#{ no one cares lauren xD }
shadowmaat · 6 months
Be better, you buffoons
I've been enjoying watching vids from Ian Runkle, a Canadian laywer. He's the primary way I've been following all the llama drama about Lauren the Mortician and Jeanette Braun.
Today he shared a link to a group 'cast put together by a US lawyer named Eric Hunley. Has to be a good guy if Ian's sharing it, right? Nope.
The first item Eric brings up for discussion with his primarily older white male lawyer group is something he prefaces multiple times with "I'm not trying to be judgemental." He also asks the group how they'd feel if they were on trial and *this* was the public defender assigned to their case.
What followed was some vid of an extremely busty woman in a tight blue top that showed off her boobs. Cue the snorts and giggles in Eric's audience.
The lawyer in question is Stephanie Mueller, a transwoman who practices in Seattle. She's 70, has been lawyering professionally for over 30 years, and as far as I know is good and competent at her job.
Except no one seems to care if she's good at her job, they're too busy making fun of her appearance. Eric and his buddies are no different. Or, at least, I assume they spend the whole time mocking her top; I quit watching after it became apparent the only thing they were going to discuss was her physical appearance. In one twitter thread multiple people were being openly transphobic about her. In another one someone posted a screencap of old school Lara Croft with the sentence "new lawyer outfit dropped."
It was gross. It was shameful. It was... not surprising, but definitely disappointing.
Personally, I wouldn't call her outfit courtroom appropriate, HOWEVER, she may have had good reasons for choosing it. Certainly it's distracting, and it's also causing everyone to underestimate her. That could work in her (and her client's) favor.
There was one fantastic bit at the end of the clip Eric shared where a reporter was asking her questions about the case and wanted to know if a trial date had been set. She said "yes" and talked a bit as she gathered up her things. He asked if she was going to tell him when the date was. She said "no" and sauntered away from the camera. XD
Is anyone talking about that moment? No. It's all "lulz boobs" and transphobia. Tsk.
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cosmica-galaxy · 11 months
Who out of (the ones who can talk) your oc’s, mimics and the human would win a singing competition (Dj would probably be the judge cause like)
Camron wouldn't be able to compete, so he'll sit on the sidelines as an additional judge. DJ can only use clips to communicate, so he's also out and is positioned as a judge. Vee would probably make a good singer, but he's not the best. He also refuses to sing so...he gets disqualified and doesn't really care. XD Peon Buddy wouldn't be able to sing due to having an underdeveloped tongue and voicebox. But Alpha Buddy would probably sing like CORPSE HUSBAND (since that's how I imagine he would sound like). Which is pretty good or mid, depending on your tastes. Fiend's singing voice would probably be akin to Phantom of the Opera. He likes powerful vocals and would do his best to mimic that. It's a pretty decent performance! However. The moment Pal steps into the singing competition, it's over. This man has RANGE and PITCH and TONE all in one voice. He can even do feminine and masculine voices. He can be as high or as bass deep as he desires. He will become Lauren Paley, Geoff Castellucci, Bobby Bass, Ashley Serena, and anything else that comes to his mind. He can be both your Phantom of the opera AND your angel of music! He will easily steamroll his competition and blow away the crowd with his melodic songs pulled directly from his powerful vocal chords. The other two mimics aren't even mad that they lost. They would give him their own votes if they were judges too! So much musical talent in such a towering big guy like Pal. Amazing!
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ghost-kitty-cat · 11 months
Casey Headcanons! (Oh boy... dear brain of mine, please no sad Headcanons for the flower boy... please...)
First Headcanon, I don't know why but I totally imagine Casey was the kind of kid who grew up on Disney movies (I imagine his favorite was possibly Bambi and you would think that because he grew up with Disney movies that the movies wouldn't make him cry but nope!.. Bambi totally still makes him cry…)
Second Headcanon, (slightly a funny ironic one.. but..) despite being a huge plant lover, I totally imagine that Casey actually has a pollen allergy (or something)... so he has to be careful.... XD
Third Headcanon, (Don't know why my brain thought of this but I really like it soo...) I totally imagine Casey grew up in the country though he never developed a accent or anything... he possibly had to move away from the country when he was older because of school (or something) but despite that he still always had a strong love for nature…
Fourth Headcanon, soo... I totally picture Casey being the type of kid who loved biology class... (even though that probably caused a small bit of bullying for him...)
Fifth Headcanon, (soo... remember my little cyril Headcanon where he had that imaginary bubble/shield?... well...) I totally imagine Casey having something similar... (again we don't know why he has it, he just does...) Lauren and Honey are allowed through the bubble/shield but others aren't... (unlike Cyril, Casey is definitely working on shattering the imaginary bubble/shield with some help from Honey... its just baby steps...)
Sixth Headcanon, (another slightly funny one also slightly a Lauren Headcanon...) but in the pumpkin patch video (if I'm remembering this correctly...) it was mentioned that Lauren had gotten her and Casey kicked out of the pumpkin patch once... and I totally imagine that wasn't the only time that Lauren got them kicked out of places... (I like to imagine there's a few restaurants and possibly a few other shops that Lauren has gotten her and Casey kicked out of...)
Seventh Headcanon, Casey definitely gives me the vibes of a person who loves cats but he never got one because he wouldn't want any plants to get knocked over... (because cats are mischievous things...)
Eighth Headcanon, (slightly based off when Casey first came up with Honey's nickname.... but...) I totally imagine there's been times where Casey has tried once more to called Honey something like "Baby", "Babe" and etc but he always get too embarrassed by it... (which both Lauren and Honey find slightly funny...)
Ninth Headcanon, (another slightly funny one...) because I've always pictured Casey with longer hair, I totally imagine there were a few times that people thought he was a girl and he was too nervous/shy to say anything...
Tenth Headcanon, because of how he's used to taking care of plants, I imagine when it comes to humans (for example, Honey) and he tends to accidentally treat them like they're fragile and going to break at any moment... I imagine he tends to get super concerned whenever Honey trips or cuts themselves on accidental... and Honey has to constantly reassure him that they're ok... (oh great! Thanks a lot brain!... sure it wasn't really a sad Headcanon but you still made me cry! ;-;)
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oopsitsstella · 8 months
Hey Stella! Talk about your current WIP - what inspired it? Do you have a plan or are you letting the story tell itself? What's your favorite line you've written so far? x
Hi Lauren!! I think, ironically enough, the last WIP I worked wasn’t posted on this blog, because it was one of my OC stories, Venture; Beginnings. I think it came from reading a few to many parental Avengers fanfics and it just kinda grew into Lily, the OC in question
I have some solid plotpoints planned, but for now they’re just kinda floating around in my head until I pick it back up again. The parts in between are made up along the way, and usually the reason the chapters were a pain to write XD
I always wanted to get farther into the story. Primarily, I wanted to explore her relationships with the other Avengers, especially Steve and Tony, and of course her future relationship with Peter and MJ, and also her journey of healing from her traumatic past
There aren’t really any lines that jump out at me, but in general I love Tony’s interactions with Lily. He started caring so much about her so quickly, and I like to think it shows in how he treats her
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^^^ I mean… says it all, right?
Sadly, I’ve kind of fallen off the Marvel bandwagon lately, so it hasn’t seen progress in a long while. And I really do think it’s a little sad, because I really like her, and I have so many ideas of little stories I could write about her and her superhero family. So I really hope one day I’ll be able to come back to her, and finish telling her story
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@karatecaulfield they're in my brain rent-free again!
WELP seeing as I have not one but TWO (2) honey-themed songs on my YasMoon playlist (Queen Bee by Lauren Sanderson and Honey by Halsey), it would have been ILLEGAL not to make a honeycore YasMoon aesthetic at some point. Like they fit really well with a goldenish aesthetic anyway, but honey specifically??? It's just so THEM.
Like that's their vibe!!! Looks enticing and sweet and delicious, but the stinger comes out if you get too close. And goddamn, do Yasmine's insults STING if she puts her mind to it D: And y'know how bees always protect the queen, well...
When there's two queens, they protect each other.
(1000% convinced that whenever one of them sees some creep ogling or generally being gross with the other, they've got a nasty set of rumors prepped and ready to go aksjdhsouyfh. Like you do NOT mess with these lesbians unless you want your reputation in shambles.)
Actually very pleased with how this came out!!! What's a little more yellow to Yasmine's whole...deal? XD And like!!! Even the eye-with-the-bee pic is actually sorta close to Yas's eye color!!! I always see them drawn/described as blue, but I'm pretty sure they're actually a greenish-gray. But hazeley-green is pretty close! Big fan of the yellow eyeshadow as well. Would love to see Yas in yellow or golden eyeshadow and feel it would add greatly to the Bougie Rich Bitch aesthetic. Which I LOVE for her, btw, I want to see more of it.
No my lower middle class ass who will never be able to afford designer clothes and makeup ain't tryna live vicariously what are you talking about aksjdnhuobf
Btw this lil aesthetic is presumably set sometime during Season 1 (their most fascinating and problematic dynamic <3), where they ruled the school together as the evil bitch queens <3 I do like to think Moon made things like honey-daisy toast and honey-infused tea for Yas during their S1 era, to really like...Commit to the Bit on the whole queen bee metaphor XD Also Moon loved to spoil Yasmine by making her delightful little treats to hopefully relax her and temporarily relieve the pressure of being The Most Terrifying Bitch At West Valley High. Hey, being a complete and utter menace is exhausting, okay??? I feel like Moon was the only one S1 Yasmine ever let down her guard with (except maybe Kyler, since they were close-ish back in the day), and the walls come down when they're alone and Yas doesn't feel this constant urge to assert social dominance. And she just lets Moon pamper her and take care of her and treat her softly in a way that would definitely shatter her "cold, hardened heartless bitch" rep if anyone knew about it. But she can't help but let the armor fall from time to time.
Sometimes, she doesn't want to be Yasmine the Terrifying Queen Bee. She just wants to be Yasmine.
And Moon, on her end, can gloat that "she stings like she means it, she's mean, and she's mine," even if it's only ever to herself. Even if she can't show off Yasmine to the world, and only gets to see a secret soft side behind closed doors. She can take satisfaction in knowing that Yasmine stings for her. That the meanness only ever goes away for her. That Yasmine belongs to her, even if it's in a way Yasmine will never admit.
For Moon--for now, at least--that's enough.
They're definitely laughing at you in that pic, btw. You want what these absolutely depraved Mean Girl™️lesbians have. Don't we all.
As always, pic credits available upon request!
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Of course, right after starting an accountability blog, I get a nasty cold that wiped me out. And unfortunately I'm still not 100%. I might try to do a light workout later, but as decorating for Christmas about did me in and my mum and grandmother had to finish for me, I'm not keen on pushing it too much.
If I do, I will post it no matter how small, but, in the meantime, I figured I'd give a list of people that have inspired me in my workout/fitness journey and links to their content and such like that. I really struggled for a long time trying to find fitness people that are the typical fitness gurus that you readily find on youtube and instagram, etc. Or ones that talk about getting skinny, etc. My main goal with fitness has always been to gain muscle so I don't exactly vibe with perky people telling me how to lose weight in thirty days. I could care less about my hip dips and belly. I want to be able to bench press my boyfriend if I get bored enough to or (less sarcastically) do any work on the hobby farm I dream of starting someday without assistance.
So, without anymore rambling, here is a list of people I follow that give me inspiration to go for my fitness goals in the order that I locate them in my insta following list:
Tatum McCann (she/her) - @tatumtots37 on instagram and link here for youtube (I have not watched her youtube channel yet just her insta content, but I know not everyone is on there so i'll give yt links where I can).
Jordan Maron (he/him) - many of you probably grew up with CaptainSparklez! I've watched his content since before pffft I don't even remember. Well before Mianite at least and I was there when he started getting into fitness. He was definitely my earliest inspiration to get fit as he kept going past just getting in shape and going for healthy muscle mass as a hobby as much as for health itself. I will leave a link for his lifting channel but it is pretty much dead lol. But he does still occasionally post reels on his insta @jordanmaron.
Gordy Bravo (she/her) - @bravobuilt_fit on instagram. She does not have youtube channel that I am aware of. She does have her own website where she sells fitness programs, etc. Though I have never used it or even checked the website out cause I have authority issues. If people tell me what to do, it's very likely that I won't do it. Hence why I curate my own routine as I go. BUT her content on insta is fantastic. She's very charismatic and natural and it makes her content very approachable.
Lauren Pon (she/her) - If you love anime memes, video games, and want to get muscular, you need to follow her! She's hilarious and sweet and makes lifting (she's a powerlifter) so unintimidating. She's on Insta (@laurenpon), YouTube, and twitch! She's also on tiktok, but i'm not on there really and her linktree is not working. However, her @ is the same across the board so I assume it's the same on there.
Maya Davis (she/her) - More anime vibes, cosplay, and bodybuilder! Her insta is @mayatheamazon and that's the only platform she has as far as I'm aware of. She also has an Insta for her fashion tho. She's a fashion student and the fits are always on point!
Tabi (she/her) - Her bio says it best, Fitness and Anime! Her insta is @tabi.lift (tiktok is the @tabi.fit as is her backup insta) and she's on youtube. She also does cosplay.
Amber (she/her) - She's a weightlifter with more anime vibes and cosplay (are you sensing a theme here? I did not realize anime was the way to my muscle building heart until i started making this list xD). Her insta is @amberthevalkyrie. She's also a fitness model.
Serena Abweh (she/her, i think passed on a couple tags she's used, but if I'm wrong pls let me know!) - very meme-y powerlifter and artist! Her insta is @rena_serenaa. She also has a youtube channel.
Leigh Laurel (she/her) - Lots more bodybuilding, anime, and cosplay! Her instagram is @fitmissfilipina.
Patty aka LEAN BEEF (she/her) - if you're this far and you are aware with anything on that side of the internet, you already know who Patty is or atleast have seen her in fitness edits, etc. She is the person that I saw and went yep, that's it, we're fucking doing this! She's so badass and makes fitness so fucking approachable! I absolutely love her content! I watch her insta religiously and her youtube anytime i want to learn new techniques (especially with mobility training) or just relatable fitness content. And of course there's more anime and cosplay! xD She's also on twitch. Her insta is @leanbeefpatty and I'm pretty sure her tiktok is the same but her linktree is not working so don't quote me on that. (I will say that she has programs for food, working out, etc but again I have issues so I've never looked into them.)
That's all for now. I will update this list as I find more (or if I realize I missed any) as we go!
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Lauren for the character writing meme!
Pick a character I’ve written and I will explain the top ~three to five ideas/concepts/etc I keep in mind while writing that character that I believe are essential to accurately depicting them.
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Oh wow, I must confess did not expect to get one for her! I was prepared to write one for Angel or someone xD That said, I'm always happy to talk about my favourite OC, so thanks! :D
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Well, first... and, I'd argue, most importantly to me: the fact that Lauren isn't just bitter rage-ball at the world all the time. I mean, granted, that actually was true of her when I first created the character; but I've developed her so much since then. Even still, though, it's all too easy for me to slip back into her being just rage and bitterness and forget all the nuances I've built up for her over the years, so I always need to keep this in mind.
Like... yes, she does harbour a whole lot of bitterness; but the thing is, it isn't readily apparent a lot of the time? She should have the freedom to look and act just like your average teenage girl a lot of the time - to have fun and laugh at dumb jokes and not just have every single aspect of who she is defined by her bitterness and nothing else. That has the added bonus, too, of when her bitter side does spill out... it's a shock to people around her, because she's actually seemed normal up to that point? It makes it much more impactful when it comes up unexpectedly, rather than being her constant mindset at all times.
(rest beneath the cut for length!)
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Tying into that, there should be a balance in just how fighty and violent she can get. Again, originally, she would just lash out all over the place without regard for anything, whenever someone said something that touched on her specific area of vulnerability - that being, her parental issues. (This was, in truth, because she started out life as a minor bully in a story focused around an entirely different character, so it didn't matter that much - but she eventually just stole the spotlight entirely and became the main character herself!)
But the more I worked with her story ideas, the more I realised that it just didn't make sense... Lauren specifically doesn't see herself as mean, even in spite of her fighty tendencies. If she was beating up other kids left and right if they so much as breathed about having the caring parents that she didn't have, there was no way she could keep that view of herself... that, and she would probably have been expelled from her school five times over. Again, it's easy to fall back into writing her that way, because it was grounded in how I originally imagined her; but it's just not the truth of her anymore. She is temperamental, she does lash out... but she also has common sense and self-control, and unless she really feels like her issues are being deliberately poked at (or her friends threatened), the most she will do is seethe silently.
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Third is that Lauren doesn't lie. It's not a matter of morals or principles for her; she just has never had reason to believe that it's worth the effort - in her mind, it just sets up worse problems down the road, no matter what the situation. If she doesn't want to talk about something, she will very determinedly not talk about it - she has being sullenly silent down to a fine art - and can be evasive like there's no tomorrow, but she won't outright lie.
So if she does lie, that's when you know that something is very, very seriously up.
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Fourth: Lauren's closest friends mean more to her than ANYTHING. This is in large part because, even with not being angry all the time, she's still a very closed-off girl, and very, very guarded about letting people get close to her. After all, if she can't expect her parents to care about her, how can she imagine that anyone else will? So if someone does manage to get close, it's very little exaggeration to say that Lauren will defend them with her life. She very much has an 'I don't care what you do to me but don't you DARE hurt them' stance and becomes very protective of the rare person she gets close to.
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Lastly, I guess, is just to remember that Lauren doesn't fear physical pain. She does have her fears - her greatest one is being rendered helpless and unable to fight back - but even with the changes mentioned above, at this point she has still been in (and lost) enough fights that they've toughened her up to the point where she honestly doesn't care if she takes a beating. She doesn't seek pain, of course, but she also doesn't run from it as long as she has opportunity to give as good as she gets.
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elizaveraxd · 1 year
So, I have an AU where I revive all the siblings of John Laurencio and since in those times they were afraid of staying single, here I present and explain how Ann Elizabeth Laurens (John's older sister) married her brother-in-law XD.
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Here I present to you the half brothers, Theodoro Wait and William Camile, they are not from the same father (which is the most obvious thing to do: v), William's father hated Theodoro with his soul and mistreated and hit him for any and/or or out of pure hate, meanwhile the lord treated William with much care and love.
Growing up and each marrying the first daughters of Henry Laurens, Eleanora "Nora" Laurens and Ann Elizabeth "Anny, Betsy" Laurens, each grew apart little by little.
While Nora and William's marriage was happy and in love.
Anny and Theodoro's was unhappy and abusive (by Theodoro) assaulting her, hitting her and psychologically abusing her, he often regrets his actions (since he was treating his wife just like his stepfather treated him when he was young ) but always returns to the same path.
As cardboard data, Theodoro is one year older than William
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wysteriaghosts · 2 years
I recently got back into reading after not reading much this year. My poor Goodreads challenge is at the lowest its every been. This year I just haven't been in a huge reading mood. Normally I read a little bit throughout the year and make a big dent in my reading challenge even if I don't complete it. Though typically I aim to read about 100-110 books and normally end up reading about 60-70 depending on how I'm feeling during the year.
Now that its the end of the year my reading mood suddenly kicked in full drive. I've been able to finish several books already this month. One of which was sitting on what I like to call my pile of shame for several years. I've also recently bought a lot of books to add to the pile of shame, lol. Whoops.... XD Any who today I organized one of my main bookshelves. It was due for a dusting, plus I've been meaning to go through and see if there were any books that I'm not going to re-read. I ended up with a small stack of books that will be finding a new home at my local library. A few months back I purged a whole tote full of books from years of collecting. I rarely get rid of my books but normally when I do I have a huge stack to donate.
Fallen, Torment, Passion by Lauren Kate (I've had these for years and I don't see myself continuing the series.)
Vicious by V.E. Schwab (I liked it well enough but I don't see myself reading the next book any time soon. Honestly Eli was insufferable and I don't know if I want to read his pov.)
American Gods by Neil Gaiman (I intend to read this but my copy is a really old paperback. I'd rather read it in hardback or ebook form.)
Unspoken, Untold by Sarah Rees Brennan (I adore this author but this series just wasn't for me. I have the last book and I intend to finish it but after I'll be unhauling it as well.)
All Of Us Villians by Amanda Foody (This was a DNF for me sad to say. It had a strong premise and I heard there was LGBT rep so that's another big plus for me. But I only got one chapter in and I just couldn't.)
A Darker Shade Of Magic V.E.Schwab (Another DNF for me. I tried reading this and just felt myself bored. Which is a shame cause I love this author and the covers to this series were so bomb.)
Keeping You A Secret by Julie Anne Peters (One of the first LGBT books I've ever read. To be honest there is better rep out nowadays and I don't feel the need to hold onto this anymore. It was good for a read but I don't see myself reading it again.)
The Wrong Girl by R.L. Stine (Fear Street was my jam in my teen years and I still enjoy a lot of the older titles. But this particular one is a part of a newer series and I just didn't care for it too much. So its gotta go.)
So This Is Ever After by F.T.Lukens
(I am so sad that I didn't like this book! The premise sounded fun and the cover is a work of freaking art! I'll probably have to make a post about what I didn't like about it. But the short version is I was very annoyed for a good chunk of the book.)
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bluedelinquent-blog · 7 years
         i. right, where do i even start with ep 2? hold on, lemme roll myself an after work joint.... 
         right, where were we? episode 2 !! i’ve literally been holding all this in for days bc i didn’t want to spoil anyone but omg hrgdfhgkjdfhgkjh !! it was so, so good. there’s so much i want to say about it, so i’ll go through it step by step, whatever stuck out to me. you don’t have to even read this, it’s all just crazy, fangirl ramblings. i just love chloe so much ok??? 
         so imma just say THAT BEGINNING. i knew chloe was going to end up being suspended/expelled at some point which i knew was gonna be a bummer, but the way she went out !! that’s my lil firecracker. <3 i decided to go with owning up & taking all the blame bc i feel like she hella would’ve done that for rachel. you think she’s gonna stand there & let them kick her girlfriend out of the play like that?? hell no. also lowkey loved the bit where justin robbed her hidden stash. i’d murder a bitch.           ALSO MY FAVOURITE BIT OF THE WHOLE EP WAS WHEN CHLOE TRASHED THE TOILETS WITH GRAFFITI TO DAUGHTER ‘NO CARE’ THAT WAS THE FUCKING BEST THING EVER !! LITERALLY HAD TEARS IN MY EYES BC IT WAS SO FUCKING CHLOE          then the car park bit with eliot. kjhfdgkdfg. it’s so cute, the little crush he has on her. the little book of poems he dedicated to her, secretly. chloe’s not used to people crushing on her, it’s usually the other way around. but yeee, i’m loving how they’re kinda continuing on the legacy of max/warren but with chloe/eliot.          OKAY AND THE DISAPPOINTMENT CHLOE MUST’VE FELT WHEN HER MOTHER ‘CHOSE’ DAVID OVER HER PRETTY MUCH. ;_;  SHE LITERALLY FEELS LIKE EVERYONE IS GETTING UP & FUCKING OFF. EVERY SINGLE DAY SHE WAITS FOR THE NEXT PERSON TO GET UP & LEAVE.           okay & then we have the junkyard scene which always gives me hella feels bc i think of all the people that have died there or have parts of their death there ( the wrecked car, rachel’s body, chloe was shot there...twice). anyway, i love any scene where chloe’s chilling out & smoking, so where she’s hanging upside down, i like... squealed. also the bit on top of the ship, with the daughter song. <3           CHLOE’S MOTHER FUCKING CAR & THE DREAM SEQUENCE. i legit cried when i saw william & how fucked up he was, that whole scene was my aesthetic goals in life tbh. gave me severe donnie darko vibes, idk. it just kinda shows that chloe’s series is gonna be hella dark, which i kinda assumed anyway. WHICH IS WHAT I KINDA WANT BUT THEN I’M SO PROTECTIVE OF CHLOE. ;_;           ALSO CAN I JUST SAY ALL THESE REFERENCES TO FIRE ARE LITERALLY GIVING ME LIFE. <333333 IDK WHY BUT I REALLY DO RELATE FIRE TO CHLOE (AND OBVS RACHEL), BUT I FEEL LIKE IT FULLY PORTRAYS HER RAGE & HATRED AT THE WORLD. LIKE SHE ENJOYS IT.            THEN WE HAVE THE RACHEL/CHLOE CAR SCENE. ;_; ;_; JUST KINDA PROVES THEY’RE GF’S. i also like how they can literally talk to each other about anything, no filter. their little therapy sesh. <3 the fact rachel let chloe put her legs up on her & held onto them. <3 the little bag of clothes she brought her. <3 rachel resting her head on chloe’s shoulder. <3 chloe’s so shook, she never expected this to happen to her. it still feels so surreal for her.           MY SECOND FAVE PART OF THAT EP WAS THE RV SCENE WITH CHLOE & FRANK. :’) literally, related so much man. her trying to sneak the bag of weed he kept on the side & him calling her out, i was literally laugh crying. the funniest bit by far. y’know, i reckon their relationship is one of my faves? they’re both dropouts, both feel super worthless, they compliment each other really, really well. you can tell frank cares too tbh.           it’s also official that samuel is the deepest character in this game tbh. :’) that mother fucker had chloe stunned, she never shuts her mouth when kinda being insulted?? also steph having a crush on rachel, i was like nahhhh, back off my girl. fite me. you gotta understand rachel/chloe be my otp. also that fucking scene with skip outside the boys dorms, period talk literally works every fucking time. trust me. xD that scene with mikey & drew shook me up too. i hate the sound of someone being beaten the shit out of. you can tell that sucked for chloe too, cause she couldn’t do anything to help. :(          WHEN THE SCENE BACKSTAGE OF THE PLAY BEGAN I HAD SHIVERS BC THE MUSIC, THE ATMOSPHERE. WELL DONE LIFE IS STRANGE YOU’VE DONE IT AGAIN. GZ. the bit that got me the most was chloe sticking up for nathan, yet again. his dad’s a fucking asshole. but yeee, it makes me sad thinking about chloe standing up for the person that killed her all the time. like they have no idea what’s to come?? it makes me so so sad.... knowing chloe’s going to lose rachel soon.          CHLOE IN THE FUCKING BLUE BIRD OUTFIT I ALMOST DIED. HER FUCKING PISSED OFF FACE. also, the fact rachel can literally make her do anything. i love that about my otp, anything is possible. <3 THE SCENE ON THE STAGE AS WELL WAS SO BEAUTIFUL. ALL OF IT. RACHEL AMBER LITERALLY GOT ON ONE KNEE & SPOKE TO CHLOE LIKE SHE WAS THE ONLY ONE IN THE ROOM. IT GAVE ME SHIVERS. i also fucking hated the bit where everyone laughed at nathan, that’s bullshit. those assholes are what pushed nathan towards snapping & killing chloe. -.-         OKAY AND THE KISS. IT WAS EVERYTHING I WANTED IT TO BE. ;_; ;_; THEY’RE SO GOOD TOGETHER HONESTLY, THE CREATORS HAVE DONE SO WELL BC YOU CAN LITERALLY SEE HOW MUCH THEY LOVE EACH OTHER. I JUST LOVE THE WAY CHLOE HELD HER CLOSE & KEPT GOING BACK FOR MORE KISSES LIKE LOVE ME. THE LITTLE SMILE RACHEL HAD ON HER FACE AFTER. GUYS HOLD ME. MY OTP KISSED. FINALLY. <33333
        then there’s the amber household scene, which i loved bc chloe turned up to a ‘bad example, scumbag boyfriend meeting the parents’ type of situation. i literally related to chloe so much in this scene tho bc she comes from quite a poor household, not used to much glam & she’s being shown this completely different life, THEY HAVE PLATES. NICE PLATES. AND DIFFERENT TYPES OF GLASSES. they actually sit at the table like a normal family, like chloe used to.... but yeeee, THE CONCLUDING SCENE.          RACHEL’S FATHER IS A MASSIVE ASSHOLE. -.-  BUT I’M LOWKEY HAPPY BC HE CALLED CHLOE A DELINQUENT & I SCREAMED BC OF MY URL. c;  rachel losing her shit at her dad was cool tho, i’m happy someone called him out. alsoooo, what is it with rachel & her like extreme rage? it’s a lot scarier than when chloe gets angry?? that table smashing gave me chills tho. I’M ALSO DISAPPOINTED I DIDN’T FUCKING FIGURE OUT THAT THAT WOMAN WAS RACHEL’S REAL MOM. I’M SO DUMB.... 
        I ALSO GOTTA PRAISE THE FACT THEY USED SOOOO MUCH DAUGHTER IN THAT EPISODE. FFS MY FAVE BAND. IT’S ALL SO SO PERFECT TBH. although, i kinda feel like they’re missing out so much?? there’s only one episode left & we still don’t know a lot of shit. like when does jefferson arrive? when does rachel actually go missing? when does chloe dye her hair & get a tattoo?? who the fuck is this dealer guy?? what’s he got to do with anything? etc etc etc etc.         thanks for letting me bore you guys with my thoughts on the ep, if you even read up to this bit. :’) this is probs the longest thing i’ve ever written for any fandom. i just love this game so much...
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ashesandhackles · 3 years
End of the Year Reading Tag
Thank you so much for tagging me @senadimell ❤️❤️ this was fun!
1) Did you reach your reading goal for this year (if you had one)?
My reading goal was to get back to reading for pleasure as opposed to for research. I used to be able to devour novels within weeks as a teenager and well into my early 20s. My priorities shifted and i clearly got burnt out (i really felt what you meant when you talked about your own reading habits xD @senadimell ), and I only had attention span and investment for fanfiction anymore. Most of my recent reading had to do with researching an event, cultures, politics and almost always had to do with work of some sort.
I rediscovered reading for pleasure last year and I am thankful for it.
2) What are your Top 3 books this year?
Well, given that I have only finished a few books last year, it's not all that much. So Six of Crows duology? It's been a while since I got invested in characters and cared about them.
3) What's a book that you didn't expect to enjoy quite as much going in?
Persuasion. Both Austen's tendencies for run off sentences (especially daunting when reading online as a "recently rediscovering reading for pleasure" person) and a quiet, resilient protagonist was something I didn't think I would enjoy as much I did. I really adore Anne, and I didn't expect to. With Austen, I tend to be drawn towards protagonists like Lizzy or Emma and Anne was very different, but also very refreshing.
4) Were there any books that didn't live up to your expectations?
Errr. I heard a lot about Naomi Wolf's The Beauty Myth. Unfortunately for myself, I had gotten her book Vagina: A New Biography. I was expecting to learn some cultural histories, how much patriarchy informs it but it eventually devolved into embracing your inner goddess (with a dash of "here is how it is in the mystical land of eastern cultures" 🙄 and my favourite aggressive question she posed to heterosexual man via her book: "do you want to be married to a Goddess or a bitch?"), which I side-eye very heavily.
5) Did you reread any old faves? If so, which one was your favorite?
As followers from my blog know, Harry Potter became a coping mechanism in the pandemic. My favourite reading experience would be Prisoner of Azkaban. The development of Harry's journey there is so tight and contained - and also very satisfying.
6) Did you DNF (=did not finish) any books?
Plenty. 😅 It's all because of attention span because I do intend to go back and read it:
- Sweating Saris: Indian Dance as Transnational Labor by Priya Srinivasan
- Upside Down: A Primer for Looking Glass World by Eduardo Galeano
- Blank on Map by Eric Shipton / Nanda Devi also by him (i especially love his writing style, so I really want to get back to these!)
7) Did you read any books outside of your usual preferred genre(s)?
No :( possibly this year!
8) What was your predominant format this year?
PDFs! Six of Crows was bought after I finished reading it online!
9) What's the longest book you read this year?
Possibly the Six of Crows duology still? The Vagina would have been the longest, but i couldn't finish it.
10) What are your top 3 anticipated 2022 releases?
I actually haven't been following any releases. I remember checking out Christina Lauren after a recommendation to read a romance (it's been a while and I am actually really bored of this genre - to the point I want to rant about what I dislike) - they have a book with a summary that looks interesting coming out this year. It's about a girl who is an outdoor guide? I might check that one out.
11) What books from your TBR did you not get to this year, but are excited to read in 2022?
I look forward to returning to books I didn't finish - especially Eric Shipton! And also looking forward to Half of Yellow Sun by Chimamanda Adichie.
Tagging @thedreamermusing @thecat-isblogging-blog @dragonlordette @hinnyfied @mrs-stubby-boardman @floreatcastellumposts @somesunlitdays @yletylyf and anyone who wants to do this!
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Author Spotlight: LadyDivine Day 1
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Author: @lady-divine-writes 
How did you get into Glee and Glee fandom?
Honestly, I loved Glee originally because of the Lauren Zizes storyline. I saw a lot of myself in her. I also thought Brittany and Artie were a cute couple. The Valentine's Day episode from that season was my go-to. I watched it till I had it memorized. Ironically though, I have never written anything for Lauren, or Brittany and Artie XD
In general, what drew you into writing (and/or creating)?
Writing in general? I've always been a writer, from a very early age. I think it's natural for kids to create - art, dance, music, writing. I tried them all, and did some longer than others. Writing and music became my outlets of choice. Still are to this day.
What was it about Glee that made you decide to write fanfic for it?
I liked the show, but I liked the fandom more. I liked how fandom got so riled up about a new episode. There were watch parties and discussions and Round Robins and themed Fridays, and I adored all of it. I was going through a really rough time in my life and I wanted so much to be a part of that.
Have you been a part of other fandoms before? Have you written fanfiction pre-glee?
I have written fanfiction pre-Glee, which is embarrassing to admit because it was also pre-Internet. I wrote for Star Trek:TNG and for the movies Young Guns and The Lost Boys. I have big file folders of handwritten novels because this was, like, middle school to early high school? Yikes. But my first fandom where I interacted with other fans on a regular basis? That was Glee.
Is there a trope you’ve yet to try your hand at, but really want to?
Not really. If I want to write something, I write it. Simple as that.
Is there a trope you wouldn’t touch with a ten foot pole?
I can't do incest. Just can't. You can't make me. To each his own, I know, but no. I also won't do adult-child relationships below the age of 16, and the only reason I write those on occasion is catharsis. I deal with a lot of my own issues through my writing. To date, I think I only have one of those.
How many fic ideas are you nurturing right now? Care to share one of them?
Way too many. Way. Too. Many. XD But the one I am really excited about, the one I wish I could just sit down and write in one fell swoop, is called House of 99 Pains. Kurt is a professional Dominant, and Blaine is his vanilla, non-sub boyfriend, who decides he wants to give Kurt's lifestyle a try. Selfishly, Kurt doesn't want Blaine to, not because it's Kurt's domain, but because Blaine is his sanctuary - the one thing in his life that has nothing to do with work. But Blaine feels there's a reason he's dating Kurt, why he's so drawn to him, and he thinks this might be why. There's a sub in him itching to kneel for Kurt. It's Halloween, and the dungeon where Kurt works is having a fun-house sort of thing called the House of 99 Pains. Kurt tells Blaine that if he can make it through to the end, he'll consider making him his sub.
Check out Lady-divine-writes’s Fic 
Lord of the Manor -  Blaine is the mysterious lord of an estate in the English countryside, rumored to have been inherited under mysterious circumstances. Announcing his intention to marry, he comes to the Hummel household, it is assumed, to claim the eldest Hummel child - Rachel - as his spouse. Once upon a time, her younger brother, Kurt, had been in love with Blaine, and he thought Blaine had feelings for him as well. Sure that those feelings have been thoroughly forgotten, and with his own intention to marry another man yet to be made known, Kurt helps to prepare his sister for the loveless match that awaits her. But what happens when Blaine arrives and tells them that they have all been mistaken?
Take Me Over -  Kurt's life isn't at all what he wanted. He is stuck in an unexpected relationship with his dreams almost permanently on hold and a job he took mostly out of desperation. But a trip to L.A. to get the autograph of his favorite television star might just change his entire life - but will it change for the better?
Need for Speed -  Kurt Hummel moves from California to Lima after his dad's heart attack causes them to lose their repair shop. Kurt leaves his prestigious performing arts school and any chance of moving to New York and getting into NYADA. His only other joy in life is custom tuning cars, but his father doesn't approve. Things seem to get back on track when he joins the Dalton Crew as their mechanic, behind his father's back. He'll make the money he needs as long as he can put up with the unwanted attention of Sebastian Smythe. But, how will his dreams change after he meets the head of the McKinley Crew, Blaine Anderson, who decides that winning Kurt Hummel will be his next big challenge?
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belphegor1982 · 3 years
For the character ask meme : Arthur from Kaamelott+ 3, 4, 5, 19, 30 ? ❤️
Oooh, intéressant !! Merci ^^
3. A song that reminds me of them
Lauren Aquilina, “King”.
You’ve got it all You lost your mind in the sound There’s so much more You can reclaim your crown You’re in control Rid of the monsters inside your head Put all your faults to bed You can be king again...
4. How many people I ship them with
Hmhm. *steeples fingers* So technically... three people, I guess? Arthur/Mani was definitely A Thing back then (when Mani was alive 😭), I like Arthur/Guenièvre, I like Arthur in a polycule with Guenièvre and Venec with himself in the middle, and I love Arthur/Venec.
5. My favourite ship of them
Arthur/Venec :3 It’s the Very Moral grump/cheerfully amoral (but not completely) crook, it’s the “it’s rotten work/not to me, not if it’s you”, it’s a selfish bandit giving an apparently very unnecessary thing (a scarf to cover scars just before they escape) to a man who used to have everything, it’s the beach and the salt of both sea and tears and sweat... This is one of the very few ships I’m invested in 💜
19. The most random ship you’ve seen people have with them
...I have no idea. I don’t... really pay attention to ships I don’t ship? So yeah, sorry, I can’t answer that question :-/
30. The funniest scene they had?
This is. SO HARD to answer XD The first thing that came to my head is the bit with Attila, when Bohort implores him to be careful because “where Attila goes, grass doesn’t grow again” (which I think comes from a 19th century French text before it became a vintage meme) and he shrugs and says, “There’s no grass in the throne room.” It’s weak, I know, probably not the funniest scene, but just... the delivery. The snark. The qu’est-ce-que-vous-voulez-que-ça-me-foute. J’adore 😄
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des8pudels8kern · 3 years
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I posted 8.732 times in 2021
132 posts created (2%)
8600 posts reblogged (98%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 65.2 posts.
I added 3.458 tags in 2021
#0 - 120 posts
#the witcher - 1447 posts
#animals - 398 posts
#9-1-1 - 300 posts
#xd - 283 posts
#black sails - 273 posts
#star trek - 174 posts
#leverage - 161 posts
#good omens - 152 posts
#hannibal - 150 posts
Longest Tag: 140 characters
#would it surprise anyone if these friendly helpful cops also directed the nice patriotic protesters to certain offices if asked by their off
My Top Posts in 2021
Good morning, internet. It is December 23, I have the day off and really need to go grocery shopping to beat the holiday rush, and I still have feelings and opinions on S2 of The Witcher, in particularly Jaskier and his role and treatment in it.
We’ve seen Geralt be more sociable and act like old friends with Nivellen, a supposed friend he clearly did not know very well, and Yarpen Zigrin, you know, random dwarf from the dragon hunt, than he does with Jaskier. We get some nominal signs of a meaningful friendship in the Geralt&Jaskier interactions (Geralt goes to get Jaskier out of trouble in Oxenfurt and asks for his help, Geralt apologizes for the mountain, Geralt trusts Jaskier with Ciri after confronting Yennefer), but the pay-off just isn’t there for me.
I don’t feel the depth, the actual friendship, in their interactions, and instead Jaskier feels detached from the rest of the characters too me.
Geralt only goes looking for Jaskier once Yennefer takes off with Ciri and he shows little regard for Jaskier’s well-being; he only came because he needs Jaskier’s help since Yen mentioned having met Jaskier, so he might know where she took Ciri. The apology happens, yes, but it’s short and Jaskier quickly turns comic relief and stops any serious conversation - after not only the S1 scene on the mountain but the added scenes in S2, with Burn Butcher Burn and Jaskier admitting to his broken heart, that’s a cutesy little band-aid put on a big, festering wound and simply not sufficient to provide any closure. There is never any talk about or fall-out from Jaskier having just been kidnapped, his lute (tool of his trade, necessary for livelihood) destroyed, and literally tortured because of Geralt, there is no acknowledgement of Jaskier, who is not a fighter, walking into the Voleth Meir vs. witchers battle and staying and persistently trying to give Geralt that stone despite seeing several witchers die. Jaskier and the things he does and goes through (that he is willing to do and go through for Geralt and Geralt’s fight) are not acknowledged by anyone.
Jaskier is an equal in his scenes with Yennefer (the only character who seems to care whether he lives or dies tbh). He gets the bare minimum in his 1:1 interactions with Geralt. And in every other scene, any scene where it’s Jaskier and someone of Geralt’s group (and I use this term loosely since it also applies to Yarpen, whom both Geralt and Jaskier met during the dragon hunt and who has no closer connection to Geralt), the other characters consistently brush him aside as insignificant and an annoyance who inserts himself where he is not one of them.
And, personally, I think there’s a Doylist explanation for that. I think Lauren Hissrich didn't like how popular Jaskier turned out to be and every much didn’t like that Geraskier became the show’s juggernaut ship over Yenralt, and now she’s trying to redirect people. Are there any DS9 fans here? My theory is this: Lauren Hissrich = Rick Berman and Geraskier = Garashir. Fans are being gay about these characters? These heterosexual man characters? Well, that needs to stop! Won’t someone think of the loud homophobic nerds and the executives who want to sell this property to conservatives/internationally! Now, we are all progressives here, so the lesser character may still be somewhat queer-coded (Jaskier literally uses the word other for himself) as long as we maintain plausible deniability, but the two characters’ interactions need to be reduced and they need to spend more time with other characters instead compared to which their own interactions pale and are put into perspective, so the misbehaving fans have less “evidence” for their theories and no one has cause to question our manly main character’s heterosexuality.
41 notes • Posted 2021-12-23 09:38:06 GMT
Based on this:
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It’s Mark’s solution to the law suit, coming to him at six in the morning, after working through the night to catch up on all he missed during the previous day, when he was stuck getting prepped by Sy and his team of lackeys.
Wardo is upset about only having .03% of the shares and suing Mark because of it. Mark wants him to stop suing him and go back to being his friend. Solution: Marry Wardo, no more your shares and my shares, just our shares. Problem solved.
Eduardo is... somewhat shocked, more than a little flustered, and surprised at himself with how much he wants to let himself get swept up in the rush Mark’s latest crazy stunt. And not just because of the shares. Because Mark marching into the room at the beginning of the nth session, hands on the table and leaning in towards Eduardo’s side of the room, and declaring, “This whole procedure is inefficient and I’m done wasting my time. Wardo, we should get married, right now, no prenup.”
“We need to get back to our company,” Mark says before Eduardo has even handed the pen back to the registry clerk. Our, which is probably why Eduardo’s internal sigh of oh Mark is more fond than exasperated. “We need to put our name on the masthead,” he continues, and something inside of Eduardo, some cold, heavy weight he’s been carrying in his stomach since that day he smashed Mark’s laptop and still couldn’t get Mark to look him in the eye, melts. Our, Mark says, and it’s the apology Eduardo has been waiting for.
“Yeah, okay. Thanks,” he nods at the clerk, and then decides to be brave and takes Mark’s hand; it is his turn to reach out, after all. “Let’s get back to our company.”
Eduardo is leaning with his hip against Mark’s desk while Mark is typing, both in plain view of the entire open-plan office and in turn with a perfect view of his won of both the general confusion as news of his presence spread and yet no one dares ask Mark why a guy he banned from the building and who is suing him is now peacefully standing at his side, and the focus on Mark’s face while he is typing. He shuffled closer to Mark, who doesn’t take notice. Of course not; he’s wired in. The thought is warm and soft, and Eduardo hopes it will stay that way even when the shock of the day’s events wear off. He wants to be done with feeling insignificant and resentful.
“Uhm, Wardo?”
He looks back up from where Mark’s fingers are flying over the keys to Dustin standing in front of him, shifting from one foot to the other, thoroughly confused and apparently the only person in the office not so in awe of Mark that he won’t come up to them to demand an explanation. “Hey, man! Good to see you!”
“Yeah, you too. But.” Dustin looks from Eduardo to Mark and back again. “Did I,” he waves a hand at the two of them, or maybe at the lack of space between them, “did I miss something?”
It’s at that moment that Mark leans back.
“Done?” Eduardo leans in to take a look. Turns out they hyphenate their names now. ...It looks good.
“Done what?” Dustin apparently decides it’s safe to step closer, because he comes up and squints at the screen over Mark’s shoulder. “Oh fu-- Chris!” He turns, comes back in two steps, and quickly pads them both on the back before running off. “Congratulations, I’m so happy you two crazy kids worked it out! You can tell me the details later. Chris! You’ll never guess what Mark and Wardo have done now!”
It’s a first taste of reality, beginning to shine through the haze of befuddled euphoria Eduardo has been running on all morning. He got married. Legally. On a whim. To Mark.
“Mark.” Mark looks at him, with the same laser-hard focus he gave the screen earlier, but still, Eduardo would swear there’s something lighter in his eyes, something softer around his mouth than there has been in a while, since California, since New York even. “Mark, what have we just done?
Mark shrugs that stupid, infuriating, familiar little half-shrug of his, and tilts his head at the screen, their new name in facebook blue on white at the bottom of the page. “Got your father off our back.”
Eduardo decides he can take Mark’s hand again, now that it’s not busy typing anymore.
They’ll be okay now.
43 notes • Posted 2021-03-04 11:27:39 GMT
So, the future liberals want? You know, that future? Where we have overcome both capitalism and heteronormativity? That future is where Becky Chamber’s Record of a Spaceborn Few, one of the books in the Wayfarers series, is taking place.
Form of address for everybody in the Exodan fleet: M [name]. Is it a gender-neutral solution that unites Mr., Miss, Ms., and Mrs.? Probably. Since I am a German native-speaker, in my mind it also stands for Mensch, because it doesn’t matter what gender someone is or what their relationship status is, we are all human.
Food and a place to live: provided for everybody in the fleet. There is no money, there are no privileged few who have grown rich off of the labor of others.
Coincidentally, your last name is that of the flat you live in. Many people live with family and/or romantic partners, but if you and a bunch of your friends decide to form your own household, then you all automatically take on the last name of that household. I cannot explain to you how much that idea appeals to me, an aroace with no strong ties to her blood family, who loves family of choice.
Work: Valued for its use for the community. There is no money, so there is no low-paid work. Some professions are more respected than others - e.g. undertakers are treated with a lot of respect since they take care of the dead and help the living in their most vulnerable moments. Some jobs are just not something people want to do but they need to be done, and since there are no desperate poor to force those tasks on, they are distributed fairly: there is a lottery to determine whose turn it is for sanitation work, and sanitation workers are applauded for the work they do for the community while it is their turn.
It’s a community that is, above all, for the people.
There are some aspects, some problems the book doesn’t explore. Some, it does to the point that it actually made me uncomfortable because I don’t want to think about how my escapist fantasy of an alternative to the society we live in is bound to be flawed and imperfect, too. And precisely for that, I think it’s my personal best and at the same time least favourite of the Wayfarers books.
64 notes • Posted 2021-06-07 09:46:09 GMT
Modern!Jaskier is representing Poland at Eurovision (because he won the national selection, and it’s not pandering to the masses if the masses have taste, Valdo).
Geralt is a camera operator who would much rather do documentaries or at least sports competitions, but a job is a job and how bad can one friendly little international song contest be. No, he’s never watched the show, why do you ask?
180 notes • Posted 2021-05-15 20:03:12 GMT
I am aware that people like butts, and that they like to showcase said butts in fanart, meaning they draw characters in tight, tight pants. Fanart is idealised, you do you, it's fine.
But I feel TWN fandom is so thirsty, they forget that Jaskier wears his trousers wide enough to carry at least several chunks of bread with him, if not his entire earthly possessions aside from his lute.
Look at the man. No bag, no rucksack, no bedroll or blanket rolled up and slung across his back.
This is a man who wears pants so big, he can fit his entire luggage into his pockets.
Fandom, I beg you, use the comedic value of Jaskier’s bottomless pockets! At least let him mock Geralt, who needs a horse to carry his luggage from town to town because he refuses to wear practical trousers and instead insists on leather-pants so tight, when he rents a room he has to put the key on the chain of his medallion and wear it around his neck like an overgrown latch key kid.
358 notes • Posted 2021-07-30 18:07:29 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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also this!! 👀
I wanted to write a huge thing about The Thorn between Two Roses, but I couldn’t find a way to make the words come out correctly. XD So, I’m going to keep working on that, but in the mean time:
The Allegory of the Janitor’s Closet:
So, I was trying to take part in a challenge when I wrote these three stories. It was a list of AUs, and I added another caveat that I would have a different Kurt-ship in each one. (If you look at the series, you can see that I /immediately/ failed, but that’s neither here nor there xD)
Unfortunately, I quickly ran out of reasonable pairings. By the time I got to Zombie AU, I was like “Okay, find me another man to ship Kurt with please. Let me consult the list of character names— huh. Stoner Brett. And they were on screen together!”
And then I followed that up with “Okay, this would be really easy to do as a crack fic, but… what if I treat the matter entirely seriously. Obviously we can’t have actual zombies, but Brett—Drugs—Hallucinations is a pretty solid through line. And Brett has to be a tragic character, of course.”
And the story kind of flowed from there. I set it in Season Three, because… I mean, let’s be honest, if someone was going to drug Kurt to try and take him out of the running for Sectionals, it’d be Sebastian. I moved forward Blaine’s crush on Sam, because… when you’re trying to write 25 AU fics about a guy who usually has a boyfriend, you need to start finding ways to break them up, and I do like Blaine to come out the other side with something.
Lauren gets a cameo as “tangential Glee Club member who is too bad-ass to die in a zombie apocalypse.” And she is completely done with this buffoonery, which I love.
False Prophet:
False Prophet was the AU for Fake Psychic, and this was an entirely random combination. I usually avoid Finn dying in fics as much as possible, but as I started to write, I was like “Oh, of course, this one is all about grief for Kurt. Grief about the loss of his brother, the loss of his marriage, the loss of his career. He doesn’t really care about himself any more at the start of this fic, beyond the knowledge that he has a staff that relies on him to keep making them money.
And then in comes Jake, who… doesn’t have that trauma. He knew Finn, knew Blaine, but he’s moved on with his life. He’s lived it well, down to some luck, and then his brother asks him to mess up someone’s day. And he gets there, and he sees Kurt and… He recognizes that something is broken. That Kurt stopped living his life, and now he’s just surviving. Puck was never prepared to be the duct tape holding together someone’s life, he was never even good at doing it for his own life and…
Yeah, it’s a story about learning to live again. And I know that sounds so over the top and dramatic, but I kinda stand by it?
Oh, also, the season 4 newbies tried out every relationship combination in this universe, and Kurt has to learn to deal with the fact that he lives in a commune with all his boyfriend’s exes.
Also, Ryder being the only one with a car, was definitely a reference to the whole “with our powers combined we form… one functioning adult!” comic.
(It’s 6AM, so I’m stopping here for now, but let me offer you some of the unwritten AUs from that event that never got wrote/finished:
Penpals AU - Kurt/Matt
Vampire AU - Kurt/Eliot
Bounty Hunter AU - Kurt/Brody
CEO/Boss AU - Kurt/ Jesse
Drama Class AU - Kurt/Sebastian
Parallel Universe AU - Kurt/Blaine
Podcast AU - Kurt/Artie
Gang AU - Kurt/Ryder
Ghost AU - Kurt/David Karofsky
Magic AU - Kurt/Azimio
Vegas Wedding AU - Kurt/Rory)
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cower-before-power · 3 years
I am totally sending this in 🥺 I know we don't really know each other that well so I would be happy with even a little "Hi :)" but I do think you're awesome and so funny and super sweet! I know that when I'm feeling down, I like to make others feel better to help make me feel better so what you're doing says a lot about who you are and I think that's really great. Not enough people are out here sending positivity. I hope you're having a wonderful night :)
...well it's night by me XD
Asdfghjkl aren’t I supposed to be the one dealing out the compliments?! Thank you very much Joey (I saw your name on your blog haha), I’m Lauren, it’s very nice to meet you!
You’re right that we don’t know each other well, but you seem a genuine, funny individual and I like that. I hope that you are taking care of yourself and making sure that you are surrounded by good people who appreciate you for you. Cut those toxic relationships out, as hard as it may be. You deserve to have a life full of people who will love and support you.
(Ps it is also nighttime here, and my bedtime haha so I will answer your other ask in the morning!)
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