#exo titan & human hunter in my setting
kaiserouo · 1 year
Titan (and Hunter) keep vigil at night.
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lordsireno · 1 year
VsDestiny - RvB/Destiny AU info dump
Okay so yonks ago I said I'd info dump on the VsDestiny (RvB/Destiny AU) - Well better late than never- I've dug up the old doc :'D @randomfandoms153 this is basically for you because your tags reignighted my heart <3
The setting is basically RvB shenanigans in the Destiny world. The Red Clan and the Blue Clan live on the outskirts of the last city, since the Vanguard considers them too destructive to have in the tower (They can come in for bounties and the postmaster). They spend their days shooting each other in crucible or lazing about- until these 'Freelancers' bring along a bunch of drama. Project Freelancer is what emerged from the ashes of a failed offshoot of the Clovis Bray company, where the Director attempted to artificially make Guardians.
More details under the cut! Oh and other art can be found under #VsDestiny .
Sarge (Titan class) is the foremost expert on Exos, being one of the top engineers from the Clovis offshoot in his previous life. He was brought on as a soldier but found to have great skill with robotics. These days his work is primarily subconscious, where he glazes over when in repair mode. Standard robots like frames are his passion to work on, and his favourite creation is Lopez, who he built from scraps. He’s always looking for bigger and better firearms to add onto his eventual robot army! His ghost is called 'Shotgun'.
Simmons (Warlock class) is an experimental Exo type made by the offshoot, and its partly why he’s so drawn to Sarge. He appears human until his first death on the fireteam, where the fake skin on his left cheek does not regenerate. The sight of exposed metal begins to cause mental degradation (DER), but it’s thankfully stopped by Grif and the antics of the other Reds. His Ghost is called 'Ghost'
Grif (Hunter Class) has the highest death count, solely thanks to Sarge. He uses invisibility to get out of chores, and has tired to use Blade Barrage to light an oven. His Ghost is called 'Oreo'
Donut (Warlock Class) enjoys creating a fashion and loadout for every occasion, and has a scary amount of grenade stacks. His Ghost is called 'Little O'
Lopez (Wears Sarge's titan armor) - While technically only classed as a frame, he is intelligent and made with Exo parts.
Blue Clan:
Church (Hunter Class) awoke outside the city one day, and regretfully attracted other rouge guardians. He is an experimental Exo type and looked human up until his 'death', where upon he spoke through his Ghost Alpha (because it houses his true core) until Sarge fixed him.
Tucker (Hunter Class) While out patrolling, Tucker stumbled upon a young Eliksni. Unable to bring himself to kill it, and not willing to leave it alone in the elements (No other Fallen had been sighted in the area for months) he brings it back to Blue Base. Church complains about the alien smell, but after dealing with Caboose’s own attachment to alien things, didn’t fight about keeping it. It is dubbed Junior. His Ghost is 'Crunchbite'
Caboose (Titan Class) Has a strong connection to alien tech. No one knows how Caboose managed to sweet talk a Fallen Walker into coming home and joining the fireteam. Caboose claims he and Sheila have a special connection. He has the highest Guardian kill count, mostly thanks to Church. His Ghost is called 'Freckles'
Texas (Titan Class) is as terrifying a fighter and an enigma of a person as always. Likes to challenge people to 1v1 matches.
The Director picked up the remains of the Clovis offshoot and merged it with his own plan to make artificial guardians for the universal defence force. His first creation was Alpha, an experimental exo with a copy of his personality. The ghost ‘alpha’ is actually just the personality core. 
His experiment forces Freelancers to bond to Fragments of the original Alpha, killing them, which links them to ‘the light’ and allows them to revive. However, the actual process isn’t as perfect as assumed. 
The Fragments are weaker than standard Ghosts and must remain out during the full revival. They can be destroyed by ordinary weapons, and unless requested, won’t heal injuries over time. 
When a Fragment revives its Freelancer, it temporally overrides their consciousness to allow the body to be moved from further harm, and to piece back together their mind. The more adjusted the Fragment, the faster this occurs and lets the Freelancer to resume control. Similarly, the less adjusted Fragments are prone to remaining in control even after recovery. As well, the more times the Freelancer dies, the more time it takes to revive them, as their minds begin to dissipate and have to be wholly supported by the Fragments to continue to live. 
York, North and Wyoming all seem fine, but when it comes to Maine the issue becomes apparent as Sigma puppets him much longer. When Carolina requests two, they fight over her revival. 
Washington was the last Guardian made in the program, before its complete collapse. His Deaths are: Original bonding, the MoI crash, Recovery One, and saving Tucker. His Fragment is Epsilon, and after the MoI crash, he refuses to accept its existence. He doesn’t summon it, using old school tech like flashlights and radios, and will always physically get in and out of his ship. If asked Wash only offers the explanation that he isn’t on good terms with his ghost. 
After his third death at the hands of South, he remains as Epsilon for two days. 
When he saves Tucker, the Blues learn of how Epsilon puppets Washington after death. Tucker is creeped out by how only Epsilon speaks, and how like Church it is. Caboose believes that Church is trying to communicate with him and tells Epsilon their early adventures. 
And thiiiis was as far as I got apparently! Feel free to expand/alter if anything takes your interest!
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thejediassassingirl · 2 years
Rewriting this post bc Tumblr apparently didn’t like it and decided to delete it. Thanks, Tumblr!
Hey you. Yeah, you. Are you a massive fuckin’ nerd? Do you love Destiny and Dungeons and Dragons? Do you wanna play as your guardian in D&D? I've worked out a build for that! DISCLAIMER: This won't work for every campaign and every setting, and you should talk to your DM about it beforehand to make sure it’s compatible with the game you’re in. Once you’ve done that, you can start building your character! You're going to be at least level three in this character, because you're going to be multiclassing. Your base class, the class that you're going to want for your first level, is cleric. I chose this for the "religious" aspect of having been granted your powers by the Traveler as well as for the fact that clerics are known for healing, and in the game we do get the mechanic that allows us to revive others. You'll want to be a light domain cleric. Your second level is where you choose your in-game class. Are you a hunter? Put a level into rogue. Are you a warlock? Sorcerer. Titan? Fighter. For your third level, you're going to want to pick ranger, specifically the horizon walker subclass. The horizon walker subclass won't kick in until you've got three levels in Ranger, but you'll want to have the basis for it anyway. For your race, you can obviously be a human, or if you want to be an exo, you could choose warforged. For an Awoken character, I think an Elf would work pretty well!
For your background, you can honestly choose whatever you want. I picked folk hero because I feel like that fit with the status that guardians have, but if you want to get skills and proficiencies that your guardian might have had in their first life, feel free to choose another background that gives you the skills you want! You could probably even talk to your DM and have them pick a background for you but not tell you what it is, to kind of play into the "not remembering your past life” aspect of Destiny. So now you have your base character, but you're going to want gear. Again, talk to your DM about what works with their campaign, but once you have your guidelines, go nuts! I tend to use hand cannons, bows, and swords most often in game, so I gave my guardian character a pepperbox pistol, a shortbow, a shortsword, but I also gave her a glaive bc glaives are awesome. Now for spells! As a cleric, you will already have light, burning hands, and faerie fire. In addition to these, I chose guidance, sacred flame, and spare the dying as my cantrips, plus cure wounds, guiding bolt, and healing word as my first level spells "But Jedi, how do ghosts work?" you ask, and folks, I hear you. I hear your questions constantly. They come to me in my dreams like a prophet receiving visions from an angry god. Again, I will disclaim that you should check with your DM before implementing this, but here's how I'm thinking about handling the ghosts. Remember how I said I had chosen healing word and cure wounds as my first level spells? Well, flavor wise, those wouldn't be cast by my character, they would be cast by my ghost. They still would use a spell slot, but in describing them, they’d come from your ghost. If you reach zero hit points and you fail your death saves, that would mean that your ghost was destroyed and you're permadead. Time to roll a new character. It’s not perfect, but I spent a lot of time thinking about this, so let me know what you think and let me know if you use this to play your guardian in a D&D campaign!
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syncopation53 · 2 years
Rotating the 3-man team of Guardians with Just Some Guys disease in my mind currently
We got: Devon, Awoken Hunter, rezzed mute and has his Ghost translate his ASL, socially awkward introvert, loves making things blow up and setting things on fire
Kelli, Human Titan, has a metal prosthetic arm and will rock your shit with it, everyone thinks she’s the leader bc she’s got the best charisma but also has the lowest wisdom
Prask-9, Exo Warlock, dead inside thanatonaut who accidentally becomes leader a lot bc they’re the only one with more than 2 braincells, somehow managed to get the other two stuck on them and hasn’t been able to get them off yet
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sickeningradiances · 3 years
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Lineup of my destiny ocs! To learn more about them check out this twitter thread.
If you're interested, a collection of fanfics about them (Bastaardiks and John are the main characters)
[image description: A watercolour painting of a set of characters, two eliksni and one of each race in Destiny. From left, there is an Eliksni guardian, titan named Bastaardiks, who is wearing big fur on his shoulders with long warm cloak, golden armor, and green/gold mark with the Traveler with House Light symbol in it. His ghost is a red cat-shell (Nine Lives Shell) name Cat. Next to him is a full grown Eliksni in scrapped hunter armor of various colours and green cloak, Virksis. There is a tiny purple servitor floating above him. Next to him is a human titan John. John has dark skin, a scar over his blank eye, and dark brown thick dreadlocks. He is wearing black and red armor. His ghost Hollow is also black and red, the Armory Forged Shell. Next is an exo warlock, Phoenix-7. He is wearing solstice robes and luxe pants, both red and gold. His ghost Nova is wearing the Halcyon shell, shaded gold. The last one is Nastya, an awoken hunter, with purple skin, blonde hair long hair and pointy ears. Her armor is blocky and purple. Her ghost Nakhlebnik is wearing the Wish-Maker shell.]
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wickedapollo · 4 years
This is going to become a Saint-14 blog you watch. Everything is going to be become Saint. Everything. Oh my God, I love that man. I can't. I can't even.
Anyways, this is a Dawning gift for my friends [@lady-efriyeet @galexion @nyllius ]! It may come out before then, I have no idea currently, as I write this. I am very motivated for this one, unlike my promised Shiro oneshot... Oops. I'll get to that one in due time I swear.
Saint-14 x Hunter! Reader
Warnings : angst and [reads smudged writing on hand] flurf
The wind nips at your unarmed arms, snaking up your biceps and brushing against your throat. Your fingertips are numb with the chill, you flex them but it is all for not. They aren't frozen just cold. You sigh, closing your eyes and hanging your head.
You can't remember the last time you had a day off, it seems all you do is move about the system, killing things, saving people, and then you move on. Move on as though a leaf upon the wind who's only motive is to please such that hurries you. It is a sad existence, you think to yourself, that I am only something used to fight the battles that everyday people cannot. The mere idea that you are useless makes your heart sink in your chest. Perhaps if it sinks lower it may fall through you and hit the floor, shattering with all your prizes, all you hold dear.
Your eyes wander back to the silent bazaar. It is, after all, only two A.M. and most sane people are asleep. Your thoughts and insomnia keep you awake, brushing at the fingertips of sleep while your body falls more and more awakened. You hate nights like these, when sleep is scarce and there is no one to talk to.
If only your prayers could talk back.
You wrap your arms around your ribs as you straighten to look up at the traveler. The pristine machine god offers you no solution. No end to your sleepless night. Only the same silence as it has always treated you.
"Голубь?" It is a small, almost whisper-like voice. Scratchy and groggy from sleep. Like what you had once imagined dark chocolate would sound, not that you had imagined voices for the food you ate, that was preposterous, but it was a way to describe it. "What are you doing awake?"
"I can't sleep." You murmur, more to yourself than to him. You watch him rise groggily onto his metal forearms and squint into the darkness of your bedroom. His optics adjust in brightness, much like eyes adjusting to the dark. He sits there for less time than you expect before he pushes himself up and looks around slowly.
"It's twenty-five til three." He states, and for a moment he seems amazed by the time. Perhaps the fact that it is so late and you are still up? Who knows. He pulls the blankets off of his lap to stand, boards creaking under his feet as he does so. He easily towers over you, optics blinking as he adjusts to the lighting.
You can’t help but shrink further into the linen curtains. You know Saint means well, he always does, you don’t feel like being berated for not sleeping. Not that Saint would do that, but you know he’s going to ask questions. It’s his way of looking after you, you know. You appreciate it sometimes.
However, he doesn’t, instead he wraps his arms around you and pulls you into the soft cotton of his t-shirt. You would expect, like most metal things, Saint would be cold to the touch. He never is, and no matter how many times you’ve touched him, you are always surprised at how warm he really is. You hope all exos are this way, though you could never truly be sure, and are too afraid to test your new theory.
“Perhaps I can help?” He offers, in the soft tone that only he can have. It reverberates throughout his chest as his hands gently smooth over your back. Truthfully they don’t have to go far, Saint’s hands are huge. You barely have enough room for one, let alone both of them. You don’t complain though, only pressing your face into his chest with a nod.
You’re moving before you can truly process it. Being pulled towards the bed with little protest, in no hurry to leave your titan’s embrace. He seems in even less a hurry to let you go. Though that is Saint, always has been, always doting and encouraging.
Strong hands lift you up, and though he doesn't say it, what he wants is as clear to you as the night sky. You sluggishly wrap your legs around his waist and wrap your arms around his neck. He moves his hands under your thighs and sets his chin on your shoulder as he walks. There's something soothing about it, perhaps it is why babies are rocked to sleep.
His warmth is intoxicating, like sitting by an open fire and reading. Like being curled in a fuzzy blanket while the wind and rain howl outside the window, something so natural and peaceful that it may have lulled you to sleep right there- If you were not so keen on staying awake to avoid the nightmares. Though your eyes droop and your limbs are heavy, you force yourself to stay awake.
If you wait long enough, Saint will let you load up on caffeine and give you disappointing looks. You could handle that, you hope. It's just that you are so tired, it's almost criminal. It's to the point you feel like crying- for no reason- at anything.
Soon enough your ambition falters, you close your eyes. They were just so heavy, you argue to yourself, not even Atlas could have held them open.
Soon your arms relax around Saint, hands falling limply from his shoulders to hang lifelessly. Your fingers rest against the warm metal of his arms, twitching as he moves. It's only then you notice, somehow, he's humming.
You try to count his tune, as a last resort of staying awake. You lose it at six, arguing over what number you had missed to not get an eight count- and you pass out then and there. Slipping into the dark, like a warm blanket.
Saint, in all honesty, isn’t ready to put you down. He’s afraid you’ll wake up if he stops moving, it’s happened before. Though that was about a year ago, and he had unceremoniously tossed you on the bed, thinking nothing of the fact that you were human and very, very fragile.
He sighs, looking over at the clock on the bedside table. You really didn't use it, never had need for an alarm, that's what you had your Ghost for. But he used it periodically, like now, seeing that it read three a.m even. The titan finally lays you down, pulling the covers over your chilled body and up to your chin. When he's satisfied he kisses your forehead, metal lips lingering along your warm brow. You could be coming down with a cold, he thinks, one more thing to worry about…
You resituate to hug a pillow close to your chest, burying your face into it's softness. It makes Saint smile. You may be Saladin's Young Wolf, who fights with honor and Valor. A god killer. However, you are also his. His guardian, his love, and his inspiration. And he is soft for you.
The large titan moves to the window, glancing out into the empty street with contempt. There is a light on across the street, with shadows moving to and from in front of the window. He smiles, someone's wrapping presents for the Dawning still. He watches them move back and forth until the light goes out.
He leans back into the apartment and shuts the open window without question. It's late, he should sleep, too. He draws the curtains and pads back to his side of the bed. You've already stolen most of the blankets, but he can't find it in him to take them from you.
Instead he lays there, quiet as he listens to you breathe and snore softly. What a beautiful way to spend tonight, he thinks, when the room is warm.
However, now it is his turn not to find sleep. He tosses and turns for nearly twenty minutes. He sighs tiredly at the white ceiling. Perhaps if he counts the popcorn bits he can sleep. So he starts, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5…
No dice.
An arm snakes around his waist sleepily and you pull him close. You're nowhere near fully conscious, just awake enough to be a sleepy, cuddly mess. He turns his head to look at you in surprise as you nestle into his side and nose along his jugular vein, or coolant tube… either way.
"Did I wake you, Love?"
"Mmm?" You reply, eyes falling closed as you wrap a leg around his thigh. You still as you have found comfort in the position. Saint can't hide his smile, accepting the exchange and wrapping his arms around you. You're warm, and rightfully so, you're swaddled in blankets like a fluff tortilla.
His fingers sneak into your fluffy, messy hair. Carding through it and watching it fall back into place again and again. He lets out sigh, sounding more like a purr than an actual breath. His optics dim in the lighting, and he yawns.
"Sleep tight, Моя любовь."
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Question For Your Guardian:
Made by @fem-birb-woman.
(Skipped one or two btw)
1.) What is your guardian’s name? What does it mean? What inspired you to choose that name for them? Thera is my Guardians name. It means untamed. What’s funny is, I didn’t plan this out. I didn’t know what the name meant, I just picked it out because it seemed fitting. Then when I began writing for my Guardian, I searched up what the name meant.
2.) What did your guardian name their ghost? What does it mean? What inspired them to choose that name? Thera named her Ghost Scout. If searched up, it will probably say it means ‘to listen’. Thera chose this name because Scout was always looking out for her, listening to her whenever she needed to rant, and he was a great scout on missions.
3.) What is your guardians favorite weapon of choice? What mod do they use for it? Do they have a masterwork on it and if so, how many enemies have they killed with that weapon? Riskrunner is the gun she always has on her on missions.
4.) Do they participate in the Crucible often or do they just go to complete the daily challenges? Thera definitely goes out to the Crucible whenever she gets the chance so for practice and as a workout, with or without the daily challenges. 
5.) If your guardian had to choose to be another class, what class would they pick? Or would they stay the same? She would pick warlock because she thinks their neat, but she would only choose this if she had to. She’s quite happy being a hunter.
6.) What is their favorite subclass within their own class? Gunslinger.
7.) What is their favorite subclass in a different class? Voidwalker.
8.) Would they rather receive a titan kiss ( a hard ass headbutt that mostly results in death ), asking a warlock a question that might result in a long explanation, or deciding to play the knife game with hunter and bet at high stakes? Thera would play the knife game with a fellow hunter, because she’s already really good at that game. She knows she’d win.
9.) Would they prank other guardians or just their close friends? What kind of pranks would they pull? Only her close friends. And it would probably be pranks that are like putting clear foil all on the doorway, or the “Come and get ya’ll’s juice” vine kind of stuff.
10.) Which vanguard memeber to they like to hang out with the most? She used to hang out with Cayde the most, but now Ikora is the one she hangs out with the most.
12.) What kind of hobbies do they do in their free time? Are there any particular skills they have that help them with this hobby(s)? Thera likes to cook and bake (mostly bake) in her free time.
13.) What is their favorite armor set and what shader do they use for it?  The luxe universal ornaments are what she’s always wearing, and she’s always changing up the shader.
14.) Do they prefer silence or are they unbothered in loud areas? Thera likes silence way better.
15.) Are they afraid of storms? If so, is there a specific reason why? Not really. Sometimes she will jump at a really loud boom of thunder, but other than that, she actually quite enjoys them a little bit (as long as she’s not out on a mission going through the rain).
17.) How close are your guardian and their ghost? If they are not close, would your guardian kill their ghost and choose to answer the darkness’ calls? Thera and Scout are really close. Scout had been there with her through it all. The death of her fireteam, all the battles she’s faced, the Red War, Eramis, and the meeting of new friends and finally coming out of her shell.
18.) Would your guardian engage in a romantic relationship with Fallen, Cabal, Hive, etc? If so, what do they find attractive about the species? No, she wouldn’t. She would be friends with Fallen, but that’s the closest relationship any species besides exo, human, or awoken is going to get.
20.) Does your guardian like plants? If so, what kinds? Do they prefer flowers or trees or shrubs? Would they start a garden? Thera does like plants, and really likes any kind of flower. Though the only plant she had in her room is a single, small, aloe plant. She would never even think about starting a garden, because she could never take care of a bunch of plants.
21.) If your guardian became obsessed with something, what would it be? Movies like MARVEL and Star Wars. Oh wait, she’s already obsessed with that.
22.) Do they like reading books or watching movies or both? What genres are their favorites? Does their fireteam have the same taste? She likes both. She likes fantasy, and secretly likes a bit of romance books. As for movies, she likes fantasy and any kind of action movie.
23.) What kind of music do they like? Do they dance around anybody in any situation or in the privacy of their quarters? What would their favorite song from the Golden Age be? Thera loves classic rock. She doesn’t dance too much whether in public or in privacy, not because she’s shy, but because she simply doesn’t want to. But she’s actually good at dancing, and if you challenge her to a dance battle, you will lose.
24.) What does their living space look like? Are there a bunch of pictures around or do Knick knacks cover the shelves? Do they enjoy bright, neutral, or dark colors? Would they purchase a fur rug? Thera’s room in bigger than the rooms they give other Guardians in the Tower. She has a big bookshelf filled with knick knacks, and she enjoys a darker color scheme. She also would purchase a fur rug.
25.) Do they travel around the city often? If so, what are their favorite places to go and who do they go with? Are the civilians ever excited to see them or do they give them a look because of precious mishaps that resulted in property damage? Thera doesn’t go around the city too often, though sometimes she will join her friend Ann, and Shaxx, when they go to play dodgeball with the kids. The kids and other citizens like seeing her around.
26.) Are they good with kids? If not, how do they react when a child tries to talk to them? If they are good with kids, what kind of things do they do to entertain them? She thinks she isn’t, and says she isn’t, but kids actually love her. When around kids, Thera tells them stories. 
27.) Are they in love with Shaxx? Not in love, just friends.
28.) When your guardian sleeps, are they stiff and stay in one spot or wild and kick off the sheets? Do they have nightmares often and if so, about what? How often do they sleep? Thera usually wakes up with the blankets all messed up, so she assumes she kicks her feet or something in her sleep. She has nightmares a lot more often now, with everything that’s going on. Usually these nightmares are about what if another war with the Cabal happens, or ones about her former fireteam haunting her, or her loosing those closest to her. And Thera sleeps nearly every night, though getting the full eight hours is another story.
29.) Do they enjoy coffee, tea, soda, or water? Would they mix all of these together and drink the liquid on a dare? She enjoys all of the above, though she likes her tea iced and sweet, not hot. And yes, she would mix all of these and drink it.
30.) What about their personality attracts other guardians to them? What is it about other guardians that attracts your guardian to them? It’s really the fact that she’s a hero that attracts anyone, but that’s not personality. Really, fellow Guardians didn’t talk to her a lot because she didn’t show much of her personality, but now she’s slowly coming out of her shell. I would say, that her risk taking is something that a lot of Guardians, especially hunters, like about her. And as for what attracts Thera to other Guardians, it’s their humor, their risk taking, and also what their attitude is like.
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Magnus Thorbjorn
Guardians name: Magnus Thorbjorn
Age: Roughly 34 when resurrected, currently unknown
Race: Awoken
Call signs/alias: Peacebroker, Traveler’s Favored, Evocate General
Pronouns: He/him
Class: Titan
Preferred subclass(es): Solar
Ghost’s name: Einar
Their Vanguard: Zavala, Ikora, Cayde-6
Fireteam name: Harbingers of Destiny
Fireteam teammates: Magnus, Dominus Ghaul, Anthem-99, Velliks, Gadrax, Kahun
Favorite legendary weapon: Steelfeather Repeater
Favorite exotic weapon: Ace of Spades
Favorite exotic armor: Crest of Alpha Lupi
Favorite ornament armor set: Empyrean Titan
Favorite weapon ornament: Glee Barrage
What stats do they focus on: Resilience, Recovery, Strength
Are they offense, defence, or support: Offense
Do they prefer being close, mid, or long range: Mid range
Do they lean more “Element of Surprise” or “Upfront and Aggressive”: Upfront and aggressive
Strikes, Gambit, or Crucible: Strikes and Crucible evenly
Who was their mentor(if they had one. If it is a character you created, tell us about them!): Ikora and Zavala
Who are they mentoring(if they are. If it is a character you created, tell us about them!): Dominus Ghaul
What ship do they have: Saint’s Invocation
What is their Sparrow: Praxic Finery
Favorite Ghost shell: In Memoriam
Favorite shader: Circadian Chill /Virtified Chronology
Favorite color: Blue
Favorite food: Pizza
Favorite piece of Pre-Collapse tech(if they’ve seen any): None, Magnus hasn’t really seen any
Favorite Pre-Collapse music(if they’ve heard any): Anything from Twilight Force
Favorite place in The Last City(if it’s a place you created, give a little description!): The Hollow Cairn. This is a place where many once-invading species have attacked throughout history, and it has sunken into the ground since due to the massive destruction created over centuries. However, the place has since become a point of unity for everyone, with communities of Hive, Cabal, Humans, Eliksni, etc. all building shelters within the crater and living together. It’s a bustling district, and only because Magnus sacrificed so much of himself and his efforts to unify everyone.
Favorite NPC(s): Zavala, Ikora, Cayde-6, Saint-14, Banshee-44, Eris Morn, Mithrax, Spider, Failsafe, Devrim Kay, Suraya Hawthorne, Sjur Eido
Favorite patrol location: Anywhere on the Tangled Shore
5 things your Guardian likes(can be anything): Diplomacy, metal music, leading, sleeping, using the Hammer of Sol
Least favorite food: Steak
Least favorite shader: Lilac Bombast
Least favorite patrol location: Braytech Futurescape on Mars
Least favorite Pre-Collapse tech(if they’ve seen any): N/A
Least favorite NPC(s): Oryx, Savathun, Mara Sov, Lakshmi-2
Least favorite weapon ornament: Jade Countenance
Least favorite ornament armor set: Pandemonic (skeletal Titan) set
Least favorite legendary weapon: Literally any fusion rifle ever
Least favorite exotic weapon: Telesto
Least favorite exotic armor: One-Eyed Mask
5 things your Guardian dislikes(this can be anything): Dishonesty, disloyalty, feeling hopeless, giving up, loss
Your Guardian has to rest. What is their living space like: It’s well-managed, with a LOT of collectibles from all around the galaxy in display cases, organized on shelves and wall hangers, and on tables. Magnus loves to collect trinkets that have meaning to him.
Does your Guardian have any casual wear?(Y'all remember Polyvore? The website URSTYLE works very similar if that helps!):
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What hobbies and/or skills does you Guardian have: Writing and reciting poetry, learning languages (speaks English, Ulurent, Eliksni all fluently), fighting, crafting armor, singing
What would your Guardian’s lore book be called: Broken Broker
Where was your Guardian reborn?(If you created the location, give us a little description!): Sector 25 in The Last City
What were they wearing when they were reborn: Scorched black cotton hoodie, worn-out black jeans, beat-up sneakers
What was their reaction to being reborn: FIGHT, AND DEFEND THE PEOPLE!!!
What was their reaction to their first rez: Sheer confusion, then immediate duty
After being reborn, did they meet friendlies first or hostiles: Both. He met Vex who were attacking and rampaging The Last City, but fought them and was then met by Zavala who’d come to handle the situation, only to see a new Guardian had already done this. Zavala saw the distress on Magnus’s face at this, and assured him over and over again.
Who was the first other Guardian they met?(Same thing! If you made them, give a little description!): Zavala
Did your Guardian get reborn with, or find, any indication of their past life? If so what do they have/found: Magnus has no indication of his past life, and knows nothing about it. He assumes he wasn’t Reefborn, but he partially wonders if he was just because of his vehement hatred for Mara Sov. Magnus can’t find anything on who he was, nor does he really care to know.
How did your Guardian get their name(if they didn’t rez with past life momentos): He knew/remembered it, and also Einar addressed him by “Magnus” when he was first revived and woke up.
Going back to your Guardian’s lore book, what would be some some quotes or passages from their book: Two passages are actually readable at my Ao3, dawnbreakerdystopia! Most of the lorebook passages would recount the tales of Magnus’s efforts to join the warring species of the galaxy together in unity, and would likely use the Hammer of Sol which he wields as a metaphor, leading those who read them to wonder if Magnus actually wielded it (he does). The passages would also recount the daring exploits he’s done to protect his friends, family, the training he put Ghaul through to be a strong and independent Guardian, and overall they’d just be written like poetic legends.
Does your Guardian have a significant other: Cayde-6, and they’re married.
Did your Guardian go explore first before going to The Last City? If so, where to: Magnus never explored until he was resurrected.
What was their reaction to first seeing The Last City: This place needs defenders.
Is your Guardian a part of a clan: Not officially. He’s sort of a part of every group regardless of whether he chooses to be or not. Life finds a way to drag him into them all.
Does your Guardian’s clan have a back story? If so, what is it?(if you want to or able to share): N/A
If your Guardian would have a quote as a flavor text for a weapon and/or piece of armor, what would they be: “I’ve got a thousand years on me, and for each year, a million lives. I can’t bear to sacrifice any one but my own.”
If your Guardian has had any interactions with any civilians (The Last City/The Farm), Eliksni, Cabal, Vex, Hive, Taken, Scorn, Rouge Lightbearers, or Iron Lords/War Lords(if your Guardian is an Old Light) tell us about it!: Magnus has unified Cabal and Humankind, mostly, because he was brought by the Traveler to Ghaul who was resurrected as a Guardian himself. He’s had plenty of rough encounters with them, but nowadays, they accept him as their Evocate General, and bend to his every command (Magnus NEVER abuses this). Magnus has had very few positive interactions with Hive, as Savathun and Oryx have constantly tried to seduce him with Darkness and ruin him. He struggles to trust Hive, but knows that there is good in everything just as there is bad, nothing is inherently evil, and thus, he has to and does accept Hive who are willing to be his allies. Magnus’s interactions with Eliksni have always been positive, and he’s always gotten along with them. Scorn and Vex, he has yet to meet any who’d be willing to work with him. Magnus personally hates the Vex entirely, but still holds out the belief that there is at least one out there who’s good and friendly.
Does your Guardian have any unconventional allies or connections(By Vanguard standards): PLENTY!!!! Ghaul, Spider, being Evocate General of Cabal, you name it.
How does your Guardian feel about themselves or others using Stasis: Magnus is against himself using it. He understands that others can make use of the power, but he HATES the Darkness, and would never trust a single thing from it, let alone a “gift” which would inevitably corrupt him, not to mention bring him nearer to it which he refuses to do.
Did they run The Last Wish raid? How did they react to seeing a live Ahamkara a.k.a Riven: Magnus has not run this raid yet.
Did they run The Deep Stone Crypt raid? How did they react to the Crypt and seeing Exo Eliskni: Magnus has not run this raid yet, either.
Is your Guardian from D1? How did they react to seeing Taniks alive once again: He’s not from D1
Where did they go and what did they do during The Red War: Magnus followed the main story, and was the only Lightbearer, thus he spearheaded the entire operation and literally held the fate of every single life on his shoulders and his alone. He fought, nonstop, and never gave up or slowed down.
Here are some characters that are either polarizing or have created a strong enough mass emotion within the community. What opinion does your Guardian hold on each of them(These are only a handful of characters!)>>>
Osiris, First Warlock Vanguard, originally exiled: Magnus looks up to Osiris for his wisdom, only a little, though, and he’d never tell Osiris this. Both of them know it, though, and words are not necessary to convey their mutual respect.
Eris Morn, Bane of the Swarm: He loves her, he wants to help her at all costs, and he knows to never pity Eris, or try protecting her without asking if she needs protection first, as she’s highly capable and strong-willed.
Cayde-6, Sixth Hunter Vanguard: Magnus is fucking head over HEELS for him, and would lay his life on the line for Cayde. He was devastated beyond words when Uldren killed him, but came to understand that it was the Darkness’s doing, not Uldren’s. And thus, he forgave him.
Ikora Rey, Second Warlock Vanguard: Mom. She’s just straight-up his mom.
Commander Zavala, Second Titan Vanguard: Mentor, dad-like friend, always reliable.
Saint-14, legendary Titan, First Titan Vanguard: Extreme respect, love, honors him deeply, aspires to be like him, MUST PROTECT!!!
Lord Saladin, Iron Banner handler, One of the last remaining Iron Lords: Indifferent. Magnus entirely disagrees with and somewhat hates what the Iron Lords did, but he senses good in Saladin and sees it as well. He holds onto that good, as he does for everything and everyone.
Lord Shaxx, Crucible handler, Hero of Twilight Gap, living megaphone: FRIEND!!! Always a good motivator, always reliable, selfless af which Magnus respects, and Magnus aspires to be so much like him. Is also slightly intimidated by Shaxx.
The Crow, New Light, Ex-Enforcer to The Spider: Friend, must be protected, is a new person and not Uldren, is capable of great things and must be guided to do just that. Magnus sees Crow follows his heart, and that’s more than enough for him to know this man is on the right path.
The Spider, The Shore’s Only Law, founder of “House” Spider: DAD!!! Spider adopted Magnus after (reluctantly at first) he went to Spider with a bounty from the Vanguard saying to kill him. Magnus knew this had to be a setup, it was, and Spider was immediately thankful, and then began calling Magnus his son. Both of them trust each other with everything and anything, and Magnus knows Spider is a good man at heart.
Uldren Sov, Prince of the Reef, Master of Crows: No. Don’t trust him, he’s misguided as FUCK!
Mara Sov, Queen of the Reef, Queen of the Awoken, Ex-Kell of Wolves: FUCK! YOU!!! Magnus would throw her off the throne and take it himself if he wasn’t so busy being Evocate General. He’d imprison her until her natural death. The things Mara has done, to the Awoken, the galaxy, and her brother, are unforgiveable, and she MUST pay for that.
Variks, the Loyal, founder of House Judgement: A friend, an ally, someone Magnus can rely on. He values Variks, even if he made mistakes in the past, but Magnus is a firm believer in destiny, and thus thinks Variks’s actions have been done for a reason which is to bring the world to the present it’s at.
Mithrax, the Forsaken, Kell of Light, founder of House Light: Absolutely reliable, always a good friend, Magnus will drop everything and go help protect Mithrax or aid him in his endeavors if he’s able. Magnus loves him as a close friend, and is deeply bound to House Light.
The Exo Stranger/Elizabeth “Elsie” Bray, Granddaughter of Clovis I and Sister to Ana Bray: Can be trusted, must be trusted, and Magnus also takes pity on her for what she went through both in the future, and by the hands of Clovis Bray.
Eramis, of House Salvation, Kell of Darkness: FUCK NOPE, don’t trust, avoid at all costs.
Empress Caiatl of the Cabal Imperial Empire: An ally and definitely trustable. Her motives are questionable, but Magnus understands where she’s coming from, and therefore believes she can be a great companion with some compromise.
Taniks the Scarred, the Perfected, the Abomination, the Shadow Thief: Nooooooooooooo get away get away get away GET AWAY!!!
The Darkness is fast approaching. How is your Guardian handling it: A N X I E T Y! !! !!!! ! !! But Magnus is taking action, fighting it head-on and never backing down for even a moment. He refuses to let the Darkness take hold, and aims to destroy it entirely once and for all.
And finally, does your Guardian have any advice for any New Lights: “The Darkness is a lie, but the Light is true. Nobody can see in the shadows of night, so it’s your duty as a Guardian to eclipse the world in endless sun, and create a world everyone can see within and beyond.”
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khaosgaming22 · 3 years
Expunged Part II
Drifter hefted his coat up over his shoulders as he fired up his ship from The Derelict where he transmatted Guardians in for his Gambit. It was tattered and scratched from the last time he wore it. On that cold, desolate hellhole planet with the shadows that snuffed out his crew's light. As for the rest of them well... only one came back to tell the tale. He activated the communications. "How you doin down there Moondust?"
"I've told you numerous times to refrain from using that nickname of yours Germaine." She said back through the crackled radio. The icy moon had a blisteringly cold atmosphere and an almost perpetual cycle of snowstorms.
"Any idea where this friend of ours might be hidin?" He asked and the ship jettisoned from its hangar toward Europa.
"We don't even know who sent the signal let alone what it is. They simply said that they mean to show us something." Eris says stumbling over a pile of snow laden with orange streaks encased in the ice.
"Okay well meet me in this clearing. Storm's too heavy where you are for me to land." He clicked on autopilot and sat back in his chair maneuvering his jade coin around in his hand then setting it ablaze. The ship sat down eventually and Eris walked up to it having crossed the field of ice and snow. She removed her shawl from around her mouth and watched as Drifter got out and stepped onto the moon. He was not two steps on that they heard a low hum coming from the north. They looked and saw a sparrow rounding a glaicer in the distance and speeding towards them. The sparrow disintegrated and the stranger jumped off. Drifter put a hand on his revolver. He turned to her.
"So. You must be this stranger we've been hearin about, the one who sent that signal." The stranger nodded and they saw what she was. Metallic.
"You're an Exo." Eris notes out loud. The stranger nods but does not speak. She walks past them and looks off at the distance.
"Good spot to land." Her voice sounds English with the reverb that always comes with Exos. Drifter and Eris look out at the horizon. A pyramid ship wedged into the surface like a chisel. This is what I brought you here to see."
Kenneth and Drake flew to Europa immediately after hearing of what they found. Ken got the signal from the Drifter and Drake from Eris, they knew full well the danger of the situation, Europa was not Vanguard approved, still they piled into Ken's ship
"This ship is a dump. What happened to your old one?" Drake asked looking around at the interior. It wasn't as cozy as Ken's usual one. No Golden Age relics.
"You think I'm gonna fly my good one in this far out? And risk never getting it back? Hell no I took the junker." Drake sighed and sat down in the cockpit next to him after swiping off the dust.
"Are you certain that this flying scrap is going to survive Europa?" He asked and looked out the window as they ascended off Earth and jolted into lightspeed. Ken was hesitant.
"Do you want the nice lie or the cold hard truth that you probably shouldn't even pick it's really not worth-"
"....maybe." Drake got up from the chair and grumbled to himself.
"I'm going to walk around." He said halfheartedly and exited the cockpit to find another hopefully not-too-disgusting place to sit and think. He found a broom and began to brush off a place for himself to sit and meditate on the last time he had gone out this far. Eve buzzed around him, she could tell something was troubling her Guardian but ever since his encounter with his father she had been quiet. He thought about calling Torra but he didn't want her to worry anymore.
Drake still felt ashamed for the events of that day. It was idiotic to think he could take on his father alone. He didn't want to involve anyone else because he didn't want anyone else to fix what he thought was his mess. It wasn't his mess. It was his father's, but none of that mattered now and not just others, but his own lover got hurt. When he woke up he saw Torra over him, he remembered the tears down her face. She had taken her hood off to try to get through to him, a fruitless attempt. As he contemplated what had happened he heard the door open and Eve quickly returned to her bag.
"We're here." Ken announced. His gear had changed drastically from his Last City garb. His hood was white as snow with a glow from his Solar Light running through it, he had a thermal mask over his face along with a wolf insignia on his chest piece. His arms had armoring around them and his boots were gray with pipes running through them. Probably some sort of heating system, it looked appropriate for the surroundings but jerry rigged together in classic Ken fashion.
"I was wondering when you would change." Drake said standing up from his spot on the floor. "You were gonna freeze to death in...whatever you had on before."
"For your information I got that from The Nine. But yeah no that ain't gonna stand up to the temperature of this place." He said fiddling with his Hunter knife.
"Right. Well then we should get going now." Drake looked around the ship then turned to Ken. "Where exactly is the exit?"
"Right there." Ken pointed with his knife to a small round hatch that looked about the size of a trash can.
"...on second thought, transmat me out Eve."
Eve did so and Drake was dropped into the white powder below as the ship flew off to find a suitable landing zone. He looked around through his hood and got hir bearings before summoning his sparrow and sidearm. The wind howled around him and he had to use thermals and the location point to guide him through the terrain, but eventually he came to where an glaicer collided with another creating a flat field of ice where he saw both the ship and where the signal came from.
Drake took his sparrow up over the cliff and onto the ice meeting up with Ken and speeding off toward the camp that was set up against the glaicer. The storm was not as bad here as the cliff blocked the bad weather so he could make out three figures. Eris was sitting by the fire, Drifter was standing and fiddling with a radio and another hooded Exo that Drake had never seen before was leaned up against the tent. She had a pulse rifle slung across her back.
"'Sup Drift? How's it goin." Ken asked and got off his sparrow. Drifter waved to him not moving from his place by the fire. Drake understood why, whoever this hooded stranger was was an Exo, with no feeling for the blistering cold, Eris was Awoken and Drifter was human.
"Aside from the storms that come up over the ridge every now and then, not too bad." Drifter answered and took a swig of something in his canteen, Eris said otherwise.
"We have much to talk about." She said gravely and the stranger walked forward to greet the Hunter and Warlock.
"Greetings." She said in a metallic voice. Ken recognized it was modeled after a posh British accent and along with her frame she would be eye candy for any interested Guardian. "My name is Elsie Bray and like Eris said, we have a lot to explain."
The pyramid ship, Elsie's origin and why they were here already were heavy subjects, but then she told them why they needed them here so urgently. Drake was astonished at all of it. He had studied the records left on Mars' Braytech facility before The Eclipse, Elsie was Ana's sister but not from their timeline. Instead she somehow was able to move through the Vex Network using her weapon as an anchor point. Fascinating. He would have numerous questions for Elsie, but those would have to wait.
"You have an Exo friend yes? He's a Titan." The two thirds of a strike team nodded. "He is here. But... he is lost to something. He's gone on a rampage destroying everything in his path in blind rage." This concerned Ken greatly. Drake couldn't believe it.
"No. No those days are over, Chao reset himself he is a different person now there's no way-" Ken put his hand on his shoulder and pointed to the ebony pyramid looming behind them. Drake lowered his head and stood up. "Where is he now?"
"He is almost here, but I know how we can help him. He's an Exo, we can use my bastard father's laboratory to reset him again and hopefully that will calm him down. Ken shook his head.
"No. Nu uh no way absolutely not, we are not resetting our friend he will lose everything he knows about us. We'll break his corruption just like we did Drake." Elsie nodded but did not look as sure of herself.
"Come with me, he's just up the glaicer. The storm will have moved on by now."
The three of them took their sparrows up to where an old communications satellite dish laid in ruin from both the weather and their corrupt Titan friend. Ken pulled up his hood that had blown off from the ride up and took out his handcannon from its holster. Drake readied his sidearm and Elsie followed suit with her weapon while they braced themselves. They could hear the crushing of metal coming from the radio tower and soon it would no longer hold, fallong over onto the outpost with a crash. On top of the building was a Titan in armor that was black as soot and looked like a knight. His armor had changed. He was breathing heavily.
The Titan turned his head and saw the three of them, then he did something that Drake nor Ken had ever seen. His chest exploded and his fist became encased in ice, he ran off the building jumping up and slamming it into the ground. Drake was so baffled at this that he had to be woken up by a shout from Ken.
"Drake get your head in the game man! We gotta take him down!" Ken shot rounds of his Sacramento at Chao but he slammed the ground and more ice shot up and the shots hit it instead. Then the Titan slid into them and they shattered into shards that exploded out and at Ken and Drake. This was not normal ice, it was sharp and tough as a rock crystal and it embedded itself into Ken's leg. He yelped out in pain.
"Agh- Son of a bitch that hurt! Drake! Don't let them hit you!" Drake ran over to Ken and put his healing rift down but it would only do so much and the Titan was not stopping to let the Hunter go through rehab. Chao slid into Drake and landed a punch knocking him off his feet and over Ken as he clutched his chest in pain. Elsie helps Drake up.
"I've called for Drifter and Eris, they'll be here shortly. Kenneth! Can you keep him busy?" Ken dodged out of the way of one of Chao's attacks and pulled out the shard with another scream.
"Yeah I can keep him busy but where the hell are you going?!" Elsie summoned her sparrow once she heard Drifter and Eris coming up the ridge.
"The Drifter and Eris are coming to help! I'm taking Drake somewhere where we can even the odds! We'll be back soon!" With that she and Drake sped off.
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And here it is everyone! Part 2 of Chao's story here on Europa. I know this is like 2 seasons late and we're almost to Splicers (which looks really cool btw definitely look out for stuff around this new season) Hunt was the worst season for me and the burnout hit quick, I played enough of Chosen to hear all the voice lines of my favorite blonde mechanic during Battlegrounds and took down Caital's champ in the tank. Long rambling short: It's almost summer and I'm ready to write more stuff as the longest and hardest school year finally starts to wind on down. And as always I hope you enjoy! (Art was done by the Magnificent @scout-fang check out her stuff if you haven't but you probably have already lol)
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chosendestiny · 3 years
Wolf's awakening: Chapter 2
The trip to the city was quiet. The Guardian sat in her seat, with a distant look plastered on her face. It's been an hour or so since Ghost got the jumpship driving, and she didn't use this chance to sleep.  Her Ghost transmatted to her shoulder as he went to man the controls. Once he finished with that, he flew to her line of view. "I suppose you have questions." She nods as a response. "What am I?" She asks. "You are a Guardian. You protect the last city and the solar system from the Darkness." He chirps. "And what are the Fallen?"  "The Fallen are Scavengers - alien pirates picking at humanity's remains. There are different types of Fallen." Ghost shows various holographic imagines of the types of Fallen she met already; The shank, vandal, the Captain, and finally, the Archon. Ghost told her, "You already know about the Dreg, so I left them out."  As Ghost showed her the images of the Fallen, he explained their rank and who they were. The shank are drones used by the Fallen. They are used as scouts, fire support, and even a distraction. The stronger Fallen is a Vandal. They're stronger and in a higher class than the Dreg. Next was the Captain, they command of the Fallen Crew. Ghost showed the final image to the awoken. "And finally, this is the Archon. The one you saw before I transmatted you to the jumpship. They are the high priests of the Fallen." With that, his optic flickered, stopping the holographic presentation. "You got that, right?" She nods once again. "I can't believe I actually found you." He says. If he could smile with such happiness, he would. Ghost soon made a chirping sound as he looked out the window. He looked happy in a way. The little Ghost then turned to face his Guardian. "Now, we're about to reach the city," He said pleasantly. The jumpship continued soaring throughout the sky, driving towards a storm of thunder and lightning. As the ship maneuvered itself across the mountains, the clouds cleared, it glides into the light of the morning. And in front of the jumpship was a mountain range. The sight was beautiful. She wishes that she never gets tired of this view, hoping that this sight would always stay spontaneous. Soon later, Ghost and his Guardian saw an immense city sat below an enormous tower, so tall it nearly brushed the clouds. Floating above the city was this huge sphere.  The Guardian points at the sphere then turned to her Ghost. "That's the Traveler. It's the source of our light." He says. He faces his Guardian as he watched her look at everything with amazement, she reminds him of the children from the City. After the jumpship circled the large tower, it stopped above the platform. The Guardian and her ghost transmatted from within the ship to a large plaza area. She looked up in the sky to see her jumpship fly away, and then she looked at her Ghost. "Welcome to the last safe City on earth. The only place the Traveler can still protect." Ghost's optic fixated at the Traveler. The awoken looked at the Traveler while attentively listening to her Ghost. He turned to face his Guardian, floating a few inches away from her face. "It took centuries to build. And now... We're counting every day it stands." He shot to the other side. "And this tower is where the Guardians live." The awoken looks around to see some people wear armour, while some people were wearing regular clothing. She had gotten a few stares from guardians and some workers. She thought that it might be because she was new. As she made her way around the plaza, she's heard mutters and whispers. "Do you think-?" "It can't be." "I thought she died.." "She's still alive!" "She looks different than how I remembered her." She decided to ignore it, thinking that it was meant for someone else. The awoken saw a small building with a robot inside. Her eyebrows pinched slightly as she narrowed her eyes towards the robot. "That's Kadi 55-30. She is the postmaster in the Tower. If you have any mail, lose any weapons or armour then you can go to her. Someway, somehow, she always has it ready
for you to pick up." She nods as confirmation.  "The Tower is run by a group called the Vanguard. They lead the three different classes: Hunter, Titan, and Warlock. You go to them to pick which class you'll be in, then you report to whichever class you pick. But if you ask me - I think you're a hunter. Based on how you fought the Fallen." Ghost continues. His tracker led his Guardian down the small yet wide flight of stairs. Down the stairs, there was a bunch of guardians there who were running and jumping around. She came to a halt once she saw a wall in front of her, and on either side of the wall were two short sets of stairs leading out to a hall. She went towards the right side of the wall, and the hall led to a large room with an entire wall of glass. In the room, there was a huge table with three guardians standing around it. It must be the Vanguard that Ghost told her about. Ghost drifted towards the three Guardians and circled them simultaneously. They shifted their attention from Ghost to the Guardian as she approached them. Their expression on her looked as if they saw something familiar, especially the one with the cape. He was about to open his mouth to say something but closed it instead. He put his finger over his mouth for a moment as if he was trying to find the right words to say, then clasped his hands together. "Well, hey there, stranger. Welcome to the tower. I'm guessing you're a hunter, but I might be a bit biased here." He says with a smile. She tilts her head, slowly processing what he said, and nods as a response.  "Excuse, Cayde. He seems a little excited to meet new guardians." The dark-skinned Guardian says. "He believes that he can tell who'll be a hunter." "Hey! I'm right almost all the time.. But hey, no pressure in picking your class." He assures the awoken Guardian before him. "I'm guessing your Ghost has informed you about the classes?" The woman asks. She nods as a response. “Guardian, this is the Vanguard. Ikora Rey, Zavala, and Cayde-6." ghost chimed. "Cayde leads the Hunter class, I lead the Warlock class, and Zavala, the Titan class. Hunter specializes in stealth and athletics. Warlocks have their knowledge, and Titans have their strength.” Ikora quickly explained. "Nice to meet you all." The Guardian quietly says. Ikora kindly smiles. "likewise, Guardian." "Have you picked your class yet?" The Titan, who the guardian believes is named Zavala asked. The awoken nods sheepishly. "My ghost says I should join the hunter class." Cayde did a little fist pump in the air. "Yes!" "You should've seen her. She was like woosh- boom! She was so agile!" Ghost exclaims. Ikora chuckles quietly, then faces the hunter. "Cayde, you know what to do. She's your responsibility. Teach her everything she needs to know." "Don't worry. She's in safe hands." He says as he motioned the young hunter over to him. She listened. "So, rookie. Do you have a name I can call you by?" He asks her. She looks over to Ghost, then back at Cayde. Ghost sighs, drifting close to Cayde. "Uh, she doesn't remember anything. Not even a name."  The two looked at the Guardian, who was nodding in agreement. "I see.. Well, you should make a name for yourself." He says. Cayde puts his hands over his eyes, slowly moving his hands apart from one another. "So, imagine this. You hunt down the enemies. You kill them and leave. The boss'll come to see them dead, then be like 'who did this?!'" Cayde continues as he deepens his voice. Then he turned to the other side on his knees. "I-it was The Guardian, sir." "The Guardian, eh? I'll just have to deal with this myself." Cayde's little play finished with a small bow and earned a small giggle from the young hunter. He got back up, and handed her a chest piece. "Take this, kid. It's wild in the woods, ya know. Make sure to keep your eyes clear." She nods and takes the chest plate, but it disappeared before she can try it on. "I thought you were gonna call her 'the Guardian'." Ghost argued. "No, I'll call her, kid. They'll call her the
Guardian. Get your facts checked, little ghost." Cayde points at Ghost. The little orb rolled his optic and looked at his guardian. "We should go see Banshee. I believe he has a gun for us." Ghost insists. "Wait, lemme see your gun." Cayde says. She hands him her auto rifle and watches Cayde examine it. "Wow, this gun's a mess. Kudos to you for making it out of the Cosmo with this thing. You'll definitely need a new gun from Banshee." He says as he gives the young hunter the gun back. The young hunter waved off before she ran left. Cayde waved her farewell as he watched her leave. "You don't think that was-" He sighs. "It's her. But you heard her Ghost, she doesn't remember anything." "And we'll keep it that way. You know the rules," Zavala interrupts. "I know, I know," Cayde says, looking down at the map before him. ----------------------------------- She followed her Ghost's directions to see an Exo in front of her. He was cleaning weapons. "This is Banshee-44, the gunsmith." Ghost says. The Exo looked up from the stash of guns laid out in front of him. "Morning, Guardian. You're new, right? Pick a gun. I've been keeping them cleaned and prepped. Won't jam. That's important." Banshee says. The hunter looks down at the guns laid out on the table. There was a hand cannon, pulse rifle, auto rifle, and scout rifle. It took a moment, but her eyes landed on the hand cannon. She picked it up and examined it.  "That's a Duke MK.10. The impact is good. You should switch your guns." Ghost suggests, and his guardian listened. She replaced her auto rifle with the hand cannon, putting the hand cannon in her holster while Ghost transmats her auto rifle in her backpack. "Before we go anywhere, we'll need an update on our ship. It's been out of action for years. So, we should go to see Amanda next. She's a pilot, but she personally repairs and modifies guardian's ships and sparrows. She also sells some. I sent her a transmission if she could give our ship some repairs, she gladly accepted." He said. She nods with her eyes fixated on Banshee. "Thank you, Banshee." She says, then left to meet Amanda. Banshee looks up, confused as to who said that but shrugged it off. Her ghost led her to the Hangar. She looked around the area, seeing that her ship was in one of the landing pads. She walked up the stairs to see a young woman with blonde hair, who was sitting atop one of the counters. "Morning. Names Amanda Holliday. I'm the Tower's shipwright." She stated with a southern accent. She held her hand out, and the hunter shook it. "The Arcadia Class ships always were resilient. Shame about the warp drive, though. Still, luckily you didn't explode on take off! I'll see if I can take care of this piece of work, then I'll get you a new ship." The hunter frowned slightly. "Do you think you can fix it?" "Yeah, why? You wanna keep it?" She nods. "If it's alright with you." "Yeah, it's fine. Don't worry about it, I'll get to work. While I'm at it, head to Zavala. I sent him what you need to get for me." She nods and made her way back to the room. She runs down the stairs and walks up to the Titan. "Hello, Guardian." "Hello." The hunter replies. "You must be here about the report, yes?" Zavala asks as he held the datapad. She nods as a response. "Holliday is a skilled technician." Zavala puts the datapad down. "Your ship is fixed, however, her report says you're missing a warp drive." He activates the holopad on the war table to show the Guardian an image of the warp drive. "Is there a way we can find another one?" Ghost asks. "There should be one in the Cosmodrome. Return there, and get the replacement." "We're on it." Ghost replies. He then transmits the guardian to the jumpship and drives it off orbit.
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Thanks to this wonderful idea from a tumblr user, here is more about my Hunter
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Guardians name: Chloe Faith Brask
Age: 24
Race: Human
Pronouns: She/Her
Class: Hunter
Preferred subclass(es): Gunslinger
Ghost's name: Moondance
Fireteam name: The Sisterhood
Fireteam teammates: Isabelle Brigham, Tori-3, and Sage Heathcliff
Favorite legendary weapon: Rose
Favorite exotic weapon: Ace of Spades
Favorite exotic armor: Lucky Pants
Favorite ornament armor set: Vanguard Dare
Favorite weapon ornament: Big Blind
What stats do they focus on: Mobility and Recovery
Are they offense, defence, or support: Chloe is always offense, mostly because she just springs into action with no real plan in mind.
Do they prefer being close, mid, or long range: a combination of all three
Do they lean more "Element of Surprise" or "Upfront and Aggressive": Both
Strikes, Gambit, or Crucible: Gambit
Who was their mentor(if they had one. If it is a character you created, tell us about them!): She doesn't really have one
What ship do they have: Queen of Hearts
What is their Sparrow: Gambler's Palm
Favorite Ghost shell: Spelunking Shell
Favorite shader: Circadian Chill
Favorite color: Electric Blue
Favorite food: STEAK!!!
Favorite piece of Pre-Collapse tech(if they've seen any): A Polaroid Camera
Favorite Pre-Collapse music(if they've heard any): Country music (Prime Country ro Modern Country)
Favorite place in The Last City(if it's a place you created, give a little description!): A bar called the Golden Horse
Favorite NPC(s): Cayde-6, Banshee-44, Saint-14, and Amanda Holliday
Favorite patrol location: The EDZ
5 things your Guardian likes(can be anything): Horse back riding, camping, art, and photography
Least favorite food: Zucchini and Squash
Least favorite shader: Cayde's Dubs (unfortunately)
Least favorite patrol location: Formly Mercury, Currently Europa
Least favorite Pre-Collapse tech(if they've seen any): iPads
Least favorite NPC(s): Suraya Hawthorne
Least favorite weapon ornament: Pride of Omolon
Least favorite ornament armor set: Forbidden Visage
Least favorite legendary weapon: Any scout rifle
Least favorite exotic weapon: Whisper of the Worm
Least favorite exotic armor: Worm Huskcrown
5 things your Guardian dislikes(this can be anything): Being patient, being stuck in the tower, following orders, the Hive, and lizards
Your Guardian has to rest. What is their living space like: it's a studio loft with art supplies scattered everywhere
Does your Guardian have any casual wear?:
Tumblr media
What hobbies and/or skills does you Guardian have: Drawing, Painting, Riding (Horses), Photography, playing piano
What would your Guardian's lore book be called: Reckless Danger
Where was your Guardian reborn?(If you created the location, give us a little description!): Cheyenne, Wyoming
What were they wearing when they were reborn: T-shirt, jeans, and boots
What was their reaction to being reborn: "why? What? Holy Fuck it's cold!"
What was their reaction to their first rez: "OMG, that's awesome!"
After being reborn, did they meet friendlies first or hostiles: Hostiles, namely the Eliskni
Who was the first other Guardian they met?(Same thing! If you made them, give a little description!): Isabelle Brigham, Chloe's best friend and the one who makes sure Chloe doesn't over do it.
Did your Guardian get reborn with, or find, any indication of their past life? If so what do they have/found: A photo of her and her father (Andal Brask) at her high school graduation
How did your Guardian get their name(if they didn't rez with past life momentos): the photo of her high school graduation had "Chloe and Dad, Graduation 2015"
Going back to your Guardian's lore book, what would be some some quotes or passages from their book: "You can't move mountains sittin' on your backside.", "I'm a hunter, knives ARE my religion!" OR "Why aren't you prettier than a magnolia in May."  (This is directed to a horse)
Does your Guardian have a significant other: Cayde-6
Did your Guardian go explore first before going to The Last City? If so, where to: Chloe went to straight to the The Last City.
What was their reaction to first seeing The Last City: She was surprised at how many people there were.
Is your Guardian a part of a clan: No
Does your Guardian's clan have a back story? If so, what is it?(if you want to or able to share): No
If your Guardian would have a quote as a flavor text for a weapon and/or piece of armor, what would they be: "Oh, these old things, can hide hundreds of knives in them."
If your Guardian has had any interactions with any civilians (The Last City/The Farm), Eliksni, Cabal, Vex, Hive, Taken, Scorn, Rouge Lightbearers, or Iron Lords/War Lords(if your Guardian is an Old Light) tell us about it!: Chloe loved helping the kids on the Farm learn to ride horses. She loved watching the smiles spread across their faces as they rode like the wind.
Does your Guardian have any unconventional allies or connections(By Vanguard standards): She has a civilian friend named Nikki who helps get supplies and ammunitions.
How does your Guardian feel about themselves or others using Stasis: At first, Chloe had no idea how she felt about it, seeing how she'd rather blow something up with her solar. After a while, she loves using it, especially in Gambit.
Did they run The Last Wish raid? How did they react to seeing a live Ahamkara a.k.a Riven: Chloe's not one for raids
Did they run The Deep Stone Crypt raid? How did they react to the Crypt and seeing Exo Eliskni: Absolutely shock at how thay was possible
Is your Guardian from D1? How did they react to seeing Taniks alive once again: Yes, she's from D1, let's just she was not happy.
Where did they go and what did they do during The Red War: Chloe helped escort civilians to safety and taught them self defense.  She mostly worried about Cayde when he was MIA.
Here are some characters that are either polarizing or have created a strong enough mass emotion within the community. What opinion does your Guardian hold on each of them(These are only a handful of characters!)>>>
Osiris, First Warlock Vanguard, originally exiled: Grandpa!
Eris Morn, Bane of the Swarm: Slightly creeped out, but overall really good friends with Eris.
Cayde-6, Sixth Hunter Vanguard: Chloe's fell head over heels for the exo
Ikora Rey, Second Warlock Vanguard: Mad respect
Commander Zavala, Second Titan Vanguard: Eh, she could careless about what Big Blue says
Saint-14, legendary Titan, First Titan Vanguard: Exo Grandpa!
Lord Saladin, Iron Banner handler, One of the last remaining Iron Lords: Wolf Man!
Lord Shaxx, Crucible handler, Hero of Twilight Gap, living megaphone: Chloe tends to avoid Crucible if possible
The Crow, New Light, Ex-Enforcer to The Spider: She's rather cold towards him.
The Spider, The Shore's Only Law, founder of "House" Spider: Eh, Chloe dosen't really care as long as she'd paid glimmer for her services
Uldren Sov, Prince of the Reef, Master of Crows: A deep dislike for him, he left a bad impression on her when they first met. Though she has to tolerate him since Isabelle is head over heels for the Prince
Mara Sov, Queen of the Reef, Queen of the Awoken, Ex-Kell of Wolves: She tolerates the Queen.
Variks, the Loyal, founder of House Judgement: Chloe doesn't trust people/Eliskni easily. Variks is maybe maybe only Eliskni, besides Mithrax, that she likes.
Mithrax, the Forsaken, Kell of Light, founder of House Light: Same answer as before
The Exo Stranger/Elizabeth "Elsie" Bray, Granddaughter of Clovis I and Sister to Ana Bray: Chloe finds her closed off and unable to really connect with her.
Eramis, of House Salvation, Kell of Darkness: "BITCH, YOU FROZE MY GHOST! THERE AIN'T A SOUL ALIVE WHO MESSED WITH HIM!"
Empress Caiatl of the Cabal Imperial Empire: She can't stand the Cabal, so Chloe doesn't like Caiatl very much.
Taniks the Scarred, the Perfected, the Abomination, the Shadow Thief: He killed her father in front of her..... rage is all she feels
The Darkness is fast approaching. How is your Guardian handling it: Pretty well actually.
And finally, does your Guardian have any advice for any New Lights: "Think 'what would Chloe do?' then do the polar opposite..."
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cayde-6 · 4 years
@pretty-meekish I have done you question thing.
Guardians name: Atlas
Age: 26
Race: Human
Call signs/alias: N/A
Pronouns: He/him
Class: Titan
Preferred subclass(es): Solar
Ghost's name: Drachen
Their Vanguard: Zavala
Fireteam name: Last Words
Fireteam teammates: Faire, Deimos, Ruin-1, Ardyn-2
Favorite legendary weapon: D1: The Devil you know. D2: The Vow
Favorite exotic weapon: D1: Patience and
Time/Gjallarhorn. D2: Ace of Spades/Sweet Business
Favorite exotic armor: D1: Sunbreakers Mark. D2: Armamentarium
Favorite ornament armor set: Virtuous set (Season of Dawn's set)
Favorite weapon ornament: Last Hand/Salute to the Colonel/Big Blind
What stats do they focus on: Resilience and Recovery
Are they offense, defence, or support: All three but mainly offense, he switches around if the situation calls for him to do so.
Do they prefer being close, mid, or long range: Close so he can punch things and set them on fire.
Do they lean more "Element of Surprise" or "Upfront and Aggressive": Upfront and Aggressive, he's a Titan.
Strikes, Gambit, or Crucible: Strikes although if Mayhem is in then he's heading for that.
Who was their mentor(if they had one. If it is a character you created, tell us about them!): A solar Titan named Chad Lucky
What ship do they have: Saint's Invocation with Reflection Effects for the transmats effect. Shader is Lighthouse Sun.
What is their Sparrow: Atlas Runner
Favorite Ghost shell: Tie between Kill Tracker Ghost, Kitbash Shell, and Atlas Shell.
(Although I do own the irl Kill Tracker Ghost so he leans towards this one, but Kitbash's description is a mood.)
Favorite shader: Sulfur Burnish (it's from D1 and I am too lazy to Google it)
Favorite color: Colors of fire
Favorite food: Apples
Favorite piece of Pre-Collapse tech(if they've seen any): N/A
Favorite Pre-Collapse music(if they've heard any): Rasputin by Bobby Farrell and this is only because he likes to blast it to annoy everyone or he knows others will start singing it.
Favorite place in The Last City(if it's a place you created, give a little description!): Shaxx's area
Favorite NPC(s): Shaxx, Zavala, Ikora, Cayde-6, Saint-14, Osiris, Banshee-44, Amanda, Lord Saladin, Lady Efrideet, Failsafe, Asher, Eva, Tyra, Arcite, KADI 55-30.
Favorite patrol location: Nessus
5 things your Guardian likes(can be anything): Sleep, his husband Shaxx, his friends, his Ghost, his Sparrow, when someone finally calls him a veteran. (I missed the transfer date by 3 months and I still am angry that I missed it.
Least favorite food: Rhubarb (My dad and his dad hate it so decided to give him it)
Least favorite shader: Anything related to his enemies and the Reef/Dreaming City, EX Reefmade.
Least favorite patrol location: Europa
Least favorite Pre-Collapse tech(if they've seen any): N/A
Least favorite NPC(s): The Sovs, The Brays, Executor Hideo, Brother Vance, The cult of Osiris, Variks.
Least favorite weapon ornament: All In, this is because it makes the Ace look like a completely new gun.
Least favorite ornament armor set: Legatus, Valkyrian, Hardy's.
Least favorite legendary weapon: (I really haven't thought of it.)
Least favorite exotic weapon: Any of them that people use to be dicks in Crucible like Jöttun because that means he only gets kills if he uses those guns.
Least favorite exotic armor: Ashen Wake
5 things your Guardian dislikes(this can be anything): The Sovs, The Brays, Executor Hideo, being awake, anyone being rude to his loved ones. (Looking at you Drifter)
Your Guardian has to rest. What is their living space like: Clean and tidy as they live with Shaxx.
Does your Guardian have any casual wear?(Y'all remember Polyvore? The website URSTYLE works very similar if that helps!): A T-shirt and black pants along with basketball shoes. [Literally what I wear]
What hobbies and/or skills does you Guardian have: Sewing, crocheting, knitting, reading.
What would your Guardian's lore book be called: Atlas's Wild Ride
Where was your Guardian reborn?(If you created the location, give us a little description!): Old America
What were they wearing when they were reborn: Gold and red shirt, black pants and basketball shoes.
What was their reaction to being reborn: Complete confusion
What was their reaction to their first rez: "What the absolute fuck!"
After being reborn, did they meet friendlies first or hostiles: Friendlies
Who was the first other Guardian they met?(Same thing! If you made them, give a little description!): Fireteam Hide and Reap. They're mine but I don't really feel like going into detail with all 6 members.
Did your Guardian get reborn with, or find, any indication of their past life? If so what do they have/found: He only knows that he entered a death trap so others could escape the Fallen.
How did your Guardian get their name(if they didn't rez with past life momentos): Since he was holding up a gate in the death trap his Ghost decided to give him the name Atlas due to how similar he looked to the pictures of the ancient Greek Titan.
Going back to your Guardian's lore book, what would be some quotes or passages from their book: "I punched an echo of Oryx to death!"
Does your Guardian have a significant other: Warlord Shaxx
Did your Guardian go explore first before going to The Last City? If so, where to: No
What was their reaction to first seeing The Last City: "That's huge!"
Is your Guardian a part of a clan: No but I am part of one.
Does your Guardian's clan have a back story? If so, what is it?(if you want to or able to share): N/A
If your Guardian would have a quote as a flavor text for a weapon and/or piece of armor, what would they be: "Hang in there my fellow Guardian."
If your Guardian has had any interactions with any civilians (The Last City/The Farm), Eliksni, Cabal, Vex, Hive, Taken, Scorn, Rouge Lightbearers, or Iron Lords/War Lords(if your Guardian is an Old Light) tell us about it!: I honestly don't feel like doing this one.
Does your Guardian have any unconventional allies or connections(By Vanguard standards): Drifter and Spider, he hates both but understands he needs them to do things.
How does your Guardian feel about themselves or others using Stasis: "I was unwillingly brought back from the dead so I'll use whatever power I please."
Did they run The Last Wish raid? How did they react to seeing a live Ahamkara a.k.a Riven: N/A
Did they run The Deep Stone Crypt raid? How did they react to the Crypt and seeing Exo Eliskni: N/A
Is your Guardian from D1? How did they react to seeing Taniks alive once again: "HOW MANY TIMES DO I HAVE TO HIT HIM WITH MY HAMMER, JUST STAY FUCKING DEAD!"
Where did they go and what did they do during The Red War: He went to the Farm and made or fixed clothes as well as class items.
Here are some characters that are either polarizing or have created a strong enough mass emotion within the community. What opinion does your Guardian hold on each of them(These are only a handful of characters!)>>>
Osiris, First Warlock Vanguard, originally exiled: Bird grandpa 1.0 needs to go see his husband Bird grandpa 2.0 for love.
Eris Morn, Bane of the Swarm: Who doesn't love Creepy space mom!
Cayde-6, Sixth Hunter Vanguard: SPACE VODKA MOM I MISS YOU!
Ikora Rey, Second Warlock Vanguard: Space mom is very deadly, she needs sleep and relaxation
Commander Zavala, Second Titan Vanguard: Space dad is deadly too, he also needs sleep and relaxation.
Saint-14, legendary Titan, First Titan Vanguard: Bird grandpa 2.0 please go hug Bird grandpa 1.0!
Lord Saladin, Iron Banner handler, One of the last remaining Iron Lords: Wolf Grandpa!
Lady Efrideet, part time Iron Banner handler, Guardian hippie, One of the last remaining Iron Lords: Wolf Grandma will throw Titans at you if she's angry!
Lord Shaxx, Crucible handler, Hero of Twilight Gap, living megaphone: MY HUSBAND!
The Crow, New Light, Ex-Enforcer to The Spider: This is my begrudgingly adopted son who I co-parent with Faire.
Shaw Han, random Hunter vendor for the Cosmodrome: This is my dumb son I adopted.
The Spider, The Shore's Only Law, founder of "House" Spider: "Fuck off or I'll kill you with fire!"
Uldren Sov, Prince of the Reef, Master of Crows: Fucky, Fucky, Fucky you!
Mara Sov, Queen of the Reef, Queen of the Awoken, Ex-Kell of Wolves: Fucky, Fucky, fucky you. Also SHAXX IS MINE NOW SO FUCK OFF, I'M A GOD SLAYER AND I FUCKING PUNCHED ORYX TO DEATH!
Variks, the Loyal, founder of House Judgement: "I didn't trust you in the Reef but now I hate you for the Prison riot and not just because Cayde died, the Scorn are unholy creatures that shouldn't have been able to be created."
Mithrax, the Forsaken, Kell of Light, founder of House Light: "You try anything and I WILL END YOU!"
The Exo Stranger/Elizabeth "Elsie" Bray, Granddaughter of Clovis I and Sister to Ana Bray: "Ew a Bray."
Eramis, of House Salvation, Kell of Darkness: "YOU BETTER STAY FUCKING FROZEN!"
Taniks the Scarred, the Perfected, the Abomination, the Shadow Thief: "WHY DON'T YOU STAY DEAD!"
The Darkness is fast approaching. How is your Guardian handling it: "Well shit."
And finally, does your Guardian have any advice for any New Lights:
"Hang in there and don't do anything that will make my unstable ass come after you because YOU WILL DIE. Also for the love of the Light RESPECT THE ELDER GUARDIANS LIKE ZAVALA OR IKORA!"
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🎵 Orion!
Tinder Samurai - Samsa
But I just can't discover love, and I don't even set my standards high
On top of that, I'm camera shy
Maybe I should opt out of the dating pool
It was a late saturday night when Andromeda brought it up- that he should get out more. The ghost mentioned finding someone to love- someone to replace the thoughts he was having of Alpha now that the same month they broke up in (or rather, when Alpha ghosted him then came back a month later to break up with him) was coming back around.
Orion didn't quite see the use in it but early that Sunday morning, Andromeda had baited him onto one of the cheesy dating sites. He didn't care for this at all- a profile with really only a few pictures he had from teammates on field...where he was in armor. Andromeda tried to get him to post a picture of his face but he was not doing that. Atleast other Guardians might have his armor (he failed to realize that he was one of the very few Guardians that walked around with living Vex parts on.).
"What about that lovely Exo?" Andromeda piped up from over his shoulder. Orion thought she reminded him of a doting human mother. He clicked past it. "Or... that woman looks amazing."
Another click past. "That Titan? He seems kind..." Orion clicked on in interest, bringing up the pictures and likes. The little bio seeped of being egocentric and Orion looked at Andromeda with a look, before clicking off it. "Okay... this is going well."
"Oh! That Hunter looks nice." Orion looked back at Andromeda, and her shell twitched. "What? I'm trying my best to help you. They look nice enough and aren't a Warlock."
Orion gave her another look. He didn't have anything against Warlocks- he was just wary of them. Or maybe it was just the ones who dealt with the darkness... He'd decide on that later. A ping popped up in the bottom right of his screen though, a message. Orion stared for a moment, before closing the computer and looking at Andromeda with wide eyes.
Andromeda stared back, her optic squinted. "Orion, I love you, but you are a disaster."
Orion gave a sheepish smile.
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thenameisel · 4 years
(It's been years since I wrote, but this game, well, gave the inspiration to do so again. So if it's a little long, and I tend to write on mobile... so forgive me. :) )
The Titan walked along the pebbled shoreline, an orange thermos in hand. It was a particularly large thermos, of the kind one uses to carry enough beverage of choice for multiple people. But in the Titan's hand it looked perfectly normal. An oversized thermos in an oversized hand.
A Ghost glittering golden floated sedately along side, occasionally pausing to scan a particularly interesting pebble.
The sun had not quite yet set, however thick clouds threatening rain obscured the little light remaining, making for quite a dreary evening. 
Ahead, a half dozen Fallen bickered over a collection of washed up junk, looking for anything salvageable. Each in turn looked up from their work, eyeing the newcomer warily. Their movements were fluid, but jumpy. A weird bobbing grace. Suddenly, all heads come up in unison, many hands reaching for almost as many weapons. 
The Titan snorted a short laugh as the Ghost vanished. "We're not interested in your junk. Just let us pass."
Either the Fallen didn't understand, or, more likely, had no reason to trust the statement. After all, what Guardian would walk past a group of humanity's foes without beating them to a pulp? One of them took a step forward, lifting a lance into an aggressive position. The Titan sighed, shrugged in mild disappointment and looked around for a flatish rock. Finding one, a hand came up in a classic 'one moment' gesture, and the thermos was placed on the rock with the utmost care.
As the Titan stood upright, the massive hands started to spark with Arc energy. 
"Allrighty. Let's do this." 
Further along, up in a nook on a bluff, a Hunter lay in wait for prey. There had been a tip off about a smuggling ring making a trade somewhere in this area, and a master of shadows had been sent to intercept it. Once in the area, a suspicious beacon had led to a particular stretch of beach, and an inlet hidden by tall rock walls, with plenty of nooks someone could hide in.
One such had proven particularly useful. It was a good perch, well up above the small sheltered area, just enough space to lay prone. Dressed all in dark colors, the figure was almost invisible in the fading light. A matte black Ghost rested beside, a single eye as intent on the empty beach below as the Hunter's two. Rifle in hand, the pair lay in wait for something to happen. When it did, it most certainly wasn't what they were expecting. 
"Those Fallen down the beach are making noise again." The Ghost whispered. "Something's got them mad."
"Think it's the smugglers?" 
So they settled in to wait again, but the noise got loud enough that the two could pick out distinct words. "No, not the smugglers." The Ghost said disappointed. "Their clamering about killing someone."
The Hunter groaned, face in the dirt. "Ok. I guess we should go see what's going on. If someone needs help..." The statement remained unfinished. 
A soft glow emitted from the Ghost as it gained height, and the Hunter stretched muscles sore from laying in wait. Suddenly the noise from the Fallen was punctured by the crack of Arc energy, and the outline of the inlet's entrance was lit with blue light. The noise of Fallen gunfire returned the assault. 
"Damn it. That's going to warn off the smugglers." 
"Oh look on the bright side!" The Ghost chipped in cheerfully.
"And what would that be?" 
"I think I know who that is!"
Another groan and the Hunter, head shaking, jumped out of the nook to the beach below. The Ghost chirped happily and followed. There had been the beginnings of a smile on the Guardian's face after all. They may have lost their intended prey, but one of another kind had just blundered into their sights. 
The Titan continued down the shoreline, thermos in hand. Behind, a half dozen Fallen lay, a few barely clinging to life. The remains of the Arc onslaught sparked among the scrap. 
"There's an inlet up around the next bluff" the Ghost said, popping back into reality, "I'm picking up a faint beacon. It's not one of ours." 
"Oh?" The Titan said, "That sounds interesting. Shall we take a peek?" 
The Ghost made a simple affirmative sounding tone, then paused. After a moment a second, slightly more complex and happier sounding tone was emitted, before vanishing in a flurry of sparks. 
The Titan chuckled quietly. That Ghost tended to be a somber fellow, and that was practically joy. So something was definitely up. 
The bluff ahead jutted almost out into the water, only a narrow band of large rockfall skirted it with just enough pebble shore to pass. Good spot for an ambush. Not that something like an ambush was concerning to a Titan. But it wasn't to be, and the way was uneventful. However, there had been a distinct feeling of being watched. But that wasn't a bother either.
Round the corner, and into the deeper gloom of the inlet. A few strides in and visibility was getting very poor. The Titan methodically peered into the shadows, though there really wasn't much use, as the day was ending and the black of night was coming fast. An oversized hand was raised, palm up, requesting some additional light.
Before the Ghost could materialize however, a shadow detached itself from the bluff wall, launching itself at the hulking form. 
The shadow hit broadside full force, but the Titan's stance held. Bellowing, one hand desperately clinging to the thermos, the other pulling at the dark form, which had worked up to the wide shoulders. 
"WATCH MY TEA!" The voice thundered through the inlet, echoing across the walls, disturbing sleeping birds, loosing rocks and who knows what else. 
"Well stop thrashing about!" The Hunter said, now balanced in a squat. Dark gloved hands quickly worked around the edges of the Titan's helm, trying to find the latch.
There was a shout of triumph, which quickly became holler of shock as a massive hand came up, managed to grab a good fist full of cloak, and pull the Hunter from the perch. 
"Enough of that!" The Titan held the Hunter in the air at arm's length. Legs came up however and wrapped around the large arm. A wriggle, and the Hunter dropped free, but cloak-less.
With a grunt the Titan tossed the dark fabric towards the triumphant shadow. 
At some point their Ghosts had materialized, circling the pair. The golden one's eye rippled in humor as it surveyed the scene. The black one made cheerful burbling noises while circling what was apparently old friends. 
"Allright allright." The Hunter laughed "I'll get you next time. But seriously, what is with the tea? I have never seen you out of the Tower without your helmet. You refuse to take it off! And yet, you always bring tea!"
"It's for after." 
"Leave it in your jumpship!" 
The Titan thought for a moment, studying the thermos, as if looking for damage. "Perhaps." 
"You're ridiculous. You know that right? Ridiculous." 
"Am I?"
There was pause, then a moment of realization, and a large hand produced from a belt pouch a fist sized paper wrapped package and tossed it to the slender form.
The pair were illuminated solely now by their Ghosts. On odd match, one small, slender and graceful, the other large, hulking and intimidating. One in shades of black, the other tan and navy. The Hunter unwrapped the package partially. 
"OooOooH. Sweet! You know I love these things!" Inside was a popular street food from the Tower. A deep fried bun filled with herbs and cheese. It was a food that was cheap and traveled well. The fact they were high calorie helped too, what with the running around Guardians did. 
"So." The Hunter said, finding a low rock to sit on, and removing a blackened matte helmet. However the face stayed hidden in the shadow of the hood. "What you been up to lately?" 
The Titan looked around for a suitable seat, and finding none, shrugged and went to sit right on the ground. The movement wasn't the slightest bit graceful, especially not in all that armor. It was a little better than collapsing, complete with an expected curse. A suitable flat rock was found within reach for the thermos.
"Well. The usual mostly. But, oh boy, do I have a story for you!"
"Oh?" The word came out around chewing.
It had become tradition between the pair for the Titan to 'happen' to have the Hunter's favorite snack handy. It started a few years back, the then already veteran shadow had taken an odd liking to the hulking new light, and much enjoyed stealing parts of meals to get an outburst.
Sometimes, instead of outright theft the Hunter would swap out the contents of Titan's lunch for a box of crayons. That always got a good rise and threats in return. Eventually, the Titan's laid back nature won out, and instead there were often extra buns tucked away to keep the Hunter at bay. Turns out a well fed shadow causes less grief! 
"Well. I was in the Tower last week when we had that crazy snow storm. I was waiting on a scouting party to return. You know how it is sometimes. I was doing my part, guarding the walls, and bored out of my mind. So bored I would have happily run a Rumble. And you know I hate those." Massive hands idly stacked pebbles. "So bored that when we saw a notice for a new Crucible event we jumped on it." 
"A new one?" The Hunter leaned forward, interested. 
"Yea! This one was called 'Removal'"
"'Two four person teams compete for the fastest time.' it said." The golden Ghost chimed in. "'Why not?' we thought, 'might be fun? Might be a variation of Control?'"
The Hunter chuckled. The Titan took over the telling again. 
"So, we grabbed a couple more Titans, those two big Exos, I think you've met them, and somehow along the way we managed to gain a Warlock. Not really sure. I tried looking for you but I think you were off somewhere that day. Anyway, we march up to the main courtyard, and there's already a good collection of people who must have heard about the new event. Both Guardians and lightless. So we shouldered our way through the crowd."
"Of course you did."
"Well we were didn't want to be the last to try this 'Removal'! Anyway. We get through the crowd, somehow kept the Warlock with us too, and there we are the four of us in front of Lord Shaxx, and besides us another four, a Titan, two Hunters and a Warlock. Now Lord Shaxx is standing there, hands on hips pleased as punch."
The Titan paused for dramatic effect, "'GOOD TO SEE SO MANY TURN UP FOR THIS NEW TRIAL!'" The Titan boomed, imitating the Crucible handler's exuberant speech. "'ALWAYS GOOD TO SEE SOME ENTHUSIASM! AND I THINK WE HAVE OUR FIRST COMBATANTS!'"
The Hunter laughed again at the apt impression, dusted crumbs off and waited for the Titan to continue. 
"Lord Shaxx looks us over. 'REMOVAL IS ABOUT CLEARING AN AREA. WORKING AS A TEAM QUICKLY AND EFFICIENTLY AS POSSIBLE.' Then he hands me, no joke, a darkness damned SNOW SHOVEL. I think he's kidding. Maybe he's lost it. He proceeds to hand snow shovels out to the others. All the time going 'ONE FOR YOU, ONE FOR YOU.' I'm just staring at mine, and at Lord Shaxx, confused out of my mind." 
"And you fell for it."
The Hunter's head shook back and forth. "You fell for it. He tried that a couple years back with another big storm. Back before your Ghost found you."
The Titan's shoulders sank in disappointment that the storey wasn't new. 
"Continue!" The Hunter urged, seeing the dejection. "How did it go? I still want to hear this!"
"Uh well…" another pause as the Titan gathered enthusiasm again.
"Well. Once we all had shovels, one of the Hunters threatened our Warlock with it. That was pretty funny. But I stepped between them and the Hunter stopped right quick.
Lord Shaxx sent us off to two of the larger jumpship landing terraces on the wall. You know the ones, big parking areas. Now I think ours was quite a bit bigger, but was higher then the other team's, which was right beside and below us, and I think they had more drifting. So I guess Lord Shaxx thought it fair. There were the usual extra Ghosts watching, no doubt streaming this…. Match." 
At this point the pebble stack had become a small wall.
"So?" The Hunter asked, leaning forward. "Who won?" 
"Neither." The Titan grumbled. "It started out well enough! We three Titans were clearing snow, quick as we can, just barreling through it. The Warlock helped here and there, but was mostly doing that thing where they heal you. Turns out it works just as good on sore muscles as bullet wounds. Unfortunately though the other team's Titan was a Sunbreaker. Apparently melting the snow was a viable tactic. And somehow is getting through the snow faster than we are!"
"Those Exos…." The Hunter asked, "They're big, but Sentinels right?"
"Yea. Totally useless in that situation. My Arc too. But we keep shoveling. But they keep out pacing us. Then the Warlock has a bright idea. Sounds good at first, so we go for it. Instead of piling the snow neatly we start chucking our snow onto their terrace. Oh boy that made them mad. Especially when the three of us heaved a large bank over and buried the same Hunter that threatened our Warlock earlier. That felt so good."
The pair laughed. "Unfortunately it went downhill from there. Lord Shaxx had already warned us a few times that we were… bending the rules. But as we stood there laughing at the Hunter, a flaming hand shot out of the snow bank and well…. I was the only one who never heard the gunshot."
"No… it came to that?" The Hunter asked, hanging on the Titan's words.
"It certainly did." The golden Ghost chirped. "I put my Titan's head back together just in time to witness it devolve into a fist fight."
"Lord Shaxx was so mad!" The Titan declared. "So mad. He's yelling at us over the loudspeaker, demanding we stop. Threatening to come in person. But, well, you know how it can be once the blood is pumping. I'm honestly not sure which of us jumped down first.
The Warlock pulls out a bow, starts firing on the opposing team, aiming for whoever's pointed a gun at us. I grab the Hunter who shot me, who's still stuck in the snow bank. I turn for a throw off the tower and my head slams right into the Sunbreaker's fist. That makes me drop the Hunter and we start pounding each other.
Pretty sure I broke a nose and who knows what else right through the helmet. Caved it in pretty bad. Still standing, still returning blows though. Suddenly hands that even I find big pull us apart.
We're just standing there, Ghosts patching us up and he's lecturing us about not being so quick to blows, teamwork, and something and something else. I honestly can't recall a lot of the rant, my head was still swimming from first being brought back, then the fist fight. But I was maybe a little tiny bit sorry. The goal was to clear snow. Nothing else… but then again we weren't told fighting was off the table. I still say that Hunter started it by threatening our Warlock at the beginning."
"So then what?" The Hunter asked, putting the helmet back on. "Did he run any more 'Removal' matches?" 
"Oh no. No way. After a good 10 minutes of lecture Zavala himself arrived. Started lecturing Lord Shaxx about his ideas. Said if he ever made mundane labor a competition again, he'd take the Crucible away from him. You'd think that would shut him up. Oh boy an argument started and to be honest, we took our leave then and there. Didn't matter, we all got stuck with snow clearing duty for the rest of the week anyway." 
The Hunter chuckled, standing up. "That's kind of what happened last time. Zavala banned it, guess Lord Shaxx didn't take the order to heart."
"Where you headed next?" The shadow asked, playfully patting the massive forms helmet. Even sitting, the Titan's head came up to the smaller one's chest. "I've lost my prey for the night, you got any I can tag along for?"
"Oh definitely!" The Titan said happily, standing up and rolling shoulders before retrieving the thermos. "There's been reports of hive activity nearby. I was sent to scout it out. Maybe cause some damage. I bet with your help the two of us could clear it right out!" 
"That works for me! Lead on!" 
One large figure was seen leaving the inlet. The armor was tan and navy, holding a large orange thermos, barely visible in the small amount of light a glittering golden Ghost provided.
An odd matte black shadow, much smaller than it should be and sporting a cloak, flickered along the bluff wall not quite in time with the figure.
Every once and a while the golden Ghost would stop and sink to scan an interesting pebble. And every once and a while a Ghost shaped shadow that seemed to glow ever so slightly would dart ahead or lag behind, making the ever so quietest happy chirps. 
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My Destiny OCs
You asked, @a-rebellious-waffle, and you shall receive.
First up, Jupiter-9 (and Sinope)
Jupiter-9 is, as the name suggests, an Exo. They’re a Dawnblade Warlock, and known well around the system for the chaos they bring with them wherever they go. The Vanguard has long since given up trying to get them to help with Guardian business, partially because they forget half of what they’re told to do anyways, and partially because even when they do remember they pretty much never listen. They’re known around the Tower as a wild card, and you never know where they might start causing trouble next.
Because Jupiter-9 was one of the first Exos created, a rare volunteer for the process, they tend struggle a lot with remembering things - even things as simple as the name of their own Ghost, or their best friend Kessa. They have to be reminded of things often, as memory loss sometimes strikes them even in the middle of completing simple tasks.
Sinope is Jupiter’s Ghost. He’s cynical, sarcastic, and tired, having been Jupiter’s only sense of common sense since they became an Exo and left a lot of their human pieces behind. He’s constantly helping them keep track of things, and remember things, and is usually the one to get them back up to speed when they suddenly forget what they’re doing. He’d never say it but...he loves them (and the feeling is definitely mutual).
As for what Jupiter-9 is currently doing, they’ve become something of an expert in Hive. More specifically, in blowing Hive (and all their little rituals) up. Their love of explosives and puzzles and the curious nature of the Darkness has led them into the darkest catacombs of both the Moon and Mars, and Traveler knows how they keep making it out of that shit alive. Jupiter sure doesn’t.
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This is them in the Tower with Banshee and Sinope, looking over a new rocket launcher. (Credit for the art goes to @/xxmiuki666xx; they’re an amazing artist and lovely human being. Would definitely recommend them if ya ever looking for high-quality commissions)
Second is Rex (and Erya)
Rex lives with his boyfriend Pegasus-4 (@cookieundertherock’s character; we designed the two bois together) and his pitbull Dandelion in the Last City. He’s a Hunter - a Gunslinger- and human (Pegasus is an Exo; a Sentinel Titan). He and his boyfriend work for Shaxx a lot of the time, helping out with the Crucible and training new kinderguardians and such. Rex also likes going to Io, both to relax and to help Asher with whatever investigative studies he’s conducting at the moment. He finds the challenge there to be “too much fun,” as Asher puts it.
Rex is a tiny little bastard, small enough to ride on Peg’s shoulder, as he commonly does (especially around other Guardians for the Drama(TM). Though Rex is tiny, he’s an absolutely feral little shit that will do what he wants and get what he wants, whenever he wants it. He’ll fight anybody and everybody, and he’s a very good fighter - small and extremely agile, and very hard to hit (or even find, if he doesn’t want to be found).
Erya is, if anything, Rex’s polar opposite. She doesn’t take his shit (or anybody’s), and has no trouble calling him out when she sees it to be necessary. She’s outspoken, sarcastic, and intelligent. She’s also pretty much the only thing Rex actually listens to, aside from his boyfriend when he’s serious enough.
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Here’s Rex with his doggo (art is mine).
Third, I have Quill (and Eriden)
Quill is probably my quirkiest OC, who looks like a Warlock and acts like a hunter (wears a cape like one too). They’re small, though not as small as Rex, with a look that’s somewhere between Awoken and Human (what they actually are, they won’t say). He’s a demiboy, and uses he/they pronouns.
Quill is quiet, aloof, and determined. They don’t talk much, and let Eriden do a lot of the talking for them - they figure she’s better at it, anyways. He has a collection of Old World and Golden age artifacts and technology that he watches over, locked in a secret hideout in the EDZ where he also lives. They’re a good friend to Devrim, and the sniper often helps them find new artifacts and such on their trips into the Old Town and beyond. If you know the right buildings to search, and the right knock...well, you just might find them.
Eriden is Quill’s Ghost. She’s friendly, outgoing, bold, and a huge history nerd just like her Guardian. She’s fascinated by every single piece of their Collection, and loves to study the artifacts with Quill or go searching with him for more. There’s nothing she loves more than uncovering and understanding the past, and she believes it can help the Guardians find a better future as well.
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This is them, riding a sparrow with their friend Nebula-2 - he’s the one in the back. (Art is by @/nagunkgunk, another amazing artist on here)
The last two OCs are a matched set, my boys Imp-32 and Flynn. (And their Ghosts, Fireling and Star)
Imp-32 is an Exo; a Nightstalker Hunter that both looks and acts like a broken machine. Flynn, on the other hand, is a Titan, an Awoken Sunbreaker with a friendly and open demeanor. They’re inseparable.
They met through tragedy, after their fireteams were killed in a disaster and an ambush. Though many consider their relationship to be strange, the two are extremely loyal to each other and consider the other to be their greatest ally. They’re learning to move on from their trauma together; Flynn watches out for Imp and protects him, and Imp is always around to offer a listening ear to Flynn whenever he needs it (or follow him into battle, as the case may be).
Imp is small, even for a Hunter (I...I bet you can’t see the theme here...). He’s agender, but uses he/him pronouns. His metal skin is chipped and cracked, and faded with a lot of action over time (his right hand is also missing, replaced by a modified blade that Flynn built). He refuses to repaint it; he looks something like a demon according to some, but he doesn’t care. His name is quite fitting. Ever since he lost his fireteam, Imp has also refused to take off the armor he wore then, and it’s become quite tattered and worn - a symbol of his devotion to them even after death. He’s very distant, and almost never speaks except to Flynn. When he does speak, his voice sounds broken and cracked; pained. He’s also quite anxious/paranoid, and easily startled or scared by loud noises, which is part of why Flynn is so protective of him.
Flynn is the polar opposite of Imp; he’s enormous with a powerful build, and considered to be quite handsome with his starry freckles and silver hair. His armor is well-built and beautiful, from the result of both his and Imp’s artistic natures left on its surface (and plenty of time spent taking care of it on the side). Flynn himself is friendly and charming, with a kind smile and easy-going nature. He makes friends easily, and everybody who meets him likes him - oftentimes even the Guardians that don’t like Titans, or civilians that don’t like Guardians. Empathetic and generous, he never turns away the opportunity to help someone else if he can (and yes, Imp helps too). He’s also a lot more intelligent than he seems; a wise and cautious strategist good advisor to those who ask.
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Here are their armor and face references (both are by me).
I hope that’s enough for you lmao
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Can you do drable about your ideas? A drable of her as the Speaker maybe? Please?
TW: Language
//: 1,984 words - enjoy :)
“I thought I’d find you out here...” Zavala’s words echoed softly in the wreckage around them. Standing just behind her and to her right the Titan waited until she acknowledged him to come any closer.
“...I remember, when all of this was nothing but tents and wooden palisades...people didn’t have a pot to piss in back then but, they made do...” Her helmet was in her lap, the scared and blackened bone looked almost soft in the predawn light. But the eyes...the sockets always radiated they're own bleak, nothingness...
With the same caution as before he came up next to her, kneeling down beside her to look over what remained of the district below the Tower’s ruin.
“You come for what,Vanguard...? To see what was wrought and ruined or to lecture me for leaving your sight..?” As she spoke, The Ram nudged her glasses up the bridge of her nose, a soft frost hanging in the cold morning air as she spoke. Her words seemed to lack any venom but the tinge of it in her expression wasn’t lost on the man.
“Ikora,” He began tentatively, “wanted to come for you,  but we both know that’s not a good idea...” Zavala trailed off, his own steam hovering briefly before dissipating, the crunch of broken glass and gravel gave him pause and in glancing over his shoulder he saw Cayde standing there, his arms crossed loosely over his chest.
“So you bring him instead...?” A hard edge entered her voice, the Hunter coming up on her left as if her words were an invitation to come closer and sit.
Cayde threw his arm over the Risen’s shoulders, leaning into her with a warm chuckle, “Wouldn’t be good to miss the sun rise...hate to waste it after everything we went through getting this place back.”
She drew a slow, steadying breath through her nose before letting it escape through the hole in her left cheek. The resulting plume of breath drew another chuckle from the Exo as he smartly retracted his arm stretching his arms above his head before resting his palms on the roof and leaning back comfortably.
Ezra didn’t bother looking at either of them, instead she pulled what remained of her lips back into a scowl as the sound of footsteps once again drifted up behind her, “I don’t recall inviting any of you to join me this morning...”
Unbothered by the scathing remark Ikora came up short, preferring to remain a safe distance from the woman the others flanked. “It’s for..”
“Security reasons...because you can not let the past die, even after the truly guilty party as been tried and executed per the judgement of Old and the Lords of Iron.”
“That’s not...”
“Then pray tell, Why?” Ezra had gotten to her feet then, easing up, quickly, to stand between the still knelt and sat Cayde and Zavala. Both knew it was only a matter of time before the Risen’s ire with Ikora boiled over and now it was simmering very close to the surface, so much so that when she stood her helm nearly tumbled from the blasted out building’s roof.
If it weren’t for Cayde’s quick reflexes the armor would have landed among the wreckage below... he shuddered slightly as he held the item, as if it gave him the physical creeps...
Ikora didn’t answer, didn’t back down, but rather brought her hand from her side. Extending her fingers, palm up, to allow her Ghost to materialize just above her skin’s surface in a shower of pale light.
Cayde and Zavala had gotten to their feet, the Hunter lifting his empty hand to bring his Ghost out, as did the Titan.
She frowned, staring at the three Ghosts as her own materialized from the ether.
/”Actually, we wanted to talk to you about something.”\ Ophiuchus, Ikora’s Ghost began carefully, while Sundance and Zavala’s silent machine made to hover near him. Rev, to, took his place near Ophiuchus.
Heaving a slow sigh, a sign to Revenant that she was on the verge of snapping, Ezra ground her teeth before motioning the Ghost to continue.
/”Revenant, says that you still hear a voice, even though Erabus has retreated from your mind. He, says you hear it most as a faint whisper and that you feel the words are important enough to write down.\”
The frown on the Risen’s face prompted Ophiuchus to pause a moment, /”He, hasn’t shared any of the writings with us, only their nature and, as Ghosts we have reason to believe it may be the Traveler speaking to you. We, think perhaps Erabus’ invasion of your mind for so long opened it up to actually hearing what the Speaker never could...”\
Scoffing, waving her hand as if to clear the air of such nonsense Ezra turned away from the small committee of Lights, only to scowl at Cayde and turn back to face the city.
“You know, they may be on to something..” The Exo raised his hand, making to settle it on her shoulder, which to the surprise of all she allowed.
“Or, it could be a ploy on your end to cage me...You couldn’t prior to all of this, nor could those who had your places before you...” Her rising ire had given way to tired exasperation, the rising sun peeking over the wreckage of the city, glinting at the edges of the thick lenses of her round glasses, setting her silver hair a glow in a halo of orange and yellow.
Ikora moved then, reaching out as Cayde did, her hand resting in the right side crux of the woman’s neck, “It, wouldn’t be to imprison you...you’ve done nothing wrong. The people of the city do not fear you, your actions before the Traveler’s awakening saw to that.”
“Help us rebuild, Ezra. No binds, no chains.” Zavala refrained from touching her, knowing that Ikora and Cayde already pushed the limit.
“Well, except the chains of office.” Cayde laughed, clapping his hand against the woman’s shoulder, his smile fading with Ikroa’s withering gaze. “What? Was just...” He sighed and closed his mouth.
“...What of my home? The forest, the Wilders...Erabus...my Eliksni...?” The latter portion of her question saw Ikora drawing her hand back, letting it fall to her side as Ezra turned to face her. “I’ll not suffer the chains of an office if it means they are left to the mercy of who ever stumbles upon them...”
“We can discuss all of those things later.” Now, Zavala reached for her, turning her carefully to look at him, his eyes meeting hers rather than staring at the gaping hole in her face, his hands squeezed her shoulders warmly. “We can discuss any number of things, but...we need to know what our next steps should be, we need to rebuild so the people have a home and security...”
“They will never have true security, Zavala...this Red War should have made that obvious...We can erect walls as high as we dare, delve into the Earth’s crust as deep as we can endure...but, it will never be absolute security...The people of this city have thrived, survived beyond all odds even now. But if it were up to me, I’d put a weapon in all their hands and teach them, truly, how to defend as their great ancestors once could.” The Risen gestured to all that was in their sight, reaching to knock on Zavala’s chest plate, and wave her hand at Ikora’s data pad on her hip. “For all the technology and advancements you make, it still boils down to who has the bigger stick...”
Finally, in the warm glow of dawn a smile tugged at the good corner of Ezra’s mouth, her expression softening just a bit, “...I’ll not suffer a name of the past marred by undue accusations..”
“Can we call you...?” “No.” Ikora was quick to cut the Hunter off before he could say something stupid.
“Mardöll. From now on, you will call me by my real name...No titles, no honorifics...just Mardöll...” The tired way she spoke was laced with tentative cooperation, coupled with the rise of her hands, the way she gripped Zavala’s biceps with her blackened fingers, brought a smile to the Titan’s face. Letting go and easing from under his hands she gave Ikora a leery, accepting nod before she turned to face Cayde, scrutinizing him with narrowed eyes, “And what, pray tell, were you going to call me...?”
He laughed nervously, fondling the chains and trinkets hanging from her helm before remembering just what he held, handing it quickly back to her, “Well...ah, just know it wasn’t gonna be Late for Dinner....” Adjusting his hood and rubbing the back of his head, his other hand dropping to his stomach he chuckled again, “Speaking of food, what’s good today? I’m starving...”
Rolling her eyes she turned again to gaze at the sun. Sighing she pushed her fingers up under her glasses, rubbing her eyes a few seconds before gesturing for Rev to leave after stowing her helm. “...I’ll, come find you later...”
Again, before Cayde could say something to ruin the mood, Ikora grabbed his arm and dragged him with her, Zavala watched them leave, opting to linger a few more moments over the scene before him and Mardöll.
Silence spanned between them, nether saying anything for a long while before the Titan spoke, “You know the people will call you Speaker...as we may need to for official purposes...The Consensus won’t be pleased as a whole with you if you decide to accept...”
The Risen made no show of hiding the fact she spit on the ground at her feet, “Damn the Consensus and Damn New Monarchy. Ejecting Lysander* and the Concordat after Twilight Gap was folly at its finest and, from what I can recall, Future War Cult is on thin ice as far as fanaticism... If you really wish me to hold the position of Speaker, be prepared for me to challenge a lot of things and a lot of people for their views and stand points. I’ll not stand by and gaze from afar with gentle involvement ...not as the previous Speaker did...”
She didn’t speak her last words with disgust but rather with silent reverence for the man’s memory and the good things he did accomplish to ensure the longevity of humanity and those who sought refuge here. Zavala seemed to smile, nodding as he considered what she said, seeming pleased that the Risen appeared to be on board. “There, is quite a lot that has changed since you’ve been gone...I’d be happy to catch you up, when you’ve made up your mind on the whole thing, in the mean time, why not just enjoy the dawn of a new day..?”
“You, can stay if you wish...” He’d just started to turn away from the rising sun, her muttering giving him pause enough to appraise the meaning of what she said. Mardöll wasn’t looking at him, instead she’d removed her glasses to clean them, her fingers working a worn cloth over the glass carefully. “I, think I will...with your permission, Mardöll.” Zavala knew this was her first step on the path to healing from the past. By telling him he could remain gave him hope for the future, told him that while it may be slow going, the prospects and possibilities before them and the City had grown ten fold...
And so he stood, at the elbow of The Ram, watching the rays of sunlight illuminate the work ahead of them in the quiet dawning of the next Golden Age.
*Lysander in this case doesn’t refer to @smallladysavage (sorry, you know I <3 him though!) but rather refers to this one ~ https://www.destinypedia.com/Lysander
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