#faery whump
scratchandplaster · 2 months
FEBUWHUMP DAY 28 - "No...not like this"
CW: tiny whump
A tiny Whumpee who is forced to dance and perform on a music box. Ballet, reciting poems or whatever else Whumper has in mind as a pastime, though one lanky plié or exhausted breather gets them locked in there for hours.
Bonus points if Whumpee is a faerie and the box is made of iron, so every fall or stumble off the dancing platform burns their flesh.
Thanks for reading 🤍 [Febuwhump 2024 Masterlist]
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oliversrarebooks · 7 months
The Fairy King and His Real Estate Agent: Smartphone
TW: possessiveness, boundary stomping, truth spell
Benjamin was utterly exhausted.
He'd dealt with particularly annoying clients today, clients who had hated every little superficial detail of every house he had shown them, from the color of accent walls to the knobs used on bathroom cabinets. The type of people who seemed to be violently allergic to anything with the slightest hint of character and whose favorite activity was complaining. 
The end of the day couldn't have come soon enough, and now he sat in his car, letting his song finish before going inside, gathering his thoughts. He'd have a quiet night, at least. A chance to recharge before dragging himself back into the office at 8am sharp tomorrow.
As he slammed his car door, he felt an all too familiar prickling at the back of his neck. Oh, no -- it had to be his imagination, because he was stressed and anxious, surely it wasn't --
"Honeybee!" called a cheerful voice from across the parking lot. "There you are! Finally!"
Benjamin turned to see a young-looking and beautiful man with fiery red hair and golden freckles scattered across his skin like stars. The local fairy king was standing in the middle of his apartment complex parking lot, a sight that no longer remotely surprised him.
Often, when Ember came to visit, he would make small concessions to blend in better with humans, wearing ordinary clothing and hiding his more otherworldly features. Today, he apparently hadn't bothered. He was wearing what could best be described as a floral loincloth, his bare chest was only concealed by a dozen strings of glass beads in every shape and color, and an elaborate flower crown topped his head, right above his pointed ears. He'd hidden his wings, but that was about all.
Sometimes, Benjamin was happy enough to see Ember, enjoying the attention and the flattery and the break from his mundane life. Tonight, he was in no mood to watch his words and appease the fae's capricious whims.
Not that he'd have much choice in the matter.
"I've been looking all over for you! Where have you been?" he demanded, still with a smile on his face.
"I've been working, Ember, you know that. I just got home."
"Ugh, I don't know how you can stand to ride around in a cold metal box," he said, wrinkling his nose at Benjamin's car.
Benjamin sighed. "Look, it's not that I'm not happy to see you --"
"Of course you are! Who wouldn't be?"
"-- but I've had a really long week at work, and I'm very tired, and this might not be the best night for you."
Ember put on his best kicked puppy look. "You haven't even heard why I'm here yet! This is a matter of the utmost importance. The future of my clan might be at stake."
"You said that last time, when you saw a person eating a fancy donut and decided you had to try one."
"How can you say that wasn't important? My well-being is also critical to the future of the clan."
"But I mean it this time," Ember pressed, stepping close enough to Benjamin that he could smell flowers and earth. "I have something I desperately need to show you. I've even brought a gift to exchange for your help. I'll even pledge a favor to you."
"Well..." Apparently, this really was important to him. A favor owed by the fairy king wasn't something to take lightly.
"Three favors!"
"All right, all right!" When Ember was this determined, no human could stop him. "I'll hear you out. Can we at least go inside? We'll attract too much attention out here." He glanced over to a little old lady exiting her car, who was staring at Ember with a look of unmistakable thirst. She gave Benjamin a thumbs up. He groaned.
"Yes, yes, good thinking. My enemies could be everywhere," said Ember in a conspiratorial whisper. "See that bird?" 
"The black bird sitting on the wires over there? Is that one of your enemies?"
"No, of course not. That's just an ordinary bird. But it could be." He grabbed Benjamin by the wrist and began to pull him towards the building. "Come on, let's go."
Ember's enthusiasm waned as the two entered the elevator, the fairy nervously grabbing at Benjamin's arm. Another metal box. As Benjamin understood it, Ember had a higher tolerance to cold metal and human pollution than most of his kin, which was how he could stand to be here in the outskirts of the city at all, but that didn't mean he enjoyed it.
As soon as Benjamin opened the door to his apartment, Ember flung himself at the pile of cushions that he'd built in the corner on a previous visit. He preferred the pile to the couch, which had the sheer audacity to contain metal springs. Benjamin had given up on dismantling it after each visit, another small concession to the fae invading his life.
"Do you want anything to eat or drink?" Benjamin offered, despite knowing how critical Ember could be when it came to human food.
Ember was lounging on top of the assorted cushions as though it were his throne. "Do you have anything that doesn't taste like the parking lot smells? Or at least something that has a lot of sugar in it?"
"I have Coke, that's pretty much entirely sugar."
"I'll have that, then." He seemed to be vibrating with anticipation as Benjamin brought the glasses of Coke over and sat them down on the coffee table. He grabbed his glass and sipped, making a comically disgusted face. "Oh, this is absolutely vile!" he said, then took a much larger gulp. "Now, down to leaves and roots. I need to show you what I have."
"Shoot," said Benjamin, kicking back on the couch.
Ember made an elaborate hand gesture, and a flat, dark object appeared in his palm, wrapped in a leather case. "Behold!" he said gleefully. "I've acquired one of those glowing rectangles you humans love so much!"
"A smartphone?" asked Benjamin. "Where did you get that? You didn't steal it, did you?"
"Of course not!" he said, mildly offended. "I traded with a hiker who strayed into my territory. It was definitely a trade."
"And what did they trade the phone for?"
"A bunch of our finest carrots! We've had an excessive bounty this year."
"You're saying a person chose to trade their smartphone for a bunch of carrots?"
"Yes! Well, that and safe passage from my realm. Minor details."
Benjamin pinched the bridge of his nose. "That's technically kidnapping, you know. And extortion, I think."
"Nonsense. She made the deal, and I honored it. I didn't even try to take her name, and I had Echo see her back to her campsite. You know how responsible Echo is."
"Yes, but she made the deal under coercion when she didn't really have a choice."
"It's a better deal than when humans take our land and fill our rivers with oil. At least she got something in return for it." He glared, daring Benjamin to challenge him further.
Benjamin sat back. This argument wouldn't go anywhere good, and as tired as he was, he really didn't want to make his night worse by putting the fairy king in a bad mood. "All right, fine. You have a smartphone. What do you need me for?"
Cheer returned to Ember's face as quickly as it had left. "You have to show me how to use it, of course!" he said, pushing the phone into Benjamin's hands. "You told me before that you can get information from it, more information than is contained in all the human libraries put together. And you said you can communicate with it, faster than birdsong or even wind writing. I want to learn. You have to show me."
Benjamin touched the screen of the phone, confirming his suspicions. "Neither of us can use this phone, Ember. It's locked."
"It's locked? What do you mean?"
"You need a passcode," he said, holding up the screen. "Without it, you can't use it."
"Is it like a riddle? Is it something I can guess?"
"It's a six digit number, and it'll probably wipe itself if you guess wrong too many times, so..."
"So it's impossible, then." Ember crossed his arms and flopped back into the cushions in a huff. "Tricky, diabolical humans! Next time I trade for a phone, I'll have to make sure to get the passcode, too."
"...Taking phones from humans isn't really the same thing as humans taking your land, you know," he said, unable to stop himself from opening his big mouth and picking the fight he didn't actually want. "A lot of us rely on our phones to navigate and communicate. A person could get in real trouble out in the woods with no phone."
Ember was having none of it. "The future of my clan is more important than the well-being of one human. Mastering the phone could give me a big advantage over my rival clans, one they'll never see coming. Besides," he said, leaning in closer. "it'd make talking to you so much easier, wouldn't it?"
Benjamin's breath caught as he thought of Ember actually learning to use a phone. On the one hand, there might be less surprises; on the other hand, he'd no doubt use it to accost Benjamin day and night. He decided to skip the subject. "Sorry I couldn't help you out with it. You know, you don't owe me a gift or any favors, since I couldn't actually unlock the phone."
"No, I intend to pay what I promised." Ember's eyes flashed with danger, and Benjamin realized too late he had implied that the fairy king might not make good on a debt. "I asked for your help, and you gave me the truth. I can tell you did. So I owe you for the service, even if the result was disappointing."
"I haven't given you your gift yet," he said, and with a flourish, he was holding a bunch of carrots. 
Of course. He should have seen that coming.
He knew from experience that the carrots would probably taste better than any produce he'd ever get from the grocery store or even a farmer's market. He also knew that they'd be laced with magic. Mildly addictive at least, with a high potential for odd side effects, and the more you ate, the more you'd be bound to the faefolk.
"You know how I feel about fae food," Benjamin said.
"And you know how I feel about humans rejecting my gifts," Ember countered. "Besides, carrots are good for you! Why not just eat them?"
"You know why. The food binds humans to the fae realm."
Ember scoffed. "The magic is far less potent in the middle of the humans' domain. It'll hardly do a thing. Besides, would that be so bad, to be bound to my realm instead of this one? I know you enjoy your time there. Don't pretend you don't."
It wasn't as though he hadn't thought about it.
It wasn't as though he didn't think about it a dozen times even on good days, every day since his kidnapping and brief captivity by Ember's clan. He'd think about it when he dragged himself out of bed to go to work each morning. He'd think about it when he was stuck in traffic. He'd think about it when some client acted like they would die if they bought a home with an insufficiently large kitchen island.
He'd close his eyes and remember laying back in the soft grass of a forest clearing and looking up at the stars, bathing perfectly clear and crisp water, adorning his hair with flowers, being pulled into a dance in a field at midnight. How Ember had laughed, how warm his hands were, the mesmerizing glint of his wings.
He wanted it.
But he knew it would be fleeting. Surely a fairy king wouldn't remain interested in him for long. Ember would get bored of him and he'd be nothing more than a discarded toy -- or worse, pressed into servitude for his clan. And Benjamin had put so much effort, so many grueling hours, into building the life he had. He couldn't trade something so important for a bunch of carrots.
"I don't want to regret it," he said simply.
Ember was not impressed. "Humans like you are always thinking about regrets, like you can see the future, when you don't even have proper soothsayers," he scoffed. "I don't worry about regrets, because I already know I'm doomed."
Benjamin knew exactly what he was talking about. When Ember had first taken the throne many decades ago, a revered soothsayer of his folk had come to the coronation. She'd predicted wealth and prosperity, a great bounty preceding the inevitable, slow decline of all of fae kind -- an event they called the Long Winter. Ember was supposed to be the last of his line, and despite his outward frivolity, Benjamin knew it weighed heavily on him.
"You're doomed, too, you know," Ember added.
"What do you mean by that?" asked Benjamin, wondering if it was an uncharacteristically naked threat.
"You're mortal, aren't you? All mortals are doomed. Condemned to die on the day you're born," he said, as casually as if he were discussing the weather. "You're like a cherry blossom, or a wave crashing against the shore, only existing for a brief moment. A brief moment you could be spending with me, in my realm, before it's too diminished for even humans to enjoy."
Benjamin wanted it.
"I can't," he said.
"Don't lie to me, Bee. I don't lie to you," he said. "You can. But you won't."
"I won't, then," said Benjamin.
For a moment, the tension and silence between them was thick enough that Benjamin could feel the magic crackling off of him. And then it passed.
"You should at least eat the carrots," said Ember. "They'll help with your eyesight, since you clearly can't tell how beautiful I am. If you admired me properly, you couldn't possibly resist."
"This has nothing to do with finding you beautiful," Benjamin protested.
Ember grinned, and in a split second, he was in Benjamin's personal space, practically pinning him against the couch. "So then you do find me beautiful. As you very well should."
Benjamin's face heated as he tried to think of a response that didn't make him sound like a flustered mess. Ember decided to make the problem worse by running his fingers through Benjamin's hair and down his jawline, his touch delicate.
"You're tired, aren't you," he said, tracing his thumbs under Benjamin's weary eyes.
No point in denying that. "Yeah."
"I owe you three favors. Cash one in, and I can take your fatigue away, at least for a little while."
Benjamin couldn't help but lean into the soft touch, his affection starved body soaking it up. Ember had caught his weakness, and he knew it, too, his eyes bright, his grin growing wider and wickeder. 
"Look, Ember, I don't want to do anything too..."
"Oh, don't worry, human, I won't violate your precious integrity," he said. "And I won't take you away from here. I'll just massage your shoulders, to relieve the tension." Ember rubbed at Benjamin's scalp to demonstrate, and it felt divine.
"A massage and that's all?" said Benjamin, resolve crumbling.
"A massage and the pleasure of my company."
He really was doomed. Ember was right about that, as he was far too often.
Faefolk were far more casually intimate with each other than humans on the whole were. That was something Benjamin had observed when he'd been captured by them. They freely touched, danced, cuddled, and caressed each other, and even characteristically slept in large piles. This knowledge was also what shielded Benjamin's psyche from acknowledging how close he'd become to the fairy king.
Sure, they'd exchanged gifts, and he'd taken Ember on outings that one could reasonably consider to be dates, and they were intimate in ways that Benjamin normally wouldn't allow outside of a romantic partner...
...but Ember would discard him any minute now, he was sure. And getting so attached to a fairy king was a terrible idea, as anyone with sense would remind him. And a million other good reasons he had that were suddenly hard to remember when Ember was trying to charm him.
"Off with that terrible shirt, Honeybee." Ember's nimble fingers were working the buttons with the speed of a hummingbird's wings.
"I don't think this shirt is terrible. I like it, actually," said Benjamin, allowing it to happen.
"It's scratchy, and it's full of nasty chemicals. There's even long-dead creatures in it, somehow! I can't believe this is what passes for clothing among humans."
Benjamin shrugged the shirt off his shoulders. "Better or worse than the soda?"
"Terrible in different ways," said Ember. 
Benjamin might have asked him to elaborate, but Ember's hands had found his shoulders, and he was flooded with endorphins as his skilled touch worked the knots around his neck. His mind went hazy with the pleasure, and suddenly he was quite content with the fact that Ember had visited instead of having a quiet night to himself.
The beads around Ember's neck clicked softly as he worked. "In my opinion, there's no reason you should be wearing a shirt at all."
"I don't think my clients would appreciate that."
"Clearly they don't appreciate art, then."
"Oh, they really don't."
Benjamin sank in bliss as Ember worked around his spine, nimble and warm like sunbeams. He couldn't help but relax into it, his tired eyes blinking slowly and his head swimming. He could feel gentle fingers trace symbols along his back, and he suspected Ember was casting some kind of spell on him, but he couldn't quite bring himself to care. Ember murmured a few words in his native language, which always sounded more like a song than words. So easy to float away on, filling his head with the smell of the forest after a rainstorm and the feel of soft clover under his feet.
"So, honeybee," said Ember, his voice low in Benjamin's ear, "tell me the real reason you continue to spurn my affections."
"I'm scared." The words tumbled out of his mouth without Benjamin's input. A truth spell. So that's what it was. "I'm scared that none of this is real. That I'm a toy that you'll abandon someday."
Ember's finger traced down his spine, making him shiver. "Bold words, considering how notoriously fickle mortals can be. But go on, do."
He couldn't stop himself. "I'm scared... because I always do the responsible thing. Take a job I hate to make money. Work long hours to get promoted. Buy a sensible car and live in a modest apartment. Forget about my art. Survive," he said. "I don't just do things because I want them."
Ember's finger traced a lazy circle on his lower back. "But you do want."
Benjamin could only barely choke back the impulsive thing that rose in his throat, the tide of need. "I think you know," he said. "I just don't want to be hurt."
"Your regrets will also hurt," said Ember. "You don't think it will hurt when age claims you, when your fire has been extinguished, when you remember a summer that will never come again, and recall all the things you wanted to do but didn't?"
It was hard to imagine. All his anxious mind could see was a near future where he'd made some fatal mistake, done everything wrong, ruined the life he'd spent so much time and effort and blood and tears building. He'd spent so much time escaping from his family that even now, he barely bothered to look at what was on the other side of the prison. Not being in prison was enough.
Ember couldn't be more different. He had the love and respect of his people, a world filled with beauty and creativity and debauchery and joy. He was always looking to drink in as much of it as possible, as though pleasure now could stave off the inevitable doom.
Maybe it could, and he just couldn't bring himself to reach out and claim it.
"I can't," he said.
"Lying, again? Even now?"
"I'm not lying. I can't," said Benjamin. "I can't -- yet."
"Yet." He knew what it meant  to speak that word to a fairy king for whom words were both law and currency. It was a promise, one that Ember would certainly hold him to.
Ember leaned over, resting his cheek on Benjamin's shoulder. "What are the conditions, then?"
"A valuable thing. A steep price to pay. What do I get in return, if I give you time?"
Benjamin should have been expecting this, but in the haze of endorphins brought on by the massage and Ember's magic, his brain wasn't firing on all cylinders. What was something the fae wanted that wasn't him? 
"A phone," he blurted. "I can get you your own phone, set it up to work for you."
Ember sat up, clearly interested. "I do want that. You know where I can procure one?"
"Well, the phone store..."
"You'll take me to the phone store, and negotiate with the humans there for a phone I can use?" he said, eyes shining. "And in exchange, I give you time?  Time for me to pursue you? Time for your obvious desire for me to grow to unbearable levels?"
Benjamin swallowed hard, every alarm bell ringing. "Well, I --"
Ember pulled him backwards into an embrace, warm hands against his chest and lips tickling his ear. "I accept your offer."
It was increasingly difficult to think with Ember's flirtations, and Benjamin was still uncertain about what did and did not count as binding when it came to the faefolk, but he was reasonably sure he'd locked himself into this the moment he'd offered the phone. "All right," he said. "Meet me here at noon Saturday." He could hear Ember's frown, and immediately amended. "Meet me in two sunrises, when the sun is high overhead."
"I'll be there. I won't forget," he said. "And you'll keep your promise as well."
"Of course."
"So reliable. That's one of the reasons you'd make a most excellent consort, you know. You could make all the schedules and lists and plans you want, but instead of doing it in an office, you could do it entangled in flowers at my feet."
"And then I could watch as you gleefully tear the schedules and lists and plans up."
His laugh was like bells. "You understand perfectly," he said, falling over into Benjamin's lap. "But in truth, the harvest preparations are weighing heavily on my mind. It takes so much time, time that could be better spent charming you, or at least creating our matching outfits for the harvest ball."
Benjamin sighed. "I'm sorry, Ember, I don't really have time for -- did you just say matching outfits?"
"Yes, they're going to be splendid! I've been gathering the finest of the sunflowers and fallen leaves. I'll even make sure your nether regions are covered, since I know that's important to your kind for some reason."
"I -- don't --" Any relaxation from Ember's shoulder rub had gone. "I didn't agree to this. This is the first time you've brought this up. You didn't even invite me."
"Oh, yes. The harvest ball will occur half a moon from the moment when the roundest pumpkin will be plucked, and you must attend."
"How the hell am I supposed to know when -- never mind, it doesn't matter, because I definitely did not agree to this."
"Don't worry! You'll be there." Ember's eyes sparkled.
"That is not what I'm worried about. You can't just decide things like that for me"
"I haven't decided anything! I just know that you're going to be there," he said, sitting up. "Anyway, it's getting dark. I had better return to my crucially important duties before I'm missed. We're spinning spider's webs tonight, and if they aren't dyed exactly the right shades of violet, my subjects' clothes will be drab and disappointing."
"That sounds like a real emergency."
"Yes, you understand," said Ember with the utmost seriousness as he opened the window and made a low, haunting bird call. "I'll see you at the phone store, my honeybee. I'll bring the finest of the early harvest flowers and fruits to negotiate with."
"That really won't be necessary. Or helpful." 
But Ember wasn't listening, because a mourning dove had answered his call. He turned and winked at Benjamin, and in a flash he was a few inches tall and on the back of the bird. Benjamin went to the window and watched as he flew into the sunset, and then flopped back down onto his couch.
He'd agreed to take Ember to the phone store. What had he been thinking? The answer was that he wasn't, that whatever whammy Ember had cast on him had diminished his better judgement. He should've just offered to buy Ember a phone from the internet to stop him from kidnapping hikers, but no. Now he was committed, and going back on a promise to the fairy king was an even worse idea than taking him to a store.
Benjamin's gaze traveled to the carrots sitting on the table. He shouldn't. He knew he was already starting to get addicted to the food of the fae realm, and the harvest ball would only make that worse -- because he already knew in his heart he'd end up going. All the more reason not to touch them, to throw them out.
But it'd been a long day.
He picked up a carrot and ate it without even washing or skinning it. It was more delicious than it had any right to be.
There will likely be more of these two when I get my ideas together for them! Let me know if there's anything you'd like to see.
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skittles-the-whumpee · 3 months
Old Dealings
Chapter One - Sudden Discovery
<<<So, this is a canon side story to bring Skittles into Be Careful What You Wish For since her original story is inactive. I'm trying a new-for-me writing style so please, bear with me.>>>
TW: demon whumper, faerie whumper, human whumpee, degradation, pet whump, yelling, insults, human trafficking, mentions of death, mentions of torture, mentioned kidnapping
It's not often that Lord Daelan Darya of Greed is able to visit the human realm on leisure trips but that is where he finds himself today, somewhere in the Pacific Northwest, taking in the familiar scent of salty ocean air on the rooftop of his current love interest's home. The past year has been aggravating at best…he needs this vacation.
The past year had been spent searching for one particular person, one of his wards, a human he made a deal with over two decades ago…she's gone missing and not even his top trackers can find her. It's as if she's dropped off the face of the Earth, just completely vanished without a trace. So, to take his mind off things, he's come to spend some time away from Hell and his domain.
He feels hands sliding around his waist from behind as his lover wraps their arms around him, pressing their body against his back.
"Tense as always…well…I suppose less tense than you usually are."
"It's the ocean air, love. It's calmed me ever since I was a human child. Except back then, it was what is now known as the Persian Gulf." He says as he places his hands on theirs, cherishing their touch. "It was warmer, but this feels better, more calming."
"Have you ever gone back?"
"Hm? Yes…I-…I visit every now and then. It's so incredibly different than how it used to be. Still a dangerous place just…in different ways." He turns around and places his hands on their hips, pulling them in close. "Now, I seem to remember you telling me something about this new pet you've acquired but I have yet to see it. Is it shy?"
They giggle a little before standing on their tiptoes to kiss his cheek. "Yeah, she's just a bit nervous around new people. She's likely been avoiding you on purpose, she doesn't mean anything by it."
"Scared of the big bad demon lord, is she?" He asks with a playful chuckle.
"Want me to go find her?" Their head tilts cutely to the side as an equally playful smile crosses their lips.
"Yes, please. You know I like to check out your new pets. Especially after that pretty angel boy." He definitely has very fond memories of playing with the magpie angel, delicious blood and the prettiest singing voice.
They then turn on their heel with a smile, prompting Daelan to cop a feel, making them squeak and giggle as they wander off to go find their newest pet.
They look everywhere for her; the kitchen, the living room, her cell in the basement, they even look for her in their room seeing as she's hidden there before. There's no sign of her. The only other place they can think of is…oh shit…the greenhouse…on the roof.
Meanwhile, back up on the roof, Daelan has started pacing with a lit cigarette, smoking while he strolls around casually. It's very well-kept, likely because of the pets. Though, a bit of movement catches his eye through the partially warped glass on the side of the greenhouse and, like the proverbial cat, his curiosity is piqued and he slowly approaches.
There's someone in there, slowly watering the plants. They seem relaxed, at peace while they go about their task. He leans in to look inside, squinting to get a better view as he takes a hit from his cigarette, his eyes then opening wide as the person inside turns around.
"There is no way, in all the rings of Hell, that I'm this lucky…" He exclaims loud enough for the one inside to hear. Her back straightens and the watering can rattles as she begins to tremble…she knows that voice.
She looks over at the man in the window and feels her knees instantly go weak. She blinks, hoping that she's seeing things. Nope…that's him. He's here. But…how did he find her? She had changed hands so many times that she was so certain that he'd never find her.
His brows furrow in anger as he drops his cigarette, squashing it with his foot while staring at his missing ward. After all this time, there she is, watering plants…owned by someone else.
"Outside, NOW!" He demands with a growl, making her trembling worse. Cowering from his anger, she obeys, setting the watering can down before exiting the greenhouse with her hands folded neatly down in front of her and her head bowed in submission and fear. She's rightfully terrified, she had volunteered to be someone else's pet and flown halfway across the world to serve him when she truly belonged to Lord Daelan. Needless to say, she's in deep shit.
He's fuming, tapping his foot as she makes her way to him, kneeling before him just as he had trained her long ago.
"Do you have ANY idea how long I've been looking for you?! Where the FUCK have you been?" Each inflection makes her cower into herself more and more, trembling like a leaf.
"I-I-…I'm so-sorry…I-"
"DID I FUCKING ASK IF YOU WERE SORRY, YOU MISERABLE LITTLE SHIT?!" He bellows, his horns manifesting from pure rage. It's at that point that she starts sobbing in fear, she's seen him turn people to ash for lesser offenses. She cannot stop herself from pressing her forehead into the cold concrete of the roof, her tears dripping on it.
His lover reaches the roof and hears his yelling, wondering why their sweet pet is on her knees, sobbing with her head against the concrete. They figure she had offended him somehow…but…how? She's so sweet, she's never broken a rule and guests love her.
Daelan hears the door to the roof close and he turns, still rather angry, not quite able to switch it off at a moment's notice.
"What is going on up here? Skittles, what happened?" They ask, so very puzzled.
Before she can even open her mouth, Daelan raises a finger to them. "This is between me and her, love. Please stay out of it."
Wrong answer.
Their blood begins to boil at being told to stay out of something pertaining to one of their pets.
"Ex-fucking-cuse me?! She is mine and you will respect my authority in my own home." They command as they march right up to him, not even caring that he's the demon lord of Greed, this is their home and they're not about to let him tell them what to do…not here.
Daelan is actually so taken aback by them storming up to him that he's speechless, staring down at them with wide eyes. By the time he's able to collect his thoughts for a reply, they are standing strong, puffing their chest out and actually looking rather intimidating.
"But she's-…" He's barely even able to start a sentence before being cut off.
"NEED I actually adhere to the court order against you?" That makes him shut his mouth tight and shake his head. He then steps aside and over towards the edge facing the harbor, forcing himself to calm down before he does something that will risk his lordship title.
They watch him step away before kneeling down with their pet, completely shifting their attitude from a moment ago as they console the crying human. They rub her back, cooing softly that she's not in trouble and that she can go downstairs and get something to eat. She sniffles as she nods and slowly stands on shaky legs before making her way downstairs.
Once she disappears down the stairs and the door closes, they stand and slowly approach their lover, wrapping their arms around his waist from behind again, prompting him to gently place his on theirs.
"Care to explain what that was all about?" They ask in a calm tone.
He sighs and deflates a bit. "She's my missing ward…the one I've been looking for all this time and she was right under my nose. How long has she been here?"
"A few weeks, I bought her from my college friend, a fetch. He didn't say where he got her, though." It takes them a moment to fully register exactly what he said about her. "Wait…hold on…she is your missing ward?"
He nods, brushing his thumb over the back of their hand, their skin is delightfully soft, good for staying calm, given the circumstances. "Yeah. She is."
They raise their eyebrows in surprise. "Holy shit…talk about a small world. Like…what are the chances of that?"
"Impossibly slim."
"Well…since she was your property to begin with, you can have her back…as much as I'll miss her. She's a very sweet and obedient pet, try to take it easy on her." They offer as they press their cheek against his back in a hug.
Shocked by their offer, he turns back around to look them in the eye. "Are you sure, love? You seemed pretty steadfast when coming to her defense."
They look up at him and smile softly. "Yes, I'm sure. I can't withhold your property from you, so I'm returning her back to her rightful owner." They take a moment to think. "However, I'll only do so if you swear to me that you won't kill her."
He looks off to the side, thinking if it's even worth taking her back at this point before finally settling on a decision. He'll take her, she needs discipline but he'll keep her alive.
"I swear to keep her alive, you have my word. Thank you for returning her to me…I can finally put this wild goose chase to rest." He leans down and gives them a tender kiss, grateful to have them in his life. They keep him honest, completely unafraid of him and his aggressive habits, totally comfortable standing up to him without backing down. He's finally met his match.
Now to just get his pet home. She may be safe from death, but her previous owners are saints by comparison…and she's had some brutal owners.
BCWYWF Taglist (since this is a parallel story):
@whumpshaped @whumper-soot @dismemberment-on-a-tuesday-night @dragonfireridge @whumpofdory @astrowhump @batfacedliar @the-scrapegoat @livoftheparty @thebejeweledwatercat
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Shae masterlist
My tiny faerie boy~ Please mind all content warnings!
Impaled | Controlled | Controlled Aftermath | Strung Up | Broken Arm Part 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |  In The Cold Part 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |   The Shed Part 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |  Sharp Stone | Boiling Water | I don’t feel so good | Overwhelmed and Terrified | Sledgehammer | Hot Wax Part 1 | 2 | | Baseball Bat + Garage | Love and Care | Broken Hip + Collapse | Deadblow Hammer | Blunt Force Trauma | Recovery | Washing Machine | Lady’s Livestream 1 (NSFW) | Finger (NSFW) | Dislocated | Overstimulation (NSFW) | Fall From Tree | Pen (NSFW) | poppet | Grand Slam | Sting | debris | extreme torture | 
Art by @whump-em-with-art Art by @im-a-flippen-dinosaur Masterlist of Masterlists
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chaotic-orphan · 2 months
A Benignant Mischief (5)
Part one here
Continued from here
Back to my favourite Kingdom~
Cosimo managed to walk at a respectable pace with Henrik’s arm around him, supporting him as they followed the King’s trail through the palace. It felt nice to have freedom of movement in his arms, the iron cuffs were a welcome weight off his wrists.
This part of the palace looked less… formal. Less imposingly grand as the trial court had been. There were also less people, less humans, so maybe that had something to do with Cosimo’s sudden easement.
They turned a corner which opened up into a large room. Not as tall or grand as the court, but clean. Clinical. The walls were the same bone white, but three beds made up the back wall with cabinets full of bottles scattered around everywhere else, filling the space.
Nikolas was there, smiling and charming off the other grumpy human that could only be Artzet. He was taller than Nikolas, and where Nikolas was fair Artzet was dark. He had long dark, raven hair pushed back off his face, that stopped just above his shoulders. He had a wide face and a strong jaw, lined with dark stubble. His eyes were blue, when he turned his head to Cosimo and Henrik, like ice.
“Ah, there he is now,” said Nikolas with a smile, walking over to Cosimo and Henrik to stand beside them. “The man of the hour. He had a rather unfortunate arrival and I was hoping you could bandage his wrists from the cuffs.”
Artzet cocked an eyebrow at Cosimo, silent as the grave. He had a strange aura about him, unapproachable and stormy. His eyes flicked to Cosimo’s ears and Cosimo felt the shame rise in his face as he looked down.
“The boy’s an elf,” Artzet said, his voice like gravel, with a strange accent. Not unlike Henrik and Nikolas but certainly different. Foreign, like Cosimo.
“Yes,” said Nikolas brightly. “He’s a boy. His name is Cosimo, and he was mistreated in my name, Artzet.”
Artzet’s eyes were hard when they cut to Nikolas. “Don’t you usually execute elves?”
There wasn’t a malice in his words, nor anything else really. It was more… matter of fact, as if trying to glean understanding. Cosimo was dizzy with the range that humans came in. Evil, kind, happy, grumpy— and then Artzet who just… confused Cosimo.
Maybe he was going mad.
“Yes,” Nikolas replied in the same matter-of-fact tone. “Adult elves with intentions to kill me first. This boy is a child, Artzet. He doesn’t even know of our tumultuous history with elves.”
Artzet looked at Cosimo again with those icy eyes, calculating, searching Cosimo’s face for what Cosimo didn’t know. Then his face broke into a smile and it made him look a couple years younger.
“An innocent elf,” Artzet said with a bark of laughter and a shrug. “Well. It’s not everyday I get to treat an elf, please put him on the bed.”
Nikolas grinned in return, flashing his smile down at Cosimo and then patting Henrik on the back. “Marvellous!”
Henrik helped Cosimo over to the bed while Artzet milled around the room, humming a tune to himself. “You okay, kid?” Henrik whispered as he lifted Cosimo onto the bed.
“Yeah,” Cosimo replied, the room swirling slightly. “Yeah I’m fine.” Henrik smiled and grabbed Cosimo’s legs, helping him to stretch out on the comfortable bed and it felt so good. So nice and soft and warm. So unlike the cell’s cot.
Nikolas smiled at Cosimo from the entrance of the room. “I have to go and see to some arrangements about fixing you a room, Cosimo.”
Cosimo frowned. “A room?”
“Yes,” Nikolas said, smiling kindly.
“You’re not letting me go?”
The humans stilled in the room. Cosimo looked between Nikolas and Henrik, Artzet’s humming stopped. His heart was beating hard in his chest.
They weren’t going to let him go? What about? He had to save the boy and the fox he had to return to them, he had to—
Darkness encroached on the edges of his vision, Cosimo’s breath getting away from him and thrumming his chest in a staccato rhythm.
“I have to— I have to— my brother, I have to—” Cosimo wheezed, clutching his chest but it was no use. His thoughts were against him, his mind turning in on him and shattering. He couldn’t breathe. He had to—
Henrik was beside him, hand on his and squeezing. “Hey. Cosimo! Hey! Look at me, it’s okay! We’re not keeping you here. Cosimo!”
Cosimo’s eyes darted around the room searching for escape, everyone, everything was too close to him, the mattress too soft so he would struggle to run and could he even run?! In his state?
Icy eyes appeared in front of him and then smaller golden eyes. Cosimo stared, stunned at the furry creature that Artzet held in front of his face. Tears flowed in steady streams down his face but even then he couldn’t understand what was happening.
A cat?
It was a cat… Artzet… was holding a cat up to Cosimo? To take it?
“There we go. See? Everyone loves Myshka. Eh? Pet her if you like,” said Artzet with an encouraging nod. Cosimo lifted his hand and stroked the cat’s head. The cat purred under him, grey fur so soft and fluffy. “She is my nurse, helps me with all my patients. Isn’t that right Myshka?”
Myshka purred in reply. Cosimo let out a small happy laugh at her, as the grey cat curled up on his lap, content. Cosimo raised his head to see Henrik and Nikolas sharing a look of bewilderment. Cosimo swallowed, embarrassed at all the fuss he had caused.
“Mmm,” Artzet hummed in response to Myshka. “I agree. He is a lovely boy. Too tall for his age, but that means he will grow strong.”
Cosimo looked up to Nikolas, who was frowning his brows forming a furrow at the top of his nose. His green eyes met Cosimo’s, with something heavy in them.
“You said…” Nikolas began then stopped, worrying his lip between his teeth. “You said you had a brother?”
Cosimo’s chest swelled again. He looked to Henrik who stared at him with the same tentative look that was on Nikolas’s face. So he must have said it. Cosimo didn’t remember saying it…
“You didn’t run away on your own,” said Henrik softly. Cosimo glanced down at the cat, fearing if he looked at anyone else he would start crying again. “Did you?”
Cosimo swallowed the lump in his throat.
Artzet spoke first. “Cosimo, if you wouldn’t mind stretching your arm here so I can clean it.”
Cosimo was happy for the distraction. His tongue had turned to sand in his mouth, too dry and thick and much. What would they do to the boy? To the fox? Would they kill them? Sure, Henrik liked Cosimo but that didn’t mean they liked elves. Would they put him in irons too? Force him to be in a cell? To stand trial, and then bandage him up again with an apology and an offer to stay and live with them.
“Cosimo,” it was Henrik this time. His eyes soft and trusting. “You can tell us, okay? We just want what’s best for you. And for your brother.”
Cosimo felt tears building behind his eyes. He couldn’t tell them, could he? He remembered during the trial, how Henrik had just stood back as he was tied down to an iron pole and it flared something angry in his chest. He couldn’t just tell them.
“If I tell you,” Cosimo said, tone guarded, shielding himself from the answer. He raised his head and stared straight at Nikolas. He had to hear it from the King. “Will you subject him to the same thing you did to me?”
The question seemed to suck all air out of the room. Henrik straightened, turning his body a little away from Cosimo, to look at Nikolas. Nikolas’s green eyes didn’t leave Cosimo’s. He walked closer to Cosimo’s bed and stopped at the end of it. Nikolas lifted his right hand, tucking his left behind his back and formed a fist over his chest.
His eyes solemn as he stared at Cosimo.
“I promise you, Cosimo. That your brother will not come to any harm in my care. I will treat you both as if you were my subjects. If you wish you can pass through my territory if you would prefer to keep running from where you’re from. I will provide the King’s escort so you can pass safely through.” Nikolas’s gaze softened then. A small flush fell over his cheeks, and Cosimo realised with a start that the King was… embarrassed.
“Or, if you prefer, you can have a room here in the palace. In my court. You would be treated with the utmost respect and kindness, as well as I would treat any other human. More so, because I know what pain you have been caused under my care. This, I give you, my vow as King. No harm will come to you.”
Cosimo stared without words. It felt as if his breath was taken from his chest. The only thought running through his head was that: Nikolas really did look like a King. The kind of Kings from stories Cosimo grew up with; good Kings, kind Kings, brave as knights and chosen by Gods. His golden brown hair like a crown, standing like a soldier in front of Cosimo, offering him a salute.
A King saluting Cosimo.
A human saluting an elf.
His enemy.
Maybe he was like everything Henrik had said. Maybe he was too good to be a King.
Cosimo broke down into another round of sobs. Nikolas blanked, like he had done something wrong immediately looking to Henrik who shared his look of confusion.
Artzet was bandaging Cosimo’s wrist, movement unbroken as if there was no life changing exchanges happening behind him. Myshka purred on Cosimo’s lap happily.
“Cosimo, I—” Nikolas began but Cosimo cut him off.
“I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I’m sorry for causing all this trouble, I’m sorry for forcing you to be kind. I’m sorry—” Cosimo blubbered, looking up at Nikolas with watery eyes, as wide as saucers. “I’m sorry… that I’m not strong enough to say no. I— I ran with my brother, we— I didn’t have a plan, we have nowhere else to—”
Henrik engulfed Cosimo in a hug, stopping him mid sentence. He was so strong he could take the weight of them both as sobs wracked through Cosimo like a storm. Blubbering up and broiling over in waves.
“We’ll find your brother,” Nikolas said, and he was so certain. “As soon as you’re rested and—”
Cosimo’s eyes flew open, panicked. “No. Please, we have to find him now.”
Nikolas softened. “Of course. As soon as Artzet has looked you over we will set out to find him, Cosimo.”
“How wonderful,” Artzet said happily, returning Cosimo’s bandaged wrist to his lap. “I am already halfway through! Henrik, please. Let us swap sides.”
Cosimo flushed at Artzet’s manner of speaking. He spoke from the back of his throat, pausing as if for effect after every couple of words. His voice happy and upbeat, his face still the same imposing sternness that had initially scared Cosimo.
Henrik pulled back from Cosimo, and Cosimo offered him a smile. It was all he could do. Henrik returned one and walked around the bed to where Artzet was before, sitting on the edge of the blanket.
“How far away was your brother from where we were camped?” Henrik asked.
“Not too far,” Cosimo replied. “I’ll know when we get there. I left him in an elfbow. It should protect him from humans.”
“And from elves?”
Cosimo looked at Nikolas who had an unreadable expression on his face. Cosimo frowned, he didn’t even think of that.
“No,” said Cosimo softly. “No it wouldn’t.”
“No trouble,” said Artzet with a smile. “I will just work faster.”
Nikolas nodded at Artzet. “Thank you, Doctor. Henrik will stay with you Cosimo, while I send word to the stables to prepare the horses so we can leave as soon as you’re finished here.”
“Okay,” said Cosimo. “Thank you.”
Nikolas nodded and then he was gone.
“Oh no,” said Artzet not a second later. Turning Cosimo’s and Henrik’s head to him.
“What?” Henrik asked, his eyes flickering to Cosimo’s wrist.
Artzet grinned. “I think the King likes you, Cosimo.”
Henrik rolled his eyes and let out a soft laugh. Cosimo didn’t know how to react to that statement, but it did make something warm around his heart. It was good if the King liked him, that meant he would survive. The boy would survive. They would be okay, that Cosimo didn’t actually doom them. That he saved them both.
That all this had meant something.
Artzet smiled when he was finished and straightened. “Now, Cosimo. You are good as new! Well, not new, but better.”
Artzet spoke at Henrik next: “make sure he doesn’t ride his own horse in case the pulling of the reins aggravates his wrists.”
“It’s okay,” said Henrik, getting to his feet. “Cosimo will be riding with me anyway.”
“Marvellous. Now, Myshka,” said Artzet with a sigh. He leaned down and hooked his hands under the cats belly to her mewl of protest. “I know, I know. Terrible. Cosimo has a brother to rescue, Myshka, don’t be selfish.”
Cosimo got to his feet, his head only slightly dizzying now. The stress seeming to have left his body with Artzet and Myshka.
“Thank you,” Cosimo said to Artzet who was cuddling Myshka to his chest.
“Anytime, Cosimo. Now go, save your brother. I will see you again.”
Cosimo walked beside Henrik out of Artzet’s room and turned a different corner than the one that led back to the court room with the throne and the iron pole.
“Cosimo, are you sure you’re okay to ride?” Henrik asked, the skepticism evident in his voice. Cosimo for his part was doing his best to stay focused and upright.
“Yes,” said Cosimo. He did feel better, much better than before. He was a little woozy but he just attributed that to the blood loss. His hands looked a little funny with the white bandages wrapped firmly around them. Soft, yet strong. “We need to find him.”
He could feel Henrik’s eyes on him as they walked down the steps they had come up from the stables. They were so close to being safe, Cosimo could rest when he saw the boy, didn’t Henrik understand that? He could relax and let Henrik fuss over him then, but not until he saw the boy.
If the elves had got to him…
No, Cosimo couldn’t think like that. He wouldn’t. They would find the boy and everything would be fine.
They emerged from the side door of the palace to find Nikolas and some soldiers preparing horses outside the stables. Ebony was already geared up, tied off beside a white horse that Cosimo could only presume belonged to Nikolas.
He seemed like the type of man to have a white horse. It made him look more like a Hero. Henrik walked them around to where the gathering of the soldiers were to see Nikolas in the middle, sitting on a bale of hay and laughing at something with the stable boys.
He perked up when he saw Cosimo and Henrik, smiling and standing. He clapped one of the stable boys on the shoulder and then he was in front of Cosimo and Henrik.
“You’re all patched up,” said Nikolas.
“Yes, Artzet worked quickly.”
“Good. Then let’s not waste anymore time, hmm?”
They didn’t. Henrik helped Cosimo onto Ebony again and then climbed up behind him, while Nikolas mounted the white horse beside them. Henrik offered something to Cosimo and he took it, realising it was the hood and cloak Henrik had given him before to hide his ears from the other humans.
Cosimo frowned at the green material. Did he still have to hide? Was he not free by the king’s decree?
“People won’t know that you’re pardoned yet, Cosimo,” said Henrik behind him as he walked Ebony towards the palace gates. “They will still have reason to fear you if they see your ears. People have the tendency to think the worst. It will just cause panic.”
Cosimo swallowed his pride. He didn’t really have any grounds to fight Henrik who had only been kind with him. Henrik was doing this for Cosimo too, so he wouldn’t have to see the fear and hatred in the people’s eyes.
With a few orders from Nikolas they were out the palace gates and walking through the city to the border. Cosimo was awed with the reception Nikolas got from his people.
“Your majesty!”
“Your highness!”
“Three cheers for King Nikolas!”
A street band from the upper city followed the precession with lively music as they walked through the streets. Nikolas, Cosimo observed, smiled and waved and nodded when he needed to. He had no crown and yet everyone knew he was the King. He was adored by his city.
When they got into the outer parts, the poorer parts Cosimo expected some of the love to dwindle but if anything it just got louder.
“King Niko! Where’re’ya off ta?”
“Your highness! We named our son after you,” a woman cried, holding a baby up to him. Nikolas laughed and stopped his horse beside the woman to gaze down at the sleeping child in her arms.
“Mmm, he’s going to be a handsome one, Sierra. Look at that, he’s got his father’s strong nose.” Nikolas looked up at her and smiled, what Cosimo could only assume was his charming kingly smile. “I wish you three all the happiness in the world.”
Then they continued on.
More music.
Flowers thrown at his horses feet. It’s like a festival.
Cosimo can’t help but feel a stab on envy. He can only watch as the humans fawn and fuss over their King, and with good reason, because he’s wearing a cloak right now to cover his features. His ears, his skin, his eyes. All too strange to humans, all hateful. That’s why they were greeted with flowers instead of curses and words of praise rather than hatred.
He shrunk a little into himself, pulling the cloak tighter around himself. It didn’t matter. None of it mattered. Not until they rescued the boy, that’s why they were leaving Oskana at all. If the humans knew why… well, they wouldn’t be cheering as much.
Or maybe, some tiny voice said at the back of Cosimo’s mind, maybe they would cheer even louder.
It was just a thought, fleeting, and yet somehow heavier than anything Cosimo had thought in the past day. He ignored it. The voice could be right, but Cosimo couldn’t be sure until he saw the boy again.
Until he saved him.
Cosimo raised his head as they reached the city gates, staring out into the Kingswood, as one of the soldiers in his trial had called it.
I’m coming back with help, Cosimo promised. Please, be safe.
Orphanage roll-call (lmk if you wanna be tagged or removed): @annablogsposts
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angelsandarsenic · 1 year
Tadaa! Here's an easy way to find everything I've written and possibly will write! (Beautiful banners by CafeKitsune!)
. ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁ ⟡ ݁ . ⊹ ₊ ݁. ˚₊‧꒰ა ☆ ໒꒱ ‧₊˚ . ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁ ⟡ ݁ . ⊹ ₊ ݁.
— Whump Stuff
Dream SMP/Origins/QSMP/MCYT/etc.
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Series: Unseelie
--Your Name is Precious (And so are You)
Ranboo had heard of the Fair Folk. He left his fallen food for them to take whenever he dropped something, he was careful to avoid potential fairy mounds and mushroom rings when he walked in the woods and he knew you should never ever give a faerie your name.
And now one was standing right in front of him, grinning a fanged (tusked?) smile, with it's hand held out, asking for just that.
In which Ranboo is a neglected child who stumbles across fae!Techno, inspired by the tumblr post (and anon ask) by anarchy-and-piglins. Family will be found, names will be revealed, and maybe (definitely) some angst in between.
Satus: Completed Words: 24,555
--Stay for a Drink
The Quackbur/tnt duo coffee shop au with a twist 
Quackity meets a very handsome barista at his favorite coffee shop who speaks a little weird, but he's nicer than Quackity's boyfriend, who pisses Quackity off enough all the time, that he unknowingly avoids all of Faerie!Wilbur's attempts to steal his name.
Status: Completed Words: 38,270
--The Monarch Project
Ranboo is half faerie. Somehow stranger, he’s been adopted by a wonderful, loving family after being neglected his whole life. They think they’re starting to get used to it, (and the fact that they live in the faerie world now), but they’ve never had people who care about them before, much less a brother who was willing to die to save him. Of course, things can’t be that easy. The Sootcraft family has a history; now shadows of the past have started cropping up and they don't intend to leave Ranboo out of it.
Status: Abandoned Words: 34,537
—Tales from the Land of the Faeyeryes
A collection of oneshots of Ranboo, Technoblade, Wilbur and Quackity and maybe even Dream and others in the Unseelie universe
Status: (abandoned) Words: 10,065
--(Also related--the official lore book for the au also on Ao3)
Series: Saltwater in Our Veins and Sand in Our Bones
Description: a pirate au! With magic, swashbuckling and characters of every imaginable disposition, but this time featuring Ranboo and Tubbo! However, there is more than meets the eye with the suspicious young captain.
--What Lurks in the Depths
Four months ago, Ranboo woke up on a deserted island with torn, bloody clothes, a bejeweled sword in his hand and absolutely no memory of how he got there. Completely unintentionally, he finds himself as the captain of a pirate ship with the king of the biggest continent on the Essempi Seas in his brig and the Royal Navy hot on his tail to get them back. Meanwhile, the king has proposed a deal. Now, Ranboo, along with captains Tubbo and Technoblade and their combined crews hunt for the totem god before the Navy can get them first. If they succeed, vast riches await. If not...well, let's hope it doesn't come to that.
Status: In Progress Words: 14,379
--Eyes on the Shoreline
Summary: Pirate Technoblade never dies (but that's not to say he hasn't come close) ---- A Technoblade prequel to What Lurks in the Depths about the Blood God's past, including some surprise old shipmates
Status: Complete Words: 5,608
--Tesoro Dorado
Set before What Lurks in the Depths, Foolish was just a totem trying to live his life. He didn't mess with humans, the merman had already learned his lesson about that. As far as he was concerned, they could all rot at the bottom of the sea. That was, until he met Vegetta.
Status: In Progress Words: 18,250 Pirate AU! Part of the Saltwater in our Veins, Sand in our Bones series, but can be read as a standalone
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--As the Fates Decreed --oneshot
Sol 17 was the day I died... ------ The three fates of Emperor XD's pantheon have officially declared Tommy a dead man. On the one hand, he'll finally be with his brother again. On the the other… Tommy isn't ready to die yet. The vigilante has given up on any chance of being saved, but Tubbo has always been willing to take a long shot chance if it's to save his best friend and the Antarctic Empire might have exactly what they need.
Status: Completed Words: 13,915 Space au!
--APEX --two shot
Has it been days? The blackness darkening the windows up above does a really good job, so there seems to be no discernible change in lighting at all. Ranboo isn’t allowed to have his wrist watch (or his shoes or hair tie or sunglasses). Their captors have no discernible schedule, the boss comes and goes sporadically, here for the longest amounts of time whenever he's actually performing a "surgery". Maybe these hours are just dragging on and it hasn't been the week Ranboo feels like it has. Maybe he still has a chance that someone will find him.
What was the statistic? After the first 24 hours-
In a time when the black market is flourishing, Ranboo, an enderian college student finally falls victim to the Hunters of non-human species. Tommy and Tubbo won't let their friend go, they're determined to get him back, but will they make it in time to save him?
Based off of the minecraft surgery mod, but make it real life (ish)
Status: Abandoned Words: 15,705
--Say "I Do" --oneshot
A Fooligetta wedding oneshot where absolutely nothing goes wrong
Status: Completed Words: 4,697
--Fair Game --oneshot
Villains try to take revenge on Superhero!Foolish by attacking his family
Status: Completed Words: 6,984
--Skeletons in the Closet (And Gay People, Of Course) --oneshot
Foolish knew that falling for a one night stand was dangerous, but if Vegetta liked him back, then really, what's the harm?
Status: Completed Words: 6,776
--Don't Worry, It's Just Marinara Sauce (ordem paranormal:quarantina)--oneshot
The one where we realize Dr Benito is a quack doctor and he wishes he had gone to medical school 
Status: Completed Words: 2,128
To Hell and Back --Oneshot
The Deathduo Corpse Bride AU!
Status: Completed Words: 17,933
Something About Pretty Pale Skin, Dark Hair and Lips Turning Blue at the Edges --oneshot
Status: draft
The Eyes of Ghosts --oneshot
Summary: The Count of Monte Cristo Deathduo AU!
Status: draft
--Starry Skies, Starry Eyed
BadBoy Halo is an awful prince and a worse potential fiance. The mysterious warrior he meets on midnight excursions doesn't seem to mind.
Status: Draft
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--Go Tell the Bees
The adventures of spiderman-esque superhero!Tubbo, because there aren't enough Tubbo centric superhero AUs and I took that personally. ------ Being L'manberg's only official (and capable) superhero is hard, but even with three of the most powerful supervillains targeting his city, he's managed. Then, in the span of only three days his world turns upside down when new players enter the field, both in his civilian life and alter-ego. Now, he may have to choose between protecting his friends, his family and his city, and he can't do everything alone anymore.
Status: In Progress Words: 32,859
--Diamonds, Emeralds and Other Useless Crap
Quackity and Wilbur have been at each other's throats as long as they can remember, both in civilian life and the criminal underworld. With one being a seemingly infallible master thief and the other as the biggest, apparently heartless, mafia boss history has seen, one new client decides it's a fantastic idea to make them work together on the biggest operation of either of their lives. Neither consider that they could be getting in over their heads, but this job has far more in store for them than they anticipated.
Status: Abandoned Words: 31,018 Pairing: TNT duo
--My Father Wasn't Around
Fundy was a mistake. His father was never meant to be a father, he didn't know how to be and he didn't try. Sometimes Fundy thinks it's a miracle that he’s still around to see that Wilbur's adopted a new child. As if Fundy wasn't enough. As if he never mattered. Doesn't he deserve love too? --------- Fundy comes home and meets Tallulah. Understandably, he's a little upset. But...maybe having a little sister wouldn't be so bad.
Status: In Progress Words: 24,093
—It’s Not Love, I Swear (It Might be Closer to Despair)
After Charlie found out about Mariana’s cheating, his husband swears he regrets it and would do anything to fix his mistakes. The only reason Charlie is giving him another chance is for their daughter, but Mariana doesn’t disappoint. It’s like falling in love all over again
Status: In Progress Words: 8,289
--Maybe This Dream Isn't so Bad -- sleeping beauty!Techno au oneshot that got turned into three parts
Inspired by the comic by behrjbehr on tiktok and instagram, orphans Wilbur and his terminally ill brother Tommy stumble upon a mysterious deserted castle, clearly centuries old, yet seemingly frozen in time. Inside they find a prince, cursed to sleep for a thousand years, an immortal dragon and much more.
Status: Abandoned Words: 11,240
Summary: A Maleficent au featuring Chayanne and Tallulah! Formerly Emeraldduo, but recently required some changes :/
Status: In Progress Words: 3,650
--Kindergarten is Ruthless --Blood God centric based on this prompt: post
The chronicles of the blood god and his devoted followers...a class of kindergartners. -------- In which a long forgotten god is awoken by children, Philza is a tired kindergarten teacher and Dream is very suspicious of the new teacher's assistant and nothing bad ever happens
Status: In Progress Words: 3,244
--Ghosts in my Closet
When Tubbo moved into a new house a year ago, strange things started happening. He brushes it off. He doesn't believe in ghosts. Even his best friend, the son of an actual medium, doesn't believe in ghosts. But...maybe there actually is something inside his house. Whatever it is, it's not playing games anymore. It's malevolent and Tubbo isn't the only one it's affecting. With Phil and Tommy's help, he plans to get rid of the spirit and be done with it, however not everything is so black and white.
Status: In Progress Words: 15,578
--Secret Identity
There were whispers that The Wolf of Quesadilla Island wasn't human; that he was an actual beast, disguised as a man, or that he was an ancient deity come to wreak havoc on a sinful world. Small groups across the country advocated for him--even idolized him, while most others lived in fear of the villain prowling their streets. Whatever he was, he didn't so much as flinch as flames licked his heels, dragging the senator by his collar. A black suited security guard lay motionless at the entrance, and it suddenly occurred to Foolish that he should call the fire department, or the police. Instead, he stood, frozen, gaping in horror as the supervillain lifted a full grown man with one arm and threw him to the sidewalk, not four yards from where Foolish stood. -------- In which Foolish doesn't realize that the local supervillain is his boyfriend and Vegetta keeps failing successfully to flirt with him
Status: In Progress Words: 22,449
The Minecraft Youtube Scream AU! Featuring Dream SMP, Origins SMP and QSMP!
Status: Abandoned Words: 4,909
—Dream Smp Top Gun AU
not a written fanfic but I really liked this au and there’s a short story with it
--The Universe Conspired to Help Me Find You
Tnt Duo Cupid AU! (link to og post)
Quackity is a Cupid tasked with ending toxic relationships. Wilbur is a…frequent flier. At this point he’s really starting to become a problem, and once more Quackity descends to the mortal realm to work. However, this time, Wilbur acknowledges him.
Status: Abandoned Words: 5,924
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—A Lifeweaver battle whump oneshot
Status: completed Words: 2,308
This on is going to get way too full so HERES A LINK TO THE NEXT FICS MASTERLIST POST (other fandoms)
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deckofaces · 1 year
Clip The Wings
Tw: whump, past trauma mention
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“I hate my wings..” the winged whumpee stated. They turned around, their eyes meeting Caretaker’s. 
The suddenness of the statement took Caretaker by surprise. They somewhat knew this but Whumpee saying it out right and definitely out of the blue caught them off guard. But their face softened and they sat down next to them on the couch. Before they could even get a word in, Whumpee started talking again. 
Tears filled their eyes as they stared directly at Caretaker now, speaking with full conviction. “Would Whumper ever really have wanted me or done all that they did if I never had my wings?” A beat of silence filled the air, Caretaker opened their mouth but no words seemed to come out. 
“I want my wings gone. I don’t care how it’s done, I just want them off my back.”
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into-the-faewood · 2 months
The Faerie Prince's Dominion An original m/m romance about knights and faeries
Chapter 35 - Maelstrom. Bastien’s aware of how savage he must look, covered in dirt and blood, his chest heaving and the knife clenched in his hand.
Read on AO3
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belethlegwen · 1 year
The Faerie Spell - Chp 7
Chapter One: Click Here
Previous Chapter: Click Here
Story Directory: Click Here
Words: 6061
Summary: Daphne decides to take back some of her own agency after the awkward-as-hell movie night, learning that she can get away with keeping her curse-bullshit bouts a secret under certain conditions. It makes her feel good enough that she starts to finally start breaking away from her friends a bit, making more decisions for herself and even deciding to treat herself a little!
Content Warning: Violence, bodily harm, fear
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Since the movie-night, like I mentioned, there had been three episodes. The first one didn’t even last until morning, which made things a bit awkward. Waking up to cold chills and wondering how long it had been, scrambling with whatever I could remember to grab out to the top of the desk. I made it, but it did make me move the bed from the second floor/loft of the ‘beach bungalow’ to the ground floor.
I fell into my real bed, barely blinked my damn eyes and the sun was up before I could fully form the question of what that stupid winged bastard was getting up to at my height in the middle of the night on a Friday. Sheri had helpfully informed me at the kitchen table that I looked like shit, but it being Saturday, I just took a morning shower and went right back to nap until lunch. It, admittedly, wasn’t a huge help to my energy or my mood.
The second one had happened on Tuesday, around 10:30 or so in the morning. I was mid-zoom call with my team lead and some of my other coworkers when the feeling came over me and I managed to zonk the laptop down with me in what I personally believe was my smoothest move yet. Only one of them had even noticed something happened, and that was more because the warm waves make me sweaty-- whether from anxiety or because they’re actually that warm, I haven’t actually bothered to check-- and a little nauseous. I had almost passed it off completely, but because I hadn’t been charging the laptop all morning the battery died just a bit past lunch and I had to take a sick day for the latter half.
I had been getting warned about taking those, but I had looked at the health coverage and poured over some of the language with a personal caseworker after my accident, and ‘illnesses and afflictions’ such as mine were covered.
…Well, supposed to be, but it was still a weekly game of email-tag with HR and management to get the sick days applied properly and compensated for according to the contract, etcetera etcetera, blahblahblah.
I had forgotten that day who was free and who wasn’t, and I didn’t want to give Sheridan an excuse to dodge out of work early or something, so I just… wandered. I got into the cupboard I had been testing, I checked my new elastic-ladder situation, and realized what was so good about sunbeams. As a heads up: Giant cheetos are more trouble than they’re worth, but there’s something about giant breakfast cereal if you can get to it that really really hits.
I was honestly about to start heading back to where my phone was sitting on the desk in my room, ready to alert them that it had happened before Sheridan may have shown up and found me, when the cold chills hit and I was standing normal-sized in the hall again. Being self-sufficient felt good. Really good, honestly, and being able to just spend time by myself and do things on my own helped me plan out some things I could do to make everything easier to just… stay self-sufficient.
Mostly it involved getting a lot of things for my room. I started taking little notes in a diary, started bringing a bag full of some essentials with me from room to room so that if it hit again I’d be able to-- hopefully-- grab it before I zonked. ALWAYS making sure my phone was going in a pocket of some kind instead of being laid somewhere was a tricky one, but I had been getting better at it! By the time the next bout hit, I had improved a bunch of little, like… quality of life things for myself in terms of mobility, keeping things kind of concentrated to certain areas, that sort of deal.
I got a little bit sour that nobody noticed them before I zonked or whatever. No one seemed to care about my stupid curse or how I was actually dealing with it outside of making dumb jokes, so nobody noticed that the bookshelf dollhouse set up had gotten a little pimped out, that I had made some extra additions for like, comfort. Closest we came was when Gem popped in for dinner with us one night and she noted that I had some scraps of fabric and stuff around, things like hacky sacks or a scrap of old memory-foam from a pillow I was replacing that I had wrapped some cloth around, wondering why I wasn’t ordering more doll furniture.
I told her this was just basic stuff to ‘tide me over’ until an order came in. She had been excited about that, even though I didn’t honestly believe it was that convincing of a lie. It still wasn’t probably going to be comfortable but it was better than a lot of the doll-intended trash I had already wound up with.
I had… almost forgotten about the Gem shit entirely by this point. There were moments when it would hit again, but honestly? In my newfound independence, it didn’t bother me nearly as much and I had no interest in wanting to talk to anyone about it. Why bring it up? I was actively making it not-a-problem and that felt so good, oh my god.
The latest bout, the one that ended this morning, happened at 10:30-ish again on Tuesday, and I was sincerely hoping that whatever this bastard was up to would last the same length of time as it did the last time, but by 4:30 I was left with no real choice but to warn everybody before Sheri came home and just found me. I had gotten through the entire workday with no one noticing that my background was uh… well, bigger, but I tended to keep to a pretty vague section of my desk while on the zoom calls and such anyway, so I suppose it wouldn’t have been extremely noticeable.
Once Sheridan made it back and settled in for the night, I messaged Cal and had them come over to hang out with me in my room and even convinced them to sleep over just to get Gem off my back. We didn’t talk about the incident, but Cal and I did have a conversation about how kind of pushy Gem was about babysitting me and taking me for sleepovers when this shit happened, even when it was blatantly impractical like it was that night: she had work the next morning! Was I just going to hang out on a table in her house for 8 hours? Was I supposed to break my way out of there if the curse un-zonked me mid-way through the day? God girl, just let me sleep in my own house.
“Listen,” Cal had said as they spread out on my bed, causing the pillow I was sitting on to almost toss me into the air as their head landed on it with some force next to me. “I can’t blame her too much, you’re pretty cute like this.”
“Ugh,” I had grunted, reaching for the strap of my bag and hauling back up beside me to avoid it getting crushed, sending off my sick-leave request on my phone. “That’s the last thing I wanna hear. I just wish people would give me a fuckin’ break when I’m like this.”
“It takes you like, four years to get to a bathroom at this size, girl,” they had drawled, yawning, their hand almost hitting me as it moved to flop on the other side of me. “Only so much of a break you can get.”
“You know I’ve like, dealt with that at least a little, right?” I had asked pointedly, turning to stare at the side of their face, but it was useless. As they scoffed and made some kind of comment that unless we put litter boxes in every room ‘it wouldn’t matter’, I decided to not let them in on the details of my creative engineering. 
I also decided, once again, to not complain about how touchy Gem was when Cal’s finger started to bump into me idly and repeatedly while we talked. What right did I have to complain about Gem’s handsy-ness when I was constantly smacking at Cal’s stupid fingers?
One thing I was grateful to Cal for, though, was that when I told them I could handle myself and would message them if anything went wrong, they believed me enough to head out to work the next morning without trying to call in Mak or Gem. Even agreed to send a dummy-message in the afternoon that they were heading home so it looked like I’d only be home alone for maybe an hour before Sheri got back. Sheri had even made sure Hannibal wasn’t going to do his morning run, though it was pretty unnecessary. One of my quality-of-life upgrades I finally caved to was a couple of sets of earplugs. 
I had run clean out of those USB-charger battery packs by the time me and Sheri had finished dinner, so she had suggested we just watch TV together while I gave my phone a break. It was honestly a nice night, like I had said; she was pretty good about listening to me when I said it’s easier for me to watch from the back of the couch, or at least the armrest, and aside from the quick warnings before being grabbed and moved everywhere she was alright to get along with.
The rest of the group chat… not so much. When I mentioned my phone was dying, Gem told me she was absolutely going to take the time off of work tomorrow and come get me so someone was ‘actually taking care of me’ while I was still zonked, Mak asked me why I didn’t just keep all of my old phones charged as back-ups because they don’t need SIM cards to use the WiFi and I was going to be home all the time anyway, Cal saying instead that they’d call in for their shift tomorrow afternoon if I was still zonked and come hang with me at my place, which just started an argument with Gem…
When I was grabbing my bag and everything just a bit before 5am and sleepily dragging my ass out of the bungalow, I can not begin to express how god-damn relieved I was. I plugged my phone in and sent off a message to the chat that I was big again, everything was fine, and then just collapsed for a few more hours of sleep. By 7, everyone had seen and was… well, they all said they were happy to hear, but I was getting more and more suspicious of Gem’s level of honesty. 
So, I hope that’s a pretty clear explanation of why I decided, at around 9am, to drive myself into town to run some very minor, personal errands and just enjoy myself without letting anyone know. 
Like, the house-keeping was done and getting done! I plugged in all of my chargers at home, phone was back to full charge by the time I was up, set up my laptop to charge… My sick-leave was still in place, though I had told the crew that I was thinking of letting them know that I was good to work again when I first was re-embiggened or whatever before dawn. I decided against it because after Sheridan had left for work it just kind of hit me that… I missed doing shit on my own.
It hit me that I hated the idea of trying to ask if one of them could schedule some time with me to get my haircut, or that the only one who ever really seemed down for a nice coffee-and-chat like I used to have was Gem because everyone else was busy or was worried I’d zonk or something. 
I also, also… kind of wanted to try out some of the other magic shops around town. I had been doing research, but every time I brought it up around the gang, they all got really squirrelly about it; even Gem, who was always saying she knew someone or knew someone who knew someone who was in the magic underground scene or what-have-you. Like, we were all super ignorant about magic stuff, me and Cal almost especially because of our, uh…
Well lets just say that our respective upbringings required a lot of very intense unlearning in order for Cal to be able to be themself, and for me to just… get along with other people, especially people like Cal.
We don’t go home to visit family often, is what I’m saying. If my family knew I had been cursed by magic they would probably say it was because I was ‘giving into sinful urges’ or something. Then they’d ask if I had a boyfriend yet. You know how that shit gets.
I won’t lie, I had been putting off showing my face around like… known magic gigs since the Witch had flipped her lid at me, but I figured if I just went in and asked, and just didn’t tell them I was cursed or whatever maybe they wouldn’t like… try to read it or whatever the fuck that sour old bitch did that told her I was somehow in cahoots with a Faerie. My real issue was that no one else was going to do it for me though, so I figured just… nosing around for new charms wouldn’t kill me?
I mean, I was at no risk. I had gotten a minimum of almost four days between bouts at the shortest since this had all started, and it ended this morning. All I wanted was to feel normal, and I had already proven to myself in at least a dozen ways that I can handle myself way better than the others wanted to believe. So… I drove into town, parked the car at my workplace lot because I still had my pass and it was pretty close to everything I wanted to do, and then walked into a salon to get my hair finally dealt with.
I kept it long enough that I could just keep it in a bun, hopefully no one would notice immediately, but I figured, hey! If I can go a few days without anyone figuring it out, I could let Cal in on the secret. They could appreciate a good bit of friendly espionage like that, we always liked doing that kind of thing.
God, it was so nice to just… sit in a chair and chat with a hair stylist again. It was nice to just be out, with people I didn’t know, just acting like a person again! I went window shopping, I stopped into a little cafe I had never been in before and got myself this neat little herb-and-cheese danish thing and a really really fancy coffee from them-- literally just told them what my favourite flavours were, said I wanted something hot and fancy, and the barista looked like they could die they were so happy to build me something custom. They even wrote it down after I tried it and loved it in case I wanted to order it again!
I was just wandering around the downtown area, bopping along to tunes and taking a ton of pictures of things that I never realized I missed so much. I was waving to people, saying hi and smiling… 
Did you ever notice that you used to be someone, and that you just… hadn’t been that person in a while? It was weird. It was so weird to become that person again so naturally, so easily, and see how badly I had missed it. Even before the stupid curse I just hadn’t been doing much of any kind of socializing outside of the crew because I was just so busy all the time with work, and I mean, after the bullshit with my ex it wasn’t like I was trying to hit the town and find a new mistake to make, so…
I had been bringing up Google maps so much to find out where anything I might wanna visit might be that my phone was already on half-charge, so it was going to be a pretty short trip out into the real world. I wasn’t too upset, honestly my anxiety was high enough in the car originally that I was thinking I’d just do the haircut and get back home ASAP, but once the sunlight and fresh air hit me… damn I really did love it.
My legs also felt they could walk me clear out of town and back if I wanted, too, which was a fun little benefit. Walking to the nearest charm shop and then back to the car would be easy, and I still had like half of my very-fancy-coffee drink with me to keep me company.
I was already making plans to come back tomorrow, my eyes looking at a gorgeous little outdoor seating area outside a restaurant, a little wrought-iron fence and some bushes, under the sidewalk trees. There were a few couples, some loners, and even a couple of moms with their below-school-aged kids with them enjoying an early lunch, and it just looked so wonderful. I stopped at the little wooden sign with today’s specials on it, trying to glance around the area to see if there was a waiter or someone I could ask about seeing a full menu, when I felt the sun break through the trees.
God, what a beautiful day. Why didn’t I do this more? Why did I just let myself be scared, let my friends try to run my life like I needed to be wrapped in bubble wrap all the time? What was so terrifying about being out here on such a gorgeous day?
The alarm on my phone started to go off, reminding me that if I had been at work, there was a zoom meeting due about one of my team’s projects happening in a half hour. It was loud and obnoxious, and I felt myself flush at the embarrassment of having some random video-game noise from the 90s start blasting out in the middle of such a nice public spot. I heard high-pitched, squealy giggles as I pulled it out of my pocket and hit the shut-off button, sighing.
Then I caught my reflection on the screen as it changed back to black.
I caught the look of myself, sweat beading on my head, and realized that the sun had never broken through the trees around me.
“That fucker--” I managed, somewhere between panic and rage, before the rush of air and massive bout of nausea sent me to my knees instantly on the extremely rough concrete. My coffee spilling on the ground as I slammed the paper cup against it. 
I vomited. I couldn’t help it. I vomited and scrambled to my feet as fast as possible, ready to start screaming if anything came near-- the three times this had happened outdoors, the massive feeling of being so exposed so suddenly, with no walls and no ceiling, had hit like a ton of bricks and this was absolutely no different. At least there weren’t any pigeons around this time, I guess.
To my left was the wrought-iron fence and the side of one of the bushes that decorated it. The folding menu-sign with the specials chalked up on it was just slightly further, and was also likely to get too many eyes. I darted, running sloppily toward the fence and the bush instead, my hand diving into the pocket with my stones in it and hauling them out.
I could barely keep myself upright; between the nausea and the panic, I was barely breathing around my heart feeling like it was literally sitting at the back of my god damn tongue. I was swearing, that was the only way I could think to get air out of me between terrified gulps of air. Between my shaking hands, I was able to finally grab the stone that had the minor-invisibility charm and after stammering twice, activated it. That helped, a little. It would at least keep the birds from finding me if there were any bumming around the restaurant tables looking for scraps. 
The charm was basically one of those that kept eyes from landing on you if someone wasn’t specifically looking for you, or you weren’t drawing specific attention to yourself. I never had to use it much between never leaving the house and always winding up in a pocket or a purse when I did and zonked, but that just made me happier knowing that it had a lot of charge.
My mind was racing as I slipped it back into my pocket and moved to the next stone. I had nothing with me, nothing but the stones which were always in my pockets out of habit, my phone, and my wallet which was useless at this size. My bag was at home, but even if I had it all of the chargers were out and plugged in, the only thing in it now was a chocolate bar, spare pajamas and earplugs. I was going to need to tell someone that I had left the house, that I was basically somewhere downtown, try and send the geolocation and just… hunker down and hope nothing ate me until they got here. It was going to have to be Cal. Their shift wasn’t until later in the afternoon, they might not have left yet… they might not be awake but they’d be my safest bet with the least amount of yelling, at least immediately.
Next charm I wanted to use was the protection stone, it helped with bumps and falls, and even helped-- at least a little-- with the crew grabbing me if they were a little more rough about swinging me around. It was like magic padding. I was going to need it if I was going to be trying to climb things out in the wild and hiding under stuff, waiting for Cal to come get me. Massive feet were stomping past on the sidewalk between the little fenced-off garden eating area and the actual wall of businesses that seemed like they were towering skyscrapers blocks away from this height, and I wanted to puke all over again at how heavy they felt even on the concrete. My stomach churned and I couldn’t bring myself to get the spell-word out while I was gagging over the thought that maybe I’d need to find someone, a stranger, to try and talk to to keep me safe until I could get rescued by one of the gang.
I had just gotten the shield spell activated, shoving it back into my pocket with the unactivated speaking-stone as I was determined to not talk to anyone, to not draw any attention to myself whatsoever while I was like this, waiting for my blood to heat up and un-curdle again, when suddenly everything around my chest went tight.
Bone-crushingly tight.
My eyes dropped down from the roofs of the buildings instantly to see fingers across my front as my feet were yanked into the air, kicking and flailing as my lower half was completely free-- dangling with a thumb pressing painfully into my back.
I screamed.
I screamed, and whatever was behind me let out a squealing screech of delight so loud I went temporarily deaf in both ears. 
I was being flung around, up and down in wide arcs as the squealing noise continued, barely fading back in as my hearing came back and was blasted away again by another insane bout of noise. The grip tightened again and the fingers shifted up against my neck as I almost slipped in another wild shake. My vision was nothing but colors and stars, the stone keeping my bones from breaking but everything still hurt.
My only reaction was to throw my face forward and bite, and bite hard.
The reaction was instant. The fucker screamed so loud every bone in my body vibrated to the point I was worried my joints would just fall apart, and my eyes shook-- not that they were any good to me in the moment before that-- but my body hit the ground from what felt like falling off the roof of a house, and I had no time to actually care about how badly I might be hurt. Feet and hands pushed me off of the ground and I scrambled as fast I could manage, practically on all fours for the first half of it, running toward the safety of the bush.
My eyes glanced behind as my hearing started to come back through the most intense ringing I’d ever had, my whole head throbbing-- my whole body throbbing-- and saw the frankly massive child clutching it’s finger while it wailed, tears streaking down it’s face as its mother swept in like a moving building to see what had happened. I turned back to the bush and dove into the leaves and branches, the bluntly-cut ends of wood jabbing into my body as I tried desperately to scratch my way inside to almost no effect.
I tasted blood. I had no idea if it was mine, or if I had managed to actually hurt the kid.
How the fuck could this happen?! I had the stone activated, the kid shouldn’t have fucking seen me, shouldn’t have even noticed me after it was on. God, unless the kid had heard my phone going off and was already watching when it all happened… fuck.
There was a searing pain against my leg that I finally clued into as air was finally going back in and out of my lungs, my stupid battered body trying to wriggle around this bush to get completely out of the child’s view, but from the stupid babbling it was making I was terrified-- I knew it was going to try and come back and look for me. The searing pain was literally that-- searing. The protection stone was so hot I almost thought it might be burning me, it must not be meant to work that hard, that fast.
It was cooling, at least, but still-- now I was terrified of how much of it’s charge that stupid kid had used trying to fling me around like garbage. My chest was heaving, and all my brain kept telling me to do was run, and run as far as I could. A gap finally opened in the overly-manicured branches, a tight tunnel of sharp and poking twigs twisted around that looked like they came out the other side near the bottom of one of the street-side trash cans. I might be able to fit under that, if I could get there fast enough.
The thumping and rumbling of footsteps all around me-- someone was dragging their steel chair across the bricks just alongside the stupid topiary-divider I was trying to scramble my way through like a rat and it cut through the other ringing in my ears like something was jamming dentistry tools inside my skull-- was enough to make me want to vomit again. I was doing a good job at holding that back until I finally broke free of the bush and moved to make a dart for the cover of the trashcan, my sleeve snagged on one of the jagged-cut branches I had pushed past.
“Come on just let me go!” I screamed, turning to yank at it before a rush of air caused me to yell again, ducking and pressing myself back into the greenery while another insane amount of noise rocked my world so hard it knocked the wind out of me.
“Fuckin’ hell, you can’t aim for shit,” a booming voice laughed mockingly as another voice so deep I felt my ribcage vibrate swore back at him. I had almost been crushed by an empty glass bottle, and my thoughts that I was ‘soooooo lucky’ it hadn’t shattered evaporated into my panicked grunting and yelling as I tried to claw my way back into the bush, legs and feet suddenly stepping around the corner and a colossal hand practically slammed down on top of the bottle to grab it.
The leaves and whole bush shifted as the towering body crashed into it sideways, and I shut my eyes, forcing my body as much as I physically could back against the blunt and jabbing ends of the branches that were refusing me entry back into the cover and safety of the stupid plant. The two gigantic idiots were getting into a shoving-match and I was maybe seconds away from getting stepped on, my teeth gritting through the ringing, the pounding, the throbbing of every single part of my head and a significant amount of my body.
“Fuck off ya moron,” one of them shouted and as quickly as they had been there they were gone, their footsteps thudding further and further away as they kept bantering in their rumbling voices. My eyes opened again and I gasped for air.
I hate this. Why did I fucking do this? It wasn’t worth it.
The thought of that massive, unknown hand grabbing me instead of that bottle pushed me over the edge, and I hurled up what little was left in my guts into the bushes again. That fancy coffee probably wasn’t a huge help to my nerves right now, but I was still sad to feel like it had all gone to waste, especially with the thought that I was never going to be able to get one again.
Someone was getting up from a seat in the restaurant area-- god how huge was this place?! It felt like I had been running for miles, for fuck’s sake! As their chair scraped across the ground again I saw them gathering up their trash and turning in my direction, my body scrambling on some primal urge to get out of any potential line of sight. I had no trust now that the stupid invisibility stone was working, or had ever worked. My eyes closed again out of some childish fucking instinct to believe that if I couldn’t see them, they couldn’t see me, and I just had to tremble and try not pathetically cry as their steps got closer and closer and I heard the ridiculous amount of noise of them tossing their garbage away.
Their movements had stopped. Nothing was happening. I had to have been spotted, I must’ve been-- I could hardly hear anything over the sounds of my own breathing now turning into panicked whimpers as I could practically feel them crouching low, staring at me, reaching a hand toward my body to grab me and haul me into the air. I bit my lip so hard I was sure I was bleeding as I imagined that child again, thrashing me around and throwing me through the air.
Then, with a massive wave of relief, they were thumping and stomping away, their voice rumbling into me as they spoke something into their phone, a buzzing conversation coming through the earpiece somewhere high, high above me.
I untangled myself from the bush and lined up alongside it, crouching low. I was so dizzy… would the stone protect me from a concussion? I really should’ve gotten more details about the charms, but I was so nervous about being in there and-- fuck, there’s no time to think about this.
The store directly across from me-- was it the restaurant? Was it another store entirely? How far had I been thrown or flung or whatever had happened? How far had I run? It didn’t matter-- it had a slight outcropping of its brick face, where the main window was, and it left a little protected overhang above the street at least twice my height by the looks of it. There was some garbage that had been blown underneath and seemed pretty well protected from sight and everything else. I get there, I duck and cover and hide. 
I was finally hauling my phone out of my pocket to send a geo-lock to Cal, when the massive bush behind me started to shake, the voice of the child and its mom having gotten closer. Was the kid still looking for me? Was the mom looking for whatever rat or bug just bit their kid? I bolted, it was the only move I could really make. They wouldn’t see me over there, they wouldn’t be able to catch me. 
I was so preoccupied with them, that I was blasting my way across the gargantuanly-wide sidewalk before I realized that I didn’t account for traffic. A foot slammed down to my left about 20 feet away--to me--, not close enough to worry about but heavy enough to shake me and cause me to yell as I kept running, weaving uselessly… No one lifts their feet enough to miss me, everybody is always nearly scuffing their shoes. I’m constantly at risk of getting bodied by hovering cars and I never noticed before now.
I couldn’t bring my eyes to move anywhere but my goal, even though I knew I was basically running across a 12-lane highway or something stupid. They were all moving so fast, all I had to do was get across this stupid sidewalk, under that ledge, and I’d be fine. Nothing would be able to hit me there, nothing could fall on me… that was it, that’s where I had to go.
I felt a foot land so close behind me I almost stumbled, my hands falling forward to push myself off the pavement and try to fling me forwards, my phone bonking off of the pavement in its case and I didn’t even care as I just held it tighter and kept running. I was so fucking close.
There was a rush of air and, on its own, my head turned to see a foot slam down with such force I felt almost like I was sent hovering from the shock it sent through the pavement. The motion of what it was attached to was so much faster, the shape so different-- I never thought of what someone would even look like while they were running from down here, when they were damn-near 60 feet tall or something.
There was nothing I could do.
My own stride had me lined up directly in the path.
The top of their shoe, the rubber-cased toe, the laces… it smashed into me and knocked every ounce of breath I may have ever taken out of my lungs, and I was pressed into it so hard I thought I’d become a part of it.
Until, suddenly…
…I wasn’t.
My arms uselessly tried to grip it, beyond the last second, noticing too late what was happening as the shoe started to lower out from under me but I was still going, arcing through the air. The stone in my pocket really, honestly felt like it was burning this time, and as I sailed through some kind of railing, the ground dropped out from under me. Now, instead of being maybe 10-15 feet in the air, I was probably 40 or more over the concrete stairwell I had flown into, rapidly descending.
I’m sure I was screaming. I must’ve been, because some kind of noise in me stopped as my back slammed into stone and I felt the hot rock in my pocket shatter against me like it had exploded, the only thing keeping it from flying out like shrapnel being the lining and my jeans. 
It was like a stupid movie, everything in slow motion as I was plastered against that wall, gravity slowly pulling my limp body forward. As my eyes landed hazily on the ground below, bare concrete surrounded by trash bags and garbage, my phone fell out of my hand.
The last thing I thought before everything went black was:
Will my body stay this small once I’m dead? Will they ever find it?
Next Chapter: Click Here
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rosewriteswhump · 1 year
1: Comfort
tw: Whump, past abuse, flashback, nightmares, kicking, whips, panicking, tears, fear of wings being ripped off
read at own risk. Let me know if i missed anything! tagging @nullb1rdbones cos they are why i am not too scared for posting this
Marlie woke up screaming. She fluttered her wings attempting to catch her breath. The lack of pain in her wings caused some relief, her nightmare replaying again and again. 
Whumper laughed, their voice mocking and proud. “How weak are you? A member of the fae too weak to defend herself against the simple human. So disgraceful, you do know what happens when you disappoint me?” A whip slashed Marlie across the back, letting the girl crumple to the ground before kicking her in the chest. “No food this week. I guess you don’t care enough.”
“Marlie? Sweetie, come back to me. You’re home and safe. Away from humans. You are away from them.” Caretaker tried to console the faery in her care, sickened by the sight of her younger sister cowering in the corner, begging to keep her wings. “Marlie, can you hear me?” 
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oliversrarebooks · 9 months
A faefolk whumpee, badly injured, ends up in a human medical facility. The doctors and nurses prod the fae with metal tools, give them human blood transfusions and medications, and lay them on an iron bed, all of which cause the fae to deteriorate. They're too weak to explain themselves coherently, and when they try, the doctors think they're delirious.
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zizygy · 2 years
Being a Faerie Knight Sucks
cw: impalement prompt: Write a story using tropes that are comfortable for you as a writer mine were: Situation: Escaping Character: Rebel Setting: A forest
Air whistles through his lungs. Malekodet wished that it wouldn’t, it’s just another thing he needs to disguise, and bird calls and cracking branches can only do so much to hid him. If it were autumn, he’d hide now. Find a pile of leaves to sink into and let the rot and mulch take over. He’d leave a locus so that he could return before rotting away completely. If it were autumn. He presses a hand to the bleeding hole in his chest. It’s the height of spring. Shakran will be at the height of his power while Malekodet is left in an unfamiliar place with unfamiliar magic. The flowers here will reveal him before they hide him, there’s nothing to do but keep going and hope an advantage presents itself.
He stirs the wind to whistle louder while he ties his coat around the still bleeding wound, allowing himself the relief of a hiss as he fights the urge to pass out. His hand tightens around the spear that stabbed him and he considers making a final stand. If he was still among the bodies of his brethren, he would. There’s honor to be found in a death on a battlefield, where his blood will mix with his companions’. But it’s too late for that now, he’s already fled. He takes a deep breath and forces himself to keep going.  There’s still a chance of getting out of here.
The forest naturally forms around a path and he doesn’t bother leaving it. This is Shakran’s territory, he’ll have a much easier time navigating the vines and thorns. Malekodet’s best chance is to wrap the wind around himself and keep running.
And it works for a while. He stumbles on roots and rocks but he always keeps going. Until he reaches for the wind and it doesn’t respond. It’s still there, he can feel it ripping at his clothes, stabbing across his wounds, but he doesn’t have the magic to convince it to listen to him anymore, and worse, it’s turned against him. The next time he trips, the wind is there to punish him, blowing *hard* as he desperately windmills his arms to try to get his balance back. He drops his foot but lands badly, the ankle twisting under him and sending him to the ground.
He scrambles to get back to his feet but the ground falls away beneath him, until he’s hanging by one hand from the lance. And he hears laughter.
It makes him feel colder than anything the wind’s been able to manage and he takes the only action available to him. He lets go of the spear and drops into the void.
Or. He tries to. His enemy controls the very ground, and instead of falling to his undignified but at least strategically important death, he lands *hard* on his back, driving all remaining breath from his body. He can’t get up, can’t move as a dark figure approaches the ledge.
Shakran looks resplendent against the setting sun, the light reflecting like human blood off of his armor and the flowers on his pauldrons emphasizing his figure. Malekodet tries to summon the words to curse but his traitorous breast refuses to fill with air. All he can do is wheeze. Shakran bends down to grab the spear and as he moves from the sun, Malekodet can clearly see his face. The smirk.
“Your self sacrifice is admirable, but ultimately futile. You’ll find the rest of your life much easier if you tell me what I want to know.”
Malekodet bares his teeth in a snarl.
Shakran sighs and raises the spear. “That’s what I thought.”
The spear drives down, straight and true and final and Malekodet whistles one last breath. But his life doesn’t end with a flash of pain. The pain continues as the tip piercing through the previous wound, through blood and muscle and bone, and comes out the other side. Then Shakran *lifts* the spear, and with it, Malekodet’s body.
A powerful motion picks Malekodet off of the ground and into the air, his arc stopping an arm’s length from the lord. Shakran thrusts and Malekodet can *feel* the weapon slide through his body, and his body slide toward his captor, until Shakran can grab his face, nails digging into his cheeks.
“Don’t worry knight. We are to become very well acquainted.”
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🧚❌ with any fairy or tiny oc! i want to see the most brutal things one can do to someone that can fit in the palm of my hand
Nonhuman Whump Emoji Prompts (darker version)
🧚‍♀️ - fairy or tiny ❌ - extreme torture
Author's Notes: I hope this is brutal enough~
For the device imagine something like this, this, this or this video.
Content Warnings: extreme torture, tiny whumpee, faerie whumpee, "not quite immortal but can withstand more than he should be able to because magic" whumpee, crushed, broken bones, unconsciousness, end could be interpreted as witchcraft or cooking (you'll get it when you get there).
In he goes. Shae thrashes backward with all his strength, but the heavy metal rollers are stronger. They drag him in.
His tiny toes stand no chance, crushed in the machine's ruthless jaws.
Shae screams. He thrashes backwards but it's too late; he's trapped.
The device slows, struggling against an object slightly too big for it. But that object is Shae's body...his slowly broken little feet, then brittle ankles snapped like twigs. No amount of wailing, sobbing, begging, draws an ounce of sympathy from the shadowy figure who watches.
Shae's legs are next. They barely manage to withstand the strain, but his knees aren't so lucky, cracking violently. Shae's whole body jolts and his face twists with a choked scream.
At his hips, the machine jams but doesn't stop. It tries again and again to continue devouring the faerie. The terrible grinding sounds it makes drown out the snap of his hip fracturing; Shae can hardly breathe, let alone cry out. He begins to hyperventilate.
Past its obstacle, the rollers continue turning, clamping down onto his stomach with bruising pressure, squeezing the last breath from him. This, it turns out, is a mercy. His vision quickly darkens and he passes out just in time to miss the shattering of his ribs.
Moments later the machine deposits the faerie's limp, broken body onto the table.
Shae shudders but does not wake. Not when a shadow looms above and fingers pluck him from the surface. Not when he's dropped into a pot of herbs and oils and tossed about.
Not even for what comes next.
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pigeonwhumps · 2 years
Lucan pre-slavery
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Sam and Lucan masterlist
Pictures of pre-slavery Lucan with and without his glamour.
Before Lucan was enslaved, he wore a glamour so he could work a human-only job and make enough money to live off. It emanates from the ring on his finger, and only changes his outside appearance – crucially, his blood stays black.
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Ezra lore let's go
Finally got around to some Ezra doodles in SS today, explaining the physical features of Fae and changelings!
(words under read more, I think I'm the only one who can read my writing in this picture)
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• Not pictured but important before I begin: Changelings are Fae children raised by human families. Due to being Fae, they at birth have Fae features (blue hair, pointy ears, etc). However, Fae babies are equipped with an adaptation spell that can change their appearance to look like another species. If left alone for long enough, these human (or whatever other species) features start to become (almost) permanent. Adult Fae can change their appearance as well, but only the more talented shapeshifters can turn into animals and no disguise can become permanent at all.
• Teeth: Fae teeth are very similar to human ones, but with more prominent, sharp canines. In normal Fae children, these teeth grow in with the "adult" teeth (second set). In changelings, the canines aren't quite as sharp, but are noticeably more pointy than humans'.
• Ears: Fae ears are long and pointed, and they can usually hear further away than humans' can. Changelings still typically have better hearing than most humans, but not as good as Fae.
• Hair: Fae hair is naturally blue. Since human hair isn't, part of changeling adaptations are to change it to a more human color.
• Eyes 1&2: Fae pupils can expand very wide, giving them excellent night vision. Changeling eyes look and act the same as humans'. Even in full light, Fae eyes can appear wider than humans' usually do at times. Evil Fae of legends, however, have eyes as wide as if they were seeing in darkness. This lead to legends stating that their souls were so dark it affected their vision.
• Sleep: Fae sleep during the heat of the day and the cool of the night, being most active at dawn and dusk. However, they can adapt to a human schedule if needed. (Side note: Fae are also more active in spring and fall compared to summer and winter.)
So yeah there we go
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