#event ticketing software development
ivaninfotech · 2 years
Planners should recognise all the benefits and potential and organise successful and ROI driven events with the help of event ticketing software solutions.
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Unlock the power of seamless event management with our top-notch online event booking app development company. Elevate your events, trade shows, and conferences. Get Free Consultation Now!
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enbycrip · 1 year
Tumblr media
ID: a tweet by Catch These Words 9 May
“Technology has changed all of our lives in profound ways. As a blind person it has opened up opportunities I'd have never had access to before. I can access printed content by taking a photo of it on my phone and running it through some software. I can read ebooks with ease, browse the news, order groceries, and access audio described films.
But even as all of these things have become available to me, the Web, and technology in general, feels like it gets less and less accessible by the day. Websites become overly complex and filled with ads which I can't easily pass by with my screen reader. I want to buy a ticket at a train station, or purchase products at the supermarket, but I can't find any staff and all of the machines are touchscreens without any accessibility features. I'm moving house and everywhere I look is fitted with cookers, washing machines, and microwaves that are touchscreens and impossible to access. I can't buy a printer or a coffee maker without having to dedicate huge amounts of time to figuring out if I'll be able to access it. I may have to call my bank and explain that the latest update to their app does not work with VoiceOver.
It's a never-ending cycle of wondering if this new development in tech will change my life in an incredible way, or be yet another door slammed in my face. Designers don't think about disabled people. If they do they are determined to make a product specifically for us, completely misunderstanding the barriers we face. They aren't considering the reality that we want and need access to the products everyone else is using. Trying to make these products and services accessible at the end of the design process doesn't work, and so they decide accessibility is just too difficult. They don't consider the truth that if they'd made it accessible from the start, it wouldn't be nearly so complex.
This is the reality of disability in 2023. We live in a world that has the wealth and tech to make so many things accessible to so many people, but the willingness isn't there.”
You need to build accessibility into everything - from products to events to government initiatives- from the start or you’ll decide it’s too costly and too complicated, without considering how any other aspect would be if you tried to build it in in the final stages.
The amount of money councils and corporations spend on “consultations” with disabled people that go nowhere because of this could easily be used to employ us and include accessibility from the beginning, working from lived experience.
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this-week-in-rust · 8 months
This Week in Rust 533
Hello and welcome to another issue of This Week in Rust! Rust is a programming language empowering everyone to build reliable and efficient software. This is a weekly summary of its progress and community. Want something mentioned? Tag us at @ThisWeekInRust on Twitter or @ThisWeekinRust on mastodon.social, or send us a pull request. Want to get involved? We love contributions.
This Week in Rust is openly developed on GitHub and archives can be viewed at this-week-in-rust.org. If you find any errors in this week's issue, please submit a PR.
Updates from Rust Community
crates.io: API status code changes
Google Contributes $1M to Rust Foundation to Support C++/Rust "Interop Initiative"
Project/Tooling Updates
Announcing the Tauri v2 Beta Release
Polars — Why we have rewritten the string data type
rust-analyzer changelog #219
Ratatui 0.26.0 - a Rust library for cooking up terminal user interfaces
Will it block?
Embedded Rust in Production ..?
Let futures be futures
Compiling Rust is testing
Rust web frameworks have subpar error reporting
[video] Proving Performance - FOSDEM 2024 - Rust Dev Room
[video] Stefan Baumgartner - Trials, Traits, and Tribulations
[video] Rainer Stropek - Memory Management in Rust
[video] Shachar Langbeheim - Async & FFI - not exactly a love story
[video] Massimiliano Mantione - Object Oriented Programming, and Rust
[audio] Unlocking Rust's power through mentorship and knowledge spreading, with Tim McNamara
[audio] Asciinema with Marcin Kulik
Non-Affine Types, ManuallyDrop and Invariant Lifetimes in Rust - Part One
Nine Rules for Accessing Cloud Files from Your Rust Code: Practical lessons from upgrading Bed-Reader, a bioinformatics library
Rust Walkthroughs
AsyncWrite and a Tale of Four Implementations
Garbage Collection Without Unsafe Code
Fragment specifiers in Rust Macros
Writing a REST API in Rust
[video] Traits and operators
Write a simple netcat client and server in Rust
RustFest 2024 Announcement
Preprocessing trillions of tokens with Rust (case study)
All EuroRust 2023 talks ordered by the view count
Crate of the Week
This week's crate is embedded-cli-rs, a library that makes it easy to create CLIs on embedded devices.
Thanks to Sviatoslav Kokurin for the self-suggestion!
Please submit your suggestions and votes for next week!
Call for Participation; projects and speakers
CFP - Projects
Always wanted to contribute to open-source projects but did not know where to start? Every week we highlight some tasks from the Rust community for you to pick and get started!
Some of these tasks may also have mentors available, visit the task page for more information.
Fluvio - Build a new python wrapping for the fluvio client crate
Fluvio - MQTT Connector: Prefix auto generated Client ID to prevent connection drops
Ockam - Implement events in SqlxDatabase
Ockam - Output for both ockam project ticket and ockam project enroll is improved, with support for --output json
Ockam - Output for ockam project ticket is improved and information is not opaque 
Hyperswitch - [FEATURE]: Setup code coverage for local tests & CI
Hyperswitch - [FEATURE]: Have get_required_value to use ValidationError in OptionExt
If you are a Rust project owner and are looking for contributors, please submit tasks here.
CFP - Speakers
Are you a new or experienced speaker looking for a place to share something cool? This section highlights events that are being planned and are accepting submissions to join their event as a speaker.
RustNL 2024 CFP closes 2024-02-19 | Delft, The Netherlands | Event date: 2024-05-07 & 2024-05-08
NDC Techtown CFP closes 2024-04-14 | Kongsberg, Norway | Event date: 2024-09-09 to 2024-09-12
If you are an event organizer hoping to expand the reach of your event, please submit a link to the submission website through a PR to TWiR.
Updates from the Rust Project
309 pull requests were merged in the last week
add avx512fp16 to x86 target features
riscv only supports split_debuginfo=off for now
target: default to the medium code model on LoongArch targets
#![feature(inline_const_pat)] is no longer incomplete
actually abort in -Zpanic-abort-tests
add missing potential_query_instability for keys and values in hashmap
avoid ICE when is_val_statically_known is not of a supported type
be more careful about interpreting a label/lifetime as a mistyped char literal
check RUST_BOOTSTRAP_CONFIG in profile_user_dist test
correctly check never_type feature gating
coverage: improve handling of function/closure spans
coverage: use normal edition: headers in coverage tests
deduplicate more sized errors on call exprs
pattern_analysis: Gracefully abort on type incompatibility
pattern_analysis: cleanup manual impls
pattern_analysis: cleanup the contexts
fix BufReader unsoundness by adding a check in default_read_buf
fix ICE on field access on a tainted type after const-eval failure
hir: refactor getters for owner nodes
hir: remove the generic type parameter from MaybeOwned
improve the diagnostics for unused generic parameters
introduce support for async bound modifier on Fn* traits
make matching on NaN a hard error, and remove the rest of illegal_floating_point_literal_pattern
make the coroutine def id of an async closure the child of the closure def id
miscellaneous diagnostics cleanups
move UI issue tests to subdirectories
move predicate, region, and const stuff into their own modules in middle
never patterns: It is correct to lower ! to _
normalize region obligation in lexical region resolution with next-gen solver
only suggest removal of as_* and to_ conversion methods on E0308
provide more context on derived obligation error primary label
suggest changing type to const parameters if we encounter a type in the trait bound position
suppress unhelpful diagnostics for unresolved top level attributes
miri: normalize struct tail in ABI compat check
miri: moving out sched_getaffinity interception from linux'shim, FreeBSD su…
miri: switch over to rustc's tracing crate instead of using our own log crate
revert unsound libcore changes
fix some Arc allocator leaks
use <T, U> for array/slice equality impls
improve io::Read::read_buf_exact error case
reject infinitely-sized reads from io::Repeat
thread_local::register_dtor fix proposal for FreeBSD
add LocalWaker and ContextBuilder types to core, and LocalWake trait to alloc
codegen_gcc: improve iterator for files suppression
cargo: Don't panic on empty spans
cargo: Improve map/sequence error message
cargo: apply -Zpanic-abort-tests to doctests too
cargo: don't print rustdoc command lines on failure by default
cargo: stabilize lockfile v4
cargo: fix markdown line break in cargo-add
cargo: use spec id instead of name to match package
rustdoc: fix footnote handling
rustdoc: correctly handle attribute merge if this is a glob reexport
rustdoc: prevent JS injection from localStorage
rustdoc: trait.impl, type.impl: sort impls to make it not depend on serialization order
clippy: redundant_locals: take by-value closure captures into account
clippy: new lint: manual_c_str_literals
clippy: add lint_groups_priority lint
clippy: add new lint: ref_as_ptr
clippy: add configuration for wildcard_imports to ignore certain imports
clippy: avoid deleting labeled blocks
clippy: fixed FP in unused_io_amount for Ok(lit), unrachable! and unwrap de…
rust-analyzer: "Normalize import" assist and utilities for normalizing use trees
rust-analyzer: enable excluding refs search results in test
rust-analyzer: support for GOTO def from inside files included with include! macro
rust-analyzer: emit parser error for missing argument list
rust-analyzer: swap Subtree::token_trees from Vec to boxed slice
Rust Compiler Performance Triage
Rust's CI was down most of the week, leading to a much smaller collection of commits than usual. Results are mostly neutral for the week.
Triage done by @simulacrum. Revision range: 5c9c3c78..0984bec
0 Regressions, 2 Improvements, 1 Mixed; 1 of them in rollups 17 artifact comparisons made in total
Full report here
Approved RFCs
Changes to Rust follow the Rust RFC (request for comments) process. These are the RFCs that were approved for implementation this week:
No RFCs were approved this week.
Final Comment Period
Every week, the team announces the 'final comment period' for RFCs and key PRs which are reaching a decision. Express your opinions now.
No RFCs entered Final Comment Period this week.
Tracking Issues & PRs
[disposition: merge] Consider principal trait ref's auto-trait super-traits in dyn upcasting
[disposition: merge] remove sub_relations from the InferCtxt
[disposition: merge] Optimize away poison guards when std is built with panic=abort
[disposition: merge] Check normalized call signature for WF in mir typeck
Language Reference
No Language Reference RFCs entered Final Comment Period this week.
Unsafe Code Guidelines
No Unsafe Code Guideline RFCs entered Final Comment Period this week.
New and Updated RFCs
Nested function scoped type parameters
Call for Testing
An important step for RFC implementation is for people to experiment with the implementation and give feedback, especially before stabilization. The following RFCs would benefit from user testing before moving forward:
No RFCs issued a call for testing this week.
If you are a feature implementer and would like your RFC to appear on the above list, add the new call-for-testing label to your RFC along with a comment providing testing instructions and/or guidance on which aspect(s) of the feature need testing.
Upcoming Events
Rusty Events between 2024-02-07 - 2024-03-06 🦀
2024-02-07 | Virtual (Indianapolis, IN, US) | Indy Rust
Indy.rs - Ezra Singh - How Rust Saved My Eyes
2024-02-08 | Virtual (Charlottesville, NC, US) | Charlottesville Rust Meetup
Crafting Interpreters in Rust Collaboratively
2024-02-08 | Virtual (Nürnberg, DE) | Rust Nüremberg
Rust Nürnberg online
2024-02-10 | Virtual (Krakow, PL) | Stacja IT Kraków
Rust – budowanie narzędzi działających w linii komend
2024-02-10 | Virtual (Wrocław, PL) | Stacja IT Wrocław
Rust – budowanie narzędzi działających w linii komend
2024-02-13 | Virtual (Dallas, TX, US) | Dallas Rust
Second Tuesday
2024-02-15 | Virtual (Berlin, DE) | OpenTechSchool Berlin + Rust Berlin
Rust Hack n Learn | Mirror: Rust Hack n Learn
2024-02-15 | Virtual + In person (Praha, CZ) | Rust Czech Republic
Introduction and Rust in production
2024-02-19 | Virtual (Melbourne, VIC, AU) | Rust Melbourne
February 2024 Rust Melbourne Meetup
2024-02-20 | Virtual | Rust for Lunch
2024-02-21 | Virtual (Cardiff, UK) | Rust and C++ Cardiff
Rust for Rustaceans Book Club: Chapter 2 - Types
2024-02-21 | Virtual (Vancouver, BC, CA) | Vancouver Rust
Rust Study/Hack/Hang-out
2024-02-22 | Virtual (Charlottesville, NC, US) | Charlottesville Rust Meetup
Crafting Interpreters in Rust Collaboratively
2024-02-10 | Hyderabad, IN | Rust Language Hyderabad
Rust Language Develope BootCamp
2024-02-07 | Cologne, DE | Rust Cologne
Embedded Abstractions | Event page
2024-02-07 | London, UK | Rust London User Group
Rust for the Web — Mainmatter x Shuttle Takeover
2024-02-08 | Bern, CH | Rust Bern
Rust Bern Meetup #1 2024 🦀
2024-02-08 | Oslo, NO | Rust Oslo
Rust-based banter
2024-02-13 | Trondheim, NO | Rust Trondheim
Building Games with Rust: Dive into the Bevy Framework
2024-02-15 | Praha, CZ - Virtual + In-person | Rust Czech Republic
Introduction and Rust in production
2024-02-21 | Lyon, FR | Rust Lyon
Rust Lyon Meetup #8
2024-02-22 | Aarhus, DK | Rust Aarhus
Rust and Talk at Partisia
North America
2024-02-07 | Brookline, MA, US | Boston Rust Meetup
Coolidge Corner Brookline Rust Lunch, Feb 7
2024-02-08 | Lehi, UT, US | Utah Rust
BEAST: Recreating a classic DOS terminal game in Rust
2024-02-12 | Minneapolis, MN, US | Minneapolis Rust Meetup
Minneapolis Rust: Open Source Contrib Hackathon & Happy Hour
2024-02-13 | New York, NY, US | Rust NYC
Rust NYC Monthly Mixer
2024-02-13 | Seattle, WA, US | Cap Hill Rust Coding/Hacking/Learning
Rusty Coding/Hacking/Learning Night
2024-02-15 | Boston, MA, US | Boston Rust Meetup
Back Bay Rust Lunch, Feb 15
2024-02-15 | Seattle, WA, US | Seattle Rust User Group
Seattle Rust User Group Meetup
2024-02-20 | San Francisco, CA, US | San Francisco Rust Study Group
Rust Hacking in Person
2024-02-22 | Mountain View, CA, US | Mountain View Rust Meetup
Rust Meetup at Hacker Dojo
2024-02-28 | Austin, TX, US | Rust ATX
Rust Lunch - Fareground
2024-02-19 | Melbourne, VIC, AU + Virtual | Rust Melbourne
February 2024 Rust Melbourne Meetup
2024-02-27 | Canberra, ACT, AU | Canberra Rust User Group
February Meetup
2024-02-27 | Sydney, NSW, AU | Rust Sydney
🦀 spire ⚡ & Quick
If you are running a Rust event please add it to the calendar to get it mentioned here. Please remember to add a link to the event too. Email the Rust Community Team for access.
Please see the latest Who's Hiring thread on r/rust
Quote of the Week
My take on this is that you cannot use async Rust correctly and fluently without understanding Arc, Mutex, the mutability of variables/references, and how async and await syntax compiles in the end. Rust forces you to understand how and why things are the way they are. It gives you minimal abstraction to do things that could’ve been tedious to do yourself.
I got a chance to work on two projects that drastically forced me to understand how async/await works. The first one is to transform a library that is completely sync and only requires a sync trait to talk to the outside service. This all sounds fine, right? Well, this becomes a problem when we try to port it into browsers. The browser is single-threaded and cannot block the JavaScript runtime at all! It is arguably the most weird environment for Rust users. It is simply impossible to rewrite the whole library, as it has already been shipped to production on other platforms.
What we did instead was rewrite the network part using async syntax, but using our own generator. The idea is simple: the generator produces a future when called, and the produced future can be awaited. But! The produced future contains an arc pointer to the generator. That means we can feed the generator the value we are waiting for, then the caller who holds the reference to the generator can feed the result back to the function and resume it. For the browser, we use the native browser API to derive the network communications; for other platforms, we just use regular blocking network calls. The external interface remains unchanged for other platforms.
Honestly, I don’t think any other language out there could possibly do this. Maybe C or C++, but which will never have the same development speed and developer experience.
I believe people have already mentioned it, but the current asynchronous model of Rust is the most reasonable choice. It does create pain for developers, but on the other hand, there is no better asynchronous model for Embedded or WebAssembly.
– /u/Top_Outlandishness78 on /r/rust
Thanks to Brian Kung for the suggestion!
Please submit quotes and vote for next week!
This Week in Rust is edited by: nellshamrell, llogiq, cdmistman, ericseppanen, extrawurst, andrewpollack, U007D, kolharsam, joelmarcey, mariannegoldin, bennyvasquez.
Email list hosting is sponsored by The Rust Foundation
Discuss on r/rust
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thejobwala · 1 year
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janebush08-blog · 2 years
Top B2B Conferences of 2022
Eventible - Business Event Reviews Find better events faster and meet your learning and networking objectives with Eventible - the world's first platform for event reviews from real attendees. Ad World Ad World is the world's largest online advertising event happening on 11-12 October 2022. Join 25000+ of the world's brightest minds in advertising Google IO Try Google's new products and features through a sandbox experience. Grow your knowledge in the I/O 2022 Learning Lab with resources about the Google technology. Adobe Max The Adobe MAX conference is an annual event held by Adobe Systems in North America, Europe and Japan. With 400+ sessions and hundreds of inspiring speakers, MAX is an amazing event. DX Summit We're bringing the top CX conference series to you in 2022! Learn more about the FREE DX Summit Series, presented by CMSWire. Web Summit Web Summit brings together the people and companies redefining the global tech industry. Web Summit will return to Lisbon this year. Join us in November. AWS re:Invent AWS re:Invent is a learning conference for the global cloud computing community. Browse the high-level schedule for AWS re:Invent 2022. Check back soon for more updates and information on programming at this year's event. Microsoft Ignite Microsoft Ignite is an annual conference for developers and IT professionals hosted by Microsoft. It has taken place in several locations around the world. VivaTech VivaTech, Europe's biggest startup and tech event, returns for its 6th edition both in-person in Paris and online worldwide. Dreamforce Read reviews from real attendees, speakers & sponsors and decide if you want to attend the next edition of Dreamforce 2022. OMR Festival Read reviews from real attendees, speakers & sponsors and decide if you want to attend the next edition of OMR Festival. Here you will find all exhibitors, speakers, masterclasses and guided tours on the topic SOCIAL. Microsoft Build Microsoft Build is an annual conference event held by Microsoft, aimed at software engineers and web developers using Windows, Microsoft Azure. DMEXCO DMEXCO is Europe's leading digital marketing & tech event. We are the meeting place and a community for key players in digital business, marketing and innovation. Adobe Summit Read reviews from real attendees, speakers & sponsors and decide if you want to attend the next edition of Adobe Summit 2022. Brand minds Read reviews from real attendees, speakers & sponsors and decide if you want to attend the next edition of Brand minds. BrightonSEO Read reviews from real attendees, speakers & sponsors and decide if you want to attend the next edition of brightonSEO 2022. London Tech Week The London Tech Week event will return on 13-17 June bringing 20,000+ global government and corporate leaders, inspirational start-up founders, senior investors and tech rising stars together to discuss the power of technology for
societies. Outdoor Retailer Read reviews from real attendees, speakers & sponsors and decide if you want to attend the next edition of Outdoor Retailer 2022. Sibos Sibos is the global financial services networking event organised by SWIFT. The annual conference and exhibition connects more than 8000 executives. Singapore FinTech Festival Interact with FinTech policymakers and regulators. Buy SFF 2022 Tickets now and save 25%! Unlimited networking opportunities in person at Singapore EXPO for SFF 2022 VMware Explore Read reviews from real attendees, speakers & sponsors and decide if you want to attend the next edition of VMware Explore 2022. Code 2022 Read reviews from real attendees, speakers & sponsors and decide if you want to attend the next edition of Code 2022. Inbound 2022 INBOUND is an annual event, powered by HubSpot, that unites thought leaders from various industries. Content Marketing World Join us at CMWorld and gain materials and knowledge you need to take a content marketing strategy back to your team.
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yourtemponashville · 2 years
Why Time Management Is Crucial for Musicians
It is essential for musicians to manage their time effectively. By using time management, you can make the most out of every moment of your day. However, it's not as simple as it seems.
With the advent of easy-to-use end-to-end technology, there is a revolution in the way events are organized and prepared. Your Tempo provides four music business solutions to refine and support experts in the field. To free up more time for them to spend making music and sharing it with the world, they have always worked to make the processes for booking agents, tour management, talent-buying software, crew, and song publishers as simple as possible. The procedures of booking agencies, tour management, talent-buying software, crew, and music publishers have thus been streamlined.  
One of the numerous advantages of contemporary software is the ability to use shortcuts, especially for repeated operations. It used to take days to complete specific activities and processes, but now it just takes a few hours. Music tour managers are among the many professions that may make use of these advantages. Specialized tour management software is now available to managers, increasing the overall operational effectiveness of their business. Here are just a few instances of how Tour Pro alters the landscape of music industry management software.
Ways Music Management Software Helps Musicians to Manage Time
By locating all the important information for you and your team in one place, YourTempo's Tour Pro reduces the amount of time needed for manual organizational duties. The tour management software consolidates all calendars into one, eliminating the need for several, independent calendars. All authorized users have central access to this integrated calendar. Your crew can go over show times and notes information. The calendar allows you to attach papers, so everyone can get the information they need without asking for more paper copies or clarification. The same holds true for dress rehearsals, public appearances, bus calls, and other occasions.  
As it includes the ability to incorporate vacation days, blacked-out days, and travel days, this calendar may also serve as a work schedule. You may quickly acquire a final count by taking a quick look at the calendar if you need to arrange how many staff members, you'll have available on a certain tour day. This removes the effort of getting in touch with each person, setting up times and dates, or scrambling at the last minute to get coverage because of staffing shortages or organizational issues. Your usage of the calendar will be more effective and clearer thanks to integrated options for color coding and sorting by event type for dates and events. Don't forget that you may add event-specific information to each crucial date on the calendar.
Streamlining Communication  
Communication is crucial to the overall success of any tour management endeavor. This is valid for both large-scale and small-scale events; even a small number of people who are not on the same page can cause serious execution problems. Even when there are last-minute changes, Tour Pro makes it simple to make sure the correct people receive the right information. Each one of them has a separate area that is specifically for that purpose, and these sections have many of the same characteristics as day sheets. Printing, viewing as PDFs, emailing to your team, and adding notes are all options for your documents.  
In order to further increase efficiency, you can even print the names of your guests directly onto envelopes and labels. Choosing who has access to guest lists, adding requests for automated approvals, and controlling who is permitted to request their own guest tickets are all things you may do as an administrator. When any of these events take place, you can even get alerts. Analysis, cost and revenue evaluations, and identifying potential development opportunities for the following quarter are all made simpler as a result.
Increases Efficiency
Tasks that frequently take too much time to do manually may be done more quickly using Tour Pro. The administrative side of things will take up less of your and your team's time. Instead, you may focus your efforts on creating a successful tour, which is what you do best. Your team's ability to collaborate will eventually increase if you stay organized and on top of communication. You'll spend less time on administrative tasks overall and run your business more efficiently.
Thanks to technology, live music is keeping up with the times. By utilizing music management software, you will be able to handle scheduling more quickly and effectively, improve accuracy by using real-time data, and increase productivity by maximizing your resources. You can contact their industry specialists at YourTempo for more information if you're interested in tour management software. You can maximize the success of your upcoming tour with Your Tempo.
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tamanna31 · 7 days
Event Management Software Market - Changing Supply and Demand Scenarios By 2030
Event Management Software Market
The global event management software market size was estimated at USD 6.97 billion in 2022 and is expected to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 12.5% from 2023 to 2030.
With the proliferation of technology, event management software has strong data-handling attributes. It enables event managers to gather and evaluate data on participant population demographics, opinions, and behavior. The data gathered can assist event organizers in making informed choices, enhancing future events, and customizing overall experience to the needs of participants. These factors are driving market growth. Event management has grown in importance globally as the range of worldwide conferences, exhibits, and cultural events has increased. Cultural variations, communication hurdles, and foreign logistics are all managed by event organizers.
Gather more insights about the market drivers, restrains and growth of the Event Management Software Market
Event Management Software Market Segmentation
Grand View Research has segmented the event management software market report based on component, deployment, enterprise size, application, and region:
Component Outlook (Revenue, USD Billion, 2018 - 2030)
Event Planning
Event Marketing
Venue & Ticket Management
Analytics and Reporting
Professional Services
Deployment & Integration
Support & Maintenance
Managed Services
Deployment Outlook (Revenue, USD Billion, 2018 - 2030)
Enterprise Size Outlook (Revenue, USD Billion, 2018 - 2030)
Small and Medium-sized Enterprise
Large Enterprise
Application Outlook (Revenue, USD Billion, 2018 - 2030)
Event Organizers & Planners
Regional Outlook (Revenue, USD Billion, 2018 - 2030)
North America
Asia Pacific
South Korea
Latin America
Middle East & Africa
Saudi Arabia
South Africa
Browse through Grand View Research's Next Generation Technologies Industry Research Reports.
The global blockchain supply chain market size was estimated at USD 2.26 billion in 2023 and is expected to grow at a CAGR of 90.2% from 2024 to 2030.
The global database management system market size was estimated at USD 100.79 billion in 2023 and is expected to grow at a CAGR of 13.1% from 2024 to 2030. 
Key Companies & Market Share Insights
The key players are investing resources in research & development activities to support growth and enhance their internal business operations. The report will include company analysis based on their financial performances, product benchmarking, key business strategies, and recent strategic alliances. Companies can be seen engaging in mergers & acquisitions, and partnerships to further upgrade their products and gain a competitive advantage in the market.
They are effectively working on new product development and enhancement of existing products to acquire new customers and capture more market shares. For instance, in April 2023, Eventdex.com announced a strategic partnership with One World Rental, an event technology rental company that offers laptops, iPad, and VR equipment for events. This collaboration is expected to strengthen Eventdex.com’s event management solution offerings, including both software and hardware. Some of the prominent players operating in the global event management software market include:
Active Network LLC
Certain, Inc.
Cvent, Inc.
EMS Software LLC
Zoho Corporation Pvt. Ltd.
Recent Development
In April 2023, Cevent, Inc. announced a strategic partnership with Jifflenow, a B2B meeting platform. The partnership is aimed at streamlining bookings of in-person meetings at corporate events and tradeshows for customers of both companies.
In April 2023, Eventbrite launched RECONVENE Accelerator in 2022, a mentorship and award program, to empower and motivate the next generation of event creators. In addition to the following development, the company introduced a panel of judges to select five winners, who are expected to receive a sum of USD 20 thousand, along with a personal mentorship program from Eventbrite.
In March 2023, Whova announced that its event registration system is now available in 39 countries, with newly added 16 countries in the list. The following initiative is expected to help Whova in expanding its global reach and serve customers globally.
In March 2022, Cevent, Inc. announced the acquisition of Blackstone in a transaction of USD 4.6 billion. Blackstone has expertise in the hospitality and event industry. Cevent, Inc. aimed to expand its business and launch innovative solutions to power the events and meetings ecosystem.
Order a free sample PDF of the Event Management Software Market Intelligence Study, published by Grand View Research.
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ivaninfotech · 1 year
Developing event ticketing software gives event organisers a lucrative strategy to streamline ticket sales, enhance attendee experience, and maximise revenue potential for a successful event.
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SynkedUp to host 2024 Contractor Summit in October
There are a few things that are certain in Pensacola that you will have to deal with at some point - tree removal and tree trimming. Before you hire a Tree Removal in Pensacola company you should take into consideration before hiring a tree service company. Some of the things you should consider include: - The type of tree that needs to be removed - The size of the tree - The location of the tree - The condition of the tree If you are unsure about whether or not you need to hire a tree removal company, contact Tree removal service in Pensacola for a consultation. We will be able to assess your situation and give you our professional opinion. SynkedUp, a software solution for contractors, will host its annual Contractor Summit on Oct. 3 and 4 in Dayton, Ohio. This two-day event, open to all contractors regardless of their software preferences, aims to foster professional growth, networking and knowledge sharing among industry peers. Hosted by Jeremy Swihart, owner of J Squared Outdoor, a pool and outdoor living space construction company, the summit promises to deliver valuable insights into efficiency, production and business management. The Contractor Summit offers a unique platform for professionals to: Network with peers and industry leaders. Gain fresh perspectives on common challenges. Learn about cutting-edge efficiency techniques. Explore new business opportunities. The SynkedUp team will attend the event, along with a diverse group of contractors, including SynkedUP users and non-users. Other speakers include: Weston Zimmerman, CEO and co-founder of SynkedUp Greg Crabtree, author of Simple Numbers Jeff Joiner, professional development speaker For more information and to purchase tickets, click here. The post SynkedUp to host 2024 Contractor Summit in October first appeared on Landscape Management.
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blazingcoders123 · 16 days
In today’s digital era, educational institutions are rapidly evolving to meet the expectations of modern students and alumni. Among the many technological advancements driving this change, alumni management software has emerged as a key tool for fostering stronger connections, enhancing engagement, and improving overall alumni relations. For educational institutions, an organized and well-connected alumni network is invaluable—not just for fundraising efforts, but for creating opportunities for mentorship, career development, and fostering lifelong relationships.
In this blog, we will explore the numerous benefits of alumni management software and how it helps educational institutions manage, engage, and grow their alumni community effectively.
1. Centralized Alumni Data Management
One of the biggest challenges educational institutions face is managing large volumes of alumni data. Spreadsheets and manual tracking are prone to errors, are difficult to maintain, and can become overwhelming over time. Alumni management software provides a centralized platform where all alumni-related information can be stored, managed, and updated in real time. This includes personal details, career milestones, donations, and engagement history.
With such an organized system in place, institutions can easily access and utilize alumni data for various activities such as fundraising campaigns, event invitations, or career development programs.
2. Improved Communication and Engagement
Communication is the backbone of any successful alumni network. Keeping alumni informed about events, developments within the institution, and opportunities to contribute is essential. Alumni management software provides integrated communication tools such as email marketing, social media integration, and personalized messaging.
These tools enable institutions to segment their alumni audience based on factors like graduation year, location, or profession, allowing for more tailored and relevant communication. Personalized messages lead to higher engagement rates, ensuring that alumni feel connected and valued by their alma mater.
3. Enhanced Networking Opportunities
Alumni management software often comes equipped with networking features such as alumni directories, community forums, and social integration. These features allow alumni to connect with each other based on shared interests, industries, or geographical locations.
By fostering a community of professionals who can support each other, the software promotes networking opportunities that can be instrumental in career advancement. It also offers a platform for alumni to offer mentorship or internships to current students, further strengthening the bond between past and present students.
4. Streamlined Event Management
Organizing alumni events—whether virtual or in-person—requires detailed planning, seamless communication, and effective management. Alumni management software streamlines this process by offering tools for event registration, ticket sales, reminder notifications, and post-event surveys.
These tools not only save time for the event organizers but also ensure that alumni receive timely updates and reminders, boosting participation. Institutions can also use these platforms to gather feedback after events, helping them improve future engagements and ensuring alumni feel heard.
5. Boosted Fundraising Efforts
One of the core goals of alumni relations for many educational institutions is fundraising. Alumni management software helps boost fundraising efforts by offering integrated donation platforms, donor tracking, and reporting tools.
Institutions can use the software to set up specific fundraising campaigns, track donations, and provide real-time updates on campaign progress. Additionally, donor recognition tools help acknowledge and celebrate alumni contributions, further encouraging generosity. Personalized outreach and transparent communication about how donations are being used can significantly increase donation rates.
6. Advanced Analytics and Reporting
Alumni management software provides institutions with advanced analytics and reporting tools to measure the effectiveness of their engagement efforts. With access to real-time data, institutions can monitor key metrics such as engagement rates, event attendance, donation levels, and communication open rates.
These insights help in making data-driven decisions that can enhance alumni relations strategies. Institutions can identify trends, understand which types of communications or events are most effective, and fine-tune their approach for better outcomes.
7. Strengthening Alumni-Student Relationships
Alumni play a critical role in the personal and professional development of current students. Alumni management software fosters these connections by enabling mentorship programs, career counseling, and internship opportunities.
By providing a platform where students can easily connect with alumni based on shared interests or industries, institutions create invaluable opportunities for learning and career growth. Alumni, in turn, have a meaningful way to give back to their alma mater by guiding the next generation of graduates.
8. Cost and Time Efficiency
Manually managing an alumni network can be time-consuming and costly, especially as the network grows. Alumni management software automates many time-intensive tasks such as data entry, event registration, and communication scheduling. This automation allows the institution’s staff to focus on more strategic efforts rather than spending hours on administrative tasks.
Additionally, by improving engagement and streamlining processes, alumni management software can help institutions get more value out of their alumni networks without needing to increase their operational budget.
9. Maintaining Alumni Relationships Over Time
One of the key challenges faced by educational institutions is maintaining relationships with alumni after they leave campus. Alumni management software ensures ongoing engagement by providing regular updates on institutional achievements, alumni stories, and ways to get involved.
Moreover, by keeping alumni informed of exclusive events, webinars, or career development opportunities, institutions can ensure that their alumni feel a continuous connection to their alma mater, long after they graduate.
In a competitive landscape, where strong alumni relations can make a significant difference, implementing alumni management software is no longer a luxury—it’s a necessity. From centralizing data and enhancing communication to promoting alumni-student networking and improving fundraising efforts, the benefits of such software are far-reaching.
By investing in the right alumni management software, educational institutions can build lasting connections with their alumni, fostering a community that thrives on engagement, collaboration, and shared success.
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How to scrape ticket data from TicketNetwork
TicketNetwork is a well-known online ticketing platform dedicated to providing tickets for a variety of sports games, concerts, theater, entertainment events and other special events.
Introduction to the scraping tool
ScrapeStorm is a new generation of Web Scraping Tool based on artificial intelligence technology. It is the first scraper to support both Windows, Mac and Linux operating systems.
Preview of the scraped result
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This is the demo task:
1. Create a task
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(2) Create a new smart mode task
You can create a new scraping task directly on the software, or you can create a task by importing rules.
How to create a smart mode task
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2. Configure the scraping rules
Smart mode automatically detects the fields on the page. You can right-click the field to rename the name, add or delete fields, modify data, and so on.
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3. Set up and start the scraping task
(1) Run settings
Choose your own needs, you can set Schedule, IP Rotation&Delay, Automatic Export, Download Images, Speed Boost, Data Deduplication and Developer.
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4. Export and view data
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(2) Choose the format to export according to your needs.
ScrapeStorm provides a variety of export methods to export locally, such as excel, csv, html, txt or database. Professional Plan and above users can also post directly to wordpress.
How to view data and clear data
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industrynewsupdates · 27 days
Event Management Software Market Segmentation and Competitive Analysis Report, 2030
The global event management software market size was estimated at USD 6.97 billion in 2022 and is expected to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 12.5% from 2023 to 2030.
With the proliferation of technology, event management software has strong data-handling attributes. It enables event managers to gather and evaluate data on participant population demographics, opinions, and behavior. The data gathered can assist event organizers in making informed choices, enhancing future events, and customizing overall experience to the needs of participants. These factors are driving market growth. Event management has grown in importance globally as the range of worldwide conferences, exhibits, and cultural events has increased. Cultural variations, communication hurdles, and foreign logistics are all managed by event organizers.
Gather more insights about the market drivers, restrains and growth of the Event Management Software Market
Event Management Software Market Segmentation
Grand View Research has segmented the event management software market report based on component, deployment, enterprise size, application, and region:
Component Outlook (Revenue, USD Billion, 2018 - 2030)
• Software
o Event Planning
o Event Marketing
o Venue & Ticket Management
o Analytics and Reporting
o Others
• Services
o Professional Services
o Consulting
o Deployment & Integration
o Support & Maintenance
o Managed Services
Deployment Outlook (Revenue, USD Billion, 2018 - 2030)
• Cloud-based
• On-premises
Enterprise Size Outlook (Revenue, USD Billion, 2018 - 2030)
• Small and Medium-sized Enterprise
• Large Enterprise
Application Outlook (Revenue, USD Billion, 2018 - 2030)
• Event Organizers & Planners
• Corporate
• Government
• Education
• Others
Regional Outlook (Revenue, USD Billion, 2018 - 2030)
• North America
o U.S.
o Canada
• Europe
o UK
o Germany
o France
o Italy
o Spain
• Asia Pacific
o China
o India
o Japan
o Australia
o South Korea
• Latin America
o Brazil
o Mexico
o Argentina
• Middle East & Africa
o Saudi Arabia
o South Africa
Browse through Grand View Research's Next Generation Technologies Industry Research Reports.
• The global blockchain supply chain market size was estimated at USD 2.26 billion in 2023 and is expected to grow at a CAGR of 90.2% from 2024 to 2030.
• The global database management system market size was estimated at USD 100.79 billion in 2023 and is expected to grow at a CAGR of 13.1% from 2024 to 2030. 
Key Companies & Market Share Insights
The key players are investing resources in research & development activities to support growth and enhance their internal business operations. The report will include company analysis based on their financial performances, product benchmarking, key business strategies, and recent strategic alliances. Companies can be seen engaging in mergers & acquisitions, and partnerships to further upgrade their products and gain a competitive advantage in the market.
They are effectively working on new product development and enhancement of existing products to acquire new customers and capture more market shares. For instance, in April 2023, Eventdex.com announced a strategic partnership with One World Rental, an event technology rental company that offers laptops, iPad, and VR equipment for events. This collaboration is expected to strengthen Eventdex.com’s event management solution offerings, including both software and hardware. Some of the prominent players operating in the global event management software market include:
• Active Network LLC
• Arlo
• Stova
• Bitrix24
• Eventdex.com
• Hopin
• webMOBI
• Whova
• Certain, Inc.
• Cvent, Inc.
• EMS Software LLC
• EventBrite
• Rainfocus
• Ungerboeck
• Zoho Corporation Pvt. Ltd.
Recent Development
• In April 2023, Cevent, Inc. announced a strategic partnership with Jifflenow, a B2B meeting platform. The partnership is aimed at streamlining bookings of in-person meetings at corporate events and tradeshows for customers of both companies.
• In April 2023, Eventbrite launched RECONVENE Accelerator in 2022, a mentorship and award program, to empower and motivate the next generation of event creators. In addition to the following development, the company introduced a panel of judges to select five winners, who are expected to receive a sum of USD 20 thousand, along with a personal mentorship program from Eventbrite.
• In March 2023, Whova announced that its event registration system is now available in 39 countries, with newly added 16 countries in the list. The following initiative is expected to help Whova in expanding its global reach and serve customers globally.
• In March 2022, Cevent, Inc. announced the acquisition of Blackstone in a transaction of USD 4.6 billion. Blackstone has expertise in the hospitality and event industry. Cevent, Inc. aimed to expand its business and launch innovative solutions to power the events and meetings ecosystem.
Order a free sample PDF of the Event Management Software Market Intelligence Study, published by Grand View Research. 
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lazydreamerwhispers · 2 months
Unlock Your Career Potential: Become a Scrum Fundamentals Certified (SFC) Pro in Mexico for Free
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Hey there! Ever wondered how you can level up your project management skills without spending a dime? Well, becoming a Scrum Fundamentals Certified (SFC) professional in Mexico with Scrumstudy for free might just be the golden ticket you’ve been looking for. Scrum is a game-changer in the world of project management, and getting certified can open up a world of opportunities.
What is Scrum?
Scrum is a framework within the Agile methodology that helps teams work together more effectively. It emphasizes collaboration, flexibility, and iterative progress toward a well-defined goal. Unlike traditional project management methods, Scrum allows for continuous feedback and improvements, making it ideal for complex projects.
Understanding Scrum Fundamentals Certified (SFC)
So, what exactly is SFC? The Scrum Fundamentals Certified (SFC) is an entry-level certification that provides a solid foundation in Scrum principles and practices. It's perfect for anyone new to Scrum or those looking to formalize their knowledge. This certification proves your understanding of Scrum concepts and your ability to apply them in real-world scenarios.
Why Choose Scrumstudy?
Scrumstudy is one of the leading certification bodies for Scrum and Agile practices. Its reputation speaks volumes about its credibility and the quality of its training materials. The best part? Scrumstudy offers the SFC certification for free! Yes, you read that right. You can get certified without spending a single peso. Plus, they provide a wealth of resources, including study guides, practice tests, and expert support to help you succeed.
Benefits of SFC Certification
Getting your SFC certification can significantly boost your career. Not only does it enhance your resume, but it also equips you with the skills to improve team efficiency and project outcomes. In today’s competitive job market, having a Scrum certification sets you apart from other candidates and opens up opportunities for advancement.
How to Get Certified for Free with Scrumstudy
Getting certified is easier than you might think. Here’s a step-by-step guide:
Sign Up: Visit the Scrumstudy website and sign up for a free account.
Access Materials: Download the study materials provided.
Prepare: Study the materials thoroughly. Scrumstudy offers various resources to help you prepare.
Take the Exam: When you’re ready, take the online exam. It’s flexible and can be taken at your convenience.
Get Certified: Upon passing the exam, you’ll receive your SFC certification.
Scrum Roles and Responsibilities
In Scrum, there are three main roles: Scrum Master, Product Owner, and Development Team. The Scrum Master ensures that the team adheres to Scrum principles, the Product Owner manages the product backlog and prioritizes tasks, and the Development Team works on delivering the product increments.
Key Scrum Artifacts
Scrum relies on three main artifacts: the Product Backlog, Sprint Backlog, and Increment. The Product Backlog is a prioritized list of tasks, the Sprint Backlog is a subset of tasks selected for a specific sprint, and the Increment is the potentially shippable product result from a sprint.
Scrum Events and Ceremonies
Scrum includes several key events: Sprint Planning, Daily Stand-ups, Sprint Review, and Sprint Retrospective. These events help ensure continuous progress and improvement. Sprint Planning sets the goals for the sprint, Daily Stand-ups keep the team aligned, Sprint Review showcases the work done, and Sprint Retrospective identifies areas for improvement.
Real-Life Applications of Scrum
Scrum isn’t just for software development; it’s used across various industries. From marketing campaigns to product development, Scrum helps teams deliver high-quality results efficiently. In Mexico, companies across different sectors have successfully implemented Scrum to boost productivity and innovation.
Challenges in Implementing Scrum
Implementing Scrum can come with its challenges. Common pitfalls include resistance to change and misunderstanding Scrum principles. However, with the right strategies, such as proper training and strong leadership, these challenges can be overcome.
Maintaining Your SFC Certification
Once you’re certified, it’s important to keep your skills up to date. Scrumstudy offers continuing education opportunities and resources to help you stay current. Certification renewal typically involves completing additional training or passing a renewal exam.
Community and Networking Opportunities
Joining Scrum communities can provide valuable networking opportunities. Engaging with other Scrum professionals in Mexico can lead to sharing insights, finding mentors, and even job opportunities. It’s a great way to stay connected and continually learn.
FAQs About SFC Certification
1. Is the SFC certification really free with Scrumstudy? Yes, Scrumstudy offers the SFC certification for free, including study materials and the exam.
2. How long does it take to get certified? The time varies, but with dedicated study, you can be certified within a few weeks.
3. Do I need prior experience to get SFC certified? No prior experience is needed. The SFC certification is designed for beginners.
4. Is the certification recognized globally? Yes, Scrumstudy’s certifications are recognized worldwide.
5. What support does Scrumstudy provide during preparation? Scrumstudy offers various resources, including study guides, practice tests, and expert support.
Becoming a Scrum Fundamentals Certified (SFC) professional with Scrumstudy for free is a fantastic opportunity to enhance your career. With the increasing adoption of Scrum across various industries, having this certification can set you apart and open up numerous opportunities. So, what are you waiting for? Take the leap and get certified today!
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linuxgamenews · 2 months
Megapicker: The Ultimate Jackbox Game Launcher for Free
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Megapicker unleashes a Jackbox game launcher for Free on Linux, Steam Deck, Mac, and Windows PC. Thanks to the brilliant minds from developer Jackbox Games. Available now for all, completely Free on Steam. Big news from Jackbox, the Chicago-based legends who've been giving us awesome party games on Linux and Steam Deck. They just dropped something really epic on Steam, it's their new launcher Megapicker. So, what's Megapicker all about? This is due to be your ultimate one-stop shop for everything Jackbox. You can grab new titles, organize your library, and launch your favorites all in one place. It's also free and easy to use. Plus, you can keep track of upcoming releases, sales, and all the latest announcements. No more missing out on those hidden gems. Jackbox has been killing it with their Party Pack franchise since 2014, dropping new releases every year. They've got a massive catalog with over 50 titles, so there's something for everyone. Over the years, they’ve been listening to fans through surveys, social media comments, and support tickets. People have been asking for a central hub to make their Jackbox experience smoother and more fun. And the Megapicker is the answer we've all been waiting for!
The Jackbox Megapicker
The Megapicker is available only on Steam, and it'll show up as software in your Steam library. You can also create a user account to stay in the loop with new releases and updates. Since it's perfect for diehard Jackbox fans, content creators, event organizers, or anyone who like having their favorite titles in one easy to access spot. And here’s the best part: if you sign up for the Megapicker within the first 30 days of its release, you’ll also get Drawful 2 for free! How great is that? You get to start building your collection right away. Plus, from July 29th to August 5th, you can grab some great discounts on the entire Jackbox collection through Steam. It's the perfect time to bulk up your Jackbox library. Jackbox really nailed it with this one. The new tool is going to make finding, playing, and enjoying their titles easier than ever. Whether you’re hosting game nights, streaming with friends, or just looking to dive into some hilarious party titles, the new tool has got your back. So, what are you waiting for? Head over to Steam, check out the Megapicker, and start having a blast with your favorite Jackbox releases on Linux, Steam Deck, Mac, and Windows PC.
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partnervizhil · 2 months
Top 10 best apps in India: 
Nowadays, mobile devices are so critical that many online apps are also extremely significant in many ways. If you are weary but hungry to purchase food online, it is festival time, and you need a quality and new brand. Kurti, just take your phone and shop wherever you are. If you need to go out but it is already midnight, don't worry; there is another app that will come to you and drop you off at your home with just one click. but everything in one app is known to be the super app. 
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Tata Neu: 
The all-in-one app Tata Neu was created by the salt-to-software conglomerate of the Tata Group. Analysts projected that even before its release, Tata Neu will probably rank among the most acclaimed mega applications in India, and the audience has responded with great joy. Because every individual bases their expectations on the brand name. 
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My Jio: 
In addition to the ability to schedule doctor's appointments, pay insurance, and handle other financial tasks, My Jio offers services including Jio Mart, Jio UPI, Jio Music, Jio Movies, games, and more. With non-Jio users needing to switch to Jio and become customers to fully enjoy all of the features, this Indian Super app may serve as a one-stop shop for Jio consumers. 
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Its devoted user base claims that it is the fastest and safest UPI (Unified Payment Interface) software available. Sponsored links allow users to recharge their phones, pay for OTT subscriptions and insurance, and order clothing and food. PhonePe allows users to converse with other users via instant messaging without integrating with social media applications. 
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Vizhil : 
Vizhil, here is a fantastic super app that combines all of these features. Shop, eat, get a ride, and more—all in one super app. These are the items that people today require. Vizhil combines several apps into a single app to let you use your mobile storage in other ways. Download the India Multi-Facility app to get the benefits vizhil super app.
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Grab : 
Grab, which started as an on-demand taxi service called GrabTaxi, has grown into a successful platform. It also expanded its offerings to include logistics, hotel reservations, food delivery, financial services, supermarket shopping, ticket purchases, and an on-demand movie platform, among other things. 
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Clap messenger : 
You may make polls, record calls, schedule appointments, split money, pay securely, and share albums and events in addition to communicating and phoning. The second phase will see the introduction of third-party merchants for ordering food, booking trips, paying back credit cards and loans, utilities, shopping, and other services. 
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Uber is aiming to develop a super app for international travel that would include ride-hailing, bike and scooter rentals, trains, buses, airlines, and auto rentals onto a single platform. It boasts over 131 million monthly active users and six million active drivers and couriers globally. 
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Paytm is the top distributor of financial services and mobile payments in India. Paytm is an Indian startup that spearheaded the mobile QR payments revolution by developing tools to facilitate payments and commerce for small enterprises. The goal of Paytm is to use technology to assist 500 million Indians and integrate them into the global economy. 
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 India is a super app Amazon that offers services beyond shopping in addition to being a massive online retailer. Users may pay bills, recharge phones, make payments, and even book flights with Amazon Pay. With the addition of Amazon Prime, it has become a comprehensive hub for commerce and entertainment, including streaming for movies, TV series, and music. 
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Google Pay : 
In India, Google Pay is becoming more than just a straightforward payment software. These days, it provides several financial services, such as credit cards, insurance, and loans. Furthermore, the site has integrated other mini-apps that facilitate seamless online shopping, meal ordering, and taxi booking for users. Vizhil, the ultimate super app that brings convenience and innovation right to your fingertips. If you’re a business or a service provider looking to expand your reach and grow your customer base, becoming a Vizhil Partner is the perfect opportunity.
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