spiceinthecoffee · 8 months
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New York Living Room Formal Living room - large modern formal and enclosed medium tone wood floor and brown floor living room idea with blue walls and a tv stand
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spacepunksupreme · 6 months
14, 21, 28, and 50 for the wrapped asks!
Suicide Jag by Chemlab
No Matter Who by Phil Collins
Big Love by Fleetwood Mac
Favorite Shirts (Boy Meets Girl) by Haircut 100
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Completely unrelated to any money-needing fandom shit cough cough
Did i tell y'all i have a kofi?
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the-stray-liger · 2 years
When the Cleric Beast theme starts playing
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skullflowercatcher · 9 months
I fucking hateeee how toothless and restrained any discussion of patriarchy, misogyny, and feminism has become. Like don't get me wrong, 2012/13 feminism was dogshit for many reasons but it had one benefit in that it was willing to have harder conversations about things like beauty standards and such and wasn't caught up in 'but it makes me feel good!!' stopping from.mentioning anything
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loustatgf · 2 years
8 9 and 18!!
<33333 tyyyy babe, just answered 9 :)
8. what is the first book you remember reading yourself?
This was so sweet to remember!!! It was a Pat the Bunny book in spanish, I had this little Pat plushie so I was sososo attached to the character omg I'm getting teary :,)
18. do you like historical books? which time period?
I'm gonna go ahead and assume this includes fiction in which case yes!!! Love Victorian, Regency, and whatever period encompasses the early 1800s
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suck-mein-pokeballs · 2 years
I hate modern internet
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qaymaw · 2 months
I wrote a list of the crimes commited by important characters in Moriarty the Patriot. This is only the anime so characters exclussive to the manga won't appear, nor will crimes commited in arcs exclussive to the manga.
This is an extremley long list, also may contain spoilers if you haven't watched the anime/read the manga, however they shouldn't be to bad.
William James Moriarty 30 crimes
Death threats
Threats of violence
Accessory to murder
Impersonation/Identity theft
Inciting violence/murder/genocide
First-degree murder
Contract killing/assassination
Assisted suicide¹
Suicide baiting¹
Mass murder
Destruction of property
Domestic terrorism²
Conspiracy to overthrow the system/nobility
Conspiracy to commit murder/genocide
Manipulation of political affairs
Attempted suicide¹
Evading arrest
Obstruction of justice
Breaking and entering
Organised crime²
Illegal possesion of a firearm³
Albert James Moriarty 21 crimes
Leaking government secrets
Organised crime²
Accesory to murder
Assault with the intent to kill/assault with a deadly weapon
First-degree murder
Contract killing/assassination
Assisted Suicide¹
Suicide Baiting¹
Mass murder
Destruction of property
Domestic Terrorism²
Conspiracy to overthrow the system/nobility
Conspiracy to commit murder/genocide
Louis James Moriarty 21 crimes
Death threats
Threats of violence
Accessory to murder
First-degree murder
Contract killing/assassination
Assisted suicide¹
Suicide baiting¹
Mass murder
Destruction of property
Domestic terrorism²
Conspiracy to overthrow the system/nobility
Conspiracy to commit murder/genocide
Organised crime²
Breaking and entering
James Bonde 18 crimes
High treason
Impersonation of royalty/Identity theft
Evading the police/goverment
Destruction of property
Domestic terrorism²
Conspiracy to overthrow the system/nobility
Conspiracy to commit mureder/genocide
Organised crime²
Contract killing/Assassination
Accessory to murder
Illegal possession of firearms³
Sebastian Moran 15 crimes
First-degree murder
Contract killing/Assassination
Assisted suicide¹
Suicide baiting¹
Mass murder
Accessory to murder
Domestic terrorism²
Conspiracy to overthrow the system/nobility
Conspircay to commit murder/genocide
Organised crime²
Breaking and entering
Illegal possession of firearms³
Fred Porlock 15 crimes
Accesory to murder
Contract killing/Assassination
First-degree murder
Suicide baiting¹
Assisted suicide¹
Mass murder
Domestic terrorism²
Conspiracy to overthrow the system/nobility
Conspiracy to commit murder/genocide
Organised crime²
Breaking and entering
Desercration of a corpse
Jack Renfield (AKA Jack the Ripper) 11 crimes
Hiring a contract killer/Assassin
Desercration of a corpse
Evading the police
Accessory to murder
Domestic terrorism²
Conspiracy to overthrow the system/nobility
Conspiracy to commit murder/genocide
Organised crime²
Von Herder 8 crimes
Accesory to murder
Domestic terrorism²
Conspiracy to overthrow the system/nobility
Conspiracy to commit murder/genocide
Illegal weapons dealing/creating/inventing
Organised crime²
Illegal possession of firearms³
Zack Paterson 8 crimes
Accesory to murder
Conspiracy to overthrow the system/nobility
Conspiracy to commit murder/genocide
Domestic terrorism²
Organised crime²
Sherlock Holmes 6 crimes
Breaking and entering
Destruction of property
Attempted suicide¹
Second-degree murder
Illegal possesion of firearms³
Mycroft Holmes 3 crimes
Accessory to murder
Affiliation with a terrorist organisation
Leaking government secrets
¹Suicide Act 1961. This act removed suicide as a crime in England and Wales, meaning those who survived a suicide attempt could not be prosecuted. Family members of those who did not survive could no longer be prosecuted either. However, under Suicide Act 1961, Section 2, it remains a crime for a third party to encourage or assist in the suicide of another.
²Terrorism or Organised Crime (or both)
Terrorism: The unlawful use of violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims.
Organised crime: Criminal activities that are planned and controlled by powerful groups and carried out on a large scale.
The motive of organised crime is often, but not always, financial.
The Moriarty Plan is a force of violence with the intention of political change. This violence is commited against their home country meaning this is domestic terrorism. They have no wish for financial gain, however, because they are commiting crimes that are planned and controlled, this is also organised crime. Those directly involved in The Moriarty Plan and its execution are therefore guilty of both terrorism and organised crime.
³The Gun License Act 1870. This act meant that anyone may still purchase a gun, however a license was required to have one off your personal property for any reason. This means that James Bonde and Sebatian Moran are both guilty of illegal possession of a firearm as they are both legally dead and therefore cannot have a gun license. However, Sherlock, William and Von Herder are never disclosed to have a gun license but this does not mean they do not have one as they would be perfectly elligable to get one. If they do all own a gun license, this takes Sherlock's crimes down to 5, William's crimes down to 29 and Von Herder's crimes down to 7.
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Deduction Tips #8
One of the key factors when deducing tattoos is which way they're facing, are they facing the wearer or the public? one suggests the tattoo has some sort of emotional value or comfort, the other suggests it's a presentation of how they wanna be seen. Keep in mind these aren't necessarily mutually exclussive, a tattoo that's meant to be seen can also be emotionally charged, indicating pride or similar emotions. Keep these factors in mind when deducing them
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bsd-fan · 1 year
Dazai Osamu
I really think that Dazai’s main problem with humanity comes from a distorted perspective of himself and that this distortion comes from the alienation and isolation that the character experiments. Let’s start going deeper with this.
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Dazai is brilliant, he is a genius, he is incredibly good at reading situations and people and even better at predicting and controlling them, but this also leads him to lose interest easily. It’s also important to aknowlege Dazai’s deep distrust to the people, his natural apathy and how good he is at manipulating people, put all of this together and you will get a strong disconnection between him and the rest of the world. This also explains why Dazai often sees people as chess pieces to use and discard instead of actual individuals. This is not exclussive to Dazai though, most of the most intelligent characters also have this problem to a certain extent. Ranpo also deals with the feeling of being an stranger thanks to his intelligence, and Fyodor also deals with this alienation but I want to say that nobody suffers it like Dazai does because thanks to external and internal factors Dazai is in a worse position than those two.
Now before going on, I think it’s important to highlight that Dazai seems to make an important association between “humanity” and “reason for living” and be for his intelligence, personality or environment (maybe because of all three) Dazai has an almost pathological need to be in control all the time. He needs logic, he needs logical answers, when he can’t find them he gets frustrated. Dazai can’t find sense to the world but most importantly he doesn’t find sense in life, so he ends in a existencial depression and falling into a frank nihilism. All of these are factors that increase the feeling of alienation and isolation because no one can see as much as him, and no one can understand him. This feeling goes both ways because Dazai also can’t understand why the rest of the people go on with their lives when there’s no reason for that. This ends up in a deep loneliness and increases the emotional distance that he already has with people. To summarize: Dazai feels like an outcast compared with the rest of the people which translates into a prevalent feeling of inhumanity.
“He is a man of few words. And his voice has the sound of severance that rejects mutual understanding from the very beginning. No one could understand him. No one ever will. And he himself knows that”- Odasaku about Dazai, The day I picked up Dazai Osamu (translated by popopretty)
This leads to some of the biggest paradoxes of his character:
1. He basically predicts every situation, that’s why he loses interest so easily and why he lives perpetually bored BUT at the same time, he can’t find a reason to keep existing in this world.
2. He feels detached from his humanity and he is convinced that the rest of the people notices how inhuman he is too (this is encouraged by the way people refer to him and how the act around him, a good example is “The demon prodigy” and how is shown that most people avoid him because they were scared of him) so we end in this weird situation in which Dazai craves his own humanity but at the same time it seems like he purposefully avoid it (this is important with his relationship with chuuya)
Now I feel is important to say that not all of this isolation comes from external factors. A lot of his problems are self inflicted.
“I always lose the things I don’t want to lose the most. That’s why I don’t feel anything anymore. The moment you get your hands on something worth going after, you lose it. That’s just how things are. There is nothing worth pursuing at the cost of prolonging a life of suffering”-Dazai Osamu, Dark era.
This is important, it seems like Dazai had a past experience that convinced him that is simply not worth it to stablish bonds with people because he will end up losing them anyway. This is far worse than just him having problems with relationships, he /purposefully/ avoids them. And when he comes close to something, he self sabotages himself. This aggravates the isolation and ends up in a bigger deshumanization.
This also leads to one of Dazai biggest problems, he doesn´t fucking make sense. He craves contact, he craves the relationships because to a certain extent he /knows/ they make him closer to his humanity but at the same time he rejects them, he keeps making barriers between others and himself because he actually can´t stand the idea of vulnerability. When Dazai feels exposed his first reaction is to put distance, with manipulation, cruel words, distractions, etc. because at the end what´s the point is he is going to lose them anyway but also because as much as he wants someone to understand him, he also hates the idea of being known. Dazai doesn´t only have problems with others, his biggest problem is with himself. He has zero self awareness, his real problem at this point isn´t his dificulty at understanding the world. His real problem is he doesn´t even understand himself, and he doesn´t want to. He refuses to see himself because he is scared of the emptiness there. So what does he do? He creates a rol to play, he convinces himself that his emotions are not real (even when they are), he loses the ability to distinguish between the real and fake emotions, and because he is so sure of his inhumanity he creates a personality that seems a little bit more human but at the end of the day this only represents another barrier and another way to avoid facing himself. He doesn´t even realize about his real problem and instead of trying to understand himself, he projects trying to understand life, but it´s futile because there are no logical answers for that, so he gets increasingly depressed and more and more frustrated. I´m not saying that Dazai doesn´t experiment some real anguish for the lack of logic in the world, but I don´t think that´s the root of his problem. He just centers around that. Dazai in a lot of ways is the prime example of a self destructive character and this extends far more than his suicidal attempts.
And I love dead apple because I do think that it shows the problem:
So, I´m not going deep because I don´t have the time to do a whole Dead apple analysis but the main point of DA is that the characters need to proof that they can perseverate against themselves. In a way, their abilities represents a "shadow" something they don´t want to recognize about themselves. But at the end they need to face it if they want their abilities back. For atsushi was the memory of killing shibusawa. People will complain about him crying but it´s so much deeper than that. What Atsushi did was the bravest thing in the world.
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Lets contextualize: Atsushi experimented intense abuse when he was a kid but more than that he was conditioned to think that if he didn´t save people then he simply doesn´t deserve to exist. Atsushi´s hero complex doesn´t come from nowhere. He was taught that he needed to be a good person because if he wasn´t then he was less than nothing. That was ingrained in his brain. So, the idea of killing someone? even in self defense go against everything he was pushed to believe in. That´s why it was so difficult for him to accept it. For him to get his ability back, he needs to recognize the tiger as part of himself, he needed to face the memory, he needed to open the gate.
Dead apple in that way is full of simbolisms:
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This three? They are above everything. Everyone else is fighting for their lives down there but they are high in the tower with white suits, analyzing everything for above. Have you ever wondered why none of them have to go against their abilities? I can´t completely answer that question but I think asagiri´s interview helps. He said that he wanted the characters to be associated with gates and the whole thing is that the alien trio can´t open or at the very least they are extremely hesitant about oppening their gates. There is a symbolism in it. This means that they probably can´t win against themselves. And I love this because it brings light to the fact that even though Fyodor is one of Dazai´s most important foils and his main antagonist. Dazai´s real enemy will always be himself. He still can´t win against his mind. He can´t see at the ugliest part of himself and face it. (Not talking about fyodor scene because it´s hella confusing and I have my own thousand word essay about that part, also not talking about chuuya being their main contrast because it will lead to incongruent fangirling)
So, as we have talked Dazai is specially good at avoiding things that are emotionally uncomfortable for him and this we can also see it in his coping mechanisms. Now, I’m not psychologist but I’m pretty sure Dazai has a strong tendency to intellectualization.
Intellectualization is a coping mechanism, this means a psychological automatical response that protects a person from internal or external stressors. Intellectualization is pretty interesting because the person keeps emotional distance with the stressor while still being conscious of it. So Dazai basically transforms emotions and feelings into thoughts because it’s easier to process that way, the problem here is that Dazai does it /all the time/. The problem with this is, Dazai has “impostor emotions” because he doesn’t experiment them, he rationalize them, it ends up with him thinking about them as fake emotions, even when they are not. Dazai also has a really poor ability of instrospection (you can’t correct what’s wrong if you don’t recognize your own emotions), and again it aggravates the isolation because in order to stablish bonds with people you need emotional vulnerability. I would also add that this explains Dazai’s anxiety, he centers around finding answers that doesn’t exist, he gets frustrated, keeps arguing with himself and ends up with cannibalizing thoughts and without a real answer because it’s a distraction of the real problem. Here some examples:
“Even if I try to argue with him, he has already prepared a counterargument to that counterargument. That is, again, a debate that is already discussed exhaustedly inside him. And the counterargument for that counterargument of a counterargument has already been prepared. Just like an infinite staircase. Descending to hell, Dazai’s dark reason has no bottom”- Oda about Daza, the day I picked up Dazai osamu.
This is not a direct view of Dazai’s brain, that’s the truth but this is /exactly/ the way he thinks. He /wants/ to find a reason for living but objectively speaking there is /none/ so he goes thinking about this all the time, from every angle, without finding a convincing answer because it doesn’t exist.
Another good example? Oda’s death
I’ve talked about it before, odasaku’s death is one of the few instances in which Dazai actually shows genuine emotion but even there to a certain extent he is intellectualizating (I think I just invented that word, ups) the situation. Why do I think so? Here:
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“Dazai knew. He knew ougai’s calculations, his mentality and the rationale behind the plan. That was just the kind of organization the port mafia was. Logically speaking, Ougai was right and Dazai was wrong”
The first thing Dazai does is go to Mori and explain what he did. This is not a normal response, a normal reaction would’ve been panic, anger, and pure pain but when you read the novel is pretty clear that Dazai’s first instinct is find sense in the things that are happening and to find a reason for Mori’s acting. Even when he realized what Mori did, his brain still thinks in terms of rational and irrational. And thing is, that even though he loved odasaku with all his soul he still can’t but agree with Mori to a certain extent, even when he doesn’t want to because he still understands that what Mori did was /logical/. This is a way of deal with emotion. He can’t experiment pure anger and hurt because he still is trying his best to process the situation rationally. Before running to oda he stopped to wonder why he needed to go, yes at the end he decided that is because he was his friend and that was enough but even when his first instinct was to go, he didn’t, he needed to stop to think about it. And that’s Dazai, every single thing he says and does goes through an intense thought process. Because in that way he kind of protects himself but at the same time it ends up being a problem because it isolates him even more.
Now after talking about his personality, intelligence, and coping mechanisms we should be talking about the enviroment but we won´t because the mafia is as important for chuuya´s characterization as it is for Dazai. I have a whole analysis about soukoku and the mafia. But the only thing you need to know is: THE MAFIA IS THE WORST PLACE IN THE WORLD FOR SOUKOKU (and yes, I´m including chuuya in it)
Now, lets finally start talking about my favorite part of Dazai´s character: HIS EVOLUTION.
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letmebeyoursxoxo · 3 months
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Cum on my snapchat, i'll take good care of you❤️ I am a student who want some extra fun, if you like exclussive stuff snap me😈✨
😘Snap: laylagarciaxox
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blanketorghost · 4 months
uuuh hello to the fandoms i am in
i usually post a lot and not everything is like,,, shown on tags by tumblr, so idk if I should do a tag list if ppl want to see my art in general??
like all my doodles n shit? as well as wips and actually well done art? lol
anyways hi reply to this post if you wanna be on the taglist or w/e <3
You can also say which fandom you're in if you only want exclussively fandom art its ok
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spacepunksupreme · 7 months
Not posting art as soon as I finish it but instead keeping a little queue of it to post at least a week after it’s finished did soo much for divorcing the quality of my work with how much online engagement it gets
but also it makes it so much more fun when I have a big long queue of work to gradually post. I’m like rubbing my hands together sinisterly like oh? You liked what I posted today? Just you wait! Wait until next week! And the week after that! And the week after that! Mwahahahahahaha
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corneliaavenue-ao3 · 1 year
Drunk Cho telling Harry he’s “the one that got away”
#I’m totally jamming out to KP right now
On May 2nd every year, Dumbledore's Army got together to grieve in remembrance about all of the loved ones they had lost. And on the night of May 2nd, they got wasted.
May 2nd, 2002 was no different.
Five years after the events of the Final Battle, the wounds were no longer fresh, but they still ached from their loss.
At the Hogshead, an exclussive party was being held, and Cho Chang sat alone at the bar.
She always attended these events even though she felt that sometimes she was not welcome. Just because it was her friend who originally betrayed the group of vigallantes does not mean she should be exiled for her behavior. Cho is not even sure the last time she talked to Mariettta.
Downing another shot (was that her fifth or sixth at this point?) she got up from her stool, making her way over to the corner where the one person that she had unconsciously been staring at all night was standing.
Harry Potter was alone, watching the group of people toast to the lives who had been lost jsut five years ago. He was lost in his thoughts that he never realized his ex-girlfriend was making his way over to him until it was too late to avoid her.
"Er- Hi."
"Hi Harry," Cho slurred. She placed her hands on the wall to steady herself. She did not come over here with any sort of agenda, but Harry always made her feel safe so it was no shock to her that she sought out his comfort while intoxicated. "It is so nice to see you here."
"You too, Cho," Harry replied, awkardly looking around her, searching the room for something.
"I just wanted to say thanks for everything you have done," Cho said, her head tilting back against the cool stone wall of the pub. The world was spinning around her, but he wall should keep her steady.
"Er.. it was really no problem," Harry said, avoiding eye contact.
Cho could not have that. She needed him to understand. Pushing herself off the wall, she grabbed onto Harry to steady herself. "I don't think you understand how special you are, Harry," Cho said, "I really appreciate everything you've done." She continued to hold on to him as the world around her started to spin. The tables moved like they were on the ceiling, the candles on the ceiling moved to the floor.
Cho sighed to herself, closing her eyes, trying to steady herself. The next words out of her mouth slipped without her truly realizing it.
"Sometimes I feel like you were the one for me and the one who slipped away. I'm sorry for not standing up against Marietta when she betrayed us."
Warm hands encircled her wrists stabilizing her and Cho felt herself began to sway.
"I'll take her home."
Cho cracked her eyes open to see Ginny Weasley standing next to her, holding her up. The next thing she knew, Cho felt like she was being squished inside out being side along apparated.
Subconsciously, Cho felt Ginny tuck her into bed. Uncomfortable robes were removed from her body and replaced with cozy sweatpants to sleep in.
"I left a glass of water for you in the morning," Ginny said.
Cho reached out, grabbing Ginny's wrist, "I am glad you have Harry. He is a good man."
Ginny paused, removing her wrist from Cho's grasp then twidling the diamond ring on her own left hand. "He is. Goodnight Cho."
"Night, Ginny," Cho replied before her mind faded into blackness.
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the-stray-liger · 7 months
I sat right by the window today and the sun is coming down exclussively on my right arm. Im gonna get a drivers burn but british
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pinemartenstudios · 5 months
If only the costume wasn't Chinese exclussive 😔 ...
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