ryhmus · 2 months
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It's too late...he's already gone...
Art for Noli Mei Oblivisci Chapter 17, Facem Transiens
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zutaranation · 2 years
Hi, If I may ask is the fic The Fire Nation's Penance discontinued?
Hello, unfortunately, yes, The Fire Nation's Penance is permanently discontinued due to me no longer having a relationship with the story's coauthor. However, I might reboot it at some point when I have time and start my own fic from scratch based on it!
Thanks for being interested in my writing! :)
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mcpuliotjr · 2 years
u play these two in a row at ur party and my bestie @harunaz and i manifest in ur house with a crate of beer
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catie-does-things · 1 year
I re read your fic southern sun like 5 times, it is sooo good :3
Thanks, I'm glad you've enjoyed it so far!
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rafaeldifreitas · 1 year
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Cachorros são melhores que muita gente, Um olhar pedinte, um carinho sincero de quem só quer agradar; um rabo que abana apenas com nosso falar... A pureza m sua expressão mais sincera. A plena doçura de quem vem ao mundo apenas para agradar. A raridade de um ser fiel. De quem dá a vida para proteger seu amor. Não somos donos, e sim amigos, no mais no mais alto grau que isso possa significar. Seres de luz, seres de amor, de alegria e bom humor. Dos nossos bens não se importam, pois sua alma é limpa e generosa, Quem dera ser um pouco de ti, ver o mundo  através da doçura de seus olhos. Quem dera ter sua paz, sorrir sem fazer pose e me deitar em qualquer lugar. Infelicidade de nossos tempos não coincidirem, embora em nossas lembranças não há dia que irá se apagar. Seu encanto não carece de palavras, pois amigos se entendem somente no abraçar. Talvez não haja explicação terrena para sua existência subliminar. Pequenas doces almas; seres angelicais; nos ensinam a pureza de AMAR, de CUIDAR e de TROCA sem nada a esperar.. OBRIGADO por existir, contigo aprendo a melhorar. Aprendo a ser melhor nos passos a trilhar e toda sua luz faz minha sombra iluminar. E o que ainda há de bondade nesse mundo, é você responsável por demonstrar. Que nosso amor nunca se encerre, pois o que o que é genuíno não há tempo nessa vida que se faça apagar. Obrigado por nos ensinar tantas lições valiosas, sobre CARINHO, LEALDADE E SINCERIDADE... Queridos Anjinhos
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caisartworks · 1 year
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Lacaille or as some call them "Cai"
They were a normal person just like you or I however something went horrifically wrong one day while experimenting... the child [at the age od 17 they vanished] of ***** a gent corporation employee, disappeared one day... never to be seen again by the eyes of the public... however people have told Joey there is a rattling in the pipes but all reports made always go dismissed...
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tragedygf · 2 days
ive been so obsessed w sporcle lately ive gotten sooo good i got 196 on my last score for all the countries in the world . literally doing anythingggg instead of studying 😭
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hellshee · 7 months
7,3 inflatie :)
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dearest-klaroline · 8 months
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Facem magie n buctrie
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chocotte · 2 years
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Facem magie n buctrie
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redactedcrowart · 10 months
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fatswaps · 9 months
Lucas had been a lovely young man his whole life, with a passion for helping others out. It was why he'd studied medicine to become a nurse. At only 26 years old, the young man had it all- a well paying job at a local hospital, an amazing body he'd worked hard for, and a pretty decent reputation in his neighborhood. This reputation was mostly because of his part time job, which involved helping his sickly neighbor Hector.
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Hector was an old veteran, the man was 87 years old, and his body was simply ruined. His hair was patchy and balding, with a completely white beard on his wrinkly facem his eyesight wasn't very good hence why he had to wear glasses and his 5,4 height was certainly not complimented by his morbid obesity. The old guy's health had been in decline for years, but Lucas was determined to make his last years more comfortable for the old man.
Unbeknownst to Lucas, Hector didn't see him as a means of making peace with his old age, but rather a way to escape it. One day, he invited Lucas over and showed him a strange device. Telling Lucas that it was an heirloom from his days as a soldier, Hector explained the device's purpose.
"This here is what the military called a swap gun. It's used to switch the bodies of two people that are consecutively shot by it"
Lucas seemed intrested, but his expression changed as Hector begun to explain what his idea was
"I'm getting older Lucas, and I want to feel what it's like to be young again, at least for a few hours. Would you let me switch bodies with you? It's completely reversible"
Feeling sorry for the old man, Hector sighed and responded
"If you really think it'll work, then sure. It's only a few hours, right?"
with that, the old man handed Lucas the device as his bedridden self was unable to stand long enough to do the job. With a deep breath, Lucas first shot himself and then Hector and suddenly everything fell silent.
When Lucas came to, he felt a crushing weight almost gluing him to the bed he was now laying in. With a struggle, the young man now turned old and fat sat up to see that his old body was nowhere to be seen. Spotting a note on his bed's side, Lucas begun to read
"Thanks for the body, Lucas! I'll be sure to get it back to you after I have some fun today. Until then, enjoy the pipe I left for you and watch some TV!"
With that, Lucas turned to the mirror to look at himself. He was hideous, his body a mess. He couldn't believe the swap actually worked and his mind was racing, but he kept himself composed as he reminded himself that Hector would swap them back tonight. So, he did as Hector suggested and decided to try that pipe.
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As the day slowly came to an end, Lucas was beginning to get anxious. Looking at his huge, slob like body- he longed to be his old self again. After several hours of waiting, Lucas realized how boring and difficult Hector's life was. He needed help to even get up and go to the bathroom, and he was constantly out if breath.
Suddenly the door opened and a familiar sight walked into the room. There was a confident smirk on Lucas' face, now belonging to Hector. He walked up to the bedside table and placed a hand on Lucas's fat belly
"Damn. I really let myself go in these years haven't I? I won't miss this old body."
Lucas seemed distressed as he frantically looked up at his old body
What do you mean- I- I thought we were swapping back!"
Hector let out a booming laugh as he grabbed the letter from Lucas's hands and crumbled it up
"No way I'm going back in that disgusting body. Enjoy being a fat fart for the rest of your life Lucas, not like you have much time left hahah!"
Hector than flashed his new abs at the crying old man Lucas was now permanently stuck as before leaving Lucas behind to helplessly struggle in his bed. Soon moving away from the neighborhood never to be seen again.
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As Hector enjoyed his new life, Lucas was left helpless as he didn't even have the support of another person to help him out. After a few months passed from the swap, Lucas was admitted to a mental hospital for saying stuff like his body was stolen. That was where he spent the rest of his days, as he passed away due to his morbid obesity three years after the swap.
He'd only gotten fatter, hairier and balder as he'd aged, his youth stolen from him by a selfish old man.
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eloise175 · 2 months
Headcanon: love languages
How Callisto and Penelope are disgustingly in love and decide to make it everyone’s problem. Their specialty is being smitten with each other no matter how much time has passed since they got together—sometimes it’s too much for the eyes of other people, cavity-inducing sight right there from too much sweetness.
➺ Physical touch:
Simply put, it’s reassuring. They always reach for the other, both as a sense of security and comfort. Hugs are very frequent and last for a good couple of minutes because neither of them wants to separate first, or at all.
When Callisto is stressed or is about to lose his temper, Penelope places a hand on his shoulder or seeks his own out. It helps him calm down and gather his thoughts.
Kisses are the best, Callisto can never get enough, and Penelope gets all warm and fuzzy inside when he gives her all the little soft kisses.
Callisto always has his arm wrapped around Penelope or holds her hand, it makes him feel good—it improves his day too (the palace staff will forever be grateful).
He’s very clingy, so much so that even during summer when it’s very hot, Callisto gathers her all to him even when she tells him that it’s too hot for cuddles, he doesn’t care that they’re both actively sweating waterfalls during nighttime as well. Penelope tries to roll away but ultimately fails to escape her husband’s clinginess.
➺ Words of affirmation:
Between the two of them, Callisto is the most vocal when it comes to expressing his affection through words, however with time Penelope learns too.
A reoccurring thing between them is that they tell each other the first thing that goes through their head, keywords bluntness and honesty.
Penelope could be staring at Callisto for a good five minutes and when he inquires about it, she just blurts out “you’re beautiful” or “I love you” which inevitably stuns him momentarily; it’s the same the other way around only that Penelope sees it coming since he does it pretty often, but inevitably she still gets all flustered.
➺ Acts of service:
This speaks for itself. Callisto would do anything for her and although he doesn’t expect anything back from her, Penny would still do them and he gets very happy when that happens.
The most frequent instance is him carrying her around despite her protesting against it. Penelope won’t admit it out loud but she enjoys being carried like that. Callisto knows and doesn’t miss any chance to tease her for it.
Massages could be classified as another act of service, especially after a long day. When he’s tired, Penny helps him take baths and is the one that washes his hair, he enjoys it a lot because her touch is relaxing.
Meanwhile, Callisto just wants to take care of his wife and often shoos the maids away because of it. It leads to him learning Penelope’s routine for skincare and whatnot. Later on to her insistence, they both end up having facem masks together to his amusement.
➺ Gift giving:
Having held off from splurging for most of his life, finally Callisto has something that he’d gladly spend his money on—or rather someone.
To him, Penelope deserves nothing but the best so he doesn’t think twice about getting her anything and everything she wants.
He tends to buy every little thing that reminds him of her, later offering them to Penelope as gifts—even if it lands him a scolding. She thinks he goes too overboard, but Callisto just wants to see her happy and shower her with riches and pretty things like her.
When they go out, if her eyes happen to linger on an object for longer than 5 seconds, it’s as good as sold in his books and you best believe he will get it for her, despite her protests.
Years later, Penelope is still salty over that handkerchief incident (even if she won’t ever admit it), so she embroiders plenty of handkerchiefs for him, and Callisto is always carrying at least one with him, proudly so. The others end up in the drawers of his office desk or easily reachable spots in places he spends the most time, so he never has to go without one.
Penelope also has some jewelry pieces made, thanks to her mines and assets which she turns into a business; due to this, Callisto is always seen wearing a brooch, cufflinks and earrings that are quite unique, expensive and of high quality. He’s very proud of those and likes to show off the gifts his wife got him, he can often be found bragging about said gifts in front of his vassals and soldiers—anyone really, even during events.
No one is spared from the Emperor’s endless gushing and words of adulation for his Empress and her thoughtfulness.
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catie-does-things · 2 years
your fanfic Southern Sun has such a unique plot it is pure gold. I can`t wait for the next update ... you are amazing :3
Thank you! Given that it was four years between the prologue and the first chapter I wouldn't expect that next installment too soon, but hopefully it will come around someday. I'm glad you've enjoyed the story so far.
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tamurakafkaposts · 1 year
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Așteptarea ne dă iluzia că facem ceva așteptând, când, de fapt, nu facem altceva decât să murim suportabil, puțin câte puțin…
Octavian Paler
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tragedygf · 6 months
mă simt ca la română cu trecerea ireversibilă a timpului ăia chiar nu mint
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