#eyeliner mike wheeler
transmascwillbyers · 2 years
uh um trying to think of fanfic prompts on the fly
trans!will and enby!mike go shopping? will's looking for a binder and mike wants to buy a skirt? fluff no angst ehe
(sorry i'm not good at this lol. hope it helps <3)
I DID IT! I FINALLY WROTE THIS! Yup, procrastination is a bitch, but I actually really enjoyed this, so maybe I'll be a little quicker at clearing out my inbox next time. I still have one more fic to write after this, but remember, you can always send in prompts if you want! I'm open to anything, as long as it's a one-shot and not smut. Anyway, here's your fic, featuring eyeliner!Mike and trans ally!Robin.
“So? What do you think?” Mike said as they walked out of the changing room, taking the deepest breath they could through their beaming smile. They were wearing a black and blue plaid skirt that meticulously matched their eyeliner, and that spun around their knees perfectly as they did a quick twirl of joy. Mike’s boyfriend, Will, smiled back at them, arms crossed over his chest to hide the fact that his shopping trip hadn’t been fully successful yet.
“It looks great!” Will said, walking over towards them so he could take a closer look at the fabric. “You think this is the one?”
“Oh, yeah, definitely,” Mike said, nervously running their hands through their long black hair. “You… did you find it?” Will sighed and un-crossed his arms, revealing his chest with a groan of disapproval. How dare you still be attached to my body after all these years?
“No,” he mumbled, just loud enough for Mike to hear. “I swear to god, you’d think the largest department store in Hawkins would have at least one binder, but no!” Mike took a deep breath, mulling over the situation in their head. They’d always felt protective of Will, even before he transitioned, and now that both of them knew what dealing with dysphoria was like, it only added an extra layer to their bond. No. There has to be another option here. We’ve gotta do something.
“Hey, I have an idea!” Mike said after a few moments. “I talked to this really nice lady at the desk, and she was great at helping me find a skirt I liked. Why don’t I ask her? She might have something for you!”
“...Sure,” Will said cautiously, striking the balance between not getting his hopes up and, well, trying to get his hopes up.
“Let’s go!” Mike took his hand and the two of them walked towards the front of the store, their new skirt practically floating behind them as they walked. Will seemed happy for them, but still uncomfortable, nervously looking at the people around them to gauge if the two of them were getting any sideways glances.
“Hey, you’re doing fine,” Mike said, picking up on how nervous their boyfriend was and giving his hand a reassuring squeeze. “No one’s looking at you, I promise. Besides, see? There’s the desk, right over there.” Will looked up, seeming a little more cheerful now, and the two of them waved to the woman behind the desk. She looked around eighteen or nineteen, and had short, choppy golden hair covered by a pair of headphones.
“Hey, um…” Will said with an awkward wave, glancing down at the woman’s name tag. “Robin, I was wondering if, um…”
“We were wondering if we could buy a binder,” Mike said, helping Will out. “For my boyfriend here.” Robin took off her headphones, and, to Will’s surprise, gave the two of them a surprisingly comforting smile.
“Oh, of course,” she said, beginning to rummage around beneath the top of the desk. “We don’t usually have binders in stock here, but I have a cousin who’s non-binary, so I know how important stuff like this can feel. That’s why I always bring my own stash to work, just in case someone walks in here wanting one.” And with that, Robin held up a red binder with a d20 printed in the center- one that looked like it was just Will’s size. “Does this work? I know the design’s a little corny, but-”
“Yes!” Will exclaimed, beaming at Mike. “It’s perfect!”
“Well, then,” Robin said, handing it off to him, “you can take this into the nearest changing room and give it a spin. If it works, that’ll be… twenty dollars. I should probably be charging more, but everything here is overpriced anyway, plus you seem pretty cool. So I’ll cut you a little slack. How does that sound?” Will nodded and rushed off, not caring one bit about the crowds this time. Mike sat down in a nearby chair, drumming their fingers on the armrest as they waited.
“So…” Robin said, smiling slyly. “Are you two… you know…”
“Dating?” Mike said, trying to hide the fact that they were blushing like an idiot. “Yeah. We have been for a while now, actually.”
“That’s great!” Robin responded, fiddling with her cassette tape as she talked. “I’m happy for you. I know being… one of us can be scary sometimes, but you two really seem brave. Like you’re not afraid of what people might say about us. You know?”
“Us? What do you…” Mike looked back at Robin, and suddenly saw something he hadn’t before- a pride pin, placed on the pocket of her uniform below her name tag. It was just obvious enough so you’d notice it if you looked, but just inconspicuous enough so that none of the wrong people would be paying attention. “...Oh.”
“Yeah,” Robin responded, a surprisingly gentle smile blossoming on her face. “That’s what I mean.”
“MIKE!” Mike’s head snapped over in the direction of his boyfriend, who was running over to them and practically gasping for breath.
“Hey, be careful, dude,” Robin said, more nervous than she looked. “You don’t want to run in those things. You might-”
“But look! Look at this!” Will finally came to a stop in front of them and held his arms out, proudly revealing his finally flat chest. “It fits perfectly!” Robin took a deep breath, relaxed, and laughed. 
“You know what? It really does.”
“So? What do you think?” This time, the question was clearly meant for Mike. They glanced up, beaming almost as much as Will was.
“I think it looks perfect, Will. You look… euphoric. You just seem so happy. I-I can’t describe it.” 
“Well, I mean… I’m with you, Mike. Of course I am.” Will walked over to Mike, taking their hand and smiling as he gave them a quick kiss on the cheek. “Now, do you want to go back to your house and play some Dungeons and Dragons? We still have to finish that campaign we started a while ago.”
“You know what? Yeah. Yeah, I think we will,” Mike said as they stood up, so close to their boyfriend they were almost leaning on him. “Thanks, Robin. We really appreciated this.”
“Of course. And if he ever grows out of it, come back any time. I have, like, twenty more in stock, okay?”
“Okay.” Mike took a deep breath, feeling more comfortable than ever, and walked out of the store with Will, hand in hand.
It was the happiest either of them had ever been.
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hazmatazz · 1 year
they're at a party
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cringengl · 10 months
Just thinking about 40 year old Mike accidently time travelling to like August 1985.
He reveals that he has photos of who he married in his wallet and only lets 1985 Mike see, who originally thinks that he's showing him the wrong photo before looking shocked and saying something along the lines of "that can't be right- I'm not-" and afterwards both Mikes refuse to show anyone else.
When 40 year old Mike is about to leave, Will gets a moment with him alone and asks if he and Mike are still friends in the future, and in response old Mike pulls out his wallet and shows Will a picture of an older Mike kissing an older Will's cheek. 40 year old Mike watches younger Will blush and try to hide a grin before old Mike turns away and goes home.
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effervescent-fool · 1 year
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michael wheeler I know what you are
(click for better quality.)
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axquiva · 2 years
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redshoes-blues · 1 year
I see your season 5 Mike who will copy Eddie’s metalhead style and I raise you goth Mike who sees Will’s Boys Don’t Cry poster and falls in love with Robert Smith and decides to emulate his style
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heinzezsquirt · 2 years
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a few more eyeliner will from my drafts @crazycoven
bonus: eyeliner scrunkly
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artthoufruity · 1 year
I love my funky earrings and my mismatched socks and my bright clothes and my cluncky shoes and my colourful eyeliner and my massive headphones that blast music that's as old as my parents and I love my peculiarities because that's truly what I am, peculiar.
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luvrbyers · 8 months
hello tumblr. I saw a pinterest edit of mike wheeler with eyeliner but I didn't like how it looked so I made my own :3
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dubiousdisco · 2 years
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Mike's eyelashes (or finn's) are so black it looks like he's wearing eyeliner already you could just have him wear eyeliner and nobody would say a thing cause nobody would notice he wasnt wearing it before or, actually, he could say he's thinking of wearing eyeliner and everyone goes "you're not wearing eyeliner today?" And he's like "I never wore it??" And everyone is like "what" and he is like "what" that would be funny too
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green-graveyard · 2 years
no thoughts just mike and will dressing up as robert smith and david bowie for halloween
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I'm going to be Mike Wheeler for Halloween, specifically the hellfire outfit. Should I have eyeliner too?
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drivergemini · 2 years
i got a goth gf (and she’s hotter than hell) :: e.m.
summary: eddie munson is head over heels for the new girl. how could he not be when she was even more metal than him?
warnings: tooth rotting fluff, swears, goth kid bullying, non supernatural au
word count: 736
eddie munson was a man of many many words. he would ramble on and on about how much he loved dungeons and dragons and how much he hated hawkins. he would never shut up.
that is until a figure strutted through the hawkins high school cafeteria. dressed in a skirt that was pulled up a little too high and a leather jacket over her black tank top. and her boots. jesus christ those black leather boots. they were higher than her kneecaps with an at least 5 inch heel. 
hellfire had never seen this man so quiet. his mouth just hung open in absolute awe as his eyes followed her heavily teased black hair.
“hellooooooo,” dustin snapped his fingers in front of eddie’s face. “earth to dipshit. hellooooooo?” eddie snapped out of his trance and looked at the younger boy. “eddie you look like a creep starring at that girl.”
“girl? what girl?” mike said turning his head looking for the source of eddie’s silence. he sees the girl sporting heavily black eyeliner and turns around with wide eyes. “wow eddie you sure know how to pick ‘em.”
he snapped his head towards the freshman boy. “shut up wheeler. what do you know about girls. that right there is an angel from heaven.”
“more like a demon from hell,” mike muttered under his breath. 
over the course of a week, she became eddie’s new fixation. he would scramble to lunch to spill the new information he found everyday.
“her name is y/n and she’s a transfer from connecticut.”
“she’s was in an all girl punk band called overgrown graveyard.”
“her parents own starcourt industries.”
this caught the lunch table’s attention. eddie raised an eyebrow and leaned back on his chair. each boy just looked at him with blank expressions. 
dustin was the first to speak. “no way in hell you’re going to get a girl like that. no matter how much it looks like KISS threw up on her.”
“oh yeah? watch me henderson.”
it took another week for eddie to be able to find a perfect opportunity to talk to y/n. but when it came, it was perfect. 
he honestly thought he was hallucinating. he roamed through the halls of hawkins high before his hellfire meeting started. he could hear a familiar notes coming out of an electric guitar. he listened hard and followed the sound like a bloodhound. 
when he reached the band room, he could hear it much clearer. he peeked in through the classroom door window and saw y/n sitting on an amp playing twisted sister. he could hear her soft humming of ‘we’re not gonna take it’ between every riff break. 
this was his moment. this was his time. he knocked softy on the wooden door. her head shot up with a confused expression on her face. eddie saw this as a sign to open the door. “twisted sister right?” he scratched the back of his head.
“eddie munson right?” y/n shoots blankly back. he could see very clearly that she has two nose rings on each side and an eyebrow piercing on her left.
“uh yeah. you’re y/n. how did you- do you know who i am?” this was not how he imagined this going. 
“eddie munson. 20 year old senior. hellfire clubs founder. and hawkins high school’s outcast freak.” she paused for a moment. “oh and a certified stalker.”
eddie’s breathe caught in his throat. shit he was busted.
her straight face turned into a wide grin. she bursted with laughter at the sight of his eyes go wide. “i was joking! loosen up a little buddy.” 
he let out a huge sigh. “so you know i’ve been watching you?” hearing those words come out of his mouth made him realize that maybe he was a bit of a creep. 
“yes and if you were a slightly better stalker, you’d know i’ve been asking about you too.” her face was so calm and collected, eddie’s was hot and flushed. he felt like a warm tomato. 
he looked at the watch on his wrist. “oh shoot i have to go to my hellfire meeting. do you want to maybe- i don’t know- hang out tonight?” 
“sure let me give you my address. come over anytime.” y/n pulled out a notebook and ripped out a page. she scribbled down her address and eddie gentely grabbed it from her hands. as he ran towards the drama room, he looked down at the paper. after her address was a tiny little scribble of a heart.
he has never wanted to leave a meeting more than he did that day. he sprinted to his van, double checking to see if he still had the piece of paper in his pocket. 
as he approached your front door, he started to pause. maybe he should’ve bought you flowers or maybe took you out to dinner. too late now he was already involuntarily knocking. he waited about 30 seconds before the front door swung open. “hi i’m looking for y/n?” the girl in front of him furrowed her eyebrows. eddie studdied her face for a few seconds. “oh shit y/n.” 
“i don’t know whether to be offended or not,” she laughed a little and gestured him inside. “you caught me as i was cleaning my face so i don’t blame you.” he noticed the smudged out left over mascara under her eyes and the lack of face piercings. “wait here in the living room and i’ll be right back.”
eddie looked around her living room in amazement. it was themed all white and had a crystal chandelier overhead illuminating the room. 
“how long have you been starring at the ceiling for?” eddie turns his head and sees y/n standing at the bottom of the stairs. her face completely bare but her piercings back in. all eddie could focus on was her aerosmith shirt. 
“your house is massive.” y/n plopped herself down on the couch and motioned eddie to sit with her. he tried his best to not sit too close to her.
“so i heard you’re also in a band?” eddie’s ears perked up slightly. “i was too back in connecticut. i played electric guitar.”
“so do i! my band is called corroded coffin. you should come to one of our shows sometime.” eddie could feel his body untense, this was nice. “i heard you play a little earlier, you’re pretty amazing.”
she shot up and made a motion indicating him to wait. she got up and picked up a beautiful, all black electric guitar from the corner. she plugged it into an amp and turned it on. “could you play for me? it’s only fair because you heard me play earlier.”
eddie’s eyes grow wide, which is something that he did often now. “i- i mean i guess why not?” he grabbed the guitar that he was handed. a little smaller than he was used to but not an issue. as he started playing he felt the beautiful vibration of the strings under his fingers. he looked up and abruptly stopped. y/n sat starring at him with her mouth hung open. 
“why did you stop?” she questioned with a confused look on her face.
“you’re just so...” was he going for is? this was really now or never. he was leaning towards never. “beautiful.” oh wow i guess he chose now. y/n could feel her face start to get warm. 
“i think you’re beautiful eddie munson.” y/n let out a laugh to relieve the tension.
“let me take you on a date. a real date. i know this great 24 hour diner, we can go now if you’d be down.” he was feeling very bold tonight.
their night ended up in a diner sharing the same side of the booth. sharing a milkshake. and maybe sharing a couple of kisses but that’s for them to tell.
eddie was the first at lunch the next day. he waited for the rest of the group to trickle in as he sat with his feet propped up. 
“you look like you have something to say?” lucas questioned looking around at his peers. the rest of the boys nodded their heads in agreement.
“well gentlemen.” eddie stood up and raised his hands in the air before slamming them down. “i got a goth girlfriend. and she’s hotter than hell.”
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mikeslawyer · 1 year
put eyeliner on mike wheeler in s5 (can bet will is going to trip over his legs if that happens too)
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axquiva · 2 years
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@theosgaylittlethoughts @prettylikestars what do we think?
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piratefishmama · 1 year
Crossing The Line | Part 14
Said metalhead was wearing a leather jacket, black, ripped at the knee denim jeans with a wallet chain dangling from a belt loop draped round to his back pocket, a bullet belt, that shouldn’t have been as attractive as it was, combat boots, and an iron maiden tee.
His hair was its seemingly usual unruly mass of dark brown curls, and he had lightly smudged dark eyeliner around his eyes to make his eyes pop. That was the extent of how much effort Eddie had put into his outfit. And yet he looked like the tastiest little snack Steve had ever seen in his life, he loved it.
They were like polar opposites style wise but from the look on Eddie’s face they were both exactly what each other wanted.
“Sweater vest for Eddie” Steve parroted with a warm smile and a bashful little, “I figured… I mean… I thought you’d like it.”
Now, Eddie had turned up at that apartment, with the intention of figuring out whether or not Steve was wearing ear plugs at his gig and just lying to him to get into his pants (which, flattering, but also rude), and going from there.
But then Steve opened the door in that sweater vest. With that smile. Claiming he wore it because he thought Eddie would like it and his heart just did a series of pathetic flip flops and any hope of Eddie ever being mad even if he did wear earplugs went out the window because what the fuck. What the fuck.
What the ever-loving fuck.
How was this man real?
He needed to send Mike Wheeler a goddamn gift basket for sort of introducing him to the guy although he was pretty sure Mike would blow a gasket knowing he was severely crushing on the guy who apparently ‘ruined’ crazy train.
He didn’t even ruin it, it was just… a different style than Crazy Train was supposed to be in! “I love it… suits you way more than the metal look, definitely should have worn it for the gig.” Would have stuck out like a sore thumb but by god he’d have been the prettiest thing there.
Cool as a cucumber, Steve leaned himself against the doorframe, that bashful smile turning coy with just the raise of a brow and the flash of teeth “I dunno, then I’d have missed the look on your face just now.”
“Well I mean, sweater vests, cute glasses, slippers, are we having a cosy night in, Stevie?” Be cool, be cool, be super cool, don’t be a weird little nerd, don’t be a weird little nerd.
Steve reached out, warm hands taking Eddie’s own, then gently, he tugged Eddie inside. “Well, we can if you come in.” And he was hit by a wall of something delicious. A smell so delightful that his stomach just had to rumble in protest over the fact that he wasn’t already eating it.
Ear plugs? Who gave a shit about ear plugs really?
Okay no, he had to stick to some morals, even if his stomach was angrily telling him to wait until after dinner because then at least if Steve turned out to be a very sneaky asshole, he’d at least have gotten a meal out of the night.
“Wait wait” the door was closed but at least Steve seemed to pause, that smile dropping, replaced by curiosity, god how did he make that look cute? Stupid knitwear an glasses combo. “Okay so… this is probably gonna sound dumb, but Frank noticed it, y’know Frank, our bassist? He uhm… he noticed you were wearing what looked like ear plugs at the gig and uh…” oh god the eyes widened, his eyes widened, Eddie wanted the floor to swallow him whole. First real date in god. How many years? And he was fucking it up by bringing up something nobody else would bring up on a date with Steve Goddamn Harrington. “…Were they… earplugs?”
Fuckers would probably just be happy to be there. Could wear those big ol construction site noise cancelling headphones and nobody else would bat an eyelid, but it was about PROFESSIONAL COURTESY, Eddie was a musician too!
He didn’t want to be on a date with someone in the industry (wildly different success rates with it but WHO CARES) who was lying about liking his music to get in his pants.
It could have gone a few different ways, gaslighting being one of them, but Steve smiled, he had such a pretty smile good lord. “Mmhm, c’mere I’ll show you.” Steve was still holding his hand, so Steve had the full capability of pulling him through the entryway toward one of the two bedrooms in the obviously temporary apartment, probably just rented for the time they were there like an Air BnB situation. The room was pretty tidy, save for a little dressing table covered in hair products. “Theeese are them.” And he produced a little silver cannister from his bag and deposited it into Eddie’s hand.
Curious snooping was pretty much accepted in that situation, so Eddie unscrewed the top and emptied the contents into his palm, two sets of black earplugs with a little hole running through the centre, fitted with a sort of white mesh material which sat snuggly within the hole.
“…What am I looking at here, Steve?” Steve just breathed a little laugh and took one from him, then popped the centre circle out of one, the little white mesh disk sitting perfectly in his palm.
“So, short story long, I was a dumb teenager. Rich kid surrounded by bad influences, y’know the whole stereotypical drill, pretty much every magazine in the country and some outside of it painted me as kind of an asshole, ‘King Steve’ they’d call me. I hated it but it’s kind of like quicksand in those old adventure movies, y’know? Just dragging you under, inescapable. Anyway, I also walked headfirst into a low set doorway ogling Chris Hemsworth’s biceps so... I’ve had a few brain injuries.” He tapped the side of his head with his index finger twice in rapid succession. “That uh… it has side effects… brains are tricky, a few too many concussions can get you hearing loss, sight loss, it can get you chronic migraines, aversion to sound, lights, it can do a lot of invisible damage… I… struggle with sound sometimes. And my sight too hence the glasses, but sound is the relevant one here.”
Eddie tilted his head a little in question, a silent motion to continue, research had given him none of this information. Maybe that he was a shitty teenager once but nothing else.
“Sharp noises, like uh… electric guitars played in a certain way, speakers turned all the way up, I get migraines basically and these are designed to filter out certain pitches to make things easier on my ears. Maybe… maybe I missed a few chords here and there, maybe some of it sounded a little off, but I can still hear through the plugs just fine. Robin got them for me, they’re supposed to help people with tinnitus, sensory issues, migraines…” he took the plugs back one by one, placing them back into the cannister and dropping it back into his bag, before he returned to Eddie and retook his hands, giving them a gentle squeeze “I swear I could hear just fine during your gig, and I really enjoyed it. I really like your music, Eddie… I think you’re amazing.”
Eddie felt like he was going to spontaneously combust right there on the spot.
Flattery always did have a certain effect on him, and with it being laid on so thick, honeyed words without an ounce of dishonesty in them… there was really only one response he could conjure in the moment, “…can I kiss you?” And the smile it earned, worth the brain dead moment.
“Well since you asked so nicely, but only one, dinner first, kisses later.” Kisses. Kisses. Plural. Many many kisses. Eddie felt like one of those cartoon characters that got all flushed and then just simply melted. Even though the kiss Steve gave him was chaste, a gentle, but lingering press of soft lips against his own, one of Steve’s hands cradled his cheek and god,
How had he lived until that moment not kissing Steve Harrington?
“Nono one more” was his sole complaint when Steve eased back, feeling the breath of Steve’s laugh dusting his damp lips, and the caress of his lips so very close whispering,
“Okay, just one” before doing just that.
Part 16
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