#fabric collection erode
srisakthitex · 21 days
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Unlock Superior Textile Quality with Sri Sathi Tex
At Sri Sathi Tex, we take pride in being a leading textile manufacturer, deeply rooted in the vibrant textile industry of Erode. Our commitment to excellence in fabric manufacturing positions us as a top choice for those seeking high-quality textiles. With years of expertise and innovation, we stand out as a trusted fabric supplier, dedicated to meeting the diverse needs of our clients.
Our Expertise in the Textile Industry
As a prominent player in the cotton industry, Sri Sathi Tex specializes in producing a wide range of textiles that cater to various applications. Our state-of-the-art facilities and skilled team ensure that every piece of fabric meets the highest standards of quality and durability. Whether you’re looking for luxurious cotton fabrics or durable non-woven materials, we have the expertise and resources to deliver.
A Diverse Range of Textiles
We are proud to offer an extensive selection of textiles designed to meet the evolving demands of the market. Our portfolio includes:
Cotton Fabrics: Sourced from the finest cotton, our fabrics are known for their softness, breathability, and exceptional quality.
Non-Woven Fabrics: As a leading non-woven fabric manufacturer, we produce innovative and versatile materials ideal for various industrial and consumer applications.
Your Trusted Fabric Suppliers
At Sri Sathi Tex, we understand the importance of reliable supply chains. Our position as a prominent fabric supplier means we are dedicated to providing consistent, high-quality products that meet your specific needs. From bulk orders to custom solutions, we are here to support your business with unparalleled service and expertise.
visit : https://srishakthitex.com/
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fairuzfan · 4 months
"We have come together as Palestinian academics and staff of Gaza universities to affirm our existence, the existence of our colleagues and our students, and the insistence on our future, in the face of all current attempts to erase us.
The Israeli occupation forces have demolished our buildings but our universities live on. We reaffirm our collective determination to remain on our land and to resume teaching, study, and research in Gaza, at our own Palestinian universities, at the earliest opportunity.
We call upon our friends and colleagues around the world to resist the ongoing campaign of scholasticide in occupied Palestine, to work alongside us in rebuilding our demolished universities, and to refuse all plans seeking to bypass, erase, or weaken the integrity of our academic institutions. The future of our young people in Gaza depends upon us, and our ability to remain on our land in order to continue to serve the coming generations of our people.
We issue this call from beneath the bombs of the occupation forces across occupied Gaza, in the refugee camps of Rafah, and from the sites of temporary new exile in Egypt and other host countries. We are disseminating it as the Israeli occupation continues to wage its genocidal campaign against our people daily, in its attempt to eliminate every aspect of our collective and individual life.
Our families, colleagues, and students are being assassinated, while we have once again been rendered homeless, reliving the experiences of our parents and grandparents during the massacres and mass expulsions by Zionist armed forces in 1947 and 1948.
Our civic infrastructure – universities, schools, hospitals, libraries, museums and cultural centres – built by generations of our people, lies in ruins from this deliberate continuous Nakba. The deliberate targeting of our educational infrastructure is a blatant attempt to render Gaza uninhabitable and erode the intellectual and cultural fabric of our society. However, we refuse to allow such acts to extinguish the flame of knowledge and resilience that burns within us.
Allies of the Israeli occupation in the United States and United Kingdom are opening yet another scholasticide front through promoting alleged reconstruction schemes that seek to eliminate the possibility of independent Palestinian educational life in Gaza. We reject all such schemes and urge our colleagues to refuse any complicity in them. We also urge all universities and colleagues worldwide to coordinate any academic aid efforts directly with our universities.
We extend our heartfelt appreciation to the national and international institutions that have stood in solidarity with us, providing support and assistance during these challenging times. However, we stress the importance of coordinating these efforts to effectively reopen Palestinian universities in Gaza.
We emphasise the urgent need to reoperate Gaza’s education institutions, not merely to support current students, but to ensure the long-term resilience and sustainability of our higher education system. Education is not just a means of imparting knowledge; it is a vital pillar of our existence and a beacon of hope for the Palestinian people.
Accordingly, it is essential to formulate a long-term strategy for rehabilitating the infrastructure and rebuilding the entire facilities of the universities. However, such endeavours require considerable time and substantial funding, posing a risk to the ability of academic institutions to sustain operations, potentially leading to the loss of staff, students, and the capacity to reoperate.
Given the current circumstances, it is imperative to swiftly transition to online teaching to mitigate the disruption caused by the destruction of physical infrastructure. This transition necessitates comprehensive support to cover operational costs, including the salaries of academic staff.
Student fees, the main source of income for universities, have collapsed since the start of the genocide. The lack of income has left staff without salaries, pushing many of them to search for external opportunities.
Beyond striking at the livelihoods of university faculty and staff, this financial strain caused by the deliberate campaign of scholasticide poses an existential threat to the future of the universities themselves.
Thus, urgent measures must be taken to address the financial crisis now faced by academic institutions, to ensure their very survival. We call upon all concerned parties to immediately coordinate their efforts in support of this critical objective.
The rebuilding of Gaza’s academic institutions is not just a matter of education; it is a testament to our resilience, determination, and unwavering commitment to securing a future for generations to come.
The fate of higher education in Gaza belongs to the universities in Gaza, their faculty, staff, and students and to the Palestinian people as a whole. We appreciate the efforts of peoples and citizens around the world to bring an end to this ongoing genocide.
We call upon our colleagues in the homeland and internationally to support our steadfast attempts to defend and preserve our universities for the sake of the future of our people, and our ability to remain on our Palestinian land in Gaza. We built these universities from tents. And from tents, with the support of our friends, we will rebuild them once again."
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loudclan-clangen · 5 months
Loudclan - Lore!
This is gonna be a long one, so buckle in!
Loudclan is one of 4 clans that live on a large swath of land on the coast of South Central Alaska. Here's a map and some more details about them:
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Loudclan camp is located on a flat ledge atop one of the smaller mountains in the range. They were named for the roaring rumble of the mountain's frequent avalanches and landslides. While prey is never frequent in Loudclan territory, their higher elevation and sloped ground means that the snow doesn't pool like it does down in the valley, and thus they never really run out of prey either. In the cold months the clan cats sleep in the many small caves around camp, insulated with wool from the dall sheep and mountain goats that live in the clan territory. In the warmer months, many take to sleeping out in the open, enjoying the sun warmed rocks, but this can lead to epidemics of heatstroke due to the lack of cover on the mountain. Loudclan cats are said to have excellent balance compared to the valley clans.
Ghostclan camp is located in an abandoned mining town build over a grassy wetland. They were named for the strange, empty buildings that they live among. Food in the wetlands can be unpleasant, but not inaccessible. The clan spreads out into several different buildings during the warm months, but during the winter the clan retreats from the deep snows of the valley into the mines, where they are shielded from the cold by several feet of dirt along with their collection of scavenged twoleg fabrics. The dusty interior of the mines seems to be bad for their lungs, however, as Ghostclan cats seem to be more prone to illnesses than the other clans. Ghostclan cats are said to be able to sense oncoming earthquakes with their sensitive paw pads, knowing when to retreat from a tunnel before it caves in. They were the first to discover the Black Water Pool, and feel that they have some kind of special connection to it, deeper than that of the other clans.
Shadedclan camp is located at the lowest point in the valley, in the largest clearing of the dense evergreen forest. They were named for the shade provided by the needled branches of the trees lining their camp. In the summer, Shadedclan's forests and meadows provide the most plentiful prey, but in the winter the snow piles far higher than the head of a cat, and their territory becomes near barren. This means that the clan must vacate their normal dens, moving instead into the branches of spruce and pine that they have learned to weave together into a network of dens and walkways. They tend to have larger paws with extra toes to help them traverse the deep snows when necessary.
Freezingclan camp is located among the heaps of man made boulders that line the shore. (It's called rip rap it's basically a bunch of big rock chunks that they line the shore with to keep it from eroding.) They were named for the harsh winds that batter their territory regardless of the season. While the rocks are hospitable for few creatures besides certain shorebirds, the ocean is always plentiful, and for those who are willing to trek across the ice, even the inhospitable frozen water will give way to a plentiful meal. Due to the small spaces considered to be actually livable amongst the gaps in the rocks, Freezingclan has no dens, and cats instead sleep with their family units deep in their personal nests of feathers, dried seaweed, and driftwood. The wind, while biting, can be helpful, blowing the snow deeper into the valley and not allowing it to settle over the camp. Freezingclan cats claim to have harder paw pads than the other clans, needing them to keep from cutting themselves on the sharp rocks. They are also the only clan to not worship the Black Water Pool, instead believing that their ancestors live in the ocean, reborn as the creatures of the sea.
Due to the extreme nature of all of the clan's territories, they have an unspoken agreement that borders are pretty much just loose suggestions. So long as you don't get too close to anyone's camp, or travel ridiculously far into someone else's territory, you're not breaking any rules. Of course, this doesn't mean that no disputes arise over territory, in fact, if anything, it actually makes territory disputes worse as no one can agree on how far is too far. The clans also often trade items exclusive to their area in order to obtain similarly scarce items from other clans.
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Each clan (minus Freezingclan) is led by a "leadership team" made up of the Leader, the Lead Healer, and the Lead Mediator.
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The Leader is considered to be the closest to Starclan, and receives six lives by being completely submerged and drowned in the Black Water Pool. Afterwards they wash the oil off and receive the mark of a paw print from the Lead Healer as a sign of their approval. The Leader can receive prophecies and visions from starclan on occasion, but if they wish to speak to them directly then they have to sacrifice a life to the Black Water.
The Lead Healer is tasked with being the caretaker of the clan, and receives three lives the same way the Leader does. All healers keep a consistent layer of oil on the lower half of their body, once dried and hardened it acts as a pseudo-apron, protecting the medicine cat from possible infectious material and keeping them from spreading germs to their patients. The Lead Healer rarely receives visions from starclan, and instead focuses on interpreting omens seen in the real world. They may also sacrifice a life to speak directly to starclan.
The Lead Mediator is something of a balance to the other two. They do not receive any lives and are in fact banned from touching the Black Water. It is their job to make sure that the other two leaders do not become so distracted by starclan that they become blind to the struggles of their living clanmates. The Lead Mediator wears a decorative collar to signify their position, and will never receive visions or omens of any kind.
The Leader's closest living relative is called the Heir, and is marked by a streak of oil on their forehead given to them by the Leader. Upon reaching twelve moons old, they take the position of deputy. The other two leaders also have heirs, who are often asked to advise or assist them, but they do not hold official positions or markings.
Whoo, okay, I think that's all that I wanted to say, anyway, hope this clarifies some things and that you enjoy reading it! Follow up questions are welcome, as always!
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nobrashfestivity · 8 months
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The animal will erode the city, 1981, WV (81/005)
Oil on canvas, fabrics and fur
100 x 120 x 2 cm
Private Collection, Berlin
© Museum Ludwig, Cologne
Reproduction: Rheinisches Bildarchiv, Cologne 
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vhstown · 10 months
gwen stacy ★ general headcanons
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content/warnings: mentions of underage drinking, implied & mentions of death
a/n: hey 😁 a levels beating my arse. thx 2 @qiupachups 4 helping w these 🫡 give it up for gwendy ‼️ (unedited)
Gwen is a collector — but not of collectibles. She has a secret empire of the most random things, and is thoroughly embarrassed when anyone finds it: tickets, pins, soda can tabs, cool-looking clothing tags, mismatched hair clips, paper clips, little things stolen from school, etc. Anything she things is remotely interesting has a place in a very specifically organised box under her bed, tucked away from the world and taken out occasionally to be adjusted or stared at. It's essentially the same as being a collector, right...?
She had a fashion hobby she grew out of, but it re-kindles when she has to design a suit for herself. Initially, it's made up of thermal sportswear but she comes up with actual designs at some point, modifying it overtime to include the hood and to integrate it with her ballet slippers.
When it comes to art, Gwen's style would be a lot like a fashion student's. I headcanon her to have aphantasia so her main strength is drawing clothing, and a lot of her drawings are based on herself as a reference (she can literally only draw herself well...) Rather than a sketchbook, she has a journal that's also full of photographs and writing as well as her drawings, and the occasional crumpled up drum score.
Has a knack for sewing and customises some of her clothes, though it's more personal touches and the occasional crop rather than completely overhauling a piece of clothing. Everyday items of hers have at least a little embroidery or design on them and she likes doing patterns on like bags and converse for her friends. Wants to make plushies and things but always manages to get distracted so there's a bunch of unfinished projects in her closet. (I would totally buy from her on Etsy though 😁)
Gwen did ballet as a kid and developed the enraging habit of cracking EVERY joint in her body. She's the mf that twists in the chair in front of you and stares deep into your soul while cracking her back. Cracks things you don't even know you could crack without shame my girl is a whole instrument 😭
Ballet is something her dad pushed her towards, alongside music (though he preferred she did something more traditional). Initially Gwen did feel out of place in her classes. A lot of the other children at her classes were already well-versed in it, and a lot of times she found she wanted to quit. Only after learning that her mom Helen did ballet did she willingly pick it up again at an older age, incorporating the technique into her fighting style.
Gwen used to play a few different instruments as a kid but none of them really stuck. For a while, she thought she hated music when she did piano and the recorder, but when she got her hands on a drumkit at her school and a couple lessons, she knew it was the one.
Her drumming is definitely more freestyle, and even though she's good she has a lot of problems with her high energy, spontaneous and emotive style. That means she breaks her drumsticks ALL the time. There's no way she's banging all that out on the drums without an unfortunate snap or two, so she always keeps another pair handy. She's broken her drumsticks so much that there's a collection of them torn up at the bottom of her bag (she never bothers to throw them out, and might've given herself a splinter reaching in to find something 💀)
Speaking of drumsticks, she has one lucky pair she uses for important performances, carrying them practically everywhere. They've essentially rotted in their fancy little fabric case since she'd gottem them, the custom "GWENDOLYN MAXINE STACY" imprinted on it having almost completely eroded away.
Though, she's only ever used them once; her dad had bought them for her for a school performance, which she had to bail last minute when her Spider-sense suddenly activated. Running off to fight a villain not a street away, Peter Parker follows her, and he realises just who Spider-Woman really is.
While she was planning to use them at her prom performance with her band... that never happened. After that, everything reminded her of that night, and her relationship with The Mary Janes dwindled until she quit altogether. The band only lasted a few months prior, and since they never got to perform at prom, Gwen found herself playing for no reason at all, other than to get rid of her pent-up energy and forget about the fact that she's basically a wanted criminal.
When she's living in Hobie's universe, she ends up breaking her "lucky" drumsticks and is, understandably, a little shattered by it, but Hobie gets her another pair, "GWENDY" written in mismatched letters on the side. That "G" was definitely a last-minute addition, though. He also teaches her how to stop breaking them so often. "Bit of advice — use the wrists, not just the arms."
Gwen's definitely not meant to drink, so whenever Hobie goes to the pub he makes sure not to, suggesting his friends don't get pissed out of their minds either (though she might steal a sip of something fruity now and again.)
Hobie takes her to gigs all the time, and sometimes she drums for his ones. The first time she does it, she's nervous of course, but her sound immediately gets the crowd going and it's the talk of the town for a week straight (and her drumsticks didn't break!)
There's no shortage of junk food, of course. Just like all the takeout she'd have back at home, Hobie would make sure to take her around all the local spots. Although it's not exactly the same, anything beats the plasticky cafeteria food in 2099. Stopping for a kebab or two in the middle of anomaly-hunting isn't really against the rules anyway.
Gwen is friendly with pretty much everyone in the Spider-society because everyone knows who "Gwen Stacy" is, but she never really wants to meet another version of herself (given how unsettling it is with context). Also very awkward around any MJs — or Peters. Peter B essentially being an older 65!Peter definitely freaks her out a little at first.
Misses Miles, obviously, and probably had something she wanted to make for him back in her universe that she could never retrieve. Maybe when she gets Hobie's watch she'll bring it along with her — would Miles like a knitted neckwarmer?
SO best friends with Margo. Her tech lets Gwen see into her universe sometimes (Miguel wouldn't let her 😞) and Margo is super keen on learning about her universe. They both hang out with Peni and it's a fun little girl trio (Peni totally takes them to her universe to see all the giant mechs 😁 "Girls night!" BOOM!)
Number 1 girlfail. She hasn't broken those new drumsticks yet! But drumming can wait — and all those projects at the back of her closet, and her unresolved dispute with MJ and the band, and her dad at home. Going from her small world to having an entire multiverse against her and her friends, Gwen's got one hell of a show to put on, right?
“I never found the right band to join, so I started my own, with a few old friends.”
“You want in?”
@phoenixinthefiles (it's cause of you im always writing hcs 😭😭😭 /pos)
hi bunklies 😁 ive been averaging like 4h of sleep cuz of skl but ill fix up soon trust... hope you are all doing okay ! ive never written anything for gwen before so i hope this is an okay start lol
atsv masterlist here! reblogs always appreciated :) see u around <3
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chaosticbraindo · 3 months
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just now realizing I forgot to upload my FanGoji design here 💀
Chaos Gojira 🦖 🌫️
with the creation and detonation of the first D-bomb, a tear in the fabric of reality was created, and from that tear emerged monsters.
Known as Kaijus, these monsters posses supernatural abilities that defy human logic and even the laws of this very universe… their very existence destabilize the world.
from all the kaijus that has arisen across the years, the first, and one of the most devastating, was named Gojira.
while slow and docile until approached or irritated, Gojira remains one of the most destructive kaijus ever recorded. this is due to its unique ability to emits a constant eroding fog around itself. the fog, while is not yet completely understood, was discovered to destabilize matters at a molecular level, causing both objects and living things caught inside it to melt and change over time, heating up and burn from the inside out before melting and merging with surrounding objects.
with the fog being approximately 8-10 kilometers wide, any region crossed by Gojira is almost guaranteed to becomes a waste land after the beast pass. with weirdly bent objects peppered by random scorch marks being fused into the floor, the walls, and other objects around it. the worst though, are images of those too unfortunate to escape… with them being burned from the inside while also melting and suffocating by inhaling the fog, their exhausted bodies would be slowly fused into the ground and whatever objects they just so happens to be making contacted with. leaving only a half melted corpse left for their relatives to later collects.
with how dangerous Gojira is, efforts have been made to get rid of the beast to no avail. this is due to it’s absurd regenerative ability. it was found out the beast possesses the ability to rebuild its own body to its original shape of a bipedal reptilian after an encounter with another kaiju which put Gojira’s regeneration on full display. couple that with its resilient and the kaiju effectively out heal anything humanity can ever throws at it.
and that is leaving out Gojira’s active rage when aggravated. in cases where it was pushed far enough, Gojira shows it true combat capabilities where even when it remains sluggish in comparison to its kaiju peers, it is some how much more powerful with each hit it lands strong and heavy enough to blow even larger kaijus off the ground. this is due to its weight as the body of Gojira consists of an unknown unnaturally dense and heavy material.
outside of impressive strength and power, Gojira can emits a concentrated steam of super heated fog from its mouth, which causes similar effects from the fog around its body but cranked up to eleven, dissolving then vaporizing things in a matter of seconds- and when pushed to desperation Gojira can even condense this breath to a level of strength that should be physically impossible to achieve even by the standard of other kaijus…
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ngdrb · 2 months
Restoring Integrity: A Call to Reject Extremism and Safeguard Democracy
The present condition of the Republican Party is deeply concerning. Internal discord, ineffective leadership, and the rise of extremism threaten not only the party itself but also the fabric of our democracy. Individuals such as Marjorie Taylor Greene, Ted Cruz, Donald Trump, JD Vance, Lauren Boebert, Jim Jordan, and others including Supreme Court justices aligned with the MAGA movement exemplify this troubling trend.
Many key figures from Donald Trump's first administration are either imprisoned or have turned against him. This alarming trend should make us question the integrity and stability of his leadership. Do we really want to entrust our future to someone with such a troubling track record?
At this pivotal moment in our nation's history, it is imperative to address these challenges with clarity and resolve. The actions and rhetoric of these figures have fueled division and eroded trust in our democratic institutions. Their embrace of conspiracy theories, their attacks on established norms, and their refusal to acknowledge the legitimacy of fair elections undermine the very foundations of our democracy.
To safeguard our future, we must prioritize the restoration of integrity, competence, and unity within the political process. This begins with holding accountable those who prioritize personal gain over the public good. By voting out individuals who perpetuate division and misinformation, we can reclaim the spirit of bipartisanship and cooperation essential for effective governance.
Moreover, the Republican Party itself stands at a crossroads. It has the opportunity to redefine its identity and regain credibility by rejecting extremism and embracing responsible leadership. Voters have a crucial role in shaping this transformation by supporting candidates committed to upholding democratic values and advancing policies that benefit all Americans.
In essence, the urgency of this moment demands a collective commitment to reject the politics of fear and division. We must instead champion leaders who prioritize facts, accountability, and the common good. By doing so, we can foster a political environment where constructive dialogue thrives, compromise is possible, and progress is achievable.
Ultimately, the decision rests with each voter to safeguard our democratic principles. By electing leaders who embody integrity and inclusivity, we can ensure that our government reflects the will of the people and serves the interests of all Americans. This election is not merely about partisan politics; it is about preserving the fundamental values that define us as a nation.
Let us seize this opportunity to reaffirm our commitment to democracy and reject those seeking to undermine it. Together, we can forge a path that honors our past, strengthens our present, and secures a brighter future for future generations.
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ofcruelheart · 9 months
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* ◟ : 〔 RICKY WHITTLE, CIS MAN, HE / HIM 〕 ATLAS COSMATOS , some say you’re a FORTY FIVE YEAR OLD lost soul among the neon lights. known for being both CHAMELEONIC and BRUTAL, one can’t help but think of SYMPATHY FOR THE DEVIL by THE ROLLING STONES when you walk by. are you still the VULTURE, LEADER, ACTIVIST SHAREHOLDER for THE NEON PARIAHS, ARGUS MANAGEMENT, even with your reputation as THE VULTURE? i think we’ll be seeing more of you and GROTESQUE SCARS AND BURNS HIDDEN BENEATH PRESSED THREE PIECE SUITS, HOLDING BACK BILE AT EVERY INHALE OF UNFAMILIAR POLLUTED AIR, SEAMLESSLY SWITCHING BETWEEN BRUTAL AND BIDDABLE; AMENABLE AND CRUEL, although we can’t help but think of TOM RIPLEY ( THE TALENTED MR. RIPLEY ) + THOMAS SHELBY ( PEAKY BLINDERS ) + MAD MAX ( MAD MAX: FURY ROAD ) whenever we see you down these rainy streets.
Name: Atlas Cosmatos Age: 45 Gender: Cismale Pronouns: He/his Orientation: Bisexual Affiliation: The Vulture, Neon Pariahs Civilian Occupation: Activist Shareholder at Argus Management History (TLDR below): tw - mentions of violence
Life in the wastelands, a harsh and treacherous sculptor, whittles existence to its barest form. Here, in this unforgiving expanse, what starvation and desperation do not erode into oblivion, mutates, sprouting teeth and thorns. His memories do not stretch beyond this barren theater; recollections of boyhood, tenderness, or a family that should have been, are as elusive as shadows at dusk. He is a child of the brutal winds and the cruel landscape, claimed wholly by their merciless embrace; hunger, too, stakes its relentless claim on him. In this desolate realm, survivors cluster like moths to the faint glow of hope. They glimpse the neon shimmer of a distant city, a beacon in the darkness. Yet, to their discerning eyes, these luminescent promises are but harbingers of a more insidious demise—luring them into a complacency that whispers of a slow, unnoticed death. In this seductive embrace, their hard-won teeth and thorns are dulled, their very essence smothered in a deadly ambrosia, filling their lungs and dreams with a sweet, suffocating fragrance. In the wasteland's crucible, one among them is shaped into a leader, his voice the loudest in denouncing this illusory Eden. The replicants, mirroring man's form yet surpassing him in lethal prowess, become the fallen angels of this dystopia. Anunnaki, the purveyor of this numbing nectar, weaves dreams laced with poppy seeds, its CEO a mere idol of false salvation. Their scornful laughter soon transforms into rallying cries of freedom and revolution. Survival—collective, unyielding survival—demands the dethroning of these deceptive beacons. Navigating the city's labyrinth, they adapt with a predator's grace. To blend into this urban jungle, to mimic its inhabitants, is a lesser challenge for those sculpted by hardship. They are artisans of survival, wearing many guises. Atlas, among them, embodies this adaptability. Armed with fabricated credentials and a magnetic charisma, he infiltrates a hedge fund as an activist shareholder. His mission: to wield his stake like a weapon, pressuring corporations to sever ties with Anunnaki. His tactics are manifold: proxy wars, media blitzes, resolutions, legal battles, and negotiations. His shadowy work extends beyond the boardroom—sabotaging Anunnaki's supply lines under the cloak of night. His next stratagem looms: to amass a significant share in Anunnaki itself. But Stoneage, a privately owned company, a fortress impervious to his financial arsenal, presents a more formidable challenge. Here, the Neon Pariahs must innovate anew. Their directive is clear: to dismantle the replicants by any means necessary, a relentless war against the shadowy figures of this new world order.
Wanted Connections
Any and all replicants for him and the pariahs to hunt. He's made sure to equip all pariahs with tasers hehe
Enemies of the Neon Pariahs - aka those loyal to Anunnaki and Stoneage
Companies he has pressured with shareholder activism
Detectives who may be suspicious of his records and sudden appearance - careful of what you may find. Perhaps those hired or working with Anunnaki/Stoneage?
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srisakthitex · 24 days
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India’s Leading Name in Textile Manufacturing and Non-Woven Fabrics
Welcome to Sri Sathi Tex, where tradition meets innovation in the heart of Erode, Tamil Nadu. As a premier textile manufacturer in India, we take immense pride in our role as a key player in the vibrant textile industry. Our commitment to quality and excellence has made us one of the largest and most respected fabric manufacturers in the country.
At Sri Sathi Tex, we specialize in an extensive range of textiles, catering to diverse needs across the market. From the softest cotton fabrics to advanced non-woven materials, our portfolio showcases the breadth and versatility of our production capabilities. As a leading name in the cotton industry, our expertise in cotton textiles is unmatched, ensuring that every product we deliver meets the highest standards of comfort and durability.
Our status as a prominent textile manufacturer is built on years of dedicated craftsmanship and cutting-edge technology. We are not just a fabric manufacturer; we are pioneers in the creation of innovative textile solutions that address the evolving needs of our clients. Whether you’re seeking luxurious cotton fabrics or robust non-woven options, Sri Sathi Tex is your trusted partner.
Explore our range of offerings and experience why Sri Sathi Tex is celebrated as a hallmark of excellence in the textile industry. Join us in shaping the future of textiles, where tradition and modernity blend seamlessly to create exceptional products.
Sri Sathi Tex — https://srishakthitex.com/
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giuliopozzali · 5 months
Why has selfishness become a valued trait in modern society?
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Selfishness has long been considered a negative trait in society, often associated with greed, egotism, and a lack of consideration for others. However, in modern society, selfishness has increasingly become a valued trait, with individuals encouraged to prioritize their own needs and desires above all else.
There are several reasons why selfishness has become more accepted and even celebrated in today's culture. One of the primary factors is the rise of individualism, which places a strong emphasis on personal autonomy and self-expression. In a society that values self-fulfillment and personal success above all else, it is not surprising that selfishness has become a prized quality.Additionally, the advent of social media and technology has played a significant role in promoting selfish behavior. Platforms like Instagram and Facebook encourage individuals to curate an online persona that highlights their achievements and experiences, leading to a culture of self-promotion and narcissism.The competitive nature of modern society also contributes to the glorification of selfishness. In a world that rewards ambition and success, individuals are often encouraged to prioritize their own goals and aspirations, even if it comes at the expense of others.
Furthermore, the breakdown of traditional social structures and values has eroded the sense of community and collective responsibility, making it easier for individuals to justify acting in their own self-interest. In a society that places a high value on personal freedom and autonomy, selfishness is often seen as a natural and necessary trait.
Despite the growing acceptance of selfishness, it is important to recognize the negative impact that this trait can have on individuals and society as a whole. Selfish behavior can lead to conflict, isolation, and a lack of empathy for others, ultimately undermining the social fabric that holds communities together.In order to combat the negative effects of selfishness, it is essential for individuals to cultivate a sense of empathy and compassion for others. By recognizing the needs and feelings of those around us, we can create a more harmonious and inclusive society that values cooperation and mutual support.
Ultimately, while selfishness may be valued in modern society, it is important to remember the importance of balance and perspective. By striking a healthy equilibrium between our own needs and the needs of others, we can create a more caring and compassionate world for all.
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chaos--mode · 5 months
tuesday nights at The Last Man are usually pretty quiet. a couple regulars that keep to themselves in the dark corners of the bar, arguing about deliveries and inventory with her shift lead over text, maybe there's a fight outside if the neighborhood is feeling particularly feisty. but the most lively thing on tuesday nights tends to be the glow-y neon Be Gay, Do Crime sign over ren's shoulder.
which is to say, shit all usually gets in the way of ren working on new recipes. it's like, the thing she does, on tuesday nights. habit, tradition, call it whatever, that's what happens.
the music thrums low and rumbly, almost all bass through the shitty speaker system ren's been meaning to fix for ages. it's loud enough that the flickering fairy lights strung along the edge of the bar rattle with the rhythm of whatever punk rock song booms through the hazy space. the smell of spilled beer, spritzed citrus, and sweet spirits lingers in the air. ren's collection of experimental mixes litters the back counter of the bar, zested limes and a seeded pomegranate lying abandoned amidst half-filled tumblers and a sticky mess of syrup and liquor.
because, to ren's infinite dismay, she isn't currently being left alone to work on new recipes. drunk assholes are nothing new, not when she owns a shitty dive bar in the heart of downtown. she would've hoped the whole queer dive bar shtick would discourage the overly enthusiastic men that can't take fuck off for an answer.
she would have been wrong, of course. because like, obviously, right? fuck her for even thinking she wouldn't be accosted the one night she doesn't have a door guy around to scare the shit out of this asshole.
'cause this guy. this. fucking. shithead. ren is about to lob the glass she's been obsessively drying for the past twenty minutes right at his ego-inflated head. she's a little worried she's gonna erode right through the glass at any point now, with how aggressively she's wiping away at it.
❝listen, sweetheart,❞ he's saying, and if there's one goddamned thing ren hates from these kind of creepy pricks, it's when they call her sweetheart.
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she sneers, openly angry, and cuts him off before he can get any further. ❝i'm not gonna tell you again, dude: i'm not interested. so either drop it, or get the fuck out of my bar.❞
and like. ren generally has a decent amount of patience, right? sorta has to, since she's the boss. but she isn't a goddamned saint, can't just keep the bullshit going forever. and she's about at her limit, thinks maybe she actually hit it about five minutes ago.
so instead of waiting for whatever bullshit rebuttal the dude's gonna try, she drops the excessively dry glass on the prep counter and grabs his empty pint glass (he didn't even spring for the good shit, cheap bastard) as an excuse to turn away. finally.
she doesn't make it half a step before a hand closes around her forearm. her left forearm. and, here's the thing about ren's left forearm, right: she doesn't like being grabbed, you know, just as a general rule. who the fuck does, you know? but ren especially does not like it when someone touches the jagged mess of scars that mar her left forearm. even if it's through two layers of fabric and leather.
and ren usually has a pretty good reaction time. she's already halfway through yanking her arm away so hard that the guy slides a little further over the bar top (which he half-climbed over to grab her in the first place, the idiot), spinning on her heel to give him absolute hell.
@aintashes gets there first. she hadn't even noticed the new guy, sitting further up the bar from where she was about to commit probably several crimes. couldn't say how long he'd been sitting there, but now he's definitely not just sitting there.
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markrandallhavens · 6 months
The Shadows Within: Narcissism as the Root of Evil
Unmasking the Destructive Force of Narcissism Throughout History and Its Implications for the Human Spirit
This profound exploration uncovers the insidious nature of narcissism, tracing its dark thread through the tapestry of human history and illuminating its role as the root of evil, offering a transformative perspective that challenges our understanding of the human condition.
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Introduction: Throughout the ages, humanity has grappled with the concept of evil, seeking to understand its origins and the forces that drive individuals to commit heinous acts. While various factors contribute to the emergence of evil, there is one insidious trait that lies at the heart of darkness: narcissism. This article asserts that all narcissism is evil, a truth demonstrated throughout history as the acts of the narcissist are interpreted as malevolent. Recent discoveries in psychology reveal that narcissists seek to manipulate and distort the love denied them by their own twisted behavior, perpetuating a cycle of destruction that leaves a trail of broken lives and shattered souls.
Part 1: The Narcissistic Void At the core of every narcissist lies a profound emptiness, a void that consumes their very being. This inner darkness drives them to seek constant validation, to exert control over others, and to manipulate the world around them in a desperate attempt to fill the void within. Narcissists lack the capacity for true empathy, viewing others as mere objects to be used and discarded in their relentless pursuit of power and adoration. This fundamental lack of connection to the human experience is what sets narcissists apart, making them truly evil in their actions and intentions.
Part 2: The Manipulation of Faith Religion, with its promise of divine love and acceptance, becomes a prime target for narcissists seeking to exploit the sacred for their own gain. Throughout history, we have witnessed countless examples of narcissistic individuals twisting the teachings of faith to suit their own agendas, using the power of belief to control and manipulate the masses. From corrupt religious leaders to self-proclaimed prophets, narcissists have left a trail of destruction in their wake, perverting the very essence of spirituality and leaving countless lives shattered in the process.
Part 3: The Ripple Effect of Narcissistic Evil The impact of narcissistic evil extends far beyond the immediate victims, creating ripples of trauma that reverberate through communities and across generations. The collective wounds inflicted by narcissists tear at the fabric of society, eroding trust, fostering division, and perpetuating cycles of abuse and dysfunction. The long-term effects of narcissistic behavior contribute to a pervasive sense of hopelessness and despair, as individuals struggle to break free from the chains of manipulation and deceit.
Conclusion: In confronting the shadows within, we must acknowledge the insidious nature of narcissism and its role as the root of evil. By understanding the depths of the narcissistic void and the mechanisms by which faith can be distorted, we arm ourselves with the knowledge necessary to protect the vulnerable and break the cycle of destruction. It is through this lens of compassion and awareness that we can begin to heal the wounds inflicted by narcissists, both on an individual and societal level. By exposing the darkness and shining a light on the manipulations of the narcissist, we reclaim our power and our humanity, forging a path towards a future where love triumphs over evil, and the human spirit can once again flourish.
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architectuul · 7 months
The Great Repair
The Great Repair exhibition, which was presented in Akademie der Künste last year in Berlin, is now in Pavilon de'l Arsenal in Paris.
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Curators of the exhibition, Florian Hertweck, Christian Hiller, Markus Krieger, Alex Nehmer, Anh-Linh Ngo and Milica Topalović, lean on the statement from the text “Repair and Revolution" by Eva von Redecker: “We face such an enormous need for transformation that it would be downright absurd to disregard the most radical term for change that we have in our political vocabulary. The question is how to fill it with meaning. I understand revolution less as a break and more as an interstitial change, a change that creates the new through and out of the in-between spaces of the old.” This is where repair can begin. Moreover, understanding revolution in this way, as “processes of successive replacement” of “anchor practices,” Eva von Redecker offers an approach to change that is oriented toward practice.
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The main staircase leading to the exhibition halls, pictured here before the completion of renovations overseen by Brenne Architekten. Photo: Holger Herschel / © Holger Herschel
What does a great repair in the context of built environment means? According to the authors means to work with the existing, Start with the everyday, Repair the practice / Practice repair, Decolonize knowledge worlds, Tools to the people and Keep the scars visible.
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Working with the existing according to the statement does not mean heritage preservation, but responsible care of the built fabric. What matters is recognising the available material artefacts and their ecological and social contexts as a starting point, rather than endorsing a return to the past or embracing them without critical examination. Repair is firmly rooted in an object’s potential use value; it is fundamentally distinct from a mindset of consumption. Engaging with our material legacy also involves a conceptual critique of the discipline—of a conception of architecture that priorities spaces of representation over spaces of reproduction.
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"If we want to “repair” architectural practice with its inherent social inequalities, we need to begin with the discipline’s self-repair," point out the authors and continue "to accomplish this, we must fundamentally reevaluate its working conditions, educational models, hierarchies, and outdated self-understanding—especially the notion that architects should design more and more new buildings."
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"The fundamental repair of architectural practice requires the competencies of people who are not usually regarded as experts, as well as types of knowledge that are suppressed, marginalized, and eroded by technocratic, profit-oriented, colonialist dynamics." Such talents, techniques, and traditions of expertise can redesign our relationships within the social and natural environment.
Repair begins with a recognition of what is irreparable due to the irreversible nature of the damage. "We must rebuild, mend, heal, and maintain, but at the same time we must acknowledge that our repair efforts cannot fully erase the material and immaterial harm. Preserving visible scars and our collective memory are therefore integral aspects of the great repair."
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Edit, Gross Domestic Product (GDP), 2019, The feminist collective Edit designed a vacuum cleaner that functions only if three people operate it at the same time. © Edit Collective
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Mierle Laderman Ukeles, Manifesto for Maintenance Art, 1969! Proposal for an Exhibition “CARE”, 1969. © Mierle Laderman Ukeles. Courtesy Mierle Laderman Ukeles & Ronald Feldman Gallery, New York
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Michael Wolf: from the series Bastard Chairs, 1995–2017. © Estate of Michael Wolf
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Kader Attia, Hypomnemata, 2023, Attia argues that the aesthetics of modernism, from architecture to everyday objects like packaging materials, reflect processes of cultural appropriation. © Kader Attia. © VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn 2023
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Starting in April 2023, Inga representatives from across Colombia collectively wove a three-dimensional cartography of their territory over several months. During the inaugural workshop, which took place at Muskui Wasi (House of Dreams), a meeting space in Mocoa, Putumayo, weavers and researchers agreed on how to integrate materials and techniques from different Inga regions. In the picture below, Taita Hernando Chindoy, leader of the Inga People of Colombia, points out current challenges facing Inga territories. Above, John Jairo Jansasoy and Luzdary Santacruz examine their community in Aponte in an aerial photo. © Ñambi Rimai
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Marjetica Potrč, The Time of Humans on the Soča River, 2021 The drawing tells the story of a world marred by the exploitation of natural resources, highlighting humanity's urgent transformation from perceiving itself as the owner of nature to assuming the role of its caretaker. © Marjetica Potrč. Courtesy Marjetica Potrč & Galerie Nordenhake Berlin, Stockholm, Mexico City
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Cart is a fully functional cargo bike created from salvaged car parts as part of the series Cars into Bicycles. It also pays homage to the triciclos de tamales, mobile retail shops widely used by street vendors in Mexico. Folke Köbberling, Martin Kaltwasser. © VG Bild- Kunst, Bonn 2023
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fantasyfactorxx · 11 months
The Impact of Fake News on Crowdsourced Information
#MDA20009 #week8
In today's digital age, the proliferation of fake news has become a concerning issue. This deceptive information can have a profound impact on crowdsourced data and the communities that rely on it. This blog explores the implications of fake news on crowdsourced information, shedding light on the challenges it poses and offering real-world examples (Dhiman 2023).
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Crowdsourcing: The Backbone of Information
Crowdsourcing involves harnessing the collective knowledge and contributions of the public to gather, curate, and share information. It's a powerful tool for everything from Wikipedia to open-source projects. Crowdsourced data has revolutionized the way we access information and has become a valuable resource in a variety of fields. The power of crowdsourcing lies in its ability to tap into the collective wisdom of diverse individuals, leading to richer, more comprehensive information (Hargrave 2022).
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The Rise of Fake News
The internet has given fake news an unprecedented platform to spread. False or misleading information, often disguised as legitimate news, can quickly go viral, causing confusion and distrust among online communities. Fake news can take various forms, from fabricated stories to manipulated images and misleading headlines. The ease of sharing information online, coupled with the increasing polarization of digital communities, has made fake news a persistent problem (Aimeur, Amri & Brassard 2023).
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Impact on Crowdsourced Information
Challenge in Verification
One of the most significant challenges posed by fake news is the difficulty in verifying the accuracy of information on crowdsourced platforms. When fake news infiltrates these platforms, it becomes challenging to separate fact from fiction. Take, for example, a crowdsourced map of disaster areas. If it contains information derived from fake news reports, it could lead to misallocation of resources and even put lives at risk (Ludvik 2020).
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Disrupt and Polarization
Fake news doesn't just cloud the accuracy of crowdsourced data; it also erodes trust within communities. When information becomes tainted by false narratives, it can lead to division and polarization among users. For instance, a heated discussion on a platform like Reddit or Stack Exchange can escalate when fake news is introduced, undermining the collaborative nature of these platforms (Dizikes 2021).
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Real-World Examples
Wikipedia Editing Wars
Wikipedia is a prime example of crowdsourced information. It relies on the contributions of volunteers to maintain an extensive and continuously evolving encyclopaedia. Fake news can disrupt this delicate balance, leading to what are known as "editing wars." These wars occur when contributors with conflicting beliefs and biases edit articles on controversial topics to reflect their viewpoints. For instance, articles on climate change have been battlegrounds for editing wars due to the influence of fake news and misinformation (Haviland 2018).
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OpenStreetMap and Misplaced Crowdsourced Data
OpenStreetMap, a collaborative project to create a free and open map of the world, relies on contributors to provide accurate geographic data. Fake news can mislead contributors into adding inaccurate or misleading information. In one instance, fake news regarding the location of a prominent landmark led contributors to place it in the wrong place on the map, causing confusion for users and travellers (Novack, Vorbeck & Zipf 2021).
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Combining the Impact
Media Literacy
Educating individuals about media literacy is crucial in combating the effects of fake news on crowdsourced data. Encouraging critical thinking and teaching individuals how to fact-check information can help users distinguish between credible and false information. Promoting media literacy not only empowers individuals to discern the accuracy of information but also contributes to a more informed and discerning online community (Lord & Vogt 2021).
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Platform Policies
Crowdsourced platforms can play a vital role in mitigating the impact of fake news. They can implement stricter content policies and fact-checking measures to prevent the spread of false information within their communities. By setting clear guidelines and enforcing them rigorously, these platforms can help maintain the quality and credibility of crowdsourced information (Ng, Tang & Lee 2022).
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User Vigilance
Empowering users to report suspicious content can be an effective means of maintaining the quality of crowdsourced information. Many platforms rely on vigilant users to help identify and address fake news. By encouraging users to flag misleading or false content, platforms can more effectively address the problem and maintain the trust of their communities (Zewe 2022).
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Collaborative Fact-Checking
Promoting a culture of fact-checking among contributors can be a proactive approach to mitigate the impact of fake news on crowdsourced data. Crowdsourced platforms can encourage users to verify information before contributing it. This can help prevent the spread of false information, improve the accuracy of data, and enhance the overall quality of the shared knowledge (LI & Chang 2023).
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In an era filled with fake news, the effects on crowdsourced information are significant and complex. The examples provided highlight the challenges that communities face when trying to maintain the accuracy and integrity of their shared knowledge. However, by fostering media literacy, enforcing platform policies, promoting user vigilance, and encouraging collaborative fact-checking, we can collectively combat the negative impact of fake news and ensure that crowdsourced information remains a reliable resource in the digital age. Crowdsourcing has the potential to be a powerful force for good, and by addressing the challenges posed by fake news, we can harness its full potential in building a more informed and connected world.
List of References
Aimeur, E, Amri, S & Brassard, G 2023, 'Fake news, disinformation and misinformation in social media: a review', Soc Netw Anal Min, vol. 13, no. 1, viewed 1 November 2023, <https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9910783/>.
Dhiman, B 2023,, 'The rise and impact of misinformation and fake news on digital youth: A critical review', University of Science and Technology, YMCA, 1 May, viewed 1 November 2023, <https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=4438362>.
Dizikes, P 2021, 'Study: Crowds can wise up to fake news', MIT News, 1 September, viewed 1 November 2023, <https://news.mit.edu/2021/crowd-source-fact-checking-0901>.
Hargrave, M 2022, Crowdsourcing: Definition, how it works, types, and examples, Investopedia, viewed 1 November 2023, <https://www.investopedia.com/terms/c/crowdsourcing.asp#:~:text=Crowdsourcing%20is%20the%20collection%20of%20information%2C%20opinions%2C%20or,skills%20or%20thoughts%20from%20all%20over%20the%20world.>.
Havilland, E 2018, 'Competing with or against crowds', Digital Innovation and Transformation, 19 March, viewed 1 November 2023, <https://d3.harvard.edu/platform-digit/submission/wikipedia-the-ultimate-crowdsourced-knowledge-tool/>.
Li, J & Chang, X 2023, 'Combatting misinformation by sharing the truth: a study on the spread of fact checks on social media', Information Systems Frontiers, 11 June, viewed 1 November 2023, <https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10796-022-10296-z>.
Lord, KM & Vogt, K 2021, 'Strengthen media literacy to win the fight against misinformation', Stanford Social Innovation Review, 18 March, viewed 1 November 2023, <https://ssir.org/articles/entry/strengthen_media_literacy_to_win_the_fight_against_misinformation#>.
Ludvik, E 2020, The impact and role of crowdsourcing in the information age, Crowdsourcing Week, viewed 1 November 2023, <https://crowdsourcingweek.com/blog/the-impact-and-roles-of-crowdsourcing-in-the-information-age/>.
Ng, KC, Tang, J & Lee, D 2022, 'The effect of platform intervention policies on fake news discrimination and survival on empirical examination', Journal of Management Information Systems, vol. 38, no. 4, viewed 1 November 2023, <https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/07421222.2021.1990612>.
Novack, T, Vorbeck, L & Zipf, A 2021, 'An investigation of the temporality of OpenStreetMap data contribution activities', Geo-spatial Information Science, 7 October, viewed 1 November 2023, <https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/10095020.2022.2124127>.
Zewe, A 2022, 'Empowering social media users to assess content helps fight misinformation', Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 16 November, viewed 1 November 2023, <https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2022/11/221116150648.htm>.
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haggishlyhagging · 1 year
“Near the turn of the century, it was the middle class which expressed the greatest commitment to "saving" the home. In the home they saw an ideal which could unite the lowly worker and the corporate mogul: Didn't the workers really want nothing more than a secure and cozy home? Didn't the capitalists know that nothing would be better for "labor peace" than a domesticated work force? Furthermore, the home could be an essential training place in the industrial “virtues.” As Rev. Samuel Dike, a leading campaigner against the liberalization of divorce laws explained:
The industrial world should see that its fundamental needs of industry, efficiency, fidelity to tasks, and loyalty to all demands of the situation require qualifications of mind and character that depend very largely on the home behind the workman . . .
Beyond that, the home was an ideal "container" for aspirations which could not be met in an increasingly stratified society: from a middle-class point of view it was a wholesome target for working-class ambitions and from a male point of view it was a safe focus for women's energies.
Many of the reform efforts of this period aimed, directly or indirectly, at the defense of the Home. The best-publicized causes were those which addressed themselves to the external dangers which threatened the home—alcohol, prostitution, poor housing, unregulated female and child labor. The domestic science reformers received far less attention: they had no lurid abuses to expose; they made no claims on the collective conscience of industrialists and politicians.
But only they addressed themselves to the danger within—the home's eroded core, the Domestic Void. Necessarily their initial priority was the middle-class home, where the void was most palpable and threatening. Better housing, better wages, and legislation to restrict female employment—all of these could not save the home and enforce the romantic solution to the Woman Question if women did not have something useful to do within the home. As the Ladies' Home Journal editorialized, social stability required that the void be filled:
As a matter of fact, what a certain type of woman needs today more than anything else is some task that "would tie her down." Our whole social fabric would be the better for it. Too many women are dangerously idle.”
-Barbara Ehrenreich and Deirdre English, For Her Own Good: 150 Years of the Experts’ Advice to Women
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bwhitex · 8 months
American Leftist as the Political Cuck Mind
“In the mind of the political cucks, the United States, is a rentable hegemon for foreign cultures to migrate to and use to influence events in their homelands. Groups may band together, forming influential political alliances that overshadow the interests of the nation's founders', and even their descendants. This approach represents a skewed perspective, favoring self-interest over communal legacy and courage.”
This quoted that I came up with portrays a perspective where the United States is seen as a power that individuals and collectives from other nations can move to and then use as a base to impact their countries of origin. This viewpoint is technically called diaspora politics, but also suggests that as these groups form and gain influence, they might overshadow the intents and visions of the nation's founders and their descendants. The underlying concern here is that these actions could be driven by self-interest rather than a dedication to the shared values and collective bravery that are part of America's heritage.
In simpler terms, this take suggests that when people come to America and focus on their own goals, especially those tied to where they came from, they might unintentionally shift the focus away from the common good. It's as if everyone is playing a game of tug-of-war, pulling in directions that benefit their personal agendas. As a result, the fabric of what the U.S. stands for could start to fray. The big idea of sticking together and looking out for each other gets lost if we're all too busy competing for our own interests. The fear is that this might lead to a loss of the shared stories, values, and sense of unity that have held the country together. If this happens, the trust in our institutions and leaders could erode, as people might think they're just in it for themselves. It's a warning that the U.S. needs to balance welcoming new influences with preserving the collective spirit that has defined the nation. So how does their social force happen anyways?
Exploring the Social Fabric and Decoding Our Collective Dynamics
In the complex of society of the star spangle banner, people often seek to understand how various elements come together to shape the world we live in. A thought-provoking way to examine these dynamics is through an intriguing formula that might look like something straight out of a mathematics textbook, yet it speaks to the very human experience of social interaction:
F_s = (1 / CLC) * (SI * ST + SI * C + SI * I + SI * MD + SI * PP) - (SC + CH + TI + PG + GR)
Let's break down this equation into everyday language and explore what each piece really stands for in our communities though. The social force, represented by F_s , is determined by the inverse of communal legacy and courage, (CLC) , multiplied by the sum of self-interest, (SI) , interacting with various social issues such as short-termism (ST) , conflict (C ), inequality (I), moral decline ( MD), and political polarization ( PP ). This product is then reduced by the sum of positive social factors such as social cohesion ( SC ), cultural heritage ( CH ), trust in institutions ( TI ), the availability of public goods ( PG ), and the global reputation ( GR ). The result is the net social force which could either be positive or negative, indicating either a stabilizing or destabilizing effect on society.
Why Did I Use?
In the metaphorical equation provided, the number one is used in the context of an inverse relationship. It's situated in the denominator alongside the term 'Communal Legacy and Courage' (CLC) to indicate that as CLC increases, its effect on the social force, denoted as F_s, becomes inversely smaller. The use of 1 here is like a constant that represents wholeness and unity, suggesting that a strong communal legacy and courage can reduce the negative impact of various societal challenges.
By placing 1 over CLC, the equation highlights the importance of communal legacy and courage in scaling the outcomes of social interactions. It's a common approach in mathematical expressions to use 1 as a normalizing factor, ensuring consistent units or scale of the result. When it comes to metaphorical equations, the actual numerical value is less important than the conceptual relationships it illustrates. Here, the number 1 serves as a stable reference point, a baseline against which the influence of communal ties and historical valor on society's well-being is measured.
The Foundation is Communal Legacy and Courage (CLC)
At the heart of our societal strength is what we can call: Communal Legacy and Courage (CLC). Think of it as the inherited wisdom and bravery of our forebears that shapes how we tackle today's challenges. When this foundation is strong, it seems to turn down the volume on the chaos that can otherwise dominate our social lives.
The Catalyst is Self-Interest (SI)
Self-Interest (SI) is a thread that runs through the entire equation, hinting at how our personal desires and goals are a driving force in society. This isn't necessarily selfish; it's just human nature. Our individual ambitions can be a powerful engine for progress, depending on how they interact with other societal elements.
The Challenges
Short-Termism (ST)
Short-Termism, (ST), when mixed with self-interest, captures our often myopic focus on the immediate rewards rather than the long haul. It's the societal equivalent of choosing instant gratification over enduring success.
Conflict (C)
Conflict (C) reflects, the inevitable clashes that happen when people with different views and interests cross paths. When fueled by self-interest, these disagreements can turn from sparks into wildfires, threatening the social peace.
Inequality (I)
Inequality (I), is about the gaps between the haves and the have-nots. When self-interest leads to a few getting more while many get less, the stability of society is at risk.
Moral Decline (MD)
Moral Decline(MD), suggests a slipping of societal values and norms. It's what happens when self-interest overshadows what's right, and personal gain trumps ethical considerations.
Political Polarization (PP)
Political Polarization (PP), describes the growing divide in political beliefs. Self-interest here amplifies the us-versus-them mentality, making it harder to find common ground.
The Stabilizers
Social Cohesion (SC)
Social Cohesion (SC), is the glue that holds society together. It's the community spirit that combats the divisive effects of self-interest and the various challenges we face.
Cultural Heritage (CH)
Cultural Heritage (CH), represents our shared history and traditions. It's a stabilizing force, reminding us of our collective identity and the stories that unite us.
Trust in Institutions (TI)
Trust in Institutions (TI), is about our faith in the systems and structures that govern us. When we trust that these institutions work for our benefit, it helps to counterbalance the more disruptive forces in society.
Availability of Public Goods (PG)
The Availability of Public Goods, (PG) is about having access to resources and services that benefit everyone. Good schools, clean water, and safe roads are examples. When these are available, they help smooth out societal wrinkles caused by self-interest.
Global Reputation (GR)
Global Reputation (GR), reflects how the rest of the world sees us. A strong reputation can lead to international support and opportunities, which in turn can mitigate some of the internal pressures we face.
Understanding this "social force equation" gives us a glimpse into the push and pull of societal dynamics. It's about recognizing that while our personal desires shape our actions, they don't exist in a vacuum. They interact with a host of broader issues that can either destabilize or strengthen our collective existence. Through this lens, we can appreciate the delicate balance required to maintain a society that is both vibrant and stable.
In a world teeming with diverse individual aspirations and collective goals, understanding the forces that shape societal dynamics is crucial. The tug-of-war between self-interest and the pursuit of communal legacy has been the subject of scholarly debates for decades. Modern research suggests that this interplay is far from being a simple dichotomy and instead operates within a vast spectrum of social motivations and behaviors.
Historically, self-interest has been painted with a rather unidimensional brush, often associated with selfishness and short-term gains. However, in contemporary times there is a more nuanced view. For instance, one could argue that self-interest, when aligned with ethical standards, can lead to innovation and societal progress. This equation did not highlight how personal gains, in the form of entrepreneurship, can contribute to community development and job creation. Instead, it talked about the problems that need to be addressed and the process of how they unfold.
The concept of communal legacy extends beyond mere altruism. It encompasses a set of values and practices that ensure the long-term welfare and resilience of communities. Community-driven initiatives in the U.S. showcase the profound impact of collective efforts in social, and political sustainability, and preservation of cultural heritage. These things often require the sacrifice of immediate personal benefits for the sake of future generations.
The interaction between self-interest and communal legacy is intricate. The equation presented is a model where these forces are antagonistic, but there can be synergistic. The pursuit of self-interest can lead to the development of skills and resources that, when channeled appropriately, enhance communal strength and legacy.
The implications of this dynamic are vast. Policymakers and social planners are tasked with creating environments where the pursuit of personal goals does not come at the expense of communal well-being. This balance is delicate and requires a deep understanding of the motivational factors that drive individuals and communities.
As we forge ahead, the challenge remains to cultivate societies where self-interest and communal legacy do not just coexist but collaborate. Further research in this domain is imperative. By harnessing the power of self-interest in service of the community, we can aspire to create a legacy that is not only enduring but also enriching.
The Complex Web of Self-Interest and Community Legacy in Society invites us to explore the multifaceted nature of our actions and their broader implications. It encourages a reflection on the balance needed to maintain an environment where individual and communal interests harmoniously coexist - a balance that is the essence of societal progress and stability.
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