#warlock is sleeping very well lol
kaiserouo · 1 year
Titan (and Hunter) keep vigil at night.
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fruitgumy · 28 days
Do you have any head canons for the shigaraki twins???
the ones i have are mostly silly and unserious fhsjskak but yes!!
1. i like to pretend that the captain hero comics are actually captain america, and the "demon king" is red skull. that's just cause i personally love captain america lol but considering all might is a mix of superman and captain america it is kind of thematically relevant. i like to imagine afo was a little bit thrilled at the idea of having the chance to defeat a hero like him.
2. a little while after afo killed the luminescent baby, yoichi was briefly successful in attempting to get afo to live a semi normal life. afo tried to stop committing crimes for yoichi's sake, but ended up just doing it behind his back instead because he didn't think it was that big of a deal. yoichi finds out and the betrayal is one of the major turning points in their relationship
3. yoichi likes kpop. like, he's a full on kpop stan. but he also likes music in general, and loved to go to shows. afo hated it, and stood on the sidelines looking awkward and terrifying and generally killing the vibe.
4. in another world where quirks don't exist, they both are just really into larping and roleplaying games. yoichi always plays a physically imposing fighter/brawler, and afo plays a wizard or warlock. they are both very chaotic in their roles.
5. yoichi is an artist, and he's really good at it too. his favorite subjects are the abandoned buildings he grew up in. he likes how nature is reclaiming the dilapidated structures. it reminds him that there's still hope even in their bleak little world.
6. afo robs people for presents to bring back to yoichi. at first, he says that he found them, but as they get older yoichi stops buying this excuse and starts refusing the gifts.
7. they both like sanrio even though they'd never admit it to anyone, or even each other.
8. the first time they get their own place to stay, they still sleep on the floor right next to each other because it's all they know. they don't start sleeping in beds until much later, and separate rooms come well even after that. when one of them is having a bad night, they will still go to the other's room and climb in bed together, although yoichi's visits to afo's room gradually decrease. eventually yoichi can't stand the idea of it, but afo keeps coming and yoichi feels too guilty to turn him away.
9. on the topic of unhealthy codependence, afo talks to yoichi's hand as if yoichi can hear him. he will even sleep with it, trying to recreate the many years they slept hand in hand as children.
10. if afo had been successful in stealing ofa, kudo would've beamed images of him and yoichi making out into afo's head to deal psychic damage to him. that or the brother eughh meme on repeat
11. yoichi made friends easily, and afo was always jealous of it. people were always drawn to yoichi, but afo felt that the only way for people to like him was through displays of power.
12. they both have older sibling syndrome. yoichi feels responsible for leading afo down the right path despite his quirk, and he feels that he failed miserably. afo felt responsible for keeping yoichi safe, and he failed as well.
the brothers of all time 🥳
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safyresky · 7 days
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Scrimbly Jacqueline 37/52: Diteline Donniline family portrait!
BOOM BABY! DITELINE KIDS! AKA DONNILINE KIDS! Because when Jacqueline and Dite have their kiddos, Dite has had her whole arc and goes by her true name, Hedone! (Which I know I have said a bunch of times already lol but since this is THE Donnieline fam post, it's here for posterity).
This one was by FAR my most intensive scrimble YET. Joy's wings nearly took me OUT. I have NO IDEA how to alt ID this as of yet, oh my GOD. The sketch was finished Friday, the lines Saturday, and the colours took all day Sunday on and off between Year 9 edits (and then drafting this post took most of my evening between episodes of Face Off lol :)
In terms of designs, Milfline is in her usual fit, Milfdone is in a casual fit based on this dress here. And as for the kids...well. I think it's time we officially meet them, shall we? I'll go oldest to youngest!
Meet Joy! She's the oldest of the bunch! Is about 8 (hundred) in this scrimble :) (on the right (our right), with the wings)
Was "born" on accident due to the HUGE amount of joy Jacqueline and Dite felt after being reunited when Venus did some BULLSHIT
(Including, but not limited to, misnaming Hedone for THOUSANDS of years, cursing Jacqueline into an eternal sleep and casting her into the underworld, and setting Hedone on the same journey Psyche went on for Cupid just before Dite was born)
She is the literal embodiment of Joy. Literally.
She has ALL the celestial/god powers!
She can do a little bit of fire and a bit of frost but not as much as her mom, her mom's fam, or her siblings
So she can conjure some flame and some snow/frost but that's about it sprite wise!
Is as talented a weapons master as her Mater
Has 0 (zero) castor magic abilities
Is the Cupid after Donnie (The Third Cupid. Cupid the Third).
Has butterfly wings like Psyche, her grandma!
They start small and grow with her. I based the pattern on monarch patterns and the shape on this clip art lol
The tips are vaguely heart shaped lmao (emphasis on VAGUELY)
In terms of wing pattern itself, it's not final? But the vibe/idea I was going for was a snowflake-esque motif for the top wings, and a combo of hearts and sparks/stars for the bottom wings! Also not sure about colours—I'm deffs gonna use her wings as like, a blank canvas every time!
Joy is just a bundle of Joy. She's an absolute sweetheart. Not a SINGLE PERSON dislikes her, she's just so sweet it's so hard to DISlike her
Seems kind of like a bit of an airhead because she's so full of joy and whimsy and such but she knows when to smarten up and is ALWAYS looking out for her siblings (despite what Bianca thinks)
Her heart pochette was so last minute but I LOVED IT SO MUCH!!
Hair I've always pictured strawberry blonde, but I think it's more orangey thanks to her summer sprite relatives!
Has Jacqueline's eyes!
Hair is fairly curly! Turns out when you constantly freeze your hair into curls, the curls become genetic ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Meet Bianca! She's the middlest, and is about 7 (hundred) in this scrimble :) (on the left, with the C: face)
Joy really wanted a sibling and so, for funsies, Dite and Jacquie are like "Oh? What would they be like?" and build a snowman with her, to her specifications lol
They have a very fun time together but then things get...weird
The snowman seems to have a mind of its own. It moves around on them. It doesn't melt. Joy claims it talks to her.
It starts to look more little girl like. Knowing how sprites were originally made, Jacqueline's like hmm...
She talks to MN, who tells her to go to this very sacred section of the Springs and she does and she gets a life light and goes DAMN. OKAY. GUESS WE'VE GOT KID NUMBER TWO ON THE WAY!
She gets home that day, and finds the snowman, and gives it the light life and POOF! Suddenly, Bianca!
She's named after Winter's bio Mom :)
Bianca is FULL Winter sprite; she has 0 god things going on.
She CAN do some castor stuff! Dips into warlock lineage but I'm not sure she has a staff—she Blaises it: wandless magic FTW babieeeeee!
Is the Jack Frost after Jacqueline (The Third Jack Frost. Jack Frost the Third. As you can see I am workshopping how they refer to the latter Legendary Figures lmao)
She has this really cool talent where she can pull the most GORGEOUS colours out of the snow and ice
When she freeze dries, it is more icy looking like her Uncle Jack and she is CONSTANTLY changing the shades. Blues! Pinks! Purples! Sometimes she gets some ORANGE going! She's like YEAH BABY! FUCKIN. COLOURS!
She is a bookworm; of the 3 Donniline kids deffs the more sensible/down to earth/serious one
Which is saying something as she and Robyn do all sorts of shenanigans together lol. Wait until you see the VDay oneshot >:)
When THAWED, her hair is as dark as Jacqueline's and she tends to also put lil colourful streaks in that lol. I keep picturing it as a bit of a poofball? Idk where she got the poofball gene from. Humidity is her enemy lol
Has Dite's eyes!
She likes sweater vests a normal amount, she swears
It's ROBYN! They are the youngest, most hyper active, and the future governor of Crystal Springs (I am not joking. I am so serious. He is the person who finally defeats Blaise in an election)
They are about 6 (hundred) here and are smack dab in the middle of the scrimble
He was gonna give Joy bunny ears but then she got too excited and started hovering and now he's trying to save it with a wave lol
Robyn is genderfluid! Usually goes by he/they but has been known to have some she/her days and has dabbled in neopronouns, I'm sure
Robyn has the most chaotic birth story, because of COURSE he does
Gods started bragging one day and somehow. SOMEHOW Donnie got into it with Jupiter about how HE birthed Minerva from his HEAD, to which Donnie replied "YOU ATE HER MOM AND THEN ASKED VULCAN TO SMASH YOU WITH A HAMMER BECAUSE OF THE HEADACHE SHE GAVE YOU AND BOOM. AUNT MINERVA. THAT'S NOT THE SAME AS GIVING BIRTH. I'LL PROVE IT!"
And then she does. Well, sorta! She doesn't. Y'know. Eat Jacqueline after fucking her or anything like that, and I don't think they conceive traditionally. There's DEFFS some god magic involved.
But anyway, they have a spot of fun, and Dite takes care of the "pregnancy" bit, and Robyn bursts out of her BICEP nine months later lol.
He's always like FULLY FORMED AND READY TO SLAY and then Bianca goes NO YOU WERE A BABY. BABY SHAPED. I WAS THERE AND SAW to which they reply YOU WERE TWO (hundred), FUCK OFF
And then fisticuffs happen as Joy yells about the swear jar
It's deffs still a wip lol but tl;dr: Robyn comes out of Dite's bicep :)
He is full Summer sprite! Loves them some arson and fire. ALSO fully warlockian! Can cast like nobody's bizz! Has his Uncle Fino AND Grunkle Pyros AND Gramps AND Uncle Jack teaching him
Needless to say, he's a force to be reckoned with
Either wears a blazer or denim vest COVERED in buttons and pins. Depends on the plans they've got for the day! Business, or party?
Would probably wear the vest OVER the blazer if they felt so inclined lol
His satchel is bottomless. Got it from B-Man :) It is great for tomfoolery, shenanigans, snacks, and storage!
Has a trans bestie and I think the pair of them accidentally bring back PRE MONARCHY fae. It gets weird.
Was born with fully white hair; he looks full winter sprite but is a summer sprite
When his hair on fire it stays white. Very cool >:)
Also playing with the idea of his flames being blue and white or one or the other! Still thinking about it lol
I tried to see how I liked him with the summer sprite eyes and decided I don't!! So he'll also have the Jacqueline eyes :) Make people assume he's a winter sprite SO FAST until he sets something on fire with their bare hands
He is very proud that he is an enigma ALL OVER THE DAMN PLACE lol
And I think that about covers it for these goobers, for now! Bianca's hair is DEFFS very different in my head so I will DEFFS have to do proper doodles of them all to give you guys the full vibe. These guys have been CARTWHEELING in my head, let me tell you. I love them dearly. Have a snippet of their shenanigans:
“How do I look?” “Stunning, jaw-dropping, gorgeous—ready to kick ass, even!” “Oh, stop it,” Donnie said, playfully waving a hand. “Never.” Jacqueline fell back, her head hitting the pillow. “Check on the kids on your way out? Bianca was still awake when I got in.” “Still?!” “One more chapter, she said. You know. Like a liar,” Jacqueline huffed, snuggling into the covers. “Oh, boo! It’s already cold.” Donnie laughed, clipping her charm bracelet onto her wrist. “It’ll warm up. And if not, we’ll make short work of that later.” Donnie did not need to turn around to know that her wife had turned very red. The squeak that came out of the blankets was enough of a tell. Laughing quietly to herself she left the room, keeping the door slightly ajar. Across the hall, another door opened. “Did someone say they needed some WARM?!” Robyn asked, popping out of their room. He wore a throw blanket over his head, clasping it around their neck like a cape. “You know how your Mom is.” Donnie swooped over, giving Robyn a big old hug. “The moment I leave the bed she freezes.” “DUTY CALLS!” Robyn saluted, rushing across the hall and bursting through the door. “CHARGE!” “AH!” There was a poof, pillows hitting the ground as both Jacqueline and Robyn laughed. “Get over here you, I’m fucking freezing.” “MOM! SWEAR JAR!” The door beside Robyn’s burst open, Joy’s head popping out with a small frown. “PUT IT ON MY TAB!” Joy huffed, the stray hairs on her forehead briefly lifting. Donnie tilted her head. She frowned. “Joy.” “Mmmmyes?” “Are you dressed for work?” “Oh, this old thing?” she popped out of her room fully, clothed in Donnie’s old chiton from her Legate days. “YES. Absolutely I am! You said so yourself! Duty calls!” her eyes were wide, with a big old smile to match. She clasped her hands together excitedly, hovering off the ground, her wings fluttering rapidly. “I was just thinking, you know, it being THE day and all, that we’d better be ready to help you however we need!” “SHE DOESN’T SPEAK FOR ME!” Robyn shouted, Jacqueline laughing loudly. “Well, Bianca and I will—” “NO!”
There was a clatter from the room beside the main. Something fell with a hefty thunk; there was a scramble as Bianca’s door burst open. “FIRST of all, I don’t do the Cupid thing! I do the Jack Frost thing! SECONDLY, I’m not going ANYWHERE this morning cuz I’m almost done my book, and it’s a slow burn, and they only JUST admitted their love and I am like. Only one fifty pages in!! THERE’S STILL ONE HUNDRED MORE PAGES! So I’m booked today. Literally.” “Bianca! You should have been asleep hours ago.” “Okay, one more chapter, Mater, then I’ll sleep." “YOU SAID THAT AN HOUR AGO,” Jacqueline shouted from the bedroom. “I’M A SLOW READER,” Bianca shouted back. “THE FUCK YOU ARE!” “SWEAR JAR!” Joy shouted. “I saw her tank that really thick romance last week in like, an hour. It was fascinating,” Robyn continued unabashed, volume as normal as it got with the kids (which was still pretty loud). “It was really good! I was HOOKED! Their magic system was stupid but I couldn’t stop reading. I was like, enthralled with how unreal the mechanics are—HOLD UP. ROBYN.” “WHAT.” “DID YOU START A CUDDLE PUDDLE AND NOT TELL ME?” “…” “YOU BITCH!” "SWEAR JAR!"
From the Valentine's Day Donniline Special, Bedtime Stories, coming to a platform near you in February!
This is 4/5 of the @kscribbs suggestions! It was a simple prompt: a family portrait of Jacquie, Donnie and the kiddos. Did I go overboard? (squints at colours, bios, birth stories, AND the oneshot snippet) very much yes. But hey! Now's a good time as any to show you the lil' guys!!! AND I AM FINALLY CAUGHT UP ON THE SCRIMBLES! AH!
This week's scrimble will be ANOTHER cute one (I TOLD YA I'd have cute to compensate for the angst of #36) and then the week AFTER is an EVEN CUTER ONE I've been DYING to do—topical since that'll be my BIRTHDAY WEEK! YEAH!
Right! I think I've uh. Said enough. Too much, even. Oy vey. These tags are gonna be WILDIN. See y'all with the next scrimble Friday, and Frostmas Y9 before that! :D
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mcfallen-god · 5 months
My tavs, a (long) post
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Aesthetics and backstories above ✨
(yes too many, no you can't judge me, yes I play them all once in a while, no I haven't completed the game yet with any of them, yes I also have a game as Astarion, no you still can't judge me, yes I tell you shut the fuck up with most genuine and tender love)
Lothithil, high-elf, warlock, he/they, chaotic neutral
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Lothithil is an orphan (maybe his parents died in a silly accident or murdered or he is a refugee from somewhere for some reason, neither Lothithil nor I know nor really care).
He was found by an inn keeper around Baldur's Gate (Lothithil has very, very little memory of how and where the human found him, he just remembers living with him for some years)
The man who picked him up was a human and had the boy working at the inn through Lothithil's early years. The inn owner is not exactly a perfect good guy, he had never been violent and treated Lothithil bad, but he is a gambler and tended to have a lot of debts.
One day he gambled too big for his own good and he couldn't afford to repay the guys he was in debt to. So, naturally, these guys came and threatened to burn his inn if he didn’t pay. He begged them to spare the inn and offered Lothithil instead. And just like this, the boy went from hand to hand.
The boy felt a bit betrayed at first, but as he thought it out, he never got involved emotionally with the man, neither did the innkeeper. They were not family to begin with. He offered the kid a shelter, food and a place to sleep. After all Lothithil was but a stray dog to the human. So he never exactly felt mad at him, just thankful for the time he spent at the inn, but he never really held grudge (and being a long-live beings help to put things into perspective, he now just looks kind of fondly at his years at the inn).
With the group of thugs, Lothithil learnt to lie and to steal (the guys kinda liked him, the boy was resourceful, charming and fun).
After some years, those guys – who were mostly human or at least aged like humans – turned old. As they eventually aged and retired – just left Baldur’s Gate, got arrested or died anyway – Lothithil was teenish and parted way with them.
He then met a couple of human warlock, who offered him to come with them. He was more or less adopted by them and joined their family. They had very small ‘cult’ where all of them were warlocks and shared the same patron. Lothithil choose to become a warlock as well and to join the ‘cult’.
Though, they all remained humans, aging and eventually passing away. Their children took after them to carry their little cult on, but Lothithil decided to leave.
Now he is almost an adult in terms of high-elf age, and he has enough resources to get his own ass out of mess and all. He doesn’t have any specific goal in life, he just likes to hang in there, sometimes on the roads, sometimes in the city. He likes to meet people and learn about their stories, he likes to mingle with them and have some fun (*wink wonk*), but he remains relatively without ties.
He is not aromantic, but maybe demi-romantic. He is really at ease with sex and is opened to many things. He is pansexual, kind-of switch but he likes it when he has his p*ssy stuffed lol.
Ash/Lith (DU), half-high-elf, bard, they/them, neutral evil
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Ash (Lith) is my Dark Urge.
Their early life was happy and peaceful. Ash’s parents were two gentle, humble humans who found the baby by their little cottage’s door. Back then, Ash had another name, but they never ever used it again after the ‘event’...
It happened one night, the whole day Ash suffered a terrible fever and, through their sleep, they heard it. The dark urge calling.
Everything happened pretty quickly, and when Ash came back to his senses, they were standing in the middle of an inferno, the little cottage burning madly and the both corpse of their parents were ripped at their feet. Wet blood gleaming under the raging flames.
Ash felt disoriented, looking at their hands covered in blood and at the two dead bodies; they couldn’t *feel* anything. As a joist broke and crashed on Ash, half of their face and their left eye were burnt. It took them out of the torpor and they ran out of the blaze.
They stayed by the burning house, looking at flames until it died as well. From the ashes, they took their new name. The dark urge remained strong within them after that, and turned them rather insensitive and disconnected from their feelings, apathetic.
They are completely aromantic, and probably something like demi-sexual, as they are actually turned on by violence, murder, lies and generally by situation like: people witnessing the results of their crime without knowing it is Ash’s doing.
After the tadpole event, even if they wake up without any memories, they feel at ease with the killing urge and love the little itch it is to them.
Willow/Tathar, half-wood-elf, paladin, they/them, neutral good
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Willow (Tathar) lived their early life with their father, their human parent (he gave birth to Willow, as both mom and dad are actually trans characters).
Willow’s mother and father sincerely loved each other, but knowing he will age and eventually die way faster than her, they both agree they should parted. Though, dad hardly ever let go of his feelings for her, while she, being an elven kind, got easily detached. Yet, when mom left, she didn't know dad was pregnant (neither did dad). Dad never got angry with mom, and never really tried to find her either. He understood that elves have a different emotional attachment due to their long life expectancy. And dad knew to begin with, at the start of their relationship, that it would end this way, they enjoyed their love story, but it was just impossible for them to stay together forever, obviously.
Dad always was very sincere with Willow and explained how happy mom and him were and how they parted on an a common agreement. He  also explain how he will eventually die when Willow is still young.
The both of them lived a happy and quiet life, for many years, but as dad started to age way faster than Willow, he had to have a talk with his child about their future. Father encouraged Willow to go connect with their elvish culture. As they never grew up among wood elf, Willow have some (many) things they don't know about their own origins and traditions.
Willow hardly agreed at first, but they quickly understood their father just wanted his child to have ties with their mother’s side. They promised they will left and wandered the world to learn about their culture, but only after their father is gone. They stayed at dad's side as he aged and passed away. It was their father who made them pick a god to worship. With such a patron, father was sure Willow would be safe after he left this world.
Now, Willow wander and feel eager to learn about their other mother's side, they are not especially trying to find her, as she is basically a nobody to them, but at least to learn about wood elf’s habits and customs.
Willow is a bit silly, very kind hearted. Thy can't bear injustice and don’t mind to hit first talk after if the situation requires so. They have no issues to kill, but they rather only kills the bad guys. They are a very enthusiastic person in terms of relationship, but has a hard time to label and bounder the said relationship. A friend can be a lover or a sexual partner alike. It is not mean, it is not absence of caring, but they just genuinely don’t know the limits, but if you explain very clearly and straightforwardly you look for an exclusive relationship, they will understand, but I’m not sure they will stick with you on a one-to-one relationship. Thus, Willow is clearly pansexual and polyamory.
Perslay, human, bard, he/him, true neutral
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Perslay has the plainest backstory.
He is born from human parents, themselves part of a theatre company. He grew up in Baldur's Gate with them and the troupe. He started to be part of their show at a young age and he always meant to be a people entertainer. He never really went into an actual adventure ever, though he travelled with the troupe and can definitely fight for himself.
When his parents retired due to aging, and settled down in Baldur’s Gate for good, Perslay left and travelled with another company. Him and his parents are not in bad terms, he is just naturally independent and eager to perform on stage or in the street.
He only really was punched into adventure kind of travel because of the mind flayer’s abduction...
Perslay’s grumpiness and rather selfish temper makes him a bit hard-to-befriend person, but he is not completely heartless either. If you learn how to handle him, if you successfully pass through his attitude and become his friend, he will be your best ally and kill for you. But if you decide to betray him, you better be prepared man.
He is not exactly a warry person, he is more like: no matter who you are, what is your business, can you help with my problem? Come on, wanna try to stop me? Get lost.
He is very, very homosexually gay and loves big, strong men. Perslay is that one gay friend gossiping with his she friends about you. He never fell in love, but doesn’t mind trying; in the meanwhile he is a pretty sexually active guy.
Macyra, tiefling, sorcerer, she/her, lawful good
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Macyra is homeless and alone; as her homeplace had been attacked and destroyed by humans. It happened when she was young and doesn’t remember much of the original event that triggers the conflict, but she remembers her father taking her sister and herself and taking them out of the house. The little village was burning and everyone was running away.  They got separated at some point, her father letting go of her and she had been dragged away by the running crowd. She doesn’t know if they are dead or alive.
After the tragedy, Macyra roamed with a couple of other young Tieflings, in the wild. At some point, they met with an old woman, a sorcerer Drow living by herself in the wood. She saved them and raised them rightfully. The Drow taught them to hear and use their natural magic.
She also taught them to always remember their origins, but to not feel restricted by it; she warned them that humans would never fully accepted them, as their appearance is the stigma of their ancestors’ misbehaviour and it is not a reason to prove them right. One should be judged on their own actions and not on their kins or kinds actions.
These teachings never left Macyra as she grew up and left the Drow’s side to wander the world by herself.
In every time and place, she uses her natural magic to work for people and to try to make them see her – and her kind – as less threatening.
As she travels, she tries to find any information about her father or her sister, unable to give up on them.
Macyra is a quiet and rather serious woman. She enjoys books, calm time, and she hardly just knows how to ‘have fun’ but she is not against it. She is just kind of hard to herself, socially clumsy and always does things like taming her voice, her moves, her actions to be sure to not frighten  people around her. She is naturally tall and large, and her whole appearance can be a bit scary for those not used to the sight of a Tiefling, but she is a good girl.
She is an helpless romantic, even if she never allowed herself to indulge in the warmth of romance. Macyra is not ace, but she is a bit impressed by sex and, since she is naturally large, she knows she can easily frighten partners. She never thought about her romantic label and thinks she can probably be with anyone as long as she fell for them, so you can consider her as a pansexual. Also, she might be very romantic, she is not opposed to the idea of polyamory.
Jas, githyanki, barbarian, he/him, chaotic neutral
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Jas is just a… kind of himbo? Or more like he-bimbo?
Nothing goes in his mind really. Eating and using his strength is all he understands, and cares about.
Oh and he absolutely LOVES silver things (plate, forks, weapon and coins alike).
He will do whatever you ask him if you are persuasive enough, unless it is the opposite of what he wants.
About his young years, he has a rather classical life for a githyanki. Fight and fight and win fight and one day, ride a dragon kind of life.
After the mind flayer’s abduction, he sticks to Lae’zel. She is like him. She looks pretty. She is strong. She can fold him in half. She is githyanki with a brain.
She is not ugly and kid of scary like the long nose guys and the horned dudes.
He hardly grasps the concept of romantic attraction, but is really happy at anyone able to give him a good time, pegging him down, regardless of gender.
Veylin, half-drow, warlock, he/him, chaotic neutral
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Veilyn is an orphan Drow (half elf, half Drow actually, but that is fact unknown to himself) who was raised in the Underdark.
As an orphan, he ended up "employed" (basically a slave) at the house of a rich and powerful Drow's couple.
He was their "boy-who-do-everything"; cleaning, cooking, shopping, and other dirtier jobs: like cleaning after their ‘parties’ (if you know what I mean), or if the couple had an enemy, Veylin was sent to assassinate them over the night.
At some point, Veylin grew exhausted of this lifestyle; especially since he is not exactly well treated, being fed with left overs or little dishes, being physically punished when his work is not good enough – or when one of them is just upset –, assisting to all kinds of debauchery, and having absolutely no freedom.
One day, another slave decided to riot. They teamed up with other slaves and started to fight with those who were still loyal to the Drow’s couple. It all was a big mess.
People fighting, slaves running away, house burning, authority coming to try to settle the shit down. But, in the end, Veylin used that opportunity to run away.
By then, he is barely a young adult who knows nothing from the outside world, apart from its existence. He is barely able to read; but he knows how to speak basic, since the Drow couple had many kind of visitors and he had to learn how to serve the guests well. He has good assassin’s skills, he can cook.
Though, he never ever saw something as shiny as the sun ever, so when he finally, firstly reached the outside world, he was scared by sight of so many light and hid back for a while. As night came, he saw the light going down and wandered out. It was a shock for him, that the outside world can be sometime so full of light and sometimes so dark.
Veylin started to travel, mostly at night, because he is more at ease with the darkness. At some point, he met with another traveller, their encounter was a bit chaotic at first, as the other traveller was a green-skinned woman Tiefling with long, curved horns and dancing tail. Veylin never ever met a Tiefling before, and he felt a bit freaked out, but the Tiefling was kind and patient enough to help and explain. She explained about her kind and listened to Veylin’s story; she also warned him about how Drow were perceived in this world and he should learn to act accordingly. They parted ways at the next village, after she showed him the basics of life here.
After the abduction, Veylin’s main goal is to get rid of the tadpole at every cost.
He won his freedom and he craves to keep it. He will kill and fight his way out of anything without hesitation in the name of his own freedom. On his journey, he will learn how to make friend, open to others and – most importantly – entrust others, but it is not an easy thing for him.
Veylin is still young, unexperienced in terms of love, but experienced in terms of sex. He doesn’t mind the gender of his partners, but he definitely is a bottom.
Kiaran, drow, wizard, she/her, neutral good
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Kiaran is an old Drow lady who values knowledge and culture above anything. She lived part of her young years in the Underdark with her mother. One day, a man came in their life, a human wizard. He was kind and wise, he initially visited the Underdark for his researches, but fell in love with Kiaran’s mother and stayed with them. He was kind to the little girl and taught her the base of his knowledge. Kiaran liked him and his words a lot, they could spent all days together, reading books and learning magic, he said she was really talented!
It was a nice period. After some years, the human proposed the two Drow to come with him, back to the outside world. They agreed.
Kiaran was still young, but she clearly remember the amazement it was to her, to discover so many new things. They installed with him in his laboratory, on the edge of a village. More nice years passed peacefully; even though the villagers weren’t so happy to have ‘dark elves’ so close to their homes, the old wizard always managed to keep peace in the neighbourhood.
But the wizard was an old human and he eventually passed away when Kiaran was still young. As he was not there anymore to protect them from the villagers, then the tragedy occurred.
They came and threatened them, wanting to force them away. Kiaran’s mother refused, saying they have as much right to stay there as these humans. They disagreed, but left them be. For now.
The head of the village paid a mercenary to come and get rid of them. The man acted at night, locking all doors and windows from outside, and set fire to the laboratory while the two Drow were sleeping. They woke up and tried to get out, but all the exists were blocked. So, Kiran’s mother took her daughter and ran upstairs, and from one of these windows, she throw the girl out.
Kiaran survived, but had her face and body burnt, and had other injuries from the fall. Her mother died in the house, alongside with all the old wizard’s books, notes and knowledge.
After that day, Kiaran decided to never ever let anyone look down on her or treat her bad regarding her appearance or origins. She wanders the world to learn always more and more, she also take on herself to educate people the soft or hard way on her journey.
She is basically your local mommy; bisexual, and kinda dome-like, she doesn’t mind her partner’s preferred role, she can do it all.
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emcandon · 8 months
the ballad of fancy uncle chucklefuck, pt. 7 (in which he almost dies and also actually expresses himself kind of.)
while i'm here, who wants a Fancy Uncle Chucklefuck update!
(previously on fancy uncle chucklefuck: 1, 2, 3 (look at the reblog for the update), 4, 5, 6)
when last we left him, Fancy Uncle Chucklefuck was feeling a bit awkward after the whole double whammy of "local god threatened him with death" and "party was less than stoked about HIS god (chucklefuck prime, remember him??) rifling through their trauma to psychically reinforce its protections"
he was kind of hanging back from a bunch of things as a consequence, playing more into the Observer than Face role, lightly terrified of sleeping and sucking the party back into some kind of divine nightmare zone
how do you solve neurotic insomnia? YOU GO MURDER SOME VAMPIRE KOBOLDS with a very large tiefling who you were 90% sure was going to kill you five minutes ago but sometimes these things work out ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
and/or it's only one vampire kobold and it very nearly murders you instead? hahahhaa. (AC 9 baybEE.)
consequently uncle chucklefuck was actually passed out during the clearing out of the rest of the vampire kobold den -- in part bc i was running the session :P
however the rest of the party did a splendid job of simply obliterating the beasties. good job, gang. y'all are terrifying.
(they did befriend one (1) vampire kobold, Beetle, called such bc she is very good at skittering, and also bc she is forever going where she is not wanted. Beetle was v eager to help with the murder of her brethren but also due to the aforementioned terrifying violence, the party did not NEED help, so she has skittered off. thankfully the very large tiefling's Intimidation check means she is NOT presently trying to eat village children. boo >:( )
anyway during some anti-vampire trap-enforced pleasant conversation (i will perhaps describe the design at a later date; i was very proud of it), fancy uncle chucklefuck finally confessed to the two things he has been sidestepping this whole fucking time!!
1) that Chucklefuck Prime should not by any rights be attached to him bc it's inherited through a royal lineage! and the last person who had it was a prince who had his soul carved out of him bc he was trying to escape the royal family.
2) that Uncle Chucklefuck was trying to help the prince escape in some capacity but obviously that did not work out too great. and specifically Uncle Chucklefuck was helping in the capacity of, uh, well, a spy. lol. sorry about the habitual secret-keeping and misdirection! it is professional habit! hahahahah!!
(i can at last explain that the whole character concept here is basically "~15-20 years retired Rogue Inquisitive wakes up one day as a Sorcerer/Cleric. has bad time about it.")
SO MUCH OTHER STUFF HAS HAPPENED like how Seasonal Affective Disorder the Sorlock's whole backstory is starting to barge onto screen in the form of her continuing state of un(??)death(??) -- and also her murderer is here, hello, he sucks.
or like how aforementioned Very Large Tiefling is the DM's character whenever I'm running things, and he is also (uh oh) a warlock of the local god who is specifically not exactly pleased with Fancy Uncle Chucklefuck's entire deal (haha uh oh). (he is v midwestern dad, and is perfect, and i love him). it's good! it's good! i love my party! MORE TRAUMA THIS SUNDAY WOO.
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skelevenn · 11 months
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Repostober 14 - Extra Life 2019
The big ridiculous scene that came out of fundraising for Extra Life, which I do along with my office every year. Mostly its peoples' DnD characters (including a few of mine) and a bunch of little sillier additions. This was the second, and final, of these huge scenes lol. I would make a big background and just leave a lot of space for placing characters, which people could pay to slot into. I would start drawing them on our annual stream, but it was obviously too big to finish in a couple-hour time slot, so the work would extend well into December, which was much less fun. Unfortunately none of my other art-related fundraising ideas have been as successful as this, but I just don't have it in me to do it again.
Big old breakdown of characters under the cut! (though I don't remember a lot of names lol)
Starting in the top left, on top of the cliff: Strahd, the titular character from the Curse of Strahd adventure
Two random little monkeys sneaking up on...
Mycall, a little mushroom boy I designed for the previous game I worked on, Crusaders of the Lost Idols.
Bottom left, older lady riding a horse is my grandma!
Big armored half-orc, trying to be stealthy (and convinced he's doing great) was a donor's DnD PC
some kind of elf PC sitting on a lot eatin snacks, with her raven familiar
A little hamster in a racing helmet, having stolen a snack
Sitting on the ground to the right of the half-orc is halfling Penelope, playing by Hope Lavelle. Shes having a teaparty with the tree!
In the foreground sitting on a rock, re-stringing her bow, an air genasi PC.
The dragonborn sitting on a rock roasting marshmellows on her collapsable pole is Orkira, played by Lauren Urban
Giant angel giraffe in the background... is what it is :shrug:
dainty unicorn in the trees!
tiny bb kitten sleeping in front of the fire
big spikey snapping turtle named "Fluffy," and a little trail of babies!
The centerpiece group by the fire is the office Curse of Strahd team, which I was a part of!
left, sadly playing the lute: Morgana, human Bard.
Sitting on the ground with the big book: Bignapor Gampus, gnome Druid.
middle on the log, getting his arm bandaged: Aeofardian, half-elf Rogue.
rightmost on the log, my character Tethys Shadebrooke, water genasi Cleric.
behind them all brooding under a tree: Veshok Wraithmantle, shadar-kai Elf Warlock.
Sitting on the ground at the end of the log wasn't actually a part of that group, but was a "constantly getting way too beat up" Monk PC, so he's sitting in line to see Tethys for healing lol.
ANGY unicorn. specifically donated for after the first unicorn... for contrast, I guess?
The moon is actually an egg a dragon is busting out of! That was the whole prompt, more or less.
very tiny, waaay in the back and added at the end without a donation: the crew for when I was DMing Curse of Strahd. I posted about them a few days ago and they're basically too tiny to make out here haha.
A rogue-styled version of a likeness of a very regular donator named Alan, "negotiating for a suspicious package"
Holding the mysterious package is one of my PCs: Penumbra, tiefling Wizard.
oh and finally, the little glowy bits all over the place are tiny fireflies... but they're also turtles.
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xyanmajor · 7 months
Session resume for my personnal ramble cause i cant really did without annoying one of my players so im annoying the entire tumblr with it.
- I think i did wrong somewhere trying to play the exploration part more mechanically. My players just say "ok dw" but i dont know if it was pleasant, not pleasant or a nope nope.
- I promised them that the forest will be dangerous cause one pf the BBEG is chasing them in it with minions... And I had decide where the encounters where but they just walk precisely everywhere where I didnt placed ennemies...lol.
So I was just "oh its full of ennemies...oh well but not here OTL"
- Maybe i was too harsch on my warlock. It was the perfect time and place but they were very enjoy on the session beginning and all the second part was just "im thinking. Let me"...
I hope i didnt hurt him or let him down about his campaign wishes....
- next session is based on enigmas, problems and I hope reflexion. I was very worried on the first one (though i think the players did well on the resolution and each of them has to do with it so this is great...) and i dont think they really liked the idea of an enigma dungeon....
- im very worried about what my players are waiting for this enigma tower.... They are seeking specific things and well... not sure about the result. And i wont change whats in it.
- im also very worried that they just drop / quit the tower cause its not what they want.
- did i just ...teveal the tower too soon... One of my players just did a 26vcritic perception TWICE in a row with true vision.... I had previously said myself that "you could not see the tower if your not on an adjacent place" ...but it seems just unfair to me not rewarding the effort and result....
- i didnt sleep well. I think it was the worst session i could run ever. And i just dont know what to do about it. I hope the players wont be disappointed and bored and leave...
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verdantglow · 5 months
Okay so @plumadot’s posting about her D&D Traffic AU has made me remember how much I love my Dungeons & Traffic AU & I Must Talk About It Now.
Basically all the characters are in a modern setting, playing a rotating cast D&D game DMed by The Watchers. (I never really decided how that works. Plan was for everything in out of game space be completely mundane except for the floating purple eye behind the DM screen lol.)
But yeah! So I picked classes & heritages that the characters would pick themselves based on play styles & preferences. &, uh, here they are!
Bdubs: Firbolg, Light Domain Cleric of Helios
Of course he’s a light cleric. Of course his god is literally the god of the Sun. This man does not fuck with the night & darkness At All. (Also he wanted to be tall lol.)
BigB: (???), (???)
Okay, gonna be honest, BigB is the last one I need to make decisions for ‘cause I feel I have too many knowledge gaps about him to figure this out. Was thinking Paladin maybe??? But I will totes take input, please help me here. Only restrictions: I’d prefer if he doesn’t double up on heritage or subclass with anyone.
Cleo: Reborn, Circle of Wildfire Druid
Cleo’s gotta be a zombie, so Reborn is perfect. & who can deny Cleo the opportunity to have a skill set based entirely around setting shit on fire?
Etho: Shadar-Kai, Way of the Shadow Monk
He’s a ninja lol. Also in this AU I was thinking he & Gem would be siblings, so having him play an emotionally flat dark elf played nicely with what Gem goes with. Which…
Gem: Eladrin, Eldritch Knight Fighter
Gem had to be a fighter, that girl is a fighter through & through, but she’s definitely not playing a boring character. Eldritch Knight adds some magical flavour that goes well with her being an Eladrin. & she had to be an elf of some kind; I think she’d like the versatility & expressiveness of Eladrin.
Grian: Changeling, Pact of the Tome Warlock of the Archfey
Okay, I know this is probs controversial but hear me out. 1) Grian being a Warlock I think is just very in character. 2) Pact of the Tome lets him cast catrips from other classes & you unknowingly he’d get a kick outta that mechanic. 3) His patron is a homebrewed version of The Traveler, half way between 5e canon & Critical Role canon. Trickster vibes are real. 4) This dude has had so many skins. Changeling energy. (Also I just love changelings & Grian made the most sense to me.)
Impulse: Hill Dwarf, Forge Domain Cleric of Tharmekhûl
Another controversial one, but I’m not a fan of demon/tiefling/horned Impulse. & he legit has been a dwarf before. Hill dwarf because they get a Wisdom buff & that makes sense for Impulse. Cleric of Tharmekhûl because forge/light vibes & also he’s the god of smiths & that feels… like something Impulse would choose. (Impulse’s character is also min-max’d to hell. This man is going to win at D&D.)
Jimmy: Human, Oath of Glory Paladin of Tyr
Jimmy got overwhelmed by all the heritages & just went human for simplicity. He takes regular human rather than variant because he doesn’t want to learn all the feats & getting +1 to all stats is pretty good, right? Oath of Glory Paladin of Tyr because he really, really plays into being Lawful Good, & being The Law of the party.
Joel: Half-orc, Path of the Berserker Barbarian
Half-orc for being the closest I could get to an ogre. Path of the Berserker because he’s all about The Rage.
Lizzie: High Elf, School of Enchantment Wizard
Idk Lizzie just has big Wizard vibes to me, but like. Not the best wizard. Like she’s powerful, but rolls shit. She couldn’t get anyone to sleep in the Secret Life campaign because her DC is kinda low & everyone kept making their saves. (Except Joel. He failed his save on purpose. <3) High Elf for Queen Lizzie.
Martyn: Tiefling, Swashbuckler Fighter
Another natural fighter choice imo, but Swashbuckler for The Performance. Tiefling because he’s a bit impish & also so he can have Thaumaturgy to constantly scare everyone with monster/mob noises.
Mumbo: Rock Gnome, School of Evocation Wizard
I need to Mumbo to be a glass canon. School of Evocation Wizard does that so well. He can blow shit up so good, but he takes one hit & he’s out. Rock gnome because he just wanted to be a little guy & so he can be a Tinker.
Pearl: Wood Elf, Beastmaster Ranger
Beastmaster Ranger so she can have Tilly as an animal companion. Also more combat than magic focused, ‘cause that feels right? Elf because that’s her vibe, wood elf because it made sense for her build.
Ren: Werewolf Shifter (Doglike), Bannerette Fighter
Ren really wanted to be a fighter, but he put all his points in charisma RIP. So yeah, he’s the fighter class that does the least actual fighting lol. Doglike werewolf because of course.
Scar: Half-elf, Wild Magic Sorcerer/School of Eloquence Bard multiclass
His first few levels were in sorcerer, to reflect his absolutely bonkers all or nothing luck. School of Eloquence because he’s the type to talk his way out of most any situation he can. Also: Scar is 100% a charisma caster. (He still uses a longbow, don’t worry; he gets proficiency with it from being a half-elf.)
Scott: Fairy, Lunar Sorceror
I have changed my mind the most about Scott. Landed on Fairy, because the Vibes. Sorcerer because I felt he’d have innate magic, Lunar because it gives him access to a wide variety of spells that make sense for him. (Like Shield. He uses Shield all the time. Can’t hit this man, no sir.)
Skizz: Protector Aassimar, Path of the Ancestral Guardians Barbarian
He attac, he protec. & most importantly, he place high value on bonds between folks. So giving him Ancestral Guardians just… yeah.
Tango: Fire Genasi, Battlesmith Artificer
I don’t think I need to explain this much. His Steel Defender is an Iron Golem.
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caterpillarinacave · 1 year
Hi! I'm the same Henry anon from yesterday, thank you for your answer!
If you actually want to elaborate more on your headcanons and you have time to do so, I'd love to read more! I was especially curious to know if there is a specific explanation for the headcanon about the way his sleeping habits changed? (And in the tags you mentioned angst?) And in general if you ever want to write an hour long rant I'll happily read it!
Anyway, if you've read until here, bye, and thanks for taking the time to read all of this!
Anon, I am SO sorry, this took so long to answer!!! I do try to be timely, apperances aside.
You know how you have to invite vampires inside for them to come into your house? Yeah, when it comes to talking I'm like one of those vampires. I, of course, would like to talk for hours and am ready to talk for hours,, however I will not start talking until someone invites me to. I like to wait until I have a specific request from someone, then I begin my speech.
Anyway, all that aside, someone has now asked me, so buckle up buttercups, because i am about to TALK
Just a warning, these headcannons get a little more angsty, and therefore a little more dark
Regarding your first question, dear anon, basically, disabilities are exhausting. Physically and emotionally, even if you've got it under control, most every disabled people are constantly tired. 
Everything is automatically more physically strenuous.
I, for example, slept really lightly for a really long time. In a lot of ways I still do, but once my more physical disabilities (even though I have them very well under control) showed up the actual want to sleep shoots way up. 
You can totally stay up all night working on something and be just fine, but once you lay down and your brain gets the little “yep, we get to sleep now” message, it JUMPS on it. You might've had iffy sleep schedules, but once the physical aspect is added to the mix, it’s really hard to convince your brain to get up when everything is so tired if you stir in the middle of the night. After a while your brain doesn't work anywhere near as hard to try and wake you up, and suddenly you're totally down to fall asleep on the carpet and sleep there for six and a half hours. 
Same applies for Henry. 
It's exhausting to get around as a disabled person and he's just… tired.
The weeks following the battle of idris were NOT a fun time lol. Didn't seem awful from an outside POV, but physically speaking Henry was having an awful, awful time, and emotionally Charlotte was having the go of it. 
He’s in charge of all his mobility aids. Made a lot of them, with less input from the silent brothers then youd think he would need.I mean, shadowhunters are ridiculously unhelpful (seriously, how was he the first one to come up with a wheelchair. how.) Logistically speaking, he has multiple chairs, but a favorite. 
He has just got to eat more. He’s so awful at keeping track of time, forgets to eat constantly. and is pretty much 0% body fat. He usually gets away with it, but he’s got nothing to fall back on if he’s sick or injured, which was kind of a problem after the battle of idris. 
He used to be a decent piano player, but most of what he enjoyed playing relayed on a peddle, and while he probably could, it wasn't ever worth finding a way to make the pedal work for him, so he just kinda moved on. 
This one's more canon but he had absolutely no friends. Like, at all growing up. He was lucky if they ignored him instead of actively harassing him but like??? He doesn't really care??? He’s just like, “kay yeah, whatever”, then grows up and continues to not have any shadowhunter friends but it seems like warlocks think he’s really fucking cool, so is that a win? 
You know how there's the persistent theme of Charlotte feeling guilty for the events of TID? Henry’s kind of in the same boat. Any one as pedantic as me remembers the line at the end of CA;
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Going off the book, he was the one who told Mortmain about the Pyxis,  he was the one technically protecting Jessamine when she died, left the woman he loved to suffer in silence because he can't figure the most obvious things, his list of failures miles long, his presence causing so much annoyance to everyone around him.  
How could he be so stupid, so blind? How many problems had he caused just by being who he was?
Who would be alive, who would have suffered so much less if he had just been a little smarter, a little quicker, a little less like himself?
He’s spent his whole life being told that he’s stupid, makes everything worse, everything is his fault, and he’s a burden on everyone around him, and there’s these things that might be his fault (no, nothing was his fault, Henry forgive yourself please-) you can not tell me they arent weighing on him a little bit. 
To pull from a discarded WIP of mine, “...in her head, Charlotte’s hands were stained red, and in his, Henry could bathe in the blood of the shadowhunters he’d killed.”
Genuinely hates staying in bed. It just drives him insane to sit in one room doing nothing. It’s bearable to go sit in your pajamas in the living room, but doing the same thing in a bedroom? 
Insufferable. Unmanageable. Impossible. Horrific. How could you possibly stay in such a boring place that long. What do you mean I could die. I’ll die in a different room thank you very much.
He’s really good at chess, but doesnt really get the big deal about winning the game. As in, he doesn't even remotely get why someone would get upset about losing, or why it’s if you want someone to like you you shouldn't beat them in five minutes. Charlotte eventually told him that some people just hate losing. “Great, got it” he said, then proceeded to just ask people if they wanted to win or not. This is not good for political relations. 
Cue the Clave conversations; 
“Do you play? I’d be honored to play a round with you, Mr. Fairchild.”
“I’d be delighted to. How would you like to play?”
“Beg pardon?”
“Would you like me to try and beat you, pretend to try and beat you but purposefully lose, or blatantly lose?”
“Henry, darling, let’s go over this in a different way.”
“Literally what did I do???”
It’s canon that he had a lot of self esteem issues when he was younger, but it's one of the things I wish CC had looked more into. (I’ve got a fic about this exact thing, but don't know if i'll ever post it lol)
 There have been a few times when he’d had a particularly bad day and finds himself a little closer to the edge of a bridge than he should be, and shaking off how easy it would be to die right then. In a couple seconds, he could never bother anyone again. 
It's really an intrusive thought, but he just can't help but think how much better it might be for everyone if he wasn't here. The shadowhunters really genuinely don't like him, and canonically treat him horribly, and for him it seems like all he does for Charlotte, who he loved more than anything else in the world, is make her life harder.
 When he’s coming back from an assignment it would be so easy to drop everyone else off at the institute, take a horse out (Balios can find his way back), and just not come back. At least not breathing, that is. 
 He doesn’t act, of course. After all, the Institute is a busy place, and he often is needed for errands or assignments. It would be cruel to leave them to navigate with one less pair of hands. Will and Jessamine really are a handful, and Jem is… well, it wouldn't be fair to make a scene when the focus should be on them. Besides, if Charlotte is at all fond of him, his death would be more upsetting than his blunders. 
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achaiapelides · 1 year
Kit's Diary
Chapter 15
Dear Ty,
today we left Paris to spend a few days in the Netherlands. In Paris, we visited the Louvre, the church Notre Dame and of course the Tour Eiffel, which looks beautiful at night. Tessa also told me stories about Matthew Fairchild, the parabatai of her son James, who always was fascinated with Paris and run away with James' wife Cordelia to the city. I tell you, the drama is perfect. Tessa should totally write a book about them. Lol.
But we only stayed in Paris for three days. The day we arrived (Saturday), the day we explored the city (Sunday) and the day we left (Monday). So in addition to that, we only visited the Paris Institute and ate the famous French breakfast, which was very expensive, but totally worth the prise. So delicious. If cookies ever go extinct, I might survive with croissants, too. Also, I found out, that Americans pronounce croissant wrong. It's not "craysant", it's pronounced somehow like "cruwasoh". I can't really write out how it's pronounced, because it ends with this French nasal o-sound.
Anyways, after the breakfast on the third day we packed our stuff and portalled to the Netherlands. For the next days, until next Sunday, we are staying in a holiday home in a village called Cadzand-Bad. The house has three bedrooms, a living room and kitchen and three bathrooms. Now we can all shower at the same time. Lol. But the room Tessa and Jem are sleeping in is really the best in the whole house. It has a giant window, so big that basically the whole wall is the window. Here are some pictures:
This is the house:
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Tessa and Jem's room:
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Mina and my rooms (they look the same):
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And the living room / kitchen:
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Source: Verhuurburo Cadzand
After we arrived at noon, we went to the beach. It was still very warm and we decided to swim in the sea. First I was a bit shocked because, obviously, the North Sea is way colder than the Pacific in Los Angeles. But after a few minutes it wasn't that cold anymore and Mina and I attacked Jem and Tessa with the water. Note to self: Never attack a warlock with water! Mina suddenly decided that she wasn't on my side anymore and came up with a new game: Making-Kit-As-Wet-As-Possible. Or rather, Mate-Kish-Wet. When she archived that goal with the help of her parents, we put our normal clothes back on and walked back to the house through the street where all the shops are. We also bought some fish called Kibbeling and some North Sea shrimp.
Back at the house we ate dinner (the Kibbeling with fries), showered (not at the same time because the water pressure wouldn't be good) and went to bed. There, I texted Dru, who is staying with Emma and Julian because she also has holidays at the academy. She had asked me to meet in London, but since I'm not in England right now, I had to decline. But I send her a lot of pictures from Cadzand and now she's happy again. She apparently also showed them to Julian, who decided that the sunset here looks so beautiful that he had to come here, too, to paint it.
Obviously you also need to see the pictures, so here they are: 
The sunset:
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The street with the shops:
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And Cadzand from above:
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Now, I'm going to sleep before I fall asleep in this position. That might not be great for my back.
Good night and sleep well.
Love, Kit
Author's note:
The photos of the sunset were taken by me, when I was in Cadzand last year, the other photos were not taken by me, but the source of them is linked.
Also, we actually wanted to rent this house for our next vacation, but somebody else was faster than we were, so Kit is now living in it instead.
And, yes, the next posts will be about Cadzand. Because I like it there so much.
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magmacannon · 1 year
1, 2, 8 & 10 for Grey!!
yEAH... grey time
What is the character’s go-to drink order? Grey really enjoys bitter/earthy flavors and orders espressos or dry whiskey comically often. Besides that he does drink a lot of water and is a fan of blooming tea because it's fancy and fun!
2. What is their grooming routine? VERY solid! He doesn't have a huge skincare or haircare routine but he takes advantage of the extra four hours a day he doesn't need to sleep for to groom himself and make sure his look is neat and well-kept. He has an absurd number of earrings that probably take real time to put in lol
8. Describe the place where they sleep. Much like Grey's shop and his clothes, his bed is very steel/black/white modern and crisp-looking. The space above his ship is a studio apartment with a balcony, where he spends his free time when he's not out and about the city. Grey makes his bed regularly and keeps his books/clothes where they usually live unless he's actively reading something or setting out clothes for the next day - he might genuinely be the neatest of my characters come to think of it.
10. What objects do they always carry around with them? Ohh.... his earrings if they count, as well as a little book of business/personal contacts, a gift from his ex (tbd, a keepsake and also a Warlock Item), and!!! well. a Collar, just in case he needs to get that on someone,
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spongeaddict · 1 year
1, 2, 11, 13, 16, 17
Lol wow okay
1 and 2 were already answered here
11. How do you come up with your fic titles?
It depends. Sometimes the title comes to me first, sometimes the story does. For example, the first Scooby Doo fic I ever wrote was a crossover with "The Ring," so I knew how the story would go before I came up with a title. The most obvious one to choose was "Scooby Doo and the Mysterious Tape," so that's what I went with. With the Origins series, the titles came to me first. I decided on the famous expression "One for the money, two for the show, three to make ready, and four to go" and then built the plots of each of those stories around the titles (the first one was about a counterfeit scheme, the second was about a play the gang were involved in, the third involved getting ready for the end of high school, and the fourth one -- which I titled "Four for the Road" was a road-trip).
The titles for my upcoming/ongoing series Terror Time came to me after I decided on the storylines. I also wanted to give them titles that resembled old-school Scooby Doo movies. The first one, which is about a contest devised by Shaggy's late ancestor, was titled "Scooby Doo and the Beauregard Game," an allusion to the children's novel "The Westing Game" by Ellen Raskin. The second will be titled "Scooby Doo and the Book of the Dead" after a mysterious journal the gang finds. The third, "Scooby Doo and the Warlock's Curse" is about...well, a warlock's curse. And the fourth, "Scooby Doo and the Legend of the Ley Line" is also hopefully self-explanatory. :)
This isn't part of the question, but I wanted to talk about chapter titles as well. In the Origins series, the chapters were taken from the titles of songs that had something to do with the storyline of that chapter. I had to really reach for some of them, so for Terror Time I decided to take the chapter titles from lines of dialogue that characters say. I think that makes it a little more intriguing too!
13. Do you outline your fics? How much of a headache would someone get if they just looked at an outline of yours without reading the fic?
I do! And I'm usually good at sticking to them lol. Maybe one day after I'm finished with Terror Time I'll publish my outlines here so you can try to decipher my thought process, and see how much changes and how much stays the same from outlining to the final version! I think I have the outlines for the Origins series around here somewhere too. Maybe I'll publish those here someday as well...
16. Do you research for your fics? If so, how deep of a rabbit hole have you gone down by accident when researching?
I try to do as much research as I can. I'm lucky to have many friends and family members who have all kinds of expertise or weird trivial knowledge, so I ask them a lot of questions. I tend to get very much in the weeds when it comes to doing my own research though. In "Scooby Doo and the Beauregard Game," for example, I spent a lot of hours just looking at blueprints of southern plantations so I could get the feel for the layout of the manor in the story. I spent a lot of time on Google Maps trying to map out the route in "Four for the Road." I'm anticipating a lot of research coming up for me with the rest of the Terror Time series as well.
17. How obsessively do you sit and stare at your fic after you’ve just posted and wait for feedback?
This is why I post on Wednesday nights -- so that I can go to sleep afterwards and (hopefully) wake up to all the kind reviews and comments people leave!
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charonean · 2 years
In depth backstories for them all?
Hey Ferre, did you know that I love you?
Prepare for a lot, so I'll do a read more, I guess lol.
So I'll do Casimir and Dmitri Klimek together because they're twins.
We'll start a bit before them though (because I've been developing their family a lot recently) with their father, a human hunter named Aleksy.
Aleksy had recently built himself a cabin in the woods and decided to not continue on with his family's business (they run a bakery) and to become a hunter. So now he's out in the woods once day, and he goes a little too deep into them (people don't tend to go too deep into these woods because there's a high number of wood elves in the area and they prefer to Keep To Themselves). But he's out, carefully tracking a large stag he'd seen earlier, when he steps on a twig and then gets shot in the leg. Apparently he'd frightened another hunter in the area, a wood elf named Emeril.
Emeril, panicked, felt really bad for accidentally shooting a human, and she decided to bring him back to his cabin and tried to heal his wound. And, as it goes, they fell in love. Thus comes Casimir and Dmitri.
They were raised solely by their father (they have no clue who their mother is (they don't even know her name...) because all their father will say about her is that 'she's gone' and they don't know if that means she's dead or she left (Cas believes she's dead; Dima thinks she left)). They were like the sun and moon; Casimir is more withdrawn and solemn, and he loves to study astronomy and sleep in late and he honestly doesn't care at all about his elvish heritage. Dmitri, on the other hand, is very outgoing and personable, he is obsessed with nature, and all he wants is to learn about his mother and what his elvish half. (I could talk so much about random points in their lives here and about their other family members (their aunt Alina (Aleksy's twin) and their uncle Benedykt (and later on, their cousin Erich)))
[At one point, when they were about seven, they were play-fighting with some sticks in the woods, and Dmitri accidentally cut Casimir across his face, and it scarred, which is why whenever you see art of Cas, he has that scar on his face.]
Now, Dmitri wanted to learn druidry. This was no secret to his family. However, it was a secret that he was teaching himself. He'd finally learned his first spell and he was so eager to show it off to Cas. So he took him to this small clearing in the woods by the river where they used to play. This part in particular was the rapids and their father had built up a small wall of stone so they wouldn't fall in. However, Dmitri stood up on one of the rocks as a stage so he could show off, but the spell had a bit of a kick to it, and he slipped on the wet stone, fell and hit his head on a rock, and drowned. He was fourteen.
Casimir was devastated and continued to blame himself for his brother's death because he felt he hadn't been quick enough to save him. In an attempt to redeem himself, he threw himself into his studies of astronomy and into being the best person he could be. He was very well loved by everyone in the town because of how helpful he was.
On the ten year anniversary of Dmitri's death, Casimir went to the river where he drowned, and he was looking into the water, begging for forgiveness, when he saw a second reflection staring at him. It looked just like Dmitri, aged fourteen. It was then that he felt a hand resting on his shoulder.
His brother was back. And he promised Casimir he would forgive him, if he did some things in return. After ten years of only wanting this one thing, Casimir immediately agreed, and thus entered his warlock pact. In return for forgiveness, he simply needed to eradicate all worshippers of this one god. A small price to pay, really, Dmitri had said.
And then from there the story can take one of two routes: Casimir eventually discovers that an evil, fallen god has been masquerading as his dead twin brother to manipulate him, and then he decides to sever the pact and become a druid himself. Or (as it happens in the dnd campaign I run, where Cas is an NPC)! Casimir never figures this out and eventually is appointed to the Warlock Council, a ruling body in their world, and continues to be manipulated and trapped in a state of constant grief and guilt for the rest of his life!
He is my favourite character ever and I constantly think about him. He is also married to another character of mine, Morgan. They are a bard/rogue and a good balance to the Casimir's studious and withdrawn nature. I have a lot more information, but it's hard to compress it all, so if you have more questions, let me know!
Now! As if that wasn't enough info for one ask! Let's move onto Liam Greyvale!
So, a little starter info: I initially created Liam's sister, Talia, a while ago but never developed much of her story. So he was created to fill a gap, but then I got attached.
The marriage between Nathaniel and Alice Greyvale was arranged and unhappy. Alice had been in love with a lower class man named William ('Will'), who had challenged Nathaniel to a duel when their engagement was announced and subsequently killed. Alice had been taken away to Greyhaven, the ancestral seat of the Greyvale family, before she had the chance to tend to William or wish him goodbye. This deeply affects her relationship with her youngest son, Liam.
Their first child, a son named Maximilian ('Max'), was incredibly good-natured and personable. Their second child, a daughter named Talia, idolised her older brother and constantly followed him around. Their third child, a daughter named Lilian ('Lily'), was often excluded by the older two (not so much on purpose, just because of personality differences) and so spent a lot of time doting on her younger brother. Their fourth child, a son named William ('Liam'), was born incredibly sickly and blind in one eye.
Liam spent most of his childhood confined to bed. His mother, who only ever called him 'Will' (a name that he hated, not that he ever told her), spent all her time at his side, tending to him. He feels a degree of resentment towards her because of how suffocating she had been to him. Lily also spent a lot of time with Liam. So much so that they were called 'The Twins' even though there was a years difference between them. She would often sneak him treats or help get him the books he would ask for.
He spent a lot of time reading and studying. He was very find of - and very good at - learning new languages. So he learned a great many and would write poetry in them. Additionally, he would make up new languages when he was bored... or he would play pranks on some of the guards that were posted to watch him. There was one guard in particular, Sir Cassian Edwards, the Captain of the family guard, whom Liam was very fond of.
Nathaniel Greyvale was not a good man. He was not a good husband. He was not a good father. And he was a horrible ruler. So much so that the people staged a rebellion to overthrow the family. This coup was led by Sir Cassian Edwards.
Sir Cassian believed that Max, whilst beloved by the people, was too submissive to his father's beliefs and desires, and thus he could never be a good successor to the throne. He, however, had thought that Liam might be a good replacement. Nathaniel had almost zero impact on his youngest son's life and since Liam had been so sickly growing up, he had almost no contact with anyone from outside, save for Sir Cassian. Liam was, in short, a perfect puppet prince.
During the uprising, Max was killed. He wasn't the greatest warrior, but he had died defending his sisters.
Liam and Alice were in Liam's room - tucked away in a far corner of the keep - and were unaware of what was happening until someone started knocking on the door. Alice went to answer the door and she instantly knew something was wrong. When she noted this, she was killed. Her dying words were "Oh Will, I love you." Liam was found by his sisters kneeling beside his mother, covered in her blood, holding one of the rubies from her necklace.
Nathaniel, Talia, Lily, and Liam managed to escape. From then on, Nathaniel began training the girls to become perfect warriors. Talia on the offensive, so that she may avenge her family, and Lily on the defensive, so that she may defend Liam, who was now the new heir.
It wasn't a good time for the three kids (who were 14, 12, and 11 respectively at the time of the uprising; Max had been 17 when he died) as Nathaniel was incredibly cruel towards them. Talia ended up leaving on her own to go get revenge when she was 19. For another year, Lily and Liam were at Nathaniel's mercy.
Liam, once again, was being used as a puppet for the adults in his life. First his mother had used him as a fill-in for her past love and the fact that she wasn't able to be there for him when he needed her. Then Sir Cassian had attempted to use him as a puppet ruler. And then his father wanted to do the same.
He had found a book on forbidden forms of magic. And he was quite drawn to the idea of blood magic. So Liam practiced in secret, just in case.
The time came a year later, when Liam was 17. He doesn't remember exactly what had been happening - a lesson of some sorts - but he was sitting in a chair, a mock-throne, and Lily was standing beside him as his bodyguard. Their father had struck Liam. Blood dripped from his nose. And Liam used that blood to cut Nathaniel's throat.
After that, Lily and Liam went on the run, separately, as Lily had grown to resent and hate Liam after she was forced to do nothing but protect him and was taught that she was nothing but a human shield for him.
For a year Liam was on the run before I started playing him in the campaign I am in right now!
And that's all for now!! Thank you for the ask!
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the-firebird69 · 11 months
Dan AKA Dave next door is getting a lot of phone calls and people are asking what he's doing he's up in DC and he is receiving the call I need forced it to happen about the Jets and the idiots are saying don't run on us to yourself or have someone and then he's down at the local police Anderson just wanted to report it and he said no and he's violated the law by not accepting a verbal report over the phone and not looking into it even if he thinks it's a fraud and it's not true if he can prove it's a fraud then you can sit there and do what you're doing otherwise you have to investigate the Jets and he did not do it and the police are watching him in the feds listen you're just a bum and you don't belong here and he's been saying it and the guy says this I don't think you understand what I'm saying I'm sitting here threat of you I said his threats are pieces of s*** it's being held here by this Tommy f guy and also they said it's a piece of s***so he goes what we're doing is letting you do it and if we didn't your threats would be s*** so they decide to stop him and they're going after him right now and he's going to be pushed out of here and he's going to regret it he's going to show up in a couple movies and lights out again
Thor Freya
The wrestlers aren't really saying in the max aren't saying this ain't going to take months and either way they might have to do it if they're doing well or if they're doing poorly so they said this it's not really stupid and they kind of hurt the argument later and they said what are you doing in my mind and he started to get a little angry and he said not necessarily and they stopped it came back later and they found out something these guys are hiding stuff but it started figuring it out and big stuff too and it's the warlock. I also heard the idea of going to one of the wrestling places at the end of the strip it's like amateur and you have to have a certification that's from a few classes and Bob Marley took those and he did it and then it says painful he be very resilient but still can be painful and you can't get injuries so they're saying this he'd be young again and he can take hits and wouldn't bother him that is like an old man this place rots the Mac was saying that so they're kind of up for it but they don't want to say anything that was weird
I'm going to comment I think the notion is pretty good and the idea and he would be looking around for me and I come as a woman and they would say oh my God it's her and it looks like Jolene more like an actual Asian woman and ideally saying that would be nice and you did go there with me and you remember where it'll be funny if you went there again because it would be near the wrestling place and now it's starting to see what you're saying it would be and it was inexpensive and the rest of them pricey is a little bit smelly but it wasn't that bad and he probably changed things they say they did but we shall see and it was nice enough and well caps and we checked and check for bugs it was nice sorry to do some nice sleep and you are looking forward to it and it did it did work out with us and we went on and did a lot of stuff and had a fun time and the lights were great and the nights were fun and we weren't bothered that much as we were acting very weak I suppose you'd be kind of acting meak but you be kind of big. He looks forward to seeing me growing up LOL and yeah I get there
Hera aka Giline
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emcandon · 11 months
the ballad of fancy uncle chucklefuck pt. 5
(previously on fancy uncle chucklefuck: 1, 2, 3 (look at the reblog for the update), 4)
lol so i technically don't have updates on the fancy chucklefuck himself bc i actually ran today's session
what i can tell you is that i ran it as fancy uncle chucklefuck's god
which had sucked everyone else into a horrible dreamscape built from their memories, where it forced them to confront said memories as a means of repairing itself and shoring up its protections
bc cards on the table, the god was in actual real danger of the "dreamscape invaded by a shadowy vampiric minion of Strahd" variety
and the god, uh, did actually really put the party on the line as well by doing this. because some of their memories were almost stolen! oopsy doodle! haha! that would've been soooo bad, right?? good thing they set that vampire minion mega on fire!
guys? guys? we're all good here, right? hahahahahaha.
(we were not all good here guys)
the party was justifiably pretty upset about being psychologically tortured by fancy uncle chucklefuck's god, who is perhaps best described as Chucklefuck Prime.
chucklefuck prime swears he did not make them run a psychological trauma gauntlet on purpose but he also did confess to using them to save himself so like ¯\_(ಠ_ಠ)_/¯ is that not culpability either way
the thing that made chucklefuck prime go from persistently feckless and deflecting to very, very quiet was the party warlock going "well idk maybe we SHOULD give you to strahd -- you know, as leverage, for us :)"
Chucklefuck Prime Disapproves
anyway we collectively decided it's much fucking funnier if Fancy Uncle Chucklefuck wakes up from an unusually good sleep and remembers none of this. it's not like he was there!!
he's just going to be making breakfast like "what's wrong with these weirdos THIS time" while those weirdos all sit around the table staring vacantly into the void and/or straight at him.
also the boon they received from this is a narrative fix for party splits -- if we do split the party bc some people can't be around for a given session, the god will "try to make sure they all wake up in the same place."
which i came up with in tandem with the DM, and which solves a lot of schedule hiccups, but also, feral hagdaughter's player did point out that this means any attempt to abandon the party may now be fucked
which is GREAT bc fancy uncle chucklefuck himself has low-key been trying to figure out how to aid and abet feral hagdaughter's escape into the woods -- and now his own god has nixed that option. amazing. he can't win. hahahahaha.
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ash-2-ash · 1 year
Another dnd character backstory cause why not? I feel like the inspiration for this character is pretty obvious if you’ve seen Once Upon a Time lol. So this is Mr. Silver (he/him) a level 5 warlock with a fiend patron.
(1033 words)
Mister Silver was once human with a wife and child. His memories of this time are not incredibly clear, but they are there. He remembers the arguments with his wife, who he didn’t have the best relationship with, but cared for nonetheless. He also remembers spending his days toiling away at work, but can’t quite remember what it is that he did. His clearest memories, though, are those of his daughter, Ana. Her smile could brighten any room, her laughter cure any sorrow, and her presence relieved any fatigue from working all day. Any time he sits and relives these memories, however, they always end the same way. The soldiers come, demanding any able bodies join the war efforts. The pain of his injured leg. The panic, the fires, the screams.
His next memories are far worse. A terrible, grating voice sounds in his head, whispering wonderfully terrible things. It promises to give him all the power in the world - enough to get back his family, even. The voice tells him that if he wants this power, all he need do is find the Crocodile… Silver blinks and looks down to find that he’s covered in blood. He feels strong now, powerful enough to take on armies. And his leg is… healed? He can walk normally, although after years of living with this injury, he’s much more used to the movements of a limp than a normal gait - best keep the cane, then. Immediately after having that thought, the voice returns. “You’ve achieved the power I asked you to. Now for my end of the deal: the ability to use it.” Suddenly a new wave of thoughts and knowledge flooded his brain. Spells, histories, rituals, and how to use all of this knowledge to his advantage.
From this point, he set out, searching tirelessly to find his wife and daughter. An interesting discovery he made is that whether the result of his new abilities or the deal he made, he didn’t need sleep like he once did. He could sleep and very well would if needed, but it was now far from a nightly event. Occasionally, he would also have thoughts that weren’t quite his own. They were subtle at first, but became louder and louder until he couldn't drown them out anymore. By this point he had been alive more than a century and a half - far longer than any human lifespan - and he hadn’t aged even a day. He had to make peace with the fact that he could no longer truly call himself human, but he did continue to fight the darkness gathering at the edges of his mind — darkness that threatened to consume him the moment he let down his guard.
By the time he was around two centuries old, he realized that there was no possible way he could see either his wife or daughter again. Stricken with grief, he allows the darkness not to consume him, but to join with him, forever changing him. His eyes became an unnatural color, his skin took on an almost scaly appearance, and his nails grew longer and darker as he finally gave up the last of his sense of humanity.
From here, Silver traveled aimlessly, making deals wherever he went. Because of his appearance and cold, calculated nature, he was given the moniker “Crocodile,” which felt eerily familiar. Eventually, he came across a small, isolated territory on the brink of ruin. The lord of the area asked Silver for help caring for his people as he was passing through. The lord agreed to give the Crocodile whatever he wanted in return, and was surprised when all that was asked was that he hand over his castle. The lord eagerly agreed to these terms, but was shocked and appalled when upon making contact with the Crocodile’s outstretched hand, all of the people in his territory were transported into the castle before they turned into household items and moved as if by magick into their proper places. The lord was exiled from his own castle, haunted by the knowledge that he had condemned his people until the day that he died.
Silver remained in the castle for many years afterward. The surrounding farmlands and villages quickly fell to ruin, while the castle, through the magick and upkeep of Mr Silver, remained immaculate. Here, Silver kept himself locked away for several decades, having grown bored of the outside world. He began to reflect on his past, his human years, and the deal he had made. The more he thought about what happened in the past, the more he felt slighted, tricked. He began to realize that the demon gave him knowledge and tricked him into power that would never allow him to rejoin his family. He was trapped in the mortal plain, and didn’t know when he’d get the ability to leave. He began researching both his patron and his curse, recalling that the demon had also called the one he stripped of the powers in the past “Crocodile.” Unfortunately, information on this subject was nearly impossible to find, so progress in gathering information was always slow.
Silver found himself alternating between venturing out, whether it be to make a deal and amuse himself with the subsequent chaos, or to gather new research materials. Of course with his research came the realization that if he continued down this path, he would die. Of course he wanted to be reunited with his lost family, but there was also a reason he injured his own leg to avoid going to war. He was utterly terrified of death, especially the judgment that awaited him. After all that he has done and all that he has lived through, how could he ever hope to have a peaceful afterlife?
After several centuries spent either in isolation, or traveling to see how the world has changed, he is called out again by the messenger of a baron. Apparently, he has called a band of adventurers to take down a witch who laid a curse on his now barren wife, and is willing to make a deal in exchange for the witch’s head. And what’s this…? A witcher? How interesting…
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