#extradition hearing
if-you-fan-a-fire · 1 year
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THAW WELL CARED FOR. Harry Kendall Thaw is seen receiving unusual treatment. He has policeman on one arm and an immigration officer on the other.
"REBUKE BY JUDGE CLEARS ATMOSPHERE," British Daily Whig (Kingston), Sepetember 9, 1913. Page 1. --- With Regard to Thaw Case The Prisoner Receiving Less Flowers. ---- Conticook, Que., Sept. 9. - William Traverse Jerome to-day left for New York, intending to return to Montreal on Sunday to be ready when the Thaw case comes into court on Monday. It was felt here today that he rebuke given by the judge dismissing the gambling charge against the attorney had cleared the air here and had produced a sobering effect in the community, although opinion was divided on the verdict. It straighened out the situation, which night have grown embarrassing.
Thaw is biding his time patiently in the immigration pen, and has abandoned his publicity campaign for the present. Gifts of flowers have fallen away and he causes very little curiosity among the town folks now.
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garudabluffs · 7 months
this hearing today and yesterday, is merely about whether Julian Assange has a right to appeal the extradition to the United States
“Political Prosecution”: WikiLeaks’ Julian Assange Faces Final U.K. Appeal to Avoid U.S. Extradition
February 21, 2024 "Assange was again unable to attend today’s hearing due to serious poor health and is not even able to follow the proceedings via video, according to his lawyers."
"He’s never been charged and convicted of anything other than a bail violation in the U.K. And that conviction was spent in under two years. He’s still there on remand. And it’s nearly five years he’s been there."
LISTEN READ MORE Transcript https://www.democracynow.org/2024/2/21/assange_extradition
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Table of Contents
Foreword by Chris Hedges Preface Introduction Part 1: How We Owned You 1. Creating a Modern-day Slave State 2. The Racket 3. Rigging the System 4. Cursing Your Riches
Part 2: Enforcement 5. The Mob 6. With Friends Like These 7. Might is Right 8. A Drug War Colony 9. War on Hope
Part 3: Reinforcement 10. The First Peoples of America and Their Land 11. Working America 12. Destitute America 13. Lock-up America
Part 4: We're Losing You
Turf War
Freedom Fighters
Successful Defiance
Culture as a Weapon of Resistance Afterword Index
Now more relevant than ever, this 2nd edition contains a new preface by the author and a new foreword by Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Chris Hedges.
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nakeddeparture · 11 months
Barbados. Alex Tasker’s appeal should be REJECTED by the CCJ. His attorneys dropped the ball.
Listen to the dire dire problem that’s inherent in Barbadians. Tell me if I’m incorrect. Naked!!
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vi-visected · 2 years
it’s currently 3am and i have been up since 6am. it’s no wonder 90% of my content is unhinged.
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nyancrimew · 9 months
Do you think your race/nationality may influence on the consequences of hacking? Or like how far you can even get?
I'm asking because I very rarely see a "prominent" hackitvist that's not white European/USA
it is definitely a factor yes, especially with me, like the only reason im free rn is because switzerland doesn't extradite citizens. but another very big part of it is that to become a widely prominent hacktivist (and as with many other things) you either need to do things western media cares about or get in trouble with the law big time (in the west), which also usually implies being in a country that actively works together with primarily the US or other empires that actively and publicly work against hacking and hacktivists. there are lots of hacktivists in asia and latin america (specifically phineas fisher here also being a popular figure, who is believed to be in latam and has yet to be caught) as well especially (also elsewhere ofc but i dont know of as many), but they are either doing hacktivism within their communities which are usually not internationally that news worthy, or are out of reach enough for the US empire to never get unmasked.
in a lot of ways being a popular hacktivist as an individual is actually moreso a failing in staying safe from consequences by either you or people you work with (see in the history of lulzsec and most of the now well known anonymous figures in the US) or a conscious choice done out of the knowledge that you'll be relatively safe/recklessness. but i definitely feel like international (social) media bias towards western interests is also just a very big part of why you will mostly only ever hear of (assumed) white european/american hacktivists.
and also just as a quick closing note, i would not say that (even white) people in the US or the US sphere of influence are safe from consequences due to hacking in any way, the US is one of the strictest countries when it comes to persecuting hackers and goes to long ways to be as cruel as possible, and especially so with hacktivists. this goes so far that in the 2020 counterintel report the US government put hacktivists/leaktivists on the top 5 biggest threats to the US government, which is ofc both a honor (and shows it works and scares them) but is ofc also scary as fuck. it is this big spectacle they make out of persecuting hackers and making examples out of them that also leads to more of the very distorted prominence of western hackers.
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niqhtlord01 · 3 months
Humans are weird: Better call the Human
( Please come see me on my new patreon and support me for early access to stories and personal story requests :D https://www.patreon.com/NiqhtLord Every bit helps)
The courtroom was silent as Overseer Mikab slowly scrolled through the petition brought before him. It was still early in the morning so the rest of the courtroom was empty save for a pair of Tenvalen’s who sat in the front row behind the litigate’s table. They had been the ones to capture and hand over the felon now on trial and waited eagerly for Mikab to sign the petition and hand over the felon to their custody for transport back to Tenvalen space.
To the front right of the overseer on the prosecution side were the litigate Ji, and opposite him was the captured felon Wei’ran still shackled to his chair. Ji was fiddling with the latches of his suitcase, indifferent to the situation. He was already thinking about what he would be doing with the payment the Tenvalen’s had fronted him to speed up the hearing. They wanted Wei’ran bad for crimes he had committed against the Tenvalen’s and had hunted him down across three sectors before cornering him. After a short chase through a crowded street they grabbed him and made him confess to his crimes.
“Does the defendant have anything to say before I make my decision?” Mikab asked as he finished scrolling through the request. Before Wei’ran could respond the doors to the chamber opened and a lone figure stepped inside.
“My apologies,” they said as they walked past the Tenvalen’s and stood next to Wei’ran, “I was delayed from representing my client.”
“Your client?’ Ji asked. “I was not aware they had even asked for legal counsel.”
“That is because for the last twenty four hours I have been denied access to my client.” The human retorted as they opened their briefcase and pulled out several papers.
“Honored Overseer, I would like to put forward a motion to deny extradition of my client to Tenvalen and request his immediate release.”
Ji scoffed at the unreasonable request while Overseer Mikab turned an inquisitive eye towards the human.
“On what grounds do you make such a request, litigate…..”
“Horris; Frank Horris honored Overseer.” The human replied when he realized he had not introduced himself yet. “And I would not waste your time unless my request was grounded in clear cut facts.”
Ji was about to speak when Mikab held up a hand to silence him. He was not one for flattery, but the show of respect towards his office was a refreshing change of pace and the Overseer nodded for Horris to continue.
“My client,” Horris began as he motioned to Wei’ran, “was illegally kidnapped, detained, and interrogated by two Tenvalen’s who then coerced my client to make false statements admitting guilt to save his own life.”
“Lies!” one of the Tenvalen’s shouted at Horris. He rose to his full height, an impressive seven feet tall, and looked down at the human as if they were nothing more than a smear across the underside of his boot.
“Silence.” The overseer replied calmly. The Tenvalen glared at the human a moment more before relenting and sitting back down.
“These are serious accusations Mr. Horris.” The overseer said as they clasped their fingers. Horris responded by separating several sheets of paper and handing them to an orderly waiting silently next to the overseer.
“As of this moment there are no extradition treaties between the Tenvalen’s and the Jenharie Republic, which means the two Tenvalen’s who hunted my client through the city streets were acting of their own free will in complete defiance of the law.”
“Counter point!” Ji demanded. “They were apprehending a wanted fugitive who was causing chaos in the city streets.” Pulling out a small device Ji activated it to show the chase of the Tenvalen’s as they rushed after Wei’ran. The security footage caught Wei’ran running away as fast as he could using everything and anything to block his pursuers.
“As you can see he was a danger to the general public that needed to be taken into custody.” Ji finished.
“If that were the case why did they not inform local law officials of their operation and work in conjunction?” Horris countered. “Furthermore, why did they not identify themselves as agents of the Tenvalen government and instead began chasing my client through the streets like madmen?”
The human turned to Mikab. “Dear Overseer, surely you can understand that if two large scary looking aliens began chasing after you without announcing themselves you too would seek to flee for your own safety.”
Mikab surprised Ji by giving a subtle nod in agreement. “I am inclined to agree with your assessment,” he began before cutting of Ji who was about to speak up, “I also would like to know why our local enforcers were not made aware of this detainment.”
“There was no time to inform local enforcers, overseer.” Ji spoke calmly. “Had they taken the time to inform them Wei’ran could have fled to another world and once more elude justice for his crimes.”
 “So they felt that they were above Jenharie laws and could come and go as they please?” Horris countered. “My Overseer this does set a dangerous president for future cases if people can ignore your laws with such audacity and get away with it.”
He stood in front of the overseer and pointed at his client. “What happens when they come calling again and grab another person off the street? Or maybe two people? Or twenty? When do the laws you seek to uphold protect the innocent?”
“Innocent?” Ji laughed. “Wei’ran gave a full confession to his crimes in Tenvalen territory and signed them.”
To Ji’s surprise he saw the human nod in agreement rather than shake in embarrassment.
“Please tell me litigate, was there anyone else present in the room besides my client and the two Tenvalen’s who abducted him?”
“What does that matter?” Ji scoffed.
“It matters because my client was afraid for his life and the only guarantee of his continued survival was to agree with whatever his captors told him.”
Horris turned around and faced the two Tenvalen’s sitting behind Ji who had become increasingly flustered at the course the trial was taking. “He had been chased down, beaten, dragged into a room and questioned by two people he thought wanted him dead. He would have admitted to being the reincarnation of god even if it meant they would cease their torment.”
“Overseer-“ Ji spoke up but Mikab held up a hand.
“The human makes another good point. Was there anyone else present during this confession that can corroborate this confession?”
Ji’s mouth opened and closed as he tried to find a counter argument before relenting and admitting there was not. Horris shook his head at the admission.
“This only further highlight’s the mockery of Jenharie law as it is written in stature 441-74-5698FB that “During any interrogation of a witness or perceived criminal there be a minimum of two to three non-participating witnesses who can observe the questioning to ensure the lack of coercion”.”
“You know our laws?” the Overseer asked with a modicum of respect in his voice. “Not many offworlders take the time to learn them so thoroughly.”
“I do, my Overseer,” Horris nodded, “which is why their flagrant disregard to be so upsetting. For if offworlders like myself cease to respect these laws how can you claim to be the pinnacle of a just and fair society?”
Mikab said nothing as he looked at the human. He was impressed they had been able to so easily dismantle the case against his client after only just entering his courtroom. From the corner of his eye he could also see Ji fuming behind the ears as he wanted to no doubt curse out the human and demand the extradition be pushed through.
“What would you recommend instead?” Mikab asked Horris.
“I would never seek to impose over you, but since you have asked my opinion I would respectfully ask for a dismissal of not only the notion of extradition but also all charges that have been brought against my client here today.”
He waved a hand to Wei’ran as he still sat silently in his chair. “My client did cause a commotion which frightened several innocent people as he fled, so I find it would be more than fitting to sentence him to an extended period of community service to repay the debt he has incurred upon the people you protect.”
The two Tenvalen’s were now glaring daggers at Ji whom had assured them this case would be a speedy trial but now looked to be unfolding around them.
“I am inclined to agree.” Mikab admitted, much to the dismay of Ji. “I hereby state the evidence brought against Wei’ran has been corrupted and is no longer admissible in my court. Extradition request is denied and I sentence the defendant to serve a period of seven rotations of community service.”
With a bang of a loud gong the court session came to an end. The Tenvalen’s rose to their feet and looked as if they were to pluck Wei’ran and run when the orderly stepped between them and unholstered his electro-maul. They were sure they could easily overpower the orderly, but more would come and the pair would be trapped inside the court building. They instead chose to leave and report their situation up the chain and look for a more diplomatic solution.
When finally it was just Wei’ran and Horris Wei’ran spoke.
“I didn’t request a litigate.” He said softly. He eyed up the human who was replacing the papers back into his suitcase. “I didn’t even get a phone call after they nabbed me.”
“No, but you have some important friends that like to keep an eye on you.” Horris admitted, locking up his briefcase with a loud click. “When they saw you taken they gave me a call and told me to get you out of trouble.”
“You call this getting me out of trouble?” Wei’ran laughed. “Seven rotations of community service?”
“It beats being locked in a Tenvalen maximum security lockup, guarding your holes every time you drop the soap in the shower.”
Wei’ran paused at this and said nothing. “The trick is not to admit you are free of guilt; just not the guilt you are being accused of. You muddy up those waters enough and before you know it you’ll be swimming to freedom again in no time.”
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will-graham-coded · 3 months
I had a very vivid dream I was watching season 4 of Hannibal and it was Hannigram on the run and they finally kissed and then I woke up and I'm sad. And there was plot too! They were nearly caught and killed bedelia and alana. Eventually they were arrested but escaped before being extradited (which is when ig i woke up or my dream ended, idk.) To make it better, I remember my dream self thinking "this seems like Bryan just read some fanfics and then went off"
:| No Lou, that's what your brain did.
@nbchannibal hear our cries. As in physical sobbing bc we're hyperfixated and gay and sad.
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eardefenders · 7 months
Sherlock & Co - Mailbag Episode 3 Transcript
00:00 John: Heyyy there, I’m,uh, I’m, uh, back in your ears! Heh. Uh, thanks for inviting me in. Um, I-I just wanted to add a chunk on before this Q and A just to give you an update on all things Gloria Scott. Uh, thanks so much for the kind words, first off. Uh I-I-I did warn about its angst. Um, and I appreciate i-it’s not always a fun ride when, when those kinds of things happen. Um. But hey! I’m glad you all enjoyed it. Um, glad the masterful sound design was appreciated.
00:32 John: Uhm, yeah I thought I’d, I’d check in now and give you a rundown of it all. Post match interview sort of stuff. Uh, Lionel did recover from the stroke. He is out of hospital, but he will be going back to Australia. Um. He’s-he's obviously cooperating with the government, um, down there. It’s not an easy situation, but he’s handling it with remarkable grace and dignity. Um. Victor is, as well. Can’t quite get the read on things with him at the moment. He’s obviously very, very torn. Uh, we solved the case for him, but, y’know, yeah. H-he’s in a much worse place then he was before. Um. *pause* Such is life. Uh, such is a very complicated life, I should say. He’s helping his dad, with the inquiries. Uh, m-my gut says there’ll be prison time. *sucks teeth* Um, y’know, c-cooperation and evidence and the, yeah, t-the mitigating circumstances might be helpful to Lionel and all, but, uh… *deep breath* ultimately lives were lost. He was complicit. Y’know this is the world we live in.
01:49 John: *sucks teeth* Victor has paused the job search, but uh I-I do believe he’ll be coming back to the UK once, y’know, whatever happens, happens. But, uh, yeah. Tough stuff. Um, glad you all enjoyed Mariana joining in on the adventure. Um, don’t know if she enjoyed it all that much. So far she’s watched corpses get pulled out of the canal and now she’s watched an elderly stroke victim get extradited for murder. So, uh, y’know. *chuckles lightly* Welcome to the world of true crime, Ametxazurra!
02:23 John:Um, Sherlock asked me to apologize, also, actually. Um, yes, to apologize that he wasn’t technically correct in his solving of the case. Um, uh, Hunter did reveal the actual truth. I, I told him people wouldn’t really mind. He got me to apologize anyway, so, uh, yeah. There you go. Um, so he’s been a right mopey bastard, as you can imagine. *clears throat* So, to cheer him up, I carted him off to…an indoor theme park! Heh, yeah, you heard that right. Theme park. But indoors. Well, theme park’s a bit strong to be honest. I-I-It’s like an arcade with an indoor roller coaster. But yeah! Y’know! Uhm, back to Camden, but for a much more enjoyable experience.
03:05 John: These questions were asked, um, before The Gloria Scott episode aired. T-two that I ask Sherlock right at the end are eerily prescient. Um, that’s the right word, I think? Uh, I hope. Welp, you’ll see what I mean. Enjoy!
03:19-3:49 *Intro Music*
03:47 *Arcade Sounds Fade In, we can hear Sherlock exerting himself*
03:50 John: Yoooo, wassup guys! Welcome to the John Watson channel where we talk all things John Watson all the time! Ehh, that’s my impression of a youtuber or real podcaster, hope you enjoyed it. Ah, right, Sherlock, tell the members where we are.
04:01 Sherlock: Indoor theme park! Augh! *through gritted teeth* You little alien bastard! Get back here!
04:09 John: Sherlock is doing some whack-a-mole, ah, or they’re aliens in this place, not moles. Could be alien moles. Who knows. Ah, it’s an indoor theme park in *in a very exaggerated North London accent (genuinely he sounds like an ass here)* North London. That’s North London, sorry. Bit excited. Had about a kilogram of sugar. Haha, I’m looking at all sorts here. Arcade machines, carousels, basketball hoop game thingy, air hockey, bumper cars -dodge’ems, call’em what you will-, and an indoor roller coaster! Hahahaa! It’s wild stuff. Okay, let’s get to some questions over a casual game of air hockey.
04:40 *Audio Cut, sounds of air hockey being played*
04:41 Sherlock: Have that! *puck hit sound* And that!
04:44 John: ‘Have that and that’? What are you, a musketeer? Hahahaaaa! *sound of a puck entering the goal* First point Watson! Heyheyheeeey, ahhhh. And now for the first question. Uh, Tonkster aka Resetoaster asks, “To John and Sherlock, if you go to Subway -the fast food I should clarify- what do you usually order?”
05:03 Sherlock: *with exertion* You’re *sound of the puck being hit* distracting me! Ah!
05:06 John: Ah, you wouldn’t be saying that if you were winning.
05:07 Sherlock: I’m not winning *puck hit sound* precisely because of it.
05:11 John: Alright, fine. I’ll answer. Uh, I like the turkey club. Is that-Ow! That hit my finger. *hisses in pain*- I think there’s a turkey one. Um, I like that one on plain-ish bread. I don’t think their fancy breads are all that good. Uh, and then I’ll have a southwest sauce- Wham! Haha! *sound of puck entering goal*
05:23 Sherlock: Oh, bugger.
05:26 John: Subway order?
05:26 Sherlock: Never been.
05:27 John: Great.
05:27 *audio cuts. Sounds of automatic rifle fire going off*
05:29 John: Reloading. Cover me!
05:29 Sherlock: Covering.
05:30 John: Incoming at your two o’clock.
05:31 Sherlock: On it!
05:32 *sounds of two loud gunshots*
05:33 John: Yesss, Sherlock. Right, through the lobby. Okay, let’s see how this goes. Bellaxbear01 asks “If you guys want another pet, what animal would it be? Another dog, another cat, or maybe a fish?”
05:47 Sherlock: I like fish. *sound of gunshots* Very much. Reloading.
05:50 John: *pleased* Oh, hahah! I like fish too!
05:52 Sherlock: Really?
05:53 John: Yeah! Tropical?
05:54 Sherlock: Tropical or temperate.
05:56 John: Well that’s good to know. Yeah, worth maybe one day looking into that? Oo! Getting shot at here. Uh, Amelie5 asks “Do you have a favorite case you’ve solved so far?
06:05 *sounds of a big gun being fired*
06:07 Sherlock: A good question at bloody last. Die you bastards! *big boom*
06:12 John: Oh wowhaowhaooow! *sounds of I guess dirt falling, maybe bodies???* *with a smile in his voice* Oh, you made him blow up! Ha! Ahh, I know the feeling. Poor sod.
06:18 Sherlock: I rather enjoyed the Red Headed League.
06:22 John: Yep, that was a good’un. -Oh, duck down! That’s a machine gun.- Did you like the Red Headed League because of the case or because it proved me wrong about it being boring?
06:27 Sherlock: Mmm, both.
06:28 John: Great, well-oh I’m dead. *sound of man yelling, presumably John’s character dying in the game* Balls.
06:31 *audio cut. Ambient arcade sounds with something fizzing at the forefront*
06:34 John: What is that?
06:35 Sherlock: *struggling to speak* opp ing andy.
06:37 John: Opping Andy?
06:38 Sherlock: *still struggling to speak, but clearly annoyed* Op-opping. Andy.
06:41 John: Ohhhh, popping candy. Right. Well, RangerPip asks any specific reason you started smoking a pipe?
06:49 Sherlock: *unintellible gargling and consonant sounds*
06:54 John: Right, well, if you understood that RangerPip, well done you, haheh. *pause* *in a considering tone* Hunnh. He may or may not be choking.
07:03 *audio cut, loud music and bumper car sounds*
07:04 John: Ah!
07:04 Sherlock: Ahahaha!
07:05 John: Hahahah, left! Left! Left!
07:08 Both: Ah! *sound of impact*
07:09 John: Oh my god, my ribs! Argh, right! Let’s get up some more speed and smash into these kids-uh, I mean! These, um, big burly blokes.
07:17 Sherlock: Here we go.
07:20 John: Yesss, Sherlock, we are at some speed now, baby! Hahahah, right! Question from Raylein, “Does Archie get human food? And if he does, who feeds it to him?”
07:30 John: Ah yeah I do feed him, I-
07:30 Sherlock: Yes.
07:33 John: Wait.
07:34 Sherlock: What?
07:35 John: You’re feeding him as well?
07:36 Sherlock: I am, yes!
07:38 John: Well, that explains a lot. Uh, yeah Raylein, I don’t really like animal products going to waste so I just, um, I chuck him all sorts. Ope, here we go. Come here you little shits.
07:44 Sherlock: Ahhhhhhhh!
07:45 John: *sound of impact* Ah hahah!
07:48 *audio cut, it’s much quieter now, but they’re still at the arcade*
07:49 John: *remorsefully* I just didn’t think they’d cry and tell their mums is all.
07:51 Sherlock: That’s what children do. *accusingly* You told me to smash into them.
07:55 John: I did not say that.
07:57 Sherlock: Can I get the SD card out of your microphone and check?
08:00 John: No.
08:01 Sherlock: See.
08:02 John: Andrew says, “Question for Sherlock: Do you have any piercings? And, if you don’t, do you want any? And, if you do, which ones do you want?”
08:10 Sherlock: *sucks in a deep breath* Ear piercing. I haven’t used it for some time.
08:14 John: Why not?
08:15 Sherlock: Was that asked in the Discord?
08:17 John: What?
08:18 Sherlock: That. Just then.  The ‘Why not?’
08:21 John: …No.
08:22 Sherlock: *takes a breath* Well then. I needn’t answer it. This is a time for members.
08:26 John: Right. Great. Lovely. Ok, MushPit says “Your deductive skills, was it talent you were born with or a skill that you developed and perfected over time?”
08:34 Sherlock: I assume MushPit is asking me, not you?
08:37 John: Ah ha ha, very funny.
08:40 Sherlock: My senses have always been, um-
08:43 John: Overcalibrated?
08:44 Sherlock: Yes, quite. Sooo, I’ve always observed a lot. When I found it difficult to tune out of my surroundings, I decided to analyze them. Then it became rather addictive. Yes, it became a skill, but I feel it much stronger then a skill. It feels like a byproduct of my very existence. I cannot unlearn it. IIII cannot wind it down or soften it. It occupies me as much as I do it. I fear that I  cannot stop it. Even if it kills me. Even if it drains everything from me and I can never truly find it to know myself, to know my surroundings without the necessity…uh, no, the-the requisite to my very self. To t-try to understand everything-
09:33 John: The rollercoaster’s ready.
09:34 Sherlock: Oh.
09:35 John: Uh, we- we can finish if you want? Uh, y’know we can go on it later?
09:40 *audio cut, we can hear the roller coaster going and John and Sherlock on it. John keeps saying ‘Woohoo! Wheee!’ and Sherlock is saying joyfully ‘Bloody fantastic! Absolutely bloody fantastic!’ Both of them also keep laughing in between their exclamations*
09:48 *audio cut. We’re outside. London traffic can be heard.*
09:53 John: Oh that was good! Wasn’t it?
09:54 Sherlock: *pleased* Superb.
09:56 John: Not a bad idea, is it? A theme park, indoors? I mean we were a little old for it, but hey, y’know, there’s no age limit on enjoyment! Well, I mean you can’t go jumping into a soft play or anything like that, but yeah. Yeah. Now we are walking near Chalk Farm. Not actually a farm of chalk, of course. It’s just a nice place between Bellsides Park and the Northern end of Camden town. How’s that q and a session for you, mate?
10:16 Sherlock: Is that question on the Discord?
10:17 John: Right, ok. This is not a thing. You can still have normal chats with me inbetween members questions.
10:25 Sherlock: Noted.
10:26 John: Well it’s a question for me now anyway. Um, has your mother finally listened to the podcast? And if yes, what does she think of it? Uh, yes, has she listened? She has! She didn’t like the sound of my bomb. That makes two of us, there. Eheh. Uh, and she sent me further messages about Mariana. And! She will occasionally point out when I’ve been rude to people on the show. *clicks tongue* She also asked me if the Austrian man’s face was okay, so she has at least, definitely finished one adventure. And, no. His face is not. Ok. Mum. Uhh, so- hunh, this is weird.
10:59 Sherlock: What’s that?
11:01 John: Two questions here, next to each other. Uh, I-I’m not making this up. First one, Ramt or-or Ramtonk, “t-the flowers on my orchids are gone, but the plants themselves are thriving. Uhh, they’re watered as they should be and get optimal sunlight. Will the flowers ever come back?”
11:19 Sherlock: *pleasantly surprised* Hhha!
11:20 John: Right? Yeah and the second one from Batonks the Graveyard Ghost says, “Question for John, do you have any funny memories from your childhood that you’d like to share with us?”
11:30 Sherlock: Yes, that is quite remarkable.
11:32 John: Well! I’ll let the adventure of The Gloria Scott answer those questions! So, ah, everybody, thanks so much for these. I hope you enjoyed the answers. Sorry it’s been so short, but I’ve just noticed that that’s our bus!! We’re gonna miss it! Go! Go! Go!
11:46 Sherlock: *frustrated sigh* For goodness sake!
11:47-12:17 *Outro Music Plays*
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zvaigzdelasas · 6 months
WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange has fended off the threat of immediate extradition to the United States after the High Court in London asked the US for more assurances.
US authorities say Assange, 52, put lives at risk by publishing secret military documents and have for years been seeking his extradition on espionage charges.
At a two-day hearing last month, Assange sought permission to appeal the UK’s 2022 approval of his extradition, arguing the case against him was politically motivated and that he would not face a fair trial.
In a ruling Tuesday, a panel of two judges said Assange, an Australian citizen, would not be extradited immediately and gave the US three weeks to give a series of assurances around Assange’s First Amendment rights, and that he would not receive the death penaltyIf the US fails to give these, Assange would be allowed to appeal his extradition at a hearing in May. [...]
But the court refused to grant him leave to appeal on the ground that the prosecution is politically motivated. “The judge found, on the evidence, that Mr Assange had not shown that the request was made for the purpose of prosecuting him on account of his political opinions,” it said.
It said the judge had taken account of the evidence that the CIA had planned to kidnap Assange from the Ecuadorian Embassy, but the judge “concluded that this was not related to the extradition proceedings.”[...]
“In short, journalists do not have immunity from prosecution for criminal conduct simply because that conduct is also a journalistic activity.”
26 Mar 24
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 2 years
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“RIDEOUT WILL STAND TRIAL IN WINNIPEG,” Winnipeg Tribune. July 7, 1932. Page 3. ---- Will be Brought to City in Few Days Charged With Bank Robbery ---- Ronald Rideout, believed to be the notorious lone bandit who raided the Royal Bank of Canada, Osborne and Corydon branch, an well as two other banks in Eastern Canada will be brought to Winnipeg for trial within the next few days.
This was indicated in the latest Information received by city police from Buffalo, where Rideout is still detained. Unofficial advices received yesterday stated he had waived extradition on all three bank robbery charges and would first be dealt with at London, Ont., where he is wanted in connection with the holdup of the Bank of Toronto, where $2.000 was taken. 
Today it was stated Winnipeg's first claim on him would be recognized and he would be brought here to be dealt with before being handed over to the Ontario or Quebec authorities Chief Constable Chris. H. Newton is awaiting official notification from the British consul at Buffalo before sending an escort to bring Rideout back.
It was also learned today that about $7.000 of the $4,000 taken from the Royal Bank here had been recovered in Toronto. Rideout alleged to have made a full confession in connection with the raid and is expected to plead guilty when he appears for trial.
Besides the London, Ont. bank robbery, charge Rideout wanted at St. Anne de Bellevue, Que, for holding up a branch of the Bank of Montreal and escaping with $8,000 in cash
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You're waiting for a train...(2)
To Build Cathedrals
Robert Fischer x reader, Arthur x reader (if you squint)
description - You leave your dad to go look for a new architect as you and Arthur set up the workspace. But your mind is plagued with dreams of its own.
word count - 2.7k (ooo we're getting bigger)
warnings - allusions to sexual assault, mentions of death, allusion to child abuse
a/n - This chapter looks more into how y/n's mind is shaped much like her father's and we also see a hint of Arthur and y/n's relationship (and yes it is weird that she sees him as her uncle). I've realised this is gonna be a slow burn for Robert x reader because of the chronology of the inception plot I'm trying to follow; I promise it'll be worth it!
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Dad and I stood as statues outside the university. It all felt so familiar from my youth but when I walked through, I felt as absent as a stranger.
“He’ll want to see you.”
“I’ll leave the conversation to you. He doesn’t want to see me.”
“That’s not true.”
“I know what he thinks of me. You didn’t have a choice, I did. In his eyes, I chose wrong.”
Dad let his arm rest on my shoulder in a silent act of comfort. I sucked back the tears, so he thought I was okay. The reality was I wanted nothing more than to run in there and jump into my grandads arms. But I couldn’t, in good fait,h knowing he thought of me as the girl who abandoned her siblings for no life at all.
I wiped away a rogue tear.
“Anyways, Arthur needs me to help him set up. But I’ll be waiting at the warehouse, okay. And I promise I won’t leave to go anywhere without Arthur.” I raised my hand to cup his cheek, so he felt the sincerity of my words. I went to leave my father to his search.
“Don’t worry, I’ll find someone as good as you were.”
Without turning back, I shouted. “Find someone better!”
*Cobb’s pov*
“You never did like your office.” Dad raised his head surprised to hear my voice, even more shocked to see my body.
“No space to think in that broom cupboard.” He quipped. “Is it safe for you to be here? Where’s y/n?”
“Extradition between France and the USA is a bureaucratic nightmare. Y/n is fine, she’s with Arthur.”
“I think they might find a way to make it work in your case.”
I made my way down and sat the meek gesture of toys on his desk.
“Look, y/n bought these, she thought the kids would like them. Saw them in Amsterdam.”
“It’s gonna take more than the occasional stuffed animal to remind those kids that they still have a father…and a sister. Y/n knows that.”
“She’s trying her best. She wants to make the best out of the situation she’s in.”
“The situation you put her in.” His voice became stern, and I cowered like a small boy.
“It was her choice. She said that she couldn’t let me go just like that.”
“She was your child; you shouldn’t have let her have the choice in the first place. The choice was life or death and you let her choose death just so you could imagine you still had a family and that it all hadn’t crumbled before you.”
“Yes. I am being selfish because I like that she’s still with me. I like having her here because without her I couldn’t cope.”
“You let her follow you into this life and it seems she suffers the consequences the most.”
“She told you?”
“She told grandma.”
“What the projections or the subjects do is unpredictable. Sometimes they respond to the presence put in front of them, in her case, a beautiful young girl.”
He looks down, ashamed of what he’s hearing.
“Look I’m just doing what I know. I’m doing what you taught me.”
“I never taught you to be a thief.”
“No, you taught me to navigate people’s minds. But after what happened, there weren’t a whole lot of legitimate ways to do that.”
He suddenly felt the meaning of my visit and retreated back into his chair. He punctuated the silence.
“What are you doing here, Dom?” I paused, wondering how to phrase this without inviting a lot of questions.
“I think we found a way home. It’s a job for some very very powerful people. People who I believe can fix my charges permanently. But I need your help.”
“You’re here to corrupt one of my best and brightest.” He taunted me by brandishing the end of his pen.
“You know what I’m offering, you have to let them decide for themselves.”
“Not just money. You remember, the chance to build cathedrals, entire cities, things that never existed. Things that couldn’t exist in the real world.”
“So, you want me to let someone else, follow you into your fantasy.”
“They won’t actually come into the dream. They just design the levels and teach them to the dreamers.”
“Design it yourself.”
“Mal won’t let me.” I saw his face droop at the mention of her. Already sighing at the sight of my delusion.
“What about y/n, she was always better than you were anyway.”
“She refuses. She’ll help with a maze or a paradox occasionally when she gets bored of our architects incompetence, but she won’t build herself anymore. I don’t know why. She won’t tell me.” He sat forward in his chair. Eyes pleading with me to bring y/n home.
“Come back to reality. Please.”
“Those kids are waiting for their father and sister to come home. That’s their reality. This job-this last job- that’s how we get there. I would not be standing here if I knew another way. I need an architect who is as good as I was.”
“I’ve got someone better.”
“Ariadne?” A perky petite girl runs to meet Miles’ inviting hand. “I’d like you to meet Mr Cobb.”
“Pleased to meet you.”
“If you have a few moments, Mr Cobb has a job offer he’d like to discuss with you.”
“A work placement?”
“Not exactly.”
*your pov*
I made it to the warehouse and walked in to see Arthur fiddling with different pieces of equipment.
“You look funny handling tech equipment in that suit.” I loudly teased to get his attention.
He turned towards me with a smile. “Thought you’d be with Cobb and the new recruit.”
“He can do it without me; besides I didn’t fancy the third degree from grandad.”
“He’s just protective. This job isn’t exactly made for you.”
“What? You don’t think I can handle myself?”
“Oh, don’t worry I know you can. The scar on my eye proves it.” We laughed together in a way we hadn’t done in a while. I’d always found comfort around Arthur. When I first left with my dad, I was young and innocent. I had no idea what I’d signed up for. So, once we started working with Arthur I began to loosen up a little as I felt I had someone I could truly trust. Yes, there were people like Eames who came around for the odd job and who I could rely on on the mission. But Arthur was different. I trusted him in a way that encapsulated my whole heart.
We began to unpack the equipment, preparing for when dad would be back to introduce the new recruit to dream-walking. I had just found some old deck chairs stuffed at the back that I dragged to the centre. They made a horrible squeak as the metal scraped on concrete.
“Are you okay?” Arthur pondered.
“Yeah why?”
“Just after Nash and that last job, I worried you would shut down.”
“This could be Dad’s chance to clear his name, I got no time to shut down.” I put on a confidence and winked his way before punching his arm as I passed for good measure.
“Anyways,” I spoke facing the window. “It’s not like I’ve not dealt with that before. It’s old news.”
“I know.” Arthur said solemnly, refusing to look my way. “But you shouldn’t.”
“Well, it happened, it happens, and it’s going to happen again.” I giggled through my tear-filled eyes. I felt Arthur’s presence behind me, bringing me into the lightest hug.
“You know I’m here for you. And if you don’t want to tell your dad when it happens, that’s fine but promise you’ll at least tell me. You know I love giving a guy a good punch, especially on your behalf.”
I turned around in his arms and found our noses almost touching.
“Thank you, Arthur. My knight in shining armour.” I could see the muscles in his neck strain as he very gently leaned in. I copied and moved until our lips softly grazed.
We jumped back from each other, in a spook.
“That’ll be them I guess.” I quickly fled the scene and brushed my fingers against my lips. That was about to happen, wasn’t it?
Ariadne gasped as she awoke. Her eyes were flamed, and her pupils darted around the room, trying to make sense of it all. The music bubbled throughout the room adding a flare of theatrics to the situation. This was her second time under, so I assumed her jerk meant she hadn’t woken up in the most pleasant way.
“You’re okay, you’re okay.” Arthur quickly reassured her. Calming her down through gentle caresses.
“Why didn’t I wake up?”
I answered whilst making sure Dad was okay. “Because there was still time on the clock, and you can’t wake up from a dream unless you die.”
“She’ll need a totem.” Dad announced, already leaving the room.
“Dad give her a minute, geez.”
“What? Dad? Wait what?” Ariadne was shaken and looked between Cobb, and I confused.
“A totem it’s a small, personal-“
“That’s some subconscious you’ve got on you, Cobb! She’s a real charmer.”
“Ah I see you met my mom.”
“She’s, his wife?” She asked breathlessly, looking up at me. I nodded sadly.
“So, a totem, you need a small object, potentially heavy, something you can have on you all the time.” Ariadne covered her eyes to mentally acknowledge what she had just been through. I knew none of Arthur’s words were registering. It was too soon. She needed to go away so she can see how addicting it feels. I remembered my first time. I was so scared, but it was a delicious fear. “Something that no one else knows.”
“Like a coin?”
“No, it needs to be more unique than that. Like this is a loaded die,” Arthur brought out his totem, similar to mine. “I can’t let you touch it, see that would defeat the purpose. Only I know the balance and the weight of this loaded die. That way when you look at your totem, you know that you’re not in someone else’s dream.” I stuck my hand in my pocket to feel my own. It was a picture of me, James, and Philippa but it has a small mistake on it. In the picture I have braces, when in reality I’ve never worn them.
I left Arthur and Ariadne to talk and went to check on my dad. He had the spinning top again. We both watched it spin out, helpless to do anything else. When it fell, he loudly exhaled. I knew he had to do it, I just didn’t know why.
We both re-joined Arthur to find that the girl had left. It was probably all too much for such little time. And any run in with Mal’s projection would make anyone uneasy.
“She’ll be back. I’ve never seen anyone pick it up that quickly before.”
“I’ll try not to be offended.” I said with a smirk. Dad kissed my forehead. “Of course, except you, sweetie.”
“Reality’s not gonna be enough for her now, I remember the feeling.”
“When she comes back, you’re gonna have her building mazes.”
“Where are you gonna be?”
“I gotta go visit Eames.” I quietly clapped and celebrated in the corner. Eames was my favourite person to work with and we’ve always had a great partnership since our first time when I was only 15. He was the one who taught me impersonation and forgery, much to my dad’s admiration. If Arthur was like my uncle, then Eames was my rebellious older brother, letting me get away with anything I wanted.
“Eames? No, he’s in Mombasa, it’s Cobol’s backyard.”
“It’s a necessary risk.”
“Well, there’s plenty of good thieves.”
“We don’t just need a thief. We need a forger.”
Arthur had reluctantly gone home for the night. I promised him I would be fine sleeping in the warehouse since my dad was away. He didn’t trust me, but he knew he couldn’t argue with me. I mean I didn’t lie. I did want to sleep.
I got myself comfortable on the deck chair and let the sedative seep into my veins.
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*your dream space*
I opened my eyes in the lobby of the hotel. Over the years I had fashioned my subconscious in this specifically navigable layout. I could bury things on different floors, and revisit things in different rooms.
It was empty. Just how I liked it. Projections of your mind are easier to get rid of than you think. I clipped my heels all the way down to the large metal elevator. I entered into the 1920s style tiled lift and looked at the numbers. -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3.
My painted finger pressed harshly down into ‘1’.
The lift rung to life and pushed me up into the crevices of my mind. And as quickly as it started the doors were back open on to a brightly lit white corridor. The hall was as clean and perfect as I wanted to keep these memories. I opened up the door ‘101’.
Inside I saw James, Philippa and I dancing at the beach. As my projection pushes her feet through the sand, I curl my toes as I feel it soft beneath me. We are running about playing a game of tig as mom and dad look on from the picnic blanket laid out with food. The colours have faded like an old photograph, and I struggle to make out the different faces.
I decided to jump ahead a little and reach for room ‘111’.
I walk hand in hand down a beautifully decorated woodland path. Mom and dad flank me on either side. I stand tall, a child of 11, in the midst of my very own dream. That was the first time. Like the previous one it’s colours have all but gone.
I hurry back into the elevator and change the floor to number ‘2’.
This floor is harshly painted yellow, and its lights flicker incessantly. I trudge down the disgustingly patterned carpet to room ‘204’. My hand questions itself as it reaches for the handle. The door flies open into the living room of our house. I stand face to face with my mother in all her beauty. She is shouting.
“You are not my daughter; don’t you think I’d know if you were.”
My young voice shakes as it answers. “Mom, please, it’s me. You have to believe me.”
“You. Are. Not. Real.”
Her hand grasps the kitchen knife and raises it. I slam the door shut and hear the yelp of my self projection. I wait to calm my heavy breathing. I don’t want to remember her like this but it’s the only room she frequents now.
My limp body returns to the lift, and I finally reach for ‘3’. The box whirrs to life and almost gently raises me up into the final floor. This is my newest creation, where I store the unexplained and the prophetic.
I walk out onto the beautiful sage green corridor, adorned with expensive antique decorations. I make my way to room ‘301’. The door softly creaks open, and my eyes are blinded by a white light filtering in from an open window. The transparent net curtain hinders my eyeline. But in front of me I see the silhouette of a man. He is only wearing a pair of briefs and I am able to make out the lean but structured outline of his body. His hair is thick and luscious. A few chocolate strands have fallen to kiss his sharp cheekbones. I struggle to discern a face, yet I still feel stuck in this man’s gaze. Like his eyes have me in their grip. I push my way through the netting, but it works against me, rooting me to the spot. I struggle and I struggle. The constraint of the curtain becoming too much to bear. It’s difficult to breathe in my panic.
“Are you alright?” The strangers voice is the last thing I hear permeating the darkness before I’m woken up by the clock. The sedative wore off.
I sat there for a minute, gathering my breath. He was there. Again. He’s always there. No matter what I build, or where I hide, he finds a way through.
I wonder who that mysterious man could be ;)
taglist: @jonsncws @h-l-vlovesvintage
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vodika-vibes · 1 year
Summary: Now that the war is over, you should leave Kamino. But, well, Kamino is just so damn convenient for you. And Alpha-17 has some questions.
Pairing: Alpha-17 x Reader
Word Count: 1823
Warnings: Suggestive
A/N: I'm in a Fox mood, but I can't think of an idea for Fox, so I wrote for Alpha-17 instead.
Divider by saradika
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You hate Kamino.
You had the hospital white walls, and the way it always smells like antiseptic and soap. And you really hate how the Kaminoans look at you like you’re somehow lesser than them.
As if you’ve ever been lesser than anyone a day in your life!
Still, you are very well paid for your services, and Kamino does not have extradition treaties with Republic planets, which is the whole reason that you agreed to take the job in the first place.
You are a thief. Well…a con-artist, really. And you are very, very good at what you do. The Kaminoans don’t know that…though you’re fairly sure that Master Ti at least suspects that you’re not what you claim you are.
Which is categorically untrue. You started your career as a Hacker, after all. Which makes you more than qualified to teach. Well, sort of. Technically your qualifications are all fake, but you’re the only person who knows that.
But now the war is over, and technically you can leave Kamino, and the judgemental Kaminoans, and the even more judgemental Jedi…but you don’t want to. 
Partly because Kamino still doesn’t offer extradition to Republic planets, but mostly because you’ve become attached to your kids, and you don’t want to leave them.
But right now you aren’t working.
Right now you’re sitting in a communal kitchen, curled up on the one comfortable couch, with your gaze focused on a datapad.
The young Queen of Naboo is throwing a gala in two months and there’s going to be a stunning dagger on display and you want it. Conning someone from half a galaxy away isn’t that hard, really. Not so long as you prepare.
You don’t even look up when you hear someone enter the room.
“You do know that you have a room, right?”
“Oh, is that what that room is? I hadn’t realized.” You reply lightly as you type a few more things, and then turn off your datapad as your plan goes into motion.
“What are you doing anyway?” You look up at Alpha-17, who watches you from the corner of his eye as he makes some more caf.
“A lady never reveals her secrets, Alpha.” You reply lightly, as you adjust on the couch and watch him with a secretive little smile.
Alpha-17 is one of the oldest clones. He also has the honor of being the most dangerous man on Kamino, and the most stubborn man you’ve ever met in your life. And you’ve met a lot of stubborn men over the years.
He watches you, all the time, and he’s not subtle about it at all. Likely because he believes you’re a threat to his brothers.
You respect that about him. Grudgingly, at first, and genuinely as time passed.
And, over the years, that respect has grown into a genuine attraction.  
He turns to look at you, “A lady, huh? Didn’t know there were any ladies on Kamino.”
“Then you must not be looking all that hard,” You reply as you smoothly untuck your legs and stretch them out in front of you, “After all, Shaak Ti and myself can hardly be compared to the…hm…thugs that made up the cuy’val dar, no?”
You smother a grin when you notice his gaze drag down your legs, and then back up to your face, “Well,” he says roughly, “General Ti isn’t a thug.”
“Oh Alpha,” You practically purr out his name, and you feel a surge of triumph as his gaze snaps to your lips, “I’m hurt.”
“You’ll get over it,” He counters, “You don’t look that upset. In fact, you look downright thrilled.”
“Well, I do enjoy talking to you, Alpha. No one else gives me the time of day. Except, of course, for my babies.” A fond smile crosses your face as you think of the dozen or so boys who lovingly call you mom.
“Maybe they’d be more willing to talk to you if you didn’t call them thugs,” Alpha offers sarcastically, as he walks over to you and stands close. Close enough to be uncomfortable if you were any other person.
“They are thugs.” You reply blithely.
“And that’s why no one here likes you,” He says.
“Hm…including you?” You ask as you smoothly push to your feet, allowing yourself right into Alpha’s personal space. 
And Alpha, who’s never backed down from anyone in his life, merely raises a single brow. “Why do you care if I like you or not?” He asks.
“Well, we are co-parenting, dear.”
He takes a sharp inhale, and you don’t even bother to hide your amused smile, “We’re not co-parenting.” He says after a moment.
“Agree to disagree then.” You say lightly, and then you gently tap his arm, “Excuse me.”
He moves to the side, allowing you to pass, but before you can make it to the sink, and grabs your wrist and spins you around fast enough that you’re off balance, “What are you working on, mesh’la?”
“Just a game, Captain,” You say to him, completely unafraid even though it would be so easy for him to hurt you, “No need for you to fret.”
His grip around your wrist tightens slightly, “General Ti doesn’t trust you. She says that you’re planning something.”
“I’ve been on Kamino, training those boys, since before she even knew Kamino existed.” You counter, “And I have never done anything to harm those boys.”
He raises an eyebrow, “You don’t deny you’re planning something.”
“I have lots of plans, darling.” You reply, your voice a whisper, “You’ll have to be more specific.”
“Tell me your plans.”
“Hm…” You flash a sly smile, “I have a twelve step plan based solely around getting you into my bed.”
His grip around your wrist loosens slightly, “You’re lying.” Alpha says with narrowed eyes.
“Am I?” You lean closer to him, until you’re pressed against the hard plastoid of his armor, “You’re not a dumb man, Alpha. And you’re not unobservant.”
His lips press into a thin line for a moment, “Fine. You’re not lying. But you’re not completely telling the truth either.”
You hum quietly, “Well, full disclosure, when I applied for the job it was…convenient.” 
“Mm.” You hum your agreement, “Convenient.”
“In what way?” Alpha demands.
You hum thoughtfully, and then you grin, “That’s a secret, I’m afraid. But, you can go and tell General Ti that my only plans involve seducing you.”
“You think she sent me to interrogate you?” Alpha asks.
“Oh Alpha, of course she did.” You say with a laugh, “Now…since you don’t want me in here, I suppose I’ll just have to return to my room.” You lightly tap his hand, and he releases your wrist. You favor him with a warm smile as you back out of the room.
The walk back to your room takes ten minutes. And you manage to get the door open, and then shut, and your datapad plugged in, before there’s a knock on the door.
You open the door and don’t even bother to hide your amusement at seeing Alpha-17 on the other side. “Is there something else General Ti needs from me?” You ask lightly.
Something dangerous slides across Alpha’s face and he steps into your room. He reaches out and shuts the door with a hit of the door panel. “So far as I’m aware, she doesn’t know I’m here.” 
“She’s aware of where you are, Alpha. She’s a Jedi.”
He scoffs, and his deft fingers start stripping his armor off, his gaze locked on yours, “I find myself very interested in this seduction plan of yours,” He said, his voice a low rumble, “But I’m also not half patient enough to wait for you to put your plan into play.”
You quirk a single brow, “Is that right?” You ask as you watch him strip his armor off and set it next to the door.
“It is right.” Once his armor was neatly stacked next to the door, he advances on you, “So you’re going to tell me about why Kamino is convenient, and then I am going to claim you as mine.”
“What if I don’t want to be claimed?” You ask.
His hands settle on your hips, and then slide down to your thighs, and you squeak when he lifts you effortlessly, “I think you’ll find that I can be very convincing, cyar’ika.” He says once he encourages you to hook your legs around his waist.
“Well, you’re not wrong,” You agree with a laugh.
He walks you across the room, to the bed, and he settles you in the middle of the bed, and then he settles himself over you, using his hips to pin you in place. “So,” he says lightly, as he lightly grips your wrists and pins them next to your head, “Why Kamino?” Alpha asks as he presses his face into your neck and presses a hot kiss against your pulse.
You jolt at the kiss, and then again when you feel him nipping the same spot, “Uh…maybe I like the rain.”
He hums against your skin, and his lips trail down to the juncture of your neck and shoulder, where he kisses, and then bites down just hard enough to leave an obvious mark, “Try again, cyare.”
You whine as he moves his lips again, and bites down a third time, “Kamino doesn’t extradite anywhere.” You say through a quiet moan.
You feel him grin against your skin, “That’s an interesting thing for you to worry about.” He growls as he moves his lips to your throat.
You let out a breathless laugh, “I’m a con-artist, Alpha. A con-artist and an art thief. And I really don't want to go to jail.”
He pauses, and pulls back to look at you, “I’ve seen how you train the cadets, mesh’la. Are you telling me you’re a thief and a tech wiz?”
“I started out as a slicer and decided to evolve into something more challenging.” You admit with a sheepish grin.
“So your credentials?”
“All fake.”
Alpha stares at you, and then he laughs, and crashes his lips against yours, “Good to know.” He mumbles against your lips, “But I can’t seem to bring myself to care.”
You laugh quietly, “If I knew that all I needed to do to get you in my bed is tell you that I wanted you there-” You tease lightly.
His eyes glimmer with mischief as he sits up a little. And then he slowly drags your hands over your head, and pins them in place with one hand, and he uses his newly free hand to start peeling your clothes off. “I’m going to strip your clothes off, and then I’m going to unmake you three or four times before I claim you as my own.” He promises, and then he kisses you.
You grin into the kiss. Alpha always keeps his promises, after all.
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klett161 · 7 months
So I think many people are not aware about the current state of Julien Assange, the founder of Wikileaks since he‘s not getting a lot of media attention any more and the news cycle has long moved on.
Around 2 years ago the British courts already ruled that hell be extradited into the Usa where he will spend the rest of his life in jail under according to amnesty International: „a real risk of serious human rights violations including possible detention conditions that would amount to torture and other ill-treatment“. In the Usa he will face charges for his Journalistic practices such as leaking footage of Us soldiers committing war crimes.
Right now he‘s being held in Belmarsh high security prison in the east of London, England. He has been there since two years ago and is currently being held in solitary confinement. While the courts in the Uk already ruled about his extardidment to the Usa two years ago he is right at the moment in the process of making his last appeal. if it fails which it mostly likely will his last chance would be an appeal to the Un human rights comitee. The last appeal in front of the court in the Uk will be held on the 16th and 17th of February.
He is being charged for „being a risk to the national security of the United States of America“ under the 1917 Espionage act which was put in place during the Usa‘s Involvement in the first world war to fight german spy’s in Us Institutions and should have been abolished after the end of it. Instead it stayed in place up until today conveniently giving the Us-Government a reason to jail some of their stongest critics.
You just have to really think about the Implications that this whole case carries with it, if the Us Government can classify every document they don‘t want the public to know about because it would Inform them about their atrocities and crooked doings and everyone leaking them can get charged how can you still talk about a functioning Democracy? Not that I think that any representative democracy especially not the one in the Usa represents the true will of the people. But even taken this aside the rational of a democracy must be that information is somewhat available for voters to base their decision on. The thing is the Us-Government knows and this includes both parties that all of their little war adventures in the middle east and the all civilian casualties, displaced people and other atrocities commited would,even under the most ignorant Americans, raise some eyebrows. THEY FEAR THE TRUTH
And I think all of this is not only typical for the Us but for basically every liberal democracy. Nominally there is a right to free speech for everyone up until the point that you pose a real thread to the Government. And no, the constitution will not defend you because guess what even if there are no convenient laws like the Us espionage act that help to prosecute you, there are all sorts of secret services that don’t give a fuck about the constitution and their only purpose is to do what ever is best for the nation-state they are serving weather that is overthrowing government’s, bribing a court or assasinations doesn’t matter. And if the Usa can keep on silencing its sharpest critics without international condemnation or condemnation by their citizens, other western countries will follow this example and be more confident to prosecute their own critics openly, I do believe this is somewhat of a slippery slope.
There will be some last big demonstrations on the 20th and 21st of February outside of the royal court where the hearings will take place. Demonstrations starting as early as 8:30(GMT) so if you live in the area consider going. And even if you don’t live near london you can still get active, share Information, talk to friends and family, make solidarity graffitis, write an article for a local newspaper or zine, attend solidarity demonstrations or if there are none in your area organize one yourself. Anything really just don‘t look away
Please Reblog and share not only this post but all posts aiming to raise awareness about this topic.
This struggle is not merely about Julien Assange it‘s about press freedom as a whole. And not just in the Us but everywhere, so go and fight for free speech while you still can
amnesty International: https://www.amnesty.org/en/petition/julian-assange-usa-justice/
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fairysluna · 1 year
His Highness Prince Aegon II Targaryen was finally able to escape from his native home. He ran away many times, but he was constantly caught. But this time, he succeeded. He is standing on the threshold of some small estate, as it seems to him. His hands are icy, he is frozen to the bone, he does not feel his own body, but desperately knocks on closed, dark doors. He doesn't know where he is, he just knows, that somewhere far to the North. Far further away, than he could ever have imagined. And that's good. The further away from home, the better. The only thing, that deeply hurts the Prince, other than the icy wind, is that his winged treasure is far away from him. Sunfyre stayed at home. The Prince shouts, but does not hear his own voice. He's banging on the door. He was tired and cold. The last thing, he sees before collapsing backwards, is an increasing crack of light.
When a strange man with silver hair appeared on the threshold of your house in the deep, cold night, you, the mistress of this house, the last member of your last name, did not expect much from him. Even though you live on the edge of the universe, there is no escape from rumors.
Everything about this place was strange to the Prince. The young woman is in charge here. There are very few servants, and they all called you by name, although with deep respect in their voice. And you didn't call them "servants", you said: "my help". When you greeted him by his full name, the Prince prepared to run again, but you only asked him to be calm and respectful. Now, he is very far from home, the King's fist almost does not reach these lands, you have your own rules and customs here. And if the Prince wants to stay, he must comply with them. This world is different, from where he came from. And Aegon agreed. He promised to behave himself, and you promised not to extradite him. And it was easy. Few people get to your tiny piece of land. In fact, it's surprising, how he crawled up here at all.
But that was a long time ago.
Now, Aegon has increased not only in the waist, but in the shoulders. And, it seems, he became half a head taller, but that's not for sure. He began to smile more, and an unquenchable flame burns in his eyes. And his habits have also changed. The current Aegon and Aegon, that escaped from King's Landing, are two different Aegons.
Where else would you see Prince Aegon, playing snowballs with little children, to whom, he has nothing to do? And he let these children beat him. Where else would you see Prince Aegon, who portrays a defeated dragon? Where else would you see Prince Aegon, sitting relaxed on an icy lake and fishing for fun? Of course, he brings the most beautiful catches home, to his real home, but mostly, he finds fishing calming. He even asked a local blacksmith to make him a "safe fishing hook".
You've lived on this icy lake all your life, and fishing has never given in to you. Your best catch, is someone's ring. And this stranger just picked up a fishing rod, and immediately caught a good fish! It's just not fair! This bastard has talent! Of course, you told him, that you'd kick him out of the house for it, but you both just laughed about it. You praised his talent.
Aegon noticed, that you often praised him in general. Also, he found out, that you are not much different from him in age, but, almost from childhood, a huge burden of responsibility hangs on you. You are the eldest daughter in the family, you are the first heiress to this small town. You are literally the last person in this family.
You have a bad pedigree. Almost all the sisters ran away, some to freedom, some to lovers, the father was mired in his thirst for money and power, and the mother despaired of finding happiness in this house. There was no one left. You're alone. But Aegon doesn't need power. Aegon has escaped from power. But he offered you to become, a kind of, well, your consort. You tell him, he'll do it. Now you're not alone. Now Aegon is here. And when you get married, he will be happy to be called by your last name. Aegon was run away from responsibility, he didn't want that responsibility. But for this responsibility, he is ready for anything. And he will not break this promise.
Aegon himself did not think, that he would love this place so much. He is much deeper in the North, than any "Dog" could tell him. If the whole world were a plate, he would be on the very edge of that plate. Aegon loved this quiet, affectionate estate with all his heart, these kind and loyal assistants, who call him: "Aegon" or "my boy". He fell in love with these icy forests and waters. And this small town, with its strange inhabitants, for whom he has already become their own. And this warm berry pie, for which he ready sell his soul, which is cooked by a maid of a very respectable age, who, by the way, calls him affectionately: "my boy".
Where else could you see Prince Aegon, who yesterday danced with his Lady by the fireplace some kind of incoherent, fervent dance, and today - he hugs her closely to him, gently swaying by the same fireplace. Sometimes, in the morning, Aegon is afraid to open his eyes. If this is all a dream, then let this dream not end. But Aegon feels the familiar heavy and warm blanket again. So, everything is fine. One day, you told him, that you were a little sad, that all your sisters had scattered, that you would like to show him off in front of them. You've always been not the most attractive sister, a hopeless bride. And here's how it all turned out. Aegon thought the same thing. It would be so nice, to show off such a new life in front of his family. But, on the other hand, Aegon will do everything, to protect this new life. He has changed, but some of the old traits of his being remain.
Aegon is a dragon, and you are a whale. And you would never have thought, that a dragon would so desperately want to turn into a whale. You are his beautiful flower, carved out of thick, centuries-old ice. But when Aegon hears your bones crunch again and again, when he sees the old scars on your skin, how your hands are shaking again, the deep dark color under your eyes, that will never leave you. When he looks into your eyes again, in which your whole life is visible, Aegon understands again, that you are still a flower, that needs to be cared for. And he'd be damned, if he'd let that flower wither. You've had a heavy burden on you for a lot of years. But now, you have someone to share it with.
Aegon tells you his fiery fairy tales, and you tell him your fairy tales, woven from icy water. In this cold fairy tale, he will never be found.
One day, when you were cuddling by the fireplace, you told him, that you would love to meet Sunfyre. You even came up with an approximate place, where he could be placed. You ask Aegon, if the dragon would freeze here? After all, even through all this time, Aegon is still freezing here. Well, you were born in cold water, and Aegon in fire, of course he is cold here!
When you both approved the construction of the "home for Dragon", Aegon gathered in the capital, to take what rightfully belongs to him. In fact, even in such an unpleasant business, as a temporary return to his native lands, there are a couple of pleasant moments. Firstly, Sunfyre will be with him again. Gods, how he misses Sunfyre. Secondly, you're excited about meeting Sunfyre, in the best possible way. Aegon is more than sure, that his winged treasure will like you as well. And thirdly, several local men offered to help him. They offered to go with him, just in case. After all, no one here wants their Lady's future husband to get hurt or worse. Besides, this very future husband, well, is not a very bad guy.
Oh, Aegon's poor heart, it's about to burst... He would give his life for this little piece of land.
Oh my god- this is so perfect... thank you for sharing this with me and my followers, i feel HONORED. Firstly, the story is amazing, the fluff? soft aegon? yes, please. Secondly, your writing is INCREDIBLE, and I would LOVE to hear more about this story pretty pleaseeee (if you have a name for it let me know to put it in the tags)
Please everyone NEED to read this, i loved it so much.
sorry for not being able to add the 'read more'
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beardedmrbean · 7 months
A man who fatally shot four people and wounded a fifth on a marijuana farm in Oklahoma has been sentenced to life in prison.
Chen Wu, 47, pleaded guilty Friday to the November 2022 shooting as part of a deal. Prosecutors said they thought about seeking the death penalty in the case.
Wu stormed into the farm on Nov. 20, 2022, and demanded $300,000 within 30 minutes, according to investigators. He threatened to kill everyone on site if he didn’t get the money, police said.
A witness said Wu held the group hostage at gunpoint before eventually killing four people: Quirong Lin, Chen He Chun, Chen He Qiang and Fang Hui Lee. He also wounded a fifth person, Yi Fei Lin. Wu and all of the victims were Chinese citizens.
After the shooting, Wu fled to South Florida but authorities captured him there on Nov. 22. He was extradited back to Oklahoma and charged with four counts of first-degree murder and one count of assault, all of which he eventually pleaded guilty to.
Wu was involved with the marijuana farm in Hennessy, Okla., about 50 miles north of Oklahoma City. At an extradition hearing, he said he feared returning to Oklahoma and claimed the others involved had ties to organized crime.
The farm had obtained a license to grow marijuana, but it was operating illegally, according to authorities. Medical marijuana is legal in the state, but recreational weed remains outlawed.
“This case should serve as a reminder of the dangers surrounding illegal marijuana activity in Oklahoma,” said Kingfisher County District Attorney Tommy Humphries.
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ukrfeminism · 6 months
Social media influencer Andrew Tate will be extradited to the UK after a British police force secured a European arrest warrant for allegations of rape and human trafficking.
Bedfordshire Police said they are working with authorities in Romania as part of an investigation into the 37-year-old and his 35-year-old brother Tristan.
The pair were detained on Tuesday and appeared at the court of appeal in Bucharest where it was ruled they would be extradited following the conclusion of legal proceedings in Romania.
The allegations, which the two brothers “unequivocally deny”, date back to 2012-2015.
Speaking to reporters outside court following the ruling, Andrew Tate told reporters he and his brother are “very innocent men”.
He said: “I want to give absolute credit to Romanian justice for making the correct decision today.
“Unfortunately I don’t think many people in Romania understand, but in the West, in the countries that are owned by the satanists, when you get to a certain level of fame you either put on a dress or you go to jail and I’m happy to make my choice which is jail every single time, my soul is not for sale neither are my principles.
“We’re very innocent men and in time everybody’s going to see that.
“We are excited to finish this judicial process and clear our names.”
The pair were released from police custody following the hearing, their representative said.
Lawyers representing four women who accuse Tate of rape and sexual assault said they wrote to UK police to request his detention over fears he would flee Romania.
In response to the claims made by law firm McCue Jury & Partners, Tate’s spokeswoman said: “We unequivocally deny any accusations that Andrew or Tristan Tate intends to abscond from Romania to evade the judicial proceedings.
“Our clients are fully committed to actively participating in the legal process and defending their reputation.
“We believe this rumour has originated from a popular online influencer who misconstrued a text message from our clients while streaming live. There is simply no truth to it.”
The law firm said the four British accusers were the subject of an investigation by Hertfordshire Constabulary.
The Hertfordshire investigation was closed in 2019.
In response to the court of appeal’s ruling on Tuesday, the Tate brothers’ lawyer Eugen Vidineac said: “We appreciate the Bucharest Court of Appeal’s decision to postpone the extradition of Andrew and Tristan Tate.
“This ruling provides an opportunity for the brothers to participate fully in their defence and for the legal process to proceed in a transparent manner.”
Commenting on the Tate brothers being detained, Matthew Jury, managing partner at McCue Jury & Partners, said: “Today’s news is very welcome as it has been a significant concern to many that Tate would seek to avoid justice in Romania and abroad.
“We are grateful to the British authorities for taking our concerns seriously and issuing an arrest warrant.”
Mr Jury said Andrew Tate had “spread a vast amount of disinformation about the criminal allegations he faces in the UK” since his first arrest in Romania.
The law firm said it welcomed the court of appeal’s decision on Tuesday.
In a separate case, the Tate brothers are charged with rape, human trafficking and forming a criminal gang to sexually exploit women in Romania after being arrested in the country’s capital in December 2022 alongside two Romanian women.
All four deny the allegations.
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