cherrhara · 2 years
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i wanted to try drawing evil accel
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terriblygrimm · 2 years
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unstoppable force
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immovable object
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britcision · 4 months
Someone confiscate the Kabumisu Rapunzel AU from me, I am not starting a long form anything until my DPxDC novel is done but also I am ONLY capable of doing it wrong
Kabru MUST be Rapunzel. Mandatory. Milsiril is not letting that little bitch out of her tower. (Also his Main Character Energy)
Mithrun has less than zero drive to do anything ever up to and including wandering around in lonely tower infested woods to find said lost princess
These can only be resolved by Mithrun also already being inside the tower and then we’re into Beauty and The Beast territory too with the Forbidden Room but instead of Cursed Flower there is Cursed Hottie
Tbh Labrumisu would solve this problem where’s my threesome shippers we need ONE (1) character with some goddamn initiative
(Sadly still can’t be me I do not ship Laios in general he’s just not got that Ship Juice)
Milsiril just has such perfect villain vibes and okay I’m selling myself on the Labrumisu because if Laios comes in to kidnap one of her babies (and her broken former coworker) there’s a 50-50 on whether Milsiril just decides he’s young enough to adopt
This is now a main character hoarding situation Falin and Marcille have to come rescue Laios and also his boyfriends from the crazy sword elf and her army of dolls
Which is why I can’t write this one.
Look at that.
Look what happened in like 5 bullet points.
The rails have been OBLITERATED but also it’s just got such good legs someone take this idea and run with it to somewhere very different and much simpler than I am capable of
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blaiddfailcam · 11 months
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No I can never just make a normal environmental gif it needs to be A CINEMATIC EXPERIENCE
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radarsteddybear · 10 days
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This is the Northrop “Gee-Whizz” Decelerator Sled. As you can see, it's not an airplane--it is, as its name would suggest, a sled. It was built used in tests after WWII to better understand the injuries sustained during pilots in aircraft accidents. They would launch this thing down a 2,000 ft. long track at up to 200 mph and then abruptly stop it, creating a deceleration of up to 46 Gs, all with a human person inside. The project was run by Dr. Col. John Stapp, who himself made 26 runs on the sled, suffering "concussions, cracked ribs, broken wrists, and retinal hemorrhages," proving that test pilots (and test...sledders?) are truly a different breed. He felt that these injuries were worth the information these tests provided, saying, "I took my risks for information that will always be of benefit. Risks like those are worthwhile."
The upshot is that the results of these tests led the Air Force to call for redesigned cockpits and pilot harnesses.  These tests also led to the Highway Safety Act of 1966, which required seat belts in all new cars sold in the US beginning in 1968.  
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wolrith · 6 months
sorry if i dont boop you back im at war with @permanently-tired-pigeon
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hiitspath · 8 months
I want to write a fic where Matt gets rejected by both Peter and Elektra, after he declares his love for Elektra. The problem is Elektra is such a hard character to grasp for me cause I haven't read much about her. Are there any recommended readings I should do to get a better understanding of her character?
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radiophd · 22 days
black decelerant -- three
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semi-sketchy · 9 months
This won't be useful to anyone except me but here's when each batch of side stories unlock in The Final Horizon as well as their location.
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tchaikovskaya · 9 months
while my mind is on headlights and my patronizing gripes about them, i'll add this: if it's raining hard in the middle of the day (like *insert the unfortunate idiom of domestic abuse* kind of rain when its still very bright out), and you're driving in somewhat dense/heavy traffic, do not put your fucking high beam lights on. the light bounces off of the rain droplets and makes visibility a billion times worse. for goddamn everyone around you. which makes everyone else put their high beams on bc they cant see SHIT. creating a dangerous and eyeball-searing feedback loop.
when you're driving in rain, esp on a lower-speed road, having your lights on is important secondarily [primarily is your own visibility obvi] for a) letting oncoming traffic see you, and b) letting cars in front of you see you in their rear view mirrors. some people even say that if its bright enough u can/should use fog lights to mitigate the whole light-water reflection effect, but iirc those usually dont light up the car's tail lights, which are important for cars behind you to see you. however i maintain that unless you're driving on a highway/interstate or some other "higher-speed" roadway with few stops/lights/intersections, if the rain/snow/fog is so bad that you can't see a car like 4-5 car lengths in front of you until they hit the brakes and you're Right There and you need to stop or significantly slow down, you're either driving way too fast for the conditions or following way too close. :))))
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stokesy55 · 2 months
I also thought 416 would be more than enough… We’ve certainly got a game on our hands!
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fipindustries · 1 year
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finally got the hang of this stop motion shit
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citralekha · 1 year
Wait, with Wildemount soon falling into chaos, and information about the Vanguard plot seemingly leaking into public consciousness, what if the Kryn Dynasty find out that Ludinus, HEAD OF THE CERBERUS ASSEMBLY AND EFFECTIVE RULER OF THE EMPIRE, has been using Dunamis for his plan?? Oh boy, second War of Ash And Light on its way in 3... 2...
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vacantgodling · 6 months
20, 22, 25 for the music asks!!
20:A song that has many meanings to you
it’s actually insane how many ships and how many situations i have associated with This Specific version of this song
22:A song that moves you forward
idk how true this is anymore per se, but whenever i need a push to get over something as a kid i always went to this song
25:A song by an artist no longer living
we love respect and adore whitney in this house
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kopykunoichi · 2 years
Okay, I know this has come up on Reddit and other places, but I just haven't found any satisfactory explanations or theories to solve the mystery of:
Why is Omega so freaking "tiny"?!
Canonically, she's older than the guys; Tech said she was an unaltered first generation clone and also referred to her as an adolescent. When Order 66 takes place, the first gens are already 13 years old (born in 32 BBY). The Bad Batch season one spans several months, and by the time season two rolls around, it would be reasonable to assume they're 14, or close to it.
Omega is less mature than a typical teenager in many ways, but that is easily explained by how sheltered her life was. She is very insightful though, which is an interesting contrast to her childlike wonder at experiencing new things.
But her physical development has me stumped. Omega is 1.1 m (3'7")...that's the same height as my four year old daughter! Yet, she's supposed to be a 14 year old adolescent.
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Look at her standing next to Hera. Hera is 10 years old here (maybe 11 depending on when in the year her birthday is, but she was born in 29BBY). Not only is she a lot taller, she's also clearly a bit further along into puberty than Omega is. I don't know if that's a Twi-lek thing or not, but she definitely looks like an older adolescent. Compare Hera to the animation of Ahsoka when she was 14 and it's even more apparent. Meanwhile, Omega shows no signs of a maturing body. Even her facial structure looks more childlike.
At first I was just going to chalk it up to animators being inconsistent or not being able to properly depict a teenage girl, but now I'm beginning to wonder if there's more to it.
What if Omega's growth has been delayed as opposed to the other clones' growth being accelerated? What if the reason she looks like a seven year old when she's actually fourteen is because she ages half as fast as normal humans? And if that's the case, could that be why the Kaminoans wanted her DNA so bad? Think how marketable it would be if you could sell someone a way to make their natural lifespan twice as long?
It would also explain why Omega sometimes has moments where she has the reasoning capabilities of a teenager (because she does have fourteen years of life experience, such as it was), but retains the playful exuberance of a younger child, because developmentally, she's still seven.
What do you think? Have any of you come across any similar theories that I missed in my brief perusal of the forums?
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wyrm-in-a-closet · 1 year
i love making funny calculators for things on desmos
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