#excess air vent fan
sw5w · 10 months
Entering Arch Canyon
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STAR WARS EPISODE I: The Phantom Menace 01:01:27
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My headcanon is that the average body temperature of cybertronians isn’t necessarily extremely cold or extremely hot. Their spark (+ engine if they have one? I have no idea, entirely different can of worms) and therefore their chests & maybe heads would be very warm, but limbs would get colder very quickly the farther they are from that core. In comparison, a human’s body temp is far more uniformly distributed.
I imagine they usually recycle at least some of their excess body heat into energy similar to the way some cars charge their batteries while braking, but when they’re generating too much heat or when they don’t need it (maybe the environment is already hot, they’re doing a lot of activity or they are trying to recharge) they’ll just vent it out using cooling fans. Depending on the season, this might be great for a human trying to sleep beside them or really annoying.
I would guess that heat bothers them more than cold (Starscream being an outlier, he probably just likes to complain since planes are SUPPOSED to be in very cold temperatures always) since they can walk around in space just fine, so I imagine em just going “yknow what. Fuck it.” And maxing out their cooling fans while they try to recharge. Or whenever it’s remotely warm. It is very loud.
I don’t know enough about cars to say this confidently but you know how in some small cars maxing out the air conditioning will cause a noticeable power reduction? That probably wouldn’t happen as much with an alien robot, but imagine a relatively smaller and younger cybertronian able to either move around or cool down, never both at the same time. It’d be funny methinks. Everybody else laughs at them.
Makes me wonder how their relationship with water would be. I doubt cybertronians would rust easily, so it’d be funny to go for a walk by the lake one morning and see a bunch of cars just standing halfway in the water with steam evaporating from them. Robots In Disguise™️ trying to cool down. I’m gonna draw a comic about that eventually.
Team Prime deserves an industrial grade pressure washer. Let Miko wield it. As a treat. She’s fully sane and can be trusted with ice cold pressurised water to blast her robot pals with. Also maybe Jack and Raf occasionally.
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instarsandcrime · 2 months
Over the Radiowaves (2/2)
@ripelytoo So imagine me kicking down the door, completely out of breath with my hair partially on fire because hoo boy that took so long and thank you so much for your patience! Writing Vox and Alastor + life stuff got in the way of everything but I finished within the deadline baby! I hope the wait was worth it! We got silly, hurt/comfort, a smidge of emotions and feels, fluff, etc. Plus questionable, slightly less one-sided Radiostatic?
This is a sequel to @rosieknows's own request Under the Weather, so go check out part 1 if you're interested in starting from the beginning!
Quick cw: there is a small bit of mess at the end, though it's not very detailed. But I wanted to give a heads up at the end!
I'm gonna go lie down...in the meantime, thank you for the request and enjoy the fic! 🩷
Vox would not call himself a reckless man.
He prided himself on his maturity, his restraint, and a dash of opulence for good measure. All in all, he was the definition of the highest perfection in technology, a one-man revolutionary that never seemed satisfied.
But fuck did he need a vacation.
And that was just the case, glaring at the very screen that not too long ago sang a song that continued to haunt his processors. And the worst part was that he didn’t know why. He couldn’t quite place it, but it bothered him beyond belief.
“Ht’chhzzzt!” Speaking of which. It's not that his vents were irritated by Alastor's flu. It was just some bug– a minor glitch in the system. He was, without a doubt, above such an outdated virus! Clearly the rattling of his exoskeleton was from the malfunctioning air conditioning because holy Here it was fucking freezing. Clearly the excess electricity that rose his core temperature was from a long night’s work. And clearly the tingle that came with it, the static shock that ran from his processors through his wiring…down to his sk-skull…building with electric sparks until– 
“Het’chhzzzzt! ET’CHHZZZZT! HET’KSHHHZZZT!” The sound of shattering rained down like knives, luxurious chandelier lamps burst and broken by uncontrolled power. “Eh…heh! HEKT’SCHHZZZT! Guhhh…”
Vox pursed his lips, flicking a shard of glass from his shoulder. Well, maybe he should pay the walking germ fest a visit anyway. Just to rub his good health in that smug prick face. He nodded curtly, ignoring the overwhelming dizziness and cooling fans that sputtered like an old, rusty engine. It was clearly a warning for his overheating mind. But he couldn't not be all there, could he? Because he was fine! Taking a deep breath-- or one that didn't result in a debilitating coughing fit-- he focused on where he wanted to go. Flipping through channels and pathways, he had planned on not looking too desperate.
Which he wasn't, of course.
Maybe in front of the hotel. A few blocks away, even. He could see it now: he'd stroll up to those stupid, gaudy double doors and invite himself in. Make a grand show of the lack of security. Brag about how weak and defenseless The Radio Demon was, and how Vox was clearly superior because machines don't...hheh...cahhh-catch the–
It was around midnight when Alastor returned from his little excursion. Not to say his meeting with Zestiel was difficult, but it was...interrogative. The seven year absence can only boast mystery and intrigue when it remains an intriguing mystery. But now he felt quite silly for stringing one of his oldest friends along-- a little sympathetic, even. After all, the demon faced down on the hotel floor gave him a confusion and frustration that he didn't know was in him.
“Vox?” Alastor craned over the poor soul. Only for him to spring to life, finding balance with a hand to the wall.
“So we meet again, Alastor!” Vox laughed.
“What is happening.” His rival replied flatly.
“Isn't it obvious?”
“Is what obvious.”
“That I won! I beat you! You got sick and I didn't!”
A pause. Alastor looked at the state of the intruder. Then to the radio on his bookshelf, still flickering a striking electric blue. Then crossed the carpet with a sudden smirk on his face.
“I see! Then please, by all means, recount your glorious victory over the poor, defenseless Radio Demon!” He cried, holding a hand to his chest. “I deserve to hear it. All of it.”
“Well look who finally decided to give up and throw in the towel! And after I saved you from freezing face down in the snow!” His rival smirked drunkenly, tugging on his lapels– as well as himself, nearly stumbling into the corner of an armchair.
“A tantalizing sight, my life right in your claws for the taking.” Alastor recalled, catching Vox under the arms by the heel of his cane to push him upright.
“And– and I was the guy who carried you to the tower’s main office without being seen.” He slurred, pointing slightly left of himself. “You better be fuckin’ grateful, by the way. You almost blew my cover! Twice! Seriously, it's like your stupid flu was as disgustingly dramatic as y-yuhh-youhhh...are…! Hup’TSHHHZZT! HUTSCHHZZZZT!” 
A battered desk lamp flared in a firework of light before settling back again. The overhead bulbs momentarily shook with a sudden burst of energy. And in the middle of the flickering, flashing mess stood the Tech Overlord, sniffling miserably into a sleeve.
“Truly you are a paragon of grace and wit.” Alastor assured as he strolled towards the bathroom. Leaving Vox to follow him in his delirious, rambling rage.
“And then! And– Hep’shhhzzt! Sdnff!” His body jerked forward, screen glitching wildly just for a moment before resuming the one-man battle that he was definitely winning. "And then I treated you pretty good I think!"
"Whatever! I– ihh- It’schhhzzzt! Ughh. Th’ point is that I took care of you! Monitored your temperature, gave you blankets, made you tea. And then you just LEFT! How's that for morality--" Alastor hummed nonchalantly, passing him a downy comforter. "--oh, thanks. I mean come on! I already had like ten different projects I'm working on so the least you could do is..."
The Radio Demon stood, waiting expectantly while his potential patient trailed off. Vox stared down at the gathered blanket in his arms, hoarse voice lowering. "...you're taking care of me."
"Ah, I see your wires have finally uncrossed! Truly a headline for the ages, don't you think?"
"You're taking care of me?"
"Would you rather I show you the door? Because--"
"No!" Vox blurted. Then remembering himself, cleared his throat with a thick sniffle. "No, no, uh. It's. It’s juhhst- huh! HUT’SCHHZZZT! Ughh..." Already overworked vents shuddered with the effort, and his entire frame followed suit as it struggled to adjust. "I just-- I haven't seen you in a while. The, uh, other you."
The silence was heavy, and it smelt of dust and mold stuffed deep in the back of a closet full of unwanted things. Alastor paused. He inhaled. Then exhaled. "Let's make a deal."
At that Vox opened his mouth, stopped by a hand. "Verbally. And one I'm sure we would both prefer."
"...Okay." He exhaled wearily, wobbling to sit by the fireplace. "Lay it on me."
Alastor replied with another contented hum, sitting opposite, Cheshire grin still plastered on his face. "You’ve had the chance to kill me before, but decided instead to spare my fate. As you mentioned quite loudly." Vox’s flushed face spread to the corners of his screen, sinking into the blanket. “And judging by a severe exhaustion not dissimilar to mine, I’m sure that returning to your tower would be a near-Herculean task. So, for your repayment, I will assist you for tonight and tonight only. No strings attached, no loose ends untied. Do you understand?"
The Vee swallowed harshly, stuffing down his pride as far as it could go. “Fine. It’s a deal. You win.”
"Excellent! Now, then." In a snap a flurry of inky creatures circled the two, hammer and nail at the ready. “I believe it’s time to claim my prize. Shall we begin, old pal?"
Alastor expected whinging and moaning. Maybe a little bit of desperation. But instead Vox was eerily silent. Sensors glazed over lying propped up on the headboard of his newly built bed, watching. Waiting. Mind completely and utterly glassed over with fog. Not even a half-witted jab at the old-fashioned mercury thermometer that slipped from between his fangs. Sighing heavily, Alastor poured a spoonful of medicine from a bottle, humming softly to himself as he tipped the rim into his patient’s mouth. And ever so slightly some color seeped into sepia tone. Alastor was sure the second of cognisance was the foul-tasting syrup until a few weak notes echoed back– breaking into occasional coughing fits that rattled the poor man's chest. 
“You can't seem to stay quiet, can you?” The Radio Demon snapped, though it had no bite. Closing his eyes, the soft broadcast of a song began to whisper. 
“Does this satisfy?” Vox nodded slowly. Alastor swallowed a nauseating pang of relief. 
It wasn’t long after that his caretaker was jolted awake, eyes pried open by screeching static and shouting voices. Pushing himself to his hooved feet, each delicate step across the room grew heavier and heavier as the deer demon approached. Through mucky speakers it sounded as if this fever dream was submerged in muck and grime. But between the two of them, the tangled mess of a memory from seven years ago might as well be clear as a spring. The reflection in the water stared back at him, and Alastor couldn’t help but watch. It was like a bad telanovela, and yet he could read every page of the script by heart.
“Listen asshole! You don't get to tell me what to do with my company and how I run it! I make the rules, not you.” The bitter voice crackled painfully behind the monitor.
“I assure you that my ‘rules’ are sound. These flashy entertainment devices and security systems you flaunt are completely and utterly worthless in the face of the exterminations, and yet you claim they bear the freedom and safety to back it up. It’s foolish and irresponsible to half-ass a game if you hold all the pieces.” Alastor muttered, mimicking his younger self that responded in kind. He squeezed a fistful of comforter until it ripped. 
“Fuck no! VoxTech was made so sinners can feel safe. Seriously, what is your damage? You hide the fine print just like us, so why the Hell are you throwing a bitch fit about a few white lies?”
“Sinners need an honorable deal, not a gaggle of snake oil salesmen. The Vees are built on false hope, I have the power to actually fulfill my promises.  And that, my dear, is the difference.”
“They want an out, I’m giving them an out!”
 Alastor shot upright to face the bastard, every twisted feature hemmed by an eerie artificial glow. “If you cannot understand why I despise your nonsense business practices made of flowery language and empty promises, then I r̵̨̞͑͠e̸͉͚͛f̸͈̅ù̵̹s̶͈̅ë̵͇͉́̎ to join your useless little team you absolute–!”
“--Listen asshole! You don’t get to–”
And all too suddenly, Alastor snapped back to the present. The angry burn on his cheeks faded as the same memory played again. And again. Skipping on repeat over and over and over like a useless, broken record. 
He stumbled, collapsing back on the edge of the bed. Calm yourself, it's just a nightmare. He'll break out of it eventually. But time passed again. And again. The horrid sting could not reduce itself to a dull itch, finally breaking its pattern when a pathetic whimper passed Vox's lips and– alright, that's enough. 
Waking a person from a nightmare was dangerous, doubly so if said subject was a demon– triply so for an Overlord. And although The Radio Demon held far more power and control over his rival, the Vee still had countless amounts of voltage coursing through his veins. Hauling himself to his feet, shaking his previous nerves loose before plucking a snuff box from a high shelf.
Well, he decided, better a sneeze than the electric chair.
Sitting again by Vox’s bedside, Alastor held the powder under the vents that dotted the sides of his patient’s face, watching them shallowly suck in air– taking a small portion with it.
“Hhh..!” The reaction was immediate. The sound of sniffling and hitching replaced the cacophony of his dream, and he twisted with discomfort. Stuck in a torturous loop, unable to sneeze out the irritant. Alastor huffed in annoyance, rolling his eyes.
“Always with the dramatics.” He chided.
“Snffff snff! Ugh! And whose f-fuh-fault is…is thahhhHHH–! Hhhhghh…th-that!” Vox warbled out, airy voice pitching higher and higher. Finally deciding to end his misery, Alastor traced the tip of his claw around his vents with a feather-light touch. Quickly distancing himself, as a final shuddering gasp was his one and only warning before–
“Het’tshhzzzt! H’tshzzzt! ‘Zzzt! Zzt! hhhhHHHH–! …Hekt’SHZZZZHOO!” 
A pop, and a firework of electricity branched from his core, erupting from his suit and branching out– which Alastor casually stepped to the side to avoid. “Gesundheit.” 
Unfortunately, the blessing was premature. “HUT’TSHZZZOOO! HUP’TSHZZZZZT’hoo…huh-hehhHHHTSHZZZOO!” The ground rumbled with scorch marks from the lightning storm. Somewhere in the hallway, the shattering of a bulb made Alastor’s ears press to his head.
“Do you want to wake the entire hotel?!” He hissed through clenched teeth.
“I cad't hhhheh! helb ihhdt! IT’SCHZZZZTHOO! Heh! Hhh! …hghh…” The chaos began to settle, leaving the cyborg gasping for air as Alastor slapped his hands against his vents. Cringing as a thick fluid brushed his ungloved palms.
“S’rry.” Vox mumbled sheepishly.
“You're ill.” Alastor spat regardless, pulling back in disgust, “If you're going to annoy me, don't take credit for things you didn't do.”
“...Okay?” The sickly demon blinked blearily. He tried to sit up, stopped by the head of a cane to his chest.
“Ah-ah, don’t get up. I'll be back in just a moment.” The other sneered, plucking a tissue from the nearby nightstand and, wordlessly, exited. Ignoring the harsh, obnoxious blow that followed.
It took minutes for Alastor to wash the unidentified liquid from his hands and handle. It took an eternity for Vox to fall back asleep. Maybe he did regret that argument from seven years ago. Maybe not. Either way, he scowled and turned his back to The Radio Demon.
Because just for tonight, Alastor had won. Again. He had been cared for, doted over, and treated with the utmost respect. For the first time in a long time, he had a taste of happiness from an old friend.
And honestly? It was awful.
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wire-smith · 10 months
There are no seasons on the deep-space ships that make the long haul between the stars. There is no axial tilt and no nearby sun to cast a changing radiance. Light and heat and air on board are all carefully regulated. But nonetheless, the fleets traditionally celebrate two festivals a year, six months apart, and call them midwinter and midsummer after the seasons of Old Earth.
At midwinter they douse the lights. Corridors slowly dim, heat vents cool, fans wind down to stillness. The ships drift, the background hum of engines and machinery silent for one full night. Familiar spaces are made new in darkness and the unaccustomed chill. People rove by flashlight, gather, warm themselves with hot food and close company. Low songs fill the shocking silence and echo through the frame of the ship. There are no seasons in space, so midwinter remembers the winter: the vast dark outside the hull and the warmth within.
Six months later the fleet holds midsummer. Everything on! Rooms and parks lit brightly as the grow-farms and as hot as any planetary summer. Crowds and dancing and speakers blasting music, food, drink, all systems strained to their limits and unleashed. All the excesses normally unthinkable in the rigid routine of a spacecraft are indulged. Even the comm system joins in with power-hungry broadcasts to planets and neighbor fleets light-years distant. Midsummer is a chance to let off steam, a reminder to crew that there is more to life than the bland monotony of safe routine.
On paper the festivals are officially necessary maintenance and engineering tests. Fleet regulations require a power-out drill every twelve months, where ships simulate a disconnect from the Heartship and prove they can survive on minimal power for the day it might take to start the backup generators. And once a year the fleet is required to confirm it has the energy reserves to supply power even at maximum possible draw, and to broadcast a bright enough signal that Old Earth can plot the paths of its far-flung people. Maintenance and engineering tests and regulations, nothing more.
But the fleet regulations are written by captains who know that the festivals are much more than that. They are a reminder that people and worlds and life exist beyond the tight confines of the ship. We celebrate each year at midwinter and midsummer because there are no seasons in space besides those that we make for ourselves.
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My Love
Catherine the Great x Leo Voronsky
Summary: Catherine vents out her frustrations about the Russian nobility on her lover, Leo. Pure smut, very little plot, no spoilers. Season 1 of The Great.
Disclaimer: gratuitous swearing, many many F bombs, very crude sexual humor, cannon jokes about beastiality, excessive drinking, consensual oral sex (male and female receiving), p in v sex
Word Count: 1.8k
Author’s Note: I’m a huge fan of historical fiction—the satire and sarcasm in this show is totally my vibe. But I also love how intimate it can get! I love Leo and Catherine and literally cried after I finished season one. Enjoy!
“Fucking idiots!”
Catherine the (not yet) Great storms into Leo’s apartment. The light blue fabric of her heavy skirts almost snags the corner of an armchair as she angrily sweeps by.
Leo leans back on a lounge chaise, sketchbook in hand. He wordlessly lifts up a clear glass of vodka that Catherine immediately snatches out of his hand in her tirade about the room.
She gulps the drink in one go and blindly throws the glass in the direction of the tree in the corner of Leo’s quarters. It shatters with a delicate crackle of broken glass.
“I am not a pretty, empty headed jewel for them to jape at as they please. I am a force to be reckoned with!” Catherine shouts, her cheeks and eyes alike inflamed with indignation.
“Shall I propose a toast?” Leo has already produced another glass to replace the one she destroyed.
“You may.” Catherine flops down with an audible exhale of air, still seething in frustration.
“Fuck the court.”
“HAH! Fuck the court indeed.”
They raise their glasses and clink them before unceremoniously shooting back the hard liquor.
“Huzzah!” Catherine shouts sarcastically.
Leo continues sketching a cartoon of Catherine with a large speech bubble that says “Fuck the court!” A quiet giggle escapes his soft lips.
“And what, pray tell, amuses my dear lover?” She settles into the soft cushions of her armchair, the drink and the exertion from her rant relaxing her long, graceful limbs.
“I was just thinking about how you used to be terrified of swearing, thinking us Russians a crude and improper people—which we are, mind you—and yet…”
“And yet here I am, a true Russian, swearing in every sentence I utter.”
“Fuck indeed.”
Leo then shows Catherine his cartoon and they dissolve in a fit of giggles.
“You get it now, my love. The world we live in is absolutely fucked so why not laugh a little. I don’t like to see you so upset. Although I have to admit, it does make me wonder…”
“About what?”
“I wonder if you would like to take your frustration out on me? Sexually?” Leo grins at Catherine, eyes twinkling through his mess of dark curls.
“You’re a naughty boy!” She gasps, blushing. The rosyness of her cheeks contrasts prettily with her ivory skin.
“Ooo do tell me more,” Leo winks and offers a hand.
Catherine takes it, and kisses his olive-skinned knuckles.
“My Lord.”
“Are you inviting me to your bed?”
“I am inviting you to fuck me, Empress.”
Catherine barks out an unladylike laugh and covers her mouth in surprise at the ugly sound. It makes Leo look at her in amusement all the more.
She clears her throat to recover. “I accept your invitation.” Catherine bends down in a formal curtsy. “Undress me.”
Leo proceeds to undo the laces of the empress’ dress, gently pulling apart the ribbons at the back. He presses his soft lips to the back of her neck, sending a slight shiver down her spine, before turning Catherine around to unbutton the frock. Her breath quickens as Leo’s mere proximity to her milky white bosom makes her skin flush an aroused pink, a phenomenon that does not go unnoticed.
“Empress?” Leo whispers against her chest, his eyes glued to his lover’s beautiful body.
“Yes?” She responds breathlessly.
“Do I have permission to touch you?”
“If you do not touch me this instant, I may have to go to the stables and fuck a horse like all those fools think I did.”
“Then I shall be quite jealous of the noble steed you deem worthy of your pussy.”
The two of them share a wry smile at the ridiculousness of their conversation. But, the moment Leo’s lips press hot, tender kisses to her chest, Catherine’s expression morphs into a pleased moan of desire.
His affections continue across her supple skin as he pulls apart her clothing, revealing her gorgeous feminine form to him once again. Somehow, Catherine’s hands have already removed his tunic and they are now exploring every inch of his handsome chest. She runs her fingers down his curly chest hair, leaving behind the slightest of tingles everywhere she moves. Leo’s breath quickly comes in pants as her touch alights his skin, and his heart, and of course, his cock, on fire.
“Shall we try something?” Leo suggests, an amused smirk barely hiding just how aroused he is.
“What’s that?”
“Come here,” Leo gestures for Catherine to get on top of him as he lies on the bed, and she does, quickly pressing kisses to his soft lips. “Now, turn around.”
“Let me taste your pussy, and you can lick my cock. A win-win, don’t you think?”
“Leo, that's quite—oh!” Her sentence is cut off with a gasp, followed by a pleasured groan. Her lover's mouth is now planted firmly inside her pink folds. His chin glistens with her slickness in seconds.
“You were saying, my love?” Leo lifts his head out of her cunt with a wet noise. Catherine slowly loosens her hold on the sheets that she didn’t even know she was gripping with white knuckles.
“Never mind. You may continue.” She acquiesces quickly, her gaze now locked onto the bouncing cock before her. She has only sucked him a few times, thinking it not much to look at, much less taste, but she felt it is only fair that he gets what he’s giving.
So, Catherine widens her jaw and attempts to swallow the thick log down her gullet.
And proceeds to gag immediately.
Leo pauses at once and calls out, “Are you alright?”
“Yes, do not worry!” Her voice betrays some embarrassment.
Leo realizes that she’s trying so hard to please him and it makes his heart melt in love for her all the more. “You don’t have to—“
“Stop. I want to. Just let me try at my own pace.”
Catherine ducks her head down, lips pressing kisses to the pink tip of his cock, the engorged shaft and its criss cross of veins, the heavy ballsack dangling underneath.
Men are truly an odd creature, what with this uncomfortable thing dangling about in their trousers.
Another moan rips her out of her musings, her mind forgetting for a moment that Leo is eating out her pussy as if it is a delicious piece of fruit, perhaps his favorite peaches.
So she relaxes herself and tries again, slowly accepting his length into her mouth, her tongue lapping up the underside of the shaft. A strong, salty smell fills her nostrils as she inhales, trying to suppress her gag reflex.
She hears a guttural groan escape her lover's lips, somewhat muffled by her soft core, but clearly a sound of pleasure nonetheless. Encouraged, she proceeds to suck his cock in more, her cheeks hollowing out as she adds pressure on his member.
Leo gasps and groans underneath her, his hips thrusting upward automatically, chasing his high. In response, Catherine spreads her thighs and settles on top of Leo’s face even more, letting his hot breath tickle her most intimate regions, and his tongue appreciatively pries apart the petals of her pussy.
And then, he finds her pearl.
In seconds, Catherine releases his cock and comes with a scream, her eyes screwed shut and her hands clawing at the bedspread. Her breath comes in messy gasps as her body shudders with the aftershocks of orgasm.
Leo calmly sits up as she crumples into a spent heap on the mattress.
“Well, that was nice.” He quips nonchalantly.
“More.” The word barely audible through her heady pants.
“What was that?” Leo smiles, his own breath unsteady, betraying how aroused he is behind his causal grin.
“I need more.” Catherine locks eyes with him fiercely, like a lioness staring down her prey.
“Of course.”
Catherine climbs atop his lap, his still erect cock pressed against her soft belly, and she devours her lover’s mouth ferociously. They exchange tongue and saliva and breath in a duel of passion, their lips interlocking as if they could never kiss each other again.
Catherine breaks for air first, her tender breasts rising and falling rapidly. Leo seizes the opportunity to suck her sensitive pink nipples into his hot mouth, eliciting a shout from her lips.
“Oh god—!”
“God should probably turn his eyes away right now, don’t you think?”
“Leo—mmph!— you never stop joking, do you?”
“I’m just here for the ride,” he laughs and Catherine joins him, her voice ringing across the room.
“Shall I, then?”
“With what?”
“Ride you.”
“If it pleases you, Empress.”
Catherine squeals with unbridled enthusiasm and quickly aims Leo’s cock straight for her pussy. She smiles into another kiss at the same time she sinks onto his length.
Leo’s moan is swallowed by her lips, just as her cunt swallows his cock. Her sunlight blonde hair cascades in waves around their faces, as if a private curtain hides the two of them from the harsh reality of the world around them. Her warm, wet inner walls squeeze him as he grips the flesh of her hips in ecstasy. In response, Catherine locks her hands behind his neck and into his dark curls and starts to bounce her plush ass onto his lap.
“Oh! Oh! Yes!” Her voice comes out in high-pitched yelps that can surely be heard by the guards standing outside their doors.
To his credit, Leo is no quiet lover either. His relentless groans reveal just how much he enjoys being ridden by the Empress of Russia.
She pauses to catch her breath, rolling so that her clit rubs against his hard body. Leo marvels at her shameless chase of carnal joy, and quickly sucks his fingers wet and finds her sensitive nub between their connected bodies.
“Leo!” Catherine grits out his name and catches his hand, her fingernails digging into his wrist. His mind goes wild with equal parts pleasure and pain and he doubles down, rubbing even faster.
He thrusts upward to match her eager rhythm, which only serves to make Catherine scream louder.
“Yes, my love! Give it to me!” Leo encourages, his girth stretching her deliciously. She can feel him bottoming out, his length completely disappearing inside her with every bounce.
“Ohhhhh!” A particularly violent push elicits a long moan from the empress, her orgasm apparent to her lover underneath her. He can feel the throbbing of her cunt squeezing his cock, and he cums inside with an equally long exclamation.
Completely spent, they both roll onto their sides, facing one another with silken sheets covering their sweat-soaked, heat-driven bodies.
She sighs contentedly, her face adoringly searching his.
“I do love it when you call me that.”
“That is who you are, is it not?”
“Indeed. But perhaps I like it more when you call me something else.”
“And what’s that?”
“ ‘my love’ “
Leo melts instantly and presses a soft kiss to her lips.
“My love. I’ll follow you forever.”
“Even if I make a fool of myself?”
“Oh, especially then.” Leo smiles with good humor, and quickly adds on, “my love.”
“I love you.” Catherine whispers, her gaze soft and pure with emotion.
Leo simply kisses her forehead and holds her tightly to the warmth of his beating heart. A heart that beats only for his love.
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evanpeterswifeyyy · 16 days
Personal Beef/ Vent Stuff. Absolute behemoth of drama, read at your own discretion
warning! topics of clear mental issues, sa, excessive yapping, lying, sexual content, drugs (weed)
lowkey might delete this if I regret it but oh well
I need to air this out into the void before I go insane because just talking about it with irl moots is not enough, and journaling isn't the same to me, and doesn't feel right. This is gonna be long, so buckle up buttercups.
Ok, so a little background.
I will be referring to this person as Amanda for privacy sake.
Me and Amanda have known each other since about third grade. We used to be friends for about a year around that time, but things went south when I realized that she had some major anger issues and lied about a lot of things. Obviously, we were children so it was petty stuff, but it was real for me at the time, and overall I just don't respect liars. It's something I was grown up on.
We stopped being friends in about fourth grade when she threatened me with violence, but became friends again about a year or two later when we were forced back together because of after school activities. I accepted that maybe she had changed and matured during that time, but things had only gotten worse.
During this time she lied to me about being one of the most popular animators on Youtube at the time. Childish, yes. But I was also a kid and a huge fan of said Youtuber at the time. I believed this lie for a few years until I pieced things together, the inconsistencies with her "proof" about animations and the fact that she only showed her drawings on paper. This isn't super important to the story, but it sets a start of a long pattern of attention seeking and lying.
Also at this time, we were going through puberty. We were both exploring our sexuality and gender expression, and there were inappropriate topics brought up. I have never been super comfortably talking directly about explicit content, at least not when I'm not the one trying to engage that sort of conversation. It's a very specific circumstance to me. (I'm saying this because it's important for later). Amanda used to pull up inappropriate material in front of me and we would laugh about as pre-teens do.
Eventually we stopped being friends again, I don't remember exactly why this time though. Just know that we wouldn't speak again until middle school.
During about eighth grade I believe, a new kid (we'll call him Jack), joined a few weeks into the beginning of the semester. I became friends with him because a large friend group I was in during that time were all friendly with him already. I ignored a growing gut feeling about him because all my friends liked him and also he had a more alternative style that I enjoyed. Only a few weeks into knowing him, he would begin dating Amanda, and me and good chunk of my friend group having known her since elementary school began to warn him about her pattern of behavior.
He brushed us off and we all started arguing with him about how we had known her for years and they had been dating for weeks, yet he kept arguing that she had "changed" (unsurprisingly she had not). He also told us that she had claimed that we didn't like her because she was too "caring". Which was obviously a complete lie. Eventually we gave up after finding out that he had his own problems, like believing that bullying fat people was a valid way to make people lose weight to "save them" from health issues.
Fast forward a few weeks that year and we began hearing rumors of them doing...things, in public in the school. ie the library, bathroom, locker rooms, etc. I knew that Amanda was already a slightly sexual person, but not to this extent. So I became worried, it was out of character even for her. I knew what it was like to have rumors spread that ruined reputations, so I wanted to confirm if they were true or not and see what was going on.
Amanda confirmed that yes, most of the rumors were true. I was of course then worried she was being pressured, and she sent me a long message that essentially implied that she was and that he was coming onto her all the time without her full consent. At that age, I knew what that meant and that it was serious. So I told an adult about what happened and reported the situation to proper authority (not the police, there was no evidence of actual assault). She received a call and so did Jack, and after that, she thanked me for doing and I believed all was solved and well. Oh boy, I was severely mistaken.
After that, I would begin to occasionally check in on her and see how things were doing, only dipping my toes into a friendship. I told her that I only wanted to be acquaintances, still traumatized from our past friendships. She agreed and understood, but eventually we got to highschool and we became inseparable. The most we had ever been friends. Amanda had never stopped dating Jack. We began having issues already a month later when they started dating on and off, leading into highschool.
To keep things short about their messy relationship, she would come to me all the time and talk about her relationship with Jack. She would tell me when they broke up, would bring him up if they were back together, told me all the times he supposedly cheated on her (conversation from a few months ago now implies that he may not actually have, but I can't say for sure.).
It got to the point where every month they broke up for a week and then got back together, and during that time they would both sleep around, Amanda would find out and then tell me how she was talking to a girl he had been with during/ between their relationship and we would both become friends with said girl. Every single time, Amanda introduced me to them. Every time, Amanda told me about it herself. Everything I know about their relationship is from her mouth (this is important).
During our friendship, I knew 3 girls that Jack had been with. But there was one that stood out in particular. We'll call her Susie.
Susie met Jack and one day they were hanging out at someone's house, Jack smokes weed big time and offered some to Susie for her first time. (She had never smoked before). She ended up greening out, and became conscious to him trying coerce her into doing stuff with him. She obviously didn't want to, and I don't know if things went any further. I remember it not, but the point is, he at least tried to assault her.
Susie told both me and Amanda about this situation and we all talked about it. Obviously mortified, I hoped that this information would finally keep the toxic relationship of Amanda and Jack officially broken. But alas, it did not.
Eventually we all drifted apart, and during that time they kept breaking up and getting back together over and over again. It was genuinely exhausting because I'm not exaggerating when I say 90% of our conversations were about Jack, and most were instigated by Amanda. So I knew essentially every detail as soon as it came about.
I found out later/ during this time that Amanda was also doing the same thing to some mutuals we had, and I talked with them about what was going on. Amanda later claims that me talking between these friends that already knew was "spreading rumors". Despite the fact that they were facts that came from her mouth, and were only shared to people we both knew or that already knew because of her.
There were a few times (and I also found out later that this happened to other friends of mine as well, more people I know that I haven't even spoken to about it) where she would show me private photos of her and Jack. Their entire relationship was and is very sexual. A lot of the positive conversations Amanda had about Jack was about how they had slept together, or when they were broken up she said word for word to me that she was "addicted to sex" so she was sleeping around between their breakup. As time went on, their relationship became more and more physical after middle school.
These photos that Amanda showed me were very explicit, and I never gave my full consent to seeing them nor had the rational mind at the time to consent. I brushed off because we were friends still, but looking back, I'm disgusted and I feel disgusting. This is something i feel she brushes off a lot just because I didn't say no.
And it doesn't help her case that I was not the only one to see these photos, and without explicit consent.
By the end of Freshman year, I tried to break the friendship off. I was becoming exhausted and couldn't keep up anymore. I had a conversation with her directly about it, but the very next day it was ignored and she kept talking to me. By the beginning of Sophomore year we had officially gotten into our first full argument over Jack and their relationship and everything that happened and stopped being friends.
There are details between then, but lets fast forward to now. We still have mutual friends, like a lot. And what I've noticed is that every time my name is mentioned by someone or a photo of me is shown, she begins a tirade about how I'm a bad person, and how I was "spreading rumors". She was apparently upset with me for "getting involved with her business", despite the fact that she always included me in and told me about it--and never once said I couldn't tell anyone. Especially when I knew she was telling other people the same information.
There were a few more arguments, mainly over text as usual, but eventually the arguing ended. I had thought.
I've heard from friends many of times how she brings me up, which I want to say--I barely talk about her or think about her anymore. The only time I do is when I actually see her, or someone is talking to me about her. Which I never tell any of our business to people who don't already know either of us, and I don't bring it up unprompted. And no, I don't mean I talk about when her name is brought up or there's a photo of her. I only talk about what happened if someone is already telling about something she did to them, or they ask me about it because she was talking about me to them.
Now we have today.
Today I received a message from a close friend of mine that informed me she was still talking about me to my friends.
Here's how it happened:
She posted on her social media alluding to me, about how she was upset that we had mutual friends because I'm a "bad" and "problematic" person (for caring about her well-being and toxic relationship she threw me in the middle of).
I feel the same way, the issue here is, I don't talk about it. I don't. I don't go to my friends and talk about it and try to sway them away from her, I don't post on my social media (except for now, but tumblr is more like a public diary to me) about it, and I don't bring her up every time I see her face or in my friend's following. Not even if she's in their posts or comments and dms.
I have no idea what prompted her to make the post, but I do know that the same post prompted my friend (we'll call her Trish) to message her and ask her what it was about. She began talking about me (the details I'm not aware of), and then Trish came to me and told me about it. I told Trish my side of the story, and she believed me and told me she already didn't enjoy being friends with Amanda and didn't believe her because me and Trish are much closer.
Fed up at this point, I go onto an unblocked account and message Amanda, respectfully and as kindly as possible, asking her to stop talking about me--especially to my friends. She tells me a bold faced lie that she was in fact not trying to turn my friends against me, but no matter how many times she says she's not trying to control the fact that her friends are mine as well, it is very obvious that's not actually the case from the amount she talks about me, and how my friends have described/ shown her talking about me.
She tells me that she is just explaining what I did wrong to her, and I'm still in the dark of what exactly I did to upset her specifically and how she thinks I'm the bad guy, so respectfully (again), I ask her and try to have a conversation that may finally settle the bad blood between us so we can both finally go our separate ways and I can stop hearing about this. But no, as soon as I ask she blocks me.
I find out she has posted MULTIPLE posts alluding to me again, a final one saying (paraphrasing) "normalize talking things out. Something that hurts other still exists even if you don't realize it". Which is ironic, because I was fully aware she was upset and hurt and acknowledge that in my message, and was trying to have a civil discussion about it. She also has never recognized the fact that she has done things to hurt me as well.
Istg this gets brought up to me every few months and I'm genuinely done with it. I can't do it anymore.
Her and Jack are still together and are still having issues to this day and somehow I just cannot escape her mouth. All I have to say anymore, is that if she wants me out of her business, she can keep my name out of her mouth--and I'll give her the same respect.
If you listened to this unholy yap session, thanks. I'm actually exhausted from all this drama and I wish it would end already, but I know it's gonna resurface all over again and I'm going to have to explain to another friend that what she says about me isn't true and she's twisting what happened.
Some side notes:
She retracted Susie's statement about being practically assaulted, and genuinely used "well they made up and are friends now" as an excuse for not breaking up with him after what he did. She also claimed that because I told people about her boyfriend essentially being a rworder, I was "telling her story when it's not my place", when Amanda was the one going around and telling everyone. I had not mentioned Susie's name once when I told people, I just told them what he had done. Amanda was the one associating her with it and also told her that I was talking to people inside the group Amanda had told. And to be fair, I told people who I knew would not spread that kind of thing to anyone else but to me and the people involved. Susie ended up messaging me about it because of Amanda, and I explained to her the situation and everything was fine. I'm not sure if Susie and Jack being friends afterwards is true, and I can't confirm with her anymore because she either blocked me or deleted her Instagram. I'm still in close contact with one of Susie's close friends who joined in on the conversation during the time to this day though.
Whenever they broke up and she told me the reason (usually cheating or arguments) I would tell her that it's good they're not together anymore because of that (and I would also bring up the past issues they had as well, adding to the list each time) and that they should stay broken up this time. Every single time she told me "yeah, you're right" and agreed, and then went on to talk shit about Jack with me, before getting back together with him again a week later. And I would only ever find out because she would begin talking about him positively again unprompted, or about the last time they had sex. She apparently still does this same exact thing to her friends to this day, because the mutuals she's still "friends" with (most of them that I talk to say they are actually fake friends I find out, which is crazy to me, because so far it's been most of her friends) tell me how they have the same exact behavior from her after I tell them how she acted around me. Most of her conversations with people are always about her and Jack and especially how they're always supposedly having sex. It's so strange and vile.
Really hoping talking about this on here doesn't bring me some bad karma or anything. I don't even care if no one reads this, I just need to get it out and have someone other than 10 of the same people know about it. I need a fresh opinion, someone not involved or with personal ties.
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skyfcx · 2 months
@bowsnbots Liked for a Starter!
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     VOLATILE VOLTAGE. It shocks and shudders at the barrel end of the kit's custom arm cannon. A charging shot is kept steady from an off-hand's hold atop the chassis, energy building with an electric hum as each second carries onward. Then, when it's too much to bear, the stress of whirring engines begging to let the pressure escape, it's kept for five seconds longer past the breaking point.
     Please, for this point I must stress: he was here to put the stress in stress test. Let his gadgets shatter into pieces if they must, for Doctor Light's Lab was where they could be rebuilt even greater, all the better.
     It's only when the protective casing within the arm cannon wasn't enough to subdue jolts of electricity from zapping at clenched knuckles. Guess that was his cue! An internal trigger, it's released. And it's the flash of lightning, a ball of concentrated energy rolling like thunder through the air. It's blinding, vision reduced to white for the briefest of instances. Though, not long enough to miss the utter reduction of the test dummy down the shooting range. All that's left after the hit is a sizzling spot of soot.
     ...You'd think that, after such a grand display, the fox would be jumping with joy and satisfaction. The power in production was extraordinary!
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     Yet he only hummed quizzically. His Blast Cannon hissed as its paneling pulled itself apart with the press of a button, allowing excess steam and smoke to vent out. It billows. An internal fan can be heard as it works overtime and then some. "Tch... still overheating so soon... I'm able to reach the upper levels of the fuel cells without breaking anything, but it's only good for one shot before it has to catch its breath. A shot like that is powerful, but I'd rather it not be a last-ditch effort."
     Then, a turn to the other, a head tilting with a question on his tongue. "D'you think there's anything that could help with the cooldown process? With so much power, overheating is inevitable if used too frequently, but I gotta figure out how to get more out of it before it's ready for proper use...! So, any ideas?"
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loveofbots · 2 years
Can you make a second NSFW part of the First Aid vent fic? I LOVED that
Oh sure thing!! I’ll get to flex my writing muscles on this
Hehe he’s my spicy medic
Warnings: 18+, vent play
Honestly how did you stumble upon such a good mech? You hardly even had to try to get him worked up and First Aid was all over you. 
The door behind you had just slid closed before First Aid pushed you up against it, height differences be damned. You fumbled for the lock on the door as his servos rose up your sides, over your chassis, and to your faceplate. He made you look at him as his face shield unlocked and slid away revealing his awaiting derma. The medic waited, tormenting you, until he heard the click of the door locking shut. 
First Aid devoured you, his full lips encapsulating yours in a passionate kiss. In your desperation to try and get a grounding grip on your lover you clawed against his plating. Eliciting a heady moan from the pent up mech. First Aid relented and backed away. Guiding you with gentle yet excited optics. 
You giggled at his reaction. The two of you laid on the berth now. You were supported by a few pillows to arch your back temptingly into the mech who settled between your struts. It was definitely cute seeing First Aid’s optics so bright behind his visor. Normally this would happen when he explained something he was passionate about, or exploring his more curious side. 
Suddenly your faceplate heated up. You were the cause of his passion and curiosity. Only you could make this mech so eager to explore your frame. With your permission First Aid’s digits made their way to the outlines of your vents. He kept your intake busy with fluttering kisses and teasing remarks, his smile all too obvious. 
“You’re really excited Aid.” Your bashfulness was barely hidden under the lustful static of your vocalizer. “How long have you been- AH!” First Aid cut you off by spreading his digits over the slits of your vents. Your fans kicked on, air tickling his servos. 
He let you recover for a moment and rested his helm on your shoulder. “Too long, I think. We both get so caught up in work that I... I forget how much I miss you.” Admittance was not something First Aid gave lightly. It warmed your spark to see him be so open and honest about his desires with you. He crooned into your audial as your arms wrapped around his frame. 
“Can we continue what we started?”
He rose from your shoulder and looked at you with endearment. “Of course, Love.” 
Maybe you should be appreciative that it took so long to be alone together. The yearning you two had for each other seemed to multiply the sensations you had tenfold. His two servos cupped your vent plating expertly and began to toy at some of the seams. First Aid was rubbing at the tender cabling underneath your venting. 
“Relax now, I’ll go slow.” Your partner reassured you in the darkness. His frame being the only thing anchoring you in the moment, keeping you from floating away on a cloud of ecstasy. 
Your vents hissed as digits massaged between the slits further. Your display sent a ping that something was blocking your intake which you hastily dismissed. No more interruptions. 
His digits curled pleasantly once inside, making you arch your chassis into him. First Aid noticed both of your charges building between one another and picked up the pace. The little devil mouthing at your neck cables as well. Your ex-vents came quicker as your overload began approaching. 
The little medic seemed to know exactly what made you tick. In return your struts locked around his hips and pulled him even closer. At some point you must’ve offlined your optics, because once you turned them online you were met with the beautiful sight of First Aid with his visor off. You moaned as he dug deeper and deeper. Playing with wires and airways you didn’t even know you had. 
“First Aid I’m gonna... I’m gonnaaaAHHH!” Overload rippled through your frame, the excess charge making First Aid overload as well, retrieving his servos before slumping next to you on the berth. Your intakes came hard and heavy, fans working overtime to make sure your internals stayed cool. You felt the mech next to you pull you closer, brushing his digits over your venting again. The sensation made you shiver from overstimulation. 
The mech soothed you, watching intently as you came down from your high. 
After a moment your rolled over so that you were facing him. Your servos caressed that content looking face, innocently smiling as if he didn’t just make you overload. “That was so, so good First Aid.” He nuzzled into your chassis eagerly and snuggled. 
“I’m happy that I could do that, and that we got some quality time together.” 
Recharge slipped around you both like a blanket, safe and sound in each other’s arms.
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safeservicesblog · 8 months
Here are some tips to help you clean your kitchen chimney effectively
Cleaning your kitchen chimney is an essential yet often overlooked task that can greatly impact the air quality and functionality of your kitchen. Here are some comprehensive tips to guide you through the process:
Prepare Your Workspace: Before you begin, ensure you have ample space around the chimney for maneuvering and cleaning. Lay down old newspapers or a drop cloth to catch any drips or spills.
Turn Off Power and Disconnect: Safety first! Before you start cleaning, switch off the power to your chimney from the main circuit breaker. If your chimney is connected to an electrical outlet, unplug it. This precaution prevents any accidental start-ups during the cleaning process.
Remove Filters and Panels: Most kitchen chimneys have removable filters and panels that need regular cleaning. Carefully remove these components according to the manufacturer's instructions. These filters are typically located underneath the hood and may require unlocking or sliding out.
Soak Filters in Degreaser: Grease buildup is a common issue in kitchen chimneys. To effectively remove grease, soak the filters in a mixture of hot water and a degreaser solution. This helps to loosen stubborn grime, making it easier to clean later. Allow the filters to soak for at least 15-20 minutes.
Scrub Filters and Panels: After soaking, use a soft-bristled brush or sponge to scrub the filters and panels thoroughly. Pay close attention to areas with heavy grease buildup. For stubborn stains, you may need to apply additional degreaser and scrub more vigorously. Rinse the filters and panels with clean water to remove any residue.
Clean Interior Surfaces: The interior surfaces of your chimney also require attention. Use a damp cloth or sponge soaked in a mild degreaser solution to wipe down the interior walls, fan blades, and any other accessible surfaces. Be gentle to avoid damaging delicate components.
Check and Clean Fan Blades: The fan blades play a crucial role in extracting smoke and odors from your kitchen. Inspect the blades for any signs of grease or debris buildup. If necessary, use a soft brush or cloth to gently clean the blades. Avoid using abrasive cleaners or excessive force, as this could damage the fan.
Inspect Exhaust Duct: The exhaust duct is responsible for venting air outside your home. Over time, it can become clogged with grease and debris, restricting airflow. Inspect the exhaust duct for any blockages or buildup. If you notice any obstructions, use a vacuum cleaner or a long brush to remove them.
Clean Exterior Surfaces: Don't forget to clean the exterior surfaces of your chimney hood. Use a damp cloth or sponge to wipe away any grease or dirt. For stainless steel hoods, you can use a specialized stainless steel cleaner to restore shine and remove fingerprints.
Reassemble and Test: Once everything is clean and dry, reassemble the filters, panels, and any other removed components. Double-check that everything is securely in place. Restore power to your chimney and test it to ensure it's functioning properly.
Establish a Regular Maintenance Routine: To keep your kitchen chimney in top condition, establish a regular cleaning schedule. Aim to clean the filters and interior surfaces every 1-3 months, depending on usage. Regular maintenance will help prevent excessive grease buildup and maintain optimal airflow.
By following these comprehensive tips, you can effectively clean your kitchen chimney, ensuring it operates efficiently and maintains a healthy cooking environment for years to come
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mw4outfitters · 1 year
What Are The Best Performance Upgrades For Dodge RAM 1500?
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The Dodge RAM 1500 is the vehicle of choice for many when it comes to off-roading… From 3.0- liter EcoDiesel V-6 engine to 5.7- liter HEMI V-8 engine; Dodge RAM 1500 has a robust engine line up. And, guess what??? With a few simple performance upgrades, you can unlock its real potential that the manufacturer had left on the table.
Interested in learning more about these performance upgrades??? Well, read this blog post all the way through…
Improve Your Dodge RAM 1500 Performance with These Upgrades
Before we begin… let’s us clarify a few things. This article has a generalized explanation of Dodge RAM 1500 performance upgrades. No particular Dodge RAM engine type is being discussed here. Therefore, if you need specific information on 5.7L HEMI V-8 engine performance upgrades, or information about other engine types for that matter, contact a qualified expert.
It's time to move on to our main topic now that the disclaimer has been concluded.
Upgrade #1- Cold air intake
Installing a cold air intake system is one upgrade you can make to improve the performance of your Dodge RAM 1500. Cold air intake, as is evident from the name as well, is a system designed to feed the engine with cold dense air. More air promotes fuel burning inside the combustion chamber, which produces more power.
But, before you install a cold air intake system, you should understand about its benefits and drawbacks, such as how it will affect your vehicle's fuel consumption, torque output, etc…
Upgrade #2- Performance tuner chip
Plugging in a performance tuner chip to your Dodge RAM 1500 is another option to improve its performance. For those who don’t know, the performance tuner chip is a computer unit that can make a few tweaks to your RAM's engine control module, or ECM, to improve engine performance.
Plus, it has been found that the use of performance tuner chip can significantly improve a vehicle’s gas mileage. But, but, but… using such technologies to boost engine performance has several downsides that you should be aware of.
Upgrade #3- Throttle body spacer
Adding a throttle body spacer to your Dodge RAM 1500 engine is one more change you can make to bring out its full potential. The RAM's throttle body and upper intake manifold is where you must put them. The part will significantly enhance your RAM’s air intake capacity. It will funnel more air into the combustion chamber of the engine.
And, as we just explained in the above paragraph, more air would result in effective fuel combustion and increased torque production. But, again… do some research before installing it.
Upgrade #4- Exhaust modification
The exhaust system can also be upgraded for greater engine performance. The combustion gases are essentially vented to the outside air by the exhaust system. The exhaust system installed on your Dodge Ram has limits on how fast it can discharge engine emissions. You may improve the exhaust fume flow rate of your Dodge RAM by upgrading the exhaust pipes.
Increased exhaust flow can dramatically improve your vehicle's torque production. But… you should only have qualified technicians modify the exhaust system on your Dodge RAM.
Upgrade #5- Cooling system upgradation
The torque output of your Dodge RAM will not be directly affected by cooling system upgrades, but the durability of its engine most certainly will be. The cooling system essentially keeps the engine temperature within the permissible range; thereby preventing it from overheating.
Off-road vehicles' engines, like the one in the Dodge RAM 1500, occasionally have to work harder and produce a lot of excess heat. You'll need a performance water pump, a multi-core radiator, and a heavy-duty electric fan in these circumstances to dissipate extra engine heat.
Key Takeaways
These performance upgrades can help your Dodge RAM 1500 unlock its full potential and transform it into a real off-roader. There are numerous other things that you can also do to get the most out of your Dodge RAM 1500.
In any case, before you start upgrading your vehicle, you must do some research on the pros and cons of using those technologies to unleash the power that you are not supposed to. That’s all for today’s blog post. We hope this had added value to your knowledge.
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sw5w · 9 months
Anakin Chases Sebulba into Mushroom Mesa
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STAR WARS EPISODE I: The Phantom Menace 01:05:52
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There a few things to look for during an attic insulation inspection and most of them have to do with ventilation. Bathroom fans need to be vented outside the home so that the heat and moisture don’t end up in the attic. Additionally soffit vents need to be clear so that air can move through the soffit vent and up through roof cans or a ridge vent. When roof cans and the ridge vent are buried under a foot of snow (like right now) excess heat from an under insulated attic transfers from the living space below up into the attic and with the upper vents being blocked it prevents the air movement is stagnant so heat builds up and causes snow melt. The snow melt then runs down the roof and refreezes once it gets to frozen gutters. Consequently the additional moisture in the attic makes the roof sheeting prone to mold or mildew and eventually rot. Typically, if you have cellulose, you don’t need to worry about mold or moisture because it contains a detergent that makes it mold, mildew, fire, and pest resistant. In some instances water is actually added to cellulose to do a wet blow for walls in new construction. The same is not true for fiberglass and because of the porous nature of fiberglass, mold spores actually spread quicker. If your fiberglass get wet it needs to be removed and replaced. The attic space above the insulation should be close to the same temperature as outside the home and ventilation plays a huge part in moisture prevention. #attic #atticinsulation #cellulosefiber #celluloseinsulation #greenfiber #spokanerealtor🏡 #spokanewashington #spokanereal #spokane #realtorspokane #realtorspokanehousehunter #spokaneassociationofrealtors #spokanehomebuildersassociation #spokanehomeinspector #spokanewa #spokanevalley #spokanerealestate (at Spokane, Washington) https://www.instagram.com/p/CmkEcKMPDkx/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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canadablower · 1 year
Ventilation by Exhaust Fans
An exhaust fan is a mechanical ventilation device that helps to draw out stale and impure air from your home and bring in fresh air, thereby improving the quality of indoor air. Exhaust fans are typically ducted to the exteriors of your house, through which bad indoor air can effectively be removed from your living space.
Exhaust fans are classified into various types, mainly depending on the type of mount and the location where you need to install the fans. The different types are:
Ceiling Mounted Exhaust Fans: As the name suggests, ceiling exhaust fans are those which are installed in the ceiling. Such fans expel stale air from your home upwards through the roof. The fan is connected to ducting, which is exhausted outside the home via an external vent, like a roof cap or soffit exhaust vent.
Inline Exhaust Fans: Unlike ceiling exhaust fans that are installed directly into the ceiling, inline exhaust fans are typically mounted in-between ducting, hence the name inline fan. For instance, if you wanted to ventilate an area that did not have clearance or space for a ceiling mount fan, you would make use of inline exhaust fans to ventilate such areas. The exhaust fan would be placed in between the ductwork and the stale air would travel through the ducts and ultimately be expelled from your home. Since inline fans are not mounted directly to the ceiling, they are very quiet. When installing an inline fan, to reduce noise, we recommend using an insulated flex duct that is at least eight feet long from the intake port on the ceiling to the inline fan. Inline exhaust fans are ideal for exhausting areas or rooms where you cannot, or do not wish to install the exhaust fan directly. Since these types of exhaust fans are mounted in remote areas, they are also referred to as remote mounted exhaust fans. Inline exhaust fans can either be single-port (exhausting from a single area) or multi-port (exhausting from multiple areas).
Wall Mounted Exhaust Fans: These exhaust fans are installed on walls. Since they are installed on exterior walls of the home and not on interior walls, the stale air has a direct route to the outside of your home and thus no duct work is required in installing these exhaust fans.
Combination Exhaust Fans: Exhaust fans are also available as combination units. You have the choice of a fan-light combination where the exhaust fan provides illumination as well, or heat-fan-light combination wherein you get a heater, light and ventilating fan all in a single device.
Exterior Remote Mounted Exhaust Fans: While most other exhaust fans are installed inside your home and push stale air out, exterior remote mounted fans are installed outside your home and pull out stale indoor air instead of pushing it out. The main benefit of these exhaust fans is that regardless of however noisy they are, most of the noise remains outside your home.
Kitchen Range Exhaust Fans: These fans are mounted inside the range hood over your kitchen stove. Such fans not only help to rid your kitchen of stale air but also help to expel bad odors and reduce moisture levels in your cooking area.
These several types of exhaust fans can be used for complete ventilation of your bilding including intermittent local ventilation for baths, kitchens, dryer rooms; continuous whole building ventilation, and for exhausting hard-to-air spaces such as crawl spaces, attics, and basements.
Canada Blower exhaust fans are very effective at ventilating your home and other living spaces. Without proper ventilation, the air inside your home can get filled with harmful contaminants and disease causing pathogens.
Pollutants such as pesticides, harmful gases, smoke, pet dander, lead, asbestos, dust mites, paint fumes, grease etc get released into indoor air due to daily activities such as cooking, smoking, burning fuel, bathing, renovating etc. In addition to these pollutants, activities such as bathing, cooking, and washing also release excess moisture in the air and make indoor air extremely humid. If not ventilated adequately, these added pollutants and increased moisture levels can decrease the quality of indoor air greatly, thereby leading to various problems such as:
Health problems including asthma, allergies, nose bleeds, skin rashes, headaches, nausea, and other breathing disorders. In fact, according to the Environmental Protection Agency, a large percentage of the over 20 million annual asthma cases in the US alone can be attributed to bad indoor air quality.
Split, warped and rotted furniture due to excess humidity.
Cracked and peeling paint on the walls.
Formation of fungus, mold spores, and mildew, which in turn lead to severe health problems.
Thus, by using exhaust fans to ventilate your building efficiently and completely, thereby improving indoor air quality, you can avoid of all these problems ventilating.com fanblower.com highpressureblower.net industrialblowerfan.com industrialfanblower.net industrialfanblower.com pressureblower.net northernindustrialsupplycompany.com industrialpressureblower.com tenderall.com chicagoblowercanada.com cbblower.com buffaloblower.com buffalofan.com nis-co.com canadianblower.com olegsystems.com canadablower.com abbblower.com acmefan.net industrialblower.net fansandblowers.net americanblower.net barryfan.com cincinnatifan.net canadafans.com barryfan.net.
When sizing a Canada Blower exhaust fan that does not open directly to the outside but is ducted, it is important to ensure that the exhaust fan has the capability to move stale air throughout the duct and ultimately to the outside. Here, we first need to understand what static pressure and equivalent duct length is.
Inside every duct, there is a constant pressure being exerted at any point from all directions. When an exhaust fan moves air through the duct, the air counters resistance from this pressure which is known as static pressure. Thus, an exhaust fan has to have the ability to overcome the static pressure in a duct so as to effectively duct stale air to the outside of your home. This can be done by calculating the equivalent duct length of any duct.
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britneybiohazard · 2 years
Attic Insulation Rot Repair Ventilation
Are you tired of feeling like your home's temperature fluctuates with every season? Are you constantly dealing with rot or mold issues in your attic? Look no further! In today's post, we will be discussing everything you need to know about attic insulation, rot repair, and ventilation. These three components are critical for maintaining a comfortable and healthy living space. Don't let poor insulation or ventilation cause unnecessary headaches – keep reading to learn how to improve the overall quality of your home!
What is attic insulation?
There are many different types of attic insulation, but the most common is fiberglass insulation. This type of insulation is made from recycled glass and sand, and it is effective at trapping heat in your attic. Other types of attic insulation include cellulose insulation, which is made from recycled paper, and blown-in insulation, which is made from small pieces of wood or other materials. If you have an older home, chances are that your attic insulation is not adequate. This can lead to a number of problems, including excessive heat loss in the winter and unwanted temperature fluctuations in the summer. Additionally, poor attic ventilation can cause moisture buildup, which can lead to mold growth. If you think that your attic could benefit from additional insulation or improved ventilation, contact a professional contractor who specializes in attic projects. They will be able to assess your needs and recommend the best course of action for your home.
What is rot repair?
The first step in rot repair is to identify the source of the moisture. If the source of the moisture is not discovered and fixed, the rot will continue to spread and cause further damage. Once the source of moisture is found and fixed, the next step is to remove all of the rotted material. This may require chiseling out rotted wood or cutting away drywall that has been damaged by mold or mildew. The area should then be cleaned with a disinfectant solution to kill any remaining mold or mildew spores. Once the area is clean and dry, it can be repaired with new materials.
What is ventilation?
There are two types of ventilation: natural and mechanical. Natural ventilation occurs when warm air rises and cooler air moves in to replace it. This happens because warm air is less dense than cool air, so it rises. The wind also helps to move the air around. Mechanical ventilation uses fans to force air movement. In order for your attic to be properly ventilated, there must be a continuous flow of air. That’s why having both types of ventilation is important. Natural ventilation will help to create the airflow that you need, while mechanical ventilation will ensure that the airflow is constant.
How do I know if my attic needs insulation?
There are a few key things to look for when you're trying to determine whether or not your attic needs insulation. First, take a look at your energy bills. If you've noticed a sharp increase in your heating and cooling costs, it's possible that your attic is the culprit. Another tell-tale sign is if you can see sunlight streaming through the ceiling in your attic. This means that there are gaps in your insulation, and heat is escaping. Finally, if you have any concerns about moisture or mold in your attic, this is another indication that insulation may be necessary.
How do I know if my attic needs rot repair?
If your attic has any of the following signs, then it may need rot repair: -Water stains on the ceiling or walls -Peeling paint or wallpaper -Mold or mildew growth -A musty smell -Visible wood decay If you're not sure whether your attic needs rot repair, it's always best to consult with a professional. They will be able to assess the damage and recommend the best course of action.
How do I know if my attic needs ventilation?
If your attic is inaccessible, or if you can't see any visible vents, there are a few telltale signs that indicate poor ventilation. Look for: 1. Excessive heat in the attic during the summer months 2. Ice dams or icicles on the roof in winter 3. Condensation on the underside of the roof decking 4. Musty odors in the attic 5. Signs of mold or mildew growth in the attic
How can I improve the insulation in my attic?
One of the best ways to improve the insulation in your attic is to add more insulation. This can be done by either adding batting or blown-in insulation. You will want to make sure that the insulation is properly installed so that it does not settle and create gaps. Another way to improve the insulation in your attic is to make sure that it is properly ventilated. This can be done by installing vents or opening up existing ones.
How can I improve the ventilation in my attic?
It is important to ensure that your attic is properly ventilated in order to protect your home from damage caused by heat and moisture. There are a few ways that you can improve the ventilation in your attic: -Install soffit vents: Soffit vents are installed at the eaves of your roof and allow fresh air to enter into your attic space. -Install gable vents: Gable vents are installed at the gables of your roof (the triangular spaces at the ends of the roof) and help to exhaust hot air from your attic. -Install ridge vents: Ridge vents are installed along the ridge line of your roof and allow hot air to escape out of your attic.
Attic insulation, rot repair, and ventilation are all important home maintenance needs. Ensuring that your attic is properly protected from the elements can help extend the life of your roof and roofing materials as well as improve air quality in your home. Taking care of any damage or rot before it becomes a major problem will save you money in repairs down the road. Installing proper ventilation to ensure that moisture doesn’t accumulate in your attic can help reduce costly repairs due to mold growth or water damage. Following these simple steps will go a long way towards protecting one of the most vital parts of your house from future issues.
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roflowjarrow · 7 days
Maximizing Air Quality: The Importance of Ventilation Maintenance and Repairs
In today’s world, where indoor air quality has become a primary concern for homeowners and businesses alike, maintaining a proper ventilation system is crucial. Ventilation systems are the lungs of any building, regulating airflow, temperature, and humidity, ensuring that the environment remains comfortable and safe for occupants. However, like any mechanical system, ventilation systems require regular maintenance and repairs to function optimally. This blog will explore the importance of ventilation maintenance and repairs and how they contribute to a healthier living and working environment.
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The Role of Ventilation Systems
Ventilation systems are designed to exchange indoor air with fresh outdoor air, removing pollutants, moisture, and excess heat from the environment. They play a vital role in maintaining indoor air quality by reducing the concentration of harmful substances like carbon dioxide, volatile organic compounds (VOCs), and allergens. Proper ventilation also helps control humidity levels, preventing mold growth and structural damage to buildings.
Why Regular Maintenance is Essential
Over time, ventilation systems can accumulate dust, debris, and other contaminants that can obstruct airflow and reduce efficiency. Filters can become clogged, ducts can develop leaks, and fans can wear out, leading to poor performance and increased energy consumption. Regular maintenance ensures that all components of the system are clean, intact, and functioning as they should.
Improved Air Quality: Regular cleaning of ducts, filters, and vents prevents the buildup of dust, mold, and other pollutants that can circulate throughout your home or office. This is especially important for individuals with allergies, asthma, or other respiratory conditions.
Energy Efficiency: A well-maintained ventilation system operates more efficiently, consuming less energy to achieve the desired airflow and temperature. This not only reduces energy bills but also extends the lifespan of the system, delaying the need for costly replacements.
Prevention of Breakdowns: Routine inspections can identify potential issues before they become major problems. For instance, a small leak in a duct might not seem like a big deal, but over time it can lead to significant energy loss and even system failure. Regular maintenance helps catch these issues early, saving you time, money, and inconvenience.
The Importance of Timely Repairs
Despite regular maintenance, components of a ventilation system may still fail due to wear and tear, unexpected damage, or simply old age. When this happens, timely repairs are crucial to prevent further damage and restore the system's functionality.
Maintaining Comfort: A malfunctioning ventilation system can lead to uneven temperatures, excessive humidity, or poor air circulation, making the indoor environment uncomfortable for occupants. Quick repairs ensure that these issues are resolved promptly, maintaining a comfortable living or working space.
Health and Safety: A damaged ventilation system can lead to poor air quality, which can have serious health implications, particularly for vulnerable individuals. For example, a malfunctioning exhaust fan might not remove harmful fumes or humidity effectively, leading to respiratory issues or mold growth.
Cost Savings: Ignoring minor issues can lead to more significant problems down the line, which can be costly to repair. Addressing repairs as soon as they are needed can save you money in the long run by preventing extensive damage.
In conclusion, regular ventilation maintenance and timely repairs are essential for ensuring that your system operates efficiently, providing clean, fresh air for your home or workplace. By investing in proper care for your ventilation system, you are not only protecting your property but also the health and well-being of everyone inside. Don’t wait for problems to arise—schedule regular maintenance and address repairs promptly to keep your ventilation system in top condition.
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scopeclean · 10 days
Mold Removal and Beyond: Ways to Lessen the Risk of Mold
There are times when you need mold removed professionally. There can come a time when the only way to restore your home is to have your mold professionally removed. Whenever we’ve done that for our clients, almost inevitably, we’re asked some version of: “is there anything I can do to keep mold from coming back?” These are some of the tips that folks may not think of after receiving professional mold removal in Santa Clarita and the surrounding area.
That having been said, you can do everything right, you can take every precaution, and yet, mold finds its way in. When that happens, we can be there to find the mold and then to remove it.
Being Clean and Dry Can Keep Mold at Bay The cleanliness and dryness of your space plays a critical role. Don’t leave wet clothes and towels on the floor, always hang them up after use. Regular disposal of trash, ideally on a daily basis, and cleaning up all spills promptly can also help. Attention should be paid to wiping any condensation that appears on and around windows.
If you live in an apartment, frequent cleaning of the bathroom and removal of any mildew is recommended. Usage of windows and fans for airing out rooms that generate moisture such as kitchen and bathrooms, is beneficial. For units with attached bathrooms, the use of exhaust fans and windows (if there are any) for ventilation during and after shower usage is encouraged.
Spring Into Action When It Rains Mold requires moisture.  Address any wet areas immediately.  Wetness from rainfall, (heavy or otherwise) leakage from pipes or any kind of spillage should be dried post haste.
A rule of thumb: household items should not be left damp. Ensure floors and walls are dried after a shower and don’t leave wet clothes in the washing machine. Hanging the clothes to dry outside or in a place with good air circulation is optimal.
Routine house chores might be inadvertently promoting mold in your home. Simple activities like cooking, showering, or laundry should be carried out with adequate ventilation in the bathroom, kitchen, laundry room, and any other high-moisture area.
Appliances creating moisture such as clothes dryers and stoves need to be vented outdoors. Use AC units and dehumidifiers while ensuring they do not generate moisture by regularly checking and cleaning as per the guidelines.
How to Deal Best With Humidity When it comes to humidity, maintain balance. Every home environment should aim to maintain a balance when it comes to humidity.
Studies have shown that sustaining an indoor humidity level between 30 and 60% can keep the home free of mold growth. You can use a moisture meter to measure this or, what most do, stay observant of areas in your home prone to excessive humidity can help nip moisture-related issues in the bud.
How can you tell if you have too much humidity? Condensation. Specifically, condensation on walls, windows, and pipes. Wipe any wet surfaces immediately.
Water Pooling Needs to Be Dealt With, Pronto Water pooling, whether in or around your home, must be fixed. The landscape surrounding your house should slope away from the foundation to prevent water accumulation that could potentially seep into your property. It’s crucial to direct water away from your home to hinder harmful mold development.
Air Circulation Can Keep Mold at Bay A drop in temperature limits air’s capacity to hold moisture. Controlling airflow in your home can prevent this excess moisture from clinging to your walls, windows, and floors.
Enhancing air circulation can be as easy as opening the doors between rooms, ensuring furniture is not placed directly against walls, and keeping doors open – particularly for closets in colder rooms.
Maintain Household Plants Household plants are an excellent element of natural decor that also work to purify indoor air. However, the moist soil in these indoor plants makes it a favorite place for mold growth. Be especially careful around your plants, not allowing that water to get to where it shouldn’t. Some may even consider watering plants with particular teas, those that can help to keep mold at bay. But, just being careful around your plants can help significantly.
Mold Removal in Santa Clarita and Beyond When You Need It The above tips may help you to be able to reduce the possibility that mold enters your home. But, even if you do all of this, mold can, unfortunately, still gain a foothold. If you have the slightest suspicion mold may be around, we can help.
You can schedule mold testing and inspection with our team and then, if necessary, the removal. Reach out to us through our site or by giving us a call.
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