#except for the ppl specific playlists
ollieinoue · 2 years
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Ollie Vol. I
A compilation of some songs from (most of) my past playlists (because there are a lot of them) playlist tag .
The Cult of Dionysus 【The Orion Experience】   ▇   Bay Gay, Do Drugs, Hail Satan 【Super Cassette】   ▇   Dizzy 【MISSIO】   ▇   Take A Slice 【Glass Animals】   ▇   Don't You Feel Amazing? 【Trash Boat】   ▇   I Feel Like a God 【DeathbyRomy】   ▇   Hell Hounds 【chloe moriondo】   ▇   STUPID 【Ashnikko, Baby Tate】   ▇   Daddy AF 【Slayyyter】   ▇   Blush 【Siena Liggins】   ▇   Pretty Boy 【poutyface】   ▇   Scrawny 【Wallows】   ▇   I Just Don't Care That Much 【Matt Maeson】   ▇   Thriving 【UPSAHL】   ▇   Panic 【SM6】   ▇   Ego 【daysormay】   ▇   Spite 【Vandaveer】   ▇   alive 【ROLE MODEL】   ▇   f**k it, i'm the man 【SEB】   ▇   Creature of the Night 【Air Traffic Controller】   ▇   when the party's over 【Billie Eilish】   ▇   A Memory Away 【Matt Maeson】   ▇   Please Be Angry 【Pierz Barry】   ▇   Shit Show 【Peter McPoland】   ▇   wild honey 【awfultune】
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jacenotjason · 9 months
Can we just get some rambles about your AU, like nothing specific, just like little details you haven’t had the ask or idea to express artistically? I just love any little details about this AU (Howdy’s little finger beans)
AAAAA oh my god YES here’s some rambles from the depth that is this AU! Random factoids and snippets and hehehheheh
(Oh hey and checkout the AU itself!)
Hiding this under a ‘readmore’ becasue FUCK I WENT ON A RANT HAUIDA- i tried to stop i swear
I HAVE PLAYLISTS FOR ALL THE CHARACTERS!! Ive been thinking about how to share them for awhile bc I LOVE these playlists and they help my brain rot on this AU but mm! Just wanted to get that out there im holding onto these
Something people didn’t catch was that in this animation, which is supposed to take place around the time Eddie moved into the neighborhood, he had his mail hat! But, currently, he doesn’t! That’s not because he lost it, Howdy actually stole it! Howdy immediately attempted to scam Eddie when he first arrived, stealing his hat and trying to sell it back to him, but he did not know that Eddie would not give a fuck. Howdy thought Eddie cared way more about his job then he actually does. So, Eddie’s hat is still currently decaying under Howdy’s desk.
All the characters have trauma or something depressing about them… except Julie! I’m not sure why but I just.. never came up with something reasonable for her backstory. I came up with a lot of ideas, but a lot of them seemed to cliche and controversial? Like, one of my ideas was some sort of sex working trauma, but I thought oooh of course you gave the most feminine character the sex working backstory! Another idea was eating disorder trauma, but again, ooh i gave the fem one the ED! The same thing happened with SA trauma, it all just felt so… cliche. And I felt like I would get a lot of backlash if I tried to implement this. So.. im still working on it!
^ originally Franks backstory was going to be completely SA related, but I changed that. Still not spoiling how, though.
^^ also I really liked the sex working idea! Because I think it would be interesting if thats how Eddie and her met. Not that Eddie bought sex from her, but that they like worked together and slowly became friends! Eddie kept her safe n stuff, beat the shit out of ppl that didnt pay yknow? Explored a deeper level of understanding between them
Ive been daydreaming about attempting to make my own little bootleg “play fellow exhibition” not nearly to the extent that Clown did, but just some sort of fake “restored” things! Maybe even fake interviews with those that remember the show! Ive even recorded some lines, of my own voice, of fake voice clips restored from the show. I haven’t had the confidence to post any of them just yet aa. I think my Eddie impression is IMPECCABLE though. Maybe bc I have a southern accent
^ also if this isnt obvious this AU is still a show being restored by a team, the show is just the adult parody ive created here. Ill be sure to specify if i ever post something restoration-lore-related!
The number of fingers they have is inconsistent, and that is not lore related! I am just an idiot! You might notice that sometimes they have 5, sometimes they have 4. I.. have no actual reason for this. I literally just.. forget! Im literally currently drawing a piece with Julie and Sally where they both have 5 fingers. Why?? Bc the reference I used was of two human girls so!! Just wanted to put it out there, that is not on purpose
I hide a lot of secrets in my art. Bc its fun. If you ever see something in my art thats a little too dark, feel free to up the brightness and see what you find. Does something sort of look like Morse code? Feel free to try it out! I’ll give you a hint, I have used both of these techniques to hide secrets in my art already. The Morse code one is really hard to find, though, so props to you if you find it!
I like to think that the AU’s show is like Rick and Morty. It started out this comedic, very clearly adult-humored show, but slowly the characters had lore! People started watching not for the humor but for the interesting characters. Like when Rick was revealed to have a depressing story with his wife and all that, it was the same as when ppl first found out about Frank’s strange amnesia and PTSD. Like “?? Who put lore in my funny adult comedy??” Yknow what i mean
^ i like to think there was some mind-bending moment where it was revealed Frank doesnt remember anything about his childhood and everyone watching was like :O
Originally in the show, (like season one), the characters were the way they are to make fun of those things. Confusing, but what i mean is that Poppy was a trans woman to make fun of trans people, Eddie and Frank were to make jokes about gay ppl, etc. but SIKE once the show got more seasons and got lift off they became actual characters instead of just jokes! The creators just wanted to make ppl love the show before they made the gay characters actually have personalities, so they couldn’t get cancelled prematurely! HA SUCKERS!!
FFUck okay i think i got it all out of me?? Idk feel free to ask again in like a month maybe more shit will have accumulated in my brain
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irrealisms · 5 months
hello! :] character ask game: princezam + any combination of [4, 12, 21, 23] ?
4. If you could put this character in any other media, be it a book, a movie, anything, what would you put them in? GOOD question. probably a very earnest shonen. i wouldn't watch it but it's what he deserves
12. What's a headcanon you have for this character? psychotic c!zam (s4) you will always be famous to me. no one else is allowed to write this bc i Do Not Trust Most Ppl With It but it's so so so dear to me. is it mostly projection Yes. still! still!!!!
21. If you're a fic writer and have written for this character, what's your favorite thing to do when you're writing for this character? What's something you don't like? facetious answer: favorite thing is watching vods for reference. least favorite thing is also watching vods for reference. less facetious answer: my favorite thing is-- watching vods for reference but like ... specifically noting his ~voice? ive got a little list of Zamisms which are like, particularly characteristic turns of phrase and i love including those. in general i love writing dialogue and zam is No Exception. my least favorite thing is-- man, this is probably going to come off as parasocial but i've talked abt it before on discord-- the thing with lifesteal being Very Very Unscripted is that it is hard for me to tell sometimes when people are Just Acting and when people are actually genuinely ooc upset or frustrated. and it feels bad watching that and it sucks when stuff that i think is very interesting and good to write about from an in-character level is sort of ... inextricable from that. also in general i dont like writing stuff that is very low-dialogue. i love writing dialogue but Prose Is Hard. unfortunately 1/2 of my next ideas for a fic abt him would be also low dialogue Sadge
23. Favorite picture of this character? im gonna assume this means 'fanart' and not 'screenshot'? my playlist for him has its cover from this fanart by ssseriema which i think does a beautiful and perfect job of capturing his character. there are a few other fanarts i'm particularly fond of--e.g. i really love cogmented's zam design--but the other two i'm gonna shout out are my commission from beck idalus ctommy of my pmmm au zam and this gifset of a scrub daddy being hit with a hammer
(character ask game!)
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yeppeudau · 2 years
Chapter eighteen: cat & mouse
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banner by: @/seungstarss
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⎙ synopsis: In which you and Soobin have a crush on the others bff, who which coincidentally, are dating. So you do what any other people with a common goal would, and try to break them up. Except it doesn't go exactly as planned...
⎙word count: 1.7k
⎙warnings: cursing (the usual), yn is pretty pushy, (don't do this!! respect ppls boundaries and when they say no)
♡a/n: this one was sm to write and I'm not completely happy with it tbh but thats okay! special thanks to my bsf @bbymochiiiiii for helping me/giving me feedback with this one<3
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Yes, that is you and Soobin screaming through the halls, as you currently mad dash through your school.
Now normally, of course neither you nor Soobin would even be seen within 3 feet of each other without at least one of your friends around. But this isn't normal, you started a chase around the school like something out of Tom and Jerry.
It all happened after your little "suggestion" of blackmailing Soobin got a no go from the gang. So you decided to take Yeonjun's idea and trap Soobin in with you somewhere instead.
You decided on none other than the boys bathroom. Not that you were trying to be a prev or anything, but you knew he would never chase you into the girl's one. So you deliberately chose the bathroom on the first floor because its the farthest from all student and teacher activity, less possibly to get interrupted.
You obviously couldn't do this completely alone, so you told Kai and Yeonjun to specifically not let anyone in while the two of you were in there.
Taehyun was also an accomplice in this, he distracted the other while you stole his notes you found out he was planning to give Areum. And it worked, he noticed and you ran so he started chasing you.
He surprisingly wasn't very fast for someone with stilts for legs. So technically weren't you ldoing him a favor by getting him on the move?
Running down the stairs and past all the idle students crowding the halls, you almost trip and bump into people multiple times. Muttering a quick 'sorry' whenever you feel you've grazed someone.
You can still make out Soobins steps behind you so you take that as a sign you won't be loosing him as you turn the corner.
You see Yeonjun and Hueningkai waiting outside the bath room, shooting you a thumbs up telling you its all clear. You give them a nod and signal that they should go now so Soobin doesn't see them, before you dart into the bathroom.
You don't have much time to catch your breath as the door swings open only seconds later, revealing a very disheveled Soobin standing at the door way. He looks kinda pissed if you're being honest, and for a moment you some what regret your decision to go through with this but you remind yourself there is no turning back now.
"Umm isn't this the girls bathroom?" you say feigning ignorance as your eyes look everywhere but at Soobin. You end up peeping a glance at the urinals, confirming what you already knew, it was in fact not the girls bathroom.
Soobin takes a deep breath before stepping closer towards you and in turn you just back up more and more until you feel your back has hit the wall.
Your mouth opens to say something but not a word gets out as Soobin speaks first "I'm not even going to ask, just give me my notes back." he holds his and out expectantly for you to give them back, but you just blink in response.
Soobin rolls his eyes at you and reaches to snatch them from you but you're just a little faster as you hide them behind you instead. You chuckle a little at his poor attempt as he lets out a long groan.
"What is wrong with you?"
"Me? nothing. Whats wrong with you?"
"You always make things 10 times harder than necessary! I said I wouldn't ask why you made me chase you around the fucking school like we're playing cat and mouse! And yet you still choose the annoying way you're unbelievable!" now he's raising his voice a little and this is probably the most worked up you've seen him. You're not surprised at his reaction much but you still feel the need to spit back.
So you raise your voice as well "Well if you would have just said yes to me in the first place,
instead of being an unreasonable prick then I wouldn't need to go to this extreme!" you exclaim with your free hand, still keeping the other behind you.
He scoffs at your reply "So that's what this is about? I already told you I'm not helping! You're acting like a crazy obsessive bitch and I want nothing to do with it!"
Its your turn to scoff now, 'crazy obsessive bitch' you? You can amuse the idea of it seeming that way but you stand by the fact you are none of those things, you're just tired of pretending to be okay with your best friendand crush dating.
You step forward pointing a finger to his chest "Stop acting like you're any better than me!"
"I am better than you!" Soobin goes to snatch the papers from your hand again noticing he has a chance, but you quickly tighten your grip. A game of tug of war begins and before you know it the papers rip in half.
Both of you stumble back slightly but freeze when you see only half of his notes in each of  your hands. Now you didn't mean for that to happen..
"Did you seriously just-" Soobin stares at the papers, then you and back again. And for a split second you really do consider abandoning the mission for another day, but what guarentee is there that you would have a chance like this again?
"ha.." you start but quickly stop to mentally berate yourself 'seriously? you dumbass!'
You watch as Soobin's face gets red and the look in his eyes change from annoyed to looking like he wants to throw you in the garbage can. Instead though, he takes a very deep breath in and the redness he once had slowly recedes till he's back to his natural color.
"I'm so over this" Is what you think you hear him mumble just as he turns on his heel to leave.
"N- No wait don't leave!" you run up to the door trying to block it but he just shoves past you.
You then grab his arm to try and hold him back "Just hear me out! please!!"
"No let go of me!" he prys your hands off relatively easily and then reaches for the doorknob shaking it repeatedly but not leaving.
"Why isn't-" Soobin pushes on the door "-why isn't the door budging? " he turns to glare at you and you put your hands up in defense.
"I don't know!" you walk over to the door as well shaking the handle, but again it doesn't budge.
"I think we're... locked in.." you send him your best apologetic look but its mostly for yourself.
"God no shit sherlock!" Soobin begins pacing around angrily mumbling to himself "Who puts handles on bathroom doors nowadays?!"
"Woah dude calm down-"
"This is all your fault! Do not tell me to calm down!"
You let out a sigh, you don't to be stuckin here with him either but maybe you could use this to your advantage. You turn to look at soobin clearing you throat as obnoxiously loud as you can to get his attention.
He side eyes you "what."
You slowly make your way down to kneel in front of him checking for the cleanest spot on the floor as he looks back at you with wide eyes "What are you-"
You've always been told you're good at being dramatic, time to put it to use
"Choi Soobin, dear vice president, please I'm begging you" - you clasp your hands together in front of him- "Hear me out!"
"What the- No just get up the floor is probably disgusting.."
"I- I won't get up till you listen to what I have to say!" you definitely regret that statement because you think you can feel the germs of the bathroom floor on you.
He doesn't say anything in response, so you decided to keep going as you take a deep breath "I know you absolutely hate me, and the feeling is mutual I assure you-" pausing you take a peak to see if he's showing any signs of wanting to kick you in the face just in case, and when you don't explicitly see any, you continue
"-but Its kinda my fault they're dating in the first place! I literally lied to her because I thought I was being a good friend. I thought I would be fine seeing them together but clearly I'm not! and I know how fucking selfish and risky this is for me to ask of you  but I know how it hurts to see them together just like you... so why not just kill two birds with one stone and help each other out?"
You realize after you blurt everything out that maybe, just maybe,  you should of written what you were going to say first because even hearing yourself you think you sound a bit ridiculous.
While Soobin doesn't say anything the two of you just sit in avery tense silence. Maybe the door is unlocked by now?
"How would we do it?"
You gape at him "Huh-"
"What's your plan dumbass"
Jumping up excitedly you quickly dust off your skirt pretending you didn't just look desperate as hell "Does this mean you're in??"
"No, I asked what the plan was"
"okay okay so.."
You tell him that to be honest you don't exactly have a "plan" but a couple ideas instead, and boy does he look absolutely done with you but he thankfully continues to listen on.
He lets out what you can only think is finally a sigh of defeat "Fine.."
You nearly scream "REALLY!?"
"Yes! Now lower your voice!"
You cover you mouth with your hands grinning triumphantly. 'Well that wasn't that hard' but it was all too soon as soobin speaks again.
"But only on two conditions-" you turn to look at him with annoyance "- do anything to cross the line or fuck this up its all on you. And any plan I say no to means no."
"But you're just gonna say no to everything!" you argue
"I won't, I won't, just make sure they're not... crazy"
You let out a groan "Yea okay nothing "crazy" whatever. Anything else?"
Soobin ponders for a moment and eventually shakes his head "Not at the moment I guess"
Letting out a sigh of relief now things are said and done you make your way towards the door
"aren't we locked in here?" you stop in your tracks realization hitting you
"I'll call jun."
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taglist(open): @maitenight @kori-roe @rich-man-v @gyuville @darrensos @etherealcherrie @jjunis @i-yeseo @igotkpoops @ashxxkook @ilvaussie @soobin-chois @cha0thicpisces
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hereditary20l8 · 1 year
So, ive been listening to your sam playlist… on a loop. The fact that the playlist is less than an hour is a great choice, you have brought all these different songs and placed them in a way that show the evolution of sam as a character. Even the last few songs feel more mature and reflect sam in the later seasons. Ive followed your other playlists too, i love your music taste!!
Also, i love how you show different elements of him so well, all the songs fit him. All the songs feel so varied too! I feel like Sam would listen to these songs too. Cant stop imagining him singing Teen Idol in the car hehe
honestly i don’t even know what to say. thank you sooooo much for this message it means a lot to me and it made my day 😭❤❤❤
i’ve always wanted to make playlists that lasted less than one hour bc personally speaking i will never listen completely to any playlist that anyone would ever recommend me that was longer than that. and i wanted for the ppl who stumbled upon my playlist to be able to really listen to all the songs that were in it. i’m glad that that was the effect it had on you!
also i like to make shorter playlists bc it means that i cannot waste any song, so i wanted to make sure that the songs weren’t just “sam’s general vibe” but songs that i could truly relate to his character in a more specific way, which made finding songs a very fun process.
thank you so much for recognizing the evolution of sam through out this playlist it was exactly what i intended. at first it was only supposed to be a thesis character playlist without a particular order but i couldn’t help myself and ended up creating a sort of chronological order. i believe the only exception to this rule was the song “body” by mother mother that ended up in the beginning of the playlist instead of the middle/end bc i didn’t want to put two songs (“set my body free” and “body”) that featured the word “body” on the title one next to the other.
thank you for bringing up the imagery of sam singing teen idle, i think he’d love that song too haha
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bcofl0ve · 1 year
no offense, but why tease us with information you can't share?
i hateee feeling like i'm gatekeeping i really do but re: the spotify shit what i'm sharing is all that i know LOL. i don't know any specifics about playlists except for #that one and that the playlists existed at all. the person who told me that much is someone that's been around the fandom for a longgg time and someone i trust so i am taking them at their word. but i don't blame ppl who know more than me for being iffy about sharing to avoid his spotify getting blown up when it is apparently really lowkey atm.
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medicasino · 2 years
SINCE I KNOW THEM.... 3 and 15 for da hyacinth please
HEHEHEHHEHEH the Cinth......... okay this will be long as hell im so sorry bestie
3. Their playlist. Drop their playlist (or, if it's extremely long, the most fitting songs on it) and include specific lyrics from each song you consider to be the most fitting. Explanation not required but you can if you feel like it! Do not care about cringe. It is fun.
MUSIC TIME???? indulging me???????
okay her playlist is SO long but illl drop a couple of the Most Fitting ones! i think i've done something like this before but i never did an explanation. im shy sharing explanations on main bc i dont want ppl to think im cringe or get super inspired but fuck it lets go
"Sensitive to fate, not denial / But hey, who's on trial? / It took a lifespan with no cellmate / The long way back" and "You've come to love me lightly / Yeah, you come to hold me tight / Is this motion ever lasting / Or just shutters pass through the night?" - Evil by Interpol (Very great song with super fun lyrics,,,,,, basically a reminder of "ah, i can't love anyone or be loved, it won't last because i'll have to hurt them")
"Winding down our emotions / Family and friends becoming ghosts to dream of / And pass on, time will erase / Every faith, every name / We are alone, no one to blame" - Bernadette by IAMX (another banger! this one is slightly loosely applied EXCEPT for these lyrics because wuh oh ur not allowed to have friendships, ur evil remember? thats ur only purpose in life to cause ruin and be alone)
"I know that you mean so well / But I am not a vessel for your good intent / I will only break your pretty things / I will only wring you dry of everything / And if you're fine with that / If you're fine with that / I will poison all your happy thoughts / I will love you like the ashes in my cigarette box" - Tongues & Teeth by The Crane Wives (See above stuff . im getting very shy now so the following may not have as many explanations im shyyyy and i dont wanna be crucified for music choices)
"Is it all just smoke and mirrors? / Am I a victim of your theatre? / Retribution for your bliss / I consumed it all, just like a tick / You're me improved, it makes me sick / You turned my heart into a fist / You need to know how I have felt / I'll drag you down with me to hell" - Scroll of Sorrow by Machine Girl (no more explanations sowwy i got shyyyyy ;w; but this song is WILD and i love it. very Hyacinthcore)
think thats about it for lyrics i feel inclined to share im. very shy about sharing lyrics actually bc i dont want to disrespect the creators of the songs but i did look into these ones to make sure theyre not super personal before i shared (if they are and i missed that i apologize ;;w;; and i will remove them if so)
Okay now time for my original ideas
15. What would their theme song/leitmotif be titled? What would it sound like, if you have an idea?
UM GOOD QUESTION i havent really thought of that yet! But since her story is gonna be turned into a video game hopefully I should probably think about what her theme's gonna be called LOL. Maybe something relating to her role as the literal embodiment of evil or like a reference to how she doesn't really have free will but definitely HAS the ability to think and hates what she's forced to be. as for what it sounds like, OH DEFINITELY orchestral-style breakcore with glitches. Very volatile and unstable but surprisingly sorrowful with melodic areas, if that makes sense?
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freshfromhell · 2 days
Hi dear!
I finished reading Mania’s latest chapter just like yesterday so let me just take a step back and bow at your work cause DAMN.
I’d be honoured to blab to you all about my experience with mania and our beloved Mandy Mueller but I don’t wanna burden you yet.
For now , I’d like to ask you if by any chance you’ve got a public Pinterest board and/or a music playlist dedicated to Mania and Mandy.
I’ve been coming up myself with a playlist made of the few songs mentioned in the story, and also a Pinterest board. Though I must admit the later has been more difficult to build as i wish to be the most faithful to reality as possible.
I’ve been wondering for a while now how you all depict it in your head. Words can only describe so much and I’d love to see for myself the way you picture Mandy, her style, her room, her house, her parents, everything ( can you tell I’m the visual kind and obsessed ?? ).
You know how they say your brain can’t differentiate a fictional character from a real person ? And how you get attached just the same ?
It seems I always end up orbiting around mean, cold-hearted, badass female characters and Mandy is no exception ( a pattern I can most certainly link to past traumas LOL ).
Anyways, all of that to say that I’m loving the glimpses we’re getting of Mandy’s personal life; the brands she wear, the stuff she owns, her habits and preferences, likes and dislikes, and I’d love to see more of it ! That might be a bit materialistic of me I’m realising lol, damn.
Though of course I’m only making a suggestion here, I wish for you to remain true to your writing style and habits as it is the reason why I’m so infatuated with your story!
I’m not sure if you’re familiar with webtoons and manhwas but in some of them, the authors would post a special chapter specifying their characters traits and specificities; q&as.
Though I know ao3 isn’t exactly the same and the readers there dont have the same expectations as on these other platforms, I’d love to know all about Mandy, so feel free to vent to me!
I can’t tell you how grateful I am to have stumbled upon such a jewel in a sea of synthetics. I am continuously baffled by the way the story is unfolding itself, the characters development, the threads linking past to present and present to past, character to character and event to event. Many have tried to make such a complex and formidable feat emerge from their pen without ever succeeding to ! I’m also just very taken aback by your intelligence and the diversity of your vocabulary cause ain’t no way I’ve actually got to check the words’s meaning every five goddamn lines. My gallery is SUFFOCATING.
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Um… excuse my non English native speaker ass.
Anyways, I ended yapping without really meaning to but my message finally ends here.
I do hope that you are doing well, both mentally and physically and otherwise am praying for your well being. Do not hesitate to tell me all about what’s been on your mind if you ever need an ear to listen.
- Sophie, a reader
omg! hello, my love!! you're so sweet! 😭 you could never burden me!!
I don't have a public pinterest board or playlist, but I have MANY private playlists (i sometimes make multiple for one chapter heehee). It honestly has never occurred to me that ppl would want that! ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I may make some public ones soon, now that I know there's interest!
I cannot express fully how honored I am that you liked MANIA enough to make a pinterest board and playlist! (show it to me 👀 show it to me please 😫)
tbh, I think the greatest part of writing is that the reader gets to fill in the details themselves on some things. A lot of the best faceclaims I've had for Mandy have actually come from readers. I usually imagine her as a vintage mix of Kim Alexis, Barbara Bouchet, and Paulina Porizkova (with a sprinkle of Bobbie Jean Brown). As for more modern faces, I like Jean Watts, Sabrina Carpenter, or Margot Robbie (in The Wolf of Wall Street or The Big Short). I'm really loose when it comes to my idea of her, tbh!
here's the vibe:
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I'm the same way, though! I have always gravitated to mean female characters (for absolutely the same reason, haha). I don't think there will ever be enough of them to satisfy me!
Omg, I don't think it's materialistic! I consider it, like, world-building, lol. I'll definitely try to implement more references to older brands. I'm actually obsessed with vintage designers and '80s fashion lol. Early on in MANIA, I tried to sprinkle in a lot more references to fashion and branding (I love putting ppl onto older stuff!), but since the plot has become heavier I've kinda fallen off lol. I'll definitely keep that in mind!
I'm totally unfamiliar with webtoons and man-hwas, but I read some manga growing up, so I think I know what you're talking about. I don't know if I'd be able to pull that off, though. I don't think I'd even know where to start, tbh! lol, and as for q&as, my ask box is always open! I'd answer random questions about Mandy anytime, haha.
I would also just like to say, I am SHOOK that english is not your first language and you read my story! The amount of American slang and wacky words I use is CRAZY. It is truly an amazing feat that you read it all! and I am so honored that you did!! but also, I am so sorry!!! I use so many words that aren't even in word-editor dictionaries!!! I really don't know how you do it! 😭 and your poor photo gallery!
Aaaaaaaah! This whole message has my heart so full! I love you so much I could cry! 😭❤️✨ I swear it is the BIGGEST compliment that you have read my whole (long ass) story, that you powered through and looked up so many words and phrases from a language outside your native language, and STILL want to know more about Mandy and her world!! Any question you have, I will answer in a heartbeat! Just ask!
Also, thank you for the well wishes! ❤️✨ I love you so much and wanna hug you so bad!! 😫
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fandomfoundmyart · 1 year
5 + 11 + 15 + 29 for the artist asks :P
REMI!!!!!! :DD
5. Estimate of how much of your art you post online vs. the art you keep for yourself
uhhhh its probably a 2:5 ratio? it doesnt make sense but i definitely keep most of my art to myself bc im too lazy to take pics (bc i do more traditional stuff) and post it online
11. Do you listen to anything while drawing? If so, what
ok so i dont really have a specific playlist or really anything that I listen to while drawing but I just put on any of my playlists bc my taste is superior and im very good *flex emoji*
15. *Where* do you draw (don't drop your ip address this just means do you doodle at a park or smth)
my room bc most of the stuff i draw is people and gay fanart. my family keeps asking who ppl are and i dont know bc i found em on pinterest and they keep bugging me so my room is the best choice
29. Media you love, but doesn't inspire you artistically
oh all of the fandoms on my pinned except for stranger things rip, the hyperfixation goes hard
thank you for the ask remi i was getting bored doing math
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forestcursed · 1 year
Last night i had an uncomfortable conversation with my boyfriend, I don't think he understood what i meant bc even if he could named all those ppl and drop random facts just to prove me how many women he knows, it didn't changed my mind and my point remains the same, and i believe he was defensive.
However, it is very common that MEN don't consume women in any form of media (except for those that are created for THEM). And even if they do, they don't seem to be fans, praising them, talking about them without being asked, admire them, etc. Because of their skills only as they do for men.
He may know all that, but he never talks about them, he never talks about any women in basket the way he does about MJ, Lebron or Kobe. He does not root for any female team the way he does for the clippers.
Those are just examples, because for some reason he thought I only meant sports, but I don't. He likes rap, but he has only ever talked about one female rapper that he likes, his playlist is mostly men and he has never praise any female musician the way he does w men, he has never talked about an album made by a women the way has for MBDTF by Kanye or TAB by Kendrick and I still remember the first time he mentioned Iced Spice he said she doesn't know how to rap and only twerks.
His favorite streamers are men, the podcast he listens to are also mostly men.
He only ever started talking about women the same way he does for men was when he started his practices at the museum, so that was good but it came from a form of media he barely even mentioned before, so that was something actually good but in a very specific domain, the other ones still lack and a lot.
I like him, and I think he is cool, I don't imply otherwise just by pointing something.
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omegalomania · 3 years
patrick stump featured on Motion City Soundtrack’s Everything is Alright in 2006!
thats already on the playlist babe but thanks
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Okay um, I just found your blog and your writing is amazing - it really is, drill that into your head - so I wanted to request a part two to the dazai x sister!reader you wrote earlier today? This might be a bit too specific, feel free to ignore this and come up with a different plot, but perhaps it can be set after Dazai has found his new family with the ADA but (Y/N) didn't get in, so one day she gets killed by the Mafia but Dazai doesn't know about it until a long time later. Thank you!
Oh my goodness thank you!! (Jeez ppl are rlly nice to me on here idk how to react-)
Also this ask- When I tell you I started doing my evil laugh reading this one. The potential here...this gives evil genius energy and trust me that is intended as compliment. This is a little short, but I recommend your best sad playlist for this one (I know you have it, come on,) it makes it better. <3
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You weren't angry. That you knew for certain. You could feel yourself slipping away, your body growing cold and exhaustion taking over you completely.
You knew why this had happened.
But you weren't angry.
You had gotten what you'd always wanted;
Because your brother finally had a family.
He was safe, or as safe as he ever had bee, away from the Mafia and working to be better. He was trying, and you loved him for it.
You weren't angry at all.
You weren't angry that you didn't have a place with the Agency, not when you'd made it on your own for so long.
You weren't upset that your lives were taking you away from each other; you knew there was no one you loved more than him. You didn't need him to say the same, it was alright.
If anything, you just wanted a chance to say goodbye.
But you'd already gotten lucky once.
He'd forgotten about you, whether he'd known it or not.
That made it hurt so much more to see your name on the stone in front of him, your brother standing alone among the hundreds of names that would never mean anything compared to what you had meant to him.
He'd warned you. Told you he wasn't safe for you, tried to keep you safe. And at the end of the day, it was his fault you were dead. Because he had let you stay. He had been selfish and loved you despite knowing doing so was a death sentence. Letting you stay had killed you, and he had to live with knowing it was always going to be his fault.
It was rare for him to cry. He hadn't in years, not since that night with you. But reading your name over and over, realizing what it meant, sent a pain so deep running through him that he couldn't stop the tears from rolling down his skin.
You were really gone.
The bravest person he knew, who had loved him when no one else had. Who had risked her own neck for his life, who'd promised to stay with him forever. There was no one he needed more than you, not then and not now.
I still need you, y/n. You can't go. Not when I still need you with me.
He'd been hurt before, that was for sure. Even when he was young he'd been tougher than most. But knowing the last person he'd loved in the life he'd had before was gone turned him into the child he never had been; reaching out for you as you left him behind the same way he had to you. His life before had died with you, died with the sister who'd done everything to turn that life into something that could be beautiful. The woman who had wanted him to be someone more than what he was destined for. You had broken fate for him, and he had forgotten you running to something more. He was starving for something better, and left you out in the cold, still smiling as you watched him have the life he deserved.
Except he wasn't the only one who deserved it.
If anything, you deserved it more than he ever would.
The only reason you didn't have it was because of everything you had done for him; because of every sacrifice you had made, no matter how reluctantly you had made them.
That day, he wept knowing there would never be another person like you; that no one ever had or ever would love him the same. He let himself fall apart knowing he'd broken his promise to you; that he'd left you behind in a life he was all to eager to let go of.
It didn't matter if he didn't feel human most days.
It didn't matter if he was alone in his power.
When it came down to it, he still felt. He was still vulnerable to the most terrible things anyone could know.
And it was because of this he would grieve you every waking day he had left, with every breath in his body until his last. It was the reason he would beg your forgiveness until he could see you again.
Because how could he have said he loved you when you were dead because of his mistakes? How could he have said he needed you and then left you to die? Every day without you would be torture, but he would force himself to live it.
Because he owed it all to you.
Osamu Dazai owed his very life to you.
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lucky-draws · 2 years
hii I was just wondering if there are any songs you associate with particular mgs characters or ships? any playlists? I need recs for mine!! ty <3
HELLO!!! um OK i don't have any playlists of my own but there are definitely a bunch of songs i associate w mgs ppl/ships... (apologies in advance for a lot of them being by the same band LOL)... erm maybe what i’ll do is i’ll just list them here first without any explanation but then under a read more i will post the same list but with some thoughts/specific reasons why so you can choose whether to listen blind/draw ur own conclusions OR to read my thoughts beforehand etc, i wont talk abt every song tho just a few of them, SO yeah: by Depeche Mode: Judas - ocelot Bottom Line - ocelot Halo, Personal Jesus, Only When I Lose Myself - bosselot In Your Room - bosselot, or any other ship (horny) (lol) Never Let Me Down Again - kaz Walking In My Shoes - big boss Mercy In You - otasune/david pov Black Celebration - otasune Barrel Of A Gun - david, maybe venom snake too Policy Of Truth - sort of kaz and bb but more generally just like. lies. betrayal. etc. just general horny songs by the modes which u could apply to whoever include Rush, Higher Love, World In My Eyes (< that one’s kind of bosselot?) by the Pet Shop Boys: Opportunities (Let’s Make Lots Of Money) - Kaz (lol) Pandemonium - bosselot? Two Divided By Zero - otasune? vaguely... by Kraftwerk Computer Liebe/Computer Love - dr strangelove/strangeboss (lol), also maybe otacon actually (idk if there are any others by them i’d specifically relate to a character BUT. just the general electronic loneliness might bring some vibes to a playlist....i will just list some of my fave kw songs for fun lol: Radioactivity, Radioland, Airwaves, Ohm Sweet Ohm, Neon Lights, Pocket Calculator...) by Duran Duran Is There Something I Should Know? - very vaguely bosselot View To A Kill - a cheesy james bond film song but that makes it snake eater esque and therefore kind of bosselot or mgs3 in general (snake eater itself also definitely works as a bosselot song....get that tree frog in your playlists) by The Jam Thick As Thieves - bbkaz? ok that’s all i got for now rly, apologies that these are all the same kind of uh genre sort of. if u dont like depeche mode or synthpop in general then i guess this was no help at all.......LOL.......really tho depeche mode and metal gear just fit so well together in my opinion it’s a win if ur a fan of both....
so yh anyway hope u manage to fill your playlist!!! have a good day :-) <3
ok errm i wont talk abt every song bc that would be a lot but i’ll do the ones i have the most to say abt/think they need explaining/can actually articulate something abt:
Depeche Mode:
- Judas - ocelot and his devotion to bb. religious suffering. martyrdom. all the shit ocelot does for big boss. yeah.
- Bottom Line - kind of ocelot also, his devotion to bb again but specifically like. idk 'the apple falls, destiny calls, i follow you' was the line that made me go (!) bc i saw a post on here where someone i think it was a user called captmelbourne mentioned the whole. ocelot born from a snake shaped scar thing. 'destiny and shit' was the words they used i believe and like! fucking. exactly that... idk. ocelot and bb being so weirdly horribly intertwined bc of the boss is what makes me go insane every time
- Never Let Me Down Again - i sort of relate this to bbkaz like from kaz' pov...the 'he' the song talks abt being bb...'im taking a ride w my best friend. i hope he never lets me down again. promises me im safe as houses (as long as i remember who's wearing the trousers.)'..... just the whole kaz caught up in euphoria of being w bb except we know and maybe he himself knows that it will not end well. bb's power/control over and eventual betrayal of kaz etc. u know?
Pet Shop Boys: - Pandemonium - maybe the type of music itself doesnt feel that bosselot-ty but the lyrics sort of are, from bb’s pov marvelling at ocelot’s general lunacy, ‘in major trouble since u were almost a minor’...’sometimes i think we’ll both explode’...just their crazy dynamic basicly - Two Divided By Zero - you could see this as like philanthropy otasune, always on the run kind of thing....? idk its just a song that i like LOL ...half of these are like my fave songs anyway that i also happen to go (!) what if i forced this to be related to mg somehow LOL
Kraftwerk - Computer Love - just makes me think of strangelove + the ai pod, loneliness, literally ‘computer love’ in terms of building the ai as a replacement boss kind of thing.....and also maybe more generally otacon? makes me think of him pre-meeting snake, his lonely nerd era etc Duran Duran - Is There Something I Should Know? - only vaguely bosselot but i class it in similar vibes to snake eater ish, just the cheesiness, ‘don’t say ur easy on me, you’re about as easy as a nuclear war’ is very metal gear i think LOL, just in general mgs3 bosselot meeting, same w View To A Kill The Jam - Thick As Thieves - just vaguely bbkaz, ‘like a perfect stranger you came into my life, like a perfect lone ranger you rode away..’ just friendships falling apart etc...more childhood friends in the song than uh whatever bbkaz are but ya know, just vibes
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gameclam · 3 years
I ask this every time I see you asking for questions about HC sorry. But got anymore System Gordon and/or Benry? 👉👈 We r projecting lol
its no problem at all i also be projecting
Benry has no idea what mental health/illness is so he doesn't know he has a system for like ever, them and the boys all think theyre just a by-product of shrinking down into human size as an eldritch beast. all convinced theyre just one dude who happens to enjoy being called different names sometimes
Gordon also doesnt know he has alters for a while bc his whole life ppl were like 'talking to urself is normal and so is forgetting things!1!!!' so he doesnt even realize
when he does know it's really weird for him obviously but they vibe.
some of benry and gordons alters dont get along (theyre working on it) but their little alters DO get along and they cause havoc because they have access to the money and food
Gordon's system doesnt rlly have an inner world
Benry has an inner world and it's the craziest shit you've ever seen
Gordon system is like a system of brothers bc gordon was an only child and wanted siblings so bad as a kid that his splits resulted in brothers which unfortunately means sibling fights
Gordon is mostly front stuck bc he needs to handle daily life but occasionally he doesn't front at all-> however that's a pretty rare occasion for him bc he prefers to stay front even when things are getting rlly stressful
benry however is not front stuck and gets flung around like a ragdoll bc their switches are pretty fucking crazy- he's often co con but mostly on accident
benry and gordon and their system mates trying desperately to organize who's been fronting and switches fails almost every time bc no one knows how to keep w organization
benry hates apples but one specific alter loves apples and so sometimes benry wakes up w mouth of apple and gets so upset this is even more confused to them before they have any idea what's going on
meanwhile most of gordon and his bro's all have very similar tastes in stuff except one loves pop music and will sneak songs into the main playlist
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thevims2 · 3 years
All the Single(s) ladies, ❤️/💔/🥘/🎵/📱/🔮???
sorry i made you wait! i got this while I was asleep... anyway my hcs under the cut!
❤️ i talked a bit about the singles here and i feel like what i wrote for Lola is pretty much the idea i have for her love life... shes a Mystery to me.. she ahs an offscreen gf who no one sees ever. she never brings her over cause she hates most of her roommates, sometimes all of them. if i had to pick someone in strangetown for her to date maybe id choose crystal? just cause they share their aspiration, and maybe vidcund or lazlo introduced the two. but also what kind of sister would go with her brother's crush? a shitty one forreal
💔 i cant see her with ANY man of strangetown. NOT A SINGLE ONE. LESBIAN HOUSEHOLD. i especially dont like her with ajay, that guy is kinda boring like, she deserves better. also, i think both erin and kristen had kind of the hots for her at one point or another, but she never reciprocated
🥘 i think she has kind of a sweet tooth, but she prefers stuff like pies or like, carrot cakes over cupcakes or the like. she doesnt really like cooking, but enjoys jennys baking a lot
🎵i dont think she listens to that much music, except for when shes working. she usually picks instrumental music, like movie scores playlists, to help her focus. i think both her and chloe picked up some instrument to play as children/tennagers, but lola didnt like it very much
📱i think she uses social networks a lot, and she uses mostly stuff like twitter, i can see her getting argumentative with some rando on some specific issue on the internet. i bet shes active in political subreddits too
🔮 her and chloes used to swap identities for a day really often when they were kids, but for some reason people always seemed to catch on it. it took lola way too long to realize they still had different hair colors...
❤️ talking about otps with chloe is like, a SIN to me. shes THE romance sim, she dated half of strangetown, like i cant even think of her settling down with one person. but i really like the idea of her and erin dating at some point, both cause a) that sweet, sweet enemies to lovers dynamic and b) the way both pascal and loki would GO CRAZY knowing their sisters are dating.
💔 mmmmh i cant say i have a notp with chloe, i ahd to ask my gf who shes usually shipped with and she mentioned general grunt which,,, i honestly cant envision it, like first of all he hates aliens but also hes way too uptight for her.
🥘 i think she loves greasy, junk food. she snacks a lot, and she loves going to diners and ordering huge milkshakes and massive cheeseburgers. i think she likes cooking, and is pretty good at it
🎵she loves, of course, pop music. she doesnt have a favourite artist, but listens to the top 100 playlist everyday. she loves singing and plays some guitar and some bass too
📱instagram of course - she posts a ton of selfies and stories everyday, and likes to flirt on there with strangers. i almost said tik tok too, but i think she wouldnt see the point of it/wouldnt undertsand how it worked.
🔮 her fave thing to do with dates/people shes going out with is taking naps together
❤️ im a huge erin/kristen fan tbh, but i also think erin/lazlo would be cute, theyre both kinda silly ppl in my head, i think theyd have fun together. sadly, she was a lesbian in my canon so :/
💔 erin/nervous. i dont see the appeal
🥘 idk why she gives off the vibe of someone who likes fish tacos to me. the soft shell ones, and the fish is seasoned with some lime dressing. she does cook sometimes, but she doesnt like making elaborate stuff for herself, sticking for simple dishes.
🎵she listens to indie&/folk music all the time, and tells everyone how it helps keep her aura fresh and vibrant. she brags for weeks about the latest, obscure artist she found out, how good their music is, how authentic it is compared to all the other musicians nowadays... but she probably likes pop too, and considers a couple of singers her "guilty pleasure". no musical talent whatsoever
📱LISTEN. SHE DOES LIVE TAROT READINGS ON TIK TOK. WITH DONATIONS AND ALL. she also posts a lot on #witchtok and the likes
🔮 when i first played the singles household i accidentally made her die and had to mobilize almost all of strangetown to resurrect her with game mechanics
❤️ again personally, Kristen/Erin is just perfect to me. i bet they pined after each other for sooo long before they finally got together, and now theyre just a really cute couple. no im not projecting
💔 i cant see her with any dude honestly. again, lesbian household
🥘 i think she likes pasta dishes a lot, both cause theyre very filling and because she needs carbohydrates with all the sport she does. thats the only thing she can cook
🎵i think she unironically listens to dubstep, or the nowadays equivalent of it. she blasts it in her ears every morning during her jogging session, and she feels her ears bleeding by the end of her laps. cant sing really well, but has a good sense of ryhthm
📱she only uses facebook, the rest is a mystery to her.
🔮 she doesnt have a good sense of humor, she mostly likes puns but any more than that is lost on her
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parcai · 3 years
can u drop 3 non-english songs u like?
 i thot i was going 2 b bullied ur answer makes me feel better 😭😭😭💔
anyway ☹ in no specific order:
1. dola re dola from the movie devdas bc it's like such a well known classic bollywood dance song + it's at every desi party ever + it occupied half my childhood bc every road trip ever was just bollywood back 2 back 💀 (also madhuri dixit 🤩)
2. stigma sung by v from bts. (i actually really like anything from the map of the soul: 7 album in general 🙈 + i like the ones where jimin + v star the most (filter, zero o clock, friends, inner child) 😭⚰ they have nice voices) (kpop fandoms tho...😓 i will stay where i am i think)
3. kal ho naa ho same reason as #1 except not a dance song (also i didn’t know how 2 spell this using english letters who knew 🤔)
4. i’m just gonna put a 4th one bc i feel weird giving 2 bollywood songs. noble maiden fair i just like the composition in all nordic/celtic/gaeilge lullabies/ancient music. i can’t give u any specific ones tho bc i just use premade playlists so here’s one from brave i think ppl forget abt + overlook for no reason even tho it’s my fav song in the whole soundtrack.
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