tyrannuspitch · 4 years
evikholin replied to your post “trans” and “nonbinary” are not equivalent categories. if nonbinary...”
i wld be so uncomfortable if someone who was exclusively into girls (or even just, not normally into guys tbh since im more masc if anything) included me in the category of ppl they were attracted to bc im not binary. like im weird abt ppl being attracted to me at all but still. so much of this trying to say u can be attracted to enbies however u id to Me feels disrespectful and makes me dysphoric
yeah!!! and also like, the whole idea that ever specifying “attraction to nonbinary people” is fetishistic is like... hhhh. like i get where you’re coming from, but do you seriously think attraction to unaligned nonbinary people has to always be subordinate to attraction to the binary genders*??? you're really saying that if a woman who's into women and not into men dates an agender person, that’s a lesbian relationship, but if a man who’s into men and not into women dates the exact same agender person, that’s gay??? (or otherwise like??? “if you’re into your own gender dating an agender person is gay, if you’re not it’s straight”???)
i mean obviously, there’s more than one way to define the boundaries of gayness/lesbianism, and “can be attracted to anyone but [opposite gender]” is the broadest but definitely one...
but also there’s a strong feeling of “nonbinary people are literally whatever gender is convenient to me and my attraction” and it’s. not good.
*not that “aligned” nb genders are lesser to binary genders either, but saying it about ppl who have nothing at all to do with the binary is just... extra ridiculous
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evikholin replied to your post: <p>There’s no more important things you can...
be gay do crimes!!!!
Be gay think about crimes and be too lazy and busy to actually do them, pretty sure the only time I’ve ever genuinely pirated a video game was the 1993 Super Famicom Jojo game back in like fuckin 2017 or something
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catilinas · 5 years
hello i am VERY intrigued about your 'turnus is dido' idea, past the manipulation by goddesses I hadn't noticed any parallels, but I beleive you because you have the good takes and I want to be enlightened if you feel like enlightening!
HELLO this has been in my inbox for like 12 years so. first of all consider that there are Way more parallels than Manipulation By Goddesses: 
turnus and dido are both rulers of their communities whose rule and also goals wrt marriage are disrupted by aeneas’ arrival, they both are not just manipulated by a goddess so much as Possessed by one (dido w cupid’s arrow and turnus when he literally gets possessed by a fury) (there is a tangent abt girard’s views on possession but im. tired) and Do Furor, they’re both mimetic doubles with aeneas, honestly i think they have a common ancestor somewhere?, they both have a sister who tries to help them and only ends up dooming them more, their deaths are both depicted in terms of sacrifice, they both have wild things going on wrt how they’re Gendered by the narrative (j.d. reed on how turnus is a hellenistic heroine SLAPS), they’re both contingently doomed when juno tries to stop the necessary doom of carthage/latium and accidentally makes contingent doom, you could probably argue that infelix is very adjacent to audax, they both die from aeneas’ sword, they’re both scapegoats foundational to roman identity (hmu for this wrt dido in a Lot of detail bcs im not posting my essay on tumblr), and they’re both Cool As Hell
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kirigaya-art · 4 years
22, 30, 36, 40?
22. Favorite LGBT+ celebrity or historical figure?
This one's hard!! All the answers off the top of my head feel silly and uninformed, to be honest. I hope it's okay to say Lady Gaga?
30. A trope you dislike about your identity?
The idea that arospec people not only can't be in relationships (not true, even for completely aromantic people!) but that we despise all forms of romance and PDA.
36. Do you align with any gay subcategories? (Butch/femme, bear/twink, etc.)
I like to think of myself as a cub! Like a bear, but littler. (Cause I've got chub and some hair. And i want the 'some' hair to become 'a lot of' hair.)
40. Do you have a type in friends?
I'm not really sure to be honest, I have a lot of radically different friends! I'd say the friends I get along best with are kind of soft-spoken, but with a sense of humor that shows through once they trust you.
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aroacevaljean · 6 years
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aplpaca · 5 years
2, 5, 10?
2. Who chokes on the boba in boba tea?
Katt. theyd prob try to sip a drink flirtatiously and end up choking on it at least once
5. Who are the cat loving OCs? The dog loving OCs? Do we have any tarantula loving OCs?
Pickle loves cats and likes dogs, Katt likes cats and dogs equally, Vyma prefers dogs and likes cats but tends to accidentally scare them away. Claysen just thinks spiders are Neat and im debating giving him a tarantula familar
10. Who would like memes the most and who is just really fed up with this fuckery?
Katt and Pickle would both love memes but Katt is more of an Area 51 type meme person while Pickle unironically likes doggo memes.  Vyma either really likes memes or thinks theyre annoying and cant wait for them to end.  Claysen would be generally neutral about them but this kind of shit would send him into hysterics
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astriiformes · 5 years
🗣️💗👑? for the ask game
🗣️ = How does your character feel about Non-Human intelligent races? If they are one how are they treated?
As an elf, he is one! Though not necessarily one of the ones that gets a particularly difficult rap in our setting -- they’re generally thought of as more weird and otherworldly than actively harmful, with the occasional exception of some people who feel they warrant suspicion due to their fae ancestry.
He’s definitely had some significantly less-than-positive experiences simply due to standing out as Different, but not on the level of many of the monstrous races. However! As a result of that, his opinions of certain others -- like orcs, or tieflings -- is actually awfully high, because in those circumstances they’ve been the ones to be most sympathetic and sometimes have helped him when he’s needed it. Particularly, being as poor as he’s been, he’s often ended up in some rougher parts of town where their kindness has been much appreciated. 
💗 = Any unique traditions where your character is from that wouldn’t work or apply in the real world?
The first one that comes to mind that has come up in-game is the elvish tradition of writing messages to the dead on olospië leaves, which come from a plant that’s sacred to Sehanín Monpëo, the elvish goddess whose domain includes guiding and protecting the souls of the dead. The elves believe if you write a message on them to someone who’s passed on and burn it in an open flame, she will make sure the message reaches its intended recipient, allowing one to send letters to those who have passed on. Some people consider it more an act of mourning, while others, as a part of the elvish tradition of the importance of community, see it as a way to let loved ones know they are still being thought of.
For the most part it’s a nebulous tradition and some are unsure that the messages actually end up anywhere, but our party used some olospië leaves to speak with the dead god we made acquaintance with, Tsova, which proves that at least in some cases, they do reach their recipients. 
👑 = If your character is part of the aristocracy how do they feel about their responsibility? If not how do they feel about their local governing body.
Well, here’s the thing.
I think even decades after leaving home (where the traditional elvish version of government, a loose council of community members who’ve proven themselves to be important and skilled, was about the only organized governing body around), he still doesn’t quite understand it. Nobility in particular, but even some of the other things, like law enforcement, are a little hard to wrap his head around the intricacies. It’s one reason that even though he’s got some lawful tendencies (namely, very black-and-white morality) I say that he’s strongly neutral good, because for the most part he just thinks governing bodies are good if they’re taking care of people and bad if they’re not
Also only mildly related, but here’s a fun fact: due to laws in Ashona against necromancy -- (even true resurrection spells where the soul is restored and the person is brought back to life as themselves) -- Erwyn, as someone who’s been raised from the dead, legally cannot run for political office.
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genderqueerpond · 6 years
evikholin replied to your post “there’s a term that’s been floating around lately that i really...”
genderfull is defo an idea that resonates w me or at least my presentation when I've seen it so I would Love to see ur symbol u made?
This is the symbol I made!
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...there just HAPPENED to be light from a prism landing right where I decided to draw this, I didn’t do it on purpose but I’m totally taking it as a Sign.
And yeah, I’ve seen it mostly used as a presentation/aesthetic term, but also occasionally as an experience.
Which is part of why this sign is the way it is, it’s based on the Neptune astrological symbol - ♆ (because I wanted to use another planet) and Neptune is associated with art, aesthetics, the illusory nature of reality.... I feel like that and everything else about Neptune applies here in the same way Venus and Mars have their associations, ie, not perfectly, but it’s definitely the patron planet/god I want
But it’s modified to have the two outer arrows pointing at each other, and the center arrow to be double-ended (or two arrows pointing away from each other) because, well, so much gender. And contradictions.
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aspec-voltron · 7 years
headcanons for aro keith?
he doesn’t really Get romantic attraction
“What does it even mean????” “Well… you know.” “No, Lance, I don’t!!!!!”
Cue everyone pitching in helpfully what they think romantic means and Keith just not being able to fathom any of it.
Before that discussion he never really had the vocabulary to understand aromanticism so he just assumed it was another aspect of his difficulty relating to people (he still does, sort of)
He’d sort of resigned himself to a future alone but in his heart of hearts he’s always wanted to find a few friends to spend his life with
Basically he’s had a giant family shaped hole in his heart for as long as he can remember
Shiro was the first person to help fill that hole and Keith will love him forever for it, but at the same time, he still craves that kind of connection with people his own age
He doesn’t really know about queerplatonic relationships, nor would he be looking for one at this point in his life if he did
He’s still just figuring out how to navigate friendships without pushing people away, he doesn’t trust that he’d be able to handle a relationship level of commitment to one person and not quiznak it up.
An alien flirts with him once on a mission and his reaction is the most skittish and confused any of the paladins have ever seen from him
He literally blurts out “what do you want from me???” and spends the next minute facepalming in shame behind Hunk while Allura apologizes profusely for him.
They found a bunch of old Altean movies in the castle and whenever they watch romcoms Keith is just sitting there in disbelief at the irrational things people do for love
(“You’ve done plenty of irrational things for different reasons,” they remind him.)
(“That’s besides the point!!!”)
The only love he’s ever really wanted out of life is that of friends and family
He finally has a group of people he feels comfortable calling his friends, but he wouldn’t originally have called them family the same way he does Shiro
He realizes it in the little things:
how he loves to hear Pidge laugh
how he always feels safer on missions with Allura by his side
how whenever he’s having issues he can go talk to Coran
how Hunk makes a habit of bringing snacks and water to the training room because Keith is terrible at maintaining a proper food-exercise balance and nearly passed out that one time
or how he and Lance want to kill each other most of the time but they’d probably die for each other too, and really, isn’t that what being siblings is all about?
and he’s still a little insecure in these feelings and sometimes he still feels separate from the group, but he’s sort of started to realize that he has a chance here to have the kind of love he’s always needed in his life – and maybe, if he’s lucky, he’ll actually get to keep it. 
in conclusion, aro keith is fantastic and exactly my kind of jam and i’m so happy this is the first thing i was asked to make headcanons for
thank you for coming to my tedtalk
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honeybeeofficial · 6 years
dadungeonmom replied to your post: should I make bread or lemonade today
lemonade today and bread tomorrow so you have something to sip while making bread
evikholin replied to your post: should I make bread or lemonade today
I may just be in a Loving Bread mood since I made some myself today but… bread! bread! bread1
hmmmmm… I think I’m gonna go with elli on this one. Lov Bread is a contagious mood
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tyrannuspitch · 4 years
evikholin replied to your post “see. the problem is. i like xe as just, “fuck it let’s throw in an x...”
im p sure ive seen ppl use ne/nim or ne/nem?? but idk how common it is
yeah i’m currently looking at lists like. how far we’ve fallen. save me 2014. but a lot of them don’t appeal phonetically, tbh? that’s kind of the problem with neopronouns - they don’t have established connotations, so all you have to go on is the sound, and... anything sounds ugly if you think about it too hard.
(honestly, i think that might be why nounself was A Thing for a short while? people wanted something alternative that had aesthetics and connotations of its own... i guess the more common non-nounself neopronouns have a bit of a community and history, but it’s still not much. idk)
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evikholin replied to your photoset “Why does everyone keep calling the Nile the “Connecticut River”. And...”
dabbing in yugioh cosplay w an aro pin on is on like the top ten list of ur most iconic moments
Thank you. I wasn’t going to wear the aro pin but someone asked me if I’m into Puz/zleshippi/ng so I had to take drastic measures
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catilinas · 5 years
[insert eyes emoji here bc I'm on desktop]
i learn to speak bright as ripe oranges.the poems spell it out for you.
(send me a 👀 and i’ll post part of an unfinished poem)
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arotaro · 6 years
evikholin replied to your post “How 2 start an aro commune???”
actually cant u like, buy castles really cheap in Scotland? like I'm not saying aro castle but...
As much as I completely fucking agree with what you’re suggesting, usually the reason those castles are cheap is because they’re old and falling apart and have no proper plumbing/electricity/heat and are out in the middle of fucking nowhere so you can’t really live in them, at least not very conveniently
But god I would love an aro castle
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rlainarin · 6 years
evikholin replied to your post: GUYS THE 8TRACKS LIMIT IS GONE
they just sent out an email saying you can listen to all the music you want without paying again
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witblessed · 7 years
evikholin replied to your post: the thing that Fucks me Up is that eshonai’s death...
the fandom when sadeas’ death was an afterthought in WoR: hmm yes that is very cool Brandon, sometimes deaths aren’t grand, how wise. the fandom about Eshonai: SCRAP THAT GIVE US OUR GIRL BACK
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