#Man of Medan Julia
hopeveon · 3 months
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Juliaaaa <3
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a-random-curator · 28 days
Happy Birthday Julia!
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(May 13th)
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108garys · 28 days
Golden hour
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I don't really like how it turned out fully but I liked the idea of Julia as a sunset with her hair blending into the clouds and Her ring all sparkly and star like based off the imagery from forever (can't even tell that I used gold in this 😅) Maybe I'll revisit this at some point but for now here's golden sunset Julia for Her birthday
@kassiekole22 @delurkr @ctrvpani @blubary
@qusok @unhingedlesbear @kindheartedgummybears @marigoidz
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galaxyzone · 9 months
Man of Medan headcanons
Even though the fandom is almost nonexistent, that won't stop me from talking about it! So here are some headcanons for all of the Man of Medan kids bc I love them~
First, some neurodivergence headcanons!
Fliss & Brad are both autistic and Conrad has adhd! My neurodivergent faves, I love them sm❤
Brad has a bunch of sensory toys & fidgets that he shares with Fliss & Conrad after they get back home. Brad was surprised that Conrad didn't already have them, since he can afford almost anything, and Conrad reveals that he had bought several fidget spinners when they were popular, but he never knew about other fidgets like the infinity cube (which becomes his favorite). Fliss quickly favors the kinetic sand because it reminds her of the beach & she likes the way it feels in her hands.
Conrad buys 3 sets of noise-cancelling headphones for each of them. He doesn't really get as bothered by lots of noise as Brad & Fliss do, but he could afford it and he wanted to be included in the neurodivergent trio lol, so he figured why not.
Fliss has a super soft fuzzy blanket that she sleeps with every night. If she's ever feeling down, sometimes she'll just grab her blanket & huddle up with a hot cup of tea or something (I also headcanon her as more of a tea person than coffee).
Okay here are some other headcanons!
Despite Brad clearly being the more academic brother, Alex always fell under the role of the "golden child." Their parents didn't have a favorite at all, they loved both boys equally, but Alex was always the one they put a bit more pressure on as their oldest. This was unfair to both of them, as Brad felt like he was always living in Alex's shadow & Alex always felt like he had to be perfect.
Alex played football in high school & briefly contemplated a sports career, but his parents were always a little weary of the field; and after one of his friends & teammates suffered a concussion, Alex felt the urge to go into the medical field instead so he could help people like his friend whenever they got hurt. I like to think it comes from being the older brother & always feeling the need to be a protector.
When they were kids, Conrad & Julia had ongoing prank wars. Julia was usually the victor as her pranks were more clever, but Conrad was always quicker with a comeback afterwards. Their parents eventually put a stop to these battles when one of Conrad's pranks resulted in Julia getting a swollen lip. Conrad felt so bad afterwards, though, so he tried to make it up to her by getting her favorite ice cream (chocolate peanut butter cup) & watching her favorite movie with her (Legally Blonde, because obviously).
Julia is a secret nerd. She won't admit it because she has her street cred & popularity to maintain, but she's totally into all of the history & World War II stuff that Brad is also into. She might not know as much as he does, because his hyperfixation has caused him to relentlessly research it, but she's actually very interested in it. After they all get back home, she starts asking him questions about his grandfather & what else he knows and he just starts gushing to her all about it. It makes Alex happy to see them bonding so well, and he & Conrad tease their respective siblings for being nerds.
Fliss was homeschooled, which is why she tells Brad that she "never really went to school." Her parents just thought that they would be able to give her a better education than she would get at any public or private school. This made it hard for her to make friends growing up, but she would make up for it by finding out-of-school activities and extracurriculars, like swim teams & gymnastics.
Fliss & Conrad are both bisexual! And they both have a preference for women, too. Fliss has experience with both men and women, so she knows who does it better😉 (hence her telling Brad about how women are good in bed); but she has a weakness for goofy & slightly dumb guys (*cough* like Conrad.. Same, girl, same😅). Conrad has felt some feelings for some guys here and there and he'll occasionally flirt with them, but he mainly only has experience with women. He and Fliss make a beautiful bisexual couple💗💜💙
Brad is both gay and asexual! He's been in the closet since high school when he realized that a boy in his biology class had caught his attention. It's not that he's scared to tell anyone, as he knows that his family would love & accept him regardless, but it's more that he's confused by his feelings & not sure what to make of them. It doesn't help that he doesn't experience attraction to the same level or frequency that most of his peers do, so it's harder for him to figure it out.
Conrad is an alcoholic. This one is pretty much canon, as he's seen drinking more than any of the other characters & even opens a beer immediately after they all get back on the Duke safely; but Julia's line about how she's been "studying it for years" in regards to his tendency to get so drunk that he forgets things makes it sound like it's been a reoccurring issue in the past. Perhaps he went through a period where he struggled with depression or anxiety and the booze helped calm & quiet his mind, so he became reliant on it and he feels he needs to have it in order to feel good. This headcanon makes me sad and I like to think that he eventually heals from this addiction & becomes sober with everyone else's help (especially Fliss & Julia)❤
That's all of them for right now! Maybe I'll add more if they come to me, but I wanted to talk about these for now. If any DPA fans happen to find this, please feel free to maybe share some headcanons of your own!😊
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madsipie · 5 months
me personally thinks that the world would stop functioning if Julia and Emily met each other, because they are both super rich totally spoiled girlbosses with malewife boyfriends who would die for them
though they're a very different type of bitchy and i think Julia would either fucking hate her (and same goes the other way around) or they would both lose track of time complaining about their weirdo bfs and weirdo experiences (hallucinations, pirates, and wendigos... wowie)
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thefanficmonster · 2 years
Could you write something with Brad from Man of Medan reuniting with his partner after getting separated on the ship? (When Brad stays in hiding instead of joining the group) And like maybe since they keep having hallucinations they think it's not actually Brad for a second since they didn't know he was on the ship?
You don't have to add the last part but it's just an idea
Aww, my baby Brad  💗 💗 💗 Thank you so much for your request sweetie, hope you enjoy the read  💗
Pairing: Brad Smith x Reader (Gender Neutral) [The Dark Pictures Anthology: Man of Medan]
Warnings: SPOILERS for Man of Medan, Mentions of an attack, Hallucionations
Genre: Angst, Fluff, Hurt/Comfrot
When you had to wander around the ship without the comfort of having Brad nearby, a whole new kind of dread filled your body
Knowing that his hand won't be within the reach of yours whenever your chest tightens with fear made the whole experience even worse for you
Due to all the horrors you witnessed throughout the night when you finally saw the silhouette of what looked like Brad, you didn't know if you could trust your eyes despite desperately wanting to
You’re in an outer hallway of the ship when you spot the shadow at the end, staring right back at you
Your first instinct is to hide but you have no such place at a near reach so you stand there paralyzed, staring back at the silhouette you believe is playing a cruel prank on you by taking the form of Brad
And then it calls out to you
“Y/N? I-Is that you?“
You want to trust it, you want to believe the voice is his and not a result of the gas toying with your mind
That’s when you realize that your lungs no longer ache with each inhale of stale, mold-scented air
You’re breathing in fresh, saltwater tinted air
Your system is clearing itself out, the gas has no effect on you
Therefore, the slowly approaching figure ahead is not a hallucination
That realization is further confirmed when you run straight into the familiar embrace of his arms
“I’m so glad to see you. I-I imagined the worst...“
You let out a shaky sigh, bordering into a sob as you cling onto him as if onto dear life
“You have no idea.“ You say through a distressed yet releived chuckle
Suddenly, dawn didn’t seem so far away
Neither did salvation
The night was no longer as dark and grim as it was a mere minute ago
Now that you have Brad’s hand to hold
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supermassive-games · 28 days
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Happy birthday Julia!
May 13th
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fandomsideworks · 2 months
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tatjana-fantasy · 4 months
One of my "littles hopes" for The Casting of Frank Stone, Directive 8020 and beyond:
Please continue the trend of having at least one playable character whose name starts with a J. So far, I liked every single one of them for different reasons. <3
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blubary · 6 months
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JULIA because @unhingedlesbear literally just made a post saying her name with a bunch of hearts and it inspired me somehow.
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taylorshope · 2 months
Since she can mention wanting to keep her last name because she's already making a career with it
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laurakearney · 7 months
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they said let me serve bob and then said let me serve bun
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unhingedlesbear · 6 months
So @galaxyzones man of medan video reminded me how much I LOVE this game. Dropping this really quick furry redraw and now I'm gonna go replay it WOOP WOOP!
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Deer with glasses kinda becoming a thing in my furry aus huh? Weird that it happened twice.
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108garys · 1 year
Happy Birthday JJ ✨
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@kassiekolchek22 @mistmoose @delurkr Apparently I just can't help giving the ladies more fabulous hair lol but time has passed and Julia is 24 now so here's something nice and comfy for her birthday
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The Curator x Dr. Hill
1. they are husbands. Two ominous old men of course they're in love.
Fliss DuBois x Julia
1. dynamic of strong gorl and tender gorl is ahhhhhh plus they can improve their relationship through the game and be nicer to each other
2. i have no propaganda for them i just think they'd b cute together
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delurkr · 7 months
1858 Carvers
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Continuing with my Tilly Johnson era of doubles, here is Solomon Carver, owner of Ravenden factory, and his wife Mona Carver. Solomon is the double of the canon Carvers and Leonard Carson, and Mona is built off the idea of Simon's wife Madeleine who was kidnapped in 1690.
Starting with Mona - Her face is based on the Julia model (basically because Marie Whitman in TDiM happens to be a Julia model and is married to Jeff who's a Carver model) and I tried to age her up a bit and borrowed from Marie's and Julia's outfits for her design:
Pink with knotted trim reminiscent of Julia's pink knotted t-shirt
Her brooch is a landscape painting similar to that t-shirt's graphic (minus the surfer ofc lol)
Her net overlay is inspired by Julia's black top with the openwork design
Blue belt and white (under)sleeves similar to Marie's
No hat because I didn't wanna. A hat would have been required but I have my priorities (curly hair✨), but she does have gloves, which are the random yellow color that was a thing in the mid-1800s
Solomon -
Black because he's in mourning. Mona dies in 1858 and his father was murdered by his evil son died some time before, so mourning is his vibe
Super wide hatband as was customary when a man was mourning his wife
His watch chain is made out of Mona's hair. He cares about her death to some degree so I thought it would be interesting. (Hair jewelry was a thing in the 1800s, not always because the person was dead)
Fancy cane is fancy. It's made out of wood and whalebone, because the whaling industry in the 1800s was centered nearby on the Massachusetts coast and a lot of crafty whalebone products came out of that
Also I don't know how tall the C's are supposed to be but in my mind Mona is tiny so that's where the height difference comes from 😁
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