#evil accel
cherrhara · 2 years
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i wanted to try drawing evil accel
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sailorgokaidecade · 4 months
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Logos of all official Secondary Kamen Riders (v2.0)
markolios (deviantart.com) - Majade Logo
driftingcar (deviantart.com) - Other Rider Logos
Download the original version here:
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theconjurervfx · 2 years
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mmikmmik2 · 2 years
I wonder what would happen to Philip if Double “died”, while not Fang or Xtreme. I don’t know if it’s been addressed by writers/in spin-offs, and I don’t think it came up during the original run of the show.
I think it would be funny if Philip would basically be fine, and Shroud were watching every time Double almost loses a fight like 👀
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gofancyninjaworld · 8 months
"It struggles but it still obeys" -- OPM webcomic chapter 150 review
The trap we've been waiting to see sprung has finally started to close. Everywhere we look, the triumphant Neo Heroes are stopping, stuttering, and freezing, their pupils fixed and dialated like a corpse's. Then, they move, reanimated to a new existence, one they have no control over. Only lucky individuals who've modified their suits in some way -- or had them broken -- have escaped. And as Accel, Puri Puri, and Amai Mask will testify, the new Neo Heroes attack former allies savagely on sight.
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Elsewhere, we see Genos encounter 'Boros's' brain-dead corpse. It has been kept functional on life support in the second of Metal Knight's labs. Noting that the creature is an incredibly powerful one that can't be allowed to rampage. Genos nevertheless feels for it: it's being kept alive to fight. Like him. While Google Translate isn't the best, the translation it comes up with, of Genos saying that at least one of them should have an easy escape when he moves to kill 'Boros', really hits hard.
We see how clearly Genos sees the situation he's in. The rampaging cyborg screwed him out of his past and any social context. Dr Kuseno screwed him out of a future. And now Saitama, the lackadaisical, uncaring Saitama, has been screwing him out of any chance to salvage anything of value out of his situation. Damn straight he's angry.* And in a hurry. There better be a kindly deity willing to pour cooling water on Dr Bofoi's soul, for unless there's a miracle of understanding to stay Genos's hand, that soul is about to be parted from its body with flames so hot it'll arrive in the afterlife still on fire.
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Speaking of the lackadaisical Saitama, he's been doing a good job of eliminating the robots wherever he's encountered them. Blue follows the trail of the storm of robot parts he's been flinging hither and thither and accidentally gets steam-rollered by Saitama. That's where the chapter ends.
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When we'll continue, your guess is as good as mine.
Insects. That's all that people are worth to The Organization. It's been nearly three years since I first pointed out the difference between the cyborgs we'd been seeing to date to what the Neo Heroes were doing. I brought up this harrowing reality of using insects as cyborgs and forcing them to move according to an operator's instructions:
"It struggles but it still obeys," is what the lead scientist says. In the story, we see human beings living this reality. Raiden must have incredible willpower: despite everything, he's able to stutter a few words to Puri Puri, begging the latter to save him from his torment even as he rains blows down on the hero.
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Link: https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePunchMan/comments/1agdu1y/translation_of_raidens_muttering_webcomic_spoiler/
For luckless souls who fall into the tender mercies of Erimin and Destro and their 'recovery' capsules, there's an even crueler fate waiting. I'll save that for another day. We'll find our way back to what's happening at Neo Hero HQ in time.
Yes, we the readers have been sitting on high being fed the answers to the evil behind the Neo Hero facade. We may not know who is ultimately responsible, and we may not yet know why, but we know a lot and a lot looks 'obvious' to us. However, the characters in the story can only discover the reality based on the evidence they actually have access to and what they already know/think. ONE is very strict on rules of evidence. If it's taken various individuals until now to start to know, it's not because they're stupid. Never think that, oh person given the answers from the back of the book.
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The question is what are the individuals who have begun to understand what's happening going to do? They're all scattered in a deeply hostile and dangerous world -- and there isn't much time to do something before civilization is too broken and cowed to function.
That is, of course, the most urgent problem. Speaking of saving civilization, is the Hero Association going to be saved? But there are other urgent problems. Like, one cannot help but worry that Dr. Bofoi is the wrong target to eliminate. He surely deserves some karma but it may well be a gross miscarriage of justice. What's going to happen there? What's going to happen with 'Boros' (I'm not going to take away the quotations until the critter has a mind of his own again)? And really, who truly is behind all this and what do they want?
Tune in sometime in the future to find out.
*Yes, I have a lot more to say about this, but I need first to set the context to what I'm going to say. So look for additional meta. Nag me if I'm tardy!
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biomic · 4 months
What's your favorite and least favorite V-Cinema forms?
NEXT Faiz, NEXT Kaixa, Accel Booster, OOO TaJaDor Eternity, Baron Ringo Arms, Zangetsu Watermelon Arms, Knuckle Jimber Marron Arms, Duke Lemon Arms, Mach Chaser, Sin Specter, Necrom Yujou Burst, Lazer X, Genm Level Billion, Cross-ZEvol, Grease Perfect Kingdom, Geiz Majesty, Vulcan Lone Wolf, Valkyrie Justice Serval, [Trio of Deep Sin Spoilers], Live Marvelous, Evil Marvelous, Imperial Demons, [Jyamato Awakening Spoilers]?
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look how they massacred my boy
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muffinrecord · 9 months
Shitty Review of Uwasa Mikoto
I keep rewriting the big review post (the problem is that talking about Uwasa Mikoto means talking about Regular Mikoto and it's a headache) so let's do a little one with my thoughts that is less intimidating:
TLDR: Nice but not a must-have. If you don't have a good generalized attacker for things like Hundred Evils, you may want to invest.
I'd put this under a cut but you know what, I won't! I wrote all this, y'all are gonna have to read it or scroll by it cause fuck you
Uwasa Mikoto is a better version of Regular Mikoto.
Uwasa Mikoto is a Support/MP Support/Tank Support, just like Regular Mikoto, but now Uwasa Mikoto can actually deal out damage.
She gives the whole team Strengthened Counter which can hilariously kill enemies when they attack you. It's better (in some ways) than regular Mikoto, whose attack did fuck all when she would counter back.
Uwasa Mikoto can gain MP much more easily than Regular Mikoto through her SE which gives MP Gain Up and MP Up When Damaged, something that Regular Mikoto really ought to have had.
She also comes with a passive 40% MP Gauge on Start, and you can combine that with her shitty personal that gives 15% MP Gauge on Start (and Accele MP Gain Up). This makes it easy for her to hit Magia/Doppel on turn two just by taking a few hits from the enemy, something she can handle easily with her good stats.
VARIABLE makes her very interesting. She'll have it on herself for three turns and then can get it back for more turns on Doppel. Couple that with the Doppel's MP Restore and her penchant for gaining MP when getting hit, and you have a very tanky support who can whip out some damage fairly consistently.
She's more selfish a unit in some ways than Regular Mikoto. For example, she no longer gives the team 5 MP Regen for three turns and she no longer will give the following on Doppel: Reflect Debuffs/MP Up When Damaged/Strengthened Counter to the team either. Instead she gives herself Damage Increase, Reflect Debuffs, Variable, and MP Restore.
She DOES give MP Restore on Connect, which is always nice.
I was testing out Uwasa Mikoto and comparing her to Regular Mikoto for a while today. Both of my units only have two slots, which is kind of a problem for someone you want to tank, but I found that Uwasa Mikoto was still decent without her last two slots. I started off with a really silly but fun team comp for mirrors:
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This actually proved pretty enlightening in some areas. For example, you obviously don't want to field two Mikotos, but also all these supports start to run into and interfere with each other-- not enough to keep me from winning, but enough that these girls who want to take hits just weren't getting them. But first off, some things I noticed, especially regarding both Mikotos:
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First off, like mentioned above, all these girls but especially both Mikotos want to take hits and will end up stealing hits from each other. This is especially bad when Uwasa Mikoto has mp gain up when damaged and Regular Mikoto has Guardian, which kinda interferes with that.
Secondly, for Darkness Mitama at least, the whole Reflect Debuffs thing doesn't work when the enemy team is Skill Sealed, so it felt sort of like a waste.
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After that, there was an unexpected issue that really should have been expected by me. Both Mikotos come with barrier-- Mikoto with a higher barrier for herself, and Uwasa Mikoto a smaller barrier for the whole team. Barrier will always choose the highest source, so it feels sort of like a waste to use both at the same time, especially since regular Mikoto will have Guardian and should take most of the hits.
This made me realize a small issue that Uwasa Mikoto will have on more established accounts (that prioritize good units)
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All three of these gals can give the team barrier. Infinite Iroha will give 5k + 3% Regen HP on her SE Active, MadoIro will give it on Magia/Doppel (for 5k and 8k respectively), and Uwasa Mikoto will give it on her SE Active (5k + Str. Counter for 3 turns) and on her Magia/Doppel (8k and 10k respectively).
This isn't a bad thing and you can sort of play around it? But it does present a problem-- Barrier won't stack, so using all their doppels on the same turn feels like a bad idea, especially on punishing fights. But sometimes you really want to use all the doppels on the same turn, and you'll feel punished for that.
This isn't the worst thing in the world by any means, it just shows that Uwasa Mikoto has a lot of overlap with other units.
Additionally, as much as she can be compared to Regular Mikoto, I think you can also compare her to a lot of the recent fast mp magia units released. She'll gain mp quickly and can be firing off Magia/Doppels pretty easily, especially when she tanks like you want her to. That said, she does have a flaw-- she can't heal herself. The barrier is supposed to help with that (and her good stats), but eventually you'll want to use a healer... and some of the best healer choices come with-- you know-- barrier.
Then again, I suppose she'd pair well with units like Scene zero Madoka or... Kako if you're lacking in good heals.
Really, if I had to compare her to someone... Yeah Regular Mikoto comes up, but so does Uwasa Sana? Both are self sufficient Balance types with a lot of defense and potential attack power. Like don't get me wrong, this is NOT the best comparison, but both feel like "brawler" types-- they can stand on their own and take a lot of enemies down with them.
I also felt like her Strengthened Counter was far more useful here. I outright saw her kill a tank after getting hit twice, which was hilarious and also made sense-- According to the Fandom Wiki, Strengthened Counter "has a base power of 120%", which makes her counter-attack pretty weighty. Is this a good thing? The benefit of Regular Mikoto is that she's not dealing a lot of damage, which is strictly good for stuff like the old version of Ranked Mirrors, meaning that you can prolong fights. However, Uwasa Mikoto should be more helpful for regular PVE at least.
I actually think that she might be a decent choice for things like Hundred Evils, if you don't have a good attacker already. The variable gives her a good way to deal lots of damage right away, she can easily earn MP, and her ability to reflect Debuffs should prove hilarious.
She's not as much a team player imo than regular Mikoto, and I kind of wish that her kit was either more selfish, or more supportive. For example, it's great that she gives the whole team Strengthened Counter now, but since you actually want to use her discs, it feels less useful.
Oh I should have done this earlier, but this is how Uwasa Mikoto stacks up when compared to other units, and this is considering a team with full SE and AE:
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Higher than Kimochi Rabi (which shocked me), but under Konoha. Fairly middle ground-- but again, factor in her Variable and you can see how she starts to become a real decent fighter.
Basically, I think she's a decent brawler-type character who is a much more damaging version of her original version. She still functions well as a Tank and really wants to take hits, but her support is more limited than her OG version. Strengthened Counter can outright kill people which is HILARIOUS to watch.
The only other thing I'll say is that if you're getting her to use her, you want ideally 3-4 slots. My two-slot version is fine, but she's getting heavy carries from the rest of the team. Tanks in general suffer from needing as many slots as possible to equip both passives and actives, giving them as many beefy stats as they can.
Lastly, you want to equip her with Damage Cut, especially in mirrors, so she doesn't prevent enemies from attacking her.
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jer-tan · 9 months
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This is my 100 evils team. I'm just impressed that 2 star Kako is still viable at this end game content. She out preforms usefulness than most 4 star units for her ability to heal, remove debuffs personal memo being an accel draw,and dopple was getting almost a million damage. It might be limited to one enemy, but a lot of time there is only one enemy on the field.
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melancholywally · 10 months
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Digimon Evolution Lines 36/∞
Commandramon and its original evolution family, debuting in the Digimon Accel Evil Genome V-pet. It is also featured in Digimon Masters, Digimon RPG, and Vital Bracelet BE.
Stages: LV1: Bommon LV2: Missimon LV3: Commandramon LV4: Sealsdramon LV5: Tankdramon LV6: Darkdramon
Artwork by Bandai from the Digimon Reference Book.
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mariacallous · 3 months
French president Emmanuel Macron has spent years dreaming aloud of a homegrown artificial intelligence giant. The AI disruption is coming, he told WIRED in 2018, and “I want to be part of it.” After that interview, he campaigned hard to turn France into a startup nation, home to the kind of companies that could rival American and Chinese behemoths. Then in April 2023 an answer to Macron’s ambition appeared in the form of bushy-eyebrowed entrepreneur Arthur Mensch and the launch of his company Mistral AI.
Mistral’s ChatGPT equivalent, Le Chat, was met with feverishly high expectations when it launched in February 2024, and it did not take long for comparisons to be made between Mensch and his San Francisco rival Sam Altman. Both CEOs are in their thirties. Both companies received backing from Microsoft. Like Altman, Mensch was able to command vast amounts of capital: Mistral’s $6 billion valuation fell far short of OpenAI’s $80 billion price tag, but still—this was validation. To Macron, Mistral was a sign of French genius, and the president started talking about the country as an AI champion in waiting.
This optimism was contagious. French generative AI companies have raked in $2.3 billion in funding over the past decade—more than all their European competitors, according to a June report by VC firm Accel. Amid the Paris startup scene, there was a sense that the country’s AI industry was unstoppable.
Yet when Macron called a shock snap election earlier this month, the AI industry quickly began to fear that the progress of the past seven years could be lost thanks to campaign pledges that could have a knock-on effect on their talent pipeline, and turbocharge taxes.
On Sunday, French voters will cast their ballots in the first-round voting, which polls suggest pits an anti-immigration far right against a coalition including an anti-capitalist hard left, as Macron’s centrist alliance struggles to regain ground in third place.
“With the two options that are leading in the polls, we could take a real step back, which is quite scary and quite disheartening,” says Roxanne Varza, director of the Parisian startup campus Station F, launched by the billionaire and Macron ally Xavier Niel. “We are trying to pretend it's not happening, but we're all talking about it, and the discussion is always, unfortunately, which is the lesser of two evils?”
Now French AI and its prominent homegrown companies and nonprofits such as Mistral, Kyutai, Hugging Face, and H are facing an uncertain future. The status quo that was such a boost to the industry is being rejected by wide swathes of voters who, according to the polls, are instead drawn to parties promising to reintroduce wealth taxes (both far right and left), tax “super-profits” (the left), and restrict immigration (the right). In response, a gloominess has fallen across the industry, and the country which once spoke of ambitions to become AI’s European capital is now busy discussing how to survive a real setback.
Varza considers Marine Le Pen’s far-right National Rally a real threat to the immigration that the industry needs to compete internationally. Among the 1,000 startups based at the vast Station F tech campus, there are 65 nationalities, many of whom came to Paris on Macron’s French Tech Visa program, which allows non-European startup founders, investors, and employees to move to France with their families. The government even has its own office within the Station F campus to smooth the application process for founders.
“Then on the other extreme, [the left-wing New Popular Front] have been so vocal about all the taxation measures they want to bring back that it looks like we're just going back to pre-Macron period,” Varza says. She points to France’s 2012 “les pigeons” (or “suckers”) movement, a campaign by angry internet entrepreneurs that opposed Socialist president François Hollande’s plan to dramatically raise taxes for founders.
Maya Noël, CEO of France Digitale, an industry group for startups, is worried not only about France’s ability to attract overseas talent, but also about how appealing the next government will be to foreign investors. In February, Google said it would open a new AI hub in Paris, where 300 researchers and engineers would be based. Three months later, Microsoft also announced a record $4 billion investment in its French AI infrastructure. Meta has had an AI research lab in Paris since 2015. Today France is attractive to foreign investors, she says. “And we need them.” Neither Google nor Meta replied to WIRED’s request for comment. Microsoft declined to comment.
The vote will not unseat Macron himself—the presidential election is not scheduled until 2027—but the election outcome could dramatically reshape the lower house of the French Parliament, the National Assembly, and install a prime minister from either the far-right or left-wing coalition. This would plunge the government into uncertainty, raising the risk of gridlock. In the past 60 years, there have been only three occasions when a president has been forced to govern with a prime minister from the opposition party, an arrangement known in France as “cohabitation.”
No AI startup has benefited more from the Macron era than Mistral, which counts Cédric O, former digital minister within Macron’s government, among its cofounders. Mistral has not commented publicly on the choice France faces at the polls. The closest the company has come to sharing its views is Cédric O’s decision to repost an X post by entrepreneur Gilles Babinet last week that said: “I hate the far-right but the left’s economic program is surreal.” When WIRED asked Mistral about the retweet, the company said O was not a spokesperson, and declined to comment.
Babinet, a member of the government’s artificial intelligence committee, says he has already heard colleagues considering leaving France. “A few of the coders I know from Senegal, from Morocco, are already planning their next move,” he says, claiming people have also approached him for help renewing their visas early in case this becomes more difficult under a far-right government.
While other industries have been quietly rushing to support the far-right as a preferable alternative to the left-wing alliance, according to reports, Babinet plays down the threat from the New Popular Front. “It's clear they come with very old-fashioned economical rules, and therefore they don't understand at all the new economy,” he says. But after speaking to New Popular Front members, he says the hard-left are a minority in the alliance. “Most of these people are Social Democrats, and therefore they know from experience that when François Hollande came into power, he tried to increase the taxes on the technology, and it failed miserably.”
Already there is a sense of damage control, as the industry tries to reassure outsiders everything will be fine. Babinet points to other moments of political chaos that industries survived. “At the end of the day, Brexit was not so much of a nightmare for the tech scene in the UK,” he says. The UK is still the preferred place to launch a generative AI startup, according to the Accel report.
Stanislas Polu, an OpenAI alumnus who launched French AI startup Dust last year, agrees the industry has enough momentum to survive any headwinds coming its way. “Some of the outcomes might be a bit gloomy,” he says, adding he expects personal finances to be hit. “It’s always a little bit more complicated to navigate a higher volatility environment. I guess we’re hoping that the more moderate people will govern that country. I think that’s all we can hope for.”
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magiamemoriareview · 1 year
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A Trivial Prank of Fate
Obtainability: This is a personal memoria for Infinite Iroha. It is obtainable through completing the third episode of her Magical Girl Story and through the Support Gacha.  
Single Effect: Accele Draw
MLB Effect: Accele Draw
Effect Definitions:
Accele Draw will replace that turns' current discs with Accele discs.
TLDR: “A Trivial Prank of Fate” is a great addition to Infinite Iroha’s kit as it can help make sure she’ll hit her 150 MP targets, guaranteeing she can Doppel. It has other uses as well in places like a Hundred Evils or in other challenging content. However, it’s not necessary if you just want Infinite Iroha to farm easy content or if you have some other method of making her get to 150 MP.
Review: “A Trivial Prank of Fate” is a good addition to Infinite Iroha’s kit, however its usage may not always be necessary. But before we address the Accele Draw, we need to address something else important for Infinite Iroha’s gameplay: how her Spirit Enhancement passives affect her MP.
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These three nodes in particular are extremely important: it means that Infinite Iroha can hit Magia at the very least by turn two. It also means that with the right memoria and discs, she can hit Doppel by turn two... and potentially hit it again for turn three. 
Her ability to Doppel by turn two is important, not only because of how much more damage a Doppel will dole out to the enemies, but for another very important reason.
This is what her Magia will give:
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And this is what her Doppel will give:
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Notice anything there? Her Doppel will additionally give her Variable for three turns. Variable is a Granted Effect that, when used, will cause all affected attacks to give advantageous attribute damage, regardless of the target's attribute. As an example, a Light-type unit with Variable will deal Forest-type damage to an Aqua-type enemy. This also means that a unit with Variable will deal attribute strengthened damage to Void enemies.
The Variable, combined with her Attribute Strengthened typing for Magia/Doppel, makes getting that Doppel off very important if you want to try and deal as much damage as possible to the enemy. It means you can Doppel on turn two, then Doppel again on turn three-- and this second Doppel will take place while Infinite Iroha has Variable, meaning that the Attribute Strengthened Damage will take full effect, regardless of what type the enemy is.
With all of that in mind, you really want Infinite Iroha to hit 150 MP by the end of turn one. You can do this through a combination of factors-- MP Gain Up passive memoria and MP Gain Up active memoria will give her more MP from her two Spirit Enhancement Passives for “Regenerate MP [9MP]” and “Regenerate MP [100 / 2 Turns]”. You can also throw on Accele MP Gain Up and hope that she gets an Accele disc at some point.
But if you want to ensure that she hits 150MP by the end of round one, equip this memoria. Even if she’s somehow unlucky enough to not get an Accele disc herself, she’ll still benefit from an all accele combo, which gives every member of the party +20MP flat.
Outside of the first three turns where she can get off two doppels, the memoria has other benefits as well. The low cooldown at 4 (when max-awakened) is also extremely good, meaning that it’s possible for her to use it more than once if necessary in a single Kimochi battle and many times during a Hundred Evils run. 
However, as good as Infinite Iroha can be for difficult content, she’s also excels at farming. Blasters are good for farming as well, but Infinite Iroha can easily clear two rounds through Magia on auto, and this can go by quickly if you have Magia animations turned off.
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Clicking that check off will make it so that Magia/Doppel Animations no longer play during AUTO, making Farming fast and easy!
This especially goes for Challenge battles, where you typically face familiars in one round and then a boss in the second. Even if your team doesn’t clear the Familiars on round one, she can still mop them up on round two through a Magia/Doppel and then use Magia again against the Boss. This practically trivializes large swaths of the game.
Since AUTO does not use Disc-draw type memoria, there’s no point to equipping Accele Draw here. MP Gain Up memoria might be better to use instead, or alternatively turn off Skills altogether so that farming can be even faster (this of course depends on how much you want to hit Doppel on turn 2 or not).
Overall this is an excellent memoria, worth using Over-Limiters on. This is also a good memoria to equip on Support.
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sailorgokaidecade · 2 months
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All Secondary Kamen Rider Ultimate Forms:
Kamen Rider G3-X
Kamen Rider Knight Survive
Kamen Rider Next Kaixa
Kamen Rider Garren King Form
Kamen Rider Gatack Hyper Form
Kamen Rider Zeronos Zero Form
Kamen Rider Rising Ixa
Kamen Rider Diend Complete Form
Kamen Rider Accel Trial
Kamen Rider Birth-X
Kamen Rider Meteor Storm
Kamen Rider Beast Hyper
Kamen Rider Baron Lemon Energy Arms
Kamen Rider Mach Chaser
Kamen Rider Sin Specter
Kamen Rider Brave Legacy Gamer
Kamen Rider Cross-Z Magma
Kamen Rider Geiz Majesty
Kamen Rider Rampage Vulcan
Kamen Rider Blades Tategami Hyoju Senki
Kamen Rider Evilyty Live
Kamen Rider Tycoon Bujin Sword
Kamen Rider Twilight Majade
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mangolon · 2 years
List of All Kamen Riders’ Final Forms
Will not count extra final forms. If a final form only appeared in a movie or special, it will be counted. Under the cut
Stronger → Stronger Charge Up
Kuuga → Ultimate Kuuga
Agito →  Shining Agito
G3 → G3-X
Gills → Exceed Gills
Ryuki → Ryuki Survive
Knight → Knight Survive
Ouja → Ouja Survive
Faiz → Faiz Blaster
Kaixa → Next Kaixa
Blade →  Blade King
Garren → Garren Jack
Chalice → Wild Chalice
Hibiki → Armed Hibiki
Kabuto → Hyper Kabuto
Gatack → Hyper Gatack
Den-O Sword Form → Den-O Liner Form
Zeronos Altair Form → Zeronos Zero Form
Kiva → Emperor Kiva
IXA → IXA Rising
Decade → Decade Complete
DiEnd → DiEnd Complete
W CycloneJoker → W CycloneJokerXtreme
Accel → Accel Trial
OOO TaToBa → OOO PuToTyra (or TaJaDor depending on who you ask)
Birth → Birth DAY
Fourze → Fourze Cosmicstates
Meteor → Meteor Storm
Wizard Flame Style → Wizard Infinity Style
Beast → Beast Hyper
Gaim Orange Arms → Gaim Kiwami Arms
Baron Banana Arms → Baron Lemon Energy Arms
Ryugen Budou Arms → Ryugen Yomotsuheguri Arms
Zangetsu Melon Arms → Zangetsu Kachidoki Arms
Gridon Donguri Arms → Gridon Lychee Arms
Knuckle Kurumi Arms → Knuckle Jimber Marron Arms
Drive Type Speed → Drive Type Tridoron
Mach → Chaser Mach
Ghost Ore Damashii → Ghost Mugen Damashii
Specter → Deep Specter
Necrom → Necrom Yuujou Burst
Ex-Aid Mighty Action X → Hyper Muteki Ex-Aid
Brave Taddle Quest → Brave Taddle Legacy
Snipe Bang Bang Shooting → Snipe Bang Bang Simulations
Lazer Bakusou Bike → Lazer Turbo
Genm Mighty Action X → Genm Zombie Action
Para-DX Perfect Puzzle/Knock Out Fighter → Para-DX Perfect Knock Out
Cronus Kamen Rider Chronicle → Gamedeus Cronus
Build Rabbit Tank → Build Genius
Cross-Z Dragon → Cross-Z Magma
Grease → Grease Blizzard
Rogue → Prime Rogue
Evol Cobra → Evol Black Hole
Zi-O → Grand Zi-O
Geiz → Geiz Revive (Gouretsu and Shippu)
Woz → Woz GingaFinally
Zero One Rising Hopper → Zero Two
Vulcan Shooting Wolf → Rampage Vulcan
Valkyrie Rushing Cheetah → Valkyrie Justice Serval
Jin Flying Falcon → Jin Burning Falcon
Horobi Sting Scorpion → Horobi Ark Scorpion
Ark-Zero → Ark-One
Saber Brave Dragon → Xross Saber
Blades Lion Senki → Blades Tategami Hyoujuu Senki
Espada Lamp do Alangina → Espada Arabiana Night
Calibur Jakku Dragon → Calibur Jaou Dragon
Saikou Kin no Buki Gin no Buki → Saikou X-Swordman
Revi Rex Genome → Ultimate Revi
Vice Rex Genome → Ultimate Vice
Live Bat Genome → Evilyty Live
Evil Bat Genome → Evilyty Live
Jeanne Cobra Genome → Invincible Jeanne
Demons Spider Genome → Imperial Demons
Vail Kabuto Genome → Crimson Vail
Over Demons Kuwagata Genome → Get Over Demons
Geats MagnumBoost → Geats IX
Tycoon Ninja → Tycoon Bujin Sword
Naago Beat → Naago Fantasy
Buffa Zombie → Jyamashin Buffa FeverZombie
Punkjack Monster → Punkjack FeverMonster
Gotchard SteamHopper → Rainbow Gotchard
Majade SunUnicorn → Twilight Majade
Valvarad → Valvarad Kurogane
Legend → Legendary Legend
Dread Type Zero → Dread Type Three
Gotchard Daybreak Daybreak SteamHopper → Gotchard Shining Daybreak
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meloncat030 · 2 years
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Dumb idea I had where Tord and Tom is Kamen Rider W and they have a hard time becoming Kamen rider because of their bickering. Edd would be Kamen rider Accel and Matt would be their Land lord and Manager and Ringo would be the evil cat Mick cause why not lollll.
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cureships · 5 months
Jonah probably still hasn’t truly blossomed as a nazi hunter yet. He prolly still feels guilty about doing that shit, and how maybe he’s just as evil using violence to fight them…..
Anyways, he and Accelerator should be friends, because Accel would just tell him to rip their legs off and be completely serious about it.
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gofancyninjaworld · 8 months
The OPM Webcomic in 2023
This is late: it's deleted itself three times, damn!
By the Numbers
There is a reason I call ONE the bad boyfriend. He’s exciting, unpredictable. Swans up, love bombs us with interesting webcomic updates, then ghosts us for months and we can’t say anything as we see him gallivanting around working on other things… and just as we start giving up, he’s back! It makes everything he gives us feel extra precious.
On the other hand, Murata is the good boyfriend. Steady, reliable, shows up when he says he will, lets us know if there’s been a change of plans, and we often have an idea of what to expect from him. It’s easy to start taking him for granted, or even to feel entitled, but that’s a mistake.
So, after ghosting us all of 2022, ONE has returned in 2023 and given us 8 updates! All have been between 16 and 20 pages long.
By the Story
The only game in town is genocide
The problem that Genos has is that he is so very easy to dismiss. He has come to us with wild stories about out-of-control cyborgs destroying absolutely everything in sight, improbable survivals, mad scientists, and blood quests. In a world that is to all intent and purpose a sober, serious, modern world. One that yes, is plagued by monsters, but where apocalyptic destruction by cyborgs is nowhere in sight. So it's easy to think less of what he's got to say. His stories since have only gotten wilder and more improbable… only they're absolutely true.
Finally, the truth of what Genos has been saying, and the thing he's been desperate to prevent, is evident. And it's too late to say that he's right. I'm going to stop here for a second to invite the reader to consider what it takes to kill. Go to a mall with a gun and shoot at least one person? Easy. Shoot and kill at least one person? Probably not too bad. Kill several? Harder. Kill EVERYONE given that there are lots of exits? Are you kidding? It would take sustained bombardment, not a guy with a gun. We see in OPM world that scary and terrifying as monsters are, the death toll they inflict is much smaller than you'd initially expect, even allowing for the presence of heroes. It is really, really hard to kill a lot of people -- people don't sit still and wait for death. So for one individual to walk into town and leave nothing standing and no one alive is an extremely deliberate action of incredible violence. Back to the story. Now, we're no longer talking about the extermination of one town full of people. We're seeing the simultaneous, systematic destruction of multiple entire cities.
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Not a single one of the owners of these voices is left alive.
Against such evil, who can prevail?
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Well, heroes will, of course. But what's this? Something a couple of Neo Heroes (Ryomon in an interview and Accel when he pressed a suit onto Mumen Rider) said earlier on in chapter 138 about pro-heroes getting culled is coming to pass literally. We've seen for a while that the Neo Heroes appear to be on scene first to deal with monsters. Appear to have the right tools to defeat the monsters effortlessly when it's a brutal struggle for the pro-heroes. Child Emperor has been giving the situation the side eye for a long time as he's noticed that many of those monsters appear to have been modified.
Now it all comes together. While the robot army appears largely hapless in front of the Neo Heroes, it's a different story for the Pro Heroes. The S-Class heroes are managing but the other pro heroes are being overrun. Lightning Max gets not just targeted, but his feet, his specialty weapons, shot out from under him. Fortunately for him, Mumen Rider, no, sorry, Neo Mumen, comes to his rescue. Some other heroes are not so lucky: Bun Bun Man is killed. :( As the surviving pro heroes note, this is a systematic slaughter.
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Things are no better at Hero Association HQ. There is nothing half-assed about the robots being sent to target them: at least four million mill around, hemming in the few heroes there and preventing any help from reaching them. Not that there will be help coming their way...
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It's a different story for the Neo Heroes. They're working hard to save people, but increasingly, we realise they're in no danger. Even when they can't cope with the robots, all that happens to them is that the robots blow past them. Webigaza is so outraged and stricken by the sight of the neighbourhood she grew up in being obliterated that she pushes herself far too hard -- we hope someone grabs her before it's too late for her.
There is one hero who doesn't appear to be working. Drive Knight appears to be just robot spotting. Maybe he works when we're not looking but he seems to be just enjoying the show.
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And what about the people who aren't heroes? Well, anyone with the means to fight back is being targeted too: a group of vigilantes who sometimes take out monsters were eliminated first thing. The Machine Gods are also active, targeting S-Class heroes and powerful individuals like Garou (yes, he's found another job!) and Sonic alike.
Why? Ah, you'll have to see the next section.
In war, truth is the first casualty
A lot of what's happening isn't entirely surprising to us as readers having the luxury of seeing things from high up, but our knowledge doesn't matter. It's how the characters within the story, particularly the characters with the wherewithal to do something about it, make sense of what's going on.
As you might imagine, the tables being tipped in favour of the Neo Heroes means that they're getting cheered on by the general public while the pro-heroes, even those strong enough to make a difference, are increasingly scorned.
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The Machine Gods have no trouble explaining what's going on, if you care to ask them a direct question. Zombieman willingly allows himself to be beaten down and be taken to their headquarters to find out. Eguro tells him that in the new world, humans won't have their pesky free will and will thus be happy. They're here to capture and eliminate or reform the 'irregularities,' the exceptionally strong individuals capable of giving them problems.
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Elsewhere, we have Genos going through Metal Knight's laboratories. As of the end of the year, he'd gotten through the first one.
Someone else with beef with Metal Knight is Child Emperor. He has finally put together the source of the robots and goes to confront Metal Knight. We leave off without a conclusion, but what transpires is interesting. Reasoning that it's unlikely that Metal Knight would be so careless as to leave his fingerprints on the robots now attacking the world, it's likely that someone is trying to frame Metal Knight. However, his erstwhile mentor isn't off the hook. Has he abandoned his humanity in an attempt to finish an uncontrollable AI?
We leave off with a tense standoff between Isamu and Bofoi, the old man giving nothing away as he faces off against the increasingly agitated boy.
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No idea when ONE will return to this. No idea if Genos will crash the party before we can get those answers.
When you chase sweetness, you drink antifreeze
McCoy is at the nexus of the great deception. His help was instrumental in undermining the Hero Association, stealing data and plans, helping recruit pro-heroes and give vital information on manipulating those heroes. As the attack has progressed, he has been having increasing misgivings. He wanted money and the sweet benefits of enjoying a top position with a hero organization. But he never intended to facilitate evil. He's greedy, not evil.
Everywhere he looks, things are increasingly suspicious. Starting with Mr. Fuzzy, whose precognition appeared to have mysteriously failed just when it would have been most useful. What if he isn't actually a psychic at all? The implications are bothersome, but they fit all too well with the rest of the occurrences. The cold refusal to help the Hero Association in any way, not even to save them. The way the Neo Heroes have been stockpiling fuel, raw materials and an insane quantity of weaponry. The way the two wealthiest heroes have mysteriously started preaching becoming cyborgs and giving away their manpower and wealth to the Neo Heroes. The way he McCoy is being pressured to become a cyborg himself as the way Mr. Fuzzy puts it, there's not going to be a place in this world for anyone who hasn't accepted his (Fuzzy's) implementation of cyborgization.
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We end 2023 with the sight of McCoy scrambling in vain to try to get either Superalloy Darkshine or Metal Bat to help. The former refuses and the latter is locked up in a self-healing prison. McCoy tries to retrieve Metal Bat's original metal bat, but he's caught by A and Ryomon. The sweet juice he sought to sip now turns out to be poison. Poison that he notes is going to kill a lot of people. Including himself.
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I'm praying 2024 sees this arc reach its climax and end! Pray our Bad Boyfriend is in a generous mood this year.
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