#everyone in my campaign has such unique pretty dice and I love it
spacejew · 6 years
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the dice I use for my sorcerer, the green borealis ones for magical rolls and the swirly dark ones for nonmagical rolls, they’re pretty and I love em c:
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onetwosevensquad · 4 years
Dungeons and Dragons and... Love?: Dungeon Master
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Mark Lee x Reader
Summary: the kind Dungeon Master who helps guide your team through your campaign also becomes your math tutor.
Warnings: none??
Rose: sorry this literally took forever to write. Hope your all still interested in this mini series. Next member is Renjun.
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Why were you here again?
Oh right, cause you’re a giant nerd who needs an outlet.
The poster had caught your eye when you were headed to lunch one day. It was a beige poster with a 20 sided dice in the middle. That was what got your attention.
You had played Dungeons and Dragons with some of your friends before. It has been a few months since your last campaign and you didn’t know when the next one would start. So, in fear of not being able to escape to a fantasy world, you decided to check it out.
It was now 3:45 in the afternoon. School had ended 15 minutes ago, the hours ticking by slowly. You now stood outside of the AP Government classroom where Mr. Jung taught.
The poster, you remembered, said that Mr. Jung would oversee the club. He was your favorite teacher because he was funny and the class was enjoyable.
Finally, you slowly opened the door to the classroom and stepped in. In the middle of the room, a few desks had been pushed together to create a large table.
Sitting around the table were seven boys who were all staring at you. You awkwardly shifted your weight from one foot to the other, waiting for literally anyone to say something.
“Is this the d&d club?” You finally spoke.
“Y-yes,” the only boy who was standing said. You recognized him as Mark Lee. The cute, smart boy from calculus. “Yes, uh, grab a seat.”
You nodded and dragged a chair over to the only empty spot at the table. It was right next to Chenle, the loud basketball player you shared chemistry with.
“Well I’m pretty sure that we all know each other,” Mark said clearing his throat. “I’m not gonna make us do ice breakers cause literally no one likes those.”
“I do!” Haechan, the class clown that you also shared chemistry with.
“Only you,” Jeno, the star basketball player and probably the last person you expected here, commented. Haechan pouted and stuck his tongue out at Jeno.
“Anyway,” Mark said. “It’s my fist time DMing, but I have played before. Just so I know, who here has played before?”
You, along with Jisung, the quiet kid from history, Haechan, and Renjun, the kid from math who doesn’t do math but draws, raised your hands. Mark seemed to relax a bit when he saw there were at least a few experienced players.
“Well I guess this first meeting will be going over rules and how to play, then next time we’ll do character sheets,” Mark said.
It was now the third session and the first one of the start of you campaign. Last time, everyone made their characters, the atmosphere becoming less tense as time went on.
You made your character an Elf Wizard, something you’ve never played before. Everyone else had their own unique character combos, having fun coming up with the most ridiculous names for them.
Today, the party was slightly buzzing with excitement to finally start their campaign. You all gathered around the table giving character introductions, ready to get this show on the road.
Three hours, several rolls for initiative, and Haechan’s character almost dying later, Mr. Jung had to finally kick you all out of the building. The sun had already set and he was letting you way past what was allowed.
You realized how late it actually was and scrambled to get your stuff. You said a quick goodbye to the boys and Mr. Jung and sped off to get home before your parents killed you.
You get a ways down the hall when you heard someone running behind you.
“Y/n, wait up!” You turned to see Mark jogging to catch up with you. He stopped in front of you, breathing slightly harder. “Hi.”
“Hi,” you said back, smiling at the cute boy. You’ve never really had a full conversation with Mark. He’s quiet and, honestly, talking to someone attractive was a bit out of the realm of your comfort zone.
“C-can I have your number?” He said. Your eyes went wide and as did his when he realized what that sounded like. “So that I can add you to the group chat! Just in case anyone can’t make it or we cancel.”
“Yea, sure,” you said, slightly disappointed. You heard Mark exhale probably in relief that his save worked. You handed him your phone with your number displayed on the screen and he quickly put it in his.
“Thanks,” Mark said, handing you back your phone. You both stood there in the most suffocatingly awkward silence ever.
“Well bye,” you said turning to leave.
“Oh! Yea, uh, bye,” Mark said waving slightly. He turned back towards Mr. Jung’s room and you saw the other six boys crowded around. They were all giggling as Mark shoved that back into the room.
Six sessions and three weeks later, any morsel of awkwardness was gone. It was like you have known these seven boys your whole life.
The group chat blew up your phone with memes from that days session but didn’t you mind? No. Though sometimes at ungodly hours in the mornings, you still enjoyed the content.
On this particular day, you weren’t going to be able to join the session. Your calculus teacher was making you stay after school and retake a test that you failed miserably. You felt bad when you hand to text the group.
You: I can’t make it today
Haechan☀️: whyyyyyyy
You: I failed a calc test
You: I have to retake it
Lele🐬: thats stupid
Sungie: good luck Y/n
Injunie: yea gl
You: thanks boys
Marker: hey if you need any help studying for calc, I’d be happy to
jeNO: oh?
You: yea I’d like that, thanks
Minnie: ann I oop-
You laughed at Jaemin’s comment as you made your way to your calculus teachers classroom.
Considering the second time you took the test you barely past by the seat of your pants, you took Mark up on his offer to tutor you.
Today was the first day Mark was going to tutor you in the library. You walked in and saw him already set up at one of the tables in the very back.
“Hey,” you whispered. He smiled at you as you sat down next to him.
“Hey,” he said back. “Ready to get started?”
After about an hour and a half of Mark explaining different theorems to you, you were finally starting to get it. Whenever you asked a question, Mark would take the time to explain it to you carefully, making sure you got it along the way.
When he would give you a problem to solve, and you got it right, both of you would get excited, annoying the librarian. She ended up shushing you more than once.
“Hey, you hungry?” Mark asked.
“Not really,” you said. As if on cue, your stomach slightly growled, making Mark laugh. You looked down at your stomach, a pout on your face. “Traitor.”
“Come on,” Mark said between giggles. “Let’s get something to eat.”
You got your things and headed out of the library with Mark to get food.
For the next three weeks, this became your tradition. On the days the D&D club wasn’t meeting, you and Mark would study calculus in the library for about two hours, and then go get food. It always felt like a lot less time with Mark, him always making it enjoyable.
Today, you had a study session with Mark. As you neared the library, you noticed him standing outside the doors on his phone.
“Hey, what are you doing?” You asked. “I have a test tomorrow.”
“I know,” Mark said putting his phone away. “But you need a break.”
“Mark-“ you whined.
“No,” he said. “I think that you’re ready. You’ve made a lot of progress over the last couple weeks. Besides, they say you shouldn’t study the night before a test.”
“I don’t think that’s a thing,” you said crossing your arms.
“Maybe, I don’t know,” Mark said waving it off. “But, I do know that you’ve worked hard and whatever grade you get, I’m proud of you.”
You could feel your cheeks heating up at Mark’s words. You bit back a smile as he continued.
“So tonight we are not studying,” Mark said grabbing your hand and leading you away from the library. “We are going to the basketball game with the others to cheer on Chenle and Jeno.”
You didn’t protest as Mark led you down to the packed gym and over to where the rest of the boys were sat, waiting for the game to start.
After the game where your boys won, the party went out for dinner. Afterwards, Mark drove you home, the two of you talking about the game, D&D, or literally anything.
When Mark pulled into your driveway, he insisted on walking you to your steps. He said it was the gentlemanly thing to do.
“Hey,” Mark said when you got to your front door. “Good luck tomorrow.”
“Thanks,” you said.
“Tell me how it goes, ok?” He said. You nodded giving him a smile that he returned. “Good night.”
“Night,” you called after him as he went to his car.
At the end of the day, your calculus teacher had finished grading the tests. She told everyone to come pick them up before they left school.
When she handed your test to you, she had a big smile on her face. She made a comment about how nicely you did and how much you improved. When you finally saw the grade, you nearly passed out.
You practically ran to Mr. Jung’s room. D&D was today and you wanted to show Mark you grade. You arrived at his classroom, bouncing into the room.
“Well someone looks happy,” Jaemin commented.
“Did something mean happen?” Jisung asked. You stuck your tongue out at the younger boy making everyone laugh.
You made you way to Mark at the head of the table, him watching you with a smile. When you reached him, you slapped the paper with a big 90% scribbled at the top down in front of him.
“All thanks to you,” you said as he continued to stare at the paper.
“I told you so,” Mark said standing up. He caught you by surprise when he gave you a hug. “I’m proud of you.”
“Ugh, just date already,” Haechan commented from his chair. You and Mark pulled apart making a face at the boy, but avoiding each other’s eyes.
It’s not that you were entirely opposed to dating Mark. You just didn’t know if he felt the same way. And he didn’t. Right?
You and Mark continued your study sessions even after you proved you didn’t need to. You both agreed that it was to benefit both of you and not just an excuse to hang out.
One day, while walking out of calculus with Renjun, the boy made a comment that rocked your world.
“He likes you, ya know,” Renjun said.
“W-what,” you sputtered turning to him.
“Mark, he likes you,” He clarified. “I know like bro code, I’m not supposed to tell you or whatever, but I see the way you two look at each other. We all do. You should ask him out. He’d say yes.”
You stopped dead in your tracks thinking for a second. On one hand, this plan that you were formulating could embarrass you. On the other, you could get a date with your dungeon master / calculus tutor / crush.
“Y/n?” Renjun said turning to you. You quickly turned on your heel and made a mad dash for Mark’s locker. “Y/n!”
As you speed walked to Mark, you saw him in the distance talking to Jeno and Jaemin. Mark spotted you coming to him and waved at you.
“Hey, Y/n what’s-“
“Do you want to go an a date with me?” You said quickly.
“W-what?” Mark said.
“Jeno, I think that’s our cue,” Jaemin said dragging Jeno away.
“Do you want to go in a date with me?” You asked again, slower this time. Mark looked at you wide eyed, like a dear in headlights.
“A-a date?” He asked. You nodded, not trusting your voice not to shake. “Wow.”
“Wow?” You asked.
“Sorry! Sorry, I just never thought you’d ask and I’d have to do it,” Mark said. “But yes, I’d love to go on a date.”
“Oh thank god,” you said leaning against the lockers. Mark laughed at your dramatic reaction. He wrapped his arm around your shoulder and turned you around to walk to lunch. As you turned, you and Mark stopped and saw the six other members of your party standing there amused.
“God, finally,” Haechan said.
“Took you long enough,” Chenle said.
As the eight of you walked to lunch, the boys continued to tease you and Mark. But when you looked up at him with his arm still around your shoulder, the teasing didn’t matter when Mark smiled at you.
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max-anonymous123 · 4 years
Playing Cards: The Solution to all your Problems with Random Stat Generation in D&D 5e
The other day I was playing D&D on discord, as you do, when one of my friends brought up their frustration with the default method of rolling stats in D&D 5e: the fact that RNGsus hates her. We commiserated briefly over the frustration of rolling shitty stats before returning to the game, but the thought stuck with me and I worked to solve the problem with my own innovative method of generating random stats. THE PROBLEM
The fun of rolling stats is getting something unique and having to work with it. Did you roll one really good stat and the rest shit? Did you roll moderately good results for everything? Did you get one hilariously low result and have to work out where to put it? All of this is fun and interesting, and part of that fun is the risk involved. Will you roll a coveted 18? or just absolute dogshit?
The problem comes when you actually DO roll dogshit. It doesn’t even need to be that bad, only worse than everyone else. If your highest roll is a 13, you’re just going to feel worthless compared to That One Motherfucker in your group who somehow rolled three 18s (you’d call hacks but he did it right in front of you).
Maybe you think I should just suck it up. I knew the risks going in, I made my bed, now I should lie on it. That’s all well and good for some games and groups maybe, where you can play your character with a death wish, die heroically and then bring in a character that you like more, but that doesn’t always work. Maybe the premise for the campaign is such that its really hard to bring in new characters. Maybe your group Doesn’t Kill Characters. Maybe you had a really cool character concept you wanted to play. Maybe you just don’t want to. All of these and more are good and valid reasons to look for an alternative that retains the fun randomosity of rolled stats without the chance of getting screwed, and thats exactly what this essay has to offer. (If your problem is that your players roll too OPly with their stats, then this article will also he helpful to you. That just isn’t a problem I personally have.) (Man I like to prattle on don’t I? TLDR: It sucks to roll badly when generating stats, here’s my better method:)
THE SOLUTION In a word: Cards. Dice have independent probabilities, meaning that what you rolled last time does not effect what you will roll next, but whenever you draw an ace from a deck of cards, that’s one fewer ace to be drawn in the future. 
Employing this simple fact, we can generate lines of stats that, while random, aren’t actually better or worse than each other. If you get one really good stat, all your other stats will be that much worse for it.
In this post I’m going to go over several different ways to generate stats with cards, depending on the personal preferences of you and your group: How wide a range of stats do you want and how much control do you want to have over them?
Take a deck of playing cards and separate all the cards from Ace - 6. This will form the core deck from which stats can be generated (we’ll be treating aces as 1s for the rest of this essay)
The standard array has 72 points of stats, while your core deck has 84. You will need to remove at least 12 points worth of cards to provide a balanced deck (sometimes more, depending on your goals)
If you remove the extremes (1,6) from the deck, you will get more average stats. If you remove the moderates (3,4) from the deck, you will increase the chance of getting very high or very low stats
If you want to be able to deal out your whole deck into six even stat-piles, the number of cards you remove from the deck must be a multiple of 6.
If you are using a ruleset that has a chance of providing stats over 18, you may want to impose the rule that any stat over 18 is reduced to 18.
With these points in mind, you can modify my given methods to provide the sorts of stats you want.
This will generate completely random stats that will largely imitate what you would get from point buy, with only a small chance of getting below 8 or above 15. 
With point buy you have 27 points to spend, with scores costing one point per number above 8 and two points per number above 13, to a maximum of 15. This method gives you the equivalent of approximately 26 points of stats (average), with a possible stat maximum of 18.
Take your core deck and remove four aces, a 3 and a 5.
Deal out the rest of the deck into six facedown piles of three cards.
Add up the totals of each of your six piles to calculate your six stats, which can each be allocated to whichever ability you like.
The generic method is all well and good, but I personally like a bit more variety in my stats. The slow grind of raising your main stat from 15 to 20 is pretty boring to me, so I’m totally down with letting my players start with a base of 17 or 18, but I also love a good 7 or 6 to spice up a character. (One of my main complaints about D&D is I want my character to be really good and really bad at things from level one, but on a d20 a +1 is not too different from a -1 really, and skill checks are often just too swingy for me to feel my character's skills actually matter.) Anyway, with this method, expect your results to be both a lot higher and a lot lower, while still summing up to 72. You may want to rule that any player with a stat lower than 6 ( or maybe 8) should roleplay some sort of disability (either a real world one or a fantasy one) related to the given stat, e.g. missing hand for str or dex, severe illness or curse for con, raised by animals for int, impaired speech or hunchback for cha, etc
Obviously you should be touching base with your GM before using any of these methods, but that is particularly the case for this one.
Remove three 4s from your core deck
Deal out the rest of your deck into six facedown piles. Note that three piles will have three cards and three piles will have four cards.
add up the totals of each of the six piles to calculate your six stats, which can each be allocated to whichever ability you like. If any stat is higher than 18, reduce it to 18.
Note: this method is designed to give you a high chance of getting three really good stats and three fairly bad stats. If you want only two really good stats and not-quite-as-bad other stats, remove four 3s from your deck in step 1 instead.
Xtra Control Variant: Using one of these decks, deal out two facedown cards to each stat and then distribute the rest of the cards as you like, perhaps dropping five cards into one pile if you want to ensure you get a superstat. 
The catch is that any stat higher than 18 is reduced to 18, so there’s a chance you will over-commit and waste points. 
XXtra Control Variant: Use the Xtra Control Variant but deal the cards face-up!
Xtra Control but more linked to the character and with a chance of fucking you: Use the Xtra Control Variant but deal the stats in order (the first pile is STR, the second is DEX etc.)
Anyway I hope you found this interesting. I think there’s a lot of potential in using playing cards for stat generation and I’ve only scratched the surface: it would be really cool to create some sort of stat generation mini-game!
I have other opinions on things, such as on racial stat modifiers and why they suck, so if this post does well maybe I’ll write about my solution to that too.
As always, if you use this with your group let me know, and if you have any opinions or counter-arguments I want to hear them. :)
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kegbasher · 5 years
6, 9, and 19 for the dnd asks
6. favorite death (monster, player character, NPC, etc.)
so i’m in this campaign where we’re playing ourselves in the game of thrones universe (it’s fucking wild) and long story short we planted some magic beans and made a pyramid and had to fight some mummies and one of the other pcs got mummy rot and fucking died and turned to dust and it was hella dramatic (especially bc his brother was in the party) and we ended up getting access to a wish spell and brought him back but he came back as one of his old dnd characters (which is kinda dope) but that character is a wood elf which would be fine except there aren’t really elves in game of thrones so shit’s gunna get interesting and i am very excited for it
9. your favorite thing about dnd
growing up as a kid who read a lot of fantasy and had an overactive imagination, i’ve always had this sense of wanderlust/desire for adventure (which sounds so fucking dumb but it’s true) but dnd has been a great outlet for that. i also really fucking love puzzles and dnd is an awesome chance to test those problem solving abilities in a unique way. and it’s a pretty dope opportunity to create a character which is fun and a chance for some catharsis in a way????? idk man it’s just good shit all around (except the math bit but i manage)
19. do you or your party have any dice superstitions?
if i’m playing irl, i pick 4-5 dice out of my bag and roll them all and pick the top three to play with that session (until they fuck me over; then i just put them back and find another). if i’m playing online, everyone knows that roll20 fucking hates me (and that ain’t superstition, that’s the truth)
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headcrossed · 6 years
A/N: no one asked for this, but I can’t stop thinking about it so here goes. Also still taking requests for these guys, if anyone’s interested!
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We all know he’s the one that suggested it. Call it a team building exercise, if you will. Besides, since they’re going to be having more parties now in the future, they gotta make sure they stay strong as an organization. What better way than this?
Since no one else is experienced with this game, Seven also takes it upon himself to DM.
Even though oddly enough, he’s never really played it either... at least, not officially.
He found a rulebook when he was younger at the library, and it inspired him, but he knew he couldn’t take it home where his mom might find it.
So instead he memorized it, and when Saeran was sick he would make up a story and roleplay with him. No stats, character sheets, or anything. Just two lonely kids getting enraptured in pure imagination for a little while. It’s one of the fondest memories he has from his childhood.
I’mma be honest: Seven’s DM-ing style is basically the same as Griffin McElroy’s in TAZ.
He keeps things pretty well-balanced. Plenty of humor and shenanigans, but the more serious and emotional moments are really moving, and everyone’s surprised by this.
Zen and Yoosung and even Jaehee and V probably shed some tears over the way the story unfolds. 
He also does really good voice acting for his characters. Nowhere near on Zen’s level, like you could still kinda tell it’s him doing the voices if you couldn’t see his face, but he gets into character really easy (even Zen thinks he should audition to voice act for a game or something... ;) )
Aside from the obvious previous experience he might have, he probably played some one-shot campaigns with some D&D clubs on campus before. 
The first character he makes is probably a literal recreation of his LOLOL character, since it’s familiar to him, and is a good place to start with since he’s not very experienced. Besides, he’s built like a tank in LOLOL, and if he knows anything about these kinds of games, it’s that balance is key, and they need at least someone who can soak up all the damage of whatever Seven throws at them (is he afraid that he’ll make them face bosses way to big for any of them to handle and they’ll all die in the process? GOD YES)
And it turns out that concern was legit. He dies like 5 minutes in.
Scrapping that strategy, he probably will end up making a half-orc , and he ends up really enjoying this character a lot more.
Plays him... surprisingly chivalrous, probably ends up saving a princess at some point in the game.
Seven lets him romance her and... wait... HE HAS A GIRLFRIEND NOW!!!
The game doesn’t count, my sweet summer child
It’s a little awkward that she’s voiced by Seven,and even though he teases Yoosung about it (both in-game and out), quite often it’s really sweet, actually.
He really, REALLY wishes he could commission someone to do fan art of them, but he has no money T_T
Might ask V if he gets desperate enough... might
Believe it or not, Yoosung will actually ditch playing LOLOL for this.
He likes being able to see all his best friends gathered in one place, laughing and just having a good time. It warms his poor college student heart. 
He’s not really sure how he was convinced to do this, but somehow he’s very into it 
He’s not very good at the numbers part of the game (and he usually has to ask Yoosung or Jaehee to help him with it), but he really shines in the roleplay department (I mean he’s an actor! If nothing else it’s a really good opportunity to work on his improv skills) 
Plays an high-elf bard, with a VERY high charisma stat. 
“Not very original, huh Zen? Trying to make life imitate art?” “Shut up, mistah trust-fund kid!”
Flirts with EVERY ENEMY. To the point that Seven has to make his character have near-death experiences MANY TIMES to get him to stop. 
Still, somehow, by the end of the game he has amassed a harem of enemies who worship him for his god-like beauty. 
Oh but he doesn’t stop there.
His bard now has a whole fandom and following irl too. He even made a separate social media account where he shares all the amazing fan art that people have drawn for his character. He even thinks that maybe they should start broadcasting their sessions or do a podcast. 
Jaehee is an absolute beast at this game.
She’s read over the rulebook at least 20 times and knows it inside and out. 
Probably gets into arguments with Seven and maybe accidentally metagames once or twice. 
She should be dm-ing not seven what the hell are they all thinking? She knows the stats better, anyways 
She plays a rowdy dwarven paladin, and no one expected it.
Her logic is: it’s a fantasy-world. She can be whatever she wants, and she wants to smash things, be as rowdy as she likes, and be blunt and tell things like it is. 
Also she’s semi-intentionally trying to recreate a gimli and legolas style relationship with Zen’s character, go figure ;) it’s actually really sweet at the end of the day though they make a great fucking team.
Has her own special routine for dice-rolls that she believes will increase her odds of getting a better roll.
They all laugh at her for varying degrees for it but FOR SOME REASON IT WORKS AND SHE HAS CRAZY NAT 20 STREAKS SOMETIMES.
She ends up stealing a lot of Jumin’s kills, but she’s just roleplaying, after all. (Seven gives her bonus xp for good roleplaying too like yeah good for her for using this as an outlet) 
Frequents D&D forums a lot now. Thinking up new strategies and probably makes like a million new characters based on them that she may never play (but she hopes to, someday)
He’s heard of it before, and that’s no surprise with his extensive interest in small specialty businesses and the fact that the RFA has at least two members who have played it before. 
But alas, he has never played it himself.
He agrees because the level of spectacle that he’s seen around playing this game is astounding, and he’s intrigued. Thinks maybe he’ll get a new business idea out of it.
“So Jumin, what race are you going to play as?” Seven asks, innocently, as though he doesn’t know the answer.
“... you’ll see.” 
Everyone gets suspicious, but he keeps his poker-face as cool as ever. 
When they go around the table introducing their characters, he puts on his most serious face, puts his hands up in front of his face like paws, and introduces himself as his character: Elizabeth the 4th, Tabaxi Ranger
Zen has to leave the room to get over a sneezing fit, Jaehee’s glasses shatter, Seven straight up dies laughing on the floor. None of it matters to Jumin. He’s living the fucking dream.
All that being said, Jumin is definitely tries to take a more methodical approach to the game. He carefully plans out his strategies for the best strategical outcome. 
He actually ends up really enjoying it, at the end of the day.
You know he’s looking into premium gear for future sessions. Buys all the rulebooks and lorebooks, buys a bunch of really cool-looking handmade dice (that he personally tests himself for balance, to make sure they all roll true). He probably even commissions someone to make custom mini figurines for their characters. 
Like Zen, he’s also not quite sure how he got roped into doing this.
He’s never played, or ever really even HEARD of this game before, let alone understand how it works, but given an opportunity to hang out with the rest of the RFA and relax, he takes it. It sounds like fun to him anyway. 
He has to spend a lot of time making his character (this poor boy, he sees everyone else with their faces stuffed in the character stat books and he doesn’t wanna ask if he can borrow it ‘cause they need it to make their characters too and doesn’t want to interrupt them) 
When he finally DOES make a character, however. He goes with a Tiefling Druid. Not only do they look aesthetically pleasing and unique, but also he empathizes with how they’re treated by society as a whole. It’s kinda the perfect fit. 
He’s super clueless when they first start playing. 
Seven says “Roll for initiative” and he sits there like “wait... what do I do? ^^; ”
Jaehee, Jumin and Seven usually help him out and explain things as they go along.
As the game progresses he picks things up bit by bit. Turns out, he’s actually really good at roleplaying.
In the beginning, he plays his character as this cold and distant,  not really caring about anyone in the team, but over time that dissolves into unerring loyalty to the rest of the party. Probably created an elaborate backstory involving a long lost love, too.
Everyone gets super attached to V’s character.
But of course, OF COURSE
When they face the final boss of the arc, someone has to sacrifice themselves to defeat it.
V immediately volunteers, and is dealt a killing blow before any of the rest of them can so much as talk it through. 
As he dies, he says “My people only know hatred because they have been so hated. But... I’ve never felt that. Not with all of you. Thank you, for showing me that there’s hope for all of us!” and his character dies, with a smile on his face.
All-in-all though, he had a really great time. 10/10 would play again. Maybe even starts constructing a story-based campaign in his head and wants to try DM-ing next time!
He’s always snapping super aesthetic photos of the sessions, and probably does a painting of all their characters together to commemorate their first campaign. 
Saeyoung invited him to play, but he says no. 
It’s childish and he has other things he wants to do.
Saeyoung doesn’t pressure him, and honestly he thought that would be the last he’d hear of it. 
However, Seven’s house is usually where they end up meeting to play (since no one else really has the room for it, and playing at Jumin’s house is ruled outright due to level of c-hair)
He’s a little annoyed, and thus stays in his room for most of the night, figuring he can wait the session out in his room.
But alas, the one thing he didn’t factor in was wanting some ice cream at 1 am.  
After a deep internal debate, he ultimately decides to leave his room to satisfy the craving, and unlocks his door. 
He wanders into the kitchen, surprisingly unnoticed, silently grabbing a spoon from the drawer and taking the carton of ice-cream out of the freezer, when he overhears something... familiar.
“BOOM! BOOM! Drums sound in the deep. A mighty roar soon follows, as the chamber rumbles with the sound, pieces of the construction tumbling to the floor of the ancient hall in its wake...” 
Seven roars, for effect. 
“Oh shit...” Zen says.
“Louder and louder, the sound draws nearer, until the sound stops at the foot of the barricaded door. Large shadows overcome what little faint light shone from beneath the door...”
*pushes up his glasses* “Roll for initiative”
“Shame...” Seven says, “If only there was one more party member... then you might have a chance...” 
Seven then looks over to the doorway, locking eyes with Saeran briefly.
Memories prickle at the back of his head. Memories of those same eyes lighting up as he told the same stories to him. He remembers getting lost in those stories, feeling happy deep down as he figured out what he would do next. He even remembers... smiling? 
He runs back into his room, and slams the door. 
And that’s the last the RFA sees of him...
Or so they think.
Half an hour later, he comes out of his room, pulls out one of the kitchen chairs, sits down and slams a hastily-printed character sheet. 
“Looks like you’re running into some trouble with that Balrog... tch. Amateurs.”
He made a Kenku Monk, chaotic neutral alignment.
And he completely destroys the boss that Seven had planned for them. 
Probably splits from the party a bunch, but Saeyoung planned for that, so there’s usually a bunch of story-heavy side-quests waiting for him anyway, and they all eventually lead him back to the party somehow.
But truth be told, he’s not that mad about it.
Every opportunity he gets to describe exactly the kind of moves he’s exacting on the enemies they face, he takes. He explains it in creative, gory detail, and it shocks some of the other party members, but Seven seems cool with it.
That’s right kiddo, harness all that repressed rage. Let it out. 
He’s helping clean the kitchen after everyone’s gone when Seven asks,
“So? You going to play with us next session too?”
He pauses washing the snack dishes for a beat, and the corners of his lips start to twitch, just a little.
“Y-yeah, I-... I actually had a lot of fun.”
His brother pats him on the back, his hand still on his shoulder when he says “I’m glad! That’s what I was hoping to hear.”
“... Wait... you planned this from the beginning, didn’t you?”
The sly smirk on Seven’s face says it all. Bih you know he did
“... you little shit.”
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savevsfacemelt · 4 years
Big Dungeon Energy - Apex & Arcanites
We were so excited that we fast-tracked the ending of this arc and HOLY SHIT it did not disappoint.
...I mean, unless it did. Maybe it did. Maybe I suck.
Read the session writeup at OP as usual, then come back to watch me destroy myself with doubt and second guessing. Fun!
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...yes, this is a shit image, but I also Googled ‘self doubt D&D’ and jesus it got so much worse.
So yeah, this was a Big Important Moment in the campaign, and nothing says Big Important Moment to a GM like the certainty that you’re a massive failure and all your friends are having a shit time and are too polite to tell you. Is that true? Obviously not! I dunno, probably not! Yeah, you’re right, you probably fucked it. There are no traps crueller than the expectations we set for ourselves, etc etc. In hindsight a few days later... yeah, okay, that probably went down pretty well, especially given the compliments my players have sent me about it. Yay! I guess! I still kinda hate myself!
Establishing the mechanical underpinnings of a Big Important Moment is a whole separate strand of difficulty, and one I’m still wrestling with. Is it better to just act out such scenes, and base them entirely in our personal senses of drama, or to shift some of that weight onto the suspense of a dice roll? I usually go for a mix of both, which in this case gave us 1) a great scene about Saga and the arcanite leader talking about feelings, 2) Saga’s player rolling a critical fail, 3) all the arcanites committing suicide, holy shit. No lie, I love this kinda rollercoaster ride, but it can derail so easily and ruin everything. But still, damn, that’s establishing some stakes... and maybe the heroes can still turn this all around...
Another aim for this session was to give everyone something to do, which I almost managed to do (Max not so much, but his player still had fun). But in a Big Important Moment, that also means giving everyone something important, and following through on that importance, which means there are lots of consequences we need to explore soon. Tibie’s One Unique Thing has to change! Castiel has to adjust his Icon relationships! Mrrurrr might have to confront a sliver of the Wizard King! There’s going to be a reckoning or three coming out of this, and I’m feverishly trying to work out a loose plan for where the game goes from here. Assuming everyone gets through the next session on one piece.
...the next session is SKELETON ARMY BATTLE time, so that assumption might be unwarranted...
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Paint by Numbers: Using Data to Produce Great Content
Paint by Numbers: Using Data to Produce Great Content
Posted by rjonesx.
It's not every day that I write about content. To be honest, it's probably a once-a-year kind of thing. I will readily admit that I'm a "links are king" kind of SEO, and have been since starting in this industry more than a decade ago. However, I do look over the fence from time to time to see if the grass is greener and, on occasion, I actually like what I see. Prior to joining Moz, I was a consultant at an agency like many of you reading this blog post. More often than not, one of the key concerns of my clients was what to write about. It seems that webmasters and business owners alike can easily acquire writer's block after trudging through the uninspiring task of turning a list of keywords into website copy. So where do you look when you have run out of words
Alright, stick with me here. I imagine for some of you the idea of poring over numbers to remedy writer's block would be like trying to stop a headache with a brick. It's adding insult to injury. What I hope to show you in the next couple of paragraphs is how data can be an incredible source of inspiration in writing, especially if you can hit a few key principles: expose, relate, surprise, and share.
Chances are your business or website generates some amount of unique, first party data that you can expose to the world. It might be from analytics, your rank tracker like Moz, or from raw user data if you operate a forum. I'll give you examples of how you might tap into these resources (especially when they don't seem obvious or plenteous) but let's start with a canonical example of one great use of first-party data in an industry that seems directly at odds with — dating.
The thought of quantifying and analyzing our love lives seems like an oxymoron of sorts. However, one of the most successful uses of data for content has been produced by the team at OK Cupid, whose "data"-tagged blog posts have earned thousands of solid backlinks and enviable traffic. The team at OK Cupid accomplishes this by tapping their huge resource for unique data, generated by their user base. Let's look at one quick example: Congrats Graduates: No One Gives a Sh*t.
The blog post is fairly straightforward (and not particularly long) but it used unique data that isn't really available to the average person. Because OK Cupid is in a privileged position, they can provide this kind of insight to their audience at large.
But maybe you don't have a million customers with profiles on your site; where can you look for first party data? Well, here are a couple of ideas of the types of data your company or organization might have which can easily be turned into interesting content:
Google Analytics, Search Console data and Adwords data: Do you see trends around holidays that are interesting? Perhaps you notice that more people search for certain keywords at certain times. This could be even more interesting if there's a local holiday (like a festival or event) that makes your data unique from the rest of the country.
Sales data: When do your sales go up or down? Do they coincide with events? Or do they happen to coincide with completely different types of keywords? Try using Google Correlate, which will identify keywords that follow the same patterns as your data.
Survey data: Use your sales or lead history to run surveys and generate insightful content.
A clothing store could compare responses to questions about personality by the colors of clothing that people purchase (Potential headline: Is It True What They Say About Red?)
A car parts store could compare the size of certain accessories to favorite sports (Potential headline: Big Trucks and Big Hits)
An insurance provider could compare the type of insurance requested vs. the level of education (Potential headline: What Smart People Do Differently with Insurance)
There are probably tons more sources of unique, first-party data that you or your business have generated over the years which can be turned into great content. If you dig through the data long enough, you'll hit pay dirt.
Data is foreign. It's a language almost no one speaks in their day-to-day conversations, a notation meant for machines. This consideration requires that we make data immediately relatable to our readers. We shouldn't just ask "What does the data say?", but instead "What does the data say to me?" How we make data relatable is simple — organize your data by how people identify themselves. This can be geographic, economic, biological, social, or cultural distinctions with which we regularly categorize ourselves.
Many of the best examples of this kind of strategy involve geography (perhaps because everyone lives somewhere, and it's pretty non-controversial to make generic claims about one location or another). Take a look at a map of your country and try not to look first towards where you live. I'm a North Carolinian, and I almost immediately find myself interested in anything that compares my state to others.
So maybe you aren't OK Cupid with millions of users and you can't find unique data to share — don't worry, there's still hope. The example below is a rather ingenious method of using Google Adwords data to build a geographical story that's relatable to any potential customer in the United States. The webmasters at Opulent used state-level Keyword Planner to visualize popularity across the country in a piece they call the "State of Style."
When I found this on Reddit's DataIsBeautiful (where most of these examples come from), I immediately checked to see what performed best in North Carolina. I honestly couldn't care less about popular fashion or jewelry brands, but my interest in North Carolina eclipsed that lack of interest. Geography-based data visualization has produced successful content related to in sports, politics, beer, and even knitting.
If you walk away with any practical ideas from this post, I think this example has got to be it. Fire up an Adwords campaign and find out how consumer demand breaks down in your industry at a state-by-state level. Are you a marketer and want to attract clients in a particular sector? Here's your chance to write a whitepaper on national demand. If you're a local business, you can target Google Keyword Planner to your city and compare it to other cities around the country.
Perhaps the greatest opportunity with data-focused content is the chance to truly surprise your reader. There's something exciting about learning an interesting fact (who hasn't seen one of these lying around and didn't pick it up?). So, how do you make your data "pop?" How do you make numbers fascinating?
Let's start with a simple statistic:
The cost of ending polio between 2013 and 2018 is $5.5 Billion Dollars.
How does that number feel to you? Does it feel big or little? Is it interesting on its own? Probably not, let's try and spice it up a bit.
$5.5 billion dollars doesn't seem that much when you realize people spend that amount on iPhones every 2 weeks. We could rid the world of polio for that much! Or, what if we present it like this...
In this light, it seems almost insane to spend that much money preventing just a couple more polio cases relative to the huge gains we could make on malaria. Of course, the statistics don't tell the full story. Polio is in the end-stages of eradication where the cost-per-case is much higher, and as malaria is attacked, it too will see cost-per-case increase. But the point remains the same: by giving the polio numbers some sort of context, some sort of forced perspective, we make the data far more intriguing and appealing.
So how would this work with content for your own site? Let's look at an example from BestPlay.co, which wrote a piece on Board Games are Getting Worse. Board games aren't a data-centric industry, but that doesn't keep them from producing awesome content with data. Here's a generic graph they provide in the piece which shows off average board game ratings.
There really isn't much to see here. There's nothing intrinsically shocking about the data as we look at it. So how do they add perspective to make their point and give the user intrigue? Simple — apply a historical perspective.
With this historical perspective, we can see board game scores getting better and better up until 2012, when they began to take a dive — the first multi-year dive in their recorded history. To draw users in, you use comparison to provide surprising perspectives.
This final method is the one that I think is most overlooked. Once you've created your fancy piece of content, let your audience do some leg work for you by releasing the data set. There's an entire community of the Internet just looking for great data sets which could take advantage of your data and cite your content in their own publications. You can find everything from All of Donald Trump's Tweets to Everything Lost at TSA to Hand-drawn Pictures of Pineapples. While there is a good chance your data set won't ever be used, it can pick up a couple of extra links in the event that it does.
Putting it all together
What happens when a webmaster combines these types of methods — exposing unique data, making it relatable and surprising, even for a topic that seems averse to data? You get something like this: Jeans vs. Leggings.
This piece played the geography card for relatability:
They compared user interest in jeans to give perspective to the growth of demand for leggings:
Slice.com reveals their first-party data to make interesting, data-driven content that ultimately scores them links from sites like In Style Magazine, Shape.com, and the NY Post. Looking at fashion through the lens of data meant great traffic and great shares.
How do I get started?
Get down and dirty with the data. Don't wait until you end up with a nice report in your hand, but start slicing and dicing things looking for interesting patterns or results. You can start with the data you already have: Google Analytics, Google Search Console, Google Adwords, and, if you're a Moz customer, even your rank tracking data or keyword research data. If none of these avenues work, dig through the amazing data resources found on Reddit or WebHose. Look for a story in the numbers by relating the data to your audience and making comparisons to provide perspective. It isn't a foolproof formula, but it is pretty close. The right slice of data will cut straight through writer's block.
Sign up for The Moz Top 10, a semimonthly mailer updating you on the top ten hottest pieces of SEO news, tips, and rad links uncovered by the Moz team. Think of it as your exclusive digest of stuff you don't have time to hunt down but want to read!
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Paint by Numbers: Using Data to Produce Great Content
Posted by  rjonesx.   It’s not every day that I write about content. To be honest, it’s probably a once-a-year kind of thing. I will readily admit that I’m a “links are king” kind of SEO, and have been since starting in this industry more than a decade ago. However, I do look over the fence from time to time to see if the grass is greener and, on occasion, I actually like what I see. Prior to joining Moz, I was a consultant at an agency like many of you reading this blog post. More often than not, one of the key concerns of my clients was what to write about. It seems that webmasters and business owners alike can easily acquire writer’s block after trudging through the uninspiring task of turning a list of keywords into website copy. So where do you look when you have run out of words
  Alright, stick with me here. I imagine for some of you the idea of poring over numbers to remedy writer’s block would be like trying to stop a headache with a brick. It’s adding insult to injury. What I hope to show you in the next couple of paragraphs is how data can be an incredible source of inspiration in writing, especially if you can hit a few key principles: expose, relate, surprise, and share.
  Expose  Chances are your business or website generates some amount of unique, first party data that you can expose to the world. It might be from analytics, your rank tracker like Moz, or from raw user data if you operate a forum. I’ll give you examples of how you might tap into these resources (especially when they don’t seem obvious or plenteous) but let’s start with a canonical example of one great use of first-party data in an industry that seems directly at odds with — dating.
  The thought of quantifying and analyzing our love lives seems like an oxymoron of sorts. However, one of the most successful uses of data for content has been produced by the team at OK Cupid, whose  “data”-tagged blog posts  have earned thousands of solid backlinks and enviable traffic. The team at  OK Cupid  accomplishes this by tapping their huge resource for unique data, generated by their user base. Let’s look at one quick example:  Congrats Graduates: No One Gives a Sh*t .
     The blog post is fairly straightforward (and not particularly long) but it used  unique  data that isn’t really available to the average person. Because OK Cupid is in a privileged position, they can provide this kind of insight to their audience at large.
  But maybe you don’t have a million customers with profiles on your site; where can you look for first party data? Well, here are a couple of ideas of the types of data your company or organization might have which can easily be turned into interesting content:
     Google Analytics, Search Console data and Adwords data:  Do you see trends around holidays that are interesting? Perhaps you notice that more people search for certain keywords at certain times. This could be even more interesting if there’s a local holiday (like a festival or event) that makes your data unique from the rest of the country. 
  Sales data:  When do your sales go up or down? Do they coincide with events? Or do they happen to coincide with completely different types of keywords? Try using  Google Correlate , which will identify keywords that follow the same patterns as your data.  
  Survey data:  Use your sales or lead history to run surveys and generate insightful content.
   A clothing store could compare responses to questions about personality by the colors of clothing that people purchase (Potential headline: Is It True What They Say About Red?) 
 A car parts store could compare the size of certain accessories to favorite sports (Potential headline: Big Trucks and Big Hits) 
 An insurance provider could compare the type of insurance requested vs. the level of education (Potential headline: What Smart People Do Differently with Insurance) 
    There are probably tons more sources of unique, first-party data that you or your business have generated over the years which can be turned into great content. If you dig through the data long enough, you’ll hit pay dirt.
  Relate  Data is foreign. It’s a language almost no one speaks in their day-to-day conversations, a notation meant for machines. This consideration requires that we make data immediately relatable to our readers. We shouldn’t just ask “What does the data say?”, but instead “What does the data say to me?” How we make data relatable is simple — organize your data by how people identify themselves. This can be geographic, economic, biological, social, or cultural distinctions with which we regularly categorize ourselves.
  Many of the best examples of this kind of strategy involve geography (perhaps because everyone lives somewhere, and it’s pretty non-controversial to make generic claims about one location or another). Take a look at a map of your country and try not to look first towards where you live. I’m a North Carolinian, and I almost immediately find myself interested in anything that compares my state to others.
  So maybe you aren’t OK Cupid with millions of users and you can’t find unique data to share — don’t worry, there’s still hope. The example below is a rather ingenious method of using  Google Adwords  data to build a geographical story that’s relatable to any potential customer in the United States. The webmasters at  Opulent  used state-level Keyword Planner to visualize popularity across the country in a piece they call the “ State of Style. “   
  When I found this on Reddit’s  DataIsBeautiful  (where most of these examples come from), I immediately checked to see what performed best in North Carolina. I honestly couldn’t care less about popular fashion or jewelry brands, but my interest in North Carolina eclipsed that lack of interest. Geography-based data visualization has produced successful content related to in  sports ,  politics ,  beer , and even  knitting .
  If you walk away with any practical ideas from this post, I think this example has got to be it. Fire up an Adwords campaign and find out how consumer demand breaks down in your industry at a state-by-state level. Are you a marketer and want to attract clients in a particular sector? Here’s your chance to write a whitepaper on national demand. If you’re a local business, you can target Google Keyword Planner to your city and compare it to other cities around the country.
  Surprise  Perhaps the greatest opportunity with data-focused content is the chance to truly surprise your reader. There’s something exciting about learning an interesting fact ( who hasn’t seen one of these lying around and didn’t pick it up? ). So, how do you make your data “pop?” How do you make numbers fascinating?   Perspective.
  Let’s start with a simple statistic:
  The cost of ending polio between 2013 and 2018 is
  $5.5 Billion Dollars .
  How does that number feel to you? Does it feel big or little? Is it interesting on its own? Probably not, let’s try and spice it up a bit.
     $5.5 billion dollars doesn’t seem that much when you realize people spend that amount on iPhones every 2 weeks. We could rid the world of polio for that much! Or, what if we present it like this...
     In this light, it seems almost insane to spend that much money preventing just a couple more polio cases relative to the huge gains we could make on malaria. Of course, the statistics don’t tell the full story. Polio is in the end-stages of eradication where the cost-per-case is much higher, and as malaria is attacked, it too will see cost-per-case increase. But the point remains the same: by giving the polio numbers some sort of context, some sort of forced perspective, we make the data far more intriguing and appealing.
  So how would this work with content for your own site? Let’s look at an example from  BestPlay.co , which wrote a piece on  Board Games are Getting Worse . Board games aren’t a data-centric industry, but that doesn’t keep them from producing awesome content with data. Here’s a generic graph they provide in the piece which shows off average board game ratings.
     There really isn’t much to see here. There’s nothing intrinsically shocking about the data as we look at it. So how do they add perspective to make their point and give the user intrigue? Simple — apply a historical perspective.
     With this historical perspective, we can see board game scores getting better and better up until 2012, when they began to take a dive — the first multi-year dive in their recorded history. To draw users in, you use comparison to provide surprising perspectives.
  Share  This final method is the one that I think is most overlooked. Once you’ve created your fancy piece of content, let your audience do some leg work for you by releasing the data set. There’s an entire community of the Internet  just looking for great data sets  which could take advantage of your data and cite your content in their own publications. You can find everything from  All of Donald Trump’s Tweets  to  Everything Lost at TSA  to  Hand-drawn Pictures of Pineapples . While there is a good chance your data set won’t ever be used, it can pick up a couple of extra links in the event that it does.
  Putting it all together  What happens when a webmaster combines these types of methods — exposing unique data, making it relatable and surprising, even for a topic that seems averse to data? You get something like this:  Jeans vs. Leggings. 
  This piece played the geography card for relatability:
     They compared user interest in jeans to give perspective to the growth of demand for leggings:
      Slice.com  reveals their first-party data to make interesting, data-driven content that ultimately scores them links from sites like In Style Magazine, Shape.com, and the NY Post. Looking at fashion through the lens of data meant great traffic and great shares.
  How do I get started?  Get down and dirty with the data. Don’t wait until you end up with a nice report in your hand, but start slicing and dicing things looking for interesting patterns or results. You can start with the data you already have:  Google Analytics ,  Google Search Console ,  Google Adwords , and, if you’re a Moz customer, even your  rank tracking data  or  keyword research data . If none of these avenues work, dig through the amazing data resources found on  Reddit  or  WebHose . Look for a story in the numbers by relating the data to your audience and making comparisons to provide perspective. It isn’t a foolproof formula, but it is pretty close. The right slice of data will cut straight through writer’s block.
    Sign up for The Moz Top 10 , a semimonthly mailer updating you on the top ten hottest pieces of SEO news, tips, and rad links uncovered by the Moz team. Think of it as your exclusive digest of stuff you don’t have time to hunt down but want to read!
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Getting Started - The PC’s (Player Characters)!
Since the GM is all prepped and rearing to go, let’s go ahead and cover what PC’s will need in order to play FFD6!
A Character Sheet and concept for your character! With 18 unique Jobs for characters to have, on top of countless builds you can make with races suggested and of your GM’s creation, there’s a lot of flexibility when it comes to making FFD6 characters! Granted, if you want to keep track of all of their stats and gear, you probably should have one of these filled out. The front and back of Character Sheets can be found on Pages 273 & 274 in the FFD6 PDF.
A Calculator. Similar to the GM, it is more than wise to have your own calculator to calculate numbers. A lot can be processed in your head, and after smacking fiendish cronies so many times with your Princess Guard staff you’ll probably be familiar with most of the calculations. Regardless, a calculator is good for keeping track of abilities that deal ludicrous amounts of damage or even just HP.
Two d6′s are necessary to play FFD6. Most attacks and abilities require you also roll these dice in tandem with the action, so it’s a good idea to nab two from around the house, from your special set, or whatever.
Pen, Pencils, Erasers, Sharpeners. As your character progresses thorugh their journey, they are probably going to find some pretty neato gear. If you don’t remember to bring a pencil to write that down, you may forget all the cool bonuses and goodies the GM dishes out, so make sure you’re in good supply!
And again, like the GM, you will want to have access to the FFD6 PDF File. If you’re wanting to research, or do the GM a solid by leveling up your character on your own, you will want this PDF. As I may mention in later posts, some rules can get a bit confusing; if that’s the case, I highly suggest you talk to the party as a whole, including the GM, so you all can determine house rules for abilities, items, etc. Your opinion on rulings is just as important as the GM’s, and it helps everyone become a better player to reexamine play!
Similar to the GM, this should not cost you very much, especially if you frequent other Tabletop RPG’s.
Now, a few suggested supplies:
Additional dice types. Like the GM, there are times you may want a counter of sort (like Monks keeping track of their Chain Points), or you need a die to determine whether or not an enemy is afflicted with transform! Here are the kinds I would advise investing in:
d4′s are great for status touch items since they all have about a 25% chance of inflicting a status. Furthermore, d4′s can help serve as reminders for how much longer you have to deal with a status effect, since they also normally last anywhere from 1-4 turns.
d10′s can help with keeping track as counters. As mentioned above, monks can benefit from this, users of the spell Resonance can benefit from keeping track of how many times they’ve been hit; all good stuff.
Group Chats. Though this applies to GM’s as well, and it may be second nature to most people, communication with other players is imperative. Not to mention too, Group chats are always a good place for Final Fantasy Memes.
A side journal, character diary, sketchbook, etc. Depending on table rules, these are good to have in case you would like to take additional notes for your character. The character sheets are good for basic info, but writing can get cramped after awhile. Having an alternative place to write down quest goals, special campaign abilities, or even just doodles of funny moments is a good way to space out writing and keep a cleaner character sheet.
So, like the posts for GM’s, I have a few parting thoughts.
As a PC, you are always going to be part of a team, whether that’s between the GM and you, or your other party members. This does mean that it falls to you that you have some responsibilities, and these apply just as much to GM’s, if not more.
Being a Respectful Player: This includes but is not limited showing up on time, not outright being rude to other players, among a whole other grocery list of things. I really emphasize this point, because I know far too many campaigns that end prematurely due to player’s not caring about others in their party or the GM, or how discrepancies are not handled maturely. This is a game, it has rules, and having good clean (Or not so clean) fun is what should be the focus! And that does require respect!
Being Aware of your Character’s Abilities: As a longtime GM, I absolutely love clarifying things for players. In this way they can better understand the world, what their super awesome character can unleash, and so on. But the flow of the game easily gets interrupted if I have to stop and re-answer how to calculate magic damage Aspir five times.  GM’s: patience is key. Players? Sorting out stuff for your character before and in between games is both incredibly efficient and beneficial for GM’s. They need to juggle a lot and wear multiple hats, and they can’t always remember every intricacy of your character. From a player standpoint, your character and their actions are your responsibility, so know them as well as you can!
Advocating for Yourself: GM’s are far from perfect beings. If they miss something for your character, if you’re confused about a point, or if you don’t like how something was handled, respectfully interrupt play or pull aside the GM so the issue can be fixed. The story is both the party’s and GM’s; it’s together that you both feed the world you’re playing in so you can achieve the fantasy everyone desires. So if something doesn’t seem right, or you need something clarified, it is my wish and hope you feel comfortable enough to be in a party where you can do so.
Anyway, after these heavy sorts of things, it is exciting to be a player. To finally be in a game where you can fully interact with a living, breathing world that responds to your deeds and shenanigans is liberating. So go ham! Dream up the fantastical Moogle Warrior! Play as a Cyborg Black Mage! Dominate your foes as a Viera Ninja! Love what you create; and get ready for a Final Fantasy Experience unlike any you’ve ever witnessed before. ~ Ryan
Credit to the Authors of the “Let’s Play Final Fantasy” site for the image of the FF II Over-World image!
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aurelliocheek · 4 years
Book of Heroes: Making a new The Dark Eye game
A new Finnish studio is bringing the tabletop feeling to the screen.
The Dark Eye (original: Das Schwarze Auge) is a true classic. The roleplaying game was developed 36 years ago by the German Ulrich Kiesow and laid the foundation for hundreds of novels, board games – and video games of course. Since the last one, The Dark Eye: Blackguards 2 by Daedalic, five years have passed.
This summer a new game brings the players back into the fantasy world Aventuria. Like in the original Pen&Paper game, The Dark Eye: Book of Heroes is about role-playing together with your friends. Four players combine the specialities of the different species and professions to overcome enemies, puzzles and challenges in the myriad of procedurally generated maps. Twelve different professions and eight individual storylines should provide long-lasting gaming fun. Book of Heroes is the first game of new Finnish developer Random Potion in collaboration with publisher Wild River Games and DSA rights holder Ulisses.  We talk with Creative Director Arto ­Koistinen and CEO Kirsi Rossi about the development of The Dark Eye: Book of ­Heroes.
What kind of game is Book of Heroes? Arto Koistinen: BoH is an RPG for busy people. There are plenty of ­action games with similarly easy ways of dropping in and out, but no real roleplaying games like this. Kirsi Rossi: Book of Heroes is a game that consists of several shorter adventures that form longer stories. All the RPG elements are there but compared to the epic RPGs that require hundreds of hours playing, BoH gives you an easy way to play when you have time, or your friends are online and you’d like to play a couple of hours with them. It also doesn’t require a long time to get yourself familiar with the system, so it’s easy to start playing it but of course for the ones who’d like to immerse themselves into an epic RPG the experience is not that deep.
Only part of the Random Potion team is enjoying a summer day in Tampere, Finland, before working on Book of Heroes.
Please tell us briefly about your career in the gaming industry. And how it all started with Random Potion? Kirsi: I haven’t worked with games before. It’s been something that I have thought about earlier but because I don’t have a developer background there are less opportunities, though the situation has changed a lot recently when there are more big studios. I joined Random Potion when Arto asked if I’d be interested in to take care of the business side of the company three years ago. Entrepreneurship is something that I have wanted to try, so it was a perfect opportunity for me. Arto: I started in the industry in 2007 as a game designer for mobile games, the company worked solely on licensed games, so I did small games for big brands such as Star Wars and Pixar. After that, I founded my first company Dicework Games, where I did programming, design, writing and business, so pretty much everything else than art or music. I’ve also worked at Kyy Games, another local company, in multiple positions. We started Random Potion with a group of friends from the industry, mainly because we wanted to work together on new projects. Book of Heroes was an idea I’d had in one form or another for several years, and finally, the pieces for the design started coming together. In retrospect, it was probably too big a project for a new company, but fortunately, everything turned out well!
How big is your team at the moment? Do you hire? Kirsi: We have ten people at the moment in the company and in our team. We don’t hire at the moment.
How did the collaboration with Ulisses and Wild River come about? Kirsi: We met Wild River a couple of times at game events like gamescom where we showed our game demo and later how it as progressed. Later on, we started to talk about the collaboration with Wild River and got introduced also with Ulisses.
Arto: I also attended a convention hosted by Ulisses where I met both the Ulisses people and the fans, and it was a great experience, and especially awesome to meet all these people very enthusiastic about The Dark Eye.
How close do you work together? Kirsi: We have weekly meetings with Wild River’s producer, and we also use Slack, where we can chat when there’s anything to ask, comment etc. If we have questions of the Dark Eye universe, we can also talk with Ulisses, and they have provided us with a lot of material and also checked the stories that are in the game so that they don’t conflict with the DSA universe.
Unity is the main development tool. If for beasts, items, or entire portions of the maps — it will end up in Unity.
What are your sources of inspiration? Kirsi: Overall, for me, I love old-school RPG games. I remember when I was a kid and got often stuck to Mario or other similar games because I wasn’t that good and patient enough to practise. When I found RPGs, it felt like coming home because I didn’t get that frustrating feeling of playing the same setting over and over again (or asking someone else to play it for me so that I could continue the game).
Arto: Baldur’s Gate was a big inspiration in the beginning, especially for the core gameplay, visuals and controls. We opted for a different approach in meta though, having bite-sized adventures connected by personal stories instead of a big epic campaign. Of course, there is also a lot of influence from roguelikes, of which my favourite is probably ADOM.
Are you fans of The Dark Eye? Kirsi: The Dark Eye is not that well known in Finland. I like to play tabletop RPGs and also try different games, and it’s been great to get to know also The Dark Eye. I am a big fan of monsters, and there are many that I like in the Dark Eye. I also like lizardfolk, and it would be great to have them somewhere in the game… (smiles) Arto: We are now! (smiles)
Did you play previous TDE games? Arto: I had played Chains of Satinav before the project and when we started also played Memoria and both the Blackguards games.
How did you get the game design process, what was your approach? Arto: We already had a vertical slice of the game that used a different system when we started working with The Dark Eye. In the pre-TDE project, we had a pretty ad hoc process where we knew the high-level design and where we wanted to go but did the concrete design as the project progressed, seeing what worked and what didn’t. When we started converting that base to The Dark Eye, we first took the rules and decided what would work for our game and how and what we had to drop out. I’m happy to say we got a lot of the core rules in and even some additional ones from the other sourcebooks! There was a lot of back and forth with Ulisses for the storylines so everything is canon for the setting. We’ve also tested the game with fans of The Dark Eye and integrated that feedback into the finished game.
Kirsi: I am not involved in game design as I am more of taking care of the company and project itself, e.g. schedules and communication with the publisher. However, because we are a small studio, I have tested the game a lot (over 100 hours of gameplay…). I also like to join the game design meetings and encourage everyone in a team to be involved because I think it’s important that everyone has a feeling of ownership of the project.
Even though Book of Heroes is a co-op game by heart, you can embark solo on the adventures and hire some henchmen for the quest. For a price.
TDE is known for it’s unique system of dicing samples. How did you implement this system to the game as algorithm for the gameplay? Arto: We have the skill system in the game pretty much as-is, the game handles the skill rolls when need and shows the results of the rolls to the player, along with all the three dice rolls and the final Quality Level. Some rolls are automated by the game (e.g. Perception), and some are initiated by the player (e.g. Picklocks).
In which area will the game take place? Arto: In the Middenrealm, mostly concentrating on the west, Kosh and Northmarches areas.
Book of Heroes is a Coop-RPG. Why is the multiplayer approach important to you, and how challenging is the implementation? Kirsi: We chose co-op because we wanted to make a game with a similar feeling of playing together like in tabletop RPGs. In tabletop RPGs I can still remember some game sessions many years ago, and I think that it’s players who bring the game alive. Multiplayer itself is absolutely more challenging technically compared to the solo game and also for a new team like us many people advised not to make a first game multiplayer.
How important is the story in Book of ­Heroes for you? Kirsi: There are several different stories, and also the players with whom you play have their own stories. I think the story is important, but for me, it’s also important to have fun instead of just advancing my own story. I hope that game can give a nice setting to meet friends or completely new people.
Arto: Theirs is actually more story in the game than readily apparent to the casual observer. We’re especially invested in ­player-driven stories, and the character creation takes a story-first approach, where every choice you make tells you a bit more about the character’s background. The personal storylines are also a very important part of the game, and while you can mostly skip them if you want, they contain a lot of lore and world-building.
Talking about the development process: What problems did you encounter in ­g­eneral, and how did you deal with them? Kirsi: In game development team the fascinating but also challenging part is that teams are multi-disciplinary where there are programmers, artists, business people etc. and everyone has their own way of working. It’s important to bring devs together because making games is teamwork and it’s important to understand how my work is affecting to somebody else’s.
Arto: One of the biggest challenges is making everything work together in a game that has as many moving pieces as we do – and in multiplayer too! Getting a feature or a piece of content to work is one thing; getting it to work in a multiplayer environment is a completely another. We’re also balancing between meeting the expectations of a multiplayer RPG and a TDE game, which can be tricky because those expectations can at times be ­conflicting.
The combat feels a lot like the tabletop original. Hence the dice symbols and the numbers.
Which aspects are the most difficult to ­i­mplement. Do you also have to leave something out? Kirsi: We had to leave a lot of things out, and I think it’s an on-going conversation because time is limited, but there would be so many ideas to bring alive.
Arto: Pathfinding in a multiplayer game with procedurally generated levels has proven to be a hurdle, but fortunately one that’s now behind us. Then there’s the adventure generation where we want to have maps that are interesting enough but should never be incompletable.
Which engine do you use? What advantages does it offer you? Arto: We use Unity. Personally, I’ve been using it for over eleven years, and it’s a fine engine that gives us most of what we need out of the box and also has great support in the form of community and available ­plug-ins.
How do you feel about crunchtime? What experiences have you had with crunchtime in recent years? Kirsi: I haven’t worked before in-game ­studio so I have only read about the crunching. We don’t crunch, and if a dev asks can s/he do work e.g. on the weekend, it’s always temporary solution and extra hours can be used later to have an extra day off. Personally, I am a bit of a workaholic, and it’s been tough to learn to take time off because being an entrepreneur work basically never ends, but I have also noticed that it affects to the quality of the work if I do long time work in the evenings and weekends.
How hard is it for you to deal with the corona crisis? Does it influence the completion and release date? Kirsi: We have been working completely remote one month now, and we have short daily meetings online every workday. When the crises started, one challenge was to get the computers to everyone because we have tabletop computers (gaming laptops are more expensive compared to the tabletop ones). Crisis doesn’t seem to influence to the completion of the project, but I keep my finger’s crossed that nobody catches corona.
Kirsi Rossi CEO
Kirsi is the CEO and Business Developer at Random Potion. Being a free spirit, she has travelled around the globe and lived on three continents. Professionally, she has worked in B2B marketing and events taking care of administrative tasks. She has a MBA in Knowledge Management and she about to graduate in MTech majoring in entrepreneurship.
Arto Koistinen Creative Director
Arto is a game developer who has been a game designer, programmer, CEO, writer and some other things in his 13 years in the industry. He has worked on small mobile games for big brands such as Star Wars and Pixar, made an award winning RPG Rimelands: Hammer of Thor, and written very punny jokes for Knights of Pen and Paper 2
The post Book of Heroes: Making a new The Dark Eye game appeared first on Making Games.
Book of Heroes: Making a new The Dark Eye game published first on https://leolarsonblog.tumblr.com/
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gamethyme · 6 years
Let's Talk About 5E, Shall We?
I eat a lot of Mexican food. Probably too much, actually. But when I go to a new place, I'll generally order either something I've never seen before or chicken fajitas.
"Something I've never seen before" is pretty obvious. Those are likely to be the specialty of the house and will set them apart from the tacos and burritos that are ubiquitous on Mexican menus. Chicken Fajitas are a little less obvious - it's because chicken is a good platform to highlight unique or special spice blends. And I've never had two chicken fajitas that tasted the same. My wife, by contrast, orders enchiladas. Most of the flavor of an enchilada comes from the sauce, and - much like fajita spice - that can vary wildly from restaurant to restaurant. Most Mexican restaurants have more than one enchilada sauce (and many of them allow you to mix and match sauces on your enchiladas). So what does this have to do with Dungeons & Dragons?  Especially the fifth edition of same? A lot, actually. I've been playing D&D since I was ten. It was 1e at the time, and we played it on the playground at recess. I didn't get to play a lot, as my parents were part of the satanic panic of the eighties. This means I definitely wasn't allowed to own any books or dice. Because of this, I played the simplest class. The one that had the fewest complex rules. In 1e, that meant I played a fighter. Why? Because the fighter's only real decision was "Which foe do I want to hit?"  Mechanically, 1e fighters were (and continue to be) super-boring. By the time 2e rolled around, I was familiar enough with the rules that I was able to play something different. I dabbled with Wizards and Rogues before settling on (don't laugh) Bards. Because Fighters continued to be boring. When Wizards dropped 3e on us, Feats made some interesting changes. Suddenly every class had interesting customization options (and Fighters were more interesting). Some of the fighter feats meant that there were occasional interesting decisions to be made. I only played a tiny bit of 3e (I was much more a DM than a player at that point).  By the end of 3e's run, however, it'd turned into an optimization game. "The best fighter takes and and ." Or "Check out this broken Feat combo!" Pathfinder took the optimization aspects of 3e and turned them up to eleven. The game's power curve was structured so that players who didn't optimize were left behind. It also highlighted those parts of 3e that I didn't like, turning them into the focus of play. Note that I'm very carefully not saying "Pathfinder was bad." I'm saying, "Pathfinder wasn't for me." Then we hit 4e. Suddenly every class was equally interesting. And theoretically balanced. Fighter powers/abilities hit harder or applied status effects (stun and knockdown were pretty common). Wizard powers/abilities did elementally-flavored damage and applied different status effects to foes. Feats were less-important than power selection. And now we have 5e. For those of you who are wondering, I haven't broken my self-imposed boycott of 5e. I received a copy of the Player's Handbook (PHB), Dungeon Master's Guide (DMG), and Monster Manual (MM) as gifts from a friend.  I spent the next few days following that gift reading the 5e PHB and ... meh.  I don't get all the love it gets. One friend, when he saw that I had 5e in my hands, asked if I was "finally tired of that tactical combat simulator" that 4e was. I've got news for you, Matt: All editions of D&D are tactical combat simulators. And 4e is the best/most interesting of the bunch for most classes. Every edition of D&D has fallen desperately short when it came to mechanically rewarding non-combat encounters. Which means that 5e is - for what I want in a game - significantly less-good than 4e. Because it's a less-detailed tactical combat simulator. Reading through 5e, it's like a bizarre cross between 2e and 3e. There's good in there, mind you, but for the most part it strikes me as a huge step backwards. The only real "killer app" of 5e is the Advantage/Disadvantage mechanism. And possibly "Inspiration," which lets you trigger Advantage. I did what I often do when I confront something that is so popular that I just plain don't understand: I went online and asked my friends. Here's what I heard from them:
Combat in 5e is faster. This is both bug and feature, as you can have multiple small combat encounters in a single session, but big set-piece battles are less interesting.
Classes in 5e have three sub-classes that characters move into at 3rd level. Only one of the Fighter subclasses is boring 2e Hit 'Em more/better.
There are fewer ways to apply fewer status effects in 5e, which is cleaner and easier to understand for newer players.
Combat in 5e supports "theater of the mind" better than 4e and 3e. While you can use a map and grid, it's not as strictly required as it was in those editions.
DIY players have an easier time tweaking 5e, as 4e was so tightly interconnected. Creating a power here-and-there for 4e was simple enough, but creating new classes was a lot of work.
Even a lot of 5e players expressed frustration with how boring and limited it felt after a very short time. One friend said, "Loved 5 E at first, got bored with it after a couple of years." And that was pretty close to consensus.
5E hits on more cylinders than 4E for me and also has some good ideas. I have played it several times and will likely play it again. 
All things considered, I would still prefer to play OSRIC, Advanced Labyrinth Lord, Blueholme, or Low Fantasy Gaming.
Other games came up, too. Both OSR retroclones and newer branches of the d20 tree (Pathfinder and 13th Age especially). And games that aren't from that family (Fantasy Age got a lot of love).
Indie gaming legend Ron Edwards left a long comment that I'm going to quote in full, here:
I just played 5E for the first time, just a couple of days ago, as a player. It struck me as a very 2000s game, maybe even 2010 on the nose. That's not a slam, but identifying it very much as of its era, and not any kind of old-school whatnot which in this case makes most sense as precise marketing.
More importantly, as a game, it is caught like a writhing insect in what I called The Impossible Thing Before Breakfast. If I play my character, in the sense of all this characterization and agency that the creation process fires up, then the DM cannot create the story, as everything about DMing and especially the published scenarios and campaigns emphasizes. And vice versa, perhaps especially, vice versa. Everything for the player presumes a DM who isn't actually the DM as written/encouraged, and everything for the DM presumes players who aren't actually those players as written/encouraged. The net effect is almost always the same: the players are reduced to posturing, establishing and repeating tropes, and (eventually) goofing in order to enjoy themselves, as the DM waltzes them through fights that lead to clues, and clues that lead to fights. 
Exalted, all over again, and that's merely a refined point of reference among a sea of game texts of this kind. 
As with so many of these games, the solution is obvious: pick one or the other, and ignore, as in obviate, reject, abandon, defy, reverse the text and most of the rules concerning the one you didn't pick. But that solution is not arrived at very often. The more usual one is to play while insisting loudly online that this is the most awesome thing ever, then to limp along wondering about or resigned to the necessary outcomes of the Impossible Thing, and eventually to shift into lonely fun with one's extremely expensive purchases.
 There was also a ton of nostalgia for 3.x.  Publisher/designer Cam Banks said (in one of his comments):
When I moved to 4E, I hit a wall with the way the game was designed to centre around powers/techniques/etc. As a 3rd edition designer, I knew that system back to front; I could come up with stats and monsters and spells on the fly, and I even ad hoc'd a prestige class for a player (and wrote the whole thing up the next day). 4E was an inscrutable black box by comparison. I ran it like I ran 3E, and stumbled. I couldn't make my own classes easily, I couldn't eyeball anything, even with the famous page 42. It was extraordinarily frustrating because I liked what they were doing with the game, but the game didn't let me in.
 Peter Darley said:
It seems like D&Ds primary strength, in any edition, is to be a lowest common denominator. I don't think I would ever chose to run or play it given the universe of games available, but since not everyone likes the same stuff, D&D is often something that people can agree on.
 I had more than fifty comments on that post.  I'd link to it, but it's on Plus and Google is shutting that down next week, so the link would be useless.  There was disagreement, but not much. And it never got heated. So the long and short of it, for me, is this: If I am forced to play D&D and am given a choice of edition, I will still choose fourth edition. I can see some of the appeal of fifth, and I might play it a bit to see how it compares to second and third, but I don't see anything there that I can't easily find in a dozen other games.  Realistically, though, I'm more likely to play something else. I didn't get into it here, but it's worth mentioning that the DMG for fifth edition is quite good with some solid advice that applies regardless of the game being played. It's a shame that the game itself is so uninspired. from Blogger https://ift.tt/2Ulyp0F via IFTTT
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tabletopontap · 7 years
Top 10 Most Anticipated at Essen Spiel 2017
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I know this post is a little late, since Essen is over now, but I still wanted to share my top 10 list with you.  It was hard to pick only ten game.  I gladly would’ve made the list longer, but ten is a conventional number for lists, so I decided to stick with it.  I also plan to put out a top 10 “under the radar” list, so be on the lookout for that later this week.  It’s hard to stand out in a field of over a thousand games (shout out to W. Eric Martin for putting out the Essen Preview 2017 list on BGG), but after careful consideration, I managed to put together the following list.
     10.  Fast Forward: Flee         9.  Dragon Castle        8.  Nusfjord        7.  Dinosaur Island        6.  Otys        5.  Noria        4. Coaster Park        3.  Rajas of the Ganges        2.  Charterstone        1.  Pandemic Legacy: S2
If you’re interested in why these games made my Top 10 List, you can keep reading below. 
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Fast Forward: Flee - gets my attention for 2 reasons: it’s a cooperative game AND it’s learn-as-you go.  Designer Friedemann Friese has been experimenting with a different way of introducing rules.  Starting with Fabled Fruit and continuing in the Flash Forward series, these games are built around the concept that you can start playing a game right away and pick up the rules as you play through the game.  In Fabled Fruit, there were a few basic rules at the start of the game, but as new cards were revealed, more rules were introduced during gameplay.  I wasn’t crazy about Fabled Fruit, but my better half liked it.  The artwork was cute and had a family-friendly feel.  I guess it just felt a bit too simple to me.  Still, as a big fan of co-op, I’m looking forward to eventually playing Flee.
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Dragon Castle - I wasn’t really familiar with the designers or publisher on this one, but the concept was interesting to me and the components were pretty!  Did I mention I’m a sucker for eye-catching design?  The concept of this game is inspired by the Chinese classic, Mahjong.  Pairs of tiles are pulled from a central pyramid (looks like Mahjong) and are placed on your personal building board.  I’m not exactly sure how you play, but I think the goal is to chain same tiles together on your board.  When you do, you score and flip the tiles face down.  You can also build shrines on top of your flipped over tiles.  With appealing aesthetics and quick gameplay (30-45 min. according to BGG), I expect to see a lot of people playing this game at local boardgaming conventions.
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Nusfjord - Published by Lookout Games and Mayfair--two respectable board game publishers--this one admittedly made my list because of the game’s designer, Uwe Rosenberg.  Rumor has it this game is around the same weight as his earlier hit, Glass Road.  That is to say, this game is a little lighter than Uwe’s epic games, like Agricola, Caverna: The Cave Farmers, and A Feast for Odin, but presumably heavier than his tetris-inspired games like Patchwork, Cottage Garden, and (another new entry at Essen) Indian Summer.  By the way, I’m also interested in Indian Summer, but there are so many interesting games, it didn’t make my Top 10.  Back to Nusfjord--the twist in this game is that there’s a bit of a stockholder simulation here.  You can put shares of your fishing company up for sale, but if you don’t buy them back in time, your competitors can snatch them up and potentially profit from your hard work!  
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Dinosaur Island - is one of two games published by Pandasaurus Games on my Top 10 Essen list.  One of the designers, Jonathan Gilmour, is also half the brainpower behind Dead of Winter (which happens to be in my personal Top 10 played games).  Additionally, artist Kwanchai Moriya previously contributed to Kodama: The Tree Spirits, which is a beautifully illustrated game.  The theme behind Dinosaur Island is ripped from the cover of Jurassic Park.  All of these factors combined add up to a buzzworthy game.  In it, you’re trying to run the best dinosaur theme park ever, but you have to balance public safety with carnivorous dinosaurs.  After all, you can’t have those velociraptors eating all your visitors, right?
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Otys - is another title that makes my list because of a splashy art cover.  Honestly, I probably wouldn’t have known about this game if it weren’t for Tom Vasel.  Although my tastes are normally more in line with Rahdo, this worker placement game is too pretty to ignore!
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Noria - The steampunk look of this game drew me in right away.  Created by Spiel des Jahres fellowship winner, Sophia Wagner, this is a strong showing from a new board game designer.  The unique mechanism here appears to be a twist on a rondel.  I’ve seen this game being compared to Tzolk’in: The Mayan Calendar because of the rotating wheels.  Here, you can optimize your rondel by choosing which actions to add to your action selection wheel.  It reminds me of the next evolution of component creation, starting with card building in Mystic Vale, then dice building in Dice Forge.  Now we’ve got wheel building.    
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Coaster Park - is my second game of interest from Pandasaurus Games.  Scott Almes (known for his Tiny Epic line of games) is the mastermind behind this coaster-building board game.  Kwanchai Moriya (Kodama) is back again for the artwork here, and he’s teamed up with Peter Wocken (previous works include Dead of Winter and Sagrada). As for gameplay, first you build roller coasters out of various cardboard pieces.  Then, you send a marble down your coaster to see how far it goes.  Can it make it up and down the bumps and loops in your coaster?  Were you born to be an engineer and didn’t know it?  The physicality reminds me of Potion Explosion, even though the execution is vastly different.
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Rajas of the Ganges - This one made my list because it’s designed by Inka and Markus Brand, the same duo who brought us games such as Village, Exit: The Game series, Murano, and Touria (among other titles).  It looks like it might be another dice worker placement game, and I’m fond of that mechanic.  Also, the 3-D elephant player marker is ridiculously cute! 
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Charterstone - Brought to us by Jamey Stegmaier, I’ve been looking forward to this game for two years.  I actually already decided to preorder the game through coolstuffinc.com and will be getting the special promo coin that comes with it if you order from them.  I’m not intentionally plugging for CSI; I’m sure everyone who’s been in the gaming hobby knows they have good discounts online.  Anyway, back to gameplay--this one is a legacy style game that can be played even after the campaign is finished, so don’t throw away that game board!  Jamey has proven himself as a seasoned designer (credits include Scythe, Viticulture, and Euphoria: Build a Better Dystopia).  I can’t wait to play this one!
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Pandemic Legacy: Season 2 - Tom Vasel says this one is better than Season 1, and I can’t even believe it.  I loved the first one.  I wanted to play another campaign with a different gaming group after I finished playing through the first one.  I wanted to pump up my score.  Regular Pandemic was more or less my gateway into the hobby.  Before that, I owned Bang (the original card game) and Shadows Over Camelot, but that was it.  After Pandemic, I was bitten by the board game collecting bug.  Anyway, I’m expecting a one of a kind experience from Season 2, even though I won’t be among the first to own a copy.
That’s it for this Top 10.  Stay tuned for my list of Top 10 under-the-radar games that debuted at Essen.
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dainiaolivahm · 7 years
Paint by Numbers: Using Data to Produce Great Content
Posted by rjonesx.
It's not every day that I write about content. To be honest, it's probably a once-a-year kind of thing. I will readily admit that I'm a "links are king" kind of SEO, and have been since starting in this industry more than a decade ago. However, I do look over the fence from time to time to see if the grass is greener and, on occasion, I actually like what I see. Prior to joining Moz, I was a consultant at an agency like many of you reading this blog post. More often than not, one of the key concerns of my clients was what to write about. It seems that webmasters and business owners alike can easily acquire writer's block after trudging through the uninspiring task of turning a list of keywords into website copy. So where do you look when you have run out of words
Alright, stick with me here. I imagine for some of you the idea of poring over numbers to remedy writer's block would be like trying to stop a headache with a brick. It's adding insult to injury. What I hope to show you in the next couple of paragraphs is how data can be an incredible source of inspiration in writing, especially if you can hit a few key principles: expose, relate, surprise, and share.
Chances are your business or website generates some amount of unique, first party data that you can expose to the world. It might be from analytics, your rank tracker like Moz, or from raw user data if you operate a forum. I'll give you examples of how you might tap into these resources (especially when they don't seem obvious or plenteous) but let's start with a canonical example of one great use of first-party data in an industry that seems directly at odds with — dating.
The thought of quantifying and analyzing our love lives seems like an oxymoron of sorts. However, one of the most successful uses of data for content has been produced by the team at OK Cupid, whose "data"-tagged blog posts have earned thousands of solid backlinks and enviable traffic. The team at OK Cupid accomplishes this by tapping their huge resource for unique data, generated by their user base. Let's look at one quick example: Congrats Graduates: No One Gives a Sh*t.
The blog post is fairly straightforward (and not particularly long) but it used unique data that isn't really available to the average person. Because OK Cupid is in a privileged position, they can provide this kind of insight to their audience at large.
But maybe you don't have a million customers with profiles on your site; where can you look for first party data? Well, here are a couple of ideas of the types of data your company or organization might have which can easily be turned into interesting content:
Google Analytics, Search Console data and Adwords data: Do you see trends around holidays that are interesting? Perhaps you notice that more people search for certain keywords at certain times. This could be even more interesting if there's a local holiday (like a festival or event) that makes your data unique from the rest of the country.
Sales data: When do your sales go up or down? Do they coincide with events? Or do they happen to coincide with completely different types of keywords? Try using Google Correlate, which will identify keywords that follow the same patterns as your data.
Survey data: Use your sales or lead history to run surveys and generate insightful content.
A clothing store could compare responses to questions about personality by the colors of clothing that people purchase (Potential headline: Is It True What They Say About Red?)
A car parts store could compare the size of certain accessories to favorite sports (Potential headline: Big Trucks and Big Hits)
An insurance provider could compare the type of insurance requested vs. the level of education (Potential headline: What Smart People Do Differently with Insurance)
There are probably tons more sources of unique, first-party data that you or your business have generated over the years which can be turned into great content. If you dig through the data long enough, you'll hit pay dirt.
Data is foreign. It's a language almost no one speaks in their day-to-day conversations, a notation meant for machines. This consideration requires that we make data immediately relatable to our readers. We shouldn't just ask "What does the data say?", but instead "What does the data say to me?" How we make data relatable is simple — organize your data by how people identify themselves. This can be geographic, economic, biological, social, or cultural distinctions with which we regularly categorize ourselves.
Many of the best examples of this kind of strategy involve geography (perhaps because everyone lives somewhere, and it's pretty non-controversial to make generic claims about one location or another). Take a look at a map of your country and try not to look first towards where you live. I'm a North Carolinian, and I almost immediately find myself interested in anything that compares my state to others.
So maybe you aren't OK Cupid with millions of users and you can't find unique data to share — don't worry, there's still hope. The example below is a rather ingenious method of using Google Adwords data to build a geographical story that's relatable to any potential customer in the United States. The webmasters at Opulent used state-level Keyword Planner to visualize popularity across the country in a piece they call the "State of Style."
When I found this on Reddit's DataIsBeautiful (where most of these examples come from), I immediately checked to see what performed best in North Carolina. I honestly couldn't care less about popular fashion or jewelry brands, but my interest in North Carolina eclipsed that lack of interest. Geography-based data visualization has produced successful content related to in sports, politics, beer, and even knitting.
If you walk away with any practical ideas from this post, I think this example has got to be it. Fire up an Adwords campaign and find out how consumer demand breaks down in your industry at a state-by-state level. Are you a marketer and want to attract clients in a particular sector? Here's your chance to write a whitepaper on national demand. If you're a local business, you can target Google Keyword Planner to your city and compare it to other cities around the country.
Perhaps the greatest opportunity with data-focused content is the chance to truly surprise your reader. There's something exciting about learning an interesting fact (who hasn't seen one of these lying around and didn't pick it up?). So, how do you make your data "pop?" How do you make numbers fascinating?
Let's start with a simple statistic:
The cost of ending polio between 2013 and 2018 is $5.5 Billion Dollars.
How does that number feel to you? Does it feel big or little? Is it interesting on its own? Probably not, let's try and spice it up a bit.
$5.5 billion dollars doesn't seem that much when you realize people spend that amount on iPhones every 2 weeks. We could rid the world of polio for that much! Or, what if we present it like this...
In this light, it seems almost insane to spend that much money preventing just a couple more polio cases relative to the huge gains we could make on malaria. Of course, the statistics don't tell the full story. Polio is in the end-stages of eradication where the cost-per-case is much higher, and as malaria is attacked, it too will see cost-per-case increase. But the point remains the same: by giving the polio numbers some sort of context, some sort of forced perspective, we make the data far more intriguing and appealing.
So how would this work with content for your own site? Let's look at an example from BestPlay.co, which wrote a piece on Board Games are Getting Worse. Board games aren't a data-centric industry, but that doesn't keep them from producing awesome content with data. Here's a generic graph they provide in the piece which shows off average board game ratings.
There really isn't much to see here. There's nothing intrinsically shocking about the data as we look at it. So how do they add perspective to make their point and give the user intrigue? Simple — apply a historical perspective.
With this historical perspective, we can see board game scores getting better and better up until 2012, when they began to take a dive — the first multi-year dive in their recorded history. To draw users in, you use comparison to provide surprising perspectives.
This final method is the one that I think is most overlooked. Once you've created your fancy piece of content, let your audience do some leg work for you by releasing the data set. There's an entire community of the Internet just looking for great data sets which could take advantage of your data and cite your content in their own publications. You can find everything from All of Donald Trump's Tweets to Everything Lost at TSA to Hand-drawn Pictures of Pineapples. While there is a good chance your data set won't ever be used, it can pick up a couple of extra links in the event that it does.
Putting it all together
What happens when a webmaster combines these types of methods — exposing unique data, making it relatable and surprising, even for a topic that seems averse to data? You get something like this: Jeans vs. Leggings.
This piece played the geography card for relatability:
They compared user interest in jeans to give perspective to the growth of demand for leggings:
Slice.com reveals their first-party data to make interesting, data-driven content that ultimately scores them links from sites like In Style Magazine, Shape.com, and the NY Post. Looking at fashion through the lens of data meant great traffic and great shares.
How do I get started?
Get down and dirty with the data. Don't wait until you end up with a nice report in your hand, but start slicing and dicing things looking for interesting patterns or results. You can start with the data you already have: Google Analytics, Google Search Console, Google Adwords, and, if you're a Moz customer, even your rank tracking data or keyword research data. If none of these avenues work, dig through the amazing data resources found on Reddit or WebHose. Look for a story in the numbers by relating the data to your audience and making comparisons to provide perspective. It isn't a foolproof formula, but it is pretty close. The right slice of data will cut straight through writer's block.
Sign up for The Moz Top 10, a semimonthly mailer updating you on the top ten hottest pieces of SEO news, tips, and rad links uncovered by the Moz team. Think of it as your exclusive digest of stuff you don't have time to hunt down but want to read!
0 notes
conniecogeie · 7 years
Paint by Numbers: Using Data to Produce Great Content
Posted by rjonesx.
It's not every day that I write about content. To be honest, it's probably a once-a-year kind of thing. I will readily admit that I'm a "links are king" kind of SEO, and have been since starting in this industry more than a decade ago. However, I do look over the fence from time to time to see if the grass is greener and, on occasion, I actually like what I see. Prior to joining Moz, I was a consultant at an agency like many of you reading this blog post. More often than not, one of the key concerns of my clients was what to write about. It seems that webmasters and business owners alike can easily acquire writer's block after trudging through the uninspiring task of turning a list of keywords into website copy. So where do you look when you have run out of words
Alright, stick with me here. I imagine for some of you the idea of poring over numbers to remedy writer's block would be like trying to stop a headache with a brick. It's adding insult to injury. What I hope to show you in the next couple of paragraphs is how data can be an incredible source of inspiration in writing, especially if you can hit a few key principles: expose, relate, surprise, and share.
Chances are your business or website generates some amount of unique, first party data that you can expose to the world. It might be from analytics, your rank tracker like Moz, or from raw user data if you operate a forum. I'll give you examples of how you might tap into these resources (especially when they don't seem obvious or plenteous) but let's start with a canonical example of one great use of first-party data in an industry that seems directly at odds with — dating.
The thought of quantifying and analyzing our love lives seems like an oxymoron of sorts. However, one of the most successful uses of data for content has been produced by the team at OK Cupid, whose "data"-tagged blog posts have earned thousands of solid backlinks and enviable traffic. The team at OK Cupid accomplishes this by tapping their huge resource for unique data, generated by their user base. Let's look at one quick example: Congrats Graduates: No One Gives a Sh*t.
The blog post is fairly straightforward (and not particularly long) but it used unique data that isn't really available to the average person. Because OK Cupid is in a privileged position, they can provide this kind of insight to their audience at large.
But maybe you don't have a million customers with profiles on your site; where can you look for first party data? Well, here are a couple of ideas of the types of data your company or organization might have which can easily be turned into interesting content:
Google Analytics, Search Console data and Adwords data: Do you see trends around holidays that are interesting? Perhaps you notice that more people search for certain keywords at certain times. This could be even more interesting if there's a local holiday (like a festival or event) that makes your data unique from the rest of the country.
Sales data: When do your sales go up or down? Do they coincide with events? Or do they happen to coincide with completely different types of keywords? Try using Google Correlate, which will identify keywords that follow the same patterns as your data.
Survey data: Use your sales or lead history to run surveys and generate insightful content.
A clothing store could compare responses to questions about personality by the colors of clothing that people purchase (Potential headline: Is It True What They Say About Red?)
A car parts store could compare the size of certain accessories to favorite sports (Potential headline: Big Trucks and Big Hits)
An insurance provider could compare the type of insurance requested vs. the level of education (Potential headline: What Smart People Do Differently with Insurance)
There are probably tons more sources of unique, first-party data that you or your business have generated over the years which can be turned into great content. If you dig through the data long enough, you'll hit pay dirt.
Data is foreign. It's a language almost no one speaks in their day-to-day conversations, a notation meant for machines. This consideration requires that we make data immediately relatable to our readers. We shouldn't just ask "What does the data say?", but instead "What does the data say to me?" How we make data relatable is simple — organize your data by how people identify themselves. This can be geographic, economic, biological, social, or cultural distinctions with which we regularly categorize ourselves.
Many of the best examples of this kind of strategy involve geography (perhaps because everyone lives somewhere, and it's pretty non-controversial to make generic claims about one location or another). Take a look at a map of your country and try not to look first towards where you live. I'm a North Carolinian, and I almost immediately find myself interested in anything that compares my state to others.
So maybe you aren't OK Cupid with millions of users and you can't find unique data to share — don't worry, there's still hope. The example below is a rather ingenious method of using Google Adwords data to build a geographical story that's relatable to any potential customer in the United States. The webmasters at Opulent used state-level Keyword Planner to visualize popularity across the country in a piece they call the "State of Style."
When I found this on Reddit's DataIsBeautiful (where most of these examples come from), I immediately checked to see what performed best in North Carolina. I honestly couldn't care less about popular fashion or jewelry brands, but my interest in North Carolina eclipsed that lack of interest. Geography-based data visualization has produced successful content related to in sports, politics, beer, and even knitting.
If you walk away with any practical ideas from this post, I think this example has got to be it. Fire up an Adwords campaign and find out how consumer demand breaks down in your industry at a state-by-state level. Are you a marketer and want to attract clients in a particular sector? Here's your chance to write a whitepaper on national demand. If you're a local business, you can target Google Keyword Planner to your city and compare it to other cities around the country.
Perhaps the greatest opportunity with data-focused content is the chance to truly surprise your reader. There's something exciting about learning an interesting fact (who hasn't seen one of these lying around and didn't pick it up?). So, how do you make your data "pop?" How do you make numbers fascinating?
Let's start with a simple statistic:
The cost of ending polio between 2013 and 2018 is $5.5 Billion Dollars.
How does that number feel to you? Does it feel big or little? Is it interesting on its own? Probably not, let's try and spice it up a bit.
$5.5 billion dollars doesn't seem that much when you realize people spend that amount on iPhones every 2 weeks. We could rid the world of polio for that much! Or, what if we present it like this...
In this light, it seems almost insane to spend that much money preventing just a couple more polio cases relative to the huge gains we could make on malaria. Of course, the statistics don't tell the full story. Polio is in the end-stages of eradication where the cost-per-case is much higher, and as malaria is attacked, it too will see cost-per-case increase. But the point remains the same: by giving the polio numbers some sort of context, some sort of forced perspective, we make the data far more intriguing and appealing.
So how would this work with content for your own site? Let's look at an example from BestPlay.co, which wrote a piece on Board Games are Getting Worse. Board games aren't a data-centric industry, but that doesn't keep them from producing awesome content with data. Here's a generic graph they provide in the piece which shows off average board game ratings.
There really isn't much to see here. There's nothing intrinsically shocking about the data as we look at it. So how do they add perspective to make their point and give the user intrigue? Simple — apply a historical perspective.
With this historical perspective, we can see board game scores getting better and better up until 2012, when they began to take a dive — the first multi-year dive in their recorded history. To draw users in, you use comparison to provide surprising perspectives.
This final method is the one that I think is most overlooked. Once you've created your fancy piece of content, let your audience do some leg work for you by releasing the data set. There's an entire community of the Internet just looking for great data sets which could take advantage of your data and cite your content in their own publications. You can find everything from All of Donald Trump's Tweets to Everything Lost at TSA to Hand-drawn Pictures of Pineapples. While there is a good chance your data set won't ever be used, it can pick up a couple of extra links in the event that it does.
Putting it all together
What happens when a webmaster combines these types of methods — exposing unique data, making it relatable and surprising, even for a topic that seems averse to data? You get something like this: Jeans vs. Leggings.
This piece played the geography card for relatability:
They compared user interest in jeans to give perspective to the growth of demand for leggings:
Slice.com reveals their first-party data to make interesting, data-driven content that ultimately scores them links from sites like In Style Magazine, Shape.com, and the NY Post. Looking at fashion through the lens of data meant great traffic and great shares.
How do I get started?
Get down and dirty with the data. Don't wait until you end up with a nice report in your hand, but start slicing and dicing things looking for interesting patterns or results. You can start with the data you already have: Google Analytics, Google Search Console, Google Adwords, and, if you're a Moz customer, even your rank tracking data or keyword research data. If none of these avenues work, dig through the amazing data resources found on Reddit or WebHose. Look for a story in the numbers by relating the data to your audience and making comparisons to provide perspective. It isn't a foolproof formula, but it is pretty close. The right slice of data will cut straight through writer's block.
Sign up for The Moz Top 10, a semimonthly mailer updating you on the top ten hottest pieces of SEO news, tips, and rad links uncovered by the Moz team. Think of it as your exclusive digest of stuff you don't have time to hunt down but want to read!
0 notes
christinesumpmg · 7 years
Paint by Numbers: Using Data to Produce Great Content
Posted by rjonesx.
It's not every day that I write about content. To be honest, it's probably a once-a-year kind of thing. I will readily admit that I'm a "links are king" kind of SEO, and have been since starting in this industry more than a decade ago. However, I do look over the fence from time to time to see if the grass is greener and, on occasion, I actually like what I see. Prior to joining Moz, I was a consultant at an agency like many of you reading this blog post. More often than not, one of the key concerns of my clients was what to write about. It seems that webmasters and business owners alike can easily acquire writer's block after trudging through the uninspiring task of turning a list of keywords into website copy. So where do you look when you have run out of words
Alright, stick with me here. I imagine for some of you the idea of poring over numbers to remedy writer's block would be like trying to stop a headache with a brick. It's adding insult to injury. What I hope to show you in the next couple of paragraphs is how data can be an incredible source of inspiration in writing, especially if you can hit a few key principles: expose, relate, surprise, and share.
Chances are your business or website generates some amount of unique, first party data that you can expose to the world. It might be from analytics, your rank tracker like Moz, or from raw user data if you operate a forum. I'll give you examples of how you might tap into these resources (especially when they don't seem obvious or plenteous) but let's start with a canonical example of one great use of first-party data in an industry that seems directly at odds with — dating.
The thought of quantifying and analyzing our love lives seems like an oxymoron of sorts. However, one of the most successful uses of data for content has been produced by the team at OK Cupid, whose "data"-tagged blog posts have earned thousands of solid backlinks and enviable traffic. The team at OK Cupid accomplishes this by tapping their huge resource for unique data, generated by their user base. Let's look at one quick example: Congrats Graduates: No One Gives a Sh*t.
The blog post is fairly straightforward (and not particularly long) but it used unique data that isn't really available to the average person. Because OK Cupid is in a privileged position, they can provide this kind of insight to their audience at large.
But maybe you don't have a million customers with profiles on your site; where can you look for first party data? Well, here are a couple of ideas of the types of data your company or organization might have which can easily be turned into interesting content:
Google Analytics, Search Console data and Adwords data: Do you see trends around holidays that are interesting? Perhaps you notice that more people search for certain keywords at certain times. This could be even more interesting if there's a local holiday (like a festival or event) that makes your data unique from the rest of the country.
Sales data: When do your sales go up or down? Do they coincide with events? Or do they happen to coincide with completely different types of keywords? Try using Google Correlate, which will identify keywords that follow the same patterns as your data.
Survey data: Use your sales or lead history to run surveys and generate insightful content.
A clothing store could compare responses to questions about personality by the colors of clothing that people purchase (Potential headline: Is It True What They Say About Red?)
A car parts store could compare the size of certain accessories to favorite sports (Potential headline: Big Trucks and Big Hits)
An insurance provider could compare the type of insurance requested vs. the level of education (Potential headline: What Smart People Do Differently with Insurance)
There are probably tons more sources of unique, first-party data that you or your business have generated over the years which can be turned into great content. If you dig through the data long enough, you'll hit pay dirt.
Data is foreign. It's a language almost no one speaks in their day-to-day conversations, a notation meant for machines. This consideration requires that we make data immediately relatable to our readers. We shouldn't just ask "What does the data say?", but instead "What does the data say to me?" How we make data relatable is simple — organize your data by how people identify themselves. This can be geographic, economic, biological, social, or cultural distinctions with which we regularly categorize ourselves.
Many of the best examples of this kind of strategy involve geography (perhaps because everyone lives somewhere, and it's pretty non-controversial to make generic claims about one location or another). Take a look at a map of your country and try not to look first towards where you live. I'm a North Carolinian, and I almost immediately find myself interested in anything that compares my state to others.
So maybe you aren't OK Cupid with millions of users and you can't find unique data to share — don't worry, there's still hope. The example below is a rather ingenious method of using Google Adwords data to build a geographical story that's relatable to any potential customer in the United States. The webmasters at Opulent used state-level Keyword Planner to visualize popularity across the country in a piece they call the "State of Style."
When I found this on Reddit's DataIsBeautiful (where most of these examples come from), I immediately checked to see what performed best in North Carolina. I honestly couldn't care less about popular fashion or jewelry brands, but my interest in North Carolina eclipsed that lack of interest. Geography-based data visualization has produced successful content related to in sports, politics, beer, and even knitting.
If you walk away with any practical ideas from this post, I think this example has got to be it. Fire up an Adwords campaign and find out how consumer demand breaks down in your industry at a state-by-state level. Are you a marketer and want to attract clients in a particular sector? Here's your chance to write a whitepaper on national demand. If you're a local business, you can target Google Keyword Planner to your city and compare it to other cities around the country.
Perhaps the greatest opportunity with data-focused content is the chance to truly surprise your reader. There's something exciting about learning an interesting fact (who hasn't seen one of these lying around and didn't pick it up?). So, how do you make your data "pop?" How do you make numbers fascinating?
Let's start with a simple statistic:
The cost of ending polio between 2013 and 2018 is $5.5 Billion Dollars.
How does that number feel to you? Does it feel big or little? Is it interesting on its own? Probably not, let's try and spice it up a bit.
$5.5 billion dollars doesn't seem that much when you realize people spend that amount on iPhones every 2 weeks. We could rid the world of polio for that much! Or, what if we present it like this...
In this light, it seems almost insane to spend that much money preventing just a couple more polio cases relative to the huge gains we could make on malaria. Of course, the statistics don't tell the full story. Polio is in the end-stages of eradication where the cost-per-case is much higher, and as malaria is attacked, it too will see cost-per-case increase. But the point remains the same: by giving the polio numbers some sort of context, some sort of forced perspective, we make the data far more intriguing and appealing.
So how would this work with content for your own site? Let's look at an example from BestPlay.co, which wrote a piece on Board Games are Getting Worse. Board games aren't a data-centric industry, but that doesn't keep them from producing awesome content with data. Here's a generic graph they provide in the piece which shows off average board game ratings.
There really isn't much to see here. There's nothing intrinsically shocking about the data as we look at it. So how do they add perspective to make their point and give the user intrigue? Simple — apply a historical perspective.
With this historical perspective, we can see board game scores getting better and better up until 2012, when they began to take a dive — the first multi-year dive in their recorded history. To draw users in, you use comparison to provide surprising perspectives.
This final method is the one that I think is most overlooked. Once you've created your fancy piece of content, let your audience do some leg work for you by releasing the data set. There's an entire community of the Internet just looking for great data sets which could take advantage of your data and cite your content in their own publications. You can find everything from All of Donald Trump's Tweets to Everything Lost at TSA to Hand-drawn Pictures of Pineapples. While there is a good chance your data set won't ever be used, it can pick up a couple of extra links in the event that it does.
Putting it all together
What happens when a webmaster combines these types of methods — exposing unique data, making it relatable and surprising, even for a topic that seems averse to data? You get something like this: Jeans vs. Leggings.
This piece played the geography card for relatability:
They compared user interest in jeans to give perspective to the growth of demand for leggings:
Slice.com reveals their first-party data to make interesting, data-driven content that ultimately scores them links from sites like In Style Magazine, Shape.com, and the NY Post. Looking at fashion through the lens of data meant great traffic and great shares.
How do I get started?
Get down and dirty with the data. Don't wait until you end up with a nice report in your hand, but start slicing and dicing things looking for interesting patterns or results. You can start with the data you already have: Google Analytics, Google Search Console, Google Adwords, and, if you're a Moz customer, even your rank tracking data or keyword research data. If none of these avenues work, dig through the amazing data resources found on Reddit or WebHose. Look for a story in the numbers by relating the data to your audience and making comparisons to provide perspective. It isn't a foolproof formula, but it is pretty close. The right slice of data will cut straight through writer's block.
Sign up for The Moz Top 10, a semimonthly mailer updating you on the top ten hottest pieces of SEO news, tips, and rad links uncovered by the Moz team. Think of it as your exclusive digest of stuff you don't have time to hunt down but want to read!
0 notes
byronheeutgm · 7 years
Paint by Numbers: Using Data to Produce Great Content
Posted by rjonesx.
It's not every day that I write about content. To be honest, it's probably a once-a-year kind of thing. I will readily admit that I'm a "links are king" kind of SEO, and have been since starting in this industry more than a decade ago. However, I do look over the fence from time to time to see if the grass is greener and, on occasion, I actually like what I see. Prior to joining Moz, I was a consultant at an agency like many of you reading this blog post. More often than not, one of the key concerns of my clients was what to write about. It seems that webmasters and business owners alike can easily acquire writer's block after trudging through the uninspiring task of turning a list of keywords into website copy. So where do you look when you have run out of words
Alright, stick with me here. I imagine for some of you the idea of poring over numbers to remedy writer's block would be like trying to stop a headache with a brick. It's adding insult to injury. What I hope to show you in the next couple of paragraphs is how data can be an incredible source of inspiration in writing, especially if you can hit a few key principles: expose, relate, surprise, and share.
Chances are your business or website generates some amount of unique, first party data that you can expose to the world. It might be from analytics, your rank tracker like Moz, or from raw user data if you operate a forum. I'll give you examples of how you might tap into these resources (especially when they don't seem obvious or plenteous) but let's start with a canonical example of one great use of first-party data in an industry that seems directly at odds with — dating.
The thought of quantifying and analyzing our love lives seems like an oxymoron of sorts. However, one of the most successful uses of data for content has been produced by the team at OK Cupid, whose "data"-tagged blog posts have earned thousands of solid backlinks and enviable traffic. The team at OK Cupid accomplishes this by tapping their huge resource for unique data, generated by their user base. Let's look at one quick example: Congrats Graduates: No One Gives a Sh*t.
The blog post is fairly straightforward (and not particularly long) but it used unique data that isn't really available to the average person. Because OK Cupid is in a privileged position, they can provide this kind of insight to their audience at large.
But maybe you don't have a million customers with profiles on your site; where can you look for first party data? Well, here are a couple of ideas of the types of data your company or organization might have which can easily be turned into interesting content:
Google Analytics, Search Console data and Adwords data: Do you see trends around holidays that are interesting? Perhaps you notice that more people search for certain keywords at certain times. This could be even more interesting if there's a local holiday (like a festival or event) that makes your data unique from the rest of the country.
Sales data: When do your sales go up or down? Do they coincide with events? Or do they happen to coincide with completely different types of keywords? Try using Google Correlate, which will identify keywords that follow the same patterns as your data.
Survey data: Use your sales or lead history to run surveys and generate insightful content.
A clothing store could compare responses to questions about personality by the colors of clothing that people purchase (Potential headline: Is It True What They Say About Red?)
A car parts store could compare the size of certain accessories to favorite sports (Potential headline: Big Trucks and Big Hits)
An insurance provider could compare the type of insurance requested vs. the level of education (Potential headline: What Smart People Do Differently with Insurance)
There are probably tons more sources of unique, first-party data that you or your business have generated over the years which can be turned into great content. If you dig through the data long enough, you'll hit pay dirt.
Data is foreign. It's a language almost no one speaks in their day-to-day conversations, a notation meant for machines. This consideration requires that we make data immediately relatable to our readers. We shouldn't just ask "What does the data say?", but instead "What does the data say to me?" How we make data relatable is simple — organize your data by how people identify themselves. This can be geographic, economic, biological, social, or cultural distinctions with which we regularly categorize ourselves.
Many of the best examples of this kind of strategy involve geography (perhaps because everyone lives somewhere, and it's pretty non-controversial to make generic claims about one location or another). Take a look at a map of your country and try not to look first towards where you live. I'm a North Carolinian, and I almost immediately find myself interested in anything that compares my state to others.
So maybe you aren't OK Cupid with millions of users and you can't find unique data to share — don't worry, there's still hope. The example below is a rather ingenious method of using Google Adwords data to build a geographical story that's relatable to any potential customer in the United States. The webmasters at Opulent used state-level Keyword Planner to visualize popularity across the country in a piece they call the "State of Style."
When I found this on Reddit's DataIsBeautiful (where most of these examples come from), I immediately checked to see what performed best in North Carolina. I honestly couldn't care less about popular fashion or jewelry brands, but my interest in North Carolina eclipsed that lack of interest. Geography-based data visualization has produced successful content related to in sports, politics, beer, and even knitting.
If you walk away with any practical ideas from this post, I think this example has got to be it. Fire up an Adwords campaign and find out how consumer demand breaks down in your industry at a state-by-state level. Are you a marketer and want to attract clients in a particular sector? Here's your chance to write a whitepaper on national demand. If you're a local business, you can target Google Keyword Planner to your city and compare it to other cities around the country.
Perhaps the greatest opportunity with data-focused content is the chance to truly surprise your reader. There's something exciting about learning an interesting fact (who hasn't seen one of these lying around and didn't pick it up?). So, how do you make your data "pop?" How do you make numbers fascinating?
Let's start with a simple statistic:
The cost of ending polio between 2013 and 2018 is $5.5 Billion Dollars.
How does that number feel to you? Does it feel big or little? Is it interesting on its own? Probably not, let's try and spice it up a bit.
$5.5 billion dollars doesn't seem that much when you realize people spend that amount on iPhones every 2 weeks. We could rid the world of polio for that much! Or, what if we present it like this...
In this light, it seems almost insane to spend that much money preventing just a couple more polio cases relative to the huge gains we could make on malaria. Of course, the statistics don't tell the full story. Polio is in the end-stages of eradication where the cost-per-case is much higher, and as malaria is attacked, it too will see cost-per-case increase. But the point remains the same: by giving the polio numbers some sort of context, some sort of forced perspective, we make the data far more intriguing and appealing.
So how would this work with content for your own site? Let's look at an example from BestPlay.co, which wrote a piece on Board Games are Getting Worse. Board games aren't a data-centric industry, but that doesn't keep them from producing awesome content with data. Here's a generic graph they provide in the piece which shows off average board game ratings.
There really isn't much to see here. There's nothing intrinsically shocking about the data as we look at it. So how do they add perspective to make their point and give the user intrigue? Simple — apply a historical perspective.
With this historical perspective, we can see board game scores getting better and better up until 2012, when they began to take a dive — the first multi-year dive in their recorded history. To draw users in, you use comparison to provide surprising perspectives.
This final method is the one that I think is most overlooked. Once you've created your fancy piece of content, let your audience do some leg work for you by releasing the data set. There's an entire community of the Internet just looking for great data sets which could take advantage of your data and cite your content in their own publications. You can find everything from All of Donald Trump's Tweets to Everything Lost at TSA to Hand-drawn Pictures of Pineapples. While there is a good chance your data set won't ever be used, it can pick up a couple of extra links in the event that it does.
Putting it all together
What happens when a webmaster combines these types of methods — exposing unique data, making it relatable and surprising, even for a topic that seems averse to data? You get something like this: Jeans vs. Leggings.
This piece played the geography card for relatability:
They compared user interest in jeans to give perspective to the growth of demand for leggings:
Slice.com reveals their first-party data to make interesting, data-driven content that ultimately scores them links from sites like In Style Magazine, Shape.com, and the NY Post. Looking at fashion through the lens of data meant great traffic and great shares.
How do I get started?
Get down and dirty with the data. Don't wait until you end up with a nice report in your hand, but start slicing and dicing things looking for interesting patterns or results. You can start with the data you already have: Google Analytics, Google Search Console, Google Adwords, and, if you're a Moz customer, even your rank tracking data or keyword research data. If none of these avenues work, dig through the amazing data resources found on Reddit or WebHose. Look for a story in the numbers by relating the data to your audience and making comparisons to provide perspective. It isn't a foolproof formula, but it is pretty close. The right slice of data will cut straight through writer's block.
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