#707 imagine
heyheydidjaknow · 8 months
wake up babe heyheydidja let their creative brain juices flow and posted a fic
And on that note here’s another fic— longer this time— about another character I have written for exactly once. This time for the otome game! It’s been sitting in my drive for 2+ months and now it’s going to see the light of day. We’re breaking down fanfiction author stereotypes this week.
Existential Horror
Luciel had been introduced to horror as a genre fairly early on all things considered. He had never been partial to classic literature— he was not really partial to literature in general once he fell into the rhythm of his new life and allowed himself to enjoy the World Wide Web and all its associated horrors— but in those early days spent waiting on bated breath for instruction from above, he had spent his time— rather, the time that was not spent worrying about his brother— reading whatever books his handler happened to have picked up and tossed aside. Vanderwood’s tastes rubbed off on him to an extent; by the time he had enough regular work to keep himself too busy to sit down and read a book, Seven had a thorough appreciation for the genre. But they did not enjoy their novels in the same way; when Vanderwood would ask Seven about them to break the suffocating silence that hung around him like a heavy fog back then, he was completely unable to engage in meaningful conversation with him about books they had both read. Luciel attributed this to Vanderwood’s lack of connection to the text. Vanderwood enjoyed the books, as far as he could tell, because he got a kick out of interacting with stories about people losing their minds to things beyond their control. Luciel was too close to it, the words too intimate and personal for him to see as anything but a perfectly rational articulation of a feeling he had always felt, would always feel. It was comforting, knowing that someone else— fictional as they may be— understood him.
It was still a challenge, years later, to articulate how he had been informed of his position. He imagined it would be a bit like a child trying to explain gravity; the mechanics were beyond him, but the truth of the matter was indubitable. He supposed it was in his programming to understand only in this most basic sense. He supposed it would be problematic if he understood more than he did. He doubted knowing beyond what he did would do him much good.
Your arrival— your avatar’s arrival— made things make sense. He knew as soon as he saw her face what her role was, and understood intrinsically who she was to him, to the world. A remarkably unremarkable yet decidedly beautiful woman so naive as to follow the words of a stranger on the internet to Rika’s apartment: she played her role as a stand-in beautifully and shined in all her hazy glory. Her words were perfectly intelligible yet decidedly lacked character, her visage was without distinguishable quality and was yet undeniably appealing, her voice stuck in the mind only in the same way the characters in books’ voices did and she did very little outside of sit, answer emails and make simple conversation. As she was destined to do, she caught the attention of every single member of the RFA— himself included. She would shower the members in praise and affection for the eleven days they had together, enter a relationship with them, enjoy domestic bliss for a nebulous period of time— he had given up trying to nail down numbers a long time ago— before the memories they had formed together gently disintegrated. All traces of her would be scrubbed from their lives and she would be reintroduced as a fresh face for the group to fawn over once again. When she was with Seven there would occasionally be a longer grace period in which he was allowed to reunite with his brother for a time before the cycle repeated itself but the ending stayed the same regardless of who she attached herself to.
Oddly enough, he did not mind the routine itself. It was hard to hate something so inherently sweet, something that felt— despite the objective reality of the situation— so simple and innocent. You— the nebulous you he knew to exist— were not acting maliciously. You were playing a game that he and everyone else happened to be a part of, and you had not, in your play, acted maliciously. You had made mistakes and encouraged behaviors that he and the other members of the RFA should not have engaged in, but you were never cruel. It was hard to hate you not only because of his position but also because you were genuinely hard to dislike, and while that was sometimes more frustrating than just hating you outright he could not help but continue to be drawn to you and your replacement by proxy.
He had memories of you. They were distant, but he swore had them. They were near indistinguishable from his memories of your proxy– which, themselves, were hardly concrete– but if he stayed up until his eyes could barely take it he could swear to know the echo of your smile, your voice, your fingers.
He tried not to think of you much. He liked to think he had more important things to worry about.
The night it started was normal enough. Everyone was in the RFA chat room late at night— odd in general but standard for the beginning of a route— and a stranger entered the chat room. There was general distress around the stranger’s arrival, Seven pretended to do a background check on the stranger— he had stopped bothering the third time through— and everyone else introduced themselves. The beats played themselves out, words flying by at the same pace they always did as the stranger explained their position and what they were doing in an allegedly dead woman’s apartment. Jokes were made, hits replayed, and everyone went to bed or back to whatever it was they had been doing before the stranger appeared. He had seen every single combination of words that she could send in response to the various threats and propositions you received; he barely bothered to read the wall of text that flew by. Nothing happened on the first day; no need to reread events already decidedly set in stone.
His first tip that something was up was when he went to text her. After her admission into the RFA, she was always a bit nervous– understandable, given the circumstances– so he always made the move to message her, to make her feel more comfortable even though it did not matter much in practice.
He introduced himself. He asked for any updates regarding the hacker. He welcomed her.
Her response was new.
‘It’s a pleasure, Seven. Sorry for freaking everyone out; hope I haven’t given you too much work lol’
He took his glasses off, wiping them on his shirt. He took a deep breath, put them back on, and reread the text.
It was the same as it had been a second ago. He reread it again.
The text did not change.
“You planning on staring at your phone all night?”
He sat straight up as though shaken awake, head snapping back to look at an otherwise undisturbed Vanderwood.
He did not bother to look up from the file on his lap. “If you’ve got time to dick around on your phone you have time to work. You know the deadline you were given wasn’t a suggestion, right?”
The laugh that came from Seven sounded forced even to him. “What, seriously?” He set his phone down on his desk face down, wiping his shaky hands off on his jeans. “I could have sworn I read somewhere time is relative.”
“For as high as you seem to be half the time you’re not orbiting the Earth yet.” He crossed one of his legs over the other. “Your tone isn't inspiring confidence either. Something happen?”
His heart was pounding in his throat. “Nothing,” he smiled brightly. “RFA got hacked is all.”
Vanderwood whistled.
“Right?” He swallowed. “I guess it serves me right not checking my work; guess that’s what I get for not having a good work-life balance!” He shrugged. “But it’s nothing serious; I’ll find who did it after I’m done with this.”
He reached down to grab his coffee. “You’re awfully chipper.”
Seven looked back at his computer. “You sound surprised.”
“For as much as you freak out about that server, I am.” He took a sip, setting it back down by his feet. “You lose your mind over the emotes not working but a security breach is no big deal?”
“Security breach, shemcurity breach.” He waved it off, fingers typing away at the keyboard. “If you stress everything that goes wrong you’ll never have time to live.”
“Those would be wise words coming from someone else’s mouth.”
Seven leaned back in his chair, beaming at his handler. “I have my moments.” He sat back up straight, grabbing his phone from the desk and shoving it into his pocket. “I’m going on a soda run. Want anything?”
“Bought some earlier.”
He stood up, kicking his chair back into place. “Then I’m grabbing dinner. Do you want anything?”
“You don’t eat dinner.”
He grabbed his keys. “Then I’m going to an undisclosed location for an undisclosed amount of time where snacks and food will be available, my true intentions known only to me. Do you want anything?”
Vanderwood looked up at him, giving him the same once-over he supposed most parents gave their older children. It had been a while since he had that look on his face, mild concern mixed with justified suspicion; the last time had been when he was still a kid.
Seven broke eye contact first. “I won’t be long,” he promised begrudgingly. “Three hours, tops. Just been inside too long is all.”
There was a long pause.
He sighed, looking back down at his file. “Bring back cream; I forgot some while I was out.”
Luciel was on the main road. The nearest gas station was an hour out. Luciel was not going to the nearest gas station. Luciel was going to the little grocery store an hour or so out from where she was. Luciel was also taking the long way and following all posted and implied traffic laws. Luciel wanted this to be a long trip. Luciel wanted it to be light out by the time he got back.
Twenty minutes in, he pulled over. Alone on a dark road in his silent cat, he pulled out his phone again and reread the message.
It had not changed. It was real.
Saeyoung knew she knew her position. He did not know if she knew the same way that he did what her role was, but he knew that she knew at least what she was meant to do. She acted the way she was meant to every time like clockwork, had said the same two things every time he had sent that first message. It had felt right every time. He knew in his bones that she had said exactly what she had been meant to every time from the very first reset. He knew how she texted. That was not her.
The original chatroom had been deleted. For whatever reason the first one always was. The profile of the new member was the same as it always was. A quick review of the CCTV footage— the same brief, unbothered look he always gave the footage at the beginning— showed that she was at Rika’s apartment. The person on the other end of the line, in theory, was her. All the same, he knew she was not.
He was meant to call now, at this time. He always did after she was done talking with Yoosung about LOLOL and his barely disguised predator-prey kink. He was never nervous to make the call— it was a stupid call, a joke call that did not and should not matter— but the thought of it going to you— not the woman sitting in his apartment but you, the real you— made him lightheaded. He barely knew how to process the idea that you might have access to the messenger. He could not even begin to comprehend how you could access the messenger directly considering your position; the idea was so far-fetched it bordered on unbelievable. But if you had…
He let his head fall against the steering wheel. The issue had gone from an abstract, quiet horror to a pressing matter of real consequence. You were not God, but you were closer to it than he was; you may not have created the universe, but your proxy and her presence did have a profound impact on their world. It was hard not to be taken aback by the prospect of interacting with a higher power. He barely knew how to process the confirmation of your existence— if this was a confirmation— let alone wrap his head around the mechanics of someone like you interacting with someone like him. You operated on a completely different plane than him. None of this should have been possible in the first place. How could he possibly—
Your profile picture showed up on his phone. You were calling him.
His thumb hovered over the accept button, fingers tingling. It was late. You should have been asleep. He should have been able to call you and not have you pick up. He should have been able to think this through further, to come up with a game plan.
He sank in his seat, pulling his headphones over his ears. He held his breath. He answered the call.
Saeyoung had received his first pair of glasses eight years before. For most of his life, he had been largely unable to see anything further than his hand stretched out in front of him. He had been reluctant to see an optometrist when V had suggested it, had barely even noticed that he was unable to see because he had no other frame of reference. His brother, he had insisted, just had exceptionally good eyes; he could function perfectly fine without going through the trouble. V had insisted and had offered to pay for a sturdy pair out of pocket, and after much resistance, Saeyoung had agreed to it. Getting medical confirmation that he could not see was something of a shock, but not totally surprising. To see the world the way it was in pictures, on the other hand, to really know— to know in the basic sense as opposed to the intrinsic one— that trees were composed of intertwining limbs and leaves you could count as opposed to big masses of color had been revelatory. He had known what things looked like. He could point at a tree before he got glasses and identify it as such. But that was nothing compared to what he had when he could finally see.
It was about the same with you. He had known intrinsically what your voice was in the same way he knew that trees had leaves and branches: common sense mixed with grounded assumptions. He assumed— correctly— that your voice vaguely sounded like hers, that there was some element of you in her that attracted him. Your voice was not hers, though. It was similar in the way that all sweets taste sweet; her voice was so indistinct that your voice was similar by default. Your voice, to him, was what he had liked about her voice in a concentrated form, distinctly you and decided in its identity, and this concentrated dose of you— not the watered-down shit he got through her, but you, the person he was born to be in love with— was almost more than he could take.
You were talking. You were speaking English, mumbling obscenities about a button not working and how he must not be able to understand you because of the linguistic difference. “Maybe if I hang up—“
The words were out of his mouth before he could think what he was saying. “I speak English.”
Your laugh— nervous as it was— was yours and it was perfect. He had never really heard her laugh so he had little to compare it to, but the sound seemed to soothe an ache he had not known existed. “Holy— wow, that is good.” You cleared your throat. “You know, I wasn’t sure what you’d sound like, but you sound almost the same as you did before. It’s totally cool.”
A grin spread across his face. You liked his voice. You had told him that you liked his voice. “Thank you,” he said lamely. “I’m glad you like it.”
“That’s good. That you like that I like it, I mean.” You were cute. “I would be a bit bummed if you— well, not bummed, but I don’t know how I’d react if you disliked that I like your voice.”
At least you were nervous too. He had no idea why you of all people were nervous, but it made him feel less pathetic for being so on edge. “I don't know that I’ve ever been complimented on my voice before,” he admitted, trying to fall back into his usual rhythm. “But I don’t think many people would mind someone saying they like their voice.”
“I hope not.” There’s a cracking sound on your end. “It would be totally awkward if I called you something out of left field.”
He relaxed in his seat. As the shock of the situation wore off his brain kicked back into gear, the gaps in his mind beginning to fill themselves with this new information. He had never really considered the idea of meeting you, but he was unsurprised to find himself more comfortable like this– talking to you– than he had been speaking with the woman he had asked to be his wife in some distant memory. “Don’t worry; Vanderwood’s given me a thick skin over the years.”
You hummed in acknowledgment, not pointing out his slip up to his relief. “How long have you known her?”
He considered it. “Five, six years?”
“That’s a while.”
“Sort of.” He shrugged. “That’s twenty-five-point-two percent of my life give or take; in the grand scheme of things, that isn’t all that long.”
“In all fairness,” you point out, “it’s a bit unfair to count a few of those years; nobody remembers the first couple.”
He tutted. “Gotta disagree with you there. Just because I don’t have very many memories from when I was little doesn’t mean they shouldn’t count in the total.”
“Why not?”
“Why wouldn’t you?” He fiddled with the string of his hoodie. “I mean, just because someone gets blackout drunk doesn’t mean the time they spent blackout drunk didn't happen, right? And even if I don’t remember some stuff that’s happened,” he continued, a lump forming in his throat, “or I don’t have a good grasp of when things happened, they still happened, didn’t they? My memory can’t be the only thing that determines whether something’s happened, right?”
“Sure it is.” You did not seem to catch onto his mood switch; he was thankful for that. “I mean, photos can be doctored and videos can be faked and records altered; not to get philosophical on you, but what else can we trust besides our memories?” You sighed. “But then again, memories aren’t tangible and the human brain is famously unreliable, so maybe we’re all fucked and doomed to try to hold onto false memories and will them into being.”
He took a slow, deep breath. “Fair point.” He laughed, scratching the back of his neck. “I wish I took more photos; I should ask V to show me how.” His eyes softened as he tried to swallow the bad taste in his mouth. “At least if I have physical photos they’d be harder to alter, right? It’d be nice to have confirmation that my memories are trustworthy.”
“I guess if you have a place to keep them safe.”
He had tried taking pictures a few reboots in on a polaroid camera he ordered online. He had taken a photo of her and Jaehee and kept it in his phone case. It had disappeared when she reintroduced herself a while later.
You cleared your throat. “What do I call you? Seven? Luciel? Or would you rather something else?”
‘Do you remember?’ That was the question you meant to ask, whether you and he held the same bond as he did with her. In truth, the memories he had of his time with her were only a bit more tangible than you had been. They were recollections of dreams he knew to be true, fantasies played out by another version of himself. He had little idea of what their relationship– the one between him and her and her and you– meant to you, but he felt as strange about her calling him Saeyoung as he did about you doing the same.
“Seven’s fine.” He forced himself to relax, smiling into the receiver. “Or Seven O’ Seven. Or Supreme Defender of Justice Seven Zero Seven if you want to show your reverence.”
Your smile sounded more natural than his. “How humble of you.”
“One of my many virtues.” He twisted his headphone cord around his finger, stopped. “What should I call you?”
You told him your name.
He tried to compare it to her name in his head. He did not know if he had forgotten it or if he had never known it in the first place. He repeated it back to you, committing it to memory.
You moved your mouth closer to the receiver, signing heavily into it. “How’d you come up with your name? Seven Zero Seven, I mean; what’s its significance?”
“Oh, loads of things.” He looked out the windshield into the night sky. “It’s an area code, an error code, an angel number, a pop culture reference– it’s got layers.”
It sounded like you were on a bed. “Walk me through them.”
He sat up a bit in his seat. “Seven Zero Seven is the area code for the northwesternmost part of California, which was where I stayed to learn English before I started school. Seven Zero Seven is also an uncommon error code that I struggled to get down, which I thought was funny because the code itself is an error code for partial data retrieval.” He swallowed. “Seven Zero Seven in numerology is supposed to be symbolic of spiritual awakening– you can guess why I liked that– and seeing it a lot means you’re supposed to take time to focus on yourself instead of your relationships with other people, which was…” He trailed off. “Well, you can guess.” He cleared his throat. “And Seven O’ Seven is a play on Double O Seven, aka James Bond, which is also pretty cool.”
Your voice was soft. “You thought of all that?”
“I had a very long car ride.”
You snorted.
“It’s true!” He crisscrossed his legs on the seat. “I was in a ‘93 Oldsmobile Cutlass with a broken air conditioner in late September; I was going nuts sitting in the car so long so I told myself to finally decide on a name before we got to San Mateo for something to do and all the pieces just sort of fell together.”
“I’m not doubting that it happened,” you insisted. “I’m just– it’s really in character, you know? Like, it’s such a you thing to do.”
“Is that an insult?”
“Not at all.” You sounded sincere. “I really like you; I like learning more about you.”
His cheeks warmed. “Don’t get too used to it,” he warned, half joking. “I’m a very secretive person.”
You were a dream. “It’s funny; I feel like I know you so well already.”
“Maybe you did in a past life.” He closed his eyes, trying and failing to picture you, to make you real in his head. “Maybe you do know me and I just don’t know you.”
“Do you want to know me?”
His heart ached. “More than anything.”
“You have my permission, if you’re looking for it.” You swallowed. “I don’t know if I’m worth knowing, but you’re more than welcome to if you want.”
“You are.” He hoped he did not sound as earnest as he was. “I promise, you are.”
“You sound very sure of yourself.”
“I am.”
Your answer was polite, if nervous. “That’s really sweet of you to say.”
His sighed. “You don’t believe me.”
“Not because I don’t trust you,” you insisted quickly. “I just don’t know how you’d make that call, you know?”
“I have good intuition,” he insisted.
You laughed. “Nobody’s intuition’s that good.”
“You don’t know that.”
“Sure I do. Besides–” You caught yourself, scrambled to recover. “Well, in any case, I don’t know how well your intuition can work if you can only talk to someone through a phone.”
“You’d be surprised.” He sat up straighter. “I bet I can tell loads about you from your online presence.”
You hummed in acknowledgment. “Lay it on me, then.”
He took a deep breath. “You’re… lonely,” he decided. “That’s why you showed up in our lives, why you haven’t left yet. Maybe not all the time, maybe not around people, but in some capacity, you feel alone or felt alone and you feel better being here than dealing with your own loneliness.” He swallowed. “But you’re kind. You care about things and people even when their problems don’t directly affect you. You have a good sense of right and wrong and try to make do with the choices you’re given, even if they aren’t great.”
A pause, then, “You make me sound like a better person than I am.”
He smiled. “I have a feeling you’ll have more options than you’re used to this time around,” he teased. “If I’m right– which, not to brag, but I usually am– that means you’ll have plenty of opportunity to prove me wrong if you want.”
“I guess so.” Your voice sounded softer now. “I hope I’m not too much of a disappointment.”
“You won’t. You aren’t.” He checked the time. “Are you falling asleep?”
“A little.” You yawned. “But I’ve got to pay every time I make a phone call so I want to keep this going as long as possible.”
He rolled his eyes. “Go to sleep,” he urged. “If it’s that much trouble, I’ll call you, okay? Don’t worry about it.”
“But then you need to pay for the call.”
“I could stop working today and never have to work a day in my life; I can afford to call you.”
It was hard to tell if the worry he heard was real or not. “You promise?”
“Cross my heart.” He fixed his glasses. “Before I leave, though, can you understand what we type alright? I think I might have installed a translator a while ago for Yoosung to use to study but I don’t remember if it actually worked all that well.”
You hummed contentedly. “Works like a dream,” you promised sleepily. “Google Translate can eat its heart out.”
He chuckled. “Good, good.” He picked his phone back up, thumb hovering over the call button. “Well,” he supposed, “this is where I leave you.”
“So it is.”
A pause. His finger stayed where it was.
You snorted. “You are so you.” There was a rustling of blankets on your end. “Goodnight, Seven.”
“You too. Oh,” he started, “and one last thing?”
His face flushed. “Thank you,” he said. “For showing up, I mean. It means a lot.”
He hoped he did not imagine the affection he heard in your voice. “It means more to me, I promise.”
You hung up.
It took him a second to get back on the road.
A while ago, Luciel had taken the time to sit down and really, objectively consider his situation. He had come to the conclusion that if he were to assign a genre to his life he would call it an existential horror. You were an entity greater than himself whose whims he was held victim and whose intentions were barely understood. His limited understanding nearly crippled him, leaving him alone and stuck in a constant haze of half-formed memories he had no way of grounding. In any other life, he would have hated you. In any other circumstance, with any other person, he probably would wished for your death so he could at least have the chance to hold onto something permanent.
But he was not alone anymore.
You remembered. He had you.
And if the price of having you in any capacity was for him to live the way he did, he would.
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graytalents · 2 years
He broke my heart so bad, so I went and wrote this to make myself feel a little better. The dialogue in the first part is taken directly from a call after Saeran intrudes into the apartment.
It’s a little fluff and it’s a little hurt and it’s a little angst. It’s also long as fuck (for me). Also extremely self indulgent, so my bad.
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“What are you talking about?” he snapped. “You know I’m working. You don’t want to be in danger forever, do you? And those clothes… I mean,” he paused.. “Never mind.”
“What about my clothes?” you breathed. You were wearing an oversized shirt, with small shorts reaching your upper thigh. To get around the apartment you opted for ankle length white socks.
“Aren’t you cold? You should dress warmer. Never mind. It’s none of my business,” he changed the subject. “I know you’re uncomfortable with me suddenly coming here. I’ll try to solve this as soon as I can and go back, so please. Just hang in there.”
You thought you detected a hint of pleading in his voice.
His voice was gruff again. “From this moment, I’m just going to stare at the wall and work, so don’t call me, and don’t talk to me. I need to focus.”
You could hear a pin drop in your room. Actually, the only thing you could hear was your own heartbeat, until he spoke again.
“But don’t disappear from me just cause of that. You can read if you’re bored,” his voice softened once more.
“And… wear a jacket, or something. And don’t skip meals just because I am. Okay? I’m going back to work.”
You stayed on the phone for a few more seconds, hearing the dead signal. Tears sprung into your eyes. What was happening? Where was the 707 you knew? You felt as though a switch had flipped, and you suddenly weren’t on the same wavelength as him anymore. Hell, you weren’t even in the same galaxy.
You sniffed and harshly wiped at your eyes with the back of your hand. You missed the jokes and playful Seven. You missed finally having someone who understood you.
Now you just had this gruff contradiction typing away at his laptop in your living room. He ate his shitty junk food, and barely acknowledged you when you passed by him to get to the bathroom. He didn’t even glance at you when you grabbed more stationary near him to work on the guests for the charity party. You felt lonely and betrayed that he was not who he portrayed himself to be.
Unable to stop the tears completely, you went to the kitchen for a glass of water. You did not try to look at him this time, instead hurrying to the other room to avoid him. You doubted he’d care anyways.
You poured yourself the water from the jug in the refrigerator, and looked out the window. The city was beautiful, and despite the traumatic events that happened earlier with the hacker, you felt lonely and hopeful at the same time. It was a big world out there. Even if Seven did not care for you, you knew that you would be okay.
You were so lost in thought, you nearly jumped out of your skin once you felt a presence behind you. Dropping and shattering the glass, you yelped as you turned and saw the redhead frozen in place.
“Shit, shit. Sorry. I’ll, um, I’ll get that. Shit,” you said. You quickly dropped to your knees and began to pick up the large shards of glass.
“Ow, shit!” You sliced yourself on a piece of glass, and blood welled from the cut.
This was the last straw. You began to cry, thinking about how lonely you felt. You were very nearly kidnapped earlier, the man you thought you had gotten along with wanted nothing to do with you, and now you were bleeding from what was a very preventable event.
You did nothing stop the bleeding, instead hiding your eyes behind your bloodied arm and trying to stop yourself from wailing. It was embarrassing enough that Seven saw you like this, you didn’t need to make loud ugly sounds in front of him.
You stopped crying in surprise as you felt a paper towel blotting up the blood. Seven had knelt down in front of you, and was carefully cleaning you up.
“Hold still, yeah? You gave yourself a nasty cut there.”
He dabbed at the wound, eliciting a hiss from you.
You watched him clean your cut, being gentle with your hand. His kindness made the tears start anew, which startled him.
“Whoa, hey! It’s okay, you’ll be fine. Don’t cry like that, you’re scaring me.” He sounded unsure of himself.
You yanked your hand away and held it yourself, rocking back and forth.
“It’s just, I-I wanted you to like me too,” you sobbed. The stress of the past few days has started to get at you.
He could only stare at you, mouth agape. He knew he had to keep you at arm’s length, and not only because of his job. He had to keep you away because he was fundamentally damaged. His past was utterly traumatizing, and his current line of work was beyond dangerous. He was born in a shithole, and now he worked for shitheads to do shitty work. All he could see was shit.
But not you. You weren’t that. You were the first person he’d ever felt like he connected with after so many years. That’s why you had to stay the fuck away. And he’d chase you away by any means necessary.
Yet … his heart felt torn watching you sob. You had just been through a terrifying experience with Saeran and had no answers as to what any of it means. You’ve been in this foreign apartment for days now, helping plan a huge event, with strong characters you barely met or even know. Then you were nearly kidnapped by an intruder, all while Seven was emphasizing how much danger you’re in. If you didn’t know any better, you’d think there was a bomb in the apartment.
All of the uncertainty boiled over, and you felt lonely. You picked up the rest of the broken glass and disposed of it. You stood and walked over to the sink to rinse your arm. After debating internally for a moment, you grabbed a whiskey glass and poured the bitter liquid into the cup.
Seven watched you do all of this silently. You seemed almost angry now.
Blood still flowing from your hand, you nearly dropped the glass going back to your room. Seven lurched forward to grab the glass, and took you by your wrist to the bathroom. There, he had you sit on the toilet seat while he rummaged through the cupboard. He produced a bottle of cleaning alcohol, a cotton ball, and some wrap bandages.
He knelt in front of you, carefully dabbing at the wound and feeling sorry for you as you hissed at the sting. He took your hand and wrapped the bandage around. When he finished, however, he did not let go of your hand.
Instead, he sighed and bowed his head, forehead touching your fingers. You could see the stress and tension in his body. His shoulders hunched and tight, and you could almost feel the despair radiating off of him. This wasn’t the 707 you had spoken to over the messenger. The 707 you had spoken to was a facade, a front, and a one dimensional being. This Seven was real. You could see, touch, and smell him. This Seven contained tales and tragedies you couldn’t even dream of.
Gingerly, you reached out your uninjured hand and began to stroke his hair. He froze at the touch for a moment. Determined, you continued to comfort him. He seemed to melt into your hand as you raked your fingertips through his red strands.
He sank lower and rested his head on your knees, fully supporting himself on your lap. When was the last time he was touched by kindness? When was the last time someone put this much faith in him? Hell, when was the last time he was ever touched at all?
He begins to cry, silent, heaving shoulders. Your heart aches. How does he know how to cry without making a sound? What was his past? His every action and word pushed everyone away, only letting them see what he wanted them to see. But his soul screamed out, “look at me! Please! I’m hurt! I’m so alone!”
You held him, arms circling around his head and dropped shoulders. You rubbed his back with your injured hand, fingers trailing across his spine and shoulder blades.
After a while, he ceases crying. He stays there, not wanting to make a move lest you stop stroking him. It was you who broke the silence.
“Seven, I’m sorry. Are you okay?”
He mumbles into your lap, “Yeah. Sorry. I shouldn’t be doing this. I’ll get back to work.”
Your fingers stopped.
“W-wait. In a second. Can we stay like this? For another minute?” Even though his face was hidden, you could feel the cautious hope and desperation in his voice. You resumed your caresses. He looked visibly less stressed. His back didn’t seem to hold that same intense tension, and his breathing was deeper. He wrapped his arms around your midsection.
After a few more minutes, he looked up at you. His eyes were tinged red.
“You’re okay, right? I just, I can’t let you near me. But I hate seeing you be hurt. It’s killing me. Everything I want always feels like it’s just out of reach. But…” he trails off. “It’s better that way. I’m sorry for this,” he adds, sure of his decision. “It won’t happen again.”
He stands and makes his way to his corner. After putting on his headphones, he types furiously, as if erasing the moment you had.
You’re left wondering if you’ll ever break through his defenses, or if you’ll always be stuck at arm’s length. After the moment you’ve had, you begin to feel hopeful.
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libra-kirishima · 1 year
Mystic Messenger Characters + Their Toxic Traits ✨
Feat. Zen, Yoosung, Jaehee, Jumin, Seven, and V
Short headcanons inspired by this post I've made about My Hero Academia characters and their toxic traits x
! fem reader, brief mentions of sex !
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Insanely jealous. He's barely able to restrain himself from barking like a dog when he sees you talking to another man
- and he will come up to you mid-conversation and embarrass you in front of this man because Zen wants him to know who you belong to.
Has some mildly sexist views on women
- Speaks for you even if you're right next to him. Will order for you at restaurants without being asked. If someone asks you a question and Zen thinks he knows the answer he'll answer it for you as if you aren't capable of answering for yourself.
- Tends to believe that you're fragile and vulnerable and that he needs to protect you because you're a woman
- Will help you with chores but he believes it's your job to cook
- Doesn't ever let you take control during sex. He thinks that, as the man, he is supposed to be the one on top and in control. He's a pleasure dom but sex is always done his way because he never lets you take the lead.
Canonically homophobic
Lacks self awareness
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King of putting things off. Ignores problems in the relationship for as long as he possibly can until one day it all comes to the surface and he bursts into tears
Avoids conflict to the point of concern. He'd rather lie to himself that everything is fine between the two of you than address an issue in your relationship because he doesn't want to start a fight.
Struggles to make time for you. A lot of your dates are hanging out together while he studies in his room or at the library.
Shamelessly codependent
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Also terrible at making time for you
Always working. If she's not working under Jumin then she's always working on improving the coffee shop. She doesn't know how to function when she's not working 24/7 and under constant stress
She takes things so personally. She'll never tell you she took something you said personally but you can tell.
Lowkey a grudge holder. If you two get into an argument she'll bring up something you said to hurt her feelings two years ago.
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Wants to take care of you but "taking care of you" can mean doing things that are very controlling sometimes
- extremely resistant at first to the idea of you having a job or going to college since he can provide for both of you
- hates taking "no" for an answer if he thinks he knows better than you. If you're sick with a cold he'll go against your wishes and call a doctor no matter how many times you insist that you're fine.
- Never learned how to let someone else be in charge of something so he also never lets you take control during sex.
Resistant to change
Makes important decisions without you based on what he thinks you would want
Can come across as very apathetic at times. He thinks he's offering an objective point of view that will help soothe your emotions but instead it can feel like he doesn't care about them because you're being unreasonable.
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Has gotten into the habit of lying about the dumbest shit, so it can be difficult to tell whether he's being serious or messing with you
Doesn't help with household chores because he doesn't find them mentally stimulating
Gets really bad depressive episodes. He doesn't want Saeran to see him like that so he bottles everything up until he can't anymore and will take all his emotions out on you sometimes.
Has never had to communicate how he feels before meeting you, so he never learned how. A lot of the time you're relying on your intuition because he doesn't talk to you about it. Part of him still believes nobody cares about how he's feeling.
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Incredibly passive. Getting him to voice what he wants is like pulling teeth.
Codependent and in denial about it. Thinks he's just really in love with his wife.
Has a tendency to completely ignore how he's feeling because part of him is desperate to please you.
Tends to think in absolutes. Has a very black and white view on most things
Struggles to believe that he deserves you and that makes him crave validation, but he never wants to voice to you that he needs validation.
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serede986 · 1 year
Boyfriend Jumin HCs~
Gets you a bouquet of roses on every date. When he first saw your excitement on receiving the first bouquet, he got addicted to your happiness, although he refuses to accept it.
Speaking of dates, he arrives exactly 30 minutes before meet-up time. You're not aware of it, so shhh.
He is learning new breakfast recipes from the chef for whenever you stay over. He would wake up early, and prepare to serve you breakfast in bed.
Matching pajamas are ordered for you, him and Elizabeth the third.
Drops Elizabeth in your care, whenever he's out for a business trip and he can't take you with him. He trusts you and no one else.
Neatly folds your clothes and keep it next to his, whenever you visit him for a few days or travel with him.
Will take your advice over every new merger his company makes.
Is obsessed with your voice. He'll listen to you talk for so long, you think he's not invested in your topic of conversation. But believe me, he is. Imagine that love struck look on him.
Loves it when you put his head on your lap and play with his hair or massage his scalp. Count to 100 and he'll be out in a deep sleep.
Kisses your forehead every time one of you leave to part ways.
Will read every favorite romance book of yours, just to learn how to swoon you.
"Elizabeth the third, we need to talk about when your mother comes over. You're precious to me, and so is your mother. But your mother has taken the first place in my heart."
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shewrotesomething · 8 months
Saeyoung - The Day He Realized He Wanted to Marry You
There were 3 moments for him. The first 2 were times when he, out of nowhere, just quoted a meme reference and without missing a beat you responded. 
But there was a moment he vividly remembered. 
It was at a party. They had decided to increase the capacity of the guest list, and though you never expressed it, there was a bit of pressure on your part as the planner. He tried his best to help but he was occupied with work and his brother settling in. 
You took it like a champ, but the nerves really set in on the morning of the party. 
He watched you that day clean, moisturize, and exfoliate every inch of your skin. Saeyoung didn’t dare bother you during the ritual. 
Finally, the party came. Normally, Saeyoung would drive you to the venue, but since his brother wouldn’t be attending, he wanted to make sure everything was in order before he left him. And so, you headed to the venue earlier.
When he arrived, the party was already well underway. 
His eyes searched the crowd for your familiar stature with a half-jesting apology already forming on his lips. 
He spotted you by one of the tables speaking to the owner of a small jewelry business. The woman seemed to enjoy your company. She was inviting you to the new store they opened in the mall. It was their first expansion and you looked just as elated as she did.
A younger woman was beside her. Immediately, your demeanor shifted. You were a bit cheerier, a bit less formal. She was talking to you about a dating sim you both played. You laughed at something she said. Something about tragic backstories and how writers knew how to hurt their readers.
And he found himself pausing at the sight… at the normalcy of the scene.
His midnight thoughts crept up in his moment of hesitation.
Perhaps this is what you really needed. Normalcy. Idle chatter about going to the mall. Playing video games to pass the time. It should be this and not…
Not waiting for hours on end to make sure he comes back home in one piece
Not dealing with sleepless nights because you got woken up by the screaming
And certainly not putting up with… him.
With his skillset, it would be a simple thing to disappear. To retreat into the crowd and wipe the entirety of his existence from your life. 
You got pulled into this life because of him and now that you’re with him…you’re even deeper.
No, you don’t deserve this. You deserve a normal life. A peaceful one. 
His mouth suddenly dried and the half-jesting apology dissipated on his tongue. 
He took one step back. And before he knew it, he was walking away from the scene… from you.
His heart hammered in his chest. Taking hold of his breaths. Thoughts ravaged in his mind.
He’s doing it again. He’s pushing you away. 
No, this is the right thing to do.
Wait, just… he has to calm down. This isn’t the answer.
But it is. The only thing he’s going to give you is trouble.
No, that’s not true. You love him. You’ll always love him.
But he doesn’t deserve that. And you… you don’t deserve all the shit he’s got with him.
No, it’s going to be okay. Just calm down.
No. Disappear. He has to leave right now. Before you fall in deeper.
No. Stay. Just stay.
No. Leave—
Arms snaked around his waist. His fight or flight instinct flared up. He fists clenched but before he could do anything else, a voice halted the torrent of his thoughts.
“Caught you!” you yelled with a giggle. 
He turned his head as you rested your chin on his shoulder. “H-h…hey,” he answered in a low voice. You smiled at him. His heart slowed at the sight of your face. “You look beautiful.”
Your eyes narrowed in a jesting glare. “If you think flattering me will get you out of trouble you’ve got another thing coming, mister. Don’t think I didn’t see you running away while I dealt with Mr. Dokgo. That was seriously cruel.”
His hands reached up to touch the arms holding him in place. “Sorry. I didn’t think you needed me.”
“And where did you get that idea? I’ll always need you and because of that,” your glare became sharper and your voice dropped an octave, “I will always find you.”
Something in those words and the jokingly ominous manner you phrased it unlatched something in his chest. And with it, a warmth washed over his stature and he felt his mouth spread to a grin. Then, catching onto your jest, he faked a sob. “There will be no escape for me. This is my life now. Trapped and helpless.”
“I’m glad you understand your unfortunate circumstances. As punishment, you are sentenced to feeding me honey buddha chips while we watch the best or arguably worst bollywood film I can find.”
He chuckled. “Okay.”
“And… and you have to buy me and Saeran our favorite ice cream flavors.”
“Roger that.”
“We each get one pint.”
“Hm. You’re really milking this aren’t you?”
“Oh! And you’re taking me to a cat cafe as soon as you’re available.”
He nodded with equal parts of sincerity and resignation. “Yes, ma’am.”
The two of you paused when you heard a sigh. In front of you, Zen stood with a bored expression. “I mean, I know you guys are in love but really? In front of the guests?”
A blush coated your cheeks. A real one. Not the kind that your makeup gave you. You released him immediately and the urge to distance himself has all but dissipated.
“It’s time for your speech,” Zen informed.
You gave Zen a mock salute before walking off. “Hey, I’ll catch you later, okay?”
He smiled. Softly. Knowingly. This was his life. It's you and him against everything. And he wants it for the rest of time. So he yields to his fate and answered, “I’ll be waiting.”
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Can I request a yandere headcannon with 707,Jumin and V with a darling who love to cosplaying as a magical girl or neko
Jihyun Kim
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You and Jiyhun would have been together for a while.
In the beginning, you wouldn't talk much about your hobby.
Maybe you're afraid that he wouldn't be interested…
But one day he came home when you were preparing your cosplay.
So that's where the whole situation started.
Jiyhun would surely have heard of this hobby.
He would work as a photographer.
So maybe someone would have asked her to take cosplay pictures earlier.
However, he would not have much knowledge on the subject.
He would certainly listen to the subject if you wanted to talk about it.
And if you asked, he would definitely take pictures of you.
Lots of pictures.
Jiyhun would really love you.
And he thinks you're most beautiful when you do something that makes you happy.
And this would definitely be the thing.
You went to different cons together a lot.
Saeyoung Choi/707/Luciel
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Saeyoung was totally involved in this.
As we know, he would already be into cross dressing.
So he would know what you are talking about when you talk about your hobby.
And Saeyoung would probably know about your hobby before you even tell.
He ran a background check…
And Saeyoung isn't doing a bad job.
He would be enthusiastic about your hobby.
Definitely something you two could do together.
Couple cosplays are a thing.
And surely you would when he had no work to do.
Although Saeyoung would rather google what characters you could cosplay while working.
He would also give Vanderwood a headache.
Saeyoung would definitely love to make the outfits herself with you.
Nice thing to do together.
Jumin Han
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You and Jumin had just moved in together.
You were unpacking your moving boxes.
And Jumin would be interested in why you would have one box full of different cat ears.
Jumin doesn't really know what cosplay is.
He's never even heard of it.
And he might not understand if you try to explain to him.
It would really be out of his world.
But he would try to understand.
And would listen to your explanation…
If it was something that would make you happy.
Jumin would really love to see you happy ;)
He would definitely like to support your hobby.
Things that are important to you are also important to him.
Jumin would probably support this hobby financially.
Or he could try to help you make outfits.
But a little warning.
Because Jumin really isn't terribly good at it.
However, it would be fun.
And if you dressed up as a Neko…
Well, let's just say that it wouldn't really bother Jumin ;)
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reitski · 1 year
𝑐ℎ𝑒𝑟𝑟𝑦 𝑘𝑖𝑠𝑠𝑒𝑠 -`♡´-
⤹★ warnings ★⤸: fluff, gn!reader x various m!character
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you closed the curtains in your kitchen. the sun's rays were unbearable. cherry season has finally came. you took a bowl of cherries and left the kitchen, sat your comfy couch. you were wearing shorts yet felt like melting from the heat. the sweetness of the fruit made you forgot your problems for a moment. you were so engrossed that you didn't notice the tall figure approaching from behind you.
your boyfriend was stealing your cherries. you flinched and glanced at him. he just got out of the shower, his wet hair was tickling your neck. the scent of his shampoo made your heart race. 'they taste so good', he sat down near you while chuckling to your reactions.
'stop stealing my cherries you thief', you said to him with faking angry. he looked at your pouting lips, grinned widely. he wrapped his arms around your waist, mindful of the bowl near your body. a few seconds later you found yourself in your boyfriend's lap. you continued eating cherries after that you made yourself comfortable in his embrace. but then... he bit your cheek?
'what was that!', you tried to yell but your mouth was still full with cherry. he laughed loudly, amused by your blushed cheeks. 'sorry, babe, you looked so cute. i couldn't control myself.' your face reddened. 'i hate you', you mumbled against his chest as hiding your face there. he lifted your chin up with the one of his hands was on your waist. 'i'm sorry. here, you can eat the last one.'
your eyes brightened to his sweet offer. you took off the seed, put the cherry in your mouth and he started kiss you. it felt like a dream that you wanted it to never end. you wrapped your arms around his neck and he tightened his grip on your waist.
the sweet cherry kisses continued all day...
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✧ BACHIRA, oliver, shidou, REO, sae, SUNA, bokuto, KUROO, miya twins, micah yujin, saeyoung choi, KAEYA, itto, CHILDE
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shxtodxroki · 7 months
𝚈𝚘𝚞 𝚂𝚌𝚊𝚛𝚎𝚍 𝙼𝚎!
Summary: Saeyoung manages to convince you to join him in going through a haunted corn maze during the Halloween season. Then, as if the attraction itself isn’t spooky enough for you, he decides to prank you a bit and give you a fright of his own making as well.
Flufftober Day 6 Prompt: Corn Maze
Warnings: Swearing, reader playfully smacks Saeyoung once (not hard at all), reader is described as scared of a haunted corn maze attraction
Pairing: 707 (Saeyoung Choi) x Gender Neutral! Reader
Word Count: 1.9k
Check out my full Flufftober masterlist here!
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Your hands tremble slightly in your boyfriend’s strong hold, hoping he doesn’t notice the sweatiness of your palms as you stare at the slowly shortening line in front of you. And even if he does, you reason that it’s all his fault for bringing you here in the first place, his adorable begging face just too persuasive for you to resist. So really, it’s his fault entirely that he's in this position now, and he doesn’t get to complain about how nervous you are now when he was the one who brought you here in the first place.
“See babe?! Listen to the sound of those screams!” Saeyoung turns to you excitedly as distant screams echo from the corn maze attraction in front of you, his face lighting up while your blood runs cold in comparison. “This is one of the best Halloween attractions in the whole city, it’s gonna be a blast!”
You wish you could share your boyfriend’s clear eagerness and excitement with him, you really do. You know that you’ll ultimately be able to handle the attraction even if you are scared, and you’ll probably come out of it happy that you went in the end. But right now, as you slowly inch closer and closer to the front of the line and entrance to the attraction, the anxiety emanating off of your body is palpable to all around you as you squeeze his warm hand tightly in your own to help ground your fretting mind.
“...Hey, no need to be so nervous, babe.” Saeyoung continues in a slightly softer voice when you don’t respond, noticing how tense you are. “I told you, I’m right here. I used to be a big scary hacker, so I’ve seen way worse than whatever this place has in store for us. I’ll protect you, I promise.” He grins, squeezing your hand back as he teases you to try and lighten up your mood. You instantly lean into his touch, wrapping your hands around his arm and holding him close as the two of you take one step further, only about five spaces away from the front of the line now. 
“Y-yeah, okay…” You nod, your voice a bit shaky as you press yourself into him. He laughs as you bring him closer and closer to you, though he doesn’t object in the slightest, always one to enjoy physical touch with his lover. 
Realistically, you know you have no reason to be this nervous. Most of the stress is coming from the fact that this is your first time at this attraction, so you have no clue what to expect or just how frightening the scares will be. And the actors aren’t allowed to touch you at all, that much Saeyoung made sure of beforehand to ensure that your personal boundaries wouldn’t be crossed. But there was still a sea of unknown variables swimming within the haunted corn maze, and because of that, you were unable to hold back the jitters throughout your body as you clung to your boyfriend as a lifeline.
A mere ten minutes later, after listening to Saeyong’s various attempts to take your mind off of the scares you know are near in your future, you find yourself at the front of the line as you practically shake in your winter shoes and wait for the attendant at the entrance to let you into the maze. It’s big, meaning that once you go in there, you have no clue how long you’ll be lost amongst the stalks as you try to find your way out. With scares around every corner, of course. You can’t seem to make yourself forget about that part, no matter how hard you try.
“Alright, you two are all set to head in! Have fun!” The attendant’s smile is bright and friendly in contrast to your pitiful, wobbly one, and Saeyoung squeezes your hand tightly once more as he leads the way into the maze. 
“Let me be in front, babe. They can scare me first, I don’t care. Just try not to act too scared if you can, or they’ll go extra hard on you.” His willingness to go ahead of you, to protect you from danger even when it’s only imaginary, makes your heart beat just a tad faster, and calms you down the slightest bit as your feet hesitantly lead you behind him into the maze of nightmares you had been dreading all evening.
As expected, the first scare actor of the evening meets you two with an equally theatrical and sinister grin the second you turn a corner, instantly meeting a dead end and sinking your faith in your boyfriend’s navigation abilities very early on in this adventure. The actor, dressed as a zombie with a pitchfork, sneakily drew all too close to you as Saeyoung tried to block you from his sight. He didn’t say much after his initial startling shriek, simply leering at the two of you as you backed away to go down another route in the labyrinth the two of you had (somewhat) willingly walked into.
Saeyoung seems to be at least a bit luckier this time in his choice of a new route, hastily pulling you through a long stretch that thankfully doesn’t end the moment it begins. The walk still isn’t barren of the advertised frights though, as two girls dressed in similar zombie attire pop out from within the walls lined with corn, giggling and shrieking at the two of you as you squeeze on to your boyfriend for dear life. Even as your heart rate picks up and your anxiety levels spike, though, your mind easily recognizes that you’re not truly in danger as Saeyoung attempts to make quick, friendly conversation with the girls before rushing off towards the next corner of the maze. You’re quickly beginning to realize that this isn’t quite so bad, and that being scared in an environment like this where you know nothing is real can actually be quite fun.
Saeyoung notices the slow change in your attitude as the two of you make your way through several twists and turns within the maze, though he doesn’t say anything about it at first. He merely smiles to himself as he feels the way you squeeze onto his bicep less and less each time another actor pops out from some hidden location to give you a scare, and he feels his heart swell a bit when you even begin to tease him with a grin of your own for constantly leading the two of you to dead ends and begin to make a few of the choices on where to turn for yourself.
This change of heart of yours also leads Saeyoung to a rather sneaky decision, though. Now that you seem more at ease with the frights this corn maze offers, and seem to have fun with the prospect of being scared, he can’t help but want to do a little scaring of his own as a plan quickly begins to hatch in his overworked brain, firing on all cylinders for such a simple task.
It takes a while for him to put his plan into action, as he waits for you to take charge once more and attempt to lead him around another corner after too many dead ends on his accord. A distant scream from another far-off patron of the maze eventually manages to momentarily distract you, as Saeyoung pretends to drop his phone, his hand slipping from yours while his body simultaneously blends and melts into the surrounding corn stalks. He’s not going far, of course. He’s just going to keep an eye on you from within the corn, making sure you don’t get too genuinely scared without him by your side as he waits for the perfect moment to strike.
Your unease immediately grows a significant amount the moment you notice your boyfriend’s absence, eyes frantically darting around for him as the teasing tone in your voice immediately drops. “Saeyoung?” You call out for him, voice sounding shaky but not genuinely scared enough for him to call off the prank. You wait for a few moments, hoping he’ll return to you from wherever he’s gotten himself lost, but when a full minute passes with no response from him, you hesitantly begin to push forward through the maze yourself. Your steps are much lighter and smaller than before, eyes vigilant around every turn and corner as you hope in vain that Saeyoung will at least be waiting for you at the end of the maze when you make it out despite his poor directional skills.
And luckily for him, it doesn’t take long for opportunity to strike for the man in the maze, his hair and yours raising as the sound of a chainsaw suddenly whirs through the air and begins nearing closer and closer to you who stands frozen up in realization. The most terrifying part of any haunted attraction was now staring you straight in the face as it ran towards you, and you let out the loudest shriek of the evening so far as the (chainless, for safety purposes of course) chainsaw was aggressively thrust uncomfortably close to your face.
Saeyoung eagerly watches this interaction, biding his time and waiting around the nearest corner as he watches for the events he knows will play out. And they do, just as he predicted.
With the chainsaw inching closer and closer to your skin (though you knew it would never actually touch you) you sprint faster than ever in the opposite direction, only to let out an even louder shriek than before as a pair of arms emerges from the abyss within the corn and tackles you to the ground, a hand pressing against the back of your head to protect you as you both fall. Your heart beats a mile a minute and you feel genuine fear strike through your being for the smallest moment, before catching a glimpse of bright auburn hair in front of your eyes as your jaw falls open in shock. “Saeyoung?” You ask in confusion, before your brows furrow up in an annoyed glare as you’re met with the sight of your boyfriend’s signature glasses and bashful smirk.
“You asshole!” Your fear vanishes in an instant, melding into annoyance as you gently smack his arm. “You scared the shit out of me!”
“That was kinda the point, babe.” He teases in response, accepting your hit graciously as he stands up before offering you a hand in aid. You nearly refuse to take it out of principle, though it’s clear you’re not actually mad at him as you fight off a slight grin while taking his hand and standing up beside him. His arm instantly moves to wrap around your waist once you’re standing strong once more, pressing a quick peck to your cheek in remorse. “I’m sorry for scaring you though, babe. Don’t worry, you’re safe with me once more.”
You cling on to him tighter than before through the rest of the maze as retribution for his prank, practically attached at the hip as the two of you face jump scares and staged horrors throughout the remainder of the maze. All in all, it takes you about an hour to get through the entire attraction from beginning to end, as you eventually take the reigns and lead the two of you successfully through the labyrinth of stalks while pointedly ignoring any of Saeyoung’s navigation suggestions. And once the two of you are finally freed from the maze of terror, Saeyoung treats you to a shared candy apple, his kisses tasting like sugar as he thanks you for indulging him in his dream holiday date.
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Request - Anonymous said: hello! for flufftober, please consider writing something for gojou (jjk), saeyoung (mysme) or keigo (bnha) ):
A/N: Ahhh I’m so excited to be posting my first piece of writing on here for Mystic Messenger! I actually have another MM/707 writing that I was working on before Flufftober but haven’t quite finished yet, and I know I’m way late to the game so idk how big the fandom is on here any more, but I just got into it this past summer so I was really excited to get to write for some of these characters for this event! :D This entire event has been so much fun for me so far so I hope you guys are enjoying this as much as I am, because I honestly haven’t had this much fun and excitement while writing in a long time! My requests are also currently open, so if you have a request feel free to send it my way!
Taglist: @flufftober
If you’d like to be added to any of my taglists, you can fill out this form here! Thank you for your support <3
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space-kitten-606 · 10 months
You just know Saeyoung is getting fussy whenever he has to take off his wedding ring for any reason at all. Even if it's just to make sure he doesn't randomly lose it. It's his ultimate proof that you both belong together!!! How is he supposed to eye it and daydream about what is finally his reality if he can't see it all the time??
If you gift him a necklace that he can put the ring on when he can't wear it on his hand for whatever reason, he will be delighted! It's not the same thing; Saeyoung really prefers to wear it on his finger; but it's an okay solution. And yes, if the necklace is "necessary," he will wear it at the same time as his cross. He is grateful to God, the universe, fate, or whatever else it was that brought you to him, but there will always be space for you.
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angelyuji · 9 months
skirts and promises
707 x reader (most (if not all) dialouge from day 9 phone call) reader wear a skirt but no gendered pronouns
hope you guys enjoy! i know not many of you follow me for mystic messenger stuff but it's summer so im back on the grind :)) no warnings! maybe a little suggestive so yk.... anyways, i'm a 707 girlie till i die thats literally my man i need him so bad it physically hurts me like omg thats my FREAKING MANNNN.... have fun reading!
you glance at seven sitting next to you on the couch, typing at lightening speed on his laptop. you quietly pull out your phone, pretending to look through the chatrooms before dialing his number on the RFA app.
“hello?” seven laughs next to you and you pout at the phone.
“why are you laughing?” you look over at him suspiciously.
“i noticed you glancing at me while pressing on the phone, so i wondered if you were trying to call me. and you really did! why are you so cute? i even love how predictable you are.” you blush at seven’s words. you jump up and run into the kitchen, giggling to yourself. “hmm? why are you running into the kitchen? i can’t see you now!” seven whines as you press yourself against the fridge and slide down to the floor.
“it feels like we’re actually talking on the phone if we can’t see each other!” you speak into the phone, smiling to yourself.
“what?” you peek your head around the corner and watch as seven tilts his head in confusion. “huh…you’re right…then i want to hide too! where should i go?” seven stands up, phone pressed to his ear. “i want to go into the kitchen too!”
“no, no! then there wouldn’t be any point in me hiding!” you whine, and you watch as seven throws his head back and laughs. he plops back onto the couch, arms spread out on the top of the couch. you bite your lip and watch as he relaxes into the couch.
seven sighs, “…i miss you when you disappear from my sight. i want to be right beside you… always.” a warm silence fills the apartment. you feel your heart beat faster. you turn your head back to face the cabinets across from you.
“i… i feel the same.” you whisper, afraid to disturb the feeling in the air.
seven’s voice quiets as he talks into the phone, “you know, it’s good to laugh. i mean, if we can manage to laugh in this situation, what other miracle can we hope for?” you hum, letting him continue. “i think this is what suits us. that no matter what happens, we can look at each other and laugh.” he stops talking and you wait. “promise me… promise me that from now on, we’ll look at each other, smile, and get through whatever comes.”
“i promise.” you smile.
seven stands up and walks towards the kitchen, stopping at the entry. “and if we get tired in the process… our robot can help us laugh.”
“i want to make you smile too.” you giggle, clutching the phone to your chest.
“then poke your head out!” you peek your head out, seven grabs your legs, and pulls. you scream and he cackles as you lay flat on the floor. he sits on his knees, clutching his sides. you raise yourself up onto your elbows and smile. “why are you smiling? you just looked into my eyes!”
“i don’t know, i guess i just like you a lot.” you lay back down, covering your face as you feel a blush creep back up your face.
seven laughs, pulling you closer. “do you like me that much?” he whispers and holds himself over you. one hand cups your face, “don’t pout, i like you too.” he moves back to his knees with a huff. “god, i like you so much… i want to tease you, i want to watch your cute little face.”
you sit up and hit his arm, feeling your face burn. “you’re so annoying.”
seven laughs harder, “i’m so happy we can manage to play in such a small apartment.”
“interesting you say that when you didn’t even want to be near me earlier.” you huff and cross your arms.
seven grabs your hand, “ahh, just forget about that now. what’s important is the present, and the future we’ll create… together.” you smile, crossing your fingers together. “oh, but there’s a problem right now.”
“huh? what problem?” your eyes widen in panic.
“you do realize that you’re pretty defenseless, right?” seven lets go of your hand to cup your face once more. “i’m not just a guy that types away at a laptop. i’m really, really trying hard to hold back right now.” his thumb brushes against your lips and you hold your breath. you watch as his eyes drift to your lips. his face gets close and you close your eyes. you feel as if time stops, but he pauses, you can feel his breath on your lips. all of a sudden, you hear a loud laugh, you open your eyes and seven’s on the floor once more.
you move closer to him and whack his arm, “you are such a jerk, seven.”
you flop back onto the floor, annoyance turning to laughter. seven sits back onto the floor, crisscross. “ahh, don’t worry, (y/n). i’m super good at holding it in. speaking of, can’t you- can’t you pull down your skirt a little. i think- i think it kind of crawled up when you were laughing.” his eyes drift to your thighs. you look down and notice that your skirt had ridden up, exposing more of your thighs.
you smile, innocently, “what if i don’t want to? what if i don’t want to listen to you?” you use a finger to slowly pull your skirt up higher. seven’s hands clasp yours, stopping you from going further.
his eyes were wide and you tilt your head, noticing how wide his pupils are. “you don’t want to? please… i feel like my nose is gonna start bleeding if you keep going like this… i’m sure of it.” you pull one side of your sweater down below your shoulder, smiling slightly. seven’s breathing gets heavy. “god… i don’t think- i can’t-” seven shoots up, surprising you. “i need to go work out a bit. i just want to work out of my body too, not just my brain all the time.” you get up with him. “maybe- maybe a cold shower too…” he mumbles, brushing his hand through his hair.
“wait- seven-” you grab his arm.
he looks back at you with a weird expression. “and uh… please be careful of your skirt. i’m sorry.” you bite your lip and pout.
“fine… i guess i should hang up then and help you.” you grab your phone and seven grabs your hand, pulling you closer to him.
“huh? help me? wait- why- why are you trying to hang up? not yet!”
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heyheydidjaknow · 2 years
Look at me, not writing 1k+ words for once. I’m not even gonna put a read more that’s how short this is. (Edit: Tumblr has apparently deemed my 500 word post is too long, so I’m deciding to set my own fate and put the read more wherever I want out of spite.) New era, folks. Anyways, here’s this.
On Glasses
707 doesn’t need his glasses urgently. He’s nearsighted, but not debilitatingly so; if he had to take a driver’s visual test he would absolutely fail and his glasses are an old prescription that barely work anymore but it’s fine because really, how important is long distance sight, anyway? He doesn’t own contacts except for the ones that change your eye color; he has 2 pairs of lenses and just makes and installs his own frames because if his eyes are worse than they were when he was a kid that’s his eyes’ problem, not his. Who needs seeing, anyways? That’s dumb. It also helps when it comes to disguises; why spend a ton of money on contacts with different eye colors when you can spend slightly less on ones that don’t help you see? It’s basically a steal.
There is another reason he appreciates his inability to see things: mirrors. He’s not a big fan of them. They make reflections and reflections are usually uncomfortable to deal with for two reasons. First of all, seeing as he works at a computer all day and barely leaves the house, he has eye bags almost as heavy as his emotional baggage. He tries to generally keep himself decently groomed— he had enough of not having access to stuff like basic hygiene when he was just starting out and when he was a kid— but he had other things to do besides sleep, and the concealer has to come off at some point. The sight is uncomfortable; seeing how the years have visibly aged you is hardly a pleasant experience.
The second reason, the bigger reason, is that he is painfully aware that he looks identical to his brother. That’s the only reason his mother got him his glasses, so that he could get told apart from him. It’s not so much that he dislikes the idea of looking like someone he loves so dearly, but it’s odd, seeing how old he’s gotten. It’s a reminder, his reflection, of a lot of things, and most of them he would rather not think about. So, generally, he’s okay with being blind; if he has his glasses on, he is definitively him, and if they’re off, he can’t see well enough to really tell either way. Win win. It’s one of the big reasons he’s not big on selfies, because on a phone you can zoom in and bring it closer to your face so you can see. It goes against the main goal of only being partially there at all times.
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Okay who is the one in ur fandom who has quite a shitty backstory and probably is broken and hurt deeply inside but the fandom made him that "meme lord"
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libra-kirishima · 1 year
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serede986 · 1 year
Husband Saeyoung HCs~
Has to have his arm around your waist at all times in a public setting. If you deny that sign of ownership, he'll be sad for all the while he's there.
This was unsaid, but he's the in-charge of meal prep and cleaning the kitchen
Runs to hug you the moment you step inside the home and refuses to let you go before the 5 minute mark. Not that you're complaining.
His scents have evolved from the boyfriend stage. It's an acquired taste, molded just for your liking. Very proud when he hears you sniffing in his scent and snuggling into his hug just after.
Has planned a relaxation routine for both of you for every weekend, that includes bubble bath, deserts and snuggling on the couch with the softest blankets
Is very smug about getting married first in the RFA, to the point he randomly pops up to you and says
"Hehehe you know I got married first in the RFA," getting you all squinty
"But I also got married first from the RFA..."
"*Gasp* says who?!"
"Our marriage certificate baby."
"Oh.." que a very red and shy Saeyoung.
Has your name saved in his phone as Mrs. Choi.
"Mr. And Mrs. Choi."
Saeyoung giggles>>
How does he refer to you when talking to Zen and Yoosung?
- I gotta go, my wife is waiting for me.
- me and my wife are planning on a BBQ night with the RFA..
- my wife
- my wife
Family dinner with you, him, Saeran and Vandy is compulsory.
Very close to your friends and family. You have a common friend circle.
Prefers to snuggle on top of you with his head on your chest, with a blanket around you both.
Has a big grin on his face when he sits on the husband chair while you shop around. Although he'd like to give his opinions on your selection, the husband chair was calling for him.
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I’m learning Spanish right now so I’ve been thinking a lot about the wacky ways Saeyoung would probably try to help you improve your language skills. In this context, italicized dialogue means it’s being spoken in the target/foreign language! Also the small marked off section is supposed to imply it’s over the messenger. Anyways, this was just a short silly idea I had lolol.
"What'cha working on there?"
came the voice of your boyfriend as he peered over your shoulder to catch a peek at what you seemed so involved in studying at the table.
You chuckled as his fiery curls entered the edge of your vision and you felt him leaning against you. "I've just got to get through this next chapter," you explained, lifting your textbook and turning it so he could read the title. You were taking a foreign language class and it was already so much to remember.
His face lit up at the sight of the title, recognizing the language immediately. "Oh! I know that one! it's pretty easy once you practice it enough."
"Yeah... it's just tough to keep up with the practice I guess..." You groaned, rubbing your face tiredly.
He hummed in thought, absentmindedly resting his hand on your shoulder. "hmm... how about I give you a hand?"
"Uh... well, I guess it would help to drill some stuff with somebody. I'll have a test coming up soon and I'm not sure if I'm ready…" you admitted, assuming he was offering to go through flashcards with you or something.
He gave you a confident grin. "Oh don't worry! You'll be acing your tests in no time after we're done!"
If you had known what he really meant by this, you probably wouldn't have accepted his interference so readily. But it was too late. The gears were already turning and he knew exactly what he was going to do to help you.
You didn't notice the change right away. You got up the next morning and went through your usual routine. It wasn't until you opened the fridge and pulled out a drink that you spotted something so strange you had to do a double take. 
The label was in a different language.
"...What…??" You breathed out, your brain struggling to catch up to what was happening. You pulled out a different bottle from the fridge, eyes widening as you found its label had also changed languages.
After a few minutes of rummaging through the cabinets, you realized just about everything had been relabeled in your target language. Once you reassured yourself that you had not gone crazy in your sleep, you came to the conclusion that only one person could be responsible for pulling off something of this scale.
"Saeyoung!!" You called out.
It wasn't long before the culprit in question came strolling in at your call. "Yesss, my honey?" he greeted you casually, and it took you a moment to register that he was speaking your target language.
"Saeyoung, what in the world is going on??" You huffed.
"Immersion really is one of the best learning tools, Y/N. Trust me, I had to pick up a lot of languages on pretty short notice with the agency," he explained, shrugging.
You frowned, brows furrowing. "I understood next to none of that." You grumbled unhappily, hoping he would get the idea and go back to talking normally.
Instead he just laughed, ruffling your hair teasingly. "You'll get the hang of it!"
Oh you were going to kill him.
— — — —
[Jaehee] "I can't help but notice that Y/N has been speaking strangely in the messenger today."
[Yoosung] "I noticed that too! I wonder if their phone keyboard is broken."
[Y/N] "Help!! Saeyoung change me messenger. Language stuck!! No use good T-T"
[Jaehee] "...I'm sorry, Y/N. I can't understand what you're trying to say. There's something wrong with your copy of the messenger?"
[707] "Don't worry, they're fine lolol. They're just using a special version today."
[Y/N] "fix language set!! >:( no more help;;"
[707] "You're doing great, honey! ^^"
— — — —
You tossed your phone aside with an aggravated groan. Your entire version of the RFA messenger had been switched to your target language, but only on your end. Part of you couldn't help but admire the effort Saeyoung must have put into all of this…but that didn't change the fact that it wasn't exactly the kind of studying you had in mind.
"Aww, is my grumpy little kitty getting tired?" You heard Saeyoung coo from his place beside you on the couch as he wrapped an arm around you.
You just pouted at him, your brain too tired to try decoding all his words.
He chuckled at your expression, leaning in closer. "You did really good today. But of course I already knew my 606 was smart, hehe..." he breathed out softly, finally speaking normally again, much to your relief.
You couldn't stop the bashful smile that spread across your face at his gentle teasing and tender praise.
Your flustered look only spurred him on. He slid closer and leaned towards your ear, slipping effortlessly back into your target language and whispering, "There aren't enough languages in the world to tell you how you make me feel, you know. I love you, agent 606~"
You shivered slightly at the feeling of his breath, recognizing at least one particular phrase in that. Before you could form a coherent response, he brought his lips to yours in a gesture that needed no translation. Maybe his way wasn’t so bad after all if you got rewards like this.
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Plz MAKE yandere 707 x reader who loves him even if he is a crazy yandere hacker
Yandere 707/ Luciel/ Saeyong Choi
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Oh yes…
Well 707 would have some complicated feelings about this.
At first he believes that he has no right to be happy.
Because of this he would try to stay away from you…
but yeah it doesn't really work
So the next step is kidnapping.
707 would know everything about you.
Or so he thought…
But this thing would come as a complete surprise
A bit of a happy surprise.
Even if he is worried about you in the beginning.
707 knows that this is not normal behavior.
But this is better for him.
It's nicer if you don't fight back.
Because this way 707 can convince himself that he deserves something good.
And that this is really a good relationship.
He's still overprotective.
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