#even tho it’s meant to be religious obviously I imagine it as a please for endy to bring touya home 🥺
touyahoedoroki · 2 years
Outside in by circle of dust major villain vibes specially shigaraki and dabi 👌👌👌
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anika-ann · 4 years
WINSoD - Pt.5
If One Should Fall...
Type: series, soulmate AU series  (part 1, part 2, part 3)  
Pairing: Steve Rogers x reader  Word count: 3120
Summary: In which distribution of forces on the stones-retrieving mission changes. Because— reasons.The reason being a special visit someone pays you.
Warnings!: skip to post-Infinity War and the summary of it - you can imagine; deaths, violence....briefly tho, + language, mention of the inability to bear children, brief suicidal thoughts, kinda religious motives because SPN
A/N: Enormous time skip, because obviously CA:CW didn’t happen and the timeline is changed from canon already. Also, the title (What I’d Never Say or Do had I been in my right mind) is reeeeeally applicable in this one and somehow… it felt right to connect the chapters like this. Do not murder me…?
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Part 4
Forever was a funny word. A funny concept, perhaps. People always said they wished for some moments to last forever and what they meant was for them to last as long as possible, with no change in sight. Or they said that something unpleasant felt like it lasted forever, their souls craving an end of the misery, a fundamental change as the polar opposite to the first case.
You lived through both in the past years.
Sitting on your ass in a Wakandian palace, watching a battle unfold in front of you, an ensemble of great warriors fighting yet another army from space, that felt like forever, a never-ending nightmare and you only got to watch.
It set a pattern for you for several more years to come. To only watch.
You watched an alien creature steal the sceptre that the Avengers had decided to store in the palace and it did so while killing everything in its way. Princess Shuri had the great idea of hiding you and cuffing you so you wouldn’t stand in the creature’s path while she tried to stop it with the others. She ended up in shattered glass, only unconscious, as if thanks to a miracle.
You watched as… as she fell apart to ashes only minutes later; just like many, oh so many others.
Half of the population, they said.
Thanos, The Mad Titan, had wiped half of all living creatures.
The moment was carved into your brain forever. And the eternal time you waited for anyone to come back from the battle, to see Steve alive, because God, please, let him live – yes, that sure as hell felt like forever too.
Lives were lost. Bucky, Sam, Ryan, Wanda, Pietro, Peter, Shuri, T’Challa, Strange, Fury… the list went on and on. All of them, gone. Forever.
The world changed. Avengers  ow officially didn’t exist and yet recruited new members all over the freakin’ space, which was the only way of finding out Tony Stark, who had disappeared on a spaceship, in fact, survived.
The missions of the greatest defenders of Earth changed as well. Some members took off to start a family, lucky enough to still have a partner to do so. Or to have the ability to pass their genes.
You couldn’t. Or maybe Steve couldn’t, it didn’t matter. You never pried after the source of your inability to have children; you two were one, a unity. You didn’t want to know so you could point fingers. You could tell Steve blamed himself, as well as he knew that your irregular period was definitely not helping. You made your peace. In fact, you admired Tony for finding the courage to create an environment for a child in this mad world; your lack of faith in being able to do the same had the opportunity rose ironically helped you to come to terms with the fact of your body was not functioning right.
In a way, it only drew you and Steve closer. You had valued each other before, yes, but now… you truly were like one. You backed him up in how he decided to honour Sam’s memory by starting a support group and he was the one to sense that in a search for reassurance, strangely materialistic, you craved an official bond with him, despite never saying a word.
You were Steve’s wife now – and you were each other’s rock, even during the poor attempt at defeating Thanos again.
Five years was a long time, a forever, one might say, but when Scott Lang, one of the people believed to been dusted, reappeared, forever and never became relative again.
Which led you to now; what was left of the Earth’s mightiest heroes was planning on retrieving the infinity stones.
Because they figured out how to time-travel.
Observing your reflection in the mirror, the circles under your eyes, you couldn’t but run your hand down your face and sigh.
You were still struggling with accepting the incredible fact of the possibility of coming back in time, yet you had to shush the hope inside you. Hope was a dangerous thing; certainly on such big scale as everything could being as it had been, hope that all the people who had lost their lives during the Snap could be resurrected.
As for a person who in fact had died once, it was easier for you to believe it was possible and you weren’t sure that it was a good thing. The fear of losing what you still had – read Steve, mainly – in the process, was paralyzing. It would mean your end, one you might deliver by yourself if it came to it, because you weren’t as strong as your husband. You wouldn’t make it through. Not after everything that happened.
You sighed again and tried to shake off the darkest thoughts.
When your eyes fell on the reflection again, a man stood behind your shoulder.
You spun on your heels and jerked away, your bottom bumping into the sink with a startled yelp escaping your lips.
In a fraction of second, several ways of defending yourself flashed through you mind; but the man was already three feet away; in a blink of an eye, before you could even move further.
Chest heaving with frantic breaths, hand over your heart, you stared at the intruder dressed in a three-piece suit and a red cravat. Of average height and maybe few pounds over healthy weight, smoothly shaven so his smirk could stand out, he looked… peculiar, especially given the fact he had found himself in the ladies’ room.
It shouldn’t have surprised you he spoke up with some kind of an accent on top of everything, but it did.
“Saving the world is exhausting, isn’t it?”
You stared at him, speechless. Your brain kicked into an overdrive, analysing how much of a threat he was, if he was like Pietro, too fast for Friday to catch him, or what was he-
“Who the-“
“I’m Crowley, darling. And you don’t need look so scared. If I wanted you dead, you’d be already lying here in a puddle of blood,” he reassured you like a sleazy businessman, all pretence at kindness.
You winced at the visual and narrowed your eyes.
“Alright, Crowley, what do you want? And what exactly are you?” you demanded, uncertain why you felt calm despite the man appearing out of thin air and speaking of you dying in the bloodiest way. Were you truly so numb these days?
He smiled, as if he was old friend. “I am a friend of Moose and Squirrel-“ What. “-or Sam and Dean, as you know them. I have no doubt they mentioned me. After all, my mother is assisting them more than she would like. You met her, incidentally.”
It didn’t take a genius to figure it out – you hadn’t met many people during your time with the Winchesters. This man… was probably a warlock. A witch. Rowena apparently had a son.
Well. Shit.
“Okay. So… you’re a witch or something. Means I shouldn’t trust you fully. Noted. Now what do you want?”
His face twisted in a theatrical insulted grimace, his palm laid on his chest as if you just shot him through the heart – which, by the way, would probably do nothing to him.
“First of all, I am here to help, so I don’t think you have other option than trusting me. Second of all, I am not a witch, I am the King of Hell, thank you very much-“
Somewhere in the back of your mind, Sam Winchester’s voice whispered something about the King of Hell having been Dean’s bestie for a while, which did not make you feel any better, only more confused.
“And thirdly… I’m here to tell you what you, my darling, need to do for this mission to be successful.”
You stared at him incredulously, his casual stance and animated speech bewildering, and had no clue what to make of it.
Yet, you let him speak. You let him give you the advice no one ever wanted to receive. Ever. But this sleazy man had told you about how he had saved the world before, side by side with the Winchesters and everything suddenly made sense.
Crowley, the King of Hell, answered the most burning question you had been asking yourself ever since coming back from the death, doing so more and more often these days.
Why were you given the second chance at life? Why you of all people? What was the purpose?
And now you knew.
Rowena was the greatest witch the supernatural world had ever created and she supposedly looked through all the possible futures she could. Tony had once told you, drunk and hurting, that Strange had done the same right before the battle and he only saw one way of how it could end with Thanos’ loss. Now Crowley told you the ‘one’ future was still in play, that everything was actually still on the way to the world’s victory.
The price of victory was high. History had taught you that.
But the price people paid for losing was higher.
And as much as you hated what you apparently had to do…
“Okay,” you rasped, guilt already gnawing at your chest, tears strolling down your face, fear eating you up from the inside, fear of unknown and yet known, instincts fighting the urge to do the right thing and finally actually help to the heroes you found yourself among while still useless.
You were only watching too long. Forever, one might say.
“Okay?” he echoed, clearly surprised by your antics.
You only nodded, wiping away your tears and forcing your breathing to calm and steady. There was no way you could go back to the base of operating in the living room like this. You needed to be a fucking grown-up. Grown-ups had to be okay with not being okay. You must finally become worthy of being Captain Amer- Steve’s wife.
“Yes, Crowley. I’ll do it. Though I still have no idea why you came here to tell me. Aren’t you supposed to be the bad guy?” you teased him lightly, your mouth speaking its will without permission, the question only half-expecting an answer.
“Well, my darling. It’s the end of the world as we know it. It doesn’t matter now if you’re good or bad. Not if you want the world not to end.”
You were a terrible actress; a Razzies-nominee kind of actress. You couldn’t lie to save your life (the irony of such statement was not lost on you, yet it wasn’t properly appreciated either) and you were aware of the fact that Steve liked that about you. You could never lie to him. So you never tried.
You knew you couldn’t break that streak now, because he would see right through you. So you stooped lower than ever. Omitting the truth. Lying by not sharing the whole story. Whether you could make that work, only time would tell.
When you finally managed to compose yourself – at least more or less – and exited the bathroom, you found out that not much had changed. The team was still debating the details of best approach, uncertain but determined expressions on their faces.
Steve spared once glace at you and instantly was able to tell something was wrong. He hid you from the view of the others by his broad figure, concerned eyes scanning your face, observing and searching for any clue; for the source of your distress. As if the fact that they were – you all were, even if they didn’t know yet – about to time travel wasn’t enough to give one palpitations and serious stress-induced headache.
His tender fingers tucked a loose strand of your hair behind your ear as if it would help the mess your hairstyle must have been. A small encouraging smile graced his lips despite his own mind no doubt weighted down by numerous worries.
He didn’t have to ask for you to start talking, the brilliant colour of his eyes sweet and inviting enough.
“What if something goes wrong?” you questioned in a hushed whisper, not having to pretend to have such haunting thought. “What if… I don’t even want to think about what could it be. You’re going to need someone capable to pull you out. I am… I am not that capable. Definitely not when it comes to science of time-travel.”
Despite Steve acting like a human shield, your concerns were acknowledged by everyone, their heads snapping your direction. Steve, feeling all the curious eyes, cleared his throat and gently took your arm, leading you away from the prying ears.
“….excuse us for a second,” he hummed absently, waiting until he was out of earshot to speak with you again. “Doll… what- what is this really about?”
“What do you mean-“ you bluffed lamely in an instant, but the look Steve gave you shut you up.
“I know you, sweetheart. You can’t lie to me.”
If you weren’t dreading what you were about to do, you might throw a ‘watch me’ back at him. Instead, you aimed for an irritated tone – one that would be justified in case he would truly be questioning the claim you were about to point out.
“So you think I’m not afraid for you?”
A frown crossed over his face, his palm on your bicep tightening before he eased his hold to brush his thumb over the very same spot. “No! That’s not- I just know there’s something more. What is it?”
Gulping and averting his gaze, because the intense burn of genuine concern was unbearable, your mind raced with the effort to find the right words.
Your stomach was tied in tight knots, turning at the idea of playing Steve, more so for such nefarious purpose. But how else you could have convinced him that it couldn’t in fact be him and Natasha going to Vormir to retrieve the soul stone?
“I… I want to help. I need to help, Steve. You’re— you're so strong, always the hero and I’m not even close, I-“
“-need to prove my worth?” he finished easily, a knowing look in his eyes, and fuck him, how did he know—
He might not understand fully, he had no way of knowing what Crowley told you to do, but still, Steve was still able to recognize what fuelled your determination, what were your motives.
You opened your mouth uselessly, a shaky exhale brushing Steve’s face as he lowered his head to you, his eyes wide and genuinely troubled. God, you couldn’t bare the intensity of his gaze.
“Christ, doll. Where’s this coming from? Don’t be rid-“ From the corner of your eye, you saw him lick his lips as he swiftly cut himself off before calling you ridiculous. His large warm palms framed your face, forcing you to lock your gaze with his, passionate words accented by the burning fire of his irises. “You don’t need to prove anything to anyone. Not to them, certainly not to me. You are my everything and you are the most amazing person I have ever met-“
You closed your eyes, a soft smile tugging at your lips despite your better judgement. You never doubted Steve’s feelings, yet he was always quick to reassure you, having the patience of a saint whenever he noticed a hint of insecurity.
“I know. I swear I know that, I know how you feel, but- let me do this. What if… what if you don’t come back? What if you don’t come back and I’d be just sitting here, knowing I could have done something, but I didn’t. You’re too familiar with that feeling, Steve. Please. Let me come with you,” you pleaded in a hushed voice, hating you reminded him of losing you, but knowing it might be effective. “You know you can protect me when it comes to it.”
Brows drawn together, Steve observed you, baffled and yet understanding at the same time, torn between the instinct to have you protected at the compound and the responsibility he felt towards this mission. This was the fight of your lives; deep down, he must have known he couldn’t afford to jeopardize that even if it came to you. Which, naturally, didn’t mean he had to like it.
A clearing of one’s throat that sounded a bit like a clap of thunder interrupted your staring contest and you both glanced towards Bruce’s huge green form in the doorway, sheepish expression comical on his massive face.
“…sorry to interrupt, but… we kinda all think she has a point so-“
Steve’s sucked in air between his teeth, letting his hands drop from you face, only for one of them to run through his hair, the other balling in a fist.
You shrugged, the battle of emotions – victory and defeat at the same time, because God, why – no doubt visible on your face as Steve turned his attention solely to you once more.
“I’ll give you guys another sec…” Bruce hummed, backing out of the door, leaving you to deal with clearly irritated and reluctant Steve.
Thanks, buddy.
Wordlessly, Steve’s fingers slipped beneath your jaw, pulling you in for one of the strangest kisses of your life. H poured all his emotions into one simple gesture, hungry and intense, intimate wet sound of a dirty encounter of mouths echoing in the otherwise silent room. You allowed yourself to get lost in the sensation of Steve’s lips on yours, in his arm grabbing you and pressing flush against his hard chest; it was all too harsh for anyone to believe it was not a display of affection of a half-desperate man.
Breathless and with vertigo nearly overcoming you, you rested your forehead against Steve’s, mirroring his action once you parted. His eyes were closed shut, as if too heavy to kept open, but you could see that something in his expression shifted; you and Bruce won.
Peripherally, you noticed Crowley’s faint figure, the shortest of appearances as he nodded in approval and goodbye. You suspected he did something so Steve gave in; you didn’t care what and how, hoping it didn’t harm your soulmate.
Tears stung in your eyes when you realized what was to come and you forced them to be kept at bay, shutting your eyes close again.
“Fine, have it your way,” Steve rasped, his voice clearly irked, yet resigned. “But if you get one scratch on you, doll, just one, I’ll hold you responsible.”
No, you won’t.
You charmed a guilty smile, a lame tiny thing, and he inhaled sharply, only for huffing the air out.
“How could I, having my chivalrous man by my side?”
It earned you a kiss on your forehead, Steve’s fingers interlacing with yours when you made your way back to the other room where everyone waited.
Oh, how much it now hurt, the amount of faith Steve could put into you, charmed by your teary smile, that little thing puling on his heartstrings.
Oh, just how much it would hurt…
Part 6
This chapter might seem a bit strange, but hopefully it fits the atmosphere of Infinity War and Endgame…
Thanks for being here. I love you for your encouragement :-*
P.S. Here, have the last part of a SPN guide - visuals and references for Amara (God’s sister who gave back ‘reader’s’ memories) and Crowley (from this chapter).
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pengiesama · 8 years
every time we vore i get the feeling, every time we vore i touch the vore
that’s the new single from my studio album where i replace most of the words in songs with the word “vore”
anyway, it’s that time, before i go to a convention, to slack on packing and play some berseria
REALLY SEVERE SPOILER TERRITORY BELOW. i’d say i’m approaching game-end at this point
the real lord of calamity was the friends we made along the way
introducing medissa, because we really needed another female character whose design is solely based around her tits
literally two seconds after appearing on screen kamoana starts in with her fucking. shrieking. i want to meet whoever designed this walking pedo fap bait and donkey kick them into a coma
oh good, honkers mcgee and the repulsive goblin child like each other. maybe they'll now disappear from the story entirely and then all we'll have to worry about is finding a shark to feed bienfu to. we'll finally be free
the real grand poobah of calamity was the friends we made along the way
i like to imagine all this mother talk is going to work up to a reference to Muse and Mikleo but i never get what i want
"natural" malakhim are born from untainted mana from an earthpulse, and don't have blood family ties. eizen and edna were born from the same earthpulse on a mountain, and felt a sibling connection they didn't with other malakhim. they lived together for a while but eizen's curse kept putting edna in danger so he left (only coming back once, upon which edna was immediately attacked by a hoard of malevolence-induced humans). upon parting, they exchanged pendants; edna wears hers around her neck and the one she gave eizen has a self-portrait inside.
eizen was so cagey about even admitting he had a sister but now that the whole party knows he just corners them at every opportunity, silently unfurls a wallet full of pictures of her, and starts telling every story that comes to mind
when human malevolence reaches a certain peak, innominat awakens and ends the world. because we need an end of the world scenario to push the plot forward i guess. we can't run this train on velvet's throbbing revenge boner forever
i am pleased to learn that there is a Grimoirh fan club among malakhim; they find her composed, elegant, and love attending dinner shows where she reads literature. Grimoirh for best NPC, even though there's vanishingly little competition. a classy old scholar lady normin vs a constantly-screaming pedophile fantasy, what a race
the skit and NPC dialogue translation quality is just getting worse and worse. some exchanges are completely incomprehensible due to what i'm ASSUMING is someone trying to translate the original Japanese literally, without actually checking to make sure the result is like...not a word salad of gibberish. editors are important :')
hyland is currently underwater; it sank ages ago due to pissing off a dragon. so elysia used to be quite a bit more remote instead of being a day or two’s walk away from the kingdom capital lol
putting the Sorey accessory on Laphi's head creates the ultimate sweet baby and is the best decision i have ever made, barring making everyone else wear several hats clipping into each other
the obviously fake Aball subplot was pretty screwed up but i could appreciate shadow-niko's aggressive attempts to seduce velvet into submission
there are malakhim artes that read regrets and trap you in happy dreams, like the Black Mercy from the DC universe. good fanfic fuel i suppose
don't you fucking dare give away Laphi's compass. he is the sweet baby and the other one is just some prequel ripoff splenda child.
hi teresa and oscar, bye teresa and oscar, you're still religious fundie incestuous racists i see. nice killing you let's do this again sometime
good armatus lore tho. armatization was derived from the power of that stupid gun macguffin that i still think is way too vague with its actual powerset, and before it was perfected (or at least when they tried to let a bunch of losers try to do it with enslaved malakhim), it basically made the user melt lol. that's what you get when you try to make a bunch of scrubs armatize with wal-mart knockoffs of the holy artifacts
not everyone can rock the armatus battlefield in stiletto heels like sorey does
so bienfu is the traitor; how incredibly surprising. can we gut him now
oh fuck off laphicet 1.0; you're just fucking pissed that laphicet 2.0 is ten times cuter than your pretentious nihilistic ass will ever be. you don't deserve the name so i'm gonna call you Fuckface McGetsStabbed from now on. and your hair sucks, god i’m gonna love kicking your ass.
the real lord of calamity was the rush of murdering shitheads like the incest siblings, c'mon Velvet chin up your brother ain't shit
yeah whatever i don't need to see the earthpulse's recordings of artorius fucking velvet's sister thanks
was it supposed to be a shock that celica = seres? i thought it was meant to be obvious from the moment velvet ate her. not rly surprised that Better Laphicet was the unborn child either
can someone please give velvet like a stress doll or something i'm getting a little concerned
the zestiria/berseria universe hates children so much; i don't think i've seen a game with a higher child bodycount, barring Drakengard 1 and Nier (where you murder an entire platoon of forced child soldiers and a nursery of helpless infants, respectively). it's kinda impressive, even most "hardcore grimdark" games don't have the guts to kill kids on-screen. zestiria alone had baby mikleo get burned and stabbed to death, not to mention that whole sidequest with the bandit kids that ends with only one survivor.
the earthpulse and earthen historia is explained a little bit better in this game as well: the earthpulse flows through the whole planet, and any event that happens on the planet gets shadowed onto the earthpulse's flow. recordings of events can be called up by those with the power to manipulate the earthpulse (like Fuckface McGetsStabbed, who has currently hijacked it by using the earth as his vessel), or can be found piecemeal in iris gems, like in Zestiria.
the real lord of calamity was me going to a convention tomorrow and taking a break on this game before this upcoming very obvious bossfight arena
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princeleyjeans · 4 years
So like a decade ago I created this story which evolved into what is today, a post apocalyptic modern day love story between a demon and his intersex partner.   If you don’t mind the butchering of religion/genetic mutation and general life as a whole, then this is a pretty cute thing because this native American (played by Johnny Deep) guy who works on his fams farm and helps his mom with her lowkey like white witch rituals (She’s like a medium but instead of speak to the dead, she sort of co-exists on behalf of the veil, she respects the other side and all that shit and just does little cleanses and rituals to entice nice feels around peoples homes/gardens. She’s like etsy if it were a person) and just runs the place while his dad deals with the aftermath of this huge ass war that happened years ago when instead of Jesus coming down like all the stones and text said, the veil tears, and what people thought religion was about/based upon, was kinda given the middle finger and this entire other form of humanity started appearing and obviously our side was scared shitless cus we’re all idiots who think anything not human is worthy of killing, even anything remotely relating to god/religion in physical form cus we’d rather admire from afar than actually deal with it up close and personal, and so the veil and it’s people, clashed with humanity, and so for 25 years, it was this giant ass, fallout 4 style (Without the nukes) war and those on both sides, died, until enough of either end came together and said “I don’t wanna fight, lets just quit this shit and co-exist”, in easy terms, racism, and like the real world, people put aside their differences enough to end the battle but you still find places where people don’t wanna accept anyone different.  Sooooo, it’s years later, people have rebuilt, the world is semi normal save for some places where the damage is super evidence (wrecked ground, houses made outta scraps, downed planes, ships on the beach that people still can’t fully remove cus they are set, like there are sites you’d think are for mining, but it’s actually where machines/places have been slowly removed and broken up cus we just couldn’t get them out while they were huge) and as you can imagine, everyone’s sorta accepted now (Except the racist areas cus you get the assholes who just don’t change and pass the hate on) and you see all manner of peeps (The veil species of human are based on religious text demons/cryptids/angels/etc) creating lives together, but obviously, with new peeps comes...new dangers, monsters, creatures you never even imagined posing a risk, even our worlds creatures evolving to become their own form of beast, it’s really cool, and terrifying.  ----- If you assumed one of the protags held some sorta secret, then you’d be right and sadly I have no prizes so whoops. Anyway: The main protag who spawned all this story is the son of a priest who became infatuated with one of the ancient evils of the veil, similar to how we have the pharaohs and their supernaturals, they have their own gods/monsters/etc and...it’s not pretty.  The priest had a wife and family, lived in your basic little community and was chill...until someone dropped a book on his desk, requiring help with some code/crypt/historic discovery yet to be made and introduced him to his future wifu.... Priest read the book, got into the lore, became sorta obsessed with it and claimed to be set on finding the treasures/secrets to the point he got involved in the ritual he said needed to be done to open the map, deciding not to mention that what they actually had was the summoning ritual, opening the door to the one all the shit was based upon, AKA...the demonic god/beast creature that everybody was like “Hell naw you open that door you’re dooming the universe, god himself and all our gods, and you might as well pour acid over your damn eyes cus the sight of that bitch will drive you nutso”. HOWEVERRRR, night of the ritual, priest dude KILLED the guy who gave him the book and the one other member of the crew, opened the gate and....didn’t go nutso cus he was already super fucking off his rocker anyway.  CUE REAL MESSED UP PLOTLINE WHERE CREATURE WAS LITERALLY A DEMONIC/SUPERNATURAL BEING WHO HE LATER FUCKED AND GOT PREGNANT WHILE KEEPING IN A CABIN AFTER DROPPING HIS OLD FAM TO SHACK UP WITH THE MOTHER OF ALL DOOM AND LIVE SOME SEMBLANCE OF NORMALITY CUS HE DIDN’T WANNA RULE THE WORLD, HE LITERALLY JUST FELL IN LOVE WITH A MOTHA FUCKIN’ DEMON MASTER.  And then cue adorable protag being born and things being okay even tho he basically lived in a cult his father created to FEED his mother and preach in it’s name (You never know it’s gender or anything, you just hear protag call it “Mom” or have his dad call it “My love” “My life” “Queen” “God”, etc etc). Again this story is real dark, it’s like extreme on both ends, dark af an cute af, and sad af. lots of AF.  Eventually, Son grew up, wanted to see the world and left (He packed up and yeeted out cus daddy was real nuts and real creepy and real showing his obsession with the whole happy fucked up fam thing) to go live his own life, forgetting you need money and ID and shit and round up wondering onto protag 2′s family farm and hanging out in the cow barn with protag 2′s buddy, Sandrune, the large, in charge, chunky and super funky prize winning cow! meant to be the main birthing cow of the farm but she had a habit of kicking bulls in the face so she became the lady of the farm, or Diva, everyone loved her and nobody except the dad had a problem with her being more of a pet that left big poops around.  So, for a while, he lived hidden in the huge piles of hay until nightfall before sneaking some food until accidentally falling from the top floor beams one day and landing on his hiding spot right in front of protag 2 who happened to be intersex male, however instead of being medically both genders or having both forms of genitals, he was female from the waist down/internally, so dude with a vag and female reproductive system, or ken doll with a barbies insides and the same flat crotch (Please don’t come at me with anti trans/fetishing crap because ew and it’s kinda rude to assume my work is about fetishing and not just people having medical mutations).  Their meet paved the way for lots of teach montages and eventual marriage/family/regular life and solved mysteries.  if anyone likes this pls DM/anon/message me and I’ll post more content about/on my story.  MY. STORY.  DO NOT STEAL.   
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