korbi-the · 27 days
Concept art that I've done for the ExOps mod :)
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some conscripts, CPs and transhuman soldiers (in order), be sure to peep the page and the mod for more lore!
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georgedesign · 1 year
Home Furnishings Exop Show Tour 2023 in Shenzhen Video Highlights
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nautoais211dx · 2 years
New Game Plus Expo: 3-31-2022 - and yes, I'm very late to the party :)
I know I'm very late to the party, but still I wanted to give my thoughts on the New Game Plus Expo of 3-31-2022, the games that's I'm interested, and yes, Neptunia fans were hoping Sisters vs. Sisters would be announced their, and it didn't, but was announced on 8-2022.
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mindblowingscience · 3 months
Using NASA's Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS), an international team of astronomers has discovered a new ultra-short-period exoplanet. The newfound alien world, designated Wolf 327 b, is slightly larger and about 2.5 times more massive than the Earth. The finding was reported in a paper published January 22 on the pre-print server arXiv. To date, TESS has identified over 7,000 candidate exoplanets (TESS Objects of Interest, or TOI), of which 415 have been confirmed so far. Since its launch in April 2018, the spacecraft has been conducting a survey of about 200,000 of the brightest stars near the sun with the aim of searching for transiting exoplanets—ranging from small, rocky worlds to gaseous giants.
Continue Reading.
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clownfucker9000 · 9 months
For ishtar
1 3 5 7 8 13 27 48 50
1.-Do they have any crafting hobbies?
Hes more of a destructive than creative guy, by design even.... the closest thing he does to something like that is (badly) drawing in the back of notebooks and the like
3.-Do they enjoy cooking?
He does! He only knows how to do basic shit but he enjoys the process of it
5.-Do they have any tattoos? If so what are they and do they have any special meaning?
He doesnt, mostly bc his skin is too thick for normal tattoo machines xdxdxd also remember, his body is not really his, so why even bother adorning it for someone else
7.-Do they have any unusual fears?
Maybe not really that unusual but he really really hates being alone, in every sense of the word
8.-Do they collect anything? If so what and why?
Yah, trinkets and tickets and stuff from outings or things like that, little reminders of good times he's had, he doesnt really displays them tho since its mostly for him
13.-Do they enjoy poetry?
He does, mind you hes not a connoisseur or anything of the sort, but maybe he listened to slam poetry in a bar, or read something in a random book or magazine and it stayed with him for one reaosn or the other, he wouldnt seek stuff out by himself tho
27.-Has a chance encounter ever had an unexpected effect on them?
I guess Eddy counts, she did change his life, even for the better
48.-How likely are they to go on a quest for revenge?
He doesnt have many people in his life he can say he trusts/likes so if someone dared to even try to hurt them he would absolutely go ballistic. Yknow, something hes been hearing all his life is that "everyone has potential for violence" and hes not an exception. He would be ruthless
50.-What is your favorite thing about them?
ANAJSJDNDK hes my little boy that i like to torture 🥺🥺🥺 tbh most of the stuff stays in the cutting room floor so only the silly/funny things ever get out, even more now that he has Eddy and Exop to help him from spiralling down, but when its just me and him i soak him up in milk and throw him at the wall >:3c
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usafphantom2 · 2 years
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USAF A-10 pilots train FAB pilots in the Tápio Exercise
Fernando Valduga By Fernando Valduga 09/17/2022 - 12:00 in the Brazilian Air Force, Military
U.S. Air Force Lieutenant Colonel Daniel Griffin, A-10C Thunderbolt II pilot assigned to the 104th Fighter Squadron, Maryland National Air Guard, with a Brazilian Air Force pilot during Exercise Tapio in Campo Grande, Brazil, August 24, 2022.
A-10C pilots of the 104th Fighter Squadron, of the Maryland National Air Guard, recently traveled to the Campo Grande Air Base, in the largest city in Mato Grosso do Sul, to help the New York National Air Guard (NYANG) train with its partner, Brazil and the Brazilian Air Force (FAB).
Exercise Tápio is a Brazilian search and rescue exercise in combat and approximate air support that ran until August 31.
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TC Daniel Griffin, from Maryland ANG leaving for a mission with the A-29B FAB-5944 of the Grifo Squadron. (Photo: Luciano Porto / www.spotter.com.br)
U.S. Air Force Lieutenant Colonel Daniel Griffin and Major Eric Calvey, both A-10C Thunderbolt II pilots assigned to the 104th Fighter Squadron, traveled to Brazil to train with FAB A-1 and A-29 pilots.
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Major Eric Calvey on the A-29B FAB-5928 of the Grifo Squadron. (Photo: Luciano Porto / www.spotter.com.br)
"Our role was to focus on helping Brazilian pilots with the tactical aspects of approximate air support and search and rescue in combat," Griffin said. "We were not only flying with them in the back seat of their aircraft, but we also informed and trained them. When we had a day without flights, we were in the classroom teaching academics."
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This year marks the second time NYANG participated in the exercise, while only the first for Maryland fighter pilots.
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"We worked a lot with the 106th Rescue Wing on Long Island, and the Brazilian Air Force requested that the A-10 pilots go to Brazil and teach what they know," Griffin said. "As we had this continuous relationship already built with the ANG of New York, we were very excited to help and lend our experience."
The State Partnership Program has been successfully building mutually beneficial relationships for almost 30 years and includes 85 partnerships with 93 nations. All 54 state and territorial National Guards participate in the program.
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HH-60 Pave Hawk helicopter is discharged from an ANG C-17 at Campo Grande Air Base, during ExOP Tápio 2022. (Photo: Bianca Viol)
“This is a perfect example of how versatile the State Partnership Program can be,” said U.S. Army Major Harrison Bittenbender, director of the Maryland National Guard State Partnership Program. "In this situation, the New York National Guard did not have a specific unit or resource, so they sought our help. It was a great opportunity for us to export our experience to a new command of fighters and show, when necessary, that the National Guard will find where there is capacity among the 54 units to help our international partners."
The bilateral exchange of information allowed Griffin and Calvey to see what obstacles Brazilian pilots have to overcome, provide insights and discuss the differences in aircraft, equipment and training.
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HC-130J Combat King II aircraft during ExOp Tapio 2022.
"They have some unique equipment challenges when it comes to combat search and rescue, so they have different ways of doing the job. Therefore, it is a challenge, but also a great learning opportunity for us," Griffin said. "I think [the Brazilian Air Force] took many different techniques that we provide, so there was definitely great training happening in both directions."
The Tapio exercise, which involved more than 1,000 Brazilian forces and their aircraft, as well as 100 U.S. Air Force aviators, one HC-130J Combat King II aircraft, three HH-60 Pave Hawk helicopters and two C-17 Globemaster II aircraft, led the operations to increase the collective capacity to face complex global challenges, combat threats and maintain regional security and stability
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Courtyard of Campo Grande Air Base during Tápio 2022.
The New York National Guard has been a partner of Brazil through the State Partnership Program of the Department of the National Guard of the Department of Defense since 2019.
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Tags: A-29 Super TucanoANG - Air National Guard / U.S. National Air GuardMilitary AviationTacpio ExerciseFAB - Brazilian Air ForceUSAF - United States Air Force / US Air Force
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USMC deploys the CH-53K King Stallion in an exercise for the first time
Fernando Valduga
Fernando Valduga
Aviation photographer and pilot since 1992, he has participated in several events and air operations, such as Cruzex, AirVenture, Dayton Airshow and FIDAE. It has works published in specialized aviation magazines in Brazil and abroad. He uses Canon equipment during his photographic work in the world of aviation.
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Cavok Brazil - Digital Tchê Web Creation
Brazilian Air Force
Cavok Brazil - Digital Tchê Web Creation
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officewebmaster415 · 1 month
recover money from exopip
Navigating the realm of online investment can often feel like traversing a labyrinth, especially when trying to discern the legitimacy of various platforms. If you’ve been wondering about Exopip, including how to execute an Exopip login or recover money from Exopip, this article is here to help illuminate the pathway and provide you with essential details that ensure a smoother experience.
Exopip is a name that has been buzzing around quite frequently among discussions about online investment platforms. If you are considering using their services, or if you already have an account, understanding how to access your investments through the Exopip login page is crucial. Typically, accessing your account can be easily done through their website, which recently transitioned from exopip.com is now exopip.net. This shift is part of their efforts to enhance user experience and security features.
One might ask, "Is Exopip legit?" This is a fundamental question for any user before they decide to invest their hard-earned money. As with any online platform, doing thorough research is key. Checking Exopip complaint, reviews, and any disclosed Exopip company information can provide insights into their operational integrity and customer satisfaction. Additionally, confirming the Exopip address and Exopip contact number on their official website can help verify their physical presence and customer support's responsiveness.
If, however, you find yourself in a situation where you need to recover money from Exopip, the process can be straightforward if approached correctly. It’s important to start by using the official communication channels. Sending a detailed email to the Exopip email address provided on their contact page or calling their Exopip contact number directly can initiate the process. These details are essential, especially when there is a need for prompt resolution of issues.
Moreover, for anyone trying to understand how topi recover my money from Exop, it's advisable to keep all communication records and transactions receipts. These documents can be beneficial if further actions are required or if you need to escalate your complaint.
To sum up, whether you're logging in at Exopip.com , trying to verify if Exopip is legit, or dealing with a service issue, having access to the right information and using the proper channels can greatly influence your overall experience. Always ensure you’re navigating the site securely, keep abreast of any updates from the company, and engage with their customer service promptly for any concerns or queries. With these tips, you can manage your investments on Exopip more confidently and effectively.
recover money from exopip
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fionnaskyborn · 1 year
in honor of me finishing exop 102 i will be annoying online >:333
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astroimages · 2 years
BLACK FRIDAY NA INSIDER COM 15% OFF USANDO O CUPOM "SPACE15": https://bit.ly/BlackFridayInsider_SpaceToday O Telescópio Espacial James Webb (JWST) detectou reações químicas impulsionadas pela luz das estrelas ocorrendo na atmosfera de um mundo alienígena distante pela primeira vez, aumentando as esperanças de que o telescópio possa ajudar a identificar exoplanetas que hospedam vida. Muitos dos compostos encontrados na atmosfera da Terra, incluindo alguns que são essenciais para a vida, não existiam quando o planeta se formou. Em vez disso, eles eram o produto de reações químicas desencadeadas pela luz do sol. Essas reações fotoquímicas também ocorrem nas atmosferas de quase todos os outros planetas do nosso sistema solar e, portanto, foram previstas para acontecer em atmosferas de exoplanetas. Mas até agora, eles nunca haviam sido observados. Em agosto, as observações do JWST do exoplaneta WASP-39b , uma bola de gás de 900°C tão massiva quanto Saturno e mais larga que Júpiter, encontraram a primeira evidência de dióxido de carbono na atmosfera de um exoplaneta. Mas os astrônomos também detectaram uma estranha protuberância na assinatura da luz do planeta, que sugeria que um elemento ou molécula desconhecida estava absorvendo a luz da estrela hospedeira enquanto ela passava pela atmosfera do planeta. Agora, Katy Chubb , da Universidade de St Andrews, no Reino Unido, e seus colegas analisaram dados da luz do WASP-39b obtidos de quatro instrumentos infravermelhos no JWST. “A grande variedade de comprimentos de onda cobertos pelos quatro instrumentos diferentes realmente nos permite construir uma imagem tão completa quanto possível dessa atmosfera”, diz Chubb. A equipe se dividiu em subgrupos e usou uma variedade de modelos atmosféricos para imitar o sinal do JWST. Apenas modelos que incluíam reações químicas envolvendo enxofre poderiam reproduzir os dados, sugerindo que a colisão foi causada pelo dióxido de enxofre atmosférico, diz o membro da equipe Éric Hébrard , da Universidade de Exeter, no Reino Unido. “Ficamos muito surpresos porque, assim que cada um de nós implementou independentemente a química do enxofre, ela se encaixou imediatamente.” Os níveis de dióxido de enxofre eram muito mais altos do que deveriam ser se o planeta fosse feito apenas de material criado quando o sistema estelar se formou. A única explicação, diz Chubb, é que a luz da estrela do planeta, WASP-39, causou uma cadeia de reações químicas na atmosfera do planeta para produzir o dióxido de enxofre. A identificação de reações fotoquímicas em WASP-39b também pode ajudar a indicar se o planeta se formou mais longe de sua estrela e se moveu para dentro, coletando material em seu sistema estelar ou se se formou em sua localização atual e simplesmente acumulou material lá. As primeiras observações da proporção de oxigênio para carbono sugerem que ele se formou longe de sua estrela, mas dados mais definitivos serão necessários primeiro, diz Chubb. A descoberta também é um bom presságio para a observação de mais compostos produzidos por processos fotoquímicos, como o ozônio na Terra, diz Hébrard. “Mesmo que [WASP-39b] seja muito diferente do que temos na Terra – é quente, é dominado por hidrogênio, você não quer morar lá – ter a primeira detecção de um produto fotoquímico é um caminho a seguir.” Por fim, essas detecções podem ajudar em um dos objetivos de missão mais importantes do JWST: procurar sinais de um exoplaneta que possa hospedar vida. “Precisamos cobrir muito mais para responder a esses problemas de bioassinaturas, mas é o primeiro passo ao longo do caminho”, diz Hébrard. FONTES: https://esawebb.org/news/weic2221/?lang #JAMESWEBB #EXOPLANET #UNFOLDTHEUNIVERSE
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shreyaexopic · 2 years
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myhoardings · 2 years
Top Airport Advertising companies in India
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It is no new fact that airport advertising has a lot of credibility. Not only does airport advertising help get the attention of the most affluent people but it also takes the name of the brand to the places that the flyers travel to. Thus advertising in an airport helps you target a regional and even a national crowd easily. As people wait in the lobbies of airports, collect their baggage, and go through security checks, they come in direct contact with your brand. So, the scope of airport advertising is immense.
Along with this, airport advertising also includes:
Tarmac Coach branding,
Newspaper Stickers,
Lounge advertising,
Flight Information Display Screen,
Luggage Trolley advertising,
WiFi package,
Advertising in the departure area,
Advertising in the arrival area, etc.
However, to make the most of airport advertising, it is advisable that you take the assistance of an advertising agency. Advertising agencies, with their expertise, will give you the best advertising solutions for your brand in airports. There is also an added advantage of hiring an advertising agency.  They will provide you with the most appropriate advertising media solutions within your budget. So, make sure you take professional counsel from the best in the business.
The top 3 advertising agencies in India for airport advertising:
Exopic Media: This media agency overlooks advertising at almost all the airports in India. Be it a domestic airport or an international one, Exopic Media all has the resources up its sleeve. Over the years, they have garnered a sizeable reputation in the airport advertising segment because of their professionalism. Besides this, they also offer a complete advertising package for the clients. That is to say that they also have a creative design house, a digital promotion team, and a production house. So, trust the best in the business of advertising for your brand.
MyHoardings (Jugnoo Media Pvt. Ltd.): If you are looking for the right advertising media options at the best prices, MyHoardings is your ally then. The advertising agency provides 360-degree media advertising solutions. Since its inception in 2016, MyHoardings has been slowly rising in popularity among its clients and critics. The company now overlooks the airport branding of the airports of the major cities in the country and is gradually expanding its services. So, if you are looking for quality services without draining your savings empty, opt for MyHoardings.
Khushi Ambient Media Solutions: Airports are perfect catchment areas to make your brand noticed to the NRIs as well as the well-to-do people. Khushi Ambient Media Solutions understands this fact and provides eye-catching media options for your brand. The media buying options provided by the advertising agency make use of the long dwell time of the passengers in the airports. Therefore, courtesy of Khushi Ambient Media Solutions, you can be assured of garnering thousands of brand impressions a day.
Airport Ad Media for Brand Promotion
01LUGGAGE TROLLEYLuggage Trolley ads play important role in airport advertising.
02CONVEYOR BELTConveyor Belt ads at Airport.
03AIRPORT BILLBOARDSAirport Billboards in India.
So, capitalize on the high footfalls in the airports and gain maximum attention by advertising at popular airports through one of these advertising agencies.
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softypyro · 3 years
we got the catboy shinji we deserve and need :)
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chanhunist · 5 years
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Sehun in Black is the death of me
©️ Innocence_SH
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