#event: classy affair
kikiligo · 2 years
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nucarnivalmadness · 2 years
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mmmmulbery · 2 years
MEN!!!! KISS BUT make it #girl
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bigfatbimbo · 29 days
Hey pookie hope you're doing well!
I was curious about a Rosie x Reader who is a female butler? (Yes they exist they are not just maids)
Listen im a sucker for royal x guard ships im weeeeeak
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a/n — I LOVE ROSIE!!! I don’t have a great grasp on her character though because i’ve actually only watched that episode once but… I try.
warnings — suggestive, mostly just fluff, f!reader implied but it’s never brought up or stated, NOT PROOFREAD!!
summary — f!butler x rosie
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Rosie is absolutely a wonderful woman to work for. 
Along with the pay being well, not to mention the surprisingly comfortable servants quarters, she has a refined level of respect for her staff.
Not to say the work isn’t hard, and the constant smell of fried up demons is not a picnic. 
As her butler, your in charge of managing the cooking and cleaning staff, and sometimes doting on Rosie.
After all she has a lot to do around hell, being the leader of a bunch of cannibalistic maniacs  (such as herself).
Seeing as butlers are in charge of greeting guests, preparing wardrobes, and assisting in the preparation of events, your around Rosie a lot more than the other staff.
Even if you weren’t, she’d still take care to know your name, just as she does everyone else. 
But she definitely admires your work ethic, and her relationship with you isn’t as formal as it would be if you worked for any other overlord.
She jokes with you while you dote on her, or just follow her around.
You definitely know an ungodly amount of gossip about other overlords in hell, or any drama that goes on with the higher ups.
Needless to say, there’s a level of trust there.
You take care of her when she’s overwhelmed with work, even if it’s your job it’s still undeniable.
And she treats you kindly, almost acting as if your friend instead of your boss, but never truly crossing that boundary. 
Now, a romance aspect is what you want, I’m sure.
So Rosie’s working late, making sure things are running smoothly in cannibal town, maybe putting together tomorrow’s sale. 
And she’s clearly tired, it happens to everyone when they have a job like this, but her work isn’t done yet. 
So you waltz in with your formal demeanor, and place a cup of tea on her desk. 
“Oh thank you, sweetie, but i’m not in the mood—“
“It’s your favorite, earl grey with a spike of blood,” you interject, “And if I may, ma’am, you’re in need of short break.”
That’s when Rosie would start to feel a sense of affection towards you, when she realized your shift ended hours ago. 
You stayed anyways specifically to help her on her busy night. 
Workplace flirting would be unbearable. 
She’d be calling you ‘my darling’ instead of just her usual ‘dear’ like she does with the rest of the staff.
Lingering touches while she walks past, linking her arm with yours or resting her hand on your shoulder, overall being super touchy.
Her requests from you would be more frequent, as much as Rosie likes to keep things classy, that doesn’t change the fact that her crush on you grows everyday. 
Maybe she’d even ask for a massage, actually.
See, her type of flirting is very subtle, so you wouldn’t even notice it’s happening unless it’s directed towards you.
Which, often, it very relentlessly is.
A relationship between boss and employee is inappropriate, and Rosie absolutely would respect your space.
Unless you feed into it, she wouldn’t cross that boundary. 
But from the point of view of the butler, is she flirting? Or is she just being nice? I mean clearly you’re her favorite and most important staff member… so is she just being appreciative?
But, when and if that line is crossed, things wouldn’t be different other than the secret workplace affair. 
She’d treat you the same during work hours, but any time you two are alone, she’d be all over you. 
Peppering you in kisses, eating you up, holding your face in her hands.
Calling you into her room for… butler duties.
Needless to say, the work never stops. But with Rosie it wouldn’t feel like work. 
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theabigailthorn · 1 year
Surely with how popular you are you would have had a few cancelling attempts, but you're drama free. How? I thought you'd be target number 1 with TERFs.
So the thing is, people on the internet have and do try to wreck my life! But it's true that I get less of it than a lot of other women, and I often ask myself (and them) this same question. I think it comes down to a few factors. In no particular order:
I'm white and thin
I don't post selfies very often
The Philosophy Tube Jutsu: I never use my platform to say anything bad about individuals, so I don't make enemies
I'm British
I don't put my pronouns or the word 'trans' in my bio. I mention it if it it's relevant but to a casual troll looking for someone to go after there are more obvious targets
My brand: in terms of online content, my brand is 'Educational and Compassionate.' I try to be even-handed and listen to all sides and never be angry, and people are maybe a bit reluctant to get mad at someone who does that? In terms of acting, my brand right now is 'I'm Trying Hard and I'm On My Way Up!' which I guess people like?
I have a posh accent
I don't make online content about video games
I'm pretty enough that men like looking at me but not so hot it makes them angry
I transitioned in private before I came out publicly. I knew that when I did I'd get a lot of backlash, so I pre-emptively muted LOADS of words in my comments section and wove a kind of digital safety net
I'm so busy that I often miss whatever the discourse du jour is and don't get involved. As a wise woman once said, 'Do Not Tweet.'
I deliberately dress and present myself as 'classy' in public-facing stuff
Most of my content is scripted, so by default it attracts people who like to sit down and listen
Philosophy Tube is literally all about critical thinking and not taking things at face value. So if a typical Philosophy Tube Subscriber sees a post that says 'I saw Abigail Thorn kicking a puppy down the street!' they're more likely to stop and think, 'What's the evidence for this?' This means that when there are hate campaigns and lies spread about me (and there are, from time to time) my core audience sees through it and sticks around
I have very good mods! Big shout out to all the lovely people on r/philosophytube and all the people who moderate my livestream chats!
I have a social media manager who can look out for hate and pre-emptively guard against it
I don't hitch my brand to other people. I sometimes do little collabs or appear at events with other creators but for the most part I fly solo. That means if another creator blows up or posts something awful I minimise my chances of cancellation-by-association. I'm friends with lots of creators but for the most part I keep it behind the scenes (Learned this one the hard way!)
I'm not a sex worker. Those people get hate like you wouldn't believe - the sex workers I know are the toughest folks I've ever met!
I'm not very fun to bully! I do get death threats and hate campaigns and people make fake porn of me and libel me and all that stuff - literally every day - I just never talk about it publicly so trolls don't get the satisfaction of seeing me get upset. I just mute and block and move on silently. When I have to talk to a lawyer or the police about someone causing a problem, I handle it behind the scenes
Platform size. When TERFs in British media go after someone they tend to pick on people smaller than them, cause they're bullies.
I built my platform slowly, so I've had time to adjust and get used to how it impacts my life
People have tried to cancel me in the past and it's blown up in their faces, e.g. the Trump Transition Tweet Incident and the B*ck A*gel Affair.
To be absolutely clear, a LOT of this is luck and privilege. I'm not trying to blame the victims of online harassment: yes, some of these factors are things I choose to do but not everyone is able to make those choices. It's also the unwinnable game of respectability politics: yes I might get less hate because of the way I dress or whatever, but fundamentally that won't protect me if I get arrested and sent to a men's prison. These things aren't a substitute for a more just distribution of power. There's also this final possible factor:
It just hasn't happened yet.
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rollercoasterwords · 1 year
hmmmm yeah upon reflection i am coming out as a fancy ship name hater. just spit on ur hands and smush the characters' names together the good old fashioned way that's what i say boys. "nobleflower" "angelstone" "sunflower" "starchaser" who are these people u speak of?? who are they?? which two characters?? fuck me boys is this really what we've come to. is this really who we are now. what happened to some good old-fashioned name-smashing? what about that? who are we trying to impress here? "but it's so much prettier" oh well la dee da boys didn't realize this was a fancy affair! didn't realize that this was a classy event! little old me i'm down in the dirt and the muck and the weeds little old me i'm in the swamp but if ur all prancing off to dance with the prince at the ball far be it from me to stop you!! just remember that when the clock strikes midnight all of your glamour will fade and who will be there?? me. me pointing at ur silly fancy little glass shoe of a ship name going who?? who is that?? ohhhhh now u need to tell me their names. their full names. "oh well it's evan rosier/peter pettigrew" oh man oh boy am i laughing at you!! just like that your fancy ship name is shattered on the ground. the facade pulled away. what in god's name are we doing here boys. what in god's name is going on.
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boozles · 2 months
Day Twelve: Wedding You Wish You Had An Invite To
Okay, so I wanted to play around with this and do two canonical weddings (ie. weddings that were actually on screen) and two that we know would happen in a couple’s future.
My first canonical one would be Sky & Prapai’s wedding in Wedding Plan (and Love in the Air). Like you see in the show, it looked so elegant and classy, and just so perfect for them as a couple. However, I think the afterparty would be poppin’! I like to think they would have prepared a choreographed dance like you see on IG/TikTok, and the party would be so much fun. Rain would be drunk and crying and threatening Prapai that if he ever hurts his best friend his body will never be found, and Phayu would have to carry him back to the hotel room. I just think it would be a fun affair!
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My second canonical wedding that I’d like to attend would be Karan and Achi from Cherry Magic. It looked like a small but beautiful event, and you just know that dance floor would have been packed. Rock and Min would be tearing it up all night, and can you imagine how much fun it would have been to hang out with Pai and fangirl over Karan and Achi? Also, did you see how good that cake looked?!
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My first non-canonical wedding would be Akk and Ayan from The Eclipse (obviously). I think Alk would be a groomzilla and Ayan would just do everything to keep him happy. They’d have Kan and Thua as their best men, with Wat as the photographer. I think it would be a gorgeous beach front affair, with just their friends and family, before having the after event along the beach with a small band and lots of drinks and dancing and laughter. It would be so full of love and just. Ugh. I love these boys so much.
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My second non-canonical pick would be Phaya and Tharn from The Sign. We all know how insane it would be; Tharn would want everything perfect and proper, traditional and romantic. Phaya would literally do everything to make it work, but the after affair would be party central. Yai would be drunk and crying and telling everyone that will listen how much he loves the grooms, whilst Sand pats his head and apologises to everyone. Thongthai would be dying of embarrassment as Khem tries to seduce him on the dance floor, and the grandmas would sit laughing and drinking sherry as they planned a girls only trip for after the wedding.
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sionisjaune · 10 months
Mick/Nico corporate AU pre-slash that has not left my brain for two weeks!
There’s chair scraping and handshaking and seat switching while everyone finds a spot at the table. Events staff rented out the restaurant, but there’s still hardly enough space. It’s all of upper management and Mick, who is technically upper management now. Seb pulls out his chair next to Mick and tucks his serviette into the collar of his shirt, because no one can bear to tell him it’s not actually a classy move. Lewis, on Seb’s other side, smiles fondly. Later, they’ll hold hands under the table and everyone will pretend they can’t see it. The employee fraternization policy is nothing short of draconian, and Toto has been wielding it tyrannically ever since the incident in 2016. 
Dinner is fine. The chicken is tender if bland, and everyone makes jealous eyes at Lewis’s stuffed mushroom when it comes out. The email George forwarded everyone said absolutely no work talk, but everyone’s talking about work because it’s most of the things they have in common. Mick does get in a few ranching stories from when he managed to get out west and visit his mother. Everyone laughs at the part where Angie jumped into Mick’s arms, terrified by the wild horses.
During the pause between dinner and dessert, Mick excuses himself to visit the bathroom. Daniel cracks a joke about cocaine that was obviously informed by American movies. George blushes, but Max, the terrifying attorney Toto poached, cackles throatily. Mick waves the whole thing off and vacates his seat quietly. 
At the bathrooms, Mick makes a sharp left and slips open the sliding doors to the terrace. He’s halfway across and sucking in the fresh air before he notices that the terrace is already occupied. The back of a deep green jacket indicates that Mick should hightail it off of the balcony immediately. 
Nico Rosberg is the Director of Global Affairs, Lewis’s ex-husband and one half of the incident in 2016. When he turns around to raise an eyebrow at Mick, Mick half expects to see a cigarette hanging from his lips, spilling smoke across the skyline. He’s heard Nico is a health nut, though. He’s heard lots of things about Nico. 
“I think this place is big enough for two,” says Nico, glancing around the terrace. “I can’t blame you if you need a breather. No one likes these things.” 
Mick doesn’t tell him that Seb and Lewis seem to be enjoying themselves just fine. He finds a spot on the terrace a safe distance away from Nico and takes in the view from the 43rd floor. 
“It’s a nice thing, getting everyone together,” says Mick. It’s probably the altitude making his head spin.
“It’s cruel,” says Nico. “We get to pretend that we’re all friends because we can make polite conversation between courses for three hours. With alcohol.”
“It can’t be that bad.” Mick chances a glance at Nico. He isn’t looking at Mick, just gazing across the horizon at the harbour, barely visible in the gap between highrises. “Where were you last week, Ibiza?”
Nico scoffs. “Shut in the office on phone calls all day. I would rather stay in one place, I think, then travel to different glass boxes all over the world. And I hate hotels.” 
“I guess it’s nice to be home,” says Mick. Seb’s realtor hooked him up with a condo in the city where he has all his stuff, but home is Gland and Texas, really. He’s heard that the incident in 2016 took place in a hotel room, which might be what Nico’s getting at. He’s also heard that it happened in Lewis’s apartment, in Nico’s family home and in Toto’s office in front of the entire floor. A lot of people have a lot of things to say about what happened, except for Lewis and Nico, and Seb, out of respect for Lewis. 
“Home,” says Nico, bitterly. “Where’s that, anyway.”
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yakumtsaki · 1 year
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-Alright, everyone, settle down.. I SAID SETTLE DOWN, SUGAR.
-I have settled!
-Yes you’ve settled into my attic alright, deadbeat loser, now sit your ass down. Alright.. I have gathered all of you here tonight to discuss the deadly events of Cyneswith’s party.. And I’m not referring to the death of her youth.
-Daddy!! Mean!!!🌸
-SILENCE. Now, let’s recount that fateful day from the start..
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-Grandpa, can I just say something?
-Oh my- what is it, Sugar?
-I think I should be exempt from this since I was otherwise occupied on the fateful day!
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-Yes, we all remember you occupying Jessica Picasso's vagina! Have you no shame, you absolute degenerate?? First you break up your family over that Don clone and then you bring her to my house???
-I love her and I don’t care what any of you think!
-That’s good because we all think you’re a loser, now shut up! Alright Cyn, tell us what happened. 
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-Well, I had been having a really hard time with the constant cheating and making up with Donnie and iVan, huhu..💗
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-Then iVan got that stupid doctor job and brought Neon Vest Downtownie over and I got caught cheating by Donnie again..🌸
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-And then Neon Vest Downtownie tried to have his first kiss with me and I was like, um PLEASE, just because I’m in love with you and publicly banged you in a Downtown hot tub you think I’m gonna kiss you??💗
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-Then I tried to make up with Donnie and I forgot to use Sugar first, I mean the voodoo doll not my nephew Sugar, and so Don rejected me but Neon Vest caught me cheating and I got slapped again!!🌸
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-So finally it was like enough is enough and I rolled the want to get a job one day away from elderhood!💗
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-And then I got fired that very same evening and then I had my party! Huhu! So I’m not at fault for the deadly event because I wasn’t even here!!!🌸
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-You just said you were here, having your yard affairs!
-Daddy it’s not my fault my milkshake literally brings all the boys to the yard! Right, Donnie?💗
-Right, moonflower. 
-See?? So why doesn’t whoever I’m pointing at tell us what they were doing?? I don’t even know who it is, oh right, it’s Shajar!🌸
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-I got this, darling. Me and Shaj were busy all day.
-Yes, we were busy all day!
-Ya right, doing what?💗
-Making preparations for YOUR party, Cyn, you ungrateful brat!
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-If a meteor hits us we won’t have to go to fucking Cyn’s party!
-Ugh, if only, my little turbocuck.
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-So if it’s a crime that I wanted to throw an amazing party for my sister so we can finally put old enmities behind us, then lock me up!
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-Is it just me or are we conducting this investigation into the deadly event in the stupidest way possible? 
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-Spoken like someone who has something to hide, huhu!🌸
-We have to get to the bottom of this, Sophito, Sandy Fairchild is dead again! What if the next person to die is someone who actually matters?
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-Well Liz and I have ironclad alibies, we were at work-
-That’s right, and we definitely didn’t get sent home early for banging in the supply closet..
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-Then I went to visit my dads..
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-And I brought over Klaus to procreate with Kitana..
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-And Xander to procreate with Servilia! So there you go, you’re welcome..
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-And then I shockingly rolled the want to have a baby so I put on my sexy yet classy lingerie and Sophito knocked me up right on Jojo’s bed!
-I sure did!
-GROSS, is that why I keep finding teeth in my bed?!
-Ya, some of my teeth implants fell out due to impact.
-OH MY- You know what, let’s wrap this shitshow up. The night of the party..
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-..I was fixing iVan who had broken down for the billionth time due to exhaustion from his ridiculous new medical job..
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-That he had to get to fulfill his LTW since he was always near aspiration failure! Courtesy of catching me cheating and getting beat up by Donnie in his hot little hat, huhu!💗  
-I can’t believe how much I hate my children. Let us continue..
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-With iVan working, we have been left unbutlered. Sandy returned from work starving and stinking, and brought with her Glitched Butler #2, reminding us of why we can’t replace iVan with a NPC butler..
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-At which point I spurred into action and told him to leave, no need to thank me, huhu!🌸
-No one is thanking you, Cyneswith.
-Daddy you’re so mean to me today!!!💗
-Maybe because you’ve turned my life’s biggest scientific achievement into your sex toy! 
-It’s not my fault you made him so hot!!!🌸
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-Oh Sandy, you lucky dead zombie, it should have been me! Let’s figure out who’s at fault already so I can go wait for the wolf! So Sandy returns from work. Cyneswith also returns having been hilariously fired on her first day..
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-I throw Cyneswith’s birthday party so I can invite the wolf to it..
-The only reason you threw me a party was to fulfil your deranged werewolf want??💗
-Yes. I also order groceries since no one has bothered to THE ENTIRE DAY and our fridge is completely empty.
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-The wolf arrives, I make some valuable progress with him..
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-The other, non-wolf guests also start to gather but who cares, certainly not me..
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-Cyneswith blows her candles surrounded by her loved ones and Neon Vest Downtownie..
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-And grows up into a hideous hippie outfit I’m glad I wasn’t around to see.
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-The fireworks Cyneswith insisted on go off..
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-Their sound covering Sandy’s anguished cries as she starves to death due to our fridge being empty while Gunther is singing karaoke..
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-And is then disgusted by her lack of hygiene. Can’t blame him.
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-I go over to mourn Sandy as Cyneswith is scared by the ghost of Victor and pisses her pants..
-You could have left that part out!🌸
-I know.
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-And finally, Sophie dances on Sandy’s grave. 
-It was a somber song of mourning, of course. 
-It was ‘I Will Survive’.
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-Now as this recap has clearly showed, not only did none of you order groceries the entire day, but you didn’t even bother accepting the lifesaving order I made, leading to Sandy Fairchild’s completely preventable second death! So fess up! Who was it?? Who saw the delivery person and ignored them???
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-Ugh, Jojo, no offense, but since you ordered the groceries, wouldn’t you be the logical choice to accept the the delivery?
-Oh right, of course, I’m sorry Don, I forgot that if I don’t do everything around YOU IDIOTS WILL LITERALLY STARVE TO DEATH.
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-No, I’m just saying that you know-
-OOOOOOH MY GOD. I REMEMBER NOW. Ok grandpa, don’t be mad.
-Choose your next words at your own peril, Sugar.
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-Ok so I was in crypt, getting my Jessica Picasso on and her jewelry off, if you know what I’m talking about..
-We don’t know what you’re talking about.
-Come on Liz, you know how I like to eat jewelry, what do you think happened to your pearl necklace? 
-Ya ya whatever, so the delivery guy got confused like they do when a house has two doors, and he knocked on the crypt instead of the front door. So I automatically answer and accept the groceries and was totally gonna get them to the fridge but I was literally DRIPPING of Jessica Picasso-
-Oh you’re one to talk Liz, remember our pool table in uni? ANYWAY, so I accepted the groceries but since there’s no fridge in the crypt despite my REPEATED REQUESTS, I then automatically put them on the nearest table!
-Oh yes there is, grandpa..
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-The empty table slot where your urn should be! But you refuse to die, so in a way, this is all your fault!
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-MY FAULT?!?!?! MY. FAULT?????? YOU ARE ALL DOOMED WITHOUT ME. We’re done here, I call final curtain on this meeting.
-But it really seems like this was all your fault, Daddy💗
-Ya Dad, when are you gonna call final curtain on your life? 
-Also no offense but who even cares that Sandy died?🌸
-True, I don’t understand why we had to have this meeting.
-REALLY. You ‘don’t understand’ why we had to have a meeting about you people being unable to feed yourselves?!?
-I understand, Jojo.
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-I knew I made the right call leaving my entire fortune to you, and before I die, I’d like to legally adopt you! You two, you’re disowned. 
-Oh Jojo, you’re gonna make me cry!
-Shaj, what the fuck is happening?💗
-I’m married to the Union heir, that’s what’s happening! HUHU
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kikiligo · 2 years
Edmond can totally step on me, I would say please
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gayforjuza · 7 months
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she's mother
source : classy affair event chapter 6 'lunch with the consul'
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clarthelunagate · 2 years
Dante x Edmond #11 (Blazing Coliseum x Elite Instructor)
I create another fanart of [Dante x Edmond] from game NU:Carnival with Dante in his SSR Blazing Coliseum outfit and Edmond in his SSR Elite Instructor outfit from event Classy Affair ^^
It's available now on our Gumroad. You’ll also get mobile wallpapers ^^
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-Violet von Westenholz
-The Marquess Marchioness of Cholmondeley
A bully cannot face the people she hurt & abused. In Meghan's case, we watched her mistreat the family she never had, royal staffers and ordinary British people. A friend's parent from her childhood said "she has sharp elbows" and we watched her elbow her way through the United Kingdom just long enough to become infamous. A smash and grab operation that makes her no better than the radicalized teenagers who are being used to terrorize America's cities.
She suffers from a severe case of Princess Catherine Derangement Disorder. Watching the Prince and Princess of Wales receive the honor they are due while she and H are boo'd by thousands would be almost unbearablw and in her best victim voice "such a cruel chapter."
I'm reminded of the MM who after oyw invitations and various product marketing opportunities, was such an ungrateful witch that she even refused to make eye contact in a very small cafe with the woman who made it all possible, Gina Nelthorpe Cowne.
If she were to attend the Coronation, we can just imagine her seething through that rictus grin while watching (from the nosebleed section of the Abbey) as two (2) of the honorable families she betrayed are rewarded for their loyalty and friendship.
1st-Violet von Westenholz, daughter of Camilla's longtime friend and newly appointed "Companion." Despite meeting Harry through Soho House & Markus Anderson, Meghan pursued Violet for an RL "modeling" opportunity at Wimbledon bc she needed to manipulate Violet into serving as her reputable "matchmaker." During the engagement interview Meghan lied again: "SHE (violet) said SHE wanted to set us up"🙄
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2nd- The Marquess & Marchioness of Cholmondeley, parents of Charles' Godson Oliver, page of honour & Lord in Waiting.
Meghan planted the fake affair rumor into the suckit squad to hurt William & Catherine's reputation and to pay back the BRF for the envy she felt watching Harry escort Rose at a formal event. She intentionally tried to destroy 2 families with lies & innuendo. On twatter, via her aliases, mm would threaten William with more malicious attacks on Kate if they still refused to support her in the press. These are just a few of her schemes so just imagine what must be written in the bullying report.
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During the engagement, household servants would overhear things and report them back to "R." I certainly sensed mm was a mean girl, but thought there was no way she could be so vile. 5+ years later, it was all true and the worst was yet to come.
Although Meghan ignored Gina in Edinburgh, Gina still gave a classy interview on the day of the wedding, and I believe she watched as Meghan & Harry drove around Windsor.
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"The Telegraph today reported claims members of the palace PR team "body blocked" ex-advisor Gina Nelthorpe-Cowne from coming into contact with Meghan during a visit to the Social Bites cafe in Edinburgh. Instead, Ms Nelthorpe-Cowne posted a photograph of her former friend on social media from yards away."
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Imagine how Gina must have felt after everything she did for that girl mm refused to even say hello.
"A former aide today told the paper: "Anyone from the past was a problem." They added: "Meghan likes to move on". When contacted by The Telegraph, Ms Nelthorpe-Cowne declined to comment on the incident.However, she has previously spoken of her declining friendship with the duchess after she married Prince Harry.Writing for the Mail on Sunday in 2020, Ms Nelthorpe-Cowne wrote: "When, recently, I found myself in the same room as her, she pretended not to notice – stage-managing it so that Harry spoke to me instead.Meghan has made a habit of 'moving on' to better things. And I doubt that will ever change."She also claimed she had warned Meghan, 39, of what life would be like married to a Royal but said the future duchess replied "Save it" with a "steely manner".Ms Nelthorpe-Cowne's name has also previously appeared in court documents - accusing Meghan's friend Jessica Mulroney of "putting pressure on her to withdraw or change statements" she made in an April 2018 interview with the Mail on Sunday."
February 13th
"The couple meet with staff at Social Bite a business that runs social enterprise cafés throughout Scotland, distributing 100,000 items of food and hot drinks to homeless people each year. The business also employs staff who have experienced homelessness themselves.The couple take a tour of the cafe kitchen."
"The final straw was when MM blanked her in Edinburgh, which was a public humiliation and a bridge too far. The KP staff & Harry body blocked Gina from greeting mm. Meghan then used Mulroney to bully Gina into withdrawing her story in the paper. Adrian Sington bore the brunt of a two-hour haranguing from Jessica Mulroney, which he later described as being very unpleasant."
Lady Elizabeth Lambart, was one of the late Queen's bridesmaids at her 1947 weddingLord Oliver Cholmondeley, 13, son of David, the Marquess of Cholmondeley, and his former model wife, Rose, will also be a page of honour. 
Oliver’s father was recently appointed to be the King’s Lord-in-Waiting – a significant royal role in which he will be invited to attend important state and royal occasions. 
In 1974, the Marquess of Cholmondeley, as Earl of Rocksavage, was page of honour to the late Queen, before becoming Lord Great Chamberlain from 1990 to 2022.
Meanwhile, the Marchioness of Cholmondeley's maternal grandmother, the late Lady Elizabeth Lambart, was one of the late Queen's bridesmaids at her 1947 wedding.
The family - which also includes Lord Oliver's twin brother, Alexander, Earl of Rocksavage, and his younger sister, Lady Iris - live at Houghton Hall in Norfolk, which is just four miles from Anmer Hall, their friends', the Prince and Princess of Wales's, country retreat.
Despite the nasty rumors, The Cambridges attended church with the Cholmondeley family.
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Her so-called matchmaker "friend" didn't attend the wedding.🤔
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pyoorofficial · 6 days
Coord Sets: The Hottest Summer Fashion Trend
This summer, elevate your style with coord sets for women by PYOOR, the ultimate Pakistani and Eastern wear trend for Indians. Drawing inspiration from traditional Pakistani suit designs, these perfectly paired tops and bottoms offer versatility and comfort while making a beautiful fashion statement. Embrace the season's vibrant colors and patterns with PYOOR's coordinated outfits, ideal for any occasion, from casual outings to classy gatherings. Stay cool, stylish, and on-trend with the hottest fashion must-haves of the summer. Here are some unique designs of the coordinate set that were made by Pyoor to showcase style:
1. Solid Kurta Coord Set in Middle Eastern Fit 
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Check out the Solids Kurta Coord Set for women by PYOOR. This stylish outfit, inspired by Pakistani suit designs and tailored in a Middle Eastern fit, includes a kurta and matching bottoms for a sleek and comfy look. Perfect for any event, from casual hangouts to formal gatherings, stay effortlessly stylish with this elegant coord set.
2. Bahaar Coord Set in Middle Eastern Fit
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Step into the spotlight with the Bahaar Coord Set for women by PYOOR, blending the charm of Pakistani suit design with a Middle Eastern flair. This outfit matches comfort and style, offering a modern twist on traditional styles. Perfect for various occasions, from casual gatherings to formal affairs, the Bahaar Coord Set ensures you stand out with elegance and grace.
3. Neem Coord Set in Middle Eastern Fit
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Introducing PYOOR's Neem Coord Set, a fusion of Pakistani suit design and coord set fashion for women. This outfit seamlessly blends traditional charm with modern comfort, boasting coordinated tops and bottoms, complex detailing, and luxurious fabrics. Perfect for any occasion, it represents cultural richness and modern style, offering a chic statement for the modern woman.
4. Neel Coord Set
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Introducing the Neel Coord Set by PYOOR, a stylish blend of Pakistani suit design and coord set fashion for women. This outfit combines traditional charm with modern comfort, featuring coordinated tops and bottoms in luxurious fabrics. Perfect for any occasion, it offers a chic statement for the modern woman, effortlessly blending cultural elegance with modern style.
5. Tulip Co-ord Set, Middle Eastern Fit
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Discover the Tulip Coord Set by PYOOR, designed with a Middle Eastern fit, blending Pakistani suit design with modern coord set fashion for women. This outfit combines comfort and elegance effortlessly, featuring coordinated tops and bottoms with complex details. Perfect for any occasion, it exudes cultural charm and modern style, making it a must-have for every modern woman's wardrobe.
6. DAHALIA Co-ord Set: Middle Eastern Fit
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Introducing the DAHALIA Coord Set by PYOOR, tailored with a Middle Eastern fit. This outfit for women beautifully merges Pakistani suit design with modern coordinated set fashion. With coordinated tops and bottoms, complex detailing, and comfy fabrics, it's perfect for any occasion. Experience cultural elegance and modern style effortlessly with PYOOR's DAHALIA Coord Set.
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angie-long-legs · 26 days
cont. from here
@visage-of-hell 💙
"Pfft, this old thing?" Angel smirked, a remark in jest from the spider who just knew he was the belle of the ball. Especially now he was suitably lathered up to enhance that signature wicked confidence.
Truthfully, getting trashed at this classy affair was something of a tactical manoeuvre - not only was Angel feeling deeply out of place at such an upscale event, he had also been doubly miserable in the company of his date, who seemed to be causing nothing but havoc among the other guests. The moth demon had dragged Angel along as his arm candy for the evening and, after getting bored of showing the porn star off, had ditched him to inevitably make a fuss of another kind. Angel had, in turn, sought the company of the bar, drink after drink aiding him in the process of numbing the sordid evening into something tolerable.
And that something tolerable included Visage!
"This place is tits, Viz! Dontcha just feel like yer in a fairytale?" Maybe a Grimm's fairytale, what with the rather gorey appetite of the host. At least the alcohol had mellowed him to the point of appreciating his surroundings rather than finding them intimating.
Visage, however, looked... uncomfortable. Angel understood - they were both more accustomed to the strobes of the clubs than the tasteful chandeliers, the thrum of the driving bass rather than the ambient classical music. This certainly wasn't a typical night out for the pair.
Even in his drunken stupor, Angel could clock a party-goer that needed a break from the social scene. "Y'wanna go for a smoke?" he suggested. The room was stiflingly hot, after all (although perhaps that was just the booze), and he could use some fresh air. "Dunno 'bout you, but I'm sweatin' my tits off. Least I don't still got burgers in em..." he muttered. Before the hellhound could get a word in edgeways, he held up a silencing hand. "Don't fuckin' ask."
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cevansbrat0007 · 1 year
What are Ari and Andy’s first thought when they walk into the first party that Curtis takes them to?
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Honestly, how normal everything seemed. Although Curtis had tried to explain what to expect, Andy and Ari were still expected to be greeted by people rocking latex while wielding whips and chains.
And this party was so not that.
In reality, men were sporting suits and ties, while ladies of all shapes, sizes and ethnicities were wearing dresses - some a little more revealing than others.
But what struck them most was the entire soiree was so...relaxed. Sure there was a certain energy permeating the atmosphere, but there was nothing overtly sexual going on. At least not out in the open.
Of course, they later found out there were a series of private rooms in the back available for use in the event either man had found a willing partner who was in the mood for some fun.
However, neither Ari nor Andy thought about making use of them that night. They would later on at different parties, when they felt comfortable enough to have established relationships with a few play partners to engage in a few scenes here and there.
But all in all, that first party Curtis took them too came appeared to be a very classy affair.
Thanks for the ask!
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