#bruh bruh bruh buh bruh
abhorrenttheorizer · 11 months
PART 1 OF ???
Special thanks to my dear interwebz buddy, @skullmalice, for helping me out with the naming and biology of these little muppets!
Long post/textwalling warning.
Well fellas, you know what they say:
Another day, another downward spiral.
Lately I have been on a bit of a nostalgia kick, looking at some of the things I've been into as a child, and speaking to other people that have been spelunking in the same caves, per se. I met a friend who showed me a piece of my childhood that I had almost completely forgotten. Like a wild animal being reintroduced to its natural habitat, I have been all over this shit, reliving everything I once did as a young maggot. Since that fateful reintroduction, that childhood memory has since become one of the most dangerous hyperfixations I have possibly ever had. /j
Said childhood memory? The Mr. Men and Little Miss franchise. More specifically, The Mr. Men Show, because I am early 2000s old school All American™ zoomer scum. (besides that, the only other thing about the franchise I remember is reading some of the books in 1st grade)
So because I got that dawg in me (read: autism), my naturally inquisitive nature leads me to territories that I should never have even considered for the sake of my own sanity.
Namely one question that's been chewing at the few neurons I have:
Just what the hell even are these things, anyway?
I know the canonical answer. They're stylized, abstract humans. But that's not satisfactory.
Call me a stubborn mule, but you simply cannot convince me that a pill, circle, bean, or rectangle shaped technicolor abomination is in any way, shape, or form, a human being.
Not happening.
Especially not when (at least in every version but the 2000s one) these things have been shown next to and interacting with actual humans on multiple occasions.
These fucking things look like muppets, so I will make them muppets.
It has to happen.
Being the fiend for speculative biology that I am, I simply had to pounce on this opportunity, and promptly tear it a new asshole.
With that being said, Mr. Men speculative biology? Mr. Men speculative biology.
The funny little shape people we all know and love belong to a species of chionophilic, semiaquatic, faerie-like pseudomammalians.
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The figure on the far left, is a frog. More specifically a common rain frog (Breviceps adspersus)
reference source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Breviceps_adspersus#/media/File:Breviceps-adspersus-adspersus.jpg (forgive me, this is literally, and I don't use that word lightly, the first time I have ever drawn a frog)
The figure in the middle, is a hamster. More specifically a Syrian hamster (Mesocricetus auratus)
reference source: https://www.istockphoto.com/photo/cute-funny-syrian-hamster-gm1019886932-274048800
The figure on the far right, is a frog's sad attempt at being a hamster's sad attempt at being a human. (Mirabilis phasmafigura)
One of the main things that separate Mirabils from other animals they may be morphologically similar to is their bright, vibrant pelage. Unlike animals that utilize certain structures within hairs, scales, or feathers, Mirabils have genuine green, blue, and purple pigments. But why is this? Such unnatural coloration doesn't work well when you're a small cotton ball in a big world of both predators and prey, that is, unless you're an aposematic species.
Mirabils exhibit vibrant fur colors with genuine rare pigments for the purpose of warning potential predators that they are exceptionally poisonous. And venomous. At the same time.
The inside of the Mirabil's mouth also displays a high amount of contrast, a black inner mouth with a vibrant, pink, hot pink or red tongue.
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As shown by the image above, there are multiple different ways for mirabils to assert to potential predators that they are not to be reckoned with.
The "Poisonous" warning (as modeled by Mr. Nervous, on the left), involves arching the back, raising the tail either straight up or curling it over the back (if it is long enough), and exposing the front and hind claws (unless they've got kicks on). All parts of the Mirabil are exasperatingly poisonous, so even accidentally sharing food with or ingesting a few hairs from one can and will lead to a 20 minute lifespan with no hope for any antidotes that would work.
The "Venomous" warning (as modeled by Little Miss Bossy, on the right), involves standing straight or with the front end lowered (preparing to strike), spitting their toxic saliva (Unlike with venomous snakes, the venom glands on a mirabil are their salivary glands, so their saliva normally adopts a greenish-yellowish tint (it's not bad hygiene, it's neurotoxins!), and baring the teeth. Mirabils are capable of opening their jaws up to 90 degrees. Similarly to snakes, the bottom jaw is loosely attached by soft ligaments, which aids them in getting a good hold on either potential predators, prey items larger than themselves, or on rivals for mates (they're immune to their own venom, but the pain of being envenomated for a mirabil is similar to that of a yellow jacket sting). Their venom is just as powerful as their poison, and if bitten the lifespan also shortens to about 20 minutes. Also no antidote for magic hellvenom lol.
It is hypothesized that specimens of M. phasmafigura were first discovered in the late 10th century by populations in Northern Europe/Asia, and the far south of South America respectively. Since then, they were first hunted for their luxuriously soft, silky, colorful pelts, then promptly domesticated and assimilated into human society.
Mirabil domestication has a very complicated history, especially with the fact that they as a species were always, and still are in affiliation with wizards, witches, and other alchemists (though usually unwilling on the Mirabil's terms). They were first utilized as hunting and fishing companions, then taken by wizards as servants and laborers (due to their small, nimble hands, swift movements, and magic properties ofc), then as pet-like companions by both wizards and the general populace, and finally as their own independent, sovereign "people" between the late 1970s to early 1980s.
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While the species is currently global, existing in many different cultures, elevations, and climates, the natal habitats of the mirabil lie in freshwater polar regions across the world. When freshwater is not available, Mirabils prefer coastal regions where they can hunt in the open sea, but these sorts of populations are relatively uncommon. Populations living in the Southern Hemisphere generally prefer to stay near freshwater regions in the far south of South America, and South Africa, though there are several populations of Mirabils in Antarctica.
Despite the wide birth of location between Arctic and Antarctic populations, Mirabils have highly variable appearances, and are extremely difficult to categorize into any specific groups besides certain trends in sexual dimprohism, though even those contain many traits that are highly variable, and thus difficult to determine.
Similarly to other animals such as the puma, Mirabils have many names based on the regions they are native to.
Some of the names this species has received in it's respective locations are as follows:
BRITISH ISLES - Dillies (for their somewhat immature, "dilly-dallying" nature)
NORTHEASTERN EUROPE/EURASIA - Poumpoffs (puffy creatures)
NORTHWESTERN EUROPE - Eba (onomatopoeic for the paternal calls of most males)
SOUTH AMERICA - Mirabils (for their magical properties)
SOUTH AFRICA - Sagtmense (literally "soft people")
While some gravesites in their native range contain Mirabil bones, or Mirabils buried with human owners/companions, their skeletal and bodily structures have not differed from prior "feral" forms. This is mostly due to the species as a whole actively resisting human advancement in terms of domestication, meaning they have kept almost all of their wild traits.
My lawyer has advised me not to tell you how these things reproduce, so I won't.
Not on Tumblr, anyway. /wink
But that doesn't mean I can't show you what these hellspawn look like as babbies, and how they develop.
Mirabils are an ovoviviparous, holometabolous species, meaning they lay eggs that hatch inside the body, and go through complete metamorphosis with a larval and pupal stage.
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The lifespan of the larval mirabil is as follows:
Unfertilized egg
Fertilized egg
Mature egg (Eggs hatch within the body anywhere between 6 and 4 months before the larva are born. The growth process of larva quickly damages the egg membrane and splits it open, freeing the young inside.)
Newborn (They have no limbs and a very underdeveloped notochord, so physically they're basically a kitten-maggot. They're completely blind (eyes covered in skin, with just a barely noticeable fold to where the eyelid would separate), but not deaf (though the ear isn't developed, and is still covered over with skin.). They will respond to auditory input by writhing in the direction of sounds they are familiar with, but are unable to produce any noise themselves, besides forcing air out of the nostrils to "squeak" if they are disturbed.
Oral anatomy of the baby mirabil (As well as having no limbs or bones besides the skull, mirabil larva are jawless. The mouth is designed to form a seal while feeding. Larva will stop suckling to breathe, but they will remain attached for several years).
5 year old infant. As the mirabil reaches around 5 years, they will detach and their mouth will start to seal itself shut, leaving only a small hole for wax to exit from as it prepares for pupation. Before the mouth completely seals itself shut, they may swallow liquified regurgitated materials, usually of heavily chewed plant or fungal matter brok the parents. Once the mouth is completely unuseable, what they have eaten as their "final meal" will repeatedly cycle back and forth from what would be the end of the digestive system, similar to chewing cud except there's no chewing and it's far nastier. Mirabil larva from birth to pupation are unable to defecate, the divet on their rear ends is meant to produce a glue-like substance so they can properly anchor themselves while feeding so they don't dangle, so the stored milk and regurgitated matter that remains in the body will ferment, getting pushed back into the esophagus to be cycled again and again until pupation occurs and the entire internal body digests itself.
Mature infant of 9 years, just about to pupate. The mouth is completely sealed shut, and the salivary glands are modified to produce a brown, waxy substance that the pup envelopes themself in prior to pupation. Eyelids are more developed, but still completely sealed shut until pupation is complete.
Completed cocoon of the baby mirabil. Pupation takes an extra 9 months as the infant produces extra bones, a completed digestive system, and extra organs they did not previously have.
What finally emerges after 9 long months of gross shit, is a variably-sized cotton ball with legs and a face.
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Mature babies emerge from their cocoons when they're about 10 years old (our human equivalent to a newborn). Their eyes are open, and they are somewhat mobile, able to shuffle around on their stubby legs and "sit" upright. They don't have any teeth, instead clawing their way out of the cocoon, and will continue to suckle until they are weaned at about 11 years old. Mirabil aging is around 10 years behind their human equivalent (a 21 year old human and a 21 year old mirabil are not the same, the latter is developmentally on par with a human 11 year old).
Their lifespans are also quite long, with an average lifespan of 210.5 years for females and 215.5 years for males.
Baby mirabils will begin to develop a personality and thus recieve their titular names once they are able to move around more independently. Names for physical characteristics are usually given immediately after the baby leaves the cocoon. When named for a personality trait, the most emotionally significant (or lack thereof) moment in a mirabil's life that occurs before they are able to walk upright becomes their strongest personality trait, and thus their name.
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Not all Mirabil larvae are a solid white, however. Some larvae have slight indicators as to how they will look like in adulthood, though some indicators of traits present in adulthood do not present themselves until after pupation.
Such indicators include:
Nasal spotting (for Mirabils with noses that are different to the base fur color, their larval forms will almost always have a colored nose with a ring of differently colored fur surrounding it. The bottom larva in figure 2 and the yellow pup in figure 4 are the same, with the larval form indicating that the pupated, and finally adult form will be a yellow individual with a purple nose.)
Brow spots (This indicator does not show itself until after pupation. The pup in figure 3 has dark spots above the eyes that, after puberty will form a bar or 'unibrow' in adulthood.)
Dipsticking (This indicator also does not show itself until after pupation. Dipsticking in Mirabil pups, like the individual in figure 5 have a spot of differently colored fur on the tip or most of the tail. This implies that the pup will grow up to have "hair", or a differently colored mane and tail from the rest of the body. In this case, this individual will grow to have a mane and tail that are a dark purple in color.)
And so that concludes my first of probably several Mr. Men specbio posts.
Uhhhh ermmmm thanks for reading i guess 😳
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meltedbuttersblog · 10 months
twst dealing with karens
riddle: gets angry too, no cuss words or insults in an attempt to remain professional, but is still upset nonetheless
trey: PROFESSIONAL KAREN WRANGLER. bro can weave his way around a karen so well he almost doesn't have to think about it.
ace: cussing them out if it gets heated, but angry explanations and plenty of "bruh" "nah get out of my drivethru/store"
deuce: trying SO HARD to be good boy and not beat the shit out of that guy. if it's a girl obv he's trying to be nice too but he's sliding in the occasional passive aggressive comment.
cater: "BYE" "BUH-BYE" "YOU CAN LEAVE NOW" "BYE" *recording with his phone*
leona: not dealing with karens cuz he's too lazy for that. probably in the back room sleeping when he hears a loud noise and discovers an argument went on.
ruggie: "come on, don't do this." "alright look-" bro is the 'no one wants to do this job, no one wants to hear you screaming, so just quit and MAYBE you'll get what you want'
jack: people are too intimidated by him to be karens
azul: passive agressive comments
jade: passive agressive comments BUT if provoked he will cuss people out
floyd: cutely threatens the karens. they don't think he's serious but he gives them a look that means he's absolutely dead serious
kalim: might cry. like, he actually might start crying. that or he'll be the one who is speaking as nice as possible while being screamed at in the worst most cruelest way
jamil: ain't got time for that. get out of the establishment or shut your mouth.
vil: is the karen. not the bad karen but the "um excuse me? he asked for no pickles" kinda guy
rook: SEDUCE SWDUCE FLIRT SEDUCE FLIRT *rolls d20 dice and gets a natural 20* HE'S SEDUCING THAT KAREN 😈😈😈 (somehow it works) (it always works, it's rook)
epel: also an "um excuse me? he asked for no pickles" kinda guy but would deal with karen's in the most southern way possible. i have no idea what that means but he'd do it. if they're an older customer he'd fiddle his way around the karenism cuz he's good at old people.
idia: "*cries*" he either cries or just completely shuts down and stops talking.
ortho: tries his best to satisfy their needs while following the rules he's given by the workplace
malleus: not a karen, doesn't deal with karens
lilia: sneaky little bitch in response
sebek: uhhh whatever tenya iida do (aka explaining why he cannot make a return on 3 year old musty dusty crusty heels when the return policy is 30 days and in good condition) (and doing so very loudly)
silver: sleeping in the back room with leona, was out there cuz he passed out as a result of his possible narcolepsy
che'nya: continues to instigate the karen
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rottenpumpkin13 · 1 year
Hey Genesis, where would be the best place to buy a copy of Loveless? I'm interested in reading it, but I have no idea where to pick up a copy...
SOLDIER Vlogging Shenanigans pt. 17
[The camera flickers on to show Cloud awkwardly filming himself. He's walking down a busy Midgar street, pointing the camera at Sephiroth and Genesis walking behind him. Genesis has his eyes glued to his phone]
"Dear Goddess," Genesis huffs, typing madly into the device, "I think my parents are swingers." 
[Cloud snorts and starts laughing madly. Genesis looks up into the camera, all color draining of his face]
"Don't film this!" He snaps.
[The camera next cuts to Genesis's perfect influencer-esque camera angle filming himself, Sephiroth and Cloud walking down the street. It's notable to mention Genesis is wearing overpriced sunglasses that cover half his face]
"Okay!" Genesis grins. "This particular question warrants a field trip! Today we're in Loveless avenue in sector eight because—"
[In the background Sephiroth and Cloud are audibly arguing over the correct pronunciation of Laboratory—"Sir, with all do respect, no one on the continent pronounces it la-buh-ruh-tor-ee! It's la-bruh-tor-ee!" followed by “So what you’re saying is that I’m illiterate?” and then a breathless, “What!? No!”]
"—We're going to Greenly & Co, which is the best place to find any and all variations of LOVELESS including collectors' editions." 
[He zooms the camera in on Cloud and Sephiroth]
“Today I’m joined by Sephiroth and Private Strife—”
“I’m babysitting,” Cloud cuts in, urging a numb grunt from Sephiroth and a pout from Genesis.
“Yes, insulting as it is, Angeal thinks it unwise to let Sephiroth and I out of the tower unsupervised—”
“Because the last time that happened you two caused a traffic jam in sector five,” Cloud added coolly. “Something about…You betting Sephiroth he wouldn’t be bold enough to jaywalk? And then he proceeded to launch himself into traffic.”
[Sephiroth’s lips are a thin line. He’s stiff as he walks]
“I didn’t fully understand the implications,” he mutters.
[Genesis scowls and flips the camera completely around on Cloud and Sephiroth. Cloud looks bored and smug. Sephiroth tightens his grip over his crossed arms]
“I’ll have you know, Strife, we were children then. Maturity comes at the behest of age.” 
“That was last month,” Sephiroth mutters quietly.
[Genesis frowns and lowers his arm, turning the camera off]
[The video next cuts to a black screen. Shuffling and quiet swearing is heard, then a whir of motion before Cloud’s face pops up on screen. He looks completely horror-stricken, eyes wide as he looks all around the fancy bookstore he’s walking around in]
“So,” he briefly looks into the camera, “I’m fucked!”
[He pans the camera around shakily to show the book aisle he’s pacing down. Sephiroth and Genesis are nowhere in sight. Gaia help us all]
“I lost Sephiroth and Rhapsodos!” He pans the camera back to himself, running a trembling hand over his unruly spikes. “I don’t understand! They were here one minute and then the next they—”
[Somewhere off-camera, there’s a thunderous crash, followed by the sound of broken glass, then two swords unsheathing. Cloud stills momentarily before he hears Genesis’s voice (“It’s pronounced la-bruh-tor-ee, you scum of the planet!”) and then an explosion shakes the camera]
“Oh man, Hewley’s gonna kill me!” Cloud hisses, fumbling to turn the camera off and locate the two SOLDIERs.
[He ends the video]
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ask-shane · 8 months
(Gifts a plum)
This, reminds me of your hair,
(Gifts a Emerald)
And this reminds me of your eyes.
You may be just a guy, but you're a pretty cool guy you know. Give yourself some credit bruh.
The Rizzler~
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where’s all this coming from?? buh…… don’t shower me in your best gifts. i can’t reimburse you… how’d you even get these gemstones anyway? do you just have cash to burn like that?
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transgenderer · 1 month
LA is a prank we Californians play on tourists: "Oh you wanna see the cool things in our state? Uh.. Guh... Go see the moving pictures stuff... Buh... Pasadena? Is that a kind of pasta? No, you've gotta see our sick-ass sign, bruh. What do you mean 'what about the rest of state?' It's not worth it... A myth.. Perfidious illusion... San Diego? Santa Barbara? Catalina Island? Ojai? Hearst Castle? Did you hit your head or something?"
You can't trick me 10% of californians live in LA and 1/3 live in the metro area.
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junior-beans · 5 months
Hey! Um, One thing! *Un-jollies your rancher* Buh-bye now. -Anon
bruh 💀
Now i just got a rancher >:(
Can I have my jolly back pls I just found it 🤲🙇‍♂️
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scrunkalicious · 3 months
ohhh arcane ending……..ohh november please come soon
grabby hands for some martor fluff of them being happy
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Ive divided the Martor lore into 3 partz,,,
Part 1: Before the show, act one of the show, and the 7 yr time skip,,
Part 2: The rest of Season 1
Part 3: all the machine herald stuff (so season 2 most likely)
Yfhhthuhhhhhuuuhhhh during their time at the Academy,,, Marly and Viktor entered some sort of academic competition in which you'd have to make something (like an invention) and present it,,, and they won after many dayz of hard work,,, afagehrhthththth so happy!!!! they were so hyped RAGEGRGRGGAAAERGGGG
BUT PART 2 IS LIKE ERRMMM,,,, Marly does undergo a lot of stress and mental/emotional downfall bruh,,,, literally cannot wait to write it all out,,,,,,,,, with Viktor becoming more of a workaholic and stuff their relationship getz rlly strained sibehththyherrrmm
Yaaayyy but fluff is real mostly yeah,,, just know that they alwayz cuddle when sharing a bed no matter what part we're talking abt,,,,,
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jest-a-genetta · 8 months
Me, brain fast but foggy, like sprinting through molasses: *jumping tasks and walking in circles trying to remember what I was doing while saying "Dog of Wisdom" sounds* Ba-DA-ba. Wuh-BAH buh ba--... Hey wait I got plenty of sleep last night, why am I being like this?
My coworker: Do you have ADHD, autism, anything like that?
Me: No? Not far as I'm aware?
Co: Maybe you should try being aware
Bruh wHAT-?
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wherewhereare · 11 months
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Yesterday Gwen Stefani made us all a little teary-eyed with her new video, “Used to Love You,” a somber, synth-pop single inspired by her failed marriage to ex-husband Gavin Rossdale. If you haven't seen it already, prepare yourself for a mixture of melancholy glances, misty puppy dog eyes and murderous death stares. We haven't seen a woman this up-close-and-heartbroken since Sinead O'Connor.
Stefani's already performed the song while on tour recently, but the Sophie Muller-directed video makes its presence official. Capturing all of her raw, post-divorce emotion without uttering more than a few lip-synched words, the No Doubt front woman reveals the kind of devastation she hasn't experienced since her breakup with ND bassist Tony Kanal over two decades ago (honestly, he's got to be a little relieved this one's not about him). Through her telepathic dialogue with the camera, we at the Weekly have managed to surmise what was really on the First Lady of OC's mind when she filmed this video.
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, Gavin. Don't worry about people thinking you're a douchebag after watching this video. At least they're thinking of you.
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How could I have married this asswipe without a prenup?! Now he wants half my net worth? All because HE fucked around? Am I being Federlined?
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Gossip rags say you were boning sluts in the Playboy Mansion while we were engaged on top of having an affair with Courtney Love while we were married. Wow, apparently your career AND your dick are still stuck in the '90s.
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We did make some amazing kids together though. I gave birth to three children named Kingston, Zuma and Apollo even though I knew people would make fun of them…for having the last name Rossdale.
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Seriously, dude? You want half?!
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Ugh, I should have just put my career aside and let you be the famous one.
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Wait, that never would've happened. Because it's 2015 and no one listens to Bush. Good job fucking up your life, bruh. Buh-bye.
See the full video here: Gwen Stefani - Used To Love You
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See also:
From <https://ocweekly.com/what-gwen-stefani-was-really-thinking-in-the-used-to-love-you-music-video-6575765/>
EDIT: Added the missing pictures.
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lowat-golden-tower · 1 year
blocking the outright haters in the helluva boss tag like eyyyyy
if you’re actually supplying constructive crit we cool bruh but if you just shitting on the series then buh-bye cleaning my tag view like mhm
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a-vamp-and-a-half · 7 months
Neora snorts, glancing up the staircase with one look around at them all
“Well I suppose we might as well knock, it’s been long enough” she hums, moving to walk up “At most she might tell us to go away” she says, chuckling as Evan lowers his raised finger
“I guess you’re right on that” he nods and shrugs, walking up the stairs quicker “I’ll go, hold on” he says, ascending in a blink of an eye, a flash of light trailing behind him
He knocks
“Odes? You ok-?”
“NO! Go away!”
“I’m not ready yet!”
? Not, ready?
He glances behind him, signing what he’d heard to the rest with a raised brow of confusion, lowering his head to try and look through the keyhole
He sees a hint of glitter, a passing glove, something swishing in the air-
An eye staring right back at him
“No peeking!!”
“AH-“ he dodges the spray of water squirted through the keyhole in the nick of time, laughing even at the unexpected ridiculousness “Buh- Odes! Okay I won’t peek!” He laughs, snorting at the rest down below “But what are you doing?”
“I’m-I’m- ugh! I’m just busy! Just wait!” Is yelled back for all to hear and Evan laughs at the familiarity, of Sia yelling in a hurry making plans, rushing around catering, doing last minute stuff
It was kinda funny, hearing it in a much younger voice
“Can we help?”
“No! Well-“ Evan raises a brow at the rest “Can Neora come back up?”
“Yeah. She has cool magic”
“I have cool magic”
Evan guffaws with a hand on his chest as Neora laughs behind her hand “What do you mean nuhuh?”
“Neora has cooler magic! Just, I want Neora!”
“Okay okay ill go see if she’s free” he jokes, moving to walk back down
He laughs at the following shout, gesturing up with his thumb “You good to go?”
“Sure” Neora chuckles, taking a far slower pace than his up the stairs to the attic door as Evan grins at the rest
“We wanna bet what’s happening?” He half jokes
"Costume!" Wilford shouts with his hand raised. Bing points at Wilford in agreement.
"Or just fancy party outfit," Yancy says.
"Kinda the same as a costume, though, bruh."
"I's guess..."
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newtafterdark · 1 year
*RUNS INTO YOUR ASK BOX* bruh…it’s still pride month and to get my obscure blorbo fix I gotta ask the probably most unhinged question you have ever gotten: LGBT+ hui buh headcanons? 👀
Ooooooo! Alright, here's the thing though - I even thought about head canons like that back in the day when I saw the first movie, even when I didn't have the words for it yet!
So here you got the specific queer thoughts I've had for the main gang for a while:
Julius - That man is so bi to me. Genuinely, the way he and Charles interact with each other is so important to me. Like, it always felt like "We understand each other on such a deep level and we are so comfortable with each other", especially in the second movie. Julius is a disaster when it comes to instantly falling in love with every woman he meets, but with Charles everything is unshakable. Charles - Gay as can be. Yeah, he's already written as a flamboyant character... but I can only again point at what I wrote above. Konstanzia - This is based on absolutely nothing, but she is bi to me. She should've had the opportunity to interact with more female characters who are not antagonistic just to see what the vibe is there, you know? I am simply saying she would've had the same reaction to the Witch Queen in the second movie as her husband Julius had. ANYWAY, yeah these three are in a polycule in my brain. Very much Konstanzia going "This is my husband Julius and his boyfriend Charles! :>" Hui Buh - This man is important to me (to no-one's surprise), because he's several hundred years removed from when the movies happen due to being a ghost for so long. Sure, he'll learn new words for concepts, but... well, it didn't really matter back when he was still alive. Still, if Tommy or Ophelia ever asked, he would probably settle with panromantic. Sexuality wise... he's internally unsure. The new words still don't feel right, even as he gets used to hearing them. He's the kinda guy who'll say "I'll take anyone who'll have me!" and that's just genuinely how it is. So, technically, this man is full pan, but he just doesn't use the word. Queer though? He'll happily call himself queer! Hell, aside from all the romance, you know he has some fun stuff going on with his gender too!
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foggyparadisecandy · 1 year
DumDumPond Scene
Some people enjoyed hearing about a recent scene where I helped someone find their “Room of Arousal” so I thought I would share another recent scene.
This time, I helped my subject find DumDumPond.
Like the Room of Arousal, DumDumPond lives inside of a subject and can be visited anytime they want. They don’t need to be triggered. It’s one of the reasons I love helping people find these constructs.
If you have me help you find stuff inside you, you can visit it and enjoy the benefits and powers of the constructs whenever you want.
I’m going to guess most of you can already figure out the powers of DumDumPond, right?
As you can imagine, drinking from the pond makes you dumber. I won’t spoil the specific elements in case any of you want to try it someday but it can be pretty strong.
In this recent case, the subject was being a brat so I pushed the pond to obliterate his brain, slowly and steadily.
After coming up from trance, he visited his pond (it was full of honey) and was just marveling at it, looking at it. This is common with your first construct - it’s pretty odd to get your head around how they manifest.
He described it to me for a bit and I gently inquired “I wonder how it tastes?”
He took a drink and said it was really good honey and he was super-excited!
I mean seriously … wouldn’t you be excited to have a pond of honey in *your* head? Who could blame him?
I said “I bet you want another drink, don’t you?”
Oh yes. He did! And this one was “yummy”.
I asked how many drinks was he up to and … oops … he no longer knew numbers or how to count. He was puzzled.
Helpfully, I suggested another drink might help. He enthusiastically agreed.
Well as you can imagine … when you drink from DumDumPond, it gets harder and harder to form thoughts, complete sentences, or use multi-syllable words.
Within a few more drinks, we were having a rousing conversation of:
“Me think hard.”
“Drink think hard.”
“Bruh no work.”
“Buh duh fa.”
And other riveting philosophical puzzlers.
Now the effects wear off after a bit but I pulled out my master trigger to turn him normal again and he was floored.
“Holy cow. I felt like a brain-dead zombie!”
Immediately followed by “let’s do that again!”
LOL - another satisfied customer apparently?
[and thanks to a friendly suggestion by another hypnotist who suggested I tweak the pond to make him drool as he got dumber and feel really happy about drooling himself dumb]
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nananarc · 1 year
im so tired yall weeboos' shit, drawing sailormoon like she's white.
she's japanese buh. sailormoon is a japanese story that takes place in japan bruh.
also friendly reminder that the character in your favorite anime/manga is most likely to be japanese ok?
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1billiongecs · 2 years
im outside of my house and my outfit is bad
#kms #death #cring #die #bad #badoutfit #why #no #bruh #buh #evil
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hislittleraincloud · 20 days
Bruh, I just woke up and was not prepared to see Christina Ricci's tits on my fyp.
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I mean. That's why she's the 👑👑👑👑👑. Prozac Nation was an eh movie but she was full on nekkid in it at 20 years old.
Buh, I'll r/b it later after the baby's walk. For now though...here she is on MDMA (that which I've written about in Afterburn with ABW...perhaps I should throw in a deleted scene re: Thornhill and Tyler leaving the wake).
She was our 'Jenna' back in the 90s, but she did much more than the newb (and she was/is the better actress).
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