lizzardstudies · 8 months
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this week consisted of the last seminary of the semester, game night with some friends and attempting to make granola
I really need to finish writing the application for a grant for my research in the next few days and figure out how to nicely get out of a project I agreed to previously
I keep having so much to do and it not enough energy - guess that's the next four years for me
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loweya-blog · 1 month
Games I wish existed
This is a bit random and not what I usually do.
Also if a game like this DOES exist, then let me know in the comments.
Number 1: Everdell as a farming cozy game
A cozy videogame farming game where you get to be one of those cute animals from picture books living under a tree or a rock or something.
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You know what I mean! Cute beds made from tiny boxes or storages of berries in baskets. Basically the Everdell Board Game only as a farming game like Stardew valley or a town rebuilding game. It'd be so CUTE!
Number 2: Cute spoopy games
I can't wait long enough for Haunted Chocolatier but I'd like more videogames with cute ghosts. Maybe we play as a cute ghost who goes around doing fun ghost stuff? Idk. I'm tired of scary games and want more spooky cozy games with cute animations! Like Love, Ghostie!
Number 3: Medieval Sims
Yes I know the sims 3 had a medieval one that came out. It was the first sims game I played and it was okay. But I'd like a new version of it where it's truly just a fantasy/medieval games of the sims instead of a weird rpg sims hybrid. It doesn't even have to be from the sims! It could be any game that lets you basically create a family in a fantasy/medieval world with dragons and cool stuff.
Number 4: Dating Romance Games without Routes
This may be unpopular of an idea but I really loved how Obey Me never had routes because you got to learn and get to know the characters before choosing your favorites/preferences. Usually in dating games you get a short introduction then are expected to just pick, which I never really loved since it also meant every choice I make is always going to surround the love interest and never just something I want the character to try.
I'd like more of it where you just follow a story line and goof around with characters, even if means I don't get the kisses or traditional happy ending with the love interest. I just want to have a ball!
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games-franco · 8 months
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Mega Everdell with all of the expansions is UNHINGED
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thenerdsupply-co · 2 months
Time Needed: 45-60 minutes
Number of Players: 1-4 (base game)
Replayability: Yes
Complexity: 9/10
Click-clacks: 10000000/10 (I want to eat them)
To say this game is fun is an understatement. We’ve been playing this game pretty much every evening for the last month or two with no signs of stopping (we even got one of the expansions since I first drafted this post). Welcome to the first of Everdell. The point of the game is to build a city of Constructions and Critters, each having their own unique action and point value. The player with the most points at the end wins.
You collect resources throughout the game: rocks, berries, sticks, and resin. With these resources, you are able to play Constructions and Critters into your city. This is largely a game of players working on their own city independently to be the winner overall, rather than directly impacting each other in a competitive gameplay experience. There are a few ways to get in your opponent’s way, but we’ve found that this game is just plain relaxing.
We highly recommend this game and if you can’t get your hands on the board game itself, we’ve also found that the app version is just as fun (at $10 in the App Store currently, this is a steal).
Everdell is good for all ages and learning the mechanics is easy, even if it looks daunting. Believe us, we taught Megan’s dad and Will’s niece and nephew to play over the weekend.
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pinballhaven · 5 months
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Pintastic New England 2024 :)
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tibberg · 8 months
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Az Everdell egy nagyon szép és hangulatos játék. Alapvetően worker placement mechanikájú, és talán pont emiatt, hiába a cuki és nyugis téma, mégis a családom nem igazán szereti. Én sajnálom, mert szívesen játszanám többször. De ezért van sokféle játék, kinek kinek más tetszik. Szerintem ezt pár évig nem vesszük elő, újra csak a polcot koptatja.
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richardlearnsgames · 7 months
WHAT’S NEW Everdell SOLO MODE (“Year 1”)
Wanna see what it's like to play the solo mode that comes in Everdell's base box? Here's year 1!
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hyliandude · 1 year
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Successful board game weekend 🥰
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jones-friend · 5 months
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We finally got the upstairs suitable for hosting and I got to two new board games on the shelf, Everdell Farshore and Dune Imperium!
I like Everdell a good deal, so when I heard about Farshore I was excited! If you haven’t heard of it Farshore is like. Alternate reality Everdell rather than a 2.0. In Farshore a few rule changes are put in place and how you score points changes from holding festivals to racing ships and finding treasure maps. Otherwise the core worker placement for resources + playing cards to build your city is largely the same.
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There’s a number of quality of life changes I really like: the habitation mechanic is replaced by three anchors, so instead of hoping you find a pair you free play match 3 critters. Doubles in the center stack on top of each other. The game motivates playing specific cards with the windrose tiles (playing those types moves your ship). And the production is extremely good. The game has a high price tag but the art is beautiful and the components feel great to use.
I have a harder time recommending this with its $100 price tag. I would not recommend this bought at full price, I would recommend buying on sale or with partial store credit. It does play differently than base Everdell so you can have both coexist on a shelf. If you haven’t played Everdell you don’t need to, if the sea themes appeal to you I’d recommend going for it! Just try to find a way to manage that $100 price tag. Ow.
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Dune Imperium is a worker placement/deckbuilder where each player contests control of Arrakis. Generally how turns work is rewards for this round’s conflict is revealed. Players use cards to place workers on the board triggering different effects, triggering the upper box of that card. When you’re out of gas you reveal the rest of your hand and trigger the lower box of reveal effects. Then we go to the conflict step and see who has the most and trigger any upsets.
Dune Imperium is wonderfully scrappy. Its less claustrophobic than Ruins of Arnak which keeps you on a hard timer. Here there’s ten rounds maximum, and each other becomes the timer. While its technically a deckbuilder/worker placement in reality its an intrigue heavy combat simulator, there’s a finesse to how you reveal your plan each turn to try to catch your opponents in a bind where they can’t do anything back. There’s a precision beneath the scrappiness that’s satisfying to work in your favor.
I liked Dune Imperium a good deal more than I expected. Its extremely solid, it does a whole lot with its subtle appearance. I give this game a high recommendation, I’m excited to give this a shot again soon.
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card-of-the-day · 2 years
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Today's Card Is: Undertaker
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tiny-design · 1 year
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Despite requiring a focus on long-term strategies to maximize score, the design of Everdell is built on the understanding that, during any given player’s turn, they will only ever be able to perform one small action before turning the game back over to their opponents. This action can be as simple as collecting a given resource, acquiring a character or location card, or even completing a prerequisite for a secondary goal, but these small decisions have significant impacts on the player’s future options down the line, especially as the Season draws to a close and their actions become more and more limited.
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mi-voragine · 2 years
I loved making this little nosy adventurer looking for berries. She's bold, sweet and caring, and I love her so much already.
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This is the original reference.
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And this is the proces video.
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jamie-elbowz · 1 year
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games-franco · 1 year
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Love game nights at the local board game tavern ✌🏼
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fluffybunny35 · 2 years
My husband and I have talked about how the worst part of everdell is that it wasn't gay enough. Well the complete edition fixed that because now the husband and wife cards are harvesters and gatherers (plus alt cards with actual names if you want explicitly queer couples instead of just gender neutral). So now it's one flaw is fixed and it's a perfect game 11/10.
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speedyscribbles · 1 year
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A digital painting of one of the Everdell characters. :D
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