#excuse me but this made me so emo while doing it im-
judasgot-it · 1 year
okay, i need your opinion. Do you think tecchou would dedicate songs to his partner? Would he like when his partner dedicates songs to him? What songs do you think he would dedicate?
Ok i have like 3 different asks im doing rn but i fucking love shoving my opinions down peoples throats and im also a fiend with my music taste so im forcing everyone to listen to my music headcannons RN
also im adding Jouno cause idk I have so many music headcannons for him he seems like such a music guy
Headcannons: Songs they would dedicate to their partner (Tecchou, Jouno)
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Ngã Tư Không Đèn
Silly Crush
Shallow (i wont lie this is kind of a suegiku song for me idk)
Personal headcannon but he strikes me as the kind of guy who could probably listen to anything, but mostly listens to cheesy romance cause he likes the lyrics or the sound better. Definitely is singing along to them in his head while at work but is making up half of the lyrics to be about whoever he's thinking about.
Idk if he would make a playlist but he would probably listen to these songs casually from a movie or on the radio and be like :) Yea, that's so us.
Work Song (again this is just kind of a suegiku song for me)
Я сошла с ума (Ya Soshla S Uma)
Listen I hate to admit it but I would dedicate almost all hozier songs to this guy but that's just a me thing. But this one is so Tecchou.
Would probably think it's sweet that his partner dedicates songs to him, cause that shit is cute af like come on. Might go out of his way to listen to it a couple of times but he doesn't strike me as the type to listen to music much in general (he probably works out in silence like a freak)
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Early Sunsets Over Monroeville (100% an Akutagawa song too, my emo kings <3)
I feel like his music taste ranges wildly sometimes, but is a bit of a snob. He definitely knows his genres and instruments like the dork he is.
I like to think he has a playlist for his partner and will only listen to it when he knows he's alone because he gets really lost in thought. The lyrics mean a lot to him but will he ever share that? No.
Probably cried at least once or twice but he would never admit that. Just a random headcannon but I like to think that he listens to a lot of music that makes him regret his past.
I Can't Take My Eyes Off Of You
Angel With a Shotgun (this is 100% a suegiku song too sorry)
Tries to act cool about it but he 100% has a playlist dedicated to any songs he knows his partner likes. If he really likes any of the ones he's recommended he puts it right into his own playlists, although he probably has a separate one he dedicates to them because he's trying to decode how their brain works or something. He made up a million excuses to himself but he just is cheesy and likes them.
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SORRY IF THE FORMAT IS WEIRD BUT ALSO OMG listen they are 100% opposites on the music spectrum so it works for me
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delicateimage · 3 months
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1. First of UNRELATED but FUCKKKKKK MY STIMACH HURTS SO MUHC KILL ME NOWWWWWW N E ways I so saw that after interacting with relatively normal people for the first time in a WHILE post covid (let’s be serious post middle school… like wow I was a loser emo.) and how people can actually LEARN from others instead of intense ridiculous ostracism for any minor differentiation, being online feels like this suffocating circus of charades to fit into any single community, entire ppl’s lives are online to compare to yourself and the comparison is just something that got so so heavy on me, to feel worthy in an internet landscape I had to jump through the hoops of regular teen identity dilemmas while also being out to adult standards of experience education and other standards I simply can’t or don’t give a fuck about achieving I could actually blab on about this forever so I’ll practice some discretion and zip it but thanks for the advice and experience!! Once I’m in physical college classes I hope I’m able to actually make irl friends for the silly reason of wanting to have fun. Human nature ig
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2. INCOMIGNG BLABFEST OOPSIE but this made me think about how having a diary is truly the samsara (circle of life - also omg my dumbass had to Google it bc I forgot the name 😭) where in the moment the author can realize by embodying posterior perspectives while writing and in ongoing rumination about the finished product in order to cultivate a matured perspective on a topic, and how that rumination extends WELL WELL after the initial writing experience through memory recollection, and how this recollection is made unique through stimuli from one’s personal writing process, and even if memory fails you the archive of your writing from the inception of the ability to write and OMG THIS WAS SO PRETENTIOUS IM SORRY 😭 but like the ability to blab on about stupid drawn out shit and having the excuse of ITS MY DIARY don’t like don’t read teehee!! Is so fun and like idc everyone who is mad about that is so miserable and not as untouchably smart and superior as they think like how did you even become this ‘above’ us peasants, by WRITING. READING. Whatever. Also THANKS AGAIN YOURW WAY WAY TOO SWEET and also what accomplishments do you hope to achieve this year or in some eventuality?
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3. This goes for all of Europe like Europe is so not real I can’t even imagine how tiny it is like it’s literally the size of FUCKING TEXAS and it’s supposed to be a ‘continent’….? Like what. How is it real that these geeks can go to France to turkey in the amount of time it takes to walk from dennys to your Honda civic in a Kentucky strip mall parking lot, like these people need to stop being as pompous about their public transport no matter how effective it is (it’s still really good and way better than the automobile market but let’s be serious ofc it’s easier to establish when your country takes five minutes by hopping on one foot to go from border control to border control)
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4. Omg is there any sort of Union that could prompt lobbying for any type of repairs? Ofc it’s extremely doubtful it would get any sort of actual improvements bc MUH PROFITS but I hope the work environment there engenders some sort of small scale solutions by the workers like a really kind worker bringing in a fan…
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5. UGH I WISHHHH canvas is too sophisticated NAURRR and also omg this school is making me feel SO stupid and inferior like I want so badly to be a scholarly and motivated student but I’m growing absolutely horribly and getting faced with failure from every direction I hate it so much
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milfygerard · 6 months
hi hi hi i’m sorry about the everything in life for a distraction i would love to hear your detailed thoughts on your favorite mcr albums or taylor albums or a detailed ranking of either i just love Music Opinions and also i hope things get better soon<3
thank you sm for sending in <3
im terrible at ranking so ill turn to opinions hmmmm
My favorite mcr album changed by day hour minute but i think i wanna talk about.....bullets....yeah bc bullets is so insane as just a sheer proof of concept, like an expression of raw skill and talent that was growing within this band. Rays guitar work alone was enough for it to make complete sense for major labels to be knocking at the bands door begging to suck them off and then they also had GERARD!!! And this was even before mikey really could write bass parts and frank was still not really in the band like its just ray gerard and geoff (and otter who wrote drum parts that r cool but also somehow out of his skill range? girl you MADE THEM). The fact that vampires not onky exists but was like the second or third song written? Like before mcr gerard either never wrote music or wrote shitty three chord throwaway punk that existed as an excuse to print band stickers and arent even good enough to save on tape and then you decide to start writing for real to cope with major national level trauma and your first song is SKYLINES??? and youre next songs are VAMPIRES and OUR LADY OF SORROWS???? and oh my god the vocals gerard gives on the albuk as a completely untrained vocalist who did one musical once in middle school and otherwise never sang professionally unless you count crazy kids song in breakfast monkey. and then you hear the vocals on fucking vampires???? Like gerard doesnt exactly sing like celine dion on bullets but the raw harmony work and ability to PERFORM and really stretch the emotions of a song and do whatever strange or vulnerable thing is needed to sell the track. Theres still few songs more affecting than early sunsets. Like i fully think gerard is probably the strongest vocalist in the emo scene just because of their ability to completely and utterly sell you on the songs emotions (not just anyone can sing im not okay and get away with it) and thats before all the developing technical talents both already present like how gerard can just toss a melody onto a track without thinking about it or the fact gerard did a lot of the base writing for mcr while fucking barely knowing guitar how did that even work girl. Like i havent even mentioned the lyrics??? How do you. Like you can tell both that gerard never learned how to write songs and also that gerard listens to so much music that he can just fake it anywayyheres like 2 songs with actual choruses on the album and neither of them are the self proclaimed pop song h4h which opens with a queen riff?????? ans then is like a hardcore version of a beatles pop song????dont talk to me about drowning lessons. deomolition lovers!?!?! half of these songs are just poems that gerard hammered into songs and theyre so like. genuinely so incredible and they work??like the album works! as a cohesive piece! it coheres!
and thats the first album. Id say my favorite ts album is probably evermore though i might actually have less to say on it just bc i havent had it since 2015. Evermore is just so....ANGSTY!!! it feels like a complete fulfillment of what she was exploring on folklore with the fictional framing devices and keeping the songs clearly personal while also removing herself in a way she never really has before. It feels like a level of introspection through art that taylor has always been both pushing towards and shying away from because too much introspection or strangeness or even pulling away from the diaristic idea too much never worked with where taylor was at with her career. Evermore had a new collaborator, and the massive success of folklore as well as the continued quarantine gave her both an unprescedented level of artistic isolation personal confidence and professional security that allowed her to just go "fuck it" and write fucking. cowboy like me and dorothea and coney island and closure and she GOT AWAY WITH IT!!! like the albums been out for 3 years or something like that and I still feel like i havent fully processed its existence despite listening to it constantly. It truly felt like she was unshacked and was able to write about herself while also completely pulling away from any sort of literal Truth and going crazy with concept and the way she writes feels so unconstrained from the rules she would sometimes set for herself, it felt like a natural evolution from the freedom she felt jumping into the lover era but its past the honeymoon phase and like it is pop music but its also not scared to be...not pop music if that makes sense? She really fully settles into folk as a genre for the first time and it lets her writing flourish. Songs with no choruses songs with barely any structure at all lyrics that stretch at the ends of verses and fun bouncy wordplay and just allowing herself into a characters life and seeing how it fits her. She has some straight up ren faire tracks on here liek willow is just a collection of similies and metaphors she likes smushed together over a lute and its so GOOD. It feels like she was allowed to really live in adulthood as a woman in her early thirties who creates art because she loves it and because it keeps her alive ALSO proof that she needs to keep collaborating w new ppl bc whenever she does you can feel her pushing herself harder and she becomes so willing to try these new kind of weird things that she may have never tried otherwise aughhhh!!!! i didnt even talk about coney island!!!! I love how moody and dour the whole project is it feels like November where fall drags you into a cold unforgiving winter and you're just trying to survive with your sanity and any of your personal relationships intact. its so!!! tbh its SO new england also which makes me biased. ok thats all
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challahbread · 1 year
OKAY because it's insane and i will be giving live updates going forward (i cannot help my Blogger's Temperament) here is the account of my Situation to this point. i was gonna autobio comic-journal it but drawing is way too hard.
so because i am a cringe failwoman leeching off family who cannot find a job and is too sucky to try that hard, the other day i decided to read in the park of the ~cool~ neighborhood i usually loiter in as an excuse to get out of the house. i am sitting there reading alone w my ice cofy and i notice a guy also sitting alone near me, he doesn't look TOO unnatractive and he's my age-ish and actually funnily, not to lift the veil too much into my Real life but he kinda looks like humanstuck of the love interest in this comic i made (where the protag was obviously a self insert) (however also funnily in the followup i will never write i was gonna break them up and have protag go back to her highschool gf because i no longer found the love interest i made that appealing LOL). ANYWAYS im like ok.... experimentally takes cigs out... and bam bait hooked he comes over and asks to bum and we start talking. he's a musician and writer, he's very offline, stoner (obvs), we both write emo menthol illneth shit so we show each other (mine is better tho i'm not even gonna pretend w u guys)... yknow on paper its checkmark after checkmark on the traits i like list but in my actual emotions i got that fluoride stare. anyways he says he has to go and we give each other our numbers and as he's leaving he turns around and says "by the way,!! you're cute!" and i say "you too..!" wow perfect meetcute. i guess. sidenote i cant stop thinkingh how funny it is that i was literally ~dark mysterious troubled beauty reading kafka alone in the park~ like i got this manic pixie dream girl shit FINESSED.
ok act two. i go into a store and eventually later as i'm heading home i run into him again, i'm like "haha i thought you were leaving!" and he's like "i was but i went back to find you again..." once again romantic on paper, MILD POLICE SIRENS IRL, but whatever we hang out a bit more and i show him some places i like in the area (including the comic store which has my aforementioned comic in stock w the characters we look like hugging on the cover ^^;) at some point he says "you have pretty eyes" and i go "ahAHAHA THANKS,,," while autistically avoiding eye contact. anyways now the tumblrinas are caught up bc after that is the overly affectionate texts and then asking a girl you met Once out. "but challah thee bread if every alarm in your body is going off why are you still doing this" A) because i'm in too deep and can't cleanly back out and more importantly B) because i want to have sex. next question!!
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konfizry · 5 months
legit stumbled upon that interview while looking for something completely unrelated the other day and like. i'd somehow never seen it before lmao. so
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Can you believe she took that away from us. we could have had cool mounts in tales of arise but shionne ruined it all. My Dahnan Horse Culture(s) headcanons could have been real but shionne's existence destroyed them. you just know the team was thinking about Cool Zeugles You Can Ride but shionne robbed you of that experience. thats my fave right there.
that being said they're cowards looking for excuses because nothing stops shionne from riding hover bikes and yet they're not in the game either why arent there hover bikes in tales of arise they should have made it so theres a mechanic dude in ulzebek who refurbishes old renan tech gizmos to make hover bikes why isnt that in the game where are my cool hover bikes tomizawa you have no excuse well i guess you do because a faster mode of transportation would have required a much bigger world to go with it soooooo
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so before i say anything else i just wanna take 3 seconds to applaud tomizawa's explaining that the integration of shionne's invincibility into gameplay would have had no practical purpose and then immediately caveating that statement with saying that the opposite would have been interesting as well. the commitment to not ruffling any hypothetical feathers about a feature that did not see the light of day to begin with is impressive, even by japanese PR standards. (and then the man greenlit BtD. i want to dissect him)
that aside bbaaaahahahaha why didnt they put that in the game im not even jokingggg nerds love that stuff. granted, theres a non-zero chance that the end result would have toed the line between heart-breaking and cheesy far too dangerously for any sane person's comfort, but im pretty sure your typical tales of enjoyer has built up enough tolerance to anime melodrama that they withstand the blow of shionne's emo abomination-induced resurrection, complete with an awkward one-liner. i mean we survived basically the rest of the game, why rob us of that particular bit of second-hand embarrassment. after all we've been throught together, tales of series............
but honestly can you imagine confronting that mantis in calaglia for shits and giggles, getting wiped and then shionne stands back up even though its early game and you're pretty sure you dont have skills that would let her do that yet and then she goes "this didnt kill me either.................................." dsfukghrgrg lmao
who am i kidding standing back up and walking away after defeat is what the whole party does anyway since this game has no game over
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onefallafternoon · 1 year
everything hurts kind of, and I don't know if this is a usual panic attack or if its a silent one or even that what I usually have is a panic attack cause I can never ask someone can I. I can't even properly find out if I'm making this up I can't even know if I have anxiety and or panic attacks or if I'm just doing to this to grab attention I don't even know if I am doing this to make myself seem like the special little snowflake I want to be what if I'm just fucking doing this bullshit to gaslit myself into thinking that if I have issues I can excuse myself being an asshole and hid from it. I hate that even while the fucking while I type this out I think to myself ' that can't be true haha I am not an asshole something must be wrong with my thoughts I'm not thinking clearly' I hate that I am hiding from everything and that I'm so used to it that I can't even FUCKING DISCERN THE TRUTH FROM THE LIES I hate that at first I started doing the stupid rant on tumblr posts to make myself feel like I am talking to someone and now its just in hope that one day my friends or someone finds this and takes pity on me and think 'oh the poor thing' or whatever I hate that I care enough to not just get my thoughts out but also put a stupid dramatic ending sort of thing to my post rants here so that won't look stupid at the end and that I care about appearances so much that I have somehow never talked to girls before and succeeded in talking to them like a normal person and I hate that I care about that shit so much that I couldn't even make myself talk to or introduce myself to the girl I think I have a crush on cause lets face it I really don't know here whether the crush started when I noticed how kind of pretty she was at like the first week of class or I heard one of the guys teasing her and mentioning that she has a crush on me or something. I hate that I am hopeful. I hate that I think they're talking about me. I hate that it isn't cleared up and when I asked one of the other guys he just laughed and said yes gave me hope and later denied and I hate that I can't even make myself ask the guy who sits next to her if its true. I hate that I spent a whole night thinking what we would do if we were a couple. I probably over fucking romanticized the idea of being a couple and being in love that I can't even separate the person from the delusions anymore and I hate that. I hate that I'm slowly descending into the 500 days of summer guy and that all I have to one up him is an inch in height and that I'm not confident or secure enough, or arrogant enough YET to find fault in others whether it's existent or not. I hate that I practice this one song in ukulele in hopes to sing it as a lullaby to my kid one day or something cause I FUCK OH FUCK I have romanticized that TOO. IM PROBABLY NEVER EVEN GONNA HAVE KIDS WITH THE LUCK I HAVE TALKING TO PEOPLE BUT FUCK CAN I DREAM LONG DISTANCE. BUT I CAN'T HOPE TO FUCKING MAKE A DREAM OF A CAREER? EVERYONE IS DOING THAT SHIT PROBABLY THE GIRL I AM CRUSHING ON TOO AND THE ENTRANCE IS A WEEK AWAY I COULD AT LEAST TRY LIKE MY DAD SAID BUT I CAN'T CAUSE I'M TOO BUSY MOPING THAT THE ONLY GIRL I PROBABLY MADE HAVE A CRUSH ON ME BY BEING A FAKE ASS PERSON WHO MAKES A SELF DEPRECATING OR DICK JOKE EVERY FIFTEEN SECONDS. I.DON'T.EVEN.KNOW.WHY.I'M DOING THAT STILL. I HATE IT I HATE IT I HATE THAT I HAVE A CRUSH NO NO YEAH I PROBABLY 'FELL IN LOVE' WITH THE GIRL WHO GAVE ME TEN SECONDS OF ATTENTION WHICH WAS UNASKED OR UNPURPOSEFULLY DONE LIKE I DO WITH EVERY GIRL WHO GIVES ME UNWARRANTED ATTENTION. I HATE EVERYTHING ABOUT ME AND THIS IS GONNA FUCKING SOUND SO EMO IN PROBABLY FIVE YEARS I AM GONNA BE FORCED TO LIVE and not even allowed to die. I wanna end this. lets face it theres no other way in my mind and I hope that it doesnt come to that i hope that i am not sounding like one of them dramatic ass motherfuckers but this just. fucking. frustrating. not understand why I do what I do and not understanding why i love the people i love or hate the people i hate. all people have is been nice to me.
they dont deserve this they really dont and here i fucking am thinking whether i am thinking even that cause i have been told that they have by people on multiple occasions or whatever the fuck i don't understand now. this is crazy as fuck. too crazy. too. goddamn. crazy. i didn't deserve this, or i probably fucking did, cause i cant tell if im the god fucking damn good guy or bad or moral grey or whatever the fuck.
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bluehwale · 2 years
excuse ur first unconventional encounters with ateez
OMG EACH ONE OF THE ENCOUNTERS ARE SO FREAKING GOID ND SO MUCH FUN TO READ LIKE I REALLY LOVED EACH ONE OF THEM hongs one was so cute like literally emo boy which is actually a softie !!!!!!
and then the yunho one it was so appropriate to his character nd the way he got a shoe thrown on his face like damm 💀💀💀 it hurts my man got hurt for being a gentleman 😞😞 but ut was nice ND THE JONGHO ONE MY GOD U MADE HIM SO HOT CAN IM EVAPORATING ND OVERALLY I really loved ur writing md it was such a refreshing thing to read after so long nd im so exhausted with uni hope U are doing well taking care of urself love u <33
the scream i let out when i saw ur ask— USER DIORWOO IVE MISSED U SM !!!! </3 THANK YOU SM FOR READING AND LOVING IT and yes hongjoong is the emo boy with disney princesses band aids all over his arms and has abba blasting in his black headphones 24/7 </3
YES IM SO HAPPY U GOT THE YOUTH OF MAY FIRST DATE SCENE REFERENCE !!/!:!:!:! SEONGHWA AS HWANG HEE TAE >>>>> MY WEAKNESS FRR I LOVE THEM SM (oh but i did nOT love the amount of tissues i used while watching that kdrama IT BROKE ME but in a good kinda way bc i loved it) PLS TALK TO ME ABOUT IT WHEN U FINISHED WATCHING IT
when i was writing yunho, i vividly imagined wooyoung shoeless on one foot while hurling the shoe straight to yunho AND I HAD TO TAKE A MOMENT TO LAUGH💀💀💀💀💀 AND YES JONGHO<3333 im a simp for that man so i reeally try my best when i write for him IM GLAD U LOVED IT<333 and thanku so soO much for saying that u enjoyed my writing bc it means so much to me u hv no idea❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹
and omg pls dont forget to stay hydrated and eat well!!!! uni is important but i hope ure putting yourself first!!! it’s much more important for u to get enough rest <333 i ditch classes atleast once a week sometimes >:-D THANKU AGAIN FOR THIS ASK ILYYY<33333333
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soft bias tag. 💕
tagged by @jacksonplusme for this,, thanks twin!! ^^
1. Who is your bias?
park jinyoung :)
2. How long have you biased them?
since identify era i think? i was switching biases in got7 since their debut but his voice in moonlight pulled me into his lane for good.
3. What is their zodiac sign?
4. What is your favorite thing about them?
I love how he’s so thoughtful and eloquent.
5. Emojis you associate with them
6. Colors that remind you of them?
peach, baby blue, red
7. One gift you’d want to give them?
a jar with 365 little notes, one for everyday. with short handwritten messages filled with love and motivation, as something to help him get through the days that may be tough.
8. What song would you listen with them?
shayne ward - breathless & jesse mccartney - because you live 
9. Movie you would watch with them?
any romantic comedy tbh, it’ll be fun but also gets us in our feels
10. What flowers remind you of them?
camellia, tulips and roses!
11. What made you fall for them?
oh boy *googles how to summarize a 100k word essay into a paragraph*
honestly it’s his voice and personality. his voice is absolutely calming and beautiful, i’ll be happy listening to him. 
and also he’s such an amazing person and constantly inspires me to keep improving myself? also he’s very motivating and like idk how to say this, but he doesnt even know me but i feel like he believes in me? and his eloquence! the way he strings his thoughts into beautiful book-worthy quotes. 
but i also love that part of him who’s just a playful kid who needs constant tender loving care and affection. and lastly, he’s beautiful. both inside and out.
12. Dream date you would want to go on?
a cafe date in the afternoon, fine dinner at a beach-side restaurant in the evening and a slow romantic late night stroll along the beach afterwards.
13. Who would be more clingy?
gosh this would be hard cos we’re both clingy as heck but i guess probably me?
14. One thing you want them to know?
that you’re doing great right now, even if you feel that you might not be. that you’re actually pretty damn amazing and talented. an actor, a vocalist, a rapper, it’s not easy for one to be able to do all, and not only doing them all but excelling at each part? that’s rare. you deserve all the love and credit. i’m happy and proud to be your fan, jinyoung.
and most importantly? no matter what happens, i’ll always be here supporting you, and your brothers. 
15. Who falls asleep first on facetime?
him, the prince needs his beauty sleep ya know.
16. Place you’d like go with them?
his hometown :)
Tagging: @officialwangtrash @dreamychoi @junswinter @jaebumsmullet @babyotter-youngjae @kiwibummie and uhh idk who else to tag lol feel free to do it if you wanna! 
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justdaphne · 2 years
The Crows at a birthday party 🎂
because its my birthday so let me pretend im the “birthday kid” and the crows came to my birthday party yes ik im stuck in my fantasies shush
“I have better things to do” omg kaz brekker came
He’s just standing there like 🧍‍♂️ and someone even thought he went to the wrong party “sir- excuse me but i think the goth party is down the street.” and he just glares.
I mean if it were a dark emo themed birthday party filled with edgy teens he’d fit right in because he just stands in the corner and watches. BUT IT’S A COLOURFUL FUN HAPPY THEMED FILLED WITH RAINBOWS AND MAGIC SO HE DEFINITELY DOESN’T LOOK LIKE HE B-
“Kaz you look like you’re attending a funeral. This is a birthday party.”
“What, you want me to dress up as a magician and pull a rabbit out of my hat??”
So that’s how Kaz Brekker ends up in a magician’s outfit in front of all the children. Because Inej so ever lovingly asked him to. We all love Inej.
Just imagine a frown on Kaz while he says “abracadabra.” Just imagine the look on the children’s face like :
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It reminds her of her childhood birthday parties where everyone was invited to her birthday. She’ll admit it causes her to be slightly emotional.
She gives the birthday kid a present with the warmest smile. Which is obviously deceiving because if someone gave me a present with the warmest smile ever causing me to melt, I’d think it would be a cute doll she gave me that she made herself and not a sharp dagger ENCRUSTED WITH RUBIES.
“Make sure to name it” she says as she winks at the kid. FVHDYDYCUBJBUCDFXGXUCU
She spends the rest of the time with all the children, playing with them. She is the reason the party feels so warm and friendly and happy. Ignore Kaz Brekker shhh we don’t talk about the iceberg in the Sahara desert.
*brings alcohol*
I feel like he’d do random tricks with his gun due to boredom which would then intrigue the guests . Like- he’d get into the whole showman mood and stuff
*dramatic bowing*
Jesper even ends up stealing the spotlight from the birthday kid themselves LMAO. “It’s not my fault I’m good looking, dressed better AND eye-catching”
To be fair he dresses colorfully too. Perhaps it was intentional after all.
Jesper’s gift to the child would be nerf guns no shit
He’d shoot down the piñata too before anyone could hit it lmao-
Waffle hoarder istg. Where is Nina? Oh she’ds just been chilling by the waffle stand for the past..2 hours from when the party started.
*Walks pass someone eating waffles* “Are you gonna finish that???”
Before this whole celebration started she already planned her outfit, wanting to be the best dressed. “Nina, this isn’t your party!” “AND???? YOU DON’T KNOW WHO YOU MIGHT MEET THERE!!!!” Nina hun, you look stunning.
In fact, she is dressed so well that someone thought it was a costume and asked her join the other cosplayers. “WH- I’M A GUEST NOT A WORKER”
The second he sees screaming children running around - “Why am I here?”
He’s also just standing there like 🧍‍♂️all confused. Ah like father like son except unlike Kaz just not emo dark intimidating looking
He’s never been to a birthday party so bear with him this is his first invite. I bet he asks a lot of questions - “You get cake for your birthday???” “TOYSSS AS PRESENTS???”
Yea sure he’s slightly jealous about the fact that he never experienced this during his childhood but it’s okay because he’s still having a good time. And also the Crows will throw him a big party for his birthday <3
Matthias would try his best. To not be a jerk. By judging everything. Because Little Red Bird said not to. Although he does at some point.
“In Fjerda….”
“When I was a child….”
Someone even thought Matthias one of the child’s parent. BECAUSE HE’S JUST STANDING THERE BLENDING IN WITH THE PARENTS JUDGING EVERYONE unlike Kaz because Kaz is judging everyone *FROM THE DARK CORNER*
“So which one is your child?” “I’m not a parent-“
Nina brings him cake and he directly questions it lol. “What is this..spongy texture?” “Relax druskelle!! I’m not trying to kill you.”
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to the younger people on this Webbed Site (affectionate)™️, please don’t feel bad blocking people or feel bad when you lose a follower on sites like tumblr/tiktok/insta etc.
as someone whose basically grown up on social media (i’ve been on it since the the dying days of myspace in 2007/2008 and the switch to facebook being the dominant social media site in 2009/2010); i know the feeling of hating yourself or beating yourself up when people delete you or unfollow you. for example when i was in my early days on tumblr from 2011 to 2014…. when i lost a follower, i would beat myself up and wonder why the hell someone would unfollow me. what was i doing wrong??? what was the last stick to make them unfollow me??? please don’t hate me and i’ve got to rebuild the 10+ followers i’ve just lost. how long will it take???
back on facebook in my final years of high school in 2012 and 2013, i was setting multiple statuses a day, all in an “experiment” to see if i could get 50 likes in a day over several statuses; since i could never get 20-50 likes on statuses at once, like all the so called “popular kids” at school did all the time. hell i remember one of the popular girls from the catholic school i went to posting bikini pics back then and getting literally like 400+ likes and i was SUPER bitter.
i also heavily beat myself up when people deleted me. i got angry, so i would stalk and stalk and stalk and stay up until 4 am wondering why the fuck people were purging me out their friends list like wildfire….. when like…. literally 90% of my statuses over my last two years of high school were me giving off Major Depression Vibes™️….. which i now realise in my late 20s that it wasn’t healthy posting a bunch of “im such a failure and everyone knows it” and other statuses like that, super frequently. by deleting me, people were preserving their mental health. and you know what??? good for them. because, after all, your newsfeed is not your therapist (or your diary), and nor are your friends.
and yes i know that i was Edgy Girl As Hell On Main™️ back then, and using that as my excuse to post those posts and to avoid therapy (although the main reason i’m not in therapy right now is obvs the cost and every therapist around in my area closing their books bc of the pandemic etc). bc hell, now in my late 20s, and over the last few years, i have actually started deleting some of these said statuses. and especially when i was feeling low. because i realised reading them back years later in facebook memories just made my anxiety/depression exponentially worse than it needed to be. actively culling your own Edgy Emo Tumblr Sad Girl Posts™️ from years ago makes you healthier as well.
but y’all. there has to come a time when you stop fretting about whose deleted/unfollowed you and why. and there also comes a time when you have purge your own friends/follow list anyway, when you realise that there’s some people you cannot stand to have in your newsfeed. one particular case in point, for me, is my old friend from public school in 2012 & 2013, let’s call her taya (not her real name). taya was (can't say is really when i barely ever talk to her now) the type of friend who constantly belittles your problems and makes her problems seem super more pressing than yours- basically she pits her suffering etc in competition with yours. she makes out that her mental health is far more important than yours and posted about it all the time. she straight up laughs at your shit and tells you yours doesn’t matter. 99% of her statuses at the time were about her being the “black sheep” of her family etc etc etc. hell, she even laugh reacted to a status that you intended to be important and urgent (it when i was in hospital in 2020 and maybe i shouldn’t’ve posted this. but still.) while anyone and everyone else who reacted to the status reacted with the sad react/the care react/heart react, or just liked it. anyway. you know this type of friend.
there comes a time when YOU can’t (and quite frankly shouldn’t) tolerate this anymore, no matter how close you are or close they/you think you are with them. i ended up deleting taya for a few years, a while ago now, because her statuses and shared posts were actively making my mental health worse. and it always seemed when i was feeling at my worst, she would post stupid shit on my timeline like “we all have that friend who acts like their (when it should be they’re) dead” or some other rude/snarky internet shit and be all like “haha get up you sack of shit 🙄😂” as the caption…. as if i wasn’t already telling myself that on the daily at the time. whereas 90% of her profile was all those stupid “only real people who REALLY CARE about mental health will share this status! be the BRAVE 10 who care!!!” or whatever the fuck else posts. and depressing shit about being a “lone wolf” and “being a strong scorpio woman who’ll never find love bc no one can handle my insanity and constant empathy for everyone” and “being a brutally honest bitch is tough when it doesn’t win you friends. but at least my true friends stick with me!” etc etc. just overall toxic friend stuff.
and y’know what??? when i deleted her, i guilted myself. good god i guilted myself. “why would i do something so mean by deleting taya when i’ve known her for so long???” and “it shows just how disloyal i am as a friend by deleting her” i asked and told myself on a loop until i literally THREW UP out of guilt for deleting her. but girl. sometimes a bitch needs to really protect her mental health from people like taya over here who thinks she’s the centre of the universe and EVERYONE must care about HER PROBLEMS AND TRAUMA ONLY 24/7/365 bc apparently they’re the most urgent things in the world bc “why can’t you understand my empath mind???”. like yes taya, i care, to a point. but i am NOT your licensed motherfucking therapist. for fucks sake. and no taya. you are NOT an empath when you can’t read a room for goddamn fucking shit and can’t understand why people are constantly tired and worn down around you.
and girl (back to myself), you are NOT being selfish or disloyal by deleting and/or blocking this energy sucking friend. and no, if you paint yourself/other people paint you as a “nice person”, blocking these types of people from your feeds etc isn’t you being mean to THEM. it’s YOU being actively nice to Y O U R S E L F, which is a hard and almost alien thing to learn when you always put everyone else’s needs and perceptions of you before yours. (and trust me, it’s something i’ve just realised RIGHT NOW while coming back to constantly re-edit this post lmao 😂).
like yes don’t get me wrong. i did listen to taya’s rants and stuff, as a friend does. but my god. the way she ALWAYS belittled my shit and laughed in my face (or it felt like laughing in my face on fb messenger) at the lowest points of my mental health was fucking awful. her depression posts made it even worse. but my fucking god. i could only take so much. i had to delete her. she did eventually find me and add me again after a couple of years. when this happened, i immediately got rid of her from my feed. i just clicked “don’t show me taya’s posts” and that stopped her constant stream of negative posts on my feed. however, it didn’t stop some of her dumbass comments like “hahaha as IF you’d get weight loss ads on your feed when YOU aren’t fat like ME!” on my posts; which i learnt to ignore or vaguely respond to before her comments got out of hand. like taya everyone gets weight loss ads apparently; bc fb ad filters don’t discriminate when you don’t tell them to.
tbh most of her insensitive behaviour shit towards me was from her instant labelling of me as the “funny friend” and the “doesn’t take shit from anyone friend”. which then meant to her that i could never be sad or never feel anything negative and could always take whatever bullshit people chucked at me….. and especially when someone says something hurtful etc bc it’s apparently all meant to slide off me like…. - i can’t think of a good metaphor- but you know what i mean. it also meant to her that i was NEVER being serious about anything EVER bc funny people don’t have the capacity to be serious, ever. apparently.
but anyway. there comes a point when you have to care about yourself more than keeping people on your friend/followers list out of obligation because you’ve known them for so long. if you can’t tolerate what they post or can’t have a civilised convo with them about what they post (mostly bc i never bothered with this girl bc i knew she’d NEVER listen to me bc haha funny friend can’t be sad or angry or argumentative!!!! say something funny. for thee is mine own personal fool)… just delete them. or if you feel like you can’t delete them, just take them out of your feed so that you can no longer see their triggering posts. same with sites like twitter with following.
and this goes for other toxic people in your life too. because my high school stalker/creeper tried to re-add me again a while ago now…… and i instantly blocked him; bc i’d seen from going through his profile that he hadn’t changed at all…. and that i knew he’d start harassing me to fuck him (he’s a massive incel type guy) etc like he always does. i knew after all my time in hospital and stuff over the last couple of years, that i have NO TIME AND ENERGY to deal with his manipulative bullshit anymore (and i never really did in the first place anyway tbh). so before he could even start a convo with me, i just straight up blocked him. i’m never letting him in again to hijack my mental health and my self-esteem.
and even though, yes when you get older, it’s still fun to try to sniff out the person who has deleted you all of a sudden (bc tbh here, i still do this for funsies)… in reality, you know deep down that you’ve lost connection with them. or let’s be real, you never liked them in the first place in school or wherever else you met them (could be work etc)…. that yeah. you were just waiting for them to delete/unfollow you anyway and you don’t care that they finally have.
and the weird social obligation where you feel like you have to keep this person on social media because you’ve known them for X amount of years is fucked up and dumb. because if amanda or victor is constantly belittling you or constantly posting upsetting shit and they do nothing about fixing their feed after you’ve told them that it bothers you (if you’ve done this), maybe it’s time to just straight up delete/block them anyway so you can hopefully no longer see or engage with the upsetting stuff that they keep posting. and i’m obvs deflecting the fact that i actually did engage with posts that made my mental health worse (hello 2011-2015 tumblr era black & white depression blogs) on here back in the day, but i no longer do that.
moreover, follower counts and friend counts mean fuck all. they’re arbitrary. and the fact that social media makes you feel like an asshole for deleting/unfollowing/blocking people from your feed/dash etc….. it’s ultimately important if their posts are fucking with your mental health and/or you can’t have decent convos with this person about anything because they make it wholly about themselves; or have labelled you as a certain friend role which means you can never X, when they can….. it’s better to dump them out with the trash where they belong by deleting/blocking them. these stupid as fuck numbers have nothing to fucking do with loyalty and other traits for irl friends. the idea of loyalty in a follower only matters when it becomes your career. because without “loyal fans/followers”, you don’t make a mark (or y’know you don’t get brand deals/sponsors etc).
and also overall, this post is a big fuck you for growing up on social media. it really does especially hurt people with high anxiety etc. it’s utterly exhausting and it’s exactly why i haven’t made the supposedly necessary 1000+ different social media accounts: from insta to tiktok to twitter to whatever the fuck the next one is going to be. i just have no energy to invest in having to spread myself thin over several SM accounts to see the following stats and the for you page on TT for example, feeding me videos that could inevitably make me feel worse. i actually actively have to cull the videos on my facebook watch feed, which i talk about every so often.
i did all this shit 10+ years ago, beating up myself over losing followers when i was only at like 500 or something and it also hurt when i was in my obsessive tumblr cleaning out phase, at just how many of my old followers, and sometimes mutuals, On This Here Hellsite (affectionate)™️ had deactivated over the years. it really shooketh me to my core, if the kids are still saying that. i don’t want to do that on other social media platforms, though.
and as i’ve stated in the past on here, it’s also exactly one of the reasons why i dropped out of the comms and media studies (triple major in marketing comms/PR/advertising) degree that i originally started undergrad uni with in 2015. i had no energy to expend to “professional” social media account follower counts- which we were being marked on as part of the course. i had no desire for engagement and the study of social media engagement in a professional space like i thought i did from using tumblr, at that point in time, for 4 years. but systematically and critically studying it seemed like a nightmare because why should i give a shit that people on my course aren’t engaging with my tweets and wordpress posts??? (like i know why but still).
BUT ANYWAY. this post went in so many different directions…. and i hope that if i have any younger followers, that they know that the younger millennials/older gen z (idek what the fuck i am) know the struggle of growing up online and that blocking/deleting etc people on the internet is good. and also that losing followers/friends etc is okay esp when you get older. unless of course you made this shit your career…. on this front, i have no idea how to help you on that tbh
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lunarrumor · 3 years
i just think that valgrace. so much potential. so much chemistry
we have:
- best friends to lovers
- height difference
- jason being very strung up and leo being the exact opposite so they balance each other out
- leo always stealing jason's clothes even before they're together because they're really comfy and jason's not the most fashionable but leo's never cared about his clothes much (except he does care about these ones because they're his "best friend's" and it reminds him that he has people now,,, people that love him)
- and he wears one of jason's shirts to his workshop one day and he accidentally gets grease on it (because lets be real he has never owned a single item of clothing that didn't somehow get a grease or oil stain on it)
- and he's really upset because it's like he ruined one of his most precious items and jason let him have it (he took it one day while they were up late playing video games and he wanted to get comfortable and jason refused when he tried to give it back for ~totally straight and only friendly~ reasons)
- and he thinks jason's gonna be mad because what if he did want it back and he's gonna change his mind and never let me have anything of his ever again but he goes to the dining hall trying to subtly hide it but of course jason notices it because he's got a great vantage point on leo and he's always staring at leo but especially today because he's wearing his shirt and he always looks really cute after coming back from his workshop because he has dirt on his face and his hair is all messed up and he always comes back looking proud of himself for finishing a project or all jittery because he wants to get back so he can keep working or frustated that something went wrong (but that isn't very often jason thinks because leo's kind of a genius with machinery and he always manages to make the most amazing things)
- anywayy so jason notices and he doesn't say anything but he can see him staring and his eyebrows do that cute little furrowy thing that always happens when he's thinking about something and leo's just waiting for him to mention it
- meanwhile jason is looking at leo's shirt his shirt with grease stains on it—leo's signature look and he's trying so hard to keep from smiling like an idiot because now it looks like theirs—like it's a part of them both and leo's looking absolutely amazing in it in the light of the dining hall, highlighted gold by the sun going down and the torches set around for light
- he looks at his crisp purple shirt, now slightly wrinkled, with oil stains and he thinks it reminds him of their own friendship—how he's always neat and precise but leo relaxes him, he's not afraid of getting messy and he's not afraid to pull jason along with him and he never does say anything but he gives leo a random hug after dinner before he goes back to the workshop, which isnt that unusual because ever since jason realized that leo and piper didn't mind casual affection—in fact piper was always one to just drape herself around her friends and hang off of them because as much as she didn't like being an aphrodite kid she's always been a sucker for little ways of showing people you love them—jason hasn't stopped hugging them since
- leo was surprised at first when he started doing it but now he welcomes them because jason's hugs are so warm and it makes him feel home and so when he does so after dinner leo's only really shocked because this one is extra suffocating and he was expecting actually the opposite reaction but then he supposes he shouldn't really be so surprised because jason has always been the most understanding person he's met and he never gets annoyed with leo like others do, he's always just there waiting to help him or to hug him or to give him one of his oh-look-at-me-im-so-attractive-people-probably-make-paintings-of-me-just-to-capture-my-beauty smiles that is always so bright and soft and leo doesn't know how jason can always look so content when he's got so much weight on his shoulders (this definitely doesnt have to do with the fact that just being around leo makes him happy and he forgets all his responsibilities except making sure leo is doing okay)
- and when they are together jason sure as hell takes advantage of his staring privileges because now he can look at leo in his clothes and smile like a goof and it's completely normal boyfriend behavior and he absolutely never shuts up about how much he loves leo and ~maybe~ leo recognizes this and starts wearing more of his clothes just so he can get extra tight hugs because he's always been one for manipulating the system and damnit if this system of how he could possibly get the most love from jason is not the best thing he's ever gotten himself into
- and now i've gone on a very long rant about valgrace (oopsie) but im going to continue (with some nico !!!) because @transjasico has me thinking about valdangelace
- so nico doesnt have the same habits as leo does when it comes to taking all of jason's clothes because he hates looking small and he has a reputation to uphold and a ~style~ to keep (aka an emo teen that shops at hot topic)
- and jason totally doesn't start buying more black clothes because maybe he perhaps notices this (after all who is he if not constantly obsessing over his boyfriends and analyzing all the cute habits they have)
- and piper sees this change of clothing and gets a little worried because she just got jason to branch out a little from purple t-shirts that he somehow makes look like he's ready for a business meeting? and oh no what if while she was training him and telling him to ~find his own style~ she accidentally encouraged him to go goth
- so she's like /what have i done/ because while she teases him about it, nerdy jason is her jason and what if he decides to get a bunch of piercings now because that simply wouldn't look right (i mean of course he could pull it off but goth!jason would look simply off to anyone who had met him for more than two seconds and seen what a mom friend he is)
- so she asks him about it because she can not be responsible for jason breaking all of the goth little hearts in america with his new look (yes he just started wearing more black but piper thinks ahead okay she's smart like that)
- and he admits it to her and she just cackles in his face (and then suddenly gets serious because she's like okay i know you love your boyfriend but seriously this is not the style for you)
- but who's laughing when his plan works??? one night at the campfire nico forgot his aviator jacket and he's about to shadow travel to get it but jason is like no no no you're not gonna wear yourself out just to get a jacket and you can't just leave (a brilliant excuse if you ask him, because jason's a quick thinker like that,,,, and being around leo he picked up some of his scheming habits)
- but he's like *puts hand on nico's arm and activates his Serious Yet Loving boyfriend face" and goes: noo nico why would you do that when i have a jacket *whips hoodie off his lap with a flourish* right here :)))
- and nico's like ....okay sure :)
- and jason has an accomplished little smile seeing nico bundled up in his hoodie because not only is he warm but phase one of his mission is complete and now he just has to ease nico into stealing more of his clothes and he thinks he was really subtle but nico definitely knew what he was doing and he brought it up to leo who thought it was very cute to see conspiring!jason and hilarious that he was so determined for somebody to steal his clothes so when jason pulled out his jacket he made a little motion to nico like *go on take it* and nico rolled his eyes (without jason seeing of course) and activated his amazing acting skills so he could see his boyfriend look all proud of himself
- and now i've gone on another very long rant (i still blame you @/transjasico) but nico starts wearing them more because jason always does everything he can to make them happy and he thinks its worth it to see jason all smiley and they're very comfy and he does enjoy the extra bear hugs and the smirk leo gives him every time he sees him wearing jason's shirt but that's not the point
- okay now im done
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tsukishumai · 4 years
Away Games - MSBY Black Jackals
A/N: WOW it feels so so long since i’ve done an HC i kinda feel like i forgot how to :( ahhh im sorry this one sucks LOL but im feeling a bit burned out & this brought me a lil comfort so i hope it brings some for u too :)
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Shamelessly facetiming you every possible second.
He’s not terribly upset to be away, to be honest, because he’s doing what he loves, but a huge part of him still misses you.
So he settles for the next best thing
And it doesn’t matter what you’re doing; if you’re at work, if you’re out shopping, if you’re sitting on the toilet – Bokuto will blow up your phone until you answer.
“What took you so long to answer?” “Kou, I was on the toilet.” “No way! Me too! Soulmates <3”
He’s always telling you stories about the dumb things that go on during practice, he complains about how his shoulder’s been feeling a little tense lately, and the food at the hotel reminds of the food they used to serve at Fukurodani
But he always wants to hear about your day too. He asks if your coworker is still being a jerk, he wonders if you managed to try the new drink at the café you mentioned the other day, and he reminds you that he’s coming back in a couple days, so make sure you remember to pick him up from the airport!
When he can’t facetime, he’s sending you videos; videos of the guys goofing off at practice, videos of him working out, videos of behind the scene interviews.
He’s sad you don’t get to be there with him but he does everything he can to share his experiences with you anyway
Bokuto even started his own personal tradition during every away game
If MSBY wins, he sends flowers to your door step.
If MSBY loses, he still sends you flowers anyway because he just wants you to know that he’s thinking of you always
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He doesn’t want to admit it, but Atsumu goes into emo mode whenever he’s away.
When you ask him how he’s doing, he’ll always tell you that he’s fine
But the pictures Bokuto and Hinata sent you of Atsumu crying into his protein shake tell you a different story.
You try to make him feel better by sending him tiktoks and memes, and it works for a second, until he sees a mug in the tiktok that looks JUST like the mug you got for him when you first started dating, and now all he’s thinking about is how he wants go back home and drink his coffee from that mug, not the cheap paper ones from his hotel room and god, can the days go by any slower?
talk about dramatic
But you can never stand to see Atsumu so down
And you don’t do this every single time, but when MSBY loses and Sakusa was the one to text you a video of Atsumu staring longingly out his hotel window, you asked him what city their next game was going to be in, and bought yourself a plane ticket there.
You don’t want to spoil Atsumu like this. You really don’t, and you usually won’t
But when you walk into the gym, Atsumu’s eyes land on you, and his entire face lights up, his whole demeanor changes, he’s standing a little taller, his smile a little wider, and all of a sudden, the whole room just felt so much brighter.
He’s in the middle of a pre-game interview, and all of a sudden his words trail off and the interviewer’s like “Miya-san? You were saying?”
But he can’t wait any more, so he’ll excuse himself, and all cameras are on him when he scoops you up from the floor and plant kisses all over your face.
You don’t always spoil Atsumu like this, but when he points at you after scoring his third service ace in a row, you know you’ve done a good thing
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Sakusa doesn’t tell you he misses you because he doesn’t really think he does? It’s normal for professional athletes to spend time away from their s/o, right? This was to be expected, Sakusa knew you guys would have to spend some time apart, he was prepared for this.
Still, irritation floods through him when he wakes up to a shrill alarm instead of your sweet voice. 
He snaps at Bokuto when he has to eat the team’s provided lunch, and not the lunch you make and pack for him.
He’s particularly cranky when his uniform was wrinkled on game day, and you weren’t there with your emergency Wrinkle-Release Spray
He doesn’t directly say ‘I miss you’ but you hear it in his words anyway.
When he complains about the hotel’s mattress and how it’s “nothing compared to our bed at home” you know that he feels your absence.
“The food here makes me want to gag, all I want is your tempura”
“My skin feels so raw from the scratchy towels; the towels you bought us feel much softer.”
“Babe, how’d you manage to make all my stuff fit in my luggage? I can’t pack it the way you do.”
Sakusa most likely won’t blow up your phone, but he always makes sure to send you a good morning and good night text
He doesn’t buy you flowers, but when he gets home, he hands you a large bag without saying anything.
“What’s all this?” you grunt, cause damn that bag was heavy.
But Sakusa was shrugged. “Souvenirs. I thought you’d like them.”
And you squeal in excitement, pulling him to sit down on the same couch that he’s been thinking of for weeks, a smile on his face as he watches you sift through all the little knick knacks and presents that reminded him of you.
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He’s constantly texting you and checking in, even when he doesn’t have to
☀️Shoyo☀️(6:58am): We just got to the gym where they’re letting us practice!
☀️Shoyo☀️(7:01am): I’m about to go into the locker room and change now
☀️Shoyo☀️(7:05am): Whoops I think I made the wrong turn.
☀️Shoyo☀️(7:07am): Whoa, this gym is pretty big; I wonder what other sports they could use it for?
☀️Shoyo☀️(7:15am): Wait, I can’t find my way back
☀️Shoyo☀️(7:30am): Babe, help
He doesn’t facetime you like Bokuto, but he is blowing up your phone just the same.
He misses you of course, that’s a given, but to be honest he mostly does it because he doesn’t want YOU to miss HIM.
Maybe that’s the wrong way to put it; he wants you to miss him but he doesn’t want to ever make you feel lonely.
He knows that feeling so well :( he never wants to be the cause of your loneliness. And if he had to pick between being a persistent man or an aloof man, then Hinata will choose persistence five hundred times over.
Hinata has an incredible talent of being able to make you smile and laugh, even if it’s simply through a screen, from hundreds of miles away.
Even though his career and ever-changing schedule can make things a little extra challenging, when you see him play on TV, watch as the crowd cheers and hollers for Hinata, listen to the way the commentators describe his insane plays, and you realize you don’t mind having to share Hinata with the world
Because when he stares directly into the camera and smiling while he holds both hands over his heart, you know this gesture was meant only for you.
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kxlluvr · 3 years
relationship head-canons for some of my fav haikyuu boys
hey guysss this is my first post so plz excuse any odd format or typos haha, anyway ive been wanting to do some headcanons for a really long time so yeahhh enjoy! (i may have gotten silightly off track but its still cute i promise)
Also my requests are open! send me a message and im happy to see what I can do :) this is Pt 1 so lmk if you guys would like a pt2 because this was way too much fun for me lol
characters included: kuroo, bokuto, tsukishima, and akaashi
genre: fluff/headcanon
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𝗸𝘂𝗿𝗼𝗼 𝘁𝗲𝘁𝘀𝘂𝗿𝗼𝘂 💘
• BIGGEST FKING TEASE RIGHT HERE. if you cant take a lil bullying from him then theres no way ur surviving this relationship 😭 you will literally just be standing next to him and he’ll just say something like “your so short y/n.” of course hes being playful but its not your fault hes a giant 😪
• Hes a baby and also lowkey clingy. If yall were at school hes always with you and usually is either holding you somehow or just has his head resting on top of yours. He doesnt even realize it, its just so natural to him. The biggest cuddlebug too (omfg i love this man sm) but taking naps and cuddling is a must with kuroo <3
• His love language is physical touch and quality time. but occasionally he does acts of service too. He lives too see you happy so if there’s anything he can do to be that person its the best thing to him
• Just know that Kuroo thinks of you in the highest way possible and genuinely cannot see your flaws. He thinks you are absolutely perfect and will do anything and everything for you. This totally isnt biased but hes the best bf ever <33
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𝗸𝗼𝘂𝘁𝗮𝗿𝗼𝘂 𝗯𝗼𝗸𝘂𝘁𝗼 𓅓
• idc what yall say he is the sweetest, most loving, attentive boyfriend ever. Like if ur having a bad day expect him to show up at your door with food, the biggest smile, and then instantly give you the biggest hug. *hes so pure i cant*
• Hes a handful but you love him, your also the only person thats able to get him out of his “emo mode“ by simply just smiling at him. YOU ARE HIS EVERYTHING <3
• Bokuto is single handedly the BEST person for cuddling/hugging. he was made for it istg. What I would give to be hugged by bokuto. he likes laying on top of you and just resting his head on your stomach while you sit on your phone. He just listens to your heartbeat and it calms him.
• omfg PLEASE TAKE HIM SHOPPING WITH YOU. he loves seeing how happy you are and it puts him in such a good mood. then when you walk out of the dressing room showing all the outfits you guys picked out he gets the purest look on his face and its the best. you guys just skip around the mall like little kids and it’s honestly one of his favorite pastimes <3 (hes an angel omg 😖💗)
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𝗸𝗲𝗶 𝘁𝘀𝘂𝗸𝗶𝘀𝗵𝗶𝗺𝗮 ♫
• tsukki isnt huge on PDA, he will hold your hand or lightly kiss the top of your head but anything more is for behind closed doors. he isnt the most affectionate person but he always manages to meet your needs <3
• the best kind of dates w tsukishima are the ones where you guys just sit in his room w some snacks either studying or watching a movie just enjoying eachothers presence. you guys enjoy staying home much more then going out since its more comfortable for the both of you. he 100% is the reason ur grades are so good tho lol
• your relationship w tsukki is pretty chill, tbh most people barely know ur dating until they notice tsukishima isnt so cold toward you like he is with everyone else. but regardless you are comfortable with eachother and you guys fit together almost perfectly <3
• you have most definitely met the 3rd gym squad once or twice and you best bet that they freaked out when they learned tsukki had a girlfriend. poor tsukishima didnt hear the end of it that night “i didnt know tsukki could have a girlfriend, let alone one this pretty.” “what are you doing with a guy like tsukishima” *them basically teasing kei about you the whole practice* ngl it was adorable to you, definitely not to kei tho 😪
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𝗮𝗸𝗮𝗮𝘀𝗵𝗶 𝗸𝗲𝗶𝗷𝗶 💍
• HES SO GENTLE WITH YOU OMG <333 he treats you like a literal princess im not kidding. hes so careful and soft with you honestly he still gives you butterflies 😖💗💗💗 expect lots of forehead/hand kisses and those good hugs where he cradles your head and kisses it <3 (i wanna marry him istg)
• yall definitely love cooking together, and akaashi is surprisingly very good at it. when you guys dont cook he takes you to his fav onigiri shop and lets you pick out whatever you want (yall r def big foodies)
• everyone is super jealous of your relationship. he treats you like a princess, he’s a gentleman, and you guys only have eyes for each other <3 and when i say everyone i mean EVERYONE including bokuto 😭 you and akaashi will just be walking in the halls and bokuto will be dragging his feet behind you guys and will mutter something like “akaashiiiiiii pay attention to meeee its my turn 😠” dont worry this is resolved when you finally decide to let bokuto have akaashi’s undivided attention lol
• anyway on this list this is definitely the purest and most affectionate relationship 💘 you guys just have such an understanding for each other and you love each other to no end. people look at you and wonder if they are truly happy because you and akaashi are the definition of a dream to the point it almost feels fake to even yourselves. but regardless yall r literally perfect <333333
authors note: I hope you guys enjoyed this!!! i’ve been wanting to write some thing for so long and I finally got around to doing it this was so fun to do and I’m looking forward to doing more in the future :)

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kenjikutie · 4 years
so... you’re dating atsumu miya:
[so you’re dating masterlist]
authors note: oh my gosh, this got long✨ ratsumu has been growing on me, ill admit it! if you want one of these with another character, let me know!!
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- this is not gonna be an easy relationship, i can tell you that for free but, it is going to be 100% worth it
- atsumu is very headstrong and arrogant, so, it is going to take a long time for him to let go of his pride and admit his feelings
- he’s probably gonna see you as one of his annoying, squealing fangirls until you stand up to him
- the first meeting you two had definitely didn’t go so well
- you had been offered the inarizaki manager position by kita and accepted gleefully, excited to put this on your college applications
- and to make a good impression, you decided to show up early and help set up the net
- but, little did you know a stupid little rat yellow man was in there too
- im sorry i had to moving on
- “listen sweetheart, yer not supposed to be in here, no matter how hot ye think i am”
- excuse me????
- “just leave ya chocolate at the door and maybe ill eat it later”
- you blinked up at him then punched him square in the chest
- “holy crap, you suck! who do you think you are, sangwoo wannabe!!”
- “sang-wah?”
- yeah, you basically broke him. he was numb throughout the rest of practice, flinching when kita introduced you as the manager
- so this hot as hell chick in the gym was gonna be around him everyday???? sign him up
- from that moment on, atsumu was glued to you like a seven year old, whining for your attention constantly
- “yn-chan!!! did ye see my spike?”, his heart was racing at the thought of you complimenting him
- “nope.”, you didn’t even look up from your clipboard
- if atsumu has an emo mode, that would have done it
- weeks passed and atsumu could tell he was getting nowhere with you using his typical tactics so it was time for operation whoo yn
- it started off with genuine compliments, one that annoyingly made your heart flutter
- “yer hair looks cute today.”
- “did ya do somethin different with your makeup? looks nice.”
- the next step was small gifts
- “oh??? did someone leave a rose on your desk, yn chan??? wonder who~”
- cue eye roll
- eventually, you had had enough of torturing atsumu and decided to let him know you were interested
- by that, i mean you pulled him into an empty hallway and shoved your lips against his while gripping his collar then walking away
- now he’s turned on wait no come back
- you two are totally the hottest couple in the prefecture, i don’t make the rules, i just enforce them
- atsumu walks you to and from school, sometimes bringing you a bouquet of roses that he definelty did not steal from that neighbor’s yard, ignore the dirt
- he is a pretty jealous boyfriend
- if someone tries to flirt with you, he’s immediately around with his arm around your shoulder, trying to stick his tongue down your throat
- this is the main source of conflict between the two of you because you see it as a lack of trust and he is too prideful to admit that he’s insecure
- after fights, atsumu will storm out and take some time to himself, afraid of saying something that will make it all worse
- when he comes back to find you asleep on the couch with dried tears on your cheeks, he presses a kiss to your head and pulls you into his arms, carrying you to bed then taking your place on the sofa again
- he will truthfully apologize to you when he is in the wrong, which is 99% of the time and expects you to do the same
- hes also kind of a crack head tho
- “babe, do ya think stars have feelins?”, atsumu, one night at three am in your bedroom, upside down on a spinny chair
- nicknames include: babe, peaches, honeybun, honeysuckle, ducklin, babydoll
- will only let you cheer him on during serves and if you don’t, big pouty grumpy boy
- wants you to take him out to dinner when he wins important matches because it makes him feel special
- figures out that he wants to marry you when you’re doing something super mundane, like brushing your teeth or doing your hair
- when you two fall asleep, he always holds you to his chest and nuzzles his head in your hair, gently snoring
- “i love ya, babe.”
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anime-fan93 · 3 years
Hi my name is rex, i’m queer and use they/them pronouns and i’m 15. And i would prefer someone not over the age of 18 plz.
have like a caramel colored skin-tone and im 5’3 (short king). Rn i have a purple-pink short mullet and i have pretty curly hair(the ethnic popped off hehe), im pretty chubby but i have an hourglass shape, im pretty busty(im a fuckin k bro😭) and thicc thighs(thicc thighs save lives, sorry i’ll stop). I dress pretty alternative but i cant just choose one subculture tho, i wear a lot of heavy eye makeup. I could say i dress kinda “showy” but thats kinda what only fits me, but also who gives a fuck.
Im a libra sun, scropio moon, and gemini rising. This means that im a pretty social person and always wanna hang out with friends and just have fun, but moon in scropio makes my emotions rlly haywire and kinda boosts any sorta negative emotion. I really like making people laugh, it makes me feel helpful, but im also good at being to mother figure for people.
My hobbies include art (painting, drawing), sleeping (because i stay up mad late😭✌🏽), reading comics, Marvel and D.C superheroes, and super villains, cartoons, and anime/manga.
My favorite music genre’s are rock, alternative, emo, rap, and a little bit if indie music.
Personality: funny, sarcastic, creative, kind, inappropriate and the right times. Like im not gonna pull out a dick joke in front of your family
And im not the best at describing myself so here:
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Excuse me you're 15?? I wish I would dress like you you look amazing btw😫
Anyways, I match you with...
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Your style would be completely different from hers and she would absolutely love it. She would love you to bits in public, letting everyone know you two were a thing.
She would love giving you hugs, and cuddles would be her go to at least twice a day. When you aren't cuddling, during your alone time, she's sitting with her head rested in between your thighs while you two talk (thick thighs save lives and I will not be told otherwise).
She would at first be flustered by the way you dress, but would quickly get used to it, and even match with you every now and then!
She would understand your negative emotions going crazy, and would take you to somewhere where she could calm you down, talking to you and running her hands through your hair.
You two would both be great at comforting and helping your friends through hard times, listening to their problems and giving them advice.
She would love doing your hobbies with you, though would be a little confused when it came to the D.C, Marvel, and Anime, but would always be down to try something new, especially if it's with you.
She would not be familiar with your kind of music at all, and I feel she wouldn't listen to it on her own time, but would always listen to it with you.
She would always get flustered if you made an inappropriate joke, covering her face once she understood what your joke meant.
You two would be a really stable couple! I hope you enjoyed!
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mcd-ms-rants · 3 years
Wow you all are the best <3 <3 thanks so much!!
so without further ado
• Ok why does this season have SO MUCH FILLER
• Waaay too much in my opinion
• We never actually find out what that fragment Zane has is for I mean Emmalyn did find something but she escaped before Zane could force her to say it soooo :/ and then mcd was discontinued
• I don’t understand Aphmau’s reasoning for not being Irene. When Zane says “you would deny your birth?” she tells Zane that she has no memories of Irene therefore she is not her. Well Aph honey tell that to the 38373 tourists that visit everyday just to see you -_-
• Wow was it really that easy to kidnap someone from Phoenix Drop the home of the new Irene damn Zane has his work cut out for him
• I mean he literally walked IN FRONT OF Dante
• Speaking of Zane, i don’t really like his s3 version. Him having the untouchable status of high priest was a big part of his character and removing it made him even more one-dimensional if it’s even possible. Now on top of being a way too simple character you don’t even have the one thing that made you unique. He wasn’t written to be a side antagonist and as someone who likes his concept I feel that he deserves much better. he shouldve been used in s2 as a main antagonist with ivy as a side maybe and not in s3 because it ruined him :(
• Tho why is he not treated as a big threat. He’s a shadow knight. Note that I pretty much skipped past all scenes with Aph in them so if she does something I’ve mentioned below, ignore it. She should’ve sent a warning letter or something to the lords of the neighboring villages like hey the murderous emo priest is back get yo shit together. No one even knows he’s back. for the record I feel like he grew weaker as a shadow knight?? Aren’t they supposed to have greater strength? I don’t understand why his strength level keeps changing throughout the season. It’s apparently easy to defeat Dante but not Lucinda?? Is it bcuz she’s a witch and has long-range magic? Cant shadow knights teleport and use magic too or am I getting it wrong
• I don’t like the ending to Dante and Gene’s fight. He legit laughs and it sounds like he has asthma I’m sorry he sounds like he’s choking there no hate tho...anyway why tf does he leave? All I remember is that the people somehow got freed from his memory magic (again, how??) and surrounded him. why is that a problem?? Knowing him he would’ve just massacred them. or used them as a hostage to force Dante to cooperate this makes no sense
• I don’t like how in Zane’s Wrath it shows a whole village burning and then Zane says “hmm only about 30 people have been slaughtered.” EXCUSE ME HE MASSACRED A VILLAGE ONCE HE CAN DO IT AGAIN. He’s a shadow Knight now where did the advanced strength go?? AND THEN HE SLEEPS RIGHT AFTER. So THIS part of being a shadow Knight applies but his strength doesn’t?? • I don’t like how Emmalyn interacts with Zane. I get that they needed to make it a bit funny but there’s nothing funny about being kidnapped. they should’ve stuck the comedic relief somewhere in between the large amounts of filler. Zane’s a psychopath and a homicidal maniac and Emmalyn should be more scared. I mean it’s evident Zane wasn’t gentle when kidnapping her just look at her house. why is she talking causally. ok even if you argue that he hadn’t shown his true colors yet she knows of him and has heard of what he does. and for the record WHY DOES SHE SPEAK TO HIM NORMALLY AFTER HE SLAUGHTERS SO MANY PEOPLE. Like after the village rampage she cries for a minute and then she’s back to being a scholar who asks waaay too many questions. and purposely withholding info from someone like Zane doesn’t seem like a good idea to me idk abt the rest of you
• I feel like Lilith was really forgotten in the season bcuz of Alina having Shad’s relic and all that jazz. • Garroth was REALLY forgotten. im pretty sure he was neglected the first few episodes and then they chucked him with Hyria to have a really long tea party
• BUT at least we got some Ro’meave angst with Garroth and Zane yelling at each other. wish we got more of it tho it will never be enough
• ZANE IS SUPPOSED TO BE SMART. We can see that so many times in his concept. He’s meant to smart and cunning and calculating and manipulative how could he be that way if he was dumb. STOP WRITING DUMB DECISIONS FOR HIM. I hate how they made Emmalyn keep the fragment someone like Zane would never let anyone else keep something of *zane voice* POWER so why does she have it here. Zane wouldve logically kept it with him. I get that he could be overconfident enough to sleep while Emmalyn was free but no way he’s letting her keep the fragment. The script keeps making him do stupid things whyyy
• Aphmau being a shit friend again. When Lucinda arrives back at the Alliance Island and Malachi tells Aph about all the shit Zane did she’s just like BUT I need to find out about Irene. EXCUSE ME those books aren’t going anywhere but your friends sure are. Even Malachi says “you’re going? What about all the stuff that’s going on at home?” or something like that. YA CUZ WHY WOULD YOU LEAVE KENMUR IS DEAD AND DANTE IS GRIEVING.
• Wow why does Aph sound so surprised when Lucinda suggests making wanted posters you should’ve done it a long time ago
• The way canon mcd was left off was not great in my opinion and in some cases it’s downright awful. Emmalyn is stuck at the werewolf castle and they now know about Aphmau. Zane is powerless and useless, both of which so no favors for his already lacking character so idk what they could’ve done for him anyway. There’s so many inconsistencies throughout mcd regarding the way he was written. Aph wants to go tu Tu’La courtesy of a glowing book. Yay. im pretty sure Garroth is STILL with Hyria. travlyn is just chillin
• Basically pls give characters some better development and opportunities thanks and stop making Zane do dumb things he’s suffering from his lack of character development anyway
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