#expect more donnie bc hes my favourite
de-adend-archived · 2 years
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purpleturtle9000 · 10 months
*slowly edges in under your door like a piece of wayward paper*
Hiiii today I come with gifts of dino stickers (and Clever Girl questions/comments bc I FINALLY beat my adhd into submission to read it >:3) (also I don’t know jackshit about bayverse so my apologies for any goofs)
What made you choose raptors? Also I love horse raptor girl Raph and would kill for him he’s good boy and deserves to keep his buddies
I am choosing to believe they didn’t like Casey bc Acab they can smell the cop on him XD
Were the raptors genetically modified in any way? Cus they seem incredibly intelligent, although that could just be the training and their natural state bc bird Smort af
Okay I think that’s all I got (for now) but also if there’s anything I didn’t ask that you wanna ramble about PLEASE DO I am in love with the Dino’s and their turtle friends :3
*flutters off in a breeze*
I will be putting stickers everywhere immediately, thank you!
I choose raptors because they were my favourite in Jurassic Park from the very beginning. Also I've had a Utahraptor OC for nearly a decade, and Raptor Red is one of my favourite books. So when the idea came of a dinosaur fic, there was truly no question in my mind that it was going to be raptors instead of anything else.
Also anything bigger than Utahraptor would have been an absolute nightmare, logistically speaking. It would take a lot more work to feed, be harder to house, might not have fit on the plane in the first place, and that's even without accounting for there being four of them. Having some big dino like Rexy would be all fun and games until she realises she can fit a whole ninja turtle in her mouth!
Raptor girl Raph is an absolute delight and I support him and Sierra in all their nonsense. (Donnie doesn't, because he's the only one with any real sense, but tbh that's his problem and I have nothing to do with it.) They're going to have a great time terrorising the local bad guys, and probably also the local wildlife.
Casey being a cop is such a stupid decision in Bayverse, it's like the only thing that really gets me 😒 The girls can smell the ACAB now lmao, new canon developing right here. Also Casey is a stranger, and they've always been territorial. Plus Raph is kinda passive-aggressive at Casey and Sierra picks up on that as regular aggression (and by extension, so do the rest of the girls).
The raptors were not modified! They are very smart though, cause bird is Smort af. Parrots can do shit you would not expect from an adult and I love them for it but also sometimes stop that you over-intelligent little shits! Also they have been trained pretty much their entire lives, so they have a baseline for human interaction that can also be applied to turtles.
Also part of their intelligence is based on observations of crocodiles in captivity! Cause they're smarter than you would expect, I got a bunch of books to try to research their behaviour, and I have a whole new appreciation for them.
Okay so obviously there's a lot of things to love in the fic itself, but I also really loved writing the care guide. At first it was just going to be a reference doc for myself, but then I decided to write it as a kind of 'in-universe' thing, from Donnie's POV.
About 90% of the raptor lore is based on what's been observed (and published) about birds of prey and crocodilians. Besides the physical stuff, which is based on fossil records (and some assumptions based on fossil records). Side note, why is it so hard to access some of the academic papers? Let me read!
And a few of my favourite lines from the lore doc:
Sierra shows the same body language when biting the top of Raph’s shell as she does when playing with her sisters. She seems to consider this a form of play as well, and for reasons beyond my comprehension, Raph agrees with her.
The vast majority of aggressive behaviour happens in fights over food, or in an attempt to frighten away things that frighten them. Such things include a loose dog, a butterfly, a plastic bag, and a smoking car engine (the latter also frightened Leo and Mikey).
I have never seen nest squabbles turn violent, unlike our most recent fight for the tv remote.
As shown by Raph and Sierra, to my and Leo’s displeasure, a raptor can pick a meatball from an open palm without injuring the palm.
Raph insists Sierra would attempt to predate a moose if she saw one, as she is, to quote him, ‘braver than Vin Diesel’. I hope he is wrong about her behaviour but assume he is not.
When Raph suggested providing them with a live lobster for enrichment, it locked its claws onto Tango’s lower leg and now all four regard lobsters with suspicion and occasional alarm calls.
Quebec in particular loves liver and will knock Leo over if he’s holding a sheep liver, a habit I have fortunately been able to record for further evaluation.
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caralara · 2 years
What’s your most favorite Louis moment that remembering it fills your heart with love and light?
Oh my god anon… ummm, I don’t know if you were thinking general but I’m gonna go with my personal highlights with Louis.
I think number one was in Donny, @ialwaysknewyouwerepunk and I were in an insanely good mood, and because we’re both very active dancers, we had quite some space around us after the first couple songs, and even though we were maybe sixth row, we had stellar view bc the literal gym the show was held was so tiny.
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So, here we stood, feeling ourselves and going nuts for Louis, celebrating Michael’s solos and very obnoxiously made a show of us knowing all the words to 7 and Beautiful War lol, which Louis very much appreciated (he’d pointed me & my energy for his music out before at other gigs, so he might have recognised the lunatics going absolutely batshit crazy) but then - he sang Change. And like. I was mostly at the gigs of the first half of the tour, so I’ve only ever heard it once or twice live before and just hadn’t come around to properly learning the lyrics. So we had just gone absolutely crazy, making a show of it, too, and then we kind of… awkwardly hummed along to change. Like, don’t get me wrong, we were enthusiastic about it, but we literally simply didn’t know the words apart from the chorus lmao so we went from jumping scream-singing to awkwardly swaying and desperately trying to get out from under Louis’ gaze because - of course he was watching us. And he kept singing and we kept awkwardly swaying and mumbling the words looking all about this gym to the point that Louis was so amused he laughed about us, even drew michael’s attention to us to cheekily make fun of us. But it was just so pure. And we really did bring it onto ourselves. After that, we went crazy again and Michael actually threw his pick specifically to me after his solo as a thank you, in the middle of the gig - so I think we’re good. I really will never forget that, it was such camaraderie, loving teasing and it was just so much fun.
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I think second favourite was Denver, because I had Center barricade and the whole show was completely different than expected but because it was the one show Louis was pissed off, it just was - let me explain. I was absolutely delighted to be Center barricade, but the moment Louis stepped onto stage, I knew something was wrong. And he was really upset (was it the teeny fans singing 1D songs in front of his tour bus while he was trying to sleep? Was it smth BTS? Idk) but to make matters worse within the first minute someone threw the infamous chicken nugget which hit him in the head. So he was proper pissed off, spent the first third of the show singing basically with his eyes closed. And I just - I didn’t know what to do? He was so close? And I wanted to comfort so badly, know what’s wrong, tell him everything will be alright. Slowly, he opened his eyes more and more and sought out contact with us fans at barricade, and it felt like he found what he was looking for, drawing from us and our support and opening up and relaxing. It was beautiful. I had the most emotional intense connection to him that show. Funny how the universe forces me to enjoy these moments, I basically have the barricade curse of my phone alerting to full storage as soon as I’ve taken two videos at barricade lol. But yeah. Will cherish that show forever although it scared the crap out of me.
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Third is probably him leaning over me in London and screaming Little Black Dress at each other and that fucking smirk. Yes.
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Casually walking over about to change my fucking understanding of the world
Or when he came out after the show in Dallas and we briefly talked, with not too many people around, bc they all thought he’d come out a different exit. Was amazing. He’s exactly my height but all I could think was that he’s got a whole lot less body than me lmao but that he’s also got an authority that makes him feel incredibly large.
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bluedelinquent-blog · 7 years
         i. right, where do i even start with ep 2? hold on, lemme roll myself an after work joint.... 
         right, where were we? episode 2 !! i’ve literally been holding all this in for days bc i didn’t want to spoil anyone but omg hrgdfhgkjdfhgkjh !! it was so, so good. there’s so much i want to say about it, so i’ll go through it step by step, whatever stuck out to me. you don’t have to even read this, it’s all just crazy, fangirl ramblings. i just love chloe so much ok??? 
         so imma just say THAT BEGINNING. i knew chloe was going to end up being suspended/expelled at some point which i knew was gonna be a bummer, but the way she went out !! that’s my lil firecracker. <3 i decided to go with owning up & taking all the blame bc i feel like she hella would’ve done that for rachel. you think she’s gonna stand there & let them kick her girlfriend out of the play like that?? hell no. also lowkey loved the bit where justin robbed her hidden stash. i’d murder a bitch.           ALSO MY FAVOURITE BIT OF THE WHOLE EP WAS WHEN CHLOE TRASHED THE TOILETS WITH GRAFFITI TO DAUGHTER ‘NO CARE’ THAT WAS THE FUCKING BEST THING EVER !! LITERALLY HAD TEARS IN MY EYES BC IT WAS SO FUCKING CHLOE          then the car park bit with eliot. kjhfdgkdfg. it’s so cute, the little crush he has on her. the little book of poems he dedicated to her, secretly. chloe’s not used to people crushing on her, it’s usually the other way around. but yeee, i’m loving how they’re kinda continuing on the legacy of max/warren but with chloe/eliot.          OKAY AND THE DISAPPOINTMENT CHLOE MUST’VE FELT WHEN HER MOTHER ‘CHOSE’ DAVID OVER HER PRETTY MUCH. ;_;  SHE LITERALLY FEELS LIKE EVERYONE IS GETTING UP & FUCKING OFF. EVERY SINGLE DAY SHE WAITS FOR THE NEXT PERSON TO GET UP & LEAVE.           okay & then we have the junkyard scene which always gives me hella feels bc i think of all the people that have died there or have parts of their death there ( the wrecked car, rachel’s body, chloe was shot there...twice). anyway, i love any scene where chloe’s chilling out & smoking, so where she’s hanging upside down, i like... squealed. also the bit on top of the ship, with the daughter song. <3           CHLOE’S MOTHER FUCKING CAR & THE DREAM SEQUENCE. i legit cried when i saw william & how fucked up he was, that whole scene was my aesthetic goals in life tbh. gave me severe donnie darko vibes, idk. it just kinda shows that chloe’s series is gonna be hella dark, which i kinda assumed anyway. WHICH IS WHAT I KINDA WANT BUT THEN I’M SO PROTECTIVE OF CHLOE. ;_;           ALSO CAN I JUST SAY ALL THESE REFERENCES TO FIRE ARE LITERALLY GIVING ME LIFE. <333333 IDK WHY BUT I REALLY DO RELATE FIRE TO CHLOE (AND OBVS RACHEL), BUT I FEEL LIKE IT FULLY PORTRAYS HER RAGE & HATRED AT THE WORLD. LIKE SHE ENJOYS IT.            THEN WE HAVE THE RACHEL/CHLOE CAR SCENE. ;_; ;_; JUST KINDA PROVES THEY’RE GF’S. i also like how they can literally talk to each other about anything, no filter. their little therapy sesh. <3 the fact rachel let chloe put her legs up on her & held onto them. <3 the little bag of clothes she brought her. <3 rachel resting her head on chloe’s shoulder. <3 chloe’s so shook, she never expected this to happen to her. it still feels so surreal for her.           MY SECOND FAVE PART OF THAT EP WAS THE RV SCENE WITH CHLOE & FRANK. :’) literally, related so much man. her trying to sneak the bag of weed he kept on the side & him calling her out, i was literally laugh crying. the funniest bit by far. y’know, i reckon their relationship is one of my faves? they’re both dropouts, both feel super worthless, they compliment each other really, really well. you can tell frank cares too tbh.           it’s also official that samuel is the deepest character in this game tbh. :’) that mother fucker had chloe stunned, she never shuts her mouth when kinda being insulted?? also steph having a crush on rachel, i was like nahhhh, back off my girl. fite me. you gotta understand rachel/chloe be my otp. also that fucking scene with skip outside the boys dorms, period talk literally works every fucking time. trust me. xD that scene with mikey & drew shook me up too. i hate the sound of someone being beaten the shit out of. you can tell that sucked for chloe too, cause she couldn’t do anything to help. :(          WHEN THE SCENE BACKSTAGE OF THE PLAY BEGAN I HAD SHIVERS BC THE MUSIC, THE ATMOSPHERE. WELL DONE LIFE IS STRANGE YOU’VE DONE IT AGAIN. GZ. the bit that got me the most was chloe sticking up for nathan, yet again. his dad’s a fucking asshole. but yeee, it makes me sad thinking about chloe standing up for the person that killed her all the time. like they have no idea what’s to come?? it makes me so so sad.... knowing chloe’s going to lose rachel soon.          CHLOE IN THE FUCKING BLUE BIRD OUTFIT I ALMOST DIED. HER FUCKING PISSED OFF FACE. also, the fact rachel can literally make her do anything. i love that about my otp, anything is possible. <3 THE SCENE ON THE STAGE AS WELL WAS SO BEAUTIFUL. ALL OF IT. RACHEL AMBER LITERALLY GOT ON ONE KNEE & SPOKE TO CHLOE LIKE SHE WAS THE ONLY ONE IN THE ROOM. IT GAVE ME SHIVERS. i also fucking hated the bit where everyone laughed at nathan, that’s bullshit. those assholes are what pushed nathan towards snapping & killing chloe. -.-         OKAY AND THE KISS. IT WAS EVERYTHING I WANTED IT TO BE. ;_; ;_; THEY’RE SO GOOD TOGETHER HONESTLY, THE CREATORS HAVE DONE SO WELL BC YOU CAN LITERALLY SEE HOW MUCH THEY LOVE EACH OTHER. I JUST LOVE THE WAY CHLOE HELD HER CLOSE & KEPT GOING BACK FOR MORE KISSES LIKE LOVE ME. THE LITTLE SMILE RACHEL HAD ON HER FACE AFTER. GUYS HOLD ME. MY OTP KISSED. FINALLY. <33333
        then there’s the amber household scene, which i loved bc chloe turned up to a ‘bad example, scumbag boyfriend meeting the parents’ type of situation. i literally related to chloe so much in this scene tho bc she comes from quite a poor household, not used to much glam & she’s being shown this completely different life, THEY HAVE PLATES. NICE PLATES. AND DIFFERENT TYPES OF GLASSES. they actually sit at the table like a normal family, like chloe used to.... but yeeee, THE CONCLUDING SCENE.          RACHEL’S FATHER IS A MASSIVE ASSHOLE. -.-  BUT I’M LOWKEY HAPPY BC HE CALLED CHLOE A DELINQUENT & I SCREAMED BC OF MY URL. c;  rachel losing her shit at her dad was cool tho, i’m happy someone called him out. alsoooo, what is it with rachel & her like extreme rage? it’s a lot scarier than when chloe gets angry?? that table smashing gave me chills tho. I’M ALSO DISAPPOINTED I DIDN’T FUCKING FIGURE OUT THAT THAT WOMAN WAS RACHEL’S REAL MOM. I’M SO DUMB.... 
        I ALSO GOTTA PRAISE THE FACT THEY USED SOOOO MUCH DAUGHTER IN THAT EPISODE. FFS MY FAVE BAND. IT’S ALL SO SO PERFECT TBH. although, i kinda feel like they’re missing out so much?? there’s only one episode left & we still don’t know a lot of shit. like when does jefferson arrive? when does rachel actually go missing? when does chloe dye her hair & get a tattoo?? who the fuck is this dealer guy?? what’s he got to do with anything? etc etc etc etc.         thanks for letting me bore you guys with my thoughts on the ep, if you even read up to this bit. :’) this is probs the longest thing i’ve ever written for any fandom. i just love this game so much...
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