seiwas · 6 months
sel for the game me or me
kidding yuuji or gum
ezra!! thank u for sending some in!! 🥹
yuuji or gumi this is torture u know how i am w them 😭😭😭 GOD ok. i think i'd choose megumi 😭 JUST BC i truly am more attracted to him sdhbgasdhj
send me 2 characters and i'll choose who i'd rather date!
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ficsforeren · 7 months
popping in to say hello but also to say,,, people need to be patient jxjxjsjx. you’ll finish your fics whenever you can. I feel like that nuance is lost a lot on here😭🫶🏼
hiiii ezra how are you?? I'm so sorry for the late reply, I've been trying to get away from tumblr to focus on my life for a bit. and also thank you so muchhhhh for the message 😭🫶🏼❤️
It's okay tho I feel happy when I see that there are people out there who are still excited about my fics. I just wish I have the time and the energy to write them all 😭
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heung-mins · 2 years
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tired-aliensoul · 2 months
Hiii. I'd like to just write a few words about HW's and all that if I may.
(Feel free to delete/not reply if you find this triggering)
I was panicking so long about losing weight and staying below my HW until some shit really went down in my life and I had to put everything- even my mental illnesses- on the back burner.
One day I had checked my weight, knowing I gained, I just wanted to 'see the damage'. I didn't know I had passed my HW. When I realized I was above my HW it was a wave of 'oh shit' and then I calmed down a bit. I expected my reaction to be way worse.
It was kind of like ripping off a bandaid for me. I dreaded it, I knew it was going to hurt, I wanted to beg and plead to not let it happen, but when it finally came to pass... It wasn't that bad.
It's what jumpstarted my recovery. I still have the anxiety and anxious thoughts about losing weight, calories, portions- that will never truly go away.
But now I'm focusing more on accepting me for how I am, not the me that's unachievable.
Anyway; your post about your HW reminded me of that. I hope you have a good day, and remember!
There are lots of people who love you for just the way you are. :)
❤️🫶🏼 thank you for sharing and for the words of encouragement!! I’ve had my ED since childhood, so it’s just always been there (over twenty years, it’s just a few years younger than me 😂) I still won’t say I’m in active recovery just because I am not doing the therapy and am not actively trying to gain, it’s just the byproduct of the security I feel with those around me. Eventually I’ll make it to therapy, I’ve been on a whacky schedule that has left me most unmotivated to do anything, but that’s getting fixed in a couple weeks so shall see what it brings about!
I appreciate you taking the time to express how you came to recovery, it’s not always an easy thing to achieve. I hope you have a good day!! You’re a wonderful human!!
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creedslove · 9 months
Javier - Quirofilia (hand fetish, especially when manicured.)
Ezra - piss kink. Self explanatory.
Joel - dominant. He takes his role VERY seriously.
Din - ANAL.
Oberyn - breeding kink. (Duh).
Dave - master/slave kink.
Frankie - is a service top convince me otherwise.
Javi G - he has a praise kink sweet boy.
Jack Daniels - mirror sex. No I won’t elaborate.
Marcus Moreno - biggest switch to ever exist.
Pero - Trichophilia - attraction to ur body hair. The thought of this drives me wilddddd.
Dieter - rimming. foot fetish.
Max - blood/knife play.
Dio - wax play.
Marcus Pike - I know this man has a collection, of sex toys.
I agree 100% on Javi P, but I would add mirror sex to him too, because that sounds exactly like him
I don't know Ezra because I never watched his movie but personally, I think piss kink is gross so ew 🤣🤣🤣
agree on Joel ❤️
Din I wouldn't be able to say, but I like this idea
Oberyn idk I haven't watched got yet but I believe in you
Dave I agree with you but I also think he would like roleplaying like he would kill you, idk I think it's kinda sexy it would start when he's trying to teach you self defense and you start struggling against him and he gets hard 🤌
Frankie idk him well enough
Javi G I agree 🤌🤌🤌
Jack Daniels also accurate but I also think he has a lactation kink and no one could tell me otherwise
Marcus Moreno idk enough about him
Pero also don't know honey
Dieter I agree 100%
Max, Dio and Marcus idk it either 🤣😭
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xdaddysprincessxx · 7 months
In Every Lifetime
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Demon Ezra x witch!f!reader
Warnings: major character death, f masturbation, p in v (use protection ya filthy animals!), blow job, the plot thickens, Ezra is uncut (I’m trying something new here), not beta’d, very lightly edited, let me know if I missed anything!
Summary: You run into the man from the cafe again. But this time you don’t walk away from him. . .
A/n: I am so sorry this took me so long to update. I work full time, have two kids, other hobbies I like to enjoy occasionally. I would say I promise to be better but honestly I’ll never change. I write when I have the energy and brain power. So yea 🤷🏻‍♀️ but if you still stick around for when I do, just know I love you so much, you’re the greatest 🫶🏼
Blinking your eyes open, you slowly wake up realizing what just happened was a dream. An all too real dream considering the wet spot on your sheets. You manage to slightly fall out of bed, catching yourself before you fall face first and hit the floor. Getting on your feet you walk to your bathroom. After that dream you need a cold shower. You can still feel the man all over you and in you. After starting the shower and letting it warm up a bit, you walk over to the counter and stare at your reflection in the mirror that hangs above the sink. It takes a few seconds for your brain to register but you have a deep purple bruise on your neck almost looks like. . . No. Nope it can’t be. It was a dream!! How the hell could you have gotten a hickey from a man in your dream?! As much as that logic makes sense you can’t help but have this gut feeling that this bruise is a hickey given by your dream guy. The guy from the cafe. You’ve got to find this man again. Except you don’t really know anything about him or how to find him.
The ghost of the man’s touch on your body kept you keyed up so much you had to take care of yourself in the shower. Making yourself cum twice in the shower alone before getting out and drying off. Walking back into your room you stand in front of your full body length mirror and dropping your towel. Inspecting yourself all over, you seem to almost glow. Your skin seems clearer, your eyes shining bright, your hair even seemed to be longer and the color brighter. You caress your neck where the hickey is, your hands moving down your body touching your breasts. Cupping both breasts and giving them a squeeze. Your mouth dropping open in an O shape. Even your sense of touch seems to be heightened. Whatever you did with that ritual, it has taken place in you, blooming within. Your hands continue on their journey down coming to rest on your mound. One hand moves to caress your slit up and down. Mesmerized by your own beauty as you spread your lips open taking in the beauty of your cunt. Your fingers find their way to your clit, slowly begin to move in soft, precise circles. It feels like the first time you discovered your clit and how good it felt experimenting with touch down there. Your other hand goes back up to your breast and you give your nipple a gentle tug before rolling your nipple back and forth between your fingertips. Lost in the feeling of your approaching orgasm, a name pops in your head as does an image of the man from the cafe.
“Ezra. .” You moan quietly to yourself. The name rolling off your tongue, tasting sinfully delicious as you do. Your fingers start to speed up as you get closer to coming when all of a sudden a scratching noise at your window pulls you from your trance. Immediately you stop and drop your hands as you jump a little from the sudden noise. Shaking your head, you chalk it up to some leaves rustling around in the wind. You go over to your dresser and pull out a pair of panties before grabbing your favorite high waisted bell bottom jeans that hug your hips just right and a maroon sweater. You brush your hair out before twisting it up into a clip. Feeling ready for the day, you slip on your shoes, grab your purse and the journal and head out the door. The weather is overcast, causing the sky to be gray and gloomy on this chilly, fall day.
Walking down the steps off your porch, you head toward the side walk as you make your way to the cemetery. Your grandmother was buried there several years ago. She was the one to raise you and you missed her dearly. Today just felt like a good day to go and sit with her and read more of the journal.
The sky was overcast and the chill in the air was crisp. Colorful fall leaves blew past you as the wind picked them up. As you approached the cemetery, a black cat came up and started walking in between your legs, purring.
“Hey there kitty, you’re beautiful aren’t you? Yea you are. Pretty kitty.” You praise the animal as you bend down to stroke the cats head in between it’s ears. The cat presses it’s head into your hand, closes its eyes and gives you a big purr.
“Well come on little baby let’s go visit Gram. Might as well join us.”
You walk through the gates and make your way to Grams headstone. You didn’t have to walk too far in since she’s buried right in front. Just a few headstones over, front row;
Here Lies Betty Hewitt, Beloved Mother & Grandmother
Sitting down, criss crossed, next to the headstone, you lean against the side of it and pull out your journal. The stray cat makes itself at home, curling up in your lap, resting it’s little black head on your knee. The cat lifts its head, looking at you with the prettiest green eyes before meowing and laying back down.
“Hey Gram. I’m sorry it’s been awhile since I’ve been out here. I did find this journal the other day at the book store. It’s actually pretty cool, I even did a little ritual I found in it. I wish you were here Gram.” You sigh as your emotions hit you like a train. Most days aren’t terrible but sometimes you get hit with the grief and the realization she’s no longer with you and it makes it hard to breathe. It’s like your lungs seize up and your heart is squished under the insurmountable pressure of the loss.
You open up the journal and start reading. After a few minutes of reading you get to the ritual you did,
“Oh Gram! Here it is! It says under the- ouch! Hey!” The cat had seemed spooked, jumped up and clawed at your hand causing you to drop the journal.
“Meeeeooooooowwwww!” The cat said to you, using a tone that came off as ‘Shut up dumbass that’s a secret!’ Then the cat took off, running off to the back of the cemetery.
“That was rude kitty. Ow that really does hurt.” You say to yourself as you inspect the little scratch you now have on the side of your thumb. Before you get the chance to open the journal again or even go back to talking to your Gram, you hear leaf’s crunching as someone approaches you. Keeping your head down and eyes focused on the journal in your lap, assuming it’s someone just there to pay their respects to the dead.
“Well if it isn’t the towns welcoming committee I’ll be. You know I was hoping to run into you again. Given the cheerful intro you gave me I wanted to pick your brain a little more about the town and other things.”
You’re eyes shot up as you recognized the voice immediately. His southern drawl sending chills down your spine. You head swivels fast as you turn to see the man from the cafe standing about a headstone and a half away from you.
“Hey stranger. Seems like it’s our thing to run into each other in random places. Pray tell what are you doing in the cemetery?” You respond, trying your best to sound witty and not at all caught off guard. It also doesn’t help that your pussy is remembering that sexy little dream you had staring this handsome stranger that is standing in front of you.
Chuckling, “Yea that sounds like us. It looks like we outta get on up out of here darlin. Looks like rains coming.” He says as he looks up at the sky as it darkens. Not even a second passed before you feel a rain drop hit your cheek.
Wiping the rain drop off your face, you grab your stuff and stand up, “Damn I knew it was a gloomy day but I wasn’t expecting it to actually rain.” You say quietly to yourself with a hmpf.
“Well isn’t it your lucky day sugar. I’m parked right over here. Maybe we can wait this weather out and I can pick your brain. What do ya say?” He nods towards a 1969 black Dodge Charger sitting under a tree right outside the cemetery gates.
Huh, that’s funny, you think. That car wasn’t there before. Before you can answer, the rain starts pouring down.
“Shit okay let’s go!” You say as you begin to walk quickly to the man’s car with just a few steps behind you.
“Doors unlocked!” He shouts at you as you both get to the car. You go around the front of the hood and swiftly open the door and get in. Closing the door with a hmpf as he slides into the drivers seat.
Putting a few loose strands of your wet hair behind your ear as you look over at the man, only to see him staring back at you with an adoring smirk on his face. Water drips from a curl dangling over his eye, sliding down his cheek. A big, cheesy grin spreads across your face as his smirk grows into a toothy smile. The both of you start giggling together as if someone told a joke only the two of you get.
“You know you’ve never told me your name. I guess if we’re gonna continue running into each other we should probably be on a first name basis huh?” You say as you continue on telling him your name.
“Ezra. My names Ezra. And it is my absolute pleasure to meet you sweet girl.” He says as he reaches over and grabs your hand, brings it up to his mouth and lays a gentle kiss on your knuckles while staring deep into your soul.
His gravelly, southern drawl scratches an itch you didn’t know you had. Without warning your brain immediately starts replaying your dream and your pussy starts to clench around nothing. You squirm in your seat a little trying your best to shove those thoughts deep into your subconscious.
You feel a hot blush creep up your neck and cheeks as you forget how to speak and just give him this shy smile and pull your hand back after he releases it.
“Pray tell what are you reading? It must be good if you brought it here to share with the dead.” He says as he points at the journal on your lap.
“Oh! This. . This is uh . Well if I’m totally honest with you, I’m not entirely sure what to call it. I found it at the bookstore the other day. The day I first ran into you actually. It um jumped out at me”, you say with a tiny giggle, “How do you feel about witchcraft?”
His lips perk up into that little half smile he does, “Witchcraft? Personally I don’t practice but I do believe in it if that’s what your asking. I’m not one of those “Everything is evil and Satanic” weirdos.” He put his fingers up to mimic quotation marks as he said that last bit.
A breathless giggle escaped your lips, “Good to know. Well this is a journal. It has these incantations, rituals, it breaks down different herbs and spices and when and how to use them and a bunch more of these tips and advice. Funny story actually, um I performed a little ritual I found in here. Although I think I messed up somewhere because I don’t think it did anything.”
For whatever reason you feel incredibly comfortable and the words just start to tumble out of your mouth, wanting to tell Ezra everything. His brow quirks up as his tongue darts out enough to wet his bottom lip as he sits and listens to you with this absolute enrapture.
For the next couple of hours, the two of you sit in his car and talk. You talk about the journal and your journey with witchcraft and your life growing up, things you did, things you wanna do. Mostly Ezra kept the conversation on you. He would add little bits of his own life here and there but for the most part he was still a huge mystery to you. A very handsome and much welcomed mystery. Before you even notice, you’ve already spent the greater part of your day chatting with Ezra.
“Oh wow is it already 6 o’clock? Huh time flies when your having fun doesn’t it?” You say to him with a laugh as you happen to glance at the clock on the dash.
“It sure does pretty girl. Hell one could even say time ceases to exist when stuck in close proximity to a goddess such as yourself.” He leans on his arm closest to you as he leans his face in more. You can’t help but take a sharp breath as you glance down at his lips and back to his eyes. Barely a breath away from those plush lips of his. You notice he does the same and soon your both looking into each others eyes as he reaches over with his other hand and gently pulls you by your chin to meet his lips. Your eyes close as your lips meet. His lips are so soft as they gently press against yours. The smallest kiss before your lips retract, opening your eyes to search his face before taking charge and surging your lips back on his in a more heated kiss. He takes no time in licking your lips as if to ask permission to come inside. Permission granted, you open your mouth and let him in. His tongue is quick to lick inside you, tongues gliding against each other, licking and tasting each other. The hand on your chin moves down the side of your neck and grabs the base of your head and holds you tighter to his kiss as if you might evaporate. Your hands find purchase holding his face, thumbs slowly caressing the stumble that coats his face. You find a small patch of skin among the facial hair and can’t help but smile to yourself as you continue to rub it with your thumb.
Time seems to stand still while you lock lips with Ezra. Kissing him is like being transported to another dimension. Every nerve in your body is lit up like a Christmas tree. Everything feels so natural with him. No butterflies in the pit of your stomach. No overthinking thoughts that your talking too much or scared he might not like you back. It’s almost unnerving how relaxed you are, how easily you can see yourself spending eternity with him.
Ezra breaks away first this time. Resting his forehead against yours as he looks into your eyes. Those big, brown puppy dog eyes of his are beginning to become your biggest weakness. He could ask for anything and you’d give it to him in a heartbeat. His hand lets go of the back of your neck and cups your face. His thumb starts to rub your cheek.
“Let me take you home little witch. If I allow myself to lose any more control I’ll never forgive myself for what I’d do. You deserve to be devoured on a soft bed with plenty of room not in the backseat of some car.”
Nodding your head in agreement, you can’t help but bite your lip as a smile spreads across your face.
The drive back to your house was mostly silent, save for the few times you had to tell him where to turn and which house was yours, although he drove with a sense of confidence that he knew where he was going. The two of you got out as Ezra followed behind you as you walked up the steps and unlocked the front door. Stepping to the side to allow him to enter, closing the door behind you. Ezra's a few steps ahead of you, looking around your living room as you walk up to him. His back is to you as you watch him take in your home. He slowly turns back around to see you standing right behind him. His lip curls up on one side as he takes that little step to close the space between you two. His hands each out and find purchase on your hips.
“I had a dream about you.” You blurt out. His smirk falls as he looks rather stunned by your confession.
Oops. What the fuck was that? You had a dream about him? I mean yea I did but why the fuck did I say that out loud? Oh my gods he thinks I’m a weirdo now for sure. Everything was going so good. And I ruined it.
“I- I uh I mean uh um t-that’s I’m-“ you stutter, unable to even form actual words to try and save your ass from this disaster.
“Tell me about this dream little witch. Was it good?” He asked as his hand comes up to your face and cups it.
“It was really good.” You say with a deep gulp. No use in lying or going back now.
Ezra rubs his thumb from the side of your nose to the side of your face as he studies you. He leans in close, his aquiline nose brushing against your nose.
“I hope I was adequate in your dream. I’ve always been more of a giver, gotta make sure your subconscious version of me is the same. I can’t have a lookalike out here not making my sweet girl cum.” He whispers.
You were ready to bust. How did he know it was a wet dream?? Or am I that obvious about it? Either way my pussy can’t take this anymore.
“You were amazing. . . I came.” You whispered back, deciding right then and there that you were gonna give him the same pleasure he gave you. Your hands find his pants and begin to undo the button and pull down the zipper. A big smile spreads across his face as he watches you start to go down on your knees as you pull his jeans down.
Standing above you, looking down, watching as you pull his cock out. Taking him in your hand you look up at him only to see him looking at you with hunger in his eyes.
“Go on little witch show me how good that little mouth of yours can cast a spell.” He says in a scratchy deep voice as he raises an eyebrow as nods his head in a go on motion. Keeping eye contact with him, you drop your jaw and stick your tongue out as you guide him into your mouth. The thick, uncut tip felt heavy on your tongue. The taste of him causing your eyes to flutter shut as you close your mouth around the head and lightly suck. You let go with a pop and your hand gently rolls back the foreskin revealing the sensitive head. You guide him back in your mouth and take him down your throat as far as you can go. Your tongue tracing a vein on the underside of his cock as you suck. You start to bob your head up and down as your hand covers the rest of his cock that you can’t fit in your mouth. Pumping his cock and twisting your wrist as you pump and bob your head. Your other hand comes up to cup his balls and lightly squeeze on them earning you a deep groan.
Ezra is in disbelief as he watches your mouth work him over. He takes his hands and gathers your hair and pulls it up, holding it back for you. Letting you take control and go the speed you want. He’s enjoying every second he gets with you. Never did he think he’d have you sucking his cock so soon but is he ever thankful to the goddess you are. You look up at him, wide eyed with tears threatening to spill over. You have no idea the power you hold over him as you sink all the way down on his cock. Your nose pressed against his curls as you gag. The girth is his cock has your jaw unhinged, his cock is easily the biggest you’ve ever had.
“Oooh look at you. What a beautiful goddess, on her knees for me. A sinful sight indeed. Nngh mm oh yes my love just like that. Take every inch in that throat baby.” Ezra’s eyes roll back as you continue to deep throat him.
“Mm come here my little witch. The only hole I wish to fill tonight is your sweet little cunt. Would you grant me this wish my goddess?” He says with a growl as he pulls you off of him by your hair. You look up at him and nod as his thick member falls out of your mouth. He lets go of your hair and bends down to help you up.
Ezra takes his shoes off right there and lets his pants and underwear drop down as he steps out of them. You begin to pull his shirt up and over his head before flinging it to the side. His lips find yours again in a heated passionate kiss. He breaks away as he nods toward the other part of the house as if to say ‘Take me to bed’ and take him to bed you will. You give him this shit eating grin as you take a step back as you pull your shirt up and over your head, dropping it to the side. Biting your lip you motion your fingers in a ‘come here’ motion and turn and go towards your bedroom. As you get to the door you look back and see him on your heels, his eyes have darken. He looks ready to eat you alive.
Walking into your room, keeping your back to him you pull your pants down revealing white cotton panties. Slowly peeling your panties down, giving him a show, you wiggle your hips a little as you bend down. Naked as the day you were born, you stand up straight and walk back over the Ezra. You put your hands on his shoulders, slowly moving them up to cup his face and give him a peck on the lips before moving your hands back down to his chest and pushing him back until his knees hit your bed. You give him another push so he sits down on your bed.
“Let me make you feel good Ezra.” You say seductively as you reach up pulling the clip out of your hair as it tumbles down, you shake it out and throw the clip to the side.
Ezra’s looking up at you now as you stand above him looking ethereal. His mouth hanging open as he admires your beauty.
“Your wish is my command Goddess.” He says as he begins to scoot back, laying his head on your pillow. You crawl up his body, straddling his hips. His big hands come to rest on your hips as you take him in hand and notch his cock at your entrance. You start to sink down on his gorgeously thick cock, your hands go to his chest to help steady you as you spear yourself on him. The feeling of him stretching you wider than you’ve been before, a delicious burn you chase as you continue sinking lower and lower. Inch by burning inch. You let out a shaky breath as you sit fully down on him. Feeling him deep inside you. He’s everywhere. His smell imbedded deep in your nostrils, the touch of his skin on yours, you already know you can never live another day without him in it. You start to grind your cunt as you sink your nails into his chest. His big hands covering your hips before moving up your sides, culling your breasts.
Ezra can’t look away. The sight of you above him, riding his cock. An absolute vision of beauty. His hands start roaming up and down your body, finding your breasts and giving them a squeeze before letting go and moving back down to your hips and helping you ride him. His hips lift up with you as you come back down causing his cock to go deeper.
You find a nice, steady rhythm. You’re head falls back as you relish in the pleasure. The sounds of yours and his moans and grunts and the slapping of your bodies joining fills the room. It’s as if time doesn’t even exist, the world as you know it is just gone. The only thing you know for certain is that you and Ezra are both very real and the pleasure you’re feeling is very real.
Ezra reaches down and starts rubbing circles on your clit,
“Let me feel you come undone my little witch. Just for me. Nngh all for me.”
You begin to ride him faster, chasing that delicious high he’s bringing you ever closer too. It doesn’t take long before you feel yourself hitting your high. Your cunt contracting around his cock, your juices overflowing and squelching out around his cock as you continue to bounce on him.
“Oh oh fuck honey that’s it, milk my cock for all its worth. Take what’s yours baby. Nngh ooh f-fuuuccckkk”
Ezra pulls you down to his chest, his arms wrapped tight around your body and begins to thrust up into you. The way he pistons his hips and keeps you tight to him has taken your breath away. All you can do is let out this silent scream and hold on to him. Your eyes closed, face buried in his neck. You manage you open your eyes to see his veins popping out of his neck, so you decide to bit down on the thick, muscular neck and suck hard.
“Fuckfuckfuck yessss baby fuck don’t stop nngh oh fuck that’s it my love ooohh shit” he mindlessly babbles
Ezra starts to cum deep inside of you, thick ropes of hot cum. The feeling of his load inside of you has your eyes rolling back.
Ezra’s legs give out and he stays inside while you continue to lay on top of him. You pepper soft kisses on the bite and around it. He smiles softly to himself as he turns his head to lay a soft, sweet kiss on the crown of your head.
After that night you shared with Ezra, he didn’t leave. Neither of you said anything but he just wormed his way into your life. Effortlessly. And you loved it. You loved having someone to come home too. Someone to cook meals with and laugh and to talk about your shitty day with. The sex was a very big bonus too. His cock is the greatest cock you’ve ever seen or had and boy does he know how to use it. You’ve never came so much in your life. The sweet domesticity of it all even had you thinking long term; marriage, babies, the works. You weren’t even sure if you wanted children but if Ezra said I want to have ten kids, by fucking god you would pop out ten fucking kids. You were down bad for the man. And he was down bad for you. Every day he got you new flowers, rubbed your feet without you even asking, for fucks sakes the man complimented the dinner you accidentally fucked up. You’re still not even sure where he came from exactly but you are sure he was sent from the heavens.
The only thing that made you stop and think about was when he met Louise. She’s your best friend and you were sure the two of them would get along but instead she seemed very put off by his presence. Even going as far to say he smelled bad. Which didn’t make sense because he smelled fine. Those two were around each other a total of like three times and each time after Ezra would look like he had some deep dark secret to tell you but would chicken out and walk away.
Friday morning you managed to wake up before him, earning over to leave a little peck on his cheek before getting up and getting ready for the day. You left him a little note on your desk saying you left already but to meet up at the cafe around noon.
Terrifying images cursed Ezra’s unconscious mind. Seeing you in different states of decay and various visions of you getting murdered. His body tossing and turning before he awoke gasping for air. Immediately he looks over hoping to see you sleeping soundly next to him to help calm his nerves. Only to find you gone. And those horrendous images twisting his insides even tighter. He jumps out of bed and quickly gets dressed before noticing your note. Without even checking the time he dashes out of your house and makes his way to the cafe. He’s had a sneaking suspicion your friend was somehow apart of the evil people who had enslaved him decades ago and the visions he kept having last night more or less confirmed to him that you were in danger. He had to get to you and finally come clean about everything; who he is, what you are to each other and about the evil who will stop at nothing to torture him.
Crossing the street in a quick jog, Ezra hopped up on the sidewalk just as you walked towards the cafe.
“Baby hey! I ne- “
“Ezra! Hey!”
You both say at the same time. Ezra walking up to you, rubbing your arms. You let out a giggle.
“You go first” you say to him.
He looks at you as if your this fragile little thing that might break if he stares too long.
“I- I need to tell you something. About me. About who I really am. I-it’s a lot I won’t lie but I promise you I never lied about anything especially about how I feel. I’m a- “
Louise yells your name as she walks up to you. She stops in her tracks as she sees Ezra.
“Hey come on we gotta go, I have that meeting I set up for you, we gotta get moving.” She says reaching out to pull on your hand.
“I- I yea okay hold on, Ezra I’m so sorry she got me a meeting with someone who could possibly hire me. It’s a really good opportunity, I’m so sorry can we talk back at home?” You say as Louise starts to pull you away
“Yea. Yea of course my love, go on, good luck babe.” He says with the saddest look on his face. You can’t help but scrunch your brows together. You almost wanna tell Louise to forget about it and stay with Ez. Something about leaving him right now feels wrong.
“Come on!” She says, tugging on you one last time as you stumble over your feet before turning and walking away with her.
Ezra watches you walk away terrified of the unknown. You and Louise came to a stop on the side of the road, waiting to cross when Louise looked back at him, an evil sneer on her face.
He couldn’t move. He was frozen as everything seemed to move in slow motion. Louise breaks eye contact with Ezra to look the other way to see a car speeding down the road before turning back to you, shoving you into the road. Into the speeding car’s path.
Your name chokes him as he tries to run to you but it’s too late. The car hits you and your body flies up and comes crashing down on the windshield, breaking the glass before the car slams on the breaks causing your body to fly off the car and land on the road. The sickening sound of you hitting the pavement and skidding a little before you come to a stop. The nightmare wasn’t over yet. The driver hits the accelerator and drives over you. As if they were making sure you wouldn’t survive this horrific crash.
Ezra pushes Louise out of the way as he runs to your side. Dropping to his knees and gently pulling you up in his lap. Frantically brushing your hair out of your face as he tries to find a pulse. It’s hard to see much, the tears affecting his vision. After a few attempts and still not finding any sign of life, he pulls the top half of you into a hug as he holds onto your lifeless body and sobs.
-End of Act 1-
A/n: So how are we feeling? 😬 this is not the end of their story! Also I truly, deeply appreciate everyone who reads my fics! You guys are the best and I love you so much!!🩷🩷
Tagging those that enjoy this( if you want me to untag you lmk!) : @for-a-longlongtime @bonezone44 @beefrobeefcal @toxicanonymity @wannab-urs @lumoverheaven @noxturnalpascal @neverwheremoonchild @sheepdogchick3 @ramblers-lets-get-ramblin @multiversed-daydreamer
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milfjagger · 2 months
hiii ezra 🫶🏼 for the perfume asks, i’m very new to it and i’ve only really ever had two that i liked which were miss dior and nuxe floral, so i guess i lean more towards floral-fruity-sweet scents? what would you recommend as a starting point to maybe explore different options as well?
also it’s really awesome how much you know about this!!! you are so cool 🧚🏼‍♂️
hi!! first of all thank you so much :) i’m not really that knowledgeable i just know a little bit about composition and have a really good memory for everything i’ve smelled… and i smell a lot of perfumes!!! anyway i have to admit i’m slightly running out of fragrances to recommend so one of these is just based on research into a perfumer i admire and one of hers that i think fits the bill, even though i haven’t smelled it myself.
first of all, for one that i have smelled, charade by sarah baker! you might find this a bit overpowering or old-fashioned but in my opinion it does the vintage style in a new, unique, androgynous way that makes it really cool and interesting :) definitely for white florals fans
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next up, from legendary perfumer annick menardo, loving bouquet by escada! this one has excellent reviews and although i haven’t smelled it myself i have faith that it’s gorgeous and i’ve put it on my wishlist because these notes are dreamyyy
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copiasslut · 9 months
Was there any changes to Papa Emeritus' IV's mask? I've heard about it but I'm not too sure.
-Ezra, confused Ghost fan.
Yes! I think about a week or 2 ago now, he got a new mask! It looks like it fits a little tighter to his face, the hair is a slightly different style, he has longer sideburns & some of his facial features are a little more “evil” looking, his eyebrows are in a bit more of a frown, hope that makes sense! These are some recent photos of his updated mask 🫶🏼
I think it’s maybe been updated in time for the LA shows next month where they are supposedly professionally filming the show live, so Papa is looking his best! 🥰
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avastrasposts · 8 months
hii🫶🏼 for the pedro asks maybe 18, 20 & 24 ?💗
Thank you! I love it!
18: Ezra in the Green or Frankie in the jungle?! Easy! Frankie in the jungle any day thank you!
Save one clip of Pedro's acting to show generation's in the distance future - Tricky one! The clip of Joel and Tommy in the workshop in Jackson seems like an easy choice but I also love his scene in UWOMT when he's fake acting out a scene on the cliff top with Nick Cage. Or the scene where they'er trying to climb the wall high and Javi pokes his head out round the corner. Can I save all three?! 😋
Latest pic saved: I already answered this one but I don't mind posting it again!
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chillymountsjess · 9 months
Tagged by @yoursselo 🫶🏼🫶🏼
Canyon moon by Harry Styles
Honey by Coastal Club
It’s plenty by Burna Boy
Love or lust by 24kGoldn
Loafers by BoyWithUke
Young dumb and broke by Khalid
Mourning by Post Malone
Ophelia by The Lumineers
Untitled by Rex Orange County
Never be by 5 Seconds of Summer
Talk too much by COIN
Straightjacket by Quinn XCII
Just a little bit of your heart by Ariana Grande
End of the day by One Direction
Sugarcoat by George Ezra
Sweet creature by Harry Styles
I tag @certifiedl0vergr1l @muglermami @neverinadream @judeswhore and whoever else wants to participate 😊💜
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seiwas · 8 months
Knocks your door down (politely)
who do you think passes out first in a movie marathon, out of itafushi and you 🎤
ezra!!! omg… definitely me i think 😭 i always fall asleep watching stuff no matter how good it is (leaving smth playing even helps me sleep sometimes 😭)
& i think w me in between them… cuddled up… comfortable… (omg whose shOULDER would i even lean on 🥺) IT’S INEVITABLE 😭 halfway through the 2nd movie i’d be knocked out 😪
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bonezlyy · 11 months
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Hello gays in my phone, my name is Ezra and I am a huge fan of the utmv
But the skeleton part specifically
Shocker I know mate, my wattpad got deleted because wattpad is ableist so my headcanons are going to be put here instead
I don’t really know how to explain myself so I’ll do a character intro thing instead because I’m a lazy little shit 🫶🏼
Okay the sheet looked ugly so Im gonna write it by hand
Name: Ezra/Ez
Age: 15
Pronouns: He/him + neos but I cant be arsed to make my card so they dont really matter
Gender: Trans ftm, genderqueer
Sexuality: Aegosexual, Cupioromantic (aroace), gay
And this silly thing
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the pet name kinda things aren't romantic in any way btw, I call ppl pet names platonically
If I do this and you dont like it just tell me and I'll stop :3
This blog is a safe space for:
Queer people, I am gay and Aroace myself
Trans people, including xenos. Again, I am trans and use xenos myself
Disabled people, I am autistic myself
Poc people, I am mixed race
Age regressors (sfw)
Oh and if you’re that transphobic identity that I can’t remember the name of, where you dont date trans people and ur flag is the PH colours
And any stupid labels like that (mangasexual, dreamsexual and shit like that)
No, this blog will not include nsfw headcanons, they’re teenagers
It will definitely have nsfw/dark jokes because that is most of my humour but no headcanons/scenarios.
This blog is gonna be messy asf but in a hot silly gay way
Anyway I hope you enjoy my blog, there will probably be a lot of shitposting and I might try writing stuff but it’ll be mostly headcanons I think (or hope)
Also, its gonna be a highschool au
Because gay angry teenagers in a big gay friend group
My fucking dream.
Also Toriel is a teacher at this school
Asgore is the head master
And Frisk, Chara, Chris, Asriel, Suzie, Noelle, Alphys, Undyne; and X Chara who will just be called X, are all students too but they kinda just float in the background
And all of the papyrus siblings are either dead, missing, non existent or little children
All the Papyruses will be like 6-12
and I can’t draw very well but Im trying to learn so I this au can be an actual comic thing
Well it’ll be an AO3 story first but I want to make outfits/designs for them and draw some scenes from it :3
Holy shit this thing is long
I need to learn when to stop talking lmao 💀
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hudbannonarchive · 6 months
omg.. happy birthday lee, I'm so glad you're still on this website <3
TY EZRA 🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼 us fr
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m0ckest · 1 year
🫶🏼 self-love time! talk about which ones of YOUR creations (edits, artworks, fanfics) you like the most then send to other sim-blogs to do the same 💗
omg thank you ezra :~)
i'm def most proud of some of my builds especially considering i never really built before i joined the community (i played all the games solo, with no idea of a community or the existence of cc lol)
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but i do have some sims i am very fond of
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a little proud of myself considering this is how i was playing literally a year ago while just learning how to use mods lol
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olivers-cocoapuffs · 7 months
For you.
As a gift
Anyway, what is it with me and pathetic blond boys? I have a favourite-chacter-type.
Oh and they're scary girlfriends. I love their scary girlfriends as well
Anyway, I want to ask you if you have a type and if you'll save me from a dreary train ride in which I'm crammed beside some guy I don't know
Have a lovely night
thank you!! i love olives. olives and feta.
Will Solace 🫶🏼 Prince Henry 🫶🏼 Nick Nelson 🫶🏼
they’d be besties
i do. think, hyper active (probably ADHD), half poc (usually latino of some decent), silly boys. bonus points if they’ve got a] divorced parents (Alex) b] a guide dog (Eli) c] a hockey addiction (ezra) or d] coffee addiction (Dev)
i love trains and would happily swap places with you
enjoy england
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xdaddysprincessxx · 6 months
Fic Author Self Rec ✨
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rules: when you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love 🤍
Thanks for the tag @beefrobeefcal !😘🫶🏼
This was hard 😅 but here it is:
1) Cabin in the Woods - Dave York x f reader
This is my baby! My very first fic 🥹
2) Scarecrow - Serial Killer Farmer Joel Miller x f reader
Now here’s my fave. My lil honey bun. I have a soft spot for dark romance and love a good serial killer au 😅 and my sweet farmer Joel was and still is my favorite I’ve written so far. I think about him often
3) Fear Thy Neighbor - Serial killer Joel x librarian f reader
lol @ me when I said farmer Joel was a one shot. 🤡 it’s okay tho he’s my fave and he deserves love and he found it! Also huge shoutout to @neverwheremoonchild for their love for them and talking to me and brainstorming with me ❤️
4) Pieces of Him - Cult leader Joel Miller x f reader
Uh yea I am a sucker for Joel Miller, throw in cult leader au and you’ve got me 🤷🏻‍♀️ if you haven’t noticed by now I love writing more dark/horror esque stuff and this was fun to create.
5) In Every Lifetime - Demon Ezra x Witch f reader
I have been so slow at writing this one but I love my Ezra so much! I have huge plans for these two and I promise we will get back to them soon!❤️
These were in no particular order but these are def my personal faves if I had to pick lol also I appreciate every single of you who reads my stuff, you guys are angels! ❤️❤️
Npt: @bonezone44 @gasolinerainbowpuddles @juletheghoul @foli-vora @strang3lov3
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