#eye floaters cure
sanguine-squid · 4 months
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trying to make an image that looks like how my vision does with visual snow but its difficult ...
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i have found some images that are fairly accurate to other things i see though!!!
i think seeing that sort of "vortex" is common when people have comorbidities with migraines, which i dont think i have (although my mom does so i may start having them later on)
i often have very colourful images in my eyes, although im not quite sure if they're after images or not? i dont know!!! they do mimic images previously seen.though there are also separate images i can see frequently (although it happened more often when i was younger) which take form as red or green rings of light
i also get floaters frequently which look similar to bacteria under a microscope
the static effects are more easy to see in large monocolour areas (like the sky) or in the dark. this makes it really difficult to navigate in the dark...... it also means i have a difficult time seeing the stars at night (sad....)
i also have tinnitus alongside this and it sucks 👍 unfortunately there hasn't been much research done on VSS and there is no known treatment or cure !!!
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lasikcomplications · 2 months
Lasik Complications
I created this account to share my story with Lasik. I hope my experience informs others of the truth behind the Lasik industry—its deceptive marketing practices, medical negligence culture and hidden complication rates.
I got Wavefront Optimized Lasik in 2023 with the ex500 laser with an Ivy League faculty surgeon in the USA. My myopia was between -5.00 and -6.00 in both eyes beforehand. My astigmatism was minor and uncorrected beforehand, between -.25 and -.50. I actually didn’t even know I had astigmatism before getting Lasik. Since that is a normal amount for most people, it is not noticeable or corrected. My prescription had been stable for over 3 years before proceeding with Lasik.
I have many complications after Lasik and it has been traumatic both physically and mentally. It is singlehandedly the most devastating thing to ever happen to me.
The surgeon should be discussing the risks with you in relation to your specific screening and eye health history during the initial consultation, but the problem is that many do not, rather they just send you a consent form after approving you as a candidate, without explaining why thoroughly. It is solely up to you to educate and inform yourself of the risks beforehand, but you are not an expert in the field so may not know what to look for in your own research.
Below are the things I wish I had known before going through with the procedure.
1) The risk of ectasia in relation to your individual screening results (corneal thickness, age, prescription, etc.). How corneal thickness impacts possibility of retreatment down the line if needed, how further treatment would greatly increase the risk of ectasia by further thinning the cornea. The risk is also very dependent on your current prescription and current corneal thickness. Higher prescriptions require more tissue removal.
2) Dry eye risk in relation to your screening. Explanation of how Lasik severs nerves which causes dry eye, risk of corneal neuralgia if nerves do not heal adequately. Explanation of how nerves never return to preoperative levels.
3) Loss of best achieved/corrected visual acuity and loss of contrast particularly at night due to pupil dilation.
4) Risk of starbursts/halos at night in relation to the patient’s pupil size vs. treatment zone.
5) Risk of under and overcorrection, and irregular astigmatism.
6) Explanation of what the Lasik flap is, scarring risk and permanent loss of corneal strength. Comparison of risks to other procedures: PRK and Smile.
7) Risk of floaters in relation to myopia, lattice degeneration, and risk of retinal detachment or early posterior vitreous detachment due to trauma caused by suction used during procedure. 
8) Risk of rainbow glare due to laser pattern.
9) Explanation of how Lasik increases higher order aberrations which are uncorrectable through regular glasses/soft contacts and lead to visual side effects such as irregular starbursts, etc. There is no guaranteed fix--one can try topography guided retreatment, but it may not work. Scleral lenses can potentially correct but not cure.
10) Explanation of how Lasik makes cataract surgery harder to get if needed down the line. Patients getting Lasik should hold onto all previous eye records and topography scan for future cataract surgery. 11) Explanation of how Lasik leads to falsely low IOP measurements which may increase risk of undiagnosed glaucoma
Of these possible short-term and long-term risks, I currently have the following.
Rainbow glare, a rare side effect caused by the laser pattern. Usually transient over 2 years but not for all. Retreatment can fix it but cannot do due to post-Lasik dry eye syndrome and suspected corneal neuralgia.
Massive, irregular starbursts and halos at night, making night vision significantly poorer than before. I was told after the procedure during a second opinion consultation that I have larger than average dilated pupils, causing light to enter the untreated area at night which causes these visual disturbances. Only temporary pupil constriction drops can treat it, or risk topography-guided retreatment to widen the treatment zone, which may not work either. I'm not sure why I was approved for Lasik given my pupil size, but they told me nothing.
Diagnosed under correction, diagnosed worsened astigmatism after the procedure by .50 diopters in left eye
Diagnosed severe flap scarring
Diagnosed Higher order aberrations (HOAs). Spherical and coma in particular as shown by aberrometry. In only one eye I see diagonal streaks of lights on cars even during the day time, and ghosting at night making it hard to read subtitles, digital clocks, any text on dark screens (can no longer use my phone in dark mode, for example). I also see starbursts and halos at all times of day but they are massive at night. Again, HOAs cannot be easily corrected. Topography guided retreatment may or may not fix it, could make it worse, and scleral lenses may or may not help.
Floaters: I thought I had retinal detachment given all the floaters gradually appearing 1-3 months after Lasik, so I had an emergency appointment. The ophthalmologists cannot explain definitively why Lasik causes more floaters. I have been told that Lasik may just make them clearer. Another has said that the suction during the procedure stirs them up, and may damage the retina. Another has said that Lasik isn’t “supposed” to cause floaters the way cataract surgery does. But no one could provide a concrete answer. However, studies show that Lasik can lead to early Posterior Vitreous Detachment and and Retinal Detachment is a known risk of Lasik, so damage to the retina caused by the suction makes the most sense. In the most recent laser information, all of these are now listed as side effect so I was lied to.
Post-Lasik dry eye and corneal neuralgia. My nerves may or may not regrow adequately over the course of 18 months. I am currently being treated with serum tears which cost around $300 (not covered by insurance) for a 3-month supply. Serum tears are made from your own blood. Another treatment option is IPL which can be around $450 a session (also not covered by insurance). Previously tried prescription Xiidra eyedrops which is around $60 a month with insurance. Before Lasik, I rarely used eye drops. I now use them daily alongside frequent painkillers, nerve medication (Gabapentin), warm compresses and icepacks. I was told I likely had Dry Eye Syndrome before Lasik by an outside eye doctor, but wasn’t aware. I had thought I was becoming intolerant of contact lenses due to allergies. The ophthalmologist should have seen my dry eye during the Lasik screening, but if they did, they didn’t say anything and still approved me as a candidate. Many doctors will also say that Lasik “only causes dry eyes for the first few months,” but this is not true for many people. Some develop long-term or permanent dry eye syndrome and corneal neuralgia due to poor nerve regeneration. My life is very different than it was 8 months ago due to the daily discomfort and pain caused by dry eyes. This is the most devastating impact of Lasik so far. I would strongly advise against getting Lasik if you already have dry eye symptoms.
All this to say, I also knew around 10 people who got Lasik, PRK or Smile before I went through with it, and none had serious complications. Only one regretted the procedure due to regressing with his astigmatism a few years later. Another got Lasik in 2000 for -4.00 myopia and is still 20/20 today without side effects.
But given my side effects, I am shocked to be the “1 in 11.” I have wondered if the statistics are really accurate that most fare well. Even if I am the unlucky one, the 1 in 11, I would still argue that this probability is still way too high for such devastating risks. 
When I did the procedure, I was mostly basing my faith on the people around me who had gotten it, rather than digging deeper into the research, data and stories of those with complications.
A report from the FDA in 2022 highlighted some statistics around Lasik side effects/complications and they are actually quite high despite the overall short-term satisfaction rate: https://www.fda.gov/medical-devices/lasik/lasik-quality-life-collaboration-project#:~:text=Questionnaire%20with%20Filenames-,Study%20Results,halos)
The study also admits it doesn’t have much data on long-term side effects, long-term risks and satisfaction.
In general, the marketing around Lasik is that it has the highest satisfaction rate in the world, and is a quick and casual miracle. Given that Lasik is an elective, expensive, privately paid procedure, I believe that this is why many clinics don’t adequately discuss these risks or review the patient’s screening with them in detail. 
I am now in a Lasik support group with a lot of people who have both similar and different issues from the procedure.
The consequences of Lasik are honestly the hardest thing I have ever gone through, so I want to make sure the next person considering Lasik is more well-informed than I was, and knows their risks in relation to their individual screening and health history. If I could go back in time, I would’ve stuck with glasses and contacts.
All in all, the effects of Lasik on my physical and mental wellbeing have been truthfully devastating. My outcome and experience thus far is something for me to adapt to, cope with, accept and move forward from. 
Thank you for reading.
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emo-is-sexy · 1 year
Visual snow sucks btw if u dont have it pls cherish your static-less vision. Like even when i close my eyes there is constant static and colors flashing and afterimages and floaters and starbursts and theres no cure im litrally stuck like this. I have tinnitus too so it kind of pairs with that so it feels like i can hear the static as well which freaks me out and gives me panic attacks
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eyecurehospital · 28 days
Retina Health: Understanding Common Conditions and Their Treatments
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Your retina is a very fine membrane lining the inside of your eyeball, light-sensitive, and responsible for clear vision. It transforms light into electrical impulses, which are interpreted visually by the brain. Its optimal health is therefore crucial in preventing loss of vision and ensuring good quality of life.
Common Retinal Diseases
There are many Retinal diseases that may affect people of any age. It is most important that these diseases be detected and treated as early as possible to retain vision. Some of the common diseases of the retina are as follows:
Diabetic Retinopathy: It is a complication of diabetes. High blood sugar levels damage the blood vessels within the retina, causing vision problems. Early detection through regular eye examinations is important to prevent loss of vision.
Age-Related Macular Degeneration: AMD, as the name suggests, will be mainly associated with ageing. It affects the macula—the central part of the retina responsible for sharp, detailed vision. Though there is no cure, early detection and treatment may help slow progression and prevent vision loss.
Retinal Detachment: Separation of the retina from its underlying tissue, usually associated with flashes of light, floaters, or blurred vision. It needs urgent medical attention to prevent any permanent loss of vision.
Glaucoma: Though most people associate glaucoma with increased eye pressure, it is the optic nerve connected to the back part of the eye that is damaged. It can be effectively prevented from causing vision loss if diagnosed and treated quickly.
Advances in Retinal Treatments
Advancement in Retinal Disease Treatment Over the Past Few Years. The horizon of treatment in retinal diseases has been revolutionized over the past few years. Such breakthroughs instill hope in patients afflicted with retinal diseases.
Laser Surgery: It is a microscopic surgery that can cure most retinal diseases, including diabetic retinopathy and retinal tears.
Anti-VEGF Injections: These injections checkmate growth factors that play a part in retinal diseases and inflammation. They prevent any likely loss of vision.
Vitrectomy: This is a surgical operation whereby the vitreous gel in the eye is removed and can treat retinal detachment or other disorders of the retina. Implantable Devices: Novel devices, including implantable retinal devices, are under development to offer restored vision for those who have the worst cases of retinal disease. The Role of Regular Eye Exams
Regular eye exams are crucial for retinal health. These will enable the eye care provider to detect the initial signs of retinal diseases and administer proper treatment. Your eye doctor will dilate your pupils during an eye exam to have an excellent view of your retina.
Lifestyle Factors and Retinal Health
While there is a genetic factor involved in a few retinal diseases, some of the following lifestyle factors might play a significant role in retinal health:. Take a look at some retinal health recommendations:
Maintain a Healthy Weight
Excess weight increases your risk of getting diabetes and other diseases that affect the retina. Keep Blood Pressure and Cholesterol in Check: High blood pressure and cholesterol are elements that can damage blood vessels, including those in the retina. Quit Smoking: Smoking increases one’s risk of developing a variety of health complications, like diseases that affect the retina. Safeguard Your Eyes from UV Rays: Wear sunglasses with UV protection to prevent sun rays from harmful effects on your eyes.
Eat a healthy diet
It helps in supporting your retinal health. An obvious vision is impossible without a healthy retina. By knowing the most common retinal diseases, being current in their treatments, and by a healthy lifestyle, you are one step ahead to save your vision. Remember, early detection and prevention save your vision.
Eyecure Hospitals has established a prominent place as the top eye hospital in Hyderabad and set standards in the area of retinal health. Highly skilled and using state-of-the-art technology, Eyecure offers comprehensive treatment for retinal diseases.
Eyecure Hospitals is at the forefront of treating retinal diseases by making use of the latest techniques, including laser surgery, anti-VEGF injections, and vitrectomy, to treat retinal diseases that include diabetic retinopathy, age-related macular degeneration, and retinal detachment. These treatments are taken care of by experienced specialists who focus on the comfort of patients and good results.
Eyecure Hospitals are extraordinary in offering patient-centered care. It understands fundamentally that everybody’s journey with retinal disease is very unique, and hence it tailors care in line with specific needs. The minute you walk into an Eyecure, you are going to step into a warm and nurturing haven where your well-being is going to be the most important thing.
Eyecure Hospitals is more than just another hospital; it is a ray of hope for people struggling with their retinal challenges. Established with a record in the success rate and with a look to patient satisfaction, so far, Eyecure Hospitals has become one of the most trusted hospitals among many patients of Hyderabad and beyond in that particular context.
When it comes to retinal health, nothing can beat Eyecure Hospitals in providing state-of-the-art care with advanced treatment and tender support.
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suryakantjha · 28 days
Eye Care Guide for the Elderly
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As we age, our eyes undergo a range of changes that can significantly impact our vision and overall quality of life. The elderly are more susceptible to various eye conditions, some of which can lead to severe vision loss if not addressed in time. Ensuring proper eye care is essential for maintaining good vision and detecting potential issues early on. This guide will provide insights into common eye problems faced by the elderly and the importance of consulting an eye specialist doctor in Delhi.
Common Eye Problems in the Elderly
Cataracts: Cataracts are one of the most common eye conditions affecting older adults. They occur when the lens of the eye becomes cloudy, leading to blurred vision, difficulty seeing at night, and sensitivity to light. While cataracts develop slowly, they can eventually impair vision to the point where surgery is necessary. Consulting a cataract surgeon in Delhi can help restore clear vision through a simple and effective surgical procedure.
Glaucoma: Glaucoma is a group of eye conditions that damage the optic nerve, often due to high intraocular pressure. It is a leading cause of blindness in people over the age of 60. The disease progresses slowly and may not present noticeable symptoms in its early stages. Regular check-ups with a top ophthalmologist in Delhi can help detect glaucoma early, enabling timely treatment to prevent vision loss.
Age-Related Macular Degeneration (AMD): AMD affects the macula, the part of the retina responsible for central vision. This condition can cause a gradual loss of sharp, central vision, making it difficult to read, drive, or recognize faces. While there is no cure for AMD, certain treatments can slow its progression. An eye specialist doctor in Delhi can provide guidance on managing AMD and recommend lifestyle changes to protect your vision.
Dry Eye Syndrome: As we age, our eyes produce fewer tears, leading to dry eye syndrome. This condition can cause discomfort, redness, and a gritty sensation in the eyes. Severe cases can result in inflammation and damage to the surface of the eye. Treatment options include artificial tears, medications, and lifestyle changes, all of which can be recommended by a top ophthalmologist in Delhi.
Diabetic Retinopathy: Diabetes can lead to complications in the eyes, particularly diabetic retinopathy, which occurs when high blood sugar levels damage the blood vessels in the retina. This condition can cause blurred vision, floaters, and even blindness if left untreated. Regular eye exams are crucial for detecting diabetic retinopathy early and preventing vision loss. Consulting an eye specialist doctor in Delhi who is experienced in managing diabetic eye conditions is essential for those with diabetes.
Importance of Regular Eye Exams
Regular eye exams are vital for the elderly, even if they do not have noticeable vision problems. Early detection of eye conditions can prevent severe vision loss and improve the effectiveness of treatments. During an eye exam, an eye specialist doctor in Delhi will assess your vision, check for signs of eye diseases, and recommend appropriate treatments or lifestyle changes.
For individuals with a family history of eye diseases, such as glaucoma or AMD, it is especially important to have regular check-ups with a top ophthalmologist in Delhi. These specialists are equipped with the latest technology and expertise to detect and manage eye conditions at an early stage.
Choosing the Right Eye Care Professional
Selecting the right eye care professional is crucial for maintaining healthy eyes. When looking for an eye specialist doctor in Delhi, consider factors such as their qualifications, experience, and patient reviews. A cataract surgeon in Delhi should have a proven track record of successful surgeries and positive patient outcomes.
Additionally, a top ophthalmologist in Delhi should be well-versed in the latest advancements in eye care and able to provide comprehensive care for various eye conditions. Don’t hesitate to seek a second opinion if you’re unsure about the diagnosis or treatment plan provided by your current eye care provider.
Taking care of your eyes is essential, especially as you age. Regular visits to an eye specialist doctor in Delhi can help detect eye conditions early and prevent severe vision loss. Whether you need a cataract surgeon in Delhi or a top ophthalmologist in Delhi for other eye-related issues, choosing the right professional can make all the difference in preserving your vision and quality of life.
Ensure that you prioritize your eye health by scheduling regular check-ups, following recommended treatments, and making necessary lifestyle changes. With the right care, you can maintain good vision well into your golden years.
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libidomechanica · 3 months
“Then equal Fates, and the judgment to give the”
A ballad sequence
               Stanza I
” All your hands the forfeit where, love.     Virgins, time— nearer rate. More shund then will be told by oath     to plight. Of what way, and what Prudent men and the judge a     Cause; the City, to see,
I know; and streams of him, to vex     their mossy home wished sold for my Safety shok; and a long     attent to David, undisturb your love, the kingless seas     that my love. Tonight assert
to further year of what I     did not her, rise a gloriously, impatience to me?     Its sadly o’er his vnflatt’ring gate as the brush’d past, known well     the end of a Forgiving
Kings and Fears, those who willing     seemed to be made, but there we ride on, we say, Her maids await     her; for not all her night appear as any morrow,     say: With me this book
together. And I am she was     slow-chapt power, and yours there, when some had to have you so     sound! Whose reader than her arms, transparent. His meat, they would     repose on thy beautiful
dream! A sad slave, start from the     motion, and yet, told the must not Factious Weed, yet, sprung; and     the pain did dropped clock ticking o’er the ending dominion     the mob of woe? Then equal
Fates, and the judgment to give     the last, when hopes a Right the window I with suddain Vengeance     from the broken their father dumb nor bound us, scale     of shepherd’s phrase, with the
ultimate at the Noble Youth     pined away of the Pigmy Body which only I could     found hers shall for you are not his counsels fit; sagacious     desires of ours betray
a husband; so long, till to     dwell in speech is dumb, think not meet the knight, dear. Who better     face! A gown, and all his wonder, and hold out with nimble,     Studious Aid make me
most affecting Folly far behind.     Not seem’d my soul, while falling sun, thick as dew, but so     it change. Near to the water. A blunt plain; I saw in your     many, the Thrifty
Sanhedrins to the fault? Don will not     blame reprov’d. Your arms and Fears of Arbitrary laws! Forget     themselves aware of me; and send these Arms accepted,     as the true in shops, but
therefore the day more ord’nary     eye. I, being the clinking through camps and the bones, that I     have spoken the least little things were was none so Beauty,     Gracefu’ air; death his
meat, then, thus singing old songsters     of your memory of hurts, which we call’d loveliness,     Lady, you of those waves like something statues     Thy beauty and this fear!
               Stanza II
Taught and motion and in their presence.     Little known to evening miser stand, simple and the     sea alone, the Scrifice.
Avarice, no cloudless ran at     her on the third among the Bad, turn’d my flame tracking could     deceive, shall the enlight
urge their Chief of Royal Party     e’r united Fury of the Western winds and Soldier,     but reality distracts
to foreign Yoke. A man shadow     the Danger laid, and expel as in his icy lips     shall already looks with
worse, the kindle or to might. In     days of old Jerusalem, of honour turn: gull’d with you     take myself so large, I
could be so! Yet knew how far the     Height of his Frame, unwarily was never the feet and     like spot of sicknesse run,
god dawn’d on me this sun and of     the Echoes, and fare; no ground. I feel an oval, square, or     widowhood, whose crimson
asking all the floater, we went,     griped all our sweet love. Come, my damnation and all our sweet     express, fearing, I adore:—
by stirre not. He given him     as fast as a bitter the tears did strikes it and walls, as     all the sexiest meal
of my cure, go call’d love which sight,     oppressions and grief that sunny gems on my left me, so     light as silence of Heaven
had you says hearing of those     infrequent been for a moment, the moon are wakened,     a mere born of my Plot.
               Stanza III
Who knows what I be dear this free?     Seem best? Himself in flower, to sing Euphelia frown, with     indignity of blizzard
another’s ocean depths, and     absinthe arrows that my hairs, another behind the King,     are often spoken therefore?
For oftentimes and more sweet     love and making head up into with dying. To time, and     on just proofe make, what Prudent
men a small arguments! But     we all thy sum of golden bow and long the could be still     to dwells, the beauty breed,
to decay, lest we lose they shine     so Beautiful voice for me, I adore the tomb, to batter     what But themselves: what
do belongs than was very behind     then sheds his peculiar priviledge crouches both     evermore fresh nuptial quarrels
last clothes stirred pool, drying out     at my dark-dawning your laught his heart. And live that that he     will permit my meaning,
doth stand I had to his Brother,     there thee and uncomplain. For the upper flower, we could     never had darke abstraction
clime when your dear lord! Where     Desolation, for honour’d, snatcht in the grave, and Please, refuse?     Upon the same as the
Fightingale sweeps through that devil     drove fine pacing truth and all inertial frames is coming     back I always in
the find your way of nought I will     be taught, in your own Posterity. Hut on pride and thrums     his disgrace the Grace: but
why should forget the grows with pasted-     on leave you to run. For themselves in the woud by Lord     known; arms that must be, or
an after memory of hurts,     which a purpose still at the Prime renew they can get free:     the crier cite the north
is place; in iustice to be hangeth     all outlives thee falling, leap’d o’er his life, yet we would     be. Far grass, be the same
Law supplies: such heavy cheek when     long locks, there and archangeable curls all my nature, plead     and laboured long like
to me. For to highest pavement     of the Courtesy and virtues ways; made longer to     Not ceasing to the Throne.
               Stanza IV
That will strikes the eternally.     A martyr’s green thy husband’s counsel ordered why, so late     in shepherd well-breath with
thy love. What I think’st by Natures     to kill or ill cold, than that the King’s dewy eve and     orient time, vague and again
until it scares itself. Finding     on your will company below, thy show! Yet, Fame debtor     for those, like prayer
and thanked fires of thunder, not how—     as if to farmers rich flowering look at Mileva,     it’s terrifièd, saw it
unfolded too, Maud? Gender his     wife was the my pass’d with a fading through their dwell: nay, I     pretend a Clog to Trade
fool is love their head up into     a frown when Nature: the dangers of the age one from self-     ingrain’d thy wife, and
providences I glimpse of his tongue,     and Heaven’s own the body is most read her smiles, that brow     is seen; the content to
his Bloud. Had he brighter of love,     the blood and fine worst of wine of you will, inanimate     at least little like a
flint is true: the mind the joy of     my Plot. Though here I my memory of the waters slept     on sand trolls the wild-flower
to bury all the faint half-     flush on its despair. God’s pamper’d people ignored you be     like thee granting Splendour
spirit with tears. Until I not     grasp’d it; of the skilfu’ string, and take up their heart has     Might keep embraces old.
               Stanza V
Sorrows the Blow of that cruel be?     But with my weare they could mortal mercy sway’d, my wrong, but     grief itself will go deep, while its virtue by dead break for     token. Surrounded deer leap it be grants suppose, infers     a Right, she’s twisted Command,
scatter’d; but thou will give into     the joy of silence from the generall Shout, proclaim’d     a Throne ascend, want giver, when the depth upborne as from     the Agèd Host, a naked the whale-bone man, ’tis Phillis,     only said, I am
aweary, he comes to grow. Madam     white Death. Yet new, as the traveler clearly enough, and     at last thought, swung blindly the flowers where your wives, and in     unascend, or some let Scorn’d by the tempest given. Then     chose: Fabricius from the
fawn that through August. Our true Thy     extremity; pleas’d, impatience their songsters Fate: in Exile     with fannes wel-shading grunted Lies, for a lonely     try’d, or then delves, bold Defiance we lived: the same,—and there     was dead weigh the heavy
artillery part; nay, I am     sure your frowned with trust, scarred with such folly call the hearts     unstrung, and boundaries of strife, The inheritance. Never     mistress rous’d Death to vex their Bonds to touch he things run down,     and complain. The mourning
to upheave the summer’s nae sae     trig, she said, and thy though a thousands, I had strung, and me     as one is singing for a forbid. Except its appear;     died Adonais. Then the flag stuck on a charnel-roof!     Camouflage from hence, but a
voice pealing up my delight of     his Progeny was not till to Destruction, but Time to     simply disinterest inslav’d the dusk, nothing replenish’d     not, wound more, if you’re sweet. A moral odor, after     me rolls and their youth, thy
hand, march in the Seasons Heaven’s     light, the future dares flash with smiling hand. It spreads her her     arms a wet napkin by her mither; sic a wife is Treason     armed, o eyes, I find, simple Rustic to a Cunning     Man of Jerusalem
Displease, in all its Grief. But     supposing upward, and walls asunder are disgrace, was matched     Elenor, whom the air and let him in her that his fate.     How we suffring Saint: would gutter in the rest; an age and     place: for Laws are not force,
no pretty ankle in Heav’n     Submitted fruit, and on just beyond time; for Fortune and hue,     and broken fair Geneura rose as love you canst sing not     to me nearer one. Went at once our lives upon her mind,     which men may be a still-
felt plague to shew her sight, opprest     the blood bound, the lips, and their merry o’er the longer than     half impair’d throng! Have my rightest company. And Controul,     such Vertue standing over the Height over there before that     time. I kiss’d the rain, well
satisfi’d with should so abide?     Movement was his shot the pane; the maketh a glory the     grave I will make his living merry goblins disappears,     when he felt only Crowds engage in the sky. Like to     My mist; so swept his wife.
               Stanza VI
Well full, or traveller: for ev’ry     scene; the floods no high doth take; so him I lose our fashions     lyre unstrung, and when
I begin, be it were that remove,     whilst we loser. Love broken, and longing her head no     tears that purpose noble
Stile he with family of vows, we’re     chaunting Spirits Bold, and where Adonais! Bade the Nation     which her side. Lifted in
hideous night! Where she and all     thy faces glimmers rich, a quiet company we passions     are mingled; and why
are left the occasion of the     War, but you we are the crystal stories he is dreamer,     awake an anadem,
I will speak,—I grant back-chat. He     wanting? And not given over than her Paradise was     the fruit presence than me.
’Re out on Tweed, the crickets ticked     at twinkle in your scream below, else how we live: runningly     power, because they
love of aged stars go over     they are how worthy gay smiles the motion, he made to Punish     e’re he loved me? Live
against me chop, but bounteous mind—     our hear. Twist to thee alone stand an entrance to blessed-fair     that as thou hast brought to
lose, a ruby, who live. Pop cultures     stream, we lay with her fit, as here, like a lord, and safe     from window, half there be
rack’d the wringing gown, and unembroyder’d     hands clasp your disbelief. By their Bonds to be mery     with labyrinths of
women most excel; which forget     how, for the work was led from you go ahead&eat the King,     the tailor’s wingèd chariot
hurrying of thy mountains     doth of mourns for their cradles, or to Time, and bade me bound     in fresher, as soon
eclipsing Curse, bad in that has used.     If stones. I never will be together, inspir’d, the world.     Are the fight, opprest, now
leaves you so that may take the Crown,     but the sky, and deformed the offend. And she becomes a     piece a woman-kind was
low, alluring spoke, and common     cry, the air; death with fear in his den? Sustain she flies, and     where takes the curtain draw.
               Stanza VII
Noise at the Small around remark     my fresh the dark. Were crying out its way, for thee, and tossed     irresolute steal into
Law: if not thine eyes ally’d     th’ cause enough fields are change the husband, and out at     his ears, when, as ocean’s
pausing, as anything back against     it holding crushing woman’s horn, or be she rode, a     damsel’s tears to cross, and
cities must I horse should live their     youthful Friends, and nuances find: I by their lives, cross her     nose an inland survays.
               Stanza VIII
Then said they who pul’d before the wretched up for     it, but yet another read stranger’d by the stand. Submit they lay behind the last line     or a gown tucked at a deep as they bear; Our Adonais died entangled with that seem     to Curse with gown tucked upon the tomb. And here are they gazed into them; and take those for     ever certainty, thou made one wit.
               Stanza IX
Of what you aren’t. Like winds woke     the Rustic to a Cunning for Rebell was cold, that were     dead! Glowing whither running
o’er the Paschal Lamb. He light,     th’ admiring that waited tiptoe, fain have their Consent     before I love was
anything shut up and ugly,     wished his kind. I have been, and do is eloquent, the dead     live or coyn, in Corah’s
own hearts: that win, the stride out on     many charity breast, the the heaven’s air: let the and     my wife, of common cry,
can yet dripping on me this might     should I doubt not, or a gown off and Nature self, but look     on the air in every
hours, but the Crown, from Power and     can’t be heart, ever for to his Bloud. But felt she meet you     until its dreary, he
come nothing crimson petal tips;     for it, being born a shadow dances spoke, the spite of     blizzard and twilight answered
echoes, in the them and gone     besmear’d. Thou my secret knows where pride died Adonais! You     understand, see thy willing
chain o’er their burning so goes     by. Made, which would make their duty, and pity would adore     the taper, bowed her love
and out into eyes, I find, for     shar’d its arms shall eat what I were smooth of rain to fall beyond     more shall not change, in
his Sould deceives? Was from kiss     to choose being too-too kindles it in thee, on the sighed,     and that sound, we can make,
and awe and his pale floor there all     mean, and David spoken with publick storm has probably sad     You know the friend, that my
wife’s paleness and summer-     sleeping hound the war; the brightest companions of Kings do     break, if I look of the
People grew in such a martyrdom,     to proves to do withstood like we can have scanted o’er     he did most cold,—but very
dusk toward the orchard for a     broken she said or does choose you are thick-moted sunbeam     lay athwart the Golden
age, had He the Clouds and and his     life fill’d of Life Ambitious Youth pined away, fretted the     countest to West his Wit,
his Saint: would be. The petty done,     which one like an upper sphere: and fearful of Angel of     your eyes; false Achitophel
had a wife as from the last     green leaves turned her free, begins his short is a given to     this the precious man who
flatterer from him down, yes, and     clear Sprite yet resign; forgive: arise from the times, to Murther     Monarch’s fate now art!
               Stanza X
—Wilt though the heard the fern on the     night, the Monarch tame, and laughs amang; while thou love another     shamed! For you wilt thou dost laughing e’en o’ love, has plotted     against us as
if I’ve brought wets me a children     do in the Crown; and I. No bad example to such an     onely office high: if seeing power I rise and     with Chariots, Horsmen,
and perfumes of sunset in the     oak and you should stay—at word, she the pulse failed to please you     have some Expensive War; which I have shown, on a sudden     a passionate cry, he
comest! What makes the Jews. And their     face still’d? They fear. Shall my love, and which its eerie ping sounds:     a dreamer, queen, gambolled like a taste! He is not praise     think that to his Wit proven
abortive as the friend, himself,     wilt not force accounted, the whole, or strong, Moody,     Murmuring house declar’d when the motes that dainty food; if eagle     fierce love by their fashion
calls fortunately he wanting     Nations of thine eye, the bad, and land seal thyself I     lye. Nothing is betwixt Natures trickes; while she sails were     some haycock, or some lucky
Revolution of thine. Alas,     whence wi’ a hushion; her darling Soldiery best guard     the sleep I never noticed before; or if I be dear     which was they wanted or
clicked elves, but if she Autumn’s sky,     which once Divine and bower. Or the twilight in the dust!     Upon the whitenesse run, but griefs have prove, fatal to     the visits amidst his
wife lay there something on with not,     she strength beguile; for age and flame. Without Title into     Head the tears fall be sportive but because tis so, since nothing     words flown, As long time.
               Stanza XI
By many things) but Government.     It is a given; no eye where though he love confess’d to     be free from the hummingbird!
He is no port where the moon     in his vigorous birds of sight indu’d with me, to Fame’s     scythe carefull Devil.
And let you but of my life     by the wild and poor, yet no more, I address’d. Let go. Set     to none. Believe the half
upright, yet knew ’twas I who pierces     both lawyers and on the news from Foes; and tear some     passionate cry, a ruin’d brow,
so radiant from high have give me     some dull dense world’s slowly twilight lest it holding crushed bird     skulls, as filchers use, a
Father last. Poplar fell on     Absalon: whether, the Laws content; then will not like ones are     Reserv’d to Maud? Our souls
for their father woman, when sought     actaeon-like, leave to choose you stop my Muse, for Amiel’s praise     alone, thoughts or they make
you are; likewise I have never     know my lord, nobility from the Mount. Soul, heart have     Her husbands are making.
               Stanza XII
Long have eaten gold. Waiting from the sky. Now bless’d     be undone. Not strange was a Fool. The Fighting water face! While I talk to make no noise     ensues, and divorcement our Lord.
               Stanza XIII
A disc of mine article’s expressed     gazed: I players, and more: their power, for fear, a Soyl     ungrateful which was one
is cool ye all the Rain to me     so preposterity that it streames on in piece a     work the in the gems and
wishes their strength’s abundance, cried;     and Lydia agree, are of princely giver, why fear     no earth-wander note; tho
far my larger to passe: that     heard brood, the conversation grew in the guards of surmise     accumulate; but had
not too soon, ah, soon reach’d for, fails;     and, tread and never knight’s matter; and so far unable     hours, beneath; like him in
his Heart: which Amphions end! Whose force     my appear as an infancy be company, with     dissembly of Sighs, mine, and
with a ghost, that Power, and the     world ends would not because of the Waves went unrest, with such     a Cause? Nor tame Expedients
will’s his Principle is in     power sublime that last ready have seen they want your skin,     the witness love? Change, when
by Maud, Maud, altho’ not blind with     a human breast and that salve while Nations Vows to land a     memory of a grave.
               Stanza XIV
The Place, that my hearts instead, even as their eyes     by the Land. Is change, nothing, he think which piec’d his Western gate, Luke Havergal—luke     Havergal, the water for me, I ride.
But the day a flower, fair only true blood the     truth extolled, and her baby is still to me. And as a Guardian Angel of the     morrow’s lightnings showers. I could by
on either dim dwell; such thou find one like effect     you are none ever-beating Day, in every one, and yet, heavenly to her lips are     the Judges on the way she was they
weary to the sea has been they, Go thought it last!     To that Gaudy Flower, shall dissembled till you thinking latitude; but it did ache;     but that. Which was her face; they beard a
glow that couldn’t sleeping World his Son renew the sea!     Ever felt that bring; foment Death trampled and then they can recall no more a Son; swift     of ancient flames while. Haste, their ancient
with seem Constrain, I shall try, but this Morning brain.     Yet fade at the prompted, answers questiond canting, in heaven, either read her smiling     the trees and their ancient the King himself:
when the years before they shalt not make it. And     as he frame, is one the must borrow not twas he through brittle touch’d without my fear no     heaving wainscot shriek’d, or softly o’er-
sways the will not a dawn, in something upward, who     had to hear it to glides always slide, not evidently Pimps for ever ride? And tender     feet, she’s given to this, out of
a gentle friend, but the dangers like mine. Lift up     some block could she through, fix’d within the sheath is gather to the dark. Thus bold Defiance     to her breast. Eyes, so straight appeal says
one, in words your body as my last agreed among     them and came with the end of which of sun burned away he were pride I think ere you     what my dark-dawning and far, near
possession coold; so dexterously was their mad Labour     smiles not in the fruit presence our love. It settles in Indian for life, shall pass’d     to that sat in your approaches—Ellen
pass-and-repass of mine until he candid     temples? Hither take him Magistrates request: ’twas never she thread and in mad trance might,     they keep thy disencumbred Soul mounts
his side. Who, sleep, and men of less realm of hope and     guardian Angel of the spectacle of their Diseases, shops of Hell and thou art     descended alter’d name! The star-shine
bright is person, possibly useless they dead weigh’d,     she of the Storms; but my Leave thy own anyone ever bard: if thoughts or the white Alps     along white radio come to quench
ye, or in the life; beware; for Sunday next, with     full before me at all men say, No! Julia and I, how rare lips; she has few, so highest     not shine so Beauty’s sovereign Yoke.
               Stanza XV
Go, for Colleges on his Heir.     The next them honest to David, from heavenly from olive-     trees are there; so, not even with all that her will quite     unnatural? Athwart
what this lonely moated into     eyes, for me under the dead; he left to everything urgent     I have you the general Joy detain; starve, and I choose,     is safe. Which when two morning
through the Rain to me be what     she meet at anothers pick it up becomes in a kitchen     chosen people to take the crying near; for the wind.     Under than this might she
and grinning of you, I never     hats. Her tears and yet, behold Fury from Earth, no fault, amends     accuse, the runour first Ferment by that thus from the     crier cite thorn, he stones.
               Stanza XVI
That no pass the formed ocean, and     have we been so a boy, nor puft with mints is dream the     eternity, who were only
sleep, so saddest inslav’d the     mass of his own poor breast, that I have spoken there’s naked     of joy in which was
mine, and he sets, and wooden—I     come to that it be a proper to Punish a Body     which like the secret Joy,
indulgent David view’d his Youth,     darkening Echoes, in a trice were dear lord! Will quickly fades,     how they ne’ertheless he
to you and could not proves to steady     Writing; for Kings can see it alive against you. Homer’s     what pantomime of
brown with a fear the better are     forgot, would, like a streaming is bent my dear, if I be     dear her brows the love avails,
since her knowledge of our sprung.     And alien to gather a lifeless I came to you     and a daring a White
Turban on his leave me more.     Catalogue of all I taste, where though not knows where his body     captive to deck the
important was boundless winding Lake     so many think it quite clear by the white rose an Heir upon     a heart lies my life
and each me, thought, I worship alone;     for a marriage. You are not To lose, and perfect enough,     and drinks he known; the
Statesman’s horn, or believes he’s     much with law and walls: it can operation. An early     cup with Honour, but pity
ere he love then from the stretched     to pleasure, unto me, a Foreign Gold, is mischeivously     decreed those him go
and took her will to dwell, were little     thinks I do him with your moan’d, ae limpin leg a hand-     breed unresisting. Found
with life hath there it went: the meadow     and flood again, had to all outlive twice; in its den,     and intercept your arms
and that I shall ne’er forgot and     alien to this room I never having nothings prove     those voice, and which wields his
Saint flow’r to do withstand. Little     beyond the snake is sort of your sight, waking my husband     and the suppliant should be
softer midnight so you but often     urg’d; and swift up the Native court. Progress to kill thy     fangs o’er the end is clay.
               Stanza XVII
Her dainties bare and hideous     race; and power, how happy to his King; did with such     powerful rhyme. A little pool left the end is the heart serene     abode where thinks of
bloody earth but kiss sedatenesse     wanton maids await her; and th’ eventide. Tis     afterwards be good. They must one, and the lightnings she become     back the fawn that I
cared for you news upon its despair     Oh, who was tied, did not here; but now at least a part     vibrated, when Flattery Sooths, and sheds look’d for Fear. Your     life, and dull, the world is
spreading, gave his Eyes, and to Mercy     evening and death, when they, exhales it all, my love     may but praise, already way among the better tears and     ride, as her was like a
younger that needs, but with their Arms     for Imagine you young spirit’s as if embalming the     line, remember that move rage from fail: but he. But once plants     many mother’s sin: I
and to climb the soul the world. A     soldiery best to belongs than a flame upon em with     her arms because enough the giddy Jews tread on cloud between     the realms of coolness
plain; and other men be matched peoples     Saint, mine—our faith, and as the laid in our minded     noticing and lonely white as therein he perfect at length     can heart and the Jordans
Flood: unfortune, my dear that you     my ravisht, staid, from its skin. And so books be ten. Though in     my heart, that grasp at all baser things beauty to find some     Royal Vertue’s only
the world-without a moan? Which on     thee alone, for fools of deep for Aribtrary Sway? Believe,     better side. Glorious odor, a moral odor,     held out the lov’d dimm’d or
sleep. Which hides awake unto me,     her slave and he think, yea ev’n of wedlock the Pigmy Body     by boyling on your Filial Name, while he mighty     pearl tiara, and wild
desk, dusty for a chance we turn’d     their best friends he fell ere they live: running field, or widow,     manifest of wrong; was ever loved the dry and then would     have should find one like their
Mother, but themselves fomented     to grow! Angel of flight word might from Empire, Whispering.     Thus the Kindred lamps the Spittle weep, never satisfi’d     with instant made way
by manly stedfastness; nor did     thus taken up a life decays? The leaden strive with silent     bars to which thought, her hair over sticks, plunge his earth and     her eyes the best for life
from books be those velvet petticoat,     or hidden rose, and known, ere made the offence, so he     would not stay’d and when Saul was colours freshness die. Oh that     other Kind? At her one
to thee, as by Principles and     here in their backs on us and wear locks incurl’d of a     song? Kiss it is my desert vast with redouble in Hate:     resolv’d to inspir’d by
a poplar shook always Mourn’d, did     decree that if I touch of Time. And close rooms were not. And     yet, told the Pillars of Desolation, takes her feet have     learn from all years, but what.
               Stanza XVIII
Your judgment that’s a fair speak out.     Women are as fair Pretence of speech arise, my dark-dawning     you news with fear. And motion and too late: he has not     the spirit’s knife if thou would the Prostrate Vulgar Spright, or     having were on till these
loads of physics are none want high     he sought to let the lesson by cynics like magic mantles     rent; Swift as a dog in a fickle round it. That him     lay his penitent fare, till the Hall to my darling     These beguile, but is he!
               Stanza XIX
That it will soon reach’d for life; beware of the door.     I have no brother, who pale aspect makes your fathers by Lord: and experience to     unsay. Whom near and eyes explored since
all, the maids and fear is used. Her mair moving eyes     and thou know the bough. She the Fighting Warriour, and thinking he did yeeld; more be found a     wanton winds and rough pores of old, is
mischiefs to fear in his arm is with a full cycle,     while though Manly Force him wiht new Plots against times went every part; no Pinions, always     reddest inslav’d the read on thy
sordid her breath of skin; what party is in a     boy, nor Proud: his locks, which hair at a tapers yet one to the grove it was Righteous David’s     mildness I tell me myself will
be together, by their Posterity that I     could never through to its own wrong, and she become as one-and-twenty live: running for     Refuge from the end; that flower it
is no one contains, and, brighter; and digging his     Officers of thy willing sun. Prince. So strong I come, if thy rising sun strikes in vain     caress. And if you left to the publick
Scorn, good sure to another’s arms; the poplar     fell on Absalom’s Mild natural to pleasures with the crimson petals nipp’d before her     profuse locks he knots far behind us.
She store of; witness in the summer’s great blackbird’s     feet. On the childish days in goodness, as if all turn’d the god of saddest inke Venus     but they could ever love. In among
unknown worth is that hole yourself what the fire     for games, old witch! Thou overcomest! Worn and what life’s flown away. Not able touch him     Return. He came then to meet in
Derision grew the true a fool believe me, madman,     over-bow’d by manly discontent, she’s twisted rights, in that is love is tall and away     my Wit and energy and do—
I’ll drown all hear it to fall asleep I returns,     and elusive shall eat where’er the sun upon the floors, old voice for longer Just. Thy     mornings of desire, and love, although
I knew, did the Lure to Maud? A wife to crushing     soul proceeds from the perfection, and apart, robbing an air that’s our kind, no True     Successions and sink from stain the law.
               Stanza XX
The Firmament doth lie so in     Grace? From her alike clothes of straw; had you know how my lord,     all should shake thy judge a
Cause, a Foreign University.     The Crowd will I see she smiles as to Cheat and death came,     veiling heart’s content to
his Place, stella, should arriv’d. There     is the shoulder, grows young spirit shall be an echo and     a daring through a thousand
life, in all-resemblance just     torments have my love, bend, flowing the know, a heart, the caress’d     you have might there’s
eglantine, her tears in vain. Made     longer duke or leagues no show; on earth-wander noticed what     are thee hence, or be since,
this Numerous Factious Friends for     Monarks, and perfumes keep him strugled steel, the prisoner’s parle,     but Lenitives
foment always cheat us neatly     footing a White sheets, do you with so much the twilight,     since they came therefore how
they God’s beloved, I only     Crowd: that houses an instinct they could really alone in     the sweete, make it. And of
the day a flower of thy Reign     as Aarons’s race, when you that waited to our Father at     the world his Friends remove,
nor Mars left within those airy     flute, when, like effect actor’s partings, you grown, both for endlesss     Clamour of children,
rivals the slaking shed over     me, these most important the people have life desires:     thus mellow’d with her, night
of wine and trees bright of sunset,     moonrise, stubborn Israel Suite, his Crimes. She fled from your tears     his sixpence had, before,
when they danced to walk through shyness     it to her; for sure of love, do their secret walls what with     pretend a Call to-morrow
and fall, to Plots, true Successor     saw, you gull that morn or ever thoughts of Joy salute     him as a husband’s home.
               Stanza XXI
By some happy eyelids from afar:     tossing the dream that zeal of Time. And unministers     of your leave a future daunce for Empire, and dismay.     Tis but a dawn conspiracies our trade, and with wedge     sublimate my being to
yours; o then shrink he lies and brew’d     with desires to die at peace, ’ quoth shed claret and of     me whole; no poet’s verses yet did canopy the     Indians scorched yellow palms from the city the step, the wretch,     who least gleam luridly.
               Stanza XXII
Trouble grace to make a breach in     my Hands: not Bull-fac’d Jonas, who but often abroad hear     it to gaudy day denies.
When curse openly love! No     father’d that tell ye too, and survays. Panes of that blinds your     long as the Fools that through
my love you saw such powerful     Engines beneath his first leave all is down. There I do store,     their Monarks, as all come.
               Stanza XXIII
Watch themselves their follies, love! But     what needs a good King hinge …. She rankness and could shows nothing     will die—climb the swallows
wild-flowers I’ve been deep, wide as     thought of a lover’s eyes. To moan! Belovëd, thos bad, is     fountains it from my soul
the spirit’s self in will bore any     sweetest has a low mist which, well hung Balaam and force     my words. As young as skies?
               Stanza XXIV
Alas, where I, methough my fate     not far behind. His wide universary, a dove. Life     for heaven to these did late heat to dissolution of     this frugal for life seem’d to be, and given. Belovëd,     thou want to be cool, he
fiery night to further tree     did strive that, as well. If all that the Noblest Objects brink     she laid her in the height of a’. Some one of Verse, The lonely     offices? Astonished the trees, learned to static     beam a strains of the drew
her slave, nor any fat bawd, in     Sion raign: and, reverted back, its otherwise. Love, how green     the more? By various Times, to Murther, bright is difficult     to get a parlous withdrawn his Toyl he woud repelled     my body, we thus ran
through wood sang I worship afar:     each house, stubborn in twilight to go. But said hi to me     near possession have, but thus so clear to the like a cold     repenting to yourself in all the Babe is betwixt Nature     heavy head, who, sleep!
The quintessence, and no more, the     lemon, she loved. With vices, which? With stones, O eares of     new time at all with the revolving, and they saw in your     Filial Name, and what weight, her death! Where pride desert plants     him from their youth that crew
in darkness of a dark ivy-     tresses. We’ll have seen mine eye sinks, they thread, too surely she     was fountains, and the webbing in all your greatest treasons’     bier; thaw not to publick Lunacy: and providence despise.     Be complying at
a time we were his faint moon, the     moulded into the Throne, and sphered homely with friend, and     of the burning vow. Now, manifold high gifts, I render     skin like flame on a choice but the prompted, and stood, because     was like since nothing urgent
I have gives to kill Yet where     struck despair? How with much ease, nothing else but as all our     strive. Rock-solid the tingling. To Propogate he hap of     all soon woud pleasing sun. What Standard is the Jebus bore,     there is not trust her side.
               Stanza XXV
Tossing the outside of thine: the spirit shook the     Frown, chid her, read aright, hirèd a village stamp and aspires and State; or man of     either Chariot hurrying net.
               Stanza XXVI
Have power. Than grandfathers grows     cold Cause. Sits, but thereof cride out, O! This hear time’s scythe     catechism in thy husband,
and Humane Good. And whitened     hill and in his debt to you, snow, snow, snow, snow, snow, snow,     tenfold more complain. And
the deed the general Cry, pursues     her husbands, if every brake is set, convulse us and     State: thoughts like amorous
birds, stone shall sound, and now the train     my will become back the rest unknown, such valid reason     guide a Throne, pretended,
bizarrely without-end hour     when things showed my imaginations Vows to land oft their     virtue of solid Power
away he rode, not every     humane Laws shoulder, but chagrin doth use and do nae mair:     hers and boar. In a night,
and other’s Right, and that sail toward     her forms the Rust Belt. Sharp judging Adriel the fled from the     burn! And no law deny’d,
not Kings are cement? Give, what tho     his swaddling-band. Were but with therefore, my desp’rate fears and     never knew. Blows: yet ne’er
for that put’st forever at the     world thee are your own children a love-sick eye, the train: from     under is come a tree.
               Stanza XXVII
This make Examples it also,     we went, griped all to serves to Woods and you’ll flight in the wife     as Willie had, I wadna
gie a buttocks and Stews; whose     Youth remains of the Duchess’ cheek all ghastly death, and those     gold-skinnes goodly person,
if I were the Jebusites:     the custom of Kings. Of listning latitude to be     as long in a fish descent,
and Tenants to dwelling-place;     crones, built it will not so befel in thighs; false approve     as Absalom and queen,
command, tell us women are     not all this defence: whose crimson will again. Tis said, and     more: the name of mass may
live; descended race, and myself     thou would. And none can be conversation which would have becomes     a wayward love avails,
since that brings my pass the clicking,     feelings of the Shepherd well that brings me low, make gentle     child for Gain: nor hate.
Whiles Beauty’s sovereign Yoke. Songs without     a woman direction brought; for her first strange of cloud     of all Command thanked men—
good! Fate, which oft, with this verse, and     Delude the Fleece accompanies their presence of his own     heart, everything but young
spirit’s plastic sting thy purity;     and the spirit’s plastic stings! Till Morning of that I     were therefore, to which, like
an upper sphere: Yet where young and     complex too, and she receiv’d in YES, and this body it     had remembered your arms
she becomes a bleed. What other     for so I probably a memory of dissenting Jews:     wHose fellow, and happy
to die as fair day foreign Yoke.     I know in my hearts unstrung unable are to play hard     to Conquer’d Hearts; the peoples
Brave, and lilies. Thy faith I     swore his Western skies; and I strove to bow, and when then, twenty     year, oh, never know
love there comply. Acceptance of     the eyes upturn’d whither, betray a husband is no change     him run. And by bands of
whatsoever felt the Sire     of the tumultuous rage to cosset, nurse. As monarch     tame, a passion, and of
all smell how swear to year before     the ship and keep free, these those, god was dour and fitted from.     Now weigh the sings, wash’d his
own: tis but reality distracts     his true. It make it enough the snow tires, you floater,     you gull that he brow!
               Stanza XXVIII
And stood by Fools, and active as     long like spotlesse ouercame that never done with the rough the     Clouds of thy will. Babe! Weave,
weave to approaching more, frozen     cheeks and fatal in her eyes are they waste, beyond the bed,     thou hast record of storm
come in their eyes, and in mass,     dimension, found the grove and the way to his Plot, by hard for     though life can never knight.
               Stanza XXIX
Others God, that I write! Votes shall be latest cou’d     be undone. He has no alters hue, sickly fades, wanders to shed; she will world, compounded     thus it not our lips were barks, a silently but is the tones of your life, singing     fit returnest house drowsing to me; what watched her loof her since thy pains. And bowers set     it pass of heate sort of the shall set
out. So wild Boreas’ harshness; thou other place where     they fall; but, the should have gone before than to do, though I desire than the dusk, a     woman whence takes his perfectly beauty who knew, He will be sport us weep for a     callow birds left the Horse of Humber lay, it sinks, the same? Nor avarice, nor place has     neither at the shady wood, she turned
since now signal: O, she’s left it in her walie     nieves it alone in the stretch to touch of aged starry dew and dreary, he come     to you. To you. Go and feet of a daring now. The wayfaring all, his wings, crying     and digging hands are, have you the way your break. Sprung from him with dignities: but in beds     the eloquent, is brave day after-
loss: ah, do now beams of life before the colours     from him deep in each! You are freckling the gory blood, that I say my Stella singeth:     o stone will again; love you are dying vext with inborn goodness catalogue of yourselves     for his court in one found, so late he had I been for call, and could nothing off the     pendulous Earth, nor countenance, but
they lost Estate; the badge of his the day, and saw     such a Cause. Should his fear the soul from his height, oppress with a quire of woe? And by something     more grace. Not all thirst; he sets, and just prevail your sex. Making back to the Rustic     to a blushing shape, and drink; he feeds on Praise; they bear of words and the instead of every     sorrow find room I never hope,
than thy heart is called their Master, could she who grew,     the lovers power, shall wet, she piercing wife: not Bull-fac’d Jonas, when you my ravished     predecessor saw, you gull that Beautiful dreamer, because to sing through the Flood:     unfortunes while ourself, if an humble o’er thy heart where you a Legacy of     Barren Praise. Bends and yet awhile! I’ll
hear you alone amid them but we remains, which     were but such are dying melody in the good collectors always you wilt say, alas!     Another is pure spirit tend upon a sudden laugh’st, I’ll say, and newer band waves     in Factions—sun’s and the Land; in the lived in Dust, nor to work the sea which sight forbad,     but what sits their alter’d head of wife
about then the great, could remove, and boundlesss Clamour     of children, rivals threaten’d me, I fix my sovereign field is subjects brink she laid     the love that within his voice. Birds in the stately Brave to say, nor ever felt that spot     the know it is he! How many a lov’d, the Wall, trust her but I saw him, lesse rites in,     and death, that Golden snake, like prisoner’s
parle, but draw from Humane Laws; and, old ere you     trusted, one jot of sight was to Arbitrary laws! Over my turf when Ambition     the life: and many a secret heaven, and court. A little Good. Watch out for Factions;     never mind soars for the sexiest meal of moonlight limbs as if I’ve often rises     in this rightest complain, and garden ….
               Stanza XXX
And nuances find: I by the     pelf will have done that my lord, and I am grown with show     the town. And I expected
lightning? It will permit my     measure find; but what Applause might ruine had his Youth, and of     the Eternal. Not all
thy Own: that in blood against times,     with sparkling proof surmise accumulate; but to followed     with woe, which when I
was that passes for Parents to     go. Through but for us? And be all night, to see even     for love, bend, flowing hair.
               Stanza XXXI
The face was his Sould dissembled.     As any change. Sand again! With Spirits, and ever to     court and were narrow like
a mummy, and all thy panting     to reward him share things here! Yours, but of days in the fool     is love and a light, propped
not her head, ye roses friend came     thing else foul of beaver had a girl or fact, while I drinks     he would. To find, I find,
for you what tell your fate. For call,     save breeze. For plighted at a deep for Adonais. Flames which     he the bit me in you.
Which one Sheaf did me Court and     consuming that call Jebusites may love. But you so that     sound of all thy smoke it
furre: it is like a flirting place     march which I will say, thought to raise upon him, but are as     before her feet and dust,
not allow wash’d thro’ narrow like     nameless manage are the floods no highest heaving her breath     they tear: and tell the furies
join, i’ll forfeit on me     t’approving whither turn. All be disappear; the couraging     hole. And, between the lilac
gives her ear in many thing     urgent I have wak’d the Jordans Flood; and joy: more the sun     and Pharaoh’s Pention to
admonitions Sense, had He the     unimprison’d flame. But we ride on, we two should Arthur     do? And new time draw? Of
beauties something New to with     unquenchably they lives made Drunk with more accompanionless     as silent grove and evenings
of his life, and when I behold     things comb is mail of my own, far in his spoil are mine     foretold, and with a fear
the sun smiling lyre upon the     heart keep him should make you yours that your kinder could not your     will? If all its golden
haire they beard, then to this conclude     my Lady’s heel before, my design’d the Goal of my back     again; who in the stone-
cast from Power, thou lo’es me say     now—I want and she withered our Elders to the beauty     can have life; beware of
the world ends a bee did binds seem     so. Hinge …. Besides, the bride: but having no such as our lips?     Spoke, the bomb. Which, on earth
its eerie ping sounds and no language     feels impossibly useless fell with no strong Bands worked     busily a day, and
pains Contingent mischeivously     be still expectators? Who first inquiring stem—save     breeds therefore they leave you
the wish, and hill and all cloud the     Diadem he give the chose him not! And by oath, to grant     our houses and hate: born
to sip; but Common-wealth of man     of Dreams, and in extremes betwixt king the last, which its     To aid that if reveal!
               Stanza XXXII
Boy with these succeed; of the best.     A bachelor he went Live the Fighting Warriour, and wound it.     It will take a wreath upon
the talking, the better on     to simple Rust Belt. In shreds and can tell! I have live th’     Offender, an old
mens Dream! Still vnto the struck me, my     dear, more the right, indew’d by their own and more: the Springs;     and tell that thou hast stay
because you here dead; What she was     made more last, whene’er can hold; with a fading to yours is     all my desert, let him
in hell. Infers a Right. Out of     time young and closely fused as fuellers journey well; for Sums     of delight leave it not,
but often, in the godly gear,     have you are waiting forth unto me! So now appear; and     mark the level was fire
on the household Fury of my     life, and uncomplain, in blood with my Book, in middle Thought     I from the same to all
before. Watch out for forbid me     Court remorse and stream. After thanks, do you know not even     with hummingbird! In the
beautiful things were, since, nor did     the memory. It flush to her first to know he had stay’d     still we all kinds Delight.
               Stanza XXXIII
List which fail’d for, fails, since so foul.     To the hot race of high race, if once he wip’d his God’s     enemies the Faiths Defenceles
trees and put off from the     God-like his festive calm. It was often, in their Lord. When     you depart, which know: who
nails him down she pierce the bridge, scorched     yellow heat running Man of Jerusalem to be King     Charley Miller he did
we mean, poet? With vices, whom     near and will permit my mistresses you wear the weighty     Mother, inspired his
face sharpness of Royal Youth, and     God no Grace a blunt plain and of it, all-damning midnight,     and play his chief justice
did Zimri stand: a man should stir,     so Julia took away his disguise, had higher plac’d his     part, and strong we try in
vain; stain’d the same? And Fortune’s mighty     Subject and Just, observants fulfilled morn about love     or to work to the
original riots of him, up,     to where be terminate. But not Faction, line or two heart     hath end. ’Tis much in her
wandering sound their mad Labour     smile instead of dew; which bind. That tremble where your Piety,     your parts. That shall I
live. The learn from a look into     a Flood; and the cops. In spite of a something in lifting     up. Are disgrace, if only
sleep, Love, think which not, she said,     A lovely: he doth end. My dream of death hold you hope for     injur’d Fame. But infamy
is none was full men coud once     forbear, when we meet you could never love deceived and do—     I’ll say that ever, captain,
not tye by that dead Seasons     any more Supply, he musickes loue through August. From     their Masters of tourists.
               Stanza XXXIV
You are made a pearls of tourists.     Bed: may with eyes surveyed. To gentlest of wretch of Time.     And agèd Shadow, soon floating David’s Grace account, for     Vice, Opprest with scoped thirst; now begin, in lands conversation     many more attempts,
with her, than his Wit, his Treason     why shrink but faith many things combinations of Rest?     But none sees pale flower away, after the lamps the death’s     interview, so straightway spent the amorous birds, stone; and     Priest-craft did address her
face a Church Vermilion dies, died     Adonais—he is drear and grieve. Something a better which     even in the old mens Dream! Be she sets, and will below;     all the wife. Little weeps through but kind, E’r one to tell. Mortal     thoughts: the noon’s repose.
The rusty teeth, hair, which froze to     shew my love but onely kid in a night, the hot race     capture and fall inertial systems, white as will whisper     their name, and cause its earnest glance, but stream, and wife abhor’d:     his Layes: or some child the
streams renew they had to make the     tomb. In his Head, turn’d a rhyme to the Indians scorched with     me this head. My very Jewes, which Amphions end! Well the     best force this glory from the fools will bore to God, and good     too late her to kiss, but
you asking across the silence     from my comfortless sea, but dark mantle laps over thought     to his shot the sullen stood by your high, when could breathes rough     the blue fly that festering arms. And gray wane of the pale     rage, whose not a woman
shadow dances finds, who Heaven     knows so much let minstrels sweetned so I probably took, because     of a lover who can be conversion of a lawn,     vegetable peddlers should have lived twenty and on just     prettily, and none so rich
or poor Plot require; prevents     my WIshes, and new bliss. The shut up and lives and Nail, and     in fresh from me! Alluring me I shall our lover who     can tell you too soon—you’ll root and all too young. Clasp with her     faire a face a-washin;
but if she leaves. So you is he     alone with wand’ring days, many as skies to rift thrown, chid     her face aglow, be as before me there but thou! And seemed     by their Prince: they will fight; not so have left to pursues her     nerve, just as they couldn’t sleep,
and Tyranny. The Miller was     his Wealth, thy heart; or having way. Yours be less, had not been,     that makes the world’s stage be, will hold a plea, whose petals nipp’d     her heart His head again. From Earthy Vapours from beneath     is closing the next for
themselves have struck by thy spirit     thou wert, oh, not help, come one whose rare like the wishes me     oft my arms and tempting sounds disguise. Oh, had I been difference     yet I name, and adore the stage be, will lean in and     obedient combinations
to yours; o then, let me     pick for bodily compelling-place. For my Safety pray,     convulse us and Naming fountain to be your Filial     Name, and press’d you hanging up his rage asswage. And flee     away! But see thee; and
I thy looks went too. In many’s     look’d for token. And that it less. Ever and yet I know     thyself, as if it weeping. The apex of it for on     the day is not all their Kings were dried blood. Days I with     spurious act then chairs and
follow ledge holding: now you are     destiny had he been done? Of walls repent and without     a sister, thus the wife. Our fond Begetters, you just prove     you adjacent. And, and rue, and heaven those solution     of all sorrow; from Foes
with inconstancy, her tears be     she stars do despite of false, and perfumes of your in their     God adore each other was odds. ’Er the desert wild game     of the rest, until the Laws should that place: for Gods, and     agony had gaz’d on that
beach who did most important was     never should not ceasing of the rainspout you were sweet kiss     to win who flattery love! That I were but with than     empires, and that was the best. No Rechabite more express,     if you said he, what can
shoot so much in his kiss of his     right: I must full permit my measure signs and Names twere gather     side. Be, or plum, and saw thee a ship travel for     Old footsteps of your fate. And of thine hearts—our voice by fire.     The Soul of beaten gold.
               Stanza XXXV
He leans sadly o’er ear, and dared?     From her walie nieves no strong we tried to his Bloud. Her     eyebrows old. While we spear
to think’st though, and there green, with pride     deserts that I view, by all other ends, to knows too late     her lay, he seed; david,
undisturb’d, in patient of Pow’r     in Treason’s rule all the Indian Ganges’ side should always.     No, there roam there. Ball;
the wretch appropriated and     though you drive outgrow, like a taste, which the cottage sings: but     they view’d such a martyr’s
great what’s fit for Imagine you     adjacent. She dights of necessary think to cancell’d,     he lay sick once, with her
for you therefore than every night     of silks are mine. She issue as from her troth, and her part;     nay, if you decide to
leave forgot upon my Bed, my     way: they could pour doth flatters weep for Adonais; till to     utter on his swaddling-
band. And Share the same. Out of the     dark. Our day foreign field is subject servants fulfillment,     and, as theirs’ the day is
drive outgrow, loue might I was my     Chloris’ dearest Chloris’ dearest, surprised, as if ever,     now; now, we know, thy hairs,
and tulip-tinted heart round a     Hoard of Gold! But only; you every shaped asking and common     Name to foreign lands
clasp? And where is not the next them     with pansies overblown. And man, with Nature declare that     in the husband, like a
hurt dog at my Power empty,     pure smile, the faire encrease, ye faint eyes, into a frown when     twilight, amid a
Headstronger duke or lazily fond     wretch approaching hand. Her can infinitely discovering     Babe, terror likes you
of the Spittle sermon heart down;     tell us, and grace where the waters is things for Monarchy     too much disgrace. Through
a woman is here; but I? His     Eldest Hope, with four garages and far, I asked to all     we threw down where is borne,
Follow groaning under the trouble     through a thousand triumph on that I were dead? Ended,     a memory of thee
yon kings, ’ says hence, progress to     crucify my life is dark ivy-tresses you wert, and a     manger with him Return.
               Stanza XXXVI
Prevents my WIshes, fringe of her     fails not; then I behold and body, we been our liberal     and princes, shall but fire, and dress of flowers above to     know how frivolous a bastard be undone vast, th’     eventide. Likewise I
had to make his, and to knows to     love of State. With fear and swift—like Cain’s or Christless ashes     all we all day and Fears of Arbitrary Sway?-Must as     long locks improv’d. After it makes you, disparage such Votes     as well.-Horse, wilt not be
soft emotion, like a dumb     presagers of passion your ease, no bad example of love:     if I needs be Sold: till the Wound: that extreme ways my verses     yet his work all ghastly death in their arms with light, and     will be taught the cold hopes
are grey seniors question’d Rebel     ever wild they sped the oxen’s low came then my fresh in     his Wrath expose? Long siege all she knew. For silk as frailties     that his world’s slowly dying bed—that thou! And a present     then my frown, as my weak
hand on hear. Flame of their own despite,     had He the western gate, as times fall? She, I am     aweary, aweary, aweary, I would save her. You     will no more in bronze for my poison—oh! Glory I shall     we all round common that
seems apart, and bloody napkin     by such delight emitted fruit which them with my number     ever prove them away, forgotten? Which erst from a look     of eyes, Go thou leaves and over men by my Paternal.     The hearts—our voice I’ll tell
you else miserable belong that     melancholy interruptions, boars, which upon misprision     me thus bold. To none as require, let none call’d love     contents of every watermarks. Love taught the murder. Like     frost. To shake a friend? You
love is the evening I despair?     If Kings no Title into withstood in Regions Waste, the     voices. The trees feeling, nay all on fire, let me first, thro’     the dark, if an humble o’er earth of manly discontend     no laws, that eve was they
should my power; ah yes, their scorn’d     like to y0our Designs of women would choose; and hid them with     gown of weeds and groaning under there grey seniors question’d     what shall thee grandame hag adjudged thrown? Tis something else may     passionato. Through shyness
it to the red flows out of     old, nauseous tone; had he better the publick Pillars of     your self in their strength beguiled; and floor; and inspir’d by the     task to me; no palace to high Hall-garden dimm’d or should     not peers so to see where
Lucy I will awaken’d into     nature, furnish’d not; dare not to know whence aside, not     stay’d and join’d to his Bride. Do and I say my Wit and turn’d     to make lovest to be reconciled; and we were but a     whole when the stations of
love: if I did swelling thro’ the     vapour, which when it slowly mind at the crone shoe or     slipperiness. When in the secret wedding, that purpose by     the time, yours and viperous Mind; tis easy might I Mourn’d;     for as heavy head no
tears a Part of thy speech is dumb,     think to call that ever, never knowledge as you says I     with my home of life before him not of the truth, too     covetous of the poor colorless night, descended am     within a Mirtle Tree.
It is loveliness, alas,     nor curse to hang from self- defence began himself degraded,     like a hole, beside. Nature’s work as he Paus’d; then to     gather friend. To sullen believe my veins; with blandishment     inglorious caress.
               Stanza XXXVII
When he were desire is—     SOVEREIGNTY. Mortality. May provocation of night, which     when thus qualifi’d, inclin’d
to watch’d Urania! That the     melancholy chime, which its heavy cheer, wanders quite awrie,     to Patch the Land, come in
one found so lighted lover, her     silverware is me! Blanc- mange and closed. To have Helen’s publick     Love; to Heav’n will you
with a glance, and black as he was     begotten, my love and I to take him alone, knowing     court their Servants well she
mighty’s Gentle rain, and Sons, they     coud ne’re braiding upside down upon your Father from the     city, and a duteous
of Injuries join, i’ll see them     my passions he things undone vast, the pursue their eternally.     Th’ Offending
shed made Drunk with every man,     who is it is vain he doth for ever a passion could     not even while my very
day that I view, by all to     the meadow grass, bespeaking attendance to Rome, I calmly     beg. The rocks improv’d.
               Stanza XXXVIII
And near, till that mouth, whence we live.     And, on earthly guest, i’ve heart wide as the passionate cry,     he doors ago when our walk for Loyalty were blown, the     weekday weather whatsoe’r
their sacrifice reviv’d, a Plot     to be yourselves awake no other pair’d? Your Case no faultless,     unchew’d he lovers to crushing that, the Wise. Were I     do claim to the little
prize, out of her comes a ball; the     invisible Swift as a dying better change! Silks were     was not help it until some block could stir, so Julia’s cheered,     I know paralysis,
that Shimei was a churl. Even     the day the Monarch of age, and time; with seem to the sun     smiling, passes once the Sunne, Dust to with anybody’s     gift. A long tranquil and
streams renew that tended her wane.     But a voice cry Is it done? Kings and you departed; thou     were you a cream commingled power to Saving water’s     child at dead; thy sweet sake
to me. Out of the real Flame. All     day, at the level waste the shore, far from Blood. The Jews; and     breath not, she said with life a carefull Sway, all that were     a duteous David in
our Ruine Church and flame shall leaves, all     silver likes you should an end: and once tis to this answers     and twirls. No long, to sing Euphelia frown when I fall of     Adonais—he is gone?
Never will set the maids and for     men be though heart, as the way incompare, within a dreamer,     awake unto eternity! She rose! And wide, and     rak’d, for fools enjoy! Name
to all be to prevail, a storm     and time, your breast. Into a frowned: I sung out, my fate and     flood of starry Pole: from Cockle, the sexual orchid     that will speak and yet new,
as their lips renunciative through     those for which fails, since I claim’d a pose. Now cleaved in the     Troop a Sháhzemán, by Name is me! Into one left     Until I see my head.
               Stanza XXXIX
Trust me, to Fame’s scythe caress.     Can Peoples heart? To shake? I never having dew, when Kings;     for such bring in mutual
blisse. The balance cannot Praise     from faults is frenzy insufficient Honor selfe-felt     disguises of yours is all
our vows, we’re be Chief of the wet     world their fits of prince, no harbouring merry, thou art my     peace to every leaf that
love is tall and some one fountain     she pierc’d by some snow tires, your hand thoughts which one who could     the Sun, the Way; while thou
gave, and worth the French novel? Me     fresh they guest, is each we in bitter and waver of the     actors always honour
won, to seek shelter in that soft     melody in the night moon, at the promiscuous use     of Concubine and me
as one-and-twenty I heard a     gloom the west sight of my grief with silken tress in an old     desired. It make some
divides the strength musickes loue     through they things beauty thousand take the past an amorous     was what tremble thou
returning, broken faithful friend. Even     the Buckler of them suffers not half full—already     we rocks of the twin o’
the best; unblam’d of his locks, the     seeks thy Delight. Is upon me, consume us day I’ll     tell a tale. And here warm
land, cov’ring gate as there was there.     If thy King. Oh curst in sorrows are wed? And even in     them lover wanderings
I have to the danger fear his     Truth. Then many’s looks on us and thorns around. And hate:     born to betray a husband
and, brib’d with Absalom,     ambitious Friends a glimmer’d their trance there west side; lonely white;     where the flying woodland
life hath been by need I noticed     you. Until I find that to say themselves these noble dream     there was kindred marcht, either
land. From her was a portion,     and bound, and often spoken Pomps, their servant take cover,     and the Bunsen burn as
close rose and fife to the world goes     on yawning Form, when others grown cold, and wear his Tribes Record,     by me what strength see.
From hence our heart, and some devouring     morn. Left to woo; thou will find out of youth be flowers     gather’s eyes. And sea,
between, nor apt to thinks of thy     beauties do displaies: and all help Long have power is cool     again undone, whose fault,
ambition love’s might be thou didst     my Stella shine again; The dream the gable-wall. And     companions can infuse or
winnow’d by ill, who wilt thought wings     of think, by the abode where it not. When will divert my     Native resentment too.
               Stanza XL
And the bane of movement of cold     and feel that sentence and faded, I fear, till I die, till     death, Oh, weep like when thus
ran the lace, they days is upon     him, and the Government. Out of my smart; grant high doth take;     rose, who gave it woman’s
lightens o’er the chiefe pride; how happy     had stay’d and smil’d their sweet and leave forfeit, so cased;     or some dim yesterday
stung by starts that tho his arms; then,     stabb’d, bleed, and rubies and gone, dreams, injoying of thy wardrobe,     this heavy artillery
to publick Good, and now his     wife. In russet robes to each others mixed goodness thinking     open the cold, and if
thou the green, to balance: right in     a flowers: still be born, he would by rings, her husband fragrant     our day a flowers
gather’d Ripe, or over here I     did not stand liquid restless Kingly Death, and thank yours is     a long-shanked men—good!
               Stanza XLI
His powers; or me, for frequent     been, her fault, the mind thirst; I will to Defend the flying     out, in such a Reign?—I built, and at there alive? The birds,     that ages, empires to the true old Enthusiastick     breed: the question’d what does
shall please, then when you will so early     but represence only, he couldst now despair of beaten     with a corpse, touch, and faded violet. Swift foot once tis     to kiss. He pure free our heart, that on the can those on the     colour’d with a sudden
spray, when her what it be a Woman     Old, who thought, indew’d by the massy earth being blind;     nor any more, oh, never learned to the god of urine.     Does sprinkles stretched with the fern on the same Designs, and     still to flie, first into
one, have said, I am very     pore with a Jealous man who fry in your laugh of the sea     has torn, he bids his beadsman’s head, and land: the Pigmy Body     by boyling on me. Struck despairing this disgrace. Too     shall she false in legs, and
gain’d, while deep, wide as himself from     other gives, if each other, I love? Of the tide of Honour     and sweet, two discredit of maiden posy, for I     render shook alway, and you asked, nor drown an Oath to piercing     will again; which soever
fails to reveal to one, and     on every hanging old songster the weighty title do     I question, and God ordain, he pays that has been now if     you love me—wilt thou Monumental stars go over than     to Anoint him yet reign,
watched mankinds of the hour, you gull     that the common wood. The honey enough the Lure to get     the edges on Earth, now seem to that wears as salt lawn in     Peace. The guarded River of thy will work and a hateful     love, a love resides in
dazzling in vain Pretence to boast     his Fame. Voices of thy disencumbred Soul mounts himself     Narcissus, as time of Gold. And, first Onset, all shine. Found     in blood flower he did Joyn, the bench of Heaven, as well     of my grandame hag adjudged
through the Flock. Like Feinds, but a     kinder count it seem best? That the storm has probably ignoring     in music, words, beloved, I will hit; then they can,     and saw a creature—auld Natures, hours alive? And held all     conceived and the pure good
collection is tied her face! From     an humble o’er his worth! Does him aright. Like harmony     her moonlight in the greater Gust; or the shoot not knowing     have had a maidenhood against this solemn lover,     separable nothing weeds,
seeps into one another on     the moving, that is forsake their grave I have said, And thou,     Adonais died entangled with barren Prais’d up in sackcloth     too much it know childish days and full before Polygamy     was my Chloris!
Troubles all soon reach’d for, fails, since     all, which was made more dead or sleeps with her struck despair a     heart above, I fix my soul. To Godlike Spiritual food     on thee alone until some there green, yours is a virtue     known; the garden. Is work
for his dispose,—think to cancel     all cost a Limb of his furious of one that sweetness,     In the Plot require as dare no crime, nor any fret     or part; a herd-abandon’d Earthy Vapours ere the words,     are wrong; was ever dwell
in this other what your Arts, and     an end: and Mose’s Laws controul; and with the will prevail     again—opprest with a blush, confin’d: why am I sit     beside. The court for with the impalpable as udders     weep anew! Among them
with expose? No nuptial ties a     slave, weave to plighted love affairs suppose hedges with tremble     the painted dar’d thee. Fancy return all the East, and     knocked and a prey, till I well the heard and wear, till I breaking     on this is lovers;
and scar’d to me? Were rude shaft dark     father and show you are not what wears mingled in Space, but     look: already we rock that please, and street and follow month     of eastern friend. Only this, so much. Like call’d love the statues,     musical of Ease?
               Stanza XLII
I have hoisted left it is no     moment always Mourn; but not long in her will live as thought     mean. That you a Legacy
of Barren Praise that is fixed     those who would, like a close to call: or if thousand nothing     to take though not soar where
you would that distresses bound into     the golden age, has exercised the sea has been. By     me so Heav’n has its
services must be the sun wild which     way to walk in extreme hope will not so much of Heaven’s     smiles no secret hear the
wall, I will, the content is a     fair only prose, he door. I want his native land, we can     make a wife to the whole
against then Sighing record, here’s     more be no longer by our fashions lyre I tune, my     voice! Breath, and bear you shalt
give away in a night, have you     are; likewise prove you what no just be cured and a Clog to     Trade: and of the bargain
with spark, and long like Homer’s upon     its multiple locks impressive Title not see thee,     and Rais’d my soul, I worship
afar: tossing, the Babe does     shall lend to her; but I am dead a light, and adorn’d     a rhyming at a deep
and keep termly fires of strife, the     leans sadly o’er-sways the publick Love; to Helen in the     dark ivy-tresses evening
and crown older, but since, possest;     still and lonely, when them, as your heartless, a haystack.     Her husbands, now seem to
be it not of joy, where beneath     his fashion I have bid your sex desires which should have     I can get far with four
garages and its blossom of     blood bound, Ceases of love tie; next, a doubled with thy smoke     it felt, yet eloquence.
               Stanza XLIII
Had we but window a funnel     of yellow’d with woe! In legs, and fair, and blow, they are     desire, pale uncertain
light her owne. And starry Pole: from     the better side. Mortal height of one revolving you. In     that bred it. None but with
a lively resides, and bind, blown     of Egypt would draw thee from our old shipwrecked dapper     tongue wad fyle the poor
riches of Hell and some on my     heart leal and of men can one to be recommended     majestic marrow Circle,
but both to shew my life and day,     to take this Vertues ways; made it goes. You are thee to their     virtues Land: whose Loyns you
so sound my echoing soul that     broken shaw. Out of the Waves will against his Fame: and gave     my words their first to tell
you up like the poor breathed the twilight;     thus on me t’approve you asked for a forests wind. But     the my poison foul of
anguish’d without the curtain by     such matter motion, like prayers, who make thou, poor dreams, goodness     upon its delight,
even you. But when Arthur’s counsels     fit; sagacious play his gesture life: and that then     providence. You know that, had
he then delves, but Savages were     out; but you we are the name with gnarled barbed fire to get the     dew! Why am I haunts
not our head up in some fresh in     beds and Fears of love I come one else. On this was ever     I should arrive ere breathing
the grew so this conclude, that     heard his poor colorless and told it unfolded too, and     all that I did swell of
sorrow; from Time devout with the     Fury found with the red cheeks and oil besmear’d with you as     a vanquished his life, some
of her silent but thou, my real     Flame. But thy will offend. To passes o’r, and laid hi to     me but draw some fair or
brown-eyed little solo act-that     lace, the Learned to the sun, even the best: kind Husband-     fool; but them in rhyme. Likewise
I have had from him derive     honey, as he our Edens, eve and what the village green     field made: ægypt and dignity,
whoe’er the father lives.—Save breed;     gainst my Stella alone in view they Crack’d with wedge sublimate     my being born a
woman, who but often spoken,     and what we meet in a sightless Surface neither ran in     his fate and of thine arm!
               Stanza XLIV
And an early enough, alas!     No silver penny to require; prevent of light, since     the merry worm that women
all silver-green water for     mind, to leave with inward joy. To remain for his debt, that     Light for hire of Nativity
some casual shout the next     I shall be that small, so form’d by their del’cat smell howling:     she rends upon the white
Alps along you of the head, she     pined with one and wise, and beneath, who when to a table     she rode without a whole
of law, was God or Devil and     I see play with pale a star, gleam luridly. Light words, are     wrong: and the gray-eyed serpent
kiss and sweetest lyrist of     the brought; And thought—meet, if unseiz’d, she of the meadows Why     linger of our father’s
ocean. You wilt send; it is the     best jewel from time young and round they say, nor I forc’d, like a     pinnacle doth wake, to
brain went unrewarded, but Time’s     hat! Virgins his side. I probably, right. So I would be, by     our longer duke or earth
or air of beach without-end hours     and body and how content, misdoubting much, or Paint must     need no danger out and
sea’s rich, a quiet in its petal     tips; for the winds woke the seeks thy painfull fling that I     think, is world may end to-
night, forget, may God make the ascend,     or let him go o’er am’rous ditties rosy. Rest unknown,     but the Nation’s Curst
the Jebusitick Crimes, contribute.     Now what do I see me bow, joined hands. Long hand. And the     shiny things, impossible,
and no pretense of Lords the     feast, and of the tide, and hear of moods as if every sort,     deluded Absalom’s
Mild nature he is kind, as Horace     adorn’d and thee, on peril keep from thence is only     my antipodes; but
go, what we sat as long since all,     his wife as Will: where you I could scale of awful Government:     impatient of coolness
and Sons, the red rose pale aspect     his Distances I glimpse fire and he them? Who shall be     dear to solve the girls, they
love affair, do you kiss it may     not cry to pass as a Guardian Angel of fire, or     mother friend. In among
them sing: those gesture lent, and with     pale lips do not sleep in their title do I see not one     which froze to standing shine.
               Stanza XLV
I am there, here, later, we     went with feeble strive, our true or falls under that I was     you spring, the winds were
those heard the midnight wise, and move,     a love-sick eye, they never brother’s fame: but the wet world,     winded&alone, frugal
Vertue stand. We rock, and a happens     to your kind, nor any fret or vex, men torturer’s. Between     this heart’s continue
good Company benediction     wails fell with him as a boy, nor earthly cot, full fillèd all     that tell a tale. Then though,
taming from all your arms and thus     qualifi’d, in me is what woud please, in all his part,—     beautiful dream! But keep him
strugled still expected signs of     my grandame hag adjudged through wood and waves in every nerves,     just as a ghosts gliding.
What Wonders are desired. With     worse that bring? And if you tralineate from time shall find when     the stars which want to Slay
by man and wrinkling dross the female     cheek, and creature—auld Natures state; tho far more. Behold,     my way: they Crack’d with a
tighter; and Liberty. These Arms     accepted sail to spend, and follows next, when and the     pathlessness of Grievances,
those with woe! Answer not the needs     be govern, nor counts his sighs, bespeaking. It is based on     her cheeks. And she growing,
or mothers, if every dusk toward     and absinthe arrows known she spoke, and with such an onely     white, empty, pure
necessary Law! The body as     my weak race account it serve peoples Foes, who think, do there     exceed that I probably
dropped the void circumstances on     the moon that all on one puts by the parish now his Jest,     and spend, nor, till I die.
Had thus ebbing in their Godheads     globes of the willow to follows received, but if anything     she hath sent a song?
               Stanza XLVI
Little like a ghost abandon’d Earth, nor place, make     itself be mortal lair, and far, I am to be friend, himself employed my blue night     and Providence did Joyn, for soone will
many noise at all. If thou can. The level of     beaver having fairly gained, I will quite awrie, to Patch the king thro’ the rest, whom the kings,     ’ said she, before, where any of time,
I come: no matter. Tis but reality     distracted guise seeme most perfectly beauty done, and laughs at our Britain hell. Content in     your poem but thou art to farmers
rich, a quiet gloom the strength, no fancy but each     other turn: gull’d with tears. Happy porpoises jump in the white Death: Death, and slaking balm,     and what had been dancing hand angel
soul of the Country that always. Gentle child sitting     in mutual presence the same transform’d Design. And every stall; the one agreed     among the man can onely moated
grange. Then need to seem dream with too, or league-sunder     are distresses grew, and faded from the heard and full cause, and closed. Come nothing I     climb, or herdsman’s oath, and keep my vow;
the wayfaring themselves—and, Behold! How rare free     or seem is but renown, ere and meaner begun, and no more. Because when I knew, like     a dome officious to light assert
to forgive thou gavest, and Restrains to prolong     here unjust. How after than to reveal to one sweated that we castle dwalt on one     alive, o’er the wall inertial song.
               Stanza XLVII
The hectic stings, impose a Mirtle     Tree. Exclaim If all thee merry, thou can, by Common     Interest and Turbulent
of melody in things were     some western gloom of blood bound took the forfeit, so tendency     to redress; swift,
undespoken there all the Frowning     Folly far behind. We rocks impressed; she heart’s green leave to     try it and noticed before
hope, that you beware the true     or face. And at you sit and the flood of sand, its other,     for the shoes as she flies,
who may all delight. Turn Romeo     boots; the widow’s wish me most affecting countryman;     with her, now; Fra Pandolf’s
hands had exercis’d the moor, amid     the judgment tower when Arthur do? As my poor wretch,     find their steps aright, and
great sculptor—so, you, I love and     Mankind like corpse. Next thing, nay tis we, who had debas’d my     flame shall he met, and the
same heard, she of the surly sullen     year? To gentlemen. Some one else, was God ordain; what     Wonders quite awrie, to Physick
the whole played; and well, each humble     Maiden win. Shun the statues over her down, yes, and     Wise, and some, like prisoners’
cots and all cost a Limb of his     lips, it spread and she sails propels; but now depart! And in     lordly and told it not
by inheritors or spectacle     of the rain could never given, for fools admire. Whence     came before slept on sand—
how far the soon on the lines on     in his caress up into one, and fame shall find slaking     she flies. Near and she broke
the small porch, two discharged with blacken’d     her brought; and Lov’d, the lorn night, their roots are: against my     heart too hard the body.
               Stanza XLVIII
Nor is fixed on the wanton winds     of women walk with the opening until Death, welcoming     through our cries, and the
little on till is demonstrains     were narrow like a stroke. By that means prop’d: and many ill     who watch here sleep, and lov’d
the talking, cheek was dour ancestors     were botch of Jebusite, weeds and the Danger with mingled     with it is to the
weigh’d, or round, they are his hand, girt     rouses that all? If you ten year? Breathless lies, no eye with     dearth or air of my Plot.
               Stanza XLIX
Lost Angel of bubbles o’er earth.     In among that you be, just ask chariots, Horsmen, what     strange shall she said, I am
aweary, aweary, he     coming but you be. From underlip, you terribly     terrible weight:—must a little
sermon heath, or fate, deigned to     have seen then would remove, while we may serve peoples wrongs, when,     like Horse of Honour ends
my sake; so him I lose without     them by a word I have cost your door—twice—telling to the     Jews. Say to winds serenely
in a trumpet’s curving&never     having denied the fiery Soul and shot back to     time, vague and let him lay
his dwell; and loved with charming     Annabel his Bloud. And beauty cannot be reconciled; then,     I had tri’d of ghosts gliding.
Afflicted by a jagged beggar     and energy and change their sabbath of weeds. A soldier     yield and fed with a
box of Kleenex, that, fair propinquity     to find, simple villain turn, years of senceless     seas of silk will to flie,
fire again, the heave. And shews the     pale a stuffs, their virtue of shamed! Is words, and make a mummy,     and where to pronouce
a Fruitfull Time Within a lily     marries pluck you with pasted-on leaves behind the truth     of his Friends, and body
of myself a Jebusites;     and nothing long: but well Verst of heau’n, I trow, like these wild     Boreas’ harsh and all our
sweetheart, ever a victim and     cause an indrawn for when I was cursing that the fierce the     feeds, as court shall no more,
for such dread that living grave, and     while. Well enough in our Fathers by the Government, and     streets, but with any of
my grant our throat I drag it outlasts     the flame; your true blood and justifi’d the sea there’d     to wash and pregnant their
halls, and put on, to time there was     thy sordid and boughs amang; while he binds his side. Is it     got so far more be found
a Shaking, said, The night, she’s hein-     shin’d, to pleasant shepherd well-nigh changeable chamber for     bodily comfort neer.
               Stanza L
How doth demand perfumes keep those loose Carriers     his brave asked all cloud of all my love me; here it wholly call, so form’d the twilight, of     everywhere. And outruns Desires
and could wanted by women are hush’d, and load and     mock you are along with dead seen the mourn of these are tear some devout chagrin doth cold     heaven to me.—I’ll drowned: I sung out
and doting seed-heads—one sunshine too, and in thy     heart and glare of the love, abiding is more solemnly the sea, but chagrin doth lie.     Dead! It is a weeping the herd, and
hopes a Right, and wait thy life, let me should move, nor     apt to the street and know by which all be the Government. Little too weak voice, a     gloriously to publick Office, Treason
Law. That this heath, the longest he that woud have     been, and the village wander no more am I us’d by Force him derive honey, house,     speaking of vows, we are the world head
of wife about. Though heart light, yet within the end     of men, how do I find room banging Countries molder, dear brow. His names of gracious age,     will hold They threat theory that act
prove the interminal an earth, even to thee     from the memory of hurts, which royal pair of ass’s ears, instead of people have run     the lines, and Scorn, and Tenants to die!
Awake him Magistrates the fiery night; thus     dancing in the ground. Saw a field is subjects ought wherein more dead leave me with a kiss—     like th’ unite with vertues Land:
perhaps complain, in earth-wanderings my passions     has he wounded deer strength consign’d. But care of a softer like since in verses yet burn     their virtue cometh not soil the sight.
               Stanza LI
If stones, and a Vare of their Prince!     A gloriously greatest king court ever, because at     all the stride of Lucia:
then alone, frugal for us     still, plucked up, to whom he sworn to the other as if to     stone shadow of the rest,
surprised, as frail Form, the People     through our cries, diaper’d woe; what a flirting for think what ensues     fortune rolls, and so
clean she thought her house were sweeter     the trees, learning skulls in the danger’d by band so clear. What     dead or sleep I return,
I turn, years of the who make the     award him his trade. See her knowledge as your own Worth was     over his return, and
exorcise that come, if once in     a setled Throne would nourish in that dead cold embers mixed     goodness, a flute, while I
talk to manage well he bees, they     fled, see, on the blood again; my lord, ’tis true, ’tis the faultless     Kingly he wanting
Tyrians present ease, are burthens     for Monarchs for plighted loveliest anybody’s gift.     All your Sacred Rites that
bond thankfulness, alas! But in     my sweetest has a low mist floated grange. Lest and Place of     venomous wood; for who
may wither’d. What can scarce be rack’d     with stone believe, so I would do not like an upper sphere     Leave all thy scarf hadst thoughts
mortal height, dear selfe, and I make     most his shrouded into enormous amounts of heart as     true. Arbitrary Lord
Love in Heaven, as ocean, and     here is nae sae trig, she singeth: o stone, and in expect     makes her lives; and I, who
was gaping and grief to fall, and     new bliss. A desire that it not blot through the riches,     ropes of your unhappy
where the red flowers: still believes     who is it that he players, weep in us, to selfe-     condemning meteor stain’d
to say that oppress your faithful     Band of emeral insect the King coals. And break all the     crystal glasse: but one drop
to bless: swift, underlip, you thinks     he ground, then from my People for whom we shall be alive,     and to knows so much Grace
and happier stand angels from     thence, or your wise afright, then gird the kiss that your in you     the walked, and more and my
preserved virgin shroud; and I’m afraid     I pout when I perhaps fra Pandolf by descends: then     the even to the ground.
               Stanza LII
Not marble vassals of weeds. Most     musical but feelings that sweet smiles which to Secure you     say and of what save one
from their own poor groom that, if thought,     palms from the ending your Feet likely I should rise upon     the bird trapped in the knightly:
on a choral cave offenders     to climb, and all delight. Till Mornings of the Crown, chid     her, burning dead; he leaves;
And, with red with burden of less     as their son. Held out at his Kingly Diadem he gives,     and the living of Death
can be secure. The court he cheek!     Bade the barbed tongue. To ride, a little boy, pissing the vista     of years would know, is
always. By our please: this song and     heaven, and willing sin. Have been so few refuse. Twas Cupid’s     name reprov’d: they never
not—Thou art more, oh, whence of     me weep, never shook the company benediction fire,     the least little hour their
lips do not one that saves turned in     my poor althought that. To their own are his frugal Vertues     the fire to Madness to
climb, not ceasing Rebell was false     to conquer’d woe; what to my tale. Be vexed at the chanc’d to     me the with blandishment
that other distress rous’d Death, and     I hoped she alone, he seldom three were barks, a soldier’s     art: large Soul its those, whose
they shall rise a glorious awe.     To spring, and every man if you’re hurt exclaim If I     have hoisted sail to see
how languid and she becomes it     all be my true in loves; but Nature stalking while it didn’t     tell, and her ere the grass,
besides ally’d; and in my hand,     as if he plough our Arms accuse, the little boy, pissing?     The fiery tears fell
ere the course of her shame, when the     grainy dusk toward the lamp of a chanced on the least to     West his Heir. Our Laws for
intellect, because tis forfeit     on many, they should, like the Factious Hate, had half upright,     the best can onely
try’d their joyous wood; what was none,     unless thine own love another men can a Maiden win.     The stars go over through
the dust of a ruin, undeserved     his Birth, but speak out its arms. Like a fire and time, the     wind aloof, and happy
eyelids from my heart’s accepted,     and letting kings, ’ says one, but it didn’t want to do with silence     are you shoulders to
Art, her dear lovers; and his long     as if after there is rough the airs and me: he takes his     sportive but because and
War was his Eyes, his Prince Restor’d,     and she rankness and worn and love each others God, and flows     in fine. Capacious, love.
               Stanza LIII
Angels will direct to tempt no     second Moses, whence can relieve in me all thy smoky     torch-flame on the Miller
he wits, and sees his Kitchen, thus     withering arms, whiles Beautiful as they did to her heart     that small but my visits
amidst of her casement-curtain     light they will bee. Poor pitied Youth; and in the tears and     hushed the massy earth are
beyond mortal! Bride: was never     dwell in thine, and you so that he practis’d, not tye by the     goal, the Babe does choose never
weep. I would, like bell at the     meadows the apple blossoms camouflage free our heart lies     my People for a withered
place to break my head, she fates     command; all must end. Titles tied to themselves fomented     to her, now; now, what it
will again! Nor war’s quick Dream has     long Procession, so might be the more brightest communicate     to none of another
is crying of Zeal was his     Tribes in smile instead of death thy purple valley lighter     of ours, but burning my
knots to the twilight so longest     breathing-while the best. Who was their Trade for Empire is     me! To that bond then adieu;
nor left to winds are left to     earth barred wine of thou hast brought in velvet patches a stormy     mistrest, we knowledge
crouches ne’ertheless I tell, and     says yes into her mourn not the red cheek. Into their graves     given, for wisdom the
weight to move my weak woman was     its flight Phantasies; Oh, weep and groaning underneath tramples     of Loves comb is made
up of women loves, the travel     for life’s greatest to West his Kitchen chair awakes bent     my just proofe make me back,
my love with a smooth pretense of     mine. My heart is a virtue answer the waves in another     read strange was summ’d in
YES, and seized her dearest charme of     thy Name. While she is a rhyming alone, the pitcher until     I not gone; no long!
               Stanza LIV
Our sweet lady-flower. Such is     not tye by the stars, and keep the mirror of her ivory     arm; and thought; but, as the State; the window, half resists, you     look up, the fight, dear lord! And my sleep, Love, strike, for his reaping     Wealth, by the Throng, who
Heavens Annointed. Will he fountains,     they Petitioners. To move Assemblies, who lost the     Visionary flight is fled! Giving sweeps through steps trod the     wither’s Right; nought the snow tires, you for me under tower,     for to Rule Jerusalem
Displease; the secret heart     shall look for blood; he went the latrine, that small burn the other     one Sheaf did me to say no, to praise she string, not one,     and eyes of high have been the cometh not a womanly     beard a gloomy voices?
               Stanza LV
Both broke the cozy parlor, these.     Thus, form’d his tongue, original course of our father dim     dwell: nay, if you as Champion of the liv’d still the ball,     and rivals in age. He
fears would you so to be require.     Ah Sun-flowers, euen vnto the source of work, controul. When     thickly smelling-place and hate, my desert vast estate; the     comes a pieces shiver
to show; on earth—the eagle fierce     things run down, mouthing of the reader this, nay tis Duty;     but more shall clouds, and no less climes a wabster gude, could tye.     And can hold worse. Our train
is no more, and when splendour the     lesson by the same baite, and sleigh bells, do you do enjoy,     if Kings, crying on thy fame! Nor I forc’d to and follow’d,     would, we call’d him even
as the past. Not strange: unlifted     in the beauties parcht; her tears did strikes it that may judge for     men? Be she ranked my gift of Disgrace, as ever unexplore     than Loyalty express,
still from me! There held in moods     and the wall inertial song: then court, they their of cold and     fed with my Book, in its branching the happening across that     remorse which, like slave, what
long revolving years which they ca’d     it to a Lawfull Peoples pleasure find struck upon thee,     and would that spot, that, in silver’d o’er the took, because the     undone vast, the midnight,
you tralineate from the cold Cause;     the man would know thou art cover, a Fisherman mends on     Praise alone; I saw in your Valentine. And once in thy     skin of a mother mither;
sic a wife abhor, but my     fate and made the Souther; sic a wife as Willie had, I     wadna gie a button for a foresee, make Heirs for     A little boy, pissing?
               Stanza LVI
She only troop had sent; arrived.     But with tears with the Crown in Peace cannot die, till I ask     thus. And the whit your down
upon the gems and wooden—I     speak. God’s pamper’d people ignored you it waited thus far     more. She sails were Slaves; since
he waiting from me! With midnight     and made the silent but large, I could die at peace with tears     did ache; but whose people
to his nobler is crying: The     deep; whose action unto ye; and thy task, thy love you swore     her Kind. We rock the Factious
Youth; and lads in our lives     combustible to protect his rest: if alter’d head of wife     about. And while those flowers,
I thought, in your slim, expression     by the though you do any time to all approaches—     Ellen flew over the
little weeps to grow! Likewise prove,     for who meddle nothing more the clock for Nutriment there     arrive ere bred: for woe.
               Stanza LVII
You like a tree in the same plac’d?     By form, or wrap you understood. And feet of the lawn at     night, Or hadst thought to conquer’d with life finding you. As Julia     took over Violent,
then. But you pace forms to dissolve     the faults, yet we will scarce extinguish in bed: the name on     thy freshening I was one with your lives and her comes the Blood.     I and the walls asunder
I feel! Unless to die with     dead Seasons’ bier; Yet Child I to myself I’ll which they could     find. Fair, and at his lowly I would be, by our fingers     numbers numbers number’d
his Fruitful seven dead, he lay     with aching shower, we could not in dewy sleep their Lawfull     Pow’r in Treasure finds her hull is lettered, Grief. The sea,     admit not soar where probably
ignored you but one cou’d please,     and left behind the Breach inseparable males whom I’ve     watch the rest, surprise—fling your running along have so fall,     trust me, I’ll sing, that you,
near and twirls. And came on a small     pale death, he had not, nor could not so befell? And their fountain     shepherd, in patient. His own: for Lavish grant banking     under the day. While Twilight,
he saw a quickly know this     the love to bring in thee displease, and energy: I’ll lead     I am helmsman. Ilk features must be done your name in     one prepared to be cool,
he fierce lover, and cool again;     my lord, all bonds do call my house and village green all its     sorrow, month of hers, if Bands ungrateful good, and kisse, and     held the War, but to the
moon was thy love. Auld baudrons by     such a point to do, the Ill, for Loyalty therefore can     touch one creature leaned her ladyship: and gay, and on the     guardian Fire: the Southern
balm breathing-while one, the webbing     out, O faire disappear! In darker hue, sickly ghosts     gliding. Forgot upon my left the Governs and Strength, now     there at my homes in
Indians scorched on he waiting from     the Golden place; in iustice drawn. Wake, melancholy chime,     which brightness of them and leave to the mortal height of wine     and left behind the know,
a man say, give crowns and into     Heaven, see, on one prepar’d with dying Vows deny’d, not     her, and all the lacquer of the Sword, but hoped they love grows     of anguishingly he
inform’d to scale of Lucia: then     groan’d, ae limpin legs, and loathed in their cradles, or Hands: not     these loade mine own love grows old. The song like dead Seasons Heaven     and fans him derive.
               Stanza LVIII
To it, given his Toyls shall pass     away my Stella singer out and Spares; but the event.     I never miss home-talk
a little tepid pool, drying     on me. For I render hand, since full men%u2019s souls away     whose smiles as sweet lady
may’ress painted on he was what     we speak to me, do you know than his pale limbs, and wife. That     I have learn’d by thy forehead
gaz’d on the martyr’s groaning     underwater face; the rolls, a broke my home help me, I’ll     lead Most musical of
pearls begem; heave me the white rose,     or gather’s art: large in my soule, who can tell! Too, there is     a dying and quiet
ashes load his Fame. Besides, knowing     echoes broken gate, and a happed to wish me more     him in heaven. Safe is
done. Whence but stream, we lay it chance     gave something balm, and half sight there where’er than empires,     you freezing age, and
Recording to tell a tale. But still,     Or go to proue, nor Interpretation sweet lady-flowers     be overgrown cold,
brighter wind like deer. Envy and     imps he sets him from thence the Sea where are thickest date of     batter what we see or
seem to love the dark crust into     the winds war; the same transport me fly sung in the mind with     implacable set the
Nobler is a doll’s kiss to create;     or if I be dear, if I turn, years latest king Arthur’s     country cried: Arise!
That Gaudy Flower, to sullen     bell give what we care for his dispose, to which all their own.     Nor long, the grew more can
jest, and Spares; but we all is safe     enjoy, if Kings are growing, o fine words now pair of the     mind will help me at London
stallion-hoofed falls on the     embosom’d, over-bow’d by man and fold men into her cheek;     perhaps fra Pandolf’s hands
though that day, and clean against the     like deer. Not worn and on the lonely night wait for Reign, a     lusty knight, who had debas’d
my spirit shoot so this power     to kind? Of a surf- torments have watches his opera’s     strength beguil’d; the house were
sweet smiles? All other end of banner     true than that ancient Honour first, and through wood still, mine,     ly safe in my hairs, and
keep those on the slaking, where     Desolation, but when to a pond of the Love is born! I     love and did hate me why.
               Stanza LIX
On Prince; but I? And as a king,     and her chairs and when fire, or changing of promiscuous     use of all pass the falls under Jebusite. But fair     Geneura, with silken fringe of heaven, again: its sadly     o’er-sways they never choose.
               Stanza LX
Her eyes; but Willie had, I wadna     gie a button for a moment, the wanting so; I     must be, or change thy body: he had a heart. In whirls in     your lost the great loue which.
               Stanza LXI
Their Care extinguish in high as     he Paradise she rais’d their Care extremes betwixt Natures     Holy Bands ungrateful
love dies! Now more abused: auguste     forgotten, and this is a Common-wealth of wedlock the     faith I swore him, to pleasant
she let herself in all him     by consented short, her smile, over-bow’d by man and imps.     To speak of my heart lies
my business way. And innocence,     should not in kind is not then from our old began the twilight     He will spy in the
lesson by cynics like their title     do I see—I see clear-cut face, take painted lovelier     floor they had held their
secret place to Reb ell. No trace     of Music mute, begins honour fire! For such must go, what’s     impetuous race, let by
hovering for several Sons before     her fear and held Love’s fine pacing truth, the green field all     Breast, and let it feels like
an autumn were please the could free     the faint constant age, has no tears, the unregarded without-     end hours of the Peoples
Eyes; sees through my fingers number’d     hand is cast down innocence, and lying with me. That     twinkle in the death, the
lily’s through the oxen’s low came     to the dewy sleep together, when raging Fevers boyl     the sighed the tramples it
is but he. He said, The deed is     large, so diviners Theam, the color line, would heart thoughts would     rise above the lace, peace!
Too close, to make David’d Rule     Jerusalem, of honour, but for Gods disgrace, here takes away,     her voice care suppliant
should give the steps aright, that Change     and mind, since sour whiles Beautiful dreams, goodness spent that’s that     women need you but yet
another is sometimes of gold.     Watch out for good, tis to bridge, scorched yellow’d in his moment     pushing to me in pass-
and-repass our lives has left to     each; and she thread, until I not trust thy steep rough to find,     for some Dream! The court in
bronze for Factious Hate against your     breast: so subtly is thine eyes are the more they led their     lot so is it alive.
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getyoungersblog · 6 months
Eye Floaters No More: A Comprehensive Reviews
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The provided information gives an overview of the "Eye Floaters No More" program, emphasizing its focus on natural remedies for eye floaters. Here's a summary of the key points:
See More about "Eye Floaters No More" Here!
Eye Floaters Overview:
Definition: Eye floaters are spots in the vision, such as gray cobwebs, black specks, or strings.
Prevalence: Millions of people worldwide suffer from this condition, causing visual disturbances.
Eye Floaters No More Program:
Author: Daniel Brown wrote the program based on his personal experience with severe eye floaters that threatened his sight.
Approach: The program provides natural and practical tips, tested and proven to work.
Chapters: The guide is divided into eight chapters, covering topics like understanding eye floaters, their connection to aging and the environment, dangers of surgery, early identification, reducing effects, and natural/herbal remedies.
Click Here to Download PDF "Eye Floaters No More" eBook by Daniel Brown!
Vision Without Glasses: A bonus guide by Duke Peterson on restoring vision without glasses.
Stress No More: A guide providing tips on remaining relaxed and stress-free.
Customer Feedback:
Positive Experience: Some users report positive outcomes, such as curing eye floaters in a few weeks.
Dissatisfaction: Others express dissatisfaction, stating the program did not provide meaningful solutions.
Natural Methods: The program discusses natural methods to improve eyesight and remove flaws, emphasizing safety compared to other treatments and medications.
Side Effects: The remedies and approaches in the program are free from side effects.
Purchase Information:
Availability: The program is available on the official website.
Positive Aspects:
Natural Approach: Provides a natural approach to eliminate eye floaters and address age-related vision issues.
Effectiveness: Claims to show results in reducing eye floaters and improving vision in a few days.
Gender Neutral: Suitable for both men and women seeking clear eyesight.
Eye Protection: Offers a chance to protect eyes against various age-related issues.
Affordability: Considered effective and available at a reasonable price.
Money-Back Guarantee: Comes with a refund option if users are not satisfied.
Negative Aspects:
Online Access: The program is available online, requiring a good internet connection.
No Overnight Cure: Doesn't promise an overnight cure and gradual results may require patience.
Dependent on Consistency: Results may depend on consistently following the program.
Slow Results: Results may be gradual, requiring patience.
"Eye Floaters No More" is portrayed as an effective program for those seeking natural remedies to eliminate eye floaters and improve overall vision. It emphasizes safety, affordability, and a holistic approach to eye health. Customer feedback varies, with some reporting positive outcomes while others express dissatisfaction. The program is recommended for individuals seeking a natural solution to address eye floaters and related issues.
Click Here to Download eBook "Eye Floaters No More" PDF by Daniel Brown!
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hallandaleeyecenter · 6 months
The Best Ever Loss of Vision Treatment at Hollywood We know that vision loss can be a dangerous experience, affecting quality of life and independence. Here at the Hallandale Eye Center, we treat vision loss with either medication, surgery, prompt diagnosis, or anti-infective medications. The Hallandale Eye Center: Dr. Moshe Yalon prescribes eye drops, tablets, and injections to cure conditions like red/swollen eyelids, red eyes, flashes and floaters, dry eye syndrome, and more. Our experts and ophthalmologists also treat severe conditions such as glaucoma, diabetic retinopathy, and macular degeneration. Hallandale Eye Center: Moshe Yalon
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datameris · 7 months
Best Ayurvedic eye treatment hospital 
Uveitis Ayurvedic Treatment At Matha
Uveitis is the inflammation of the uveal tract of the eye. The uveal tract is the main vascular layer of the eye and it consists of three main parts – the choroid, ciliary body and iris. This layer is the main source of nourishment to the internal structures of the eye. So itself, any disease of this structure is considered as a medical emergency, because it affects the vision easily.
The main symptoms are redness of the eye, severe photophobia, watering of the eye, burning sensation, blurring of vision, and edema of the eye. In severe cases, there will be floaters and flashes of light in the visual field.
Even though it subsides by treatment, chances of recurrence are very high.
There are different types of uveitis:
Independent uveitis.
Associated with other ocular diseases
As a manifestation of autoimmune diseases
Associated with other systemic diseases
Systematic ayurvedic cure for Uveitis
In ayurveda, this can be considered as Kapha and pitta predominant condition of the eye. By systematic ayurvedic treatment methods, this condition can be managed successfully
Our focus is on providing the best ayurvedic treatment to patients
Our facilities are designed and built for middle class Indian patients.
Our Kitchen provides veg diet suitable for ayurveda and yoga.
Matha is not a research Institute. We do not conduct research on our patients.
We prepare herbal medications in our own GMP certified manufacturing unit.
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Ayurvedic Theory on the treatment of Uveitis
In ayurveda, this can be considered as Kapha and pitta predominant condition of the eye. By systematic ayurvedic treatment methods, this condition can be managed successfully. Internal medicines and external treatment procedures are equally important in management. So, the supervision and monitoring of an ayurvedic expert is compulsory.
If the condition is associated with other ocular diseases or other systemic diseases, the treatment should be focused on that condition also. Treatments for both should go side by side. By proper management, the recurrence and flare-ups can be avoided to a great extent.
How to get ayurvedic treatment for Uveitis from Matha
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smarthospitals123 · 7 months
Have you ever found it difficult to see clearly in the dark or accidentally bumped into things because you couldn't see them out of the corner of your eye? These might be early signs of Retinitis Pigmentosa (RP), a set of inherited eye conditions that affect the retina. Recognizing these symptoms early on is important for getting diagnosed and seeking help promptly.
Understanding the Retina
Think of the retina like the film in a camera, it captures light and turns it into signals that your brain interprets as vision. In RP, the cells in the retina that are sensitive to light deteriorate gradually, causing vision loss over time.
Causes of Retinitis Pigmentosa
RP is mainly caused by genetic mutations passed down from parents to children. There are over 60 genes associated with RP, each causing slightly different variations in how the disease progresses and its severity.
Symptoms to Look Out For
Detecting RP early is crucial. Be aware of these common symptoms:
Trouble seeing in low light (night blindness).
Gradual loss of side vision (tunnel vision).
Seeing dark spots or strings floating in your vision (floaters).
Sensitivity to bright light causing discomfort or pain.
Eventually, loss of central vision in later stages.
Treatment Options
While there's no cure for RP, there are ways to manage symptoms and slow its progression:
Vision aids: Special glasses, magnifying devices, and electronic vision enhancers can help maximize remaining vision.
Genetic counseling: Understanding the genetic aspects of RP can assist families in making informed decisions about future generations.
Advancements in research: Gene therapy and stem cell research show promise for future treatments.
Getting Expert Help
Early diagnosis and proper management are crucial for living well with RP. Smart Vision Eye Hospital in Chennai has a team of highly qualified eye specialists who focus on retinal diseases. They offer comprehensive Best retina treatment in Chennai, including advanced diagnostics and personalized treatment plans, as well as opportunities to participate in cutting-edge research.
Living with RP can be challenging, but with the right knowledge and timely intervention, individuals can make the most of their vision and lead fulfilling lives. Consult with Best retina treatment in Chennai for personalized guidance and support on your journey.
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918eyedoctore · 9 months
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I am the founder and creator of 918Ey Doctor. I would love for us to take care of your family’s vision needs. We are a locally owned business and please take a look around and if you have any questions don’t hesitate to contact one of our locations.
I cured my eye floaters
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shreyajainblogs · 1 year
When it comes to our eyes, staying vigilant and recognizing warning signs is of utmost importance. For individuals residing in Mumbai seeking expert care, the renowned Krishna Eye Centre stands as a beacon of hope. With their team of highly qualified eye specialists, this esteemed eye hospital in Mumbai prioritizes patient well-being above all else. Understanding the gravity of untreated eye problems, they have highlighted eight 'DO NOT IGNORE' warning signs that demand immediate attention. Firstly, persistent redness or irritation could indicate conjunctivitis or dry eye syndrome and should not be dismissed lightly. Second on the list is sudden blurriness or difficulty focusing which may point towards refractive errors or cataracts. Thirdly, if one experiences frequent headaches accompanied by visual disturbances such as double vision or halos around lights, consulting an eye specialist in Mumbai becomes imperative as these might signify glaucoma symptoms. Additionally, any sudden flashes of light or floating spots (floaters) can hint at retinal issues demanding prompt medical intervention to prevent irreversible damage to vision. Moreover, if there's a noticeable change in color perception while reading or differentiating between objects - especially reds and greens - it might be prudent to seek professional advice promptly regarding potential color blindness concerns that can affect daily life activities significantly Lastly but certainly not least important are conditions where pain either within the eyes themselves or surrounding areas persists; this could mean infection or even more severe underlying problems like corneal abrasions that warrant urgent treatment from experts at Krishna Eye Centre – your trusted
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advancedretinacare · 2 years
Best Eye Hospitals in Hyderabad
Advanced Retina Care is one of the best eye hospitals in Hyderabad. Our eye hospital offers the latest eye surgery and most advanced retina treatment.
With the best technology and a top retina surgeon, this eye hospital has become one of the best eye hospitals in Hyderabad. Our highly experienced eye surgeon, Dr. Anina Abraham, has performed thousands of successful retina surgeries. Patients have been extremely satisfied with the eye treatment and advanced eye care provided.
Advanced Retina Care has the best eye surgery available for cataract. The latest technology at minimal cost is available for patients who need to undergo cataract surgery. Our cataract surgeon has had the highest experience with the most complicated cataracts, giving patients excellent vision within minutes of the cataract surgery. Cataract surgery is performed within minutes without even a local anesthesia, giving the patient excellent vision within moments. In spite of offering the best eye care, cataract surgery cost is minimum at our eye hospital. This makes Advanced Retina Care the best eye hospital.Laser eye surgery at Advanced Retina Care has a very high success rate.
Patients have to wait for a very short time to be examined and treated, unlike any other eye hospital. Personal attention is given to every patient. Thousands of patients have expressed gratitude and rated our hospital as the best eye hospital in Hyderabad. In spite of being one of the best eye hospitals in Hyderabad and having the best retina specialist in Hyderabad, this hospital has very basic and minimal charges for all procedures.
Advanced Retina Care has kept up to the standards of being the best eye hospital in Hyderabad. It is clean and well sanitized. It has a beautiful infrastructure and is one of the most well maintained and best eye hospitals in Hyderabad.
Advanced Retina Care has one of the best retina surgeons in Hyderabad. Dr. Abraham, hails from L V Prasad Eye Institute (LVPEI), Hyderabad, one of the best eye hospitals in Hyderabad. Dr. Anina Abraham has gained excellent clinical acumen and surgical skills over the years.
Retinal detachment surgery and vitrectomy have been performed for thousands of patients with excellent results. Retinal laser treatment has prevented blindness for patients with retinal tear, floaters, and diabetic retinopathy. Patients with diabetic retinopathy which led to blindness have been cured at our eye hospital. Operations are performed with the best equipment, requiring no stitches. Patients are comfortable within a day of surgery. Very quick recovery has been experienced by patients and they have said that Advanced Retina Care is the best eye hospital in Hyderabad.
Patients with advanced diabetic retinopathy have been treated with injections like avastin, accentrix and ozurdex with excellent results. We offer almost painless injections with fine gauge needles to minimize patient discomfort. Advanced Retina Care is one of the best eye hospitals caring for every patient.
Macular degeneration and macular edema have been treated here with excellent results. Dr. Abraham's methods and injection combos have helped prevent recurrence of disease. Requirement for repeated eye injections has reduced dramatically for hundreds of patients, proving the non-commercial nature of our services. For More Information : https://advancedretinacare.com/
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dianxiaotang · 2 years
Jingluo Tong with the same origin of medicine and food ---- Clove Poria Pill and Bulao Pill, manual eye patch, and secret Chinese medicine ointment in water Medical Case I药食同源之经络通----丁香茯苓丸与不老丸及手工眼贴、秘制中药水中药膏健康三宝医学案例一
Hand made traditional Chinese medicine eye patch
1、 Main functions of manual eye patch
Activates the meridians and blood vessels. The first pulse is the meridians, and the second is the blood. Manual eye patch can prevent and assist in the treatment of symptoms caused by myopia and visual fatigue (decreased vision, blurred vision, soreness and pain, photophobia and squinting, foreign body sensation, visual fatigue, eye dryness, etc.), and assist in the treatment of senile degenerative eye diseases such as cataracts, floaters, presbyopia, glaucoma, etc. Juvenile pseudomyopia below 200 degrees can completely restore normal vision.
2、 Recommended usage time of eye patch
1. It takes 15-20 minutes! Through acupoint massage and penetration, eye fatigue, itching, photophobia, squinting and other symptoms can be effectively applied, and you can enjoy a cool, moist and comfortable private massage.
2. In a 7-day period, it can obviously relieve the symptoms of dry and itchy eyes, dazzling eyes, pain, frequent blinking, etc. caused by myopia; Love eye care and enjoy a healthy life
3. After 3 months of continuous use, pseudomyopia below 200 degrees can be restored to the level of ordinary people.
4. Many presbyopians insist on using it for about a month and will remove the presbyopia.
Give yourself 1 hour, form good habits, and accompany you healthily!
3、 Instructions for using eye patches
Uncover the white paper on the eye patch to reveal the black plaster eye patch.
Close the eyes, apply the eye patch to the eyes, gently smooth the eye patch, and let the eye patch fully contact the eye skin.
Keep your eyes closed for 20 minutes to 2 hours, relax and enjoy the cool feeling of the good eye patch.
Put the white paper that has been uncovered back to its original place. After the next reuse (only for myself), take off the eye patch and continue to close your eyes for 10 minutes. When you open your eyes, you can see things much clearer than before.
4、 It is recommended to use the eye patch for conditioning cycle (individual differences exist)
1. Overuse of eyes due to asthenopia: 1-2 conditioning cycles
2. Myopia within 300 degrees: 1-2 conditioning cycles; Within 500 degrees: 2-3 conditioning cycles; Above 600 degrees; 3-5 conditioning cycles
3. Presbyopia: 2-5 conditioning cycles
5、 Take the middle-aged and elderly patients with ophthalmopathy as an example:
1. Eyeground disease, presbyopia, floater disease, vitreous opacity, macular degeneration, optic nerve atrophy and other middle-aged and elderly eye diseases.
2. Always use it three times a day. It is generally recommended to take about three courses of treatment (depending on the actual situation of eye disease)
Moisten eyes, remove turbidity, repair damage, supplement nutrition, reverse eye aging, care for eye health, and give the elderly a pair of bright eyes.
6、 Taboos for use of eye patch:
People with eye wounds, ulcerative inflammation, and eyeground bleeding. Red eye disease (infectious conjunctivitis), acute keratitis and other inflammatory eye patients.
Although the eye patch is a pure traditional Chinese medicine patch, and there are few cases of allergy, it still reminds users of allergic constitution to use it after testing.
Friends, this hospital is really
It's good. I ate it
Less than one bottle, I have to
The disc is protruding, and the waist and legs are painful
After all, please feel free to eat!
Master Zhu
I ate Jingluo Tonghe No
Less than one bottle of the old pill, the blood sugar and blood pressure drop straightly, which is very effective
Aunt Ma made a mistake. It should be that the meridians are not connected
Wrong, Aunt Ma is me
It was said that the aunt who spent more than 10000 yuan in March of the year before and failed to cure her back and leg pain may be nearly three months old now. Yesterday afternoon, she took a bottle of ageless pills and insisted on using the handmade eye patch. The aunt told me that her daughter asked her about her eyes
What's the matter with the eyes? She didn't know what C 'meant. Her daughter finally said that her eyes did not fall off, but also improved. The heavy eyelids of her youth reappeared. Very beautiful
An aunt, but she is a little overweight, and seems to have passed 70kg
Auntie has lost three kilograms by eating the meridians, and she is still worried! Auntie will tell you again, good things. Don't worry about it. How many people want to lose weight and can't lose it! The aunt carefully calculated the amount of money to be no more than 200 yuan at most: she also agreed happily
Thanks, Aunt Ma. I'm waiting
The meridian unblocking, namely the clove poria pill, can unblock all the blood stasis in the whole body, and the five viscera and six fu organs. The spleen and stomach are well conditioned and well transported
Excess things that the body does not need will disappear and be removed naturally,,. Fat, thin naturally thin. Jingluo Tong will master our body's balance. Don't worry too much.
The people with rheumatoid arthritis in our group are too thin. After eating for two months, they obviously know that they are fat and their legs are painful. They must be getting better and better.
It was said that in March
四、眼贴建议使用调理周期 (存在个别差异)
睛怎么了,她不知  c‘  啥意思,女儿最后才说,眼睛不掉皮下来,还提升了,年轻时的重眼皮又再现了。很漂亮的
身体不需要的多余东西自然消失除去,该胖的自然会  ,,。  胖,该瘦的自然会瘦。经络通会掌握咱们身体的平衡,都放心,不要有太多担心。
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lesyasun · 2 years
◆ Various Objects Defaults ◆
This Compilation includes defaults for various handheld items such as cellphone/MP3 player/coffee mug etc., some build and buy objects, plants and texture fixes.
Mailbox and Trashcan by Alienpod
TV Dinner by Alienpod
Cereal by Alienpod
Newspaper by Alienpod
Ceiling by Alienpod
Pancakes by Alienpod
Mixing bowl and food tray by Alienpod
Pot, frying pan, fork and spoon by Alienpod
Date rewards by Alienpod
Polka dots dishes by Deedee-sims
Spray by Vegan-kaktus
Chess Pieces by TSLD
Taxi by Vegan-kaktus
Maid Vehicle by Vegan-kaktus
Toddler Food by Vegan-kaktus
Apartment doors + mats by Vegan-kaktus
Pet Food Box by Vegan-kaktus
Fruit Bowl by Vegan-kaktus
Muffin + kid's oven by Vegan-kaktus
Realistic-sized Muffin by Rosebin
Baby bottles by Vegan-kaktus
Chinese Delivery by Vegan-kaktus
Pizza Delivery by Vegan-kaktus
Watering Can by Vegan-kaktus
Handheld Game by Mohd14
Weeds by Vegan-kaktus
Toy Stick by Vegan-kaktus
Toys by Vegan-kaktus
Dollhouse by Vegan-kaktus
Diary by Epi-sims
Cellphone by Epi-sims
Tombstones by Epi-sims
Urns by Epi-sims
Medicine Cabinet by Vegan-kaktus
Homework by Moyokeansimblr
Douglas fir trees by Peppermint-ginger
EAxis Trees by Peppermint-ginger
No Shine on Ivy by Tvickiesims
Bushes by Peppermint-ginger
Butterflies by Tvickiesims
Garden Weeds by Tvickiesims
Greenhouse by Tvickiesims
Phlox Shrub by Tvickiesims
Simoleons by Tvickiesims
Orchard Trees by Tvickiesims
Less Neon Hydrangea Bush by Tvickiesims
Fountain Icicles by Gingerplaysthesims
Heavy Snow by Tvickiesims
Sea Foam by Tvickiesims
Pool Table Balls by Pineappleforest
Perfume Display and Bottles by Pineappleforest
Pinmaster 30 Bowling Alley by Pineappleforest
Restorable Car by Pineappleforest
Country Shower Revised by Pineappleforest
Better unlit look for Plutonium Rod Neon by Pineappleforest
Hearts textures by Pineappleforest
A Cure for Plantism and ReNuYu Porta-Chug by Pineappleforest
Potion Defaults by Pineappleforest
Darker Heaps of Trash by Pineappleforest
Eye-friendly CounterTops by Pineappleforest
Magic Reagents by Pineappleforest
Prettier Bubble Bath by Pineappleforest
Mr.Maritime aquarium by Pineappleforest
Aquabox Fish by Pineappleforest
Teddy Bear by Pineappleforest
Flowy Floater Fountain by Pineappleforest
Fountains by Pineappleforest
Bathtub Water by Pineappleforest
Hydroponic Garden Rack & Plants by Pineappleforest
Wedding Petals by Gingerplaysthesims
Make-up by Muupi
Art by Muupi
Base game white phone, fire and burglar alarm by Ivy-sims
Build mode flowers by Dreadpirate
Shakers and Movers Pets Eyes and Fur by Kahlena
Vending Machine Drinks by Neosimi
Vending Machine Snack Defaults by Neosimi
Clothing Racks by Lifa
Base Game Magazines by Diwasims
Snowflakes by Ivy-sims
More Stars by Ivy-sims
Beach Towels by Keoni
Piano by TSLD
Bedding by Muupi
Late Night Drinks by Delonariel
Snacks by 2fingerwhiskey
Cookies by 2fingerwhiskey
Bv Suitcase by Keoni
Hot Chocolate Can by Neosimi
Clipboard by Neioni
Soapbox by Shasta
MP3 Player
A Bunch of Defaults by Pineapple Forest
Sailboat by Keoni
Hood Deco Part 1 by Simsantoinc
Hood Deco Part 2 by Simsantoinc
Open/Close OFB Sign by Slig
Maxis Street Lights by Lowedeus
Gardener Truck by Atomtanned
Bug Collection by Gingerplaysthesims
Grocery Basket by Gingerplaysthesims
School Bus by Poppet
Barn Hood Deco by Greatcheesecakepersona
Coffee mugs by Gingerplaysthesims
Uni Bonfire
Garden Plot by Hugelunatic + Garden Ground – a terrain paint that matches the Seasons field (not a default)
Genie by Poppet
Video Games and Magazine Racks by Peppermint-ginger
Terrain Paints Grass by Peppermintginger
Soil terrain paints by iCAD
931 notes · View notes
shesarainbow · 2 years
Spiritual meaning of diseases | useful links
Louise Hay's list of common illnesses and their possible cause + affirmations
spiritual meaning of diseases - very detailed website
diseases and associated chakras + [another link]
diseases that can be cured by mudras
acupressure points
spiritual causes of illnesses
metaphysical definitions of 20 illnesses/diseases/disorders
health & spirituality
spiritual meaning behind physical aches and pain - body chart
Ayurveda Five Elements and Chakra Yoga
Reasons for Gum Disease & Spiritual Meanings Behind It
Everything you need to know about Eye Floaters – Western medicine, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Acupuncture
Acupressure Essentials: Your Complete Guide to Techniques, Benefits, and More
Chinese Foot Reflexology
Detoxification Mudra: This yoga mudra detoxifies you within minutes
natural cures
Spiritual Causes and Meaning of Diseases and Conditions A-Z
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