#everyone was getting so irritated and restless and kept whispering that he was taking too long
crybaby-bkg · 1 year
I just finished my first public piano performance since the pandemic and I’m so TIREDDDDD!!!!! but I did pretty good :) my first song was great and I stumbled a little on the second but overall it went by very well!!!!!
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carlsdarling · 10 months
Puppyboy Carl who is so needy to breed you but you won’t let him because your busy so he just begs you all day until you finally say okay :3
Clingy Carl
Carl is totally pushy and needy and craves attention…. Basically plot, then sex. Everyone is 18 or over.
WARNINGS: smut, nsfw
It was a pain in the ass. You tried to do your work at the Alexandria horse stables, but Carl kept interfering because he was so clingy and needy. You were beginning to regret sleeping with him a few days ago. It hadn't been planned; Carl and you had been on an exploration trip with some other guys and had once had to spend the night out in the wilderness in tents. There were only three tents for eight persons, and you were the only female - so you ended up sharing a tent with Carl, who was a few years younger than you.
You were about to fall asleep, outside the tent Aaron's shadow was wandering up and down as he kept the first vigil. Then you noticed Carl moving closer and closer to you. At first you thought he was freezing, even though it was summer, but then he began to peck little kisses on your neck and slowly slide his hands under your shirt. "Carl, what are you doing?" you hissed. A subtle, misplaced arousal had taken possession of you, against your will.
"I just want a bit of a cuddle," Carl whined quietly.
"With your hands on my tits?" you wondered.
You could feel him nodding. "Can I kiss them?" he asked shyly.
"What!" You were completely bewildered, but Carl's awkward groping had caused you to become restless and a little horny, so you hesitantly agreed and took off your shirt. What harm could it do. Carl started kissing, licking, and then sucking on your nipples, eliciting a moan from you.
He let go of your saliva-wet nipple for a moment. "Do you like it?" he asked proudly.
"Just keep doing it," you urged him, pulling him closer to you, burying your hand in his hair as he continued sucking. You grew increasingly moist between your legs and whimpered softly, but Carl simply continued to play with your breasts until you couldn't take it anymore and shoved him away.
"What's wrong?" he whispered irritably. "Let me keep sucking. It's soothing me."
"Carl," you moaned gently against his ear. "I want you."
"What do you mean?" He looked at you blankly.
You sighed impatiently. "I want to have sex with you," you said then. "Or do you not want to?"
Carl took a shocked breath. "Uuum... ok, yes, I do," he then gave in nervously. You hastily undressed, anxious to be quiet and not attract Aaron's attention.
It turned out that Carl, at 18, was still completely inexperienced, you had to guide him, directing his cock to your dripping pussy so he could align himself with you and telling him exactly what to do, but then the two of you had some fun - even if Carl was being awkward and cumming way too soon and you had to struggle to suppress your moans.
You had assumed that it was an unique thing and you didn't lose a word about it afterwards. Especially since you had a boyfriend in Alexandria, Marcus. You had "lost" the stained sleeping bag on the way back home, so that Marcus wouldn't see it and get suspicious.
But obviously Carl was eager for a repetition. He had already shown up at the paddocks an hour ago, constantly trying to kiss and fondle you. "Please, Y/N, I want to do it again," he kept begging, rubbing himself hornily against you.
"Carl, I have to work," you brushed him off, but he wouldn't give it a rest.
"Please," he whined. "You enjoyed it the first time, too, didn't you?" He looked at you pleadingly with his head tilted.
"It was okay, that's all," you slowed him down. "You cum after three minutes."
"I just need practice," he asserted. "Besides, you were moaning and you were wet, so you must have liked it." He pressed himself against you tightly. "Please," he whispered in your ear, nibbling on your neck with his teeth.
Carl's begging and whimpering caused you to get all horny; the idea of Carl writhing under your touch, wincing and whining, eager to breed you, was tantalizing. But Maggie was around. "Later, maybe," you put him off. "If you can behave yourself now, I'll come by your house later."
He pouted and hugged you, letting you feel his boner. "When?"
"Later," you turned your back on him in annoyance.
At that moment, Maggie appeared. "Carl, what are you doing here?" she asked, with a frown. "Is everything okay? You look kind of... feverish."
"No, um, I, I'm just bored," he lied, burying his hands in his pockets.
Maggie raised her eyebrows mockingly. "Well, there's plenty of work here. You're welcome to help out." Great. That led to Carl not going home, but staying where he was to keep touching you up.
"Please," he started again, barely out of sight of Maggie. " It'll be quick, though."
"I bet it will," you countered sharply. "No. I said later," you reminded him, ignoring his whining, though you had to admit to yourself that it made you hot as hell how much Carl desired you.
Maggie came back. "I'm going to take my lunch break," she announced and disappeared in the direction of her house. Immediately, Carl was clinging to you again, covering your neck with kisses. Your nipples stiffened; you thought of how he had sucked on them devotedly, and instinctively you rubbed against him. "Come on," you finally whispered in his ear. "If you want it so badly." You grabbed him by the hand and pulled him with you into the barn, behind the tractor. You laid an old wool blanket on the dusty floor and made yourself comfortable on it.
Carl was in such a hurry to undress that it was almost funny, and for the first time you could see him fully naked - the slim, sinewy body, the dark pubic hair and his cock, which was rock hard, the tip all red and irritated by his dirty thoughts and lack of fulfillment. The sight caused your pussy to become soaking wet from one second to the next, and you stripped off almost as quickly as Carl did.
You two were rolling around on the blanket, stark naked and horny, kissing and petting each other. You pushed Carl's head down until he caressed your nipples with his mouth and sucked on them, sending flashes of arousal through your body. You bucked your hips up as he stroked you between your legs. "Finger me, Carl," you panted breathlessly, crying out softly as he inserted two of his long fingers into your slick folds. Your muscles clenched lustfully around his fingers, and you clawed at Carl, arching your back. He withdrew his hand and shoved his right knee between your legs, spreading them apart. "Want me to help you out?" you asked, trying to grab his cock.
He grinned. "I think I can find the hole by myself now," he said, gently thrusting his tip into you, stretching you out.
"Ooooh Carl, you're so fucking big," you sighed, legs wide spread, and letting him fuck you. Easily you found a rhythm together, and the barn was filled with both of your moans and the sounds of Carl's cock sliding in and out of your slippery little pussy. Sweat from his forehead dripped down onto your face, and you clung to him. "Deeper," you commanded, "Harder. Fuck me."
"I'm so close," Carl moaned, burying his face on your shoulder, increasing his pace. His sweaty hips smacked against yours.
"Me too," you murmured, kissing his neck and shoulder, leaving hickeys everywhere. Like a searing hot wave, the orgasm washed over you. "Carl, oh yessss, please, Carl, don't stop," you wrapped your legs around him and felt him spilling his jizz into you. His movements slowed, then he lay calmly on top of you, still inside you.
Gradually you caught your breath again, and Carl raised his head to look at you. "That was great," he said blissfully.
"A bit great," you smiled at him, flicking his hair off his sweet face.
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cqsuanla · 3 years
fury shakes the rafters
pairing: dark!nat/f!reader
Aside from the cannibalism, Nat is mostly the same. Still ridiculously strong and stupidly hardheaded. And that face — flinty, cold, mean. Nat’s always been mean. 
(inspired by jennifer’s body)
additional notes: mommy kink, dom/sub, bloodplay(?), dacryphilia, uhh pussy spanking, choking, unhealthy relationship, terrible aftercare
title from a song suggested by an anon: nobody by the crane wives
The light in the stairwell flickers, but it doesn’t make a difference, dim and dirty as it is. It buzzes distantly in your ears. You’re too focused on taking the steps two at a time to notice. You hold your groceries to your chest and fish your keys out of your pocket. If you were strong like Nat, you might just have knocked the door clean of its hinges with the force of your body. Instead, it crashes loudly into your wall, and you nearly fall on your face from the momentum. 
In a bid to gain purchase on your wall, you sweep your coat rack over, and you stumble over it. The clatter makes you wince — you hope she’s in a good mood. It’s hard for her to process stimuli when she’s weak. You scramble onto your hands and knees, shoving scattered boxes and cans into the grocery bag. 
Then, the rhythmic thud-thud of footsteps. You pause, exhaling as your eyes close. 
“Drink?” in a monotone. 
Yikes. You open your eyes, biting your lip. Steel-toed boots. You’ve told Nat a million times that this is a shoes-off apartment. She never listens, and you never argue more. Nat stays; she’s the only one who’ll stay. You can’t drive her away. 
Her right boot rises, scraping against the floor, and you flinch. It just kicks a cereal box away so it can nudge at the shopping bag. The way she says your name, evenly, firmly, has you blinking rapidly, has your hands automatically shooting to the bag, following her prompt. Thank god the bottles are fine. You don’t know what you’d do if they had shattered. 
You wiggle a beer out of the pack, and only then do you dare to make eye contact. 
“Hi,” you murmur. 
She gives you a brief glance, impassive, before snatching the bottle from your hand and returning to her spot on the armchair. “That fucking coat rack.” She flicks the cap off your side table, grungy and scratched up for this very reason. The cap bounces off the wall and disappears under the couch. “Just move it further in. You never listen.” 
You did, weeks ago. You don’t say so. 
The coat rack came with the place, and it was nice, so you refused to get rid of it. Nat hated it, hated that it was so close to the door in your already bite-sized entryway, but never enough to throw it out herself. But you did move it because her complaints were valid, and you wanted her to like being here with you, living here with you. Anyway, she stopped complaining afterwards. Not that you think she noticed — you supposed it was a minor inconvenience to her, the way a fly was, annoying when it was in your face but non-existent once it stopped bothering you. 
Quietly, you move your groceries to the kitchen island, putting everything but your new medical supplies away. There are dirty plates in the sink, which you’ll wash after you make yourself dinner. You wonder what she’s eaten – you’d just bought two new steaks, but Nat likes a bowl of strawberry ice cream now and then.
The TV channel switches in the background. Nat snorts, and you peek around the wall to catch a report on the gruesome series of murders that have been happening lately. People in the neighbourhood hardly went out anymore, too afraid of the dark now. It would scare you too if you weren’t well aware you’d never fall victim. Nat was with you, after all, and you were with her. 
You would be with her for as long as she’d let you. So, what if she was the monster in the dark? So what? It was Nat. Your Nat. She came back to you, talked to you, fucked you. It’s not like she was disembowelling you in some grimy alleyway. She kept most of the violence away from you because she cared. Anyway, like everyone else, she had to eat. You couldn’t fault her for that. 
You’re pulling the gauze out of its packaging when Nat scoffs loudly at the news. They must’ve insulted her because she clicks the TV shut, practically inhales half her bottle and flings the remote onto the couch. 
Then, she sets her sights on you, meek behind the counter, and raises an eyebrow. “Honey, the hall’s a mess. Clean it up.” 
You frown. “You’re still hurt.” 
She rolls her eyes. “I’ll eat tomorrow, and it’ll be fine.” 
You don’t think so. The longer Nat doesn’t eat, the worse it gets. It’s how she’s in this mess in the first place. Nat’s ethereal after a feeding, next to omnipotent. But the guy she picked to eat last week turned out to be some sort of track star because he had booked it at the first sign of trouble, and she’d been forced to retreat when the sirens started blaring. The day after that, she picked a local thug as her next meal, and she’d been caught off guard by the switchblade. So, here she is: slumped on your couch and stitched up sloppily. 
Her hair is limp, skin wane and dry, and in a bad enough mood that you can basically feel it every time you’re within a two-meter radius of her. 
Her physical weakness emboldens you a little, makes you think you can get away with a bit of stubbornness. You pick up the gauze and tape and round the corner. A car speeds by, high beam making Nat’s eyes glint a deep green in the dark. The green follows you the whole way until she has to crane her head around to watch you slip her tank top off a shoulder. 
Those eyes weren’t like that before when you first started dating. You don’t mind the changes, though. Aside from the cannibalism, Nat is mostly the same. Still ridiculously strong and stupidly hardheaded. 
“You don’t want to listen?” she asks, almost conversationally. 
You know better. You clench and unclench your fist. Shakily, you lift it and tuck a hair behind Nat’s ear, hoping foolishly that it will placate her. 
“Baby,” says she, like a gentle mother to a misbehaving child, “you should really listen.” 
You trace the bumps of her stitches, staring hard at her shoulder so you won’t have to see that face — flinty, cold, mean. Nat’s always been mean. 
“At least answer me.” 
“No, Nat,” you mutter, undoing the bandages on her bicep. “I don’t want to listen.”
To her credit, she lets you fix her up. Methodically, silently, you clean her wounds and rewrap them in new bandages. She doesn’t get in the way unless it’s to take a swig of her drink. 
When you’re done with her arms and back, you move to her front. She’s got an ugly gash on her calf, bruised midway from where the man had kicked her bleeding leg. You imagine this is causing her the most pain, not just physically. Nat’s not great with sitting still. She’s independent to a fault, enjoying control to the point that it’s probably some sort of diagnosable complex, and this restriction on her mobility has her restless and irritated. 
Looking down at her, at the space between her knees, you wonder if she’ll cooperate with you. The last time you tried to clean her leg, she’d torn your duvet in half and has since refused to let you look at it. But Nat tilts her head, coy, and gestures toward the space in front of her with her bottle. 
“Scared?” she whispers.
You glance at her face just in time to catch her tongue tracing the jagged end of a canine. Mutely, you shake your head. She smiles wide.
Of course. You’re always scared of her. For her, too. But you don’t think it matters; it doesn’t change anything. You just want to help her, be good for her. Anyway, she’s trying to get a reaction out of you. You refuse to take the bait, raising your eyebrows and wiggling the bandages in your hand.
“Fine.” With a roll of her eyes, she parts her legs. 
As if dealing with a feral animal, you move slowly, cautiously, afraid to make sudden movements lest she starts getting violent. You squat down and reach for the cuff of her sweatpants. 
“Ah, ah.” She slides the leg back, staring down her nose at you. You pause. “Kneel, baby.” 
Her eyes — did the ring of green get thinner? Your lips part, anticipation beginning to seep into your body, and you comply. Once you’re settled, looking up at her, she makes that same careless gesture with her bottle. A go-ahead. 
As you work, she shifts to put her beer on the table and then combs a hand into your hair. You tense, eyeing her nervously, but she only watches you, imperious, intense, and remains silent. Nevertheless, you pick up the pace, tossing the antiseptic aside and winding the gauze around her pale calf. 
She’s startlingly warm under your hands. Ever since… whatever happened to her — she wasn’t exactly forthcoming with the details — she’s run hotter than ever. You can’t sleep under a blanket with her anymore unless you’re shirtless; the heat would be unbearable. Not that Nat has any complaints about that. 
“All done,” you murmur. 
The lack of reaction from Nat gives you the courage to lean forward and press a sweet kiss to the top of her knee. The hand in your hair rewards you with a gentle scratch, and you can’t help melting into a smile. She’s still got that air of arrogance about her when you look up at her, but she’s not glaring. Which is why it comes entirely as a surprise when she clenches a fistful of hair in her hand, yanking your head back, and slaps you clean across the face with her other hand. 
You take the full brunt of her palm with a cry, almost toppling over were it not for the grip on your hair. Your cheek burns, and so does your eyes. Mostly from pain, partly from the shock of it, maybe a little from shame when you realize you’re getting wet from the rough treatment. 
Nat tuts. “Crying already?” 
You imagine you look pretty pathetic on your knees for her, eyes glassy.
“Don’t give me those eyes, baby; you know I can’t help myself.” 
“I just wanted to help.” 
“I know,” Nat says gently, tipping your head back again so you can see the false sincerity on her face. “You can fix this, you know?” 
Your eyebrows furrow, thoughts racing a mile a minute to puzzle out what she means. 
“Don’t think so hard. You’ll hurt yourself. I’ll show you how, dumb baby,” she coos as she nudges your chin with the knuckle of her finger, and you can’t help flushing deeply at that. Then, she offers a hand, and you take it, and she tugs you up into a straddle on her lap. “Come here.” 
You instinctively wind your arms around her neck, clinging on. Beneath you, she tenses and lets out a low rumbling sound that resonates deep in her chest. You inhale sharply. 
Teeth. Sharpened to deadly points. Poised over your neck. Nat’s breath comes short and hot against your skin, and her tongue, when it peeks out, drags wetly across your skin. 
This has happened once before; the first night she’d come back changed. Like before, she noses at your flushed skin, teasing you with the possibility of damage, and trails her teeth down to your traps. Back then, she hadn’t bitten you. She won’t now, you think, you hope. 
She sighs again, hovering over the meat of your shoulder and prodding her teeth against you. Doesn’t break the skin. 
“Don’t make it worse for yourself. Are you scared?” 
This time, you nod. Nat’s lips curve into a smile, and her hold on your thighs tighten enough to bruise. 
“You should listen, sweetheart,” she says against you. The front of her teeth scrapes over you when she speaks, leaving red marks behind. “I hurt you less when you’re good. Don’t you know?”
“How can you be in the mood?” you wonder, burying your face into the crook of her neck. “You’re half dead.”
It would take a lot more to kill Nat like this. Anyway, how could you be in the mood when your girlfriend’s cut up like this? 
Nat stands abruptly, ignorant to your yelps and complaints, and dumps you back onto the couch in quick succession. Before you can even register what’s happened, she’s yanked your bottoms down to your ankles and has climbed between your legs. 
Even after that, you don’t get the chance to speak. She wraps her hand around your throat and pins you to the cushions. You grab onto her wrist.
Her body bears down, and you break into a sweat, in small part due to nerves, some part because she’s shoving her hand up your shirt to grab roughly at your bra, but mostly because she’s near scalding. You’re convinced her blood runs at a constant boil now. You’ve grown to love the heat, though. With her, pleasure comes white-hot, and you’d want it no other way. 
“No,” she growls, and you get an eyeful of her monstrous teeth. She flexes both hands, cutting off your airway and squeezing your breast painfully. You whimper, wound tight as a coil. “Listen to me, baby.”
You look at her through hazy eyes. 
“Those eyes again. God, I love you like this.” Foolishly, your heart clenches at those words. She rucks your shirt up and claws her nails down your front. Beads of blood bloom from the thin scratches she leaves behind. “You’re beautiful when I hurt you.”
Her hand nearly crushes your throat closed, but then she releases you, and you suck air in desperately. Your hands, shaken off her arm, reach for the sides of her head. “Nat,” you croak, tasting the salt from your tears on your lips. “Nat.”
She shakes her head, descending on your chest. It hurts – badly. “Be good for mommy.”
“Mommy,” you gasp out, arching into her mouth. She ignores your pert nipples, electing instead to lick and suck at the burn between your breasts. “Please, please.”
“Shut up,” she hisses. Oh, her teeth are still out. “Hands above your head.”
You obey, another sad sound crawling out of your abused throat. 
The dark pits of her eyes drink in the sight of you, face crumpled in pain and need. A thumb wipes up the last of your blood, and she delights in smearing it across your cheek. 
“Messy baby, clean up after yourself. It’s basic,” she chides, thumb still rubbing at your face as if she were fixing up some runny mascara. “Be good now.”
You don’t dare to speak, just nod and look pleadingly up at her. Your core aches from neglect. 
She makes quick work of that, reaching down to feel the slick between your thighs. Humming, she smirks and very deliberately rubs her middle finger over your clit. You jerk up into her, mouth falling open even as you strangle your moan. 
“I could do anything to you, and you’d still want me.” 
Again, you nod. 
“Where did my little liar go?” she baits. You shake your head. “Say ‘thank you, mommy, for letting me breathe.’”
It takes you a moment to gather the brain cells and say: “Thank you, mommy.”
Her smile widens, teeth back to normal. “Again, for the lesson.”
“Thank you, mommy.”
She brings her hand down on your cunt, full strength. You scream, jolting away from her. Well, you would have if she hadn’t pressed you down by the chest, entirely uncaring about the wound she’d left there. Tears leak out the sides of your eyes, trickling into your hairline. 
“Thank me for that too,” she demands.
“Thank you,” you cry around a hiccup. 
One more spank, and another, and another. Your legs kick uselessly against the cushions, body twisting after every awful smack.
“Thank you, thank you, thank you!”
Your hole clenches around nothing, slick leaking onto the couch. Then, two fingers dip into you, and Nat thrusts them up hard and fast. She’d shoved them in on a contraction, and it hurts for a second before she’s curling her fingers into the velvet of your walls. 
She makes a pleased sound. “Tight as always. Makes me want to tear you in half, baby.”
You stare up at the ceiling. “Th-” She starts up a fast pace, digging her fingertips into your front wall. “Thank you!”
Her cheek rests on your chest, listening to the thunder of your heart. “We should try that big one.” Impossibly, your heart rate quickens at the thought, and you manage to shake your head. She laughs, the sound sharp and cruel, and music to your ears. “Maybe another time then.”
She sits up then, still working her fingers into your cunt, and moves her other hand to your mons. She pets gently over your labia, a sharp contrast to the vicious pace she’s keeping up. Your head spins. 
“My baby,” she breathes, “good enough to fucking eat.”
But she parts your folds to press her fingers into your clit, circling them once, twice, thrice, and you’re so close. So desperately close. 
She leans down, near delicate in her movements, and licks into your mouth. You taste copper and beer and the faintest sweetness. Urgently, you try to kiss back. 
If she’s mean, she’d pull back and deny you the chance to come with her mouth on yours. 
She must think that you’ve suffered enough, though, because she rubs her thumb at your clit and drives her fingers deeper into you, and you push up as far as you can into her body with a scream. You’re swallowed in molten heat, pleasure stripping away at you until you’re just bones on the couch. 
When you come to, Nat’s pulling out some bandages for your chest. You’re too tired to do or say anything, forced into silence by her dominance. 
She smiles at you, still not kind, but it doesn’t look bestial like before. Maybe just self-satisfied. She strokes your sweaty hair as she fixes you up, shushing you if you moan quietly from aftershocks or pain. You are in a lot of pain, bruised and scratched up as you are.
“Good girl,” she says when she’s done. 
Finally, you muster the energy to grab her hand and say, “Thank you.”
She lets you hold on for a few seconds before pulling away. “Sure.”
You wish she’d hold you for a bit, but you don’t vocalize it. She’s been through too much in the last few days; you shouldn’t burden her—
“Don’t be fucking needy,” she says, suddenly and harshly. Your face must have given you away. 
“I don’t mean to be,” you mutter, bringing your arm up to cover your eyes. Feeling stupid, feeling mad that you feel stupid, you say: “It would just be nice if you’d stay for a bit.”
A hand grabs your arm, yanking it away from your head, and you’re treated to a view of her scowl. “Where would I go?”
You didn’t mean it that way, but you don’t know how to get out of this hole you’ve dug yourself. “I-I don’t know.”
Out of nowhere, her hand slaps your cunt again, overstimulated, sore, puffy. You groan, curling in on yourself and hugging your knees to your chest. 
“Fuck, Nat.”
She takes the opportunity to sit down on the end of the couch, where your legs once were. The TV turns back on, and you hear her take a sip from her can of beer. “Clean up the hall later.”
At least she stayed.
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mammonshuman92 · 3 years
- It Takes Two - Pt.3
(Mammon x GN!MC)
Warnings: Angst to fluff, mentions of drunkenness and being taken advantage of, implied seggs Notes: S/N = succubus name (too lazy to come up with one and that hoe don’t matter lol) also, if it’s garbage I’m sorry lol thanks for reading!!
“Absolutely not.” Satan deadpanned, arms crossed as he scowled at his brother.
“C’mon, Satan. This is important!” He insisted, unwavering under his younger brother’s glare as they bickered back and forth in the fourth born’s doorway.
After seeing you in the kitchen and finally being able to talk to you, to simply be near you, for the first time in over a week, he was too excited to fall back asleep. Instead, he used that time to come up with the brilliant plan he was currently rushing around to execute. If Satan would just cooperate, that is.
“Look, I just need to borrow it, okay? Just for today, then I’ll give it back.”
“Do you remember what happened last time a bangle like this was used in this house?”
Mammon shuddered lightly at the memory of the punishment he and Satan had received for putting the last truth bangle on Lucifer, just for him to destroy it in a matter of seconds.
“I’ll never forget it.” He promised, expression going blank as he unwillingly reminisced. He shook his head lightly, as if clearing his thoughts and coming back to the current mission at hand, “Doesn’t matter though, I for real need to borrow it.”
“No.” The blonde demon stated once more, attempting to close the door on his brother. Mammon put his foot in the doorway and placed a hand on the door. Satan sighed, becoming quite irritated. It quickly dissipated upon seeing his brother's expression.
Naturally, they all knew what was going on. At this point, who didn’t? But to see his brother now, the shell of the man he usually is, a desperation in his eyes he’s never seen before, was a little alarming to be honest. And you, seeing the way you’d been handling everything was far more painful to watch; for all of them. Because of this knowledge, and the level of agony that can be read in one’s eyes; Satan relented.
He sighed heavily and opened the door all the way, stepping aside and motioning for his brother to come in. 
“Just so we’re clear, I’m doing this for MC.” He clarified.
It’s not as if he was lying, but he’d rather spend an entire day bonding with Lucifer than admit he misses the old Mammon.
Mammon was fidgety the entire day as he impatiently awaited for the perfect opportunity to set everything in motion, just as he’d so ingeniously planned. It would absolutely prove to you that he’s telling the truth, put all the rumors that have been circulating to rest, and get the succubus to confess to her part in all of it. All he had to do was wait until his last class of the day, Seductive Speechcraft; the only class he shared with you and the succubus both.
You had an oral assignment due today and had to pair up randomly, stand at the front of the class and seduce your partner. He hadn’t been too concerned about the project because well, he had you. It’s not like he hasn’t seduced you before, and vice versa. Not to mention that no one else would dare pick you as a partner since it was a well known fact that the two of you are together. ...Were together.
Thinking of your relationship in the past tense made his heart ache.
He was practically bouncing in his seat with how restless he’d become. You were here in this class, just a few tables behind his. He tried to casually turn back and steal a few glances of you, but every time he did, you looked away. The permanent red rings that seemed to adorn your eyes now were like a knife to the gut. 
His plan had to work. It had to. He couldn’t go on much longer, knowing the kind of pain you’re in. The pain he caused. 
She caused.
“Mammon.” The professor called, gesturing for him to come to the front. He jumped up from his seat, nearly running to the front.
This is it. It’s time to get MC back.
The room erupted in whispers, everyone turning to look at you. You sank down in your chair slightly, feeling as heat flooded your face. Embarrassment, anger, pain and probably a dozen more emotions surged through you. Asmo, who was sitting next to you, reached out and placed his hand on your arm that was resting on the table.
How does this count as proving his innocence? I should’ve known better. I’m such an idiot..
She stood from her seat slowly, turning back to look at you, a smug smile on her dumb face. You swallowed hard, the stinging in your eyes a warning of the tears that were to come. A few colorful words quietly slipped past Asmos’s lips as he gently squeezed your arm, giving you a sorrowful look.
She pranced to the front happily, Mammon’s face mirroring hers, making your stomach churn harshly.
If I lie and say I’m going to the bathroom, I wonder if I can sneak off to the HOL...
The professor nodded to them, signaling they could begin whenever they were ready. Mammon nodded, reaching into his pocket as he turned back toward the succubus. He fished out a bracelet of some kind. He gently grabbed her hand and slipped the bangle on her wrist. She giggled and looked at it in awe. You could feel the bile rising in your throat, as the hole in your chest grew, making you certain it was visible on the outside.
“I got ya this unique bangle. I hope it brings ya as much happiness as it will for me.” Her brows furrowed slightly at his words, unsure of what he was implying. She shook it off quickly, turning her heart eyes back to him.
“When I first saw ya, I thought you were insanely beautiful and I knew I had to make you mine.” He began. 
“It didn’t take long for you to win me over, using your charm and pretty words to reel me in.” He said, smiling at her. Her face was flushed as she soaked up the words that were tearing you apart.
Mammon dropped the hand that had still been holding hers from when he slipped the bracelet on, “But, that’s all it was, huh? Charm and pretty words.” Your ears perked up at the slight change in his tone.
“What?” She questioned, a look of confusion replacing her infatuated one.
“You only wanted me for what ya could get outta me. Grimm, clothes, jewelry. When I realized that, I broke it off.” 
“How is this considered seducing?” She griped, crossing her arms over her chest, lips contorting into a pout.
“Be patient, the best part is coming up.” He beamed at her.
“Where was I? Oh, right!” He began, turning his gaze on you, the class following suit. You sank a little further into your chair. 
“Fast forward a few hundred years and now MC and me are together and couldn't be happier. Like, I’ve never been so happy in my entire life. But, for some reason you hated that, huh?” She glared at him through narrowed eyes. “Yes, I did.”
She gasped, throwing a hand up to cover her mouth; shocked by her own words.
“Why?” He pressed.
“Because MC has become so popular. Like, they’re just a stupid human. What’s so great about them that they get the attention of every high ranking demon in all of the Devildom?” She blurted out, eyes filling with horror as she realized she couldn’t stop the words, the truth, from spilling out like word vomit.
Whispers could be heard once more throughout the room, eyes darting back and forth between you and them.
“Is that why ya confronted MC after school last week?” He continued.
“Yeah. I wanted to hurt their feelings, knock them down a peg. Let them know that they aren’t that special just because they have what I had first.” She gasped again, shocked by how easily she was spilling her guts.
“What is going on?!” She hissed at him as she nervously looked around the room at their fellow demons, and you, staring at her.
The corner of his mouth pulled up slightly, “Oh, did I forget to mention that that bangle makes the person wearin’ it only speak the truth? Must’a slipped my mind.” He scoffed lightly, tapping his forehead a few times.
Oh my Diavolo.. the truth bangle..
Having remembered when you and Levi borrowed it from Satan to put on Mammon because of that game of Levi’s you got stuck in, you were fairly certain you knew where this was going. A small feeling of hope blossomed in your stomach.
With eyes as big as saucers, she desperately clawed at the bangle like some feral animal caught in a trap.
“Only the person who put it on can take it off.” He informed her, another smirk on his face.
 Her head snapped up to look at Mammon, who was already staring at her. He leaned in, his words only meant for her ears.
“Time to pay for what ya did.” He whispered venomously, causing her to recoil slightly.
“Movin’ on.” He leaned up quickly, shooting you a glance before continuing. A look you’d seen many times before.
That was his ‘I have an ace up my sleeve’ look.. He’s definitely up to something. You thought to yourself.
“Let’s talk about last week at the club. Tell us what happened.” He said, walking the floor around her. The way he was talking to her was as if he were a talk show host trying to pull the latest tea out of his guest.
“I went with some friends, but decided to snoop in the VIP lounges to see if I could flirt my way into some free drinks. And I found you in one of the lounges, clearly drunk off your ass. Oh, and you were whining about that stupid human.” She rolled her eyes. The look on Mammon’s face, the bubbling anger, didn’t go unnoticed by you.
“Okay, I’m gonna have to stop you for a moment. I don’t really see how this fits into Seductive Speechcraft.” The professor chimed in.
“It’s gettin’ there, I promise.” Mammon assured him. The professor eyed him curiously, then nodded.
“Alright, so after ya found me in the VIP lounge, what happened next? Tell us everythin’.”
She shook her head wildly from side to side in protest of continuing, knowing she would be doomed if the truth got out, but the bangles magic was too strong.
“I tried talking to you, but you kept being an ass, once again, whining about the human.” She scoffed, “ Then, I sat down next to you and started flirting with you, whispering in your ear and stuff, then you jumped up. But, you got really lightheaded from the quick movement and sat down again. You were very, very intoxicated.” She explained, panting; becoming physically exhausted as she tried to fight the bracelets magic.
So far everything is just as he said. Which means the next part is..
Sweat beaded on her forehead and her face paled as the words that revealed her for what she was started to come out.
“I thought that since you were so wasted you’d give in to me, so I climbed into your lap. We started making out and it was getting pretty hot, pretty fast, but then you kept saying their name over and over and over. So I went along with it. You were so wasted you didn’t know what was going on, you were going to ruin me on that couch, thinking I was them and I wasn’t going to stop you. You were almost mine again, but before anything good happened the human and Asmodeus walked in and ruined everything.”
She clapped her hands over her mouth as tears began welling up in her eyes. Everyone in the room was staring at her wide eyed and whispering. D.D.D. 's all over the room were snapping pictures and recording video of the chaos. She was ruined.
Mammon quickly grabbed her hand and slipped the bracelet off her wrist. The succubus ran from the room red faced and in tears after outing herself as a jealousy fueled, manipulative predator.
You were shell shocked.
Everything was true. Every bit of it. He didn’t betray you, break your heart. Even completely out of it, all he thought about was you..
You’ve spent the entirety of the last seven days believing the one person you’d fully trusted with your heart, the only person you’ve ever loved so much that they just felt like home, had completely stabbed you in the back and broke your heart.
But he was taken advantage of when he was in a bad way, and he was innocent.
“So… you’re not going to do a Seductive Speechcraft presentation? Because although it was entertaining, your little show doesn’t count.” The professor interrupted the commotion, looking at Mammon expectantly.
Mammon turned to you and motioned for you to come to him. Like the love struck fool you were, you obliged; eagerly rushing to the front of the class. He reached for your hand as soon as you came to him, cradling it softly in his with misty eyes as he looked at you.
“Mammon, I-” You began but was quickly interrupted when he put his finger to your lips, shushing you.
“Hang on, MC. I got somethin’ I really need to tell ya, okay?” His expression was serious yet soft. 
“You are the most important thing to me in all the realms. I don’t care that you’re a human and I’m a demon. That don’t matter to me. I’ve never been happier in all the millenia I’ve been around.”  His bottomless blue eyes bore into yours as he fiddled with your fingers nervously. 
“I swore to ya that I’d never do anythin’ to hurt ya, and I meant it MC. I didn’t want her, and I still don’t. You’re the only thing I ever want for the rest of my life. I love ya, MC. And I’ll spend every day provin’ it to ya.”
With tears streaming down your face you threw your arms around his neck, smashing your lips to his hungrily. His arms wrapped around you tightly, holding you as close as possible as your lips moved together desperately.
“Although it was odd and took you entirely too long, I guess I’ll give it a B+. ..Ok, that’s enough, break it up. Hey! Do I need to get a hose?”
Devilgram was quickly flooded with pictures and videos of S/N’s multiple, embarrassing confessions, effectively putting to rest all the rumors that had been circulating as of late.
After being scolded heavily by the professor and even more so by Lucifer for your very public display of affection, the two of you locked yourselves in his bedroom.
“Thankfully Satan let you borrow that bangle.” You were sitting up against his headboard while his head rested in your lap facing your belly, arms wrapped around you snugly refusing to move even a centimeter.
“Mhmm.” He hummed sleepily as you carded your fingers through his hair, ever so slightly scratching his scalp with every pass. It’s the most relaxed he’s been in what feels like eternity.
“Probably made spilling your guts in front of everyone a little easier, too.” You teased lightly in regards to his tsundere tendencies.
“I wasn’t wearin’ the bangle.” He stated, matter-of-fact.
“What?” Your hand paused in his hair.
“Ya talkin’ about all the stuff I said to ya back there? Yeah, I wasn’t wearin’ the bangle. I don’t need to be forced to tell ya how much you mean to me. Not anymore.” He pulled you down onto the bed, causing an outburst of giggles from you, until he was hovering directly above you. His hand rested softly against the side of your face, his thumb tenderly stroking your cheek; his sapphire eyes overflowing with love and adoration.
“Since the first time ya smiled at me, the first time ya said my name; Hell, even from the second I saw ya, it’s only been you. I would go to the ends of time or destroy an entire realm single handed, if it means you’ll always be mine; if you’ll always love me and stay by my side. Till my heart stops, it’s yours.” 
Feather light fingertips trailed down the side of your face to your jawline. His thumb reached up to wipe away a lone tear that you let slip at his words, as he wrapped his arm underneath your body, pulling you to him until you were completely flush to his body. His lips met yours softly, lovingly; sending electricity through your veins.
The rest of the afternoon, and part of the next day, was spent making up for lost time. 
And, as for what happened to S/N, aside from being publicly humiliated with her reputation in shambles, as it should be;  let’s just say you know a certain book worm of a demon who loves curses and hexes, especially minorly inconveniencing ones, that was willing to teach you a few new things. 
Who knows? Maybe she will enjoy finding crumbs in every pair of shoes or socks she will ever wear.
- fin -
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juletheghoul · 3 years
Oblivius Chapter 7
This is by far my longest chapter and I had most of it written before I even posted the second chapter of this story. Makes me SOOO happy how pumped all of you are to read this, it has taken over my life. Keep messaging! Keep sending me asks! 💖
Would love to do little drabbles, memories - anything to do with these two (except spoilers of course)
Likes & reblogs are appreciated
Frankie Morales x F!Reader
Pairing: Frankie x F!Reader
Word Count: 5.4K
Warnings: TW: INFIDELITY 👀 Angst, yearning, kissing, **18+ [no minors] SMUT** p in v (sex wrap it up) Oral, F & M receiving, language (Please let me know if I forget anything)
Masterlist Series Masterlist Prev Part Playlist
Age 28:
“I just love her, I love her so much and there’s nothing I can do.” He was drunk and in a bad way.
“I know Fish, it’s tough from here but maybe when you get back you can talk to her.” He knew Pope was trying to make him feel better, but when he’d spoken to his mom earlier in the week and he’d heard that she was seeing someone- it had broken his heart.
He didn’t know what he’d been expecting - she’d never promised anything but he had this hope that she’d wait for him. That she’d be there to greet him with the love he’d always craved from her.
“She’s with someone else, I just want her to want me.” If he kept going down this road he was going to cry. He couldn’t cry here. Not in this bar and not when it was crawling with other soldiers.
“I think you should just talk to her when you get home, Fish - things might change when you see her again. Or do the grown up thing, and move on.” He looked at him, regret and heartbreak on his face.
“There’s no one like her.” He said it more to himself than Pope but he heard it all the same.
There was a pretty girl walking over to him now, a shy smile on her face.
“Hi - I’m Claudia - can I buy you a drink?” She wasn’t Spills, but she was very pretty.
**Present Day**
The week leading up to the wedding was a blur. It simultaneously flew and crawled by. Schrodinger's week.
The dinner was coming up and with it a curious feeling was settling itself in your stomach. A strange mixture of desperation and acceptance. The acceptance told you that if Francis wanted to get married then you should keep your mouth shut and let him get on with his life.
The desperate, possessive part of you reminded you that he was your perfect match, that you shouldn’t let Claudia have him when he so obviously belonged to you. How would you accomplish that though? How could that be done without him hating you for ruining his wedding?
When you were sitting in the restaurant surrounded by the wedding party both those thoughts plagued you. They kept you quiet and pensive, present, but secluded within your own mind as they fought for dominance.
Benny sat next to you like always and you got the sense he was gearing up to make a move and you didn’t exactly know how to feel about it. Your mind was battling over that too.
Do I go out with him and try to get over Francis? Or do I turn him away, and keep pining over a soon to be married man? Choices.
Claudia was almost trembling with excitement, everything she said, everything she did was grating. It all irritated you and you felt the need to dampen her spirits. A malicious little part of you wanted to bring her down a peg. Maybe it was her attitude at the Bridal store. Maybe it was just plain old mean-spirited jealousy. With the dinner almost up, with the bachelor party still to come you couldn’t help it.
It was like a compulsion. The words crawled up your throat and the possessive, angry part of you had to spit them out.
“Oh my God Francis, remember our pact?” Your face was a mask of innocence - just reminiscing with an old friend.
Frankie’s expression changed then, from the same tentative joy he’d been wearing all night to something forced and fake.
“Barely.” His eyes were boring into you, the intensity seemed to be demanding you to shut up about it. While everyone else was still relaxed and unaware of the land mine you’d stepped on, you saw the look Pope was giving you, he knew.
“What pact?” Claudia asked with a breezy laugh.
“It’s silly really-” Frankie cut you off.
“It’s nothing, just bullshit we talked about when we were kids.” He tried to smooth it over with her but she didn’t like that. She sensed his hesitation and when Pope tried to engage them in conversation she challenged him.
“If it’s nothing, then Spills can tell me.” It was said with a bitter sweetness, she had seen through his avoidance and she wasn’t interested.
“Well, when we were in our early twenties - Francis and I decided to make a marriage pact.” You were smiling as though it was nothing and Claudia laughed along with you but you heard the edge in it. She wasn’t amused, and neither was Frankie.
“See honey? It was dumb. Just something dumb kids do when they don’t know any better.” He pulled her close but you could see the stiffness in the way she held herself. You didn’t expect his words to hurt you like that, and all of a sudden you regretted bringing it up.
What seemed like a good way to rile Frankie up was just a cruel little jab at a relationship that you didn’t belong in. A relationship that would go on despite you; in spite of you. You got quiet after that and you saw that he couldn’t bear to look at you.
The battle in your mind was over, and acceptance had won.
You quietly excused yourself to grab some fresh air, the shame at your ploy to ruin Claudia's night sat in your gut and you felt horrible. This wasn’t how you were raised, despite your feelings about her or Francis it was cruel to do this to her on the night before her wedding.
Fuck, now he’ll leave with her for sure. What have I done?
“Hey - thought I’d find you out here. You okay?” Benny had come out looking for you and you smiled at him.
“I’m okay - just needed a minute away you know?” He sat beside you and you tried to focus on him. On his handsome face, how tall he was. If you’d met him a few years ago you would have been all over him.
“Yeah I get that.” He scooted closer to you, until your legs touched and smiled at you. “Look, I know you’re close to Fish, but I’d really like to take you out.” He blurted out the words and you couldn’t help but let out a surprised oh!
He was smiling and he took your hand in his, he was looking at you intently now, making his move.
He was closing in and for a moment you forgot about your shame, about everything except Benny’s mouth. The kiss was soft, tentative. He was testing the waters with you and it was nice. His hand came up and rested on your face softly. Feather light touches on your cheek with the very tips of his fingers.
Objectively speaking, it was a lovely kiss, but it did nothing for you and he felt it.
“I’m sorry.” You rested your forehead on his and he sighed, the air moving the hair framing your face slightly.
“Don’t be, it was worth a shot.” he smiled sadly and you kissed him on the cheek. You both had your answer. The door slammed, breaking you out of your moment with Benny and you saw the back of Francis’ head as he stalked back inside.
He wanted to get drunk. He wanted to punch Benny, he wanted to knock his teeth out. He wanted to walk out there, grab Spills by the back of the head and kiss her until she finally understood what she meant to him.
When they walked in together his guts twisted up with rage, it clawed its way up his throat and instead of lashing out he ordered three shots of liquor to burn it away. He drank them quickly, one after the other.
“You and me, outside. Now.” Pope was dragging him away and he wanted to fight but Claudia was asking him what was wrong and he didn’t have an answer for her. Not one she’d want to hear so he let Pope drag him outside. He could see Spills staring at him and he couldn’t look at her.
“What the fuck are you doing right now?” Pope spoke calmly, but his voice had an edge.
“Drinking. It’s my bachelor party, I’m supposed to get drunk aren’t I?” He was pacing, the rage making him restless.
“Why are you marrying Claudia?” Pope stared at him.
“What are you talking about?” The question stopped him in his tracks.
“Do you think that no one can see it? It’s painfully obvious that you’re nowhere near as in love with her as you should be. You’re hung up on Spills and she’s obviously hung up on you.” He was trying to speak calmly and Frankie was pissed off all over again.
“It doesn’t fucking matter how I feel about her - she’s out here with Benny and I’m getting married tomorrow.” He was spiraling.
How the fuck did I get here?
“She’s out here with Benny, because you’re supposed to be getting married tomorrow. If you want to continue with Claudia I’m not going to get in your way, but get your fucking shit together and control your emotions. Figure out what the fuck you want and remember that Benny isn’t your enemy.” He approached him and clapped his arms onto Frankies shoulders. “Fish, you have to figure out what you want here, make it work with Claudia or let her go - stop this living in between shit. It’s not fair to anyone.” Frankie shook out of his grip, too upset to see reason.
He knew he was wrong, he knew he had no right to react this way but it was too much for him. All the little moments he’d thought they’d shared - what had they meant?
What does it matter? You’re getting married, she isn’t.
He ignored her gaze when he approached their table, Claudia was approaching him.
“You okay babe?” She was approaching him with open arms and he embraced her. Eyes closed - trying to feel something other than anger. He focused on the smell of her hair, on the feeling of being buried into the crook of her neck. She sighed loudly and ran her fingers through his hair, soothing and smoothing it out. “It’s just pre-wedding jitters babe, tomorrow everything will be perfect and we’ll be married.” She was whispering into his ear and it was meant to be reassuring.
He felt nothing.
You’re not her. No matter what you do, you’ll never be her and I have to be okay with that.
“I’m okay babe - see you tomorrow.” He kissed her, really kissed her. Tried to muster up whatever he thought he felt for her before and she responded but it was useless. All he felt was anger; she pulled away smiling and said her goodbyes. He glanced at Spills and the look on her face made him feel ashamed.
“Let’s get fucked up.” He said it with a fake smile plastered on his face and everyone except Pope and Spills cheered.
His hostility was astounding. He barely looked at you the whole night and you had a feeling it had to do with Benny’s kiss. You had to talk to him about it, a part of you hoped he’d be jealous and realize that you belonged together but maybe that was all in your head. Maybe he didn’t like his friends dating you, or you dating them but that didn’t make sense. Why would that bother him?
You’re the one getting married to someone else here, you dick.
Will and Benny were keeping up with him but as the night wore on everyone came to the realization that tomorrow would be a very long day if they didn’t quit now but Frankie wanted to keep the party going. He wasn’t belligerent, but he was being more aggressive than you’d ever seen. He told the boys that he wanted to continue drinking when they all got back to his house and they agreed but when you all got there it was obvious that Benny and Will were down for the count.
“I’m going to get these two into bed, can you make sure he’s okay and that he doesn’t get too fucked up?” Pope was herding the brothers into the basement where they’d been staying. He gave you a curious look then, a narrowing of the eyes that screamed talk to him.
When you walked into his old bedroom he was sitting on his bed, bottle of alcohol to his lips and you’d had enough.
“Francis that’s enough, you’ve had too much and you’re going to be sick.” You were trying to take the bottle away from him but he was stronger than you and he was in a foul mood.
“You don’t get to do that, you don’t get to pull that shit and then baby me.” His tone was vicious and you pulled back.
“I’m not trying to baby you, you asshole- I'm trying to make sure you’re not hungover for your wedding tomorrow.” He scoffed loudly at your words. “You got something to say Francisco?” You were angry now, his attitude was pissing you off big time. Your question set him off and he unloaded onto you.
“Oh I got plenty to say.” He put the bottle down and towered over you. “You fucked up Spills, you knew how I felt about you this whole fucking time and YOU were the one who shut it down. Making this stupid pact so you would be guaranteed someone who was crazy about you while you went off and did whatever and whoever you wanted and then bring it up in front of everyone like it was a joke.” The anger was burning away the alcohol in his system and there was nothing but raw honesty left. “And now what, you’re going to date my friend? So is it anyone who shows you attention except me?”
The expression on his face was angry, but there was a raw hurt in his voice. An old wound that he was blaming you for opening up.
“I have loved you since I was fucking fourteen, and you never gave a shit. You used me and you kept me dangling on a string but guess what, I am not a last resort. I have found a woman who loves me and you’re going to have to live with that.” The words were knives to your heart because for the most part they were true.
You couldn’t stop the tears at his onslaught of painful truths but underneath the hurt his words caused, you were fucking angry.
“You want to tear into me because I’ve been a fucking idiot fine, have at it, but you do not get to shame me for having a moment with someone who likes me. You’re getting married! Am I supposed to stay celibate and alone for the rest of my life because you gave up on me? I was waiting at the airport to tell you that I love you. That I know I’ve wasted time and that I want you.”
“Gave up on you? Are you fucking kidding me right now? So when I call to see how everyone is doing and I find out that you’re seeing someone - I'm supposed to just know that you’ll figure it out? I have been putting off finding someone in hopes that you’ll finally see how devoted I’ve always been to you. I am so fucking pissed off at you and you want to know what the worst part of it is? The fact that I still fucking love you. Even though I’m hurt and so goddamn angry. Even though I have her and I know she’s head over heels for me, you’re the one in my head. I still love you and seeing you like this is breaking my fucking heart Spills. It should be you I’m marrying tomorrow. It should have always been you.” You could see the tears in his eyes now and that hurt even more.
Every single fibre of your being screamed at you to run to him, to wrap your arms around him. Instead you responded with your own truth.
“I wish it was me tomorrow. I know I couldn’t expect you to wait for me forever but I don’t want anyone else. Benny is sweet but he’s not you Francis.” You were well and truly crying now. Everything you’d been holding in came bubbling up, spilling out of you and there was nothing you could do to stop it, it had to come out.
“I should have kissed you back like I wanted to. I shouldn’t have been afraid, I should have seen it and dealt with my own feelings for you. I’m sorry Francis. I’m sorry it took so long for me to realize how perfect we are for each other. I’m sorry I was too late and I’m terrified that you’ll leave me behind and marry her, and that I’ll be here waiting for you forever.” Your voice was cracking and high, barely a whisper at certain points with how hard you were crying.
His legs brought themselves to you in three long strides and then his mouth was on yours. Your tears mixing where your faces touched; pure adrenaline coursing through your veins when his hands buried themselves into your hair. It was nothing compared to the inexperienced albeit enthusiastic kiss you’d shared as teenagers. This was all-consuming. His mouth trapping your bottom lip roughly and biting softly to draw out a whimper. His tongue using the sound as the invitation to plunder the inside of your mouth.
He tasted like honey and alcohol, like the gum he chewed and tiramisu. He tasted like all the things you loved in this world and you never wanted him to stop kissing you.
He trailed his kisses down to the line of your jaw, the long column of your neck and up to the place beneath your ear and all you could do was frantically clutch at his hair.
“We’ve been so stupid Spills, driving me crazy.” He was whispering the words into your neck, his hands a vice grip around your waist.
“I’m sorry Francis, I love you - I love you so much.” The both of you couldn’t get the words out fast enough, fervent breathes as you kissed; both trying to make up for lost time. His wedding in a few hours was forgotten, his fiancé didn’t exist. It was just the two of you in his old bedroom where his first kiss had been denied.
You were rewriting that now.
His hands lowered and grabbed at the flesh of your ass roughly and you moaned into his mouth. He brought his kisses to your neck as he decisively pulled your dress up.
“I’ve been wanting to fuck you for half my life Spills, it was you I thought about while I was away. I would fuck my fist every single fucking night thinking about you letting me taste your pussy.” His eyes were dark with want and you gasped at his words, the alcohol and the honesty making him braver; the words were shooting directly into your cunt, making you weep for him.
“It’s always been you, look at what you do to me, what you’ve always fucking done to me.” He grabbed at your hand roughly and pressed into the sizeable bulge at his crotch. It was hard to form words. It was hard to articulate how you felt now that this was finally happening.
“Will you let me baby? Will you let me bury my tongue in your cunt? I want you to cum all over my face.” He was rubbing at your clit through your panties and it was like you were suspended in amber. Dumbstruck at his words, his confidence - his need for you.
“Yes Francisco, please.” You were gripping his hair frantically as he pushed you onto his bed. His big strong hands pulling your underwear down and tossing it over his shoulder. The same hands pulling your thighs apart to find your slick seeping out of you, all glossy and wet. He moaned at the sight.
“Look at that- so fucking pretty for me.” He made himself comfortable between your legs, grinding into the mattress as he studied your body. He kissed your thighs as he brought his face closer and closer to your clenching core. His facial hair tickling you as he trailed them up up up. You watched him propped up on your elbows, your hands automatically reaching out to run through his hair.
“Bet you taste so fucking good, like peaches.” He ran his finger along your seam, smearing your slick all over your lower lips. He was going too slow. You tried to move your cunt closer to his face but he smiled almost cruelly and held your hips down.
“My greedy girl.” He spread your lips apart and spit into your clit, you felt it sliding down towards your opening but he dove in cat-quick to lap it up before it went further.
His tongue was heaven. You threw your head back as he licked from your opening up towards your clit, over and over. “Eyes on me, I want you to watch me.” It was too much and you whimpered as he let the saliva drip from his mouth and into your clit. Focusing his tongue there, moving it up and down over and over and over. The wet glide of it too much and the string holding your sanity together was too tight, it would surely snap and let you float away soon.
He groaned onto your skin, his eyes steady on you as he slid two thick fingers inside you. Curling them in a way that had you tensing up. He could feel your thighs clenching as he scissored them inside you, stretching you open while his tongue pushed you over the edge. It was too much and when he wrapped his lips around your clit and gave it a long steady suck, you shattered.
He held you down and licked you through it. Lapping up the waves of arousal, drinking you down deep while his fingers pistoned in and out of you with a wet squelch.
You had to push him away.
“You taste so good honey, I wanna eat you for days, until you’re a wet little puddle in my bed.” He crawled up towards your limp body and kissed you roughly, his facial hair irritating your skin but it didn’t matter. Not when you could taste yourself in his mouth, not when he’d made you cum harder than anyone had any right to.
His hands were a blur as he tried to get his jeans down and you helped him. You could see your slick on his fingers, then his jeans and your hip where he held onto you. A little trail of you wherever he touched.
You frantically pulled both his jeans and his boxers down, his cock freed and bobbing between your thighs. You could see the sticky tip of him, angry and red with how hard he was and your mouth watered. You had to taste.
He was surprised when you flipped him over, the startled look on his face quickly replaced with a hungry smile. You took off his jeans and his boxes fully to lay between his legs. You rested your head on the strong muscle of his thigh as you lazily stroked him, the velvety skin of his cock encasing the iron beneath. He watched you with a look of rapture and his breath hitched when you pulled away to scoop some of your own slick from between your legs to make your strokes more fluid.
“You can’t possibly know how many times I’ve imagined this - fuck - give me your mouth baby, please.” He was thrusting up into your hand. You licked a wide stripe from the base of his dick up to the tip, circling it with your tongue. He groaned at the sight of you and he grabbed at the hair at the base of your skull to guide your movements.
You took the tip into your mouth and hollowed your cheeks prettily while he watched you, taking a bit more each time you lowered your head. You were ravenous for him, the soft sounds he was making, the control you had at this moment was intoxicating and it pushed you to take him further.
You took him as far as you could, swallowing around him as your nose brushed up against his curls and the tears leaked out when you let go to take a breath.
“Holy fuck baby, yes - look so fucking hot with my dick in your throat. Let me see you do it again.” He guided you down and you held there as long as you could before you sputtered and coughed, spit and his precum connecting your mouth to his cock.
“Fuck baby - so fucking good, if you do it again I’ll cum…” he left it up to you, taking his hand away from your hair and as tempted as you were to watch him come apart in your mouth your cunt was achingly empty and you needed him inside you.
“Next time you can cum in my mouth or on my face, wherever you want, right now I need you to fuck me.” You crawled up and he kissed you, he was frantic and he licked the spit off your lips and it was so primal you moaned. You found yourself on your back again and he was holding your thighs open while he rubbed his length through your folds.
“I’m going to cum inside you. I’m going to pump you full of me, fuck it into you. I wanna see it dripping out of you when I’m done.” He was lining himself up and when he slid in all the way, everything was right in the world. This was how it was supposed to be, the thick stretch of him was perfect, you were so fucking full - your cunt, your heart - every part of you.
“God baby, you’re so tight and wet - feels so fucking good.” He was speaking into your mouth and all you could do was wrap your arms and legs around him. Incoherent whimpers and sounds spilling out of your mouth with his movements. Sweat was beading on his brow, his fingers traced your hairline almost tenderly. His movements are equal parts filthy and loving.
His thrusts were hard and fast, not being able to control himself. You heard the wet, obscene sound of them and it made you wetter. You raised your legs higher, bracketing his ribs while he snapped his hips.
“I’ve wanted this for so long, love you - let me love you.” His words were curt and he wasn’t going to last long so you yanked the straps of your dress down. He leaned onto one arm, reaching down to rub perfect circles onto your clit while he took your nipple into his mouth. Your orgasm crashed into you out of nowhere and he groaned when he felt you clenching.
He brought his hand back up to grab at your hip roughly for more leverage while he fucked into you two, three - four more times before he was spilling into you.
He made good on his promise. He fucked his cum into you. A couple more shallow thrusts even though he was too sensitive and he watched himself do it.
“Look so fucking pretty like that, all puffy and full of my cum.” He watched as it slid out of you and down your ass onto the bedding.
Is this what I’ve been missing out on? Francisco Morales; sex god.
You were too blissed out to move but he went to work, taking off the rest of his clothes and then stripping you of yours. It was difficult to articulate how you felt in that moment, on the one hand this was everything you had wanted. The sex had been amazing, he didn’t just fill your body - he filled every single ounce of you. Your heart swelled when he tucked you into his side and covered the two of you with his blanket.
On the other hand, the postcoital bliss was wearing off and the implications of what had transpired was a weight growing in the pit of your stomach.
Your body and heart wanted to soar; a kite flying higher and higher. Your conscience was the string, and it was being shortened fast. He loved you, he still loved you even though he was engaged and he’d been thinking of you the whole time. You wanted to cry with happiness; with guilt as well.
The guilt was present, reminding you consistently that this man was supposed to be getting a good night’s rest for his wedding tomorrow. Instead the two of you were laying in bed, curled around each other. His spend slowly seeping out of you.
It was hard to focus on it though, especially when his skin was so warm under your cheek. When his hand rubbed at your arm and your legs were a tangle underneath the blanket. You couldn’t help but reach up and run your fingers through the hair matted on his forehead and he made it even harder when he captured the same hand and pressed kisses to your fingers. He broke the silence before you could though.
“I’m still pissed off at you.” He had a dreamy look on his face despite his words.
“I know. I’m pissed off at me too.” You buried your face into the crook of his neck, breathing him in. The scent of his body-wash mixing with his own sweat. You couldn’t get enough and he curled himself into you as you ran your fingers through his hair. Your hands are constantly moving, touching every bit of each other you could.
“We’ve wasted so much fucking time Spills.” There was a deep sadness in his voice, it sliced into you because you knew he was right.
“I know Francis, I’m sorry it took me so long.” You were scratching at the wiry hairs on his cheek, trying to map out the face you loved so much. He sighed loudly. “What's going to happen tomorrow?”
“I don’t know - part of me thinks I should pack up the truck, throw you in the back and drive away. Another part of me wants to forget this whole thing happened and follow through on the commitment I made.” He wasn’t holding back with his words or feelings and although they hurt you couldn’t force him to do anything he didn’t want to do. You kept quiet, at the end of the day the decision was his. “I have to tell her the truth. I have to tell her that we did this, I cannot show up there tomorrow and pretend like I didn’t.”
You could see the guilt on his face now, the implications dawning on him a little later than they had for you. He scrubbed at his face with his hand and groaned.
“How can I just break her heart like this?” He was spiralling. “She doesn’t deserve this.” You felt like an intruder then, suddenly the closeness wasn’t there, he was pulling away from you emotionally if not yet physically.
“What do you want to do Francisco?” The use of his full name snapped him out of his train of thought and he looked at you then.
“What do you mean?” He looked at you in confusion, as you pulled away from him reluctantly.
“I know it took me way too long to get to this point, and you have every fucking right to hate me. If you tell me now that you want to make it work with her I’ll support your decision. I’ll keep my mouth shut and we can pretend this never happened. I would do that for you because I love you, and I will no matter what. You tell me what you want to do.” The tears were coming down your face as you said the words and as much as it hurt to get them out you meant them.
You couldn’t stay here - you wanted him to make his choice without influence and he said nothing as you quickly dressed and walked out of his room, instead you lay on the couch in the living room, crying softly to yourself. Sleep was nowhere in sight and in a few hours, you’d know for sure what would happen.
Tag list: @frannyzooey @foli-vora @danniburgh @sambucky21 @greeneyedblondie44 @lola4pedro @ezrasbirdie @221bshrlocked @artsymaddie @supernaturalgirl20 @sleep-tight1 @softdindjxrin @wheresarizona @sherala007 @freak-nasty-thick-dick-mando @marydjarin @cannedsoupsucks @thirstworldproblemss @ilikechocolatemilkh @lori-tovar @freeshavocadoooo @hrk-fic-recs @greeneyedblondie44 @maxwell--lord @princessxkenobi @the-feckless-wonder @kirsteng42 @girlimjusttryingtoreadfanfics @thisshipwillsail316 @feministfanboi @dihra-vesa @gaiuswrites @stevie75 @sweet-creature98 @readsalot73 @tobealostwanderer @elegantduckturtle @diogodxlot @alczysz17 @evyiione @absurdthirst @beskarboobs @andruxx @littlemissoblivious @1800-fight-me @goldielocks2004 @maievdenoir @gracie7209 @omlwhatamidoinghere @bellaorisa @hellovanessax @magikfanatic @frankiecatfish @mrs-ghuleh @pedritoispunk @librariantothejedi @studythoreauly @missswriter @prostitute-robot-from-the-future @pintsizemama @mswarriorbabe80
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cheekygreenty · 3 years
Little Witch - Part 25
The Darkling x Reader
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The black kefta hung from the tent hook elegantly, its blue thread glistening in the rays of the morning sun. The night had been swept away from you in the blink of an eye with the bright light peeking into the tent like an unwelcome guest. The big bed was also empty, Aleksander's side cold and vacant with no trace of his signature warmth. His scent still lingered though, the thick sheet soaking in his presence as much as you.
The kefta felt particularly heavy as you lifted it around your shoulders and clasped its belt around your waist. You would be boarding the skiff any minute now ready to play along with whatever plan Aleksander had. Truth be told, you would follow him to the ends of the earth and back. He was your silent stone to lean on, the shoulder you wanted to cry on. His company brought comfort and security to you that nobody else had ever given you, not your parents or siblings, nobody. Whether that be plainly down to Merzost or your love for him, you didn't know and didn't care.
'promise me you'll run and hide'
Aleksander wasn't selfless or humanitarian, he always put his life goal ahead of everyone, ahead of you. But this time he was begging you to run, to save yourself if something happened. But what could possibly happen on the skiff of all places? The words were meant to be reassuring no doubt, but they felt like a goodbye and that hurt. It's just a normal skiff journey to Novokribirsk you kept telling yourself despite that daunting dread pooling in your stomach.
Alina had arrived not long ago, his signature black carriage carrying the cuffed Sun-Summoner and bringing her to her tent. You hadn't yet had time to see her, so now you walked with determined haste, ready to give her a piece of your mind as you whipped the tent flap opened.
She stood dressed in a black gown still void of a black kefta no doubt, her hair neatly styled in a regal updo with glittering jewels hanging from a golden chain. But that wasn't what caught your eye, it was the Stag antler sticking out from her collarbone, the skin red and irritated. Her usually expressive face was blank, no emotion visible on her pale skin. Despite her state, you could basically feel the buzz of her power from where you stood. The amplifier was doing its job.
Her eyes found yours with a sharp glare and anger flooded her whole being. With her quick demeanor change came the clenching of her fists and a slight spark of light, small and pathetic you thought, does she not have an amplifier?
'You betrayed me' She stood up and took a couple steps towards you so you did the same, coming face to face with the living saint.
'I did no such thing. Now sit down before you hurt yourself' You seethed and she faltered, sitting down with a defeated sigh.
'Are you here to take my light too like he did? I'm sure there's enough to go around.... you know if you'd have asked me and told me everything then this never would have happened.'
'What are you talking about Alina?' Your angry expression shifted into one of slight confusion at her words.
'Don't act like you didn't know. I know you're not innocent, Baghra told me as much.'
'Don't listen to a word that wrench says.'
'Then who can I trust? Huh? You? Aleksander?' She threw her hands up in desperation and leaned her head back against the wall. ''I can't trust anyone, only Mal....but his life is being held over my head like a bargaining chip.' Her voice broke toward the end of the sentence but she recovered, squaring her shoulders and looking ahead at the tent wall again. 'Even though I can't physically to anything, you two still have your insurance don't you?'
'You need to stop speaking in riddles Alina, the Apparat has rubbed off on you too much.' At his mention, her eyes squinted at you in anger, seemingly aware of his situation back in Os Alta.
'Riddles? Do you prefer lies?'
'No. I choose to omit the truth and say what one wants to hear.'
'I would know'
'Why do you keep saying we took your light? We gave you the Stag' You circle back to her previous accusation, not caring for her petty allegation.
'No, he took my light with the Stag. I can't do anything, nothing. He took it all and is using it against me. Just like you told him to right?' You pause, what.
'Excuse me?' You stared at the girl incredulously. Aleksander did what? 'Alina if you are lying to me I will burn Malyen to a mere ember.'
'Don't you think I would have done something to you right now?' Her voice sneers at you with a poison you've never heard from her before but then it softens to a pitiful infliction. 'Did you not know?'
'Of course I didn't!' You shoot up out of the chair, knocking it over in the process. She just accused Aleksander of taking her Grisha power, of stripping her from the one thing the Saints gave her, light. What you did was nothing compared to this, you never took it all, that would be immoral, sinful. But he did.
'I was wondering why you didn't just take it yourself, I mean you wouldn't need the Stag in the first place.' Because he didn't trust me enough that's why I didn't do it.
'How did he do it?' You stared impatiently at her, your feet feeling restless and your whole body on edge. The anger started to bubble in your gut, slowly raging fire throughout your body.
'He had David use Merzost to join us together using the Stag antlers. He took everything from me. I swear.' She looked petrified, broken. It made sense now why you could feel the power and she couldn't use it, why the antlers didn't quite fit around her collarbone, they didn't belong there. 'How do I fix this?'
Her pleading eyes stared into yours, begging for a solution you didn't have. You turned your head away, deep in rageful thoughts when a loud voice echoed over the rest, she could be lying. This was Alina Starkov after all, she could very well be lying about it all. But it would fit with Aleksander's hints here and there, his need for your validity of loyalty. It made sense.
You once again looked to her, eyes glaring into her own, and whispered with honesty 'I don't know.'
Just as you said aloud your sorrowful admission, the tent flap opened with a whoosh and the man himself entered donning his signature poker face. You took your steps backward, silently excusing yourself from the situation. You could feel his inquisitive stare on you but you ignored it, instead opting to quickly look at his hand. Saints. There, embedded into his hand was a bone fragment of the Stag. You bit down the gasp of horror and clenched your fists. How did I not see it yesterday?
You averted your eyes to Alina's once again and gave an almost missable nod and left.
What in Saint's name is he going to do and how can I find out before my conscience gets the better of me?
You stared at the skiff and watched as the foreign diplomats boarded, each with a slight sheen on their brow. The Fold was an exhausting fear, one children and adults alike shared.
You looked to your left and spotted Aleksander and his troop of Grisha heading your way. While he spoke to Alina, you chose to stand alone and think, think of all the ways right now could go wrong. There were too many possibilities to count.
As the sea of keftas got closer, you walked on board, ignoring once again the look shot your way by Aleksander and Zoya alike.
Your steps were loud in your ears as your feet dragged on the wooden deck. Your head was still swirling with thoughts and scenarios, Aleksander being at the forefront of all of them. Why did he not tell me? Why is he doing this? What is he doing? It was a never ending turmoil.
The whirlwind of your mind was momentarily broken by the movement out of the corner of your eye. Alina was being chained to the deck, all freedom diminished. Aleksander stood behind her, unclasping her cloak to reveal a stunning golden kefta. You could see their lips moving and you could hear their voices, but your brain refused to process anything. You were shell-shocked, your eyes glued to his hand and the antler sticking out of it.
The skiff moved and jostled from side to side on the sands, the Squallers raising the winds to fill the sails. He dropped his hand but your eyes followed its movements. They flicked a sliver of light momentarily and you swore your stomach turned over and inside out. He must have felt your burning gaze on him because he looked up and searched for the target of your stare but it still wasn't enough to break your eyeline.
He appeared at your side suddenly , the same hand reaching for yours but you moved away on instinct. He moved to in front of you, gripping your chin up and forcing you to meet his eyes. They were cold and disconnected, like they usually were when he was deep in his revenge plans. It scared you, it always did.
'Why didn't you tell me?' You said calmy depsite the storm in your mind.
'It's for the best' He whispered, thumb carassing your cheek.
You roughly shoved his hand aside and walked away, choosing instead to stand next to Alina. You could sense her power on him but you could also hear the Merzost aspect calling out to you, begging to be taken into your grasp.
Before Alina had a moment to register your presense, the skiff entered the glorious sands of the Fold. As the shadows wafted in your hair and loomed between your fingers like water, your worries dissapeared and your head cleared. Your lungs breathed the familiar air in and out, spreading the feeling of home throughout your body.
Your eyes shut on their own accord, basking in the Unsea feeling as long as you could manage before all hell broke loose.
Part 26
Heyyyyy besties guess who's back!!!!!!!!!!!
Taglist (tell me if you want to be added to the Little Witch taglist!!) @theonelittleone @searching-for-gallifrey @0-artemis @lostysworld @xceafh @fire-in-her-veinz @patdsinner33 @cleverzonkwombatsludge @wizardwheezes @aleksanderwh0r3 @tomhollandisabae @hotleaf-juice @justmesadgirl @exo-1204 @houseofdupree @oberonpascal @eireduchess @lunas1x1 @adoringb @grisha-of-shadow-bone @rosiethefairy @carlywhomever @allisjustok @keepdaydreamingbb @luciadiosa @azkahanif
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nights-legacy · 3 years
Accidental Voltage-Denki
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First time trying to hold their hand. Does it go right or wrong?
Main Masterlist MHA Masterlist
+For being the pervert that Denki could be, everyone was surprised when they found out that you two hadn’t been intimate in any way. You two hadn’t even held hands. I mean they were really surprised. Denki is even surprised at himself but he really wants this to work with you. So when the time comes, he is really happy…happily electrified.
The whole class was having a movie night and we had invited some others from the other classes. Such as Shinso, the Big Three, Tetsutetsu, and somehow Monoma. I was sitting next to Denki on the end of one of the couches while Shinso was sitting on the ground in front of me. Shinso and I grew up together, so we had always been close, which made Denki happy since he was hell-bent on being friends with the purple hair boy.
“This movie is so boring.” Denki quietly into my ear. I chuckled. I looked over at him in the dark. He was looking at the ceiling, exasperated. He let his head fall to look at me.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t pick it though.” I told him.
“Grape did.” Shinso said, leaning his head back against my knee. The two of us laugh a little too loud. Iida chided us but we couldn’t help but laugh at Shinso picking up on Class 1-A’s nickname for the littlest member of the class.
“I am surprised it’s not worse since he’s a perverted little shit.” I said.
“You’re boyfriends a perverted little shit.” Shinso said. Denki gasped dramatically, placing a hand on his chest. Shinso just rolled his eyes before turning to the movie. Denki crossed his arms and pouted.
“Denks.” I nudged him with my elbow. He looked at me with puppy eyes. I booped him on the nose and he went cross eyed for a second before grinning widely. I chuckled lightly.
I turned back to the movie and we sat in silence for a while before I got restless again. I lifted Shinso’s head off my knee so I could fold a leg under me. He looked up at me when I placed it back down. I rolled my neck and leant back into the couch. I saw a look in his eyes. I raised an eyebrow at him. His eyes darted between me and Denki.
“Come on.” He whispered. He nudged me with his shoulder. He knew that I wanted to be more intimate with Denki but was to shy. He kept pestering me about just going for it but I still wouldn’t.
“Shinso.” I snapped, shaking my head. He gave me an irritated look. We started silently argued for a minute before I was hit with a pillow at full speed. I yelped and somehow caught the pillow. I looked ahead dazed before looking around. I saw Jiro glaring lightly at me. She motioned towards Denki too. She knew too. I sighed before looking at Denki. He was giving me a confused but I just shook my head. I took the pillow though and smacked Shinso before throwing the pillow behind me.
“Bitch.” He groaned before sitting forward and away from me. I didn’t react much because I was in my head. I took a big breath before looking at Denki. He had shifted and had straitened up and had folded his knee up and was leaning an elbow on it. His other hands was laying relaxed on his thigh.
“Denki.” He turned toward me. I smiled at him and he gave me one back. “I um… I.” I stuttered and blushed. I looked down quick and I heard him chuckle. I took a big breath before looking at his hand. I lifted my hand and before backing out, I reached for his hand. I felt him tense up. I was about to retract my hand but he suddenly tightened his grip.
“Finally.” I heard Shinso whisper. I bit my lip and looked at Denki. He was blushing madly but smiling none the less. He looked over at me and then at our hands. He started bouncing a little bit. I looked back at the TV and out of the corner of my eye I was him fist pump a little. He was really excited and was still bouncing. All of a sudden, a small jolt of voltage was sent through his hand.
“Shit!” I said. Denki ripped his hand away and looked at me scared. I saw tears well up in his eyes. I started to shake my head and went to reach for him but he jerked away. He stood up and jumped over the back of the couch, running away. “Denki! Wait!”
“What’s going on?” The others noticed the commotion. They started asking questions but I ignored them to go after the sparky boy. He had run out of the building. I ran out and looked around. I caught sight of his yellow hair. He was running to the back of the main building on campus. I followed and ran onto the PE grounds.
“Denki!!” I yelled. I cupped my hands over my mouth and yelled again. I got no response.
“What are you doing?” I jumped and turned to see All Might. I held my hand to my chest. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to scare you.”
“It’s okay. I was just looking for Denki. He ran this way but I lost him.” I looked around.
“Oh I saw Young Kaminari run into the equipment room just a few minutes ago.” He pointed in that direction. I smiled and bowed.
“Thank you so much. All Might! Please excuse me.” I ran off but I heard him chuckle as he gave me a farewell. I ran up to the door and skidded to a stop before gently opening the door.
“Stupid!” I flinched when I heard Denki yell at himself. I walk in silently and looked around the corner to see him pacing. I watched for a moment, leaning against the wall. “I can’t believe I let that happen. I can’t even control my quirk for the sake of holding my own girlfriends hand! Damn, maybe Bakugo’s right. Maybe I am just a dunce.”
“Denki.” I whispered. He sat back against a stack of training mats, pinching the bridge of his nose.
“God, they be so disappointed. They can’t even…” He trailed off with a sigh. I silently moved from the wall and walked over to him. I gently grabbed the wrist that he was had by his face and pulled it away. He jumped but calmed down when he saw me. Without a word, I stepped closer and intertwined my hand with his.
“I am far from disappointed.” I said in honesty after a few minutes of silence. I set my free hand on his cheek, running my thumb to wipe away a stray tear. “You are not a dunce. Far from it. And you know that Bakugo doesn’t really mean it. You’re extremely smart. You just have a laid back personality and there is nothing wrong with that.”
“But I shocked you. I can’t even hold your hand properly. I could hurt you or full on electrocute you…” He began to ramble on like Midoriya. I chuckle.
“Denki. Denki. Denki!” I gripped his cheek tightly. He stopped and looked at me. “You’ve been holding my hand for over 5 minutes and nothing has happened. See?” I lifted our hands into view. He stared and I saw him relaxing. A smiled crept onto his face.
“You’re right.” He laughed with watery eyes. He closed his eyes and shook his head. He gripped hand tight before bringing it to his lips.
“And I don’t mind a shock or two here and there. If I did, I wouldn’t be dating a literal tesla coil.” I said. He laughed, eyes scrunching.
“Telsa coil, huh?” He asked. I nodded. “Hmm. I like that. Maybe I should change my hero name to that.”
“No.” I brushed his hair back. “To the world, you’re Chargebolt. You’re my telsa coil, no one elses.” I said with a mach glared. He nodded and nuzzled into my hand. “Now come on.” I stepped back and pulled him back with me. He followed me out of the equipment room. We walked back to the Heights Alliance.
“I am sorry.” He said. He was rubbing his thumb over the back of my hand. “I was just so excited to finally be holding hands with you that my excitement came out in tiny sparks I guess.”
“It is okay, Denks. I wasn’t hurt at all. I was just surprised that it happened.” I told him. He looked relieved and looked it up.
“Looks like we’re back. I really don’t want to go back in.” I could see the blush of embarrassment. I looked around and an idea came to mind.
“How about we go star gazing in the courtyard?” His eyes lit up and nodded eagerly. We walked around back instead of through the common room. We sat down at in a nice spot and just watched the stars. We were laid back and I was starting to fall asleep.
“You’re so cute.” He whispered. I turned over onto my side and looked at him through my eyelashes. He reached over and traced a knuckle over my cheek. “You and your pretty eyes.” We stared at each other in the eyes. A cold breeze blew over us that caused me to shiver. “It’s getting cold out/ How about we go back inside?”
“Okay.” He got up and reached out for me. I grabbed both of his hands in mine and he pulled me up easy. We end up standing chest to chest. I blushed and quickly pecked his cheek before taking off.
“H-hey! Get back here!” He stuttered. I laughed as he ran after me.
Tags: @spicy-therapist-mom
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The Queen of Demons 4/?
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Pairing: Erwin Smith x OC, Levi Ackerman x OC
Rating: Mature (the rating will go up as the story advances! But it will totally be explicit ;D I even have some smut chapters already half written woooo! But right now just in case)
Warnings: None for now, but sexist and misogynist upbringing (Eva's father is a huge asshole).
Word Count: 8885
A/N: FUCKING FINALLY. I was so stuck and had a severe writer's block, but here it is! Part 4! I feel like my writing went down a bit but I hope to make up for it on the next one. Finished, not perfect! I hope you enjoy this one and were we can see a bit more of the vets and the 104 kids ôô
The pale morning rays of sunlight woke the Princess up, mumbling and turning to her side. Eva heard the distant chirps of birds flying by, as well as the sounds of the village being already busy. The neighing of horses, carts being pulled around, setting up the shops, the rooster screeching…
That’s not what she usually woke up to.
Back home she only heard the birds and some maids, especially Flora when she would come barging in and opening the thick curtains of her windows, letting the sun hit right in Princess’ face as she knew how much Eva despised being woken up like this, hollering: “What–”
“–A great morning this is, your Royal Sleepy Highness!”
Ah, there she was.
Eva attempted a reply but curled up further into the duvet and blankets.
“Oh c’mon, Princess! We’ve got a busy day today! Lots of exciting things!”
“Exciting for you.” Eva mumbled covering her head with the thick bedding.
Flora snorted, rolling her eyes. Without any kind of remorse, Flora grabbed the end of the duvet and blankets and unceremoniously pulled them off the Princess, enjoying the irritated groan she let out as Eva tried to blindly find something to cover herself with.
“Rise and shine!” Flora said in a singsong, stepping out of the Princess’ reach as she tried to kick her leg.
“How can you be so happy and chirpy so early in the morning?” Eva gave up, sighing and rolling out of the oddly comfortable bed; Eva fell asleep earlier than she anticipated.
“Oh, spare me the dramatics! We gotta get you to eat breakfast and prepare you for—“
“I’m not hungry.”
“Yeah, sure thing Princess, as if you don’t gobble up like a duck when you are nervous.” Flora handed Eva her robe, guiding her to the bathroom where a basin already filled with water and a cloth awaited her.
Once her morning routine finished, Eva padded to the living room where breakfast had been already served. It smelled heavenly.
“I don’t gobble like a duck.” Eva sat down, huffing displeased.
The Princess served herself some warm bread, eyeing the jams and butter with a watering mouth. Flora set a steaming cup next to her before sitting down in front of the Princess.
“Sorry, not coffee yet.”
Eva sighed.
The Princess cut some more bread for her handmaiden, sharing the spreading knife after she was done with it. On the first bite Eva hummed, satisfied with the taste and texture. Freshly baked bread was the absolute best. Flora leisurely poured sugar over the butter, her smile widening at the sugary mess. Eva frowned, chewing.
“It’s still a wonder how your teeth haven’t rotten out yet.”
“Ah, family thing for sure!” Flora took a heartly bite of the sweet monstrosity in her hands. “Gramps still has his teeth intact and covers everything in sugar when he gets his hands on some.”
Eva’s lips curled into a grimace.
“I love sweets but I don't think that is healthy.”
“You just don’t appreciate the flavour.”
“I sincerely doubt there’s any flavour left in that.” Eva nodded towards Flora’s loaf of bread.
The handmaid shrugged, biting down on it and making a show just to irk the Princess further. Eva exaggerated a gag which made Flora giggle.
Three knocks on the heavy wooden door announced the Eldians coming to pick her up. Eva sighed as she watched Flora stand up from the chair next to the Princess and walk to the door, opening it with a short bow and a smile. Eva sat straighter as the looming and bulky figures of the Eldian warriors came into her view, entering the lodgings provided temporarily for her and her handmaiden. They were the same as yesterday, the giant called Mike, the female warrior that caught her attention, Nanaba, and another man Eva couldn’t remember the name right now.
The three warriors bowed, Nanaba and the other warrior waiting right next to the open door as Mike approached her. The giant warrior waved to the door, the message of “you have to go outside” quite clear in his movements. His face did not give away any of his thoughts, keeping a neutral expression as he watched the Princess stand up and follow him, Flora right behind her with giddy steps.
Flora should have been born a Princess or a noble, her happy and open disposition towards everything and everyone would win anyone over, as well as the way she found happiness in the little things of life. How Eva wished she had Flora’s positive mindset.
“Alright, ready for your big day?” the handmaiden asked in hushed whispers, something both women mastered from years of court banquets.
“Of course not. I want to run right back inside.”
“You’re such a big—” Flora was cut off by Eva’s gasp.
Flora raised her eyes just in time to see the giant warrior leaning way too close to the Princess’ personal space and… sniff. The Princess had turned around, disbelief and stupefaction etched on her face at the nerve this big, brute man had to go sniffing people without… without their consent. Eva found it uncouth, impolite, and her cheeks blazed in indignation.
Mike leaned back, humming, pleased at something Eva wasn’t sure she wanted to know. Nanaba immediately chastised the big man, kicking his leg and nagging at him as he shrugged, crossing his arms and looking slightly guilty. At the scene unfolding right outside the house, people began to stop and watch, and Eva felt her blood run cold at the sound of the Chief’s laugh coming from down the stairs. Hans and Friederich were already there, and the youngest of the two brothers was about to march upstairs, his displeased frown deepening. The Chief nodded to Moblit, motioning him to rush to them and clear misunderstandings. Levi rolled his eyes, clicking his tongue.
“Your Highness, please accept our deepest apologies.” Moblit hastily bowed, an apologetic smile in his lips. “Mike here has this habit of… uh, sniffing people.”
“Is he implying I smell?” Eva’s mouth was pulled into a tight line. Flora did not spend as long as she did grooming her and using those soaps and perfumes Eva loved for this man to mock her handmaiden’s efforts. Besides, she kept her hygiene up to date, thank you very much.
“No! Not at all, Your Highness. Mike has a great and sharp sense of smell, like a… ah, what’s the name... ah, wolf! Like a wolf, and although I do concede that it may be considered rude, he just does it from force of habit.”
Eva raised her brow skeptically.
“He meant no disrespect, Your Highness. It’s his way to say that he uh… he welcomes you.” Moblit ventured a quick glance towards the man in question, muttering something as he almost imperceptibly nodded towards the Princess with wide impatient eyes.
Mike huffed, but muttered something back to Moblit in a deep voice. Next to him, Nanaba nodded, pleased.
“He apologises, Your Highness, and compliments you.” that piqued Eva’s curiosity. “He says you smell comforting, of lavender and honey. That’s something he appreciates, with his sharp sense of smell he can easily get overwhelmed by strong scents.”
“Ah, that must be troublesome.” Eva turned to face Mike and inclined her head. “My apologies for acting harshly.” But Eva still thought her response was totally justified. A warning beforehand would have been nice, and she still had her pride.
Mike answered with one curtly bow of his head of his own.
“Indeed.” Moblit decided the issue was resolved and lifted his arm towards the Chief and the Gottesreichan Princes, watching the whole ordeal with amused expressions sans Friederich. He still looked murderous. “Please, after you, Your Highness.”
That shocked Eva. Normally back at Gottesreich she would walk behind the men and respectfully listen to whoever was talking, and even after visiting other countries, that rule still applied, or maybe they weren’t willing to go against Gottesreich. Either way, Eva was taught to never disrespect its citizens and rulers when visiting foreign kingdoms from her brothers, and the Princess always willed herself to follow the Kingdom’s culture and customs out of respect, despite what her father said on more than one occasion. Her brothers taught her to be respectful, and she would not ignore them, and even less be an embarrassment for her brothers. Summoning with all her will a composed mask on her face, Eva dared to take the lead and walk down the snow covered stairs to where her brothers and Chief awaited. Flora walked right behind her, always keeping a watchful eye to her skirts and cloak, in case they may get in the way.
The crunching of her steps on the snow were deafening for the Princess. Everyone stopped what they were doing to watch. She was used to having all eyes on her, from courts and dances and banquets, from nobles and princes trying to win her father’s good graces, but having the people of Eldia stop and observe every single move she was doing felt suffocating. One slip and she was probably doomed in their eyes.
Eva stopped right in front of the men, bowing respectfully.
“Good morning, my Lord. Brothers.” Moblit’s voice softly translated for the Chief, who didn’t take his eyes away from her the entire descent.
The Chief returned the greeting, bowing as well.
“I hope you had a pleasant sleep, your Highness.”
“I did. Thank you, my Lord.” Eva did not find the need to tell him how she tossed and turned around, her mind restless, musing over yesterday’s events –his touch– or how she missed her pillows back at the palace. The Chief seemed pleased, although there was a glint in his eyes that he most certainly caught the lie. Damn it.
“If there is anything we can offer to help you get settled and to further accommodate you, please do not hesitate to say so, your Highness. I understand it may be unpleasant being so far away from home and your people.” Eva was slightly taken aback at how the Chief seemed to be understanding of her situation, contrary to what she had heard and been told a husband would be once she married. The Princess didn’t want to let her hopes up in case the fall was to be harder than it would already be.
“Thank you for your consideration, my Lord. I will do so in case I need it.” Eva knew she wouldn’t say a thing, her stubbornness always playing against her favour.
The Chief seemed pleased enough with her answer. He turned slightly so he was facing the three Gottesreichan siblings, addressing the rest of the foreign party as well. Moblit translated for them all, and Flora managed to contain her excited hops when the Chief officially announced the start of their walk around the village.
Much to the Princess’ dismay, the Chief had offered up his right arm for her to hold on as they began the tour, an encouraging smile on his lips as if saying “go on, I will not harm you”. Eva had hoped her brothers would keep him distracted enough so she could trail behind and listen, observing her surroundings, but no such luck. It seemed like here in Eldia they weren’t as reticent of closeness as they were in Gottesreich, and women were treated differently.
The Chief was still as big and massive as the Princess remembered from yesterday’s banquet, thinking it was her own nerves and wine that exaggerated her memories, but the way her hands had trouble meeting on the Chief’s arm told her otherwise. The Eldian leader kept a slow pace, mindful of his companion and her shorter legs, as he began explaining their village and the way it was structured.
The Eldian architecture was entirely different from the one used in Gottesreich, as well as the distribution of the village itself. Where Eva was used to narrower streets with houses sharing walls, clustered, messy (although the closer to the castle, the better were planned the streets and districts), mossy cobblestones, puddles around the corners with barrels and wooden crates, the townspeople walking as merchants and shopkeepers yelled their offers to the passersby, pennants hanging from side to side of the streets with the Kingdom’s colours… Here in Eldia the streets were wider, the buildings lower in height which gave a sense of the town being less claustrophobic since you could easily see the scenery and the sky. Wooden fences, dark roofs made of slates, the streets made of the earth itself with grass heartily growing on both sides and wooden planks on the floor to help create a more visible path on certain parts, but one could clearly see the cart’s marks as well as the horses pulling them.
Although everything was covered in thick layers of snow, Eva had no doubts it would be a magnificent sight in spring, with the imposing mountains surrounding the village and the vast fields littered with the farmer’s homes composing a picture deserving of a painting. It was rurally beautiful. Different, more primitive, if she took into consideration her own Kingdom’s ways, but efficient. The Princess was sure this level of coordination would not be able to be achieved without years of honing this lifestyle, and it honestly intrigued her, her curiosity piqued. Eva hoped this curiosity and wonder for the novelty wouldn’t disappear quickly and would stay with her until her situation was more bearable, or grew accustomed to.
Moblit’s gentle voice guided the Gottesreichan guests through the Chief’s explanations, looking at the direction where the Chief pointed with his free hand while speaking, often stopping to further go into details about their dwellings, their storage facilities and barns, the marketplace with the villagers already busy with their daily chores. The town’s market was lively and uniquely beautiful, wooden stalls standing proud with all the goods on display. There was all kinds of variety, going from food to parchment and candles and clothes, to jewelry or tools for butchers or farmers.
The Princess’ heart thumped wildly on her chest, trying her hardest not to show her rising panic at the fact that she was walking around the village on the Chief’s arm, having everyone’s eyes on her as they kept their tour. The villagers stopped their chores midway to stare at them, whispering and chattering as they went through. Some respectfully greeted their Chieftain, mostly the warriors patrolling the streets doing a particular salute upon seeing them, but the villagers smiled and bowed, the children present doing the same as they tried to contain their laughs while not being able to keep their eyes off the scene in front of them. The Chief continued their walk after answering the greetings.
An excited giggle, followed by a shriek of what sounded like a name, startled the guests and their hosts, even. The Gottesreichan soldiers took a defensive stance, ready to pounce on the source of it as well as attack if necessary; their priority was defending the monarch's lives at any costs. Eva couldn’t help the scared jump her body did upon hearing the childish laugh and running steps on frozen ground getting nearer, gasping loudly in fear and tightly clutching the Chief’s arm with her tiny hands as she unconsciously leaned on him, seeking protection.
The Chief was ready to make her stand behind him and face the attacker, but stopped immediately upon seeing it was one of the children from before. The boy had rosy cheeks, the colour intensified by both the running and the cold, and probably the excitement too, and had a wide smile that was missing a few teeth. The kid was holding something in his hands, hidden behind his back, and with the eagerness of a child waiting for the exact moment an adult would pay them attention to show them what they got in their hands, the little boy almost shoved his possession to the Chieftain and the Princess.
Once he saw what the boy had in his hands, the Chief visibly relaxed, shoulders shaking in silent amusement at how a little kid got the best of them all. The Princess still looked uncertain, clutching and pressing herself into him. Eyes wide and breath a little bit short, Eva looked down at the kid’s hands. He was holding a… flower?
A flower in the middle of winter? How was that even possible?
The kid kept his eyes on the Princess, urging her to take his present with quick words and lifting his hands further up, his smile widening. Eva thought herself of a stupid fool. How could she have been scared of a child? What harm could he do? Unless… No, unless nothing. This was a little boy offering a flower, a beautiful one that Eva had never seen before. Father would not tarnish the good intentions of a child.
Upon not having, still, immediate response from the Princess, the kid hopped on his spot, irremediably making Eva show a timid smile; she could never resist a toothy grin and sparkling eyes.
One look at the mother told Eva how this was not planned and how the kid had ran off on his own volition. Everyone on the street stopped dead on their tracks and silently watched the exchange, not even daring to breathe. The mother’s wide eyes jumped from the Princess to the Chief, then to his child, not knowing if she should run and apologise to their guests or wait and have faith in their leader and his soon to be wife.
Eva understood quickly this was to be a decisive moment for her and her stay in Eldia. One wrong movement that led to misinterpretation could be beyond disastrous. She had to be good, she had to fulfill her duty and be a good wife and—
Eva took a deep breath. Focus. Don’t succumb into panic.
Fighting her burning cheeks out of her own embarrasment, Eva let go of her almost deadly grip on the Chief’s arm and faced the little boy alone. Keeping her smile on her lips, Eva approached the child with small steps, stopping right in front of him and elegantly folding her gloved hand on top of the other. The kid kept talking at a dizzying speed, and when he noticed how the Princess furrowed her brows in confusion, while still maintaining her smile, he understood not a word he was saying reached her.
Humming to himself while thinking hard, the kid’s face illuminated itself when an idea came to him. He hastily pointed to the flower and then to the Princess, practically shoving it in her hands. Eva looked down and then up at the kid, pointing at herself with a questioning look. The child nodded effusively, shoving the poor flower again.
Eva couldn’t help the soft chuckle upon his enthusiasm, never being able to resist a kid. The Princess took it, making sure to do a slightly exaggerated bow, lifting slightly the skirts and careful enough to not crumple the flower, so the little boy understood her gratitude. The kid happily ran back to his mother, skipping and laughing as he began talking at that incredible speed while his mother looked beyond relieved. Eva did a curtly bow to her too, trying to show the mother no offence of any kind was taken.
Returning to the Chief’s side, Eva brought the flower to her nose. She always did that whenever she came by one, out of habit, and was surprised by the faint but sweet fragrance it emitted. Eva would have to ask about them, knowing Gottesreich did not have any flowers blooming in winter.
Just when they were about to resume their walk, more excited giggles and shouts could be heard. Other children ran away from their mothers and fathers, holding the same flower in their tiny hands. Eva found herself surrounded by eager eyes and smiles, shoving their flowers up so the Princess would pick them up too. Some would tug at her cloak so she would pick theirs first, others jumping on their spot, other’s patiently waiting their turn as they marvelled on the fabric and embroidery of her pale blue winter dress.
The Princess ended up with a small bouquet of flowers, the children shouting and running happily back to their parents once they delivered their gifts. She did not know what to do with them now, and frantically looked at the Chief and her brothers, then to Flora when her siblings had confused expressions, for a clue. The Chieftain had an amused glint in his eyes, but half his mind was busy thinking about something. Finally, Flora took pity on her Princess and walked up to her with a smile on her lips.
“Let’s show off those gifts, shall we, your Highness?”
Flora expertly secured the flowers on the Princess’s up braid, the pure white and calm blue of the flowers an unexpected but welcome complement to the Princess’s own choice of wardrobe. Moblit later explained, upon inquiring about the flowers herself, that they were a special kind of flower that bloomed on their woods only during the cold season, earning the name of “winter miracle”. It also symbolized the welcoming of new people into their tribe, as its sister in the warmer weather.
Eva was touched, knowing not that those kids wanted to welcome her upon hearing she was to become one of them soon. The Princess only wished the adults would have the same feelings towards her.
Thankfully the walk around the village suffered no more incidents and surprises, and Eva was able to delight herself on the market and what it had to offer; she definitely had to go there often and take her sweet time. The quills looked absolutely exquisite, and those were the famous travelling books she heard so much about! Even the jeweller had a beautiful selection of earrings, bracelets, necklaces and rings that the Princess had no idea the Eldians were capable of such craftsmanship. She particularly liked the brooch with the silhouette of a bird resting on a golden branch, the gold of the bird expertly mixed with beautiful midnight blue gemstones, resembling feathers. Also the hairpins! They were absolutely marvelous. The jeweller himself was both pleased and proud that the Gottesreichan Princess liked his products.
Their next destination amazed and terrified the Gottesreichan guests.
Eldia’s military prowess was legendary, and right now, they had its base and core right in front of them. The training grounds were a massive expanse of terrain, with barracks, thoroughly used wooden dummies, racks full of well-cared training weapons of all kinds, archery ranges, horse-riding training fields… and each and every single space was filled to the brim with warriors and trainees.
It was frightening to see how Eldia’s army was composed of perfectly trained warriors with wide expertise in the arts of combat. Not a movement wasted, not a single error in the placement of their feet to maintain balance. Strength, power, endurance, knowledge— every skill needed to become a perfect warrior, it was taught here in the massive training fields.
The Chief walked them right through the training grounds, nodding towards the warriors and fresh trainees who ceremoniously saluted him and the entourage he was leading. It was the same salute the Gottesreichan guests had seen in their entire walk around the unexpectedly gigantic village: right hand closed in a fist over their hearts, left hand on the back, and a proud stance full of tenacity and devotion. The newest recruits surprised the royal siblings, full of young faces who couldn’t be older than 15, but with a fierce determination to learn and to prove themselves. All sizes, shapes and forms– if you were up to it, were ready to go through an intense training, it did not matter who you were: a farmer’s son, a baker’s daughter… if you dedicated your heart, trained hard and understood what values had an Eldian warrior, what a life meant, you were fit to become one.
They stopped to observe the fresh batch that just started training a few months back go through a hand to hand combat. The instructor, a tall and intimidating man, bald with prominent wrinkles on his forehead and very notorious dark circles under his eyes, yelled out orders to the recruits. Some flinched, some fought every fibre of their beings into not taking a step back –a few of them failing–, but some stood their ground with confident and resolved stares, bearing down the drilling of the grim and frightening man.
Upon seeing that their Chief, the veteran warriors and the Gottesreichan guests where watching them, the recruits swallowed down their fears and tried to impress their leaders and royal guests, trying to make a good and fearsome impression of what the Eldian training grounds and warriors were made of. Punches, kicks, throwing the opponent on the floor… the field became a controlled battlefield of snarls, growls and frustrated shouts that developed into determined grunts. The recruits’ clothes soon became soiled by a mix of sweat and dirt, as a result of their vigorous and energetic try of today’s exercises.
The Princess did not dare to voice it aloud, in fear of her thoughts being perceived as a critique and direct attack on the Eldian ways, but her heart shrank inside her chest at the sight of what must be the smallest, tiniest of the new recruits, a blonde girl with wide blue eyes like the sky above, go against a trainee twice her size. Eva involuntarily clenched her hands in apprehension on the Chief’s arm, eyes not able to look away from the imminent tragedy. She was too tiny to be there! That poor girl was surely to be beaten into a pulp, taken advantage of the fact that she was much weaker, much more smaller–
A large hand squeezed her tightly clasped ones, making the Princess tear away her concerned gaze, even if she thought it was impossible for her to do so, to look down and see the Chief’s one bury her own. The Princess immediately searched for the Chief’s eyes, surprised at how he was already gazing down on her and had a small reassuring smile on his lips, nodding towards the training field. Eva looked straight ahead, just in time to see the petite girl dodge and deliver a solid punch to her opponent, making the cadet stagger backwards and clutch their stomach in pain. It was still far from being perfect and devastatingly powerful, as Eldians were known for, but it was good enough for a start and for the tiny warrior’s size. A small breath of relief released itself from the Princess’ lungs.
It still shocked Eva to the core to see women amongst the military ranks and files of Eldia, and nobody questioning it. Apparently there weren’t any kind of laws to forbid them to enlist, or to do any other job that back in Gottesreich it was meant only for men. How could they do it? How could those brave women endure it? Eva had always been taught how them, the lesser, weaker sex, could not what a man could do, just because God said so in his holy words. Father was the High Priest of Gottesreich, Father preached the word of God, the Holy Scriptures, that he made memorise Eva the moment she began her intense training as the third Princess of Gottesreich. It was so deeply ingrained in her mind that the mere thought of thinking herself above a man and their role made the Princess want to get on her knees and beg for forgiveness from her God.
How far did the dissimilarities run between their nations? How could Father entrust her with his desire to enlighten the Eldians into the correct, pious path? Just the simple thought of questioning her husband-to-be and his ways chilled her entire body and soul. She just… couldn’t. Her father’s will confused Eva.
But still, deep down inside her, locked down and not even daring to let it see the light, she couldn’t help but to… envy them. Envy their freedom of choice, of options, of life. Could she ever be like them? Aspire to have their wide range of choices? Alternatives? Could she choose her own path? She had been taught since she was a little girl that she would spend her life in a home, with her husband and a child in her arms. Not travelling, not expanding knowledge, or meeting new people and cultures… Everything Father and the Governess told her reminded little Eva of a bird cage. Pretty, comfortable, enough to see what was beyond the bars… but a cage.
She learned to accept her fate quickly, not daring to cross Father ever again in her life.
Eva knew she was born in a privileged home. A castle. A Princess. Never hungry, never cold, only the best of the best for her. It only took a quick look beyond the capital to see how privilege fed and took care of her. All her whims and wishes met without hesitation. Not a single patch to fix on her dresses, her hairbrush not missing a single bristle and made of the best silver— a perfect, content life. All you have to do is your duty, Father said. Do what you were born to do. Your only purpose.
Make me proud of being your Father.
Bring glory to the Holy Kingdom.
She was made to be bred, she was made to bear children, heirs, she was made to be a leverage for deals, a bargain chip, as her mind whispered to her in her darkest moments, to bring prosperity and glory to the Holy Kingdom of Gottesreich. She was… She was…
“Your Highness?”
The Princess was brought back to the present by Moblit’s placid voice and the Chief’s gentle tug, as if she had been rooted there, staring at the warriors, and getting lost in her troubles instead of following her fiancé and Eldian hosts. They were staring at her. Everyone. At least it felt like everyone, even the animals. Her breath had caught in her lungs, her throat a hard knot she forced herself to swallow before speaking.
“My deepest apologies, my Lords.” Eva’s mind scrambled to find an appropriate excuse for her lack of manners and being caught zoning out. “I did not mean any disrespect by my actions or to show an unwillingness to follow this pleasant walk. I was simply transfixed by your warriors, admiring their tenacity and will.”
What a load of bullshit.
They all seemed to buy it. Not Flora, though. She could see right through Eva as if she had been made of glass. Her handmaiden would probably ask her about it later in the privacy of their own lodgings, but let it go for now, knowing it was no use to inquire about it in the middle of the village tour, even less in front of their hosts.
They resumed the walk, passing through the training grounds before turning to their right, strolling until they reached one of the biggest houses of the village. Moblit informed them it was where the sick and injured were taken care of. A house for the sick, a hospital. Gottesreich had its own physicians and doctors, but never a house dedicated for the sick, the poor. Eva knew the Palace had their own royal physicians, dedicated only to them, and the people needed to rely on the town’s doctors.
Eva wondered how did this hospital work. Did they dedicate a part of the taxes to it? Was it free? What remedies did they use? What—
One of the windows was slammed open, an excited yell coming out of it. Moblit let out a tired sigh, mumbling in Eldian, as if he knew exactly what was that about. Levi spoke too, the tone in his voice denoting annoyance. Eva felt the Chieftain chuckle, answering his right-hand man with something that made Levi snort.
A head poked out of the window, messy brown hair tied up in a scrambled ponytail. The stranger kept shouting, excited, continuous noises of delight coming out of their mouth. The person noticed the small entourage right down their window, and quieted down instantly, curious as to who were the ones standing there. Then, another excited screech, lurching their body almost out of the window as they enthusiastically waved down. Moblit let out a strangled noise, uselessly raising his arms as if he wanted to catch the over excited person dangling off the window.
Eva discreetly looked to her side, looking for an answer or explanation in the Chief’s eyes, but he was looking up with an amused smile. She used his distraction to look behind her, finding the exact confused expression on her handmaiden and brother’s faces. The Princess saw Flora quietly shrug her shoulders, and she was so tempted to join her, but refrained in case the Eldians caught her and found it impolite. The person on the window shouted something and disappeared inside, sounds of furniture being moved around reaching their ears. Moblit groaned, rubbing his temples.
A few minutes later the same person who had half their body out of the window came out from the main doors of the hospital. Levi discreetly stepped away, not wanting to be involved with the newcomer and the imminent events. He really wanted to go back to the privacy and tranquility of his own home, drink a nice cup of tea…
An excited exclamation followed by a strident laugh broke Levi’s long desired daydream. He watched their eccentric approach, wondering how their guests would react to them. Judging by how the delicate Princess gasped at anything that came running and loud, Levi guessed it would not go right. Mike silently joined him, crossing his arms as he, too, observed the catastrophe about to happen.
“Bets?” Mike’s low murmur made Levi snort.
“She will freak out.” Levi turned his head to amusedly stare at his fellow warrior. “Like she did with you.”
Mike scoffed, crossing his arms.
“C’mon, not you too. And I say she doesn’t, just to spite you.”
“Hah! Serves you right, you big-nosed moose.” Levi’s gaze fell back to the front.
“It was not my intention.” it truly hadn’t been. He couldn’t help it, Mike trusted his nose, knowing his instincts never failed him before. He had to know.
“Just, don’t go sniffing people.”
“I will not make such promises.” Mike’s lips curled into a smile, proud at the way he managed to make Levi’s shoulders briefly shake.
Both warriors kept watching the scene in front of them, with Moblit trying to save the situation from their beloved doctor’s clutches, quickly directing their attention to himself and his words. Everybody knew that Moblit had a reserved spot on their Goddesses’ paradise; nobody worked as hard as him, and was as skilled to manage the village’s resident genius doctor.
“Your Highnesses, it is my pleasure to introduce you to our doctor, Hange Zoë. They are the head of the hospital and–”
“IT IS PLEASURE TO MEET, HIGHNESSESES!” Hange cut the poor and exasperated Moblit out, excitedly looking from one sibling to the other. The royal hosts were surprised at the doctor’s broken Gottesreichan attempt, albeit enthusiastic.
Flora successfully covered an amused snort. Ardor! Fervor! Passion! Flora admired that in a person, and for now, Doctor Hange Zoë managed to catch her attention. The handmaiden was sure she could learn interesting things from this eager physician, and secretly wanted to see how Eva would react. It reminded her of her first week as the Princess’ handmaiden, chasing a scared and overwhelmed Eva down the corridors as she tightly clutched one of her precious books, wanting to volt out of any situation that involved a loud and chatty girl following her everywhere. Flora realises know that she had been a little bit insensitive to her poor friend, but in her defense she just wanted her Princess to live.
The eccentric doctor went from sibling to sibling, offering their hand for them to shake. Prince Hans took it surprisingly well, smiling warmly and shaking the offered hand with what would be considered a perfect grip, confident and secure, while Hange still kept letting out broken gottesreichan, not giving any thought to the mistakes. Friederich was confused, and as such, shook his hand with the same sentiment as he was feeling; the second Prince felt as if a strong wind knocked him out of his feet and all he could say was “huh?”.
But ah, Eva. Poor Eva. She had brief flashes of her childhood with Flora, of an overexcited girl running after her as she talked, and talked, and talked… until Eva began to enjoy her extroverted nature and secretly thanked her for dragging her out of her room or the library. But still, Doctor Hange Zoë managed to scare the living daylights out of her with their excited gasp and sparkling eyes. Eva clutched the Chief’s arm in a deathly grip for the second time that day.
Hange offered their hand out too, but then seemed to think about it. Did princesses shake hands too? Was it protocol? Well, Hange never truly cared about protocols, to be honest, Moblit usually took care of that. So maybe it was too forward? Should Hange bow? Did they thoroughly screw up in their eagerness–?
Eva raised her hand and took Hange’s as her brothers did, Forcing herself to paint a warm smile on her lips.
Her father and governess’ voices were screaming inside her head, louder than her own heartbeat. How dare you shake hands with a commoner, you, a princess of Gottesreich? A princess should never shake hands! Commoners must bow, must kneel, must–
“The pleasure is mine, doctor Zoë. I am afraid I do not know any word of Eldian yet, but thank you for your efforts. I hope to learn soon.” Eva would follow her brothers’ lead for now, as they discussed on their journey to Eldia. Father was not here. Father did not understand. If Eva was to settle here to start a new life and end it here, she could not start fights and discontent because of her father’s pride. It was the smart thing to do.
The coarseness of her father always upsetted her, even if she swallowed her discontent, not wanting to repeat that night.
Hange’s uncertain face instantly turned into a bright smile. They didn’t screw up! The doctor turned to say something to the Chief, who in return gained a brief smile. Then, Hange returned their attention to the siblings.
Levi was rendered speechless. He lost the stupid bet! Levi was sure the Princess would freak out upon Hange’s overly enthusiastic greetings, judging by how she had reacted earlier with Mike and his antics. He didn’t dare to turn to his left to see Mike’s moronic moustache smiling smugly at him.
“You owe me.” Mike’s grin could be heard in his voice.
“Shut up, you giant tree.” Damn it!
“Want come in? Show house?” Hange signaled to the main entrance of the Hospital, already thinking about the tour they would take the royal siblings and show how amazing their inventions and discoveries had been.
Should Eva say yes? No, that was arrogant of her, she couldn’t decide on a whim what or what to not do, even less without consulting it with her brothers or the Eldian leader. Didn’t the Eldians also have an itinerary already made for today? The people on the streets and outside the hospital were staring at them, curious about the scene in front of them. Eva was getting nervous. their stares were suffocating her, their attention adding more weight on her, her mind scrambling to find an appropriate response–
Moblit intercepted before Eva could begin, quickly saving the moment.
The Princess was grateful for it, feeling the weight of the decision on her shoulders diminish; she restrained her relieved sigh from escaping her lips, though. Moblit would handle it, thank God above! With a pang of pity in her heart, Eva watched Hange go from thrilled to crestfallen as Moblit spoke. Now she felt bad, knowing for sure they had the best intentions in their heart. Maybe the detour wasn’t that bad…?
But Hange immediately returned to their cheerful self.
“Must come other day! Question Erwin about it!” Hange clasped Eva’s hand in theirs, that exhilarated spark back in their eyes. “Must show you fun things!”
Eva pressed her lips into a tight, nervous smile and nodded, hoping it would be enough to quench Doctor Hange’s eagerness. Too forward! Too forward! Was this also an eldian thing? It seemed to do the trick, as they went back inside the hospital when an assistant called them from the door and enthusiastically waved goodbye.
“Apologies, your Highnesses.” Moblit deserved a raise and long vacations. It had been only a day, but it was clear for the gottesreichan guests that the poor man dealt with a lot, and it seemed that Doctor Hange occupied 80% of it. “I must ask for you to forgive Doctor Hange’s lack of protocol and take no offence by it. The Doctor really enjoys meeting new people and telling about their discoveries and new remedies.”
“No offense taken, Moblit. I’m sure Doctor Hange can make it up to us by showing us what they are so excited for, right?” Hans was genuinely interested, always asking the doctors and physicians back at the palace about everything, going as far as reading some books, although he understood half of it. He truly wanted to know Doctor Hange’s thoughts.
“Honestly, I’m curious now.” Friederich scratched his nose, mumbling. Hans sniggered, lowering his voice so only his brother and her sister’s handmaiden could hear him.
“You, willing to listen to non-battle-related things? Who are you and where is my dear brother?” Flora snickered, covering her mouth.
“Oi!” Friederich’s ears went red at the tips.
“We will have to come tomorrow, then.”
Moblit approached them, always with his calm smile on his face.
“May we continue, your Highnesses?”
Only when they resumed their tour, hearing Moblit talk with her brothers and the Eldian warriors escorting them, did Eva realise how Doctor Hange was wearing glasses.
Saying Eva was scared was not enough. Terrified? Frightened? Petrified? There was no adjective to describe the sheer terror those beasts instilled inside her heart. Those were not horses. No horse could be that monstrous size. Nope. No way.
She didn’t even reach the horse’s chest! And even one leg was as thick as her whole body! How did they even suppose she could get on one of them?
They were led to the village’s stables, where the stable hands and grooms had horses ready with their saddles. Each one of them had a different saddle pad, beautiful Eldian embroidery and motifs of golden and white thread on a teal fabric, most of them resembling the ones from the village’s houses, the themes of the needle work being mostly of mother nature herself. The leather of the saddles were beautifully taken care of, going from darker to lighter tints of brown, no doubt the artisans made a good work of the dyes and its delicate processes.
The horses looked healthy, robust and ready to be ridden by their masters. If Eva wasn’t as scared as she was, she would be admiring the animals and the pure strength they exuded.
Friederich was getting more invested into this part of the tour than the previous one. Yes, Eldia was beautiful and curiously different, but for Friederich, it was still boring; he had never been good at diplomacy and pleasantry visits. He had always heard of Eldia’s monstrous steeds, and was delighted to see such enormous and sturdy stallions, powerfully built and vigorous. You could see the raw power in them, and couldn’t wait to see what it felt to ride one of them. Maybe he could convince the Eldian Chief to trade some… Surely his enemies would piss themselves upon seeing a beast such as this charging against them. Yeah, maybe he could, preferably at the evening banquet. Now was not the time.
This was an important ritual for the Eldians.
Moblit gracefully explained how this was considered crucial when two souls got engaged in Eldia. Hunting was part of their culture, a huge one, and they would not bring shame to their traditions and ancestors. It was an art, and the Eldians deeply respected nature and what it provided for humankind, so the solemn air was palpable. For Eldians this was a trial, also. Those who proposed to their lovers would have to hunt a magnificent piece for their betrothed, to both show that they could provide for them and also have the strength, patience, wit and endurance used in hunting that would prevail in their lives.
Since the Chief was getting engaged to the Princess, he had to prove himself to her, so she would accept and approve of her future husband. This ritual held even more importance for who was performing it, and the villagers were actually curious about how well would their Chief perform; sadly, some couples had to use all three attempts to succeed. They hoped the Chief would succeed at his first try.
For Eva, it was basically a show to see how much of a peacock the man could be, not that different from those in court who would fawn themselves and their achievements to win her hand, and what came with it. Bitter? Maybe so. She was just tired of men, but would respect the Eldian tradition. After all, traditions were traditions, and one should always honour them, no matter what.
For Flora, it was just like her beloved romantic novels. A man proving their worth to their beloved? Man versus Beast? Oh, how she wished that for herself! Maybe one day she would find love here, in Eldia. Who knew what the future awaited for her?
“As tradition says,” Moblit spoke. “The future bride and groom must ride together, as the willingness of their souls to start a new journey.”
Eva froze.
No way.
There had to be a mistake. She thought she would ride in a small carriage with Flora, as the men rode and discussed their matters. Her dress wasn’t suited for riding!
On cue, one of the stable hands brought a magnificent white stallion, it’s crest carefully brushed and not a single tangle and bit of dirt on it. It was bigger than the other horses, robust, and Eva understood now what people meant when they said pets and horses resembled their owners: a horse truly fit for a Chief; it had to be his judging by the proud look the man had on his eyes.
The beast patiently stood right in front of them, not showing an ounce of nervousness or uneasiness. How Eva wished she felt the same. She just wanted to bolt right out of there.
The Princess felt the Chief turn towards her, and automatically released her hold on his arm, although he kept her hand in his, gently guiding her towards the Chief’s own stallion. Eva didn’t want to get closer, even less mount on it. She was terrified! They stood in front of the beast’s head, admiring the noble profile and long golden lashes it had. Eva saw the Chief affectionately gaze at his horse, giving it a tender stroke on its muzzle. He looked back at Eva, inviting her to do the same, but the Princess remained rooted, frozen on the spot. The Chief nudged her to pet the stallion’s head by lifting her hand himself, slowly, always watching her reactions closely— the Chieftain knew he was pushing her, but Erwin believed this would help her lose a little bit of her fearful first impression.
Eva watched, between a mix of horror and wonder, how her gloved fingers brushed the horse’s muzzle, its heat warming up her palm. The stallion didn’t even flinch at the change, letting itself be pet. Eva was amazed, transfixed, not even aware of the Chief’s gaze on her. Slowly, a sensation of relief washed all over her body, feeling more secure now that the beast showed no trace of nervousness upon seeing a new face. Eva even let herself release a small smile, even though her heart was still pounding fiercely inside her chest.
More horses were brought to them, each warrior taking the reins of their own steed, as well as new horses for the Princes to ride. Friederich was beyond excited, eyes going from head to rear of the enormous beast he was lent to ride. He looked like a child in a candy shop back at the Capital.
Everyone waited for the Chief to mount first, as tradition dictated. The solemn air felt like a pressing stone on the Princess, not truly knowing what she was supposed to do besides having to ride with him. Should she say something? Perform a certain move? But the Princess stood rooted there, letting her never-fading anxiety begin to swallow whole again.
The Chief prepared himself to mount on, grabbing the pommel with his left hand and easily hoisting himself up when he set his foot on the stirrup. Every move he did looked effortless, as if even a child could do that with their eyes closed. If they thought Eva could achieve such levels, they were going to be thoroughly disappointed. The Chief extended his hand to the Princess, signaling her to come closer and join him on the horse.
The question is: how the hell is she supposed to get on it?
Moblit did not give any clues or hints about it, and everyone respectfully watched as the Princess approached the Chief with small steps. The Eldian leader never looked away from her, and she truly reminded him of a scared fawn.
What came next was a blur for the Princess. One moment she was standing right beside the Chief, timidly taking his hand and raising her other one to try to reach the pommel as the Chief did, her foot raising too to set on the lowered stirrup, and on the next moment Eva found herself being lifted as if she weighted nothing, strong arms pulling her up, easily turning her so she sat astride the horse with her back pressed against his chest.
Eva couldn’t focus on anything but the feel of his broad and strong chest snugly pressed against her back, despite the layers of thick clothing and cloaks between them. Eva did not pay attention to everyone else getting on their horses, or how Friederich couldn’t help the boyish grin on his lips, or how Flora turned beet red when she was made to mount on the same horse as the second Prince of Gottesreich, her confident and self-assured attitude gone for a moment. She couldn’t, not with how the Chief righted her stance with gentle hands, or how he straightened her own dress skirts and cloak without being prompted to do so, or how he guided her gloved hands to the crest and horn, so she had something to hold on to, even if the arms that caged her in wouldn’t let her slip and fall. The cold was forgotten for a moment, as well as her nervous tension.
Prompting the beast to an easy gait, the Chief led the party outside the stables and onto the main street. That’s when Eva snapped out of her trance and quickly ventured a look towards her handmaiden, seeing her grip the crest of the horse she was on with red cheeks. Both women crossed looks, twin bewildered expressions greeting each other. Eva silently cheered for her friend, but was too occupied herself with her own troubles to even waggle her eyebrows to tease her handmaiden.
This was going to be a long day.
The main street greeted them with the eldian villagers gathered on the sides of it, creating a passageway of curious and expectant faces. Everyone looked like they were waiting for a signal, eyes glued to the Chief’s horse and its riders, fingers and feet fidgeting. When the Chief and the Princess passed the first bystanders, the whole wide street exploded into cheers and shouts and blue.
The villagers threw flowers on them and the horses’ hooves, smiling and clapping as they passed by. Eva recognised the winter flowers from before, the same she wore now on her braid, and watched the villagers cover the entire street in a mantle of blue and white. The Chief did not turn to greet or answer them, keeping his head and eyes straight ahead in a solemn show of respect towards their faith in him. That’s when Eva understood this was part of the hunting ritual too, bidding farewell and good luck to the couple about to engage in the ritual. So, to not be disrespectful towards their culture and traditions, Eva did the same, looking straight ahead towards the main gate, into the sky blue path. A flash of the Chieftains’ eyes crossed her mind. The same blue.
It truly was a beautiful sight.
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myfearless-love · 3 years
The Wildest Place You Run (2/?) - Hold the Front
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Thanks to everyone who commented on the first chapter or reblogged, liked the story written for @cssns! Here’s the next one; I plan on posting chapters every Sunday. Thank you to my awesome beta and artist @thejollyroger-writer! Check out her amazing art for the first two chapters! Enjoy!
Vampires, Werewolves, Mages, and Elves. For centuries, they kept their existence a secret, but the constant rebellions against the strict laws of the Guild had led to a terrible tragedy. In an open clash, it became apparent to humans just what kind of monsters lived among them. Emma Swan loses the love of her life in the first battle of the war. A few months later, while still trying to process what happened, a mysterious and terrifying figure worms his way into her life. But the man is hiding far more terrible secrets than he reveals to her, pulling them both into a horrible situation...
Chapter: 2/? - Hold the Front
Fandom: Once Upon a Time
Rating: M
Relationships: Killian Jones/Emma Swan
Read on: FF.net or AO3
Words: ~4.7k
Previous parts:
Ch 1
TW for this chapter: Depictions of violence and blood
"There was nothing you could have done," said Mary Margaret as she shook her head.
Emma couldn't even count just how many times she had heard this sentence from her. She wanted to believe her friend, but she never could. If she had been faster, if she had noticed the danger sooner… Maybe she could have saved Neal that terrible night.
It had happened more than half a year ago, but the screams still echoed in her ears as sharply as they had that night. The image of the pile of bodies, the blood, and the burning building was forever seared into her memory. But the most terrifying minutes weren't caused by these pictures. Neal's death changed everything…
He was a Hunter, just like her half-brother, David, with the difference that no elven blood flowed through his veins, any more than it did in hers. They both served the Guild and that was what caused Neal's demise. He and her brother were among the first to be called to the front lines…
The light of the full moon covered the entire clearing, and it danced on the mirror of the lake. The weather was relatively pleasant, a balmy breeze sailing through the early June night. It ruffled the fresh, green grass of the meadow, welcomely cooling down her hot face.
Lying side by side, they had been staring wordlessly at the sea of stars for some time. She really wanted to tell him, but she didn't know how he would handle it. She tasted the words a few times in front of the mirror in practice, but found none of them appropriate.
She just watched him, even now she could hardly believe he loved her. Just her. She'd never believed she was good enough to deserve anyone's love, but Neal still saw something in her. It was true, of course, that it took almost two years for their paths to cross (and her infatuation to be reciprocated), but in the end, her intuitions proved to be correct.
There was no one for her but Neal. Maybe the statement was slightly inaccurate, but the few people she'd been with left her within days, weeks, or months, saying they just couldn't learn to love her. She accepted it, because what could she have done? She loved them in vain…
She had already given up on ever being with Neal too, when what she had been waiting for finally happened.
He tore her from her contemplation. He turned on his side, propped himself on his elbow, and gently drew her to him. "What's wrong?" He brushed a lock of her fallen hair behind her ear and smiled kindly at her.
"Nothing's wrong," she whispered in response, snuggling even closer to him.
"Are you sure? You've been acting so… weird," he gently stroked her curly, long blonde hair and gave her an unwaveringly angelic smile. His brown eyes lit up brightly, the corners crinkling faintly.
At any given time, she could completely get lost in those orbs.
"Of course. Everything's fine," she assured him, though the desire to just tell him was burning her inside. But she still couldn't find the words and hesitated. How would he react?
"If you say so…"
His gaze drifted to her lips, and she could see his Adam's apple bobbing as he swallowed hard. She didn't have to wait long, he slid his palm under her head and rolled over her in moments. His lips tasted hers gently. It was sweet, hot, and passionate all at once, gradually deepening until their tongues met. Suddenly, his body weighed on her. Although not at full weight, he still took her breath away.
It wasn't painful, but he wasn't exactly a lightweight, and the movement gave her a fright.
"Could you…" she moaned in a low voice, but he seemed to understand.
He braced himself on his hands, and she could finally breathe. "Sorry," he smiled apologetically.
"Neal," she finally managed to gather her thoughts.
"Yes?" He scanned her face curiously, his expression momentarily uneasy at the uncertainty he probably saw in her eyes.
"I…" she couldn't continue, she just stared at him, hoping he would understand.
"What's wrong?" His gaze turned suspicious.
"I… I'm… pregnant," she said, breaking eye contact and waiting with bated breath for his reaction. She knew for a fact that he loved her, but they were still so young and they never talked about it.
For a few seconds, he only stared at her with widened eyes. Her face immediately felt hot. It looked like it was the last thing he'd expected to leave her mouth. It must have felt like an ice-cold shower.
Then, to her greatest surprise, a wide grin suddenly spread across his face, and he opened his mouth several times, but no words came out. His instinctively gaze slid to her stomach, followed by his hands.
"You're not kidding, are you? How… How long have you known?"
"No, I'm not kidding. Not too long, I wasn't sure until this morning," she replied quietly, but she was already smiling from the huge weight that had fallen from her heart. She had to admit, she hadn't expected that reaction.
Neal still didn't quite know what to say, and Emma slowly sat up. But before she could prepare herself, he suddenly hugged her tightly.
"You have no idea how happy I am!" He grinned wider and buried his face into her neck.
"I think I can guess," she smiled, then hissed softly. Neal squeezed her too hard. "Relax, tiger," she laughed to herself, and he immediately loosened his grip.
"Sorry. Anyway, I had something planned for the two of us tonight," he remarked, but at the same moment, his phone began to ring."So…" Neal continued, ignoring the call, but she stopped him.
"Pick up. You can always tell me afterward, and it might be important."
"No more important than this," he insisted.
She shook her head disapprovingly, and without hesitation, she dug into his bag to pull out his phone, pressing it into his hands. The caller ID told her it was David. "If I know my brother, you better answer it."
Neal pursed his lips irritably but lifted the phone to his ear. "What?!" he growled at David on the other end, his tone irritated.
The answer clearly didn't lighten his mood, his face made her downright anxious.
"David… I just need half an hour! You can definitely hold the front until then," he almost begged, and Emma found that rather strange.
She began to sharpen her ears with interest.
"Neal! When this is done, you can do it in much quieter and more intimate conditions. We need you now! So get your shit together and get your ass in here!"
David raised his voice so much that even she could understand every single word.
Neal angrily ended the call and shoved the phone into his pocket. "We have to go," he announced in a grim voice, rising from the ground, helping her.
He idly dusted off his pants, delaying the inevitable as much as possible.
"What happened?"
"The newly settled Vampire clan and the new pack of Werewolves are wreaking havoc in the mall downtown. I need to get there… David and the others need backup," he confessed as he rocked from one foot to the other.
"Then what are we waiting for? Let's go!"
"But…" Neal's gaze shone with fear, and his restlessness had caught her eye, though Emma didn't understand what was wrong with him. Normally, he threw himself into fights like this, but now he seemed hesitant.
"Is there something else?"
"No. Come on, I'll take you home…" He lowered his head, took her hand and they walked back to the black Land Rover LRX parked at the edge of the clearing.
The SUV wasn't his own, legally it belonged to the Guild, but it had been on loan to Neal for some time.
"Neal, we don't have time for that, I'm coming with you," she stated in an authoritative tone, but he just shook his head.
"There are too many creatures there, they've gone completely nuts. I'm not taking you there!"
"Yes, you will! I'm not arguing with you, Neal. And besides, I have the gun David gave me yesterday," she added, trying to convince him. There was no time to waste.
"It's worth very little against them," he said, shaking his head.
"It's filled with silver," she lied easily, just so he would finally relent.
"Why are you so damn stubborn?"
She took that as his agreement, and started running, hearing Neal picking up speed behind her as well. She yanked open the car door and threw herself into the passenger seat. After buckling up, she rummaged in her bag to change the magazine in her Glock. Meanwhile, Neal put the key in the ignition and secured his seatbelt as well.
"Where did it happen?" she asked as they sped through the suburban streets.
"At the new mall. About six hundred people are trapped inside, and they're already being thrown off the roof deck," Neal replied.
The speedometer slowly moved to 55 mph. "Neal, slow down!" Emma hissed through her lips as she squeezed the edge of the seat with whitened fingers.
"You told me to hurry," he grinned, and she rolled her eyes. "What if I dropped you off somewhere?" He gave her a hopeful look, but she shook her head.
"I want to go with you," she declared firmly, and Neal punched the steering wheel in rage.
"You can't come with me! I won't let you, especially now that…" he paused in agitation, then his gaze landed on her, and he looked much more determined. "You're not coming. Period. Get out of the car."
He slammed on the brakes, and the car came to a stop in front of a 24-hour supermarket. He stared at her expectantly. Emma decided to switch tactics, pinning her gaze directly on his crotch.
"Emma, don't look at me like that."
"Then let's go, Neal!"
At that moment, his phone started ringing again and David's name flashed on the display.
"Start the car!" she snarled angrily. "If David gets hurt because of us…" She didn't need to finish the sentence, Neal pulled back out onto the road again.
"You stay here in the car and wait for me. Don't get out unless there's a problem and-"
"Stop it, Neal. I'll be fine, I know how to shoot a gun and I've got good aim!"
"Neal, for God's sake, hurry up!"
Her brother, leaning over the railing of the roof garden, yelled down to them. Much of the three-story building was already in flames, and the glass walls of the first floor lay in tiny shards on the sidewalk, covering the several dozens of bodies that lay in front of the mall.
"Please, Emma, don't come after me. Promise me!"
Emma knew he wouldn't leave until she agreed. "All right, fine," she sighed.
"I'll be back as soon as I can."
Before she could say anything, he pulled his favorite Desert Eagle pistol out of one of his holsters and ran toward the building. She watched him go for a few seconds until he disappeared into the maze of shops.
She nestled uneasily in her seat, and her gun nearly slipped from her hands. Her palms were covered in sweat, and she was growing more nervous by the second. Her courage began to disappear into a bottomless pit.
After a few minutes, she heard a loud crash from her right. Trembling, she raised her gun and looked to the side. At first, she saw nothing, then she noticed a new body among the others. A young boy, probably ten or twelve, lay on the ground, his limbs twisted the wrong way, and a huge pool of blood already growing under his head.
Her stomach began to churn, and she was about to turn her head away from the gruesome sight when another body slammed to the asphalt, just a few feet from the car.
At that moment, she made up her mind. She shoved a spare magazine into her pocket and quickly jumped out of the vehicle. Without looking anywhere, she ran into the mall through one of the shattered windows of a store.
It was a simple, relatively insignificant clothing store, but dozens of women lay on the floor. All of them had had their throats slit open, they were dead, of course, and the floor was soaked with their blood. The cashier, clutching the register, still had a receipt in her hand.
Emma tried to breathe through her mouth and ignore the bodies. Over the years, she'd had the unfortunate opportunity to get used to them, but no matter how many times she encountered one, she could never be completely impervious to it.
She cut through the store and headed straight for the escalator. On her way, she avoided the fountain, its waters already glistening bright red.
When she finally arrived at her destination, she found that the escalator was out of service, so she took two steps at a time and ran as fast as her legs would carry her. Both the first and second floors proved empty, but the higher she got, the more the heat from the fire rose to an almost unbearable degree. She tied her sweater around her waist and stopped unsteadily before the last step.
The sounds of the brawl filtered out clearly, not even the loud crackling of the fire could drown them out. For now, the flames hadn't reached dangerous proximity, and luckily, the building was mostly made of non-combustible materials.
Roars, gunshots, crashing. Thunderous explosions. Frozen, Emma lingered at the foot of the stairs leading to the last floor, staring upward hopefully.
Surely everything would be all right. Neal, David, and the others would soon emerge at the top, with smiles on their lips as if nothing had happened. And they would go home safely.
A few minutes passed while she was idle. She had a hard time convincing herself to go upstairs. Neal and David would certainly be furious, but she'd taken their anger any day rather than their deaths. And besides, they would definitely benefit from a little extra help. If it could be classified as such.
She was one of the Mages, but a rather lousy one when it came to her abilities. She was only a low-level Seer, nothing more.
Clutching her Glock with both hands, she came up the stairs. The screams grew sharper and louder. Plenty of people could be stuck upstairs, but the path leading down seemed clear.
What were they waiting for? Why didn't they just run away and escape? Emma found it really strange.
She slowed her pace, confused by the humans' behavior. It just didn't feel right.
The cool, night air blew into her face as soon as she reached the rooftop. Most of the overturned tables and umbrellas were on fire, chairs broken into pieces. Most of them, ironically, were used by Vampires as stakes. They used them as weapons to kill the humans.
After only a few seconds, she heard an angry roar. "Emma, watch out!"
Immediately she spun around looking for the source of the danger. David was the one yelling at her, probably not without reason. She didn't have to search long, she immediately noticed the fully transformed, nearly six-foot-tall Werewolf charging towards her.
She only had a few seconds to react. Someone was calling her name again, desperation clear in their tone. She couldn't deal with that now, she would help them later… if she survived until then because if she missed, she was dead.
She aimed at the beast as best she could, right between its eyes. Her gun was already filled with silver bullets that would stop it. Assuming she hit it at all…
She pulled the trigger and the bullet hit the wolf, inches from her target, right in one of its eyes. He howled in pain and finally came to a stop. She took the opportunity to shoot half the magazine into the wolf.
She gasped for air, her heart pounding in her throat, and slowly she began to realize that the end of her life was a hair's breadth away. She didn't lower the gun, but still clutched it convulsively. The smoke burned her eyes, tears filled them to the brim, and she could see almost nothing. The wind wasn't helping either, carrying the gray mist right into her face. She gasped as if she had just run several miles and her lungs were thoroughly filled with smoke.
She forced herself to open her eyes and look around. She started stumbling through rubble and bodies, but so far she hadn't seen any movement, only heard the sounds. The battle was definitely not over yet.
She walked blindly for a few yards, but her fingers didn't slip from the trigger for even a second. She had to find Neal and David.
At last, she emerged from the cloud of smoke, but she could only blink her eyes, the world looming around her was quite blurry. Instinctively, she crouched against the barricade, for the hail of bullets was almost as thick as the cloud of smoke. A few of them were barely a few inches from her, and she curled up as best she could.
She tried to assess the situation and find her brother and Neal and the other Hunters she knew. Robin and Leo were only a few feet away from her and they both seemed fine. David, on the other hand, was dealing with a Vampire that was dangerously close to the railing.
He was having a hard time with the creature, she could clearly see that. Without thinking, she instinctively crawled towards him, pressing herself against the barrier the whole time. Silver bullets weren't worth much against Vampires, but at least they slowed them down, and the wounds caused by silver left a mark on their perfect skin.
When she was close enough, she fired three shots at the Vampire. She missed the first, the second lodged in his thigh, and the third slammed into his side. He let out a roar and staggered furiously on the bloodied, slippery floor. He lost his balance, toppled over, and finally, David managed to drive a stake through his already-dead heart.
David didn't even look up, he didn't seem to care where the life-saving shot came from, he immediately moved on to his next task.
There were quite a few Hunters here who she didn't recognize. Slowly but surely, they managed to push the Werewolves and Vampires back towards the flames.
Emma quickly wiped her sweaty brow and looked through the ranks of Hunters once more. Neal wasn't among them.
Her heart squeezed in her chest and she turned her head in alarm, but other than the cowering, screaming humans and corpses, she saw nothing.
She stood there confused and turned her head back around the place. There were no other Hunters she hadn't counted yet, every one of them was heading for the beasts.
A few raindrops fell on her face, the wind picked up, and an inhumanly loud rumble of thunder slit through her ears. Followed by a white light zigzagging through the black sky, blinding her for a moment.
"Neal!" her voice echoed like a hysterical scream, but no answer came.
When she opened her eyes again, a tall shadow unfurled from the cloud of smoke that covered the other end of the rooftop garden.
Immediately, she began to run, racing past the glass dome on the third floor. In the depths of the building, the flames grew larger and larger…
"Emma, stop! Don't!" Neal's voice came from the opposite direction, and she paused, turning away from the smoke and the shadow's owner in confusion.
To her surprise, Neal was standing barely ten feet away from her, shirtless. He never had a habit of showing off his body, no matter how nice it was. He had fine abs (not as defined as David's or Robin's), but now he was covered in blood and soot. Water dripped from him and thankfully, she didn't see any wounds.
"Behind you!" he called out to her.
His voice trembled with fear and he raised his pistol to fire, and for a moment it seemed he was aiming for her head. She turned, but it was too late. The elbow of the fast-approaching Vampire landed on her face.
For a few seconds, everything around her went dark, she felt like her face was going to split in two. She staggered, and suddenly the bloody ground came dangerously close to her face, and soon her head hit the ground with a thud.
She squinted her eyes for a few seconds, and when she opened them again, thankfully the world wasn't spinning in a crazy dance. But she couldn't hear anything. She knelt down and swallowed hard. It was as if a plug had been pulled out of her ears, the sounds returning in one fell swoop. She glanced back at Neal again.
He'd managed to wound the Vampire, but the beast didn't seem to be giving up. He swung his knee into Neal's stomach, wrenching the weapon from his hand, punching him in the face with it. Neal stumbled, but luckily, his legs didn't give out. The bloodsucker grabbed him by the arm, dropped the gun, and whipped out a roughly ten-inch-long blade. He aimed it directly at Neal's heart, but her boyfriend dodged the stab. However, the Vampire held him tight, so he couldn't completely avoid it, the blade digging into his shoulder.
At Neal's scream, her blood froze in her veins, and her hands holding the Glock trembled. Immediately, she took aim at the Vampire. She fired until the magazine was empty. Several bullets drilled into the beast's head and body, and quite a few missed him, too. But she got what she wanted, and the Vampire slumped to the ground. She didn't think he was dead, but she definitely put him out of commission for a while.
Quickly, she rose to her feet and ran to Neal, who was leaning against the barrier, trying to tear the dagger from his flesh. He was panting heavily, blood dripping in thick streams from his shoulder.
She dug out the spare magazine when she reached him and tried to slip it into the pistol, but her hands were still shaking too much.
Then, suddenly, Neal's gun went off. She looked over her shoulder in horror. Five fully transformed Werewolves were galloping toward them. Desperately, she tried to snap the magazine into place, but it was jolting too much in her hands.
She knew she would die if Neal didn't take them out in time, and with his injured shoulder, his aim would hardly be accurate. She tried to force herself to calm down, but the panic coiled in her stomach like an insidious snake. She was finished… They were finished.
Two more shots rang out, and one of the wolves rebounded with a harsh, deep howl. The Glock made a click, and the magazine was finally inserted. She turned to face the monsters. She tried to aim with a clear head, but it was much harder than ever. It wasn't just her life on the line. Hers, Neal's, … and the little one's.
Neal took out the second one with a single shot, and Emma aimed full fire at the one running in front, backing away in the process.
She hit him square in the shoulder, but it was like hitting him with a rock, even though her magazine was filled with silver bullets. Panic rose in her throat and began to thrust backward at double speed. Neal took out the ones closest to them, and she took aim at the ones left behind. If she could just shoot one of their eyes, maybe that one would stop.
She started firing again, trying to focus. But it was too late. They were barely three feet away from her, ready to pounce.
Her body completely locked down, she could only trust in her blind luck and Neal. That was it. Of the two, she had more faith in Neal.
The first wolf leapt up from the ground and nearly swept her away, but Neal's bullets dug into his front legs. He fell forward into the rubble with his muzzle foaming, his legs useless.
She immediately aimed at the next one. This time, she couldn't miss. But the beast was already in the air. It leapt over her head, straight into Neal. She didn't understand why Neal was holding back his power. He could fight off the wolf with his sheer magic, he was powerful enough to simply do so.
Meanwhile, the wounded wolf got up again, but this time his target was Emma. He probably thought the other one would take care of Neal. As she had previously planned, she aimed for the wolf's eyes, but she couldn't hit them. Then the beast was too close to her.
His teeth chattered inches from her throat, and his claws bit into her shoulder. He shoved her away, and she crashed into the barrier. Her side went numb from the force of the blow in moments, but she didn't even have time to comprehend her predicament, the wolf was already towering over her.
She was a hairsbreadth away from having his claws in her stomach as she put the gun to his throat and fired as many bullets into him as she could. The wolf howled, rolling back its eyes, but it raised its huge paw again, and this time it found its target.
Her breath caught in her throat from the blow, and a pained groan escaped her lips. His claws slowly sunk into her stomach, pinning her to the ground, and the wolf weakly opened its jaw, angling for her throat.
Help came from her right, three shots rang out, all hitting the wolf's side. He whimpered one last time and turned away from her…
"Emma, for fuck's sake!" David slid to the ground next to her and knelt down, trembling.
She wanted to ask where Neal was, but her mouth disobeyed. Her brain dulled, she began to go numb. Summoning her remaining reserves of strength, she put her arm around David's neck and forced herself into a sitting position. She screamed against the stabbing pain in her stomach and hunched forward.
"Emma, are you okay?"
It was the dumbest question Neal had ever asked her. But if he was able to ask and, judging by the approaching footsteps, he couldn't be in much trouble…
Her face was streaked with tears, and she tried not to faint. But David suddenly jumped up beside her and ran off.
"David…" she mumbled unintelligibly, then looked up at Neal.
He didn't seem to have suffered another wound. However, he looked immensely exhausted. He was pale and frightened, but thankfully he was walking towards her on his own two feet.
But he, too, stopped and turned his head to the side in surprise. What had they heard that she couldn't?
Finding it hard to keep her eyes open, she blinked shallowly at Neal. He started to retreat to the barrier, his rifle lying on the ground behind him. She forced herself to look back and a sharp cry burst from her exhausted lungs. One of the five Werewolves rushed at him.
The wolf's eyes were bloodshot and every inch of her trembled by his roar, his claws scraping the surface of the ground.
With all its might, it slashed at a helpless Neal. It all happened in a millisecond. The wolf's claws dug into Neal's shoulder, and the momentum pushed them over the barrier. They shattered the glass dome, tangled into each other, and fell into the blazing depths of the building.
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Sweet Pandemonium - Gally (The Maze Runner) Part 3 of 16
Happy (late) Thanksgiving if you celebrate it! 🦃
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Yet another restless night and strange dreams had you up and atom as soon as the sun started to come up, and you managed to notice Minho going into the maze...with Alby.
Strange...Alby wasn’t a Runner.
You quickly got dressed in your usual Builder attire, wincing as you tried to get around your sprained arm, and headed over to Newt, who was walking back from the maze doors. “Dude, what the hell? Why is Alby going into the maze?” You asked hastily.
Newt sighed, keeping up with his pace back towards the Homestead. “He’s gone to retrace Ben’s steps. See why he might’ve been stung in the middle of the day.” He explained. “He’ll be fine, Y/N.” He said, sensing your apprehension towards the situation.
Gally didn’t take the news of Alby too well when he found out. He thought it was stupid, and understandably so. But he tried not to let it distract him from doing his job. Although, your obvious distraction caused him to get a little hotheaded.
“If you’re not gonna focus, then just go do something else.” Gally scolded.
“What? I-I’m not...distracted.” A lie, but not for the reasons Gally thought. You knew Alby could take care of himself, it was the newfound information that Thomas felt just like you is what was insanely distracting.
Gally chuckled bitterly. “Yeah...right. Just go hang out with your new buddy or something.”
Your heart seemed to clench at Gally’s hurtful tone, but you chose to wear a bored expression and listened to his petty request. “Fine.”
Newt smirked when he saw your scowl as you walked over to their little group, clutching you machete tightly. “Trouble in paradise?” He teased.
You held up your middle finger, proceeding to kneel down beside Zart to help him cut down a tree base with your good arm, which was thankfully your dominant one. “Never been paradise.” You muttered. “He’s upset about Alby.”
“Don’t bring it up, please. Tommy and I just had a lengthy conversation about it.” Newt sighed, giving an irritated glance over to the Greenie who was sitting on a log with Chuck.
Thomas rolled his eyes, getting up to help cut down the last of the tree. “There ya go, Greenie.”
You looked up towards the sky, noticing the darkening of the clouds and the cooler air, soon feeling the cool water raining down. “Great.” You mumbled, gathering your tools and heading to the Homestead along with everyone else.
You and Gally met each other’s gaze while walking towards cover from the rain, he seemed remorseful, but he looked away and continued forward. “You alright?” Thomas asked from beside you.
“Oh, uh, yeah. I’m fine. What about you?”
Thomas sighed. “I’m worried about Minho and Alby. Shouldn’t they be back by now?”
You shrugged, trying not to think about losing even more Gladers, but Thomas was less than satisfied with that answer and went to Newt.
Instead of following after Thomas, you went deeper into the Homestead, heading towards her hammock just to rest your feet while you could, also trying to ignore the aching in your arm.
You didn’t know how much you could take of this. Spending your whole life in a prison, constantly watching your new friends die one after another. It was sickening. You didn’t want this to be your life. It couldn’t be. You felt like Thomas felt the same way, but you couldn’t be sure just like you couldn’t be sure if he felt the same way about your “connection.”
God, you were so tired.
You sighed when you saw Gally looking to you with a face of slight concern. “What is it?” You asked, not exactly trying to sound polite.
Gally scratched the back of his neck and took a step forward to you. “I just wanna say...I’m...sorry.” He said, sounding like just saying the words were painful. “I’m just worried, I guess. About Alby.”
You nodded, understanding as you felt the same way. Though, being worried didn’t cause you to be overly mean to someone, but you didn’t feel that saying it out loud would get the conversation anywhere. “I get it. I’m worried too.”
“Can I sit?” Gally asked, pointing to your hammock.
You blushed slightly, but nodded anyway, scooting over a bit to give him room to sit comfortably.
Trying not to blush was extremely difficult as it was, so trying not to blush when Gally sat right beside you, his body slightly leaning against yours, it was damn near impossible.
“If I hurt your feelings, Y/N, I’m sorry.” Gally sighed. “The whole thing with Ben...”
“It’s okay, Gally.” You gave a reassuring smile, gently taking a hold of his larger hand. You almost grinned when you saw his face flush red. “Ben didn’t deserve to be stung. He was a good guy.” You said, rubbing your thumb over his knuckles.
“All he wanted was to find a way out...look where that got him.” Gally huffed, making you frown. “These shanks just gotta realize this is our home now.”
You shook her head. “This isn’t our home, Gally. Someone put us here, mostly likely against our will. This will never be our home.”
Gally scoffed. “Come on, Y/N.”
“We shouldn’t have to settle for this. We don’t belong here.” You sighed, getting up from your hammock as you heard the rain stop thumping against the building.
Everyone gathered at the maze doors, waiting to see if the two Runner boys were alive, if they make it back before the doors closed.
Newt was visibly on edge, as was Thomas. The rest of the Gladers basically had the mentally that Minho and Alby were goners. Gally stood beside you as you were biting your nails nervously. You weren’t particularly close with Alby, but hanging around Newt meant hanging around Minho, therefore you were his friend by association.
As the doors groaned loudly, you let out a quiet whimper, running your fingers through your hair furiously as the doors started to close. Gally placed his hand on your shoulder to try and comfort you in some way, but it didn’t do much when Thomas pointed out two shadowy figured at the end of the entrance passage of the maze.
“It’s them!” Thomas yelled.
But something was wrong.
Minho was dragging an unconscious Alby by his arms. The doors were still closing rapidly, all the Gladers yelling words of encouragement toward Minho...he wasn’t going to make it.
“Thomas, no!” You yelled along with the rest of the Glader boys, watching in horror as he made a run for it before the doors closed completely.
If it weren’t for Gally keeping a firm hand on your shoulder, you would’ve absolutely ran after Thomas, probably getting crushed to death in process. “No! Fuck!” You yelled, shoving Gally off of you and storming off towards the woods.
“Y/N! Wait! Goddamn it...” Gally called out after you, trying to jog to catch up with you. “What the fuck is wrong with you?” He yelled when he finally found you.
“What?” You yelled.
“You were gonna go after that slinthead! Why the fuck would you do that, huh?” Gally fussed, making you groan and roll your eyes. “Answer me!”
“I know him!” You let out in a rage, immediately sighing in frustration.
Gally furrowed his brows. “What...what do you mean you know him?” He asked, almost accusatory.
“I...I don’t remember him. I just feel like I know him, or knew him. Before the maze, and I don’t know why. It’s confusing, I know. But it’s something I can just feel in my gut.”
“That makes absolutely no sense.”
You sighed. “I know...trust me, I know. I didn’t ask for this.”
“Even if you did somehow knew him before coming here, that doesn’t mean you have to risk your life for him. It was stupid. And if I wasn’t there, you’d be dead right now.” Gally scolded, and then he sighed. “Do you...have feelings for him?”
You snapped your head up towards Gally with a look of shock. You definitely never expected to hear that come from his mouth. “What? No!”
“Don’t lie to me, please.”
“No! I don’t, geez. I like you, shuckface!”
Gally paled. He wasn’t exactly expecting that either. “You do?” He stuttered.
You rolled your eyes for, probably, the tenth time that day. “Yes, you twit. I thought that was obvious.”
Gally seemed speechless for a moment, placing his hands on his hips while looking to the ground. “Why didn’t you tell me sooner?”
You chuckled bitterly. “When would I have had the time?”
He shrugged. “You did now.” You sighed yet again. “I’d kiss you, but you seem to be in a state of distress...”
You gave him an incredulous look. “And you’re not distressed? I know you don’t like Thomas, but Minho and Alby?”
“I do care, okay? But they’re gone now...there’s nothing we could’ve done.”
“There was though! We could’ve sent someone to find them!”
“It’s against the rules, you know that.”
“Just something! Not just stand there and wait...” Your voice wavered.
Gally sighed, taking some steps toward you until he was right in front of you, placing a gentle hand on your shoulder. “I’m sorry...that we couldn’t save them.” He said, pulling you into a hug while you just let tears fall freely from your eyes.
“They could still make it...” You whispered, making Gally huff and release his hold on you.
“Y/N...you can’t be this dense. You know no one-”
“Survives a night in the maze, I know. But Thomas is different...”
Gally rolled his eyes, running his hands over his face with a groan. “I can’t listen to you drive yourself crazy over this. They’re gone, okay! They’re probably already dead. So just stop trying to convince yourself that they’re not. It’s the best, for you and the others.”
“Drop it.” He deadpanned, turning and storming off towards the Homestead.
You didn’t want to believe him. You couldn’t. You couldn’t believe the first person you felt you might’ve known outside the Glade was dead after just days of meeting him.
So you kept telling yourself Thomas will survive. Minho can survive. And Alby.
You didn’t speak to Gally at all after that conversation.
A lot of the Gladers thought you were insane, believing that there could be any hope for the three boys. Some of them were just curious, them all sitting scattered around the maze doors. But Chuck was standing right beside you, just anxious for those large doors to open.
You were grateful for Chuck.
You definitely felt a bit protective of him, since he was the youngest. It made you wonder if you had any siblings in the outside world, if they were even alive. If you did, you hoped that at least one of your parents were alive to take care of them if they were on the younger side. 
But you probably would never know.
You and Chuck’s ears immediately perked up when the doors started to groan, signaling that they were about to open for the day.
Newt was anxious to see if the boys made it as well. He didn’t want to lose any more friends. Even if he did go out to the Deadheads to cry out his frustration, he pretty much had already come to terms with the losses as soon as the doors closed yesterday evening.
You nervously starting biting off some of the rougher skin around your nails as the doors slowly parted open, just hoping that you’d see those three boys waiting to come back inside the Glade.
You winced when you accidently bit too much skin off, looking down to see crimson already start to bead at the surface of your thumb.
You sighed.
It felt like this was the longest time it’s ever taken for the doors to open. Probably because your anxiety was in overdrive, basically on the verge of a panic attack, but you didn’t let it show. You couldn’t, not when Newt would absolutely send you off to Jeff to do those stupid breathing exercises that you hated when you first came up in the Box.
Gally wasn’t at the doors, obviously. You knew he wouldn’t, not even for you. He was adamant that his fellow Gladers were already dead. God, you never wanted someone to be wrong so bad.
And yet, the doors now fully opened...there was no one on the other side.
You felts tears burning your eyes as Newt placed his hands on you and Chuck’s shoulders, but you refused to let them fall. “I’m sorry...but I told you, they’re not comin’ back.” Newt said sadly.
“Come on, Y/N.” Chuck sighed, dejectedly turning around to head back towards the middle of the Glade.
You almost did too...until you heard the shuffling of feet from inside the maze. So did Chuck.
You gasped when you saw Minho and Thomas carrying Alby. “No way...”
“Yeah!” Chuck cheered, while you ran into the maze corridor to help the two boys carry a still unconscious Alby, while all the other Gladers came back to witness this...a miracle really. It was against the rules, but couldn’t care less.
“How?” Was all you could say, in shock and awe.
“Just help us get this shank inside, will ya?” Minho grunted, while Thomas gave you an exhausted smile.
“Easy, easy.” Thomas said while lowering Alby to the ground, the Gladers surrounding the three boys.
“You saw a Griever?” Chuck asked, seeing that Alby was stung when Jeff looked over him.
“Yeah, I saw one.” Thomas panted.
Minho seemed to smirk, making you furrow your brows in confusion. “He didn’t just see it...he killed it.”
My computer is basically dead and off at a shop but probs won’t be fixed soon due to Thanksgiving. So, I’m writing this on a friend’s laptop and the keyboard is so small lmao. So I apologize for any misspellings because of my fat fingers. 
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kodzumie-archived · 3 years
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Synopsis; What’s a platonic relationship like with Shuichi?
Featuring; Shuichi Saihara x GN! Reader
Warning(s); Outsiders urging romantic advancements, entirely platonic bond (there isn’t a smidge of romance), established friend group (Kaede, Maki, and Kaito), estimated age (out of high school) and overall friendly fluff!
Kodzumie’s Note; Platonic relationships are wonderful and I want to write more of them.
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⤷ Through thick and thin, Shuichi has supported you through various rifts within your life. Tending to you at your all-time lows and assisting to raise your head above to sea of your misery to bask in the air of relief. He’s always been there for you; your best friend, through and through.
⤷ And, of course, this backing was reciprocated through every miniscule opportunity you were provided. Easing his stresses in any way you could much like he wouldn’t hesitate to do for you.
⤷ It’s common knowledge that the two of your are pratically inseperable. Being close throughout your high school years and beyond, you two have grown accustomed to the insistent teasing and hintings from familiar faces with roseate traces.
⤷ Jesting whispers aimed to fluster the two of you with their suave persuits. A mere “Are you two finally going to get together or what?” was enough to bring you to rapidly shake your head, the lingering traces of irritation furrowing your brows as you’d consistently deny their claims.
⤷ Though Shuichi, too, declined their accusations, his flushed countenance provided the wrong message at times. However you knew that such an expression was likely due to the embarrassment of the situation.
⤷ Despite the rather aggravating persistence of those who’ve got not a sliver of business in you and Shuichi’s relationship, nothing ever seemed to change between the two of you, and you adored it that way. Best friends; just how you’ve always hoped for the two of you to last.
⤷ However, over the years, it didn’t deter the inklings of dread in which perhaps one day Shuichi could seek something more from you. Something you couldn’t bring yourself to become; something you couldn’t care less for.
⤷ One amongst the many agonizing thoughts that kept your restless mind astray from bay, you’d wonder if the blossoming of such feelings could climatically tatter your ever-so cherished bond with the apprentice detective.
⤷ Regardless of whether or not you confront him and verbally inform him of your perception of romance, he’s clever enough to string along the hintings himself. Albeit he’d likely not bring up the topic unless you decided to first, in fear of bringing forth your discomfort.
⤷ Shuichi, in his lifetime, has had multitudes of romantic infatuations. Grade school puppy crushes to year-long yearning of his heart to interlock his hands with another and call them his own. He’s familiar with the concepts of romantic desire, excruciatingly so.
⤷ So upon piecing together, if you hadn’t already told him yourself, that you weren’t interested or even possibly repulsed by the idea of engaging within a romantic relationship, it’ll be a new perspective for him to interpret.
⤷ But he’s more than willing to try and understand. To place the lens of your wishes over his eyes and delve into the sea of your lasting bonds.
⤷ Your views of romance is valid, he swears. The way you feel, the way you want to love, the way you’ve been able to, the bonds you prefer, the types of relationships that make you happiest—most comfortable—everything about your perspective is valid.
⤷ You’re his best friend, and he’d be damned if he wouldn’t assure you until his very last breath that your value could never be deterred from your attraction or even lack of.
⤷ If you ever did decide to verbally confront him about it, he’d openly be supportive of you. He wouldn’t allow any breathing room for doubt as he assures you through his words that this doesn’t change things; he’ll always be your friend, no matter what.
⤷ And, truly, it doesn’t! The two of you are still the inseparable friends you’ve been since your first meetings in high school, the two of you still have your regular hangout on Friday nights at each other’s houses, the two of you still care for one another, and nothing could change the mutual, platonic love you’ve shared.
⤷ Though Shuichi will likely verbally question what’s within the boundaries of your comfort, opting to ask now that you’ve felt at ease enough to come out to him.
⤷ “Is this okay?” He’d often question. Worrisome that his touches could potentionally spur discomfort within you. If the way he’d take your hand in his to drag you after him, in an eager chase for what he’d wanted to show you, could possibly sprout inklings of dismay within you.
⤷ Anything you’re uncomfortable with, he’ll avoid doing as though it were venomous. The last thing he’d ever want to do is upset you, so he’ll take all of your red-lines into account and never dare try to cross them.
⤷ And if anyone attempts to make you feel invalid or “broken” they’ll bear witness to a side of Shuichi that’s solely reserved for those who’ve dug their own grave.
⤷ He isn’t violent, and prefere to resolve his issues through solid arguments and unwagerable debate. However, if anyone’s attempting to make you feel lesser, he’ll throw reasoning straight out of the window and let his words stab through them.
⤷ Truly, I believe Shuichi has got quite the piercing language. His words are sharp, precise, and, through his atonishing deduction abilities, he’s able to dig into one’s innermost vulnerabilities and honestly make them break down into tears. He can be cruel when he’s being tested.
⤷ But even after he’s finished clawing at the mind and security of those who’d even dared to claim of your stance of validity, you’re his priority; he’ll turn back to you with a delicate visage of concern as though he hadn’t just belittled the entire existence of someone prior.
⤷ Though he couldn’t pay heed to his own actions or foul words spouted in the heat of anger as he examines your expression closely. Truly, the most he cares about is if you’re okay.
⤷ You’re his best friend and have been his lifeline as well. He’ll try his utmost to be able to provide the same for you. For as long as you need him, he hopes to be able to be there for you and do all that he can to ease you.
⤷ If he figures out that what they’d said had genuinely struck you, he’ll leave behind everything for the remainder of the day, no matter how compact his schedule is, and do all that he can to ensure that by the end of the day, you’re feeling better.
⤷ As your best friend, you better believe he’s aware of your favorite snacks, drinks, out of the many blankets which one is your comfort blanket to snuggle in whenever you’re upset, your favorite movie, your favorite set of dim lights, and your preference in candle scents.
⤷ And you better believe he’ll use this knowledge to his advantage and bring all that he could possibly bring together—a compile of all your favorite things—to return that smile that he’s always been fond of back to your face.
⤷ After all, if you’re upset then he’s upset. Your happiness is his happiness, and he’d be more than willing to walk to the ends of the Earth on his bare feet for your joy.
⤷ In order to bring you relief, even for just a moment, he’ll be willing to step out of his typical nature. If he’d, by chance, brought some dry foods—popcorn, pretzels, candies—to your comfort movie night, he’ll playfully toss them your way.
⤷ Commencing a food fight is unlike Shuichi, however, if it means being able to catch sight of your lips twitching into the ever-so familiar smirk he’s been striving to see, he’ll do so without much regard.
⤷ Even if after the brawl, his hair is littered with stray pieces of food and visibly unruly. He didn’t mind that as much as the food buried deep within the depths of his sleeve, uncomfortably, leaving him to dance around in order to get it out.
⤷ But his discomforts easily disband upon the sound of your laughter as you witness him attempt a shimmy to free the piece of candy lodged between the junction of his bicep and forearm within his sleeve.
⤷ It’s a familiar laughter; one neither enchanting nor repulsive... it’s just the familiar laughter of his best friend. And that is enough to string along his own, filling the dimmed living room with each of your blissful timbres.
⤷ Blissful moments together aren’t always spent singularly as a pair. The two of you—having been friends since highschool—have similar friend groups. Therefore, outings together are rather common.
⤷ A typical location to meet together being the arcade you’d always visited together as highscoolers. It’s a bit run-down and afloat on its locals, but it’s a place you’d created various memories within. Most encapsulated within the photos you’d printed at the photo booth.
⤷ Captured within the photo is each of your faces, individually scrunching into a humorous countenance as you all attempt to fit into the frame.
⤷ Shuichi is situated beside you as his cheek is squished against yours. Kaito to his left, leaning further into the frame which pushed the apprentice detective nearly toppling onto you.
⤷ Kaede was seated to your right, bashfully grinning as her index and middle finger were held in a peace sign. Her cheek, too, pressed against yours due to the crowded photo booth. Fortunately Maki was crouched before you, allowing you to place your head atop hers, comfortably. Once everyone was within the frame, the countdown had begun.
⤷ Five... everyone is bracing themselves. Giggles and chuckles bouncing about as you all get into position. Nudging playfully due to the cramped vicinity of the booth, desperately attempting to remain within the frame.
⤷ Four... Maki yelps in protest as your chin had dug into her head, slightly uncomfortably. You rapidly mutter an apology through your grin as you rub the area with your palm to soothe it in any way you can. Such bringing the minuscule of a smile to the face of the brunette herself, one that definitely didn’t go unnoticed by the group.
⤷ Three... beyond the surprise of Maki’s smile, you’ve all gotten into your poses. Kaede; a peace sign and her charming smile. Shuichi; sat up straight, his signature demure grin upon his lips. Kaito; arm slung around the aforementioned male with a hearty chuckle. Maki; her left cheek resting within her palm, squishing the supple skin and percieving her smirk as half a pout. You, too, settle within your desired pose as you gaze into the camera.
⤷ Two... anticipation rolls like film. The euphoria within your hearts blossoms as bright as the hues within the monitor. Coddled together, you each possess your own pillars of joy upon this moment as you await the final tick.
⤷ One... you’re all in position. Ones in which have been searingly similar to the prior visits you’ve all paid the photo booth. After the initial suspense and dire attempts to fit in collectively, you’re all aware of the momentum. And as the clock finally runs clear, there’s a joint of timbres; “Cheese!”
⤷ A click resonated within the booth as the monitor froze upon the captured moment, allowing each of you to examine the photo. And, within Maki’s clutches, the original picture from your very first trip as a group, stull highschoolers. The currently printing frame a replica of such.
⤷ Gathering around, each of you let put your own remarks. It’s serene; bustling and customary. “We don’t look like we’ve changed much,” Kaede noted, bemustent lacing her words. Though it’s not long before a boisterous chatter commenced.
⤷ “Damn! We’re old.” Kaito’s words followed by Kaede’s laughter as Shuichi attempts to stutter a retort. Though it is true, you’d all grown considerably since your days as soon-to-be adults. The journey of adulthood has been one of various responsibilities built upon one another and enforced independence.
⤷ But no matter how much each of you grow, developing into newer versions of yourself and leaving behind the husks of who you once were, there’s never been a fracture within your bond. It’s always been you all; it’s always been you and Shuichi.
⤷ A friendship birthed through chance and strengthed through hardships; you’ve been through it all with him. Even as teens, curious about the world that awaits you, and as adults with far too many worries and too little time, you’ve always gone through it together.
⤷ No matter how many outsiders may claim that—as the cycle of adulthood—it’d be best to settle down with a partner who’ll provide you the love you’re missing; the affections they claim you’re likely yearning for, it’s never been that way.
⤷ The romantic buds have sprouted within this lifetime, but not within your garden, and you were content with that. Within your orchard, blossoms of unbreakable friendships, and undivided, Platon affections bloom.
⤷ You’re encapsulated within your own garden of platonic love by will, and it’s all you’ve ever needed. That much is proven true as time and time, again, you’ve found your happiness within your friends.
⤷ It’s an oasis; to be able to smile upon their blinded regards and claim that, without need for a romance, you’ve found your life partner. One that’ll bring forth your happiness and you, too, promise to do the same.
⤷ Without regard for the roses, or the sensual stargazing, or the fragrance-peppered love notes, or any gesture of affections in which are indicative of liaison, you’ve found your jubilation.
⤷ As the rest of the group saunters forward, deciding to grab refreshments from the front desk, you notice that—of course—Shuichi had stayed behind to wait for you. Once more, he’s proving within each instance that—for as long as you two may breathe—he’s not leaving you behind.
⤷ And as you catch-up, joining amongst the quad in discussion of which slushie is the best flavor, it’s blatantly vivid of what you’ve acquired; what you’ve maintained.
⤷ You don’t need a romance; you don’t need a cliche in order to feel fulfilled; you don’t need anything of the sort. As long as you have your best friend alongside you, what more could you need?
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ahgaseda · 4 years
pray | one
you are more than my existence, please listen to my prayer, hold me, tell me about myself, call my name so I can know who I am...
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summary : everyone knows of the unspeakable evil that lives on the mountain, but you willingly sacrifice yourself to the demon named Jaebeom, as long as he takes you far away from the monster waiting for you at home.
warnings : strong profanity, explicit dialogue, instances of blood and violence, graphic sexual content, black magic themes, potentially triggering elements that involve mentions of past child abuse, mental health, etc.
miniseries chapters : one / two / three / four / five / six / seven
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A demon lived in the shadow of the mountain. That was the legend you were always told. Each time as a restless child you wandered toward the woods, your mother - aware that scolding held little effect on you - would try to instill some sense of terror instead.
“The demon will catch you and drag you away,” she would say, voice a high shrill.
I wish he would, you often told yourself.
There were days you sat for hours on end, gazing into the darkness of the forest. You imagined wraiths and monsters and any other deadly creature that could devour you without consequence.
You wanted to be devoured. It was the closest to salvation from your father you would ever find.
It went without saying you had no friends. You were the strange little girl that would rather chase butterflies and climb trees, always lingering dangerously close to the forest’s border.
“She wants to dance with the demon,” other children would tease in a jeering song.
You paid them no mind. The woods enraptured you, beckoned you within her boughs. You would cup a hand to your mouth and send out a call, wordless notes that your soft voice would carry into the shadows. The woods would sigh, caressing you with wisps of wind that let you know your calls were heard.
Stamping your little bare feet, you would gather courage to enter. It was forbidden to enter the accursed forest, where black magic was known to breed. Though you considered yourself brave, you feared the punishments that would follow if you were caught. And for that reason alone, you returned home every time.
Not until you woke on a rainy day to find your mother gone were you finally driven to enter. Without her, there was no one to protect you. She had left you alone and defenseless with a man that drank away his sorrows. In your young mind, you didn’t blame her for saving herself, but you would resent her for it for the rest of your life.
Bare feet plodded across the fields. The kids threw rocks cruelly at you when you passed by, but you were much too fast. You heard their words, full of hatred and scorn, and kept running.
You reached the border, a small child staring into the gaping maw of the black forest. Survival pulsed through your veins. In that moment, you decided whatever lived inside the forest was far less dangerous than the man outside it.
“Please,” you whispered, hands clasped before you in prayer. “Grant me safe passage.”
Then, you stepped inside.
The first thing you noticed was the softness of the ground beneath your feet. The fields had been rough and coarse against your soles, but even now, something cooled your broken skin. You looked around in curious awe, the smallest rays of light piercing through the canopy overhead. When the mist hit the rays of light just right, little rainbows appeared in their wake.
You reached out, touching one of the trees. Dainty pink flowers grew from its bark, winding between your fingers. You giggled, marveling the buds and their tiny leaves. Birds alighted on every branch to chirp curiously at your presence.
Further in, you continued, turning in a circle as you walked, just to make sure you didn’t miss a single sight. It was like nothing you had ever seen or even dreamt of in your wild imagination.
Suddenly, the air cooled. The wind rushed. You rubbed your arms as your breath appeared like smoke. The birds disappeared into the heights of the trees.
You came to a stop, listening to the loud beating of wings. It sounded like a bird, a thousand fold.
The boy alighted before you, wings rustling at his shoulders.
You could hardly believe your eyes, mouth opening in shock. Surely before you stood a boy, no much older than yourself, but the similarities were few. Enormous black wings arched above his shoulders, still shifting as the boy levelled his gaze at you harshly.
“Why are you here?” he asked with impatience.
Your attention had landed on the dark curved horns sprouting from the top of his skull, then drifted to his skin. He wore no shirt, only trousers. You could imagine what a hassle pulling a shirt on over wings would be, but you moved your interest to the black ink in his flesh. He was covered in script from neck to fingers and everything in between, etched with a language you would never hope to understand.
“What are you?” you asked with a child’s naivety.
The boy tilted his head. “What do I look like?” he replied, almost menacingly.
The little fear you had promptly evaporated. Your lips parted in a wide grin and you giggled, exclaiming, “You’re a fairy!”
The boy’s brows stitched and the most incredulous frown took over his face. “A… fairy?” he exclaimed in disgust.
You raced forward, colliding into him and wrapping your arms around his bare waist. “I prayed to the woods for safe passage and she sent you to protect me!”
The boy grasped your arms and attempted to pry you off, adamant. “I’m not protecting you.”
“Of course, you are,” you said with glee, pulling your head back from his chest to peer up at his face. “The woods said so.”
Surly, he wrinkled his nose and barked, “I don’t listen to trees.”
You let your hands fall from his body, taking a step back. “Everyone knows there’s magic in this forest.”
Of all the creatures you expected to find, he was the last possibility. A child much like you, despite wings and horns and a host of tattoos in his skin. You marveled the script on his chest, but you knew it would be quite rude to ask for a translation at the moment.
“Dark magic,” he corrected sternly, striding forward and waving his hand. “Come with me.”
You watched him walk past you and didn’t hesitate to do as told. You followed the short-tempered boy back to the border, eyes on his long wings as you trodded behind him.
He pointed at the forest’s edge and cocked his head, clearly motioning for you to take your leave. “Now, go,” he snapped.
You turned sulky. “Can’t I stay a little longer?”
“No,” the boy replied without missing a beat.
You puffed up your cheeks and began to pout.
The winged boy furrowed his brow and asked, “What are you doing?”
You stomped your feet and grasped his wrist between your hands, tugging on his arm. “Let me stay!”
“You humans are strange,” he murmured under his breath.
You released his hand and broke into a sprint, breezing past him and toward the deep shadows of the forest. The boy rolled his eyes at your attempt of escaping him.
You didn’t get far and you gasped aloud when the boy appeared from overhead and landed squarely in front of you. It was hard to stop considering how fast you were going and you smacked against his hard chest, falling backwards onto the ground with a thud.
“Clumsy things,” he sighed, pretending to brush dirt from his shoulder.
You got to your feet, dusting off your legs, and looked up at him with amusement. “What is your name?”
“Jaebeom,” he replied, surprised at himself for being so forthcoming.
You gave him your name, though he did not ask for it.
“Mm,” was all Jaebeom said. Then, he turned and proceeded to walk away.
You trailed behind him and surveyed his wings again, finding them astounding in every aspect of the word. “How far can you fly?”
“How high?” you pressed.
You scowled at him, finally getting irritated at his curt replies, and asked, “You don’t have many friends, do you?”
Jaebeom blinked, turning to you confusedly. As if your question had completely thrown him off balance.
“You seem like you don’t know how to have a conversation,” you explained, softening at his expression.
“There’s never been a need,” he replied sadly.
Your heart ached at that. It was a feeling you knew all too well. “I can be your friend, if you like,” you offered sweetly. “Your first friend!” At that, you extended your arm.
Jaebeom glanced down at your outstretched hand, clearly unimpressed.
You smiled with delight when he finally shook your hand. Even among his kind, the gesture was recognized.
Jaebeom shrugged, hiding his interest. “What do friends do?”
“Well,” you began, moving to his side as he continued to walk between the trees. “We talk and play and tell each other stories. We ask about each other’s day and…”
By the time night fell, you managed to draw the faintest of smiles from Jaebeom. And there was no way in hell you weren’t going to bring loud attention to it.
Pointing at his face, you exclaimed, “You smiled!”
He gawked and quickly deadpanned, “I did not.”
“I made you smile!”
Jaebeom rolled his eyes and deflected, “I’m only smiling because it’s nighttime now and that means it’s finally time for you to leave.”
You chuckled at his dryness, knowing by the aforementioned smile he had grown to enjoy your company. “Next time I’ll make you laugh,” you told him with a mischievous grin. “Just you wait and see.”
Jaebeom, who had been looking down at his feet pensively, reared his head up in surprise. “Next time?”
“Bye, Jaebeom-ie,” you called with a wave, stepping through the opening in the forest’s edge. “Thank you for making me forget how sad I was.”
Jaebeom’s face softened and his eyes burned with the threat of tears. “You were sad?”
But you had already run far enough not to hear him. Your heart was swelling, feeling joy for the first time in such a long time. This day, a day you swore would be the worst in your life, had become the best because of a winged boy named Jaebeom.
Jaebeom felt an ache in his chest. For the hours you spent with him inside the woods, you had been sad and yet you spent all of your energy simply trying to get a smile out of him. Jaebeom wanted to find whatever - or whoever - had made you sad and remove them from the face of the earth forever.
“Until next time, cheonsa,” he spoke softly before turning back to the dark loneliness of the forest and vanishing inside.
You could barely sleep. You thought endlessly of your new friend - your only friend. You told no one about him. Not that you had anyone you would want to tell.
Slipping into the woods became your happiness. You spent any possible hour hidden away among the trees. Jaebeom always sensed your return, as if the forest eagerly told him, and would join you within seconds of your entering. After a few months, you began to assume he waited near the border for you.
Together, you and Jaebeom grew from clumsy children to blossoming teenagers. Jaebeom was the first to notice the change. Suddenly, he was nervous to rough and tumble with you as he usually did. You were quite disappointed at not wrestling in the mud with him anymore, but to him, it seemed overnight you began smelling too good.
Though Jaebeom always playfully teased you, soon he was too awkward to do so. And you noticed how you began to win most of the rounds of verbal sparring. As you grew, your body changed shape. Feminine curves reminded Jaebeom you were becoming a woman and he was becoming a man.
Teasing turned to flirtation, which was dangerous. Jaebeom could tell you were receptive to his little touches and his occasional hungry remarks. He rebuked himself for not being more careful, for letting friendship drift too close to romance. Sadly, Jaebeom knew he could no longer prolong the inevitable.
On the morn of your seventeenth birthday, you escaped into the forest like any other day.
As you stepped inside her borders, you rubbed at tears with a rough hand. It had been torture at home. You were facing a fate worse than death in your eyes. Careful to never let Jaebeom see you cry, you dabbed at your wet cheeks with the sleeves of your dress.
Little did you know, Jaebeom perched in the tree above. His blood boiled. Someone had hurt you and on your birthday no less. He was angry, but stifled the rage for your sake.
Jaebeom descended before you as he always did. After years in his company, you never gasped in surprise when he landed just shy of you.
Flashing a smile, you greeted, “Good morning.”
“Is it?” he questioned, never giving an inch.
You shifted nervously and watched him move closer. “I’m a woman now,” you finally spoke, fighting back tears. “They have discussed selling me to a princeling or a lord. Some nonsense about me being beautiful.”
“Total nonsense,” Jaebeom retorted, trying to make you smile. Though the news made all the blood drain from his face.
“It’s strange,” you mulled softly. “Being sold like a broodmare. I’ve never felt more like an animal than I do today.”
Jaebeom grit his teeth. Fire licked across his skin.
Wrapping your arms around yourself, your voice trembled, “My aunt told me today that the first few times will be unpleasant. More than likely, the man who buys my hand in marriage will not care about my comfort.”
Jaebeom wanted to snap any man in half that hurt you and he snarled, “Why are we talking about this?”
“Oh,” you said, flushing with embarrassment. “I-I’m sorry. I was… thinking out loud, I suppose.”
Jaebeom regretted the harshness of his words. Clearly you were scared and he could do nothing to comfort you.
You spent the day with your only friend in somber, peaceful quiet. Jaebeom took you to all of your favorite places. The river to feed the koi, with their glistening scales of every shade of every color amongst the lily pads. The winding trees to see the newly hatched crop of vibrant parrots followed.
Even the rare red stag came to greet you, allowing your hand to touch his snout. You were hard pressed to find a creature as beautiful. You always gaped at him in awe.
Jaebeom’s eyes were on you, never wavering. He knew you would assume the visits to your favorite reaches of the forest would be in celebration of your birthday. Not in a final farewell.
He was letting you say goodbye.
When the sun began to set, Jaebeom led you to the border. You almost made him drag you.
“I… have a present for you,” Jaebeom finally said, rifling in his back pocket.
“Jaebeom,” you sighed. “I told you that wasn’t necessary.”
“Well, you told me that after I started making it so…,” he countered in feigned scolding. “I didn’t want it to go to waste. That’s all.”
You snickered. He was always deflecting and you expected nothing less.
Jaebeom wasn’t the only one who had noticed the changes in your bodies. You were well aware of the broad expanse of his chest, the bulging muscles of his arms, and the chiseled lines of his stomach. There were many times you had to resist the urge to slip into his arms. You wanted to feel the heat of his body against yours. It was maddening; the warmth that emanated from him.
Jaebeom finally handed you the tiny box, snapping you from your reverie.
Your heart fluttered. Tears pricked at your eyes before you had even opened it. Lowering your head bashfully, you whispered, “I can’t remember the last time someone gave me a gift.”
That wounded him deeply, though his expression stayed neutral. “Happy birthday, cheonsa,” was all Jaebeom said.
You could hardly believe your eyes as they blurred with tears. Inside the box was a ring. The dark stone was held by gleaming silver, small strands twisting like the roots of trees to hold the gem securely in its center.
“Jae…,” you breathed, lost for words. “It’s…”
“It’s a black diamond,” he explained anxiously. “They are supposedly very rare. Like you.”
You pulled the ring from the box, slipping it on your finger slowly. Were you even worthy to wear something of such value?
“You don’t like it,” Jaebeom groaned at your silence. “I should have known it was too dark. I can try to find something else.”
“Stop,” you replied, peering up at him as the tears escaped and rolled down your cheeks. “It’s beautiful.”
He was thrown by your emotion. “You’re sure?”
You wiggled your fingers, staring at the gift with affection, and whispered, “Never in my life have I seen something so beautiful.”
“I have,” Jaebeom blurted, immediately biting his tongue.
The admission was lost on you. “Thank you.”
He smiled. “You’re welcome.”
“I will cherish it forever.”
Jaebeom held up a finger. “One last present.”
“Jaebeom,” you started.
Before you could argue, Jaebeom swooped you in his arms and beat his great wings. You cried out in surprise, wrapping your arms around his shoulders as you were carried higher and higher into the air.
The trees hummed, branches moving from his path as Jaebeom ascended even further. He had never flown with you before. Jaebeom knew he would have to be full grown before he could carry another person with his wings. Now, he was at the cusp of adulthood and to him, this would be his only chance to let you feel flight.
The two of you appeared in the canopy. You clinged to Jaebeom desperately, panting hard on his neck.
“Open your eyes, silly girl,” he teased, coming to sit at the summit of a tree and holding you securely in his lap.
You listened to the familiar sound of his wings relaxing, folding to his back dutifully. The air wisped past your ears and tasted crisp on your tongue. You had never been this high in your life, no matter how many trees you climbed in your youth.
Opening your eyes, fresh tears streamed down your cheeks.
The forest continued for miles and miles, stretching past what your vision could see. The horizon was endless. But at the center of your gaze was the ever-looming mountain. Its heights were hidden in the clouds.
“I never knew,” you stammered. “It’s such a big world.”
Jaebeom chuckled, his eyes on your face filled with such wonder. The sun’s rays reflected in your glistening eyes. Jaebeom knew in that moment he was hopelessly enamored.
You would never know the pain he endured for your sake. He could not survive in the sun. Even as he held you while the sunset splashed the sky with her colors, the sun punished him. The ink scrawled across his skin burned.
But he swore it was worth it to see the sky painted in your eyes.
You heard your name on his tongue and turned to meet his gaze, surprised above everything else when his lips touched yours.
Jaebeom had kissed you before, but nothing like this. Yes, his lips had graced your cheek or the corner of your mouth, and many times you pressed your lips to his brow or nose in playful flirting.
Nothing like this.
The surprise faded and you let your eyes flutter closed. Less afraid, you released your vice grip on his shoulders and slid your fingers into his dark hair, deepening the kiss.
Jaebeom lit a fire inside your soul, coaxing it to the surface with his heated kisses. You moaned softly at the push and pull of his hands kneading your back. The sound brought Jaebeom back to reality and without warning, he fell backwards, tumbling back through the canopy with you in his arms.
You yelled at first, terrified at the sensation of free-falling, but quieting when you remembered the man who held you could fly. His wings unraveled and punished the air with powerful beats, allowing Jaebeom to alight on a branch.
Jaebeom kept his hands on your waist, letting you regain your balance, and grunted when you melded your lips back on his. You tugged on his hair, hungry for the fire he made race through your veins. Jaebeom smirked darkly against your mouth, flicking his tongue between your lips.
Then, he remembered what he had to do.
When Jaebeom broke away, you swayed where you stood, steadied only by his rough hands around your waist, coaxing up and down your lower back. Had you known kissing was such a rush, you would have kissed him a long time ago.
Your eyes met and you giggled, bashful. Jaebeom lowered his head, hiding a smug grin, hair falling in his face.
“Please,” you sighed breathlessly. “Keep kissing me.”
Without another word, Jaebeom stepped from the branch with you in his clutches, using a single beat from his wings to land gracefully on the ground. His eyes burned into yours and the forest suddenly felt undeniably warmer.
Jaebeom lay you on a soft bed of grass, propping himself over you and kissing you tenderly. You were aware of his body on yours, how he had made himself comfortable between your thighs.
And you were content to kiss him for an eternity.
The playful teasing was long gone. The air was thicker. This was a mood you had never felt. This was intimacy, raw and unbridled. You were in the arms of the boy you loved and the only person you trusted.
With your fingers tangled in his long hair, you kept him trapped to you, humming softly at his lips melding with yours. You slipped your hands down his chest, tracing your nails over the endless ink scribbled expertly in his skin, and moved to grip his shoulders. Your touch wandered closer to his wings, feeling where the joints connected to his back.
The moment you touched their bases, the wings came alive at your touch, fanning and stretching overhead and rustling with excitement. You suddenly felt that no one had ever touched Jaebeom’s wings and the act itself was considered an intimate one. Jaebeom kissed you even harder, darting out his tongue to rub along your lip.
Jaebeom palmed your breast and your breath hitched. He broke the kiss to look into your eyes, assuring himself you were alright with his touch. You didn’t hesitate to grab his hand, steering it lower to the hem of your blouse and guiding him underneath to your bare skin.
You moaned softly when his hand settled on your naked breast. Jaebeom kneaded and caressed, rubbing his thumb over your nipple. His lips broke from yours and brushed over your jaw. When you felt his mouth on your neck, you arched into his touch and locked your ankles behind his back.
Something was happening between your legs - a tugging ache you had never felt before.
“Jaebeom,” you sighed, squirming beneath him. His kisses on your neck were making you crazy, filled with a need completely new to you.
You succumbed to the way he made your pulse race, undulating beneath him and roaming your hands restlessly across his body. His skin felt hot, scalding against your fingertips, like he was burning alive and you were to blame.
“I, um,” you hesitated, clearing your throat. “What if we…”
Jaebeom sucked beneath your ear and hummed, “Hm?”
You blinked, heart thundering against your ribs. “Can I give myself to you?”
Jaebeom’s eyes flickered at the thought, but his voice was firm against your neck. “No.”
Your heart sank, surprise sharply fading into disappointment. “But if I do, then they can’t sell it.”
Jaebeom met your gaze, nuzzling your nose with his own, and spoke sadly, “I can’t.”
You peered up at him through the haze, through the warmth the two of you had begun to make together. Questions and pleas raced through your mind, but all you could bring yourself to ask was, “Why?”
“It’s different for my kind,” Jaebeom explained, pupils dilated wide. “It means more to us.”
That stung and you did nothing to hide it. Lips trembling, you cried, “And it means nothing to me?”
“That’s not what I meant,” Jaebeom said hurriedly, shaking his head and causing more hair to stray into his face.
You looked away, resisting the overwhelming urge to cry. You weren’t worthy of him. He didn’t say it, but that was how you felt.
Jaebeom felt you unhook your ankles and let your legs slip from his hips, and he knew he had made a mistake. He never was good at wording things properly.
He gazed down at you with longing, realizing the position he was in; you on your back beneath him, him laying between your thighs. Heaven knew he wanted you more than anything. He had never desired another person before in his life. Only you, for as long as he could remember.
But he couldn’t make love to you. If he did, he would belong to you forever.
Jaebeom sat up, lifting you with him. You pulled away from him once on steady footing and Jaebeom rubbed his thumb across your bottom lip. You lowered your head, nervous.
“I’m sorry, cheonsa,” he whispered. Jaebeom wanted to fall to his knees and beg your forgiveness. Here he was, desiring nothing more than to destroy any man who hurt you and yet he had cut you deep.
“Don’t be sorry,” you quickly told him, putting on a brave face. “I wasn’t thinking.”
Jaebeom knew that was a lie, but he didn’t challenge you. He cocked his head toward the border and you gave him a nod, dragging your feet as you followed.
Heading toward the forest edge, you turned back to him and asked, “See you tomorrow?”
Jaebeom grit his teeth, pushing down the surge of emotions threatening to crush him. “No.”
You blinked in surprise.
“Don’t come back here again unless you plan to stay.”
You couldn’t believe your ears. Your heart vanished somewhere in your stomach. “What? Why?” you exclaimed. This had to have been nothing more than a cruel joke.
“When I reach full maturity, I have to take a bride,” said Jaebeom, avoiding your eyes.
“Jaebeom, you will never reach maturity,” you teased, trying to alleviate the sudden tension with humor.
Jaebeom tightened his hands into fists and forced the words out, “I’m serious. And if you’re the one that comes, then I will have no choice but to take you.”
You stepped away from the path, rounding on him squarely. Only a moment ago, you had willingly offered yourself to him. You had never felt so bemused and out of place. “Why is that a bad thing?”
“Because you deserve more,” he murmured, pained. “You deserve a life in the light. Not trapped in my darkness or my curse.”
Your face tensed with oncoming tears when you realized what all of this meant. You were being cast out from the woods and Jaebeom had not taken you, because he was saving himself for someone else. “I would rather be trapped in your curse than mine,” you countered, resistant.
Jaebeom shook his head and huffed, “He’s not a curse. You can escape him. Make a life for yourself. The simple life you’ve always wanted.”
Your lips trembled and you felt yourself breaking when you said, “With a man that hurts me?”
Your voice almost made him come undone. Jaebeom had sworn never to disappoint you. For years he wondered if you would be the one he chose to take when the time came, but after seeing you beneath the sun, he knew he couldn’t condemn you to an eternity in the shadows.
“Don’t try to change my mind,” he snapped.
You bristled with anger and shot back, “Why not? You want me to make a life for myself. Well, the life I want is with you.”
Jaebeom threw up his hands and angled away, resolve crumbling. “You don’t even understand what that means,” he shouted bitterly.
You had never confessed your feelings to him. Jaebeom was a vault, but you could feel him slipping away from you forever. “I understand that I love…,” you began shakily.
Jaebeom was on you then, covering your mouth with his hand. His eyes were scalding, filled with tears. “Don’t say it. You have no idea what I am and what I will become. You have always seen me as something good and kind, but I’m not. I’m far from it.”
You pulled his hand away, showing him no fear with how he had backed you against a tree, and said, “You’re a demon.”
Jaebeom blinked.
“I’ve known all along,” you told him. “My people tell tales of your kind. Demons live in the shadow of this mountain. It is why the forest is forbidden. Dark magic breeds here. The elders sing songs of the winged men that steal away the most beautiful of mortal women.”
Jaebeom backed away, surprised. “You knew?”
Jaebeom’s face tensed with confusion. “And still you kept coming back here?”
“I’m not afraid of you,” you whispered, carding your fingers into his black hair. “I’m afraid of them.”
Jaebeom gathered you back in his arms and leaned his head against yours, eyes filled with tears. He was in physical agony. He couldn’t imagine being parted from your warmth for even a moment. All this time you knew what he was and yet you never feared him, never rebuked him for the monster that he was and would always be.
Then, he said, “Go.”
When his arms slipped from your body, you clutched him to you tighter and whimpered, “Jaebeom, you’re the only happiness in my life.”
“I mean it,” he hissed, spitting your name like venom. “Get out.”
You could do nothing when he pried you from him, pushing you backwards just enough to put distance between the two of you. The air turned cold. Winter had come in the fraction of a second. The forest seemed to shroud, cloaking itself in darkness.
“No, Jaebeom,” you shouted, planting your feet. “I know you love me.”
Jaebeom lowered his head, hiding his face and displaying his horns in aggression. Wings outstretched above him and the woods howled a piercing cry that made your blood run cold. He slightly lifted his hands, bold with ebony symbols and script, and thorns began to grow.
Rebellion filled you, but you were powerless. You wanted to defy him, but you staggered back, the darkness and thorns threatening to devour you. With one last look at the demon you loved, you turned and ran.
The shadow never stopped. It spilled over everything like ink. The thorns billowed and spread. You ran until you gasped for air, until your muscles ached. By the time you reached the edge of the forest, you landed on the grass with a thud, panting desperately for breath. The thorns swarmed between the trees, twisting and tangling with vines. You watched in horror as they finally stilled.
Rising to your feet, you approached the woods, placing your hand on the prickly stalks. There was no place for you to fit through. It was sealed away. Up and down you scurried along the border, looking for a weak spot. Even just a tiny place you could crawl inside.
There was none.
Tears fell down your face. You raked your hands through your hair, pulling the disheveled mess from your eyes, and screamed at the top of your lungs, “I hate you!”
The forest groaned.
You charged forward and pushed at branches, tore at the leaves. You clawed at whatever you could reach, trying to forge a path inside, and all the while you chanted bitterly, “I hate you! I hate you!”
Somewhere in the forest’s midst, Jaebeom crouched on the rough expanse of a branch, seated limply with his head hung low in shame. His wings lay at his side, lifeless and unmoving. The woods had never felt so cold then, so devoid of magic.
Your voice echoed. Those three words were a constant song in his ears, vowing to haunt him till the end of his days.
Not until the moon came to its full height overhead did you accept defeat. Dragging your feet home, you gazed at your bloodied, tattered hands. Wishing to avoid questions, you hurried to the nearest stream to wash yourself.
As you submerged your aching hands into the gentle waters, you heard the faintest of whispers in your ear. Unnerved, you stood sharply, looking around for who had spoken. Then, you cast your eyes down and gasped. Your hands had healed. Only small, faded scars were left in your flesh.
Smiling ever so softly, you turned to the looming forest in the distance. No matter what Jaebeom had said or done, the woods still loved you.
But still you cried yourself to sleep. You cried till you could shed no more tears. Slipping the ring from your finger, the only gift you had ever been given, you clutched it tightly in your fist and cradled your hands to your chest protectively.
For a moment, you had tasted magic and known what it was like to be safe and loved.
And as quickly as it came, it was taken away.
next chapter →
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Hey there, beautiful! If you enjoyed this, please leave a like or reblog or follow me! Or maybe buy me a coffee so I can keep writing? Or check out my masterlist here for more stories! Thanks for reading :) - Katya
This work is fictional and for entertainment purposes only, but is licensed and protected under a creative commons attribution-noncommercial-noderivatives 4.0 international license. Any instances of plagiarism will be dealt with accordingly. Do not re-post or translate without my permission.
{ copyright 2018-2020 © ahgaseda // all rights reserved }
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a-smile-hides · 4 years
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Pairing: Ivar x reader
Sum: Ivar is forbidden to meet up with the woman he likes to, one day, make his mate
Hello 😊 So, I recently noticed that I now have 200 followers and for that: thank you all for sticking with me! Really, this has been so much fun so far! A while ago I bumped into a post of @rosepetals-flyingbirds​. They came up with a writing challenge and I wanted to do something, but then I got sick and kind of forgot about it… Oops. But now that I am better and with this 200 followers-thing I thought why not? Thus, I randomly selected one and just wrote whatever came to mind. It is an alpha x omega one, but without the smut. Not comfy writing that. I’m not used to writing something from the omegaverse, so I made it a bit of my own. Mixed with all kinds of stuff. It’s kind of focused on the time before a man becomes an alpha. Hope it is not a problem haha. Honestly, it was kind of an experiment. I worry too much, I think. It is set around season four, when Ivar was still a young man. Still cute and vulnerable. Remember that? Haha. Hope everyone enjoys – and again: thank you xxx
The prompt: 46 – “This is chaos”
At the edge of the forest, near the remains where according to the stories, the great Ragnar Lothbrok used to live, sat Ivar the Boneless. His eyes were closed as his chest went heavily up and down. His jaw clenched while low curses passed his lips.
The young man was fed up with the world around him. There he sat. A crippled wolf. Not respected by anyone. The only one of the brothers that had not left his home. The only one that was not a true alpha yet.  
At birth, it becomes clear in the first days if the child is to be an alpha or not. It was no surprise to anyone that the sons of Ragnar were destined to become alphas. And so, they were seen and respected as the dangerous and fearsome alpha’s they were meant to be. Björn and Ubbe had each left Kattegat to start their own pack with their mate, Hvitserk was still looking around for the one that could bare his pups and Sigurd had found his mate a few days ago. The mark on his neck was still fresh when he turned his back to his hometown.
And so, Ivar was the last and only son of Ragnar left in Kattegat. His trades had started to manifest already. He had become more aware of the harsh, cold wind that blew through the trees, yet he never felt cold. As the young prince made his way through Kattegat, he would often be overthrown by a sudden want to mark this territory as his. But most importantly, his senses became aware of possible mates around him. It had been a cloudy but pleasantly warm day when his nose first caught a whiff of your scent.
Ivar was sitting under a tree at the edge of the forest, that day. His fists clenched by his side while his mind pondered for possible answers why his trades manifested so slowly. He could feel the alpha inside of him grow with each passing day, and still with one look at the eager man, you could see and feel he wasn’t a true one. It was that sudden wind that carried your scent that made his pondering come to an end. Immediately captivated, Ivar had quickly crawled into the forest, not caring about anyone seeing him. His only goal was to find the source. It took him some time, but eventually he arrived at the end of the forest, far away from the heart of Kattegat. There, Ivar first laid his eyes on you. A young, beautiful omega. Ivar had quickly hidden himself behind a tree. He was careful not to let himself be found by his own scent or betrayed by the growing alpha inside of him who seemed rather pleased with the view. Like this, Ivar was able to take a good look at the one who seduced him to this place. Ivar couldn’t help himself, but a fine grin appeared on his face. He knew right then and there that he wanted you to be his.
The snap of a twig made him hide again and you grit your teeth in the direction of the sound, but as the intruder stepped forward Ivar watched how a relieved smile grew on your lips. Ivar growled lowly as a man stepped towards you. He was tall and broad. A wide grin was plastered on his face that was lathered with scratches and dirt while he proudly showed off the rabbit he had caught. Gritting his teeth, Ivar closed his eyes. He would never be able to attack this man… Not yet at least.
The young prince was more than glad to hear the word “sister” pass the brought man’s lips. Ivar’s eyes fell on your neck. He found no evidence of a mark. For some reason, you had no mate by your site yet, no alpha that had claimed you…
After that day, Ivar kept tracking your scent and looking at you from a place hidden in the shadows. It wasn’t easy. Every day he found you and the man you called your brother somewhere else. It looked like it was only the two of you, never staying anywhere more than a day.
With all those ‘visits’ it was inevitable that Ivar could keep his presence a secret. And on one surprisingly cold morning, your eyes met his when he was trying his best to hide himself behind a small bush. The frightened look you greeted him with, made him doubt himself, but he quickly got up and crawled towards you. He knew his legs could scare you off. But the man was too determined.
He wanted you. And what he wants, he gets.
Ivar’s determination was a real source of irritation for your older brother. When the two men first came face to face, he had laughed at the ‘crippled boy’ and asked you to change your mind. Still, Ivar stubbornness and capability to track the two of you down, made him change his mind. After a while, your brother had to acknowledge that whatever Ivar lacked in speed or physical appearance was nothing compared to his mind and urge to prove himself. And so, he let the two of you be.
Ivar looked up at the sky above him, snorting as he reminded himself of the unfairness in this entire story. During the past months, he had watched how his older brother Sigurd presented one gift after the other to the girl he now may call his mate. He gave her everything her heart could desire, until the day came his eyes turned red and he placed his teeth in the small bonding mark on her neck. Right now, Ivar was going through the same process. Almost every day he showed up with a small present, but to his annoyance your neck remained empty of his mark. Sighing out, he looked down to your resting figure on his chest. One of your hands was resting on his chest, playing with the collar of his shirt. A corner of his mouth turned up as the grey band on your wrist caught some sunlight, making it shine brightly. This together with the pendant around your neck were one of his many crafts that he used to keep your interest solely on him.
Ivar suddenly growled lowly, his face became dark as his whole body tensed up. If the Gods were not joking around before, then now they were straight up laughing in his face. For the only woman, aside his mother, that truly showed interest in him was you. And due to his mother’s love, he was hindered from enjoying yours.
Aslaug saw Ivar as her God, her love, her everything. And that gave him many advantages, but also held him back. A treasure is meant to be protected. And Aslaug was sure to protect hers from any potential harm.
And in her eyes, that ‘harm’ was you.
It was ridiculous to think that she saw danger in your eyes. But once convinced, it was impossible to change her mind. As a sole ruler and a woman, Aslaug may look fine and vulnerable, easy to be ignored or overthrown. But the queen has a few tricks on her sleeve to ensure her position would not be lost to the first man or woman that grew tired of her reign. She is known to be a master with words and always kept a practically close eye on her people. This together with her family heritage and famous background has allowed her to remain in the top position for all these years.
Ivar had shared this information with you but was surprised by your lack of caution. However, his mind was not eased, and his restlessness only increased. For he knew what kind of hidden power his mother possessed. She was not a witch like so many accused her of being, nor had she mages hidden in the forest with whom she could bargain with. No, her power lay in something much more simpler.
With a light chuckle, you brushed your finger along his jaw, effectively making him snap out of his racing thoughts. Ivar pursed his lips.
“You never take anything serious.” He grumbled, his eyes scanning the area while his nose tried to detect any indication of your brother, who went out hunting for food.
The small smile on your lips widened until your teeth were on full display. “I know when it’s time for fun, Ivar”
Ivar scowled and turned his head to the side.
“You should start having fun as well. Might safe your face from an everlasting scowl.”
That made Ivar growl again, although this time more playfully as he pushed you back and tried his best to hover above you. His movements were limited due to his legs. And once again, they made him hiss out in pain as he held himself up with his arms. The dark look on his face warned you not to make any bidding. And you had to bite your lip to follow his command. Ivar muffled a chuckle while he licked his lips, a futile attempt to hide his smirk.
“Oh, the things I will be able to do…” He whispered out.
Maybe it was the thoughts than immediately went through your brain or the fact that he was so close, but a tiny, almost nervous giggle passed your lips. The sound was like music to his ears and made the young wolf eyebrows raise. The confusion on his face, that only seconds ago looked so terrifying, made your laughs only increase.
Ivar dropped his head, one hand grabbed your side and squeezed lightly while his mouth curved into a smile. How was he ever going to get you under his control?
But then your sweet and light giggle got muffled by the deafening sound of a horn being blown somewhere far away. The sound made you and Ivar sit up. Your eyes dashing around in frantic search for your older brother. You hoped that whatever was out there would not get to him. While Ivar’s worst fear had come true. The hairs on the back of his neck stood up straight as he looked at you with saddened eyes. He knew what that sound meant.
Hidden in a chest in his mother’s chamber lay a long, curved horn. The object was part of her family heritage and was promised to him once he came of age. Although the object may appear fragile and uninteresting, the piece was famous for the consequences when a wolf would blow on it. A wolf trapped inside a situation where he or she can see no escape from, may blow on that horn. In that way, the Wolvenhorde, an ancient family of wolves will come to their aid. They are the most powerful and feared pack out there. And Aslaug had the power to call out for them.
With a firm grip on your arm, he turned you towards him. His face had become pale, and his nostrils flared as his voice got lower with every word that passed his lips.
“Listen. She knows. That – That horn was a signal. A signal to an ancient family. I’ve warned you of -“
You shook your head. “But, Ivar-”
“No!” He shouted. “This is chaos. You don’t get what we’re up against. You must leave. Flee. I-I” His voice broke. “I cannot protect you against them…”
A shiver went down your spine at the sight of your lover. The man sat broken on the ground; his eyes focused on the forest in front of him where the sound had come from, while his hand pushed you away from him. All this time he was dreading it, praying, and hoping to never hear that horn. He was counting the days until his eyes would turn red and he would be true alpha. Then he would be able to turn his back on this place, just like his brothers had done, and live his life like he wanted.
But now his mother had still power over him. And somehow, she had found out he had left her to be with you. She had used that horn to find her son. The Wolvenhorde was summoned. And their goal was to get rid of the thorn in her eye: you.
Thank you for reading xxx
Tag: @fairyofvoid​
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ahkaahshi · 4 years
the life of your dreams [ushijima wakatoshi x reader]
pairing: ushijima wakatoshi x fem reader
genre: fluff with angst if you look under a microscope; modern day royal au
warning(s): suggestive themes, like two swear words if I counted right pfft
word count: 2.4k
overview: everyone would kill to be in your position: set to be married into a royal family and become the new princess of a faraway kingdom. well, everyone but you, that is.
notes: a special piece for ushiwaka on his birthday, but he deserves love all the time :)
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The sounds of laughter and chatter, lilting ballroom music, and endless congratulations ring in your ears like a distant memory. Sitting outside in the humid air, you let the hum of cicadas overtake you and silence your mind. Underneath the heel of your sleek, black stiletto, you roll a small piece of gravel back and forth with a crunch. Your hands covered with silky, black gloves absentmindedly clutch onto one another tightly--a nervous habit of yours that your mother had warned made you appear standoffish at times.
Sitting outside of a regal estate, filled to the brim with luxurious furniture, prized artifacts, and countless paintings of quaint things--like the countryside on a sunny day or women picking flowers in fields--you couldn’t be unhappier with your situation. In the warm glow of the lanterns dotting the path nearby, the large diamond perched atop your left ring finger made itself known once again. You’re surprised you’ve gone this long without noticing it, seeing as it adores being the center of attention.
You want nothing more than to shun it. To throw it into the fountain less than twenty feet away and be done with it all. But the uproar that would create would be catastrophic, and you’d find yourself the subject of many scathing articles questioning the integrity of your engagement to your royal fiancé and the righteousness of your morals.
It was all too much. The constant attention. The schedule packed with a different, public appearance or frivolous event every hour, it seemed. The disgustingly sweet lies you barely choked out in response to those fed to you by your soon-to-be husband.
You could no longer stand to listen to anyone murmur their feelings of anguish and envy, saying how much they wished that they were living in your dream of a life. But, little did they know that their dream is your nightmare.
How can you possibly be happy when you wake up beside someone in the mornings you don’t love? How can you be content knowing all the acts of affection between the two of you are staged? Knowing that you’re nothing more than a charity case to this entire royal family? Realizing that nothing you’ve done for the past four months has been done of your own, free will?
Taking a deep breath, you reluctantly rise from the bench you’d spent the last half hour sitting on, pulling yourself together. Your (e/c) eyes wander over the posh exterior of the extravagant estate before your feet slowly bring you down the path back to the door.
The sound of your heels clicking against the marble flooring feels deafening, given the stark silence that has befallen the house. Nobody's around save for a few maids lightly dusting the precious treasures the royal family owns. It’s late at night, so you expect everyone to be asleep aside from the seemingly restless crew of butlers and servants.
When you make your way back to the quarters you share with your fiancé, however, you remember that many things can happen under the cover of the night. Your hand freezes in its journey towards the handle when you hear loud, muffled moans echoing from behind the polished, wooden door. Clear as day, you hear your prince murmuring praises, presumably while performing acts that are reaping sounds of pleasure from a woman’s mouth--probably the one you'd noticed him ogling at your event earlier whenever the two of you weren’t flocked by family or other attendees interested in all the fleshy details of your engagement.
As the realization that your future husband is cheating on you right under your nose sets in, your blood starts to boil. Heat courses through your entire body as your emotions start to take hold.
You’re not feeling upset. Or betrayed. You’re livid.
It’s not the infidelity that brings you over the edge. No. It’s the fact that while you’re here, suffering beneath the burdens of having an impending wedding to a man you are far from loving, he’s still getting what he wants.
That's when you snap and everything that’s been holding you back shatters. The opinions of high society that have kept you bound to him. The refusal of your parents to let you break off the engagement because of their own selfish wishes to be rich and famous. The feeling that you could maybe, possibly love him after years of being worn down and living overseas.
In an instant, it’s all gone; and the only thought in your mind now is, Damn it, I want to be happy.
Your first act of unshackling the chains that had been trapping you is reaching down to slide off your beautiful, but wickedly uncomfortable, stilettos. Once they’re off, you’re able sneak away in silence to find a butler who’s willing to fetch you a coat and keys to your car. It’s not a bad-looking vehicle by any means, but it’s been shoved away in the garage, you find, to avoid being spotted by any of the rich and pretentious who only arrive in limos filled with champagne and drive a Rolls Royce whenever they absolutely must shoulder the burden of driving themselves.
The butler asked no questions and swore himself to secrecy--though you’re sure the hundred-dollar bill you’d slapped in his hand had zipped his mouth right shut. Tossing your shoes onto the passenger seat and sticking the key in the ignition, you drive away from your sickening life with the royals to find the only person you’ve ever wanted and need now more than ever.
You’re not in the most inconspicuous of outfits, so you tie the belt of your long coat tightly around your form as you exit your car once you reach your destination. The arch of your foot throbs with indignation as you step into your heels once more, but you’re able to ignore it knowing that you’re at the only place you could ever ask to be. Pale, fluorescent lighting beats down on your form from above as you walk through the hallways of the apartment complex.
With no hesitation, you knock on one of the doors and wait with bated breath. The lock clicks and the door opens moments later to reveal a tall man whose familiar, olive eyes set on your figure with an intense stare. His silence reveals his shock at seeing you--the woman he was forced to give up, but whose heart he still held.
“Wakatoshi...” you utter softly, (e/c) eyes finding his gaze as your heart begins racing in your chest, “I won’t do it anymore.”
He wordlessly steps aside, allowing you into his apartment so you can talk in a more private setting. The last thing he wants is for a nosy neighbor to see a future princess visiting a man who isn’t her fiancé at such a late hour and tip off the press.
“(F/n), what are you saying?” he asks, his fingers raking through his slightly messy, dark hair. His eyebrows are furrowed ever so slightly in an emotion that could be confusion, irritation, or both, for that matter.
You untie the belt of your coat, which he slides off your shoulders for you, revealing the beautiful, evening dress you wore beneath. Its shimmering material composed of green and blue hues cascade down every curve of your body, into a pool of emerald at your feet. It takes every fiber of his being not to reach out and touch you to make sure you’re not just a manifestation of his yearning for you.
Tears quickly spring to your eyes as you answer, “I refuse to do it. I won’t marry him. I can’t.”
He shakes his head. “Your family won’t be happy if you back out.”
“Fuck that!” you cry as you kick off your shoes, bringing yourself a few inches further away from his face, “I want to be happy! This is my life, and I'm not going to spend it with some cheating prince who doesn’t even give a shit about me just to keep the peace!”
Silence befalls the apartment that’s only broken by your loud sniffle. You lift your hands to your face to wipe away your tears, but he soon takes over the job for you. Tenderly, he cups the side of your face in his hand, immersing his fingers in your (h/c) locks of hair and using his thumb to collect the droplets that travel down your cheek.
Your breath hitches in your throat at that touch of his that you’d never forgotten and that you’d imagined for the past four months to keep yourself sane. “I never loved him,” you confess, voice strained from the emotions that were overwhelming you all at once, “It’s always been you, Wakatoshi. I’ve only ever loved you this entire time.”
The coldness to his demeanor softens and he moves his face close enough to yours for you to feel his warm breath fanning across your skin. There’s a long moment of silence as you gaze into his dark eyes, in which you see a recognizable flicker of longing. In yours, watery but wide with hope and searing with desire, he sees every moment in his life that he’s ever promised you his love.
He hates asking unnecessary questions, and the strength of your will is enough to keep him from wondering if you’re sure of your decision.
“I’m giving him back the ring tomorrow. After that, I want to be yours.” You press your forehead against his and add, “Can I come over tomorrow evening, so we can go away for a bit?” as you absentmindedly take to tracing the handsome features on his face with your silk-covered fingers.
Your noses are touching now, bringing your lips dangerously close. “There’s no going back from that, you know,” he whispers. You notice the way his fingers press against the back of your head, as if he wants more than anything to lose himself in your affection.
“I know, baby,” you coo, “All this time I’ve spent separated from you has been hell, Wakatoshi. I don’t wanna go back.”
Your words are enough to crumble his resolve, and all thoughts of keeping his feelings hidden in an effort not to meddle in your relationship with the prince leave his mind in an instant.
“I love you, (f/n),” he breathes, closing the gap between your mouths without any hesitation.
The feeling of his lips on yours reminds you of what kisses should feel like. That no matter how soft and gentle, or rough and lustful they are, they should always be meaningful and filled with love. After months of being forced to share performative but empty displays of affection--if you could even call it that--with a prince whom you felt nothing but contempt towards, having Ushijima’s lips against your own felt heavenly.
His other hand moves to your waist, sliding along the sleek fabric of your dress before snaking around your back to pull you closer to him. The sensation of your body flush against his sends tingles down your spine and encourages you to wrap your arms around his neck. You feel weightless, like you’re falling for him all over again, and it’s better than anything you’d experienced since before you’d met your soon-to-be ex-fiancé.
It’s not long before his fingers find the zipper of your dress so that his hands can roam the familiar expanse of your body, free of inhibitions. Your heart flutters in your chest at the softness in his tone as he affirms, “I’ll always love you.”
It’s a promise he presses into every inch of your skin while your back is pressed against the plush comforter of his bed that night, and one he’s clearly intent on keeping.
A blissful visit and a vow to meet the next evening so you can finally be together gives you each enough peace and security to withstand one more day apart. In the yellow light of a lamp on a bedside table in one of the estate’s guest rooms, you stay awake an hour longer to compile your feelings into a letter for the prince. While he’s out and about the next day, completely unbothered by the fact that you hadn’t returned to bed the night before, you enlist the help of the butler you’d bribed in packing up your things.
When night falls once more, and your fiancé is sound asleep after having far too many drinks with his friends, you place your neatly folded letter on his nightstand. Your eyes linger on the glittering diamond once more when you set it gently atop your note. You’d gotten so used to its presence on your finger that it now felt bare without it. But, what was more important was that your heart felt full knowing where you were going from here.
Silently, you leave your chambers for the last time and sneak out to the garage, where your very average chariot awaits, nestled between the wall and the first in a legacy of luxury vehicles that are too outdated to see the sun. In a matter of twenty minutes, you’re back at Ushijima’s front door, filled to the brim with anticipation.
When he opens the door and sees you standing in the hallway, life neatly packed up into nothing more than a suitcase and a duffle bag like you’d never had a home at the estate to begin with, he realizes how much he wants to give you a place where you can finally feel comfortable and secure. Though your face is devoid of any makeup, and you’re wearing a much humbler outfit comprised of a sweater and yoga pants, he still thinks you look just as gorgeous as you did the night before.
“It’s done,” you announce, holding up your left hand to show him your empty finger.
In response, he presses one of those kisses that you could never grow tired of against your lips. After sliding his own duffel bag onto his shoulder, he locks up the apartment and leads you to the garage. Once you’ve moved your car inside, out of public view, you load up his car and sit in the passenger seat with a grin spread across your mouth.
“You ready?” he wonders. You notice him pause in his act of starting up the car to look over at you for approval.
Your hands slide around the sides of his face and you give him another, affectionate peck.
“I’ve been ready for a long time now.”
A smile graces his features as he adds, “So have I.”
As the engine of his car comes to life, so does the excitement in your heart, since you’re finally starting the life of your dreams, rather than that of everyone else’s.
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ephemeral-sorrow · 3 years
The Sweetness of Frenemic Love
Sometimes the strangest thoughts enter my head and make me write something bizarre but really touching at the same time. :D
pairing: Lilly x Male!MC
summary: It`s one step from hatred to love.
warning: a bunch of fluff  ;)
Have you ever experienced resentment towards someone you`ve never met in real life? 
Felt irritation and anger bubble up inside your head like lava slowly filling the volcano to the brim, almost turning your eyes into two sizzling hot coals? 
Lilly had been familiar with these disgusting sensations even before she got to knew MC - the obnoxious stranger Hannah sent her number to and the one who managed to infiltrate their group and spread insurgency among everyone and everything around. Her sister`s disappearance ruined their peaceful lives, putting Lilly and her parents into huge stress, when each day with news even more horrible than on previous one, took away all their hope. So, to conclude it all, a completely unknown weirdo, who gained access to different sorts of information as well as trust of her blindly oblivious friends, now was sticking his nose into other people`s business without pangs of conscience.
The way things were progressing kept Lilly infuriated and incredibly... depressed. She refused to admit that to herself, but she was even angrier because of her own helplessness. She wanted to do something useful and finally get a clue that might come in handy or at least set things up so that the investigation would be faster and more efficient. However, guys from the group already had their own theories, sources and clues, took part in various events and furthermore, acted carelessly, not paying attention to threats.  ... They made it clear that Lilly`s advice was pointless, just like her participation.
That`s why the mere thought of some stranger doing more for Hannah than her family made something snap inside, clouding Lilly`s judgement and true character with boundless spite. Not to mention, pure fear engulfed her at the suggestion that MC may be the real culprit, and here, cards played so flawlessly right into his hands...
                                                       *     *     *
Now it was a completely different story, and it was kind of hard to believe that was how she used to think of him only a year ago. A lot happened, making those restless days seem like a distant memory or rather a thrilling movie, characters of which were another people, portrayed in another places and time.
“So, what do you make of my new car?”
Lilly blinked, snapping out of her flooding thoughts and returned her attention to the cup of chocolate icecream with gente, pink frosting before her -  and finally, stared at the rest of the group, that made themselves comfortable at the cafe table. Today was the celebration on account of Dan`s grandiose purchase - dashing, brand new Audi A3 model. It costed him a fortune but didn`t lessen his enthusiasm nor pride(having exited the hospital as soon as possible, he spent a great deal of effort in finding a good job AND cutting down on alcohol). As a result, every time he ordered apple juice at the Rainbow cafe he declared: “Cool dudes drink only juice!”.
“Dan, that was the hundredth time you`ve asked this question”, despite the fake bored tone, Cleo wore an amused smile, dropping her usual strictness.
“What can I possibly do when all of you are so short-spoken?” Dan dramatically leaned back on the soft cushion. “I need details. Not talking about this pretty girl is a sacrilege”.
“If she was mine, I`d call her ‘babe’ “, ice cubes softly clincked against the glass, as Richy thoughtfully twisted his cocktail in his hand. “And the quiet purrs of her engine are the same as a hearbeat--”
“Now, now, you`re just being ridiculous!” Hannah`s melodic laugh ringed before drowning in the chatter of the crowded cafe. Lilly`s insides warmed up upon seeing her sister smiling sweetly in the Thomas` embrace. She was safe and sound, cheerful and full of love for the surrounding world. Everything was back to normal and it made Lilly genuinely happy--
She felt hot breath pleasantly tickle her ear before a crisp, familiar voice sensually whispered to her:
“I don`t know about others, but if you asked me, the only ‘babe’ I see is you”.
Lilly couldn`t really help the flush that spread on her neck, so she coughed, pretending to be extremely interested in her icecream, which was already starting to melt.
She casted a quick glance at the man beside her, attempting to look unfazed by his sudden compliment only to be met with his mischievous, affectionate eyes.
“MC, we`re... we`re in public”, she whispered back rather shyly.
“You were kind of dreamy while looking at Thomas and Hannah, so I decided to remind you that you didn`t come here alone”.
“Hmph”, Lilly pouted, fixing the fallen lock of her hair. “as if I need your tasteless remarks to cheer up. You should come up with something more original”.
MC laughed airily, flashing his signature confident smirk. Lilly took a small breath, furrowed her delicate brows and turned away stubbornly, turning a deeper shade of red. She didn`t like her heart clenching bittersweetly at his actions, especially in front of her unsuspecting friends. It was difficult to keep a perfectly composed face.
“I`ll cook you Peking meat by my special receipt tonight”, MC continued as if nothing had happened, absentmindedly observing the lively conversation between Jessy, Dan and Thomas, and how Cleo was showing Hannah something on the phone.
“I’ll take it as an invitation to your house?” Lilly inquired. “Why are you so sure I`m going to accept it?”
“Oh please, sweetie, do you want me to list all reasons in front of so many people?” His expression was calm and serious, but Donfort knew better: he was mercilessly teasing her, not caring about precautions at all.
Lilly hit his leg under the table, earning a triumphant ‘ouch’ in response.
                                                     *     *     *
Later that evening at his place, after having had a fair piece of the most delicious meat she has ever eaten, Lilly was helping MC to wash the dishes, drying the shiny plates with a cloth and placing them into the cupboard. He was mumbling a delightful tune under his breath. She glanced at his features. Somehow simply being with this person made her forget about all troubles. But what about him?
“MC”, Lilly tried to sound not too curious. 
“Why did you choose me of all girls? I mean... I`ve never thought that you might become interested in me after what I did to you a year ago with that video and vote. Like in person, let alone a woman. You`ve been best friends with Jessy from the start, so it would`ve been logical if you two have had a thing”.
“To be honest with you, your brother said the same”, he smiled with the corners of his mouth. “What I found in you”.
“Excuse me, what!?” the girl exploded with outrage, dropping the cloth out of surprise. “Jake, that little jerk!! He`s supposed to back me up in situations like this!”
MC was holding his laughter for his dear life or he would inevitably get a handful but frankly, it was getting harder.
“What did you reply? Come on, I want to know!!” Lilly was worried and frustrated at the same time, looking at him impatiently and expectantly, like a little kid who desired to know their present for birthday.
“You seem so desperate-- HAHAHA, I CAN`T!”
Lilly groaned and threw a sponge at him on full speed, not bothering that it was still wet and full of soap. What was so funny when all she wanted to hear was these important words of confirmation?
MC cleaned his face and came closer.
“I replied that you`re the one who understands me. The one who always makes my day brighter. Also you are kind and candid”, his palm rested against her cheek, tenderly caressing it, as she leaned for his touch.
“I can often be impulsive and sharp”.
“That doesn`t make you worse. You always speak your mind. I think it`s admirable. Not to mention, you are a truly charming and elegant woman”.
She didn`t let MC finish his sentence because their lips collided in a soft, albeit passionate manner. Lilly lived up to her statement - this kiss was spontaneous and full of feeling. She traced his wide shoulders, stopping when her hands found their place in his unruly hair, slightly tugging at it. 
They parted once they ran out of air.
“Jake additionally said my romantic confession would lead to this”.
“Ugh, you`re terrible!!”
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hage-potato-hog · 4 years
Mereoleona Vermillion x f.reader (with some NSFW)
@vermillionflames (insert a ton of needless information on why I suck) If you get bored of reading the non nsfw part, scroll down to the highlighted zone , lower it is the a bit more mature content. As I have mentioned before, sorry, Becca! Also, it’s like 3 a.m for me now, I haven’t edited a single thing, I am not even sure it’s written in English, lol. Goodnight! __________________
"I am afraid!" 
"There is nothing to be afraid of, you are a proud lion, aren't you?"
Mereoleona looked down at a young man laying his head on her lap, a profound puddle of red liquid seeping into her clothes. Another handful of blood and he won't be able to recover. For most of her life, the proud lioness lived alone, had to fend for her life in the wilderness where only the fittest survive and back when she still lived in the capital, her family, friends, other royal knights, all of them seemed at least decent enough not to get killed in a battle. Today though, she was facing a different type of reality. For the first time, she felt lonely and desperate amidst the cruelty of this world. 
"You shall not die," a low growl vibrated in her throat. "MEDICS, WHERE THE HELL ARE THEY?!" 
Her shouts were wasted. A couple of Crimson Lion knights standing beside her had neither healing powers nor the mental capacity to comprehend that their teammate is surely dying right in front of them. 
There was nothing anyone could do. Only wait. Observe the skin turning paler until they cannot make out another plea of help through the blood spilling into lungs, throat... Reality hurts. 
"I am useless," whispered the ginger female slightly shaking. 
A droplet fell. Then another one and another. Suddenly, the scene was engulfed in a rainy mist. And so, the tragic end came. 
Interposed in the thunder, puddles began echoing. The next instance Mereoleona was pushed to the side with a "move it" said in a calm demeanor. A young woman looked the bleeding man up and down and after a brief evaluation began moving her hands through the injuries. Several strands of unruly hair fell onto her focused eyes, sticking to long black eyelashes. 
"I am sorry to be asking this of you," she began without unnecessarily moving a muscle. "could you please wipe the hair out of my eyes? It feels irritating, but I cannot move." 
Mereoleona reached out her hand. A bloody trace of two fingers was left on the woman's forehead, but she simply smiled and thanked.
Usually, when every second counts and minutes can determine whether a person lives or dies, the time passes slowly. This time though everything was over in a wink. Triumphantly, the mysterious lady leaned back. Her face gentle and smiling. The man won't die.
Dense rainfall wouldn't stop, seemingly unable to read the lightened mood, it kept on falling to mourn a loss. 
"TAKE HIM AND HURRY," the substitute captain roared gaining her sanity back. The party came upon an abandoned shack in the middle of the fields and decided to take shelter there, the woman from before still tagging along. 
A nicely burning fire and a roof above their heads, they have decided to stay here for the night. Having finished the roasted boar Mere caught for dinner, they now where sound asleep. Still feeling restless, the ginger-haired woman decided to go out and take a breath outside on the porch, her, now clean, hands reached out towards the everlasting stream of sky water. She could still see blood on her skin, feel how sticky and different this blood was from that of her foes. 
"Some things are inevitable," a voice said from behind her. Wrapped in a blanket sat the woman from before. She felt uneasy to stay in the same room with unfamiliar men and chose to come out onto the porch. "Even if you do everything in your power, there comes a time when it's not enough," she came closer and put the blanket over the taller female which earned her an eyebrow raise. Voice as soft as a prayer for the peace in the world whispered "sometimes... you just have to see them off with a smile." 
"I reject this kind of logic." 
"Eh? Miracles do not happen!" the girl protested. 
"You say that as you popped out like one yourself. Although yes, I agree with you, miracles do not happen, but you can prevent mistakes from happening." 
"Eventually you will break. The future is set in stone." 
The ginger-haired woman turned around with a huge grin, "I will break the stone it is set in," she bolstered flaring up her mana making the blanket burn off in cinders. 
Her companion simply stood there admiring the ashes fly off. The one in front of her was certainly not your everyday person, something was captivating about her, to the point you get intrigued to see them in any state of mind. "I want to be there," she said.
"Hm? You want to be where?" 
"When you lose the battle against fate or... when you run to set the heavens ablaze, I wish to be there and see you, you are fascinating!"
Mereoleona blinked for a moment but the very next second got back her confidence retorting, "If you want to be there, then you must reach my level first." 
"Mmm. I will, do not worry. As a fact, I am traveling to the capital right now," she took out her grimoire and proudly tossed it up a few times into the air. 
"Oho? What for?" Mere felt a sadistic intent rise deep within. 
"I plan to join the magic knights. You people are magic knights, right? You must have heard of the Crimson Lion King, the squad led by the famous Vermillion family? Aaah, I have been admiring them for so long and I finally get the chance to see them." 
"What's so good about them?" 
"How can you be a mage and not understand it?! They don't base their judgment on your status or your wealth even the current level you are on isn't as much of a factor as the potential and your determination. And the new captain, Mereoleona Vermillion, I have heard so many fantastic stories about her, though everyone is saying she is terrifying. I wish to feel what it is like to be under her guidance one day." 
As the girl kept on ranting about the idolized female sorcerer, her partner couldn't contain her laughter anymore. What an interesting creature she found along the path. One moment she is consoling her, acting superior, next she's ranting about her beloved Mereoleona without knowing who she is talking to in the first place.
"Ah, I like you, girl!" she looked back thrilled. 
"I am very pleased to have met you too... Um... did we exchange names?" 
"Mereoleona Vermillion. Welcome to the squad, from today on, you are a member of the Crimson Lion King and soon enough you will feel the pleasure of burning under my guidance!"
*** *** ***
"Hm, it seems we have five days off starting tomorrow," a female chimed walking down the street. 
"Perfect for some vigorous training," another one responded to her. 
The first woman stopped and looked back with dead-bored eyes, then gazed away and kept on walking without saying a word. The atmosphere turned cold instantly followed by silence stinging painfully. 
It has been over 2 years since the fateful day when Mereoleona met a strange yet charismatic woman out on a mission. 2 long years filled with hard work to prove herself and years of Mere's admiration growing until it finally blossomed in love. They now were dating, but even though their love vows have been said after getting to know each other in and out, incidents like this still kept on occurring between them. Someone as bright as the ginger-haired female's lover doesn't go silent unless they are genuinely hurt. For Mereoleona, other people's feelings were a mystery. Even though normally she wouldn't feel even the slightest bit bothered, when it comes to her most important person, she couldn't stand seeing the smile vanish from her face. 
"Ahaha, yea, you are right, I still have a long way to go," the girl laughed and turned around to face her lover with a huge grin. Which was fake. 
"Tell me straight... I am not as good as you with humans and their emotions," this time, Mereoleona's voice indicated pain. 
"Ah, I did not mean that, I am sorry," with a quick motion she stepped in front of Mere and took her hand lifting it to her lips, gently planting a kiss and then putting it against her own cheek. "I want to spend more time with you," she smiled with an honest sparkle in her eyes. "I was thinking that the two of us could run somewhere, anywhere really, as long as it is you and me." 
Both of them stood there blushing. The hand pressed against the woman's cheek turned around holding her face still. Then, two lips met in a soft kiss that seemed to be too sweet for the girl to handle. Right before her knees could give out, they parted. 
"Leave it to me," the eldest Vermillion said leaving her girlfriend still in shock. 
It did not take long for them to reach the approximate location of their 5 days long logging, but before getting the privilege to rest in a warm bed embracing each other, they had to go through a forest that even thieves pass in a circle. By the time their hands landed on the doorknob of a hut in the middle of a plain, surrounded by thick bushes, it was already a dark orange evening with sun way bellow the horizon. Tired, dirty, and sweaty the woman overlooked the energetic one with jealousy. 
"A challange, how else," she chuckled to herself dropping the bags down.
"Are you disappointed?" Mereoleona studied the girl's face. 
"No. It wouldn't be you if these things weren't included and I couldn't love you any other way. Though, I must insist that from now on, no more special-monster-challange-deluxes, okay, love?" her voice took up a threatening note. 
"Yes, I know. Don't worry. From now on, there's only rest. Do you want to go take a dip in the the hot stream?" 
"There is one?" the woman asked turning around excited. 
"Of course, did you expect we will be enjoying a freezing lake?" 
"... I mean, even a freezing lake can turn into a volcano with you..." she said recalling various instances.
Mereoleona yanked a towel off a wooden rack by the door and turned back to her girlfriend "I will be going first, don't stay here too long. Do not forget, I will be waiting." Her step did not lack the usual confidence nor seemed tired even the tiniest bit. Far from it. She seemed to be standing straighter with her shoulders and neck tense as if a beast ready to jump its prey.
It certainly was warm inside the cabin but the temperature magically rose higher as Mereoleona closed the doors as she walked through. The young woman, now left alone, began touching her blazing cheeks, then fanning at them. In her mind, the moment she walked out the door, any layer hiding her bruised skin will be ripped off and even more skin will be broken from Mereoleona's overbearing kisses. Even as she was thinking that, her hands dug deeper into the bags searching for the negligee she bought exclusively for this occasion. Various garter belts flew on the bed with dark, white and burgundy laced panties, some nightgowns, meant to be used during summer and as such more revealing, scattered all around the floor, yet, nothing seemed good enough until her attention was caught by the second white towel hanging on the wall. Sometimes, the simpler way is the right way, she thought snatching it with more force than her beloved minutes ago.
"Hey! Don't tell me you cannot move anymore! Should I make you?” a roar resounded from the outdoor bath.
Flustered and in a hurry, she threw off the clothes, wrapping the piece of cloth around her. This sweet type of anxiety made the woman's hand tremble as it pushed the door open. 
The nightly breeze swiped past the heated body standing in the doorway cooling it down a mere bit. Mereoleona was in the water, facing towards the door, but her eyes wandered through the shape and texture of a sake bottle which she held high towards the sky. There was no way she did not hear the door opening, nevertheless, the melancholic sight of her did not change into the usual rowdy one.
Taking a shy step forward, the other female looked around admiring the untouched nature while breathing the aroma of the vespertine flora surrounding them deep into her lungs. “How gorgeous,” a whisper passed her lips making the ginger set the bottle aside and look back. They both were looking directly into each other's eyes.
“Are you going to join me?” an extended hand offered a cup to the girl on the shore. 
As if on a cue, the moment the towel dropped down to the floor, Mereoleona turned her attention to the side gulping down her own cup.
//////////////// THE RED ZONE ////////////////
They sat shoulder to shoulder in water, facing the crescent moon, enjoying each other and the sake. Or so it seemed. Previous teases from the lioness made her partner assume that they will be embracing one another immediately after their bodies came close enough. Unlike her, the ginger was leisurely sipping on sake, talking about things that entirely passed past her ears even if all the concentration was solely on her. The way her lips move, how they touch together, and then part again giving a glimpse of the tongue which should be on her. Her eyes ran through the peaceful silhouette of her lover, going down her collarbone with water droplets racing to the plump chest which seemed as soft as ever, then to the side, muscular arms resting on top of the rocks, long slender fingers tapping on them. She could almost feel them provoking a moan out of her lips as they play with her nipples indulging the idea of seeing her squirm underneath. Mereoleona must have had no clue what was going in her girlfriend's mind. As she has mentioned before, she's bad with human emotions and sometimes, even the great lioness needs to be shown the way.
First a single digit, then a whole palm touched to Mereoleona's cheek and gently cupped it capturing her attention. Just as slowly, keeping her eyes low, she moved onto her Mereoleona's lap and impatiently clung to her neck locking their gazes again.
“Is something the matter?” the ginger's voice void of any distinct emotions questioned. 
A puff of air, hotter than the steam from the hot spring flied out into the air. One of the woman's hands clung to Mereoleona's shoulder when the other was pulling towards her by the neck, then relaxing and letting her slide back down the lioness's legs in a motion which made her tingle with further excitement.
“Could it be that you are having certain cravings right now?” 
“Mhm,” was all the girl was able to mutter.
Mereoleona cast her eyes downwards. The clear water allowed her to see the repetitive motion which has not ceased on her lap. Going up, the curves of the younger woman's torso swayed hypnotically, asking to be held. Prominent breasts kept on making contact with hers, both pairs so earnestly excited. Finally, eyes brimming in lust, hunger, passion and most importantly – love. She moved her hand to the girl's lips, traced them gently, “I don't think you want me hard enough,” her eyes creased as she smiled uncovering her white canines. “Prove that you want me, tell me what I could do to stop this growing frustration in you.”
“Your hands... Mere, you know...”
“Show me, what you want them to do, my damsel in distress,” her eyes shimmered and the woman took Mereoleona's hands and slowly made them travel up her tights towards her bottom. “Huh, that's all?”
“Squeeze it.”
Doing as she was told, she squeezed it but seizing the opportunity, also pulled her even closer. The woman's chest and neck were in her reach. “Should I kiss you on the neck?” she chuckled nuzzling her nose closer.
“Bite it.” 
“Ha, usually you are annoyed saying I bite too much. But if it pleases you...”
She gripped at the curves she was admiring before as she lovingly left bite marks on her neck and areas around, coming back to leave a more serious mark on each. Every time her lips made contact with the heated skin, she'd peek at the girl gripping her shoulder and now somehow her hair as well. “What if I did this?” her fingers slid across the most sensitive area which was surely wet from more than the water and taking their time, kept a steady pace stroking it. 
“Did I prove it to you?” the woman asked catching her breath.
“I am merely giving you a small free-by, you will have to work more to prove yourself.” Mereoleona took back her fingers and licked them. “I can barely taste you, everything washes off. We should go to bed. You walk first.”
Mereoleona sat back waiting, letting the girl rise from her lap quivering. Walking, she stopped to look back only to see two blue irises appraising her backside. When she made it past the door and stood in front of the bed, she could feel the other female behind her leaning forward though eagerly waiting. Mereoleona's hand caught her chin forcing it to the side just a bit more. Their lips joined for a rough kiss which was more becoming for the lioness than the gentle teases out in the pool. One of her hands slid to the front and once again began working its way around the woman's sensitive lower abdomen. Hungrily she pushed her forwards making the two of them topple onto the bed. She inserted one of her fingers inside the woman making her arch her back, pushing her ass up. There was a great deal of frustration involved making this experience more ecstatic than usual. And when she began feeling her premature orgasm coming by shouting Mereoleona's name into the duvet beneath her, the woman took her fingers out. Both of them were panting heavily.
“Didn't we come here so I could taste you properly?” she said grabbing one of the garter belts that flew on the bed earlier. Mereoleona helped her lie on her back after tying her wrists together. “A good knight always sticks to their word,” she smiled again lowering her face to her lover's dripping sweetness. Like a feline, she licked gently, tasting it at first, then again, and again, until her lips were sucking and tugging as her hands held tightly on the woman's hips constantly pulling her sensitively bolting body back.
The cabin drowned in screams of pleasure not even stopping once she orgasmed. Satisfied, Mereoleona pulled back, coming next to her girlfriend and untying her bound arms. The woman had some tears rolling down, “Was it too much?” the lioness asked with a hint of unrest.
“No, you were amazing.” She pulled Mereoleona closer. They kissed not rushing anywhere. Parting, coming back just like the wind passing nocturnal meadows; gently and in waves. “I never knew you were such a great actor,” the two of them laughed.
“It certainly was hard not eating you out then and there. Still... You certainly seem ready for this trip,” she picked a pair of thongs from the pillow. “I would like to see a little show now, would you mind?” Mereoleona extended the garter from before along with the panties. “I am still as hungry as I was moments ago."
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