#exo graphics
adorkableejit · 3 months
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✦ SUHO 수호 The 3rd Mini Album '점선면 (1 to 3)' ✦
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ifdimpeul · 5 months
★ doação de capas especial para comemorar os 440 seguidores!
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★ inspirações: @loeynely | @mercuryport | @maluyoongi | @yoonbaew | @mixyl | @kodalindissima | vocês são capistas excelentes e é muito bom acompanhar o trabalho de vocês!
#nota: capa divertida não é o meu forte, mas é sempre um prazer fazer e ter capistas incríveis como inspiração. também queria deixar registrado um forte agradecimento pelos 440 seguidores, muitíssimo obrigada! 💗
#nota2: adote sua capa aqui
#nota3: antes de qualquer adoção, tenha certeza de sua escolha e caso sua capa esteja sendo tentada além de você, respeite acima de tudo.
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velvetedit-s · 2 years
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red velvet comic posters by me 
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xiaolanhua · 2 years
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FILM : KAI #Rover
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dazzlingkai · 2 years
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〖 KAI x ROVER 〗 /ˈrəʊvə/;  a person who spends their time wandering.
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is-suspiro · 4 months
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status: disponível
inspo: Tangerina - Tiago Iorc, Duda Beat
créditos (devianart): fairyixing, bl2ir6, breewaffle, cataclysmicly, miwqua, coloursource, lilithdemoness, blackroguex, cottonete, blendercolor e evey-v
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sooinbloom · 14 days
Haven’t Met You Yet
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pairing: kyungsoo x you genre: meet cute, fluff, neighbor AU, actor!soo word count: 3,302 description: Kyungsoo becomes enamored with his neighbor, and one chance encounter becomes the start of something beautiful warnings: language author’s note: hello dear reader! Long time no see! Sorry about that. this is another one shot that i wrote and never published. I came up with it listening to the song, “Haven’t Met You Yet” by Michael Buble. I have a bit of an idea for a second part, let me know if you liked this one shot and I’ll get to work on the second part! Thank you for your likes, reblogs and shares on my other work! It baffles me that these things get read. Please enjoy, this is lighthearted, no warnings… Just cuteness. Dividers by @saradika-graphics , gif is not mine.
- Aria
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Kyungsoo watches his neighbor every day. 
He wasn't sure how it or when it started, he can’t remember anything before seeing her walking down the sidewalk that one autumn morning. Ever since, he was taken by her. He watched her from across the street from his living room window. Their townhouses faced each other, her house number was 111 and his was 112. Kyungsoo liked that, how she was before him in many ways. Out of anything in the world, he wanted her to be the first thing he saw in the morning and was determined to start his day with just a glimpse of her. Her shifts were opposite from his, she worked during the day and his call times were mainly at night for the first half of his project. When Kyungsoo would come home from work, she would be locking her door and leaving for the day.
Today was no exception.
Kyungsoo watched her lock her door as she slowly descended the few steps that gave her access to the sidewalk. He didn’t understand how one woman could look so perfect this early in the morning. Her hair grazed her shoulders in a pretty style he had never seen her wear before. The outfit she wore slowly became the actor’s favorite he’s seen her wear so far. The cream-colored chunky sweater, brown calf-length skirt and sneakers combination she was wearing looked like what holding her in his arms must feel like; cozy and warm. A badge hung from a soft pink lanyard around her neck, and he could never make out what the ID said, but from his best guess she must have worked in an office somewhere.
Kyungsoo couldn't tell what color her eyes were, but their serene gleam made him want to see the soul behind them. The man hoped one day he could muster up enough courage to speak to her and see those eyes up close. Having her at a distance was becoming too much to bear, just watching this beautiful woman he called his neighbor on her daily commute or weekend morning walks was not enough anymore.
 This beautiful stranger had a glow about her that Kyungsoo could not quite put his finger on. At one point, Kyungsoo wondered if the woman was even real or just a fatigued apparition that only appeared when he was too tired to realize she was not real. This theory was proven wrong on several occasions but stayed a theory in the back of his head. He would scold himself every time he would gravitate toward the window to watch her come home after her long days.
This is insane. 
This is creepy. 
You're stalking your neighbor. Your beautiful neighbor. 
The problem remained that Kyungsoo did not know how to approach her. Did she speak the same language? How embarrassing would it be if he opened his mouth, and she did not understand him! Kyungsoo spoke English, yes, but felt more comfortable speaking in his native language, Korean. He could express himself better and not second guess every word that came out of his mouth. Even worse... What if she recognized him? It’s not exactly impossible, but not something the actor would bet on.
Relocating to Los Angeles for his first major international movie role was a huge step in Kyungsoo’s career. He was on the cusp of his entire life changing, and dating was the furthest thing from his mind… Until he saw her. Losing himself in the idea of her became Kyungsoo’s favorite past time, living in a world where she was by his side. He loved the idea of her. She could be the worst thing for him, but he figured he would never know until he took the chance to put himself out there against the advisory of his management. Being alone in a new country was already hard enough on Kyungsoo, the isolation was starting to make him reflect on just how lonely he felt and the yearning to share his life with someone started to overtake him.
He also understood how crazy all of this was. He never even said a greeting to his woman yet he was certain she could be the one he wanted to spend his Sunday mornings with, doing nothing being close to her, holding her as she woke up in his arms. No one made him lose his mind more than her, this woman he never met before. He didn't want to make his neighbor feel uncomfortable around him if they ever met. He made a sincere effort to catch a glimpse of her without her noticing but the more he lingered at the window, the harder it was to be incognito.
He softly rehearsed what he would say to his neighbor if they ever met as he took a hot shower, even giving himself pause to make sure his words made sense. As he readies himself for bed, he runs through his monologue for filming after this mini production break he is on but seems to resort back to practicing his greetings for his neighbor. How could she make him lose his focus to easily?! His head hits the pillow, forcing himself to fall asleep as fast as possible. This way he could be greeted with her presence at 5:30pm sharp, just as he has been doing every single day for the last couple of months.
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Kyungsoo's alarm chimes loudly in his ear, waking him from yet another dream of her. Part of him wanted to stay floating in the fantasy world he created where she belonged to him but he knew if he dawdled a second longer, he would miss her. Stumbling out of bed, the half-asleep man rushes to make coffee and turn the television on so it is not obvious he’s waiting for her.
Don’t be weird. Even though this is the weirdest thing you’ve ever done, Doh Kyungsoo.
He pulls the curtains back ever-so-slightly and waits for her appearance. 
There she is. 
Her arms are full of grocery bags, she looks tired and out of it. More than likely, it must have been a long day for her. He’d been picking up on her physical cues for some time now and her shoulders told him everything he needed to know about her day without hearing a single word. Kyungsoo wondered what her voice sounded like, was it soft like clouds? Sweet like honey? Calm like a summer breeze? He pondered over this over and over, musing over what it would take to make her laugh, what her lips tasted like…
Stop being a creep. Is it creepy that I like her and never met her? I’m not surprised, Kyungsoo thought to himself.
It was clear that she was struggling, her shoelace gets caught under her other shoe, causing her to trip. Her bags spill their contents onto her cement-paved walkway. He watches her land on her lawn, her mouth uttering curses he can’t hear but can definitely make out from how her lips move. Without thinking, Kyungsoo bolts into action and crosses the street. 
"Are you alright?" Kyungsoo asks, nervously getting to her level. The woman looks up at him and the most beautiful eyes meet his. Now he was sure what color they were, and my God was it a beautiful hue. She tilted her head in confusion, and awe of the handsome man in front of her. 
"Sorry?" Her eyes plead with him, "I'm sorry, I don't understand."
Holy shit.
Kyungsoo was not expecting that beautiful of a voice to come from her. Well, to be fair, he didn’t know what to expect but her tone exceeds his expectations. He was hoping for such a harmonious sound and he got it. The man realizes what he had done and blushes in her gaze. He did exactly what he feared he would do: speak in his native language, a language she obviously does not understand. With a gulp, he hangs his head, the burn of embarrassment tingling his ears and neck as words that felt foreign on his tongue left his mouth.
"Sorry, sorry. Are you alright?" Kyungsoo helps her up and she dusts herself off. She mutters a soft thank you and their hands brush gently. Shivers run down Kyungsoo’s spine at her touch, he knew if he lingered, he’d become addicted to the sensation of her fingers touching his.
"Yes, I’m alright. No injuries except for my pride. Have we met before? Do you live nearby?" She replies, picking up a bag or two. He notices the grass stains on her skirt as gathers her groceries in their bags. He sets them neatly in a row and puts his entire focus on her.
"Maybe we crossed paths a time or two. I just moved in. I am from Korea." Kyungsoo admits. 
"Korea... Very nice! I’ve always wanted to go there. If you don't mind me asking, why did you move here? Lately there’s been so many new faces in the community, but I haven’t had a chance to meet half of my new neighbors. You’re the first so far.”
Kyungsoo debates on if he should tell her. Would she know he's an actor? Would it matter? Kyungsoo fought the rapid-fire thoughts in his head the best he could and tried to form an answer that would a) make sense and b) be in the language she understood.
"I'm... I'm here for a work project. I'm an actor." Kyungsoo lowly admits. He becomes surprised when she calmly nods as if he told her he’s an office worker.
"Makes sense. Most people that live here are. Minus myself and a few others. For the last year, the studio nearby leases a few townhomes in the complex until their projects are finished." She notes, grabbing a few grocery bags. "I'm so sorry, if it's not too much can I ask for your help getting these inside?"
"Of course I can help." Kyungsoo beams, proudly taking the rest of her grocery bags and following her. He couldn’t help but take her in from up close. She’s about an inch or two shorter than him, her body has curves that Kyungsoo eagerly travels down with his wonder-filled eyes to commit her to memory. He nervously bumbles behind her and once he passes the threshold… It is exactly how he had imagined it: not too neat, not too messy and very her… Or the idea of her in his head.
"The kitchen is here," the woman says, "Oh, my. I never asked your name."
"Doh Kyungsoo. In America it's Kyungsoo Doh, right?"
"Yes, that’s correct but you don’t need to change how you say it. It’s nice as it is. Doh Kyungsoo... Kyungsoo..." please, keep saying my name... "100 Days My Prince, right?"
Kyungsoo's eyes widen at the confirmation that she does indeed know who he is. He takes a breath and slowly nods. This can go one of two ways. She can just be a normal person or she can be completely unhinged, oh no... What have I done? 
"This is going to sound odd," she chuckles at herself, "I... Kind of knew who you were but didn’t know how to approach you without making it super weird." 
Kyungsoo blushes again, his shyness taking over. She's a fan? "So, you knew who I was?"
The beauty before him blushes this time, looking away from him. "I had a feeling, but I figured I could be wrong. You probably get recognized a lot. Like I said, there is quite a few actors living in this complex for work. I would not want to make you feel uncomfortable. You are truly kind for taking the time to help me. Thank you."
"Tell me your name." Kyungsoo can sense his desperation in his voice as he leans on the counter. He hears her name roll off her tongue, the sound of it echoing in his ears. He repeats it softly, then looks up at her.
"Beautiful," Kyungsoo breathes.
“Thanks.” She smiles again, now all he wants to do is make her smile like that again and again… Possibly make her face contort in other ways if he was to be so lucky.
“So, what is it you do for work? Since we are sharing.” Kyungsoo asks, now even more curious to know every small detail about her.
“I’m screenplay writer for a network… ABC.” She replies. Kyungsoo tilts his head and wonders if it is a fake company, or she does not want to say. She catches on and chuckles softly, “it is an American broadcasting station. Shows like Grey’s Anatomy and Abbott Elementary are on the network.”
Kyungsoo’s eyes widen. She seems pretty important. The woman chuckles softly at Kyungsoo’s surprised look and waves her hand.
“Trust me, I am nothing special. I haven’t gotten a chance to work on a big show like those just yet. I have written for other networks, but nothing major like a prime-time show. Right now, I am in between projects, trying to find a home with a writing team. Since you helped me… Forgive me if this is a bit forward but would you like to stay for dinner?”
There was no hesitation as he looked at her with his head already nodding.
“I would love to.”
“Great! I was planning on making steak and pasta, is that okay? No dietary issues or…”
“I have been craving steak for months. I have been on a diet for my role, and I need an excuse to break it, and your offer is the best excuse to go rogue.” Kyungsoo smirks, enjoying how her eyes crinkle when she laughs. She moves swiftly in the kitchen, taking the groceries out of the bags and setting up everything she needs to cook. He watches her for a moment, then realizes he doesn’t want to just spectate. He wants to cook with her and feels this is a great way to brag about his chef experience.
“Would you like some help? I’m… I’m a licensed chef in Korea.” The man stutters, his confidence waning as the seconds stretch to what feels like minutes in his mind.
“A chef? I’m starting to like you even more than I did a few moments ago, Doh Kyungsoo.” Her reply sounds flirtatious. Is it flirtatious? Kyungsoo’s ears warm and he stands beside her, looking over the ingredients laid out on the counter, “I’m not exactly a chef, this is probably one of the only meals I know how to cook. There really isn’t much room for cooking with the schedule I have.”
“Don’t you worry, I can give you a few pointers… If you’ll let me.” Kyungsoo hears his voice drop lower, that adorable crimson spreads across the woman’s cheeks. It is funny how his lack of confidence is making her bashful, and how that reaction alone fills him with pride. She watches him chop and prep the ingredients with ease, he loved every second of her eyes on him.
“You seem to know what you’re doing, I might have to take you up on that offer.” She smirks. “So, tell me more about your cooking experience, what made you want to become a chef?”
“Well… It started when I was in high school…” Kyungsoo began to tell her the story of how his love for culinary arts came to be. He had been helping around the house after his mother had a minor surgery and his older brother had assigned Kyungsoo kitchen duty. He had to search up how to cook basic recipes and followed them to the letter out of anxiety of killing everyone in his family by food poisoning. The anxiety quickly turned to ease as he fell into a rhythm. He enjoyed how the aroma of the dishes made him feel accomplished, calm and the idea of serving his hardworking parents pushed him even further to cook regularly.
Kyungsoo’s mother championed this idea, she wanted her son to be independent and not rely on anyone to do basic survival skills for him. As Kyungsoo relayed the story, the woman beside him rests her elbows on the counter fully immersed in him. He could feel his heart flutter at the attention. Being wonderstruck by how quickly they drew each other in, the conversation continued, each of them sharing little anecdotes as Kyungsoo absentmindedly took over the kitchen. What once was small glances through a window turned into a back-and-forth conversation between two familiar strangers.
The clock wound down the hours and the sun set behind the Los Angeles hills, but the two neighbors became familiar as time went on. Kyungsoo learned that his neighbor wasn’t from Los Angeles, she had moved here a couple years ago for work. She preferred black tea over coffee, her favorite color was mint green, and she was an only child. She spent her summers on her grandparent's farm in the countryside of a place he had never heard of but could picture perfectly as she described the flat land and meadows she would adventure on. The little bits she told Kyungsoo was not enough. He wanted more. He needed more.
Kyungsoo thanked the woman for her hospitality, reluctant to leave her. It was now or never, he had to see her again. What made it difficult was his schedule, it was going to get more demanding after this rare day off he had.
“Thank you again for helping me and giving me company.” She said as she leaned on the wall of the entryway to her house.
“It’s no problem, really. I’m glad that I was available to help.” Kyungsoo softly replies. The words were on the tip of his tongue, he was going to ask her out. But before he could, she took a breath and crossed her arms over her chest.
“So, how long have you been watching me through your living room window?” She giggles. Kyungsoo could feel the color draining from his face at the prospect of her knowing he was watching her like a stalker. Yet, she’s smiling. It did not make any sense; he was caught red handed and she is smiling? “Do you think I dress this nice every day on purpose? I was… Trying to get your attention, for awhile I thought maybe I failed or was delusional at the prospect of you looking at me.”
“No, no. It worked. It definitely worked. I love looking at you.” Kyungsoo blurts, immediately regretting his words. Now I blew it.
“I’m relieved that you do. Is it possible that we can see each other again?” Is she asking me out?
“It’s a possibility,” Kyungsoo replies smoothly, “maybe you can come to my place for dinner next time. If that’s okay. Is that okay?”
Her laugh echoes in Kyungsoo’s mind, he can’t believe this all worked out the way that it did.
“It’s definitely okay. You don’t have to be so nervous, Kyungsoo.” She reaches out and grazes his arm, her gaze warmly meeting his.
“I’ll have to look at my filming schedule and get back to you, but I promise you won’t be waiting long. I want to see you again soon.” Kyungsoo affirms, taking his phone out and offering it to her. “Can I get your number?”
She happily takes his phone and types her number in the contact, playfully setting her contact name as Girl in 111, her house number. She does the same and Kyungsoo sets his contact name as Guy in 112, enjoying this little game they are playing. The short walk home felt like 100 miles to Kyungsoo. He turned and saw her standing in the doorway, waving softly.
It worked out exactly how he imagined, and couldn’t wait to discover more of her.
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portfolioutboy · 3 months
[english under the cut]
oioi, lembram de mim? eu sou a madu, mais conhecida como wonhoutboy. sou capista desde 2016 e gostaria de sair da minha aposentadoria de uma vez por todas, portanto, vou pegar algumas capas pra fazer nessas férias (e vou jurar de pé junto que não vou atrasar nenhum pedido). aqui vão algumas informações sobre a abertura de pedidos, que está sendo anunciada de antemão pra todo mundo se preparar psicologicamente:
as encomendas abrem domingo, 07 de julho, e fecham dia 14 de julho ou até atingir o limite de 10 pedidos aceitos;
o link do formulário de pedidos + cronograma de acompanhamento vai ser acrescentado a este post no dia da abertura;
vou aceitar pedidos de capas para spirit, wattpad e outros, tanto de k-pop quanto de outras mídias e histórias originais (atenção: não tenho muita experiência com capas de anime);
não tenho restrições quanto as categorias de k-pop, mas tenho preferência por capas de girlgroup/EXO;
máximo de 2 capas por pessoa;
todas as capas serão entregues ao mesmo tempo, ou em dois batches (5 de cada vez) para evitar demora excessiva na entrega das últimas capas;
o documento das regras será disponibilizado mais tarde, neste post, com mais informações úteis sobre requisitos & funcionamento.
para analisar o meu trabalho e ver se o meu estilo se enquadra ao seu gosto, por favor, cheque os posts desse blog para ver as capas que eu já fiz. você pode usar alguma das capas que eu já fiz como referência para aquela que você quer.
edit 07/07: — doc com as regras; — formulário de pedidos; — cronograma.
vejo vocês em breve <3
hi! i'm madu, i'm a fanfic cover designer since 2016 and i've been meaning to open for commissions for a long time. here are some info that might be useful:
comissions are free, and they will open on july 7th. i will accept a maximum of 10 commissions;
the google forms + the spreadsheets where i'll update the status of the comms will be linked in this very post on the day;
i accept comms for any kind of design (wattpad cover, ao3/tumblr banners, etc) from any type of media (kpop, apop, shows, books, etc.) as well as original stories;
maximum of 2 designs per person;
all designs will be delivered at the same time or by batches of 5 in order to avoid a bigger delay in delivery for the last designs made;
a document with all the rules & more detailed information will be made available soon in this post;
if you're interested in getting a design/cover commission by me, please comment under this post so i'll know to expect english/other languages commissions :).
to see my work and check if it matches what you want for your fanfic covers/designs, please check the posts in this blog.
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vnbifolio · 6 months
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what is, and what used to be; cover por bea
capa teste, [12/03/24]
omg hi!! tô muito feliz, essa é a minha primeira capa feita pelo photoshop, e mesmo tendo passado uns dias penando pra fazer ela, ficou legalzinha e eu aprendi várias coisas. bjoo 😘😘💕💞💗💝
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trashprincess097 · 10 months
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*** I know they are kind of out of order. I messed up on the title order BUT they still turned out okay.
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adorkableejit · 5 months
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✦Doh Kyung Soo Mini Album [Blossom]
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ifdimpeul · 25 days
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# pedido de capa
📆 28.08.24
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baekwin · 2 years
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congratulations! ♡ xiumin music show behind
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livgfx · 2 years
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► like or reblog if you use/save.
► Don’t copy or claim it as your own.
► ᴅᴏɴ’ᴛ ʀᴇᴘᴏsᴛ.
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kjsexo · 11 months
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🧚🏼‍♀️    ♡    𓐆   ❀
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🌱    ♥︎    𓐆   ✧⁠*
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sooinbloom · 6 months
Hi there! I really love your work! Thank you for working so hard to create an amazing fanfic for us 🫶🏻. I have a request for you. Since I'm a typical person who finds comfort in angst stories, could you please write an angst story about Kyungsoo based on his song 'The View'? Thank you very much!
Answer: when I got this request I literally SCREAMED. Thank you @sooadorable for the request! I have been writing a series and wondered how I could introduce it, and this is the best way because it lines up with the story perfectly! I hope you enjoy this, thank you so much for the request and all of your support! Dividers by @saradika-graphics
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The View
genre: angst, drama, Kyungsoo!AU, EXO!AU, romance
word count: 2,011
theme: marriage in trouble, lovers to enemies, separation, impending divorce, broken heart
warnings: use of alcohol, cursing, mentions of self harm, implied smut, sad kyungsoo, depressed kyungsoo
summary: Kyungsoo is separated from his wife and finds comfort in a bottle of Tennessee Whiskey and old home movies as he tries to figure out what to do with the divorce papers he was served. Based off of his song, “The View”.
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I stare out into the vast open sky from my living room floor, the sunset paints beautiful colors that canvas the atmosphere above the rolling waves of the Pacific Ocean. I can get lost in moments like this, the times where my head is completely clear and I take in everything around me.
Slowly, effortlessly, the yellows become the golden flecks in her gorgeous eyes. The wind is her touch, soft and sends chills down my spine. The reds are her lips when she gets ready for date nights, putting on lipstick just for me. Even though she didn’t need it, she looked so spectacular in that shade of red. The waves are the promises we made, consistently rolling back to me to remind me that I failed to keep so many. Being here in this kind of scene just isn’t the same without her.
I watched my wife, Mila, walk out of the door and never turn back due to my own stupidity. I haven’t slept well since she left. I haven’t been able to eat on some days. Nothing in my life feels right anymore.
Our vacation home in Malibu looks out onto the shore, for the times we needed to get away from it all and spend time together. Tonight is my last night here before I have to fly back to New York to finish my album and I wish I could stay here longer. It’s the closest thing that I have to being with her.
Everywhere I turn, there’s pieces of Mila in every single thing. She’s in the clouds, the wind, the moon that grows brighter and brighter by the second. The last six months have been hell without her.
Watching old videos of us together has to be a form of self harm, but this is the only way I can see her smile. My eyes are glued to the screen as memories play out from different points in our relationship. From moving in to our first apartment together after we got married. From traveling to Korea to see my family. Waking up in Spain on our European tour together to staying up late in the studio to our honeymoon. I’ve replayed the honeymoon videos over and over, mesmerized as the events play out on screen. We were so young, Mila was 20 and I was 22. I need to be honest with myself, it wasn’t a honeymoon… It was our elopement at Mila’s grandparent’s ranch in Mexico. We stayed in the guest house on the ranch, and it was the happiest we’d ever been.
"Come here." My voice whines from the TV.
"No! Why are you recording us? It’s so weird!" Mila giggles. I grab the phone and the focus is Mila sitting with her leg tucked under her with cheeks tinted pink.
"Look at you, Angel." I breathe, calling her by her nickname. “You’re so gorgeous and you just woke up.”
“Soo!” Mila blushes. She tries to cover her face but I won’t let her.
“Don’t hide your gorgeous face from me.”
The engagement ring and wedding band on her left hand glimmers on screen. The rays of morning light filter into the room and it can’t even compare to her smile. She didn’t need to try at all, she just naturally glowed. I love it when she’s this way, no makeup, hair down and only wearing my t shirt.
I pull Mila by her waist into the frame and kiss her, my arm protectively still around her. I tease her by tracing her lips with mine and smile between kisses, placing her into my lap. I lean and prop the phone on the bedside table and we're in full view on the bed. Mila’s hands run through my hair, something she did when we’d be intimate like this. Her smile fades as she wraps her arms around my neck.
“Soo… I’m worried. I’m scared that us running off and getting married is going to make things worse with my father and brother.” Mila expresses. I press my forehead against hers, holding her tight in my arms.
"Listen to me. No matter what happens, my heart is yours. Angel, we’re married. Nothing can separate us. Not Sungho, not Chanyeol, no one. I know that we both took a risk when we didn’t tell Chanyeol that we were just dating. He’s your brother and my best friend. I can’t imagine how hard it was for you to keep that from your brother. You’re everything to me, my best friend, my life. All I care about is that you’re happy with this decision. They’ll come around, we just have to give it time.” I say lowly.
Mila nods her head, her hands glide down my shoulder to my forearms.
“I hope Chanyeol will come around, him and I are close and I never expected he’d react in the way he did. With my father… He may take longer but it’ll be okay. I’m beyond happy. This feels so right, yeobo.” Mila smiles again, and it’s a personal victory that she’s glowing again. “I just… Don’t know how I feel about you filming us in bed. It’s kind of…”
“Jagiya, stop. This is for our memories. This is our honeymoon. I had to document just how gorgeous you are when you wake up in the morning. You make the world around you envious.” I whisper, caressing her face.
"This is like a dream. I don’t want to go back to reality.” Our eye contact is strong, it never deviates from one another. I run my fingers through her hair and cup her face in my hands.
We fall into a deep kiss, molding ourselves to each other. We break slowly and a fire is ablaze in her eyes, full of want. She pushes me down onto the bed, I roll over until I’m on top of her.
“Look at me, Angel.” I straighten her gaze back to me by guiding her jaw back to face me. I lean down and kiss her velvety soft lips, my hand slides down to her throat. Her soft whimpers fill the room as my lips roam her jaw and down her neck. I stop at her shoulder and smirk into the camera.
“Mila, you’ll never forget this.” I say into the camera and nip her collarbone. She shrieks and holds onto me tighter. Before we go further, Mila grabs the phone and laughs.
“Nice try, Mr. Doh.”
We laugh and she cuddles into me, stopping the recording. I turn the TV off. Seeing my wife smile like that is something I haven’t seen in a long time. Tears threaten my eyes as the moon glows brighter. I can’t even remember when I started drinking or how I got halfway done with my bottle of Tennessee Whiskey. Now there’s nothing left but reminders that she’s not mine anymore. I shouldn’t have been working so much, prioritizing everything else over her, or even worse… I shouldn’t have been such a jealous monster. Being young and stupid, I’d bubble over with jealousy if a man just as much as gazed at her.
To be fair, Mila is a beautiful woman inside and out. She’s so selfless, humble and never afraid to be herself. Mila is known around the world for her music, to say she’s talented is an understatement. Watching her onstage is like a dream, she bursts to life when she performs. The entire world gets to see the woman that I am so proud to call her my wife.
Her physical beauty is just a bonus. Her sun kissed skin seems to glow, her plump lips framed her adorable smile perfectly, I could lose myself in her gorgeous eyes if I could. Her body is a gift from God, effortless curves that would hypnotize me the moment she’d walk into a room. She came right out of my dreams, everything about her is perfect.
It was never a secret that men pined over her and how gorgeous she is. I never checked my jealousy, something she never deserved.
I was certain every man she came across fantasized about her and wanted her the way I wanted her. I was so certain that it made me crazy. It was so bad that we started to fight all of the time and she finally had enough.
I open the sliding glass door to listen to the waves. The warmth from the whiskey offsets the cold night air, I wait for Mila’s arms to hug me into her embrace and when it doesn’t come, my heart splinters. I handled winter and spring without her, but summer reminded me how much worse it is that we’re separated. How she takes shape in the view.
“Mila… I miss you…” I whisper into the night air. The stars and moon start to sway and my vision clouds over. I rub my temples and turn my back to the ocean, glancing over at the divorce papers on the counter. I wrecked my brain relentlessly over what made Mila want a divorce. I didn’t cheat on her, I didn’t ever lay a hand on her and I didn’t lie to her or kept anything from her.
We could work on our problems easily, if she’d just allow it. Our last fight was the worst one, I can’t even remember what words were exchanged but that didn’t matter. What haunted me was that I made her cry. Something I swore I’d never do. I wanted to fix it and Mila wanted nothing to do with me.
Divorce papers.
This is not how I expected our relationship to end. I didn’t want it to end at all. I have to prove it to her that I’m going to change… Once the room stops spinning…
I stumble back and collapse onto the couch, closing my eyes to continue the memory the week we spent together on the ranch when we got married. Mila and I were in bed, cuddled up during one of our late nights. Mila’s fingers dance across my chest, her eyes heavy with fatigue.
“Promise me something, Soo.” She whispers.
“Yes, Angel?”
“Promise me that no matter what happens, we’ll never give up. We’ll never separate. Even if times get difficult, I don’t want to give up.” Mila pleads with her eyes.
“I promise you, Mila. I’ll never give up on you or us. If we somehow get lost or strained… We’ll fix it. I’ll fight for you until the very end, that’s my promise to you.” I reply, kissing her forehead.
“I’ll fight for you too. I’ll fight for us. This is different… Marriage is so different from just dating. You and I are in this together for life. I know I’m stubborn. I know I’m difficult to deal with, I’ll do better.” Mila smirks. I laugh and pin her under me, my forearms are on either side of her head.
“Your attitude is very easy to deal with. You’re a brat sometimes but it’s nothing I can’t handle.” I laugh, kissing her slowly. “But you’re mine, whether you like it or not.”
“I love it. I love you.” Mila smiles. “Our promise is sealed with a kiss, isn’t it?”
I kiss her mouth and cheeks, nodding. “Of course it is, Angel.”
The memory fades from my head. Everything she said that night resounds in my head. I can’t sit her and feel sorry for myself and drink myself to death anymore. She made me promise her that I’d fight for her, and that we’d never separate. It’s my fault she pushed away, it’s my fault she doesn’t want to be near me. I have to fight for her, I have to keep my promise.
The first thing I decided to do is not sign the papers. If Mila wants a fight, that’s what she’s going to get. I can’t take her just being a memory that I can see in the world around me. She has to see that she is my world. She’s my view.
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