#everyone say thank you murata
sleepyorchidmonster · 8 months
Can you imagine if Celestia decides to mind control the archons, realizing that a revolution is probably coming?
The main goal is to sow chaos and distrust in Teyvat, stopping the Tsaritsa's plans while showing Celestia's might.
What they didn't expect was for said archons to fight back, most with contingencies made centuries ago.
Venti isolated himself in a wind barrier, making sure nobody could enter, and that his powers couldn't break out. He is NOT having panic attacks due to claustrophobia and memories of Decarabian's rule, thank you very much.
Zhongli sealed himself deep undergound, in a similar fashion to Azdaha, he brought plenty of books to pass the time, though he is mostly suffering from a migraine due to fighting off Celestia.
Ei is literally just chilling in the Plane of Euthymia while the Shogun runs Inazuma. Makoto's subconsiousness is fistfighting Celestia's influence.
To make sure nobody could use her control over Irminsul and the people's dreams and minds, Nahida locked herself up in the Sanctuary of Surasthana again, sealing her conciousness. It worked, but she's afraid and alone and crying while reliving her worst nightmare. Scaramouche and Cyno are trying to break the barrier in frantic desperation.
We don't know much about Murata, but she's probably just chilling in a volcano. Meanwhile the Tsaritsa froze herself, letting Pierro run the country and the Fatui in her stead.
Meanwhile Furina is hiding in the dephts of Fontaine's sea, sealing herself in a cave with the use of Pneuma and Ousia energies (if she tries to break the barrier, or attempts to control Fontaine's waters, the barrier strikes, she went a bit overboard because tsunamis are no joke).
So yeah, the plan didn't go as expected, and Celestia also didn't account for the Traveler... or the dragons...
The Traveler is basically going around saving everyone, using his connection to the elements to break barriers and fight off Celestia's influence. We start with Sumeru, mostly because Scara all but drags us to save Nahida.
As for the Sovereings...
Dvalin is guarding Venti's temporary "prison", trying to sing as many ballads as he can remember in hopes to calm him down. He sometimes sings the notes wrong because it always made Venti laugh.
Azdaha's conciousness found Zhongli's seal. He connected both of the places so that they can keep each other company. They're alternating between chess matches with soothing tea and Oshmantus wine to friendly spars that shake Liyue (Zhongli is still a feral war god that likes to fight).
Ei is having a great time in the Plane of Euthymia, especially now that Kokomi came along. They're chatting about light novels.
Apep managed to connect to Nahida's conciousness and is currently strangling the Celestial influence. She claims it's just her way of settling the score after we helped her in 3.6, as well as a good excuse to fight Celestia. The fact that she is telling stories of the old days of Teyvat to calm Nahida down is just a mere coincidence. (The maternal instincts kicked in)
Neuvillette broke though the Pneuma Ousia barrier with a small army of Melusines. He is currently guarding the archon in his dragon form while the Melusines perform plays to distract her (they want to start a troupe, so these are all original scripts, they were all approved).
We don't know much about the other two dragons, so let's just say they're guarding the borders of Natlan and Snezhnaya.
CONGRATULATIONS CELESTIA! Not only did your plan fail, but now all of Teyvat is mad at you!! Even the Sovereigns (that are supposed to resent the archons, mind you) are angry on their behalf!!!!🥳🥳🥳
Bonus: Neuvillette watching the show of the melusines while Furina sleeps next to his paws:
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loveemii · 3 months
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Kamaboko Trio x Afab - 3rd years (1)
SKIT: Hangouts after school are always untamed
The school bell rings, Y/n quickly packed up her things and began to help clean the classroom like everyone else. Her classmate Murata helped her sweep the floors while everyone put the chair on the desk folded upside down. “Hey, Y/n!” Murata waved a hand to her, she looked up off the ground and wave back with a cheery smile, “Hey!”
“Do you have any plans today after school?” He asked as they both continued to sweep the floors, “Yeah I’m gonna meet Tanjiro, Inosuke, and Zenitsu at the mall if you’d like to join?” Y/n asked as she occasionally looked at Murata, “Hmm I don’t think I can, maybe some other time.” He smiled at her and she returned it.
- Meanwhile -
“Whatever, she’ll catch up!” Inosuke said in his husked voice as he was walking backwards, leaning on one foot his other lifted a little too high and he almost fell, he caught himself before he could fall. Zenitsu and Tanjiro looked at each other before shrugging and closing their eyes, “Whatever you say.” They said at the same time.
Later that day around 3:00, Y/n had finally made it to the mall. She pulled out her phone and texted Tanjiro, [Hey I’m here! Where are you guys?]
Tanjiro’s phone chimed, he pulled it out of his uniform pocket, [Hey! We’re at the food court, Inosuke got hungry.]
Y/n giggles to herself before texting back, [Ok!]
She made it to the food court and saw the boys hanging out they all looked over at Y/n who was walking towards them, they put the piece sign up like usual, Inosuke did so with food in his mouth and crumbs on his lips and cheeks.
Y/n put the sign up as well as she smiled. “So where should we go first?” She asked as the guys got up, they all started to walk around the mall. “Well..I’ve actually been needing a new white button up.” Zenitsu suggested, “Perfect! We can go to Macy’s first.” Tanjiro adds. They all agree and Inosuke finishes off his sweets before throwing the rappers in a trash can nearby.
“Look this one looks nice!” Tanjiro showed off a nice fancy white button up shirt with a high collar. Zenitsu’s face slummed at the sight, “Meh it’s too fancy, I’m just looking for a basic school shirt. Ya know like the polo ones?” Zenitsu announced, Y/n and Tanjiro nodded.
Inosuke had found the perfect one, “How about this!?” Inosuke announced proudly as he held it by the short sleeves, Zenitsu smiled brightly but his face turned back to the same slumber when he saw the previous shirt. “Uh, is that a stain?” Zenitsu questioned as he pointed his index finger to the white tee.
“Oh I think it is.” Y/n added, Tanjiro nodded in agreement. “It’s a chocolate stain. Looks brand new too.” Zenitsu inches closer to the shirt then his eyes darted up at Inosuke’s hands. “Inosuke..did you clean your hands before coming into the store?” Zenitsu questioned as he placed his head closrer to Ino’s.
Inosuke looked panicked almost, “Uh, no..?” Zenitsu’s face look irritated; he then let out a sigh. “Let’s go pay for it, I’m sure the stains will come out anyway.” Zenitsu spoke in a monotone voice, as they walked to the register Y/n put a hand over Zenitsu’s shoulder and flashed a gentle smile, he returned it.
“So I’ll see you guys again tomorrow for movie night?” Y/n asked with a sure smile on her face, the boys nodded and waved her off as she crossed the street to her house.
“See you tomorrow!” Tanjiro shouted as Y/n unlocked the door to her house, “Bye!” Zenitsu shouted, “Better not get scared tomorrow night!” Inosuke shouted with a smirk as he crossed his arms. You laugh a bit with a smile then waved to them once again before closing your door.
thank you for reading this new series ^_^ i hope you enjoyed <3
- please excuse any spelling or grammar mistakes, thank you
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3vergr3en · 2 days
hi! I love your work! I noticed you've been a fan of eujoo lately... me too :,) if you have time or are interested, how do you think the andteam members would act when they have a crush? thank you!
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❥ How &Team would react to having a crush on you
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(🥐) PAIRING . OT9 x fem!reader
(🥞) A/N . ANON. I LOVE YOUUU. and thank you so much for requesting this !! and yesss, byun euijoo has all I've been thinking about (he's so cute that I'm getting pissed off.)
(🍮) ADDITIONAL INFO . everything below is just cutesy filth.
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Koga Yudai - K
hes actually quite shy surprisingly.
you'd expect him to be all like, "I like you!!" when he first realized that he thought more of you than just a friend.
but he's actually quite sheepish when it comes to you.
one glance from you has his heart pounding in his chest.
or one 'hi, yudai!' has his knees buckling.
he tries to make himself look and act perfect when being around you, deathly afraid of any mishaps happening bc all he wants is for you to think that he's cool :(
but he's so busy trying to perfect himself, that he fails to do the part where you had to be yourself.
"Yudai. You didn't need to do all of that if you wanted to impress me. You could've just asked me out." You smile fondly, combing back his curtain bands with your hand.
"I messed up my chance, didn't I?"
"Not yet."
Murata Fuma - Fuma
honestly not surprised when realizing.
he loves having you around with him and the guys,
or when you ask him to come over to help with some appliances.
He doesn't mind fixing them bc not only does he get to see you more, but he also doesn't want your place collapsing on you <3
you're independent, funny, and super sweet to anyone around you.
who wouldn't like you?
When he decided to go tell you,
he's SUPER straightforward.
"Y/n, the reason why I asked you to come see me today was because.. I found myself having feelings for you than I would for just a friend."
He knows what he wants, and he acts on it. he hates beating around the bush. (which is so attractive btw)
If he can have you as his now, why would he want to wait any longer?
"Oh! I.. wasn't expecting you to be so straightforward about it. Usually guys would just--"
"Well, I'm not like them." He chuckles, "I'm a man who knows how to treat a woman right."
Don't gotta say anymore, you're already planning a date with him.
(and possibly your guys's future together)
Wang Yixiang - Nicholas
he first realized he had a crush on you when the smallest things you'd usually do for him, start to have more of an effect on him.
like asking him if he had eaten yet, or grabbing an extra umbrella for him when it was going to rain.
YOU thought you were delusional-- no, HE'S delusional.
'she thought about me. omg, she wants me so bad, its embarrassing for her.'
NO. it's embarrassing for YOU, yixiang.
but he doesn't tell you right away, although his ways of showing that are teasing you even more than usual.
"no one wants to see you chowing down that, like calm down, no ones gonna take it from you." He snickers, finding joy in you glaring daggers at him.
"and no one wants to see that ugly face of yours, but hey, unfortunately, we all can't have what we want."
God. He's gonna marry you one day.
One day.
Byun Euijoo - Ej
SOOO shy whenever you walk into the room.
"Hi juju!" You greet happily, a bright smile over taking your face.
"Oh-! Uhm, hi.." He responds, a faint smile appearing on his lips.
he's terrified that if the guys stopped talking, everyone, especially you, would hear his heartbeat drumming in his chest.
he truly finds you the most beautiful girl he's ever laid eyes on, and unfortunately, Nicholas has to hear all about his fanboy behavior.
"Euijoo, buddy." The older clears his throat as his hand grasps euijoo's shoulder, "If you won't tell her, I will."
"You wouldn't.." Euijoo trails off, a hint of betrayal was clear in his tone.
But the more he thought about it, the more he realized that nicholas may not be joking.
"wait-- no, I-I'll tell her, okay?"
and surprisingly, he did.
you found it adorable btw when he confessed his feelings.
he was fumbling over his words and unintentionally avoided direct eye contact the whole time.
he was just so nervous :((
"juju, you're so cute. you know that, right?"
"ah.. really? thank you then 😊"
Nakakita Yuma - Yuma
honestly, i feel like he would be in denial at first.
just more of a, 'what if she doesn't like me back? I don't want to ruin our friendship' type of denial.
So, he tries to suppress them.
How did that turn out?
He barely lasted a couple hours before going out to your place for dinner.
and you greeted him with open arms and a warm smile.
It took him some time to process that newfound feeling.
With the help of responsible fuma and surprisingly taki (I know. but I think that boy has some good advice), he was convinced to tell you how he truly felt.
"You know, make sure you're clear, okay? Don't be vague or ambiguous." Fuma hums, patting the boy's shoulder.
"But like, also be mysterious too! Girls dig that." Taki chimes in.
(okay, perhaps I take that back.)
Asakura Jo - Jo
shy boi #2
he would want to spend more time with you, actually.
I mean yes, he is afraid to confess because he fears rejection.
but like, he cares about you too much to be distant.
so he just accepted it and opted to spend his last few times with you as a friend until you eventually let him off.
but it kept going for longer and longer.
he questioned why. maybe you were just oblivious to his obvious crush on you?
Nope. You weren't oblivious.
You knew right from the get-go that Jo might've felt a different way.
His more frequent visits, asking questions about hypothetically dating a guy who so happens to perfectly fit the description of him.
He's so cute.
Shigeta Harua - Harua
shy boi #3
but he's the most composed out of all the members (besides fuma)
He hides it so well because he makes it look like nothing changed about him.
but even if he doesn't show, he feels it ALL internally.
and poor you, you don't even notice at all.
"Harua! Want to go to this restaurant that just opened recently?"
"Oh,, as in, like a uh.."
"Like in what?" You question, attention focused on your phone that holds the restaurant's website in.
"Ah, nothing. Let's go!" He smiles, watching you slip on your shoes.
I'll tell her one day.
Takayma Riki - Taki
hes quite literally like a clingly puppy around you.
"Y/n! Where do you want to go today?" He'd question, eyes wide in anticipation.
"Oh, I was actually planning to stay home and just watch some TV-"
"I'll come accompany you!"
"Thanks.. Taki." You giggle, admiring his devotion to you.
"Should we get matching pj's for our sleepover?" Taki suggests.
"Oh, since when did I say you were sleeping over?"
But when you see that pout, you feel some heart strings being pulled.
"Okay, okay. Fine. Yes, you can stay the night-- but NO matching pajamas.. yet."
Hirota Maus Riki - Maki
just like K, he tries to play it cool.
But he doesn't go all out like the other.
He's actually hidden it pretty well, just like Harua.
You guys already established a friendship that deals with a lot of skinship.
You guys pretty much act like a couple, just without the title.
It's no surprise that either one of you starts to form a crush.
It's so normal, it just felt right.
But to his surprise, you were the one to confess first--
completely taking him off guard.
"Wait- no! I was going to tell you first!"
"Well, you took too long."
"I was literally going to tell you 10 seconds ago."
"Yeah right."
"Want to go get some Ice cream?" Maki suggests, raising an eyebrow.
"Um, duh."
(all of the boys coo how cute you guys are <33)
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garoumylove · 9 months
It's interesting to watch Murata go through the same thing as Boichi and Dr. Stone by making everyone look younger and cuter as time goes on. Senku by the last arc of Dr. Stone looks younger than 15 year old Senku at the start of the series.
I've noticed Murata is going through the same thing. Almost every character looks younger, cuter, smoother as the series goes on. (Everyone except Saitama interestingly enough.)
Garou looked much younger than ever before in this new chapter, and not just because of the haircut. The way Murata is drawing faces is different. There's a definitely an obvious 'kawaii'ness to most of them.
I know Garou is supposed to be young. He's 18 after all. And many times in the manga he looked way older than that which is 'inaccurate/unrealistic' too. (First two years of reading OPM I thought Garou was 25 ngl...) But this new chapter he looks way younger than 18 lmao. If I those were the only images I had ever seen of Garou I'd say he was 15. Times are a-changing.
For me personally, peak Garou was underground Orochi and Dark Shine fighting Garou. That was....nnnnggghhh...*chef's kiss* Thank you for the food.
I'm going to practice drawing faces. I want to draw a handsome Garou too :')
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catlover31 · 11 months
Tanjiro happy birthday 🎈 ( warning bit of 18+ content )
How the kamado squad made a birthday party for tanjiro:
🪷 Genya cussing at inosuke for eating all of the sweets for tanjiro
🪷 Genya,kanao, inosuke, zenitzu,aoi, senjuro, butterfly girl, murata , yuichiro , lady tamayo and all of the hashira and ex hashira preparing a birthday party for tanjiro.
🪷 tanjiro not knowing that it is his birthday and nezuko distracting him away from the main building of the demon slayer corps.
🪷 everyone has a small gift for tanjiro and the food that he likes.
🪷 Genya, kanao, senjuro, sanemi , kyojuro cooks all of the food for the guest at the party
🪷 after 8:00 pm nezuko brings her brother to the party and tanjiro is happy and confused to whose birthday party is it for .
🪷 then everyone screams "HAPPY Birthday tanjiro!!!" When they see him.
🪷 tanjiro is very happy and everyone give him the gift they brought for tanjiro and then cuts the cake . Made by rengoku family.
🪷 giyuu gift is the most special because he gave tanjiro makamo's mask and a harori that belongs to sabito and Urokodaki . Urokodaki pats his and said happy birthday tanjiro
🪷 half of the swordsmith village came to his birthday party
🪷 after the party is over , tanjiro thanks everyone for making the best party for him.
🪷 Genya, kanao, inosuke, muichiro have a final gift for tanjiro and oh god it so good at the end of the sex he thanks his lovers but he was a bit sad to learn that he was always a bottom . Then they all kiss him on the forehead and say goodnight our sunshine
🪷 when he falls asleep he sees all of his dead love ones saying happy birthday to him. Sabito and makamo tell tanjiro that if any of his bfs or gf break his heart they will break all of their bones.
🪷 tanjiro laughs and says that not to worry and that he will tell them and then they hug him. He sees his family and they run towards him and say happy birthday oni-chann/happy birthday my baby boy.tanjuro and kie say my baby you and nezuko have grown so much and we proud of you tanjiro for protecting nezuko and the family that you have now. We all love you.
🪷 then he wakes up and sees a blue spider lily in his hand and wonders where did it come? Then he decided to put the flower on his head and fall asleep again and all his lovers cuddle to him and sleep because the moon was still full and the beautiful sun was resting after many days .
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lilenui · 1 month
A question, if I may be so bold: what is it you like about Shino and Yamagi, as characters and as a pairing?
You've been in the fandom much longer than me and I'm curious what resonated with you about that relationship in particular, in the first place. (The curiosity is possibly motivated by having spent so long picking apart my own obsession with the show, I turn to wondering about others' enjoyment of it as a change of pace!)
Ohhh. I don't think I can answer these questions without giving a bit of backstory, so! I started watching the show on 16th of December 2015, around the time the first cour was finishing airing, just before the two-week winter break. I binged the first 13 episodes and the rest - as it aired. And even on that first watch, there were three pivotal scenes which made such strong impression on me I distinctly remember myself watching them, I remember my reaction.
The first scene was Shino pulling Yamagi out of the Mobile Worker during the first encounter with the Turbines (but of course). Essays could be written on that moment alone. It's just such a well crafted sequence, rising orchestral music perfectly timed with their clasping hands and Yamagi's reaction, his little gasp and a hand Shino grasped held to his heart. It definitaley raised an eyebrow, but most importantly, it set the tone for what Shino and Yamagi's narrative came to be: a collection of small, personal and intimate moments weaved into the grander narrative, very effectively showcasing personal stakes for the people involved in the fight. Of course everyone in Tekkadan has their own personal stakes, but what elevates Shino and Yamagi for me is how palpable was Yamagi's yearning, like his whole world depended on Shino's survival.
The second scene was Shino mourning his comrades after the Brewers fight. This scene floored me, it was as if a whole new emotional dimension to his character was torn open before me, and sucked me in immediately. I was instantly invested in this character. Murata's fantastic voice acting had a lot to do with that as well. Shino was cute before, if a bit loud, but all these new depths and layers!! Funeral Rites as a whole was a double whammy to me, stellar episode from beginning to end. And to top it off, it ends on Shino seeking Yamagi out to thank him. This is my third key moment, it solidified to me that whatever it is between Shino and Yamagi, is real and undeniably there. Yet another private scene loaded with tension and subtext. The dissonance between what the characters are feeling and what they're saying also added a whole different, poignant layer to the dynamic. Shino just a few minutes ago demonstrated he is a character of some considerable heft, but now he's also showing how considerate he is, that he values and acknowledges any act of kindness he's awarded and it's directed at Yamagi personally! In private! He made it so, so easy to become invested on Yamagi's behalf. I became obsessed within a span of few days, and from then on, my pathological attachment to them was being forged through months and months of pain and fearful anticipation.
Didn't help that it's such a smartly written relationship, nuanced, subtle. I think the fact that they are not the main characters helped a lot in this case. It doesn't beat you over the head with overly dramatic gestures, the strength of that relationship lays in how normal and relatable it is. It's just two boys, one has a crush, the other is oblivious, but not hopelessly so. I really wanted this for Yamagi, and I wanted the sunny boy to survive, I wanted them to defeat the odds. I was always aware all the necessary components for an effective tragedy were already there, but I dared to hope! Paradoxically, the more obvious the looming tragedy, the more I deluded myself it can be avoided because it's too obvious. Needless to say I got burned so badly I don't think I'll ever hope for anything ever again. I'm still hurting. I still think it was a colossal waste of a beautifully established queer romance. It could've been historic. Making fanworks for them is how I cope, and I think I'm going to be coping for a long while yet.
Apart from all the above, their interactions are just so great! They're filled with warmth, but also some bite. Yamagi is head over heels in love with Shino but he's not oblivious to his faults, he gives banter and push back. Sometimes he forces Shino to confront realities he'd rather avoid. They are a good match because their contrasting personalities are not so much at odds with each other but rather they compliment one another. And it's by design because, just like Mika and Orga, the two were designed around each other since the beginning. Shino is the Sun, Yamagi is the Moon. Much like Shino needs (and enjoys) Yamagi to discipline him at times and bring some sense into him, Yamagi needs Shino's energy to push himself beyond his self imposed limitations. The CD drama showcases this aspect really well, imo. I love that Yamagi's presence forces Shino to go a couple levels of intensity lower, so he can meet Yamagi where he's at, and that's where we see the real tenderness in Shino come out. Also because their scenes often just happen to involve physical contact of some sort, that in itself generates a lot of great chemistry. Now, most of that comes from Shino just being the guy with no sense of personal space, but it's also more opportunity to show how different is the touch he has for Yamagi and the other guys. Because Yamagi is not just "one of the guys" and never has been. I guess in Shino's mind Yamagi has his own category. He's so protective of him, and looks at him with such fondness. It's his own, patented "looking at the one I want to protect" type of smile. It's such a mutually uplifting relationship. I'll die on the hill that Yamagi triggered the resolution to Shino's character conflict, he is responsible for Shino's growth just like Shino is responsible for Yamagi's.
They're a solid unit and a great team, much like in personal life, their skills and capabilities compliment one another. I could go for an entire season of just this dynamic. I love me some back-to back buddies and I prefer the dynamic to be equal. Most my previous ships were that, though admittedly this is more of a Shino and Eugene's thing. "The one who waits, and the one who goes into action" is more of a traditional heteronormative ship dynamic, but I still love it because of how good Yamagi is at wrecking Shino's posturing. Yamagi demands to be Shino's equal, and he is. It's pretty much solidified between us that Shino is destined to be dragged by the dick by his sarky twink and honestly, more power to him.
When it comes to the characters themselves, looking back at my other anime blorbos, it's undeniable I have a type(s). Feels like I tend to gravitate toward either the sanguine or the sardonic, and nothing in between. Shino and Yamagi embody these traits to a T, albeit and in a more subdued fashion and maybe that contributes to me being so into them. Although they also carry unique emotional vulnerability that effectively breaks the trope. Shino is this larger than life, louder than life, unreasonable, bombastic man, but he is also the one with deep rooted insecurity and feelings of his own disposability. Yamagi is the stoic, sarcastic, sophisticated man in the making, yet he is the one with the all encompassing, melancholic infatuation. I adore Yamagi's entire character as a concept. He had my heart in a vice. I don't know how anybody can not feel for him. I think I've already said a lot about why Yamagi is so special to me above. He's this strong, uncompromising, loving soul trapped in a fragile body. Completely out of place for his surroundings but still capable enough to make himself indispensible. I honestly think he's cool! We cannot forget he drove a freaking train, jumped out of a moving vehicle, and climbed a mobile suit! It's like he can go from vulnerable to takes-no-piss attitude in a second. Like he's very cute and all, but he's also a bit of a bully. There is no extravagance in his looks and mannerisms (beside his fabulous hairstyle) and it's very refreshing to see in a gay anime character.
As for Shino, in general he seems like a character created with a lot of love. I think all in all, he's one of the most well crafted, multifaceted characters in the entire cast. I love all his little quirks and eccentricities. His free and unabashed expressions of emotion. The way the good and wholesome aspects of his personalty contrast with the reality of who he is, a trained soldier willing to kill for his cause. He's the character who shows this contrast within Tekkadan really well because of how vividly his jovial personality clashes with his circumstances, I think. I love juxtapositions like that within characters and Shino has those in spades. Most notably, the self-sacrificial undercurrent which manifetsts outwardly as him willing to take the protective role, no matter the cost. His lust for life and utter devotion to his family combined with the casual acceptance of his mortality give me chills. Or the mask of a horny goofball covering the more reflective bits of his nature. I like that he seems to be incapable of guile. Like he's so genuine and so utterly lost whenever he's witnessing the gang's scheming sessions. He's great with children, he's free of prejudice, he's a great caretaker and a rock solid support for his mates. And if I'm being honest, I was not at all surprised when he was revealed as bi, like maybe it's feeding into the stereotype, but I've personally always saw enough flamboyancy there for that to be a possibility. I think this doesn't just serve his romantc plotline, it also informs his character more broadly, in that his capacity for love is virtually endless. I just wish he was let out of the closet more openly and allowed to live his truth. Goddamn he deserved better.
Also he's just hot!! Excuse me, but how is Shino not the hottest guy in IBO? Like I realise he's not intended for the audience to be necessarily perceived as that, McGillis and Gaelio are obviously the intended heartthrobs, but it's no coincidence Shino demolished "most desirable" ranking within the small queer community I watched the show with, lmao. Have people seen his original character artwork by Yu? The dreamy eyes, full lips, lashes for days? That's Tekkadan's true pretty boy right there! It's weird because he's the hot and dangerous war-man, and my cute baby boy I want to protect with all my might at the same time. I cannot with these conflicting feelings :u
Anyway! I think I've rambled so much and it still doesn't feel like I even touched anything beyond the surface. Hope there's at least something to read there (-u-)v
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2myl0ver · 7 months
☾ lunch break // &team's K highschoool!au (member x reader) by 2myl0ver
genre : fluff&crack / wc : 415 / tw : food / masterlist
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you were sitting in class when you felt someone nudging your shoulder from behind, you looked back to see kei, your boyfriend handing you a piece of folded paper. kei watched as you took it and put it in your pocket, avoiding your teacher scolding you or kei.
soon enough, you stood up as you heard the bell ring for lunch, heading to the bathroom to freshen up. once you got there, you were fixing your clothes and felt the piece of paper in your pocket, you took it out and saw the words "do you wanna eat lunch together?". shoot. I should've opened it earlier you thought to yourself.
"I just opened the letter, sorry. where are you?" read the words on your phone, you'd hope he wasn't upset at you when you texted.
"it's fine! i had to get some work done as well. I'm at the canteen" you let out a sigh of relief when you read his response, "I'll meet you there!"
once you arrived at the canteen, you immediately search for kei, finding him sitting at a table with two plates, you quickly walk to the table and sit beside kei. "hi, sorry. I didn't open it because of ms murata. she's a pain in the ass." you apologized, "It's fine, don't worry about it. here, I just got you a burger and fries, I didn't really know what you wanted." he handed you the plate. "thanks, how much is this again?" you asked, "It's fine, it was like 600 yen (4 usd). you don't have to pay me back, that probably tastes bad anyways." he says, stuffing his mouth with his burger.
you laugh at his joke, knowing that the burger wont taste good. you look at him, eating his burger "yup. I was correct this tastes raw.. cold too, and stale. 600 yen for this is an absolute scam." he laughs, looking at you. "is it really that bad?" you laugh, covering your mouth. You reach for the burger and take a bite. kei waits for your reaction silently.
"this is horrible!" you both laugh. by this point, you two were sure everyone in the cafeteria has heard one of you laugh atleast once. "who made these? damn. they should quit their job." you manage to say in between laughs. "that or the formula sucks." kei states, the laughter dies down eventually, you two finally catch your breath. "my stomach hurts. from the laughter and the burger probably. we need spongebob and mr krabs in here."
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© 2myl0ver Copyright 2023. Do not copy, repost, or translate without my permission. ♡ ︎and ↻ are very much appreciated !
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aforrestofstuff · 2 years
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Chapter 173 Expert Review: The "Hey, my boyfriend saw you across the bar and we really dig your vibe" Edition
The cover makes me so uncomfortable it's like I'm at a party and said something weird just as the music went quiet and everyone heard and they're all looking at me and everyone hates me and I'm so anxious and
Welcome to the Chapter 173 Expert Review! I have completely lost count of how many of these I've done. If you're coming here for a well-thought-out meta-commentary on the hit series franchise anime manga One Punch Man, then look elsewhere because I put a grand total of ten minutes of thought into this post that took me 45 minutes to write.
I hope you're all well. If you're new here from Twitter then yes, I'm really always like this and I apologize. I don't know how to segway to the actual commentary, so um......... here we gooooooo.....
I don't know what I was expecting. Could I have predicted that Murata would yassify Bofoi? Probably. Do I ever want to come to terms with the fact that he did? No.
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Shut up I'm not saying anything. I'm not saying anything. I'm not. He looks like he's wearing those really oversized dentures at Party City. His head looks more like an egg than Saitama's. Why does he still look kinda.... no I'm not gonna say it. I'm not. I'M NOT. GET OUT OF MY HEAAADD RAAAAAAEERERARAAAAWW
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How many enemies has Saitama made just by existing already. Is this number three? Sonic, God, and now Bofoi? Oh, well, I guess Saitama did fuck up his robots but that was self-defense 100% and it WILL hold up in the court of law.
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Oh, okay. Now we have a better idea of the timeline since Saitama became a hero.... only two months???? Dude, I've had packages lost in the mail for longer than that.
I kinda thought he'd been a hero for at least six months. I guess what Garou said about coming back to fuck up the heroes after six months at the beginning of his arc was only a sort of red herring to make it seem like he'd be the world-ending Shibabooby prophecy, but in relation to how long Saitama's been a hero, turns out my guy only fucked shit up for like, what? One month?
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Was this just obvious to everyone else except me. I really should've never learned how to read dawg.
THANK YOU Amai Mask for being the "Please explain the plot so readers with the comprehension skills of fourth graders can know what's going on" character in this because I swear to fucking god I had no clue what anyone was talking about.
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Also, Ninja Leader makes an appearance as Blast's totally super platonic partner. Supposedly they were "searching for a mysterious cube" together. People these days make up such weird euphemisms for skipping work to fuck each other in a ditch, I swear. 🙄🙄🙄
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A couple of things:
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Is Blast wearing the Ninja Leader's glasses in the present? Oh, so they really were super platonic, huh.
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You mean to tell me bro aged THIS MUCH in two years? 700 days ago he was late-twenties rager at Planet Fitness and now he's a 57-year-old salt and pepper daddy at the gay bar?
I guess it could have something to do with his powers, manipulating space-time and all that. Blast teleports through something that is basically a copy-and-pasted black hole, which could explain why time flows differently for him, but doesn't time slow down near a black hole? So he should be aging slower if anything.
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So, did God age him? Is this even the same Blast that came in contact with God? Something something uuuhh time travel something something...
I don't fucking know. This could also just be a case of "Murata doesn't know how to draw people that look their age" although he's been getting better about that, at least... Just seems ODD to me that Blast has aged like an avocado in a manga where characters only seem to look younger as time goes by.
Very noble that he's fighting God alone with the Interdimensional Justice League and their Pocket Dimension Pool Table to protect everyone else. Something still feels fishy about this, though........ especially since he's a deadbeat ass dad in the webcomic. I don't trust a GODDAMN thing this boy has to say. I DONT CARE IF HE'S HOT!! And I think that is so brave of me.
Forrest has a theory and everyone's gotta hear about it a million times until he's proven otherwise.
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Y'all already heard me say how God has one-sided beef with Saitama because Saitama broke the limiter God had placed on him, and I suppose that alone is still a decent reason for God to be pulled to Earth, but I still think God's full body (and power) is imprisoned in the dimensional seal Blast was screaming about as Saitama was fighting Monster Garou V2.
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And Saitama's habit of fucking shit up as collateral for saving the world is further eroding God's jail cell, so he's unknowingly helping his enemy get closer to him. This fucking goober.
It makes sense because the massive body in the seal looks like a fully-formed person, whereas whenever we see God free, he's always a sort of unfinished skeletal figure. He's incomplete.
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Is this another one of those things where it seems painfully obvious to everyone else except me. Y'all are free to hop in my inbox and call me a dumbass if you want.
Final thoughts because this review is already too goddamn long and I wanted to shitpost a bit more but I guess I can do that on other posts because I'm TIRED.
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All in all, we really needed a good expo-debrief chapter to put everything in perspective because the Monster Association arc was a load of reveals with not a lot of resolutions. I think the ending was still very anticlimactic because, although we were introduced to a lot of shit like God and Blast and whatnot, none of that was really tied up in a satisfying way, nor left on an interesting cliffhanger. Just more and more questions. Even Garou's arc hasn't ended really, and all the development he and Saitama had gone through was forgotten (for NOW, because of Genos' core, but I digress) so it almost feels like... not much really happened at all. Nothing really ended, it was just a collection of more plot threads beginning.
I wish ONE waited a bit longer to really delve into God and Blast because I think the Monster Association arc could've been a lot more comprehensive and well-paced if it had just been (mostly) contained to what was happening between the heroes and monsters. But I can appreciate how comprehensive the plot is now after the fallout, just... the road to get here was rocky. I lost all the tires on my jeep.
I'm excited for Psychic Sisters.
In conclusion: if you were at the Whole Foods down the street and took a blue bike tied to the railing then you're a fucking bitch GIVE IT BACK!! THAT'S MY FUCKING BIKE!!
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p.s. -- I'm still waiting for the Zombiedad and Child Emperor Get Milkshakes Together omake. Murata, pls. Also give my bike back.
Thanks for reading. Please, I need my bike.
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eternally-tired-muffin · 10 months
Question about Hashira surplus au: Is Makomo still alive? If Sabito survived she could also live.
It would be nice for her to live if you want t have Tanjiro get a revenge kill on Hands Demon (aside from killing 10 other students) maybe have Makomo lose an arm and/or leg, and live with Urodoraki. Also, the idea of Makomo using Tanjiro as a punching bag with only one hand is hilarious.
Hello!! Thank you so much for the ask :D
Unfortunately, Makomo is not alive in this au. She does lose her life to the hand demon BUT she is also the reason Sabito survives in this au in the first place:
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Makomo has caught glimpses of Sabito and Giyu before when she visits the mountain. She hasn't been able to speak to either of them before (they didn't find the clearing) but she is able to recognise them. In the hashira surplus au, Makomo manages to find Giyu in final selection. He initially thinks he's hallucinating from a combination of the blood loss + head injury, but the fear of losing Sabito is enough for him to get back clumsily on his feet. To look for Sabito, he leaves Murata, who is unable to follow him due to looking after other injured people.
This leads to Giyu finding Sabito in the middle of fighting the hand demon, just before his sword breaks. His sudden appearance shocked both Sabito and the hand demon enough that Sabito misses its neck and instead slices down its torso. Between the two of them, they are just able to defeat the hand demon. As it's turning to ashes, Giyu spots Makomo again, who says "thank you" before vanishing, though he couldn't hear her and had to read her lips. Before he can ask if Sabito also saw her, he passes out and only wakes up after final selection has ended, convinced that she was some sort of dream.
This means that from all of Urokodaki's students, only Giyu, Sabito and Tanjiro survive. Urokodaki believes that the reason Giyu and Sabito survived is because they had each other, which is not untrue, but Makomo's intervention was also a key factor.
So as the hand demon is already dead, Tanjiro doesn't end up fighting it and has a much easier final selection than everyone else. This confuses both him and Urokodaki, but they are pleasantly surprised. He also doesn't get to train with any ghosts but receives pointers from Giyu instead. As a result, Makomo doesn't get to meet Tanjiro in this au, but the image of her gently bullying him into proper form without being able to use forms herself is funny :P. I actually really recommend this post by @demonslayedher for a Makomo lives au!
Hashira surplus au masterpost
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redcharacter · 7 months
♡ꞌ ❟ ┄╼ My review of @seokka0o KinkTober! ꞌ♡
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01. ! - Day 30 - Kim Wooseok (Blood Kink)
• Obviously it would be my fav
• Not that it's something I am proud of
• But it's wooseok, and the poetics of this it's chefs kiss, could not be better
• The slow sex, the transformation, the ecstasy
• This was peak perfection, red satin and big dick
• In wooseok we trust
02. ! - Day 17 - Nakakita Yuma (Somnophilia)
• This isn't a simple Somno fic, this is A SOMNO FIC
• Really, everyone should take notes on this imagine to write about this topic
• The subtle Perv aspect of this, the fear, the exasperation, the thrill
• I loved, I love your Yuma, but this was superior
03. ! - Day 05 - Cheon JunHyeok (Monster Fuck)
• That's a really perfect way to start a kinktober my guys
• Would recommend to my cat, my friends, my mom, but I think I would be jealous if they liked it more than me
• Seriously, this was perfect, the type to make me breathless and a little too hot
04. ! - Day 09 - Song EunSeok (Brat Tamming)
• The audacity of this YN is something even someone like me could never
• But I really could see it, and it's something to be praised
• Not a Eunseok biased, but he was REALLY hot in this, you made your point come across perfectly
• I saw it coming but I did not expect this, I swear, every word was a surprise
05. ! - Day 12 - Osaki Shotaro (CamBoy)
• One I didn't thought I would like the much I like it now that I read it
• Like, it was really good, I think I've read it three times now
• It's a little lighter then the rest and a little more intimate I think
• But it's really good nonetheless
• I love your depiction of Taro too, it's really a great persona and you should write more about him!!
06. ! - Day 23 - Suh Kyungmin (Perv)
• Please don't ever stop making Perv things, it's really a thing that you dominate
• But this was really something else because IT WAS A IDOL POV
• Not much to say, but to feel
07. ! - Day 07 - Seo WooBin (Shibari)
• OK, this right here I'm going to use a word to describe that it's not often used
• But it was ✨Pretty✨ and I don't have other way to describe
• The use of the words, the subtlety of it
• This is really underrated and one of my favorites
• It deserves everything
08. ! - Day 04 - Murata Fuma (spanking)
• What was the describing??? Such a beautiful scene.
• One of my favorite idols from all of this, the writing in his personality and your creativity liberties here were perfect
• Perfect depiction of what I want for spanking, not some light slaps
09. ! - Day 10 - Park SungHo (Dacryphilia)
• We all know that basically every dark kink will be in this because I'm a bitch for ir
• But I don't know if it's because it was one of the first, but it's really high up there
• You could do a Perv that's not like anything else I've read, and I really appreciate the non-repetitive aspect of it
• The ambience in this too was really something else
• It was like watching a thriller with the cold sweat through my body
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saffron0v0 · 10 months
Swapped Inonezu week!! (Collab with @miss-breeownie)
Day 4: Wednesday
*Since nezuko's birthday was coming up, inosuke had decided to do something special for her, and everyone decided to help! But there's one problem...*
Takeo: Jeez calm down, and yeah, she's sick. That's what she gets for running around in the rain trying to drink it.
Inosuke: But... We've been planning this party for weeks!
Takeo: There's nothing you can do, for now, she needs rest. Tanjiro-niichan is not allowing anyone around her, he says she needs peace, medicine and rest to recover .
Inosuke: I... Understand. :(
Takeo: *sees how everyone feels down* *sigh*... And because I'm kind, you're all free to come have 1 free pastry from the bakery, only 1!
Everyone: *lightens up a bit* Thank you!
*everyone is ushered into the bakery, and start having their free treats, well everyone except inosuke*
Aoi (swapped with tanjiro) : what's up inosuke? I know you're disappointed, but you know nezuko wouldn't be too glad if you waste perfectly good pork bread.
Inosuke: I guess so... *Starts eating, feeling slightly better*
*later that day, at around 11 pm*
Inosuke: *makes sure everyone left* okay, I guess it's time for my plan B!
*he races down the street to the restaurant that Murata owns*
Inosuke: MURATA-SAN!
Murata: Oh my god! Why are you so loud?! And what do you need in such a hurry?
Inosuke: I have to get some tempura for my friend!
Murata: *dumbfounded* you're in such a rush... FOR TEMPURA?! And at an hour like this?! You should be sleeping! *he sighs and just gives up* You know what, fine, fine, whatever. Do you want the small, medium or large plate?
Inosuke: *checks his wallet*... Small.
Murata: *snickering at the broke boy* okay! That'll be 1500 ¥!
Inosuke: There you go! Now how long do I need to wait for it to get ready?
Murata: Not long, one of the workers was coincidentally working on some tempura, so it'll take 5 minutes tops.
Inosuke: *beaming as bright as the sun* Thank you so much!
*5 minutes later*
Co-worker: Order 280!
Inosuke: That'll be me! *he takes the package and bows quickly, then turns around to run to the kamado residence.*
Murata: Beautiful youth...
Co-worker: you're 21...
*inosuke makes it to the kamado residence, but instead of knocking on the door, he turns to the side of the complex and climbs the tree and reaches to the open window.*
Inosuke: Nezuko?
Nezuko: *sits up and turns her head towards him* Inoshishi? *cough* Is that you?
Inosuke: Yep! That's me! How are you? Oh, and I bought you something!
Nezuko: Aren't you broke? And I'm doing great! *she says muffling a cough*
Inosuke: *clears throat blushing at his careless money spending habits* I bought you tempura!
Nezuko: Tempura?! Then what are you waiting for? Get in! But be quiet, because monjiro-niichan would kick you out straight away if he sees you!
Inosuke: Okay okay, *he hops into her bedroom that would've been a jungle if it wasn't for tanjiro*
Nezuko: *bouncing in her place with newfound energy and excitement*
Inosuke: Here you go!
Nezuko: Yahoo! *she starts devouring her tempura, when inosuke's stomach grumbles*
Inosuke: Hah-? *he then turns into a fiery blushing mess*
Nezuko: *softens a little and gives him half of her last tempura*
Inosuke: Hawwww! Thank you! *he eats it in one bite and happily smiles at her*
Nezuko: *whispers while blushing* anything for one of my disciples... *before she can fully enjoy the moment, she sense someone coming up the stairs, and with how silent b but strong the steps are, it's probably tanjiro* quick! Hide! Monjiro-niichan is coming!
Inosuke: *collects the mess and jumps under the bed*
Nezuko: *quickly lies down, closing her eyes*
Tanjiro (swapped with aoi): *enters* Nezuko? Are you awake? I'm here to change your wet towel. Please excuse me. *he quickly changes her towel, and he does smell a faint scent of tempura, but doesn't think much of it* Sleep tight. *he turns around and leaves, still smelling the tempura, but decides not to investigate until morning, he can't wake up nezuko*
Nezuko: *sits up* You can come out now, inoshishi.
Inosuke: *pops his head up from under the bed* we were almost caught *he said chuckling to himself* well I should probably get going. Oh! And one more thing...
Nezuko: *tilts her head questioningly*
Inosuke: *jumps in for a big bear hug* happy birthday nezuko! I wanted be the first to wish you a happy birthday, and I did! *he says smiling to himself proud of his plan's success*
Nezuko: *hugs back, squeezing him and burying her flushed face in his shoulder and gives him a muffled thank you*
Inosuke: Well! Best if I get going, my grandmother would be very worried if I showed up later than 1 am.
Nezuko: *still flushed and not wanting to let go* stay... A little longer.
Inosuke: *flushes a bright shade of red* I guess it wouldn't hurt to be a little late...
*they sit there in each other's embrace until nezuko nods off to sleep, and inosuke ends up being late and lightly scolded by his grandmother*
Taisho secret time!
✨✨Moi✨✨: When nezuko and inosuke were little kids, nezuko used to get grounded for being reckless alot, so inosuke had to use the tree to sneak into her room and play, they got out of the habit because the tree has become to dangerous to climb since no one was trimming the branches, but since it was such an important situation, inosuke decided to risk it and climb it to reach to her room.
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diedraechin · 2 years
Hi! I love your BYSOTI and been my top 1 favs for YOI's fanfictions! If you plan to make it a book I would definitely support you all the way hehe. But really there's something that I want to ask you if it's ok with you to answer? I'd been rereading your story and it got me curious on chapter 39, what the other skaters in Japan thought of Yuuri? Since he just swooped in for nationals, wins it, then leave again for Detroit. Especially bec he don't also joined the group chat for Japan's skaters.⛸️
Thank you so much!
So, what do Japanese skaters think of Yuuri... it depends! LOL that is such a cop out answer, but it's true! There are some generalizations though...
Specific skaters (aka the ones that get names and multiple mentions in the fic) tend to have more experience with the way Yuuri is. So Keiko is very friendly with him and teases him like a sister would (but one closer in age to him than his actual sister). Like Nishigori teases Yuuri. Yuuri and Masao are friendly. Not close, but friendly. Jun (pairs skater and supplier of Yuuri magazines to Viktor) is more the group mom (as she's the oldest among the Japanese Team skaters at 26ish) so Jun just wants Yuuri to be happy and safe and skate well and is happy that Yuuri's friends compete in pairs because no one competes in pairs for Japan and she's edging closer and closer to retirement...
The younger skaters like mentioned in the skate america chapter... for the girls anyway... Yuuri is kinda the "cool/attractive" Men's skater that they've been seeing for years in the skating magazines. So some crushes, some eye rollyness, some think he's a good skater, some think he's overrated...
The point that Yuuri was talking about in chapter 39, however, is his interactions with his competitors in Men's Singles. At this point, Yuuri at 20 is basically around the average age. The older skaters who are still in it like Oda are in there mid heading into late 20s; they saw Yuuri come up and basically usurp all of them without any acknowledgement (because Yuuri is bad at human interaction and becomes a turtle instead of trying to get to know people). So there are definitely some that dislike him or are frustrated because he started placing on the podium at nationals while a Junior (and one that never seemed to want to step up into Seniors). Some like him (apparently Oda likes everyone so I'm making the assumption that his character in the yoi canon likes Yuuri because Oda is made of sunshine and rainbows).
Then there are the Men's singles competitors that younger than him. So Juniors like Minami or younger Senior competitors that heading into their first season as a Senior. The majority of them this Yuuri is amazing (at least to some degree). And a little terrifying because Yuuri has resting murder face with Minami probably being the only one who would literally bounce his way into Yuuri's field of vision maybe dragging a friend or two along who always wished they could get something signed.
Then there are the bulk, probably, who are right around Yuuri's age and haven't quite started dropping off to focus on university etc. Murata fits into this category. And they are the ones that are least likely to be a fan of Yuuri's or think of him as kouhai who has risen through the ranks. Some are probably impressed by him, but some are just super frustrated by him. Like Murata (he'll be our example). Murata has tried for YEARS to beat Yuuri... the entire time they were in Juniors together even and never managed it. Yuuri is literally his top rival and he kinda feels like Yuuri has his head so far up his own ass that he doesn't even realise Murata exists. Which isn't the case at all. Yuuri takes competing against him very seriously, he just never says anything to that effect. Murata thinks that it's insulting to the other skaters that Yuuri won't even join the group chat that the rest of the top skaters in Japan are in and most of the skaters in there are basically "that's so Yuuri". He doesn't get it because he thinks that Yuuri is a jerk... and Yuuri kinda is. He doesn't do the things that Murata expects. So NHK is his first time dealing with Yuuri outside of nationals and they're stuck in a room together and he's heard how Yuuri stays up too late, requires wakeup calls from his coaching team etc... He was definitely expecting to room with someone who was more "I'm better than everyone here so I don't give anyone the time of day" and instead ran into rote politeness, an awkward turtle, someone who literally doesn't get enough sleep because he's just sitting on his bed frowning into space, doesn't really do small talk unless forced, someone who apparently Keiko directs all her teasing energy at (which he's actually glad he's not the focus of), and probably drinks too much. So getting to see him in a different set of circumstances has put Murata's opinion into flux, but his base opinion is probably shared by a few of that skaters who hover around in the top ten at nationals and only see Yuuri once a year when he flies in, basically wins, and then leaves.
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rants-about-opm · 1 year
Ooo yes, how do you think people like Mumen, Genos and King would react if they got wind of the shit going down between the Blizzard Bunch, Fubuki, Tatsumaki, Saitama and Tsukouyomi and the fuckery HAs been up to?
Ha, a wonderful question! God I love the ask feature!
What makes this so interesting is that these three come from vastly different perspectives about the hero world and the HA’s involvement in it. Mumen, as far as we know, has far more trust and investment in heroes themselves than in the organization, but that leaves him under the misconception that all heroes are as dedicated as he is. Obviously, Genos and King are two pretty big examples. King is entirely a legend, he’s got nothing but luck on his side and has made very little effort to embody the person everyone believes he is. Genos’ sense of heroism stems from his dedication to Saitama, if Saitama told him to stop being a hero he would quit that very day. So for each of them, they’re looking through a very different lens.
I believe that Mumen would be the most affected by it, but only by a smidge. It would likely be shocking to him that things are going so awry, but as long as his own sense of heroism is intact, he’ll likely remain on the front lines. I’d love to say that he’d get a plot important reason to start questioning Saitama and becoming a bigger part of the gang, but he has a part to play and he plays it quite well. Mumen is honestly a good example of a proper hero, all he lacks is strength, there isn’t anything he has to learn from Saitama.
Genos would probably have the least interesting reaction, knowing him, when the smoke clears over the psychic fiasco he’s just going to smile smugly and go “Saitama sensei fixed this didn’t he?” Regarding the association though, Genos already has very little faith in the HA, and in turn, they have very little respect for him beyond his rank because of his infatuation with a figure they see as having little inherent worth. He already knows that they’ve been keeping Blast a secret, and honestly when Saitama inevitably spills the beans about the monsters housed beneath the new apartments/headquarters, it’s only going to further alienate him from the organization and cause more problems for them once the Neo Heroes show up. But talking specifically about how the Psychic debacle is going to alter his relationship with the sisters, I have a feeling things will return to being quite tense seeing as he’ll likely blame Fubuki for involving Saitama, and hold a grudge against Tatsumaki for attempting to harm Saitama.
King is kind of a doozy, because if his faith falters enough to show through his mask of indifference, people are going to go nuts, and the HA will fall much faster against the rising threat of the Neos. I’m honestly hoping that the realization of how much worse things are getting both within and without the organization leads him to seek training like he did in the webcomic. It sucks that ONE and Murata seemed to have scrapped the idea of King potentially learning from an on the run Garou. I hope we still get an arc of King starting to step up as a hero in the face of rising threats to his way of living. As hilarious as it is, he can’t depend on him and Saitama’s joined luck forever.
All in all, I feel like some seemingly minor changes in the character’s behaviors and their opinions of each other will have a massive ripple effect. We’re on the cusp of some big changes, and word of this fight getting out is going to be the straw that breaks the camel’s back.
Thanks for your ask! I love having conversations with people.
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senjuushi · 2 years
Assorted Lines — Gifts (25 Interactions)
((These lines have a whole lot of Antiques in them. XD Don't worry too much if you don't know who someone is— the context is fairly telling, I think. Also, a lot of these are just hilarious... it's petty, petty gunboy time.))
Visiting // Present Reactions // Maintenance (Unlock) // Maintenance (Completion) // Gifts (100 Interactions)
. . .
Marks —> Like Two (Sit-up Roller Wheel)
Marks: Master, could you pass this on to Like Two for me? (If he gets caught up in strength training, the next mission will automatically be just me and Master...!)
Like Two: This is from Marks...? Not bad... though, if he’s giving me something like this, there’s definitely some ulterior motive. 
Like Two —> Fal (That Day’s Newspaper Clipping)
Like Two: Give this to Fal for me. Ah. I think it could kick-start some memories coming back, that’s all. If it’s from you, he’s more likely to take it.
Fal: This is from Like Two...? An old newspaper... I’m afraid I don’t understand his intentions. Did he force you to deliver this rubbish?
Herme —> Siegblut (Matching Underwear)
Herme: Oh, Master. My apologies, but would you be able to deliver this to Sieg? Eh? What is it? Heh, that’s a secret between brothers. Even Master shouldn’t know, alright?
Siegblut: Ugh, the fuck’s this...? “So we brothers can match”, huh? Th-That bastard, Herme... what was he thinking...!? Or was he not thinking at all? Damn it...!
Arisaka —> Hachikyu (Parquet* Karakuri Box
Arisaka: I bought this souvenir from Hakone for Hachikyu, but I can’t find him anywhere. If you happen to see him, could you please pass it on?
Hachikyu: From Arisaka...? Eeh... this is a local specialty of Hakone, yeah? That’s pretty neat... Guess I should thank him.
Springfield —> Charleville (Jelly Beans)
Springfield: Master, could you please give this to Charle-niisan...? He has such refined taste, I don’t have the courage to give sweets like these to him directly... I’m very sorry to ask, but would you do it...?
Charleville: Huh, this was sent from Springy!? What adorable candy! Wonderful! I’ll serve them at tea with everyone.♪
Siegblut —> Dreyse (Latest Home Appliance)
Siegblut: You sure showed up at a good time. Could you give this thing to Dreyse? Great. Now, I can pin the blame on... Nah, it’s nothin’. 
Dreyse: That’s... the appliance I lent! The switch is broken, so it can’t even turn on!! What did he do...!?
Gras —> Chassepot (Dehumidifier)
Gras: Ah, Master, what good timing. Give this to Chassepot. I accidentally received a package meant for him, you see. Tch... it’d be too much of a pain to do it myself.
Chassepot: G-Gras gave this to me...? From him, it should be something worthless, but this is...! Something this practical is just irritating...!
Murata —> Arisaka (Yam)
Murata: Master, would you please deliver this to Arisaka? I would have liked to see the delight on his face upon receiving this, but, unfortunately, I have some business to attend to.
Arisaka: That’s...! Just what I’d expect from Murata. Arisaka is very happy. I’ll eat it now. *munch*... *munch*...
Hachikyu —> Murata (Yam)
Hachikyu: Here’s the plan. With this, I’m gonna get to play my new game as much as I want! You need to give this to Murata, ‘kay?  While he’s occupied with eating it, I should get some peace...! 
Murata: What’s this...! How thoughtful of Hachikyu to send it. ♪ While we’re at it, let’s have tea as well. Tea, please!
Fal —> Marks (Purple Teacup)
Fal: Ah, you came at a good time. This... er, for you...  No, rather, would you deliver this to Marks-san, please? He doesn’t appear to have a teacup, so this one should suffice. 
Marks: Fal gave this to me...? Why...? If it was a set of two, then Master and I could match.
Belga —> Karl (Candy Wrapper)
Belga: Hey, hey, go give this to the pipsqueak! Huh? I mean Karl, of course! Give it to him, got it? Aah, my pocket’s all cleaned out—!
Karl: This is from Belga, you say? What was he thinking, giving this to someone... Goodness, how troublesome he is.
Implied to be from the day the World Empire fell.
A type of wooden puzzle box , like these.
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beileil · 2 years
OPPAI Calling Card - Final
So it occurs to me that I never actually posted a calling card for OPM Bingo once the Monster Arc was officially over...which was what, two months ago? Whatever, here it is now.
The bingo cards came out on June 20th, so this covers everything from Chapter 165 on. That's not a lot of chapters to work with, so we're going to be uh...a little liberal on some of these so that you can cross off more spaces. I'd still be kinda surprised if anyone got a bingo. (But please let me know if you did! And please post your final cards if you like!)
Thanks again to @scary-senpai and everyone who submitted suggestions! This was a ton of fun!
Yet another character ends up naked
Tsundere Garou
A Really Gay Moment™ (a couple SaiGenos and one of Tanktop Al Dente looking respectfully at Zombieman, as pointed out by @no1monstersimp)
Something BAD™ happens to Genos' core or skull (WHO SUGGESTED THIS ONE. I'm not mad. I just want to know.)
Garou's physical body collapses because he's exceeded the Recommended Daily Amount of Enlightenment (gotta be honest, wasn't expecting to be able to cross this one off!)
Metal Bat vouches for Garou
God takes Garou's power away and Garou fucking DIES
Blast and the Interdimensional Justice League show up
Zombiedad being protective of Isamu
Black Sperm is up to no good. Again. *
Pig God uses a Special Attack *
Rover lends an unexpected assist * (Rover also lends an unexpected assist to my mental health with these panels)
*Happened in the aftermath of the MA Arc in Chapter 171 or 172, not in the arc itself, but screw it, we need a win.
Arguably Canon
BDSM if you squint (I didn't know which panel to link here. I just feel in my heart of hearts that a lot of the Saitama and Garou fight gave off vibes. But if you prefer, here's a shot of Strange Binding Shell hiding out by Bomb. Surely his entire existence counts as BDSM!)
Saitama does/says something controversial yet again (Take your pick.)
Tank Toppers band together to do a special Tank Top Attack
Metal Knight shows up, takes some data, leaves. (Didn't say he couldn't take everyone with him!)
Someone shows up with a magic radiation cure (bonus: it’s bananas) (Science is magic, right?)
Amai Mask tries to kill Manako again (It's not a proper attempt, but he would have if Flashy hadn't stepped in)
It's a stretch, but whatever
Amai Mask spotted in Monster Mode (same panel as the last. do the neck veins count as "Monster Mode"?)
“Are you there, God? It’s me, [Blorbo].” (Probably not the original intention of whoever suggested this one, but here's Bang screaming at God to give Garou back.)
King says/does something clever that buys the heroes some time
God rage quits the arc
God takes Garou's power away and Garou survives because he's just That Cool (God did take Garou's power away, and Garou did survive, but it certainly was not because he was cool!)
Psykos shows back up and everyone admits they completely forgot about her
Look, you can't prove it's not canon
King has the power of God (no ID) and anime on his side
Yet another character loses an arm (Zombieman doesn't count)
Iaian gets his face stomped on
A single panel of Watchdog Man minding his own business in City Q
BDSM if you *don't* squint
Murata breaks the fourth wall to explain the re-draws
Sonic comes out of the bathroom
Garou kicks Genos (just because)
Psykos tries to take a hostage
God (no ID) takes something Psykos can't afford to lose
Metal Bat and Tareo have a moment
Mizuki pole vaults over something
Flashy Flash uses the Sun Blade
Saitama offers Garou a banana
Bang advertises his dojo
Garou gets a hug
Somebody speaks to God's manager
Garou copies The King Engine
Mumen Rider attacks Garou…with forgiveness! (And definitely not his bike.)
Sekingar calls his wife and/or she shows up to the battlefield
Kama and Bushidrill flirt again, Iaian deadpans in the corner
Tank Top Master and Mumen Rider pine for one another
Badd tells Zenko that it was just a really long bathroom break and she hits him again
The Blizzard Group protects Tatsumaki
Atomic Samurai's disciples protect him
Someone uses an impractical household object as a weapon
Fubuki + Psykos = Lesbians
Charanko shows up late
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the-nysh · 2 years
You know, this only a theory of mine...
But usually when a child who is ignored or considered not worth put attention on because they are too much work and/or considered troublemakers, suddenly becomes successful or starts to produce a considerable amount of income...
The parents usually will start looking in that child a lot.
I base this in an example of real life, where a young actress who was really good in her job confessed years later that her parents did not want another child, since they already had enough of those and was put aside until she got in the industry and started to do a lot of money that they would not leave her alone and wanted her to work more and more because suddenly she was making a fortune that because, since she was underage, went directly to the parents.
So if Garou's parents are shitty enough and the HA gives him the salary of a S class hero...
I would not be surprised that they would go for a custody battle.
What do you think?
I know that is far too stretched away from the main OPM plot but in the end, it's a headcanon.
Also Murata and ONE just have given information about Garou's family out of everyone else in the story. So maybe they could become relevant later. Maybe.
Oooh...(cause it is odd/amusing we have so much of Garou's information compared to say Saitama or Genos, whom we still know so little about) and see, if this were a case of Garou running away from home, and they'd been out there looking for him this whole time, that'd be one thing. But the fact they never bothered to show up for him or take responsibility even after he was 'found'...😬
And then hypothetically ONLY pretend to care show up to 'claim' him the moment he becomes 'useful' (with 'good' and exploitable clout) to them?? Oh yikes, that would definitely condemn them as shitty people parents in my eyes. Because it'd only prove to me they never actually cared for HIM, as a person, at all. :')
So Garou deserves far better than that - to have parents who'd actually love him for who he is. ;o; (So much strife and emotional damage could have been prevented had they properly Been There to support & care for him in the first place...) So thanks manga Bang, for choosing to step up where they did not.
But if they still intend to fight the moment Garou's seemingly become an ideal 'perfect good little boy' to them, then hah....are they in for a surprise how much they never actually knew him (and honestly how dare they; Garou should bare them his hatred & independence) so they can honestly try, but to me they'd have already lost their chance, and Bang certainly won't be a pushover about it either. 
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