tokidokifish · 4 months
“hold” for the WIP word asks
oh this one got a LOT of results so in pursuit of not being here all day i'll just do the fic that had the most instances, which was, once again, the manipulative co-parenting fic, probably because it's almost ten thousand words long. i really need to finish the manipulative co-parenting fic.
“What do you have?” he asks, holding out a hand.
Admittedly, that’s the least of which holds Garak’s attention, because absolutely all of Bashir’s slim shoulders and long lovely neck are on display, a wealth of warm brown skin Garak hasn’t been privy to even living in the man’s house.
Noshia’s eyes go even wider, features blanching, and he holds up a hand.
“Well, I’m hardly going to hold it against you, considering the circumstances,” Bashir says, with a sigh.
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ofhouseadama · 1 year
I wish you would write a fic where Garak and Bashir follow up on that "someone should do a study" dialogue in Improbable Cause about how relatively fast/slow they each eat, but of course the "study" ends up being them just performing oral on each other <3
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asgardian--angels · 8 months
trick or treat!!!
Tumblr media
This Carmenta ithacae clearwing moth wants you to think it's a bee, please humor it
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misty-feathers · 7 months
33 and 66 for spotify wrapped songs
33. national anthem - lana del rey
66. ghosts again - depeche mode
thanks for the ask!!
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cemetrygatess · 2 years
Presumed dead for the WIP ask game
lmao you have literally read a draft of this. :P But for the uninitiated, in this fic Garak disappears and is presumed to be dead (I am very good at titles), and Julian deals with that (poorly ofc).
“Who agreed to give Garak a runabout?” Sisko asked, with tired resignation in his voice. It was the weekly senior staff meeting and everyone was feeling burnt out. The war was thrashing on with no end, and no victory in sight.
“That would be you, Captain,” said Odo, frowning slightly. “You’ll remember, he agreed to listen to Dominion communications. He was using the premise of a trip to the fabric market on Tex IV as cover but was supposed to go to a specific set of coordinates, listen for 10 days and come back.”
“I had tried to forget,” the Captain muttered.
“So we let a former agent of the Obsidian Order have a runabout during wartime, without so much as an escort?” Kira asked, managing to get a little worked up at the idea, which clearly offended her sensibilities.
“The Captain signed off on it. A number of staff members were off station at the time. There was debate about sending an ensign with him, but we ultimately decided sending Garak alone gave him more plausible deniability if he was caught,” Odo replied.
“Well that was three weeks ago, shouldn't he be back by now?” Julian tried to keep the worry from both his mind and his voice.
“His itinerary said he should have had him back nearly a week ago,” replied Odo.
“So that leaves us with a number of possibilities,” Sisko said, rubbing his temples in thought. “First, something happened, and Garak is dead. Second, that he’s run into trouble of some sort and perhaps been captured by the Dominion. Or third that he’s purposefully absconded for reasons of his own.”
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damnhardwork · 3 years
O + T + P for fandom ask meme
For the ASK MEME:
Okay, so OTP *cracks knuckles* O - Choose a song at random, which ship or character does it remind you of? Okay, so for this, I turned my Spotify on shuffle and went with the first song that came up, and it is BRILLIANT. Lady Luck is on form tonight. I could not have picked a better song myself https://youtu.be/qJYbFFFZwdE Part of the Union - Strawbs ROM! This song is Rom. Forever and always. 🎶'Ohhhhhhhh, you don't get me, I'm part of the union' 🎶 Too right! T - Do you have any hard and fast headcanons that you will die defending, about anything at all (gender identity, sexual or romantic orientation, extended family, sexual preferences like top/bottom/switch, relationship with poetry, seriously anything) Hmmmmmmm. Okay, so my absolute unshakable headcanon is  that Julian Bashir's accent isn't the one that he grew up with but the one that he cultivated specifically later on in life - probably when he was either at school or the Academy/Med School. I have two reasons for this: 1. His accent is absolutely nothing like his father's (or his mother’s). I’m going to kind of focus a little more on his dad’s accent here, as both their accents are English (which suggests to me that Julian probably grew up there somewhere). His dad has a strong Estuary, working class kind of accent. Julian's is much closer to RP. Accents tend to be really heavily associated with class in the UK, and whilst not everyone has the same accent as their parents (I don't), generally you have the same kind of class indicators even if it's a different dialect (I do). So it does seem strange to me that Julian's accent is so cut glass, whereas his father's is the absolute opposite. 2. His accent (certainly in the earlier series) isn't one that you find in the wild here, so to speak. It's the sort of accent that you *learn*. Yes, yes, I know it's probably a function of Trek being a US series, since this happens with a lot of Brits in US TV from that era (they have a stereotypical accent that actually kinda doesn't really exist here. See: Buffy. lol), but it does have interesting implications. Namely that he consciously modified his own accent to sound like that for whatever reason.  And this headcanon kinda makes me sad, in a way, as I'd like to think that by the time we get to the Trek future, such strict class divisions aren't a thing anymore, and therefore there’s no pressure to lose your accent. But the fact that Julian's accent gives absolutely no hint about where he's from (beyond a general vague sort of 'Brit, probably' vibe) sort of suggests otherwise. And that he felt the need for it to be that way.
(I actually have loads of accent headcanons. I have a particularly wild one for Picard involving a translator ‘quirk’ and some good old Anglo-French relations)   P - Invent a random AU for any fandom (we always need more ideas) Okay, I'm going to cheat and do this for Good Omens, as I've got a really good one (that I'm probably never going to actually properly write, even though I've been thinking about this for over two years and have already got the first two chapters of it done. lol). Coffee Shop AU. Wait, wait, hear me out. Post not-apocalypse, Crowley decides to open a coffee shop in his semi-retirement, because a demon's got to do something to while away the decades before Hell decides that they'd like him back, actually. And really, he's got to make sure he stays in the Bad Books (because we all know they're not going to leave him alone for long). Got to keep a hand in when it comes to the old Evil Incarnate business, and what could be more evil than sweeping gentrification and overpriced coffee (served to the sound of a band you've never heard of - likely with good reason)? A deeply uncool demon operating a deeply uncool coffee shop. Hipster catnip. And, honestly, I think that would be pretty funny. 
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autisticandroids · 3 years
fake relationship / fake marriage for the fanfic trope thing
dislike except in very particular circumstances. if anything, i prefer "fake relationship with someone else." ask me about me and @davidfosterwallaceandgromit's dean and rowena fake dating au where cas and sam nearly drink themselves to death together they're so sick with jealousy
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the-last-dillpickle · 3 years
plots murder for the WIP ask game (also I agree that this is the most fun ask game! I love getting to talk about my WIPs and I love seeing what everyone else is working on!!!)
[ WIP ask meme ]
Plots Murder! >:) So this fic was actually inspired entirely by this fanart where my mind just went, ah yes Garak plans a murder while giving a completely clueless Julian a wonderful massage.
Garak would have to kill him. There was no other option.
The Vulcan merchant was clearly actually a Romulan mercenary in disguise, and the inordinate amount of time he had spent in Garak’s shop throughout the day--coming and going several times as he feigned indecision over whether to buy a cheap scarf--suggested only trouble. Especially considering a quick hack into station records showed that the Romulan had rented out quarters for the next week which happened to be only three doors down from Garak’s own. (Perhaps it had been shortsighted of him to scare away the young Tellarite couple that had used to cohabit there. They had been loud and obnoxious but not a threat.)
The only question then was the most effective method of dispatchment and evidence disposal.
“Ooh, lower please, darling.”
Garak complied easily with Julian’s demand, massaging hands migrating down along his trapezius. Julian let out another pleased moan as the heel of his hand dug into the knotted muscle.
It was moments like these that made Garak realize how truly strange his life had become. He could be having a perfectly ordinary day of tailoring for customers and taking care of threats, and then Julian Bashir would show up at his front door, lovely as ever and complaining of an exhausting double shift, practically begging for Garak’s hands on him. And within three minutes flat, the doctor would be sprawled facedown like a starfish on his bed, nude except for his Starfleet regulation briefs with Garak perched carefully atop him.
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ernmark · 3 years
fake dating!! (for the ask game)
Thank you for the ask~
This one’s the Best Laid Plans series, in which Tain is currently trying to get Garak laid. 
It’s kinda sorta on hold for the moment as I try to figure out how the hell I’m going to proceed. 
In the meantime, here’s a bit from my drafts folder that may or may not make it into a future iteration:
"You aren't his to give away." And his face is suddenly so stony and hard, almost angry. Of course it is, the ridiculous, infuriating human. How is it that this, of all things, is what finally disturbs him? 
"He would beg to differ," Garak says lightly.
"And you?"
Garak pauses for just a moment, letting the answer build between them. When he speaks, his eyes are intent on Julian's.
"I would simply beg." 
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vermin-disciple · 3 years
okay, you know i gotta ask about Fascination AU!!! (for the WIP ask meme)
(WIP Ask Meme)
This is a take on the obvious G/B premise for an AU of the episode Fascination. Garak and Bashir get blasted with Zanthi fever at the same time and then immediately bone each other. This one definitely takes the darker and angstier approach to Sex Pollen, which is to say that it's about the ramifications of two people who are interested in each other having nonconsensual sex, and the fallout that results when they have wildly divergent emotional reactions after the fact.
Here, Bashir's attitude is basically, 'well we're both interested and we've already had sex so why don't we stop pretending otherwise and just go for it.' Meanwhile Garak is profoundly disturbed by the experience of having his control stripped away by external forces and the fact that he does genuinely want Bashir actually makes it worse, because that means there are feelings involved that he can’t easily divorce himself from. And since Bashir has a tendency to keep pushing even when he's been told to back off, and Garak is good at identifying people's vulnerabilities and sometimes lashes out when in distress, this leads to a pretty nasty falling out between them. It eventually gets resolved after a slightly AU version of Distant Voices.
All I really have for this one so far is an outline and a few snippets (no completed scenes), so I don't really have any selections to post. (And I'm really not sure if or when I'm likely to work more on it. I wrote the outline a couple of months ago and haven't touched it since. But my muse is notoriously unpredictable.)
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tokidokifish · 4 months
📥🤔 for the fic ask game
thank you!! for sending me questions!!
📥 What is your fave fic to receive comments/messages on?
any of them? 🥺 in all honesty, tho - obviously i write for myself and the gremlins in my head but obviously recognition is nice, too, and i haven't gotten as many comments on my bg3 work, so each one i get means a lot to me. otherwise i start doubting my ability. 😭
🤔 What is the hardest part of writing fic?
other than all of it? :'D the fiddly connecting bits between the scenes you really really wanted to write. gets me every time. also, endings, especially bc i tend to write shorter one-shot fics.
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ofhouseadama · 11 months
but if the world was ending (you'd come over, right?) is my fave of yours, I just love the way you showed Garashir managing to carve out something cozy in the midst of the war <3
Thank you!! <33
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asgardian--angels · 3 years
clarity for the wip ask game!
“Unfortunately, it looks as though we’re stuck with the cleaning up,” Garak said, looking at all the scattered cargo, some having spilled their contents on the ground. “Are you sure you don’t want to inform the Captain? He could order those boys to fix the mess they’ve made.”
Julian bent down and began piling supplies into his arms. “I think the wrath of Quark will be punishment enough, don’t you think?”
“If you say so.”
As Julian got to his feet, his gaze fell past Garak to an unusual crate that had been toppled onto its side, but not completely knocked off the pallet. He could see black letters stamped onto it that he recognized as Bajoran script. Seeing the doctor’s furrowed brow, Garak turned to face the crate.
“Ah, yes,” he said, eyeing it. “I’m afraid this one took the brunt of my impact. When it fell I heard a noise, something inside it was broken perhaps. I take it this wasn’t part of your medical shipment.”
“No…” Julian replied, setting the supplies he was holding down on the nearest flat surface. “This must be cargo from the Bajoran cultural envoys whose ship docked late last night. Garak, I’m going to really hope that you’re wrong because I was told that some of the items they’re transporting are newly recovered artifacts with immense religious importance.”
They both shifted uneasily. “Maybe we should take a look, in case anything is actually damaged,” said Julian. He reached a hand towards the latch on the box when Garak held his arm back.
“Perhaps I should be the one to open it, doctor,” Garak suggested. “In case there’s any danger. Besides, if a Starfleet officer were to discover such vandalism he would be obligated to report it. On the other hand, a simple tailor like myself…”
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misty-feathers · 2 months
thanks for the ask!!
☄️Headcanon about a favorite character?
near and dear to my heart is julian learning to knit to impress garak and finding he's awesome at it and it's a good stress/anxiety relief
also i love thinking about julian getting miles to be the best man at his and garak's marriage ceremony and the best man speech he'd give. it's either incredibly sappy or miles is like. trying his best to say nice things about garak lol
❤️ Your ST comfort character(s)?
julian ofc! also spock my beloved. and data (and SPOT). i really do have a type lmfao
👕 Character whose fashion you like?
jadzia has such cool outfits and her wedding dress is so awesome
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cemetrygatess · 3 years
for the wip ask meme: make your choice
This is essentially based on the premise that knives are a *fun* Cardassian Courtship gift. And by fun I mean you either have to attempt to kill the person or let them attempt to kill you. Anyway this naturally progresses to some fun knife play that I wasn't ever quite happy with. Hence I wrote much of this and then quit it. Under the cut a conversation between Kira and Bashir about this gift...
“Well… it’s a rather old fashioned Cardassian courtship gift,” Kira explained.
“What now?”
“Let me finish! It’s not done much, but it’s sort of the height of Cardassian romance to give a knife.” It looked like it was giving Kira a headache just to say this. She sounded tired. She did not want to be having this conversation, that much was more than clear.
“Okay… why is that?” Julian asked, inquisitively.
“To reject the gift, and the courtship, you have to use the knife against the person who gave it to you.”
“What!?” Julian’s eyes nearly popped out of his head.
“I told you weren’t going to like it. In order for the courtship to be rejected officially the receiver of the knife, has to make an honest attempt on the life of the person who gave them the knife.”
“What the fuck”
“Well, it’s supposed to be romantic.”
“Romantic!?” Julian’s head was spinning. Why was Cardassian culture always so intense?
“Yeah… like the idea of the knife as a courtship gift is sort of I’d rather you kill me than have you be indifferent to me. And it’s of course the ultimate show of trust, to give someone the power to hurt you like that. Very romantic. Or for Cardassians anyway.” Kira rolled her eyes.
“Wow, okay, wow.”
“But it’s a little old fashioned. It’s not casual, it’s uh... intense. Not quite like asking someone to marry you but not far off.”
“Okay so to reject the courtship, I would need to try to kill Garak, with the knife he gave me.” Julian scratched the back of his neck nervously. “Hypothetically, what if I was going to accept it?”
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O + M + B for the fandom ask meme
OHHHH you SLY SLY SLY so-and-so.
O - Choose a song at random, which ship or character does it remind you of
I’m a Raggedy Bitch, But My Heart is Amazing. It’s Garashir. No I will not defend my choice.
M - Say something genuinely nice about a ship that you don’t ship (or its shippers, or anything related to you)
Oh, gosh, my Quodo peeps. Like LEGIT the most amazingly bright, stunningly funny, artistically talented Star Trek shippers out there. Enemies to enemies-who-f*** is the most delicious. A DELIGHT. In my own head, this is a very one-sided, unrequited attraction, which is why I’ve never QUITE hopped aboard myself, but GEE WILLICKERS I just love to see it.
B - A pairing you initially didn’t consider but someone changed your mind
O’Brashir. Isosceles by @the-last-dillards ENDED ME.
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