#faerghus is the people
recurringwriter · 2 years
hi so i have a theory that all faith magic users draw their ability with faith from something to become more powerful (so like linhardt gets stronger the more he learns, mercedes the more she worships, flayn the more friends she has, etc.) what would rodrigue draw his power from in your opinion
I do like to think that it can be faith in Anything, so Rodrigue has this unwavering belief in Lambert and in Faerghus, and that just keeps growing. Belief in the Goddess. Belief in the future. Belief in Felix and Dimitri and that Glenn's death (and life) had meaning.
I think that he also has faith in himself, maybe not that he is the Most Confident person in the world, but he has faith that he will choose to do the right thing, and believes that he can make a difference for his home and all the people he cares about. He's adaptable and willing to approach things in different ways, and to act before the worry can set in, because he believes in just Doing the right thing.
And all that propels him forward, originating with Lambert (and Lambert's belief in him?)--and Rodrigue's unswerving loyalty to his home. Because Lambert is/was his home, the epitome of what Faerghus was becoming.
So in the context of your specific question, I think Rodrigue would draw power from the people he befriends and loves--the people he wants to shield. The more people he can and wants to protect, the stronger he can be.
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bastart13 · 1 year
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I might have controversial opinions on the "Faerghus Four." Mostly that it doesn't exist, and at worst, it exists to exclude Dedue.
Yes, Dimitri, Ingrid, Sylvain, and Felix grew up together, but that was as children. While that history is significant to their relationships, it ignores everything after. With the tragedy of Duscur, Dimitri and Dedue became inseparable while Felix was sickened by them, Ingrid couldn't overlook Dedue's connection to the tragedy, and Sylvain's apathy grew.
Past the age of ~15, you can't ignore how Dedue and the tragedy affects their relationships. I don't see just the four of them as a friend group, especially not without him because he's so important to Dimitri and the themes of Faerghus.
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randomnameless · 2 days
Looking at some post somewhere comparing UO to the FE series
"wow interesting! I can't wait to read it!"
Few seconds later
"so that's why UO is a closer game to the FE franchise than Engage bcs Engage BaD, but it doesn't reach the "depth" of Houses which I really love bcs every character had nuance and depth save for the evil lizard lady who is very BaD"
Damn guys, I finally understand what y'all were saying about some fans comparing their "Galvius did nothing wrong save for singing a Jpop song uwu" masterpiss to everything else in existence to praise it, while shitting on Engage for funsies.
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lumeha · 1 year
Shaking everything like you don't understand I hate how 3H does not CARE about the people who the Agarthans took the place of !!! I hate that no one grieves for Arundel, Cornelia or Tomas !!! I hate that all that will be remembered of them is their desecrated corpses moved around like puppets and vomiting the worst shit known to man because the Agarthans do not care !!! Even the ones who do some sliver of effort to act in a similar manner to the ones they stole the identity for !!!!
Arundel was probably truly one of the rare person who cared for Edelgard and no one will know it because he's DEAD and THALES took his place !!!! This is fucking insane to me !!!!!!!
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dimiclaudeblaigan · 11 months
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Another reason why the whole "forced marriages" concept (that Rhea haters ate up like pie) is bullshit.
Speaking for Faerghus, since this seems to be an issue players point the finger at Faerghus for, it's just... not true? This NPC does understand there are political implications to his marriage, but he wasn't forced into it and neither was his wife. They married for love.
The only known case of an arranged marriage prospect within Faerghus' known cast is Ingrid, and that's something Ingrid has taken on for herself as well. She knows her lands struggle with crops and that her people go hungry. She's choosing to deal with a non-romantic marriage for her people.
But what about Glenn, you ask? There are two aspects to that:
The marriage was arranged when Ingrid was born, but it's worth noting the marriage was arranged between Gunnar and a childhood friend's son. She wasn't just being married off to just anyone. It was both a childhood friend (who Gunnar clearly had deep trust in)'s son, but also a family member of the royal family's right hand family. But what about the Houses paralogue, you ask? Gunnar wasn't aware of the man's crimes, but as soon as he found out he rejected the proposal. Gunnar cares about his daughter's happiness and wellbeing. The only reason they're searching for a marriage candidate is because Galatea lands desperately need the financial support.
Ingrid is the only case we know of where she's being "married off" (her endings rebuke this entirely anyway because she does end up marrying for love if paired with someone). Nobody else in Faerghus had a marriage forced or politically forced on them (and frankly I still fail to understand how the Church is supposedly at fault for concept of this being the case period anyway). Dimitri, the literal prince and at the time of birth immediate heir to the throne, was never forced to marry. Felix has never been pushed to marry. Sylvain has never been pushed to marry (despite how important it is that they continue that bloodline). Annette, a female, has never been pushed to marry.
In other words, the major political players have never put their kids into arranged marriage with a single exception of necessity for one family (Galatea), and in Rodrigue's case with Glenn, it was done with a childhood friend's lands' welfare in mind. Gunnar could have married Ingrid to anyone at any point, but the most important aspect of it is that when it was arranged without her say so (i.e. at her birth), it was done with the son of a man who Gunnar trusted implicitly.
After Glenn died, Ingrid was plenty old enough to have a say so in who she might be married to. Presumably the issue wasn't pushed on her for a while after Glenn died for emotional reasons, but once they tried again, Ingrid had a say in things. Her father sent her letters specifically for her input. No, she doesn't want to marry for political reasons, but she understands how much her lands need it. Still though, her father won't force her to marry some scumbag. If she tells him she won't marry someone, he accepts that.
In other words, the only argument that can be used for "forced marriages" falls flat on its face. It's not a regular practice in Faerghus. None of the heirs to specific territories are being married against their will. The only instance we know about isn't so extreme that Gunnar is just going for it and picking the best dowry without considering his daughter's happiness and health.
The one time it was decided before she was old enough to give her input, Gunnar didn't need to "consider" marriage prospects and be unsure who to pick, because it was planned between two old friends who trusted each other and presumably felt that their child would be safe with the other family in question.
My biggest problem with people saying this claim is supported is that for the most part, people just take Claude's words in GW at pure face value and assume it's absolute, definite truth when he gives nor has any evidence to back it up (mainly because he blames it on the Church, which still doesn't make sense because such things are out the Church's jurisdiction. No amount of "seeing what the world is like without Rhea" is going to change Faerghus' politics, so even if his claims were true, Claude would have to go talk to every single individual territory within Faerghus to realize the truth if he's that dead set on his view of this, as each territory does its own thing politically).
He brings it up like it's a fact in Faerghus, which as I've said before, he has literally no knowledge whatsoever about Faerghus, and it shows. He doesn't even know extremely basic things, such as the previous king literally dying in the middle of making friends with a foreign land. He knows that Lambert died in Duscur during the Tragedy, and that's... basically the extent of his knowledge and understanding about it. For some reason though in Hopes, he thinks he understands Faerghus as well as he understands Almyra.
It's also annoying because in Fodlan games, a character can just say something - literally anything at all - and it's eaten up immediately and taken at pure face value with no thoughts actually put into questioning its validity. And before anyone says "but Dimitri didn't argue this in Zaharas!" yeah, I'm aware, and I feel that was a huge reason why that chapter, trying to be the "we fight as allies this once" chapter, was a total flop, aside from other things (particularly in the SB/GW department with Dimitri and magically wanting to "talk things over" with someone who had just murdered one of his dearest friends mere hours ago tops in SB, or in GW where politics would demand more from him).
The games have a problem with trying to introduce false concepts through characters who don't know better (i.e. introducing incorrect perspectives that we're meant to understand are just perspectives and not the truth nor fact) but then not refuting those claims, despite the game itself as the story progresses outright denying those things, whether outright or passively (in the latter's case, again, other important political figures having no talks of marriage on the table at all).
In the screenshots, the NPC is aware that politics have to get involved with his marriage, but he wasn't forced to marry and neither was she. Not only does he mention it, but he wants people to know they married for love. He's basically saying he doesn't want people to misinterpret their reasons for marriage (wanting land, wealth, etc).
In Ingrid's case, it was started with that goal in mind, but it started out in safe hands. After that she always had a say in who she might marry, and ultimately didn't marry for political reasons. The one person who was possibly going to marry for political reasons in Faerghus and not out of love ends up not even doing that.
Honestly, in Claude's case, I feel like he was just written with no purpose in mind except to rock the boat unnecessarily, because everything he claims in regard to Faerghus is purely speculation on his part. He knows absolutely nothing about Faerghus (in both games, but his ignorance in Houses isn't malicious, whereas you could argue in Hopes he's attempting to overthrow what he believes are their systems when even if they were, it would still be none of his business) but talks like he's lived there or spoken to its people who make the decisions he claims are happening.
Also, the concept of Dimitri being forced to do this that and the other thing are just... not true? Dimitri is happy to be able to help others and make reforms for his lands. He likes that he's able to have the power to make good change and help people. He knows that you need a certain degree of power to be able to push things in a better direction and to have a voice. By having the most important voice, he can make other voices known that otherwise would not be. When people have no choice but to listen to the king, he can demand that other voices are heard.
Even in his A support with Shez, he believes his happiest moment will be when he dies after dedicating his life to "a peaceful kingdom full of joyous citizens". I get the whole "but he isn't living for himself!" side of things, but this part of this post is specifically about how Dimitri is supposedly "forced" into doing things because he's king; but plain and simple, he wants to be king because by having the highest power in his land, he can make positive change happen
"This bad thing is happening in the Kingdom!" Well now he can change that. He wants to change things in his land for the better, and he understands that his position is a necessity for that. That's why he's so upset when he's "rendered powerless by age" in Houses, i.e. can't ascend the throne yet. He wanted to make change and couldn't. He wanted to do right for the Kingdom, but he couldn't yet.
Basically what I'm saying is that people keep using Claude's Hopes rhetoric as "fact", but literally none of it is. It's all based on the most severe amount of ignorance in both games and him for some reason believing that he knows jack shit about Faerghus. That includes the marriage "issue", which while I'd say it may exist in Adrestia (ex. Bernadetta being planned to marry Ferdinand), does not exist in Faerghus as any sort of "issue".
I don't recall if it's really even present in Leicester? So either... Claude just pulled that argument out of his absolute ass, or he's seeing an issue in Leicester and for some reason assuming his country's politics are every country's politics, which is, again, total ignorance (and he makes no effort to ever found out if any of that is true).
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renisfan · 1 year
I think it's rather famous how Dedue's lines at Tailtain was atrociously lolcalized (for those who don't know they lolcalized "please fulfill your true desire... avenge my brethren... avenge the late king...!" "I'll always be at your side" "my one and only..." to "I'll avenge your father" "you're the one true king", which is so lol it may even become lmaocalization). But do you know that Ingrid got hit terribly as well?
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...Stand down, Ingrid. You don't want to die, do you?
...I refuse. I can't be your ally.
Haha, stubborn as ever. I quite like that about you, you know?
...It's really laughable, isn't it? To think that the last person you flirt with would be me.
You can also listen to the voice acting to feel the difference.
Ingrid: *is sad she's going to kill Sylvain*
Treehouse: no she just hate him, right?
Speaking of Sylvain:
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...This is my long-awaited chance for vengeance. I won't let it go to waste...even at the cost of my own life...!
Haha...damn it... How shameful I am...
Finally...I can go where they are...
I'm sorry, Your Majesty... I...will go ahead...waiting for you...
...Thank you, Sylvain. I too...will go where you are.
(you can find the voices in the same page as the links above)
And since I just mentioned it to @randomnameless, let's also listen to this very simple reaction of mitri to mercie's death.
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We'll take the lead! Charge!
...If we lose here, the kingdom capital will fall. Everyone took the crest stone willingly.
You say willingly...! ...I shall repay their deaths... with victory!
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And lastly I'd like to close with this gem:
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Not only have you descended into the emperor's lap dog, now you even take part in the invasion of your own country...
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No we don't talk about the word "invasion" in this house.
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hapigairu · 11 months
Tbf, Petra probably drank the revanchist nationalism kool-aid and thought Faerghus (or Leichester) stole land from the Empire instead of y'know not thinking that maybe a territory wants to be independent and fought for said independence. But no, everything belongs to the Empire.
Hm... well, that's true, but I can't say I like this one bit. lol Petra was brought to the Empire at a pretty young age and was more or less treated like a circus animal, from what we've been told, that is. She tried to learn Fodlanese by herself and was met with mockery from the nobles in return:
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It sounds to me like she hadn't anyone to turn to in the Empire despite being a political hostage and, y'know, a princess and the heir to Brigid's throne. I don't know about you, but if I was in this situation, I wouldn't jump on the "Adrestia fuck yeah" train, but rather on the "Adrestia fuck you" one. But then, Edelgard ousts Thales and his circus from the Empire and Petra returns to Brigid during the timeskip, meaning Edelgard allowed her to do so. We can assume that it's during that time frame that Petra bought Edelgard's spiel and decided to murder people so that the Empire can do a big fat land grab fight for her Cause (tm). But... why would she? Because Edelgard wasn't a jerk to her that makes her war okay and legitimate in Petra's eyes? If she supported the Empire for the sake of Brigid, that would've been a different story. But here, she's willing to throw away her life for someone who's trying to annex two countries that were minding their own business and didn't do anything to Adrestia or Brigid??? Surely, there would have been a better way to justify Petra being a playable character. Then again, she's not the only smart and curious character to have lost a consequential number of brain cells in Hopes. But this is why Petra is way better in AG where she gets a much needed dose of reality.
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untitledgoosegay · 5 months
one of these days i'm going to write a long post about how fe3h loves to have its cake and eat it too, wrt character and plot depth
every character can be boiled down to a few-word outline, an easily-marketable trope -- which is then detailed and developed on. with more or less success and thoroughness, there is thought and care put into what kind of person inhabits that trope, and what it feels like to be them; the character is fleshed out within the confines that marketability allows
but their trope is still the defining structure, and you don't have to look any deeper; the narrative won't force you unless you go looking for it
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unxpctedlygreat · 2 years
Dimilix meal time feat. Shez:
Dimitri: I've always loved watching you eat, Felix. There's something almost erotic about it—
Felix: *fork clattering on the table* 😳
Shez: 🤨
Dimitri: HEROIC. I meant heroic. Of course.
Shez: that's not better at all.
Later, Shez asking Rodrigue about heroic eating out of curiosity:
Rodrigue, not missing a beat and completely sincerely: Why, yes! Is there anything more heroic than a loved one digging into a delicious homemade meal and the fervor with which they chew? My wife in particular—
Then asking Sylvain, because Sylvain at least will be normal about eating, right? ... right?
Sylvain: *goes on a rant about the way Ingrid eats and how he loves watching her go at it, and yeah he totally gets what His Majesty and Rodrigue were saying*
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pegasusknightsonly · 1 year
can't imagine why intelligent systems ltd believed that i would react to the revelation that Dimitri has been murdering entire settlements of his own civilians and razing them to the ground because he thought they might not support his reign without obtaining any actual proof of this with "poor Dimitri, all these politically motivated extra judicial killings must make him soooooo sad, he needs to believe in himself" but . i definitely did not have that reaction. my reaction to that information was very very different to feeling sorry for Dimitri because this must have been so hard for him. hard to stress how different my reaction was
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dmclemblems · 2 years
fr tho, gotta love how ppl bitch about “the kingdom is problematic bc ppl are willing to die for their country and king and care about their duties”
but then you’ve got ladislava who is the same thing but turned up to eleven and has no character outside of that fact but nobody cares bc she’s not from faerghus
and you’ve got lorenz who dedicates himself to the commonfolk and would die for them bc he sees it as his explicit duty to ensure the protection of commoners to the point that if a commoner dies protecting him he genuinely believes he’s failed in his duty, but nobody cares bc he’s not from faerghus
#gotta love how blind ppl are to the allegiances of every other character when they just single mindedly hate one place#like if you're gonna argue smth or have a discussion at least know the facts of the places you're defending too#and if you're not defending and only saying smth abt another place then be ready to deal with comparisons#like the other day I had this guy arguing with me about faerghus' loyalty and how miklan can't be redeemed#but he couldn't deal with being wrong and kept changing topics or finding ways to try to be like#BUT PPL CAN RELATE TO XYZ WHICH IS THE OPPOSITE OF THIS#like... okay yeah but... ppl can also relate to zyx so what's the point of that argument#you can't argue something is flawed but then be presented with facts proving smth you're defending to also be flawed and#just pretend what you're arguing is the only thing wrong or not accept that what you're arguing just doesn't work#imagine being proven against an argument so you just switch to something else instead of admitting#that your argument (and a stereotypical one about an entire group of people i.e. country in this case)#is flawed itself bc you're trying to argue abt a whole nation's mentality and how you hate it but you don't hate#the mentality of the people who don't live there and have the exact same mentality#and on top of that like the whole Faerghus thing is an older generation thing bc like yeah Rodrigue is like that#but Felix isn't. Sylvain in Hopes only died in SB bc he went out angrily after revenge and died seeking revenge#not just bc he wanted his living friends to be safe. Sylvain is also not exactly ''knightly'' the way ppl say Faerghus soldiers are#he didn't consider it an honor to die for his country. he was just hoping his friends would be safe#and again he went into it thinking of revenge. it wasn't for some knightly duty or honor but bc he was still pissed abt Ingrid#Dimitri feels he has obligations and wants to help the commonfolk but he's suicidal as all fuck and also finds#no honor in dying the way Glenn died. Annette doesn't find anything particularly honorable and is just a family woman#Mercedes couldn't care less abt that stuff and is usually more worried abt Rhea and the Church#Ashe is a knight and is loyal but he doesn't really see ''honor'' in dying. he just would be willing to die to protect things important#to him. the only person in the current generation who avidly feels honor in old fashioned Faerghus standards is Ingrid#and let's not forget Leopold who... is also very much neck deep in loyalty and duty soooo#DCE Comments
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koroart · 2 years
Are you aware how many people that loves Dimitri are made into lambert addicts by your gorgeous art? /hj
I really am Happy lambert receives the love and dedication he deserves. And even more happy that the result is stunning lambert art on my tl so often.
Whenever I see your art my hand itches for a pen. It's so inspiring. And the way you draw expressions gets to me everytime.
I still go back to that wip of the almost kiss of Rodrigue and lambert. I didn't ship them before, but now I wanna see them all day.
Like damn it. Your skills are so amazing. And the Art has so much emotion and depths and narrative. I cant imagine how many hours you must've put in to become this awesome.
You def are one of my art idols even though I just found you a short while ago.
And you are funny and seem so nice on top. I Def will keep follow you and your awesome art. Cheering you on whatever you decide to create!
I hope this wasn't too much. If yes just delete the question and I try to better get boundaries. /gen
Have the best of days!
IM GOING TO CRY???? 😭💕✨️✨️💖💖❤️
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randomnameless · 5 months
Something pretty interesting I missed in my earlier Supreme Bullshit reading.
When Supreme Leader is upset at Lonato, she wonders if going to help him would be feasible, which leads to this convo with Hubert :
You want to save the man, Your Majesty? If I may, we would march all that way for...what, exactly?
Hubert, imo, thinks Lonato as basically already done and dead, Supreme Leader earlier was pissed at Lonato not following their plans, he acted on personal enemity and will most likely have to fight both the KoS and the Kingdom so...
Imagine the consequences of leaving him to die.
Here we have an example of the Supreme Leader who made this route, so interesting : it's not Hubert who has all the dastardry in their duo, Supreme Leader too, participates.
When KT forgets that they gave her a sailor fuku to be "more free", they write her to be in a similar vein as the other red Emperors like Arvis, or, Gustadolph from TS.
It's not "we must save him" or "we can't let him die", but Supreme Leader directly evacuates all that pathos, and thinks, rationally, about the consequences of leaving Lonato reap what he sowed.
We need our vassals to believe the Empire will always come to their aid. Always.
It's PR!
Going to save Lonato is not about Lonato himself, she can't give a fig about the dude, but it's all about public relationships and keeping a façade for her war of conquest : her vassals need to believe the Empire will always come to their aid.
Whether they actually do, or not, is irrelevant - they need to believe Adrestia is "trustworthy enough" to come to their help when called.
And the sheer "we need them to believe" coming from Supreme Leader herself? It's really neat, she's lying/manipulating the events to build a perfect image for her vassals, or the ones who will become her vassals (by choice).
Compare this to the Kingdom/Church "we need to help the ones who need help!" and here, instead, we have "we need to make people believe we're going to help them".
Lonato doesn't act following the plan ? It doesn't matter, Supreme Leader will seize this new opportunity to advance her own goals : aka, making people believe the Empire is "trustworthy" and "reliable".
Good. Now make our plans known to the others. I'm counting on you, Hubert.
What plans? The "we must rescue Lonato because he is our ally" or the true "we must pretend to rescue Lonato to make other nobles join our cause and believe in us"?
And what is intereting is how this exchange, of course, only happens when she is alone with Hubert.
In the following event, where Barney is here and they talk about their powers :
Ah, you should see the look on your face! Did Hubert threaten you? Don't let it get to you. Yes, he's quite good at that kind of thing, but it comes from a place of caution.
Hm... Sure. It's Hubert's way of caring I guess.
But then comes the manifesto :
I want to transform the world into a place where no one has to feel trapped by where they came from.
What's that about the place they come from? Aren't we later in this route trashtalking Annette and the Kingdom peeps because they believe in outdated values like chivalry and sacrifices to protect their loved ones?
When I am done, it won't matter where you are born, whose blood you have, or what powers course through you—everyone will be treated as equals.
When she means equals, she means people will "believe" everyone will be treated as equals, just like Lonato was supposed to "believe" Adrestia was coming to back him up and not just, play minimal part to guarantee their PR but not much more?
That's what we're fighting for, and that is what this war is going to achieve.
But Hubert said this war is a war of conquest ?
So believe me when I say this—I don't care who you are.
And yet Barney is still a nobody commoner, even if pal with the Emperor, when Linhardt is a general?
I only care about what you have done and what you have yet to do.
And what Barney can do with that power you said you don't give a crap about right? But what if Barney's abilities are basically the result of their weird powers, can we still say their power/abilities are irrelevant ?
And, hm, maybe someone can translate this for me ?
人の力に拠る未来を創るため、 すべての犠牲を私は負って立つ!
She says this when she defeats 1k peons, and Googl'd it gives... "To create a future based on the power of people, I will bear all the sacrifices!" - so what this line about not giving figs about "what powers course through you everyone will be treated as an equal"? Could Amelie the lady from Mittelfrank who couldn't end up as a diva be treated like Leopold, or what?
Supreme Leader's words being treated as gospel is always imo hilarious, because Supreme Leader has some instances where, when KT's not busy dressing her up with some "Scarlet Blaze Power! Make Up!", she plays the role Arvis already played before her, the dastardly red emperor who manipulates and seizes every opportunity to reach her goals.
In Tru Piss we got the Javelins - but in Nopes? We get those "heart to heart" moments with Hubert that lampshade even more how much of an unreliable narrator Supreme Leader is - she still maintains care to have a level of PR and only confides to trusted people (yay Hubert!) or, in FE16, when, curiously, she has her mask on (Flamey doesn't need PR).
That's why we still have so many pretzels over Rhea's fate in Tru Piss, yes, Supreme Leader claims she wants to spare her when she adresses her in Firdhiad, in front of her allies and the people she has to lie to about her War.
But when she was with Billy? Nah, she can safely tell them that path lead to the death of Rhea and her people, something she rejoices about in their S support.
Too bad Nopes doubled down on "Sailor Adrestia" instead of giving us more of that "Arvis with a skirt" they teased us with (seriously that power move of betraying Rhea in the third chapter was just, that awesome from her part).
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pastel-odette · 1 year
My favorite thing about edelstans is when characters from Faerghus and Leicester say that what Edelgard is trying to do won't benefit their nation and edelstans say they're brainwashed.
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dimiclaudeblaigan · 2 years
Something that SEEERIOUSLY isn’t talked about enough among Rodrigue fans is how Rodrigue (almost? or generally) always refers to Dimitri as “Your/His Highness” except in the moment that Dimitri’s life was at risk right in front of Rodrigue and Rodrigue shielded him with his own body.
Rodrigue is always respectful and aware of their stations, but none of that matters when Dimitri is almost killed. Rodrigue reacts emotionally without station in mind, forgetting to refer to him in an “appropriate” manner and reacting instead in a more intimate manner (i.e. using a person’s name instead of their title).
Most people wouldn’t dare to refer to their prince by their first name, but Rodrigue forgets all that the moment Dimtiri is in danger. He follows up that familial intimacy by calling Dimitri “my boy”. In a way it’s like Rodrigue's formalities are just forced expectations that are ingrained into him, because his actual instinct is to refer to Dimitri in a familial way. If he doesn’t have time to think about what he’s saying, it will be Dimitri’s name that he uses because that’s how he truly thinks of Dimitri.
He doesn’t solely view Dimitri as his prince. He views Dimitri as family, and in a setting where royalty exists, it’s so important to the relationship in question when that societal expectation is broken, simply because it tells you exactly what that character thinks of their royalty.
When royalty’s life is in danger, it would even make sense for people to hesitate because if they do anything, they might also be in danger and generally humans instinctually prioritize their own life (even if they do really want to step in to help). That typically is not the case with humans regarding loved ones, where that instinct instead changes to an instinct where they automatically step in to protect people dear to them - especially parents to their children. Parents - not just in humans but in most forms of life (cats, dogs, etc) - are extremely protective of their children and react without a second - even a first - thought, because it’s not a thought at all when they see their children in danger. It’s a base reaction.
Rodrigue wasn’t witnessing his prince being attacked. He was witnessing his son being attacked, and he reacted as a father would - not as a knight, a vassal or anyone under Dimitri’s station and how they would be expected to react to protect him. Dimitri didn’t have to be his blood son for him to react the same way a blood parent would. Dimitri wasn’t born to him but he was Rodrigue’s son all the same and he couldn’t accept his boy being harmed.
I love that his reaction is exactly the same as what Lambert would have done. I love that in that one moment when he didn’t have time to think about his word choice, such important stations meant absolutely nothing to him. I love that what was important to him was Dimitri the person, and not Dimitri the prince. I love that at the very end, he died knowing his boy was safe and alive. I love that, when he starts reusing “Your Highness”, it’s only after the immediate danger has passed and he has time to actually process his word choice again, because it really drives home how quickly and thoughtlessly he reacted to seeing Dimitri in danger when he dropped formalities to use his first name.
He also didn’t tell him to live for the people or live because he was a prince. He wanted Dimitri to remember to live for himself and likely died with the hope that those being his last words would be taken much more heavily and sincerely, and give Dimitri a lot to think about in regard to caring for himself as a person and not just seeing himself as a prince/future king, because Rodrigue also saw him as a person.
Not only did Rodrigue protect his son (which mind you must have been extremely important to him after already losing a son. Can you imagine how devastated he would be to lose another child? This time he saved a son from death, which he was unable to do previously and he wasn’t present to be able to even try), but he gave Dimitri the thing Dimitri desired the most from those he loved: he treated Dimitri like a regular person who needed to live his own life for himself, and in the single most critical moment to Rodrigue, forgot to use titles and formalities and openly expressed his true feelings just by using Dimitri’s name alone.
Dimitri never liked all those stuffy behaviors and titles. He just wanted to be a person. Rodrigue, his family, gave him that at Rodrigue’s very end, explicitly informing Dimitri that was how this man always thought of him just from that one moment of Rodrigue’s feelings slipping through. He was always keeping up appearances, but Dimitri was always just Dimitri to him.
Also, Rodrigue says “please tell me it wasn’t in vain”. Remember, Rodrigue’s son died in vain. Glenn didn’t actually get to protect Dimitri. Earlier, Rodrigue stated that Dimitri’s injuries left him on the verge of death. Glenn didn’t die protecting him. Glenn died in a tragedy. Nothing Glenn did that day that led to his death actually helped Dimitri survive. Dimitri survived because Gilbert found him in time.
Rodrigue knows that and doesn’t want another person dear to Dimitri to die a death that didn’t need to happen. He also doesn’t want it to be in vain because if it was, he would have died being unable to protect his son. Rodrigue “died for what he believed in”, but he died because he thoughtlessly, without hesitation, died to save his son. He believed in Dimitri, but he also believed Dimitri to be his child as much as Glenn and Felix ever were.
Even though Glenn did die in vain, he attempted to die keeping his best friend alive. He believed in his best friend, just like Lambert believed in his son to be able to saved if he ever went astray.
Before Rodrigue dies, he last thoughts are of Lambert, but also his promise to Lambert, which was about Dimtiri.
Rodrigue was always thinking of his family throughout the whole game (literally, he brings up Felix to Byleth regularly and brings up Glenn throughout the story as well), and that extended to Lambert and Dimtiri. At the very last, he literally died like he lived, and that was for his family.
#DCB Comments#Rodrigue#Rodrigue Achille Fraldarius#I just love that Rodrigue wasn't living solely as the right hand of a king#It wasn't about who was in power that he acted like he did for them#If you notice too he never really talks about Rufus as if he simply doesn't care for him either way#Rufus is still part of the royal family but he doesn't get the same treatment from Rodrigue as Lambert and Dimitri#It's not about ''they're my king and prince''. It's not about being in a slightly lesser station than them that he saved Dimitri#For him it was always about family first and his position after even if HE himself didn't realize that#If Rufus was about to die would Rodrigue die for him? Probably not. He may be a royal but if Rodrigue died for him#he couldn't be alive to watch over the people he actually cares about. Say Rufus was about to die but Lambert and Dimitri weren't even there#Here he wouldn't even have a choice to make of ''do I die for Rufus or live for them''. I think he simply just... wouldn't do it#He might /fight/ to keep him alive but I don't think he would shield Rufus with his own body. That line of thinking makes me think#that again it's not about status. It's about who he considers family and who is important to him just like any other person would react#It's bc he loves those two that he behaves the way he does and does what he does for them. I think if he didn't love the people in power#he wouldn't treat them like he does simply bc they're in power. I think he only treats him like he does bc of affection#Like I really think if Rodrigue had to choose between Faerghus or Dimitri and/or Lambert that he'd pick those two over#Faerghus itself bc tbh Rodrigue is really just like anyone else. He has priorities preferences and biases#I ofc think he'd be torn abt it but I think he'd ultimately choose people he sees as family over anything else#i love you rodrigue achille fraldarius
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renisfan · 1 year
I saw the post about greek-inspired Argathans speaking Russian, and while that is funny, I think nowhere in Fodlan is more chaotic than Faerghus!
It's a country that:
Has cold weather and a militant atmosphere and people have slavic names and like distilled alcohol, like Russia.
But its culture put emphasis on chivalry and their food is terrible, like Britain.
While also having Celtic origin for the names of their cities, relics, and their very country name (and the king's surname too).
Greek mythology reference is also present in some names like Galatea and Charon.
But no matter where the names are from, they always write them in French spelling (and a good number of people have pure French name like Sylvain), and Fhirdiad has a history like medieval Paris.
Yet, like everywhere else in Fodlan, they speak German.
Thinking of this I guess Greeks speaking Russian is only normal :P
*The last point may be a bit hard to get since the English version localized everything to be English. But in the jp version, that's how they pronounce the three houses' names (Adler Klasse, Löwen Klasse, Hirsche Klasse) and their technique names in this video. Take the barbarians as example, the English version goes:
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In jp, they say:
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It's kanji with German pronunciations that reads "Blau Blitz", "Einsam Bogen" and "Strudel Speer" (lol at EN!Felix saying "lone" twice like a true edgelord). The same goes for everyone else too:
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Ferdie's one says "Roter Drache" and I can recognize Hilda's starts with "Blühen" and Balthus's is "Mach Axt [something]" but the rest are a bit too difficult for me to decipher :P
Is it just me or the barbarians' naming sense is visibly poorer than the others
Considering that Adrestia has the heaviest German motif (yay Schwartz Adler Wehr), maybe it's the impact it left from the time it ruled over all Fodlan. Even if Faerghus later said f u and rejected their way of naming and spelling, they still speak their language? Further proof they're just part of Adrestia, MAGA!
And considering that Seiros (kind of) built Adrestia, did the lizards also speak German?
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