wisdomfish · 1 year
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The prophet Daniel wrote, “the people who know their God shall prove themselves strong and shall stand firm and do great exploits; they shall prevail valiantly” (Dan_11:32). The backdrop for this splendid display of moral courage and social action was a time when deceit and flattery from political leaders had seduced the mindless masses into settling for a meaningless existence. That’s when the people of God shine the brightest – “blameless and harmless, the sons of God without rebuke, in the midst of a crooked and perverse nation, among whom you shine as lights in the world” (Php_2:15). ~ J.C. Ryle (ref. Php_2:15)
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wszczebrzyszynie · 1 year
for the weirdly specific asks, 8
8. What's an old project idea that you've lost interest in
ive had lots. usually they come back after a while; i need them to marinate in my head for a bit. First thing that comes to mind is Miłość, mleko i węgiel (love, milk and coal), a girls love story between a supernatural angel like being and her chosen pathetic girl of the town in 70s Polish Peoples Republic but i would have to rewatch madoka to get inspired and work on it again. have an older drawing from 2022
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absurdlakefront · 7 months
"Most successful people are just a walking anxiety disorder harnessed for productivity."
Andrew Wilkinson
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chernobog13 · 10 months
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Shintaro Katsu as Hanzo the Razor.
Hanzo was the star of a trilogy of films - Hanzo the Razor (1972); Hanzo the Razor: The Snare (1973); and Hanzo the Razor: Who's Got The Gold? (1974) - based on a manga created by Koike Kazuo, creator of Lone Wolf and Cub (among many others).
Hanzo was an Edo period Dirty Harry-style constable, who was incorruptible and had a strong sense of justice. He was endowed with what could be referred to as a fifth limb, which he utilized when "interrrogating" female suspects and criminals. Invariably, those women then fell deeply in love with Hanzo.
These are very much exploitation films, with the requisite bloodshed, violence, and misogyny. Hanzo is NOT cut from the same cloth as Zatoichi, Katsushin's most famous character, so Zatoichi fans should be aware of that if they wish to watch this trilogy. Definitely not for everyone, but definitely have to be seen to be believed.
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The book Sodor, Its People, History, and Railways claims that there are 80 engines working for the NWR, so is it true for this universe as well?
Hey, yeah I really need to count my locis cause wowie I have a lot of them and not sure if we’re counting privately owned companies like say the Ironworks or AW.Dry or even Crovan’s Gate but its safe to say I got more than 80 engines working here.
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higgsbosom · 5 months
man ppl are. stupid
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wutheringheightsfilm · 3 months
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i have been seeing this tweet all day long and while the information of what the supreme court has just done is important that last sentence really fucking pisses me off. this is not "just because one man became president in 2016" this is because the united states government has and will always be (unless it is destroyed) a genocidal imperialist capitalist project. the supreme court is working exactly how it's supposed to. the democrats have played their part in this just as equally as the republicans have because the only thing both parties care about is expolitation and profit. the supreme court is by definition rotten to the core when you have 9 people who are not elected by the people sitting there FOR LIFE deciding the fate of millions. all of this is happening under genocide joe a democrat president. LIKE
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theprettynosferatu · 7 months
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“I hate you so much”, she said. “I fucking despise you. You are the worst kind of person to ever blight this world and if I could, I would stomp you like the roach you are”. Her words were most certainly strong; however, they were somewhat undermined by her smile, by the sensual, almost dance-like movements of her body as she removed her top.
“I am well aware”, he said, reclining on the sofa.
“You have no idea. You fucking ruined my life, you piece of shit” she said before biting her lips in a perfect picture of lust. 
“And yet here you are. Again”
“You know damn well why I’m here, you monster”
He did. That was part of the charm of the whole affair. 
Her hatred for him had been long held, and nurtured lovingly for nearly a decade. In college, she took an instant dislike for his jokes and remarks, which she felt, rightly, to be sexist and dumb. As they matured politically, they found themselves staring at each other from opposite ends of the spectrum. As they entered professional life, her intelligence and skill propelled her well above him, a sin he could never overlook. It was an animosity as strong as true love, as enduring as the sun. And yet she looked at him with the tender eyes of a willing lover as she went to her knees.
It was true. She hated him. But she hated herself more. Or, more precisely, she hated how much her body adored him, how deeply it needed him. His… Every inch of her skin tingled in anticipation, and she realized how seductively she moved even despite her hardest efforts to stop it. It wasn’t her, she tried to remind herself. It was that damn… thing. Her breath came in short, panting bursts. Her eyes fixed on the bulge in his pants. She desperately wanted to blame some sort of mind control, of hypnosis, of strange, sci-fi implant in her brain for how pathetic she was being, and how delicious her pussy felt, eager with anticipation. Sadly, she knew better. She knew what would happen the second she saw his cock. Hell, she could almost smell it and it made her drool. And there was no magic behind it, no esoteric mystery driving her actions.
It was chemistry. She knew it as well as he did. She knew exactly how he had turned her into… this. She knew why her body loved it. She knew it wasn’t love. She realized, consciously, she was simply… fiending. Addicted. A victim of chemical dependency and his fucked up expolitation of her situation.
He always loved this part. When her eyes retained some defiance, her absolute hatred of him was on full display, her disgust with her own actions hidden behind a teasing smile, a bite of her lips. Her body was performing because it had learned exactly what he liked, how to get the drug it needed from him quickly… and the woman behind that body was trapped between her need and her true feelings. It was a delicious mix, especially because they both knew he could destroy her with a simple act, and there was nothing she could do about it. He could tell she was almost shaking, resisting the urge to rip off his pants- an urge he had trained her to resist simply by denying her what she craved most when she gave into it. 
Cum. His cum. 
She couldn’t help but blame herself. She had done the research, seeking to understand addiction in order to help people, analyzing how the brain reacted to different patterns of rewards and even chemicals… only for him to use all that and turn it against her. And she knew in one second all of it wouldn’t matter to her one bit.
He smiled. She was beautiful, no doubt about it- her jet-black hair, her big, dark eyes, her generous figure… but that wasn’t what attracted him the most. No, it was the way her brain shut off completely as soon as she saw the object of her obsession. That split second when she tried to fight it, when she hated herself for failing, and then…
It only took a single look, and her brain was flooded. Cock. His cock. His beautiful, perfect, delicious cock… Her mouth watered, her body started shaking as the last of her self-control gave way to the animalistic, primal need to…
Perfect. So perfect. The taste. The way she could feel the blood flowing through its veins. It’s strong, conquering hardness. Why would she ever fight against this? Why would she ever think of anything but feeling it in her mouth, taking it deep inside her throat, licking it adoringly? It grew and grew in her mind, pushing everything else away. Her job. Her dignity. Her family. Those things seemed so trivial, so miniscule next to the sensation this cock gave her, as if it made every inch of her skin as sensitive as her clit, her mind a raging inferno and yet perfectly calm: it made sense to worship. It made sense to love this cock. It was just… her place.
Every now and then she fought back. “I hate you”, she would say before moaning and taking him in her mouth, using her tongue to pry moans of pleasure from him, which in turn made her shiver. His pleasure was her pleasure, because his pleasure was a herald of the reward to come. “I hate you so much”, spoken with the loving tenderness of a schoolgirl declaring her love to her first crush. 
For a moment she thought of her husband, her daughter. She hated the way this cock made her feel. Hated that she loved it so much more than her family. Hated them for not letting her live in constant worship of the big, perfect cock. Hated herself for thinking it. Hated how good it felt to think about it. Hated how her pussy soaked her panties without it being touched.
“I hate you so much…” she didn’t mean it. Not anymore, not at that moment. But she knew he loved to hear her say it. Loved the power his cock had over her. And she needed to make him cum. Needed to taste it. Needed to swallow it. “You ruined me… you made me into a cock-addicted whore… your whore…”
He was close. She could feel it. Her entire body tensed up, ready to give in completely. “I hate that I love you…”
It happened. Her mind went blank as she swallowed every drop, convulsing in an orgasm that was more than just an orgasm: it was the fulfillment of her purpose, it was heaven and an embrace and complete, perfect peace. It was happiness. It was true love.
He watched her smile on the ground. This made it all worth it: the experiments, injecting himself to make his cum the most addictive substance on Earth… the most powerful of drugs. She was in complete ecstasy. Sure, it would last maybe an hour and she’d go back to hating him. But that wouldn’t last long. Sooner rather than later her body would need him again. She would shake. She would be unable to think of anything else. 
Yes, she would hate him. But addiction was stronger than hate. 
Did you enjoy this story? You can support my work at patreon.com/prettynosferatu
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Concept I had for a Divination-School equivilent to the Lich.
The Forboder achieves immortality by expoliting prophetic loopholes.
Beware his hostile horoscopes.
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brieforsomething · 5 months
How did china, a country that banned BLs and effeminate men create the most homoerotic reality TV show I've seen to date?
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1. Ban survival shows
2. Expolit a loop hole and cast a bunch of hot MILFs instead
3. Profit
Meet the cast of Sisters Who Make Waves season 5:
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Qi Wei - singer/actress (girl on the left in above gif)
Publicly stated she is bisexual, rumored to have dated fellow actress Phoebe Lin. Happily married to a man and has a 9 year old daughter with him. This only seems to mean no matter how gay she acts on this show she can still claim it's all for show
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He Jie - singer
During an interview within the extras of this show was asked "if you were a man which of the contestants would you like most". Answered "why would I have to be a man to answer this question, I've always liked women" and "when I was little I only liked female celebrities". Had also married a man but since divorced him.
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Liu xin - singer
She's 39 and to my knowledge unmarried. I'd like to believe I have a shot.
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Chen lijun - Yue opera singer
Day job involves her playing male roles and romancing women. Large female audience.
This show has been unfathomably successful in the past few years with many a kpop idol competing (Fei and Jia former Miss A - s1, Jessica Jung former Girl's generation - s3, Amber Liu former f(x) - s4, and Nicole Jung former KARA - s5).
Anyways I think it counts as representation even if they're not totally out and also married with kids. Hilarious how the show runners can write all of it off as a really strong sisterhood tho lmao.
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hazbin-mpreg · 2 months
Tw for dead dove themes such as abuse, assault, brief mentions of death, generally heavy themes.
My Valentino head canons about becoming a parent beneath cut
I had stumbled open tik tok video screen shots of where Val was possibly sex trafficked and abused in his human life
I STRONGLY agree with this and I can see him having a complete fucking breakdown over pregnancy
Readons why I think this would happen:
1. He has a living breathing thing to protect from the worst of hell-
2. He actually refuses to expolite his pregnancy, having this god awful FEAR that someone’s going to hurt his babies like he was hurt growing up
3. He’s VERY overprotective of his children, he refuses to allow them to see the studio, keeps his work hush hush, etc.
4. After Vespera’s birth, he doesn’t allow her out of his sight- despite being utterly exhausted, he refuses to let anyone else look over her. The fears and trauma of his human life creeping back up into his life down here in hell.
5. He actually hates the way he looks while pregnant, while yes he can still put on that sexual charm- deep down he hates it- he prefers to stay skinny and/or muscular as possible, and when the baby belly shows- that’s gone which in turn makes him feel weak to others.
While my own personal head canons do not make him a good person by any means, I just think it’s neat to delve into how parenthood would effect him mentally.
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2percentsugar · 1 year
i think i must develop an internal sense & care for when a "wonder of the modern world" is actually a product of unprecedented exploitation. for example, i was just looking at little ceramic beads and things on etsy, and reflected that, in past centuries, such intricate and uniform work would have been done by hand by an artisan, who would have made a living wage and passed down his craft to an apprentice. and then i realized that like -- it's still exactly as hard to paint a little ceramic bead today. unless the "painted on" look was actually done by a screenprinter, then someone had to sit down and paint that -- and today, they certainly didn't make a living wage, werent valued for their labor, treated as unskilled, etc. and the fact that they are expolited so much more than their predecessors in like the dutch golen age is why one bead is 50 cents on amazon. nothing to do with the wonders of modernity at all
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Apprently you don't need permission cause like you said you just take what you want via whatever means like last time.
Well thats expolitation
Well so is the feild equations 😎
But you should not steal someone's work
However you should always cite and if profitable should give a fair share.
Some people though are a bit.
Its the applications...
Well they probably did cause they read my notes
I read some of his notes and theirs their quite good.
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So your at the peak of the pyramid
Thats now
The base though 3 times and a bit larger
Is also now
The earth then rotates 5 min in time
Your still a portion over the inital base footprint
Also its still now at the top
But the now at the top is over there
And a new now complete footprint at the base
As well as the previous footprints portion
However the base is actually inside the top
So now at the peak is a temporary phenomenon
While the now at the base is extended probable wave collapse of potential.
You should be able to reform information from previous states and "measure" states that were still in potential.
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Its a concept of the model.
To provide complex info as concise as possible
Oh but its actually an orb in 5th dem space at the SoL
You should be able to slow time on a quantum level at lest
Velocity to mass on an inverse square.
Theoretical information transfere to any peak point via a quantized feild fluxuations without previous entanglement.
I wrote it beneath thanks for reading
Its more complex than that.
Oh yeah super position in a geometric form
+0d vibrational
1d morbis
2d diamond (⁰⁰⁰/¹¹¹)
3d cross (+-0 branes)
4d tesseract
5d toras
6d orb
7d SoL
-0d ⬆️
*3d there is no movement as such so there is no flow in time but a potential of time in space. So a energic forward or a slowing to matter
SoL Velocity to mass
(Swap 2 and 3 ?) No its alright that way
This seems to work from strings to atomic and then upwards into molecular realtive states.
Though this is concerned with time feilds
Its a fractal
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magnoliamyrrh · 2 years
hearing my professor say "sex workers" in class after and while literally and explicitely talking about nonwestern victims of sex trafficking using those terms like. im gonna eat my own tongue. im gonna scream so loudly and so silently it will burst my lungs. im going to become a black hole.
in general i find that term to be so fucking offensive bc it can only maybe apply to a very very small minority of well off economically privileged women who "choose" to do "sex work" (and even many of them talk abt feeling exploited - almost like prostitution is inherently expolitative wow) but. you know sometimes those "sex workers" are the only ones ppl rly picture, they dont picture street prostitution, hitckhiker hookers, sex trafficking, child sex trafficking, that the averege age of entering prostitution is 14, drug addiction, pimps, constant violence, etc
but. dear lord help me. in the context of literally taking explicitely about victims of "sex" trafficking in relation to poverty. to still have this postmodern god forsaken fucking nightmare so dug into your hear you say SeX WoRkErs;;; I ;;; I. Honestly im so offended. Its so fucking offensive. Like i almost wanna fucking cry. And she aint even white lmao shes indian like maam as a fellow immigrant please stop parroting the western bullshit i beg you. its so god damn fucking offensive and this bullshit is passed off as progressive and right and parroted by professors and taught as a given and preached and taught uncritically and then parroted by students and then. someone posts it online and some idiot reads it tells it to another idiot who tells it to another idiot. And then this insanity affects the whole westenrn "FeMinIsM" movement. And then, not only do I personally have to deal with a bunch of fucking idiots who have the gull to tell ME how the fuck I cant or can speak and how I should fucking feel when they dont got a single damn clue, BUT ALSO. this sort of cultural fucking idiocracy leads to real life impacts. Ala, western european states legalizing prostitution, thus the horrid rise of sex trafficking, child sex trafficking, child pornography, etc, of mainly balkan, roma, refugee, immigrant, poor, etc etc women. Ala, there was this article written by a Romanian prostitute in spain. She was complaining about how because of this sex work narrative now even more men come to prostitutes bc theyve bought this bullshit narrative of the "happy sex worker" so. now, they have to put all this extra fucking emotional effort into pretending like theyre enjoying what these men are doing to them and like they want it and all this shit. Which, let me tell you, its a whole lot easier to just dissociate when you get used to being regularly raped than it is to have to pretend like you fucking want it and enjoy it too. Something along the lines, these men want your soul not just your body, and this much worse...... And how, because of this, they also have to invest more in makeup and shit to look "well" which fuether just sinks them into the whole cycle which is quite hard to get out of. So. So.
As far as Im concerned. All the god forsaken postmodern nonsense that is propagated in western social sciences academica - has real life fucking effects. It has. The things written, the things discussed, the things professors say. Ive said before, that maybe postmodernism has some academic value (though we didnt need french people to be like, yo dude did you know multiple perspectives on life exist? inssne!). But. It doesnt fucking stay in academica. None of this bullshit stays in academica. And apart from this sort of bullshit not even being "feminism" and being inherently detrimental to the unity needed for social movements, inherently complacent, inherently antirevolutionary, inherently fucking REEKING of western individualism and selfishness up the fucking ass,,,,,,,,,it has real life fucking affects.
Westerners whove never fucking been through any of this shit sit in universities coming up with all these fucking theories but who pays the price. Who pays the god damn fucking price? Who? For their thought experiments? For these societal experiemnts? For these bullshit western ideas of freedom and progress and feminism? We do. My people do. We do. God fucking damn it
#Im gonna eat glass#Im not going to stay in academia but if i was. I think theyd kick me out of the anthropology department#before i got my phd#fuck this shit#Someone needs to fucking do something about it. Someone needs to fucking critique it form the inside#which i can actually say i did lmao because i <3 showed up at office hours <3 and uhh#said my peace.#which im sure she wasnt expecting but. im also genuinely glad she listened. i guess#its a big harder to just cancle someone or tell them to shut up#when they tell you frankly tat they were sex trafficked as a child and come from one of the sex trafficking#capitals of the world#like. <3 sorry lol i have more a right to speak then you! lovely! great!#i didnt direct it at her in particular lmao i went a roundabout way of critiquing what i called privileged western bullshit#but im sure she also got that I was biting back against the sex work thing while speaking abt fucking victims of sex trafficking#AND lmaoo i did go on a very short but well put together quip abt postmodernism being inherently individualistic#and detrimental to movements and literally funded by the CIA in class lmao SOmEONE NEEDS TO SAY SOMETHING#just enough to get people looking and curious and wanting answers and QUESTIONING THIS SHIT#i came back to this country after being back home having none of this shit dkdkd#............. how you can even be from india and admit you've seen the horrors of street prostitution and still propagate the sex work shit#in the same breath is beyond me#it really is#and how you can propagate these western narratives of individualistic ChOiCe#while also teaching abt nonwestern concepts which view equality and freedom in nonindivualistic terms#...... maaam...... how is the cognitive dissonance not hitting#...... this was some weeks ago but like. idk thinking back on it its like#again lmao. its so fucking offensive. its........ how fucking deep do you have to be to explicitely speak about sex trafficking victims#stricke by poverty and call them sex workers#.....................#...#like maam. maybe youve been in this country too long. maybe youve been in westenrn academica too long. its time to wake up a bit
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akookminsupporter · 2 years
I wish you the most worst things in life and i really hope someone expolits the hell out of you🥰🙏
Damn, thanks anon.
People are so mean aahaahahahahahahahahah
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hackgit · 1 year
[Media] ​​Stryker app
​​Stryker app Stryker is a new generation mobile pentest application. It will help you to test your networks and devices for common vulnerabilities without special skills and knowledge. And also provides you to add your expolits and new features! https://github.com/stryker-project/app #infosec #pentesting #redteam
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