#everyone besides my mutuals suck go to hell bye.
sethsbigtits · 11 months
im not gonna be on here for a while so goodbye for a little bit.
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strayneoculturekids · 5 years
Teasing Fullsun - Haechan x Reader
Summary: You didn’t exactly enjoy Haechan’s presence, and he didn’t exactly enjoy yours either; you and him being mortal enemies made it horribly hard for your guys’ mutual friends to hang out all together. It wasn’t until you were put in the direct line of danger that Hyuck first showed genuine care for you.
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Enemies to Lovers AU, Highschool AU
Genre: fluff
Requested by @chagi-nana: Hey love! Can I request an imagine of 00 line of stray kids and nct, please? Like they are all y/n best friend and one of them is their s/o? I will be looking forward to it! Lov u 💜
Warnings: brief moment of sexual harassment
“Oi, Y/N!” A shout came from behind you from a voice that seemingly belonged the Han Jisung
You turned your head around with a smile on your face, quickly letting it drop when you saw who else was walking alongside Jisung. Haechan was with him, along with Renjun and Hyunjin. 
“Hey guys!” You managed to find your smile again and walked backward from the school gate you were about to leave from “Jisung, Hyunjin, Renjun...” You went through and greeted them all separately, pausing once you met eyes with Haechan
You and Haechan greeted each other curtly, both ignoring the three friends surrounding you so obviously rolling their eyes. Before anything else could be said, you all heard loud, annoyed yelling from behind you. You spun around and saw that the rest of your group had shown up, Felix, Jeno, Jaemin, and Seungmin.
“Don’t tell me you two are arguing again” Jeno frowned, eyebrows furrowed, looking between you and Haechan
“They were just about to” Renjun sighed, mentally face-palming
Jaemin opened his mouth, looking like he was about to say something but decided to leave it and settled for staring at you two with a look of disapproval that neither you, nor Haechan, could look at without feeling bad.
“Well” Felix came in, breaking the second of silence “Us four are heading to the mall to eat” He gestured at the group that came with him “You guys want to come?”
“Nah, I can’t. Got something up” Haechan said quickly, looking quite sad
You frowned, shoulders beginning to get slightly droopy before you realized what you were doing. You couldn’t be feeling sad that Haechan wasn’t coming, could you? No, that’s ridiculous you thought to yourself, trying to brush away the bad feeling but ultimately failing.
You walked along with the rest of the group, barely pausing when they all waved bye to Haechan. As much as you hated to admit it, Haechan was handsome, possible one of the most handsome people you’d ever seen, but he was a jerk. He always teased you past the point of it being friendly, something he seemed to not think.
The seven of your friends caught up to you, Jaemin and Seungmin were walking right next to you, going quick to keep up with your abnormally fast pace.
“Why are you walking so fast?” Seungmin asked in a teasing voice “Scared you’ll see Hyuck’s oh so beautiful face and fall in love with him all over again?”
You glared at him but kept your mouth shut. It was true, though; whenever you saw Haechan around everyone else, he was just being himself, he was laughing and smiling, cracking jokes, and you were undoubtedly in love with him. You just weren’t in love with the way he acted towards you specifically.
The eight of you arrived at the mall about fifteen minutes later after catching the train. You spent most of the train ride staring out the window with a sour expression mulling over your mixed feelings for Haechan. Some of the ride though was you trying to stop Seungmin and Renjun from full-on attacking Felix for doing fortnite dances on public transport.
You walked into the mall and immediately you and the rest of your friends were dragged away by Hyunjin and Jaemin to get Cha Time, something that you weren’t exactly complaining about. You guys were just strolling around, no doubt disturbing the general public with how loud you were. The amount of time you and Seungmin had to smack everyone else upside the heads to get them to quiet down was ungodly.
You were actually having a good time, until you spotted Haechan in the distance. He was running towards you guys, a small smile playing on his lips and it wasn’t long before the rest of the group noticed him as well.
“Miss me?” He smirked
“Yeah right” You muttered under your breath, your voice being drowned out by the other seven boys with you greeting the last addition to the group
It wasn’t until you guys made your way over to the arcade that your mind was taken off of your enemy. You spent your time versing each member separately or going off on your own to play a couple games. You were beginning to have a lot of fun once again when Seungmin just decided to challenge you and Hyuck, saying that you couldn’t be each other in a game of dance revolution. Both you and Haechan took this as a personal offense and immediately got onto the surprisingly empty machine, starting up a game.
What you seemed to not remember is that Haechan was one of the fastest learners in the group, especially when it came to dancing. Everyone besides you and Haechan seemed to have already realized that you were absolutely screwed.
A couple minutes in and you and Haechan were both sweating like crazy, but neither of you had done many wrong moves yet. Hyuck, regrettably, took the time to glare at you, causing him to mess up far more than necessary. You smirked triumphantly, not taking your eyes off the screen.
The competition must’ve lasted ages, and by the time Hyuck had finally beat you, you were both completely out of breath, a thin layer of sweat over your entire bodies. 
“I win” He grinned, holding his breath so he wouldn’t appear to be panting
“Whatever” You groaned and glared at him
You marched over to Seungmin, frowning at him, knowing he dared you to do it aware of the fact that Haechan was so obviously the better dancer.
“You suck,” You said to him simply
“You need to stop being a child and finally confess your undying love to Hyuck” He retorted, doing a horrible job of hiding any sarcasm
You groaned and looked over to Haechan, who looked just about as annoyed as you. A shade of red was hinting at his cheeks, just like it was yours, but you just assumed it was from dancing for so long.
The day sky eventually began to get dark and the nine of you decided that it was about time for you all to head home. You began walking to the back to the train station, you were walking a bit behind the rest of the boys, still slightly tired from the competition you and Haechan got stuck in.
“Y/N, what are you doing?” Haechan turned around, eyebrows furrowed
“I’m just tired, anything wrong with that?” You retorted
Haechan frowned, he looked far more than annoyed. Out of nowhere, he dropped back from the rest of the group and started walking slightly closer to you, but still in front. You shook your head, wondering what the hell he was up to. You were about to ask, but before you got the chance to, you felt someone from behind pull you backward, slapping their hand over your mouth so you couldn’t make any noise other than trying to flail around. Your heart suddenly picked up its pace by a million and before you could even try to stop it. Just as you felt the person’s breath behind you on your neck, assumably trying to whisper something to you, Haechan turned around to check on you.
“Fuck!” Haechan ran up to the man behind you, who seemed to have realized his mistake by now
Hyuck’s loud shout attracted the attention of the other seven boys in front of you, and before you knew it, they were all running back to you. Haechan was evidently the first to reach you and ripped you from the man’s grip, bringing you into his chest and holding you there tightly while the other seven full-on attacked the man. Hyuck turned you around so you were facing his chest, not able to see anything, only hear pained grunts.
Before you knew it, Haechan was walking you away from the situation and most of the noises had stopped, yet only a few of your friends came back to join you.
“Where’s Jeno, Hyunjin, Jisung and Jaemin” You frowned, not exactly fond of the thoughts of what they might be doing
“They’re just taking that guy to the police” replied Renjun simply
You hadn’t noticed thus far, but looked down at a particularly hard squeeze on your hand. Haechan had had his hand wrapped around yours and was holding it tightly.
“People like that are gross” Haechan muttered to himself, earning a chorus of agreements from the group
“Haechan...you can let go of my hand now...” You were grateful that your friends were protecting you, of course, but you couldn’t help but feel something that was awfully similar to helplessness. You didn’t enjoy being the damsel in distress all too much
Haechan’s face fell and with an obvious blush, he hastily let go, scrunching up his nose, pretending to be disgusted by the fact he’d been holding your hand.
“Was that why you started walking closer to me?” You asked timidly, the other three boys were now walking protectively behind you, with Haechan walking right next to you
“Of course it was. I didn’t- you’re my friend- you shouldn’t stray away from us this late at night”
“Friend?” You scoffed, the conversation that Renjun, Felix and Seungmin were having behind you came to a sudden halt, but neither you, nor Haechan seemed to notice
“Yes?” Haechan looked offended at your comment
“For the amount you tease me, sure as hell doesn’t seem like it”
“Tease you? I don’t-” Haechan paused, momentarily getting lost in his thoughts “I- I didn’t think that- that you cared”
“Well, you’d think that me purposely avoiding you and insulting you was enough for you to notice”
“I...” he started, but began to trail off
“Thank you for protecting me Hyuck, but it’s just...why do you need to be so contradicting?!” You huffed
“Y/N...I’m sorry, I actually thought- I didn’t realize that I-”
“Then why do you always give me dirty looks back?” You interrupted him
“It’s just a- It’s an immediate reaction. I thought you just hated me for no reason...if you’d told me sooner, I would’ve stopped...I don’t want to hurt you”
You stayed silent. For once in your life, you couldn’t think of anything to throw back at Haechan. He was looking at you intensely, and slowly, you looked at him as well. His eyes were intense but genuine and it didn’t take long until you started laughing, much to Haechan’s confusion.
“Why are you laughing? I’m serious!” He sounded slightly distressed
“I know you are” Your chuckling died down “All this time it was just a dumb misunderstanding? Ridiculous”
Soon enough, Hyuck found the humour in it too.
“FINALLY” Seungmin’s voice came from behind you two
You and Haechan glared at each other, both working your asses off on dance revolution in the arcade. Finally, after not being able to go on any longer, you gave up and over-dramatically fell from the machine. Hyuck laughed and finished the game while you caught your breath, going over to help you up as soon as it was over
“I win” He smirked
“Fine” You breathed, smiling “What do you want as your prize, your highness?” You bowed mockingly
“For you to go out on a date with me” His smile widened when you looked up to him, surprise evident on your featured, awaiting your answer
“Of course, my liege,” You said in another mocking tone, earning a light punch from Hyuck on the arm
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Your Favs as Meet-Cutes
So I owe yall an explanation on two fronts for this one.
1) This post contains @onlyslightlysmallerthanwoozi ‘s favs. Its her birthday today and she’s my baby sister, so show her some love.
2) A meet-cute is, usually in a rom-com, when the main love interests meet.
Anyway, (for the third try) Here you go:
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Felix- There's no one else to dance with at out mutual friend's wedding.
The wedding itself was glorious, being able to watch a few old friends tie the knot was something that made Felix happy, but the reception, not so much. The food was delicious, and the music was fun but when a slow song came on and all the couples flocked to the dance floor, Felix was suddenly aware just how single he really was. He must have been the only person without a date.
Then, he saw you.
You were just sitting by yourself, playing on your phone while everyone else danced. What was worse, you were really pretty in your purple dress.
“Felix, you should be dancing.” Hyunjin huffed, plopping down next to Felix.
“No one to dance with.” Felix shrugged.
“What about Y/n?” Seungmin asked, and to Felix's shock, he pointed to you.
“Oh um, she's uh,” Felix, for once, was at a loss for words.
“Oh I get it, you're intimidated cause she's pretty.” Hyunjin laughed. “Hey, Y/n!” He called over the music. Your head shot up as Hyunjin dragged Felix over.
“Hey, Hyunjin.” You greeted. “Who's this?” Felix cleared his throat before holding out a hand to you.
“Hi, I'm Felix.”
“Hi Felix, I'm Y/n. Want to dance?” Felix felt himself smile at your offer. 
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Suga- Stuck in an elevator together.
Yoongi was already annoyed as he stepped into the elevator. The storm outside had Namjoon worried and he wanted the older man to come down and back up his music in case the power cut.
“Hold the door please.” A voice called, just as the doors began to close. Yoongi glanced up from his phone ready to watch the doors close on some poor sod but when he saw you, his heart told him otherwise. He reached forward and stuck his hand against the door to stop it. You jogged into the elevator, breathless, bowing and thanking him. That was supposed to be the end of that. A quiet 7 story ride to the lobby while you played on your phones on opposite sides of the elevator, but as the number above the door changed from 4 to 3, the elevator shuddered to a stop.
“What the hell?” Yoongi asked, looking up from his phone as the lights flickered out and the melody over the speakers was silenced.
“The power must have gone out.” You realized, then murmured quietly, “I hope my fish are okay.” He let out a chuckle at that. He quickly tapped the 'open door' button, but nothing happened.
“Yeah, I think you're right.” He sighed, unlocking his phone again to call someone only to find he had no bars. “And I have no service.” He sighed again, “What about you?” You shook your head, sliding down the wall to sit on the floor.
“Of all days to get stuck in an elevator.” You huffed, typing out an unsendable text to your manager.
“I feel you. I was supposed to go back up my music before the power cut at my studio.” He wasn't sure why he was telling you this, but he joined you on the floor.
“Ouch, I hope someone got to it.” You sympathized. “I was supposed to be heading to a photo shoot.”
“Oh, that's where I recognize you from.” He realized. “You're Y/n from Y/G/N, right.”
“Yeah, and you're Suga from BTS.” You nodded.
“Call me Yoongi.”
“Alright Yoongi, wanna play cards while we're stuck here?” You asked, pulling a deck of cards from your purse.
“Why not?”
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Tao- We are both in the hospital for stupid reasons
“Yeah mom, I'm fine. They're keeping me overnight just to make sure I didn't mess my head up too badly. I'll keep you updated I promise. Love you, bye.” You groaned as you hung up, tossing the phone on your bed. 
“Yeah, don't worry, they're just giving me fluids and sending me home in the morning. Yeah I know, please stop yelling. I get it.” You could sympathize with the guy next to you getting chewed out over the phone. Being in the hospital was never a good thing, especially for preventable reasons.  “Yeah okay, goodbye.” The guy on the other side of the curtain, let out a groan, similar to yours as he hung up.
“You seem about at excited about this as I am.” You joked. He let out a small laugh.
“You could say that. I'm just kinda tired of being yelled at, its not making me feel any better.” He explained.
“I understand that.” You sighed, nodding, even though he couldn't see you. “It's like, yeah I'm aware I messed up, you don't have to remind me 40 times in rapid succession.” You laughed, which made him laugh too.
“Its worse when it's the people you were with when it happened, you know? Like people who could have helped prevent it.” He added.
“Exactly, like, this is both of our faults. Don't just blame me.”
“So what happened to you? If you don't mind me asking.” You cringed a bit at the events leading to this moment but figured telling a stranger was the least of your problems.
“Its no biggie, my sisters and I were filming a video and they released a bass drum down a hill I was standing on. I didn't realize till it was too late and got hit, smacked my head really hard when I fell.” The guy sucked in a breath.
“Ouch, sounds painful.”
“Probably was, but I don't remember it, I went from seeing a drum bouncing towards me to looking at the sky as my sisters called my name. What about you?”
“Oh, I've been working pretty much nonstop for a few days and kinda forgot to eat, or drink anything that wasn't coffee, or sleep for longer than 2 hours at a time.”
“Nice going.”
“Thanks, I passed out after a photoshoot and woke up here.”
“Oof, feeling better now?” You asked.
“A lot, actually, I think you're helping.” You felt your cheeks heat up at his comment. “Do you mind if I...” He toyed with the edge of the curtain that blocked you from each other's view.
“Go ahead.” He pulled the curtain back, finally being able to see you, looking beautiful even in a hospital gown with a bandage around your head.
“Hi, I'm Tao.” He finally introduced, breathlessly. 
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Woozi- I burst into the room to get away from fans
When you first stepped off the stage, you were greeted to the hustle and bustle of backstage, but as you made your way deeper into the building, all you could hear was the muffled music from the stage. It was nice, just wandering the halls, letting your body cool after the vigorous dancing you had been doing.
However, your serenity was cut short by a high pitch scream. Looking behind you, there was a small gaggle of fans who had spotted you as you rounded a corner. You weren't sure how they had recognized you from behind, and while part of you wanted to commend them on the ability, the other half of you was scared when they began running towards you. Of course, you did what any normal person would have done when a fairly large group of people began sprinting towards you, you booked it. Weaving down the mostly empty halls trying to lose them until you finally rounded a corner and burst into a room without looking, spinning to close the door quickly. Leaning your forehead on it, you heard the group sprint past, chattering on about how you had gone that way. Finally letting out the breath you had been holding, you shut your eyes, trying to calm your frantic heart.
“Um, I think you have the wrong room.” The voice behind you made your eyes shoot open.
Oh dear god, you had just burst into someone's dressing room, hadn't you? Turning slowly, you were silently praying it wasn't a company head or the show's producer. To your luck, it wasn't. Sitting on the couch across from you was Lee Jihoon, of Seventeen.
“I am so sorry, there was this hoard of fans and I just needed a hiding place.” You explained, hoping he would understand. You had never met the man but most people said he was scary and standoffish, but at the current moment, he was sitting cross-legged on a couch wearing corgi socks and playing SuperStar Pledis. Not exactly intimidating.
“Oh, I understand. You're welcome to lay low here for a while if you need to.” He offered.
“Thank you.” You breathed, taking his offer of sitting on the couch with him.
“You're Y/n, right? I just saw your stage.” He explained, pointing to the TV that was showing the current standing of your album on the charts.
“Yeah I am, you're Woozi, right?” When he nodded you continued. “You know you really have a way with words, we should collab sometime.”
“Yeah, we should”
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Xiu- We both got ditched by our dates so were gonna go on a date to spite them
It was one thing to forget about a date, but it was another to take another girl to the same restaurant on the same night, at the same time. You had gotten all dressed up, worn a nice dress, cute undies just in case, and had done your make up, only to find the guy you were supposed to be meeting, eating happily with another girl. What were you supposed to do? Go up to them and throw your drink at him and shout at him? No, causing a scene was never your style, and besides she looked like she was having a good time, there was no point in ruining someone's good night because you were hurt. So instead you sipped your wine and glared at them, not even trying to hide it.
“Excuse me, miss?” A new voice snapped you out of your visions of eating the man's tongue down his throat, thinking it was a waiter you turned to look at the voice. Instead of a waiter, you found a dark-haired man in a crisp suit smiling at you.
“Um, hi, can I help you?” You inquired. His smile faltered. 
“Maybe, I can't help but notice that your glaring at that couple over there.” He gestured to the pair that you had in fact been glaring at, and you felt just a little guilty.
“I'm sorry, I must seem awfully rude, I can go.” You offered, picking up your purse to pay for your wine.
“Actually, um, look the girl the guys with was supposed to come here with me, and from the way your glaring, he was supposed to be here with you.” He confessed. You nodded, frowning slightly.
“Looks like we both got screwed over tonight.”
“Yeah no kidding, but I was wondering, well, I know how long it took me to get ready, there's no sense in letting our hard work go to waste, right?”
“What are you implying?” You asked.
“What if we had dinner together? You're beautiful, I won't even try denying it, and you got stood up by some dickhead, but there's no reason we can't have a nice dinner, I mean we are already here.” He asked, somewhat sheepishly. He was handsome, so him calling you beautiful made your heart flutter.
“Well, I suppose dinner with a handsome man, one much more handsome than the person I was supposed to be with, I might add, well that doesn't seem too bad.” You shrugged playfully.
“Awesome, I'm Minseok, but my friends call me Xiumin.” He introduced himself, sitting across from you.
“A pleasure, Xiumin, I'm Y/n”
I know the gifs have nothing to do with the stories but they are my girls favs. Love you Spork, Happy Birthday.
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focusas · 6 years
High school sucked. Or at least, that what most people though. Well… university can suck too…
Sokka was alone in unknown city. Away from all his friends from his small town. Big city life wasn’t his thing. So, he spent most of his time holed up in his dorm room playing online games when there weren’t lectures that he needed to attend. Also, while in his small town high school he was one of the best and smartest people, here he was below average in his skills and had to pay bigger attention and study more to keep up with everyone. That being said he had no social life! Sokka’s life would have totally sucked if not for one thing. His online game buddy was still by his side and that online game they played was sure way to deal with all things adult he was supposed to do now that had had to live on his own in unknown city.
Then one day Sokka had a crazy idea to know where his play buddy nicknamed Gilded fire was living. They never talked about any personal things until Sokka accidentally said something stupid like that. It has passed as if never happened and nothing has changed for several days until Gilded fire started to talk about it and then one thing followed another and they both learned that they are in same city then after some more chatting they both decided that it would be interesting to meet up. Gilded fire was reluctant to agree to such proposal and told him that she needs time to think things through. Entire week passed as if nothing has happened and Sokka almost forgot about his crazy proposal. Then when one day when he logged in into his favorite MMO he found a message from Gilded fire that told him that she accepts his proposal and that they should meet in one of many plaza’s the city has under the shadow of statue and that each of them would recognize each other they both should wear scarfs: blue for him, while she would be wearing a red one. Sokka was overjoyed by such news and replied that he accepts her idea and next day he was eagerly waiting for his friend in their defined place.
Sokka came to the place and walks around while looking for his online friend when a hand grabbed him and he came face to face with a girl, Azula. Sokka was a little bit scared because he knows her, it’s the student council president. Azula was the one that run things in the university and the rector. She was known to have icy dominating aura around herself that made everyone cover in fear and do anything to please her just to get away from her presence as fast as possible. She was also smart and beautiful and lots of brave students tried to get on her nice side because there could be lots of benefits if someone succeed to melt her icy heart, but she would reject every attempt in one way or another and sometimes when she felt that she don’t want to play she would reject the unlucky fools in such way that they would never rise from their ashes of shame and humiliation. Like all students, Sokka had to deal with her at one time or another, when he lost his student id and need to get new one. That time he had to endure long lecture on how stupid and irresponsible he was, before he was issued a new one.
“BoomerAwesome I presume?” Azula asks him while staring him right into the eyes.
“Hmm… yes.” Sokka gulps and after several seconds later after he notice red scarf, he asks his own question:
“Gilded fire?” but instead of answer he gets something else since Azula grabs his blue scarf and starts to drag him as an encouragement to follow her.
“This is not the place to talk. Too many people!” Azula answers him while still maintaining her grip on his scarf and dragging him beside her. Sokka manage to look around and note, that while the place is quite open if you don’t count the place, he was standing just several seconds earlier, there were only a few people walking or standing and enjoying nice weather. Maybe Azula was concerned about her reputation as student council president mingling with common people.
Several minutes later at the coffee shop at corner table in far edge away from prying eyes.
Sokka and Azula sit in silence and didn’t know what to do.
“Hmm… Sorry… I would like to apologize for my harsh behavior. I don’t know how to talk with people without instilling fear and domination.” Azula looks shy while looking at Sokka sitting on the opposite side of table.
“Hmm… its ok…” Sokka reply shyly. The gilded fire girl he knew from their online games was sweet girl that could deliver sick burns and sarcasm. He is surprised by such sudden Azula’s change of attitude because he knows that… She is known to be scary and dominating girl with icy persona.
“This is awkward…” Azula fidget with her fingers. “You turned way better than I expected…”
“I could say same. I was expecting some old dude and not stunning looking girl, knowing how everyone lie about who they are on the internet.” Sokka starts fidget with his fingers too.
“Believe me the feeling is mutual. After all what chances are that we not only live in same city, but also go to same university.” Azula sip her coffee slowly as a way to get over this awkward situation.
“Astronomically low.” Sokka can’t find any words to reply. “So, what will happen next?” He asks shyly.
“Why do you ask? This changes nothing! We can still play together… BUT never call me by my user name when we meet next time in uni or some other public place because no one can know that we know each other, OR I WILL MAKE YOUR LIFE HELL!” Azula look straight into Sokka’s soul and he could feel dreadful aura radiating from her that surrounded him and make him want to shrink in size and disappear, but his legs don’t listen him. Right that’s the dreaded Azula he knows so good.
“Ok…” Sokka reply after recovering from shock and ask her: “Are you ok?”
“Sorry. I will be fine if you don’t do anything stupid, but I am I intent to keep my promise if you do something stupid. Let’s keep real life and game separate that should be best for both of us.”
“Ok.” Sokka nods shyly. They sit in silence for several minutes and drink their coffee.
“Well … it was nice meeting you, Sokka, but I have to go now. Thanks for not turning into some ugly, creepy old man. Good bye.” Azula stand up after several seconds and leave.
“Good bye, Azula.” Sokka replies to her and leave the place after several second too.
Life goes on as usual. Sokka and Azula continue to play together like nothing has happened or until one day during their play session Azula says that she isn’t in the mood to play anymore and instead ask if he would like to meet up her in same coffee shop they previously met. Sokka is surprised by it, but accepts her offer.
“Hi… is everything ok?” Sokka welcomes Azula and sits nearby. He notices that Azula looks moody.
“I just wanted to get out of house.” Azula reply. They both order a cup of coffee and some cupcakes.
“I may not be good at this stuff, mostly because I spent most of my time in my dorm room playing games, but if there is something you want tell me …” Sokka looks at Azula and Azula looks at Sokka and then at her surroundings.
“There are too much people here.” Azula reply to Sokka after glancing around at her surroundings. The coffee shop looks extra busy today.
“So how do you like your new robe?” Sokka ask Azula after several minutes of silence to break some ice.
“It’s great. Just what I needed. Thanks for helping me to get it” Azula reply after finishing her coffee. “Let’s go somewhere else.” Azula state after several minutes of odd silence. They pay their bill and leave.
Sokka silently follows Azula and they go to park.
“I was wondering here, why …” Sokka started to speak but was interrupted by Azula.
“Why I asked if I wanted to see you?”
“Yes. Surely such pretty and popular girl must have lots of friends to hang out.” Sokka once again started to talk and once again was interrupted by Azula, but instead of words it was her laugh that sent shivers down his spine. Luckily there were no one else around or the thing would have turned real awkward real fast.
“It’s very simple because I am not allowed to have any.” Azula turned to Sokka and looked at him with stone cold face.
“You are … what?!” Sokka was shocked by such revelation.
“My father is the mayor of this city and he want to stay that way. He even considers to try his luck and get into parliament next year. We have to think about his reputation especially after the fiasco that Zuzu did and continue to do.” Azula explained her mind.
“Not even one?” Sokka was unsure of what to say or do.
“I have to be the perfect daughter and the role model of my family and because of that my life is controlled by my family so that I wouldn’t turn like Zuzu. We look like perfect family on the outskirt, but inside we are all rotten. Mon is cheating on father with some local artist and father knows about it, but because the elections will be next year, he pretends to not see it if he can. Mom hide it too. My brother is the disgrace of the family since he whores himself around bunch of girls and is plain stupid. In fact, he is so stupid that he managed to slip in kitchen, hit his head on the counter and then fall onto frying pad. That’s how he got half of his face burned. But even that didn’t stop him to fuck around girls. He was caught many while fucking some random girl that we don’t even count now. And then there is my stoner uncle who do drugs. He calls them tea, but I know better. So, it’s no surprise that I am forced to be what I am to be, after all someone needs to be ‘normal’ in this crazy family.” Azula was rambling nonstop and didn’t know why she was doing it or at least until Sokka grabbed her hand and squeezed it lightly.
“Hmm… I am here if you ever need me…. If your family is controlling your life so strictly… wouldn’t they miss you?” Sokka looked at Azula and hold both her hands before her. ”Wouldn’t there be problem for you?”
“Nah, they are too preoccupied. Mom and dad fight in the kitchen so laud that everyone in the house can hear it and then there is Zuzu in his room fucking someone named Jin or was it June I couldn’t get it right because of all that noise. It’s like it’s a contest of who could be loader: mom and dad or Zuzu and his girl. The house is currently hell and so no one noticed that I slipped away. Thanks for staying with me Sokka. I appreciate it.” There were no more words needed when Sokka embraced Azula who felt like huge stone has fallen from her chest.
“We may be only online friends, but you can count of me, Azula.”
“Thanks, Sokka!”
“I was wondering …” Sokka asked Azula after they sit on the bench.
“Why the video games?” Azula looked at Sokka.
“Yeah, if your family is so controlling wouldn’t they be afraid of you talking with people online?” Sokka asked what was on his mind.
“The way they see it the more time I spend at home the less chance there is that I would screw up and bring disgrace to the family and the less time they need to spend to control where I go and what i do outside. So, they just ignore me if I stay all time at my room when I don’t have lectures or student council duties to attend to. You could say that video games are my way of coping up with all shit i have to face while living with them.” They sat in silence for several minutes while gazing at each other.
“You must think I totally lost it to spill the beans so sudden to the stranger like you, don’t you?” Azula asked unsure of what to do when the realization of has happened finally hit her.
“Nah, you needed someone to help you and I am glad to help you. We play online now for more than couple year and know each other so we aren’t total strangers.” Sokka ensured Azula.
“Good, but if you tell anyone about it, me and my family will make your life hell, mostly my father.” Azula stated the fact.
“I wouldn’t tell anyone. You can count on me.” Sokka held Azula’s hands. It was strange. They weren’t strangers, but they weren’t friends too. They only knew each other for couple years during their games online, but now they were sitting nearby like real persons. They decided that they liked it, but to be safe they should keep it secret.
Sokka and Azula sat on the bench and enjoyed the park. It was so quiet and peaceful and looked like it could last forever.
“Thanks for staying with me Sokka.” Azula thanked Sokka and then left. If she was gone for too long and the fighting and fucking ended someone may notice that she was missing and then there will be some explanations to do. Sokka and Azula continue to play online together and when staying holed up at home become unbearable, Azula would secretly slip away to meet up with Sokka to spend some time.
Next year Azula, being student council president, organized for her and Sokka to get invitation to study aboard in same university, in student exchange program, so that she could get away from her dysfunctioning family and so that she and Sokka could spend more time together. But that’s another story!
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sweetlysilent · 6 years
Hole In One
Not Requested.
Pairing: Tom Holland x Reader
Description: Tom bets Harrison that he can get a hole in one before him, that is until you join and take Harrison's place, and change the game completely. 
Warnings: Some swear words, besides that it's pretty cheesy (at least I think it is)
Word Count: 2.4k
Song Rec: Mutual - Shawn Mendes
A/N: So, after watching that video of Tom golfing, it inspired me to write this, and I'm pretty happy with the outcome :))) however, I didn't proof read it and it's late so I'm going to sleep lmao goodnight I hope you guys like it as much as I do!
also apologies if there isn't a spacing between time changes, I put them in but lately my tumblr mobile app removes them so ://// it's annoying.
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"Dude I crushed it out there!" Tom grinned, giving Harrison and Jacob a high five as he jogged over to them.
"Yeah man, you hit it pretty far this time, almost got a hole in one on that one course, almost." Harrison teased, grinning at his friend who rolled his eyes in response, casually flicking him off, laughter leaving his mouth.
"I'd like to see you try and do better." Tom challenged his friend, a smug smirk on his lips as Harrison crossed his arms, an eyebrow raised.
"Oh shit is this a golf war?" Jacob chimed in, his eyes wide as he glanced between his two friends.
Harrison was about to reply, but the sound of his phone ringing caught his attention, making him groan in annoyance, pulling it out of his pocket.
He rolled his eyes once seeing the caller ID, before pressing it against his ear, letting out a dramatic 'hello?'
You snorted through the phone, mocking his tone of voice back, the same amount of sarcasm laced within your voice.
"I need a ride, you took the car and keys, therefore you need to drive me." You spoke through the phone, hearing Harrison grumble on the other line.
Harrison was your older brother, also a huge pain in your ass when you wanted to go somewhere because he always took the car and wouldn't come back for hours.
"Y/N I'm not home right now as you can clearly tell, I'm out with Tom and Jacob, we're in the middle of golfing." Harrison rolled his eyes, glancing at Tom and Jacob who gave you the look as if saying 'who are you talking to?'
He silently mouthed "Y/N," before hearing you whine in annoyance through the speaker.
"Hey Y/N!" Tom and Jacob both shouted, earning a scowl from Harrison, your voice coming through the phone louder back, causing Harrison to pull the device away from his ear a bit.
"God Y/N you're going to blow my eardrum one day I swear." Harrison muttered into his phone, earning a chuckle from you.
"I just thought of the best idea!" Jacob jumped up, a smile on his face as he looked at Harrison, "You should bring Y/N to the golf challenge Haz!" Jacob nudged his friend, a grin on his as Harrison shook his head 'no' frantically.
"What? Afraid you're going to lose?" Tom pressed on, a grin on his face as Harrison let out a sigh, rubbing his forehead with his hand.
"I'll be there in fifteen, you better be ready Y/N." Harrison spoke into the phone, his voice sounding defeated yet slightly happy at the same time.
As much as he loved spending time with his friends he also loved spending time with you, even if you were siblings.
"Alright, bye Y/N." Harrison spoke, before hanging up the phone, giving a short glare to Tom and Jacob, grabbing his keys before exiting the course.
"So, you and Tom are having a golf war?" You questioned as Harrison drove back to the golf course.
"Pretty much, which sucks because Tom's really good, and he'll probably get a hole in one first, and I know he's going to brag about it for a while." Harrison groaned, making you laugh in response.
You both spent the next few minutes sitting in silence, listening to the music play on the radio, your mind wandering, that is until you felt as if a lightbulb went off in your head.
"Holy shit, I just thought of the biggest plot twist ever." You clapped your hands excitedly, grinning at your brother.
"Spill." Harrison laughed, amused by how excited you got over the smallest things.
"Tom expects to be challenging you, but what if instead he challenges me?" You offered, a small smirk creeping up on your lips.
"Y/N, no offense but you hitting that kind of distance? You'll never get a hole in one even if you tried." Harrison mused, pulling into the parking lot of the golf place.
"No one ever specified what kind of golf we had to do, the whole objective is to just get a hole in one first right?" You smirked over at your brother, watching as his eyes widened a bit, now catching on what you were going about.
"You're a bloody genius Y/N." Harrison grinned, turning the engine off before the both of you got out of the car, walking in to find Tom and Jacob.
You saw Tom practicing some shots, obviously prepping for the big match that was about to take place.
"Hey! You guys made it back! Thought you were forfeiting you were gone so long." Tom teased his friend, earning a sarcastic laugh back from Harrison.
"How would you like to make it even more interesting?" Harrison suggested, watching as Tom's eyebrow raised up, clearly intrigued.
"On the drive over, Y/N came up with a brilliant idea, Y/N would you like to tell him?" Harrison turned to you, a smirk on his face as you grinned, nodding your head in response.
"Instead of Harrison versing you, it's going to be me." You smiled, giving your best jazz hands as Jacob and Tom looked at you surprised.
"Y/N you're terrible at golf." Tom mused, a smile on his lips as he watched your eyes sparkle with a bit of mischief in them.
"Who ever said this was where we were golfing? The only thing said was to get a hole in one first." You winked, watching Tom's smile deflate slightly, now becoming a bit hesitant.
"Plot twist, we're not golfing here anymore, that being said, to the car!" Harrison cheered, raising his golf club into the air, before dragging his golf bag and you along with him out of the building, Tom and Jacob trailing behind.
"What is Y/N up to?" Jacob thought aloud, as Tom gave a shrug in response, his brows furrowed as he too was trying to figure that out.
"No idea, but I guess we're going to find out, either way, I'm still going to win." Tom spoke confidently, fist bumping Jacob, before getting into the backseat of Harrison's car.
This was going to be interesting.
"You've got to be joking." Tom spoke aloud, looking out the window as Harrison pulled into the parking lot, laughter escaping his lips.
"Y/N made a great point, you never made any rules on where we had to get a hole in one." Harrison grinned, putting the car in park, unlocking the doors so everyone could get out.
You hopped out of the car, an amused expression on your face as you saw Tom's, an expression filled with worry and confidence, and a tiny bit of amusement.
He glanced over at you, seeing the smug smile on your face making him roll his eyes playfully, before looking back at the sign that read 'MINI PUTT PUTT.'
"This is going to be the most epic game of golf I've ever seen." Jacob laughed, making you smile and laugh along with him.
"Let's do this." Tom mumbled, a smile on his lips as he walked beside you into the tiny hut house to get your ball and golf club.
Once getting the score board, ball, and club, you both were off, on a race to see who could get the first hole in one.
"Before we start, how about we make the stakes even higher." Tom challenged, a smirk on his lips as he looked down at you, butterflies erupting in your stomach.
"Alright Holland what do you have in mind?" Harrison questioned, his arms crossed as Jacob stood next to him, a curious expression on his face.
"If I get a hole in one first, I get to go on a date with Y/N." Tom grinned, licking his bottom lip as he glanced down at you, seeing your face tinted a light pink.
However, Harrison's face was stern, his jaw clenched while Jacob's was shocked at Tom's statement.
"What about if Y/N wins?" Jacob questioned, glancing over at you as to which you stood and thought about it for a moment.
You already knew Harrison wasn't happy with the one outcome, so you might as well add onto it right?
"If I get a hole in one first, I get a kiss, from Tom." You shot back, a smug smile on your face as Tom's eyes widened, not expecting your answer.
"The hell? No way!" Harrison finally interjected, waving his arms in the air before pointing at you and Tom.
"It's already set into place bro." Tom grinned, causing Harrison's jaw to clench and Jacob's mouth to drop open, laughter leaving his mouth.
"This is so epic! I wish I had popcorn!" Jacob choked out, trying to calm himself down from laughing.
"Let the games begin Holland." You smiled confidently, placing your hand out for him to shake.
"Let the games begin Y/N." Tom smiled back, shaking your hand, before you both grabbed your club and ball, walking up to the first hole.
You both had assumed putt putt would be way easier than the real deal golf, but turns out you were both proven wrong.
You were now on the sixth hole, neither of you had gotten a hole in one yet, making the whole competition even more stressful than before.
In the back of your mind you knew that whoever won you both benefited from it, but on the outside you both just wanted to win, to have those bragging rights.
You both had now moved onto the tenth hole, Tom came close to almost getting a hole in one, making you extremely anxious, the ball stopping right in front of the hole.
"Shit!" Tom shouted, running his fingers through his hair in frustration as he stormed over to the ball, knocking it in as you let out a sigh of relief.
"I swear if you get it in and I didn't I will be livid." Tom stated, his arms crossed as he watched you get ready to hit the ball.
You swung the putter back and forth a few times before hitting the ball, watching it roll to the hole, your heart racing as it got closer, and then it happened, it fell in.
Your eyes lit up, your arms shooting into the air as excitement pumped through your veins.
"I did it!" You shouted, jumping around happily as you ran down to the hole to grab your ball out of it as Tom frowned, clearly pissed that you got the hole in one and he didn't.
"What does that make me Tom?" You teased, walking up to him as he let out a dramatic sigh, turning his head to face you.
"It means.. you won." Tom mumbled, clearly annoyed that he didn't beat you because deep down he secretly has wanted to go on a date with you and that was his only opportunity.
"That's right. And since I did win, I think I should claim my prize." You smiled, watching his eyes light up for a split second, remembering that your reward for winning was a kiss, from him.
"Gross. I will be turning around for this." Harrison groaned, covering his eyes as he faced away from you and Tom, making Jacob turn around also.
You were about to say something super cheesy, but Tom was quick to shut that down, before you had time to react his lips were pressed against yours.
You kissed him back, your hands tangling in his curls as he made the kiss deeper, it was passionate, needy, leaving you both wanting more.
"Damn." Tom muttered as he pulled away from your lips, his just barely ghosting over yours as your foreheads rested against each others.
"Yeah. Damn." You replied in a breathless laugh, your eyes fluttering open to see his already looking back at you.
You both stepped away from each other a tiny bit, smiles on the both of your faces as you licked your lips, something that Tom noticed instantly.
"You know, I wouldn't mind going on a date." You shrugged your shoulders, kicking a rock with your shoe as Tom let out a chuckle.
"But I didn't win?" He counteracted, a smile on his lips as you looked up at him.
"You might not have gotten a hole in one first, but you did end up winning something else." You teased, watching as Harrison looked like he was going to get sick just at the thought.
"And what did I win?" Tom questioned stupidly, a cheesy smile on his face as he watched your eyes sparkle once more, something he had grown fond of every time he saw you.
A silence fell over everyone, especially Harrison, before Jacob broke the quietness, his excitement bursting.
"I KNEW IT! I'M SO HAPPY, THIS IS LIKE THE KISSING BOOTH BUT IN REAL LIFE." Jacob shouted, clapping his hands loudly, causing you and Tom to laugh, while Harrison groaned.
"I think the most important question is, Jacob, when did you watch The Kissing Booth?" Tom teased his friend, watching as Jacob's face turned a shade of red.
"That is for me to know, and for me to know only thank you very much." Jacob defended himself, holding his head up high as he walked to exit the putt putt course, leaving you, Tom, and Harrison behind.
"It is kind of ironic isn't it?" You thought aloud, looking up at Tom as he wrapped his arm around your shoulder.
Tom snorted in response, pulling you close as you both followed behind Harrison to exit the course.
"You're my Elle." He teased, making you smile in response, placing your hand over his that was wrapped around you.
"And you're my Noah." You teased back, watching him grin at your response, biting his lip slightly.
Who would of thought golf would end up being the real life kissing booth, miracles do happen after all.
Permanent Tags: @fucking-reddie @httpmcrvel
Tagging some mutuals <3: @tomhollahoe @ballyhoobarnes @acciopeter @spiderbiteholland @sams-holland @hollandbaby @starksparker @yoyococo18
( Hope you guys don't mind if I tagged you! If you rather I don't please private message me! :) )
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crayonwriting · 7 years
The Lady Killer
Summary: “The ladies love a guy who’s good with kids.”
Word Count: 2, 663
Pairing: Steve Harrington x Reader
A/N: Thank you so much for all the love for my Eggsy fic! Literally did not expect that. I don’t know what to say really. Just THANK YOU SO MUCH! As for this one, I did not expect this to turn out this long. This is the first time I’ve actually written something like this. I didn’t proofread this so, I’m sorry for any errors and inconsistencies. Tbh, I don’t like how this turned out. I think I could’ve done better. I hope you guys enjoy this.
It was a typical Saturday afternoon in the small town of Hawkins, Indiana. The sun was high in the sky; some kids were out in their yards. You, Y/N Y/L/N, were riding your bike just enjoying the homework-free weekend.
Despite what everyone says, you loved Hawkins. Its somewhat gloomy and mysterious aura makes you feel excited and keeps you on your toes for adventures to come—not to mention the one you had only a few months ago.
You parked your bike by the front steps of the arcade. You rarely go there but days like this were an exemption. You stared at the purple, glowing neon sign and smiled to yourself. You were a regular at The Palace. Video games were one of your stress-relievers. You heard the familiar ‘ding’ of the bell as you push open the door. Beeps and bleeps of the games and the flickering lights of the screens were reflected on the faces of kids and some teens. The arcade was packed with people but you didn’t care.
“Hey, Keith!” You greeted the teenage boy. He worked at the Palace and was almost in charge of everything that’s going on in the arcade. “Can I have change for two dollars?”
“I will if you let me take you out on a date.” He replied. You just let out a small chuckle and handed him the bills. He just stared at you, chewing on a Cheeto—which is something he always had—while waiting for your answer. You continued to smile at him, saying nothing. Keith let out a sigh and rang up the register. “Or you could set me up with Nancy. I don’t mind both choices.” Once he handed you your change, you smiled up at him and said,
“Keith,” you started, “Nancy is with Jonathan so, you can scratch that off your list,” you pat his shoulder, “as for me, well, maybe next time.” You smiled at him one last time before turning around and walking away. You let out a huff and put your change into the pocket of your jacket. You started your way to your favorite game of all time, Galaga.
It had almost been an hour since you’ve been playing non-stop. You smiled to yourself when you reached the third highest score on the roster. Satisfied, you decided to switch to a different game before going home. As you scanned the place you suddenly saw a familiar mop of brown hair in one of the games, surrounded by four boys shouting god-knows-what at him.
You recognized that mop of hair anywhere. It belonged to none other than the King of Hawkins High, Steve Harrington. Well, they say he’s not the king anymore—Billy Hargrove, a new student, and a classic jerk, claims the right to that title. You had been classmates with Steve since you started high school, but you have never spoken to him until you were sucked into the world of demogorgons and the Upside Down.
You had been babysitting Dustin when he suddenly asked for you to give him a ride to the Wheeler’s house because there was an ‘emergency’, only to find out that Mike wasn’t there. You and Dustin met up with Steve and the rest was history. You eventually decided to quit babysitting Dustin seeing as that position had already been taken by Steve, but it was a mutual decision. You walk dogs now, which was less work than babysitting.
You approached the boys but jumped when one of them—obviously Dustin—shouted loudly.
“What the hell Steve?!” He had his hands on top of his head with his mouth hanging open. Lucas, who was beside him, had his arms crossed and was shaking his head.
“I was pressing the damn button but it wasn’t working!” Steve argued. He put his hands on his waist—a signature move of his—and bit his lip in annoyance. He flicked his eyes from the screen to you and back before realizing that you were actually there, standing beside the group. “Y/N?”
The rest of the party looked towards you and you waved at them and mumbled a small ‘hello.’
“Y/N! Thank god you’re here!” Mike said in relief. “Finally, someone who takes video games seriously.”
“What seems to be the problem?” You asked.
“We’re trying to teach Steve how to play Dig Dug.” Will pointed out. “He hasn’t even gone pass the second round. He’s been playing five games already.”
“Hey, the console’s broken. I’ve been pressing the goddamn button and it’s not responding correctly!” Steve countered. “It’s a stupid game anyways.” Steve ran both his hands through his hair, frustrated.
“Keep telling yourself that,” Dustin replied.
“Shut your mouth dipshit.” Steve continued to argue.
You laughed at the bickering between them. If anyone told you that the Steve Harrington was hanging out at the arcade with a bunch of middle schoolers you’d probably laugh your ass off, thinking it was some kind of joke. But here he was, doing exactly that.
“Well, I guess Steve isn’t meant for Dig Dug.” You looked at the teenage boy who was, surprisingly, already looking at you. “I’m sure you’re good at other games, right Steve?”
He didn’t answer you right away—he had his mouth open but no words were coming out—because he was gawking at you. There was a glint in his eyes that you couldn’t quite figure out. You tilted your head in confusion until he looked away, shaking his head.
“Yeah, yeah. Of course I am.” The boys were giving him a skeptical look when he said that. “What? I am good at other games!”
“Whatever Steve. I’m hungry. You promised us food. C’mon let’s go.” Dustin patted Steve’s back and then headed for the exit. The rest of the party followed suit, leaving you and Steve.
“Wanna come with?” Steve asked, pulling out his sunglasses which were previously hanging on the front of his shirt. “We’re going to Benny’s; just some milkshakes and fries.”
“I think I’m good. I still have a few spare change in my pocket,” you shook your jacket pocket, hearing the coins clang and jingle, “and I plan on wasting it on Pacman.” You jingled your pocket.
“You sure?” Steve asked.
“I’ll be fine.” You smiled up at him, rocking on the balls of your feet.
“Steve! Come on!” Dustin shouted from the door. Steve put on his sunglasses and flashed you a million dollar smile.
“See you around, Y/N.”
You waved goodbye at them as they were walking out towards the exit and you, towards Pacman.
“Bye Y/N!” The party bid their farewell as Steve held the door for them. As you stood in front of Pacman, you took a quick glance at the door and saw Steve, still looking at you. You lifted your hand up and wiggled your fingers in greeting. He smiled and waved back at you before Dustin was pulling him outside by the arm. You giggled at the action and continued to your game.
Those kids have Steve wrapped around their finger and you can’t help but think how adorable it was. Those boys—and also the girls, Jane and Max—liked Steve and you know that Steve likes them back, whether he admits to it or not. You also know that Steve would do anything to protect them, given all that had happened with the Upside Down.
If anything, Steve Harrington makes a damn good babysitter.
After that day at the arcade, you have been bumping into Steve more frequently than ever. And for every time that you saw him, he was always with the party.
- - -
First, it was at Bradley’s Big Buy, where your mom sent you for the weekly grocery shopping. You fell in line, ready to get checked out when you noticed that he was the one in front of you.
“Fancy seeing you here, Harrington.” He jumped a little, looking behind him seeing you in line.
“Hey Y/L/N.” The smile he gave you made your stomach flutter for a second. You brushed the feeling away and smiled back at him. “You here alone?” He asked.
“Yep. Just gettin’ some groceries for my mother.” You gestured to the cart in front of you. “How about you?”
“Well, I—“
“Steve! We’re short! 2 bucks!” Max interrupted him, pulling at the sleeve of his jean jacket. Max looked at you and waved. “Hi Y/N!”
“Hi, Maxene.” You teased. She put her tongue out at you and you did the same before letting out a giggle.
“C’mon Steve. The others are waiting.” Max persisted and Steve let out a breath. He pulled out his wallet and brought out two dollar bills, giving it to the cashier.
“Come with us.” Jane, who came up behind Max, gestured to you.
“I’m sorry kid. I have to get these back to my mom and help her cook dinner. Maybe next time?” You offered. You gave her an apologetic smile. She let it sink in for a second before flashing you a smile.
“Steve! Max! El! Let’s go!” Lucas shouted from the entrance. You peeked behind them as you saw the rest of the party. Steve looked at you as if he was gonna say something but you cut him off.
“Duty calls babysitter. Your kids are waiting.” He chuckled and waved goodbye at you.
- - -
The second time you saw him was at Benny’s Diner. You sat by one of the tables, waiting for your takeout when a loud shout came from one of the tables. When you turned to look, you saw Dustin and Steve, seeming to be in a heated discussion. Steve looked like he was telling Dustin to shut up. Dustin was waving his hands animatedly as if he was proving a point.
‘I wonder what they’re talking about.’ You thought to yourself. Not long after, you got your food and headed out. Before leaving you glanced back at the two. Dustin saw you and waved. You waved back and left, not noticing the longing look Steve gave you.
“Focus Steve!” Dustin smacked him in the head.
- - -
The last time you saw him was at the public library. You assisted the librarian on some of your free days. While you were returning some of the books, you heard faint whispers from one of the aisles. As you approached the sound, somebody shouted.
“This isn’t gonna work! It’s just crazy! She’ll—“ Steve walked out of the aisle and bumped into the book cart you were pushing. “Oh shit, I’m sorry about that.” He picked up the fallen books and put them back in the cart.
“It’s okay Steve.” You replied, getting one of the books from him. He looked up abruptly at the sound of his name and was shocked to see you there.
“H-hey!,” he stood in an awkward position, trying to look casual and said, “What are you doing here?”
You giggled at his appearance before answering, “I volunteer here, Harrington. What brings you here?”
“Oh nothing. Just.. you know… reading.” He tried to laugh, but it came out more of a choke.
“Are you okay?” You stepped closer to him, concern written on your face.
“Me? Yeah, yeah! I’m fine! Never been better.” He huffed. He fixed the jacket he was wearing and ran a hand through his hair.
‘Since when was Steve this nervous?’, you asked yourself. You turned to look at the aisle you came from and saw the kids looking at you. They gave you a wave of their hands and you waved back incredulously. You raised an eyebrow at Steve, but he just gave you a tight-lipped smile.
“Okay…,” you started. “Just, keep it down, you guys.” You pushed the cart and went back to work. Steve went back to the kids and you could hear their hushed whispers coming out like bullets. You shook your head and just let it go.
It was like he was a mother goose; always with his baby ducklings, keeping them in line and making sure none of them gets in trouble. The only place he wasn’t around them was when you guys were in school.
“Hey Y/L/N!” You heard a familiar voice shout in the hallway. You searched the crowd for the source only to see Steve waving his arm to catch your attention.
“Hey, Steve.” You smiled as you approached him.
“So, uhm, I… no, the kids…” Steve stuttered. You laughed at this. My, my. The Steve Harrington, nervous at your presence. He let out a deep breath before saying, “What I mean was, I’m meeting the kids at the arcade. Do you want to come with?” He bit his lip nervously.
Several thoughts ran through your mind. Was this a date? No, definitely not. The party is gonna be there. Why was Steve nervous? It’s not like he likes you or anything… or does he? Stop it, Y/N! But look at his face… it’s flushed! Poor Stevie is blushing. You giggled at his adorable face.
“Well, I’m free for the rest of the day…,” his eyes widened a little, anticipation shining in his eyes, “Yeah, sure Steve. I’ll come with.”
“Yes!” He cheered. He shook it off immediately before playing it cool again. “C’mon. I’ll give you a ride.” He held your hand as you both went out of the school doors. Steve didn’t seem to notice but you were a blushing mess walking behind him.
The rest of the day flew by with you, Steve and the party playing video games. You stepped outside for a bit, pulling out a pack of M&Ms. Not later, Steve had gone outside too and Sat beside you. You offered him some of your candy but he politely declined. It was silent for a few moments between the two of you; just the sounds of the arcade in the background.
“You’re great with them.” You started. Steve looked at you in question. “With the kids, I mean,” he chuckled at your statement, “They like you so much. Hell, I think they even look up to you sometimes. And I know you won’t admit it but you like them too.” You looked at him. He was looking down at the ground but he had a soft smile on his lips.
“Yeah. Those dipshits can be annoying sometimes. But they’re okay.” He breathed out a sigh. “Besides, the ladies love a guy who’s good with kids.”
You laughed at this. “Oh really? And how is it coming then? Is it working?” You asked.
“That depends. I haven’t asked you yet.”
“What?” You felt your breath hitch in your throat. ‘Was Steve just… Did he just… Does that mean…’
“Do you like guys who are good with kids, Y/N?” He asked, looking at you with his doe eyes and a hopeful look on his face.
You couldn’t believe it. Steve Harrington was trying to impress you. Steve Harrington is asking you if you like him. Steve Harrington likes you. Not being able to hold it in, you let out a giggle which turned into a laugh. Steve was a little shocked at your reaction.
“What’s so funny?”
“It’s just that…” you waited for your laughs to die down, “You didn’t have to use the party to get me. I like you for you, Steve Harrington.” You finally said it. You gave his arm a squeeze, reassuring him that he didn’t have to change. He wrapped his arms around you, hugging you tightly. You found yourself feeling comfortable in his embrace; your head fell perfectly on his chest and your arms were draped around his waist. He planted a soft kiss on your forehead.
“I like you too, Y/N Y/L/N.”
Moments passed before you piped up,
“Although I have to admit, being good with kids does give you extra points.”
He laughed.
Posted: December 28, 2017
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redgillan · 7 years
Breaking the Rules - part 4
Bucky Barnes x Reader
Summary:  Modern!AU You hate James Barnes with a burning passion and the feeling is entirely mutual. Just when you think things can’t get any worse, you are tricked into attending his sister’s wedding as his girlfriend. Stuck with a bunch of strangers, you come up with a set of rules that are not going to last long.
Word Count:1,835
Warnings: the usual more or less
A/N: Fluff! I hope you guys enjoy this chapter :)
Breaking the Rules - Masterpage
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You closed the bedroom door behind you, your eyes roaming the room for your bag. Once you saw it, you made a beeline for the small walk-in wardrobe near the window and squatted down. You fished down at the bottom of your bag and pulled out Bucky’s book. Skimming through the pages, you found the page where he mentioned Dot.
I met Dot in high school. We broke up six years ago.
“Okay, not helpful,” you mumbled to yourself.
Huffing out a frustrated breath, you put the book back in your bag when voices caught your attention. The window was slightly open and you could hear Bucky and Henry talking in the garden. When you heard your name, you tried to peek through the window.
As you did, you noticed a telescope mounted on a tripod in the corner of the room. You briefly wondered if he ever used it to spy on his neighbours. You dragged it to the window and aimed the telescope at Bucky.
It took you a moment to adjust the focus to your eyesight, but it was worth the wait. You had a great view of Bucky’s muscular back. Sweat glistened on his sun-kissed skin and you audibly gasped. You knew what you were doing was wrong, but you were unable to look away.
You nearly screamed when your phone vibrated in your back pocket. You dug it out of your pocket and looked at the caller ID before you put it to your ear.
“You scared the crap outta me,” you told her in a hushed whisper.
“Never mind. How are you?”
“I’m okay. How are things between you and Bucky?”
“Um, okay, I guess. We’ve argued, but we haven’t yelled at each other,” you replied while shamelessly gawking at Bucky’s clenching abs.
You paid no attention to Natasha as she went on with her stories. At first, you made some humming noises over the phone, pretending to listen, but after a while you stopped. Bucky, with his broad shoulders and strong thighs, was a sight to behold.
Natasha’s worried voice pulled you out of your thoughts.
“What?” you asked, frustration lacing your voice.
“Why are you breathing so hard?”
“I wasn’t,” you quickly moved away from the telescope as if someone had caught you staring at Bucky.
“Yes, you were. What are you doing?”
You tried to keep your cool, but Natasha was a human lie detector. You sat at Bucky’s desk and tried to change the subject because Natasha wasn't going to let the subject drop, as least not until she'd got an answer.
“Do you want to hear something weird? Bucky’s a nerd,” you said, without waiting for her response. “There’s a star chart hung above his bed. A star chart, Nat!”
You smiled as you spun around in the swivel chair. Bucky’s history books were lined up on a shelf above the desk and his board games were collecting dust on top of the dresser.
“You call him by his first name? That’s new.”
“It’s easier. I’m not going to call him Barnes in front of everyone.”
“Huh-uh,” she replied, not convinced. You didn’t want to keep talking about Bucky, you didn’t even want to think about him.
“Anyway, I gotta go, bye!” You hurriedly ended the call.
You didn’t like her tone. Yes, you called Bucky by his first name, but that didn’t mean you suddenly liked him. That didn’t mean anything. Yes, you had observed him from his bedroom window, but you were not checking him out.
Okay, maybe a little.
You threw yourself face down on the bed and groaned. What was going on? Why did you feel so warm and fuzzy inside? You were getting sick, yeah, that was the only rational explanation. You had a stomach bug.
“Why are you groaning?”
Bucky’s voice startled you and you ended up rolling out of bed. You landed on the floor with a loud thump and whined softly. Bucky rushed to your side and snickered when he saw that you were not hurt.
“I’m gonna take a shower,” he said, squatting down next to you. “My dad ordered pizza, try to save me a slice or two.”
He reached down and wrapped his arm around your waist as he helped you to your feet. You mumbled a quiet ‘thank you’ and you both pulled away. You stared at each other in uncomfortable silence until you left the room.
When he came downstairs after his shower, Bucky searched through the pizza boxes, but they were completely empty. Laughter filled his ears and his body tensed when he recognized your laugh.
A strange tingly sensation took root in his belly. It wasn’t a fake laugh, it was a full-out belly laugh. He knew it because he often heard you laughing with Natasha in the kitchen.
You were having fun with his parents and sisters. It surprised him a little, but not as much as the flutter in his chest. Dot never got along with his family and every time she laughed it felt forced, fake.
“Is that Bucky?”
His brows furrowed when he heard you choke back a laugh. He turned around and saw everyone gathered around the sofas. Mary was munching on a slice of pizza, laughing heartily as Becca passed her a photo album.
His eyes widened in horror and he rushed toward his mother, who was sitting beside you.
“I think he was seven. He still took his teddy bear with him everywhere he went,” Winnie answered your question, then turned to her youngest. “Don’t touch the photos with your dirty fingers!”
“Oh, look! The science fair!” Lizzie gave you a picture of a thirteen-year old Bucky holding a blue ribbon with a proud smile.
He was really cute, a little chubbier with slightly crooked teeth and long, dangly limbs. He smiled in every picture; when he won the fifth grade spelling bee, when he stood next to a much smaller Steve, when he took whom you could only assume was Dot to prom –her face had been neatly cut out of the photo.
“What the hell are you doing?” He snatched the album from your hands.
“Taking a walk down memory lane,” Becca replied. “Cheer up, it was mom’s idea. She did it to Henry the first time I brought him here. It’s cute.”
“It’s embarrassing!” Bucky complained.
You awed at loud when Mary handed you a picture of a three-year old Bucky striking a pose, butt naked. Bucky’s neck and ears turned a dark reddish colour. He complained to his mother, but she was having the time of her life.
“Here,” you said, handing him a plate with three slices of pizza you had kept for him. “Eat something.”
He took the plate and stared at you with a disbelieving look. You rolled your eyes, a smile tugging at your lips as you turned your attention to his sisters. Grinning, he stuffed a slice of pizza in his mouth and let out a content groan.
“Woah, guys! Look!” Mary turned a photo toward the crowd. “I got Bucky’s first full-frontal picture!”
He nearly spat out his mouthful and threw himself towards her, trying to snatch the photo from her hand. Lizzie cheered for her sister while you doubled over with peals of laughter.
“I was a child!” Bucky shouted. “Mom! Make them stop!”
His sisters repeated his words in a funny, whiny voice. He finally took the photo and pressed it against his chest. He straightened himself, his chest rising and falling with gasping breaths.
“You all suck!” he said before he bolted out of the room.
Later, when his father went to bed and everyone had calmed down, you were worried that you had angered him. No one knew where he was, but they didn’t seem worried. Winnie guessed he was sulking somewhere.
You found him outside, sitting on the porch swing. He quickly hid his hand, then relaxed when he saw you. You walked over and took a seat beside him.
“I didn’t know you smoked.”
“Don’t tell my mom,” he panicked.
You rolled your eyes. “We’re not children, Bucky. I’m not going to say anything.”
“Thanks.” He took a long, slow drag on his cigarette.
You would never admit it, not even under torture, but it made him look good. The way his long, slender fingers held the cigarette. The way the planes of his jaw and cheekbones seemed sharp enough to cut through skin.
“I quit three years ago. I found these in an old hiding place, they’re stale, but...” He finished with a casual shrug.
“It’s bad for you.”
“Thanks, doctor, you’re very wise.”
That made you laugh and he seemed a little surprised. “You’re dumb,” you replied, a smile on your lips.
He looked at you for a moment and you pretended not to notice the way his eyes were lingering. “Yes, I am.”
He put out his cigarette and an awkward silence settled between you. Bucky pushed his feet against the wooden porch floor, moving the swing slowly.
“I’ll do my best tomorrow,” you broke the silence. “Your sisters told me what Dot did to you.”
Bucky sighed, annoyed.
“They meant well,” you cut him off before he could say anything. “And you literally wrote nothing about Dot in your book. You did, however, wrote five pages about pizza.”
“What can I say? I love pizza.”
There was another beat of silence, not that awkward this time.
“Thank you,” Bucky said. He sounded a bit weird, as if he was trying to sound sincere, but didn’t know how to do it without embarrassing himself. “I know you had better things to do this weekend and being stuck with me is a nightmare, but I appreciate what you’re doing.”
“Natasha kinda forced me, but I’m having fun. It’s nice to get out of the city. I haven’t seen a tree in a while,” you joked, then softened your voice. “It’s going to be okay. We can do this.”
You held out your closed fist and waited for Bucky’s bigger one to bump it. He did it and shook his head at your antics.
“Okay, I’m gonna go to bed. I need my beauty sleep.”
You glared at him when he opened his mouth, most likely to throw another clever comeback at you. You gave a satisfied nod when he pretended to zip his mouth shut.
“You coming?”
“Not yet.”
You twisted your mouth into a small pout. “I thought I had managed to cheer you up.”
“I’m okay,” he assured you. “It’s just... I don’t want to run into my mom, I smell like smoke.”
You laughed. “Good luck, then.”
You were fast asleep when Bucky returned to his bedroom. He lay down on his sleeping bag and tried to get some sleep. He couldn’t, he was twitchy. All night long his mind had raced with a flood of memories of his relationship with Dot.
He wasn’t ready.
Part 5
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