#every new thing doesnt even excite me. its just there at this point. which sucks
thebuttsmcgee · 1 year
I'm ngl, 9 and X had problems, but I've been hating mk's story since 11 and 1 (god that's stupid) is definitely putting no faith back in for the story. Reptile most likely being used as some minion again instead of an actual character if he's in it, and Kung Lao probably just being reduced to a arrogant sidekick as well. Again. At least they can make it canonically clear this time around tho that Mileena is sapphic 👍.
The gameplay itself (aka what SHOULD be the main focus of the actual game) looks fine. Apparently for every system the gbs cost too much (all that for an mk game?) and tbh the costumes look mid (not bad but certainly not special) for the characters aside from the Edenians.
So. Cool, ig?
No more shitty guest characters tho, joker was lame, rambo was there, and robocop was only there to fit the bill of making terminator v robocop a thing in mk, like how the xenomorphs were there to fit the bill of making predator v aliens a thing in mk in mkx. The horror icons and Spawn can stay tho.
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cherrylite17 · 2 years
Between us ep 8
wah these episodes are being released so timely. This week was christmasy and the preview for next weekend seemed to be new years related... speaking of the preview i am not excited to see team cry but whatever i guess... thoughts on ep8 lolol
we got it. we got the scene. the namesake of the show... the hemp rope scene. Not gonna lie, twas quite cute hehe.
IDK if its just becasue i have no experience in relationships (even though i'm pretty sure i'm the same age as win ;-;) but how on gods green earth do you hear someone say they usually tutor people for free but for you they want to just kiss your forehead and yet you're still going to sit there talking about how you dont think he likes you and he doesn't treat you any different??? like what?? i could understand if they were like,,, friendly to eachother and nothing much else and he was not sure but they literally spend every single day AND night with eachother like??? wdym he doesnt treat you any different than anyone else... but whatever
i, as usual, am enjoying the side couples but im starting to get to the point where i just want more winteam. don't get me wrong, i dont want less side couples, just more winteam
as i have mentioned before, i almost always absolutely despise the sound effects in these shows but i am a sucker for that blinking sound effect that played when win opened the door as team was about to leave (near the end of the episode) and i was not expecting that at all lol
finally, one point that i have seen a lot of people bring up that i must agree with, the past few episodes have been fairly "the same". Like obviously, each episode has had a different "main theme" (trauma, confessions but not really, coming to terms with the fact that you love someone) but the overall bulk of each episode is just wake up, go to school, talk in win and/or teams room, sleep, repeat... which sucks a little bit but to be fair... what else can they really do in a show that shows itself as a university life show? its not like uwma where they both literally died and i feel like a lot of the winteam conflict revolves around things that occur at the school so idk
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stanharu · 4 years
beastars episode 24 thoughts!
this post got kinda long i have Many Thoughts on this one
Overall I had fun watching this ep but I could really tell it was rushed and there was so much that got cut, which makes me super sad. our fears about the finale having pacing issues due to all the added scenes & rearranging were confirmed & it rly sucks, but i'll elaborate more on that in a bit.
this week's ep covered the end of chapter 92, chapters 93-97, and included small bits of chapters 98 & 99.
so the ep starts with the ED and the latter part of the tunnel scene with ibuki and louis. i liked the visual effect they used to show that they were in the dark. louis' voice acting was also On Point. for the most part i think this scene was done pretty well but I can tell it's being rushed also. I really wish we got more buildup and narration instead of just jumping straight to ibuki telling louis to shoot him. the way it is in the anime feels less impactful imo.
also im sad we didnt get to see this in the anime
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before i move on, i wanna talk a bit about louis and his relationship w/ the shishigumi and ibuki. i feel like in the anime quite a few of the lil moments that really endear you to the shishigumi and also ibuki were either cut or kinda glossed over, which is strange to me considering how much effort and care went into the ED. it's very emotional and good but i feel like maybe anime onlies are missing out only seeing the anime and the MV. but idk.
legosi and riz's fight was quite rushed as well. there's so much narration and dialogue missing from it and that really rubs me the wrong way. It wasn't all bad but compared to the manga I just don't think it's as good. I will say tho that I really liked the sequence w legosi and the moths. I thought it looked really nice and was pretty well done.
also i liked how the backgrounds had some anti-yahya graffiti, its a nice touch imo
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it says "high quality horse meat"
I was happy to see legosi do the "tell me more" pose but I'm honestly disappointed that the anime took out the whole exposition about why legosi did it. like i feel like without that it's just legosi being weird when he has a reason for it!!! This is just one example of the anime taking out crucial narration during the fight.
I also think it's kinda weird how they changed how louis shows up at the fight. im not sure how i feel about riz just charging at him like that, but i liked how legosi kicked him before they ran lol.
i dont have much to say about pina's small scene but I did wanna say that during my first watch thru of the ep i was too distracted trying to read the graffiti behind him that i didn't notice him getting his phone out of the dumpster and calling the cops lmao
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it says "devour yahya"
and now... here we are... the predation scene.
overall i thought it was pretty well done but, like the rest of the ep, i could tell it was also being kinda rushed. some important beats werent given enough time to really sink in, and there's a few bits of narration taken out of this part as well that i find disappointing :^(
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tho i did like how the anime called back to this scene in s1 when legosi mentions utilizing his strength.
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also this part where louis is remembering ibuki had me like😭
I also really liked seeing louis cry. I was crying too sjdflskjdflsjkdf. i thought that scene was really good, its prolly my favorite part of the ep tbh. getting to hear the whole predation scene voiced made me kind of a mess lol. i really liked louis' expressions throughout this whole ep too. studio orange used their whole louis expression budget on these last 2 eps lmao.
seeing legosi instantly get all beefed up was great too. he looked a little ridiculous but i kinda loved it lol. he's so huge and poofy. i love him.
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big pomeranian
anyway, im also sad they took out louis' line about being reduced to a flashback character lol. instead he tells legosi "be a hero" again which... im not sure about that change. i liked the part with riz thinking back about tem tho. tho imo the way riz realizes he's in the wrong feels pretty sudden. again adding to how rushed the whole ep feels.
before i move on again i just wanna say legosi looks so cute. even all puffed up and covered in blood. how does he do that
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baby boy baby. i wanna ruffle his cheek floofs.
i think one of the things im most disappointed about from this whole ep was how the fight got wrapped up. i really like how the cops show up and totally shift the tone in the manga jslkdfjskljdf. im also really sad we didnt get this interaction
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tthe anime really took out most of the sillier moments from the finale, which makes me pretty sad to think about. i know the anime and manga have different tones but pls let the boys be silly sometimes!!
the next part where legosi and louis finally establish their friendship was really cute tho ❤️ even tho it was pretty different i enjoyed it a lot.
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the wrap-up for this arc and this episode gave me whiplash sdjlfkjsdf. it literally speedruns thru legosi's predation conviction, being released, louis & haru's graduation, and legosi deciding he's going to drop out of school. that is SO MUCH AT ONCE. also i was holding out hope that legosi would have his new years call with haru after the fight instead but that didnt happen!! so it just got cut!!! kinda mad about that tbh. legosi and haru having a lil scene at the very end made up for it a lil bit but that's still one of haru's few moments in this arc that's just not included.
we didnt even get the part wher legosi learns he can't marry haru bc of his conviction.
ive been really hoping for a season 3 announcement once this season ended. with all the background allusions to yahya, the added plot point of someone stealing elephant tusks, and sebun and melon's lil cameos in this season, it seemed to me that studio orange was kinda teasing a 3rd season. but now, with the dismissive way the anime ended, and paru's note from earlier today, im less sure about the possibility of a 3rd season. i'd still like to see the rest of the series animated, but i guess we'll just have to wait and see if more anime is announced in the future.
if we do get another season in the future i just hope that we swing back around and actually address the things that got completely glossed over in the last couple minutes of this episode instead of charging forward w/o touching them again.
i really think the finale for this arc should've been two episodes at least. not including the tunnel scene. i think then things wouldn't have felt so rushed. people have been saying this season really would have benefitted from at least 1 extra episode and i cant help but agree. some have even suggested a whole 24 episodes just for this arc, but i think that this arc couldve been done properly with 12 or 13 episodes if there was some better prioritizing on what to include and what to cut.
like i dont mind not getting the parts about legosi's family if they can be addressed somehow in a future season (or if theres no more future anime seasons thats a plot thread that doesnt have to be worried about). i could have lived w/o seeing sheila & peach's chapter animated if it meant more time for the focus of this arc. and was the kangaroo red herring really necessary?
adaptation wise, i dont think this season was as good as the first. i still think it did fairly well, but i know that it could have been much better. ive been excited to watch this season with my friends once the dub releases, but now im wondering if i should just tell them to read the manga instead. sighs idk. perhaps it comes thru better as a bingewatch, or perhaps im being a bit too harsh. idk. at some point ill do a rewatch and see how i feel about the season as a whole, but that wont be for a while.
if you've read this far, thanks for reading my ramblings!! it's been fun to make these posts every week and im gonna miss getting new episodes every week.
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jaerie · 3 years
Fic Writer Questions
I was tagged by @allwaswell16​ and @becomeawendybird​
1) How many works do you have on AO3? 125 not counting anons
2) What’s your total AO3 word count? 1,311,423
3) How many fandoms have you written for and what are they? 
3 fandoms. One Direction, Hanson, Thor.  Wait.  The Moffatts as well.  So 4 I guess..... maybe a few others sprinkled in WAY back in the day.  
4) What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Where Do We Go Now
Just Jump
come on over, we've got something to share
Woke Up Feeling Knotty 
The Post-War BP 
5) What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
ummmmm angstiest ENDING?   ummmm maybe the dexter AU?  because it doesn’t really explain much, just gives you an illusion of how things are
6) What’s the fic you’ve written with the happiest ending?
Ummmmmmm pretty much all of them because I get mean comments if it doesnt end the way people want it to.  
7) Do you write crossovers? If so what is the craziest one you’ve written?
Not much.  I did write a Dexter AU... and I’ve wanted to write a bunch, but I just really haven’t.  I guess my wordplay fic this year is technically one!  I don’t know about anything crazy though
8) Do you write smut? If so what kind?
Absolutely.  Dirty, graphic smut.  The kind of smut that will introduce you to new kinks and make you question your whole life up to that point.  
9) Do you respond to comments, why or why not?
It’s like new years resolutions.  I always say I’m going to... and then............ My intention is to answer comments but it just becomes A LOT.  And I never know what to say other than “thank you for reading!” unless its something specific I can comment on.  Soooo I guess my anxiety says it’s better not to comment than to just say generic thank yous.  I miss the LJ days when you’d write novel comments for each chapter and then have a long thread back and forth with the author fangirling over specific scenes or wording or plot point or a particular line that struck you... but Ao3 just isn’t that kind of community really.  
10) Have you ever received hate on a fic?
Sure have!  I’ve had some of the nastiest things thrown at me both directly and indirectly.  Mainly by entitled people sitting behind computer screens sending me pissy comments on anon because I didn’t write the fic the way they wanted it to be written tailored to their preferences and fantasies.  Or people who are all WON’T SOMEBODY PLEASE THINK OF THE CHILDREN type hate comments.  
11) Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Yes.  They used to pop up on Wattpad a lot.  I even had someone repost on Ao3.
12) Have you ever had a fic translated?
I’ve found translations up on Wattpad before... but the above reason is exactly why I don’t allow translations.  That and because (and this is no offense to ANYONE who is multilingual, that is impressive!) I don’t trust that the story and feelings and emotions would be translated correctly. 
13) Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Kind of?  But not in a serious cowriting situation.  It was moreso just for fun in the past but I think I’m too much of a control freak over where I want plots and characters to go.  
14) What’s your all time favorite ship?
Harry and Louis probably.  I’ve never written so many fics for any other fandom nor was I ever so consistent on reading a specific pairing before.  They just fit.  I don’t really have another explanation.  
15) What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
I’m going to get tomatoes thrown at me if I say which one I’m really thinking of :-x but I have plenty of half finished fics in my google docs that I want to but will never finish because of hate comments or things people have said about it that stomped all over my excitement.  Like this one fic I won’t be too specific on because certain people will know what I’m talking about and I’m not out here to call out the person who did this... but it was a hybrid fic and in a group chat we were explaining hybrids and I shared artwork I found explaining how I envisioned hybrids in my head and someone in the chat said “that’s not a hybrid, that’s a furry” and the way it happened basically made me want to delete every hybrid fic I’ve ever posted and made me abandon the whole thing even though I’d already written 30k of it and it was GRAND.  God I loved that idea so fucking much.  A certain someone asks about it now and then... but yea.  That’s the real reason I abandoned it and will never finish it even if I sometimes want to.  Actually I might have deleted it during one of the #darktimes a few months ago.  RIP to all the fic beginnings and fragments and nearly finished masterpieces that fell victim to the massacre.  
16) What are your writing strengths?
World building?  Smut?  Emotion?  This is hard because the things people probably think I do well are probably things I think I suck at.  
17) What are your writing weaknesses?
English.  And double spaces.  I will take those to my fucking grave.  Fight me.  
18) What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
I.... don’t.  Because of above.  Someone will tell me I’m wrong which my brain will translate as you’re dumb and should never attempt to write words in anyt language again LOL but for real.  The fear of messing it up is too strong.  
19) What was the first fandom you wrote for?
20) What’s your favorite fic you’ve written?
Hard one... All of my favourite fics are also fics that I know could have been better had I dedicated more time to them or been more patient before rushing to post.  Doing that sort by kudos thing above really shocked me that some of my least favourite or meh fics are the most popular
In no particular order, here are some of my favourites through the years:
Old Photographs & Times I'll Remember 
High Heels, Red Dress 
Tonight's the Night 
As We Were, As We Are 
The Wilds 
Captain Jack 
Saving's What I Need 
Stay Close, Hold Steady
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edsbev · 5 years
when bev joins the losers, she hangs around bill and ben the most. mike is always nice to talk to, cheery and amicable, everything is kind of easy with him. stan is a little weird but he’s sweet and she likes hearing him talk passionately abt his birds. richie seems like the last person she would ever want to talk to, at first. but she works out pretty quickly that everything that comes out his mouth is just air. that you only have to peel back a layer or two to find the boy who shares his cigarettes with her, cracks a joke in her direction to cheer her up because he can sense when she’s sad. 
but she doesnt talk to eddie. its not that she doesnt want to, its just that eddie is always kind of attached to richie’s side, shrieking laughing at all of richie’s bad voices. or hovering around bill like an animated little fly. one time, she had found herself the target of one of eddie’s rants. they’d been in the clubhouse and he’d started to rant about how they needed to sand the wooden support beams because they could all get splinters if they didnt. and he was so caught up in it that he didn’t realise she was only one looking at him, listening to him, until he was finished. and once he realised, he had gone red, and turned away. 
so bev thinks that eddie doesnt want to talk to her. which kind of sucks, a lot. and she doesnt even know why it sucks so much. because he’s just like...a tiny little rude boy (and she laughs at herself when she thinks that but she doesnt know how else to describe him) just this tiny stressed kid with a surprisingly foul mouth. who likes playing loogie with richie and berating them all for not wearing sunscreen. but sometimes she thinks he’s like her. in what way, though, she doesnt know. its just, sometimes, when he thinks no one’s looking, she’ll see his face change. watch as it falls. he’ll look tired. he’ll look sad. and then one day he tells them all about his mother, his chest heaving, his expression all twisted up, and it all makes sense. and suddenly she’s never wanted to know someone so badly in her life. 
do you wanna hang out tomorrow? she finally musters up the courage to ask one day. just you and me? eddie has his face tilted up to at her, he’s so little, and there’s something so surprised about his expression that he almost looks scared. “oh, yeah, sure,” he says, words all stuttery and unsure. he nods with a little more confidence, “okay.” bev smiles at him. and that night she climbs up onto richie’s roof with richie and asks him, basically, what the hell she should talk to eddie about. because she wants eddie to like her, and one thing she knows about eddie is that he very much likes richie. so sue her. richie just laughs and tells her that eddie likes dirty jokes. and so she and richie brainstorm a bunch of jokes she can tell eddie tomorrow. even though bev knows that the dirty jokes that richie tells eddie have a 50/50 chance of being met with a beep beep, or laughter. 
and the next day she meets up with eddie at the aladdin. and she greets him almost immediately with a dirty joke, to break the ice, because he had looked nervous, shuffling feet, fidgety hands. and he laughs. not quite the shrieking laughter that only ever seems to come out around richie. but its genuine laughter nonetheless. and his smile stays on his face long after it. and bev thinks she has it figured out. she just has to be a little crude, maybe rant about some sort of health and safety codes, and eddie will like her. and they can open up to each other. but then, when she asks what he wants to do, eddie suggests that they go for a walk through the dog park, just a few streets away, because he likes petting the dogs. but then eddie offers to buy her ice cream for her when she comes up a few cents short (“dont worry about it,” he’d said, licking at his own ice cream, placing his change into her hand with his sticky fingers. “i have a lot of change. i stole it from ma.”) but then eddie points out a funny looking car on the street and excitedly tells her that he’s always wanted a car like that, talks to her passionately about cars in general until he realises what he’s doing and cuts himself off, looking bashful, until she nudges him to continue. and he smiles at her brightly and he does. 
but then eddie is this sweet, gentle kid, amongst being his usual Little Stressed Rude Boy self and she realises that she just really fucking likes him. its not just that their lives are so similar, two shades of the same colour. even though that definitely leaves a sort of sense of mutual understanding between them. she just likes being around him. unfortunately, it seems like it takes eddie a little longer to warm up to her to the same extent she’s warmed up to him. he tells her later, once theyre really close, that he had actually been a little intimidated by her. (”i thought you were so cool,” he says. “you don’t think i’m cool now?” bev asks. eddie grins. “nah. i think youre a nerd.” and bev laughs, because thats fair enough, but also a little bit rich coming from the kid wearing a calculator watch).
but they do become close. bev opens up to eddie about her dad one night, when its just the two of them in clubhouse. everyone else has gone home. he’s sitting in the hammock. and he looks at her with that same expression, when she starts talking. the one where he’s so surprised he looks scared. but then his expression softens. and he looks sympathetic. he looks sad. he looks angry. and when she’s done, the first thing eddie says is “i hate your dad” with a little sad smile. “he sucks.” and it makes her laugh a little. he’s the first person shes ever told all of this to, but she thinks she already prefers that reply to every other reply she’s going to get. she says, in reply, “i hate your mom. she sucks.” and eddie’s face scrunches up for a second, like he’s going to defend her. but he ends up laughing too. and then theyre both laughing. like their lives are the world’s best joke. “our parents suck,” eddie says, his laughter still all over his face. and the way he says that - “our parents” - has bev imagining, for a moment, that they share the same parents. that theyre a pair of lost siblings who have found each other. who are going through the same thing. it feels that way. “they do,” she says. “wanna get new parents?” and eddie smiles and says “how about no parents? then we dont have to have a bedtime.” bev replies, “i like your thinking.” and eddies smile stretches even wider, like he’s glad she likes his idea, before he says, eyes lighting up as he’s hit with a thought, “hey, can you teach me that around the world yo-yo trick you were doing before?” which is the first time hes ever initiated that they do something together. like he figures they’re bonded now. and then eddie’s one of her best friends in the whole world.
(“you ever just want to love and protect eddie with your whole life?” bev asks richie later that night, while theyre smoking up on his roof again. richie lays back, his voice half muffled by his cigarette. “yeah,” he says, without missing a beat. bev feels all giddy and excited. she had spent an hour with eddie in the clubhouse, teaching him yo-yo tricks. and when he had to leave, he’d asked if she wanted to ride home with him. “i feel like we were family in another life,” bev continues to richie. and richie snorts. “what, like he was your husband or something?” he asks, and that thought almost makes bev recoil “no. like we were related,” she says. like she was his sister or his mother or his aunt or his cousin. richie blows out smoke through his lips. “oh,” he says, “guess our similarities end there.” and bev laughs. she’d figured). 
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seijch · 4 years
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omg hi ... im like . ashamed to come back after saying brief hiatus in october and then disappearing off the face of the earth til FEBRUARY but under the cut i will be explaining myself and the following, if youre interested (and a tl;dr at the very bottom if you don’t wanna scroll thru this obnoxiously long post):
the reason(s) i was gone for so long
what i was doing during that time (its just a personal account yall can scroll past this idrc)
the status of those um . halloween requests
the future of this account
i. so . Hiatus .
i know. i know . i probably mentioned it when i made the announcement post, but my mental health likes to go on one of those rides. yknow the ones where you go like up rlly fast then down maybe and then up then DOWN .... its like that. i needed a break and every time i wanted to come back or thought about it, something would happen and i would get stuck in my own head.
a big reason for getting stuck in my head was (and i hate to admit this ... i hate to admit that i have Insecurities On The Internet) my feelings of inadequacy regarding my writing. i love to plot fics, i love concepts and characters and making little headcanons but i dont ... know if i love writing rn. and i thought for the longest time that like . whatever ill just push thru it its fine ill be fine but it kinda wasnt lmao you can kinda see it in my halloween reqs and what become of them when i get to that but i began to feel like nothing i had put out or would put out would hold up prose wise (and normally i dont feel like this im much more “idc its my life im living it” but thats not a rant for tumblr LMAO). i still feel like that -- like im better as a reader than a writer. but . You Know :-)
tl;dr: mental state go brrrrr
ii. anywhere here’s wonderwall
when i left, i was in a steadily decreasing mental and emotional state, made worse by a situation at work that really was a case of petty jealousy on my end and rlly isnt very consequential now despite how much pain and resentment it gave me when it Was a problem so i wont get into it. the tl;dr of november and december was me using work as an crutch and distraction -- i know my job, i do it well, it helped me not think about my responsibilities and obligations and inadequacies. of course, as the holiday season grew busier n busier i was scheduled so often that i moved 88 or so miles (according to my apple watch, which i ONLY wear at work since im never anywhere else outside my house) and fell into a cycle of showering n sleeping at my house before going back the next day. (theres definitely something to be said abt capitalism and “grind culture” here but once again its not the time or place snsjkdfds)
at the turn of the new year, i happened to remember a birthday card i hadnt filed away for safekeeping from a friend of mine that id been horribly out of touch with til that point. i started crying because i realized how out of touch id been in general up until that point. the month of january was great for me: i was focused, happy, and in a much better place than i had been before. the end of it brought me down focus wise and im hoping that enough time away from my distractions will refocus me bc i ... need it LMAO and though ive burned out from that level of productivity and gotten distracted again im ... trying to stay positive which i think is the most i can do 😁👍🏼
media wise, i got real into stardew valley (but burned out bc i played it extensively as a way to wind down after work), the pokemon platinum romhack renegade platinum (still havent finished it bc of school n i played it w the intent to see if i could nuzlocke it ... bitch its so hard but its so fun bc of it), briefly assassins creed: odyssey (im one of those ppl who completes an entire region before i move to the next so you can tell i burned out of that one + wouldnt have the time to properly devote to it even if i didnt), got back into genshin impact after pulling for xiao (after not touching it for like . months), and danganronpa. yes . danganronpa 😐 i Know. i stopped playing it after the second trial of the first game bc i was so hurt by the outcome and picked it up in late january only to get sucked in (thank god i had the foresight to buy the second and third games during the steam winter sale). rn im at the start of chapter 4 if anyone wants to come in my asks and um . talk to me abt danganronpa
tl;dr: I’m Into Danganronpa Now
iii. you realize halloween was three months ago right
i mentioned this in the first section, but i love to plot things. every request is plotted or at least has a solid foundation. i had fun detailing what concept i wanted to go with considering what i was given, and there were some bangers i might touch up in the future. but heres whats going to happen to the requests themselves:
there are two finished requests. one will be posted tomorrow and the other will be touched up (just bc i finished it doesnt mean its good 🧍‍♂️) and scheduled for next saturday. as for the ones i never got around to ...
i will not be finishing those requests. i hate to be That Person, but i feel like we all expected this 🧍‍♂️ what i will do is post all of my notes for each request in batches -- requests that have an @ to go with them will be mentioned in the post proper, but anon asks will be pictured. (there are some asks that came from blogs who are now deactivated but i wrote down all the prompts and remember most of those askers so ill cross that bridge when i get there) there will most likely be an excerpt or two simply bc i think i mightve written a few plot points or interactions in the form of bullet points. i rlly am sorry about doing this but i remember looking at my notion doc with all the prompts and feeling ... like i wasnt measuring up n it wasnt just to myself or to some intangible concept of “other” id constructed but it was instead to those who requested n actually WANTED to see and hear and read my writing and i ...... im gonna admit thats another big reason i avoided this site.
regardless, youll definitely get what i have (and likely more than just my bullet points and illegible handwriting).
tl;dr: im sorry. what i have in terms of plot, concept, and interaction for every request will be posted, but i cant say ill ever complete them and mean it.
iv. so what now?
well i mean . im not entirely sure how sold i am on haikyuu in the content creation department (as a creator n to a lesser extent, as a consumer). as mentioned previously, its no longer my primary focus. it doesnt mean im not into haikyuu anymore; i have a lot of love for those boys but i cant rlly say im even caught up w recent fandom activity and also havent even finished s4 pt2 LMAO thats on my to do list
and despite all that, i still want to share my plots n concepts and snippets and maybe even fics. it wont happen anytime soon. it might not even happen. but i mean . its better than me saying i wont write ever again shjdkfs but either way ill probably use this blog as a personal blog w the occasional ask game for dialogue prompts (those are always so fun i love making up aus to fit like . the most mundane prompts)
as for my works (past and any potential future), ive opened an ao3 acc here n ill be editing n possibly expanding on my old works to post there. tumblr, to me, is The x reader hub, but i figure more x reader fics on ao3 is never a bad thing.
ill be deleting/posting drafted posts to the queue since they were all meant to be queued anyway as well as (sorry again 🧍‍♂️) deleting or answering asks in the inbox. (moots if you get a notif from me saying i rbed your post from months ago ... mind your business) im very hard to get ahold of and its ... a problem. expect an overhaul of the nav n shit to reflect my new direction n also because i feel like i cant tell if my passion for carrd is shared by the majority HSDKLFS maybe its better to read my info in a normal post ykwim .......
and of course . if youve read all this n decided im no longer worth the follow, i sure as hell cant stop you. thank you for wanting to, at some point, hear what i have to say -- it means more than you think.
tl;dr: writing will be edited and reposted to ao3, this blog will be a personal blog with a hint of writing (sometimes)
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the tl;dr to end all tl;drs:
im back! i wont be as active as i used to due to a lessened interest in haikyuu in general, but i have an ao3 acc now where all my past work will be edited, possibly expanded, and reposted. any future work will also find itself there. my halloween requests will be posted in batches as incomplete concepts, plots, and snippets of scenes; i wont be promising to finish any of them.
there are still fic concepts im attached to and want to finish, but i cant promise any more writing on my end. this blog will be a personal blog with maybe writing, not a writing blog with my personal thoughts all over it.
regardless if you stick around or not, its been crazy sexy cool (equal emphasis) being on haikyuu tumblr even tho i wasnt around for long ... even tho its not my main focus anymore, im still excited to see what the future might hold 🤝
love, ari 💌
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midasgutz · 4 years
elfen lied manga was such a fuckin trip. did i dream that shit up ? who allowed the dude who made that to just write all that shit??
i need to talk about elfen lied because this shit has been living rent free in my head for over an actual decade. significantly longer than a decade.
im glad that i can now accept that media i consume doesnt necessarily say anything about me, because. jesus, every inch of elfen lied is a war crime. every panel.
the coolest character who was generic tough military dude, who right when you meet him makes a point of punching a secretary just for standing behind him. and then goes out to find and kill a 17 year old with abandonment issues. and gets his shit kicked in and his arm ripped off and his eyes plucked out. and so, naturally, he trades his testicles for some dope robot eyes. for the sake of all humanity. oh and a really mediocre robot arm that he can actually break if he puts too much force into like anything. and so naturally he then finds a 14 year old homeless girl, who helped him while he was bleeding out on the beach. and of course he beats her up and, possibly kicks her dog. and then he gives her his number. uh, so he can come help her if anyone tries to... beat her up? because he cant owe her anything. and then she says something he doesnt like so he beats her up again and she shows him the paper he wrote his number on and says "someone scary is screwing with me". he storms off after that but doesnt take the paper, he still owes her. he makes good on it too, she gets in some bad trouble with a bad bad dude later. a bad bad dude with a trenchcoat whos basically just a vampire hunter, crossbow included but actually he's here to hunt teenage girls with horns, not fangs. the crossbow shoots hard metal balls with velcro spikes that have a toxin on them that causes excrutiating pain. this guys a bad bad dude, and he miiiiiight be suggesting he's gonna rape this 14 year old girl but it could be the unfairthful translation causing confusion. probably not tho the author of this series is majorly fucked in the head. anyway robocop shows up and he puts his boot right down this dudes throat so thats like whatever. that panel was my desktop wallpaper for like 6 years. we find out that 17 year old girl is evil because some kids killed her dog with a vase. so she blew them up, and after that she goes around blowing people up just to eat the food in their fridge and hang around the crib for a minute. so shes framed as the good guy and robocop is evil this time and they fight again and she does kill robocop this time which sucks because theres a good portion of manga left and no one else is as interesting as he is. he dies on the beach where he lost his eyes and his arm and lets be honest he basically lost his balls at the same time.
oh. and theres a girl who does peepee in her diaper a lot. and she can sing. i dont know why she was there but i mean every other fetish the author had already made a fucking appearance so why not lmao
theres also like. some main characters. theyre complete shit. these include a normal boy. his cousin who is the most annoying character in the fucking world. she is literally just "im only here to pad the amount of love interests our generic main character can have all at once" the character. yeah man, his cousin? cause shit why not. why not, its japan, do as the romans do. also theres the alternate personality of the 17 year old. shes only here so that evil 17 year old girl can be a love interest not once but twice, and i mean, conveniently shes often naked. makes sense, when the only word you can say is "milk".
and then there's Nana. Nana is a quad amputee after evil 17 year old girl ripped all her limbs off and almost finished her off. but dont worry! her dad, whos not her dad at all, finds her and he gives her some prosthetics that she can control with her super powers. what do you mean you werent aware of the super powers? of course they have super powers. its manga. after he does this he just lets her loose with a bunch of money and his tie because she asked very politely for the dangly thing he wears on his neck. she wears it like a headband, even though she established she knew it went around his neck. so yeah he gave her money but she was raised in a lab like a rat so she has no clue what its for. she meets the 14 year old homeless girl and they have a fun time being homeless together. Nana burns the money in a fire to keep warm but only some of it because the 14 year old girl tells her that you can trade money for food, which makes nana very happy because boy did she want some of the 99 cent street vendor food earlier. no one acknowledges that nana has enough money to buy her own house and be well off for easily 5 years. 14 year old girl takes her to the main character house that shes been staying at for a while and they have a bath. nana hated this idea until she realized that bath doesnt mean bucket of cold water at her new sort of house. but uh oh, nana senses evil 17 year old and shes kinda pissed about her arms and legs. they almost do a fight but wait whats this? 17 year old isnt fighting back, she just keeps saying "milk" and smiling. nana takes some issue with this and promptly leaves after pushing her through a rice paper door. shortly after everyone goes looking for nana.
um some stuff happens and then whaaaattt??? nanas not dads real daughter is introduced. shes locked in a circular room lined with lead and chloride of lime. with a diameter of 15 meters, the length of her invisible hands. shes only ever had the voice of a single woman to comfort her, shes permanently lockdd in bondage gear unable to move. she has to use a wheelchair to move because her legs have completely atrophied. she moves it with her invisible hands, her real ones are useless. she calls the only voice she knows her mother. her mothers job has been to talk to and comfort this dangerous girl for years. said mother mentions her excitement to finally see the girl in person, and also casually drops how theyve sewn bombs into several parts of her body. conveniently, if shes in intense pain her powers dont work. so she meets her mom, takes one look at her and says "youre not my mom >:(" and sends her entire upper torso flying. conveniently said torso lands near the bomb controls. she slams that shit like shes a rat with an orgasm button and babygirls arm go bye bye. they inform her while she writhes in pain that she has to comply with their demands or they can blow her whole deal up next time. shes pretty ok with being blown up, but then they tell her they want her to kill something so her ears perk up like a cat hearing a can opener. yep shes going to go kill evil 17 year old. nanas not dad is not taking any of this well but he essentially gets mindbroken after he has to blow up his daughter later after shit flies off the handle. he spends his time as a homeless man, denoted by the sudden appeaeance of a large beard, living in a shack on the beach where robocop died. he does note the beach is incredibly clean and that is because robocop picked up allllllll the trash so that evil 17 year old couldnt throw it at him. he did totally eat shit anyway though no worries. im not bitter about it why should you be? im not.
anyway shit happens and 17 year old melts into a really graphic puddle of fleshy goo, and in doing so totally does the jesus thing. because at some point she realized she really just wanted to be with main character, but all of the things shes done makes that impossible.
i was like maybe 12 when i read this shit. i didnt reread it for this. im pretty sure most of this is accurate but i CAN and WILL promise you one thing. diaper girl is real, and he REALLY really really really 100% did trade his balls for robot eyes, and a playdough robot arm.
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bileshroom · 5 years
how do you feel about the new sally face chapter?
Im glad you asked! under a read more for spoilers for chapter 5
Myself and Fox are giving our opinions in this post so it will be very long
There were things i really liked and things i really didnt like
for example, the swapping dimensions and the changing art styles were very neat! i liked some more than others, like the rubber hose style for sal could of been a bit different in my opinion, @shinysnek did an edit/drawing and tweeked the tiniest thing and made the design alot more palatable 
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and the minigames were… really repetitive and sometimes very confusing ? esp todds door, the plus’s were almost impossible to notice! slightly darker grey against light grey just makes it look like part of the door :/ and the 3d bits were a bit hard to control during the later part of the game
and the writing,, it felt super rushed as if he just wanted to saddle alot of the damage onto native americans??? that completely came out of the blue, like he couldnt come up with some sort of cop out for why the cult is doing what they do
and still with the weird queer baiting with larry? like he made them brothers but is still pushing it, if steve wanted sal’s love interest to be ash why not have moments like ‘that’ with her instead?? it feels very uncomfortable in my opinion especially with him saying he was still,,comfortable with the ship which REALLY rubs me the wrong way
and the ending,,, dont even,, TALK to me about the ending, it honestly made me so upset?? like, and the epilogue to go with it,,, like okay cool the worlds still fucked over and todds still corrupt and larrys just gone??? for no real reason???????? hes just gone :| okay 
gnome larry was funny tho, didnt really explain why Larry got super old while megan stayed a 7 year old, i suppose you can explain it with like when ghosts arent bound to a place they can wither and age? i dunno whatever chapter 5 sucked and it felt like steve just didnt want to do it anymore
my turn! alright im going to be typing my opinion from a fellow writer and programmer’s POV.
the beginning of the game kinda drops you in which was a little surprising, considering the other chapters were very rich with exposition which is one of the things i loved about SF. 
It had this way of bringing you in even though you didnt know what the heck was going on. It made you want to learn more and it felt like you were THERE with sal. 
But this opening with just… ash tossed in fell a little… flat. yeah… graveyard… lets toss in some epitaphs as a reminder of who died, ok… cool. 
next lets talk a little about the general story. im not going to lie, this felt like a TOTALLY different game to me and I played them all in succession again to remind myself of the other chapters. 
It was so… plain. It didnt have the eerie-ness of the bologna incident, it didnt have the intriguing mystery of the first chapter where it started you off in the hospital as a little boy with your face hidden, it didnt have that heart wrenching storyline of the 4th chapter.
it was just…. “i need to end this game quick”. 
there was just a unique feeling to the other chapters, something that made you feel gritty and floaty, like you were a dirty teenager hunting for ghosts.
Saddling the natives on the unexplained reason as well… BIG YIKES, steve. the silent hill movies pulled this crap too, and we can all see how flat that fell in comparison to the actual silent hill 3 game. 
There are so so many things you could do instead of that tired (and lets face it) racist stereotype. 
I thought it was going to have a deeper meaning, like… people have had cults for decades that didnt have to do with the natives. hell, he could have even kept with the weird alien theme he was going for. calling an ancient alien creature? that would be pretty badass.
The ending… fell disappointingly flat. ok… everyones dead? so you tortured sal and his pals for literally no reason? granted i didnt press the c4 button so im not sure how that path goes, but i doubt its any more satisfying. 
not to mention the constant queerbaiting that, at this point, makes me so uncomfortable.
yes we get it, steve. you think adopted brothers can fuck, and yeah, theres nothing TECHNICALLY wrong with it (and im using technically by definition, its still wrong in my eyes), but come on. can any of you tell me that wouldnt make you intensely uncomfortable? Its not ok what he did imo and i know its his characters, but steve? either dont make them brothers or stop fucking pushing their romantic interactions.
oh and lets talk about the only other canonly gay couple with any screen time! he killed the black one.
yep… just… let that sink in for a second. did he need to? absolutely not. at least not in such a pointless way.
didnt even give neil any character development tbh, just… token black gay man that needed to be there to be the motivator to search for todd. ok thanks, steve.
and travis (another not white character. no do not argue that hes “blonde”, sal has fucking blue hair and i WILL color pick travis if i have to). he was the other gay character who… yep, lemme look at my notes… died.
he didnt even get much of a redemption tbh, yeah he was secretly helping them, but… wow. toss him in the hole! we dont want to write gays!!! (unless we’re taunting people to get them to play under the guise of “lgbt representation”)
also larrys a gnome and is just… gone forever. just say you hate larry, steve. you didnt have to do him so dirty man.
now then, lets talk about the gameplay.
i was playing with an xbox controller so im going to be from that POV.
the controls were… ok for the most part. the 3d part was a bit hard to see and i got stuck trying to walk past the trees a lot. 
to be honest, the 3d is my only complaint with controls. the mini game later on where youre 3d and shooting tentacles was very hard to control, half the time it wouldnt move fast enough and the other half it would zip past the diagonals. i DID beat it, but i am a very good gamer. to other people who might not play games constantly, might have a bit more trouble and get frustrated.
the puzzles were bland and repetitive. im a horror puzzle game writer and i would NEVER do something this blasphemous in a horror style game. it removes you from the game to think “wow…. THIS puzzle AGAIN?”. it makes you feel like its insulting your intelligence, like “oh here you go you fucking baby, move the shape to match the other shape”
and one of the only other puzzles was that fucking door number puzzle. he made the pluses almost impossible to see for starts, and i KNOW other people had trouble with this. Wanna know how to fix this? make the pluses easier to see and make it so the input pad can only except the number of numbers that the code it. dont make me sit there like a jackass, typing in every conceivable way to order the numbers given.
all in all though, the gameplay was plain, the storyline was bland, the puzzles were mediocre and the only reason to play the chapter is to close up the story and to find out what happened to sal and his mom (which tbh was the only good part because i was actually surprised and excited that it was that that injured him)
i hope in steves next projects he actually figures out how to write an ending and doesnt rush it (and please keep in mind this was rushed even though he had multiple people helping him)
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mieczyhale · 5 years
throwing together some of my recent/ish hc posts/tags for @hellomyguru bc its a thing, babey (i have no idea what you’ve seen and what you havent bc tumblr really just suck like that so lmao)
my tags on this post::  #HELL YEAH HELL YEAH #more pride hcs!!! noice!!#i love these sfm#like klaus always taking part no matter how bad shit is bc HIS PEOPLE!!! and ben trying to punch picketers and homophobes is fucking adorbs#and i would kill (whoop) for the day klaus makes ben corporeal during pride and ben can punch all the people and then disappear#vanya’s is cute. come to the light darling!!#and diego fksgjf okay listen whether one hcs him as bi or not this is 1000% something he’d do either way#he’s supportive!!! and he has lgbtqa+ family!!! and nobody gets to be mean to his family but him!!#see also:: the first year after the apocalypse is avoided five decides to tag along when klaus saying he’s taking dave to#his very first pride. he not only enjoys himself but he learns a lot and either then or over the course of the following weeks figures his#own labels out - bc i hc five as asexual and i just have a thing for klaus being the all knowledgeable one about something for once#and his siblings learning about gender and sexuality from him and maybe discovering something new about themselves along the way!#except luther. he’s a cis hetero and we all know it#but maybe he learns to be a good ally. maybe#i mean probably not but whatever#allison is the only other person in the family who i’d even consider calling straight#bc there’s nothing wrong with being straight and i just.. dont have another label that i think fits her really well#so yeah ive got gender and sexuality hcs for them all flgkscndn happy pride month bitches
my tags on this post:: #’you’re telling me this happens every year?? for a whole month??!’ #actually i need every possible concept of dave experiencing pride month and seeing how far things have come for gays#like rainbow shit everywhere#and of course the legalization of gay marriage#out and proud gay politicians and gay people in positions of power#the amount of support that comes when homophobic shit happens now#homophobia isnt the accepted norm anymore#another thing i like is the concept of - either during pride or just in general - dave being excited to learn about the community as a whole#his boyfriend is a nonbinary pansexual and klaus has explained before what those words mean but dave wants to really understand#we stan a supportive and loving couple#dave has a lot to learn in 2019 but i think this stuff would be the most important and have the most effect on him yknow??#shit isnt perfect but its better and now he can work on getting passed the environment he was raised in#so he can hold klaus’s hand in public and kiss him around other people without panicking and eventually he proposes because HE FUCKING CAN#HE CAN DO THAT. HE CAN JUST.. ASK HIS BOYFRIEND TO MARRY HIM. LEGALLY.#good fucking shit
my tags on this post:: #did you see the state of the sky in the apocalypse?? there’s a chance he really wouldnt have noticed#i mean like yeah it could be a funny plothole#but there could also be reasons for why thats not something he noticed#or idfk man timeline shit#maybe the moon didnt explode the first time around#maybe it did and there’s just another moon somehow some way#maybe he didnt notice bc he was first too scared and then too frenzied and angry probably and then he had shit to focus on and math to do#and then dolores wanted to go on dates to the local wine cellars and flat empty areas that used to be parks and then there was spending days#in the library together like having a girlfriend is a lot of work okay#maybe five just didnt have the time to slowdown and consider things like space#maybe his headspace was too fucked#sometimes you just forget about the moon - i know i do!#so sfgksncjf okay y e ah
my tags on this post:: #YES!!! #yes yes yes #okay #so#everytime someone mentions or even hints at dave having anger issues i wanna fucking cheer bc thats one of my biggest hcs for him#like yeah he’s sweet and gentle and respectful and all that - genuinely a good man - our lil jewish gay#BUT#he did grow up in the 50s and 60s which as op said would have surrounded him with a lot of toxic masculinity. now i dont think he would be#a toxic kind of masculine AT ALL but it definitely would have forced him to hide his emotions and feelings and idk hobbies and of course his#sexuality. and i say hobbies bc there isnt a canon answer for it i dont think but i personally hc dave as being someone who loves art#specifically: drawing. dave keeping a lil sketchbook and some pencils under the pillow on his cot in vietnam?? yes please#so anyway yeah - he wouldnt have really had any good examples of how to properly take care of your anger - although he has enough#heart and common sense to know its really fucking wrong to take it out on women and children and people one is dating WHICH - another hc i#have that ties into this is that somehow his dad found out that he’s gay and beat the crap out of him over it. because unfortunately thats a#thing that happens. so his main male example was an abusive pos. and then he goes to vietnam which is fine because its not like he has#anyone stateside that will miss him - that will talk to him anymore - and its a warzone so there are a lot of ways to work out your anger#and yeah that of course includes bar fights. and he does - usually - try and keep a hold on his anger until he’s away from anyone who might#feel threatened - and he doesnt wanna end up taking out an innocent on accident - but he’s not actually perfect and so sometimes he fails#and it happens around klaus one time and seeing his love’s reaction - the making himself smaller - trying to hide - going quiet and so#clearly afraid - and not just afraid but afraid OF HIM - freezes him to the core where he stands because nobody has ever reacted like that#before. or if they have he never noticed or cared because they didnt matter. but this is klaus. his klaus. who he loves and would never do#anything to hurt him. his klaus who he protects and defends and knows he wants to spend his life with - no matter how impossible it is#he wants to go to klaus and apologize - try to undo the damage done simply by him raising his voice and lashing out - but he doesnt know#what to say or how to say it - he doesnt know what to do with the situation honestly. so he leaves the tent and goes to take his renewed#anger and frustration out on whatever he can find so he can calm down and hopefully get into the right headspace to have whats#no doubt going to be a really hard conversation with his boyfriend. because where do you even start??#but of course they talk it out and dave promises to work on his anger and on how he lets it out and yknow.. its dave so klaus trusts him and#it takes some time - there are some incidents - but dave works hard and learns a lot from klaus - including how to unlearn a lot of shit he#grew up with - and its rough but having a partner from the future who breaks all kinds of barriers definitely helps#so y eah. those are my brief feelings on it and i wanna marry op 
my tags on this post::   #!!!!!!!!!!!! #YES #i adore this post#i could never pinpoint why the introduction on the bus made me feel like That but this is it!!#its just so sweet and innocent - even surrounded by other soldiers in the middle of a warring country#the innocence and unbearable fucking adorableness of their first convo on that bus just… its so bright and lovely it makes everything else disappear#the only thing that matters is the two guys getting to experience that ‘o h’ moment for the first time in their lives bc their childhoods#never let them have that #i assume#bc like op said klaus didnt go to a regular school and he wasnt p much stuck in that house and then he was on the streets so#and for dave like.. i guess he could’ve had that moment in school? but it would’ve been one-sided and he never would have#told anyone. 1960s. gay jewish man. yeah.#they’re each others first (and only) loves and i just really fucking adore that and live off of posts about them 
my tags on this post:: #what if he wasnt dead-dead though???#bc like… the day five found them all dead was apparently the day the apocalypse happened right? so its not like they’d been dead for days#weeks or w.e yknow??#and the time between klaus dying and coming back is varying and undetermined - there’s no canon timing for the length of his deaths#so what if he came back to life??#like okay i know its not really possible in canon bc five buried them i think?? or is that a fanon thing??#i cant remembering #anyway#but still - in general klaus not being permanently dead in the apocalypse is another possibility#and five didnt know about it bc after finding them all he began his 45 year journey#and klaus wakes up alone and essentially has to learn to survive and he doesnt know five was ever there bc..well.. yeah#five is long gone#maybe klaus lives out his days in that wasteland#and he doesnt remember it where five does bc five time traveled back and klaus didnt. the klaus that got stuck in the#apocalypse is a different klaus - like a different timeline. the klaus from ep1 never got stuck in the destroyed future so#he’d have no knowledge or memories of it or anything#or - second thought - he kills himself at some point after waking up and either begs god to let him stay dead or he strikes some kind of#deal with her so he doesnt have to return to whats left of earth#oooo or something happened that put a lock on his powers?? like yknow those cuffs and devices and stuff in stuff in fantasy that freeze the#users abilities?? that’d be an interesting plotpoint bc then like who did it and why and what was the last day really like? yknow#vanya’s meds but More is the idea #just a thought#but anyway idk im just a big fan of klaus with the inability to die and all the possibilities that brings 
my tags on this post::   #i’ve actually never stopped to consider why he didnt notice them except for my v first tua watch-thru#which is odd bc like that seems like a thing one should notice after a few watches??#but w.e #anyway#my only other hc for that part of the episode isnt that klaus didnt notice them bc he’s used to guns#it’s that he didn’t hear them#or that they weren’t loud enough -to him- to register as gunfire initially#bc like one of my close hcs is that he has bad hearing. growing up with people screaming in your ears 24-7 365 can’t exactly be good for#his ears now can it? and with how loud some of them are and how close they can get to him - without touching him - that’s just.. a lot of#fucking volume okay#now add in the academy’s mission alert siren#how loud he listens to his music with headphones on when he’s trying to drown out some REALLY LOUD SCREAMING#and then being near gunfire growing up. those bank robbers had guns and weren’t exactly a big distance away#all the raves and clubs and parties he goes to?? places where music is played so loud the room shakes and you cant hear anything else and#the music itself can be heard from blocks away?? that’s an indeterminable amount of intense noise#and then of course the gunfire of vietnam#so like… boys ears have SUFFERED. whether they wanna acknowledge that in canon or not#so the shooting at the theater - the shooting thats IN the theater - which is large and meant to house sound#thats happening across a big city street from where they’re standing and they’re behind the food truck and if klaus was ordering when it all#started that was just another level of sound and he’s not exactly focused bc everything is awful yknow?? so either it takes him a second to#notice or register it on his own or maybe he doesnt and ben says something?? idk but that’s kinda the field i’ve landed on for that scene#not that im not here for op’s hc!!! bc it really is a good one and it makes sense. im just rambling my own theory here bc i like considering#the Ways for Things sometimes. esp with klaus involved. this does make me wonder tho… if his hearing somehow is -fine- in canon…. h o w?#bc like bitch who tf can take all that and have perfect hearing?? thats gotta be impossible. if they are fine is it related to his powers#somehow?? like.. does his casual passing between life and death all the time mean he doesnt have mortal ear weaknesses? its weird but im..#i’ve got theories. 
my tags on this post:: #probably in the massive fucking pockets of his fluffy coat#see also:: a dealer’s place #a boyfriend’s place#an ex-boyfriend who is also a dealer’s place#a girlfriend’s place #a partner’s place#all ex’s of course bc dave is the only valid romantic relationship#he made friends with the person who owns a nearby thrift store and they help him out#he has a locker at a public place like the ymca#he only has one outfit before returning to the mansion so he has nothing to carry - ever on the move#he thiefs off of people in rehab and crackhouses he stayed in that are dumb enough to leave their shit unattended#when he sees something he likes or he feels its time for an outfit change#he mostly sticks with his lace up pants as far as bottom pieces go bc its much harder to sneak away with skirts#and the kind of crazy pants he likes. there’s only room for one pair of pants for this pan disaster#after returning to the mansion he has access to the funky gay clothes he had managed to aquire before leaving all those years ago#bc like… i kinda hc that he got out of there fast and probably higher than fuck and had nothing packed#have you ever tried to pack while high?? it’s harder than it has any right to be#crack theory:: he had a bag - we just never saw it bc in the beginning he wore it under his floofy coat bc safety and he didnt need it the#rest of the time.#i have a lot of thoughts and headcanony opinions about klaus’s time on the streets so thank u#for giving me a place to dump some of them   
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dreammutual-remade · 6 years
high school!mark
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request: highschool!mark if u love me plspls
 word count: 5.5k
a/n: lucky that I love u anon hehehehe !!!!! also wOW I didnt mean to make this so god damn long itS REALLY JUST THESE GOD DAMN HIGH SCHOOL AUS IM WEAK FOR THEM OKAY. look at this cutie hOW WAS I SUPPOSED TO RESIST
mark, renjun, jeno, donghyuck, jaemin, chenle, jisung
warnings: the usual intermittent cussing and probably an inappropriate joke or two
this au is my Ultimate Weakness it makes me soft as hell alright
okay so your mom has a job that forces your family to move around….. A LOT
and while you’ve gotten used to it for the most part it still sucks having to leave people behind and make completely new friends once every couple of years
this time you’re moving to a new school for your SENIOR YEAR and you’re livid
bc like ??? it’s senior year and you have exactly zero (0) friends since you’re new,,, yet again
you Threw A Fit when you found out but your mom was like shut up you ingrate soon you’ll be in college and won’t even have to worry about it
so you, an ingrate, shut up :/
you move in a month before school starts and the house is nice and your room is cute so that’s a plus !!!!!
you hang up some pictures and organize all your cute little trinkets you’ve collected over the years aw
you’ve even got a lil succulent garden growing on your windowsill
alright so you’re gonna go explore around town because you , don’t know where anything is and you wanna find some good spots to hang
you take the bus into the middle of town because who tf is tryna drive themselves amirite ladies
support ur local bus driver
anywhom this isn’t a HUGE town but it’s one of those cute towns where you can pretty much walk anywhere you need to go
(god i wish that were me)
so you spend all day just, walkin
you find a library and pick up some books …….
both for decoration and reading okay
and you find a couple of restaurants and write them down to try later along with some coffee shops and whatnot
eventually you’re tired and prolly a lil sweaty bc it’s summer and you’re outside and ugh
so you find a nice big park and a tree and sit down at the base of it to read and mindlessly sketch things in the margins of your book
someone shouts
and you look up just in time to dodge a sOCCER BALL HURTLING TOWARDS YOUR FACE
it bounces off the tree and rolls a couple feet away
“uhhhh holy shit” - you
you just kind of sit there astonished for 5 seconds before you get up to get the ball and look around for who saved your LIFE
and there’s boy jogging toward you looking extremely embarrassed
you meet him halfway to hand him the ball and he’s like
“oh mY GOD i’m so sorry i told them to settle down but they never listen to me and jisung just ??? doesn’t know how to not take everything seriously and he lost and got pissed and kicked it and we didn’t even kNOW you were over here and also i’m so sorry”
you smile and tell him it’s fine and hand him the ball
you go to get back to your tree and he’s like hey uh you there uh wait up
god he’s awkward
and you turn around to face him with an expectant look
“so um, what’s your name? i haven’t seen you around here before and like in case i ever gotta make this up to you you know ??”
you tell him your name and stick out your hand to shake and he grabs it very hesitantly and tells you his name is mark
he has , very warm hands and they’re only slightly bigger than yours but that’s still cUTE
he says he hopes you enjoy your book and he’ll make sure the boys don’t disturb you anymore than they already have
you wave as he goes and he gives you a smile over his shoulder and his cheeks are tinged pink and wOw this boy is a cutie patootie
you go back to your reading but now instead of doodling you’re just writing his name or drawing his big doe eyes or his smooth hands
(((((let’s pretend we’re all good at drawing okay god knows i can’t do much more than a stick figure)))))
the boys leave after an hour or two and you leave pretty soon after then because the sun is setting and you gotta be home for dinner
basically your mom wants to make sure you aren’t kidnapped and/or lost in a new town
which, to be fair, is not that unlikely
you have your headphones in and you’re leaned against the bus window half asleep as you go
bitch wake up youRE GONNA MISS YOUR STOP
it’s the same bus driver who saw you get on and honestly there aren’t a lot of people on the bus so he makes sure you get off
“hey you, girl back there, hEY! this is your stop girly”
you thank him profusely and tip him because uhhhh u gotta get home and like Not Lost
you skip home with your bag of books and miscellaneous items you found at the thrift store!!!
you bought a little figurine of a dragon and she’s beautiful her name is saraphina because why not
that’s completely irrelevant i’m so sorry
i have ADHD
you walk in and you’re all like hey momma !!! how goes it !!:3
and your mom is Sus™️ because why are you in such a good mood
and you’re like !!! cause i had a good day okay love u bye i’m going to my rOOM
don’t let her question anymore or else she’ll dig out that you met a Cute Boy
you go to your room and get out all your purchases and organize them while you still have the motivation to do so
and yeah
you use one of the blank notes to start like a lil drawing diary of sorts ???? like just to draw stuff in whenever you’re inspired or you see something pretty
and you definitely saw smth pretty today ;))))))))
hint: ITS MARK
you try to draw him from memory but it doesn’t look quite right and like :(((((( how sad is that what if you don’t even see him again
the rest of the month passes pretty quickly in the same fashion
by now you’ve befriended the bus driver and he tells you all the cool secret nooks and crannies of town for you to go find
he’s also your bff pretty much he always tells you about his daughter and all the cute things she does and you just talk about your life in general and he gives you advice
congrats you’ve unlocked Wise Uncle
he gives you directions to this teeny TINY flower shop where you befriend the old lady who works there by bringing a muffin everytime you go by
she trades you for a seasonal flower and makes a big deal out of tucking it behind your ear herself
basically you find all the cute old people in town and make them your friend because.
this is accidentally straying into art hoe territory i hope y’all are okay w/ that
school is starting really soon and you’re nervous but also used to this so it doesn’t affect you as bad as normally
also you did meet some people so you aren’t going in with no friends but like, pretty close to no friends
on the first day of school you ride the bus and you see ???? mark ????? on your bus ????????
so you get on and do your daily greeting of the bus driver
his daughter lost her first tooth AW
you fake cry and he says “mood” and you lose it because you’re pushing internet culture onto this unsuspecting middle aged man skdkdkkd
you pat him on the shoulder as you walk back to find a seat but there are none because for some reason the bus is busy this early in the morning ????
you wouldn’t know lmao summer sleep schedule had you up at 10 at the earliest
so you go to stand and hold onto one of the poles in the center
(nearby our boy mark LEE)
mark looks up from his phone
these god damn millennials always on that damn phone
and he sees you and he’s like wHOA what’s up uhhh Soccer Ball Girl
and nice you remembered his name bUT HE DIDNT REMEMBER YOURS
but then he’s like nahhhh just kidding i remember ur name hey y/n !!!
you talk otw to school and find out you’re both seniors at the same school and how you’re excited for sports games and like, GRADUATING
mark keeps trying to offer you his seat but you refuse and he pouts everytime you say no :((((
good god just take the seat look at the sad baby boy :((((((((((((
there is an, occurrence
at one point the bus goes over a bump and you stumble a little and mark reaches up to catch you before you literally fall on him
his hands fly out and grab you by the hips to steady you since he’s sitting and you’re standing and he can’t exactly reach your shoulders sO YEA
or at least that’s his explanation in his head huehuehuehe
his hands linger for MAYBE 10 seconds before he whips them back into his pockets and blushes while you thank him
you: are also blushing
the bus driver: completely did that on purpose
when you get off the bus your Second Dad tells you good luck and pats you on the head and mark is like ???? do you know him
and you’re like yeah that’s my man maurice we’re buds
and he’s like ???? i’ve rode that bus all my life to school and i’m not buds with him wtf :/
“srry you’re not as lovable as me!! jealousy is a disease <3”
and he laughs his dorky laugh
you highkey are smiling so big because this boy is so cute and he’s walking close enough that your shoulders brush every once in a while and he has a silly laugh and AW
as you walk into the school marks group of Boys starts waving him over excitedly and he turns in their direction but then stops when he sees you aren’t following
“hey whatcha doin???”
“well uhhh those are Your Boys you know and i’m, i don’t, really, uh they don’t know me”
“aw cmon they’ll love you!!! look ill just introduce you and if they’re terrible and annoying you can leave”
“........ i gue-“
but he’s already grabbed your hand and is pulling you over to them
“sup fellas this is y/n and she just moved here this year so don’t be too overwhelming.”
the smaller one with the highish voice chimes in
“aww but overwhelming is my only setting”
“then just don’t be yourself, chenle”
“heYYY it’s that girl i almost killed in the park !!! so sorry about that by the way”
he introduces them to you one by one and they all shake your hand
jisung is the one with the big ass yaoi hands and also the one who almost ended your young life
jaemin is the one with pretty smile
jeno is the one with the squishy eyes
renjun is the Art Hoe of the group you can just tell
he’s wearing some got damn overalls you gotta befriend him immediately
donghyuck is the one with beautiful skin and a v high voice you’re highkey like hey but can you dROP THE SKINCARE ROUTINE and he’s like “i just wash my face every day xoxo :*”
you quickly learn who is a piece of shit and who isn’t
you figure out who has classes with you and then set off for the day !!
mark has gym and economics with you but those are after lunch :(((
he squeezes your shoulder before he leaves and says good luck though so you’ll survive
you have art with renjun first and this boy is your bestie already
he’s such a sarcastic shit and he too likes drawing random things and vandalizing school textbooks with artistically correct memes
he also has the AUDACITY
“so, you and mark already ;););)(;);)))”
“i uh don’t know what you mean by that”
“you SO do!!!!! you guys walked into school together everyone probably already thinks you’re a thing”
“oh shit really??? ah i feel so bad”
“is that a bad thing???”
“i mean yeah i’m not tryna Tarnish mark’s reputation”
“that is some self hatred bs he would be lucky to have you !!!!”
“renjun you don’t even know me that well yet”
“i know enOUGH”
you just uhh change the subject which renjun def notices but like
who cares
renjun apparently also goes to the same flower shop as you !!!
you find out because you see him drawing the front of it and you’re like heY i’ve been there my girl edna works there !!!!! she insist i call her grandma tho
and he’s all oh sHIT that’s my girl too !!!!!!
long story short edna is now your shared grandmother
now THAT is some uwu shit
you go about your day and it’s lunchtime and yOU uh don’t know where to sit :(
you see a girl that you met who works at the little coffee shop you like so you set off in her direction and you’re almost there when jeno and jaemin walk up and sling an arm around your shoulder from either side
“hEY BUDDY” -jeno
“SUP SQUIRT” -jaemin
and they start steering you in another direction towards their own table
“god of all nicknames you had to give me sQUIRT”
“yes it’s because you’re cute and small like squirtle”
“that’s a god damn reach if i’ve ever seen one but okay”
you get there and they practically TOSS you into the seat next to mark
he winces and gives you and apologetic pat on the back before starting the conversation
“alright so who actually did the summer reading”
as the table bursts into Absolute Ruckus you just kind of sit back and watch
mark notices you being quiet and while renjun and chenle are arm wrestling he leans over to quietly be like
“hey you doin okay over there? are they too much”
“oh not at all i’m just takin it in lmao”
“yeah that’s understandable. they’re easily the most entertaining group of people you’ll ever meet but also i’ve wanted to strangle every single one of them at least once”
“what are you 30??? you talk about them like you’re their mom”
“i mean someone’s gotta do it”
you and mark talk all throughout lunch and head to gym together since that’s next
exercising right after eating ??? sounds like a GREAT plan thanks so much public school system !!!!
you go to pull out your bag of gym clothes but ??? all you’ve got is shorts ?????
you start whining because you’re like aWW i’m gonna get in trouble :(((((
and he’s like here i have like 12 shirts in here because i always bring too many and then leave some when i got soccer practice i gotchu
(he gives you the clean shirt that hasn’t been sitting in his locker <3333 what a guy)
you thank him proFUSELY and then go to the girls locker room to change
the shirt is too big and you don’t wanna look like a Bag so you tie a lil knot in it in the front
you don’t look like a thot tho you just look Cute As Fuck
some girl in the locker room lets you borrow a hair tie and off we go !!!
it’s the first day so everyone literally just stretches and sits around talking
you’ve hashtag LOST mark and you don’t have any friends yet so you’re just chillin talking to the girl who gave you a hair tie because she seems nice and you got nothin better to do
you’re explaining to her how to take care of a succulent /properly/ when mark catches a basketball that was headed right for you yelling a watch it !!!! over his shoulder
he turns to you and giggles a little, nudging your foot with his
“you’re just a danger magnet aren’t you”
“i mean danger is my middle name so”
“uGH get your ass over here away from all those freshman hoodlums who think they can play”
you wave bye to your friend because there’s literal fear in her eyes at the sight of mark ??
you ask her what’s wrong later and she’s like oh it’s not him i just have a crippling fear of boys
(that’s a mood)
you and mark pass a volleyball back and forth and fuck around pretty much all period
this is actually the one (1) sport he isn’t good at thank GOD you were worried he had no flaws
at the end of the class you ask him if he wants his shirt back and he says, and i quote,
“nah you and your thot knot can keep it, looks cuter on you anyways”
you smack his arm for calling you a thot but then thank him anyways for the shirt and for calling you cute :))))))))
econ passes the same way except normal clothing and no sports
although mark does throw a wadded up piece of paper on you that says u want 2 hang w the boys n me after school ? if yes then breathe if no do a backflip
this headass boy
you throw it back so it bounces off his forehead and then nod to confirm you will
you don’t have any of the boys in your last class and you don’t where to meet up so you just kind of loiter by your locker since jeno’s is pretty close to yours and maybe they’ll meet here ????
luckily jisung spots you and is like hey what r u doin here aren’t u hanging with us after school??? cmon
you follow him out to the parking lot where they’re all gathered around jeno and jaemins vehicles because apparently they’re the only ones with actual cars
they start waving too excitedly when they see you and mark smiles all big
wooOOO baby boy already has a crush on you :3
they’ve apparently already decided to go to chenles house because apparently he’s fuckin loaded
you don’t believe that for a sECOND because he’s wearing crocs and an old ass polo shirt but
we’ll see
you mark and renjun ride with jaemin while the Babies ride with jeno since he is able to ignore them being crackheads in the backseat and drive his vehicle without crashing
apparently they’ve cause multiple vehicular accidents ??? possibly the reason renjun doesn’t have a car ???????
who knows
y’all have a blast in jaemins car tho playing tokyo drift from the third fast and furious movie if u haven’t heard that shit plEASE GO LISTEN WHAT A SONG HEHEHHEHHEHE
you pull into this BIG ASS house and you’re like no fucking way dude
and everyone else in the car simultaneously says
“i know right ???”
y’all pull in and go inside and it’s real nice holy SHIT
chenle comes in cackling followed closely be jisung and more sedately by jeno who looks ready to fckin die
you pat him on the shoulder and go you did well, soldier
he salutes solemnly before breaking out into the smile
y’all know the one
you UWU right there on the spot but hold yourself back from poking his cheek and cooing
chenle then SCREECHES and yells
and everyone crowds into his living room
somehow the couch is big enough to fit all of you comfortably that’s fckin impressive
you play just dance for 3 whole ass hours and now you’re Tired and Ready To Go Home
there’s a bus stop nearby and you insist upon walking since jaemin already have you a ride here and you didn’t even have gas money to give him :(((
mark goes to since you have to catch the same bus
you hum as you skip around the sidewalk and he walks behind you smiling fondly while you twirl around
he recognizes the song and whistles along and wow !!!!
when you get to the stop you’re like 5 mins early
so to entertain yourselves you play rock paper scissors and each time the winner gets to flick the loser on the forehead
mark is a sweet boy so he flicks softly but you go all out
wouldn’t be surprised if he had a bruise tmrw girly u need to chill
you sit on the bus together when it arrives since there’s actually room now and he slumps down low until his head is pretty much rested on your shoulder
(our man maurice sees and is like GET IT GIRL but only so you notice and you make threatening hand motions at him)
you’re not sure if he’s asleep so you stay extra still just in case
and no one needs to know you rested your cheek on top of his head
but when it gets to your stop you’re like mark? mark lee??? mork ???? wake up ??? and you nudge him a little with your shoulder and he sits up and rubs his eyes aW
he slow blinks at you and goes
and you’re like i uh gotta go now
and he’s like :/// okay i’ll see you tomorrow and stands up and gives you a half hug before you go
maurice is DYING in the front you’re going to kill him
you walk home with a smile on your face and again your mom is suspicious of your good mood but you’re like aw it’s nothin just had a good day at school made lots of friends !!!!!!
as summer turns into fall you make more friends but you mostly hang out with the boys because they’re funny and nice to you and also Mark is there and we love our boy
you guys all attend football games together and go absolutely ALL OUT for whatever the theme is
for example: the theme was halloween and you all dressed as god damn SMURFS
it was legendary there was not one bit of you all that wasn’t covered in blue paint
jisung almost fought some girl who thought he was from the movie Avatar until everyone was like jisung cHILL OUT ITS NOT HER FAULT YOURE VERY TALL AND COMPLETELY BLUE
and well
can’t argue with that
it gets chillier though so you all bring blankets and cuddle most of the games
all of the boys suspiciously aren’t cold at first until you and mark share a blanket
they’re so obvious GOD
with each time y’all share you get more relaxed around each other until eventually mark has one arm slung around you and your legs are hooked over one of his thighs while y’all Snuggle
renjun waggles his eyebrows at you every five minutes and you discreetly give him the finger every time
little ASSHOLE
college applications are due like. right now
you all apply to a nice university close by as a backup/safe place and then apply to more brazy places just to see if you can get in
everyone’s been real stressed lately so you’re like !!!!! hey imma throw a friendsgiving party !!! yeehaw !!!!!!!!!
and you invite all of them over
“everyone bring smth and i’ll bake a ham or smth,,, i swear to GOD if all of you show up with store-bought pumpkin pie. i will kill you and then myself”
“what’s with you and pumpkin pie?”
“jUST. don’t”
((((srry i’m projecting my hatred of pumpkin pie onto u reader heheehehheh))))
everyone comes over and it’s really chilly so you have a fire in the fireplace and you have a couple of your gal pals over too
your mom is nice enough to leave y’all alone for the night and she’s not hurt since it’s not real thanksgiving
we stan moms
you bring out the ham and someone has brought green beans and mark ,,,, tHAT ANGEL he brought cornbread stuffing do y’all know what i’m talking abt
and there’s sweet potatoes and apple pie and all the Thanksgiving Essentials
jisung wanted to be a dick so he brought cranberry jelly
“why don’t you have some:) cranberry preserves:) , jisung” -you, every 30 seconds
everyone sits down to eat and it’s LOUD so you’re like shut UP !!!!!!!!!!
“every1 say smth ur thankful for :3333”
“my family !!!!”
“you guys <3”
“awW BOOO” - everyone, while throwing things at jaemin
“my life !!”
“that i’m happy”
“gay” -chenle
anyways no one took it seriously until it got to mark
“i’m grateful y/n moved here :))))))”
everyone goes KSKDDIDI and you blush and you’re like okay ily mark JSKKD
everyone EATS A LOT and then you go sit in a pile in the living room
you go to make hot chocolate for everyone and when you come back it’s , interesting how there’s only room for you next to mark . hm
you pass out the hot chocolate and everyone reaches Maximum Sleepytime
at this point you’re too tired to give a fuck and you just flop onto the couch next to mark and curl up into his side
he puts his arm around you to pull you close and this mf presses a tiny barely there kiss to your temple
you look up and like talk with your eyes
did u just
i did
and then you just settle back down
it’s too crowded in here for any Moves to be Made
you’ve got the karate kid on bc ??? who doesn’t love the karate kid and all of your cutie friends are asleep in various places
but once it gets super late you start waking people up and going hey i love you but your mom called mine like 8 times you gotta gO
you make sure everyone is awake fully if they’re driving and to text you when they got home safe
at long last
you’re alone
in your house
with mark
actually where is mark
mark has disappeared ?????
you start looking around for him and find him in your room ???
“you snoopin thru my things ??!?!??”
he jumps and is like uHH but you’re like nah you’re fine idc
so he continues and he was really just lookin at what kind of books you have and the little drawings and paintings and knick knacks everywhere
you just sit on your bed and observe him
let’s be real he’s nice to look at and you’d be perfectly fine doing this for uhhh the rest of your life
he pulls a book off your shelf and starts flipping through it until he pauses at a page
and his face blooms into this big smile and he looks hella giddy
and you’re like uhh hey whatcha lookin at there bud
and he just keep smiling and it’s a little smug now wtf
“when were you reading this?”
“oh uh i don’t know i got it this summer at that cute little bookshop”
“was it, by chance, the day we met?”
“i mean maybe??? why ????”
FUCK !!!!!!!
you immediately turn tomato red and snatch the book in to hold it tightly to your chest
“uhhh i do that with uhhhh eVerYONE I MEET”
“aw i thought i was special:((((”
he’s creeping closer to you this whole time until he’s INCHES AWAY
he gently pulls the book out of your hands and places it aside before grabbing your wrists and uncrossing your arms
“personally, i think it’s really cute”
you blush even more this man knows what he’s doing
you mumble a thanks with your eyes trained on his fuzzy socks what a dork
he releases one of your wrists to push your chin up so he can look you in the eyes
“do you really do that with everyone you meet?”
“,,,,,,, no it’s just you”
“alright cool”
and then he wraps his arms around your waist to pull you close til you’re pressed together chest to chest AW
he nudges his nose against yours and you close your eyes because your god daMN HEART IS POUNDING AND YOU CANT LOOK DIRECTLY INTO THOSE BIG PUPPY EYES
he presses the sweetest and gentlest of kisses to each cheek and then to the top of your nose
he presses one last lingering kiss on your forehead before he tilts his chin down to press your lips together
it’s so soft and innocent wow i’m going to SHED TEARS WRITING THIS
and he pulls away and you press your face into his neck in embarrassment
he chuckles a lil and rubs your back, leaning his cheek against your head
“hey, you down there”
you say “yeah?” but your voice is muffled by his neck and it’s more like eh ???
“my girlfriend y/n will you be ???”
what the fuck
you pull your head back so you can look at his face which is turning steadily redder
“uh what”
“shIT uh i meant will you uh bemygirlfriend”
your confused expression turns into a shit eating grin and you’re like
“what was that :)))) i didn’t hear you :)))))”
he groans and rests his forehead on your shoulder and pitifully whines out
“please be my girlfriend :(((((“
you pick his face up and hold it between your palms and he pouts playfully
“well how could i say no to that face”
and you smooch him right on those lil pouted lips
“yes i’ll be your girlfriend”
he smiles real big and smooshes you against him aw
wow so now you’re mark lee’s gf
lowkey you get a few threats but as soon as mark catches wind of that he stands on the statue in front of the school and announces that if anyone has a problem with you they’ve got a problem with him !!!!
and he looks like: ᕦ(ò_óˇ)ᕤ
you drag him down while apologizing to everyone in the general vicinity
mark is. veRY CLINGY NOW
i mean no complaints here it’s just
you’ll be standing at your locker when BAM mark is wrapped around you from behind and you get a hey baby how’s ur day right in your ear
in gym class he restrains himself since the coaches are always like LEE KEEP YOUR HANDS TO YOURSELF
but he always whines after and is like
:((((( but you look so cute in my shirt i wanna squish you
whenever mark comes over you force him to let you draw him at least once
each time it gets easier since you’ve started to memorize the details of his face and the knuckles of his hands and the shape of his shoulders
a lot of times he just comes over to watch movies and talk
he’s not an eloquent guy
(“you all look like pretty grass :)))” - mark lee)
but he gets what he needs to say out and he enjoys listening to you talk about whatever’s on your mind
you’ve started a glow in the dark star sticker collection to put on your ceiling and each time he comes over you put a constellation up there
so you’ll lay in bed and turn off the lights and just stare at the ceiling and try to name them all
soon you’ll just get sleepy though and press your face into his chest
he uwu’s every time :((((
after he’s done being astonished by his Baby™️ he’ll wrap his arms around you and stroke a hand up and down your spine wow
Real Relaxation Hours
your mom will come home and find y’all asleep and then SHE uwu’s and it’s just one big cute MESS
he loves to kiss you right as he’s leaving like he’ll lay one on you then RUN to the bus stop
p.s. maurice is on y’all every day saying he called it AY
his other favorite kisses are when he catches you off guard and just turns you around and kisses you and you’re like
I’m Confused But I Like This
lots of sweet pecks throughout the day and then longer slower stuff when you’re home and alone and relaxing
leaves hickeys on your neck literally just to be annoying
months pass and youve said your first “i love you’s” to each other and renjun is always like so when y’all gettin married huh
you both SMACK him simultaneously
but lowkey you would marry mark he’s the best and you love him so wHY NOT
but it’s early and you know that and you’re happy with what you have now :))))))
pls love and support our hardworking baby mark lee he is doing his best and i love him goodnight
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cerullos · 6 years
disneyland 🔥
i’ve never been, this is what we were talking about! i’ve watched a truly ridiculous number of youtube videos about land vs. world discourse, ride povs, IP discourse etc. i’ve literally been on theme park discourse forums where heated arguments about the enchanted tiki room go down on the daily so i can assure you i’ve seen every hot take known to man on this topic, i just…have never actually been so i don’t think it’s fair for me to say! 
i’m very protective of wdw because it’s the resort i grew up with and it’s where i’ve worked, and i’m attached to aspects of wdw disneyland doesn’t really have any mirrors for, like……no country bears. no epcot. no pandora. they murdered their peoplemover which is sick enough all on its own! if i were to work there, i do think there would be a huge adjustment period. like…there isn’t even a utilidor there, which is literally just no fun at all. 
anyway i love to know nothing and form opinions anyway, so i lied, i will do this! and you’re going to regret having asked once i’m done. 
good things, probably:  
better fantasmic (tentatively – it used to be peter pan which easily tops wdw fantasmic’s uncomfortably racist pocahontas, but it’s apparently switched to pirates now so i’m withholding judgment) 
paint the night…wdw won’t get a nighttime parade until the 50th which is awful, and even before it had nothing it had MSEP which is old enough to be my mother. i would literally give anything to see paint the night, it’s 99% of the reason i want to go.
remember dreams come true (which isn’t even running right now, but once pixar fest finally bites the dust it should be again) is a wishes ripoff with parks music and tributes in place of movies which is incredibly woke and i think happily ever after is mediocre so…the nighttime shows in general seem incredible and wdw is lacking in that department right now…rivers of light tanks, galactic spectacular is hideous, happily is overrated and soulless etc. 
cars land is dlr’s pandora, like no one wanted it but i’m positive it’s excellent and i hate test track so i can’t wait to ride radiator springs racers and confirm that TT has lost all relevance forever
classic rides like mr. toad’s and snow white’s scary adventure are intact which is very deeply cool. their pirates is obviously better and they have blue bayou which is even cooler
they get a broadway-caliber show (i think it’s frozen right now, which is extra points) and we were supposed to be getting that on wdw main street but they lowkey canceled those plans even though they were announced with concept art at d23…thanks
i just get the sense that since land is precious with dlr, they keep their attractions in better condition and really try to utilize what space they do have to the best of their ability. like you never hear california passholders complaining that dlr has let its parks rot the way wdw has condemned, like, future world in epcot. wdw has virtually endless property and they waste and abuse it liberally….like you have no idea. backstage is a nightmare 
no hall of presidents so thats lit
also holiday overlays! because they get more locals whereas wdw is the world’s biggest tourist trap so we have to guarantee guests can experience the “classic” ride untouched at all times of the year…so the only ride overlays i’ve ever experienced are, like, jingle cruise…….
i know this is hard to really parse but when people say you can Feel The History at disneyland and it’s just more quaint and personal and charming and there are more vintage touches preserved out of respect for the park’s roots i really FEEL that and it excites me! 
bad things, probably: 
tiny baby…no epcot. no dak, no boardwalk, no poly/grand flo/(contemporary can eat my ass so i don’t really care). no value resorts so this wouldn’t be relevant to me as a potential local or CM but like…that sucks as a guest lmao. just less effectively insulated from the outside world in general which i’m aware is a plus for some people, ymmv. i just think this would be my biggest concern as a CM, like would it all get “older” quicker because of the comparitive lack of things to do? but then again, for locals to keep coming back day after day, they must be very good at keeping things fresh, so this is what i’d like to see for myself!
no country bears, no figment, they literally destroyed their people mover and its mangled corpse is just sitting on top of tomorrowland. no flight of passage, no everest? what am i supposed to do, ride the matterhorn like some kind of freak…also they’re building their galaxy’s edge in disneyland which is SO broke, i’m sorry i know y’all have no room but that’s so thematically incoherent. or…It’s Bad Show™ if we’re disney talking. 
again, i haven’t been but i get the feeling california adventure is a fairly weak park thematically in the same sense that hollywood studio is a weak park at this point in its history, which makes sense since CA is frankensteined together from bits of studios. if we’re doing this i also think pixar pier is a lame concept and i’m personally disappointed i’ll never get to see that area of the park as it was before. and this is more damning for dlr because if you dont like studios right now you have plenty more to do. cali adventure is dlr’s….only other park. and no, the influx of marvel is not getting me more excited for it if anything…less
haunted mansion in new england is cooler than southern plantation style haunted mansion, so wdw’s is better by default although it’s cool that their stretch room is actually an elevator even if it is for space reasons
the animatronics on their splash mountain (which are repurposed) are ugly uncanny valley bullshit and give me nightmares
no illuminations oh my goddddddddd……..pitiful. we go on…tapestry of nations…how does california sleep at night (like a baby because apparently fireworks are restricted to fridays and weekends)
again, no utilidor…i just have to assume their backstage is bizarre, it probably looks like backstage dhs with 8000 trailers which, again, is broke
no river country to snoop on….no discovery island…where’s The Lore? pretty shameful if you ask me and no the time that girl died in america sings doesnt count as Lore its just sad
this is all pointless anyway because i know without needing to go that tokyo disneysea is the best park and it could eat wdw and disneyland alive any day 
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simbar4lifelol · 6 years
A huge Soy Luna S3 rant lol
Im not complaining about simbar rn, they've been the best. But i honestly cant believe the show is gonna be over on friday. Like what even happened in s3?!?! I always payed more attention to my ship obviously lol but since they would only come out for like two minutes each episode, I have to admit i was bored out of my mind with everything else that was going on:/
The flow of the story was so odd and i cant help but feel like this story is incomplete now. I know several people have pointed out that the story was over s2 and i have to agree. The real plot ended in s2 and we had a s3 with no direction of what the show was going to be about next. It literally was just about boys and revenge.
Of Course a show could be just about that, but since this is disney the way it was all presented wasnt interesting enough, especially with how long they dragged everything with just that. They definitely did not know what to do with their secondary characters and they just came across(well at least to me) like a waste of space. All the characters could have done more. And i feel this is why s3 doesnt feel complete.
Luna had nothing going for her but thinking about relationships. So, since she is the protagonist no one else was allowed to do anything else. These characters had so much potential and this is where i get disappointed with how s3 turned out. When they would do something outside of relationships, for example skating or the open musics, absolutely nothing would happen afterwards. The characters werent further explored and they just never grew. When you would think they would do something different, they would just go back to exactly how they were before. Like when the girls formed their own group for about 3 episodes and then they just broke up. And nothing came from that but one performance.
Nothing happened with the roller band either. Didnt they have a bunch of fans?!?! Nico is not even missed because he didnt contribute anything. Nina only ever wrote something in her blog thingy to blackmail gary and she was just put together with erik for her to do something else aside from just asking luna who she likes the whole season. Jim and yam started off trying to figure out what to do after graduation but ended up in the shadow of what does luna need. Ramiro went to the red sharks then nothing. He leaves the red sharks, hes forgiven then nothing. Jazmin, oh jazmin we know nothing of her only that she loves creating content for social media. nothing else happened with her except her meeting that guy. Pelfi although cute they also didnt do much but react to either lutteo or simbar. Delfi's only arc was the fight with jazmin. It was pretty entertaining so points for them. But this is my point when theyre not revolving around luna they had great content.
The downfall of this season was the writers forgetting their other characters and just constantly repeating storylines with the main characters. And everyone else just reacting to them. All of season 3 was so predictable that my only joy was simbar lol They were the only ones not just reacting to lutteo. which is why they were a breath of fresh air. Individually, simon was just reacting to lutteo and ambar was just reacting to luna. But as simbar they had their own thing. They were trying to figure the other out with the new dynamic of ambar going full "rebel".
It was different and new and exciting. To see these characters tease each other and seeing the tension of wanting to be together but both being stubborn. Simon knowing damn well ambar was in a path of self destruction but still trying to find a way in. Ambar telling simon he needed to stop lying about his feelings for her. My only issue was when bembar became a thing. Those episodes were so messy that they actually made me less enthusiastic about simbar because i didnt get ambar, but i feel it was needed to make ambar finally snap out of it and officially leave that behind her. These past 15 episodes had ambar in her own arc as her best self not worrying about luna and thriving as a character because of that.
But of course i understand the show is called Soy Luna. I like luna. The first two seasons revolved around her being a happy girl with loving adoptive parents starting a new life away from home. She eventually gets curious about her origins and sets out to find out where she came from with the help of her best friends. While every other character did their own thing.
The problem came about when in s3 they didnt know what to do with their protagonist. The first 5 episodes were her feeling overwhelmed with finding out she's Sol Benson and remembering a bit of her past. But that's it after that shes okay. "She's the same luna except now she's rich." Thats the whole story. Oh and she has three love interests. Oh and shes gonna bring the jam&roller team together but no one gets to shine except her and all the opportunities will go to her only. They're gonna have rivals and theyre just gonna go back and forth forever without any consequences till episode 40. The open music will have cool singing and dancing numbers and they will serve no purpose but to fill in things in the episodes except episode 10 when luna will confess her feelings for simon but jk nevermind she doesnt. Nothing ever changes.
The main focus was her love life and honestly that could have worked if it wasnt the exact same formula as season 2 with matteo. The hot and cold relationship yes no yes no. Ugh i dont understand how lutteo fans have survived for so long. I wish they had given her something more to stand for. A different character arc that wasnt just about her and matteo. Because thats what the whole season has been about. Everyone else are just there getting 1 or 2 episode arcs that really don't matter because everything will go back to normal. Simbar was lucky to get a continuous arc however they only got one or two scenes per episode and that was the highlight. Soy luna comes to an end in two episodes. And this whole week has everything revolving around luna and matteo realizing their dreams in the last 5 episodes. Just them. Jk we still have two episodes and im sure theyll show the rest "realizing their dream too" but i just cant believe they made 60 episodes of nothing.
The adults took up a lot of screentime in a storyline that just sucks. The only thing sharon's been good for is to give luna nightmares. Again everything has only been a huge plot device for luna and things a lot of times felt forced.
Well all of this was my main issue with season 3 and i wanted to share my personal opinion. Im sorry this is so long. Season 3 had its great moments but as a whole was really disappointing. I hope no one takes offense to this and although im here complaining soy luna finishing is still bittersweet. You can love something but still recognize its flaws.
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BMC Headcanons
I have literally been thinking about this all day so
Christine knows sign language and taught Jeremy and Michael some and now they wont stop signing “i love you” at each other
(Rich doesnt know sign language and thinks theyre pretending to be at a rock concert)
Christine loves Disney and makes references all the time but Rich doesnt understand them bc hes never seen a Disney movie so she makes him watch a bunch of them
(his favorite it “Tangled”)
Michael drinks weed tea bc “I’m a refined stoner”
Rich is a musical buff so he and Christine sing musicals all the time together
Christine is also a history buff and her favorite musical is “Hamilton”
Rich is actually really good at sewing/cooking/etc bc his dad wont do any of that so he had to learn himself
Michael cronches bathbombs
(like if he and Jared existed in the same universe they would bond over cronching bathbombs)
sometimes Jeremy cries himself awake bc he misses his mom
Christine spends her weekends volunteering at the animal shelter and she spends so much time there they keep offering to pay her but she wont let them
Jake is actually really good at school he’s just kind of a ditz
(like he’s a complete math whiz and can recite the entire Constitution w/o hesitation but he forgets things like the role of Juliet in “Romeo and Juliet”)
Michael plays the saxophone
Brooke drinks five cups of tea per day
(during midterms and finals she pours monster into her tea)
Brooke and Michael are really good friends
Jenna has a bunch of hamsters and has dedicated almost her entire room to them
Chloe is a cat person and her parents got her a ragdoll kitten for her eleventh birthday and they are literally inseperable
(she taught it little tricks and everything and it likes walks and baths but it will literally only listen to her)
Brooke is totally more of a dog person and her family owns a chihuahua and a newfie
(they like to sit on her lap specifically chihuahua on top of newfie on top of Brooke)
Rich is a complete nerd and loves things like “Lord of the Rings” and “Harry Potter”
Rich has a bearded dragon named Voltron and he likes to put wings he made himself on it
(Jake thought Voltron was a band)
every Halloween the squip squad gets together to go trick-or-treating and watch “The Nightmare Before Christmas”
(Jake refuses to throw anymore Halloween parties)
despite burning his house down Jake doesn’t care and he and Rich are still best buds
when the squip squad has sleepovers Brooke and Chloe do everyone’s makeup
(the guys get more excited about it than the girls)
Jake wears crop tops
Rich exclusively wears tank tops even in the winter
Rich also almost exclusively listens to 2000s bops and literally prays to Beyonce
Christine’s favorite scents are citrus
Chloe writes faster in cursive than she does in print
Michael has terrible handwriting whether it’s cursive or print
(like to the point that even he cant read it)
Rich and Michael watch anime together (especially “Voltron”)
Rich is terrible at video games without his squip
Jake calls Michael “Mike” even though he initially told him not to
“Michael’s gotten so used to it that he doesn’t care anymore and is actually surprised if he calls him anything else)
Christine and Jenna get really really excited about the holidays and buy everyone gifts
everyone celebrates Hanukkah with Jeremy
Rich absolutely hates eggnog because he only knows about the alcoholic kind that his dad drinks and he’s actually a little scared of it
once Rich becomes friends w/ the rest of the squip squad he celebrates the holidays with them every year
(before he didnt really celebrate bc his home life kind of sucks)
(also after he first celebrates with the rest of the squip squad he lovesthe holidays as much as Christine and Jenna)
without his squip Rich has no idea how to flirt of be in a relationship so he is incredibly awkward
Jake doesnt know how to dab and cant seem to get it right
(like this vine: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q4Hl6Rx-n_s )
Chloe insists on Brooke carrying her and it’s to the point that she’ll just lift up her arms and Brooke will pick her up
Jenna and Christine are the groups’ moms
Rich and Jake play Wii Sports together
if Michael and Jeremy are playing a game against each other Michael lets Jeremy win sometimes
Jenna runs a blog and is working on starting a project to save the bees
Chloe plays soccer
Brooke sometimes insists that she and Chloe have a movie marathon
(their marathons can span days)
Jenna and Christine are the Platonic Power Couple™ that everyone thinks is dating but really theyre just good friends
(both of them are hella ace)
(Christine is aro/ace and Jenna is an ace lesbian)
the group would go to pride together
(Rich would wear the bi flag as a cape)
(Brooke would paint everyone’s faces w/ their flags)
Jake’s the kind of person that would casually mention he’s not straight and then be surprised that youre surprised
Jake would fist fight anyone who made his friends upset
(except for Rich because Rich would have already fought them)
Rich wants to open a bakery when he’s older
Brooke wears a pan-colored beanie
(even at school bc the teachers dont care enough to tell her to take it off)
Jake has his left ear pierced
Brooke is really good at drawing and runs an art blog
Brooke is very empathetic and acts as the group’s counselor
Mr. Heere’s first name is Greg
(don’t ask why it’s mostly cause he reminds me of Greg from “Steven Universe”)
on father’s day everyone gives Mr. Heere a little gift cause he acts like everyone’s dad
Jenna is a fanfic writer
sometimes the squip squad gets together to play Kahoot
(it gets really competitive and friendships are tested)
Jeremy understands that grades are meaningless in the long run but still gets really stressed when he’s not doing well in school
Michael likes to quote really obscure movies that no one knows
Jake owns a melodica
(he also knows how to play the piano really well)
Michael insists that he and Jeremy take pictures together to put on holiday cards and send them to all their friends
(Jeremy wears a Hanukkah sweater and Michael wears a sweater that says “HO HO HOMO”)
Rich likes to stand on top of things to feel taller
Michael wears light-up heelys
Michael always forgets which is left and right but instead of making Ls with his hands he checks his headphones
Rich believes in leprechauns
(every St. Patrick’s Day he makes Jake go leprechaun hunting with him)
(Jake anticipates it every year and keeps the day free so they can)
Jake is actually really bad at using electronics
Rich insults Jeremy affectionately
(one of his favorite’s is “noodle-boy”)
(at first Jeremy was offended but now he doesnt care)
Jake has owned his jacket for a really long time and it’s falling apart but he refuses to get rid of it
whenever Michael has to say the word “squip” he purposefully mispronounces it (ie squemp)
Rich calls people “godfucker”
the squip squad celebrates the fourth of July and Jeremy’s house because Mr. Heere likes to grill hamburgers and hot dogs for them
(Rich likes to help him cook)
Brooke has two moms
Michael drinks milk straight out of the gallon
Jeremy keeps buying new patches for Michael’s hoodie
Christine has an obsession with button pins so everyone pitches in to buy her a button maker for her birthday
the girls like to go to the Ren Faire
Chloe makes her own incense
Rich has Jake help him make snowmen in the winter because he always makes the bodies too big for him to reach to put its head on
Jenna runs a joke tumblr blog that posts cringey facebook memes
Brooke taught Chloe everything she knows about makeup
Christine stays up late sometimes to surprise her friends with gifts she made
Rich asks Michael to teach him curse words in Spanish
Jenna basically lives in Barnes and Noble
(Christine would but she doesnt have as much spending money so she lives in the library)
Michael likes “Undertale” because it’s got a cool storyline and he adores the animation
(he and Jeremy do voices for it when they play)
Rich bakes cookies for everyone during the holiday season
everyone has gifted Michael a new hoodie at least once but he only ever wears his red one and no one can figure out why
Jenna is in the color guard
after joining the play that one time Brooke found that she actually really likes acting
I am so sorry for such a long post, but feel free to add on if you want
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kadyshackkk-blog · 6 years
Final Reckoning Episode One Review plus a little info from seasons past.
Hello World! Mtv’s Hit The Challenge Returned Tuesday July 10, 2018 at 9pm! This season is “the end of the challenge as we know it”. Which as of right now I’m calling total b.s. since well mtv the last few season has been “recreating” older seasons ie; The Challenge Invasion of the champions, a very sad and terrible attempt to recreate the iconic The Ruins. Then we went into Dirty 30, the longest season in existence and a horrible rip off of Free Agents which in my opinion was the last great season of the show. In the dirty 30 we had something called the purge aka lets fuck Darrell over and allow a bunch of idiots to run the show. Yes I am still bitter because Darrell was robbed out of a title that season and instead our winners were a racist and an anti feminist douche lord, I mean Camila and Jordan. Then we slide into Vendettas after that tragic second season of Champs V stars, which we won’t even talk about since it was a bunch of d list celebrities who i didnt even know and well the terrell owens aka the biggest bitch in the nfl. Moving along, on Vendettas we received a much needed invasion of new people from big brother and mtv uk! Be warned I have never watched mtv Uk shows or any big brother so I had zero idea who these people were but I was excited to see them! We also got from season 5 of are you the one Kam, Eddie, and Alicia. I loved that season of ayto and the people they chose to come onto vendettas made total sense. But what didn’t make any sense at all was the poor get rid of eddie they did. Now I will only say this once and the source that told me this is very credible since he was on their season of ayto he also doesn’t like either person involved however he dislikes eddie more. Simple fact is Alicia Lied, plan and simple. There was never a restraining order or anything of that nature. You can look it up online its public information in every state. Moving on from that, the additions from the uk were all very attractive, and before you gasp and say even Kyle?! Yes even Kyle , I feel like he looks better in person then he does on tv. The fights that season we’re beyond annoying . This was my face anytime Kailah or nicole spoke or were on my tv screen  
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I give them both a chance every season they are on but they always make me regret giving said chance. The luggage throwing incident pissed me the fuck off. & Before you all go WeLL cArA dID iT To JOrdAn guess what she put a waterproof bag of his clothes in water omg get over it. Jemmeye Kailah & Britni Ganged up on kayleigh because of a rumor about her and bananas that Devin started to get Johnny thrown into elimination. It was not okay, it is never okay to touch someone elses belongings ever. I do not care, her stuff was broken and none of the actual apologized for it. 
Now for what you came for my review of the Challenge Final Reckoning Episode 1
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First off I was hoping this season was a team season sadly it was just a rip off of the Rivals series which was only decent for rivals 1 and 2. Rivals 3 was ridiculous and a waste of time and energy. In the beginning we see everyone show up and Tj is all like guess what your partner is buried and you have to find them! oh and the last two teams will be sent home ending their time in south africa. Me as a view knowing damn well tj is full of shit 
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We see Zach dig up his partner Amanda first. Listen I was very excited to hear that Amanda was coming back this season! I really was until all the twitter beef with cara, and unless you’ve been living under a rock you know exactly what I am talking about. (hint him and amanda won the challenge wooooooooh)
Here is everyones partnerships.
Zach & Amanda; Their beef seems a little forced since it’s about Amanda “making up” lies about jenna that even jenna confirmed was true. This team will go far if Zach learns how to work well with women.
Angela & Faith; I honestly don’t understand their beef, really over tor’i really. irrelevant ass team. Angela doesn’t have that same energy she did with Alicia when it comes to Shane and Kam. They won’t go far unless someone (cough cough angela sleeps with someone in power, pulling a veronica in the ruins when she hooked up with my favorite toothbrush twin evan.)
Dj Bald I mean Brad & hair plugs pathological liar I mean kyle; THIS TEAM MAKES ZERO SENSE YALL DEADASS MADE SOME SHIT UP. UHM HELLOOO DARRELL TAYLOR DID NOT WHOOP THAT ASS ON THE RUINS FOR ZERO REASON. Like mtv please stop calling kyle , he literally makes me want to stab him daily.
Cara & Marie; Listen these two have serious dislike for each other over a fucking tweet cara liked & it makes sense they are together. I honestly think this team will do well if Marie Actually fucking tries which i think she will. Tbh marie did campaign to be caras Partner.. However I feel like we as viewers deserved a coral cara team. Those two are both very strong women who need to work out their issues and become civil because I personally love them both.
Ct & Veronica; An og team, ct called v weak but she won more daily challenges then the majority of the girls on dirty 30 . A team to actually fear if they try and win 
Derrick & Tori; Yasssss my boo derrick is back!!!!!! Don’t tell tyler but i adore derrick and think hes amazing. I really like tori as well but her taste in men is just as questionable as mine. Back story tori cheated on derrick with jordan. therefor they don’t like each other.
Bananas & ??? : THIS LITERALLY COULD BE ANYBODY. I’m hoping its sarah so he can break his curse and retire because honestly no one can touch his record unless Landon came out of retirement or if production doesn’t keep fucking over darrell
Joss & Sylvia the sheep; Joss is Hot , and he voted sheep into the elimination and she got mad. damn well knowing she would’ve done the same thing. they do great.
Kam & Melissa; I love this team, this “rivalry” started over a misunderstanding I’m hoping they do well...
Natalie & Paulie; I don’t care enough to waste my time
Nelson & Shane; I’m actually started to like nelson, my dislike for him comes from my loyalty to tyler.. I love shane he is the sassy gay bff that I need in my life. This team will do well if nelson and shane both keep themselves in check
Mama Day & Jozea; I’ve never watched big brother but this team is by far my favorite big brother pairing, I follow both on twitter and they make me laugh daily. underdogs i stan
Britni & Chuck; The hotmess express team. Clearly still feelings there, chuck sucks for what he did to her, they will need to find a way to get past their issues
Jenna & Jemmeye; One of the best moves in challenge history caused this feud. they will do well, jemmeyes brain and jennas brawn.
Kailah & Kayleigh; Failah likes to bully others kayleigh was her victim last season. they’ll probably be out pretty early..
Now to the results of the challenge
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Amanda and Zach won.
I’m not to sure about the rest of the order except for the fact Day & Jozea came in last but before jem & Jenna and Chuck & britni.
it was chucks fault him and brit lost 
it was jennas fault her and jem lost
but was anyone really in shock
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So then we hear bananas yelling for help since his partner left due to family emergency everyone goes digs him up and if it was up to me he wouldve been sent “home” and not brit and chuck since they almost beat day and jozea.. after they get bananas hoe ass out tj announces that amanda and zach are able to send another team home! And out of all the teams these two dumb asses pick day and jozea. like uhm helllooooooo!!! ya’ll deadass had the chance to send send strong teams home... I can’t the stupidity of these two i can’t. SO  then the three teams leave and “go home”. Everyone goes to the house and already a fight breaks out between shane and angela, over a fucking shelf. Homegirl didn’t have the energy with shane like she did with Alicia , but we already knew she was a fraud. Then cut to outside where Joss and amanda are already flirting with each other. I will give credit is due, Amanda is a beautiful girl but has a very ugly soul and joss is very smart to hookup with her, camera time is everything and why not hook up with one of the most dramatic cast members ever. Cut to Syliva saying this could go great for her alliance or terribly for her alliance at least shes smart. The Que the amanda and joss makeout session. Then we cut to bananas cara and hair plugs talking about cara and kyle. Everything out of kyles mouth is a lie and garbage. Kyle states hes gonna sleep with other people and caras like cool whatever . The cut to faith and hairplugs making out, then faith gets into hottub and johnny being johnny brings it up in front of cara, and cara pulls a queen move by being like if he doesnt want me im not gonna wait around. boy bye best choice shes ever made. Then baby girl proceeded to go into a room and make herself look bad by trying to get at paulie. Like oh no baby what is you doing go to sleep and leave him alone..
Then we cut to the best part of the night in my opinion, first we see melissa walk in and try to be civil with kailah, failah wants zero part in it but melissa still tries because melissa wants to be nice then failah pushes melissa and melissa molly whopped her then they were pulled apart 
Everyone but kailah stans on twitter 
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Then the teams who were “sent home” arrive at the redemption house and tj explains some shit i wasn’t paying attention because i didnt care at that point 
Then they go to the photoshoot day and Tj shows up which is never good..
Tells melissa and kailah they are both out ..
Now we dont know kam and kayleighs fate, we find out next week..
Over all this episode was awesome , the cliffhanger was needed , we had a fight some hook ups and a twist.
this season will be interesting to say the least. 
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spiffyseok · 6 years
Jungkook adopts a new puppy for jimin, but now the attention of jimin is only for the puppy and jungkook is jealous.
Here ya are, love. Anyone who wants to send me a prompt should totally do so just sayin’. I write jikook, yoonseok and namjin.
Words: 1700
(it is after the keep reading so sorry to everyone on mobile ‘cause the tumblr app sucks balls and doesnt load keep readings for me, so it probably doesnt for other people i dunno)
It is a good day. The sun is partially hidden behind thin, harmless clouds and the bright blue sky is littered with clouds of similar shape and density. The grass that makes up every yard on their street has been freshly mowed, an unspoken agreement that has never failed to be held up in Jimin and Jungkook’s picture perfect neighborhood. They know it isn’t perfect, though; they got to watch the Hobbs’ messy divorce play out, got to hear their neighbor’s fight when the husband came home late, smelling of whiskey and vomit and an unfamiliar perfume that his wife chose to ignore.
It is a good day. Namjoon and Seokjin just arrived, making them the last of the guests to make it to Jimin’s party. It’s his birthday. His 27th, which according to Jimin makes it ‘the most important birthday.’ When Jungkook asked why, Jimin said, ‘don’t question it; it’s the only thing that keeps me from feeling old.’ Jungkook has just kissed Jimin goodbye, despite both of them knowing that he was only going out to get something from Namjoon’s car, which might take five minutes at the most.
When Jungkook jiggles the keys, he hears a barking from inside the car. The window is cracked open to keep the dog from getting too hot while waiting for Jungkook to come bring it inside, but it only had to wait a minute; Jungkook had been too excited to give Jimin his gift to wait any longer than that. He smiles, opening to car door and reaching inside to get a good, but gentle, grip on the dog, its fur tickling his arms as it sniffed curiously at his shirt. The wet nose irritated the skin by his t-shirt sleeve, but he wouldn’t dare try and get the dog to stop.
When he get’s it back inside, everyone has gathered in the living room, which is only a thin door away from the kitchen he currently stands in. He hopes that Ddosun, which is what the lady at the shelter had called the dog, doesn’t bark before he can surprise Jimin. He grabs the large box he’d sat on the table (“Jungkook-ie, why do you need such a big box for my present?” Jimin had asked, examining the box and shaking it to hear if it had anything in it yet. “Because your present is big,” Jungkook said, smiling as Jimin’s eyes filled with excitement.) and places Ddosun within its spacey confinement. When the lid is placed on top of it, a crack left open because Jungkook wasn’t sure if Ddosun would be able to breathe otherwise, he enters the living room casually, ready for the next step in his plan.
The room of his and Jimin’s friends welcomes him, Yoongi sending him a wide smile and April, their five year old neighbor, running to wrap herself around his leg. Jungkook lowers himself to whisper into her ear, all the others (excluding Namjoon and Seokjin, who have been informed of his plan) looking curiously at the scene in front of them. April nods enthusiastically when Jungkook asks for her help and the two of them rush to the kitchen, leaving Jimin confused and slightly impatient.
“Mr. Jungkook, what do I need to do?” April asks, nosily peeking into the large box and gasping, “oh my gosh, it’s a d-”
“Shh, April, that’s a surprise for Jimin-ie,” Jungkook interrupted, grabbing the box and handing it to April carefully. “Can you hold it? Is it too heavy?” April shakes her head, lifting it up a few feet and then bringing it back to her hips. “Okay, good. Can you bring that into the living room and tell Jimin that you saw it move?” April giggles, nodding and turning around, waddling very slowly into the living room with Jungkook following close behind.
“Mr. Jimin, I think I saw this box move,” she says, resting the box on Jimin’s lap. He smiles at her, sporting crescent eyes and rosy cheeks; he has a soft spot for kids, but especially loves April.
“Hmm…” he says, rubbing at his chin and playing along just to make the little girl laugh, “I guess I’ll check to- oh my god!” Jimin lifts Ddosun out of the box, looking up at Jungkook with widened eyes. “You bought me a dog, Guk-ie?” He stands, holding the dog to his chest, and kisses Jungkook, smiling into the kiss as April gasps and covers her eyes.
Their room is full of warm sunlight that catches on dust and gifts the air around their bed a comforting atmosphere. Jungkook opens his sleepy eyes, rubbing at them as he licks his lips a few times to rid them of their dryness. His lower abdomen aches and he can feel his hardened cock lying heavy against his thigh. He’s trapped between his leg and his pajama pants, pushing up against the cloth, and Jungkook wants nothing more than to fuck Jimin. He turns to where Jimin would usually lie and finds a small note. ‘Taking Ddosun on a walk, be back soon, love you xx.’ Well, fuck.
It is far too late for either of them to be up on a weekday, but here they are, messily spread out on their bed. Jungkook wraps his arms around Jimin, having wanted to cuddle him all day and finally being near enough to him that it is possible. He rests his chin on Jimin’s shoulder, smiling into his neck, and just as they begin to fall asleep, Ddosun forces his way into the equation, curling up in between them. Jimin turns around to hold Ddosun, smiling as he spots Jungkook’s offended expression.
“Ddosun needs cuddles, too, Jungkook,” Jimin playfully scolds, yawning immediately after.
“But he doesn’t need all of them,” Jungkook mumbled grumpily, turning around and curling into his pillow.
When Jimin gets back from his walk at the dog park, he carries with him a wide smile and some random guys number. Jungkook doesn’t like when those things come together, when Jimin smiles because of having the number of some guy named Jung Hoseok who says he has a dog named Mickey who would love to have a play date with Ddosun, whose dog apparently hit it off with Ddosun at the park, who is obviously just trying to get into Jungkook’s boyfriend’s pants.
“We’re going to meet up some time next week,” Jimin says and he is obviously going to say more, but Jungkook beats him to it.
“I want to go.”Jungkook avoids adding that he only wants to go to make sure Jimin doesn’t fuck some guy with a made up dog. Jimin smiles.
Jimin will be home soon. Jungkook has made dinner, rice and chicken and some weird sauce he found in one of Jimin’s old cook books, and he is excited for Jimin to try it. Jimin has been working late, they’ve both been working late, and Jungkook has been waiting for a night where he and Jimin could eat good food and have good sex, maybe watch a good drama, and it could just be good.
But he hears the door open. He made Jimin’s plate five minutes ago, but it is still hot, and he smiles, ready to see Jimin, but he doesn’t come. He waits. And he waits, knowing that Jimin is home, but not sure why he hasn’t come into the kitchen yet. After ten minutes, Jungkook decides to go find him.
“Jimin-ie?” He shouts, walking through the door between the kitchen and living room, eyeing the dog bowl by the front entrance with increasing suspicion. It is full and he hears Jimin say, “in here” and his heart drops. He’d told Jimin that he had dinner waiting for him and Jimin had fed the dog and then fucking played with Ddosun for a while. He hadn’t even bothered to say hi first. He turns to Jimin, mumbling, “your food’s on the table” and then angrily stomping away. When he gets to the bedroom, the door doesn’t shut behind him, Jimin having stopped it.
“Guk-ah, what’s wrong?” Jimin asks, cradling Jungkook’s face in his hands until the younger boy finally looks at him. Jungkook sighs.
“I feel like you love that dog more than you love me.” Ddosun barks, begging for attention, and Jimin makes a point of ignoring it.
“I don’t love anything on this earth more than you,” Jimin says, pecking Jungkook’s lips briefly, “and I’m sorry I made you feel that way. Now, let’s go eat and then we can spend the whole night together. And I can lock Ddosun out of our room for an hour or two, if you wanna…” Jungkook smiles, nodding. He grabs Jimin’s hand and drags him to the kitchen.
“I made chicken and rice and I even used a recipe from one of your cook books,” Jungkook says, beaming and pointing to the food that sits on the plate in front of Jimin’s seat. Just as they sit down, Ddosun runs in, jumping to get on Jimin’s lap.
“No, Ddosun, the table is for people. Ddosun, you have your own food,” Jimin shouts, pointing at the dog. Ddosun turns to Jungkook, running to his seat and trying his luck with the younger. Jungkook smiles evilly, patting his lap and cuddling into the dog. Jimin frowns.
“Now I’m the jealous one,” he whines.
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urdearestmom · 6 years
Airport Ballrooms | A Delayed Flight
so I don’t think I ever posted this there, and it reminded me that I need to post the rest of the chapters of LSS. but for those of you who haven’t come here from my ao3, here’s a little something I wrote back in January.
Summary: What happens when you hear a piano at 3 am?
ao3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/13332432
She hears it before she sees anything. Right as she exits the washroom, a song’s beginning is heard from a piano. As it proceeds, she finds that it’s vaguely familiar.
Coming into the open area where she’s been sitting and trying to nap for the past three hours, she sees that the formerly vacant piano is now occupied by a man whose fingers are gliding across the keys, his dark hair slipping over his brow. He looks like he might be about her age, although she’s not sure.
He’s very concentrated on his playing, so he doesn’t notice when she stands off to his left, watching. He ends the piece softly and when he looks up, he sees her and jumps, putting a hand to his chest.
“Jesus Christ! …almost gave me a heart attack there,” he laughs.
She smiles. “Sorry. That was really nice,” she says, gesturing to the keys. “What was it?”
He shrugs. “Just some good old Chopin.”
She nods. “Sounds familiar.”
“Did you recognize it?” He asks. “It’s one of his most famous pieces.”
“Yeah, kinda sounded like a lullaby or something.” She scrunches her nose. “Never mind.”
He hums. “No, I get what you mean, it has that quality to it,” he says, getting up and pushing the bench in. “What’s your name?”
For some reason, it’s at that moment that she notices he has freckles, although not many. “Jane Hopper, but I go by El. I like your freckles,” she unashamedly comments, then cringes. Fuck.
They start moving toward the seats where she left her luggage, and she sees that there are a few more bags nearby that must be his.
“Really?” He answers. “I used to have a lot more when I was younger, it’s kind of a side effect of aging that you lose freckles.”
“They’re cute.” She looks at her feet. Again? Seriously?
“Alright,” he chuckles. “If you say so, El.”
It’s then she remembers she hasn’t asked his name.
“Michael Wheeler, but no one except my parents call me Michael. Mike’s easier,” he says, tilting his head. “Were you on that flight to Indianapolis? I think it’s the only one that got delayed this late.”
She sits back where she’s been this entire time, and he sits next to her. They’ve just met, but it’s nice not to have to sit in an empty airport terminal at three in the morning by herself, chasing sleep she knows she’s not going to find. “Yeah, I’m going home. I was in Vegas at a speech pathology conference."
Mike grins. “Vegas, huh? What’s it like, hit up any casinos?”
El lays her head back. “I was there for work, so no. I guess I could have, some of my coworkers did, but casinos aren’t really my scene. Too loud,” she responds. “My friend Dustin definitely did, he’s still there,” she adds with a smile.
“He sounds like fun.”
“Definitely is, though sometimes he can be a bit of a handful,” she laughs. “How about you? Going home too?”
Mike nods. “Yup. I was in LA visiting my cousin, but also working. I’m a piano teacher,” he says, wiggling his fingers. “And there’s been a new initiative here in the States, to get some sort of standardized way of teaching, like the Royal Conservatory in Canada. So there’s been collaboration happening, stuff might be in the works.”
She turns to look at him, taking in the excited way he says this. “You seem really happy about that,” she remarks.
He nods again excitedly, his mop of hair flopping over his eyes. “Absolutely! It would make things easier if every teacher across the country had a certain level of things to teach students. Be easier for students too, especially if they ever have to switch teachers.” Suddenly he blows air upwards. “I need to cut this shit,” Mike says, gesturing to the dark locks surrounding his face.
El contemplates him for a second, taking in how he looks. “Nah, it looks good with your face.” GOD, EL! Stop being so forward, you just met him! “I think so, at least, if my opinion counts for anything,” she says, suddenly shy.
It’s weird, she thinks, that she just met this guy less than ten minutes ago and they’re already talking so easily.
He smiles. “It does,” he says, taking out his phone. He shows her what’s clearly a selfie, but it looks like there’s two of him. “That’s my cousin.” Mike points at the one who’s wearing a Guns N’ Roses shirt. “And this is me.” He’s wearing a simple striped t-shirt.
She looks more closely at the picture, trying to find some difference between them. “You guys look like twins!” She exclaims.
“We could be, if he wasn’t five years younger. We get that a lot though,” he answers. “I think you’re going to agree with me on this.” He continues. “He says he’s more attractive, but I say we look the same and therefore have the same appeal. What do you think? As an outside party.”
El looks at it again, and finds that she disagrees with Mike. “I think you’re cuter. Something about you,” she replies.
She looks up to find that a lovely pink blush is spreading across his cheeks. “Something I said?” She winks. Oh my god you fucking idiot. She suddenly feels crushed by the weight of her mortification.
He makes a strangled noise, and the hour and her tired brain must be getting to her, because somehow she finds it the funniest sound she’s ever heard. It’s also a little comforting that he doesn’t seem completely put off.
“Damn, that was smooth!” He says, starting to laugh too. “I gotta tell him you said that.”
“Isn’t he sleeping by now?”
He shakes his head. “No, he says sleep is for the weak. And it’s only two in Cali, and it’s the weekend.”
She reads over his shoulder as he types.
Cute girl said I’m cuter than you LOL
Suck on THAT tozier
“You think I’m cute?”
Mike blushes again. “Yeah, pretty. Really pretty,” he says softly. He gets a text almost instantly.
I dont believe u wheelie
U probably paid her or smth
Also, suck on what ;)
Actually nvm thats incest its just my reflex response
Mike looks at her. “Is it okay if we make a video and send it to him so he believes me?”
She shrugs. “We’ve still got at least four hours to kill, so why not?”
He pulls up the camera and starts recording. “Fine, you don’t believe me, here she is herself,” he says, turning the camera on her.
She waves awkwardly. “Hey… um, what’s his name?” Cringe.
“Hey, Richie, just a little video to say that in my opinion your cousin’s cuter than you. And no, he didn’t pay me to say that,” she states, glancing off camera with a small smile.
Mike turns the camera back to him. “There you go, asshole. Video proof.”
He sends it, and they wait a minute in anticipatory silence before Mike’s phone vibrates with another text.
Lmao that doesnt convince me
She is cute tho ill give u that
Mike heaves an over-exaggerated sigh, shaking his head. You’re a dick, he types, go to sleep I’ll text when I get home.
Mike stares at his phone for a second before turning it off. “If I keep talking to him then he’ll never actually go to sleep.”
El smiles at him. “He seems like a fun person.”
“Oh, he’s an absolute dick. But I love him,” Mike says, shaking his head again. “We weren’t really close as kids but then he moved nearby and we talked more, except then I went to college. He’s closer with my little sister.”
She nods. “Do you have any siblings?” He asks.
“Nope. Just me and my dad.”
“That’s nice. Sometimes I wish there had been less people in my house, would’ve meant less embarrassment in certain situations,” he says. “I have two sisters, one older, one younger.”
“I wish I’d had a sister growing up, would’ve made things easier sometimes,” she answers. “Can you even imagine how awkward my dad was the first time I got my period?”
He doesn’t say anything for a second, and she thinks maybe she shouldn’t have said that. OH MY FUCK.
“Sorry, that was awkward,” she laughs. WHAT THE EVERLOVING FUCK.
“No, it’s fine, just unexpected is all,” he says. “I mean, we’ve only known each other for like fifteen minutes.”
They look at each other, the same thought going through their minds. “This is weird,” they say together, and then they start giggling.
“I just-” He takes a breath. “Do you feel like you know me from somewhere? Because I feel like I know you but I don’t think I’ve ever met you before.”
It’s what she’s been thinking. She feels a sort of familiarity with him, something she’s never felt so quickly with anyone else. It’s like she’s known him for a long time, or maybe in another life or universe.
She grins. “Isn’t there a multiverse theory?”
After spending an hour discussing parallel universes and the physics involved in understanding any of it (which they both have enough of a basic grasp on because of watching too much History Channel), Mike is sitting at the piano again, El having asked him to play something else. She doesn’t recognize the beginning, but as it progresses she realizes she does know it. It gets her moving, and she doesn’t really know what she’s doing, but she’s circling the piano and the man playing it in a way that somehow fits with the music. She even sings along with the main melody and the trills.
She feels like he’s transforming the place into a gigantic ballroom with his music, and she’s the princess dancing with her prince (except there’s no prince to dance with, because he’s too busy making the music). It’s a stupid thing to think, but she never had dolls or was allowed to watch princess movies or read fairytales when she was a kid, and she feels like she missed out. Hopper let her watch movies and read, but it wasn’t the same as a teen as it would’ve been as a kid. And maybe it’s just a dumb fantasy, a creation of her mind because she’s tired and suddenly thinking about her horrifying childhood, but she thinks the imaginary ballroom that only has her and Mike in it is a wonderful place to be.
He ends the piece with a theatrical flourish, throwing his hands up off the keys as soon as the last notes are played. “How was that? You were dancing!”
A laugh escapes her lips as she claps. “It was amazing! I knew that one, it’s from the Nutcracker, right?”
Mike nods vigorously. “Gotta love me some Tchaikovsky.”
“Is that why it’s so dancey? Because it’s for a ballet?” She asks, curious.
“No, it’s because it’s a waltz,” he answers, stretching his arms up above his head. His sweater rides up to reveal a sliver of pale skin, and she finds herself staring without being able to tear her eyes away. “Waltzes are inherently dancey, I think. At least that’s what I always tell my students who play them, it helps them really hear the tempo and accents if they try to see the dancers.”
She averts her gaze, and he’s still talking. “You know, ‘cause waltzes have the accent on count one, so it goes one-two-three, and sometimes when you’re caught up in playing you forget about it so it’s good to try and envision the dancing. The music was written for dancing after all,” he finishes. “El? Sorry, was I rambling, because I have a tendency to-”
“No,” she breathes. “You’re just really attractive. The piano suits you.” She almost face palms. WHY am I like this????
That shuts him up, a redness spreading across his face once again (but this time along with a wide grin). He might just combust if he looks at her, so he looks at his hands instead.
“Sorry,” she says, worried she’s crossed a line she wasn’t supposed to yet.
Mike’s head whips up. “Sorry? What are you sorry for?”
“I’m too forward. It almost always ruins things with guys.” She deflates almost imperceptibly, and she wonders if he noticed.
Apparently he did, because El feels herself pulled into a sideways hug, tugged down to sit on the bench next to him. “Hey,” he says softly. “You’re just saying what you think is true, which is a great quality to have. You saved me from my own rambling, so thanks.” He gives her a squeeze and adds, “It hasn’t ruined things with me.”
Suddenly the air is charged and she thinks that if they weren’t in an airport she might have kissed him then. Sadly, they are in an airport. Instead, she requests that he play something more contemporary than Chopin or Tchaikovsky, and he starts up with a rendition of Halo by Beyoncé.
They spend another hour around the piano, him playing more and she observing. El thinks he plays with a lot of grace, his fingers moving deftly across the keys almost as though he’s stroking the instrument. He looks like he belongs in front of a piano, making beautiful music for all the world to hear. In this case the world is a strange woman in an airport at the asscrack of dawn.
It’s five in the morning when the pair crashes back onto the seats next to their bags, and they lean their heads on each other and fall asleep. However, it seems things are only in increments of one hour on this night, because it’s six when El awakes with a start, knocking Mike’s head off of hers.
“Attention passengers: flight 337 to Indianapolis International is now scheduled for take-off at eight thirty. Boarding will begin at gate twenty-three one hour in advance.”
“Hey,” she says, seeing Mike next to her looking disoriented. “Flight’s at eight thirty but we gotta be there at seven thirty, do you wanna get some breakfast?”
Looking around, she sees that the open area that was so empty during the night now has other people milling through it, and it shatters the warm space she’d felt she and Mike were in. It’s time to go back to the real world, away from the fantasies of ballrooms and princes and dancing. The magic of the night has been erased by the movement of the morning and she hopes what she thinks she felt between them hasn’t been erased too.
He yawns. “I’ll take that as a yes,” she says, getting up to stretch and grabbing her bags.
They walk around the slowly filling terminal, looking for a place to eat, and light upon a cute coffee place in the food court. They order and eat in silence, avoiding looking at each other, until he speaks.
“Does last night… feel like it was a dream, to you?” Mike asks.
I thought that was just me. She takes a sip of her black coffee. “It kind of does, yeah. This entire encounter has been weird.”
He looks down at his croissant, crinkling his nose, then peeks back at her through his lashes. “I’m sorry.”
“Nothing to be sorry for.”
He says nothing else, and neither does she, so they head off to gate twenty three, and she thinks something’s wrong because he wasn’t this quiet or awkward last night. The tension is palpable, but she’s never been very good at social interactions and she doesn’t know what to say. He probably realized how dumb I am. She thinks she may have come across as very brazen (which she is, but she hates it for how it ruins everything all the time). Mike hadn’t seemed bothered by her earlier, and she had hoped that something good might have come out of their chance meeting.
It seems it was not to be, however, because the only thing he does as they board the plane is wave and give a little half smile when he finds his seat. El sighs and settles in for the hour and a half flight. She’s decided she’s going to try to catch up on the sleep she missed instead of sitting in abject misery, and it works because she’s blinking confusedly when a flight attendant wakes her to say that they will be landing in approximately forty minutes.
She’s excited to be back home, to work, her patients, her dad and Max. But she’s also the teeniest bit sad because she wants to explore that special connection she feels with Mike, to see what it means and what it’s about and she believes she’s ruined her chances (okay, so maybe she’s more than a teeny bit sad). She’s convinced herself that nothing was ever going to happen, she had imagined the unexplainable thing she felt between them.
She makes it through baggage claim and isn’t sent to customs, so El’s on her way out of the terminal to catch a taxi because both Max and Hopper are working today when something does happen. Out of the corner of her eye, she sees a person running out of the passenger exit, and she thinks that they must have seen a loved one they missed.
That is, until she hears the shout. “El!”
It’s Mike of course, and he comes to a skidding halt in front of her, breathless. “I just- ran- all the way here- because- I’m a dumbass-”
“Whoa, hey, breathe,” she says, “I don’t need you dying on me in the middle of the airport.”
He nods and waits until his breathing levels out before straightening up. “I wanted to apologize for being so stupid and awkward this morning, I don’t know what got into me.” He swallows before looking at her directly. “I really want to see you again, so… do you wanna go out sometime?”
WHAT! She doesn’t respond for a few moments, shocked. But then she grins and says, “Are you asking me on a date?”
He sucks in a breath, about to shake his head, she can tell, but then he stops. “You know what, fuck it. Yes, I am.”
“Well, I’d certainly like that.”
El leaves the airport with Mike’s number in her phone, and she’s only been in the taxi for a few minutes when it pings with a text.
Can you do tonight at 7?
He’s eager, and she likes that she’s not the only one. It assures her she’s not being some creepy, obsessive, stalker.
Someone’s eager lol
But yes
I was supposed to go to a “friend’s” party tonight but I never actually said yes and I really don’t want to haha
Kinda cheesy but I was thinking a roller rink if you want to go
There’s one near my place and it has an arcade too!!
Growing up in the 90s, El remembers being fond of arcades. She and Max used to hang out in them all the time. Another thing in common!
Aaaaaa the arcade I miss those
Sounds good, pick me up or meet you there?
I can pick you up lol I don’t mind
She sends him her address, and he sends back a GIF of a penguin dancing.
See you later :D
(part 2)
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