#even on the interwebz
deus-ex-mona · 2 years
✨unhinged thoughts✨ about asuna in retrospect
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spoilers? spoilers!!
so, with moge’s unexpected reveal (via pixiv fanbox) that asuna wasn’t originally from tokyo, things kinda make a little more sense.
if we ✨assume✨ that asuna was from a smaller hometown/city, it’s no wonder that she began to develop a superiority complex from such a young age (upon faring better than her peers, academically and otherwise).
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i mean, if you’ve always been the best out of the few people around you, it’s no surprise that you’d begin to develop a superiority complex of some kind (with regards to your peers). i mean, the proof is undeniably ✨right there✨ in front of you! you are the best, the cream of the crop, the heroine amidst the masses!!
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seeing as she had not grown up in a huge city like tokyo, the fact that asuna was pretty much a fish out of water (or, to put it in her own words, like a well-dwelling frog that knew not of the ocean) when she arrived in the city was completely unavoidable.
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it certainly explains why she began to develop a complex against her fellow frusu members (who were all probably born and raised in tokyo, and thus, used to the competitive and hectic lifestyle of city-dwelling). poor asuna, on the other hand, was completely thrown for a loop and just floundered about in her unfamiliar environment, trying to do her best in a place where she wasn’t the best from the get-go.
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that may also be why she had jumped to such horrendously drastic measures the moment she faced a relatively(?) serious(???) problem in the form of her perceived asuna→haseo←miyu love triangle… she had probably never encountered such an “issue” back in her hometown (where she was pretty much accustomed to getting handed everything she wanted on the account of being the ✨best✨), and thus had no idea as to how to solve said issue rationally…
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in any case, asuna was clearly out of her depth in this idol business, having gone into it with way too high expectations for herself, stemming from her presumably sheltered upbringing. as such, she crashed and burned in the worst possible way, with her own rapidly plummeting self-esteem preventing her from seeing the genuine kindness of others around her (aside from freakin’ haseo, for some reason).
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it’s truly unfortunate, but the way asuna was had pretty much set herself up for failure from the very beginning. had she been more open-minded to her frusu companions, had she been less self-centred, had she been more aware of the positive impact that her idol career had made on others… perhaps her story would’ve had a different ending…
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…but with her story being the way it was, all i have to say is…
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…please be happy wherever you are, precious vitamin girl <3
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bitbybitwrites · 5 months
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Hey look at me! I can actually do this on time!
Though am so not following the 6 sentence limit, bc I'm chaotic like that - 😂. I need to make some new banners . . .
Thanks for tagging me @welcometololaland and @blueeyedgrlwrites, @iboatedhere
Below the cut you will find bits from :
how ardently I admire and love you (RWRB online auction fic)
i know you want to bring me home (Klaine Valentines Challenge 2024/PrettyWoman!AU)
how ardently i admire and love you (RWRB online auction fic)
Huffing again, Alex took up his cause once more.  “But still, I want to find something that really wows him.  Surprises him.  He deserves it.” Alex pouts prettily and groans again in frustration, as he drops his head in his hands and pulls at his curls.  “No matter what I do, Pez I just can’t find that one thing.  It’s gotta be out there, right?” Pez had to grin at his friend, shaking his head at Alex’s despondency.  “Well Alejandro, my dearest, today is your lucky day.  For while perusing the interwebz, I have just stumbled upon a gift idea that may even rival the blessing of your loins that our dear Hazza cherishes so much. With a smirk, Pez picked his phone off his desk and with a few taps and swipes of his nimble fingers found what he was looking for.  He slid the phone across the table top over to Alex and then leaned back in his chair, waiting for the praises of gratitude he knew were coming his way. Alex dove for the phone, his eyes darting quickly over the screen.  His face quickly erupted into such a countenance of relief that Pez had to laugh out loud at the drastic change from the formerly morose individual that had been sitting in front of him. “Jesus tits,” Alex gasped as he stared slack-jawed at the phone.  “This . . this is perfect.  How the fuck did you find this?”
i know you want to take me home ( Klaine Valentine's Challenge 2024)
“So, staff member, part time bartender . .” Kurt asked as he shook the other man’s hand firmly.  “Any other roles I should know about?” “Unofficial Den mother, I guess,” Elliot shrugged.  “It’s my job to make sure all our boys are treated correctly by anyone who comes through those doors.  Contrary to popular belief, the young men here are all taken care of well.  They are all of age.  All clean and tested regularly.  They come into Dalton House of their own free will and sign their contracts with the company with full understanding of what is expected of them. How they are to conduct themselves.  How they are to uphold the Dalton name.” “But what’s the catch?” Kurt asked, his business acumen and instincts were on alert.  “There has to be a catch.” “The boys work off the amount of their signing contract. Half of anything their patrons gift them goes to their own savings, half goes back to the company paying for their room, board, uniforms, lessons, et cetera . .” “Lessons?” “Well, one doesn’t always come straight off the street knowing the ins and outs of macroeconomics or the finer points discussing portfolio diversification. “Interesting,” Kurt murmured.  “And the auction? You never mentioned what was being auctioned off tonight?” Elliot’s pursed lips immediately caught Kurt’s eye.  “The boys have refusal rights. “he explained “They do not have to accept every offer that comes their way.  But it can only go so far before the administration deems that enough is enough. It is a business transaction, after all. The contract, I mean.  If the boys don’t fulfill their part of the contract. . .” Elliot’s voice trails off.  “Well, let’s say its a part of the job that I do not enjoy being a part of.” “The auction.” Kurt’s mind puts two and two together.
Tagging ( and no pressure at all): @coffeegleek @myheartalivewrites @rockitmans @hkvoyage @14carrotghoul
@special-bc-ur-part-of-it @madas-ahatters-world
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respectthepetty · 11 months
The best scene I've ever watched.
Guy - Tew? Can I . . . ask you something? Tew - Sure, what is it? Flashbacks Robber. looking at Tew - I'm sorry, I didn't know he's your friend. Tew telling Guy at the aquarium - I'm not as scary as you think I am. Flashbacks end Guy - Tew, what do you do for a living? Why were those people so terrified of you? Tew - I . . . might just look scary. Guy - Not likely. You're pretty good-looking. Anyway, what do you do? Tew - I run a business. Guy - What kind of business? Tew - Well . . . Guy - Salon? Restaurant? Spa? Massage? Tew - A restaurant. Guy - What kind of food? Tew - Well . . . Guy - Grilled meat? Shabu? Thai food? Japanese food? Korean? Tew - Shabu! Guy - Shabu, really? Where can I find it? The next meeting can be held at your restaurant. Tew - My place isn't quite ready yet. When everything is in order, I'll invite you. Tew looking at Tul - What's wrong? Tul - Just a little thirsty. Tew (threatening) - Need a hand? Tul - No thanks. Tew - Keep driving.
Guy showed he is kinda crazy with those rapid fire questions, and Tew should've known right there that Guy probably had friends just as crazy as him.
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I know y'all are mad at Wahl, but he is a true best friend. He looked that man up, and found all the evidence in two seconds. We've seen too many mafia BLs were nobody ever suspects their friend of falling in love with a mafia boss, but Wahl's judgy ass said "NOT ON MY WATCH!" and is really out here doing what all of us would do.
Looking that man up on the interwebz.
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Snitching is best friend behavior.
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If you're not finding out all the details of the new guy your best friend keeps getting drunk around and spending the night with in order to report all those details back to him, are y'all even really best friends?
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Best friends don't let their best friends fall for boys who make shady business deals unless they are fully aware the boy they are falling for makes shady business deals.
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We just need to know he is a mafia boss, so we can properly ship best friend x mafia boss, you know?
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checkoutmybookshelf · 4 months
Rereading The Fellowship of the Ring for the First Time in Fifteen Years
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So something I am deeply enjoying about this reread is that although Fellowship is absolutely not written episodically like The Hobbit, I'm here to say that the difference is not so great as people tend to bitch about on teh interwebz. For all that this chapter is very much a leg of a trip that objectively doesn't have much happening in it, we still get a nicely rounded little story with worldbuilding and history. We also tie up a loose end that I actually thought we'd finished with chapters ago, so that was an unexpected bit of action as well. So let's talk chapter 11, "A Knife in the Dark."
So I was fully expecting to pick right up with the aftermath of drunken shenanagins in the Prancing Pony, but actually no, we get yeeted back to Crickhollow and Fredegar (no, I am NOT calling him "Fatty") Bolger. Turns out, Frodo actually did make it out of Buckland sight unseen, because poor Fredegar had what seems like most, if not all, of the Black Rider bust down his door at midnight. This poor hobbit VOLUNTEERED to pretend to be Frodo and it brought the Black Riders down on his head. Although I will say this: the Black Riders are BAD at their jobs, because all Fredegar had to do was hightail it out the back door and a mile down the road. Apparently Barad-dur doesn't have a back door, because if it did, I'm pretty sure they'dve sent one or two Black Riders around to it to make sure that Fredegar didn't make it out.
Seriously, the sheer lack of critical thought among the bad guys and pure dumb luck are all that's keeping the hobbits going.
I also find it really interesting that the Buckland hobbits have their own horn, despite it not having been sounded in forever and a day. It really does hammer home how deeply insular and protected the Shire itself is, because I'd bet that Hobbiton has nothing like it. But Buckland does, because it's just that much closer to danger and the wider world. So not only did the Ring land in the safest, most insular part of the Shire, but the Ringbearer is from there and has exactly zero context for even the small amount of danger that Buckland sees. Honestly just massively feeling for Frodo, because the poor guy was WILDLY unprepared for the journey he's now eyeball deep into.
Also mega sympathy for Fredegar, because having the Black Riders come down on your head at midnight just SUCKS, no matter who you are. And the poor schlub volunteered to play sitting duck. Somebody get that hobbit a beer and a meal...
Once we pick back up in Bree though, we find that any and all hope of secrecy--or even discretion--has gone directly to hell in a handbasket. All of Bree and several of the surrounding towns have heard about the hullaballoo.
And what a hullaballoo it is. Every horse and pony at the Prancing Pony has bailed, the room with the fake hobbits was torn absolutely to shreds, and by the time the party got their shit together enough to leave town, they practically had a ticker-tape parade seeing them off. So Strider's plans for secrecy are blown to hell and now he has to keep four hobbits alive long enough to get to Rivendell when EVERYONE AND THEIR HORSE knows where they were. Talk about not getting paid enough for this shit...
Although this is where we get the first bit of digression in this chapter, and Tolkien continues his habit of being very concerned about the horses. He treats the horses in this book like non-masochistic authors treat dogs: he explicitly tells you that they're happy and ok. And Merry's ponies do turn out fine, as the text tells us:
Merry's ponies had escaped altogether, and eventually (having a good deal of sense) they made their way to the Downs in search of Fatty Lumpkin. So they were under the care of Tom Bombadil for a while, and were well-off. But when news of the events at Bree came to Tom's ears, he sent them to Mr. Butterbur, who thus got five good beasts at a very fair price. They had to work harder in Bree, but Bob treated them well; so on the whole they were lucky: they missed a dark and dangerous journey.
Like, we literally do not have to worry about these ponies, and I didn't realize that I wanted to know they were ok until Tolkien told me so. So yay for safe, happy ponies!
The hobbits, on the other hand, are relatively safe, but they cannot be described as "happy." The Midgewater Marshes sound like utter hell, and I would have gone stark raving mad--and probably scratched all the skin off my body--if I had midges crawling into my clothes and clotting up my hair. FOR THREE GODDAMN DAYS. And they're not sleeping those nights either, not really, so they're full-on in cognitive impairment levels of sleep deprivation which just makes already-difficult going even HARDER. This is like...MAYBE a page and a quarter of text, but I was so sold on the hell that was traveling this marsh that I just wanted to give every single hobbit a hug, a bath, and a bigass meal in front of a fire. These poor little things.
Although, this chapter also has one of my new favorite little moments between the marsh and Weathertop, because when Merry low-key freaks out that Weathertop might have a barrow on it and there might be FRICKIN' WIGHTS on it, Strider is like, "nah, geographically wrong era, but Elendil supposedly watched for Gil-Galad here."
Which then prompts SAM to go full unexpected grad student on everyone and give us three stanzas of The Fall of Gil-Galad. In their language. Which even Strider is surprised by, because as far as he knew, nobody had translated it. But Bilbo did, and he taught it to Sam, who can just...casually bust out three stanzas. I was a theatre kid and I was a Shakespeare scholar. I can pull key quotes and the odd chunk of monologue with the best of them, but not even I can pull out three stanzas of...IDK, I guess Idylls of the King as a comparison? So yeah, hella impressed with Sam just being able to bust out a chunk of a longer poem.
And also, just such love for Merry's "Don't stop," because that speaks both to the power of the verse and the power of Sam's delivery, so apparently Samwise Gamgee has a theatre kid gene somewhere.
Once we finally hit Weathertop, the key questions are "Who was here? When? Why?" We also get Strider not being able to be three rangers simultaneously when he needs to be, because honestly he needed someone to watch the horizon, someone to check for signs of Gandalf, and someone to check the rest of the dang hill before Sam and Pippin trample all over the prints lower down.
Unfortunately, while it's not super clear whether Gandalf has been there, it is abundantly clear that the party is out of time and the Black Riders are visibly converging on their position. All they can do is sit tight though, since night is rapidly falling and it would be worse to get caught on the road than in a defensible position. So they settle in to wait out the night, and let Tolkien remind all of us that he's a goddamn professor.
I adore that Sam takes this moment to ask Strider for another tale of the Elves, because not only would it be comforting in the long night but also I bet this hobbit is starved for new tales. And I think it's very much in keeping with Strider to choose to tell the tale of Tinuviel; it speaks to his thing with Arwen--which readers don't know about yet but like...I live in 2024 and the internet exists--and it also is a nice fit for hobbits who are themselves on a scary journey and might want something warm to remember that not all quests end badly. So valid choice of story all 'round.
But then Tolkien briefly takes over Strider to do the QUINTESSENTIAL ACADEMIC THING where you can't just toss out a quote or a passage from a primary source without then offering some context and explanation, and if it's a tricksy piece, maybe a summary. And point for point, after we get nine stanzas of poetry, we get the following:
Context. Strider full-on goes "That is a song...in the mode that is called ann-thennath among the Elves, but it hard to render in our Common Speech." So we get an explanation of what the heck we just listened to, what the form is called, and that the recitation was a rough translation.
Explanation. The next sentence is Strider explaining that he told them the story of how Beren and Luthien Tinuviel met.
Summary. The next like...3/4 of a page is a plain-language summary of the story, both the meeting that was told in the section we got earlier and a super brief summary of the REST of the story, right up to "and eventually Luthien died and everyone was SUPER sad about it."
BONUS CONNECTION TO NOW! Apparently, not only did Luthien's line continue, but Elrond is a descendent of hers, and Elrond happens to run Rivendell, which is where we're headed! Isn't that cool?
Sure Tolkien, you absolute NERD.
Now, am I skating over how lovely the poetry and story of Beren and Luthien is here in favor of throwing shade at academia? Absolutely yes I am, and if you'd spent 11 years there, you would too. But what not even my well-honed, information-age cynicism can touch is the beauty and meaning that telling this tale clearly has for Strider:
As Strider was speaking they watched his strange eager face, dimly lit in the red glow of the wood-fire. His eyes shone, and his voice was rich and deep. Above him was a black starry sky. Suddenly a pale light appeared over the crown of Weathertop behind him. The waxing moon was climbing slowly above the hill that overshadowed them, and the stars above the hill-top faded.
This man understand the magic of stories and the magic of telling stories that has nothing whatsoever to do with the academic dissection of structure and language and formal literary elements. The hobbits understand it too. There is a magic to narrative that cannot be quantitatively or qualitatively described. It simply is; ephemeral and true and utterly real.
And I'm calling it right now: Sam is going to know this story for the rest of his life. Maybe one listen isn't enough for him to be able to recite it back, but he'll know it forever.
Presuming they all survive the next five minutes, because uh-oh here comes the enemy! On two fronts, even, but only Frodo--and maybe Sam--know about that second front. Everyone eventually sees the Black Riders rock up and surround them, but only Frodo can feel that overwhelming urge to put the Ring on. And here, unlike in the Barrow-Downs, Frodo succumbs to the urge and puts on the Ring. Which of course makes everything 1000% worse for Frodo:
Immediately, though everything else remained as before, dim and dark, the shapes became terribly clear. He was able to see beneath their black wrappings. There were five tall figures: two standing on the lip of the dell, three advancing. In their white faces burned keen and merciless eyes; under their mantles were long grey robes; upon their grey hairs were helms of silver; in their haggard hands were swords of steel.
They say that horror movie monsters lose their effectiveness as soon as you get your first clear shot of them onscreen, but uh...were I Frodo, I could have gone my whole-ass life without seeing what happened to the kings of old who got more or less consumed by their rings. Especially if I was currently wearing the uber Ring that controlled theirs. That's just a SUPER bad situation to be in, and it gets worse the longer you take to think about it.
Frodo draws his sword here, and I'm kind of having trouble deciding if this was a good call or a bad one. Like, obviously they're coming for him, and it's gonna be bad if they get him, but I have to wonder if they took Frodo drawing on them as a threat and THAT'S why Frodo got stabbed.
For clarity: I'm not out here saying that Frodo getting stabbed is his fault. Stabbery was in his future no matter what he did there.
What I'm wondering, though, is whether we could have escaped Weathertop sans stabbery if the Black Riders had been more focused on Strider as the key threat rather than seeing Frodo with a drawn blade and putting him (relatively) nonfatally down so they can deal with Strider. This is objectively navalgazing because Frodo DID draw and he WAS stabbed, but I was curious.
Either way, we end the chapter with this:
With a last effort Frodo, dropping his sword, slipped the Ring from his finger and closed his right hand tight upon it.
So at least Sam and Strider will be able to see Frodo, realize he's been stabbed, and haul his ass to Rivendell with all deliberate speed. Which is also where we're going to leave it, because I honestly can't top stabbing the protagonist with the bad guys. We'll pick it up next time with a freshly stabbed Frodo.
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igotsnothing · 9 months
I would love to see your backstage of making your vampire story <3 how you take your photos, chose perspectives, plan dialogues. please tell about your process
Hello, Friend of Mystery!!
Happy New Year and thank you for this ask! I'm a very small-time simmer in this corner of the interwebz filled with really talented and artistic simblrs, so I appreciate the question and interest!
Now, backstage! The method to the madness!
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I usually have an idea: it's a loose- general idea of the direction and mood of the plot and dialogue. I don't like to be too specific unless I have a clear pose in mind for a scene. The thought process might be something like, "Lawrence and Julian are going to have a talk about vampires and technology in this scene, but act flirty with each other while they do so."
I go into the game to organize the setting and choose outfits/props. MCCC and Wonderful Whims are game-changers for posing. I'm a terrible builder, so I end up spending a lot of time browsing the gallery or searching for builds and objects by skilled folks. That part is often fun. Imagining the potential of lots and cc is a big part of gaining admission to the mental asylum expressing creativity in this game! Depending on the story I am working on, I may have mods like Underworld running to make sure it always looks like nighttime in my environments.
I use Reshade. It saves me time when editing and gives the images lovely depth, shading, and coloring that otherwise isn't there. I use different presets that I screw around with and tweak, but some favorites are Marigold and Senshi 4.0. Shadows and lighting are super important and can make or break a scene.
Once I have my image, I'll tweak it in Photoshop. Thanks to Reshade, it's usually just to quickly fix something, like clipping or rough edges.
I use Canva to organize my stories and write in the dialogue, but that's always dangerous because my inner middle-schooler wants to unleash a million stickers everywhere and ruin the edits. Ask me how many times I've stuck googly eyes on Lawrence and cackled at my own idiocy ingenuity!
I write while I am taking pictures. The sequence is: pose, take the picture, edit the image, write, and on to the next scene. I used to take all the images first and write afterward but found that sometimes a pose or screenshot would unexpectedly convey a different take on an idea, reaction, or character- or even inspire a different direction for the dialogue in a scene. It's easier for me to adapt the dialogue to an image than vice versa. I feel that writing as I go, while my game is open and ready gives me more flexibility and freedom to make changes.
Ok, now-sorry- for real. I download everything, usually save it as a draft, wait a bit to see if I catch any big mistakes, and then post.
I actually struggle with serious self-doubt and a really mean inner critic, so posting here has been an exercise in self-acceptance. Still, I often avoid checking the notifications for a while after I post because I am that nervous. But I'm happier for sharing my stuff rather than not since I have had the chance to connect with so many fun and talented people here!
That's it!
Thank you for the ask on this first day of the year! It made me super happy! All the best to you!! ❤️
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abhorrenttheorizer · 1 year
PART 1 OF ???
Special thanks to my dear interwebz buddy, @skullmalice, for helping me out with the naming and biology of these little muppets!
Long post/textwalling warning.
Well fellas, you know what they say:
Another day, another downward spiral.
Lately I have been on a bit of a nostalgia kick, looking at some of the things I've been into as a child, and speaking to other people that have been spelunking in the same caves, per se. I met a friend who showed me a piece of my childhood that I had almost completely forgotten. Like a wild animal being reintroduced to its natural habitat, I have been all over this shit, reliving everything I once did as a young maggot. Since that fateful reintroduction, that childhood memory has since become one of the most dangerous hyperfixations I have possibly ever had. /j
Said childhood memory? The Mr. Men and Little Miss franchise. More specifically, The Mr. Men Show, because I am early 2000s old school All American™ zoomer scum. (besides that, the only other thing about the franchise I remember is reading some of the books in 1st grade)
So because I got that dawg in me (read: autism), my naturally inquisitive nature leads me to territories that I should never have even considered for the sake of my own sanity.
Namely one question that's been chewing at the few neurons I have:
Just what the hell even are these things, anyway?
I know the canonical answer. They're stylized, abstract humans. But that's not satisfactory.
Call me a stubborn mule, but you simply cannot convince me that a pill, circle, bean, or rectangle shaped technicolor abomination is in any way, shape, or form, a human being.
Not happening.
Especially not when (at least in every version but the 2000s one) these things have been shown next to and interacting with actual humans on multiple occasions.
These fucking things look like muppets, so I will make them muppets.
It has to happen.
Being the fiend for speculative biology that I am, I simply had to pounce on this opportunity, and promptly tear it a new asshole.
With that being said, Mr. Men speculative biology? Mr. Men speculative biology.
The funny little shape people we all know and love belong to a species of chionophilic, semiaquatic, faerie-like pseudomammalians.
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The figure on the far left, is a frog. More specifically a common rain frog (Breviceps adspersus)
reference source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Breviceps_adspersus#/media/File:Breviceps-adspersus-adspersus.jpg (forgive me, this is literally, and I don't use that word lightly, the first time I have ever drawn a frog)
The figure in the middle, is a hamster. More specifically a Syrian hamster (Mesocricetus auratus)
reference source: https://www.istockphoto.com/photo/cute-funny-syrian-hamster-gm1019886932-274048800
The figure on the far right, is a frog's sad attempt at being a hamster's sad attempt at being a human. (Mirabilis phasmafigura)
One of the main things that separate Mirabils from other animals they may be morphologically similar to is their bright, vibrant pelage. Unlike animals that utilize certain structures within hairs, scales, or feathers, Mirabils have genuine green, blue, and purple pigments. But why is this? Such unnatural coloration doesn't work well when you're a small cotton ball in a big world of both predators and prey, that is, unless you're an aposematic species.
Mirabils exhibit vibrant fur colors with genuine rare pigments for the purpose of warning potential predators that they are exceptionally poisonous. And venomous. At the same time.
The inside of the Mirabil's mouth also displays a high amount of contrast, a black inner mouth with a vibrant, pink, hot pink or red tongue.
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As shown by the image above, there are multiple different ways for mirabils to assert to potential predators that they are not to be reckoned with.
The "Poisonous" warning (as modeled by Mr. Nervous, on the left), involves arching the back, raising the tail either straight up or curling it over the back (if it is long enough), and exposing the front and hind claws (unless they've got kicks on). All parts of the Mirabil are exasperatingly poisonous, so even accidentally sharing food with or ingesting a few hairs from one can and will lead to a 20 minute lifespan with no hope for any antidotes that would work.
The "Venomous" warning (as modeled by Little Miss Bossy, on the right), involves standing straight or with the front end lowered (preparing to strike), spitting their toxic saliva (Unlike with venomous snakes, the venom glands on a mirabil are their salivary glands, so their saliva normally adopts a greenish-yellowish tint (it's not bad hygiene, it's neurotoxins!), and baring the teeth. Mirabils are capable of opening their jaws up to 90 degrees. Similarly to snakes, the bottom jaw is loosely attached by soft ligaments, which aids them in getting a good hold on either potential predators, prey items larger than themselves, or on rivals for mates (they're immune to their own venom, but the pain of being envenomated for a mirabil is similar to that of a yellow jacket sting). Their venom is just as powerful as their poison, and if bitten the lifespan also shortens to about 20 minutes. Also no antidote for magic hellvenom lol.
It is hypothesized that specimens of M. phasmafigura were first discovered in the late 10th century by populations in Northern Europe/Asia, and the far south of South America respectively. Since then, they were first hunted for their luxuriously soft, silky, colorful pelts, then promptly domesticated and assimilated into human society.
Mirabil domestication has a very complicated history, especially with the fact that they as a species were always, and still are in affiliation with wizards, witches, and other alchemists (though usually unwilling on the Mirabil's terms). They were first utilized as hunting and fishing companions, then taken by wizards as servants and laborers (due to their small, nimble hands, swift movements, and magic properties ofc), then as pet-like companions by both wizards and the general populace, and finally as their own independent, sovereign "people" between the late 1970s to early 1980s.
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While the species is currently global, existing in many different cultures, elevations, and climates, the natal habitats of the mirabil lie in freshwater polar regions across the world. When freshwater is not available, Mirabils prefer coastal regions where they can hunt in the open sea, but these sorts of populations are relatively uncommon. Populations living in the Southern Hemisphere generally prefer to stay near freshwater regions in the far south of South America, and South Africa, though there are several populations of Mirabils in Antarctica.
Despite the wide birth of location between Arctic and Antarctic populations, Mirabils have highly variable appearances, and are extremely difficult to categorize into any specific groups besides certain trends in sexual dimprohism, though even those contain many traits that are highly variable, and thus difficult to determine.
Similarly to other animals such as the puma, Mirabils have many names based on the regions they are native to.
Some of the names this species has received in it's respective locations are as follows:
BRITISH ISLES - Dillies (for their somewhat immature, "dilly-dallying" nature)
NORTHEASTERN EUROPE/EURASIA - Poumpoffs (puffy creatures)
NORTHWESTERN EUROPE - Eba (onomatopoeic for the paternal calls of most males)
SOUTH AMERICA - Mirabils (for their magical properties)
SOUTH AFRICA - Sagtmense (literally "soft people")
While some gravesites in their native range contain Mirabil bones, or Mirabils buried with human owners/companions, their skeletal and bodily structures have not differed from prior "feral" forms. This is mostly due to the species as a whole actively resisting human advancement in terms of domestication, meaning they have kept almost all of their wild traits.
My lawyer has advised me not to tell you how these things reproduce, so I won't.
Not on Tumblr, anyway. /wink
But that doesn't mean I can't show you what these hellspawn look like as babbies, and how they develop.
Mirabils are an ovoviviparous, holometabolous species, meaning they lay eggs that hatch inside the body, and go through complete metamorphosis with a larval and pupal stage.
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The lifespan of the larval mirabil is as follows:
Unfertilized egg
Fertilized egg
Mature egg (Eggs hatch within the body anywhere between 6 and 4 months before the larva are born. The growth process of larva quickly damages the egg membrane and splits it open, freeing the young inside.)
Newborn (They have no limbs and a very underdeveloped notochord, so physically they're basically a kitten-maggot. They're completely blind (eyes covered in skin, with just a barely noticeable fold to where the eyelid would separate), but not deaf (though the ear isn't developed, and is still covered over with skin.). They will respond to auditory input by writhing in the direction of sounds they are familiar with, but are unable to produce any noise themselves, besides forcing air out of the nostrils to "squeak" if they are disturbed.
Oral anatomy of the baby mirabil (As well as having no limbs or bones besides the skull, mirabil larva are jawless. The mouth is designed to form a seal while feeding. Larva will stop suckling to breathe, but they will remain attached for several years).
5 year old infant. As the mirabil reaches around 5 years, they will detach and their mouth will start to seal itself shut, leaving only a small hole for wax to exit from as it prepares for pupation. Before the mouth completely seals itself shut, they may swallow liquified regurgitated materials, usually of heavily chewed plant or fungal matter brok the parents. Once the mouth is completely unuseable, what they have eaten as their "final meal" will repeatedly cycle back and forth from what would be the end of the digestive system, similar to chewing cud except there's no chewing and it's far nastier. Mirabil larva from birth to pupation are unable to defecate, the divet on their rear ends is meant to produce a glue-like substance so they can properly anchor themselves while feeding so they don't dangle, so the stored milk and regurgitated matter that remains in the body will ferment, getting pushed back into the esophagus to be cycled again and again until pupation occurs and the entire internal body digests itself.
Mature infant of 9 years, just about to pupate. The mouth is completely sealed shut, and the salivary glands are modified to produce a brown, waxy substance that the pup envelopes themself in prior to pupation. Eyelids are more developed, but still completely sealed shut until pupation is complete.
Completed cocoon of the baby mirabil. Pupation takes an extra 9 months as the infant produces extra bones, a completed digestive system, and extra organs they did not previously have.
What finally emerges after 9 long months of gross shit, is a variably-sized cotton ball with legs and a face.
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Mature babies emerge from their cocoons when they're about 10 years old (our human equivalent to a newborn). Their eyes are open, and they are somewhat mobile, able to shuffle around on their stubby legs and "sit" upright. They don't have any teeth, instead clawing their way out of the cocoon, and will continue to suckle until they are weaned at about 11 years old. Mirabil aging is around 10 years behind their human equivalent (a 21 year old human and a 21 year old mirabil are not the same, the latter is developmentally on par with a human 11 year old).
Their lifespans are also quite long, with an average lifespan of 210.5 years for females and 215.5 years for males.
Baby mirabils will begin to develop a personality and thus recieve their titular names once they are able to move around more independently. Names for physical characteristics are usually given immediately after the baby leaves the cocoon. When named for a personality trait, the most emotionally significant (or lack thereof) moment in a mirabil's life that occurs before they are able to walk upright becomes their strongest personality trait, and thus their name.
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Not all Mirabil larvae are a solid white, however. Some larvae have slight indicators as to how they will look like in adulthood, though some indicators of traits present in adulthood do not present themselves until after pupation.
Such indicators include:
Nasal spotting (for Mirabils with noses that are different to the base fur color, their larval forms will almost always have a colored nose with a ring of differently colored fur surrounding it. The bottom larva in figure 2 and the yellow pup in figure 4 are the same, with the larval form indicating that the pupated, and finally adult form will be a yellow individual with a purple nose.)
Brow spots (This indicator does not show itself until after pupation. The pup in figure 3 has dark spots above the eyes that, after puberty will form a bar or 'unibrow' in adulthood.)
Dipsticking (This indicator also does not show itself until after pupation. Dipsticking in Mirabil pups, like the individual in figure 5 have a spot of differently colored fur on the tip or most of the tail. This implies that the pup will grow up to have "hair", or a differently colored mane and tail from the rest of the body. In this case, this individual will grow to have a mane and tail that are a dark purple in color.)
And so that concludes my first of probably several Mr. Men specbio posts.
Uhhhh ermmmm thanks for reading i guess 😳
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goopi-e · 6 months
Today on "Keeping a journal is mentally tasking, whining on T*umblr is a free real estate":
Love learning about some stupid, mean-spirited shit i apparently wrote online several years ago.
Past me wasn't a nice person — I mean, she mostly was, and believed herself to be, but at the same time... Girl, I know you weren't doing well at the time, but what the fuck were you even on. For a walking embodiment of proverbial inability to ask for a ketchup packet IRL you were taking a surprising amount of piss on them interwebz. And there was nobody to slap you on the wrist.
Whatever. At least growing older gets me farther and farther away from this person. Here's hoping I'll turn up at least halfway decent around 30.
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snapthistiger · 1 year
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exercise 04242023
bike ride to the gym
6 x 10 incline sit ups
5 x 10 pec machine
3 x 10 lat raise
30 minutes on the step mill
3 x 10 cable row
3 x 10 cable press
bike ride home
the gym workers received mini kitkats and York mints and mini snickers
top left = red sock on the road / how does that come off you foot and end up in the road?
bottom = red flowers outside the gym
Monday's tumblr post brought to you by the color red
gorgeous weather today / upper 50s this morning and mid 70s this afternoon
my blood pressure is doing better / not getting dizzy when i bend over and stand up. / ate a bunch this weekend and put on a few pounds and that seems to have helped
yoga class tonight
hope you have a peaceful afternoon and evening..
pic below = i turned in a water leak yesterday afternoon via the city interwebz submittal / city workers were on the repair this morning
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mugenmcfugen · 4 months
In other news, few days ago I had a streak of finding ''lost media'' I've tried finding before but to no avail. I think my biggest mistake at that point was trying to rely on Google for searching, but it seems Google is straight up shit at this point for doing simple search. And I understand for the most part the result doesn't have to be on a first page but not only there isn't 1st page anymore but endlessly expanding page, but also it was clogged with links that really have nothing to do with what I've searched in a first place. Place I've had to rely on was Reddit, and specifically subreddit r/tipofmytongue.
All it took for me to dig up those was using terms of what I've remembered and being tiny bit patient in sifting trough pages, and surely enough I've dug them up. Ridiculously enough, since reddit in all of its bullshit IS haven of information. However, even me typing ''(my term) reddit'' in Google didn't gave me the result, EVEN THOUGH I've found both of them ON REDDIT. Yeah Google, thanks a lot(not).
What was the media you wonder? It's just old cartoons I used to watch on TV when I was kid. Now, this is period right after war, and it's not any cartoon channel (Cartoon Network came way later to us). I'm also pretty sure one of these was sort of prerecorded on VHS, but it doesn't matter. All of them were dubbed to our language and were obviously all in different style.
This all started because I randomly found the first one I was looking for, and it had to do with VA actress Eiko Masuyama passing away. She was mostly known as Fujiko from Lupin III, but she also voiced fairy creature Candy from ''Anderson Monogatari''. It was specifically this episode of ''The Little Match Girl''
I remember mostly the last part when everybody is crying. Ahhh, fun times of ''child memory retention''.
Second one was one where I started actively digging for other two I've remembered. I also remembered last scene the most, something about it was eerie but impactful in my mind. It was ''Enchanted Boy'', old soviet animation from 1955, and it's adaptation of ''The Wonderful Adventures of Nils''
I had hunch it was something from USSR, probably because of text cards in there being in Cyrillic.
And last but not the least, was funnily enough a Christmas Cartoon. You'd think it would pop up somewhere while googling for it, but to no avail, and I wouldn't say it was that unknown, at least in Western interwebz, but I was wrong it seems. It was never mentioned in many Christmas cartoons articles that were all over the place. But this one, when I watched it again, I remembered the whole episode, and it's still charming today, even 30 years later. It was ''Santa's First Christmas'' , which had it's own spinoff in 1996 ''Romuald the Reindeer'' .
I first found the 1996, but noticed it look somehow way too new from what I remember, surely enough there was one more from 1992.
Anyways, this post turned out way bigger than I anticipated, but here they are. I hope I helped someone too trying to remember these. It also serves as a place where I know I have all these in one spot.
So yeah, have fun watching and remember, fuck Google for what it became. :))
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voreporn · 4 months
Oh Snap! Discover Unbirth Vore Fantasies
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So, you think you've seen it all, huh? Well, hold onto your hats, folks, because we're about to dive into a wild and wacky world of adult fantasies that'll leave you questioning everything you thought you knew about pleasure. Buckle up, because today, we're talking about Unbirth Vore.
What the Hell is Unbirth Vore Anyway?
Alright, let's break it down for the uninitiated. Imagine a scenario where the laws of anatomy take a hard left turn into the realm of the surreal. We're talking about babes getting swallowed whole, not through their mouths, but through a mystical portal located, you guessed it, down there. Yeah, you heard that right. We're talking about some next-level, mind-bending shit.
But How Does It Work?
You might be scratching your head, wondering how in the hell this even makes sense. Well, guess what? In the world of unbirth vore, logic takes a back seat and imagination runs wild. Picture this: a seductive vixen, craving to be enveloped by the warm, wet depths of another being. It's a fusion of intimacy and primal desire that'll make your head spin faster than a Beyblade on crack.
Why the Hell Would Anyone Be Into That?
Hey, don't knock it till you've tried it. The allure of unbirth vore lies in its ability to tap into the deepest recesses of our subconscious desires. It's not just about the physical act itself, but the taboo thrill of exploring the forbidden and the unknown. Plus, let's face it, who wouldn't want to experience the ultimate form of penetration?
Where Can You Find the Good Stuff?
Now, here's the million-dollar question. Where the hell can you get your fix of unbirth vore fantasies? Sure, you could spend hours scouring the depths of the internet, only to end up disappointed by low-quality prono and shady websites. But fear not, fellow pervs, because salvation is at hand. Enter Vored.com.
Vored.com: Your One-Stop-Shop for Unbirth Vore Madness
At Vored.com, they're serving up the hottest, raunchiest unbirth vore content this side of the interwebz. From sultry sirens being devoured by otherworldly creatures to mind-blowing orgies that'll make your jaw drop, they've got it all. And did we mention it's all in stunning 4K and HD quality? Yeah, these guys don't mess around when it comes to giving you the ultimate viewing experience.
Conclusion: Dive Into the Abyss of Unbirth Vore
So, there you have it, folks. Unbirth vore might sound like some far-out, freaky shit, but trust us when we say it's worth exploring. Whether you're a seasoned pro or a curious newbie, there's something for everyone in this wild and wonderful world of adult fantasies. And if you're looking to dive headfirst into the depths of unbirth vore madness, look no further than Vored.com. Your wildest dreams await.
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dorenarox · 5 months
I've been out on the Interwebz, downvoting content, blocking posts (and even people!) and actually even REPORTING stuff.
What have I become?
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paramorearchived · 5 months
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February 15, 2011
new sensation
what a weekend THAT was. damn, it never fails to amaze me when i look up and all around me and realize that we are standing on a red carpet. isn't that sort of every little girl's dream at least at some point in their life? even if just for a second, you wanna know what it would be like... i mean, i always did. it's only made even more ridiculous and amazing by the fact that i get to do this stuff with my friends. the guys and i had a blast. let's not even try and talk about presenting "best rock album" cause i'm pretty sure i nearly pissed my pink tou tou. this years grammy's were, without a doubt, the best we've ever been a part of. and i'll follow that up by saying, whatever is going on with the 3 of us - however this is working out - it's something new. it's unexplainable. and new! i don't know how else to say it without sounding like i'm forcing it and being a downright d-bag. something just clicked and whatever that was, i'm so freaking incredible grateful for it.
we really made the best of our entire weekend. did a brand new photoshoot - i mean how much longer could you guys crop and re-edit old photos? must have been a little more than awkward too, right? well, lindsey byrnes knocked it out of the park. we had a blast getting all dressed up (i might have had too much fun... but you're used to it by now) and sooner than later, some of those pics will be up on the interwebz for us all to gawk at. we hung out a lot with our label folk. both Fueled By Ramen AND Atlantic folk, if any of the haters are wondering! we even went to the label's after party and held down a whole corner in which we danced the night away and onlookers were all "wtf" til they came over and got down with us. the best part is that we actually planned out a lot of our 2011. i know everyone has been hoping for an EP and while we don't want to confirm anything 100% due to the fact that well, we just don't wanna confirm it... i can say that we do have enough songs *in the works* for one and we will be recording some of them after we get back from Brasil :) thumbs up? yes? no? mmm yes.
just seems like someone opened up all the windows and let all the air back in. wish you all could have been right there with us over the weekend. hanging out with us and feeling our insanely good vibes, haha! we're ready to give back to you guys for all the love we've felt from you over the past couple of months. heck, for the past 7 years! there's something new happening here and it's definitely good. 
LOVE  hayleyball
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longsightmyth · 2 years
With so much negativity for TROP i'm surprised you like it! Admittedly I can't help but wonder how much of the 'criticism' it draws is because people think its "woke," tho
I admit I had a little silmarillion-loving hissyfit during the first episode before I realized they literally weren't ALLOWED to talk about some things, and then I relaxed. Nothing breaks canon aside from what appears to be a slight timeline compression. All of the actors are excellent with the admittedly extremely personal view of thinking that pope-galad is routinely outshown charisma-wise by everyone around him (sorry peredhels! It's okay I know some of you don't like Tauriel we'll call it even). The costuming is amazing outside of literally those two shots people pulled to try to be alarmists. The love and care put into the soundtrack, the story, the characterization... all of it is impressive.
And if I see one more person try to pretend that Galadriel is out of character I won't do anything because I try not to fight too much on the interwebz (shocking I know) but I will know that person hasn't actually read the silm or just allowed the pj trilogy to overwrite their knowledge of canon.
Because much as I love the pj trilogy, it isn't any more canon compliant than trop, and arguably less. And that's okay! A lot of the things changed for the series and the trilogy are changes of necessity due to the mediums involved, and I wish people would think about that for ten seconds before literally MAKING SHIT UP to be pissed about.
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bitchesgetriches · 2 years
Hey Bitches!
This is not exactly asking for financial advice so feel free to not answer, but I’m doing a certain major at university that requires two math classes (for no reason??). And boy I am struggling. If I can’t get into the program, I don’t really know what else I’ll do next. Any advice? 😭😭😭
Deep breaths, sweetheart! In my personal experience, learning math depends a lot on the student's learning style and the teacher's teaching style. So you need to find a compatible teacher!
This means that if your school has a tutoring system or math lab, you need to use it religiously. GET HELP. Don't just struggle through on your own.
If your school doesn't have a math lab, there's a YouTuber or a TikToker for EVERYTHING, even math. One of my favorite accounts is just this woman who teaches you Excel. It's amazing...ly nerdy yet helpful. Find someone on the interwebz whose teaching style matches your learning style and use them to help with your courses. Good luck!
How I Learned To Stop Worrying and Love Financial Math 
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clouds-of-wings · 8 months
Someone in an (obviously very important and high-brow) internet argument I read earlier claimed that their ethnicity was "1/3 this, 1/3 that, 1/3 a third thing" and I started wondering how many generations they'd have to go back to even arrive at those numbers. Can't be at the parents' level obviously, "4 grandparents" isn't divisible by 3, nor is "8 great-grandparents"...
I started calculating this all the way up to "1024 great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-grandparents", which still wasn't divisible by 3. In increasing agitation, I used my rudimentary Ruby skills to demand an explanation from my computer. Is there any power of 2 under 100 that is divisible by 3? Nope. Any under 1000? Also no.
In order to not stress my computer out further, I went back to the place this all started: the interwebz. Is there any power of 2 at all that's divisible by 3? As it turns out, no. Someone on Reddit explained that in order for a number to be divisible by 3, the prime factorization of that number has to include a 3, and the prime factorization of every power of 2 is just 2 * 2 * 2 * 2 etc. - it's so obvious once you see it explained like this.
So if you ever get into a nationalist trollfight, on the internet or in real life, you can totally PWN someone if they claim something like this, with this knowledge. Just say: IN NO GENERATION WAS THE NUMBER OF YOUR ANCESTORS EVER DIVISIBLE BY THREE, YOUR CLAIM IS THUS FAULTY!
And when they start waving around their 23-and-me certificate that proves it's close enough to 1/3, idk, just make fun of them for giving them their data or something.
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quinloki · 9 months
Your trademark, for me at any rate, is shamelessness. I'm going to explain that now, you don't shame anyone for anything. We can be as weird or as "normal" as we need to be. You accept people for who they are and don't shame them for being kinky or kinkless. You're shame-less, one of the most nonjudgmental people on the interwebz and I think that's wonderful in an era of shaming everything and cancel culture.
Σ(っ °Д °;)っ
Oh man O_O What a compliment!!!
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Thank you so much for it too, I - heck, I don't even really know what to say ^^;
I'm, ah, a little flustered XD <3 Thank you though, seriously. What an honor. I feel like I need to hide my face even though no one can see it right now (*/ω\*)
What’s my ™️
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