pterobat · 2 years
Delighted to find the Tezuka Macross exhibition had stickers, too.
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general-kalani · 5 months
"Kalani who's your biggest war criminal that you've ever-"
It's Exedore. He's thousands of years old, the first of his kind, takes enjoyment with torturing medics. It's Exedore. No hesitation. That motherfucker is a massive war criminal no one can beat him. He's got a headstart with trillions of counts.
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mordicaifeed · 3 years
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nakamorijuan · 3 years
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saltwife · 5 years
SDF Macross Ep. 11: First Contact
We pick up where we left off, with Breetai laying the smack down on the humans.
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And it pretty much continues in this vein!
He knocks Kakizaki AND HIS MECH out cold. Max is all :surprised pikachu: because he just blew him into space wtf. While this is happening some Zentraedi scoops Lisa up into a bag. A BAG. Breetai beats the living shit out of Lil’ Hikaru with his BARE HANDS, ultimately impaling the valkyrie on some… idk, coat hooks?
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Why don’t you... hang around for a while? :v
Rick ejects to try and escape but Breetai LEAPS into the air and snatches him. Lil’ Hikaru’s mech explodes from the abuse, blowing a hole into the hull (again) and sucking Max out into space (again). Don’t worry though, Breetai is fine.
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This is literal... Zentraedi higher ups are actually genetically engineered to be smarter and tougher!
The Zentraedi put the humans in the shame tube. THE SHAME TUBE!!
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What’s this? Another thing VLD ‘referenced’? :O
While B&E discuss what they are, the humans wake up and immediately start bickering. Rick says some incredibly fucked up shit to Misa. He blames her for the recon pilot getting killed. And then, these gems!!!
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LIKE WHOAH HOLY SHIT RICK. I honestly don’t remember him saying anything this blatantly horrible, although my sister says it wasn’t that different. For some reason instead of giving him the dick punch he so richly deserves, Misa just tells him to watch how he talks to a superior officer and that she can do those things too.
B& E watch them fight and Exedore comments that men and women being together in the same place leads to disaster. No honey, that’s just Rick. Anyway it’s giving Breetai (and me) a headache so they turn off the monitor. They decide that they need to bring the prisoners to the Main Fleet for their head dude to decide what to do.
Meanwhile Max sneaks back into the ship via a hole in the hull before they fold, and back on the Macross, Roy breaks the news to Minmay that Rick is missing; I do not care. He is very tall though.
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We learn that time passes differently during a fold… An hour in hyperspace apparently equals like 10 days back on the Macross, and Lil’ Hikaru is missing Minmay’s debut, boo hoo.
As the Zentraedi ship defolds, the humans are dismayed and astonished by the sheer size of the main fleet. They fly into some kind of a giant asteroid base. Meanwhile Max beats up a hapless Zentraedi who was just trying to go to the toilet, and steals his uniform.
Breetai prepares to make his report to Bodolzaa, which will take place on his own ship so the humans don’t contaminate the core with their gross human cooties. Bodolzaa starts interrogating them, which immediately hits a snag when the Zentraedi can’t grasp the concept of ‘civilians’ and ‘before I was in the military’. They also demand to know how men and women can live together, and why they have chosen to become miclones. Misa at first refuses to answer, so Bodolzaa decides a display of force is in order and shows images of the fleet destroying a planet. She judges that they must have something he wants or he would have blown up Earth and the ship already, so she calls his bluff. Get dunked on Baldy.
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The power of… friendship? (spoiler alert no, it’s boning)
This does not make Bodolzaa happy. He scoops her up and demands again to know why she became a miclone, threatening to kill her until the guys tell him they were born this way. This leads into the world’s worst sex ed class…
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Poor Exedore, his giant brain is breaking.
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Sounds fake but ok
Oh my God Breetai. At least Misa didn’t break out a powerpoint. Hayao gets as far as explaining that they kiss and “hold each other” before Bodolzaa demands that they (he and Rick) demonstrate. Thank God he didn’t hear what comes next or this would have been a very different anime. Because it’s the 80s Lil’ Hikaru refuses to kiss a dude, so Misa volunteers and orders him to kiss her.
The Zentraedi are FREAKING OUT.
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Protoculture is mentioned. Bodolzaa orders the humans taken away. The shame tube is too good for them now and they’re tossed into what appears to be a closet, while the Zentraedi try to figure out what the fuck just happened. The lower ranking scouts don’t even know what Protoculture is, so we’re treated to some exposition! In the “time of Protoculture” the ancestors of the Zentraedi used to be miclone-sized, and all lived together, and had something called ‘culture;’ but most records of this time have been lost. Now they believe that if anyone comes in contact with protoculture they become unable to fight and will be destroyed… This is srs bsns.
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The secret of protoculture is obviously bangin’.
We end with some gratuitous Minmay singing, which is thankfully much less painful than the English version. It’s just sort of bland and generic 80s anime music as opposed to horrible, grating nonsense.
This episode had no Khyron, but loads of Breetai so it still gets a thumbs up from me. I love this big hairy cyclops man. :3
Next episode is ‘Big Escape’!
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shadowwingtronix · 3 years
"Yesterday's" Comic> Robotech #9 (Antarctic Press)
BW's "Yesterday's" Comic> Robotech #9 (Antarctic Press)
I’m not sure about this remake of Oliva Newton John’s Xanadu. (It’s strange I have to point out which Xanadu I mean.) Robotech #9 Antarctic Press (July, 1998) Prototype 001: “Variants” part 2 WRITER/ARTIST: Ted Nomura COLORIST: Ben Dunn EDITOR: Doug Dlin Invid Invasion: “Introduction” part 2 WRITER/ARTIST: Pat Kelley (we have credits this time, and I guess “Introduction” was the title of the…
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listen-to-his-song · 6 years
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i get what you’re saying but you're really not making him sound threatening
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jamest541975 · 5 years
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I'm watching ROBOTECH: THE MACROSS SAGA right now. #robotech #macrosssaga #rickhunter #lynnminmay #royfocker #claudiagrant #henryjgloval #henrygloval #zentraedi #lisahayes #sdf #sdf1 #1999 #pluto #maxsterling #bendixon #dolza #breetai #exedore #miriya #khyron #anime @amazonprimevideo #amazon #amazomprime #primevideo #japanamation https://www.instagram.com/p/B7jtGMzlEHh/?igshid=1iftkjot1c2me
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1980sactionfigures · 4 years
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Exedore - Robotech (Matchbox)
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benjimirthursby · 4 years
"Plans within Plans."  - The Book of Thursby: Scions of Numenor [SB]
“Crystals have always had a captivating power over the living.  They transmute light into rainbows, vibrations into sound and seemingly exist as totems of some non-corporeal presence or energy.  They are endlessly repeating mirrors of the mineral lattacies they take root in, influenced by the energies that impact them as they build themselves.  Light, heat, lightning, these energies we know and can measure.  Something beyond sight and measure, non-corporeal, lent a hand in the creation of the Aetheryte crystals of Eorzea and gave them their purpose and light.”  
~Exedorous Thursby, “Alchemy and Quintessence.”
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“We have finished stamping the shipment into Gil.  It would be better done aboard ship but our location is secure enough here we are able to move without much scrutiny now.”  Bondermir said, as his older brother sat inspecting the coin over the tops of his glasses.  
“Not terribly much gold actually in these.  Universally accepted.  We should settle here and retire.”  Benjimir mused.  
Five years prior, the initial expeditions of the Scions sorties from their camps in hills above the outskirts of the city state of Ul’dah, they had initially spread out to take common jobs, learn terms and the manner of trade in the area as instructed in orders from Benjimir.  
Quickly they learned of Gil, the coin of the realm.  Made from gold and stamped into wafers, the initial teams were able to soon stamp their own from the gold brought with them.  Then as now when a new cargo if metals, arrived the resulting Gil produced would find its way into banks, payroll and capitalizing the Thursby family interests
From those roots old family savvy and skill quickly established a native legitimacy which became all the growing cadre in their employ cared about.  It was a process long perfected for entering new lands unfamiliar to their kindred.   
Combined with income pooled from work as sell swords and crafting, means enough were secured to support several more teams making landfall on the shores near the Sagoli desert.  These teams were scholars and those skilled in the sciences.  Their given orders were to investigate, observe and report.  Curriers would make their way about the land with dispatches and reports to the ports.  
From there, otherwise unremarkable vessels would further sortie to relay all lines of communication to Benjimir.  In was in this manner Benjimir absorbed much from afar.  He sent his brothers and most trusted aid to take charge of families interests.  Bondermir’s charge was to ensure security over all Thursby company affairs.  Tinifalas, the Thursby family historian traveled north to the island of Sharlayan to seek information per Benjimir’s wishes.  The others scattered across Eorzea on duties as assigned by their elder brothers.  
It was a book found by Tinifalas in Sharlayan which now occupied Benjimir’s attention.  As he knuckle-rolled a Gil in his left hand, he thumbed through the book as Bondermir poured tea and propped his feet on the edge of the table between them.  
“They allowed Tinif’ to send the book south to us. It was bought by their chief librarian from a traveler in Ul’dah some twenty or more years ago.  The language is unknown to the any in Sharlayan.”  Bondermir explained, as he had years before in a report.  Benjimir nodded passively.  The words were native to him as they had been Tinifalas years earlier.  They and specifically a name were what drew Benjimir to these shores at long last.
Benjimir nodded slowly as he effortlessly read each line in detail.  “And the traveler?”  Benjimir asked, still reading.  
“Tinif never met him.  However the librarian noted he was with a newborn baby girl.  It was in his review of birth records in city's house of healing he found a name given to a newborn girl.  Tessariel.”  The gil in Benjimir’s hand stopped in mid-roll.  He closed the book and restored his glasses to their proper position on his nose.
The name.  Unknown to the native peoples.  Steeped in an ancient lore equal to a beacon as impossible to ignore as the fall of Dalamud.  Bondermir sought out the woman on Benjimir’s orders and offered commission to lead a Free Company under the banner of Scions of Numenor.  The banner was an icon of the Thursby family history.  Tessariel, the Captain, had lead the growing band with distinction. 
“I think it is time that I finally meet this woman.” Benjimir resolved as he reached for a sheet of paper to draft a communique.  Tinifalas entered the room and spoke. “The Admirals have arrived.  They are coming down from the airship dock and we will meet with them in the “Dapper Mariner.”  The Dapper Mariner was a private dinning room and lounge open to traveling officers in Grand Companies and well placed members of the Benjimir continued drafting his communique as he spoke.  “We’ll break bread with Admiral T’subaki’s colleague with Maelstrom, then make plans to visit the Scions’ Company Hall up in Gridania.”  He folded the communique into thirds and affixed a self adhesive seal over the folds.  He rose and handed the communique to Tinifals, who had already drawn a leather couriers pouch from a shelf.  “Send this to captain Aerlinn, post haste.  Meet us up in the dinning room.  I want your read on things after the meeting.” Benjimir instructed his brother who nodded and left the room for the courier stable as the others walked for the mechanical lift up to the Dapper Mariner.
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the-twinkies · 4 years
Mottos and Jingles.
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Kirby Twinkinryker: So I have a motto to try on you Exie. Exedore Twinkinryker: Oh? Kirby Twinkinryker: Aye. Kirby Twinkinryker: Want to hear it? Exedore Twinkinryker: Nay. Kirby Twinkinryker: Oi. Exedore Twinkinryker: Aye. Kirby Twinkinryker: Oh you. Kirby Twinkinryker: So.... Exedore Twinkinryker: OK already, what is it? Kirby Twinkinryker: Twinkinryker and Twinkinryker: Once you go Twinkie, you'll never settle for dinky! Exedore Twinkinryker: That's racist damnit!  We are not Twinkies. Exedore Twinkinryker: And it sends the wrong message. Kirby Twinkinryker: Ohhhh.
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pterobat · 6 months
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Rewatching Aliens and on top of the film’s other good qualities, I really like Bishop: his mannerisms still remind me a lot of myself as an autistic person, even if that wasn’t the intention—and he’s oddly adorable, which I certainly am not.
(Also the SD toys of him look like crap, because trying to chibify real people doesn’t tend to end well.)
And am I crazy, or does Lance Henriksen looks a lot like Sentinels Exedore, especially as the Waltrips drew him? I’m not saying it’s intentional, but sometimes I wonder, given that Aliens preceded Sentinels by two-ish years?? And note that I drew on my autistic experiences writing Exedore back in the day, so it sort of comes back around.
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general-kalani · 2 years
Would anyone like a new Zentraedi OC that has the mixed uniform of Breetai and Azonia but the facial features and hair of Maetel from GE 999.
Just wanna know because Robotech binge went OFF and with my own headcanons for Exedore and such for a basic backstory. I mean “kind but deadly” is gonna be the main part for the looks.
Tiny bit of backstory I got so far? Absolute war criminal. Several hundred or thousand war crimes under her belt with more on the way.
Accepting any asks about her before I go on an oc ask reblog spree tomorrow.
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thelittlesttimelord · 4 years
The Littlest Timelord: The Death of the Doctor Chapter 34
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TITLE: The Littlest Timelord: The Death of the Doctor Chapter 34 PAIRING: No Pairing RATING: T CHAPTER: 34/? SUMMARY:  The Doctor’s death is looming on the horizon and Elise is growing every  day. What the Doctor doesn’t know is that he has 200 years to teach Elise all he knows. Amy, Rory, and River let Elise in on their secret,  because River knows she will keep it. What will Elise do when he’s gone?
[A/N - Last chapter before the series finale!]
Craig paced the living room floor with Alfie in his arms as the Doctor worked on the Cybermat. Craig yawned. “I'm knackered. That thing was eating up the electricity?”
“And transmitting it up to the Cybership. But why? Why do they need power? Why are those conversions not complete yet, and what are they doing up there?” the Doctor asked.
“You said you were going to look at its brain.”
“No, I had to wipe its brain. Now I can reprogram it and use it as a weapon against them.”
Craig sat down next to the Doctor on the couch. “The Cybermat came after us?”
“No, after me.”
“They sent it after us.”
“After me. Because of me, you and Alfie nearly died.” The Doctor stopped working on the Cybermat. “Do you still feel safe with me, Craig?”
“You can't help who your mates are.”
“No. I am a stupid, selfish man. Always have been. I should have made you go. I should never have come here.”
“What would have happened if you hadn't come? Who else knows about the Cybermen and teleports?”
“I put people in danger.”
“Stop beating yourself up. If it weren't for you, this whole planet would be an absolute ruin.”
“Craig, very soon I won't be here. My time is running out. I don't mean Exedor. Silence will fall when the question is asked. Don't even know what the question is. I always knew I'd die still asking. Thing is, Craig, its tomorrow. Can't put it off any more. Tomorrow is the day I…” The Doctor looked back and saw Craig and Alfie asleep. He stood up and covered them with a blanket.
The Doctor and Elise waited for the sun to rise before leaving Craig’s house. Elise had spent the night crying in her father’s arms as he tried to comfort her. She knew this moment was coming, but she wasn’t ready to say goodbye to him yet.
“Safe mode. Clever me. Come along, bitey.”
They made their way to the department store.
“Morning!” Val greeted them.
“Morning. Teleport's still fused. They didn't repair it. So, the Cyberman last night. How did it get down here, how did it get out? And why, why, am I asking you?”
“You found the silver rat?”
“But where are the silver men?”
They went into the changing rooms.
“Secondary teleport. No, there is no other teleport. They must have had a back-up system. Something complicated, something powerful, something shielded. Something like a door? A door! A dyscillium-bonded steel door disguised as a wall.” The Doctor entered one of the changing cubicles and opened the door disguised as a mirror. “That is cheating. So, it didn't teleport down, they climbed up.”
Elise was about to follow the Doctor into the tunnel when he stopped her. “Stay here.”
He cupped her face. “Please.”
Blue stared into green until Elise finally agreed.
The Doctor kissed her forehead and stepped back into the tunnel.
Elise left the changing rooms and found Craig. “Craig?”
“Oh! Elise! Where’s the Doctor?”
Her silence told him everything.
“Oh god. He went off alone, didn’t he?” He handed Alfie to her. “I’ve got to help him!”
“I know. You’re a good friend, Craig Owens.”
Craig ran off, leaving Elise alone with Alfie.
“Hello, again Alfie.”
Alfie whined.
“I know you like being called Stormageddon, but I’m not calling you that.”
Alfie started wailing.
“Alfie, shhh. It’s okay. Daddy will be back soon.”
But Alfie kept crying.
Elise tried bouncing him. “Oh, um. What if I sing? Yeah. Why are there so many, songs about rainbows, and what’s on the other side…?”
Singing didn’t help either. If anything, it made Alfie cry even louder. Elise had no idea what to do.
The Doctor and Craig stepped out of the elevator.
Craig ran over to Elise, who handed Alfie over to him. Alfie gurgled.
“That was another review. Ten out of ten,” the Doctor told him.
“The Cybermen. They blew up. I blew them up with love.”
“No, that's impossible. And also grossly sentimental and over simplistic. You destroyed them because of the deeply ingrained hereditary human trait to protect one's own genes, which in turn triggered a…a…a. Yeah. Love. You blew them up with love.”
While Craig was distracted, Elise and the Doctor made their way back to Craig’s house to clean up.
Craig entered the kitchen as Elise and the Doctor were coming in from the backyard.
“See, I do come back,” the Doctor said.
“How did you…?” Craig asked.
“Time machine. But even with time travel, getting glaziers on a Sunday. Tricky.”
“You went back in time? That means you used up your hours. What about Exedor?”
“What about you being in trouble with Sophie when she comes back? I couldn't let that happen.”
“We made quite a mess. Sorry about that,” Elise told him.
“You used up your time for me?” Craig asked.
“Course I did. You're me mate. I notice Stormageddon's very quiet and happy.”
Alfie giggled.
“Oh, he prefers the name Alfie now. And he's very proud of his dad.”
“He calls me dad?”
“Yes, of course he does now.”
Alfie gurgled.
“Yeah, I know. He's a bit thick, isn't he?”
Craig laughed. “Oi, shut up, you two.”
“Well, now it's time. I have to go.”
“Doctor, I know that something's wrong. I can help you.”
“Nobody can help me. I hope Sophie won't mind. I need these.” The Doctor picked up TARDIS blue envelopes. Everything was coming full circle.
“Where are you going to go?” Craig asked.
“America,” the Doctor said.
“Utah to be exact,” Elise added.
“Sophie'll be home any second. Are you sure…?” Craig asked.
“I can't miss this appointment, Craig. Goodbye, mate.”
Elise kissed Alfie on the head. “Goodbye, Alfie. One day. One day I’ll come back and we’ll see the stars.”
“Wait there. One second.” Craig left and came back with a Stetson. “From Sean's stag.”
“You ride 'em, partner.”
“Oh, thanks.”
There was a knock on the door.
Elise and the Doctor slipped out the back door and made their way to the TARDIS.
“Well then, old girl. One last trip, eh?” the Doctor asked.
Three stopped playing to watch Elise and the Doctor.
The Doctor approached the children. “Hey. I'm the Doctor. I was here to help. And you are very, very welcome.”
The Doctor and Elise entered the TARDIS and took off.
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saltwife · 5 years
SDF Macross ep. 3: Space Fold
Again there’s nothing too different about this episode. I did listen to the song the whole way through instead of skipping it this time though! Not sure I love it tbh. 
So in this episode they actually get off the dang planet and into space, that’s fun. Rick is outed as a civilian when Roy has to go back to pick him up. Now Rick does say the ‘who’s this old lady’ line about Lisa... And ROY agrees with him à la ‘LOL he thinks you look old too.’ What a dick. (He also continues to make horny comments about Minmay,a 15 year old girl. Again guys remember he is VERY MUCH A TAKEN MAN lol.) But while Minmay does say something about ‘women like her’ she does NOT comment on Misa’s age in this version...
Breetai and Exedore are hanging out watching & trying to decide what to do. Breetai decides to cut off the Macross from the other Earth ships. I think in Robotech the ARMD platforms were already destroyed by this point, but they’re still going here... but not for long :v
Roy brings Rick and Minmay back to Hikaru’s fanjet plane that he rescued; Rick angsts about the Zentraedi that he killed, because when you kill someone that looks human it’s bad, but if they’d been lizard people it would have been okay I guess? Roy leaves them while he goes out to fight some more.
So now one of the ARMD platforms and some other ships gets blown up and Global makes the questionable decision to... pretend to land on Ataria (Macross) island, then fold at the last minute. Somehow this is going to trick the enemy and...? Stage 3: profit. So they start descending back into the atmosphere, which is lucky for Hikaru because he is an idiot who has just opened the airlock so that he can fly Minmay back to the island. 
And then... Space Fold! The music is oddly upbeat for what’s happening, with chunks of a city literally being ripped out of the earth and such but what do I know. 
Breetai and Exedore:
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So now it turns out that Macross is not on the other side of the moon like they’re supposed to be, AND they have a bunch of city floating in space next to them. The Bridge crew:
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Seriously guys how did NO ONE THINK THIS MIGHT BE A BAD PLAN
Rick and Minmei fly back into a hole in the ship made by a leftover battlepod, so, that was pointless. For some reason this is very funny and they laugh a lot?
Next episode is called ‘Lynn Minmay’ so I’m sure it will be... something.
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freemacdotme-blog · 7 years
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Exedore 0.8.3 – Mac-native Python IDE. A full-featured Python text editor with syntax highlighting, code auto-completion with fuzzy matching, and tabs for writing your scripts.
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