#edelgard negative
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I'm using your platform to spread the horrors of the Family Guy versions of Eldegard I made Bonus for the discourse:
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pastel-odette · 1 year
My favorite thing about edelstans is when characters from Faerghus and Leicester say that what Edelgard is trying to do won't benefit their nation and edelstans say they're brainwashed.
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mycatshuman · 2 years
My Fire Emblem Hot Takes for someone who has never played the game and only has second hand knowledge through a friend who does:
Warnings to the Edelstans
She seems like the type of "hero" (corrupt) to kill a villain for the "greater good".
Edelgard needs a partner who wouldn't be afraid to challenge her and her beliefs. Who knows their worth and is strong in their morals. If not I don't think the ship is a healthy one.
Most people are a pushover when it comes to her. I think someone close to her needs to make her realize the consequences of her actions and how it affects others.
She could have tried a different approach in fixing the crest system. Seems a little too eager to jump to war.
And in regards to Hubert and Edelgard
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She may be a war monger
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juliakeyoto · 18 days
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dmclemblems · 2 years
“Claude in Hopes is exactly the same way he is in Houses! He’s always been like that and has the same feelings/morals!”
Claude in GW/Hopes:
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Claude, literally, in Houses:
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Let that speak for the fact that Claude was written with a 180 characterization in Hopes.
Claude wants peace and to bring everyone together; not to tear them further apart. That is his character.
#I’m still in the middle of answering this ask I got but yeah#even Edelgard noticed Claude really loves bringing ppl together in WC#when she says ''you really value that sort of thing don't you'' after the Eagle/Lion (+Deer >.> ) battle#like if Claude's goal was to destroy Fodlan and just leave a mess of it A+++ you did an astounding show stopping brilliantly done job#if your goal was peace well you fucked that up pretty good buddy#in Hopes too like he's literally arguing with Lorenz about it while Lorenz is like ??? bruh wtf ???#literally who cares what some politicians did 300 years ago certainly not Houses Claude#in fact Claude said fuck our history sideways with a cactus let's make peace and be friends#AND he got the approval from the whole roundtable and that's all we know on the topic bc it's all we needed to know#versus in GW where it's explicitly stated that it took some doing for them to allow Claude to be king#meaning the roundtable was not up for what he was suggesting and needed to be convinced#they needed it enough that Lorenz pointed it out to everyone and from a narrative standpoint#AM Claude doesn't need to say how the meeting went and all we need to know is that it worked out#but in GW it's told to us that the meeting was very long and it took some doing for them to trust Claude's judgment#the meeting is presented in a more uncertain light with how the lords felt abt it whereas in AM#it's not told to us how things went bc it's not important. a negative aspect (i.e. the roundtable not being able to come to an agreement)#is an important thing to note and if there was any negative aspect of it in AM they would've put it in there#meaning the roundtable trusts AM Claude's judgment enough when he tells them he wants to put their two nations together again#idk how else to explain that so I hope you get what I mean lol#I just find it completely baffling that people actually say both Claudes are the same person and that he was always like how he is in Hopes#like you can like his character in Hopes and enjoy that portrayal of him but at least admit he's written differently you know?#I hate when I see people say that Claude fans didn't understand his character in Houses at all bc they don't like him in Hopes#when you have literal staunch polar opposite sentences coming out of his mouth in these two scenes#the Claude we get in AM is the same Claude - the same person at his core - as he is in VW and all the routes#Houses Claude does not blame whatever the fuck Leicester and Faerghus did 300 years ago on the people living in their present#he also doesn't blame Dimitri or anyone else presently in power for Daphnel#GW Claude there is just grasping at unimportant and insignificant straws to justify his invasion#pretty sure AM Claude would be like ''hey dimi lemme borrow failnaught back real quick'' and smack GW Claude with it#then kindly hand it back to Dimi and smile and wave
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varley-of-torment · 3 months
something something Mercedes fleeing House Bartels and Hubert trying to get to Firhdiad when Edelgard was taken to the Kingdom. One succeeded and one was dragged back home. They were both running from their fathers. They were both ten years old. Were they running away from their destiny, or running towards it? Mercedes' s mother making the choice for her vs Ten Year Old Hubert abandoning his home by himself. much to consider
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deathbirby · 2 months
Deathbirby as a Rhea fan who can continue to talk about her in this environment you are gods strongest solider. I saw the Kotaku this is why Edelgard is still the best character 5 years later essay and I just...I wish I could love 3H again but I'm not strong enough the fandom killed it for me. You're amazing and don't let anyone bring you down
Thank you 🥺
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turtleduckmocha · 3 months
i don't hate bl.ions fans but it's not my fault they consistently have the worst fucking takes in the world
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butwhatifidothis · 1 year
Do you think it'd be in character for Claude to fake an alliance with Edgey in GW Pt 2 so that he could undermine her while seeking an alliance with the Kingdom behind her back? I mean, that way, he could ask Rhea directly about what Edgey told him instead of blindly believing her.
It would be more in character, but not as much as it looks at first.
Because yes, Claude is very familiar with not exactly telling the truth, and he is also familiar with working around people who inherently distrust him. And something somewhat like this kinda happens in 3H, with Erwin - Claude has Nader create a distraction for the army to pass through Gloucester territory to Myrddin so that Erwin's forces don't intercept them (he does this in all the routes in fact, save for of course CF). So it's not like he isn't capable of some form of trickery, even when it comes to people he considers allies.
What becomes an issue though is that those sort of trickery means are mostly used for last-resort, fairly specific situations - Plan A wasn't to make Erwin think his lands are being attacked, it was the only option Claude had available due to the very landscape of Leicester necessitating going through Gloucester territory, and due to Erwin's stubbornness about aligning with the Empire (whether or not those reasons were self-serving or for self-preservation). Again, with Myrddin we see that he's willing to openly help the Kingdom/Church, despite the act of doing so breaking any neutrality the Alliance could have held onto. Communication with Erwin had already failed (due to, again, his stubbornness to align with the Empire), but Claude also explicitly says that he doesn't want to engage in actual combat with House Gloucester, so lies were the only way to go forward.
With the Empire, however, there was never any worry about engaging in combat with them - they invaded his lands, and he fought back. If Edelgard had started with negotiations with Claude first, that'd be one thing - if there was an attempt at an assurance for peace from Edelgard's end to start everything off, it'd make the idea of him joining her to betray her later have some ground to stand on logically. But with him doing absolutely nothing to provoke her she attacks his lands, which has two reasons for her doing so in specifically Claude's mind: taking Garreg Mach to use as a base, and getting rid of the Alliance and Kingdom at the same time.
To the first reason: while Garreg Mach is a good base, it's arguable that having to defeat the Alliance on top of fighting the Kingdom for it makes taking the base moot to begin with. Even for the symbolic nature of it, since Rhea has already been booted out at this point. The trouble would be more than its worth, essentially. And the second reason is... fairly obvious as to why that isn't gonna work out lmao.
Then there's also also the fact that Claude was handling the Empire pretty damn well - he is a young leader and is tricksty in his antics which means skepticism from his more experienced peers, the Alliance is known for its weaker military strength, and he had to deal with Shahid looming over his head, yet Claude still manages to hold off the Empire pretty effectively. So with Edelgard invading Claude's lands off rip and his shown proficiency at fighting back against her without much non-Alliance help, there's no benefit to siding with her, even falsely - none that would outweigh the benefits of siding with a party that has given him no misgivings, in any case. She's not a force that is too big to take on from the outside and so needs to be taken out from the inside, so going through the effort of getting inside is meaningless.
So, would falsely siding with Edelgard while secretly siding with the Kingdom be more in character? It certainly can be, if one plays the cards right. But given how Claude's handling of the Empire and Edelgard's actions against the Alliance are written, it'd be far more in character for him to just side with the Kingdom outright at that point
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dimiclaudeblaigan · 11 months
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"i know we shouldn't be killing rhea and i personally am against it and my gut tells me this is wrong but i'll do it anyway because nobody else uses logic on this route anyway!"
#DCB Three Hopes Run#this is no thoughts head empty route so she's just going to blindly trust claude who has faced plenty of pushback#for his decisions and go ahead with helping him and the others kill rhea for reasons they have zero and sometimes negative evidence of#like rly why wouldn't she just be like hmm I don't agree with this can I sit this one out. nope she's gonna get involved anyway#it would've been more interesting if marianne disagreed and grew backbone and sided with the church instead#they try to write the routes as like... everyone is happy with their leader (unless you're dimitri#bc then felix gets to talk shit for half the game in houses and ppl ate it up like pie)#and they don't ask questions. when they do ask questions it's a brief answer that just shoots it down#even lorenz in gw saying they should just leave edelgard for dead was ignored#for all the proper reasoning he gave everyone else just went lol you're like (edelgard or claude depending on your choice)!!!#and then went on about the uwu classmate thing (even tho they didn't rly even know each other at all in this game as classmates#and by the timeline edelgard left the monastery before even the lions so she was around them the least amount of time)#like... actual reasoning in this game gets shot down so fast so it's no wonder marianne didn't actually DO anything#and didn't stick by her actual feelings/beliefs but it's still annoying that she didn't#maybe it would've made claude and friends think twice abt the whole thing if they had to cut marianne down too#for refusing to go along with it bc she she didn't believe it was the right thing to do
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skippytimes · 3 months
Two things:
wow I was able to stay up for an entire race! It is now like 4:40 in the morning
I cannot believe how automatic my immense dislike of max verstappen is. it's like it was autosaved before I took my long break from F1 and has instantly loaded again. magical
I m ean he was like an entire teenager when my legacy of being a petty asshole at bitch eating crackers levels of annoyance at him began
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I am genuinely crying how to 3H fans come up this type of shit. Rhea doesn't "turn a blind eye" to Duscar. She, and the Church as a whole, do not have the amount of people think they do. What the hell do you think she's supposed to do about people of a nation which she has no real power in being racist? Saying she doesn't give Faerghus enough flake can be applied to literally ANY other character in the game.
The Church executing Christophe was not an exercise of political power in Faerghus, they were able to do it because he was part of a plot to assassinate Rhea. It had nothing to do with being a traitor, it was because he was conspiring to kill the archibishop.
The stans who ignore their fav turning a blind eye to Duscar are the Edelgard stans, because she KNOWS that the slithers are behind the tragedy (and that they did it for HER benefit), but she does nothing to help the people of Duscar in any way, shape, or form. Not pre-timeskip, not post, not in any of her endings. But trust me bro Rhea is bad for not trying to end racism.
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court-queen · 1 year
I have long moved on from the TH fandom, but the fact that some people still harass and bother people over their opinions about a fictional character is inexcusable
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crowryes · 1 year
im feeling emo about dimitri and edelgard again. theyre destined to kill eachother in every timeline. they are but puppets on strings thrown at eachother all for the gain of exterior parties and when one of them survives it just leads to an outcome for fodlan that won't last in the long term. these bitches aren't made to live in a world where the other dies ‼️‼️
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dmclemblems · 2 years
Something I hadn’t really thought about in much depth before prior to seeing this post on Twitter from a JP fan.
It’s a really good way to see things from Dimitri’s perspective. Once the war was over and things were stable, he put his weapons and armor down and interacted with his people like a normal person. It’s a huge contrast to the other endings where they don’t do that.
Granted, I don’t blame Claude for retaining that image from the war. Coming from Almyra, they value strength and results. It makes sense for him to keep that image going and keep up a strong appearance, but I also feel like after how he grew up that he wouldn’t feel safe without that image and also the layer of safety that armor/war clothing would provide.
Even then though I think it says a lot about their different mentalities; how Claude feels the need to keep up this strong appearance to be respected and to feel safe, but how Dimitri doesn’t care about how he looks to others and doesn’t mind being perceived as weak, etc (and because he knows he’s not, there’s no real need to keep up that kind of image in Fodlan the way it’s more necessary for Claude in Almyra).
Having non-war clothing in his ending too makes Dimitri come across as more approachable. Even if Claude isn’t distant and cold, having that image of authority and power still put a wall between him and commonfolk and makes him less approachable. It’s ironic in the sense of their academy days, how Claude was the approachable and carefree one and Dimitri came across to people as less relaxed and easy to talk to.
Obviously in Edelgard’s case she has to keep up that image of herself because if she looked weak after conquering, plenty of people would act on that (Matthias go brrrrr and not just because he lives in the northernmost reaches of Faerghus). Now that she’s started a war and conquered, she can’t really ever be approachable and at ease in front of the commonfolk or anyone who isn’t part of her inner circle. After all that, there’s no going back and she has to maintain that appearance.
In comparison, Claude has to keep a bit of a barrier between himself and others if he wants to achieve particular changes. He can’t suggest such large reforms for Almyra or its relationship with Fodlan unless he gives off the impression that he’s capable of managing such large changes. It’s not an aggressive or violent show of authority, but he needs to have a strong show of authority to be respected and followed in Almyra. And again, it wouldn’t be as necessary in Fodlan, but he would probably still prefer to look the part to feel safe.
Dimitri doesn’t really need armor to protect himself because of his physical strength, which helps him a lot in dropping any intimidating appearances. Also, in AM Dimitri said he longs to part of the group and I think that shows a lot in his ending in a different form (i.e. the commonfolk being around him instead of his friends). In this way too I also think Dimitri could enact change by knowing what his people want and how well they’re faring in their own areas of Faerghus/Fodlan. He can also speak to them to hear their thoughts on what he should do, so he’ll know what changes to make throughout Fodlan based on what his people think and feel.
When you make change as a person in a position of power, you often won’t get the opinions of the people whose lives you’re changing. Most often, people in power make changes that either benefit their own views/feelings (ex. Claude makes good changes, but they’re based on his personal feelings and are his personal and specific wants, so he aims for power to enact his desires specifically. In Claude’s case it’s not a bad thing, but essentially he takes power for his own goals. That is to say, “I want this and I can get it if I have power”).
For Dimitri, he doesn’t really have an explicit desire for authority or power. He only wants his position as king so he can make necessary reforms. In both Fodlan games and in Heroes (in a sense an extension of his character as best as is possible in Heroes), he tends to express daydreams about being a person of a lower status, such as a farmer. He actively thinks about what his life could be like as a person just living day to day with no influence.
That helps him to feel more able to speak with these people and learn about them to see what they want from authorities. His whole purpose as king is to dedicate his time to his people and fix things that are wrong or going wrong. In both games he spends lengths of time around the commonfolk (even dangerously so in Hopes according to his supports with Yuri, i.e. being king and having no guard with him whilst going into the more dangerous common areas simply because he wants to see with his own eyes and know what the living conditions are like there). He’s also really not fond of paperwork and being stuck in his quarters doing official work. When it has to get done he’ll do it, but he doesn’t enjoy it. What he does enjoy is mingling with his people and not being surrounded by rules, laws and official proceedings.
Basically, Dimitri’s whole purpose for wanting for the title of king is to learn what the masses want in life and to make those changes happen. He doesn’t do things based on what it sounds or seems like people want (ex. well it looks like the masses are having trouble with xyz, based on this second or third hand account I’ve heard from someone and haven’t seen in bulk for myself). When he aims to make change, he wants to do it in a way that benefits the most people while still finding ways to benefit the people who are not “most”.
Also, in his ending image the kids around him are very happy. The situation Dimitri is in isn’t just his preference of preferring to be with the commonfolk and knowing what their lives are like. The people around him are happy and/or content. In contrast, Claude’s ending is more of a discussion and people listening to him/taking in his ideas, so it’s mainly Claude in a situation of “this is my proposal” and they’re hearing him out. Edelgard’s image has being terrified or looking like they’ve given up hope (so the situation is basically Edelgard imposing her rules and laws on people who are unwilling and dislike the change/situation). Claude’s ending is more neutral as far as other people’s shown reception of him in power (they aren’t against him but they aren’t implied to be Living Their Best Life, they’re just going with it and understanding/seeming to be reasonable, which is not a bad thing, but again, seems more neutral), while Edelgard’s ending is portrayed in a far more negative, unhappy light (and literally has Hubert in the background looking to be pleased with the situation/people’s fear and/or scheming). Dimitri’s ending expresses a mutual happiness and fondness, where the people are happy and he’s able to also get what makes him feel happiest and most content (which is effectively seeing his people happy/living well).
In Claude’s case we don’t really see the result of his plans and reforms unfortunately. With Dimitri and Edelgard’s ending images we see the emotions brought on by their changes and how they rule, but this is why I say Claude’s ending image is neutral: there’s no emotion in it in one direction or another, but rather in the middle of the process that would lead up to emotions. It’s not to say his leadership is bad, but that his ending image doesn’t portray emotion from anyone involved in what’s being expressed. In a way, it reflects the three routes as a whole: Claude’s ending is more neutral and open to results, Dimtiri’s is passive and results happen as they happen and are not forced, and Edelgard’s is aggressive and aimed for/intentional. In Claude’s route, we don’t really know how things will play out after everything is said and done, and I think his ending image expresses that quite accurately. That doesn’t mean things went well or badly in the future, because from what I take away from that image is that we don’t know that and are not necessarily supposed to in entirety. Claude’s goal was to begin the change and that’s what we see - him enacting the beginning of that change. In that way, we see all the endings of the lords getting what they wanted/what the route was about. Claude hoped for “someday” because he knew things wouldn’t change right away since his situation involves two foreign nations becoming friendly, and he hopes for even more than that (people in general from all across the world getting along).
Again, Claude needs to keep up the look of someone with authority so he can make sure all of these things happen or at least begin to start turning the wheel in that direction. For Dimitri that’s not necessary for what he wants, and he’s able to passively achieve what’s best for Fodlan (no armor, no shown discussions, no authoritive stance, etc) and the people living there. The adults seem to respect him, but they aren’t keeping a distance from him or behaving politely the way you would expect people to have to in the presence of a ruler. The kids aren’t being taught to respect him though (they’d presumably come to do so in time but they’re just kids in this image), and are instead just kids being kids how they would be with anyone. Dimitri seems to be viewed by the kids as just some cool adult who they have fun with - something a kid could do with any adult who could be so much as a family friend or a kid’s favorite uncle coming to visit. He’s not being treated with awe and as some kind of legend by the kids, but instead someone they know and are familiar with. They’re not shy around him either, so the picture is likely suggesting he’s around the commonfolk frequently and they recognize their king. He’s not seen in the standard way you’d view a king, but as one of their own (which again, is essentially something Dimitri wants but never something he actually presses for or attempts to make happen, instead often doing the opposite unintentionally because of his feelings about himself - so again, a passive situation. It happened, but he wouldn’t have pushed for it or aimed to make it happen).
I know this is super long for just a few simple images lol. I just really like the way they portray his ending, especially in contrast to the other endings. He’s a people’s person - that is, he’s not distant from the ordinary citizens and there’s no wall of authority in any manner between himself and them and they interact with him the way they would with anyone else they cared for. The lack of armor and the happiness says a whole lot imo about his reign. He doesn’t have commonfolk dress, but I think that also says a lot that he’s clearly royal and the people are not being made to see a royal explicitly as a ruler making their laws, but just “some guy”. He’s clearly royal but he’s interacting with his people no differently than they would do with each other. I think his people would really respect that and appreciate him for that, because they don’t have to bow down when he approaches and they don’t have to treat him with extra respect and formality. If they choose to that’s wholly a decision for them to make as individuals, and if they want to treat him as “some guy”, they’re allowed to.
No fighting, no in depth law making, no whiny nobles! Just his people being happy and feeling safe - and when people are happy and safe, they’re not going to want to target him or take out their troubles on him in a violent way. If people are unhappy and feel like the fault lies with the person at the very top, they might target someone like a king. If anyone during Dimitri’s reign is unhappy with him/his leadership, they’re not so unhappy that they they feel the need to target him for assassination. The general public won’t have a direct desire to want him dead. Some people may not care one way or another, but there’s no active desire for his death from the majority of people (like there’s always gonna be some person or another, you know? But nobody like, I have a personal grudge or beef with him and my life troubles are all attributed to his leadership).
i just rly like dimitri’s ending okay
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dreamyycarnival · 2 years
bro im so fucking tired of finding the most illeterate people when i wanna find art/icons of my cc
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