shrekgogurt · 2 months
An ask game for writers to procrastinate working on you WIP(s)
Thanks for the tags @theearlgreymage and @wellbelesbian !!!!
🦈Tell us the name of your/ one of your WIP(s)
For the sake of this endeavor I’m gonna focus on I Knew A Boy, I Knew A Man which is also more affectionately referred to as IKABIKAM, eyecab eyecam, 👁️🚕👁️📸, etc.
🍄Describe your wip/one of your wips in the format of “___ + ___ =___”  
Natasha as like a vaguely Margaret Thatcher figure but she was in office in the late 90s not the 80s don’t think about it too hard okay the exact policy/praxis doesn’t matter so much as the ideology/vibes/dynamic + Davy (The Mage) as like a fucked up Welsh caricature (of his own design) because he’s overcompensating and has the media literacy of the worst film bro you’ve ever had the misfortune of talking to = their sons falling in love through football/soccer against all odds as juxtaposed between childhood and adulthood.
🌍What tags or warnings will your / one of your wip(s) need if you intend to share it?
🧭An alternative title to your/ one of your WIP(s)?
Solsbury Hill for obvious reasons
⚠️Which wip you’re most likely to finish or update next?
This one :-)
💾What is your document of your wip/ a wip called? (not the stories actual title but what you’ve saved it as)
Okay, I’m usually absolute ass at naming files in any helpful fashion but this project is so organized on Google Docs. My notes app is a different story. Those don’t even have titles. I just launch into my whims as they come.
Most interesting answer I can give is that the folder containing all my fic documents is titled “kill the part that cringes.”
🖍Post Any sentence from your wip
Listen, I warned y’all.
To be in love with Simon Snow—a life sentence, an encyclopedia of grief.
♻️A scrapped idea for your current WIP
In the original musings of IKABIKAM—titled Scarborough Fair as the club was gonna be in Scarborough—Simon was Irish rather than Welsh and raised by Ruth. I know. Wild to think about now. But it’s true. And then I did some excavating on canon and the story we have today was born. Lost to time (the original idea of this fic which was actually two fics) is a whole very fun scene. I had planned that after the international break match against other, Simon convinced Baz to go out on the town with him. I wrote this snippet back then. It didn’t make the cut for obvious reasons and honestly I don’t know how much I stand by the characterization. Or the prose. Everything about IKABIKAM is better to me but this sexy little number deserves the people’s attention. I’m slightly concerned it’s offensive.
They’re playing INDUSTRY BABY in this club right now? I’m not dancing with Simon Snow to a Lil Nas X song. That music video…I’m only a man. I’m also not exactly sober. I will not risk a Snow relapse. Besides, Snow himself just downed the rest of his drink.
He leans toward me to say something. With the combination of his drunkenness and his accent I can barely make out his words, “eye gahta gohbakta da barrr.” (Translation: I’ve got to go back to the bar.) He really doesn’t.
I pluck the glass from his hand, “this last one is on me.”
He goofily smiles. His head is drooping to the side and his eyes are half-lidded. It would be adorable if I wasn’t worried about him falling over. I scan the room. One of the other Irish players is nearby. I hook Snow’s arm in mine (both my hands are full!) and drag him towards his teammate. He stumbles behind me looking completely blissed out.
I tap the other player on his shoulder. Clancy I think? The left winger. “Hey, I’m going to force Snow home so he can avoid a stomach pump. Could you make sure he doesn’t wander off while I close out my tab?”
He nods. I throw Snow at him and maneuver through the crowd up to the bar. It’s packed. I finish my own drink before I can push an opening to order. The bartender nods at me. She looks worn out from the night. I don’t blame her.
“Soda water with lime please.”
“Sure. What’s the name on the tab?”
“Grimm-Pitch. Could you close it?”
She nods and turns on her heel. A minute or so later she returns with the drink and my card. I take them.
“Is there any chance I could close out my mate’s tab too. He’s pissed.” I gesture back at the direction of Snow and Clancy. A circle of women have surrounded them. Honestly, fair.
The bartender gives me a wary eye. “What’s the name?”
“Snow? Like the footballer Simon Snow over there?” She points at Simon.
I nod. The bartender scoffs, “Sure I’ll give Simon Snow’s card to some random Englishman.”
Random Englishman? Am I really going to have to do you know who I am this woman? I go for a subtle approach and just sort of lift an eyebrow and draw attention to the name on my own card: Tyrannus Basilton Grimm-Pitch. The realization hits her. I was afraid I would have to tie my hair up.
“Oh shit. Fuck you’re Baz Pitch.” She stares at me. I hold out my hand. “Right, the card!” She hands me Snow’s card.
I nod, “Alright. Thanks.”
She shakes her head at me, “No, sorry for the hassle. Have a good night English…defensive midfielder…Baz Pitch.” She says my name with a laugh like she’s awestruck I’m in this Dublin nightclub (fair), “and thanks for the win today!”
I’m beyond tired of hearing that line.
When I return Snow is having the time of his life: posted up surrounded by ladies singing along to Ayyy Ladies. They’re not being subtle in their flirting. (Again, fair. Good for them.) Snow is incredibly respectful despite being off his face. Good lad. He’s still far too drunk to consent to anything so I don’t feel terribly guilty for pulling him away from the grind fest.
When he sees me approach he lights up, “Baz!” His arms fly open. “Took you long enough.”
I hand him his drink. There is a blonde woman dancing on him. She throws her arms around his neck. He knocks back the drink and chugs it in one go. A little water dribbles down his chin and he wipes it away with his thumb. It catches on his bottom lip. He hasn’t looked away from me once. And this fucking song…
“When I hit it from the back, don't fuss, don't fight
When I put it in ya mouth, don't scratch, don't bite”
I need to get the fuck out of here.
He hands me back the glass, “That drink was awful. What was it?” His speech is a little less slurred than before.
“Water. I’m taking you home.”
He blushes, “What?”
“You’re plastered. So, you should get sick in your own loo rather than on this lovely woman,” I give the blonde a wink. She dances away.
I’m pretty sure tabs aren’t even really that much of a thing in Ireland. And like…I don’t think you can close them out for someone else. So like. I don’t know what the fuck I was on while writing that. Obviously not Google.com, or reality. But most of all I was absolutely jump-scared reading that back and discovering I was gonna make Baz a defensive midfielder? WTF!?
🤔What’s a story you’d love to write but haven’t even started yet?
A hockey one-shot. Whenever it happens the chirps are gonna be out of this world.
🤡How many Wips are you actively working on?
One in a way that’s meaningful. Maybe two. It’s a fresh thing.
🛠Is there a scene or anything in the WIP you are struggling with right now?
The chapter is really expositional in an isolated way and so I have to backtrack for context without being boring.
❤️Not a question, just a second kudos to send.
Blessed beyond belief.
Now tagging @artsyunderstudy @brilla-brilla-estrellita @cutestkilla @facewithoutheart @hushed-chorus @iamamythologicalcreature @ileadacharmedlife @j-nipper-95 @noblecorgi @prettygoododds @thewholelemon @valeffelees @roomwithanopenfire @youarenevertooold @you-remind-me-of-the-babe omg and @emeryhall tell me everything
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sporthub · 3 years
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ImageSource: Informatiker Marc Teyssier mit der anthropomorphen Kamera „Eyecam“. Thorsten Mohr, Universität des Saarlandes
The eye, omnipresent - researchers scrutinize ubiquitous technology
Design is female and the future belongs to it. This was already predicted by one of the world's largest advertising agencies, Grey from Düsseldorf, in a study in 2010. Whether we feel sympathy or antipathy for something determines where we go, which products we want to buy, what attracts us or what repels us. The origin of the Applephone lies in the motivation of the Apple company, in design. Created for the design industry, made for the advertising industry. We remember the Macintosh.
While the competitor from Asia usually appears technologized, as befits its origins in Taiwan, China or Japan. When we have learned that an eye only has the ability to see and the rest depends on the internal networking in the brain, then it will be time to make an effort to find out how the eye actually works. We are making a leap and have arrived at the miniature. In the spirit of interaction, technology today is so small that we are moving into a new evolution of thinking and realizing that nothing will remain hidden, everything will become visible.
Once it was the mirror, or at least something that reflected us, that ensured that we changed our thinking and saw who we were in the Renaissance. Where were we? Oh yes, just a few years ago there were selfies, or whatever they were called. Anyway, we were finally able to represent ourselves and now technology is going to teach us the hard way. We became, we were recognized, as the First Testament of the Bible would describe it. The way is cleared for knowledge, we have to toil, we fall out of paradise and have to explore the new world. Born into a new world, no idea what to expect. Honestly, what will await us?
What no eye has ever seen, no ear has ever heard and no mouth has ever spoken, before us lies artificial intelligence, which will be given to us as a sign of our image. We mirror ourselves and the human eye, technologized, in miniature, makes this clear to us. Born anew, the pandemic that teaches us to accelerate with its mutants. We are running after it, politics is learning for the first time to ramp up the production of laws itself and to think faster. Who would have ever expected that! And one day, when we are done arguing about data protection, privacy and everything else that will be and come, we will realize that we have long been recognized from time immemorial and that clothing is merely a protective suit against the cold, mechanical damage and a truthful element of interpersonal communication. Let's dress warmly as a precaution.
Source Eyecam: Revealing Relations between Humans and Sensing Devices through an Anthropomorphic Webcam
EYECAM, Anthropomorphic Webcam https://hci.cs.uni-saarland.de/projects/eyecam/ Marc Teyssier, Anthropomorphic Webcam https://marcteyssier.com/projects/eyecam/
CHI2021 https://chi2021.acm.org/
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internutter · 2 months
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Challenge #04115-K097: Breaking Point
Their significant other had struck them once too often. Aboard the station, the slap was more than audible. Sunshine and Jay saw the person so struck suddenly get a blank look, and leap upon their abuser with their hands around their neck. Too many years of beatings will do that to a body. -- Anon Guest
[AN: Spousal abuse is not a thing in Alliance territories because children are taught from day dot that hitting other people is not okay]
Welcome to the Edge Territories, things are a lot wilder than the expected norms, here. There are a lot less of the normal rules. And not enough of the expected education. And when it came time for catching up... things could get rough.
Mr Sunshine and Jay were on their way back to their CRC contact when it happened.
The couple were in a heated conversation, and one raised their hand to slap the other. It happened so fast, but Jay fell into a defensive stance, ready to strike as necessary. Mr Sunshine activated his eyecam, making sure he had a good view of the incident.
[Check the source for the rest of the story]
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cmweller · 2 months
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Challenge #04115-K097: Breaking Point
Their significant other had struck them once too often. Aboard the station, the slap was more than audible. Sunshine and Jay saw the person so struck suddenly get a blank look, and leap upon their abuser with their hands around their neck. Too many years of beatings will do that to a body. -- Anon Guest
[AN: Spousal abuse is not a thing in Alliance territories because children are taught from day dot that hitting other people is not okay]
Welcome to the Edge Territories, things are a lot wilder than the expected norms, here. There are a lot less of the normal rules. And not enough of the expected education. And when it came time for catching up... things could get rough.
Mr Sunshine and Jay were on their way back to their CRC contact when it happened.
The couple were in a heated conversation, and one raised their hand to slap the other. It happened so fast, but Jay fell into a defensive stance, ready to strike as necessary. Mr Sunshine activated his eyecam, making sure he had a good view of the incident.
[Check the source for the rest of the story]
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eyecampk · 5 years
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Makli Necropolis EyeCam PK . . #TravelGuidePakistan #VisitPakistan #PakistanTourism #SeePakistan #TravelPakistan #TravelDestination #LightRoom #BeautifulPakistan #DepthOfTheWorld #PhotoJournalism #StreetPhotography #EyeCam #UmarSaleemi #TravelPhotography #NaturePhotography #Islamic_Republic_Of_Pakistan #MobilePhotography #BeautifulDestination #NaturePakistan #TravelPeacefulPakistan #AmazingPakistan #ExplorePakistan #ExploreTheBeautyOfPakiatan #Dawn_Dot_Com #CreativePakistan #ETribune #PakistanMedia #WonderfulPakistan #NaturalBeauty #LetsGoToPakistan #LightRoomPK #PhotographySouls #LandscapePhotography #PhotoOfTheDay #Instagram #InstaPakistan #Flashh_Pakistan #ViewsOfPakistan (at Makli, Sindh, Pakistan) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bx2UlW6nMYm/?igshid=1c05mnn6n1f7c
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luxlightly · 4 years
It just occurred to me that Gordon said his dream was to do game let's plays and Benry tried to make a let's play video and sent it to him.
Benry was trying to impress him.
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kloudygirl · 7 years
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amerasdreams · 3 years
“Is there…more to this than you’re telling me?” said Violet....
“Isn’t getting captured, shocked by her, enough?”
“I don’t want to minimize what happened. But—Jet. I saw the footage of when Lacy took you. The wide view and the view from Lacy’s eyecam. I don’t know if I’ve seen such terror. And to see it on my brother’s face— You’re a random, yes. But you’re also a March. You may not see it, but you have strength deep inside you. For something to terrify you that much—it would have to be more than just a few shocks. You’ve had that from your brother, after all. When you were a child.”
It wasn’t like I hadn’t been traumatized by that…. but it’s true, my brother’s attacks didn’t give me recurring nightmares that made me want to stay awake to escape them.
The shocks shouldn’t be enough. A kiss shouldn’t be enough. But there was something about the possessiveness in her eyes, her words… her touch…. And the savage intimacy of the kiss—a chill ran through me.
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sucede-es · 3 years
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Una desconcertante cámara web con forma de ojo humano
El diseñador de interacción e investigador Marc Teyssier del grupo Resilient Futures en el De Vinci Innovation Center, Francia, ha diseñado la “Eyecam”, una cámara web verdaderamente desconcertante y asombrosa con la forma de un ojo humano.
Esto incluye todos los atributos físicos, incluidos un párpado funcional, pestañas y una ceja arqueada. El ojo también se mueve de una manera antropomórfica natural: parpadeando, girando, guiñando un ojo, etc., como si fuera una extensión del humano que lo usa.
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dragonstoravens · 4 years
Babylon Vol. 1: Thawing, Camaraderie, It Grows On You
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[ID: a blue patterned banner with text reading “BABYLON.” End ID.]
(Considering the length of chapters 2, 3, and 4 compared to 1, Kit and I have decided to post them together. They go together in terms of plot as well, so it works best this way. Enjoy!)
2. Thawing
[Unknown] Here are the blueprints for that idea I was talking about, with some existing externals for reference. Hopefully they can be of some use. T. Jericho.
That message had been sitting at the top of Trinity’s holoscreen for a couple of days now. It wasn’t as if he’d expected a response from this one-time mechanic whose friends most likely wanted him dead or maimed, but perhaps it spoke to the sad state of his social life that his work messages were overflowing with unread correspondence while his most recent personal message besides this one consisted of a single “here” from his sister a week ago. Trinity sighed, and switched over to his eyecam. Might as well get something done.
“Aw damn, missed one.” Azure glanced at her once-neglected messaging screen. Messages from Crim, Indigo, a few video links from Smalls and Perry, Turq asking about when ship-wide family dinner was so he could bake biscuits and an unusual number she hadn't seen before.  She squinted at the unfamiliar sequence of numbers, trying to think who she had given her access number to that she didn’t remember. She opened the message and found herself grateful that businessmen were so formal to start with. It was eye-dude, following up on some small talk they’d had about her ideas for external monitors for people who were weird about doctor’s visits. 
She glanced at the externals he sent and found herself typing wherever her console had space, recording a stream of consciousness. She hadn’t intended to treat his chatbox like a memo application on a personal holopad, but that’s exactly what she did. She thought out loud, drawing conclusions and asking questions all in the same long, uninterrupted paragraph, and hit send thinking it was a save button. Her thoughts were done, and she had already moved to begin work on a prototype, now that she had it all written out.
She was a little embarrassed and sent an apology a few moments later, once she realized what she’d done. 
[Azure] sorry about the essay. lots to think on, not a lot of paper this side of a spaceship. thanks for the schematics.
[Azure] have a nice day!
 She didn’t bother to sign it, seeing as he already knew who she was. He sent it first, after all.
Trinity was left with a note to self to disconnect messaging from his eye functions, technical words flickering in and out of his vision like sunspots, and a low level headache that somehow felt like a portent of things to come. One thing seemed certain, despite the little information he had to go on-- he was going to be hearing from Azure again. Often.
3. Camaraderie
Azure snickered as she sent the image off. It was a rare image of Trinity off of some trashy tabloid site, that she had edited to highlight the triangle he crook of his arm made with his body. The filename was “jericho_illuminati.img”, and she was proud of how shitty and outdated the joke was.
[Azure] So when were you going to tell me you decided the fate of galaxy politics centuries in advance?
And now it was a matter of time before his exasperated response. 
[Jericho] You know it’s not polite to make fun of my boss. 
It had only taken him a minute to answer. She’d caught him at a good time, then. Her smile widened. 
[Azure] Consider, your boss is terrible. The worst.
She thought back to calling him a ladder climber upon their first meeting, and found herself grateful he didn’t think she was an asshole for being honest. It was nice to talk to someone above the books, who wasn’t on the run for whatever reason. The ship got lonely, with how closed off people were about some things. His companionship was becoming more valuable by the day.
[Jericho] Interesting opinion. But do you know what else is the worst?
Trinity followed this message with a picture of a model from the same tabloid, one they put on the same spread as Trinity, but with what looked like cargo pants shakily drawn over the swimsuit. The hair was scribbled over in bright red. It looked ridiculous.
[Jericho] Observe.
She smirked, muttering to herself. 
[Azure] Asshole. My hair ain’t even that shade of red, and I’d never be caught dead in cargo pants.
[Jericho] It’s not as if I’ve seen you recently to confirm that. I’ll stick with the artist’s interpretation. 
There was a beat, his icon indicating that he was still typing.
[Jericho] Heh. Azzhole.
[Azure] VERY original. Did you get that one from my brother when we were eight, or are you just very creative?
She found herself giggling quietly in her lab. It was so nice to just goof off. Turq poked his head in to make sure she hadn’t lost her mind. She waved him off. 
[Azure] I gotta get back to actually working. Send me more stupid closeups from your eye, I wanna see how well the zoom extension is holding up in terms of image quality. Get real up close to something, I wanna see electrons.
[Jericho] Nerd. I will.
She was halfway through a message to call him an even bigger nerd, but decided that progress on the little pet project that his eye had become mattered a little more. 
[Azure] The more unsuspecting the subject, the funnier
[Jericho] I’ll keep it in mind. Go do your work, I’m busy.
And with that, the blip marking him as active in the chat disappeared from the screen. She stuck her tongue out at it. That was one way to force her to get back to work, but she didn’t have to like it.
4. It Grows On You
“-I’m just sayin’, I think reroutin’ the sensors through a shorter path would make the energy consumption so much lower, it’d be worth the time cost to adjust.” Azzy was leaning on one arm of her chair, one leg over the back and the other leg over the opposite arm, looking up at a screen with some soundwaves wiggling around on it. Normally she’d have moved it to a vidcall, but Trinity had said he was busy, and like hell was she going to be TOO much of a distraction. He had shit to do, and technically so did she, but what was a half hour of downtime in the grand scheme of things when you lived at work?
“Yes, but if we’re thinking on a universal manufacturing scale, that’s adjustments in every prototype that would have to be done the exact same way. In the long term, the mechanic can’t oversee everything herself. Delegating is a bigger time cost than a simple design change.” Trinity was clearly in business mode, vague typing noises audible from his end even as he spoke.
“But you’re sacrificin’ a lot of power that way on the prototype itself. I thought the whole point was to be the best around.” She laughed and sat up a little bit, headset long discarded in favor of turning on her room’s soundproofing so she could hear more clearly. He didn’t say anything for a moment, his focus clearly on whatever it was he was working on and not her attempts to goad him into banter. “You always this overly focused on whatever the hell? Or are you usin’ it as an excuse to half ignore me? Bein’ a hotshot sounds like a lotta work if it’s the first one.” The word ‘hotshot’ stuck to her for some reason, and she changed his name in her messages. No one needed to know.
Taglist (ask to be added or removed!): @glitterandstarshine @rainbowcoloreddays @the-starlight-chills @erased-in-stone @charlottedotexe
General: @elywritesbydarkness @residentofthedisc @humour-and-hyperfocus @skyfirewrites
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internutter · 3 years
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Challenge #02963-H040: Stress Management Strategies
H - "I am... in a bad place right now. I will be ok when we can get back home and this calms down, don't worry. For right now though I might not experience the same reality that you do, and I need help staying... here."
A - "What do you need from me?"
H - "If you see me turn to look at something or listen to a sound, just say either Yes or No if you see/hear something there too. If you see me freeze up, please just call my name a few times and I should snap out of it."
A - "Is there anything else?"
H - "... Please be real?" -- SilverRey
It was at that moment that Companion Ali knew that Human Hyl was in a very bad place indeed. Wild Humans like hir always came with scars in one form or another. When the scars weren't on the outside, they were definitely on the inside. It was Companion Ali's job to help Human Hyl and very little of this had been covered in Orientation.
This was Ali's first day in the field. They didn't know everything they should, but this was the exact kind of trial by fire that would bond a Human with them for life. Therefore, they had to improvise. "Thank you for telling me," Ali began. "I admit this is a tricky conundrum. How may I best prove that I am real?"
"I'm relying on memory and cams. If the cams see what I see, then there's a good chance it's a real thing. That said, I've been in this livesuit long enough that I could be having playback hallucinations. I don't have detail haptics, so that's out. Uuuuh... Oh yeah. I'll point my eyecam at you, and close my eyes, and tell you to do a gesture. Then you do it again after I do playback for verification. I'm never any good at keeping my hallucinations in sync."
[Check the source to see the full story]
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cmweller · 4 years
Challenge #02779-G222: And There Was Only One Bed
Archivist finds a Treasure Trove in a Library's donation of 'source material, just old papers'. Stored in time seal conditions. Just one problem to the end of all their funding problems it was all hand written. -- Anon Guest
It was a sealed box in one of the Pre-Shattering Permaplastics. Someone had scrawled, "rando papers" in permanent marker across the lid. Scanners indicated that it was still hermetically sealed. This required care and attention to detail.
Good thing the Archivaas were an order of information-obsessed weirdos for whom that was a normal Twosday night. Sealed room with clever air pressure modifications to keep any ancient pathogens in, check. Also heavily sealed livesuit with touch-reaction gloves, check. Every possible means of recording the unboxing at every angle including the helm and eyecam, check. An entire team of fellow nerdy historians looking on and prepared to commentate the proceedings. Of course, because these were like-minded nerds, they were also prepared to give opinions that nobody asked for.
This was a treasure chest of incalculable historical value. Priceless to the right people. Worthless to the wrong ones. The Archivaas could not think otherwise, since Terran history had lost vast chunks of its records via colonisation waves known as The Shattering. The fight to get even the smallest fragment of it back was known by Archivaas everywhere. That said, they were a cult so magnificently obsessed with their own mission that even other Humans called them insane.
[Be sure to visit internutter (dot) org for a link to the rest of this story, and details on how to support this artist. Or visit peakd (dot) com (slash at) internutter for the stories at their freshest]
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labrujablair · 7 years
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“Que el sueño se atrofie y que la noche se alargue.”
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eyecampk · 5 years
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EyeCam PK . . #TravelGuidePakistan #VisitPakistan #PakistanTourism #SeePakistan #TravelPakistan #TravelDestination #LightRoom #BeautifulPakistan #DepthOfTheWorld #PhotoJournalism #StreetPhotography #EyeCam #UmarSaleemi #TravelPhotography #NaturePhotography #Islamic_Republic_Of_Pakistan #MobilePhotography #BeautifulDestination #NaturePakistan #TravelPeacefulPakistan #AmazingPakistan #ExplorePakistan #ExploreTheBeautyOfPakiatan #Dawn_Dot_Com #CreativePakistan #ETribune #PakistanMedia #WonderfulPakistan #NaturalBeauty #LetsGoToPakistan #LightRoomPK #PhotographySouls #LandscapePhotography #PhotoOfTheDay #Instagram #InstaPakistan #Flashh_Pakistan #ViewsOfPakistan (at Makli, Sindh, Pakistan) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bx2VzSVnFtX/?igshid=2ybywwxvm1sl
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fiddlepoop · 7 years
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The wings of transformation are born of patience and struggle. #thinkgoodthoughts #tuesday #nofilter #dslr #eyecam #nature #photography #photooftheday #butterfly #flower #spring #season #instagood #instapic #followme #like #captured #hashtag
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containerold · 2 years
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