#facebook messenger app
ao3screenshotss · 10 months
in 2020 i read a mlb chatfic and luka told marinette to go to sleep and she was like okay and then he was like liar i can see you liking posts on instagram and i spent a whole week wondering how he managed to do that
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intuitivefire · 8 months
⋅˚₊‧ ୨ Steven Universe App Icons ୧ ‧₊˚ ⋅
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tarysande · 1 month
THE TRIAL (redux)
--the kafkaesque experience of trying to log in to FB messenger on PC only to have it tell me to accept the alert on my phone which when I attempt to do so tells me to log in to facebook (I am!) and/or download the app (I'm in the app right now) and which will not open the app from the app store even though the blue button says OPEN and then you open the OPEN APP and it notifies you that someone (ME) is trying to log in from an unknown browser would I like to review it? No, Facebook, I would like to accept that it is ME EVERYTHING HAPPENING IS ME and then when I finally just get it to send me a text message it tells me my password is wrong and logs me out and there's an error with trying to log in via facebook please try your email and password but not that password that's the wrong one okay you need to verify it's you by accepting the alert on your phone--
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darkphoenix180 · 1 month
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randomweas · 2 years
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La Fábrica de Logos de JIGPX (1/2)
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deanpinterester · 9 months
actually genuinely why is there no real setting on facebook to Only see posts from your friends. why is the feed 99% suggested pages and posts i don't care about. at least with instagram you now have the option to choose. how are you even supposed to use facebook now
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steorran · 1 year
i would like a social media platform that doesn't steal and sell my data but unfortunately it is even more important to me to be on a social media platform that has my friends also there
we can move to a different platform if we all go together, but i am not interested in adding multiple new sites to my rotation to keep in touch with everyone
that is why i am still on instagram (real life friends are on there, in addition to online friends) and twitter (online friends are on there)
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angry-geese · 1 year
I would literally rather use YouTube reels than ever go back to Facebook
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sugaroto · 2 years
I just had some kind of a mini crisis cause messenger forced me to make a Facebook account ✌
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anhometech · 1 month
How to Log Out of Facebook Messenger on All Devices
How to Log Out of Facebook Messenger: A Step-by-Step Guide Facebook Messenger is a popular messaging app that allows users to communicate with their friends, family, and colleagues. While it offers a convenient way to stay connected, there may be times when you want to log out of Messenger for various reasons. In this guide, we will walk you through the steps to log out of Messenger on different…
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tytangfei · 2 months
If anyone finds out how to stop Meta/FB/IG search bars from being "AI" and forcing me to "consent" to their policies even though I'm literally just trying to search the profile of a friend, let me know, thanks
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warrenwoodhouse · 5 years
Facebook Messenger App - January 2019 Update Looks Horrid! (App Reviews) (Reviews)
Review By: Warren Woodhouse
I load up Messenger, same as usual, now everything looks like how Microsoft does makes things look, if I wanted this I would still be using Skype rather than Messenger!! It looks terrible and it’s hard to navigate as well, making it an incredibly very unfriendly experience for a disabled person such as myself. Looks horrible now than in the previous versions before. So I’ve decided to give it a rating of 2 instead of the usual 5 rating because of my current experience and would love an update soon otherwise I’m going to use a different messaging service.
Sometimes messages don’t come through in the previous update. Chat Extensions need the ability to add directly to Home Screen but this doesn’t happen in all Chat Extensions even in the current version.
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the-pickle-jar · 4 months
we should bring back text communication via email for casual texting or smth idk
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juliansimonblog · 6 months
How to Hack Facebook Messenger Account in Mobile 2024
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Navigating Facebook Messenger Account Access in 2024 Without Passwords
Exploring Facebook Messenger Hacking: The DM Spy Tool Unveiled
DMSOCIALSPY, also known as the DM Spy Tool, stands as a cutting-edge direct message monitoring solution compatible with Facebook Messages, Twitter DMs, Instagram DMs, and Snapchat Private Messages. Crafted by a team of Canadian software developers, this tool has undergone continuous refinement since its inception in 2019.
Tailored to enable users to navigate messages across diverse social media platforms, the DM Spy Tool possesses the capability to intercept private messages within popular networks and decrypt them for personal examination.
Prioritizing user-friendliness, the application simplifies the process, making it accessible even to individuals without a technical background. The streamlined procedure involves users inputting necessary details, with the tool taking care of the rest. Contrary to common misconceptions, it proves remarkably straightforward, taking only about 5 minutes to intercept Direct Messages on both Facebook and Twitter.
Remarkably, this spy tool is available at no cost, allowing users to access it online without the need for downloads or registration. No passwords or private account details are required, and the targeted account remains unaware of the monitoring activities.
Upon visiting the website, users are presented with platform options – Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Snapchat. Subsequently, users choose the relevant platform for monitoring, input the victim’s details (e.g., username, first/last name), and the tool proceeds within a 2-minute timeframe without any financial obligations.
Here is a step-by-step guide on using the Facebook DM Spy Tool:
Navigate to the homepage and select the Facebook platform. Input the target’s precise name and Facebook username. Perform human verification to manage website traffic effectively. Upon verification, gain access to the victim’s Facebook messages. Observe a contact list of recent interactions, including sent and received messages. Click on a specific contact to view their direct messages.
Similar steps apply to Instagram Direct Messages, Twitter DMs, and Snapchat messages.
It is crucial to note that the presentation of this DM spy tool is strictly for educational purposes, and any misuse is strongly discouraged. The responsibility for any potential misuse lies solely with the individual employing the tool.
While this Social Media Spy Software has been operational since 2019, users are advised to be aware that it may face removal in the future due to evident ethical concerns.
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komten · 8 months
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xtrablak674 · 9 months
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Fuck Your Community Standards
Closed out my Facebook account I don't know feels like maybe four years ago, it was probably less because my sense of passing time is horrible. But I kept Messenger, there are a few of the kids I speak to there and the couple of friends who aren't on Apple devices I just find it easier to use one of these platforms than the other options for communicating via smart device.
Three days ago I get a message that said,
"You can't send messages for 3 days. Something you sent in a chat went against our Community Standards. See Community Standards."
Now this is where the low levels of obsessive compulsive disorder in my brain kick in. There are truly only three people I message with regularly on Messenger, my sister in Florida, my niece in the same state and a friend in Buffalo. Now there had been two others who I had worked with back in the late nineties who I had messaged because I found something that they might find interesting. But according to FB's message "something" was the problem...
To one I sent a screenshot of the PoopReport.com website that he used to webmaster and create content for. He had asked my help on a few design project for the site, which I happily contributed to because he had helped me with copywriting needs on many occasion. The other a friend I had worked at the same ad agency as the first guy, who I really became more friends with post-employment. I had a few photos of my trip to Georgia after I lost my dot-com job and stayed a night with him and his beau at the time.
The math wasn't mathing, I didn't have beef with any of these people. Meaning some unresolved issue or matter that we hadn't talked about that lead to distance. I did send my niece a NPR podcast link about BDSM, but once again a National Public Radio link! I am finding it hard to believe that any of these people would report what I sent to FB as opposed to speak to me directly.
This is the shit I had about the post social-media world we live in, we don't say shit to folks because we may offend someone. What this leads us to is a whole lot of unresolved feelings and things left unsaid.
But my bigger issue is with directly with Meta. How are you going to send me some vague-ass message, and then give me no recourse other than reading your very extensive Community Standards, which I already violated and was being punished for? How exactly is this helpful to me NOT doing what ever it is I did again? If I don't know which message was the offending message I can't refine or adjust what I send in the future, I am literally set up to fail.
There are a couple of other platforms I am on that give you the right to dispute a matter, and then they will re-review the problematic post or message. But those aren't communications platforms, and I guess its too much trouble to do the same thing on these kind of apps.
What it does is first is annoy the shit out of me, cause I am left attempting to figure out what I did in a myriad of different kinds of post I had sent recently. Was it the words of inspiration, or maybe the cat meme or maybe the word "poop" is against community standards, how the fuck am I supposed to know?
The next thing it does is discourage me from using the app further, all of the folks I speak to regularly there I can speak to on another platforms, and fuck Meta altogether. But why does it have to come to such extreme actions, I am a low-level user. Truth be told I'd prefer to just have everyone on iMessage and get rid of this need for any kind of mixed-messages.
I didn't READ the Community Guidelines because seriously that would be useless, but I did copy their topics which I have listed below:
Violence and Incitement
Dangerous Organizations and Individuals
Coordinating Harm and Promoting Crime
Restricted Goods and Services
Fraud and Deception
Suicide and Self-Injury
Child Sexual Exploitation, Abuse and Nudity
Adult Sexual Exploitation
Bullying and Harassment
Human Exploitation
Privacy Violations
Hate Speech
Violent and Graphic Content
Adult Nudity and Sexual Activity
Sexual Solicitation
Account Integrity and Authentic Identity
Inauthentic Behavior
Intellectual Property
User Requests
Additional Protection of Minors
I can't even remotely see anything I sent three days ago figuring into any of these categories, unless it was a request by the user which is low-key a signal to me to not fuck with that person anymore. I mean lets just contact the feds and start the RICO case, this is ridiculous. I am always of the mind, if you have a problem with me, tell me don't tell a third party. But because Meta keeps the shit ambiguous as fuck I don't even know who I should unfriend or at least cease communications with.
The fact that this entire matter has taken up residence in my head for the last three days has pissed me the fuck off. Its like seriously, can't we use our words? I was mildly joking with a nibling the other day when I said, I would low-key just love to move to the blue area of the moon and just stop fucking with folks completely. But then they started to point out to me the things I benefit from from society. My question is this, what is a good is a society that can't say what it means, and more importantly mean what it says?
[Screenshot by Brown Estate]
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