#expect no sympathy from me if you get a pet you better BUCK UP and fulfill your responsibilities
askshivanulegacy · 1 year
At work, someone mentioned that they don't like their dog, and I said Wow, have you tried training it? Socialising it? (This is most people's pet problems.)
And he said, well it is completely trained, he's just used to outside dogs, but this dog is an inside dog since they've been living in a place with no yard. And his wife doesn't like the dog either because it will seek attention from her instead of going to lay in a corner all day.
Me, thinking all this is very, very strange - both of them not liking their own dog and also getting a dog in the first place if they were determined not to like it - suggested that maybe the kids could take care of it.
But the "problem" is evidently that the wife is at home alone, with the dog, most of the day, and never grew up with dogs, and just can't stand it.
I think this guy expected me to express some kind of sympathy, but, of course, I had none except for the dog.
And I just. If you get an animal, you make your bed and you LIE in it. "Not growing up" with dogs isn't an excuse to hate your pet and deny it attention. Grow up. This is a creature who is perfectly trained, sounds like a dream animal for anyone, thinks the world of you, and you just can't be bothered to even like it? Spend time with it???
This guy and his wife are losers. They need to get over themselves and figure out how to love their pet.
Heard from some other guy who failed to train his pet properly and was "scared for his kids."
These are a YOU problem, NOT an animal problem. Train your pet. Love your pet. It's not like it's hard; it's easy. If you're giving your pet a shit life or giving the pet up because you won't bother to put the time and energy into it, then you suck at life and shouldn't have gotten one in the first place.
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imaginesga1ore · 3 years
Loves Harsh Reality
Summary: Life is a bitch.
Pairing(s): Bucky Barnes x Reader, Avengers x Reader (all platonic)
Warnings: swearing, mention of past/current abuse
Prompt: “You want what everyone wants. You want a love that consumes you. You want passion, and adventure, and maybe even a little danger.”
Word Count: 1780
Do not copy, translate, or post any of my stories anywhere you write stories, whether that’s here, Wattpad, or Ao3.
Life never treated you well. Not even when you were just an innocent child, trying to navigate your way in this terrible world. You were forced into a cold and unloving organization that was run by people who don’t really give a shit that you were only 2 when they stole you. They never treated you like a human, more like a laboratory experiment, which kind of went haywire. When you were brought in, the sleaze running this entire operation stripped you of everything you had so far, which was only a name you had just barely begun to learn, and they assigned you a number, much like a court case; experiment 973. And that’s what you went by for the next 23 years of your life.
The day you were rescued from that deranged and psychotic place was...hectic to say the least. It began like any other day while you were their little pet; get woken up at the ass crack of you don’t know when, test out your powers until you physically passed out and then get ungracefully woken again only to be forced to use your powers. This continues for hours on end before these assholes make you go fight actual people in hopes that you aren’t lacking in physical strength. You fight until bodies start piling up and when your sadistic handlers are satisfied with your progress, as if you haven’t they haven’t been training you to take down monsters bigger than Goliath himself. But something wasn’t right and you could feel it in the enclosed space of your cell.
While you normally had a rough awakening by someone poking, prodding, and eventually yanking you out of bed, nobody was there. In fact, there wasn’t even a peep from the cells neighboring yours. That was until you heard multiple gunshots and multiple bodies slumping against the floor. See, the thing about HYDRA is that they’ve trained you for this exact moment but every single ounce of training they’ve ingrained in your body and mind left the building completely as you hunkered down against the wall furthest from the thick, metal door barricading you from the outside world.
Suddenly, the door you were just measly standing behind came crashing down, dust from the unwashed floor rising. After the dust settled, you looked up to see the poster boy of HYDRA himself, the Winter Soldier. “Steve, I’ve got a live one here. Female, looks to be in her mid-20s,” he whispered into his ear piece. He slowly moved closer, putting his weapon away as he noticed your frail body shaking from fear. “У тебя все нормально? Я ведь не бил тебя дверью?*” Shaking your head, the soldier stopped in front of you, kneeling next to you. “Меня зовут Баки. Что у тебя?” Shrugging your shoulders, you made an attempt to look over at him. “That’s ok. How long have you been here?”
“двадцать три года*,” you said, a bit of hesitation in your voice, finding it hard to speak after decades of being punished if you spoke out of turn. As you finished speaking, you heard another voice, one which you assumed belonged to this Steve person.
“Хорошо. Стив дал мне добро, чтобы мы могли убираться отсюда,” Bucky said, standing back up on his feet. But you weren’t too sure about this. Along with your training, your handlers had pushed on you the notion that the Avengers, and anyone associated with them, were out to harm you, always, and that’s why you needed to be able to defend yourself.
“Ты ведь не сделаешь мне больно, верно? О-или убить меня,” you asked, clear hesitation towards the soldier who was about to grant you freedom from this hellhole.
Bucky looked at you with sympathy drawn over his features. Shaking his head, he gently grabbed your hands, a shiver traveling up your spine at the coolness from the vibranium arm. “Конечно, нет. Я вытащу тебя отсюда.”
It had been a few months since the Avengers had rescued you from HYDRA and you were beyond grateful that Bucky had stumbled upon you that day. But the fear that HYDRA had instilled in you about being near the Avengers was still running rampant in your system. Whenever someone knocked on your door, or came up behind you, your fight or flight instincts kicked in like that of an animal in the wild. You thought it’d be better by now, considering you have been going to therapy since coming to the compound. But today, all your frustrations came to a head.
You probably should’ve been in bed considering it was 4 in the morning but you needed to burn off some steam. What you failed to realize was that a certain super soldier was sitting in one of the boxes above the training center, watching your every move. But, him being a super soldier meant that he could pick up on more than you realized. Bucky had noticed that blood dripping onto the floor, which came from your terribly wrapped hands.
He knew you were on edge, but not like you were when he first got you out. By the time that you realized Bucky was in your presence, it was a bit too late. You felt a hand on your shoulder; two seconds later you had the body attached to the arm on the floor, your other arm extending towards their throat, keeping them pinned to the floor.
Once the haze cleared, you could tell who it was that you had down on the ground. “Buck? Oh my god.” Quickly pushing yourself off of him, you started pacing the gym floor. “Fucking shit. I am so sorry Bucky. I-I didn’t mean to do it. Are you ok? I didn’t hurt you, did I?” You kept rambling and pacing until Bucky stopped you, stepping in front of you to stop you from wearing a hole in the floor.
“I am fine, кукла. Are you ok? Your hands are bleeding.” Looking down, you saw the streaks of red coming out from under the tape on your hands. “Let’s go get you fixed up, ok?” Nodding, you followed Bucky out of the gym and towards the medical center. “So, what’s got you going at 4 in the morning anyway?”
“I couldn’t sleep. No matter what I tried. I even tried that tea Wanda suggested. By the way, don’t drink it. It tastes like dirt.” Bucky chuckled as you sat on a gurney, grabbing supplies from the cabinets. “What are you doing? Shouldn’t we wait for, you know, a doctor, or an actual medical professional to come in and do this,” you immediately questioned him.
“Do you seriously doubt my suturing skills? I did serve in World War II, so I’m pretty confident that I know my way around a needle and thread,” he said, carefully unraveling the useless tape from around your knuckles, taking a look at the damage. “Yeah, this’ll probably take a little bit, but don’t you worry, Dr. Barnes is always here to help.” Bucky smiled at you, calming your nerves the tiniest bit.
After prepping and numbing you properly, Bucky began stitching your open wounds shut. “So, do you wanna talk about why you couldn’t fall asleep? Talking might help, at least it usually does for me,” Bucky asked, not taking his eyes off his work in progress.
“I, uh, I keep having nightmares. They went away for a bit, when I could actually sleep for the night, but for some reason, they’ve come back,” you admitted quietly, almost like it was a dirty little secret.
“Well, you’ve only been here a few months so I wouldn’t expect your nightmares to just instantly go away. It took me a few years to actually get a good night's sleep with them waking me or anybody else up. So I know exactly how you feel,” he said, finishing up before wrapping your hands in sterile dressings. “And you are all set. Now, no excessive force, which includes going to the gym at 4 in the morning and working out like you are about to fight the Hulk.” You laughed lightly, shoulders loosening up.
“Why are you being so nice to me? I mean, you just stitched up my hands cause I got too into my own brain after I almost choked you when you could’ve just dropped me here and gone back to bed.” Tears filled your eyes once more, a thickening feeling surrounding your concerns.
Bucky sighed, gingerly sitting next to you on the gurney. “When I found you at the base, I knew it wasn’t going to be an easy ride for you. Or for anyone here really. Adding another member to the team can sometimes jostle things around. And I knew for a fact that you would feel like an outcast amongst some of the biggest heroes the world has ever seen...so far,” he said as you laid your head against his arm, wiping away the tears that had made their way down your face. “And I thought maybe, just maybe, if we became friends or even just acquaintances, that you wouldn’t feel so alone here. Cause I know exactly how that feels. And ever since coming here, I can see what I looked like when I was found; lost, felt like I didn’t deserve anything good or even deserving of love. But even though you hide it with a sort of tough exterior and you’re used to being trapped away, I can tell you something about yourself that you probably don’t even know,” Bucky said in a matter-of-fact voice.
“Oh yeah? What would that be,” you asked, quite curious as to what he may have found out.
“You want what everyone wants. You want a love that consumes you. You want passion, and adventure, and maybe even a little danger. Cause that’s exactly how I feel right now.” At some point, of which you weren’t sure, Bucky had hooked his fingers under your chin, turning your face up to meet his. Your eyes finally met his, capturing the look of a pure and innocent love in his icy stare. He slowly leaned down, but stopping right before your lips collided. “Is this ok?” Quickly nodding, Bucky pressed his lips to your own, cupping your face as your injured hands made their way to his sides.
Pulling back, Bucky rested his forehead against yours. “Never thought that this is how we would have our first kiss, doll,” he said, making you laugh which in turn caused him to chuckle. “But, I’m not at all opposed to it.”
“I’m glad. Now let’s get out of here. I’m tired.”
1. У тебя все нормально? Я ведь не бил тебя дверью - Are you ok? I didn’t hit you with the door, did I?
2. Меня зовут Баки. Что у тебя? - My name is Bucky. What’s yours?
3. Это хорошо. Как давно ты здесь? - That’s ok. How long have you been here?
4. двадцать три года - 23 years.
5. Хорошо. Стив дал мне добро, чтобы мы могли убираться отсюда. - Ok. Steve gave me the go ahead so we can get out of here.
6. Ты ведь не сделаешь мне больно, верно? О-или убить меня? - You aren’t going to hurt me right? O-or kill me?
7. Конечно, нет. Я вытащу тебя отсюда. - Of course not. I’m going to get you out of here.
8. Кукла - Doll
If you see this on another blog, @multifandomwhre , that is my first blog where I submitted it to @sweeterthanthis “Quote Me” challenge. 
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missskzbiased · 4 years
The Hare and The Tortoise
Genre: Suggestive, Mature/Smut, Oneshot, A little bit of Fluff, NO PLOT
Pairing: Changbin x Reader x Han
Word Count: ~4,7K
Female lead
There is now a (Pt.2)
TW: Toy, Pet name (Love/Princess), Dom!Idol (?), Sub!Reader (?), Overstimulation, Slight Exhibitionism (?), Slight Dirty talking, Humiliation (?)
[I think it’s too “soft” so I’m not sure if I can actually make these warnings but anyway, better safe than sorry]
Notes: Well, it’s my second smut. I’m training it and I hope it turned out okay. Any feedback is more than welcomed!
  The winter had already arrived but you would be coming at any moment now.
   It should be an evening like any other, the three of you sitting down peacefully watching a random movie just so you could keep seeing each other, seriously taking on the mission of maintaining your companionship even after your college days.
 You met Jisung and Changbin through your dear friend and partner in crime Chan, who was sure as hell you would like one of them and finally say goodbye to your holy days and claim one of them as your fuck buddy. He wasn’t wrong though, you liked both of them, and would love to be their fuck buddies but they didn’t seem to think like you, so you just let it go.
   Until recently.
   Jisung and Changbin were runners, and once in a while, you got the chance to support them in their races, just like last week. You could remember clearly how Changbin smiled seeing you all packed up on several layers of fabric, a huge coat thrown around your body, making you look ridiculous but warm enough for the winter. Although you were ridiculously unattractive in your mind, Changbin didn’t share your opinion and as he waited for Jisung to get out of the locker room, he pinned you against the wall, his eyes starving for you, and he kissed you hungrily.
   You didn’t know what made him change his mind so suddenly but you didn’t mind either.
   The past week could only be described as unholy… To say the least, you got quite familiar with his body, especially with his lower part which was pretty hard under your grip, if anyone cared at all. As the sly snake he was, he offered to take a bath first, since both of them always came after practice to your movie’s night, letting you and Jisung chatting in your living room, peacefully oblivious to his intentions. You weren’t sure if he told Jisung about whatever you had right now, so you didn’t mention either but the youngest seemed more awkward then usual, making you pretty sure he probably knew something was up.
    You were wrong, though it’s a tale for later.
    As soon as Changbin came out from his bath, he complained about the weather, whining about how the cold was freezing him up and shattering his bones, so when Jisung made his way to the bathroom, you picked up the blankets, two of them, since you wouldn’t be able to fit three people under one, and made your way to the couch. Changbin waited suspiciously, sat down, a pillow on his lap, and eyed you expectantly, his eyes following you until you sat next to him, handing him a blanket and resting the other one on the couch, for Jisung.
  “Are you cold?” His tone was sickeningly sweet, raising your suspicious, as he covered himself, raising the hem of the blanket a little bit, asking silently for you to join him. You shrugged off your hesitation, picking up  the blanket and snuggling with him before you threw the piece over your body, the warmth embracing you “Much better, isn’t it?” He asked, smirking.
  You frowned, wondering what was his deal until you felt his hand sliding on your thigh, squeezing it too close to your heat, a silent possessiveness emanating from the tap of his fingers, that seemed to invest in bury on your flesh, unwavering. You looked at him shocked, your eyes shooting to the hall, checking if Jisung would be coming anytime soon, making him scoff.
  “What? Do you prefer him?” His tone was bitter, and you couldn’t understand why. Was he crazy? It was obvious you were afraid to get caught! It would be incredibly awkward if Jisung just came into the room as Changbin’s fingers buried into you, sliding in and out… Curling on all your sweet spots just like they were doing all last week, always fast and deliciously edging you until you came hard… You gulped down, your mind hazed by your fantasies “Did I hit a spot?” He mocked, getting you out of your thoughts.
  “I don’t want him to run into us while we fuck!” You hissed, his fingers caressed your thighs, making their way to the hem of your sweatpants, softly caressing your skin until they reached your clothed core, a featherlight touch teasing you, your hips responding to it by bucking themselves forward, trying to get more friction.
 “Oh? You don’t seem too worried right now” His voice held a delighted mockery, his ego inflated by your hungry eyes burying into his, pleading “You’re lucky, though… I won’t fuck you, so you don’t need to worry about that” He reassured you, your stomach dropped, disappointed as his hand left your pants, the wetness you felt between your legs as a reminder of what you wouldn’t get tonight.
  You never thanked God that much for being wrong.
  His fingers hooked the hem of your sweatpants again but this time they pulled it down slightly, a silent request to get rid of it, one you complied eagerly by raising your hips and helping him lowering your pants until it reached your feet, getting rid of it quickly, stuffing it between the both of you. You looked at him expectantly, your eyes darting again to the hall, praying for Jisung being slow as usual at the bathroom, coming back to his eyes to witness the most lustful look he ever gave you.
  “I would recommend you to keep your voice down, though, since you’re so worried about Jisung right now” He never spoke to you like this, teasing remarks that were meant to embarrass you but just aroused you even more, the hint of possessiveness turning you on. You couldn’t help but feel embarrassed by your arousal, though, feeling your throat dry as his fingers brushed over your underwear, getting it to the side and exposing your core under the blanket. You gulped down.
  Unexpectedly, what came into contact with your flesh wasn’t his rough skin but a silicone texture shaped too different from his fingers. When you felt the tiny object sliding into you, glancing at his smirk evidently pleased with his plans, you shut your eyes and bit your lips to swallow down a yelp, praying you could hold your voice. You felt his body leaning closer to you, his lips hovering over your ear, his breath fanning over there as he held a comment back. Even though you weren’t looking, you could bet he looked smug as fuck, eye-fucking you, and just the thought of it made you squirm.
  “Hm… Good girl, you’re taking it well so far” He praised, your hand found his legs, gripping it for support, afraid of what would come next, your head fell back to the headrest as you expected him to turn on the device “But we didn’t even start yet…” He mocked, he spoke as if he knew you would disappoint him, scream his name right under the same roof his best friend was, expose the both of you, and you couldn’t blame him.
  You weren’t so sure you could hold back either.
  He turned the lowest setting on, the sudden buzz made your body jolt and your eyes shoot open, glancing over his way, checking his features. He looked bored, even though you were sure he wasn’t. His bulge, too noticeable to your hand that rested on his thigh, said the exact opposite of his face, making you realize it would be a nice courtesy to touch him back, your hands sliding to his crotch slowly.
  “What do you think you’re doing?” He asked harshly, his eyes threatening you silently “Did I say you could touch me, Y/N? Did I ask you to touch me?” His tone was mean and established his dominance, you shrank on the couch, apologizing immediately “Hm… You’re already misbehaving…” He tsked, his eyes focusing on the TV, turning it on with his free hand and surfing through the channels.
  “I’m sorry… I thought… I thought I could make you feel good too” He glanced over you, scoffing.
  “Do you think I’m a whore like you?” He sneered, his eyes going back to the screen, paying no attention to your pleading eyes “No, I get it… You want to be a good girl for me, don’t you?” This time his tone was loving, a small smile on his face, his hand stroke your hair gently before he sent you a reassuring look. You couldn’t ever get tired from his duality, how he could talk to you like you were nothing but a sex toy, and right after just treat you like you were the most precious treasure in the world? It shouldn’t make you so turned on but it did, and he knew it, his smirk gave him off.
  “You can… You can put it higher if you want” You eyed him unsure, afraid he took your request in a negative way, wishing he wouldn’t punish you right now. You would never be able to hold your voice down if he punished you right now. He didn’t seem to mind though, finally choosing a channel, a dramatic movie that all of you had watched before displayed.
  “I don’t think you understand, Love…” He feigned sympathy, looking at you with mock pity in his eyes “You’ll only cum when Jisung is sitting right there next to you” You widened your eyes, just the thought of it got your head spinning. How could you come beside Jisung like this? Your body didn’t seem to agree with your mind as your clenched around the toy while you pictured an oblivious Jisung beside you, watching the movie as you came on the couch.  
  “Please, don’t do it to me” Even to your ears your pleading seemed weak. It was more than obvious you were urging to keep this, and you made it clearer by sitting cross-legged, adjusting yourself so you could feel the vibrations better, deeper. Changbin scoffed, amused by your behavior, his hand dragged your right thigh, pulling it to his lap, keeping your legs spread apart. You let out a meek moan as he squeezed your flesh, his grip strong behind your knee, making sure you wouldn’t resume to your previous position, holding you still as you felt the tiny quivering inside you, your rolled your hips in response.
  “You’re such a slut… I didn’t even do anything and you’re already like this” He cocked his brows, humming in appreciation as he felt your muscles twitch after his remark, his smirk widening as he heard the bathroom door creaking, slow steps coming to the living room “It’s showtime” He snorted as you tried to straight yourself on the couch, a neutral expression masking your flushed face.
  “Oh, we’re watching it again?” Jisung asked, completely oblivious to what was happening under the blanket, he threw himself at the couch at the same time Changbin choose to finally higher the setting. You clasped your pants, the sudden shift on the couch as Jisung sank on his seat combined with Changbin’s grasp on your leg, and the increasing vibrations sent you to the edge. It wasn’t about the toy itself, it was about Han Jisung sitting right next to you as Changbin held you in your place, a silent promise of an incredible orgasm hitting your brain.
  “It’s cool, isn’t it?” Changbin shrugged, handing him the controller “You can change it if you want, you lost half of the fun by being too slow” You rolled your eyes at his statement, the hidden meaning shared only by you two, but Changbin noticed your gesture and smile smugly, stretching your leg, your thigh on his lap and your foot on the couch, beside his hip, slightly out of the blanket.
 You panicked.
 What if Jisung saw the tip of your foot there?  
  The thought itself was enough for a small whine slip from your lips, you widened your eyes, shooting a look to Jisung, checking if he noticed anything, but he seemed contemplative, wondering if he should change the movie or not. He gave up in the end, covering himself and resting the controller between you two, focusing on the screen. You sighed in relief, averting your eyes to the movie, although you couldn’t really register anything, your mind too focused on the buzzing inside you, worried it was audible.
  Changbin’s free hand traveled through your stretched thigh, caressing the soft flesh slowly, rubbing small circles through his path until the tip of his fingers found the drenched fabric of your underwear, hovering over it without really touching but close enough so you could feel his presence, his warmth. You gulped down. Your eyes darted to him and came back to the screen, your body stiffened, expecting his next actions.
 His fingers slipped under the fabrics silently, his eyes didn’t hold a hint of what he was doing right now, focused on the movie like it was the most interesting thing in his world, and you found it endearing. How could he be so calm about this? You knew you were using all you had in yourself to not roll your hips like a bitch in heat, begging him to do you right now. Somehow, the thought of his composed self in contrast with your needy one aroused you even more, a weak taste of humiliation spreading in you, and although you felt it was wrong, this feeling made your mind numb, the urge to come just by that damn toy, so you could hear his mean remarks later, his smirk… The way he would look at you all smug, claiming you as his slut…
  Your hand shot to his wrist, holding it so you could stop his motions, wishing to come untouched like the needy slut he claimed you to be. As soon as you reached his skin, you knew you had crossed the line. He clenched his jaw, eyes darkening, slowly coming to meet yours. You couldn’t see his loving features anymore, only a harsh expression that warned you, screamed you would have no mercy from now on.
 Holy shit, what have you done?
 You let go of his wrist immediately but it was already too late. He pressed his fingers against your folds, pushing the toy a little bit deeper before teasing your outer labia slowly, his eyes fixed on you for a moment, watching as you squirmed under his touch, satisfied as he saw tears prickling your eyes, your breath held on your chest in expectation. He didn’t lose much time on this, quickly smearing your juices up and down before resting his finger right on top of your clit.
  You couldn’t hold a whine, your hand shot to your mouth, your body shivering under his touch.
  “Hey, you’re being too loud” Changbin’s voice sounded clearly audible, his eyes mocked you, and you averted yours to Jisung, who was looking at you in confusion “Doesn’t her whine disturb you, Han?” Jisung looked at Changbin, shrugging.
  “Not really… It’s a sad movie” He admitted, his thumb coming to wipe the corner of your eyes gently. You choked, startled by the touch, screaming inside your head as the realization of two different touches on you sank into your brain. One of them tried to soothe you and the other tried to punish you. You pushed your hand harder against your mouth, trying to muffle your cries, the constant vibrations started to get their way to your mind, impossible to ignore at this point.
  “Hm… I think we should set it higher” Changbin stated cruelly, he squeezed your knee and rubbed a single circle on your clit, the small stimulation at your already sensitive nerves were enough to send you on edge. You couldn’t handle it right now, how would you handle it if he set it faster? Your mind went blank, you could feel your orgasm building up, a stiff knot emerging at your lower half.
 “Set what higher?” Jisung asked confused, frowning at Changbin. You didn’t let him answer, taking your hand off of your mouth to look at the younger guy, trying to sound the most composed you could at the moment.
 “T-The volume… Raise it a little bit so I can cry in peace” You managed to ask, your voice sounded weak and wavery but Han didn’t seem to mind it, assuming it was about the movie, just you’re being emotional as always “So Changbin can stop being a whiny bitch” As soon as you said it, you regretted it. What the fuck was that?! You couldn’t think straight, your mind too hazy and messy to organize your thoughts, mumbling anything that came to your brain without a filter. You heard Changbin scoff before he increased the setting, his finger flickering your clit quickly, without any mercy.
   That was it, you couldn’t handle it anymore.
   You felt the vibrations through all your body, his ministrations formed a string from your womb to your brain, several knots forming all the way up, the heat spreading all over your body, burning your chest, your neck, and your face and melting your brain. You felt the tears coming to your eyes, your heart racing, echoing into your head, vivid to your ears, your hand shot up to Jisung’s thigh, too close to his crotch, startling him. You could see through your blurry vision his mouth opening and closing, confused at your antics but aroused, you could feel it right next to your hand.
   That was the last understandable thought that crossed your mind.
    A particular flick of Changbin’s finger sent you on your high, all your knots unraveling in a chain, starting from your brain, letting all your mind blank, melting all your self-control away as you dug your nails on your friend’s thigh, his groan interrupted by your scream. You moaned loudly, startling the two boys, your mouth agape as you came undone, your lower knot being the last thing that held you back. Your body jolted, the blanket falling to your thighs, giving Jisung a glimpse of what made you like this, your walls clenching around the toy endlessly, your other hand shooting to his shoulder, trying to support your body in vain.
  “Holy shit” Was all you could hear from the boy who made you like this. Changbin stared at you in awe, he took his hand away from you, completely in shock as your body shook violently, slowly falling to Han’s lap. He was so surprised he didn’t even turn off the device, watching you trembling uncontrollably, your hand grasping the armrest as the overstimulation hit you. You couldn’t help but whimper, loud cries and meaninglessly words falling from your lips on loop, as you laid face down, your body contorted on the couch, sprawled on top of both of your friends.
   It felt like thousands of needles stinging you, the pleasure starting to fade away, the pain waving through your body, making you cry on Jisung’s lap. The hypersensitivity didn’t help your trembling, your muscles tensed up, burning like hell as shivers run through all your body unstoppably, your brain couldn’t form any sentences, a million thoughts seemed to float around the place, nothing to help you out, nothing to scream to him, just a bunch of incoherent things inside your head.
 “M-Master” You managed to mewl, your voice came out as a string, slithering on the air, the only thing sounding in the room besides their heavy breaths and the buzzing sound. You could feel Jisung’s hand rubbing circles on your back, trying to calm you down, but the added sensation got you riled up, so you buried your teeth on his inner thigh, trying to suppress your voice, and his grunt seemed to bring Changbin back to earth, the toy immediately stopping to stimulate you.
  You never felt so relieved.
  “Oh my god, I’m so sorry” Changbin blurted, pulling the toy out of you and trying to hold your body but Jisung swatted his hands away, pulling you up to his lap, cuddling you in your post-orgasm state, covering you with his blanket, the warmth very welcoming. You didn’t even spare a glance at Changbin, your head buried into the crook of Jisung’s neck.
  “What the fuck man?” Han spoke up, his voice sounded mad, disturbing your clouded mind. You tried to order your thoughts, understand what was happening but you didn’t find the strength to break away from him just yet “How could you do that to her?!” He hugged you tightly, and you wondered what he meant by it “How could you do that to me?!” He complained, his voice sounded hurt and betrayed.
  “You’re a fucking turtle, Han!” Changbin whined “I can’t wait for you to raise your balls! I like her! You know that!” He sounded upset, and you felt concern wash over you, dissolving the drowsiness a little bit, getting you to raise your head and look at him “Did you expect me to wait forever?! I gave you chance after chance! I waited through college for you to have the guts to confess to her! What did you expect?!” His voice raised by the minute, completely mad at his friend, and you could feel Jisung squirming under you, hurt by his words.
  “I expected you to treat her well at least” He spat, enraged, and it was enough to shut Changbin up, his face contorting in regret and shame “I expected you not to do this behind my back! To not hurt her! Look at her state! She can’t even sit straight!” His voice raised, completely awakening you.
  “I… I didn’t mean to… I-“ Changbin muttered, completely lost, his eyes watered as he looked at you “I’m so sorry, Love… I really am” You looked into his eyes, worried. You never saw Changbin so broken before, eyes holding so much regret that it tightened your heart to see him like this. You adjusted yourself on Han’s lap, trying to get out of him, crawling in Changbin’s way, his eyes focused on you as you approached him.
  “I’m not hurt, Binnie” You promised, caressing his cheek “I’m fine, you did great” You reassured him, kissing his cheek before resting your forehead against his, closing your eyes “I never felt so good in my life, it was incredible…” He nuzzled you, placing a soft kiss on your lips before kissing your temple and leaning back to look at you.
  “I can’t believe it” Han scoffed, averting his eyes “He just…” You looked at him as he sighed, devasted “I guess I was too slow… What can I do? All I can do is let you fuck like rabbits” He laughed at himself, self-pitying while getting up from the couch. You turned your head back to Changbin, conflicted.
  “I don’t know… I think she would like to take things slower now” Changbin mocked him, looking at you in a silent question, getting a nod from you “Maybe you could get some help with this?” He pointed to the obvious bulge on his friend’s pants, making the younger one blush. Jisung looked at you, unsure, but you promptly got out of the couch, standing wobbly in front of him.
  “You don’t need to do it” He muttered, lowering his head. You touched his round cheeks, cupping it and guiding his head up so he could stare into your eyes, your hands sliding to his nape, fisting his hair and pulling his head back, enticing a moan from him. You smirked as your lips hovered over his neck, a shiver running down his body as he expected what you would do next, his breath hitched. You trailed his neck with open mouth kisses, sucking lightly at his skin until he groaned as you found a sweet spot there, giving him your full attention.
 “I want you inside me” You whispered in his ear, and it just clicked something inside him. You couldn’t sense his shyness when his hand grabbed your wrist, squeezing it slightly so you would release his locks, his other hand shot to your underwear, ripping it off, the sudden motion made you jolt, an expectant look on your eyes as you focused on him again, blushing. His hands wandered under your sweater, groping your breast and caressing your nipple gently, a moan slipping from your lips as soon as he did it.
  “You shall have what you want, princess” He assured before taking his hands off from your body, quickly getting rid of his own pants and underwear, freeing his hard cock from its cage for your display. You gulped down, thirsty at the sight. He was definitely longer than Changbin and it made you eager, wetting your lips as you imagined how he would fit in you before your eyes darted back to his when he scoffed, watching you “Well… I see Changbin can only please you with a toy, right? You can be too fast, right Binnie? Sometimes it’s not about coming first” He mocked, looking directly at his older friend, sneering.
  “Watch your words, Han” He advised “Remember she’s not yours, she’s my slut” You whimpered at his tone, the threat didn’t seem to work on Han though, as he scoffed, his hands groping your ass and pulling you up on the armrest, setting you comfortably before looking at Changbin with a smugness you never saw on the youngest.
  “I wouldn’t count on that” He shrugged off, stroking his dick a few times, smearing his precum all over it before positioning himself on your entrance, teasing you with his tip while looking directly at Changbin as he did so “You see, Binnie? Relationships aren’t about sparks… It doesn’t matters who arrive first… What does matter though…” He pushed himself all the way in, stretching you deliciously, enticing a moan from you “Is who hit the deepest parts…” He thrusts once, hitting deep inside you, and pulling out slowly.
  The motion seemed too slow for your own good, almost as torture as you felt every inch of him stretching you the way back, the whimper that got through your body didn’t go unnoticed by either of them. He didn’t pull out completely, teasing you, so you wrapped your legs around his waist and tried to bring him closer, to sink him into you. He smiled satisfied at your reaction but instead of complying with your wishes, his next thrust was even slower, and you could feel him filing you up inch by inch until he reached the end, your body shivering again.
  “Who has the deepest connections” He continued after a moment, recomposing himself “It’s about slowly building your trust…” He punctuated his final sentence with another thrust, pulling in and out in a torturous rhythm that got you frustrated. You whined but he just stood there, all his length inside you, twitching but not moving, your eyes connected to his, pleading silently but he tilted his head in mock confusion “What is it, princess? What do you want?”
  “Please, fuck me” You begged, tired from his teasing, tightening your grip on his waist and throwing your head back, ashamed. You had just cum a few moments ago, a quite overwhelming orgasm, and here you were begging for another one to your friend. You couldn’t help but get aroused by the thought of Changbin watching you fucking someone else, especially since this someone else was Han, you risked a glance in his way, his eyes darkening as he saw your flustered self, whimpering under Jisung.
  You could almost hear him calling you a needy whore.
  “See? The tortoise was slow but it won in the end” He reminded, smirking. He gripped your jaw, forcing you to face Changbin, his hold firm on your chin, and you licked your lips, your eyes focusing on his crotch before finding his distressed eyes “Watch him, princess, as I fuck you into oblivion” He instructed, you squirmed under his grip, the thought of Changbin watching you getting fucked by his best friend clouding your mind again “And make sure to cum screaming my name… Let’s remind him who can make you feel really good, okay?”
  This time, when he thrust into you, pounding mercilessly until he found your sweet spot, he wasn’t slow by one bit.
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multifandomwhre · 3 years
Loves Harsh Reality
Summary: Life is a bitch. 
Pairing(s): Bucky Barnes x Reader, Avengers x Reader (all platonic)
Warnings: swearing, mention of past/current abuse
Prompt: “You want what everyone wants. You want a love that consumes you. You want passion, and adventure, and maybe even a little danger.” 
Word Count: 1780
Do not copy, translate, or post any of my stories anywhere you write stories, whether that’s here, Wattpad, or Ao3. 
Life never treated you well. Not even when you were just an innocent child, trying to navigate your way in this terrible world. You were forced into a cold and unloving organization that was run by people who don’t really give a shit that you were only 2 when they stole you. They never treated you like a human, more like a laboratory experiment, which kind of went haywire. When you were brought in, the sleaze running this entire operation stripped you of everything you had so far, which was only a name you had just barely begun to learn, and they assigned you a number, much like a court case; experiment 973. And that’s what you went by for the next 23 years of your life.
The day you were rescued from that deranged and psychotic place was...hectic to say the least. It began like any other day while you were their little pet; get woken up at the ass crack of you don’t know when, test out your powers until you physically passed out and then get ungracefully woken again only to be forced to use your powers. This continues for hours on end before these assholes make you go fight actual people in hopes that you aren’t lacking in physical strength. You fight until bodies start piling up and when your sadistic handlers are satisfied with your progress, as if you haven’t they haven’t been training you to take down monsters bigger than Goliath himself. But something wasn’t right and you could feel it in the enclosed space of your cell. 
While you normally had a rough awakening by someone poking, prodding, and eventually yanking you out of bed, nobody was there. In fact, there wasn’t even a peep from the cells neighboring yours. That was until you heard multiple gunshots and multiple bodies slumping against the floor. See, the thing about HYDRA is that they’ve trained you for this exact moment but every single ounce of training they’ve ingrained in your body and mind left the building completely as you hunkered down against the wall furthest from the thick, metal door barricading you from the outside world. 
Suddenly, the door you were just measly standing behind came crashing down, dust from the unwashed floor rising. After the dust settled, you looked up to see the poster boy of HYDRA himself, the Winter Soldier. “Steve, I’ve got a live one here. Female, looks to be in her mid-20s,” he whispered into his ear piece. He slowly moved closer, putting his weapon away as he noticed your frail body shaking from fear. “У тебя все нормально? Я ведь не бил тебя дверью?*” Shaking your head, the soldier stopped in front of you, kneeling next to you. “Меня зовут Б��ки. Что у тебя?” Shrugging your shoulders, you made an attempt to look over at him. “That’s ok. How long have you been here?”
“двадцать три года*,” you said, a bit of hesitation in your voice, finding it hard to speak after decades of being punished if you spoke out of turn. As you finished speaking, you heard another voice, one which you assumed belonged to this Steve person. 
“Хорошо. Стив дал мне добро, чтобы мы могли убираться отсюда,” Bucky said, standing back up on his feet. But you weren’t too sure about this. Along with your training, your handlers had pushed on you the notion that the Avengers, and anyone associated with them, were out to harm you, always, and that’s why you needed to be able to defend yourself. 
“Ты ведь не сделаешь мне больно, верно? О-или убить меня,” you asked, clear hesitation towards the soldier who was about to grant you freedom from this hellhole. 
Bucky looked at you with sympathy drawn over his features. Shaking his head, he gently grabbed your hands, a shiver traveling up your spine at the coolness from the vibranium arm. “Конечно, нет. Я вытащу тебя отсюда.”
It had been a few months since the Avengers had rescued you from HYDRA and you were beyond grateful that Bucky had stumbled upon you that day. But the fear that HYDRA had instilled in you about being near the Avengers was still running rampant in your system. Whenever someone knocked on your door, or came up behind you, your fight or flight instincts kicked in like that of an animal in the wild. You thought it’d be better by now, considering you have been going to therapy since coming to the compound. But today, all your frustrations came to a head.
You probably should’ve been in bed considering it was 4 in the morning but you needed to burn off some steam. What you failed to realize was that a certain super soldier was sitting in one of the boxes above the training center, watching your every move. But, him being a super soldier meant that he could pick up on more than you realized. Bucky had noticed that blood dripping onto the floor, which came from your terribly wrapped hands. 
He knew you were on edge, but not like you were when he first got you out. By the time that you realized Bucky was in your presence, it was a bit too late. You felt a hand on your shoulder; two seconds later you had the body attached to the arm on the floor, your other arm extending towards their throat, keeping them pinned to the floor. 
Once the haze cleared, you could tell who it was that you had down on the ground. “Buck? Oh my god.” Quickly pushing yourself off of him, you started pacing the gym floor. “Fucking shit. I am so sorry Bucky. I-I didn’t mean to do it. Are you ok? I didn’t hurt you, did I?” You kept rambling and pacing until Bucky stopped you, stepping in front of you to stop you from wearing a hole in the floor. 
“I am fine, кукла. Are you ok? Your hands are bleeding.” Looking down, you saw the streaks of red coming out from under the tape on your hands. “Let’s go get you fixed up, ok?” Nodding, you followed Bucky out of the gym and towards the medical center. “So, what’s got you going at 4 in the morning anyway?”
“I couldn’t sleep. No matter what I tried. I even tried that tea Wanda suggested. By the way, don’t drink it. It tastes like dirt.” Bucky chuckled as you sat on a gurney, grabbing supplies from the cabinets. “What are you doing? Shouldn’t we wait for, you know, a doctor, or an actual medical professional to come in and do this,” you immediately questioned him.
“Do you seriously doubt my suturing skills? I did serve in World War II, so I’m pretty confident that I know my way around a needle and thread,” he said, carefully unraveling the useless tape from around your knuckles, taking a look at the damage. “Yeah, this’ll probably take a little bit, but don’t you worry, Dr. Barnes is always here to help.” Bucky smiled at you, calming your nerves the tiniest bit. 
After prepping and numbing you properly, Bucky began stitching your open wounds shut. “So, do you wanna talk about why you couldn’t fall asleep? Talking might help, at least it usually does for me,” Bucky asked, not taking his eyes off his work in progress.
“I, uh, I keep having nightmares. They went away for a bit, when I could actually sleep for the night, but for some reason, they’ve come back,” you admitted quietly, almost like it was a dirty little secret. 
“Well, you’ve only been here a few months so I wouldn’t expect your nightmares to just instantly go away. It took me a few years to actually get a good night's sleep with them waking me or anybody else up. So I know exactly how you feel,” he said, finishing up before wrapping your hands in sterile dressings. “And you are all set. Now, no excessive force, which includes going to the gym at 4 in the morning and working out like you are about to fight the Hulk.” You laughed lightly, shoulders loosening up.
“Why are you being so nice to me? I mean, you just stitched up my hands cause I got too into my own brain after I almost choked you when you could’ve just dropped me here and gone back to bed.” Tears filled your eyes once more, a thickening feeling surrounding your concerns. 
Bucky sighed, gingerly sitting next to you on the gurney. “When I found you at the base, I knew it wasn’t going to be an easy ride for you. Or for anyone here really. Adding another member to the team can sometimes jostle things around. And I knew for a fact that you would feel like an outcast amongst some of the biggest heroes the world has ever seen...so far,” he said as you laid your head against his arm, wiping away the tears that had made their way down your face. “And I thought maybe, just maybe, if we became friends or even just acquaintances, that you wouldn’t feel so alone here. Cause I know exactly how that feels. And ever since coming here, I can see what I looked like when I was found; lost, felt like I didn’t deserve anything good or even deserving of love. But even though you hide it with a sort of tough exterior and you’re used to being trapped away, I can tell you something about yourself that you probably don’t even know,” Bucky said in a matter-of-fact voice.
“Oh yeah? What would that be,” you asked, quite curious as to what he may have found out.
“You want what everyone wants. You want a love that consumes you. You want passion, and adventure, and maybe even a little danger. Cause that’s exactly how I feel right now.” At some point, of which you weren’t sure, Bucky had hooked his fingers under your chin, turning your face up to meet his. Your eyes finally met his, capturing the look of a pure and innocent love in his icy stare. He slowly leaned down, but stopping right before your lips collided. “Is this ok?” Quickly nodding, Bucky pressed his lips to your own, cupping your face as your injured hands made their way to his sides. 
Pulling back, Bucky rested his forehead against yours. “Never thought that this is how we would have our first kiss, doll,” he said, making you laugh which in turn caused him to chuckle. “But, I’m not at all opposed to it.”
“I’m glad. Now let’s get out of here. I’m tired.” 
1. У тебя все нормально? Я ведь не бил тебя дверью - Are you ok? I didn’t hit you with the door, did I?
2. Меня зовут Баки. Что у тебя? - My name is Bucky. What’s yours?
3. Это хорошо. Как давно ты здесь? - That’s ok. How long have you been here?
4. двадцать три года - 23 years. 
5. Хорошо. Стив дал мне добро, чтобы мы могли убираться отсюда. - Ok. Steve gave me the go ahead so we can get out of here. 
6. Ты ведь не сделаешь мне больно, верно? О-или убить меня? - You aren’t going to hurt me right? O-or kill me?
7. Конечно, нет. Я вытащу тебя отсюда. - Of course not. I’m going to get you out of here.
8. Кукла - Doll
I will also be posting this on my other blog, @imaginesmcu. This is a very, very late submission to @sweeterthanthis ‘s “Quote Me” challenge. 
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diaryofabeautyfiend · 4 years
Officially Nowhere Ch 2
You were packing for a mission when Steve knocked on your door. You were always on high alert but more so now that SHIELD was infiltrated. Okoye assured you that you were not in danger. SHIELD didn’t even have you on their radar. You were still antsy.
You looked at your cameras and saw that he was alone. With your hand still on your gun you opened the door slowly. “Hey” he said a half smile briefly passing his lips. “Come in” you stood aside placing your weapon on the table. He didn’t speak. He dropped his bag and went to the couch.
“You planning on staying for a bit?”
He noticed your bags on the other side of the room, “I was hoping to spend a couple of days with you. But I see that I should not have assumed that would be ok. When do you leave?” “Not until tomorrow night. Normally I would love for you to stay. Some things are going down so I’ve been called away.”
You sat next to him with your legs crossed. You pat your thigh indicating that he should lie down. Once he does you rake your fingers through his hair. He hugged your knees like a pillow.
“Sam filled me in on everything. I can help you find Bucky.”
“You don’t have to get involved.”
“I want to. He needs help. You can’t do it all on your own.”
“Thank you.” You felt his tears hitting your leg. You reach down to hold his hand. “He didn’t even know me. It’s just as well. I couldn’t save him on the train and I couldn’t save him on the carrier.”
Your heart ached for this man. You wanted to take his pain away and the only thing that would take it away is finding Bucky. “We’ll find him.” you said softly.
He stayed quiet for a while. You continued finger combing his hair while he absentmindedly petted your leg. “Can we talk about you for a little bit?” he finally asked.
“What about me?”
“I did some research on the War Dogs. There wasn’t much in SHEILD’s archives. Why does Wakanda need intelligence so strategically placed?”
“Doesn’t every country implant intelligence everywhere?”
“Yeah. I suppose. But why you?”
“I told you. Good will visit when I was in the hospital. They listened to my story, decided that I had valuable skills and hired me.”
“You didn’t say you were in the hospital.”
Crap. You told Nat your whole story. You purposefully omitted all of it when talking to Steve. “Y/N, talk to me. Why were you in the hospital?” You mentally kicked yourself. You wanted to keep all of this behind you. You certainly didn’t want Steve to look at you different. He sat up to face you. “Look at me. You don’t have to tell me about your mission or why you work for a foreign government. I want to know why Sam had to save you and why you were reported dead.” You hid your face in your hands groaning. “I don’t want to tell you. God I don’t want to tell you.” You were already starting to cry. He squeezed your thigh letting you know he was listening and told him the whole story. This time you didn’t speed through like you did with Nat. You told him as many details as you could remember. He looked angry and scared. Exactly what you wanted to avoid. “Why are you in hiding?” his voice was stern. “It has nothing to do with my unit. It is because, as a War Dog, I really can’t draw attention to myself. The mission I’m going on is to track down a vibranium smuggler. He sold a lot of it and we need to know why and , more important, how he got it out of Wakanda.”
“That sounds like something we should look into.” You scoffed “‘We’ as in the Avengers? No way. You’ll make a mess of things. We have to be stealthy. When no one knows you’re alive no one is expecting you. I’m a ghost. I’m good at this. Stay out of it.” He trusted you but still made a mental note that this should remain on his radar. He’d ask Hill to check it out.
“Hey” you snapped in his face. “I mean it. Let me do my job.” “Ok! I got it. The Avengers won’t interfere. Let’s move passed this. Deal? No more heavy topics. Tell me about your life before you went into the service..” You talked for hours. You told him about your family and friends. Told stories about Sam and all of the heroic things he did. He told you about Peggy and his time in battle. You added movies and music to his list in his little notebook. You ate dinner and snuggled by the fire pit. It was going to be hard to say goodbye tomorrow. You didn’t have the heart to tell him just how deep you were going. He would worry. For now you would just savor the moments you had together and hope you would see him again.
You promised him a hike in the morning so Steve was up early. He got your packs together and went to wake you. “Hey, sleepyhead. Let’s go.” You threw the covers over your head in protest. “Oh no, ma’am. Get up or I’ll have to take you by force.” You opened one eye and said, “And how exactly do you plan to do that, Captain?” He laughed and shook his head, “You asked for it...” Little did you know, Steve had been thinking about fucking you all morning. He loved the way you looked when you were still sleeping. The blanket was barely covering you, shirt riding up exposing your back, the bottom swell of your ass just peaking out of your panties . He was already half hard. He pulled the blanket off and pinned you down in one quick motion. You wrapped your legs around his waist. “Well good morning, Captain” His facial expression was all business. “Legs down.” he said while locking his eyes on yours. You complied. With his free hand he lifted your sleep shirt. He twisted it behind your head keeping your arms in place. He sat up so he could slip your panties down. They were already wet. He ran his finger over the stickiest spot and then licked it off of his finger tip. He balled them up and grabbed your jaw forcing it open. He stuffed in your panties wet spot first. Your mouth went dry tasting yourself and laundry detergent. You tried to spit them out but he shoved them back in harder. He broke for just a minute to ask if you were ok. You nodded. He planted a quick kiss on your forehead. “We can stop any time.” Your eyes widened and you shook your head “no”. He chuckled and said, “Good.”
Your cunt was dripping. He licked a line down to you thighs. He inhaled deeply. His eyes closed lashes fluttering. The scent was intoxicating. He licked his lips bringing them close to your pussy. You could feel his breath on your skin. He slid his arm around your waist and used his thumb and forefinger to open you up. He flicked the tip of his tongue all around your clit but never quite touching it. You were aching for relief. He flattened his tongue and pressed it on your clit. It was too much. Your hips bucked and your thigh muscles quivered. Your legs tried to close. You willed them to stay open. He slid in three fingers stretching you. He pulled his face away asking, “Are you gonna cum for me? I want you to cum for me.” You moaned in response.
He lowered his head back down and sucked the defenseless swollen bud. He inserted a fourth finger and it hurt a little but in a very good way. His hand fucked you hard and fast. You couldn’t take it anymore and you released having the most intense orgasm of your life. He stood up and continued to finger you while he took his cock out. Without warning he was inside of you. All of him. The sensation was too much and you came again. “Already? Give me one more.” He fucked you harder. Your skin made a loud slapping sound. “You feel so good. Ah I’m gonna cum....fuck.....ah! Yes, y/n” He threw his head back slamming you down on him. You came too moaning against your panties. He pulled them out so your voice was unobstructed. You said his name and it sounded like a prayer. He pulled you close to his body and squeezed you tight. “Oh my God. That was amazing.” You kissed his cheek and said, “You weren’t half bad, Captain.” You both laughed. “Come on. You promised me a hike.”
You hiked for about a mile and stopped in a little clearing to have lunch. “So. How long are you gone?”
“Uhhhh I have no idea.”
“Where will you be?”
“What’s in Sokovia?”
You rolled your eyes, “You know I can’t tell you. What’s with all the questions?”
“I guess I care about you, kid. I don’t want you to get hurt. I want to make sure you’re safe.” You gave him your warmest smile.
“I guess I care about you too. I don’t have any answers for you because I don’t know the answers. I don’t know if I can contact you. I have to go dark.”
He clenched his jaw. “So I’m just supposed to hang back and worry about you?”
“You don’t have to hang back and do anything. I’m sorry if I don’t feel any sympathy for you here. I haven’t really had anyone to answer to, Captain. I don’t plan on starting now.”
He held your hand to his chest and bent his head to kiss your finger tips. “You had better come back to me, Y/N.”
“Is that an order, sir?”
“You bet your sweet ass it is.” You stayed that way for a few more seconds. ”Do you know you said Steve and not Captain when you came that last time?” You giggled and turned yourself around so your back pressed against his chest. You rested your head on his shoulder. He wrapped his arms around you in a warm embrace and kissed the top of your head. “I’m not sure what we’re doing here, Steve” he hugged you tighter, “I don’t know either. I know I like you...a lot. Let’s not rush anything. Does that sound ok?”
“Sounds good to me. We need to start heading back. My ride will be here soon.” He kissed your temple, “Five more minutes.”
Steve threw his bag in the cab of his truck. “Please be safe. I’m begging you.” You kissed each other goodbye. You wanted to make it a really good one. “I’ll let you know when I get there. That’ll be the last time you hear from me for a while though.” “I know. Ok. If I don’t get in my truck right now I’m not gonna go.” You kissed one more time. He got in the truck and drove away. As he turned on to the main road he saw a chopper flying low. Must be your ride.
All roads lead from Sokovia. You were sent by King T’Chaka to track down Ulysses Klaue. It is believed that, with the help of the king’s brother, Klaue was able to smuggle a large amount of Vibranium out of Wakanda. You had to find out why. You were joined by War Dogs from London and Seoul under the cover of humanitarian relief workers. You were there for several weeks before all hell broke loose. Once the Ultron bots ascended onto the city, your team was instructed to head home. You knew Steve would be there. You asked to stay to help but your orders were clear. “This is not our fight” Okoye barked. You and your friend Grant packed the jet. You kept looking around. You were searching for him. “He’s not here yet. I would imagine the Avengers don’t know anything pertinent as of now. That amount of vibranium will level the city.”
”All the more reason we should stay to help.”
“Help how? Your boyfriend and his friends don’t want help. They only worry about their own agendas. The best way we can help is by getting out of the way.”
You boarded the jet. Before take off you sent the stolen weapons schematics to Maria Hill. Maybe you couldn’t stop Ultron but you could nudge the Avengers in the right direction.
Hill received your message. At the bottom was a note for Steve. Hill gave the information to the team.
“That’s handy information. Wonder how it landed in our laps.” Nat said smiling.
“I think this part was just for you, Cap” she handed him the note. He took a deep breath and closed his eyes before reading it.
“You didn’t get this from me. You had better come back to me, Captain.
Y/F/I (your first initial)”
He smiled, folded the paper and stuffed it in his pocket.
The intention was to go back home after Wakanda but there was a lot to clean up. You hadn’t talked to Steve but, thanks to your home surveillance, you know he passed by. You weren’t ready to talk to him yet. There were talks of accords...basically a leash on the Avengers. You thought it was a solid idea. Steve wouldn’t. Just as you were about to put him out of your head you got a text from a colleague in Romania, Sergeant Barnes was spotted. You groaned and rolled your eyes. You could just forward the text to him but you knew he would call for more details. Shit. You dialed his number. It barely rang before he picked up, “Y/N? Where are you? I haven’t heard from you. I thought the worst.”
“I’m alive. I’m dealing with a mess here no thanks to you.” He heard the irritation in your voice. Best not to argue.
“I know. I’m sorry. I’m just happy to hear your voice. When are you coming back?”
“Soon. Look I don’t have much time to talk. Bucky is in Romania.”
“Romania? Ok. Can you meet Sam and I there? We can take him back with us...”
“No, Steve. I need a break. I’m going home. I’m not running around Eastern Europe chasing shadows. I said I would help you and I have. If I hear anything more I’ll send it your way.”
Steve was confused. You did not sound like yourself. He guessed you were upset about everything that had happened. He understood. He just wanted to see you. To hold you. “Can I see you when you get back?”
“Won’t you be in Romania?”
“It can wait.”
“I’ll be back tomorrow afternoon.”
“I’ll be there waiting for you.”
You found Nakia and told her you had to leave. She hugged you and got you on the first flight out. “He’s a good man, Nakia.” “The most well intentioned usually are. I hope all of this is worth it to him.” You embraced again and then got on the plane. The whole way back you were unable to rest. No one is perfect. Not even King T’Chaka could control his own brother. You supposed we were all pretty short sighted when it came to those we love.
As promised Steve was waiting for you when you got home. He took your bags and followed you in. He waited for you to speak. “I’m going to take a shower. You coming?” He smiled and bit his knuckle. He followed the trail of clothes down the hall. Once in the bathroom he stripped and got in the shower. Your mouth was on his immediately. His cock pressed firm into your hip. You reached down to start stroking him. He moaned in your mouth. He grabbed your hips, turned you around pressing your breasts against the cold tile, he lifted your leg and entered you from behind. You both came fast. Once you caught your breath you finished showering without talking. You did this little dance reserved for couples who have been together for several years. You scrubbed his back he washed your hair. This was comfortable and you didn’t want it to end. Maybe it didn’t have to.
You spent the rest of the night crossing movies off of his list. “You were right. Hans Gruber is the best movie villain.” “SEE?! I told you! Want to start Harry Potter?!” He laughed and pulled you off the couch. “Bed now. Harry Potter tomorrow.”
You rested your head on his chest. He ran his fingers up and down your spine. “Wanna talk about Sakovia?” He said yawning.
“No. It’s over and done. I do want to ask you something. You can say no. You can say it’s too soon. I know you’re looking for a place. I was wondering if you want your place to be here.” He didn’t say anything for several minutes. “Say something. Please.” “Are you asking me to move in?”
“I’m not not asking you. But if you want to then yes.”
“Yes. Yeah. I want to move in. I might have to stay at the compound sometimes. Yes.”
You smiled against his skin and he brought your hand to his lips to kiss your palm. “I wanted to say something to you too. While we were apart I missed you so much.”
“I missed you too.”
“And I realized that I couldn’t miss someone so much if I didn’t love them.” He heard you snore softly. “Y/N? Damn it.” He brushed hair out of your face peaking down to see you completely asleep. “I love you, Y/N.”
You were up very early the next morning to work. You made coffee and toasted bagels. That was about as domestic as you could be at the moment. Okoye wanted a status briefing. You were waiting on her to come online when Steve wandered in. “Good morning, beautiful” he said after kissing your forehead. “Morning. There’s coffee. I’m getting ready to get on a video chat. You need to stay out of sight.” He saluted you, “Yes, ma’am.” Okoye rang in. Next to her was Prince T’Challa.
“Good morning, Mhibu. I trust you arrived home safely.”
“Yes, Your Majesty. Thank you again for the ride.”
“It is always my pleasure. Let’s get to it so the General can stop breathing down my neck.” Okoye did not look pleased. She never does.
“Y/L/N, did you deliver the package?”
“Yes, ma’am. All parties were satisfied.”
“That is good news. You missed weapons training this morning. Your aim was sloppy last time. Also, Princess Shuri perfected the range on your Kimoyo beads. We’ll send them with a messenger in a few days. Please keep them on this time. It is important for your safety.” Prince T’Challa rolled his eyes.
“Okoye, let Mhibu get back to Captain Rogers. She’ll will be back with us soon enough. I am sure you can scold her more then.” She clenched her jaw and bowed to him before marching away. “I am going to get an earful later.” You both laughed. He bid you farewell and you ended your call.
You didn’t look back at Steve who, most assuredly, had a lot of questions. “Go ahead. I know you want to ask.”
“What does Mhibu mean?”
“It’s Swahili for ‘dear one’. The Queen gave me that nickname and it stuck. Next?”
“What kind of weapons? What are Kimoyo beads...” You held your hands up asking for mercy.
“The Wakandans make weapons out of vibranium. It was likely some sort of knife or spear. Kimoyo beads contain my medical information, can start a vehicle, and can act as a communicator. I switched them off on my last mission. The General was pissed.”
“It’s like you left one army for another.”
“Yeah but this army is lead by women and the toys are much cooler.”
“I can work on your aim with you if you want. Maybe we can work on your hand to hand combat skills.”
“Captain, I am not an enhanced person. I don’t think it would be a fair fight.”
“Fine. Come back to the compound with me. No one will know you are there. You can work with Nat or Hill.”
“I don’t think so. I’m fine waiting.”
“Oh come on. It’ll be fun. I’m dying to introduce you around. Show you off a little.” You giggled to yourself. “I’m sure Sam would love to see you. Please.”
“Fine. I have about an hours worth of work to do here. If you can stop distracting me we’ll go.” He made a zipping motion over his lips and left the room.
You didn’t know why but you were nervous. Steve seemed excited almost giddy that you were meeting his friends. It was a long drive so you packed an overnight bag. The trip up was fun. You talked a lot about nothing. You played him some music you liked. You made him listen to Sgt. Pepper in its entirety. Once you got closer he could see you were anxious. He held your hand and squeezed, “Relax. You will be great.” You gave him an uneasy smile.
You pulled in and saw Sam waiting in the garage. You jumped out of the truck and he wrapped you in a bear hug.
“Look at that smile. You look good, girl. Love agrees with you.” You punched his arm, “Don’t tease me. I can take you out.”
He put his arm around your shoulder, “Come on. Everyone is waiting.” You shot a look at Steve who just shrugged.
When you walked inside most of the team was in the kitchen talking. Noticeably absent were Thor and Dr. Banner. Nat came over kissing your cheek. “Good to see you.” You looked her over, “How did everything heal up?” She flashed her skin. A small scar was visible but nothing major, “I’m amazing.” Steve wrapped an arm around your waist and said, “Can I borrow my girl?” Nat rolled her eyes but relented. Steve brought you over to meet the rest of the team. Clint and Rhodey stood and shook your hand. Vision did the same. Wanda kept her distance but was friendly. Tony came over and hugged you patting you on the back.
“Well look at this. Grandpa got himself a lady. Nice to meet you, Y/N. We have heard very little about you. It’s good to see you exist. We thought Jan over here was having himself a George Glass moment.” You laughed remembering those old episodes of “The Brady Bunch” you used to watch as a kid. Steve did not understand the reference. “ It’s from a tv show. I’ll explain why it was funny later.”
“So, friend. Are you staying for a few days?” Before you can answer Steve spoke up.
“She doesn’t want to train with me. I said I would go easy on her.” You looked back at him and scoffed. “Go easy on me? Please. I have more training than you ever had. You rely on strength and dumb luck.” Everyone laughed.
“Only one way to settle this.” Tony said pointing to the door off the kitchen.
Steve rubbed your shoulders and took a very condescending tone, “Baby, you don’t want all of this.”
“That sounds like a challenge.” Sam teased
“It sure did” you said as you tied your hair back. Clint clapped his hands twice, “We have ourselves a fight, ladies and gentleman.”
Tony payed out some ground rules. “Ok. Classic take downs only. No hitting below the belt. And please, Y/N don’t mess up Cap’s pretty face huh?” Your face was serious. You squared off and crouched planning your first move.
“Come on, Y/N. Make a move.” You remained calm and quiet. You blocked out the chatter in the room and focused on Steve. He kept urging you to strike. He was trying to get in your head. Just like you and Okoye practiced, you pounced. You lead with your shoulder driving it into his abdomen catching him off guard. You dropped and swept his knee knocking him on his ass. He hit the mat hard and everyone cheered. In one swift movement you were on his chest pinning his shoulders to the mat.
“I underestimated you” Steve said out of breath “I won’t make that mistake again.” He took you to the ground and grabbed the neck of your shirt which is exactly what you wanted him to do. You fought hard to free one of your hands. He hadn’t even broken a sweat. You grabbed his left hand with your right hand, twisted and applied enough force to really hurt his wrist. You had him locked in place. His only option was to roll and throw you off which might really hurt you. He felt like that might be a dick move. Damn this hurts! He thought to himself. With that he tapped. You let him go and collapsed. Your heart raced and you coughed while trying to fill your lungs with air. He helped you up and patted your back “You ok?” You did not feel this was a deserved victory. “Yeah fine. You let me win.”
“I did not. You are a tough little cookie.” You elbowed him in the gut. “Don’t patronize me, Captain.”
Tony handed you a towel. High fives all around from the team. “You need a beer, kid?” Sam asked. “Like ten of them.” You went back into the kitchen. Clint and Rhodey recounted your fight praising your take down skills. Nat hung behind with Steve who was wiping down the mat.
“You ok, Cap?”
“Fine. Only thing hurting is my pride.”
“You deserved it you know.”
“Did I?”
“You called her a weakling in front of your friends. Lucky she’s not me. I would have stabbed you.”
Back in his room you were getting ready for bed. Nat and Clint promised to spar with you first thing. Since they are not enhanced in any way you felt like your skill set was fairly even. Steve sat on the bed untying his shoes. You passed in front of him silently going back and forth from your bag to the bathroom. He watched you thinking of what to say.
The next time you passed he grabbed your arm, “Would you look at me?”
“Nope. Let me go, please.” He loosened his grip still holding your hand.
“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to make fun of you in front of everyone. I was only joking and didn’t think it would hurt your feelings.” You pulled your hand free and went back into the bathroom locking the door behind you.
He got into bed deciding to give you space. Once you washed your face you were able to calm down a little. You got into bed and laid on his chest. He hugged you close. “Where did I go wrong?” you played with the draw string on his shorts and finally said, “Back at my house when you offered to work on my aim with me.”
“Damn it. I knew it. And when I teased you in the kitchen I just made it ten times worse didn’t I?”
“I really am sorry. Do you forgive me?” he said pouting. You rolled your eyes. “Do you think you’re cute?”
“I mean a little.” He flashed that heart stopping smile again and pulled you in for a kiss.
“Of course I forgive you.” You kissed him again.
“Hey. I was trying to tell you something last night and you fell asleep before I could finish.” He cleared his throat. You rested your head on your hand so you could see his face better. He looked nervous. He started again. “I was thinking about when we were apart how much I missed you. I thought that the only way I could miss someone that much is if I loved them. So...that’s what I wanted to say.” Your heart skipped a beat. “You wanted to say you love me?”
“Well yeah. I love you, Y/N. I didn’t know if it was possible to love someone this much but I do.” You climbed on top of him and kissed him deeply. His hands were on your back rubbing gently. You pulled away, “I love you too, Steve.” You spent the rest of the night showing him just how much.
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musicalluna · 4 years
@onemuseleft​ conned me into writing for guardian and i am having the time of my life ILY BOO
this is an alternate scene for eipsode 25 so. spoilers for that (kinda)
warnings: torture, violence, blood, sexual assault (kissing), assault assault
Zhao Yunlan wakes with a splitting headache and a shrill noise in his ears that he doesn’t realize isn’t coming from inside his head until he cracks open his eyes and discovers Kong Jing drilling at a table to his left.
Kong Jing looks back, noticing he’s awake, and smiles, sucking his lower lip into his mouth.
Zhao Yunlan laughs, more nervous than he’d like.
Kong Jing gets to his feet, making a fluttering gesture with the drill in his hand. “You’re awake!” he says, bending close to Zhao Yunlan.
Zhao Yunlan sits very still as Kong Jing gestures toward the table. “Have a look at what I’ve prepared for you!”
“You’re mistaken,” Zhao Yunlan says slowly. “I’m not awake yet.” He lets his head fall back down to his chest, even as Kong Jing giggles and flaps a hand at him.
“Stop it,” he says, like a teenager flirting, “I’ll help you wake up, okay?”
No, Zhao Yunlan thinks, not okay, not okay.
He moves back over to the table and Zhao Yunlan watches from beneath his hair as Kong Jing runs his fingers over the implements on the table. While he’s distracted, Zhao Yunlan reviews the situation. He’s handcuffed, legs zip-tied, ropes around his waist. Zhao Yunlan’s heart, already beating too fast, only goes quicker when he sees what Kong Jing is looking at on the table--a series of saws, a couple of drills, a meat tenderizer--a hatchet.
Zhao Yunlan closes his eyes as Kong Jing starts to turn. A loud crack makes him flinch and he jolts back, eyes snapping open. Kong Jing twirls an enormous feather duster through the air with a noise that makes Zhao Yunlan’s stomach squirm. He hates this. It’s bad enough being captured, worse being captured by someone he’s not sure he can predict from one moment to the next.
“Satisfying,” Kong Jing whimpers and then plucks a feather from the end of the duster and drops it on the ground.
Zhao Yunlan closes his eyes again, leaning into the I’m not awake bit. He’s not expecting Kong Jing to put the feather in his ear and he jerks back with a yell, hands coming up to ward off Kong Jing.
Panic surges through him when Kong Jing puckers up and leans in. He’s not quick enough to push Kong Jing back and his body locks up in shock as Kong Jing smashes their mouths together.
He makes a horrified noise that disappears into Kong Jing’s mouth, morphing into another stunned cry when Kong Jing bites down on his lip. The taste of blood bursts across Zhao Yunlan’s tongue and he jolts backward violently enough that the entire chair topples over. His already tender head bounces off the wood floor and Zhao Yunlan groans, nausea surging in his stomach.
“You’re bad,” Kong Jing says, grabbing hold of his jacket lapels and hauling Zhao Yunlan back upright. The movement makes him dizzy. Zhao Yunlan reaches out to push Kong Jing back automatically, the back of his neck tingling with fear. He was not prepared for this.
Kong Jing grins at him and then plops himself down on Zhao Yunlan’s lap, his knees splayed out on either side of Zhao Yunlan’s hips. “Not cool, bro,” he informs Kong Jing breathlessly.
“Sis,” Kong Jing corrects, breath hot on Zhao Yunlan’s cheek, and then reaches over to the table and grabs one of the implements. The hand drill, Zhao Yunlan realizes, when he settles back into place. He makes a wordless noise of protest and tries to buck Kong Jing off, but he can’t get the leverage.
Kong Jing plants the drill against his shoulder and then starts to crank.
Zhao Yunlan screams.
Shen Wei is the first out of the car.
He bolts toward the building, praying that they aren’t too late when a scream tears through the night air and he goes woozy for an instant. “Zhao Yunlan,” he breathes and pushes himself to run faster.
The scream is prolonged, dipping into a gurgling moan before surging back, and the fear feels like a living thing under Shen Wei’s skin. He teleports the remaining distance into the house and arrives to see a wild-eyed Kong Jing straddling Zhao Yunlan’s lap, holding something to his shoulder.
Without pausing to assess more than that, Shen Wei sprints forward and drives his foot into Kong Jing’s side. Kong Jing goes flying, landing sprawled on the floor halfway across the room with a sickening crunch, but Shen Wei pays him no mind, distracted by the horrific, wet yell that tears from Zhao Yunlan’s throat.
“Zhao Yunlan,” he gasps, dropping to his knees at Zhao Yunlan’s side. “I’m late,” he says, voice cracking.
Zhao Yunlan gives a wheezy little laugh, his head tilted back. “You were doing so well, too.” There are tears in his eyes and Shen Wei can see now that the object is a drill and it’s not pressed against Zhao Yunlan’s shoulder, but embedded in it. Shen Wei sucks in a breath through a too-tight throat. Zhao Yunlan drags his head forward with what looks like gargantuan effort. “Don't take your eyes off him,” he tells Shen Wei.
Shen Wei wants to remove the drill immediately, but he can see the sense in what Zhao Yunlan says. Fortunately, before he has to leave Zhao Yunlan’s side, Lin Jing comes through the door, followed swiftly by Chu Shuzi.
Lin Jing stares from Zhao Yunlan to Kong Jing. “Is that-- Is he--”
Chu Shuzi seems to have returned to normal because he takes in the scene impassively and then moves to Kong Jing’s side and takes his pulse. After a moment, he looks up. “Dead.”
Zhao Yunlan, with one hand curled around the drill, close but not touching, sighs.
Chu Shuzi’s expression darkens. “Did he do that to you?”
“Who else?” Zhao Yunlan says, slumping a little further into the chair. “Shen Wei,” he says, groping with his left hand until he catches the sleeve of Shen Wei’s jacket, “get it out of me.”
“Of course,” Shen Wei says, but the thought shakes him. He knows it must be removed so he can heal Zhao Yunlan, but there’s nothing he can do to stop the pain of the removal, and the thought of causing him more pain is unbearable.
Guo arrives finally, takes one look at Zhao Yunlan, and the body on the floor, and then promptly faints. Lin Jing catches him--in a way.
“Chu Shuzi,” Shen Wei says, “help me with this.”
Chu Shuzi nods and joins him next to Zhao Yunlan.
Zhao Yunlan blinks at him, head wobbling slightly on his neck. He watches with hazy eyes as they situate themselves around him.
Shen Wei looks at Chu Shuzi apprehensively. “What is the best course of action? Do we remove it quickly?”
Chu Shuzi studies the drill embedded in Zhao Yunlan’s shoulder. “You can heal the injury. Removing it carefully will only prolong the pain.” He looks up and meets Shen Wei’s gaze, sympathy in his eyes.
Shen Wei nods tightly. He curls an arm around Zhao Yunlan’s waist, partially as a comfort, and partially to hold him in place. He links the fingers of his other hand with Zhao Yunlan’s. “Do it.”
Given the green light, Chu Shuzi doesn’t hesitate. He grips the handle of the drill and jerks it out of the wound in one quick gesture, flinging blood in an arc. Zhao Yunlan convulses forward, a nearly soundless cry issuing from his lips as the breath is punched from his lungs.
“Hold on, A-Lan,” Shen Wei murmurs, pressing his mouth to the side of Zhao Yunlan’s head, “Give me a moment.” He presses the hand not linked with Zhao Yunlan’s over the injury, blood pulsing over the back of his hand in thick rivulets despite the pressure and he calls dark energy to heal Zhao Yunlan.
Zhao Yunlan’s grip on his hand tightens to the point of pain, but Shen Wei is hardly aware of it as he pushes energy into Zhao Yunlan’s body, knitting it back together.
Finally, the bloody hole in Zhao Yunlan’s shoulder closes and he sighs in relief. “Oh, that’s better.”
Shen Wei presses his forehead to the side of Zhao Yunlan’s head and just listens to him breathe for a moment, relief, and the exertion making his muscles weak. Zhao Yunlan squeezes his hand.
“That...did not feel good.”
Chu Shuzi snorts and gets to his feet. “Glad you’ll be all right.” He leaves them.
“Hey, will you get me out of these?” Zhao Yunlan asks, holding out his bound wrists.
“Of course,” Shen Wei murmurs and quickly gets rid of the cuffs, pulling off the rope, and snapping the zip ties around Zhao Yunlan’s legs. Zhao Yunlan turns on the chair when he’s free and smiles down at Shen Wei, hands on Shen Wei’s shoulders.
His teeth are bloody.
Shen Wei’s fingers tighten around his leg. “Did he hit you as well?”
“Ah?” Zhao Yunlan says and then catches Shen Wei’s gaze. He runs his tongue over his teeth and grimaces. “I guess you could say that. He hit me with his mouth.”
Shen Wei’s spine goes rigid, his jaw tensing. “What?”
Zhao Yunlan closed one eye, rubbing at his mouth. “He kissed me. Violently.”
Shen Wei feels a wave of protective fury and wishes he’d been more cognizant of what he was doing when he kicked Kong Jing.
Zhao Yunlan gives him an apprehensive look, petting his shoulders. “Hey, I didn’t like it or anything.”
That’s enough to knock Shen Wei out of his murderous line of thinking. He stares at Zhao Yunlan incredulously. “Of course you didn’t!”
“Oh,” Zhao Yunlan relaxes under his hands. “That’s okay then.”
“It is not,” Shen Wei replies severely. “How dare he put his hands on you.”
Zhao Yunlan grins at him a little and leans in close. “Mm, Black Cloak Daddy, you can put your hands on me any time.”
Shen Wei manages to stifle the urge to throw him out the window.
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yetanotherauthor · 5 years
Pairing: HashiramaTobirama Word count: 3691 Rated: M Summary: A chance movement at just the right time grants them a new beginning, their dreams come true.
I do commissions on my main blog! 
Sweet Serendipity 
Hashirama looked up eagerly at the sound of the front door opening, his expression falling again immediately upon catching a proper glimpse of the young man walking in to the house. Exams time was never easy on any student but this semester in particular seemed to be driving his brother in to the ground. Coming up on the end of his second year in university, Tobirama had been running himself ragged for the past several months with so many assignments it was hard to keep track and now he had all but stopped sleeping as he studied for what he called the hardest exams of his life.
With a grunt that sounded almost like a wounded animal Tobirama dropped his backpack by the door, kicked off his shoes, and shuffled towards the living room. Knowing his terrible studying habits he probably hadn’t eaten anything all day and yet the lure of the couch won out over the growling his stomach had no doubt been doing since well before noon.
“Bad day?” Hashirama asked, wincing when the younger man flopped down on the loveseat so hard his head actually rebounded off the cushions. With gentle motions he slid his own body in to the small space left and reach out to pet his fingers through soft white hair.
“I’m fucking exhausted. After tomorrow I am going to wrap myself in every blanket in this house and sleep for an entire week.”
“Oh! Right! I forgot that tomorrow was your very last exam! Well, I’m still off from work for another week or so, I’ll make sure I stay quiet so you can rest.” He smiled even though Tobirama’s eyes were closed. Almost no one but him ever got to see these moments when his little brother let the world get to him in some way and showed some small form of weakness, even just by admitting that he was tired.
With a hum Tobirama curled further in to the arm of the loveseat. “How’s your foot doing?”
“Still a little sore.” Hashirama peeked down at the bandages just underneath his left toe where he’d stepped on some glass. A martial arts teacher that couldn’t demonstrate any of the moves was sort of only half useful so he’d handed off his classes to one of the assistant sensei until he healed.
His heart fluttered in his chest when Tobirama hummed again and blindly reached back to pat him on the arm in sympathy. Displays of concern like that only came when his walls were down and Hashirama treasured them all, hoarded the memories of each and every time Tobirama made the bond between them more obvious. How such an open-hearted family had produced such a reticent man he would never know but still he wouldn’t change his baby brother for the world.
Edging a little closer, he tucked some of the man’s hair behind one perky little white ear and giggled to himself. Tobirama shifted one shoulder in an effort to shoo him away but it didn’t work. He continued playing until finally his sibling heaved himself upright with a monumental sigh of effort.
“Why do you always pick the worst times to be annoying?” he whined.
“Because you will get much better rest if you fall asleep in your bed,” Hashirama told him. “Go on. I’ll wake you up in a few hours when I’ve got dinner ready.”
No matter what happened, Hashirama would always insist that he leaned over then to kiss his brother with nothing but innocent intentions. His only thought had been to give him a little goodnight peck somewhere unremarkable like the side of his head or the temple, something he had done a hundred times or more, just a quick little smooch with no other thought behind it. He certainly didn’t expect for Tobirama to turn his head at the last second with the intent of saying something. Their lips connected dead on and for a couple of men who were supposed to be intelligent – in their own ways – both of them took a few seconds to react.
Incredibly, neither of them jerked backwards like their face had caught fire. Hashirama had always thought that would be Tobirama’s first reaction to even the slightest sign of his brother’s deepest darkest secret. Instead they pulled apart slowly with matching wide eyes and racing pulses – or at least he assumed Tobirama’s pulse was racing too. Hashirama could hear his own blood thundering so loudly in his ears they could probably catch the echo of it three cities over.
“You kissed me,” Tobirama said, his voice very quiet and very shocked. Hashirama swallowed against the breathiness in those words.
“I just meant…the side of your head. That’s all.”
“Sure but– I mean I believe you. But. You kissed me.”
“By accident!” Panic rose with every second that passed as Hashirama scrambled through his fumbling brain for any coherent sentences to string together in his own defense.
Tobirama blinked once, tilted his head, and lifted his chin just so. If it were anyone else Hashirama would have said he was inviting another kiss but that was, of course, impossible. It didn’t stop him from imagining it and letting a tiny squeak of panic escape him as his pulse jumped up again.
“You didn’t stop,” his brother pointed out. “For a second I thought you were…kissing me back.”
“I promise I would nev- wait, back?” Hashirama froze, staring down his own impossibilities and admiring the sudden flush creeping up Tobirama’s neck.
“Back, yes.”
Cautious, unsure if he was actually seeing what he thought he was seeing, Hashirama kept very still while his thoughts continued to race. He could almost swear that Tobirama was implying he felt the same way, the same yearning, and the way he had positioned himself could almost suggest he wanted it to happen again. The very idea of it was intoxicating but Hashirama knew he had to be careful. If he was mistaken he could ruin everything between them and the last thing he wanted to do was lose his brother in any way.
Sure he had fallen in love with the younger man despite knowing how wrong it was but they would first and foremost always be brothers. Family was more important to him than anything.
The temptation to at least try, however, was too much. Hashirama held his brother’s gaze as he lowered his head just a fraction of an inch. When Tobirama didn’t move away he did his best to hide the way his breathing shuddered and moved a little closer. They danced like that for several minutes, neither speaking as Hashirama drew closer bit by bit and Tobirama steadily held his ground. When they were only a hairs breadth away Hashirama saw the younger man’s lips tilt up at one corner in a soft smile he’d only seen a handful of times before.
It gave him the courage to cross that last bit of space and then…and then they were kissing. Tobirama pressed back in to him, one hand flat against his chest but not pushing him away, moaning as if this was something he’d been waiting a long time for. Everything about this moment was so perfect Hashirama realized he didn’t care if he was dreaming or hallucinating or anything else. All he cared about was winding his fingers in to that soft white hair he so loved to play with and kissing the brother he treasured so much with all the passion he’d been holding back. The incredible relief of finally being able to express his feelings, there were no words for it.
“Okay,” Tobirama gasped against him. “Either I’m much more awake now than I was five minutes ago or I was never awake and this is all a dream.”
“Pretty much my thoughts,” Hashirama said with a nervous titter.
“I never thought…”
“Me neither. Can I kiss you again?”
Tobirama nodded frantically with a fervent, “Please.”
He grunted in surprise when Hashirama all but tackled him but responded in kind, throwing his arms around Hashirama’s shoulders and moaning for a second time as he was gently lowered backwards until he was once again lying across the couch. Only this time he was stretched out on his back in the small space available with Hashirama crouched between his bent knees, chests pressed together and lips moving desperately as they both allowed their pent up longing to explode all at once.
It felt nothing short of divine to have Tobirama’s body against his own like this. Every shift and movement rubbed against him in glorious ways he’d barely dared to imagine even on the darkest nights when he was sure he was alone in the house. When he bit down on his brother’s lip and Tobirama bucked up underneath him Hashirama hardly thought to resist.
Nothing in the world had ever set his blood to pounding quite like the feeling of grinding his hips down and feeling Tobirama roll up in to him with a mewl of pleasure. Hashirama kissed with everything he had and rocked his hips down again. Already he was hardening in his jeans even as his brain struggled to catch up to the fact that this was really happening. If the entire world had fallen down around their ears at that moment Hashirama wasn’t sure he would have noticed in the slightest, so wrapped up was he in the man underneath him, the taste of their tongues brushing together and the sensation of electricity running down his spine.
Without even thinking about it he pressed his brother deeper in to the couch and began grinding their hips together like a teenager chasing his first orgasm. It had been years since mere frottage had done anything more for him than build an interest in further foreplay yet here he was worried about coming in his pants and still unwilling to slow down unless he was asked to – and Tobirama didn’t seem all that interested in asking him to back off.
They rocked together like eager adolescents as Hashirama finally dragged his lips away from Tobirama’s and made his way across that beautifully sharp jaw line, nibbling and sucking as the raspy voice in his ear whispered his name with such reverence it made him shiver.
“A-Anija…” Tobirama arched in to him and gasped when it provided a little extra friction.
“Oh Tobi, my Tobi.”
“No, wait, can – ah, do that again!”
Hashirama grinned against the pale skin he’d just bitten, lapping at it soothingly before sinking his teeth in again just to listen to the startled moan it earned him. “What were you going to say?”
“Can you…can you call me…um…”
As unusual as it was for Tobirama to be so hesitant, Hashirama figured it must have been something embarrassing that he was trying to ask for. Rather than make a big deal out of it he slowed the rhythm of his hips by a mere fraction and laid a trail of soft kisses up the side of his brother’s neck. When an idea occurred to him he, too, hesitated for a moment before leaning back up to whisper in the other man’s ear, pitching his voice as low and sultry as he could make it.  
“Otouto?” He guessed. Tobirama gasped raggedly and bucked.
“Yes. That. Please, Anija, just–!” A desperate sound escaped him that went straight to Hashirama’s cock, encouraging him to quicken his hips again and pull back just far enough to look his brother in the eye.
“Otouto,” he growled against Tobirama’s lips before taking them with his own and swallowing the moan they gifted him.
Together they writhed, kissing like it was the only thing keeping them both alive, and before long their movements grew frantic as they both drew close to their peak. Each time Tobirama turned his head to curse softly that he felt good or that he couldn’t believe this was happening Hashirama dragged him back in for more kisses, desperate, unable to fathom the idea of not kissing this gorgeous creature that he loved so much.
He only realized how close Tobirama was when he began to whimper, hips losing their rhythm and instead grinding upwards almost comically fast. Watching him fall apart was both fascinating and the sexiest thing that Hashirama had ever seen in his life. That might have been a biased opinion but Hashirama couldn’t care less, not when Tobirama closed his eyes and arched his back with a sharp wordless cry, the one leg not trapped against the couch kicking out involuntarily as his muscles spasmed.
Before Hashirama had time to do more than think about pulling away, probably finishing himself off with his hand, Tobirama had caught him around the back of the neck and pull him in for yet another kiss, still bucking frantically against him.
“Shit, please don’t stop,” his sibling whispered against his lips.
Already close to the edge himself, those words alone nearly sent him tumbling over. For whatever reason knowing that Tobirama had a kink for that too-much sensation just after orgasm was a massive turn on and it didn’t take very long before his rhythm began to falter as well. Hashirama spilled in to his own boxers barely more than a minute later and it was hard to tell whether he or Tobirama was shuddering more than the other.
Hashirama felt almost weak in the aftermath of such an intense and unexpected orgasm. A dazed, lazy smile pulled at both corners of his mouth as he nuzzled at Tobirama’s tattooed cheeks and dropped kisses everywhere he could reach.
“You were so good for me, Otouto,” he whispered mindlessly. “Such lovely reactions. And you feel so good against me, better than I could have dreamed.”
“Nngg…” Tobirama’s cheeks flushed deeper than ever but he didn’t pull away so Hashirama counted it as a win.
“I can’t believe this. I just – there aren’t enough words in any language for me to tell you how happy I am right now. That you could ever feel the same…I love you, Tobi. I love you so much.”
He drank in the sight of Tobirama’s shyly lowered gaze and the pleased note in his voice when he mumbled the sentiments back. Then he bit his lip to hold in a breath of fond laughter to see Tobirama crack his jaw on a wide yawn. When he came home he had already been exhausted and ready to pass out; it was no surprise that the exertion of an unexpected orgasm might drain him even more. Already his eyes were drooping to half-mast and his body all but melting where he was still pressed down in to the corner of the loveseat.
Not wanting to be the reason he missed out on any much needed rest, Hashirama leaned over him to dust gentle kisses against his forehead and the tops of his eyelids, whispering sweet nothings in a low murmur that he knew always helped his brother fall asleep quicker. As much as he would love to revel in the discovery of their shared feelings he knew it was something that could wait for later. Tobirama had worked hard over the past year to reach that final exam tomorrow and he would perform much better if he was well-rested. They had all the years ahead of them to celebrate the love they had found. Keeping him awake right now would only be selfish.
It wasn’t an immediate fall. Tobirama stayed awake for several more minutes, though just barely. Just enough to murmur in protest every time Hashirama shifted with the intention of getting up and each murmur came with a denial that he was in any way falling asleep. Despite his insistence, however, he was out like a light before long and Hashirama was able to stand up at last, looking down at the adorable picture he made complete with a naughty little wet patch in the front of his pants.
Carrying Tobirama to bed was bed was easy despite the pain in his wounded foot. Getting the man’s pants off and wiping him clean without looking was harder but Hashirama felt a bit like a creep for wanting to peek, almost like he was ruining a surprise that should be Tobirama’s to give him, so he struggled on until he thought he’d gotten at least most of the mess and slid a pair of pajama bottoms on instead. Then he tucked his brother under the sheets, kissed him goodnight, and retreated downstairs.
The next couple of hours were a strange mix of euphoric high and yearning loneliness. Several times he found himself wandering in the general direction of their bedrooms with the thought that all he wanted was just one more look at his beloved baby brother, maybe to lie down beside him and take a nap as well, but each time he made himself turn around and go find something else to occupy his time. It was a relief when he checked the clock to see it was finally an acceptable hour to start cooking dinner. Setting down the magazine he hadn’t really been reading, Hashirama hobbled off to the kitchen to pull out all the scraps left in their fridge from the last time they’d gone grocery shopping and began throwing it all together for a hearty hotpot.
Nearly an hour later he was confident that the soup wouldn’t take much longer to cook, a perfect time to go wake the sleepyhead upstairs. Hashirama cast about for the wooden spoon he’d been using, wanting to stir their dinner one more time before heading upstairs. As soon as he spotted it, though, it was clear that going anywhere was unnecessary. The kitchen door opened before he could even lift the lid of the pot and Tobirama shuffled in with an odd little pout sticking his lower lip out. Hashirama beamed over his shoulder.
“Welcome back to the world,” he said. Tobirama paused just inside the room with a confused and almost hesitant expression.
“Is something wrong?”
“No.” Tobirama met his gaze and immediately looked away, uncomfortable. “I just…I think you were in one of my dreams is all.”
Hashirama let one of his eyebrows rise in a suggestive look many thought him incapable of. “Oh? Would you care to tell me what you were dreaming about?”
To his surprise Tobirama shook his head with a wild look in his eyes, as though the very thought nearly made him panic. “I would rather not. Dinner’s ready? I’ll get us some drinks.”
He hurried over to open the fridge and Hashirama absently stirred the soup a few times to give himself something to do while he watched his brother from the corner of one eye. Something was off. Just a few hours ago Tobirama had been perfectly fine but one little dream and suddenly he could barely look in Hashirama’s direction. It was odd. More than that, it was something Hashirama had seen a few times before and never gotten an explanation for until right in this moment as he tapped his spoon on the side of the pot and had an epiphany.
A smile had already returned to his face when he set everything aside and turned around. He waited patiently until Tobirama finished set the table, no longer holding anything breakable in case he dropped something in surprise, then he slid across the linoleum as gracefully as he could and drew a startled Tobirama in to his arms.
“Can I guess what your dream was about it?” he murmured.
“I don’t think you’ll get it,” Tobirama said, visibly unsure what to do with his hands or where to rest his gaze until Hashirama caught his chin and guided their eyes to meeting.
“You’re so precious Otouto. It wasn’t a dream, even if it does still feel a little too good to be true.”
Trying not to laugh at the wide-eyed look of disbelief his brother gave him, Hashirama bent down to press a soft kiss against frozen lips. He pulled back with the intention of teasing the other for thinking that what happened between them earlier had been nothing but a fantasy of the mind, for thinking it hadn’t actually been real, but there wasn’t time for that. Before he could even open his lips he could almost see a switch in Tobirama’s brain flicking on as he realized the truth.
In the next moment he had already pounced. Hashirama squeaked with surprise when he was slammed back against the fridge but it faded in to an appreciative groan as Tobirama all but devoured him, eager kisses that set his blood to boiling, an edge of fierceness in every movement that almost spoke to possessiveness.
He was very okay with that.
“Told you I could guess what you were dreaming about,” he murmured in between kisses. Tobirama grunted and pushed a little closer.
“Evidently I wasn’t dreaming at all so you’re still wrong.”
Hashirama laughed. When his brother’s vicious affections moved down his neck and his mouth was free he asked, “Should we have dinner first? I like where this is going but don’t think I can’t hear your stomach rumbling again. You need food. First I take care of you and then afterwards–”
“Afterwards I take care of you.” The sultry tone left no doubt as to what Tobirama meant with those words. Hashirama shivered and held him a little tighter.
“If you want to,” he breathed.
“Believe me, I’ve wanted many things for a long time now. This is just the start of the list.”
Hashirama whimpered and abruptly shoved his brother away. “Food first.”
Both of them were wearing color high on their cheeks as he snatched the bowls off the table and hurried across the room to dole out two portions of soup. If they ate fast they could both have at least two bowls of good hearty food then shove the leftovers inside the fridge and be upstairs within half an hour. Tobirama wasn’t the only one with a list to work through.
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solastia · 6 years
Faith | 6
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Chapters:  [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]
Pairing: Namjoon x Reader
Word Count: 2,600 (short, but good)
Genre & Warnings: Angst, fluff. Smut free chapter. 
Notes: One more official chapter left. Maybe a Namjoon POV if y’all want it. I might be able to be talked into drabbles if you’re nice. 
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That’s all you’d heard from Namjoon for the past week. He wasn’t answering the calls or texts you’d sent, although you knew that he’d at least read them. There hadn’t been any sightings of him on the gossip channels either. It was like he’d disappeared, but you knew he was probably at his Mom’s or the hotel. You’d considered trying to stop by the room, but you’d envisioned horrible enough scenarios to talk yourself out of that. You also knew that appearing at his Mom’s when even his family didn’t know about Faith would just make the situation worse. So you backed off. You knew he’d come to talk to you when he was ready. 
Still, the waiting was not easy. 
Even knowing that Namjoon would never do something like snatch Faith away, you still thanked the powers that be for you having a job in a daycare where you were able to keep an eye on her at all times. Even if Namjoon himself wouldn’t do it, there were still plenty of people around him that very well could. 
You were so upset with yourself. All of this could have been avoided if you had been less of a coward and trusted him a little more. At the same time, you were still a little happy he’d gotten to fulfill his dream and live his little rich and famous lifestyle without baggage. At least now, if he forgave you at least, you’d be able to go forward without worrying about him thinking he’d missed out on anything.
You sigh wearily, reminding yourself to buck up and focus on work. Snacktime was not a good time for self-reflection. 
“Come on, Monkey.” You pick up Faith and strap her in booster chair next to you, setting out her apples and cheese. She munches away, happily unaware of the drama happening in her life. God, you hope Namjoon chooses to at least want to see Faith. This little girl would be so blessed to have a father like him. 
Your phone vibrates, and you take the chance to look at it, quirking an eyebrow when you see that it’s from Keisha’s Instagram. She’d followed you last week, no doubt to try and keep tabs on you, and you’d followed her right back to show you weren’t afraid. You don’t know why you bothered to check the update right now other than morbid curiosity. It was probably just yet another selfie that was 75% boob. 
The picture is of her in a familiar looking bed, the sheets drawn up to just barely cover her, but low enough to tell she wasn’t wearing anything under it. She was grinning smugly into the camera. You inhaled sharply when you realized that she wasn’t alone. It was just the back of him, but there was Namjoon. He was shirtless and turned away from her, most likely asleep, but the implications were clear. And by Keisha’s expression and the fact that she posted such a photo publicly, she wanted you to see it. 
Message received. 
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The rest of your day went by in somewhat of a blur. You finished work and drove home. Took the dog for a walk around the complex. Fed and bathed Faith. Got her to bed and asleep with minimal fuss. When everything else was done you sprawled across the couch and stared at the television. You couldn’t focus enough to watch anything, but it was better than silence. Snoop jumped up and settled between your legs, staring up at you with a gaze that suspiciously looked like sympathy. Great, even the dog knew you sucked. 
Just as you’re about to give in to your exhaustion and doze off, a knock sounded at your door. The pattern was familiar, and you couldn’t help a quick fond smile over how music was so ingrained into his soul even his knocking was a catchy beat. You release a tense breath before unlocking the door and open it to reveal a very rumpled looking Namjoon. 
“Hi. You wanna come in?”
“Sure. Cool.”
You open the door wider to allow him to come inside, cringing inwardly at the awkward beginning. Still, at least he was here. 
Snoop made his presence known, jumping all over Namjoon and knocking him over onto the couch. 
“Hey there, little man. Jesus, you’ve gotten a little chubby, huh? Mom’s been feeding you well?” Namjoon chuckled as Snoop rolled onto his back and demanded belly rubs on his admittedly bigger than usual tummy. Although that could be blamed on Faith, who thought it was hilarious to throw her lunch on the ground for him to eat. 
Namjoon sighed, patting Snoop one last time before turning to you. 
“Is she asleep?” 
“Yeah. I try to have her in bed by eight every night.”
He nods, looking nervously at his hands. 
“That’s good. I’d like to see her, but this makes it easier to...talk.” Namjoon ruffles his hair and sinks into the couch a bit. “I don’t even know where to start.” 
“I can at least start by saying sorry. I know it can’t erase anything, but I truly am sorry. I made a decision that affected you without your knowledge, and that was wrong of me. I shouldn’t have let my fears of what might happen influence me.”
You plop onto the other side of Snoop, grateful for the little buffer to help calm your nerves. Namjoon thinly smiles at you before nodding. 
“Thank you. I’m still hurt, and it’s probably going to be hard for me to trust you like I used to, at least for a while. But, I had a lot of time to think this past week, and I think I understand your reasoning. I don’t think that would have happened with us, though. You were my whole world, and you having my child would have made me the happiest person alive. It would have just motivated me to work harder. I’m probably always going to be a little upset with you for the time I lost with her, I’m not going to lie, but I think we can move past this. I want to try.” 
Your stare at Namjoon in shock, hope trying desperately to fight its way into your heart. 
“What do you mean?” 
“I’m mean I’m as in as I ever was. I want you, all of you. I want to marry you and be a father to my child. Maybe give you a few more.” 
You blush wildly, the image everything you’d ever dreamed. But...
“What about...I thought you’d gotten back with Keisha?”
“Oh, you mean that picture? Naw, she got someone to give her a key to my hotel room and posed while I was asleep. Creepy as hell. Told her that too. And now thanks to Trey, I don’t have to deal with her at all anymore.” 
“How so?” 
“Trey was getting ready to release his debut album. He’s really talented, and I’m really excited for him. Apparently, he offered to give her a verse and let her be in his MV. She dropped me so fast it was hilarious. She got off the phone with him and said, “Sorry, Nam Nams. This could be it for me, you know. It’s been real.” Then she just waltzed off. I mean, I knew she didn’t have any actual feelings for me, so it’s not that much of a surprise. I’m just sorry for Trey because now his debut’s success is reliant on her not fucking up.” 
“So, just like that? She’s gone? Seems...I don’t know. A little anticlimactic,” you frown. The woman you’d met seemed like she’d fight until the end. 
“Babe, this is real life, not the movies. Did you expect her to melt after throwing water on her? Or, what was that one lifetime movie you made me watch? The sister drugged the husband until she was knocked up or something and then she tried to kill the wife?” Namjoon chuckled, looking at you fondly. 
“Yeah, okay. I got it,” you roll your eyes, before taking a deep breath as you felt some of your burdens fall right off your shoulders. That was at least one worry done. It still seemed too good to be true, but maybe Namjoon was right, and you just watched too much damn television. 
“She went where there was the most chance for her to get famous. That’s all I was for her, and I knew that.” Namjoon shrugged. 
The silence that followed was pleasant now, comfortable. Snoop reveled in the attention as the two of you pet him while you collected your thoughts. 
“So what now?” Namjoon finally asked softly. You glance up and meet his eyes, eyes that were surprisingly full of hope and want. God, you did not deserve this man. 
“I think that should be up to you. I’m the one that messed up here, so I will take whatever you can give,” you tell him hesitantly. You wanted to tell him you wanted everything, all of it, your entire soul belonged to him. But you’d lost the right to demand anything. You’d happily do whatever he wanted. 
“We’ll take it slow at first then? Date a little, get to know Faith. I still have a couple weeks here that we can use to figure things out. I’d like to eventually let my family meet Faith. I kinda already blurted out her existence to them the other day. They are excited about her.”
“That sounds reasonable,” you nod. Fuck, his family probably hated you now. It was such a shame because you adored them. 
“So...how much touching is allowed when one is taking it slow?”
You gape at Namjoon, surprised to find him wearing that look. The look that was so filled with dark promise and love. You wanted to weep because you’d thought you’d never see it again. 
“Once again, up to you,” you responded, your voice thick with unshed tears. 
“Cool. Get your ass over here and cuddle me then,” Namjoon smirked and gently pushed Snoop off the couch, hauling you closer so you were draped on top of him. He wrapped his arms around you, practically crushing you to his chest. The both of you released contented sighs as you just relaxed and enjoyed each other, watching the television silently. 
“Are you staying the night?” You finally ask after about a half hour, knowing you needed to ask now as you were dangerously close to falling asleep. 
“If that’s alright. I’d like to meet Faith in the morning.” 
“That sounds good. Cuddle in the bed then? I’m too old to sleep on the couch.” 
“Yeah,” Namjoon says quietly, but with a little soft smile that showed off one of his dimples. 
You jump up and hold your hand out to him, pulling him into the room and the exact bed that you’d once shared. His snores soon brought you the best nights sleep you’d had in that bed since he’d left.
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You were finally awakened when the sun was hitting you right in the face. That struck you as odd for a moment, but you couldn’t remember why. 
You kept your eyes closed but slowly sat up, stretching your arms and arching your back. You managed to crack your eyes open a bit and looked around, your mind finally starting to catch up with you. 
The sun in your face was weird because it had been so long since Faith had let you sleep past six. It was always dark when you started your day. Which led to you realizing that Faith was not in her crib and you didn’t hear her. 
Namjoon wasn’t in your bed either. 
You shot up and jogged out of the bedroom in a panic, not really sure what it was you feared yet, only to freeze once the dining room comes into view. 
Faith is in her high chair, giggling and covered in different colored globs of food. Namjoon is sitting in front of her, also covered in food, but making up some rap about the wonders of fruits that she seems to enjoy enough to open her mouth for another bite. 
“Good morning,” you snort as you grab some wipes out of the nearby diaper bag and stalk towards the pair. 
Namjoon is absolutely beaming as he smiles at you, and Faith smacks her lips in demand for a kiss, which you give her after wiping her face a bit. 
“Morning, babe. She woke up a few hours ago, and I wanted to let you sleep in. I think she likes me. Aside from our battle to figure out what baby food she likes. Which, we decided that the peas suck.”
You laugh and eyeball the chucks of hardening green stuff all over his shirt. 
“I can see that. You have to trick her. Give her a toy to distract her then shove a spoonful in there.”
“That’s sneaky but smart.” Namjoon chuckles then waves another spoonful of applesauce towards Faith, who accepts it without a fight.
“She also let me change her diaper. I think I put it on wrong, but so far she doesn’t seem to mind. Wasn’t as gross as I thought it would be.” Namjoon bounced happily as he told you all of his accomplishments. You sneak a peek towards Faith’s seat, and sure enough, the diaper is on backward. 
You snort and bump him with your hip. “You wanna see gross, you should have seen her newborn diapers. I thought I’d killed her when black stuff came out of her. Didn’t read about that happening beforehand,” Namjoon’s look of horror made you giggle, and you walked towards the kitchen to start your coffee. 
That was already made. And also surrounded by four open containers of baby food, obviously rejected.
You shake your head fondly and make yourself a cup before leaning with your back against the counter, watching the two.
You wanted to cry because it was so perfect. Namjoon was so very happy just being able to do something as simple as feed his daughter, so proud of himself. He was so good with her and she seemed to like him just as much. That you’d nearly messed things up so much that you would have never gotten see how cute they were together made you want to sob.  
“She’s probably going to need a bath because we both have peas and weird pasta stuff dripping off of us. I can take care of it if you want? I promise not to break her,” Namjoon asks earnestly, watching you with big eyes as Faith further dirties herself with the unattended spoon of applesauce. 
You laugh and wave him towards the bathroom. 
“Have at it, handsome. I’ll make breakfast. Waffles okay?” 
“Yeah, that sounds great.” 
Namjoon picks up Faith and comes over to kiss your cheek. The vision of two adorable dimpled smiles shining down on you with happiness fills your heart with joy. 
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imaginetonyandbucky · 7 years
Yay! Prompts are open!! Alpha Bucky and omega Tony au where traditional courting means that gifts are anonymously presented but the suitor will be rejected if three gifts are deemed unsuitable by the omega. Cue Bucky panicking because Stark has already rejected two of his gifts.
A/N: I hope this is what you’re looking for, anon. I went for angst, here. I also really love Nat being BFFs with Tony and/or Bucky and being protective of her idiot boys. Please ignore the gaping plot holes that a) Tony doesn't figure out it's one of the Avengers by virtue of security keeping other people from their floor b) Bucky could use the internet to look up modern courtship rituals. Or things about Tony. Sorry about the continually switching POV, I need to work on that.
Perfect Infinite Moments
Tony opened the first gift and stiffened. A gun? Who would be so tasteless? So... He swallowed. He left the gift where it was, an uncomfortable leaden weight in his stomach. He would never be that person again.
Bucky watched as the omega looked like he would throw up. He wanted to throw up. What had gone wrong? Maybe things were very different now? In the 40s, giving an omega a weapon was telling them that you trusted them not to hurt you, and that you believed they could take care of themselves. At least, that was what it was supposed to mean. There were a lot of traditional gifts to choose from, and not a lot of alphas picked that one, uncomfortable with the thought of a weapon in their omega’s hands. Bucky, though, he thought it was a beautiful gift.
It was especially important to him now that Tony know that Bucky knew he could protect himself, especially from Bucky. He still had some violent nightmares, and the Winter Solider was always a potential problem.
Dejected, he walked away. He would do better.
Tony had never been properly courted before. Sure, there had been trinkets and jewelry and small presents from alphas and betas that he had been dating, but no one had ever courted him. He knew the process, of course, everyone did. Three anonymous presents. Three chances for the alpha to prove themselves a worthy mate without preconceptions about the person coloring the gifts.
He had hoped-
Well, he was an old, worn-out omega. Maybe he wasn't worth the effort.
Sighing, he shoved the thought away and pulled up a project. Bucky’s body armor needed upgrading.
It had taken the better part of two weeks but Bucky had finally decided on a second gift. Carefully wrapping it up, he enlisted JARVIS to get the second present in the kitchen right before the genius omega would enter. Crossing his fingers, he waited, unseen. This would be a much better gift.
When all the blood drained out of Tony’s face, a panicked scent coming from him, he knew he had fucked up again.
(Watch out for the break!)
Tony looked at the gift in surprise. A second gift? Who would go to the effort after he had turned them down the first time? Setting his coffee cup down, he carefully opened the present.
When he caught sight of what was inside the box, he could feel the blood drain from his face. A camera.
Hazy memories of people asking him if they could take pictures, recordings. No he had said. No no no.
The next day the recordings were on the internet. He had faked a smile and owned it. What other choice did he have?
But a camera as a gift? There might be another reason for it but his panicking mind wouldn’t latch onto anything but that. Hurriedly, he slammed the flaps of the box shut with shaking hands and very deliberately picked up his coffee mug. Refilling it, he walked out the door directly to his workshop.
“What did I do wrong?” He flopped down into the couch dramatically.
Natasha paused the TV. “With your courting presents?”
Bucky looked up, startled. “How did you know?”
Natasha gave him a smug look.
“What did you get him?”
Bucky rolled over into his back and laid his head on the other alpha’s thigh. “I got him a camera!”
Natasha hummed, thinking about what she knew about the genius, idly petting Bucky’s head.
JARVIS interrupted. “If I may, Miss Romanov, Mr. Barnes.” He sounded a little colder than normal.
Bucky made a gesture with his hand.
“There were recordings of a sexual nature released to the media without his consent.”
Bucky sat up straight, dislodging her hand. “What?”
Natasha closed her eyes. Of course. How could she have forgotten that? It had caused a huge media scandal, but Tony had come out of it smelling like roses.
Sometimes the innocent scent covered darker things, though.
Bucky’s voice dropped an octave. “What?”
Natasha rounded on him. “If you're thinking of giving up-”
“I want to kill those people!” Bucky said, dangerously.
Paradoxically, Natasha relaxed, urging him to lay back down. “They are.”
“Are what?” Resisting, Bucky peered at Natasha. His eyes were nearly black with rage, and it the angry scent was pouring off him.
“Dead.” JARVIS said. His voice was much warmer than it had been before, but still angry. Bucky still marvelled every day that a computer program was so human. It was so... science fiction.
Bucky relaxed, the anger scent pulling back. Laying back down, he looked at the ceiling. “Is that what he thought, JARVIS?”
JARVIS hesitated. “He hasn't said so specifically.”
“So yes.”
Natasha deliberately projected a calming scent. It didn't work as well as a calming scent from an omega, but it helped calm Bucky down. She thought that the slightly proud tone from JARVIS when he had said ‘dead’ helped more. “What did you mean it to be?”
“Past, present, and future.”
Natasha sighed noisily. “Of course you did, you moron.”
Natasha patted Bucky’s head. “So what else did you get him?”
Bucky closed his eyes. “A gun.”
Natasha shoved Bucky into a sitting position. “A gun?” she sounded frantic. Natasha never sounded frantic. Not even facing down hundreds of murderous aliens and a nuclear bomb.
Bucky frowned, very confused. “Yes?”
Natasha took a deep breath. “You gave Tony Stark, the person who was called the Merchant of Death for years, who spent three months in a cave being tortured in an attempt to coerce him to make weapons, the person whose godfather tried to have him assassinated in that cave and then tried to steal his company from him for shutting down the weapons manufacturing, you gave that man a gun?” Natasha’s voice rose higher and higher with every word.
Bucky couldn't breathe. “I did what?” his voice was so weak she could barely hear him. The words ‘assassination’ and ‘tortured’ and ‘merchant of death’ ringing in his ears.
“You idiot.” She started cursing in Russian, and a few other languages.
He didn't understand the magnitude of how much he fucked up, but Natasha’s anger clued him in that it was a lot. “Just kill me,” he begged.
“That can be arranged,” she said darkly. “You absolute idiot,” she continued. “What are you going to do?”
“Do? I'm going to throw myself on his mercy that's what I'm going to do!”
“Absolutely not!”
Surprised by her vehemence, he looked up at her. “I'm not?”
“No. You’re going to finish out the courtship, and if he declines then you throw yourself on his mercy.”
Squeezing his eyes shut, he prayed for a lightning bolt to strike him dead. “Then what am I going to do?”
“You're going to give him an amazing gift. And it's going to be both a final courtship offer and an apology.” Sighing, she settled back down, tired. Even a minor alpha rage tired her out. These boys, they were so stupid. “What did you mean the gun to be?”
Bucky colored. “In... you know. The forties-”
“Oh Bucky.”
“Yeah I gathered it was a bad idea!” He snapped. “Sorry, just. Courting has changed so much.”
Natasha made a ‘go on’ gesture, a kernel of sympathy warring with her annoyance.
“It meant that I trusted them, to take care of themselves, that they didn't need me but chose me and allowed me to protect them. It..seemed fitting. He’s Iron Man. He can kick anyone’s ass, he's doesn't need an alpha to stand in front of him, but if he had accepted, he was allowing me to. At least, sometimes.”
It was sweet, Natasha thought. His gifts were well-thought out - for anyone but Tony Stark and his mountain of issues.
“Make him food.” She decided. She would see these two idiot boys together if it was the last thing she did.
“Show him that you don't expect him to change anything about himself. He's afraid that an alpha would demand him to be a stereotypical omega. Barefoot, pregnant, staying behind and tending home. Make him a home-cooked meal.” She repeated. “Clean something for him. Unobtrusively. Get JARVIS to help you.”
“Having listened to this conversation, I would be more than happy to allow Mr. Barnes to further his courtship. I cannot promise him entrance to Sir’s private rooms but I can direct you to things that Sir might leave a mess and would have to clean up later,” JARVIS replied promptly.
“I'm so sorry, JARVIS.”
“I understand,” JARVIS said gently.
“Can I ask you a question?”
“What... what meal or meals would he like?”
“Sir does not have particularly strong favorites. He does, however, has a fondness for pasta, of course, and chicken dishes.”
“Mint,” JARVIS replied.
Bucky shoved himself to his feet. “Well, I guess I'll go look up some recipes. And extravagant apology speeches.” He paused before leaving the room, and kissed Natasha on the head. “Thanks, Tasha.”
“Anytime. I love you both.” She gripped his hand. “Don't break his heart.”
Buck gave her hand a squeeze. “I'd rather rip mine out.”
Tony found a plate of chicken alfredo on his work table. He looked at it, a little confused, before shrugging. He was hungry. Taking a first bite, he almost cried. It was entirely homemade, sauce and pasta. He favored every bite, ignoring the to-do list behind him. Amazing pasta deserved his attention, even mysteriously appearing delicious pasta.
Three days later he trudged up to the library, intending to re-shelve the many books he had pulled out haphazardly yesterday and left strewn about. He was fairly certain there were pens and paper and small electronic components left around the books as well. He stopped dead in the door to the library. There were no books on the floor, and all the papers, pens, and components were neatly organized on the small table. “JARVIS?”
“Am I hallucinating? Didn't I leave a mess here yesterday?”
“You did, yes Sir.”
Narrowing his eyes, he looked around the room as if someone was going to jump out and yell ‘gotcha’, but no one did. The scents in the room were a pleasing mix of all the Avengers, and he couldn't tell who had cleaned up after him. Gathering up the paper and electronics, he took them back downstairs to his workshop.
Over the next few weeks, he had been plied with several home-cooked meals, and had gone to clean up a mess he had made four times only to find the area as neat as a pin.
He wasn't sure what was going on.
Then he saw the wrapped box. His stomach knotted, especially after the past two offers.
He approached it as if it were a bomb, and carefully opened it. He wasn't sure if he was dreading this or pleased his suitor had continued on.
The box was very light. When he opened it, there was a single sheet of paper in it.
I want you exactly as you are. I don't need you to change anything about yourself. I trust you, and I want a past, present, and future with you.
The meals and cleaning up after him made so much more sense now.
A note was cheating, bending the rules a little bit, but when had Tony Stark ever listened to the rules?
Of course, people said that he didn't need to change and then had to deal with the full force of his personality, but it was a nice sentiment.
But... those other gifts. Rationally, he thought the camera most likely had nothing to do with the sex tapes. The gun, though, he couldn't think of a single reason as to why his anonymous suitor would have gifted him that.
Sighing, he looked at the sheet of paper again. I want you exactly as you are. Maybe he was naive, but that was just what he wanted. Someone who didn't want him to change.
He took the letter with him.
Tony closed the box, and wrapped it. “What do you think, JARVIS?”
“I think they'll be pleased, Sir.”
Suspicious, he shook a finger. “You know who they are!”
“Of course, Sir.”
Tony laughed. “Well, you haven't murdered them, so I guess that's a point in their column.” He looked back down at the wrapped box. “Well, let's go.”
He took the box up to the kitchen, and set it on the counter. He fidgeted around, opening doors and drawers, before finally making himself coffee and settling into the living room to not watch the movie playing on the TV.
There was a box in the kitchen. For him. He took a deep breath, then another.
Quietly, he picked it up and opened it. There was an Iron Man helmet in the box.
“That's who I am,” said a quiet voice behind him.
Bucky whirled, his heart pounding. He hadn't heard or smelled Tony come up behind him.
“I know.”
Those dark eyes regarded him. “Do you?”
Tony watched him for a long time before finally speaking again. “The camera?”
“Past, present, and future,” Bucky replied promptly.
Tony nodded, but his eyes were still guarded. His scent was still wary. “And the gun.” It wasn’t a question.
Bucky winced. “I'm sorry.”
“In the- it's was meant to-” frustrated, Bucky shoved a hand through his hair. “That I trust you. You don't need me, you're choosing me. I didn't know, I'm so sorry.”
Tony’s scent relaxed a little bit, but he still looked wary.
Bucky wanted to cross the room and gather him into a hug, but didn't know if he would be welcome. “I'm so, so sorry,” he stressed. “I would never.”
Tony nodded, his posture relaxing finally. “You couldn't have known. I mean, you could have, maybe, but not really.”
“Still, I hurt you.” It was like a stone in his gut.
It was Tony who crossed the room to Bucky. He took Bucky’s hand.
“Yes, but you apologized. It's alright,” the omega said soothingly. “We’ll have to talk more, but it's okay, Bucky.” He gestured toward the box. “I accept, if you couldn't tell.”
A burst of warmth filled Bucky’s stomach. “Even though I fucked up big time..”
Tony’s smile filled his face. “We all fuck up. What matters is that we make up for it and continue working forward.”
There was a moment of hesitation, then Bucky swayed forward. “I'm going to kiss you. Is that okay?”
The scent of happy omega and happy alpha filled the room. This was only the beginning, a fragile beginning, but for right now, for this infinite moment, they were both perfectly happy.
Natasha walked into the room then turned right back around. Normally she would tease the kissing couple, but it was too early in their relationship for that. She would go bother Clint for coffee.
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Bucky Barnes x Reader
Word Count: ~2500
Summary: Bucky’s POV; It’s been nearly thirty years since you were separated from the man you called Зима, Zima, Winter. He was made to forget you, and he never knew why. What had the two of you done wrong? Now that he’s found you again... well...
Warnings: Angst, Fluff-ish
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Her hand so small in mine. Her skin is warm and soft and just as I remember. The slow rise and fall of her chest should bring me comfort. I suppose it would if she didn’t also have a tube down her throat. They tell me she’ll be fine, that she’ll wake up in time, but there’s no way to know how long it’ll take. There’s no sound in the room aside from the beeping of the machines and the pumping ventilator.
“Soldat, this is (Y/N).”
I remember the fear in her eyes, and at the time I thought it was me she was afraid of.
“We’re giving her to you.”
It was like they were giving me a pet. They made me responsible for her, gave me freedom I didn’t have before her. She was a soft light through the darkness.
“Come on, Зима. Please?”
“You have to stay here.”
“But I can help.”
“You’re not ready to be in the field. Maybe next time.”
“As long as you promise to stay out of trouble while I’m gone.”
“I promise.”
She smiled, her eyes bright with hope. I should have taken her with me. Maybe she would have been okay.
A soft knock on the door pulls me out of my silent reverie. Steve comes in, sympathy clear in his face.
“It’s been two days, Buck.”
“I’ll wait here for two weeks if I have to.”
He sighs, picking up a chair and setting it down beside me for taking a seat.
“Who is she?” he asks.
“She was my everything when I had nothing. I didn’t know what to think of her when they gave her to me. I trained her, taught her everything I knew. At first, it was like a having pet or a child. I wasn’t supposed to fall in love with her.”
“So what happened?”
“I left on a mission. She asked to come with me, but I told her she needed to stay, made her promise to stay out of trouble. All I wanted to do was protect her. Everything was fine until I started asking for her. They put me in that chair, strapped me down.” I caress the back of her hand with my thumb, “When they brought her out, she had a black eye. Her face was swollen. She had no fight left in her when they sat her across from me. They wiped me in front of her. I can still hear her begging them to not to do it. She blamed herself.” When I finally look at him, I find him staring at her face with a complex expression twisting his features, “They put me back under, and when I woke up she was gone, not that it mattered. I mean, my memory of her was gone until a couple of years ago. Even then, I thought she was dead.” I turn my attention back to her, giving her hand a gentle squeeze, “I just want her to wake up. I want to make things right.”
“I won’t ask you to leave her, but I did bring you a change of clothes and some other stuff I thought you might need.”
I smile, patting his back with my free hand, “Thanks, pal.”
“Go change.” He says, gesturing to the small duffel bag by the door, “I’ll keep an eye on her.”
I nod, standing and taking up the bag from the floor. Even though I know the odds of her waking up while I’m gone are slim to none, I still hesitate at the door. I spare one more glance to her sleeping face before finally leaving the room.
After a week, we arranged for a cot to be put her room. Every night, Steve spends about thirty minutes with her while I get cleaned up.
After a month, it seems like everyone around me is starting to give up hope. I can’t give on her.
I need to know what she remembers. I need to know what they told her. I need her to know that what happened was not her fault. Above everything, I need her to know that I loved her, that I love her.
The heart monitor begins to scream as her heart rate proceeds to climb. My first thought is that I’m losing her. I stand at her side, leaning down so that my lips are beside her ear, and I beg her not to leave me. Then her eyes open and she’s gasping around the ventilator tube. I try to keep her calm as doctors and nurses flood the room.
Even though she’s looking at me, I’m not sure she’s actually seeing me. Her eyes stay on me as I’m pushed from the room.
It’s been a week, and they still won’t let me see her.
A meeting’s been called. Everyone sits in their usual seats around the large conference table. Bruce is the last to join us as he’s accompanying Helen; they’ve both taken responsibility for (Y/N)’s care. She gives Steve a small stack of files. He takes one and sends the rest around the table. I’m the last to get one; (Y/N)’s name is printed on the edge.
“The files you’ve been given contain everything I’m about to show you along with the transcripts over every evaluation she’s undergone in the last two days and the results of all medical exams.”
Natasha picks up the tablet that sits on the table in front of her and taps a few buttons before a projection comes up at the front of the room. (Y/N)’s picture takes up half the screen while the other half is dominated by her information.
“Everyone, I’d like you to meet (Y/N) (Y/M/N) (Y/L/N). Born in a military hospital in Spain on _____, 1969. Biologically, she’s 47, physically 22. (Hair Color). (Eye Color). (Height) inches tall and weighing approximately (Weight) pounds.” The slide changes to a picture of the facility she was recovered from. “A month and a half ago, she was found in a state of cryogenic sleep in this HYDRA facility in France. After comparing her blood to that of both Captain Rogers and Sergeant Barnes, it is apparent that she has a trace amount of the altered serum in her system. FRIDAY, the light please.” The room darkens as the image on the screen shifts, “This is the first interview, conducted a few hours after she first woke up. Her voice is soft and little hoarse. Refer to transcript number one if necessary.”
The video starts, the camera focused on (Y/N)’s face.
“Do you know your name?”
She nods. “(Y/N).”
“My name is Natasha. I just need to ask you a few questions. Is that okay?”
(Y/N) nods again.
“Do you know where you are?”
“They tell me I’m in New York.”
“That’s right. What can you tell me about yourself?”
(Y/N) shakes her head and shrugs her shoulders.
“It’s okay if you don’t remember. (Y/N), I want to show you some pictures. Would that be okay?”
“What kind of pictures?”
“Scenery. People. Some things that might help jog your memory.”
The first picture is shown to the camera – a snowy scene with the Siberian facility in the distance – before being passed to (Y/N).
“Do you know what you’re looking at?”
“Siberia. The building looks familiar.”
“Good. How about this one?”
It’s a wide-shot of the inside of the facility. (Y/N) visibly flinches as she takes the picture. She stares at it in silence for a moment before turning it face down on the bed.
“And this one?”
It’s an image of the chair, the very thing that played a part in our separation.
“I remember.”
Her voice has fallen to a whisper, fear and recognition clear on her face.
“Okay. Do you know this man?”
Even I don’t remember his name, but I know he was there. He was always there. (Y/N) looks confused as she shakes her head.
“And this one?”
Fear takes her over again, and she refuses to even touch the picture. The beeping of her heart monitor begins to speed up as does the rise and fall of her chest.
“Okay.” Natasha tears the picture in half and tosses it to the floor, “Take a deep breath. It’s okay.” (Y/N) nods, tears now filling her eyes, “Just two more.”
It’s me, but it’s a recent picture.
“He was there when I woke up.”
“He was. Okay. Last one.”
It’s a picture of me as the soldier, as the man she called…
“Зима. Winter.” She snatches the picture from Natasha’s hands and holds it tight, “He’s alive. He was here.”
“He is here.”
“Can I see him?”
“Not yet but you will soon. I promise.”
“Can I keep these?”
(Y/N) picks up the other picture of me and sets it atop the first.
“Of course.”
The screen goes black, and the lights come back up.
“As you can see, recalled quite a bit more than expected. She was given some time to rest after this and he physical evaluation was complete. She’s completely healthy, and her mind is recovering quickly. The second interview, conducted two days later, covers the circumstances of her capture as well as her connection to the Winter Soldier.”
(Y/N)’s sitting cross-legged on her hospital bed across from Natasha. They’re playing some kind of card game.
“How are you feeling today?”
“I’m okay.”
“You certainly sound better.”
“They say my throat is almost healed.”
“Do you mind answering some more questions for me?”
(Y/N) looks up at Natasha, “What kind of questions?”
“About your relationship with Winter and the circumstances of your capture.”
(Y/N) bites her lip and fiddles with the cards in her hands before nodding, “Okay.”
“Let’s start with how you ended up with HYDRA.”
“I had just started a new job as a secretary for some tech company. It was early 1989; I was almost twenty. I left work late one night. The last thing I remember before waking up in that place was walking into my apartment.” She seems lost in thought, her gaze distant as she continues her story, “During my first year there, Vasily took care of me.”
“Vasily Karpov?”
“And when you say he took care of you, what do you mean?”
“Looking back, I guess you could say it resembled the way a father cares for his child. Oddly enough, he made me feel safe.”
“How did you come to meet Winter?”
“Vasily gave me to him.”
“Gave you to him?”
“He told me that it was so I could be trained, but Winter took over my care after that. At first, he was like a brother to me, but by the end of that first year…”
“It was more than that, wasn’t it?”
(Y/N) shrugs, “I loved him. The day we were separated was the hardest day of my life.”
“Tell me about that.”
“He’d gone on a mission. I wanted to go with him. I thought I was ready, but he didn’t so he told me to stay. He made me promise to stay out of trouble while he was gone, but once he was gone, Vasily had me tortured.”
“Do you know why?”
“He said the Soldier was too attached, that he needed to learn a lesson. He just never explained what that lesson was. They sat us across from each other.” She wipes at the tears that fall slowly down her cheeks, “They turned on that machine. I tried everything to make them stop. I told them it was my fault. Vasily agreed, but he said that hearing Winter’s screams while they erased me from his memory was my punishment.”
“Do you remember anything else after that?”
“Only a sharp pain in my neck. Then I woke up in this bed.”
Natasha nods her head and sets her hand of cards down, “Thank you, (Y/N), for confiding in me. I know it must be difficult to talk about all of this.”
“You have kind eyes, and…” (Y/N) meets Natasha’s gaze steadily and smiles, “I trust you.”
The screen goes black once again, and Natasha turns to look at me. Everyone else’s gazes follow.
“Bucky,” she says, “I’m hoping you can fill in the blanks.”
“There’s nothing to tell. She was taken away from me in every way possible. I only started to remember her a couple of years ago; even then, I never expected her to still be alive.”
“Is there anything else?” Steve asks, breaking the tense silence that’s formed.
“One more video, taken when she sent for me yesterday.”
The video starts as she speaks.
“I was told you wanted to see me.”
“You know, I’ve spent the last couple of days staring at these pictures. While my head understands that they’re the same person, I truly only recognize one of them.” (Y/N) picks up the image of the Winter Soldier, “I know him, but that’s not him anymore. Is it? Does this new version of him not want to see me? Is that why everyone keeps saying that I can’t see him?”
Natasha, in an attempt to keep (Y/N)’s gaze on her, takes (Y/N)’s face in her hands as she begins to cry.
“He has been here every day trying to get in here. He gets the same answers as you.”
“I just want to see him before I forget again. I don’t want to forget. I don’t want to be forgotten.”
She begins sobbing, and Natasha pulls her into her arms, “Tomorrow. I don’t care what anyone says.”
The room is silent as the video ends. My left hand is fisted against my knee. My eyes zero in on the image on her attached to the open file that sits in front of me.
I look up at Steve when he calls my name.
“Go.” He says with a nod of his head.
Before anyone can say anything else, I’m on my feet and moving as fast as I can to the medical floor, opting for the stairs over the elevator. Several people shout at me to stop, telling me that I can’t go into her room. I nearly knock a hole in the wall as I shove the door open.
She watches me with weary eyes as I close the space between us. She rises to her knees at the edge of the bed, cautiously reaching her hands up to touch my face.
“Зима…” she whispers.
“Everyone calls me Bucky now.”
She smiles, “Bucky. That’s going to take some getting used to.”
“We’ve got time.” I reply, tucking her hair gently behind her ear, “I never thought I’d see you again.”
“I never thought you’d remember me.”
“But I did, and I swear I’m never going to forget you again.”
I hold her face between my hands, my thumb dangerously close to her lips. Her hands move to rest against the sides of my neck in the moment before she raises those lips to meet mine.
A/N: Hey guys! Do you think this needs a second part? Cause it might get one. I haven’t decided yet.
Update: It got a second part... and will get a third... and however many parts I need to give this a satisfying ending.
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birlcholtz · 8 years
sin bin schematics
for @queercamilla | ao3 | part of the zimbits airport au | 1.3k
“Mashkov,” Lardo says, extending her hand in greeting.
“Duan,” Tater replies, shaking it. “I like your sunglasses.”
“Thanks. They’re mandatory for members of the Samwell High Court during trials. Ransom and Holster have them too. So do Dex and Chowder. I have a pair for you too.” The sunglasses she hands to Tater are fairly simple, exactly the same as hers, and they were only like two bucks. (And got paid for with Sin Bin money.)
“You have trials?” Tater asks, putting on his new sunglasses.
“Only for multiple offenses over a short period of time. We used to have more of them when we didn’t have the Portable Sin Bin, since we couldn’t bring the usual one with us on roadies and had to tally up all the fines for when we got back. Now we only need to hold trials when all the Sin Bins are full and nobody can find a Ziploc bag to use. Or when we just ran out of Ziploc bags. Like now.”
“We probably could find, but I want to try the trial.”
“You don't have those in the NHL?”
“No. Always bring Sin Bin with us on roadies, no point.”
“Isn't it really bulky, though?”
“I carry, is no problem.”
“Yeah, I've never carried our Sin Bin beyond the bare minimum.”
“Make team carry it for you?”
“Makes sense. You fine teammates how much for taking last slice of pizza without asking?”
“Oh, pizza was never much of an issue for us, but we would fine the shit out of people for doing that with pie.”
“Bitty’s pie?”
“Yeah, there were a few brawls over the last pieces. There still are, particularly whenever Bitty makes blueberry pie. Dex and Holster always fight over it.”
“How much do you fine for pie fighting?”
“Five bucks per person. Eight if it's blueberry.”
Tater laughs. “This is not big fine for Falconers.”
“Well, yeah, you all get your NHL salaries, while we were all broke college students when we set the amounts of the fines. Besides, the number of times that people fight over pie is actually ridiculous. Dex got fined almost a hundred dollars one semester just for pie, but Nursey offered to pay pie fines for him in the future, which I think was why Dex started limiting the amount of times he got into pie fights.”
“So Nursey does not have to pay much?”
“No, Dex refused, I think it was so Nursey wouldn’t offer again.”
“Ah. I... think I understand?”
“Their dynamic is confusing.”
“Um, excuse me,” Chowder says. He’s wearing his High Court Sunglasses as well, as is Dex. Ransom and Holster aren’t, but they’re not on High Court duty tonight. “Aren’t we supposed to be having a trial right now?”
“Right, right,” Lardo says. She sets down her champagne flute, the better to seem menacing. “So, let’s see. How many fines did we tally up before the ball dropped in Times Square?”
“Fifty-seven,” Dex says.
“How many after?”
“Fourteen,” Tater says.
“How many of these due to Jack Zimmermann and Eric Bittle?”
“Not all of them!” Bitty says.
“True. Dex, please read off the list of charges.”
“We have adjusted fines for whether you are on Falconers or Samwell team,” Tater adds. “No eighty-dollar fines for college students.”
Dex starts going down the bullet-pointed list, which they had been contributing to in a Google doc and only printed out for the purpose of the trial. “By the way, these aren’t in order of when they happened, since we all just added them to the document wherever we could. Here goes. Snowy, staring at phone and texting with mushy smile on face for over an hour, thirty dollars. Chowder and Farmer, kissing one second before midnight instead of exactly at midnight, five dollars each. Holster, singing Auld Lang Syne obnoxiously loudly, ten dollars. Nursey, singing Auld Lang Syne obnoxiously off-key, fifteen dollars. Dex, staring at— hold it, what?”
Chowder takes the paper. “I wrote this one down,” he says by way of explanation. “Dex, staring at Nursey singing Auld Lang Syne with an obnoxiously fond expression on his face, as opposed to the wincing that would be expected from Nursey’s singing, five dollars.” Then he hands the paper back to Dex, who rolls his eyes at Chowder before taking it and continuing. Nursey doesn’t react to the maligning of his singing voice.
“Farmer, use of a pet name for significant other in public, two dollars. Marty, letting the champagne roll around so it overflows when the bottle is opened, ten dollars. Marty, opening a bottle of champagne so that the cork hits the ceiling— which was ‘swawesome, by the way, which is why the fine is lower than usual— five dollars. Ransom and Holster, calling each other ‘bro’ for more than five sentences in a row, ten dollars each. Lardo, dropping the forks for the pie, two dollars. Tater, not drying off shoes on the welcome mat, ten dollars... And the rest are all because of Jack and Bitty.”
“That would be fifty-eight fines because of Jack and Bitty,” Lardo adds helpfully. “Even allowing for the fact that both of you get individual fines for one collaborative offense, that’s at least twenty-nine fineable offenses. How do you even do that?”
“We are getting lots of money from tonight,” Tater says. “For both Falconers and Samwell.”
“And that’s not even counting Jack and Bitty’s fines,” Lardo agrees.
“Jack and Bitty are being fined for sixteen counts of pet names, eight counts of being overly mushy where other people can hear them, four counts of PDA, and one count of disappearing for an unexplained twenty minutes while everyone else watched TV,” Dex reels off.
“Impressive,” Holster says admiringly. “When did you manage that?”
“I didn’t notice that,” Lardo says at the same time that Tater says, “When Anderson Cooper was wrapped in the shiny foil.”
“Do any of you have anything to say in your own defense?” Chowder asks the room at large. “That goes for all of us, by the way, not just Jack and Bitty. Personally, I don’t have anything to say in my own defense, but if anyone wants to argue that they’ve been unfairly fined, go for it. The floor is yours.”
There’s silence. People have tried to evade fines before, but that was before Chowder became part of the High Court of Samwell. Whatever sympathy he might have had for people getting fined excessively vanished once he became the one paying most of those excessive fines, so even if someone tries to argue with Chowder about their fine, he’ll shut them down before they can say ‘unfair.’ It’s very helpful when Lardo has to collect fines, so she always makes sure Chowder is on duty when there are trials.
“Well? What are you all waiting for? Pay up.” She starts everything off by putting her own two dollars into one of the two bowls that Bitty located in lieu of a Ziploc bag, the one labeled SAMWELL AND ALUMS. (The other one says FALCONERS AND RETIREES.) Lardo has no idea what the money in the Samwell bowl is going to, but she’s sure Dex will find a good use for it.
While everyone else lines up to pay their respective fines, and Dex corners Jack and Bitty to tell them exactly how much they each have to pay for their fines, Lardo and Tater refill their flutes of champagne and snag the best seats on the couch.
“When we were still at Samwell, the rest of the team used to say I was the head of the Samwell Mafia,” she says to Tater.
“I believe that,” he replies. “Falconers do not have a mafia, just me and whoever sees something that should be fined. We should work together. Keep an eye on each other’s teams for fines.”
“We’ll need some more Sin Bins.”
“Is no problem.”
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