guizhong was now just a memory of the god, and over the many years he had spent alone, he built time to relish in his thoughts and regrets.
His past haunted him, he sees you almost every day strolling around the city with your straw basket in hand buying fruits and vegetables or occasionally street food that you end up giving to the cute dog near the entrance of the gates of Liyue. the dreading feeling of accidentally stumbling into you lingers in his mind often, and he finds himself turning the other way when he sees you from the corner of his amber eyes from a distance, wondering if you’d do the same if you saw him again.
He was a coward, he’s been telling himself that for years- aeons, after he saw you crying all those years ago when the two of you had finally reunited again after a long while. he ruined the only chance of reconnecting with you again and wanted to apologize to you, to tell you his regrets, and mistakes. soon enough he sought out to find you in hopes that you would forgive him for his foolishness.
Maybe it was a stoke of luck or perhaps it was a twist of fate, but he saw you in Qingce village in the gardens standing in front of a glaze lily that has yet to be sprouted, although he was quite a few feet away from you he could still hear the sweet tune of your melody that was whispered in the drift of air as if you were singing it for him.
You were singing to the glaze lily, and it had blossomed in a result of your voice, and your song. It was the first he had witnessed the flower unfold and it was quite miraculous, the plant only seemed to listen to you. Even after many attempts Guizhong was never fortunate enough to see or make the blue lily uncoil.
Zhongli felt delighted at the scene and opened his mouth to leave a pleasant remark taking a few more strides your way, but ultimately his words and body came to a sudden halt watching as another figure, another man, walk closer your way, behind you. His first instinct was to summon his polearm, but when the guy wrapped his arms around your waist from behind and rested his head in the crook your neck he saw your gentle smile and stopped himself. 
Perhaps you two were friends? After all a hug wasn’t unfamiliar to both you and him when the two of you were still friends. Zhongli continued to listen as the young male spoke.
“You have an amazing gift you know. You are the only person who is special enough to make a flower spring by singing to it.” You lightly laughed at his words, the idea sounded ridiculous to you, turning your body to face the man’s you hit his chest with the light thud of your head, he smiled as the gentle wind of the cool evening blew your hair out of your face and wrapped his arms around your waist tighter as id you were a precious flower, shielding you from the harsh beam of the orange sun hitting your beautiful features.
“It is just a mere coincidence.” You words were light and a bit empty as if the thought of the lily sprouting from the sound your voice brought an unwanted memory. The guy unraveled from the embrace leaning down to pluck out the pale blue flower from the ground smiling softly as he wrapped it behind you ear.
“I can assure you that, there is no such thing as a coincidence in the land of geo.” your smile seemed to brighten at his words, and he brought his hand down to your fingers his lips pressing a gentle kiss on your knuckles.
Zhongli knit his brows together a bit at the irony, blinking slowly a few times as he watched. the scene playing in front of him was too familiar, and it had a bit of a numbing effect on his heart. those were words he wished he blurted out, to reassure you that he did indeed fulfill his promise to you, but his pride was too big for his own good, and he let you go.
He was moments away from leaving you be until you spoke again, the words were soft and slow on your tongue as you spoke, your eyes were filled with much tenderness and admiration for the man standing in front of you.
“Can we lay in a field full of glaze lilies, together?”
Zhongli felt the thumping of his heart speed up after hearing your familiar words, he was frozen in his spot unmoving, reluctant to leave. those words you spoke were no longer targeted at him and instead to another friend. except, he knew all to well that this was not how friends treat one another, because a friend does not ask to lay in a field full of glaze lilies together. a lover does.
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scribbling-dragon · 1 year
Watcher’s Nest Café
Chapter 4
“Morning sunshine!”
“Martyn,” he turns to face the man. The man that has, unfortunately, become a fixture at the café over the past few weeks. He’s even taken up residence along the front bar when Scott is working. Which is always. Martyn’s greeting catches up with him a moment later, brain lagging several seconds behind their conversation. “Sunshine?”
(ao3 link)
(2,961 words)
The sun is bright and it’s hurting his already aching eyes. It’s enough to give him a headache on the best of days, and today is incredibly far from the best of days. Because the café is busy. Which isn't unusual in and of itself, it’s always busy, people coming and going, sitting or leaving; but it’s extra busy today, and has been extra busy for the last week.
It happens every year, every single time, and yet, without fail, he sometimes forgets that it’s approaching. That the time until the end of the year is ticking down, with the months getting colder and the days getting shorter in the lead up to the winter holidays. And in the lead up to many, many papers needing to be turned in. And the café has free wi-fi, as long as you buy something.
Thus, Scott is stuck making the cheapest drink they have, over and over, and watching people cram themselves into booths with their friends- they're always far too overconfident in being able to fit five people, plus any study materials or laptops or notes or binders they've brought with them, into a tiny booth that he’s watched struggle to take three people. It’s always funny to watch them elbow each other, at least, but he’d rather they weren't here at all.
His leg aches more during these periods as well, with both the cold weather and the increased customers taking a toll on him. He refuses to acknowledge the lack of sleep and how that’s probably affecting it too- he’s survived on less sleep and done better than this.
“Morning sunshine!”
“Martyn,” he turns to face the man. The man that has, unfortunately, become a fixture at the café over the past few weeks. He’s even taken up residence along the front bar when Scott is working. Which is always. Martyn’s greeting catches up with him a moment later, brain lagging several seconds behind their conversation. “Sunshine?”
He hopes Martyn can hear the derision he injects into that single word. He’s been told it’s a talent, his ability to make someone want to shrivel up and die as soon as he spares them a glance and a few choice words. Martyn is, apparently, immune to this as he simply throws his bag onto the front bar with a dangerous sounding clunk and leans across the counter, towards him.
“But you're always so pleased to see me?” Martyn says, grinning, “And you have that winning smile, well, you're practically beaming!”
“Flattery is not a good look on you.” The till beeps as he punches several buttons, Martyn’s order as predictable as ever. “Neither is lying.”
Martyn hums in response, noncommittal, and dips his head a few times as though agreeing. He remains leaned up against the counter, even as Scott steps away to make his drink. He should be thankful that most of their actual customers have been chased off by the sudden influx of sleep-deprived and stressed students, because otherwise he would be forced to tell Martyn to shove off and wait somewhere else.
As it is, he doesn't mind Martyn waiting there. Even if the intensity with which he watches Scott make his drink is more than a little unsettling.
“Worried I might poison it?” He asks, wiping a cloth over the steam wand.
“Oh, certainly,” Martyn’s still grinning when he turns around, which would be irritating if it didn't make him look so attractive. There is a god out there, somewhere, that gets a kick out of making incredibly attractive yet utterly annoying men, he just knows it. And as soon as he finds out which god it is, he’s going to kill them. “Timmy’s told me plenty of stories.”
“Has he?” He sets the drink down in front of Martyn, though he doesn't take it immediately and retreat to his seat. He remains leaned over the counter, forearms braced against it as he grins up at Scott.
“Oh, yes,” Martyn nods sagely, as though he’s imparting some amazing wisdom. “He’s told me that it is an incredibly bad idea to piss off the man making your drinks, no matter how curious you are about him.”
“Oh really?”
Scott hadn't missed the numerous conversations Jimmy has had with Martyn- a lot of them had been through odd facial expressions alone, but he is nothing if not skilled in the art of weird expressions, so he got the main gist of it. Especially when Martyn would sit and sulk at his laptop, not typing, whenever Jimmy won their silent arguments.
“Mhm, mhm,” Martyn continues to nod, reaching forward to curl his hands around his mug. “And I, for once, trust in his judgement.”
“He’ll be thrilled when I tell him.”
Martyn clears his throat, almost awkwardly, eyes dancing away from him. “I, uh, yeah. I am sorry for what I asked about the other day- I'm not saying that I'm not still curious, because lying to you is probably a bad idea,” it is, but Scott won't tell him that. “And I think you're quite nice really, even if your favourite hobby seems to be snapping at rude customers and then stealing a couple pounds from their pockets.”
“I didn't know you were watching me so closely,” Scott can work with this. Oh, he can absolutely work with this. He grins, leaning a little closer. “One would almost think you liked me, Martyn, hm? Focusing on me rather than your rather important essay that you need to have finished by the end of this week.”
“It’s drafted, it’s fine,” Martyn waves it off, though Scott doesn't miss the momentary panic that crosses his face at the mention of his essay. “Besides, I was more than a little worried about you actually poisoning me, gods know what you actually have under that counter- Timmy says it’s a bunch of tea, but I trust him as far as I can throw him sometimes.”
“I’d better make you a new drink, then.” Scott sighs, going to pull the coffee away from Martyn.
“I- huh?” Martyn jerks his hands back from the mug as though he’s been scalded, eyes wide and lips slightly parted as he looks between Scott and his mug then back again. “What do you mean?” He lowers his voice to a hiss, leaning closer, as though someone might overhear.
Scott is almost disappointed that Cleo isn't here today, but they’d cited something about not being able to focus with the amount of chattering in the café currently, and Pix had agreed with her. Meaning he was being abandoned for the foreseeable future.
“Well, I was going to just let you drink that, but then you apologised and I’ll feel bad if you start frothing at the mouth now.” He frowns at Martyn, then grins as he notices the man’s eyes drop to his lips, linger for a little too long to be just friendly, then look back up to his eyes.
“You actually poisoned it?” Oh, man, now he wishes he’d recorded this. Just so he could replay how Martyn’s voice squeaked.
“Of course not,” he scoffs, pushing the mug back towards Martyn. “That’d be a quick way to lose my job.”
“And stealing from customers isn't?”
“Not if they don't catch me,” Martyn seems more than a little reluctant to take the coffee now, eyeing it warily as though it might jump out of the mug and bite him. “Besides, only customers that are never going to come back leave with their pockets a little lighter.”
“There’s something wrong with you,” Martyn says, but he has a teasing glint in his eyes as he finally takes the mug and retreats to his seat.
“Hey G,” he looks up, takes in his friend’s appearance. “Rough night?”
“Rough week.” Grian doesn't even bother to order anything- Scott knows his order off by heart by now and can just ring him up before he leaves. Technically not something he’s meant to do, but Grian also knows that Scott will hunt him for sport if he leaves without paying. “Do you know how terrible I feel right now?”
“I can probably guess.” Scott is trying his very best not to judge, but Grian is wearing his sweater inside out and back to front, and it also looks like it hasn't been taken off in several days, rumpled and with a small stain on the front. “You look like you just rolled out of a bin.”
“Thanks.” Grian snorts, head still resting on the front bar. “You really know how to make someone feel special.”
“I have something that might help in feeling better,” he hands Grian his drink in a takeaway cup. He’s seen how Grian, and most of his friends, get around this time of year and there are several regulars he will not give their mugs to, out of fear of breaking them and having to explain the damages to his boss.
“You're the most wonderful person I know,” Grian croaks out, absolutely putting it on for show now.
“I’ll remind you of that next time you complain about me.”
“Go ahead,” Grian sips at the still burning-hot drink, grimaces, and then takes another mouthful. “You won't remember it either.”
Scott works in silence for a few moments, wiping down the counter, stacking the boxes of coffee and tea back where they're meant to sit. He then leans against the counter, cloth still clutched in one hand as he looks over at Grian.
“I beat your record.”
“What?” Grian squawks, head shooting up. He sounds almost like a bird, which is something Scott’s pretty certain he’s picked up from Jimmy (and the host of other avian friends the man has- seriously, he collects them like cards) because the man is human as can be. “How?”
“You underestimate how rude students are at this time of year.” He shrugs, wiping at a non-existent speck of dirt on the counter. “And how little they notice before they've had some coffee. And by then it’s already in the tip jar.”
Grian sighs, then laughs a little, murmuring, “The pupil has become the master.”
“I was always better than you anyway.”
Grian’s head shoots up. “No you were not-”
“Afternoon, sunshine.”
“You need to stop calling me that.”
“I think it fits you,” Pearl chimes in, from the other side of the counter.
“You don't get an opinion, Pearl.” Scott shoots back. “What can I get for you today? Ready to branch out and try new things?”
“Same as always,” Martyn grins. “Though, I might try one of your brownies, I've heard they're rather nice.”
“Pearl puts whatever she can find in them, so it’s your funeral if it was out of date and she didn't notice.” He rings Martyn up, holding the card machine out to the man.
“Hey!” Pearl pops up beside him, eyes narrowed playfully. “I’ll have you know that you are the only person to have eaten something funny in any of my brownies ever.”
“So it’s special treatment?” He uses the tongs to grab one of the brownies from the top of the stack, sticking it on a plate and sliding it towards Martyn. “I feel honoured.”
“As you should,” Pearl sniffs, attempting to look down her nose at him, which would work better if she was taller than Scott. But alas.
“That’ll be ready for you in a moment,” he tells Martyn. “Feel free to grab a seat.”
Martyn does so without complaint, though Scott notices that he doesn't pull his laptop out, nor does he retrieve his textbook - marine biology, Scott had managed to catch a glimpse at the cover two weeks ago while the man was lugging it around - instead, he simply sits and watches.
It would be unsettling if he wasn't already used to it. And besides, having an attractive man watching him like that? Scott is hardly going to complain. But Martyn’s stare is far more intense today, threatening to burn a hole straight through his head with how hard he’s staring at him. Normally, Scott can ignore it pretty well, put it out of his mind as he makes his drink and then get on with his business easily enough.
Martyn’s still staring when he turns around, watching him with his brows furrowed, eyes narrowed, as though thinking. He doesn't react when Scott looks at him, nor does he react when he gives him a questioning look. His eyes continue to be fixed on that spot of air, not following Scott around as he adds the last touches to his drink.
It’s only when he sets the latte down in front of Martyn that the man seems to startle free from his reverie, blinking several times. He then looks down at the coffee, and back up at Scott, as though he’s unsure how he got here.
“Sorry, did I wake you?”
“You're not sorry at all,” Martyn laughs into his drink, already raising it to his mouth to take a sip. If Scott were a nicer person, he would remind him that it’s hot, but he’s not, so he watches him burn his mouth instead. Martyn coughs and then swallows it, taking another sip, as though Scott didn't notice.
Pearl is washing the dirty dishes in the sink, so Scott is on the till. Which is right beside where Martyn is sitting. Martyn chances a glance over at him from the corner of his eye, probably trying to check if he saw him burn his mouth, only to find Scott already watching him.
He grins.
“You know,” Martyn says. The hand resting on the table taps an irregular rhythm against its surface. “You never responded to my apology.”
“What response did you want?” Scott tips his head to the side, watching from the corner of his eye as a group of students starts packing up. “Me to fall over, swooning, at you giving an apology for prying into my personal life?”
“That…makes it sound a lot worse than it actually was,” Martyn frowns.
“Maybe.” He shrugs. Some of his hair is coming loose, swinging in front of his face. He sees Martyn’s eyes follow it, watching as he tucks it back with a gloved hand. 
“Sorry about that, again,” Martyn winces. “But I was thinking,”
“Oh dear,”
“I was thinking that I could make it up to you, maybe, like, take you out for coffee somewhere? Smooth things over all nice- maybe share several embarrassing stories about Jimmy?”
He stares at Martyn. He’s not actually sure if the man is being serious.
Martyn’s face twists in confusion, brows furrowing as he stares at Scott. Scott stares back. “Uh, you alright? You can just say no if you want to, I won't be offended, I swear.”
Scott stares at him for a moment longer.
“Okay, that’s kinda freaky. Can you stop?” Martyn’s leaning back in his chair slightly. “Please?”
“Sorry, I was just trying to figure out how you got into your marine biology course.”
“How do you know I do- actually, nevermind. What do you mean trying to figure out how I got in?”
“How someone so stupid got into a science course.” Pearl is listening now. He can tell, even though she hasn't actually moved from where she stands at the sink. He can tell, because the clinking of mugs and plates has stopped, meaning she isn't washing them to listen better.
“I'm not stupid.”
“Yes you are.” He holds up a hand when Martyn goes to protest. “No, you just asked a coffee shop manager to go out to coffee with you. Tell me how any part of that is remotely smart.”
Martyn blinks at him for several moments. Several, very long moments. “Okay. Maybe not my best and most thought out plan- I'm not exactly going to invite you to a bar am I?”
“Well no, you wouldn't be able to afford it.”
Martyn makes an offended noise in the back of his throat at that, mouth opening to speak. Before he can make another suggestion, Pearl interrupts, resting her chin on his shoulder to look at Martyn.
“Why don't you invite him to the party we’re having?” She asks, “That’s next week.”
“I, yeah, actually,” Martyn nods, “that’s not a bad idea at all.”
“You're having a party next week?” He turns on Pearl. “And you didn't invite me?”
“I was gonna!” Pearl insists. “But it’s a good thing I didn't, huh? Because otherwise Martyn wouldn't have a good excuse to spend more time with you.” She then blinks very hard, which Scott is pretty sure is her attempt at a wink. He swallows down a laugh.
He turns back to Martyn and says, “Sure. I’ll come.”
“Oh, really?” Martyn looks actually surprised that he’s accepted. “Oh neat, well, you're gonna have to bring a drink of some kind.”
“One of those parties?”
“Yup!” Pearl nods, “We’re celebrating surviving the last week of this term.”
“Proud of you for doing that.” He pats Pearl on the shoulder, “It’s a miracle you didn't kill anyone.”
“How do you know I haven't already?”
He laughs, because he’s not sure what else he’s meant to do when Pearl gives him her best dead-eyed stare and he’s reminded of that one time they bumped into each other outside of work, at night, and her eyes shone like a cat’s.
Martyn starts laughing after a moment as well, but it’s got a faintly worried note to it and when Scott looks at him, his eyes are a little wider than normal, smile a little strained around the edges.
He leaves the conversation there, because there is no good way to continue it after someone says that. Pearl seems pleased with herself, at least.
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demiboydemon · 5 months
Weird Animal Crossing Headcanons!
Tom Nook used to be married to Redd, now is dating KK Slider. He used to just have a crush on him, but after KK came to the island they got drunk on vacation juice and hooked up in the closed Able Sisters’ changing room, and other places after Sable caught them and kicked them out. The next morning, they talked about it and decided to take things slow. After meeting up every Saturday for a few months, they put labels on things. Timmy and Tommy who were so glad to see their Dad/Uncle happy, even though Tom Nook had to make up a sfw story about how they got together.
Redd is single, but still likes Tom Nook. He’s scornful and jealous that Tom has moved on. He always hopes that he will see him in his boat and want him back. It hasn’t worked yet, but he’s hoping if he keeps selling fake art, Tom will get mad enough to talk to him. Recently he came to tell Redd that he was welcome to sell his art on the regular part of the island as long as he didn’t claim the forgeries were real, but Redd told him to go fuck himself.
Blathers is married to Brewster. It was hard being long distance so Brewster decided to move to the island, too. Sometimes Blathers is self-conscious about how much he talks, but Brewster finds it adorable. Sometimes a family is a bird who talks too much and a bird who doesn’t talk enough.
Harvey, Harriet, Leif, and Pascal are in a polyamorous relationship with each other. Harvey and Harriet got together first, then they met Pascal and Leif. Harriet isn’t dating Pascal, but they are good friends. They’re currently a closed polycule.
Flick and CJ are dating. They were childhood best friends, then got together as teens. Now they live together in a 2 bedroom apartment. One of the bedrooms belongs to the bugs and fish. Flick doesn’t talk to his dad much, and people assume it’s because he’s homophobic. Really it’s because Nat loves eating bugs. Another example of politics destroying families 😔
Pelly moved on from Pete after she caught him pirating content from Phyllis’s Onlyfans. She’s now with a pelican named Pierre, who is a Boondoxian. Pierre is scared of Phyllis, as everyone should be.
Gracie is friends with benefits with Pavé and Resetti. She’s a dom and they’re into that.
Dr Shrunk’s wife wanted to open up their marriage and he agreed, but now regrets it. He talked to Dr Shrunk (his wife) about his regrets and she told him she wanted a divorce. He is having a midlife crisis, and now the only reactions he can teach are ‘heartbreak,’ ‘hefty child support,’ and ‘look at my exotic tattoo.’ This is why he is absent in New Horizons, as Nintendo didn’t think these reactions would be profitable. (Geez, show the man some compassion.)
Ankha is taking a break from dating after someone leaked her nudes. She went on a coffee date with Wisp once, but he was too much of a scaredy-cat for her.
Don Resetti has a crush on Beppe at OK Motors. They don’t see each other much, but every time they do is magical. A scrapped part of New Horizons was the player setting them up on a date in exchange for bells, but Nintendo decided against it.
Reese and Cyrus are happy as ever, and are that couple you mute on social media because they make you feel bad about your own love life.
Franklin used to have a Tinder, but deleted it after he only got messages from vore roleplayers. Speed dating hasn’t worked out well for him, either.
Gillivarr has an unrequited crush on Celeste. Celeste is the unrequited crush of many, many people.
Wardell and Niko are in a committed relationship after working together for years. Digby and Lottie had to make amendments to the HHA rule book because they were sick of the PDA.
Lloid is well-endowed, but he still has a difficult time with dating because it’s made of clay, and no size in the world can make up for that.
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lurkingshan · 1 year
Be My Favorite 3&4
I fell behind on this show while traveling, but everyone is saying it keeps getting better, so time to catch up!
Episode 3
A sticking point for me in this narrative is I still don’t get why Pisaeng liked Kawi in the first place. Original Kawi was very uncharming. I can buy Pisaeng starting to fall for him now that he is getting to know him and Kawi is opening up, but before? We haven’t really seen anything that explains that initial attraction for Pisaeng, and it’s a pretty important story point since so much of the plot hinges on it. Maybe we’ll get a flashback inside the flashback at some point?
Pisaeng got very aggressive with this kiss in the present day. You can see why Kawi would freak even if homophobia wasn’t a factor. Still, it’s quite a choice to have Krist of all actors play his revulsion after being kissed by a man, complete with his patented mouth wipe. As I discussed with @ginnymoonbeam @bengiyo and @kyr-kun-chan, either they’re intentionally leaning into Krist’s reputation or they’re a bit tone deaf here.
I like it when the show engages more with the time travel conceit and how hard it would be to puzzle out. Kawi not being able to figure out what he should do to change the future is so real.
I like Max, Kawi needs someone in his life who won’t let him get away with shit.
Poor Pisaeng. He has no idea what his future self did but he’s the one being punished for it.
Pear is a nice person and Pisaeng needs to tell her he doesn’t like her. It’s sad to imagine he just went along with it in the original timeline.
Not sucks. Kawi is wrong, they do not need to talk it out. Pisaeng should just be done with this guy.
Ugh, Kawi, that was mean. I really feel for Pisaeng. He didn’t do anything in this timeline and it’d be hard to read Kawi’s actions as anything other than him picking up on Pisaeng’s feelings and rejecting him preemptively.
Instead of winning small lottery prizes, Kawi should be investing in stock. Think smart!
Episode 4
I love this conversation between Max and Kawi. I’m glad Max named his fear about why their friendship fizzled and Kawi cleared it up and apologized. Max is my fav and I’m starting to respect Kawi a lot more.
This friend group kind of sucks, actually. Kawi should get more friends but maybe not these guys.
Pear is a nice person. She clearly only sees Kawi as a friend but I love that she looks out for him.
I just think we should get the chance to all line up and kick Not in the shin. Perhaps Pear doesn’t like you because you’re a nasty bully, has that occurred to you, sir??
These bullies clearly do not have his best interests at heart but it’s good for Kawi to get this confession over with. Time to be rejected and start moving on.
They are actually listening to him confess? I hate these dudes, get ‘em Pisaeng.
This was a great scene between Kawi and Pear. Kawi was straightforward and sincere, and Pear was honest and kind. I, too, would immediately start stress eating chips after being rejected.
KAWI! These dudes are not your friends. Why are you telling them personal stuff and giving them ammunition to mock you? I’m shaking my head with Pisaeng.
Pisaeng does need to get ahold of himself a little. He and Kawi only recently became friends and have no romantic relationship at all so the jealous bf stuff is a bit much. And Kawi is free to flirt with whoever he wants; this all feels a little unnecessarily slut shamey.
Aw yeah call him out, Kawi!! Pisaeng definitely has a bit of that toxic Nice Guy thing going on. He should let Pear off the hook, already.
Very interesting how long Kawi lets this hovering go on before he stops Pisaeng from kissing him.
Credit to Pisaeng for realizing Kawi is right and immediately acting on it. Pear took it like a champ. Is this the first drama I’ve seen where every single person who got rejected already knew it was coming and reacted calmly and maturely?
“Maybe you should start thinking more.” That’s it, I’m officially starting the Pearmai fan club. Who wants to be treasurer?
This episode really said:
You love her
But she loves him
And he loves somebody else
You just can't win
I’m in agreement with @respectthepetty and everyone else I’ve seen discussing the show - it really is getting stronger as it goes and I’m going to be very upset if it goes downhill. It’s being a lot more respectful of the characters than I expected, and there’s a real emotional intelligence underlying the relationship development (Jittirain, is that really you??). I’m officially invested and praying it doesn’t go off the rails.
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wikiangela-fanfics · 1 year
I can't love you any more (than I do now)
this is so domestic, fluffy and corny idek lmao
words: 2.6k
[read on Ao3]
You tell me I'm your favorite person Yeah, what we got is workin' And the years have only made 'em more that way
Eddie's pretty sure he and Buck are dating. 
Well, maybe not in so many words. 
They've never talked about it, hell, they never even kissed, or went on a date or anything like that. 
But Eddie can’t help noticing how their relationship has surpassed platonic a long time ago. It’s confusing, sometimes, because he’s not even sure when something changed, but suddenly he finds himself in this weird stage, where Buck is present in every aspect of his life, being a partner and a co-parent, and, honestly, it feels like even more than just dating – Eddie’s marriage might not have been great, but he’s pretty sure what he and Buck have is what a marriage is supposed to look like. It’s scary and confusing, but at the same time, it makes sense, somehow. What they have, that's not platonic, friends don't act like… like they do. But the thing is, whatever they are, they work. It’s the best damn relationship Eddie’s ever been in, and it’s not even an official relationship. Yet.
The thing is, Eddie knows that he’s in love with Buck. It snuck up on him and came so naturally, he wasn’t even surprised when he finally realized that’s what he feels. He’s pretty sure Buck feels the same way – otherwise he surely wouldn’t act the way he does. So, he’s pretty confident their relationship is going in the romantic direction, even if they’re doing it kinda backwards, but he’s letting it play out for now, at its own pace, still testing the waters. He’s working on gathering his courage to do something about it, while he and Buck keep playing house together. Literally.
There are moments when it hits Eddie all over again how much of a family they are, and how domestic and how… how married they act, and he needs a second to not do something stupid, like actually drop down on one knee and propose. Well, maybe he should just do that.
One evening he comes home from work, since he filled in for someone on the B shift, to the amazing smells from the kitchen, that make his mouth water, and sounds of conversation from the room, as well.
“Hey, I’m home!” he calls out from the front door, kicking off his shoes, taking his jacket off, and dropping his duffel bag on the floor.
“We’re in here!” he hears Buck’s voice from the kitchen. When Eddie walks in, he sees Buck at the stove, cooking dinner, and Chris at the table with his homework.
“Hey.” he can’t help a huge smile, and tries very hard to resist walking up to Buck and wrapping his arms around him. Buck looks so cute, wearing one of Eddie’s sweatshirts, and an actual apron, and he’s cooking for them, like he does pretty often now. Eddie loves him so much. “What smells so good?”
“I’m making lasagna.” Buck grins. “Should be ready soon. Chris, next question, come on.”
“Homework?” Eddie asks, taking a seat next to his son. “What subject?”
“Math.” Chris gives him an exasperated look, and Eddie laughs.
“Oh, so Buck’s not really helping, is he?” he teases, looking at Buck in time to see him try to look annoyed, but failing. 
“Come on, I’m not that bad.”
“Well… it’s no secret you suck at math, sorry.” Eddie shrugs, not able to take his eyes away from how Buck’s trying to hide a smile. This kind of teasing and making fun of each other has become a thing in their house- well, Eddie’s house, mostly because of their kid- Eddie’s kid, well, okay, their kid, who always starts it all. It’s always fun, even if Eddie is the object of the jokes more of than not.
“I’m better than you, and I’m in 6th grade.” Christopher says with a laugh, and Buck gasps dramatically. Chris leans in to Eddie to whisper: “I don’t actually need help, he’s insisting.”
“It’s the thought that counts.” Eddie chuckles, shooting Buck an amused look.
“You guys suck.” Buck breaks and finally laughs. Then, before anyone can say anything else, there’s a sound of beeping from somewhere in the house. “Oh, I think the laundry’s done.”
“I got it.” Eddie gets up to get the laundry out of the washing machine, not even wondering why Buck puts on a wash in a house he doesn’t live in. Because it has happened before, and it’s not like Buck’s clothes aren’t all mixed up with Eddie’s in his closet, either. That’s how domestic they’ve gotten. Eddie’s aware that it’s not really something even the bestest of friends do, but that’s how they work. 
When he gets back to the kitchen, Chris’ books are gone, and dinner is on the table. They sit down to eat, and Buck asks him how was work, and they tell him about their day as well, and it’s just their usual night, and it’s perfect.
“Oh, I almost forgot.” Buck says at some point, when he glances at the calendar on the wall, filled with both of their handwritings, any events, appointments, shifts, Chris’ extracurriculars, all of that marked. Like a family, like all three of them live here. Maybe it should be this way.  “There’s a parent-teacher conference next Wednesday.”
“Whose turn is it?” Eddie simply asks, because for months now they both have been going, taking turns. It started when Eddie asked him to fill in for him once, and then just never stopped.
“Yours, but we have a day off, so we can go together for once.” Buck shrugs, shoving a forkful of lasagna into his mouth. “It is the last one of the year.”
And Eddie looks at Buck, and his heart beats a little bit faster. He loves how involved Buck is with Chris and his school, that he goes to those conferences, that he’s in the parent group chat, that Eddie definitely muted and gets information from Buck, because all the parents are being annoying and responding with a thumbs up to every single thing the teacher says, blowing up his phone. Buck’s been involved in all kinds of bake sales, school projects, he’s been helping with homework, on occasion driving Chris to school and any extracurriculars, and for sleepovers – they take turns with most of that, to be honest. It sounds like a lot, and it is, and Eddie doesn’t think he’d be able to do it all without Buck.
So, Eddie’s very aware how involved Buck is, and that he knows all the teachers and parents, but when they get there on Wednesday, he’s still taken aback by how happy everyone is to see Buck, how friendly they’re being with him – then again, Eddie’s pretty sure that every single person Buck meets falls a little bit in love with him, be it platonic or not, it’s just how it is, Buck’s too amazing for it to not be the case. Eddie thinks that Buck stole a piece of his heart when they first met, and then, over the years, Eddie kept giving him the rest, piece by piece, and now it belongs solely to Buck.
They find out that Chris is doing great at school, which isn’t a surprise, and when the teacher refers to him as their son, neither feels the need to correct her, because there’s nothing to correct. Buck is Christopher’s parent, and Eddie’s happy that he finally started to believe it and stopped denying it whenever it’s implied, which he did for a hot minute before they talked about it. Well, Eddie talked, maybe even ranted a bit, about how both he and Christopher see him, how he’s the best co-parent Eddie could’ve ever asked for, and Buck just stared at him speechless. He never showed any doubt about his role in Chris’ life again, and Eddie makes sure to remind him of that from time to time.
When they leave the classroom, Eddie decides to be brave, and grabs Buck’s hand, just because he feels like it. Buck looks at him with surprise, and then smiles. They hold hands until they get to the car, and don’t mention it. But it’s something. It’s a start. 
He thinks back to the last couple of months of playing house, of dinners together, doing chores together, Buck spending more nights than not at his place, in Eddie’s bed, because the couch is too uncomfortable for Eddie to let Buck sleep there. Of hanging out with Chris, and navigating this whole pre-teen phase together, which is much less scary with Buck at his side. And even going to freaking parent-teacher conferences together. And as Eddie thinks about all that, and looks at Buck, who’s driving them home, he decides that they’ve been dancing around it long enough. He needs to make a move soon, if Buck’s not gonna.
But it’s another moment, a few weeks later, that comes so casually and naturally he barely registers anything weird about it, that makes him determined to do it that night.
They’re at work, it’s the end of their shift, and they’re changing in the locker room. Eddie’s done first, and before leaving he asks Buck:
“You coming over tonight, babe?” Because for once they came to work separately, because Buck spent last night at his loft, and Eddie missed him like crazy. And he doesn’t realize that the pet name slipped out until he thinks back to this moment later.
“Yeah, of course.” Buck shrugs, not affected by what Eddie said at all. However, out of the corner of his eye, Eddie can see Chimney and Hen exchange glances. “I’ll just stop by the grocery store on the way. I grabbed the list from the fridge.” he adds, referring to the little magnetic notepad they keep on their fridge to add items to the list as soon as they run out – well, Eddie does, it’s his house, but it was Buck who bought it and started using it. “Unless you wanna come with me?” he looks at Eddie while buttoning up his shirt, and Eddie’s eyes follow his fingers automatically.
“Uh, yeah, sure.” he smiles, forcing himself to look back up at Buck’s face. “Our usual store, right?” Buck nods. “Great, I’ll meet you there. Bye, guys.” he throws in the direction of Chim and Hen, and leaves. 
“Have we missed something?” he still hears Chimney ask, confusion in his voice. “When did you guys-” He doesn’t hear the rest, but he knows what Chim’s asking. He wonders what Buck’s answer’s going to be. Because, honestly, Eddie thinks that everyone missed something, including him and Buck. Eddie, for one, feels like they omitted the actual conversation about dating and moving in together, and suddenly that’s just what they do now, at least partly.
So, that night, after doing the groceries, he helps Buck with dinner, just some simple things Buck allows him to do, because Eddie still sucks at cooking – but Buck has been teaching him, and he’s getting better. Later, they eat together, play some board games with their kid, and watch a movie. It’s the perfect, boring, but not boring at all, night in with his family, and Eddie thinks that he’s never been more content in his life.
After Chris goes to get ready for bed, Buck gets up from the couch to start cleaning up. Instead of getting up to help, Eddie just sits there and stares at this man, who moves around his house as if he’s lived here his whole life, who knows where every single item is, sometimes better than Eddie, who already has half of his belongings here, whose presence is visible for anyone who walks in, who’s in all the family pictures… who’s been sharing a bed with Eddie for months now. And suddenly, Eddie hears himself blurt out:
“Move in with us.” Well, that’s not how he planned to start, ideally he’d tell Buck how he feels first, but he can’t take it back now. He doesn’t want to take it back.
Buck stops in his tracks and turns to look at Eddie, three glasses and an empty popcorn bowl in his hands. 
“You should move in with us.” Eddie doubles down, now also standing up. He walks up to Buck, takes the dishes out of his hands and places them on the table. He grabs Buck’s hands. “You basically live here already anyway, what’s the point of paying rent for an apartment you sleep in once a week, if not less?” he’s smiling, feeling way calmer than he expected. Buck looks stunned. “You’re here all the time, and I want you here even more often. This is your home, Buck. It just makes sense.”
“I don’t know what to say.” Buck responds, eyes wide, as he’s processing. Eddie’s smile widens, and he puts one hand on Buck’s cheek.
“Then listen to me first.” Eddie takes a deep breath. Here goes nothing. When he speaks, his voice is calm and quiet, and firm. More decisive than ever. “Every time I think I can’t love you any more than I already do,” he hears Buck inhale sharply at that, “I look at you, at your smile that always lights up my day, and at how you are with Chris, at how you fit into our lives, and you prove me wrong. Because I love you so damn much, and I think I’m falling deeper in love every single day, every single second.”
“Eddie.” Buck breathes.
“We’ve been dancing around this for months, if not years. I mean, look at us, at our life together. We’ve basically been married with a kid for who knows how long, and I never even got to take you out on a date.” Eddie chuckles. “We just… work. All the years together, everything we went through, only proved that time and time again. And I’m tired of pretending like I have no idea this is happening. I want you, Buck, in every way imaginable.” he finishes, only now starting to feel nerves, while Buck keeps staring at him, unmoving. Shit, did he break him? Maybe it was a lot to put on him right now, and he needs to process. Because there’s no doubt in Eddie’s mind that Buck feels the same, that’s not even a question.
“Eds.” Buck says, and then a laugh rips out of him. “God, Eddie.” he brings his arms up to wrap them around Eddie’s back, and Eddie instantly relaxes. “You’re my absolute favorite person in the world, you know that? That is, aside from Christopher, obviously.” he grins, leaning in closer, their noses brushing now. “I love you so much. And I want it all, you and Chris, and this family, this home. I want this.”
“Good.” Eddie closes the distance, finally kissing Buck. He tastes like popcorn and soda, and candy he and Chris were eating earlier. He also tastes like sunshine and home, and the rest of Eddie’s life. It’s a sweet and tender kiss, and it only ends when they can’t contain their wide smiles anymore.
“So.” Buck leans his forehead against Eddie’s. “Moving in before we even have our first date?”
“Hey, we started with being all married-domestic and raising a kid together.” Eddie laughs. “So what if we’re doing it a little backwards? It works for us.”
“Okay.” Buck whispers with the biggest smile. “Let’s do it, then.” 
It’s barely a few weeks before the rest of Buck’s stuff is at their home, and he officially moves in. Not much changes. They raise their kid, help him with his homework, have movie and game nights, share chores, cook together, host parties and get-togethers with their friends. They share a life. And Eddie’s heart is so full, he doesn’t think he could ever be happier, or love his little family any more than he does now.
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